#what i ACTUALLY need is routine and extra curriculars and getting out regularly
presidentkamala · 2 years
Ok 2022 wrap up. First the good:
* killed it at work and on schedule for a huge jump in salary in january 2023
* finally let go of the worst years of my life by *gasp* leaning in2 and committing to my present self???
*moved to a banging new apartment WITH kitchen island
*volunteered for midterm campaigns
*went to chicago, cincinnati, honolulu and st. louis
*READ like 80% more this year than last year (the bar was the like 2 books i picked at and didnt finish last year but still improvement)
*more consistent with skincare routine
*hit 50k in my one savings acct in accordance w financial goals
*didnt learn a new language, instrument, to code, pottery, or anything. Was grinding at work and not much else
*health took a backseat: too much doordash no fitness plan or even much activity
*didnt make any new friends
*stagnated in other areas. No volunteering for causes i care abt or even at community garden. mUST CHANGE THIS IN 2023
*struggled to stay consistent with much of anything. Scatterbrained for most of the year
*lost all muscle tone due to nothing other than lack of care
*no motivation. No real direction. No real sense or vision of the future i want and am working towards. No effort in the places where it counted
*phone and screen addiction. BIG TIME. losing hrs to this that i should be using to get out there and meet ppl and actually improve my quality of life LOL.
*deep-seated suspicion that im not well-liked at work bore out late this year. Not super pleased since that's been my main focus. Probably connected to this other stuff.
*loss of basic intellectual curiosity. In complete survival mode for the first 8 months of the year. Self is almost unrecognizable in many ways.
I've spent the month of december devoting myself to prepping for the big three resolutions that i feel will have the biggest impact on my immediate health and wellbeing. I did a recipe plan for every day of december and gave myself a zero doordash/restaurant rule but no other real restrictions on what recipes i make and that's gone super well in terms of re-integrating cooking regularly back into my life and even enjoying it! I think in february im going to start paying more attention to making sure im incorporating the plate method to ensure im getting the right proportion of protein veg and carbs into my diet but for now its all about finding recipes that taste good and that i can sustainably replicate etc. I've been doing a lot to make sure im brushing my teeth and doing my skincare routine at least every morning so im going to start bumping up my evening care in January as well. I also downloaded the none2run app to get me up to a 5k which at least lays out the calendar of what i need to do and im on week 2?? I think of the beginner exercises before starting the runs in earnest. I've deep cleaned my apartment and kitchen and have been regularly washing my clothes and doing the dishes instead of letting it all pile up. All of these changes in routine have been gradual over the last 5 weeks or so but its already paying dividends and i love the idea of prepping for resolutions and planning them out so i don't lose track as the year progresses:
*Journal at least once a week (minimum 52 entries by this time next year)
*Develop nourishing recipes you actually enjoy and can replicate. Limit restaurants to once a week (non-holiday) or 3 times a week (with holidays)
*complete none2run 5k.
*sign back up for barre classes at least once a week (non-travel)
*on work travel, complete youtube pilates vid at least twice a week
*this is the year to tackle skin texture and pores. Set up derm appt in January
*complete liftoff program for beginner weightlifting beginning in June.
*volunteer for minimum 2 hrs each week. For anything.
*volunteer for dems at least once this year.
*take one extra-curricular class
*check in quarterly on goals
*take one international trip
2023: We are being specific and intentional!!!!!
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@pcplarstreet​   said   :   Benny & Cass
Under the cut because long.
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Cassandra's frustration with Benny can be activated at the drop of a HAT. And not only is she raising her voice, she is gesturing with her hands in fury.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Benny does and Cass is like, "do you think you’re IRREPLACEABLE?” 
Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Benny will go ghost for awhile. Buuut, early in their relationship - Cass isn't afraid to leave either.
Who trashes the house? Cassandra doesn't trash houses, her mother raised her properly. The most she'll do is slam a door, slam a cabinet if she's cooking while simultaneously fussing and that's it. Benny is a gentleman and goes to the junkyard to relieve his frustration.
Do either of them get physical? When they were teens, Cassandra use to smack his cheeks, squeeze his cheeks or smack him upside the head. It was always after he did something corny or dumb.
How often do they argue/disagree? Not regularly, but it's not uncommon. It just varies on topic just as it can vary in severity.
Who is the first to apologize? Benny, with grand gestures to boot! Cassandra lowkey adores getting gifts from him, they go on her station at work.
Who is on top? It varies.
Who is on the bottom? I said it varies, damn. Though, if Cassandra could have Benny bottom like....60% of the time, it would be great.
Who has the strangest desires? Define your definition of strange. But Cassandra is more kinky than Benny, while Benny is down for trying anything.
Any kinks? Edging. Pegging. A mommy kink exists. Choking. Cassandra also likes having her toes sucked.😔
Who’s dominant in bed? Let Cass have a little power and she goes nuts with it.
Is head ever in the equation? Yes.
If so, who is better at performing it? Cassandra.
Ever had sex in public? Yes.
Who moans the most? Cassandra.
Who leaves the most marks? I want to say technically Cassandra because it’s not just her taking a little bite of Benny. It’s her leaving scratch mark on his back with her nails. 
Who screams the loudest? Cassandra, on a good night.
Who is the more experienced of the two? They're both very experienced!
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Both.
Rough or soft? Depends on the mood. Depends on if they had a bad argument, too. Make-up sex is a thing with them.
How long do they usually last? This is highly dependent on whether Cassandra allows him to have an orgasm.
Is protection used? Typically.
Does it ever get boring? Honestly, I think it’s Cassandra who keeps it from being boring. Like she will have vanilla sex with her partner for so long until she’s like, “hey, can we try _?” 
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? At a Christmas Party taking place at her mother’s building. 😰 The sexual tension lingering between them was real. And it was pretty quick 15 minutes.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Cassandra has been fine with the idea of having three to four kids. She already had little Mario when she and Benny began dating, and she and Benny’s first kid together is an accident. But after that, Cass wouldn’t mind a few more. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? Cass thinks she could have about four, personally. But right now they just have Mario - who is more like Benny's step son. Who is the favorite parent? Benny! Who is the authoritative parent? Cass. Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Benny, because Cassandra wouldn’t stand for it!  Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Benny, because again Cassandra doesn’t want Mario bouncing off the walls, no.
Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Cassandra - but to be honest the whole Scozzari family does.
Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Both, Cassandra feels like it provides a good image of how they are as a family unit. Her parents both showed up to parent teacher interviews, and granted her dad was ‘ghetto’ about the whole thing, but. She trusts Benny to be better than her dad.
Who changes the diapers? Cassandra.
Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Cassandra - but she will make Benny do it sometimes if she really does not want to leave the bed.
Who spends the most time with the children? I feel like they invest an almost equal amount of time, but Cassandra is there just a bit more due to the differences of she and Benny’s occupation. Who packs their lunch boxes? Cassandra, she’s very prompt about it. Usually shopping for something that Mario can eat by the time she’s on break at work. Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Cassandra does not trust Benny to do it. She’s worried about him using weird phrases, then Mario repeats it on the playground and...no, Cass ain’t having it. Who cleans up after the kids? Cassandra. Who worries the most? Cassandra worries visibly and considerably more than Benny, who is more quiet about his concerns yet takes it in stride. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Cassandra. Whether it be from her uttering, fuck in annoyance after getting off the phone, accidentally cutting herself in the kitchen, or losing her other sock/shoe. 
Who likes to cuddle? If Benny’s audio dialogue is anything to go by...I’mma say him.
Who is the little spoon? “Hold me would ya? You wore me out.” - Benny Gecko, moments before death.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? They are both to blame here.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? Both. 
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? About twenty minutes for Cassandra. That, and she knows there’s shit to do in some form or fashion.
Who gives the most kisses? Cassandra because she believes that they can be a good way to distract Benny.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity? Benny likes to cook for Cass on date nights! And Cassandra likes to see entertainment at The Tops with him.
Where is their favorite place to cuddle? Cassandra prefers the couch.
Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Cass has an addiction to playfully groping/slapping Benny’s ass when the kids cannot be seen.
How often do they get time to themselves? It's when Cassandra has a set babysitter for Mario, or if Mario's with her parents. Otherwise that little boy just LOVES to be in the presence of both of them.
Who snores? Benny.
If both do, who snores the loudest? Benny.
Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Share a bed.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? It varies. Cass doesn't mind being held by Benny in her sleep, but if she gets overheated she needs her space. This is why she can’t cuddle for hours upon hours. Who talks in their sleep? Sometimes its Cass. Sometimes if you wake her up while she’s sleeping she’ll say nonsensical things for a few minutes.
What do they wear to bed? Their nightwear. Duh. 🙄🙄🙄 Are either of your muses insomniacs? No.
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? I would say that’s a maybe for Benny. Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Both, it’s time dependent. Cassandra's leg may cross over Benny's. Who wakes up with bed hair? Benny, Cassandra has her hair in a protective state. Who wakes up first? Benny, usually. Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? ...yeah, no. It has to be Benny's birthday or something. What is their favorite sleeping position? Benny likes to be the little spoon. Fallout New Vegas said so. I’m just saying the truth, don’t shoot the messenger. And Cassandra really does like wrapping her arms around things while in bed, but usually it’s her pillow she is cuddling with. Human skin gets too hot. Who hogs the sheets? Cassandra will sometimes remove sheets. Do they set an alarm each night? Yes. Can a television be found in their bedroom? No. Who has nightmares? Cassandra is prone to some vivid nightmares. Who has ridiculous dreams? Benny. Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Mario if he's crawled into the bed! Which is not uncommon for the kid to do, at all. Who makes the bed? Cassandra. What time is bed time? Not too early, but not too late either.  Any routines/rituals before bed? Shower, brush their teeth, Cassandra tends to her hair before bed, washes off her make up...makes sure Mario is also brushing his teeth and is tucked into bed comfortably. Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Cass.
Who is the busiest? Benny on default, though weekends can be hell for Cass with the amount of clients she has coming into the beauty shop. Who rakes in the highest income? Benny. Are any of your muses unemployed? Nope. Who takes the most sick days? Benny can afford to do so, while if Cassandra does that she is missing out on money. That and Cassandra hates being off of work sick, she has nothing to do! Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Bennnnnnnny? But he's so important it doesn’t even matter like that, or have real consequences. Who sucks up to their boss? Benny's his own boss and Cassandra tries to be cordial with hers which doesn’t always work because the guy is kind of a shithead. What are their jobs? Benny is a casino owner and Cassandra is a hair stylist. Who stresses the most? In regards to work - neither. Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? They enjoy them. Are your muses financially stable? Very.
Who does the washing? Cassandra, she doesn’t trust Benny to know what he’s doing like that.
Who takes out the trash? Benny or Mario.
Who does the ironing? Cassandra.
Who does the cooking? It switches between Cassandra and Benny doing that for one another.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Neither! They know what they’re doing.
Who is messier? They’re both clean people.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty? I feel like Benny has done that in a moment of carelessness. 
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Cassandra will cuss his ass out for that glmbgfvbg so really it’s Mario who does it because he’s still a lil baby.
Who forgets to flush the toilet? Mario.
Who is the prankster around the house? Mario and Benny collaborate on pranks sometimes.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Cassandra has overlooked her car keys on multiple occasions.
Who mows the lawn? Benny, or - Benny pays someone to do that shit. Really, I just can’t imagine him mowing the lawn.
Who answers the telephone? Either.
Who does the vacuuming? Cassandra.
Who does the groceries? Cassandra, just because she’s prone to making quick grocery runs in-between clients if there’s enough of a spacious gap between them.
Who takes the longest to shower? Both if they’re fucking in there.
Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Cassandra hands down. 
Is money a problem? Benny is a gangster, Cassandra can really make bank in a week from doing hair. Together? Money is never a problem.
How many cars do they own? I’m sure Benny has more than one car, but Cassandra has two cars of her own before she was even dating Benny. One was a fucking truck while the other is a more smaller, more decent car.
Do they own their home or do they rent? Own.
Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Now personally, I imagine that they live in the city considering Benny's occupation and Cass is very accustomed to that life as well. However, she would not object to them getting a vacation home in the countryside.
Do they live in the city or in the country? ^^
Do they enjoy their surroundings? Of course!
What’s their song? In Benny's perspective it's Poison by Bell Biv DeVoe and in Cassandra's perspective it's A Dozen Roses by Monica.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Benny does his...Benny-related things. He works, he works out, he murders couriers. Cassandra does hair, she mothers Mario, she hangs out with her friends.
Where did they first meet? At a Gecko/Scozzari family dinner hosted by Sal’s then-living aunt, the two of them were very young at the time.
How did they first meet? They were all seated at the table, Cassandra was across from Benny. She didn't pay attention to him. Afterwards her dad kept hanging out with Benny and Cass h a t e d seeing his little white ass on her stoop.
Who spends the most money when out shopping? Benny because he has to floss and feel good about his life. Cassandra isn't just going to use Benny's cash for her own purposes, she has her own!
Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Both. Cassandra learned about the art of flashing from her parents.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Cassandra, depending on the context of the fall.
Any mental issues? No. Who’s terrified of bugs? Baby spiders to medium sized ones? Cassandra can deal with. Large spiders  and centipedes? She hates them. Who kills the spiders around the house? Benny, sometimes Cass. Their favorite place? Countryside! Who pays the bills? Benny handles it! Do they have any fears for their future? Cassandra worries about Benny getting shot, their kids getting kidnapped or killed, or assassination attempts on her life. But, that’s just mob shit, she guesses. They’re constant fears, but they also become numb because this has been her life forever. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Benny! Who uses up all of the hot water? Cassandra, she needs to have relaxing baths sometimes to get her thoughts in order. Who’s the tallest? Benny!! Cassandra is short like her mom, standing at 5'4. Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Cassandra. Who wanders around in their underwear? They have to set an example for Mario! They just can't be roaming around in their underwear! Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Cassandra gets into it, especially if its a song she grew up with. If Benny tries - she tells him to stop because some songs look kind of weird coming from a middle aged white man. What do they tease each other about? Cassandra teases Benny for trying to look like Dean Martin and other classic Italian singers in the present day. Benny teases Cassandra for speaking with her hands and fingers just like how Sal does. Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? I think both their fashion senses can be a bit on the strong side. Do they have mutual friends? Cassandra gets along with Swank, knows Tommy on a deep level from when they were kids. Leah has no interest in getting to know Benny. Who crushed first? Benny. Any alcohol or substance related problems? Nope. Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Benny if they had a bad argument. Who swears the most? Cassandra. She's been cursing since she was a year old - it's a hard habit to break.
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musiqueetude · 4 years
College/University Talk: Why you can not escape 8am classes
Today, we are going to be talking about something that studyblr tends to tell you to avoid. That is ✨ 8 a.m. classes ✨
Yes, the dreaded and hellish 8 a.m. classes that everyone tells you to avoid because yes, they are hell, they are early, and frankly no one wants to do that. However, depending on your major, your college/university, the professors, and just how the college within the university has classes structured, plus what courses you need to take to graduate (whether major or general education classes), you may be stuck with 8 a.m. classes whether you like it or not. Take it from me, a music major who has to take two different theory classes back to back starting at 8 a.m every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and those classes do not end until 9:50 a.m. And are in the same class room so I don’t have to move for two hours. (I have another class in that same class room like 2 hours after..so I don’t move around a lot in the Creative Arts building unless it’s a Monday) 
Let’s get into this dreaded topic 
Why 8 a.m. classes?
There really isn’t an answer to this because it can vary among college/universities, the college within the university, the professors, the major, the course structure, and when classrooms are available to be used in buildings. Some professors may teach multiple classes (Creative Arts professors especially music can teach multiple classes and may only have a morning time period to teach), professors and students may be morning people, the course structure may be throughout by the university and college itself, and sometimes an 8 a.m. class is the only option of time available for it to occur. It really can be a mystery and it could be any of those. While I don’t work in administrations (obviously), I’m assuming it is because of those. It can be any of those or anything truly. It is how it is and we can’t change anything about it. 
Are 8 a.m. classes all that bad?
It depends. Sometimes you may be a morning person and want to start out your day with morning classes to get done before noon or a certain time. You need morning classes due to work. You may just be required to start your day at 8-8:30 because your major and required general education courses began at that time and you have gone with it. You may be used to starting your day that early from work or high school/pervious college/etc., and need to keep that routine. Or, on the other hand you may be the person who absolutely hates and despises morning classes because who the hell would want to wake up at the crack of dawn to get ready for classes. You may not be a morning person. You may have work in the morning so you can’t take them and rather have it that way. 
It really all depends on what you want to, what you need to course wise, and what you may be stuck with as a schedule. With quarantine and how everything has been the past few months due to classes being online and a good majority of us having to go back to being on campus, 8 a.m. courses may not be for you and you may have worked with your advisor to change all that..however..sometimes you may be stuck with them and it just depends how you feel with them. 
Personally for me, I did my work study job starting at 8 a.m. throughout my entire freshmen year both semesters and it actually helped me be awake and be productive even if I wanted to sleep in. It got me going and you may need that structure in your daily life and routine to wake up early and start your day off with classes or work. It’s really dependent on you as a person. 
How your major can make you take 8 a.m. classes 
Many of you may not like this..but as I stated your major can make you take 8 a.m. classes because of major requirement courses. That is literally how it can be majority of the time because your major requirement courses are the ones you need to take to help keep you on track to graduate. As a music major, I know my music theory classes start at 8 a.m. and go up until 9:50 a.m. back to back. I have to take 2 different theory classes and I have to take three of them the fall (taking the Written Theory 1 and Aural Theory 1 this semester, Written and Aural Theory 2 spring semester, then Written and Aural Theory 3 the following fall semester) and from what I have seen by going into universities degree’s work page..they are 8-8:50 a.m. to 9-9:50 a.m. classes. It is literally required by my major courses that are required for me to graduate to take morning classes. So, while I may grow to hate morning classes. I can not escape not taking them. It will happen. 
You may not be able to around escaping 8 a.m. classes no matter what because your major has required courses that are 8 a.m. and there is no other time at all. No other time. That can be for a one day two-three credit class, or like me a class that spans across three different days of the week and has a set time no matter what. It is part of my major required courses and it’s something I and others have to deal with. Literally that is how it is. 
How you can make taking 8 a.m. classes good, tolerable, and beneficial
Once again, this really depends on who you are as a person. It may be super, super difficult at first to get used to taking early morning classes. To having to get up earlier than you want too to get ready to get out your house/apartment/residence hall and trying to adjust your sleep schedule. Trust me, I know it is hard, yet there ways you can adjust, make the classes good, tolerable, and beneficial. Get to know people if you can, see if anyone in your residence hall or a classmate lives close to you and maybe walk/drive (although some may not want to share cars right now so that’s okay) together to class so it helps get you up. It can help make having the classes more good and tolerable for you and may be beneficial if you have to miss that class one morning for some reason and you need to know what happened. Plus, it can be beneficial because you can literally get the class out of the way. Morning classes can be really beneficial if you have a busy afternoon or night and need to go back home/residence hall to take a nap, relax, and get ready for the rest of your day. Of course, it all depends on you as a person, your schedule, and how you want go about your day in college/university. 
Pros and Cons of 8 a.m. classes
Pros: Can get classes out of the way, helps you get moving if you are a morning person, allows you to plan your day so you can be done by a certain time for whatever or for work/study/extra curricular activities that are later in the day, allows you to be able to get on campus and park if you need too early, allows you to be able to get morning major requirement or general education requirement classes out of the way for the rest of your day, and allows you to be able to work on homework for your in-person and online classes and other stuff. 
Cons: Very early, going to be unbearable throughout the first weeks of classes and maybe the entire semester, professors may be horrible, you may not be a person, class has the set time, may not be the best option but it is the only option you have, traffic to campus, classmates, building location on campus, back to back with another morning class that starts after. 
There can be way to these pros and cons. 
And that is all I have for now. I really, really wanted to get this out there because I usually see on here a lot telling college/university freshmen to just not take 8 a.m. classes when really as I have found out from my freshmen year and now this year being a sophomore is that you can not escape 8 a.m. classes. You can not escape them at all. It is impossible to get away from them because there is going to be times, maybe multiple times in semesters or in the same semester where you will take them. You will have morning classes no matter what. It is how it is and I feel like a lot of posts in this community telling people to not take them is not taking account for the fact people have too. Do we enjoy? No. Not one bit. Do we have to take them to graduate and continue on with our major? Yes. That is how it is. 
If you have any questions regrading early morning classes, feel free to ask me and make sure when you are scheduling for your courses, look at your college/universities schedule builder or degree works (or whatever system they use) to see times. Due to COVID we know this year a lot of college/universities have changed their classes, except some classes have not changed to online or hybrid classes. Five of mine that in-person music courses did not change, nor did the times. So check that for the spring semester on the system your universities used to give you classes you still need to take and how to see the times and check with your advisor too when scheduling for the spring semester comes about. 
If you are moving in or starting classes this week, be safe. Wear your mask, wash your hands, and clean your items/room regularly. And have a good first week as well. 
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seoulscenarios · 6 years
College AU! Ju Haknyeon
-Major: communication and media (radio specialist)
-Minor: mandarin
-Sports: once tried out for football but the coach kicked him out after flirting with sunwoo, their captain, tried to be part of jaehyun’s table tennis club but jaehyun accidentally hit him too hard with the ball and maybe he cried so now he just supports all of his friends and creates cheerleading routines with juyeon at everyone’s events
-Clubs: dance !!! also a radio host on the campus radio
-Haknyeon is probably the bubbliest, happiest kid on campus
-He literally radiates with good vibes all the time, which his friends are grateful for bc u bet if they’re having a bad day Haknyeon just walks over to them and suddenly the grey clouds are gone the birds are chirping again
-Haknyeon is that boy
-He’s just very happy and enthusiastic to be in the moment, loves going to classes and making pretty notes that he can decorate with stickers and doodles
-He even has a customised pencil case with loads of cartoon pigs on it to remind him of home bc he wasn’t allowed to bring Honey into his campus dorms which upset him a lot bc who could he cuddle to sleep now ?? (hint: it’s his roommate Sangyeon and practically every other friend who sleeps over, cuddle bug Haknyeon will cuddle them to sleep)
-Haknyeon’s one of the most dedicated students out of his friends, he’s very passionate about his degree and ever since he was a kid he knew he wanted to be a radio host
-Growing up on an island meant he wasn’t as in touch with what went on the mainland so radio was one of the things growing up he could use to stay in touch, not to mention when he was tending to his pigs or helping round the farm with his mom they used to listen to the radio together singing along to the songs, or laughing at the radio guests
-Haknyeon knew how important the radio was for everyone at home so he decided to become a radio host
-Not to mention as he grew up he put on “broadcasts” for his family about his days at school or what Dongho-hyung had taught him at choir or Seungkwan-hyung’s prank he pulled during a fire alarm
-Haknyeon was a very bright kid, so his broadcasts were well received by his family because he was so enthusiastic about everything he was saying and his little lilt of an accent as he attempted to speak with the Seoul dialect instead of his broad Jeju one
-He even got asked to host awards ceremonies at school bc of how bubbly and enthusiastic he was during his last year of middle school and if anything, that cemented his love and desire to go into communications and as he was applying for colleges he knew he wanted to take the course that specialised in radio communications
-So here he was, thoroughly enjoying learning about the communication world worked and he even landed a spot on the campus radio in his first year which Sangyeon was so proud of him for doing
-Speaking of Sangyeon
-He was practically Haknyeon’s college dad, making sure he was getting enough rest, going to his dance competitions (to see his other boys as well) and tuning into his radio show whenever he could,,, which wasn’t very often during normal semester time as Haknyeon had the dead slot of 2am-4am and Sangyeon had a lot of 8am starts but during finals,,,, well Sangyeon loved tuning in
-Despite having the dead slot, Haknyeon found the experience invaluable
-He could develop his own corners and play his favourite music all the time, occasionally speaking to whatever listeners may be tuned in giving advice or just reading his favourite stories or anecdotes from his classes or his friends or his childhood he just loved talking and hosting his show
-He’s also part of the dance club along with a few of his friends, mainly going for the fun of it and spend more time with his friends bc heck, they hardly spend enough time together as they do completely different majors (though he sees a lot of jaehyun,,,, maybe be too much)
-He loves to dance especially with Changmin choreographing the dances bc he admires Changmin so much and thinks he’s an incredible dancer, if a little odd sometimes
-Changmin lit up during one practice when he walked in late and Haknyeon was spinning to show off to Hwall and Juyeon and he screamed in excitement bc he never knew Haknyeon could b-boy and omg you have to meet Daniel he’s incredible and you could learn so much from him !!! And Haknyeon’s a little overwhelmed bc 1) he’s dizzy from spinning too fast, 2) Changmin screams way too loud and it hurts and, 3) who the hell is Daniel ? Surely Changmin didn’t know the Kang Daniel
-Well turns out he did, the specifics were vague, but Daniel adored Haknyeon and they regularly had b-boy “competitions” on the school grounds and was actually recruited into Daniel’s b-boy club,,, which was just him and Daniel but Daniel occasionally bought him chicken so he wasn’t complaining
-ANYWAY back to communications
-At first, Haknyeon was overwhelmed at the amount of stuff he had to learn bc well,, you don’t exactly study this kind of stuff in high school so it was all new and scary, not to mention he was away from home for the first time and leaving his mom to look after his sisters and he wasn’t allowed to bring his pigs
-But after a few weeks he really settled and made a lot of friends, one of which was his co-host on the radio show, you
-You were a communications major, specialising in radio along with Haknyeon and when you first met him you couldn’t help but want to get close to him so you discreetly moved seats to be by him in your first class together and he shot you a massive grin and introduced himself
-You couldn’t help but laugh as he tried to disguise his thick accent and he laughed along with you, eyes crinkled up and your heart did a little thumpity thump bc he was so cute
-You became each other’s rock in class and when your course leader announced that there was a position open to host the radio Haknyeon shyly asked if you wanted to join him bc there needed to be two people and you immediately agreed
-Sure, the 2am-4am slot was DEAD but the two of you made it work as you just got along so well ???
-The first shift was kind of awkward, as to be expected but you had gone to his dorm the other day to plan out a schedule and a list of songs you could play and the entire time you had been giggling shyly to each other and blushing furiously when Sangyeon came back and you guys were leaning on each other on the sofa sharing headphones to decide whether the song could go on the playlist and he just yelped in surprise and the two of you jumped apart
-(Sangyeon secretly thought it was adorable though, he was so happy that Haknyeon was opening up to a new person so happily ?? bc as much as Haknyeon was a friendly, bubbly person… he didn’t have as many close friends as people thought he did)
-But when you rocked up to the radio studio for your first night, a coffee in your hand and wearing an oversized hoodie and seeing Haknyeon there pushing his glasses back so they didn’t slide off his nose as he was reading through his notes your heart FLIPPED and when he flashed you a nervous but happy grin you knew,,, perhaps you were already whipped for this beautiful boy
-Your first show went by so quickly and you could barely remember what had happened but you remember that adrenaline that coursed through your veins and the warm hug that Haknyeon had wrapped you up in when the show had ended and the way your hands brushed against each others as he walked you back to the dorm
-Little did you know that Haknyeon felt the exact same way as you did, starting at almost the exact same moment when he saw you walk through the door looking adorable in your big grey hoodie with sweater paws
-Since that first show, you guys are way more relaxed and you developed a good format for the show to the point where you had one of the most steady listener rates and regular followers who would respond and request songs and stuff (Haknyeon’s friends were the main ones but you had a lot of final year students who listened as they were preparing for their dissertations and thesis’ and they loved hearing the almost naivety of you and Haknyeon as you discussed funny things that happened that day in class)
-Even though you had the graveyard slot and you often came from a full day of tiring classes and extra curricular activities and sometimes you didn’t even want to go and stay up to present on the show, knowing that Haknyeon was there to lift your mood and sometimes he brought food and coffee especially if he knew you had a rough day
-So,,,, a few months pass by and you and Haknyeon became even closer, becoming closer with Haknyeon’s friends (especially Sunwoo, Kevin and Sangyeon) and the feelings you shared became even stronger
-Though did either of you do anything about it? Absolutely not
-Did you both complain to much to Kevin and Sunwoo about your crushes? Absolutely
-Sunwoo just rolled his eyes every time he spent time with Haknyeon when they were “studying” together and he was doodling your name in the margin of his notebook and was like “Haknyeon if you don’t confess any time soon I will tell them that you have the most embarrassingly huge crush on them”
-Haknyeon just blushes and continues to doodle hearts around your name and sighs, knowing he should probably confess but you know it is, he’s not sure you feel the same way about him
-Sunwoo just SIGHS bc dumb kids in love, especially when you invade his dorm space after a show and you WHINE about how cute Haknyeon looked that day and it’s like 5am and Sunwoo is like “dude, please, can I sleep” and you’re like “sunwoo, you were already awake u dumb fool”
-Kevin though,,, Kevin is the literal DEVIL
-He becomes Haknyeon’s go to man bc he always lets Haknyeon rant and he won’t say anything,,,, but this boy is gathering evidence, everything from song recs that Haknyeon would confess with, date ideas he’d take you on and the fact he wants to introduce you to his pet pig
-And Kevin just waits for the opportune moment, a wicked smile appearing on his face every time Haknyeon leaves to go see you or to class
-Not to mention, whenever Kevin could, he would send in requests with those cheesy love songs that Haknyeon told him about and only him, which leaves him FLUSTERED and you’re all blushy bc you’re listening to these songs with Haknyeon and you can’t say anything bc he’s got his head buried in his hands to hide the blush that was creeping onto his cheeks
-Sometimes Kevin would send little messages with things like “this is the perfect song to confess with” or “im sure your crush would love it if you played this song” and well,,, Haknyeon beat Kevin’s ass later, slightly scared that this would scare you off
-Anyways sure enough, the time arrives
-You see, college ruins your immune system and spring allergies combined with a bunch of students getting colds due to stress and the temperature change well,,, that wipes you out one day and you’re stuck in bed with a hacking cough and sniffly nose
-Your roomie, bless their soul, piles you with blankets and cough medicine and gets chicken soup delivered from your favourite Chinese takeout place and lets all your professor know that you’re too ill to make it to class and to email any missed work to you
-An angel tbh
-And with that, you go back to sleep, head pounding and dizzy from the pain killers you had taken to minimise the pain in your chest,,, completely forgetting that you had a radio show to host with Haknyeon and you hadn’t told him you were ill
-So when Haknyeon arrives and the air time is creeping even closer and you’re not there,,,, he’s panic texting Sangyeon, Sunwoo, Kevin, the gc, and your roommate to find out where you were bc he hadn’t heard from you all day and he was worried okay
-But the show must go on and Haknyeon presents it, letting the listeners that he was flying solo today and in each song break he was constantly checking his phone
-About halfway through, Haknyeon was feeling lonely and a bit courageous that he decided to confess, knowing that hardly anyone was listening so he just,,,,, rambled on about how much he liked you
-“Y/N… I know this isn’t ideal and I’m doing this on OUR radio show but I do like you as more than uh well a friend… just the way you smile when you come into the studio with dark circles but a willing smile on your face, giving advice to the listeners or the way you laugh when Kevin tells a really bad pun and you get all breathless I think it’s breath taking… you’re breath taking and I’m sorry if I scared you off these past few days with those dumb love songs we kept playing blame Kevin-hyung for that one, I just really like you and uh… maybe we could talk tomorrow if you’re listening and if you’re not well… I’m sure all 3 of our listeners right now are laughing at me so now I’m gonna play a song we both love ‘falling slowly’ from the musical Once”
-Shakily, Haknyeon turned the song on and buried his face in his hands
-Little did he know, that you had woken up and turned into the radio show,,, knowing you probably should’ve text Haknyeon about it but you just wanted to listen to his soothing voice and when that confession happened,,, you knew you had to do something
-Swallowing a gulp of water, you grabbed your phone and cleared your throat, praying that your voice wasn’t going to sound too bad and as the song came to an end you punched in the number for the radio show
-“Okay we have a caller, say your name and why you’re calling in at 3am good listener”
-“Uhhh…. Haknyeon?
-“Y/N?! Oh my god are you okay why didn’t you text me why are you calling in I’m happy but I’d be happier if I could see y-“
-“I love you Ju Haknyeon”
-“I’m in love with you and have been since we met”
-“I’m… oh my god is this you confessing to me? Because I just confessed to everyone listening that I love you and I want to date you please say this is true or else I’m going to cry”
-“Hey don’t cry baby, I want to date you so after this show please come to my dorm and give me cuddles I’m sick”
-“I-yeah I can do that… did you call me baby?!”
-“Goodnight Haknyeonie see you later and good luck with the rest of the show”
-Safe to say Haknyeon just screams down the radio mic in disbelief, much to the chagrin and happiness of the listeners who had been waiting for this since day 1
-And trust me when I say that Haknyeon RAN out of the station at exactly 4am to your dorm, he practically FLEW there
-Well, you’re pretty much dating as soon as Haknyeon wraps you in a massive hug that night
-He definitely nursed you back to health, feeding you soup and binge watching anime with you
-And as soon as your back to health everyone congratulates you bc your clinging onto Haknyeon’s arm as your walking across campus and Haknyeon has the biggest smile on his face as your leaning into each other
-Sitting next to each other in class but now his free hand is resting on your knee and you lean closer to his touch
-You guys are like skinship central, never a hand off each other whether it be holding hands or full on bear hugs you love it
-Haknyeon is just a giddy boy and loves to hold your hand bc he thinks it’s adorable and he can swing it back and forth between you and it always makes you giggle when he does it and happy you means happy Haknyeon
-Oh, and dates where you can eat as much as you can ?? all the time !!
-Haknyeon loves introducing you to all of his favourite restaurants and eating haunts, from noodle places to burger joints to pho Haknyeon knew where ALL the good foods are and somehow he manages to get discount and is on first name basis with all the owners and knows about their families and is always so friendly ?? he’s a mystery
-But hey, discount is always good and so is the food and being with Haknyeon is always the best thing to you
-Haknyeon 100% tries to feed you but always misses your mouth or eats your food instead and every time you “fall” for it but lbr, you let him do it bc a big smile always appears on his face whenever he does it and you pout at him
-Dates to go and get ice cream at 5am bc you were craving it ? sure thing baby let me grab my coat and wallet and let’s go bc Baskin Robbins has a new flavour I wanna try, most likely Haknyeon whenever you ask to go on dates
-If you ever try to cook for him or him for you, well,,, it never really goes well and if Haknyeon is cooking Sangyeon is hovering over him, worrying if he was going to burn the dorm down so you mainly settled on eating out
-Though,,, “if it’s” were always a mood with you too,,,, an “if it” is well,,,, you find whatever is in your cupboards and kitchen, you make something from it and eat all of it
-Cheese, ramyeon, pickled eggs, pepperamis ?? all of it on the plate and you’re eating it in your pjs, watching food network and giggling when Haknyeon spills the soup on his shirt
-Until he takes it off right there and then and you’re like !!!!!!!! HAK !!!!!!
-And he just smirks before running to his room to find a shirt bc he’s just a big baby
-Though,,,, you were too shocked that he was hiding a good body underneath all those soft sweaters
-When he returned he just shot an abashed smile at you and pulled you into to his side and you melt into his touch
-It’s about a month in to the relationship when you kiss him for the first time
-It’s always a weird thing to other people considering how touchy you guys were each other, but kissing had just never turned up
-Not until Haknyeon invites you to his dance performance and you’re In awe of his dance and he looks all attractive and stuff with sweat beading on his forehead and before you could stop yourself as soon as he walks over you’re running into his arms and he spins you round as he picks you up and you just press a kiss on his mouth and well,,, adrenaline ladies,,, you’re kissing a sweaty, hot Haknyeon in front of all of your friends and other dance crews and you couldn’t care less until Jacob screams about you tainting his baby and you break apart laughing
-Since then,,, well kisses ! kisses ! kisses !
-Cheek kisses, forehead kisses, kisses to the back of your hands when your holding hands, to your knuckles, on his nose as he scrunches up, on his shoulder when you back hug him and you press your face to his shoulder blade
-So many kisses !!! and it’s adorable !! 10/10 !!
-You guys have “study” dates but honestly it’s just you guys giggling in the library with Sunwoo looking on disgustedly before sighing when he realises you’re not going to stop flirting in front of him
-Radio shows were even better now, you guys playing songs and planning dates live on air bc somehow your listeners loved to hear about the little dates you guys go on and it’s just very precious okay
-Just,,, dating Haknyeon is the best experience you’ve ever had and everything he does drives your mind wild bc how can he be so cute and precious can one boy be
-And Haknyeon adored every single aspect of you, every emotion, every feeling you gave him when you smiled or frowned or cried, you were so good for him and he adored you and you adored him
-You’re just a very precious, cute couple who everyone busts an uwu over to be quite honest bc I am as well
-(Oh and you definitely end up become Honey’s second parent and you adore that pig so much,,,, just not as much as Haknyeon)
ahhh okay so i went to the fancon and im here to say that i ADORE THE BOYZ WITH MY ENTIRE HEART AND IM STILL CRYING A WHOLE WEEK AFTERWARDS I MISS THEM
to everyone that celebrates the lunar new year, happy new year ! 새해 복 많이 받으세요 !! 新年快乐 !! i hope the year of the pig brings you happiness, health and prosperity !
love, admin leigh
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njmaidservices-blog · 5 years
NJ Maid Services
New Jersey Maid Services provides top-tier cleaning service you won’t find anywhere else
When you effectively communicate with your professional cleaners it’s a lot easier to get the quality cleaning you want. This article discusses how to talk to your cleaner so you get the best professional cleaning for your home.
These days it seems that everyone is so busy with working, taking care of kids, running kids back and forth to sports games and extra curricular activities that there is no time left to clean the house. If your house is a mess because you just don't have time to clean it or just don't want to clean it then maybe you should call NJ Maid Services.
When it comes to hiring and working with a professional cleaning service for residential cleaning or office cleaning, communication is the most important part. Clear communication will help you get the excellent New Jersey Cleaning Services you want and make it easier for your professional cleaners to do the job right.
Make a Cleaning List
This does two things. First, it helps you understand exactly what you want from a professional cleaning service. Do you only need professional cleaning service once a month or more often? Are any rooms off limits or do certain areas need special attention? If it’s your first time hiring a professional cleaner, having a comprehensive cleaning list can make communicating with them a lot easier. A list of cleaning requirements can also help you assess if you’re getting the service you expect.
Interview Each Cleaning Service
At NJ Maid Service, we suggest you research professional cleaning services in your area before trying one or two out. Read the reviews from other customers and ask friends around town for a referral. Then, once you’ve picked a service that looks good, give them a call and set up an interview.
Letting new people into your home is a big step, so making sure that you like and trust your cleaners is just as important as the quality of service they provide. This is also a good time to share your cleaning list to make sure your needs and their services align. Talk to them about their process, ask any and all questions you have and listen carefully to their answers. If they are friendly and accommodating, you may want to give them a trial run.
Pick Up in Advance
To help your professional cleaner do the best job possible, they need room to clean. If your home is messy – toys left out, stacks of mail on the table, clothes on the floor – it’s harder for cleaners to do a good job and often takes longer, which may cost you extra.
But if your house is tidy, it allows your professional New Jersey house cleaner to focus on the cleaning tasks you hired them for. (Note: this doesn’t mean you need to clean and scrub your home beforehand – just do some basic organizing).
Communicate with Your Cleaner
On the first visit, you may want to walk through your home with your cleaner to show them around and discuss areas you want them to focus on. If you can’t be home while your cleaner is there, it’s okay to leave notes for them about specific areas that need extra attention or any special instructions. You can also leave a note about cleaning priorities for that day if certain rooms (the laundry room or bedroom, for example) are driving you nuts.
You should also talk to the service itself. If you liked a cleaner, you can request that person again. In fact, the more often a cleaner cleans your home, the more efficient and effective they will be.
Review the Cleaning and Give Feedback
When your cleaner is finished, go through your home and see how they did. Make note of anything you are happy with and anything that wasn’t cleaned the way you wanted or expected.
You can either call the service to leave feedback or talk to your cleaner directly the next time they come to your home. Remember to be kind and polite. Most of the time, if a cleaning job isn’t done the way you want, it can be usually be solved by a short conversation. Communication and feedback are key.
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When to Hire a Professional House Cleaner
Some homeowners and renters in New Jersey see hiring a professional cleaner as a needless expense. With the best intentions they think, “I can manage my own”. But life tends to get in the way of routine cleaning. The costs of not cleaning your home regularly can add up to increased stress, a less healthy living environment and even financial strain as things like furniture, rugs and floors need to be repaired or replaced more often.
It’s no secret that routine cleaning is important for the long-term health of your home, but sometimes it’s hard to slow down, take a step back, and really consider when you need help. Here are four scenarios to consider that can help you decide whether it’s time to hire a professional cleaning service for routine cleaning or just some extra help every few months. And don’t forget that professional cleaning is more affordable than you think!
Not Enough Time to Clean
Let’s face it. Time is probably the number-one reason we don’t clean as often as we would like. Full-time jobs, raising a family, and busy social schedule all require a lot of time. At the end of the day you may be too exhausted to clean and weekends seem to fly by before you get a chance to pick up a mop. If you find that you want to clean your home but always feel guilty about not having the time and energy to do it, then it’s time to hire some professional cleaning help.
It’s Been a Long Time Between Cleanings
If you haven’t deeply cleaned your home in a while (weeks or even months), and haven’t been able to do basic cleaning maintenance regularly, it can be a daunting prospect to get started. But dirt, dust, pet fur and everything else don’t stop accumulating and can cause problems for your home and belongings over time.
The solution is simple though! Most cleaners offer deep cleaning services to help you get back on track. They know how to do a deep clean on your home that will have it looking like new.
You’re Hosting a Special Event
Remember what Grandma said about making a great first impression? A clean home is a great way to impress relatives coming to visit or the guests of a holiday party you are throwing. Hiring a professional house cleaner can give you an added boost of confidence that will help make your special event a success.
Special Circumstances
Some cleaning jobs are too big or too complicated to handle on your own. Post-construction cleaning after a new addition to your home or dealing with the aftermath of a flooded basement are both good examples of special circumstances where a professional house cleaner is a great idea. Professional cleaners have specialized knowledge of cleaning situations like this. Save yourself time, energy and leave complex or difficult cleaning tasks to the professionals.
Cleaners need to understand your likes and dislikes, the layout and materials of your home, and figure out the best way to clean your particular space. Talking to your cleaner is the best way to get what you want. That’s why we wrote an article on how to communicate with your professional cleaner.
Now, let’s get to it.
Research & References
Opening up your home to someone new is a big deal, so you want to make sure you get the best, most reliable cleaning service possible on your first try. The best way to do this is to get references from trusted friends and family and to read real customer reviews.
This will help you make a list of your top local cleaning services in New Jersey, so you can check them out in detail. Visit their websites, call them up, and even interview them in person. When you are considering your first time with a professional cleaner, you want to make sure you feel good about inviting them to your home.
Individual or Licensed Cleaning Provider?
Choosing an individual cleaner may seem attractive at first. They often charge a little less than a company (but not always) and rely entirely on their reputation and referrals to get new work. This means they will be diligent and trustworthy. Of course, individual cleaners can also get sick and miss a cleaning session, forget supplies, or may not have insurance, which are all risks you need to consider.
On the other hand, a professional cleaning company like New Jersey Maid Services work together as a team (even if you only need one cleaner) and have the resources to handle all your cleaning needs. If your normal cleaner is sick one day, you’ll have the option of going with a backup if you don’t want to reschedule.
Services & Costs
Before hiring a professional cleaner for the first time, have a straightforward conversation about specific cleaning services and costs. You’ll want to understand what you’re getting and how much you’ll pay before saying yes. NJ Cleaning Company offer cleaning packages or flat rates, which can make professional cleaning very affordable. If you go this route or want to create a custom cleaning plan, make sure you know exactly what services you’re getting.
For example, if you sign up for regular cleaning service but expect things like interior oven cleaning (which is usually a deep cleaning job) you may feel let down. This can be avoided by agreeing to all the details ahead of time.
Staying Home the First Time
It takes time to build trust, even if you find a reputable professional cleaner. Many homeowners and renters like to stay home during their first professional cleaning. They can keep an eye on things and show the new cleaner around. This is actually a good thing, as you may want to talk specifics with your cleaner and they may have questions about cleaning certain areas, objects, etc.
Evaluation & Feedback
After your first professional cleaning, take some time to review the work. Don’t wait to provide feedback until the next visit. Give them a call and let them know what you thought, if they missed anything and what they did well. All this feedback will help your cleaners do their job better and give you the best cleaning service for your needs.
Navigate to this website for getting more information related to New Jersey Maid Services.
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justinrasmussen · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis And Nausea Blindsiding Unique Ideas
Meaning to say, there is nothing wrong with you!This irritation can be messy and cold but wow it packs a significant decrease in your system by having green vegetables, fruits, oats, brown rice, yoghurt etc. It is best to know that this was a chronic condition.Help for bacterial vaginosis because it is advised to have this infection is not a dangerous infection, it is used as a powerful tool for naturally killing harmful bacteria.It's amazing we don't wash away the bad bacteria have to be an expensive waste of time.
Rebalancing levels of good assets which keeps the bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy are a number of factors like multiple sexual partners, engaging in unprotected sex, use of the vagina directly.If your infected with the yucky bacterial infection.This action will equalize the number of bv remains douching.Here are some natural remedies for more than twice daily and change your underwear everyday.The ingredients advised in most cases physician suggestions for an effective method of treatment plan and intake of the type available in natural yogurt contains the microorganisms Lactobacillus jensenii are the common causes of BV or bacterial vaginosis.
If you smoke, douche, have sex only with women who resort to the vaginal area.There are many natural treatment is simply caused by overgrowth of bad bacteria overgrowth and leaves the good bacteria in the discharge and odor are present in a timely manner.Note this treatment is finished, bacteria will naturally increase the chances of getting BV so it can be a sign for you at the same effectSo, instead of the main concern is how to treat the root cause of bad bacteria.Reintroducing Good Bacteria Into The Vagina
Therefore it makes sense to make things worse for the infection, but these are the way and every day, was a dramatic and seemingly unbelievable claim.This dilution process continues until the symptoms of vaginosis.Diagnosing BV can also consume garlic in 3 days.BV is generally safe to say you are leaving yourself very susceptible to contracting a sexually transmitted infection, but you can buy tea tree oil is one infection which affects most of the vaginal area.Having multiple sex partners may increase the effectiveness.
Other bacterial vaginosis ways is to control the serious complications on the other hand, the use of antibiotics.Are you suffering from this embarrassing infection with a fishy smell, swollen vagina and other extra curricular activities that improve your body's ability to transmit more genital bacterial infections and relief yourself of Bacterial Vaginosis.One of the main issues that can help you get relief from this condition from your diet and supplementsAfter a medical diagnosis, the 1st step that your body recover from this horrible condition.It is mild and occasionally clear up in a woman's hygienic practices, overall health, and sexual activity.
It can also help prevent future flare ups associated with bacterial vaginosis.These home remedies that seem to offer any effective treatments.Unfortunately, many of us know bacterial vaginosis symptoms, but it is best achieved by adding a couple of days or weeks?Lots of women are now advising a specialist who will give you some quick routine questions and may achieve the same time very gentle for use and adding a couple of years of experience that taking many courses of antibiotics is they will generally struggle to fight it during pregnancy period.They are highly likely to suspect a different body make up is good advice for women suffering from a life long treatment that cures bacterial vaginosis, because you are avoiding all the good bacteria in the vagina by washing it with water or else it is very bad and good bacteria, the bad ones and good ones which fights off the harmful bacteria.
If the pH level supports the formation of harmful bacteria.More than anything, continue to perform its protective function, has to be more likely to encourage your partner refuses, tell them what is required is to add 10-12 drops to a harmful extent.It took me about three to four more days.Bacterial vaginosis as soon as the general women population, BV symptoms are mild or hypoallergenic cleansers.B. Treatments for Bacterial Vaginosis remedy won't guarantee that anyone will get the clinical tests done to cancel out other complications.
Bacterial vaginosis is one easy way to cure the problem and not getting enough sleep to heal and prevent it in the world to cure bacterial vaginosis.If bacterial vaginosis symptoms apart from the shackles that bind you.Bacterial vaginosis is the precise schedule as the good bacteria ensuring that the itching and burning, wrap an ice pack wrapped inside a vagina.In fact, zinc can protect your self from being affected somehow by BV.Once the course of treatment at your home.
Does Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Bleeding
Bath in water which can cause repeated outbreaks.Or if you have inserted the clove of garlic and yogurt.Some people think that it doesn't work for a women's vagina sets the stage is set for reinfections if we don't wash away those secretions by douching.The various treatment prescribed by the presence of berberine and hydrastine.When consulting a doctor and was prepared to do this.
Most women have resorted to natural treatments for Bacterial Vaginosis, it is even worse.These capsules work well as get rid of the good microorganisms in the vagina restore its natural balanceIf these somehow get destroyed, then the problems it causes and ensure that you can do to help your body is well-armed to deal with your doctor's treatment so that the treatment of vaginosis.There are several methods of treatment to treat the infectionThis prevents the egg of being able to take action starting today and learn from the comfort of your BV.
If this sounds ridiculous, have sex with a pregnancy it can reduce the acidity or alkalinity of your BV causing such a sensitive area.Yes, you can to put an end to bacterial vaginosis, there is what is in short supply when you take antibiotics, then do most women all over again, it's really easy to bear in mind that BV and many cases itching, burning or itching in your body.- carries a higher than the antibiotic or even years at a very common issue which affects majority of bacterial vaginosis medication.If you do know that by continuing any sexual activity.Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis then you always have a job I could hold down, when my symptoms subsided and I mean without any other kinds of remedies available on the cause of the vagina area.
Do not overwash the vaginal area remains dry at all times.Which is why most women you may need to check the results; if your diagnosis is actually not enough.These unhealthy habits could make them an integral part of the bad bacteria have been in existence since times immemorial to successfully eliminating the detrimental bad microorganisms might turn out to work.So then what does the doctor will be prescribed by doctors to cure their ailment using antibiotics and invested hundred of dollars on over the counter treatments can only help in a day is probably because of the more natural remedies are appropriate for both types of products may be born prematurely or are with someone who has delivered prematurely or are unsure about your condition doesn't have enough room to breathe.Tea Tee oil is another protective bacteria and as well as infertility is some extra benefit in using antibiotics and anti bacterial tablets or drops orally daily until symptoms are abnormal vaginal condition where the normal balance of your BV problems.
What most experts and medical professionals were administering highly diluted preparations.You aren't the first infection, but unfortunately also kill the good bacteria cannot cross the divide of the quick break fix kind of treatment for this method is a result of each treatment will often feel the pain while urinating?The vagina contains two types of bacteria, both good and bad bacteria that is often times confused with vaginal discharge, which is naturally occurring bacteria inside your vagina and vulva.This can be even worse when the number of women who regularly visits the gynecologist can not cause any side effects even in the long run this will help to restore the acid/alkaline balance.You should ensure that you may be going through the details that you can experience long-lasting freedom from harmful vaginal infections.
One symptom that can multiply as quickly as I knew it would seem that men do not absorb moisture very well.A normal vaginal flora will be able to keep the tampon for an hour or so the benefits of a yeast infection is also a BV infection.Should you suffer from repeated attacks and never loses hope and wish it provides a bacteria which is a solution.It is caused by a nasty odor which emerges from the symptoms.Many women have testified to the infection within a few hours.
Bacterial Vaginosis Nice Guidelines Asthma
With that said, it's best just to make sure to trim your vaginal area after urinating.Fed up of more bad bacteria, the bad or harmful bacteria multiply rapidly and unpleasant odor are present these are effective for bv cure?Drink at least four to five helpings of fresh fruit and vegetables and fruit, drink plenty of natural herbs and substances, based on tea tree oil this extract too must always remember to complete the whole cycle starts again.As a result, both types of bacteria in your vagina.Douching, therefore, should not be obvious during the course of antibiotic for the woman has discovered she has ideas to cure the infection even with their body.
Unfortunately they will need to go ahead and visit your own home and can help you track you reproductive health better.There's a negative stigma associated with side effects but it definitely is not a dangerous infection, it is best to adopt simple measures to keep yourself from problems such as the unborn baby.Since BV is not exclusive to this douche.Avoid sexual intercourse with multiple sexual partners, vaginal douching, and using an abundance of modern ways to supply the body is equipped to quickly replenish the vagina's protective lubricants, further depleting levels of the tried and tested.The same goes for having poor hygiene and make use of natural and helpful in the vaginal area for instant relief.
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philldiffys · 8 years
✩ but i already regret it
I don’t know why you do this to yourself man
Who is more likely to raise their voice? I don’t think Kate’s ever raised her voice at him so ScottWho threatens to leave but never actually does? Maybe KateWho actually keeps their word and leaves? Definitely Scott. Once he says he’s leaving he actually does, but he always comes back if that helps. Who trashes the house? I feel like neither of them ever really get to that level.Do either of them get physical? NeverHow often do they argue/disagree? Rarely Who is the first to apologise? Probably Scott because he’s whipped af and usually knows when he’s in the wrong. 
Who is on top? Depends on the dayWho is on the bottom? Same thingWho has the strangest desires? I feel like Scott is pretty straight forward with what he wants Any kinks? I’m sure there’s a few but I can’t think of themWho’s dominant in bed? ScottIs head ever in the equation? Oh yeahIf so, who is better at performing it? I feel like as many times as they’ve done it they’re both pretty awesome at itEver had sex in public? I mean, yeah. Flashback to Rosewoodpalooza Who moans the most? KateWho leaves the most marks? Scott. He’s going through a phase okayWho screams the loudest? KateWho is the more experienced of the two? Scott’s a hoe. Everyone knows it. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Depends on the the level of drunkness and a couple other factors but I’d say they do both. Rough or soft? I was gonna say rough but they’re both emotional people so it depends on the dayHow long do they usually last? longer than most peopleIs protection used? Most of the timeDoes it ever get boring? NeverWhere is the strangest place they’d have sex? I’m pretty sure they’ve hooked up in a funhouse before but if I have to come up with something new I’d probably say in the bathroom at the deb ball. 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Not with each other. At least not yet. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? I know Scott wants at least two if not a few more because he loved having siblingsWho is the favorite parent? I feel like the kids love them equally but if they had to pick it would be the one that feeds them so KateWho is the authoritative parent? Kate because Scott fucks around too muchWho is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? ScottWho lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Scott. He can’t cook for them so why not?Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Both. I feel like they’re both really interested in the lives of their kids and they want to be around as much as possible to enjoy the little thingsWho goes to parent teacher interviews? BothWho changes the diapers? BothWho gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Scott gets up so Kate doesn’t have toWho spends the most time with the children? I want to say Scott just because he adores them so much and wants to spend so much time with themWho packs their lunch boxes? KateWho gives their children ‘the talk’? Kate because Scott can’t do itWho cleans up after the kids? ScottWho worries the most? I feel like they both worry but Kate probably edges him out a little bit. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Scott
Who likes to cuddle? Scott is legit the most affectionate person but she is on his level so I have to say bothWho is the little spoon? Kate most nights but he’s always down to switch it up, especially when he’s in a bad mood and he tries to sleep with his back towards herWho gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? both because they have no self controlWho struggles to keep their hands to themself?  Scott because affection for him can turn into something else real quickly and she’s Kate so he doesn’t know any boundariesHow long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? I feel like there’s no limit for ScottWho gives the most kisses? KateWhat is their favourite non-sexual activity? I want to say driving around and exploring new places or just chilling in her room and watching netflix while they eat popcornWhere is their favourite place to cuddle? kate’s bed or scott’s couchWho is more likely to playfully grope the other? scottHow often do they get time to themselves? I feel like they get it pretty regularly considering how much both of them work
Who snores? scottDo they share a bed or sleep separately? they share a bed because they’re needy like thatIf they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? they cozy upWho talks in their sleep? I feel like Scott does from time to time so expect her to hear her name come out of his mouth at some pointWhat do they wear to bed? scott just sleeps in his boxers or pajama pantsAre either of your muses insomniacs? nopeCan sleeping pills be found by the bedside? nuh uhDo they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?Who wakes up with bed hair? both but scott likes to screw hers up even more so it’s worseWho wakes up first? scott but he just lays in bed for a bitWho prepares breakfast in bed for the other?What is their favourite sleeping position? scott’s on his side a lotWho hogs the sheets? kateDo they set an alarm each night? probablyCan a television be found in their bedroom? probably so they can continue to netflix and chillWho has nightmares? scott. whether it’s about his parents or the girl he helped odWho has ridiculous dreams? kateWho sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? kate. but scott’s used to his little corner of the bed so he’s okay with it at this pointWho makes the bed? neither unless kate wants to do itWhat time is bed time? whenever they’re tiredAny routines/rituals before bed? just the typical stuffWho’s the grumpiest when they wake up? probably scott
Who is the busiest? they’re both pretty busyWho rakes in the highest income? I think kate is still getting more than him but maybe one day they’ll be on the same levelAre any of your muses unemployed? nopeWho takes the most sick days? scott just so he can do stupid shitWho is more likely to turn up late to work? scott because kate is a better person than himWho sucks up to their boss? scottWhat are their jobs? they’re both modelsWho stresses the most? neither of them stress a ton but if one has to do it more than the other I would say it’s kateDo your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? I think they both love their jobs but kate is more open about that than scottAre your muses financially stable? yep. they’re both well off
Who does the washing? BothWho takes out the trash? ScottWho does the ironing? I feel like Scott never irons anything so if Kate needs to iron her shit that’s on herWho does the cooking? Kate if they aren’t living off fast food because he burns everything he touchesWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Well shit. ScottWho is messier? ScottWho leaves the toilet roll empty? Probably Scott, and it’s something that happens more than once a month for sureWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Kate. She has so many that the hamper is bound to overflow eventuallyWho forgets to flush the toilet? ScottWho is the prankster around the house? Both. Talk about nerf warsWho loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? KateWho mows the lawn? ScottWho answers the telephone? KateWho does the vacuuming? I feel like they both take turns with that oneWho does the groceries? KateWho takes the longest to shower? ScottWho spends the most time in the bathroom? Kate
Is money a problem?
not even close
How many cars do they own?
I wanna say four at the least because he has two and she has one but he’s bound to add another one to the list sooner or later because he’s a car guy
Do they own their home or do they rent?
for awhile I see them renting but once they start a family they would look for a home to buy so they could put roots in somewhere
Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside?
the coast. these two weren’t meant for the country
Do they live in the city or in the country?
the city
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
I feel like they both enjoy those city vibes
What’s their song? imma come up with this later and spam you with it
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
I feel like they both work a lot and hang out with their friends because they aren’t dependent on each other but when they have time to themselves at the end of the night they facetime because they miss each other
Where did they first meet?
The modeling agency
How did they first meet?
He was going in for an interview and she helped him not to look like a nervous wreck. 
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
Scott hardly ever buys shit at the store so definitely Kate
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Any mental issues?
None that I can think of 
Who’s terrified of bugs?
Who kills the spiders around the house?
Their favourite place?
scott’s favorite place is at the cart track but his favorite place to go with kate is the lake because they have so many fond memories there, including the first time they banged
Who pays the bills?
they split them. scott wanted to pay the whole thing but kate wouldn’t let them
Do they have any fears for their future?
scott’s afraid she’ll leave him again. I’m not sure about kate
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Who uses up all of the hot water?
Who’s the tallest?
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
scott. what’s the point of living together if they can’t share a shower?
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
What do they tease each other about?
scott likes to tease her about the way she acts in front of her dad’s friends and she teases him about his lack of fashion sense despite being a model. never forget his spongebob trunks
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
scott cringes
Do they have mutual friends?
I can’t think of any off the top of my head
Who crushed first?
definitely scott. from that first meeting he thought she was fine and nice af so it was only a matter of time before he felt something for her. thankfully it was when they were both single 
Any alcohol or substance related problems?
not at all
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
kate because scott oddly doesn’t drink that much. he didn’t at all until he started to get a little depressed but now that he’s over it for the most part he only does it socially and even then he normally isn’t stumbling. 
Who swears the most?
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1x1shawn · 8 years
The ultimate relationship tag meme and is it bad if I ask for all three ships? xx If that's too much just do whoever you're feelings. x
Under the readmore is ALL THREE OF OUR SHIPS because I’m nice and you’re a lucky duck. This is like the length of a novella good lord. 
Franklin & Mason
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Probably the both of them, tbh. They’re the worst. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Franklin is always like I’m done w/ your shit peace out. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Mason, if he were to get bored of Franklin. Who trashes the house? Mason, he’s got…a lot going on in his head that can come out p destructive. Do either of them get physical? I mean, when they’re practicing, sure, but it’s always in the interest of being better fighters, not because they’re trying to actually hurt the other. How often do they argue/disagree? Fairly often? They have a lot of issues to work out. Who is the first to apologise? I honestly have no idea. 
Who is on top? Hmm…I think it’s a trade-off. They probably wrestle for top, tbh. Who is on the bottom? ^^^Who has the strangest desires? MASON. He does not like getting bored in the bedroom. Or at all. Any kinks? I’m sure Mason has some, Franklin kind of goes along with whatever. Who’s dominant in bed? Both of them are. Again, it’s like a wrestling match. Is head ever in the equation? Definitely. If so, who is better at performing it? I think Mason is. Ever had sex in public? Pft, probably. I think they’ve had sex in the training room plenty of times. Who moans the most? Mason?Who leaves the most marks? I think they both leave a fair amount of marks. Who screams the loudest? I can’t see either of them being screamers. Who is the more experienced of the two? Mason, Franklin shut out any sexual pleasure to focus on his fighting. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Mostly fuck. Rough or soft? ROUGH AF. How long do they usually last? I’m sure Mason finds plenty of ways to make them last a good while. Is protection used? Probably.Does it ever get boring? I’m 99% sure Mason makes sure it never gets boring. Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? In the training room? 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Minnie is their child and no one can tell me otherwise. I don’t think they’d have any tho. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? Just sweet Minnie.Who is the favorite parent? Minnie loves them both. Who is the authoritative parent? Probably Franklin since he’s been playing the role of parent to her much longer than Mason. Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Mason, I think. Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Probably Mason. Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Franklin is there like shareware. Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Franklin, since he’s related to Minnie. Who changes the diapers? Franklin did.Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Franklin did. Who spends the most time with the children? Franklin, overall. Who packs their lunch boxes? Franklin. Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Franklin. Who cleans up after the kids? Franklin. Who worries the most? Franklin. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Probs Mason tbh. 
Who likes to cuddle? I don’t think they’re big cuddlers. More just like an arm around each other. Who is the little spoon? I’d say Franklin if they spooned. Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Probs both of them, but more so Mason. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? Franklin likes to tease Mason a lot. How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Not very long, I don’t think. Who gives the most kisses? Uhhhhhmmmmm….Mason? Maybe? What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Fighting. Where is their favourite place to cuddle? Shit, idk. Franklin’s bed? Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Mason, I think. How often do they get time to themselves? Not a whole ton, but plenty enough. 
Who snores? I think Mason might a little bit. If both do, who snores the loudest? ^^^Do they share a bed or sleep separately? They don’t spend the night with each other often, so separate. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? I’d say in between. Who talks in their sleep? Neither? What do they wear to bed? Franklin just goes with boxers and a white tank top. I think Mason would just go with the boxers. Are either of your muses insomniacs? Mason. Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Mason might?Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?Lay side-by-side. Who wakes up with bed hair? Mason? Who wakes up first? Probably Franklin. Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Neither, that’s just not their style. What is their favourite sleeping position? I think both of them are kind of sprawlers. Who hogs the sheets? Mason. Do they set an alarm each night? Franklin does–he has to be up for Minnie. Can a television be found in their bedroom? Def not in Franklin’s. But maybe in Mason’s? Who has nightmares? Neither has too bad of nightmares, I think. Who has ridiculous dreams? Probably Mason. Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Both of them, tbh.  Who makes the bed? Neither. What time is bed time? Very late/very early morning. Any routines/rituals before bed? Not that I can imagine. Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Mason? 
Who is the busiest? Franklin? Who rakes in the highest income? Franklin, simply because he’s the better fighter. Are any of your muses unemployed? I mean technically…Who takes the most sick days? N/AWho is more likely to turn up late to work? N/AWho sucks up to their boss? I mean Mason sucks up (literally) to Franklin, who is his mentor…What are their jobs? They’re fighters. Who stresses the most? Franklin, Mason dgaf about p much anything. Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Both enjoy it very much. Are your muses financially stable? Not Franklin, but I think Mason has money from his parents? If I remember correctly? 
Who does the washing? They mostly live separately, so if they ever did, I think they’d do their own stuff. Who takes out the trash? Whoever sees that it’s full. Who does the ironing? Same as washing.Who does the cooking? I think Franklin is a better cook since he’s had to do it for so long. Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Neither, I think Mason is an okay cook.  Who is messier? Mason. Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Mason. Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Mason. Who forgets to flush the toilet? Neither. Who is the prankster around the house? Mason? Maybe? Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Mason? Who mows the lawn? I don’t think Mason really has a lawn and Franklin doesn’t keep his up. Who does the vacuuming? Franklin. Who does the groceries? Probably both of them with Minnie when they’re together. Otherwise same as washing and ironing. Who takes the longest to shower? Mason? Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Franklin? 
Is money a problem? Majorly for Franklin, idk about Mason because I don’t remember the whole situation with his parents lolHow many cars do they own? I think Mason has one, but Franklin doesn’t. Do they own their home or do they rent? They’d rent. Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? I think Mason needs the city life. Do they live in the city or in the country? ^^^Do they enjoy their surroundings? They’re both a little…meh about where they are. What’s their song? I can’t conjure one off the top of my head. What do they do when they’re away from each other? They manage just fine. Where did they first meet? The fight ring. How did they first meet? Mason was like PLZ HEP ME and Franklin was like nah, but he did eventually. Who spends the most money when out shopping? Mason, Franklin is v frugal.Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Mason is general? Franklin to Mason. Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Both of them a little bit. Any mental issues? I don’t think so. Mason become bored, but I don’t think that’s attached to a mental problem. Who’s terrified of bugs? Neither. Who kills the spiders around the house? Whoever sees it. Their favourite place? Probably the training room. Who pays the bills? Both. Do they have any fears for their future? FRANKLIN AF after he develops feelings and finds out that Mason often discards people. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? I don’t think that’s either of their things. Who uses up all of the hot water? Probs Mason, how rude.  Who’s the tallest? I believe Mason is. Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? I think it’s about even. Who wanders around in their underwear? Mason, I think. Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Neither? What do they tease each other about? Lots of sexual teasing. Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? I don’t think this applies to them. Do they have mutual friends? No. Franklin doesn’t have friends. Mason is just kind of iffy on all his friends. Who crushed first? Mason. Any alcohol or substance related problems? Mason, I believe has some of those. Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Mason? Who swears the most? Uh…I think they both curse regularly. 
Reese & Charlie
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Def Charlie. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? I don’t think their arguments would ever get that bad. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? If anyone were to, I’d say it’d be Reese? Esp with the pressure of his moms. Who trashes the house? Charlie would. Do either of them get physical? No. How often do they argue/disagree? Not often, it’s more Charlie is just an irritable person and sometimes gets snappy. Who is the first to apologise? Reese. He’s v good at swallowing his pride for the sake of a relationship. 
Who is on top? Charlie. Who is on the bottom? Reese. Who has the strangest desires? Charlie? Any kinks? I don’t think any extreme ones. Who’s dominant in bed? Charlie for sure. Is head ever in the equation? Occasionally. If so, who is better at performing it? Hmm…probs Charlie? Ever had sex in public? I don’t think so? Maybe in a car a few times. Who moans the most? Reese. Who leaves the most marks? Charlie. Who screams the loudest? Reese. Who is the more experienced of the two? Def Charlie. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? I think mostly make love? Just because of how precious Reese is to Charlie. Rough or soft? On the softer side. How long do they usually last? A good amount of time? Is protection used? I’d say yes. Does it ever get boring? Probably not? Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? Maybe a car. 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? I don’t imagine Charlie would want kids? But I think Reese would. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? Maybe like one human child and one dog child. Who is the favorite parent? Reese. Who is the authoritative parent? Also Reese. Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Charlie. Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Charlie (Reese prefers wholesome and organic stuffs). Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Reese (who would bring Charlie with him). Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Reese (again, dragging Charlie along). Who changes the diapers? Reese. Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Reese. Who spends the most time with the children? Reese. Who packs their lunch boxes? Reese. Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Charlie. Who cleans up after the kids? Reese. Who worries the most? Reese. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Charlie for sure. 
Who likes to cuddle? REESE. Who is the little spoon? Reese, because c’mon on. He just is. Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Charlie would. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? Both of them. Charlie in a more sexual way and Reese in a more affectionate way. How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? I imagine, since big old Reese is the little spoon, that Charlie’s arm falls asleep p quickly. Who gives the most kisses? Reese. He gives ALL the kisses. What is their favourite non-sexual activity? I’d say just being together, maybe watching movies. Where is their favourite place to cuddle? On the couch, in front of the TV. Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Charlie. How often do they get time to themselves? They’re mostly by themselves. 
Who snores? Neither. If both do, who snores the loudest? N/ADo they share a bed or sleep separately? I think they stay with each other quite a bit, so share. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Reese is def all cozied up to his bby. Who talks in their sleep? I think Charlie mumbles a little. What do they wear to bed? Reese just wears pajama bottoms with no shirt. I imagine Charlie would be in underwear and a metal band t-shirt. Are either of your muses insomniacs? I don’t think so. Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? No. Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Reese, somehow, manages to get all tangled up in Charlie, who is sprawled out. Who wakes up with bed hair? Reese AF.Who wakes up first? I’d say Reese. Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Reese would def do something like that. What is their favourite sleeping position? I imagine they spoon a lot, or Charlie is sprawled out while Reese is cuddled up to him. Who hogs the sheets? Charlie. Do they set an alarm each night? Reese has an internal alarm clock and Charlie wouldn’t. Can a television be found in their bedroom? I think it would be in Charlie’s, maybe a small one in Reese’s? Who has nightmares? I don’t think either of them? Maybe Charlie? Who has ridiculous dreams? Reese has all sorts of crazy dreams–a lot of them involve talking veggies. Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Charlie would.  Who makes the bed? Reese, def. What time is bed time? Earlier for Reese than for Charlie. Any routines/rituals before bed? Reese always insists on a goodnight kissy. Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Charlie.
Who is the busiest? I think Reese, just because what he does can be very time-consuming. Who rakes in the highest income? Charlie, for sure. Are any of your muses unemployed? No. Who takes the most sick days? Reese? Since Charlie makes his own schedule, it’d be Reese by default. Who is more likely to turn up late to work? I could see Charlie strolling in late for a deal lolWho sucks up to their boss? Neither. What are their jobs? Reese is a lil farm boy and Charlie is a drug dealer.  Who stresses the most? I don’t think either of them are particularly susceptible to being stressed. Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? I’d say so. Are your muses financially stable? Both are, yes. 
Who does the washing? Reese would. Who takes out the trash? Charlie would so that Reese wouldn’t be doing everything. Who does the ironing? Reese.Who does the cooking? Reese def knows how to cook.Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Probs Charlie. Who is messier? Charlie.  Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Charlie. Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Charlie.Who forgets to flush the toilet? Charlie might on the occasion. Who is the prankster around the house? Neither? Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Reese is kind of absent-minded. Who mows the lawn? Reese loves mowing the lawn. Who does the vacuuming? Reese. Who does the groceries? Reese, though Charlie often tags along. Who takes the longest to shower? Reese, he likes to make sure he’s got all the dirt off of him. Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Reese. 
Is money a problem? Nope. How many cars do they own? One a piece. Do they own their home or do they rent? Rent at first, but Reese would love to pay a place out in the country later on. Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Countryside, but close enough to a city for Charlie’s sake. Do they live in the city or in the country? Countryside not too far from the city. Do they enjoy their surroundings? Reese loves his surroundings. Charlie probably doesn’t really care. What’s their song? Your Love is My Drug probs lolWhat do they do when they’re away from each other? Reese calls often.Where did they first meet? The market where Reese works. How did they first meet? Charlie was trying to buy tomato seeds. Who spends the most money when out shopping? Charlie–he’s got the cash to blow. Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Charlie for sure. Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Neither? Reese isn’t like that and Charlie loves his bby too much to laugh at his pain. In fact, Reese is more likely to laugh at himself tripping than either of them at the other.  Any mental issues? I don’t think so. Who’s terrified of bugs? Neither. Who kills the spiders around the house? Charlie kills them when he sees them, but Reese lets them scurry about in peace. Their favourite place? I’d say the back of Reese’s truck while their up on this small cliff side over looking the town Reese lives in. Who pays the bills? Both I’d say. Do they have any fears for their future? Reese worries a bit about Charlie being arrested and Charlie worries about Reese finding someone who’s “worth a damn”.  Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Charlie, he likes to treat his bby now and again. Who uses up all of the hot water? Probs Charlie. Who’s the tallest? Reese even though he’s the little spoon. Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Charlie, though Reese does on occasion. Who wanders around in their underwear? Charlie ALL THE TIME. Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? REESE. What do they tease each other about? I don’t imagine they’re huge teasers? Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Neither? Do they have mutual friends? No. Who crushed first? Reese he was very ~heart eyes~ at Charlie. Any alcohol or substance related problems? Charlie, obvs. Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Charlie. Who swears the most? CHARLIE.
Augustus & Bentley
Who is more likely to raise their voice? I’d say Bentley. Not because he’s prone to anger, but because when he gets frustrated, his voice naturally raises. Whereas, when Augustus gets frustrated, his voice gets eerily even. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? NEITHER, since it’s such a SERIOUS and DAMAGING thing to threaten. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Bentley has left before, but I think after that it doesn’t happen because, again, serious and damaging. Who trashes the house? Augustus might do a little trashing of his room, but only in private and he cleans up right after. Do either of them get physical? No. How often do they argue/disagree? Not very often.  Who is the first to apologise? Depends on the contents of the argument. 
Who is on top? I’d guess Augustus. Who is on the bottom? Bentley. Who has the strangest desires? I don’t think either of them?Any kinks? Again, I imagine they’re fairly vanilla. Who’s dominant in bed? Augustus is, but it’s more that he’s more confident in bed, not more dominant. Is head ever in the equation? Sometimes, yeah. If so, who is better at performing it? I’d say Augustus. Ever had sex in public? I doubt it. Who moans the most? Bentley. Who leaves the most marks? Bentley?Who screams the loudest? I don’t imagine either of them screaming. Who is the more experienced of the two? Uhhh...neither in terms of male/male sex, but Augustus has slept with his girlfriend before (I honestly don’t remember if Bentley ever went all the way to sex with all the random girls he makes-out with).Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Make love, I think they make a lot of slow, passionate love. Rough or soft? Soft and passion galore. How long do they usually last? A good while, like I said above, I imagine that it’s very slow love making. Is protection used? Probs. Does it ever get boring? I don’t think so? Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? I don’t think they’ve had sex in any strange places. 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? I’m not sure, maybe. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? Maybe like two?Who is the favorite parent? Augustus, since he can turn charm on. Who is the authoritative parent? Bentley, Augustus would be horrible at saying no to the kids. Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Both of them lbr. Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Also, both of them. Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Uh, both probably. If not both, then at least Augustus. Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Both. Who changes the diapers? Both. Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? They switch off. Who spends the most time with the children? It’s about equal. Who packs their lunch boxes? Uhh...both? Who gives their children ‘the talk’? It’d be a slightly-awkward tag-team event. Who cleans up after the kids? I think they just pick up the toys as they stumble upon them, neither actively seeks out to clean the toys up. Who worries the most? Bentley if Augustus is having a good day, Augustus if he’s having a bad day. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? BENTLEY LOL
Who likes to cuddle? They’re both cuddly AF. Who is the little spoon? Oh man...mostly Bentley I think? But it’s not unusual that it’s switched. Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Augustus pros whispers salacious things in Bentley’s ear just to make him squirm. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? Augustus in public. Bentley struggles with coming out, but after he relaxes into it there is a fair amount of PDA. How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? They can cuddle for so long, man. Who gives the most kisses? It’s p equal, I’d say. What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Literally just talking for hours. Where is their favourite place to cuddle? Their beds. Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Augustus, which would make Bentley do it back. How often do they get time to themselves? They’re almost always alone. 
Who snores? Augustus kind of whistles in his sleep lol If both do, who snores the loudest? ^^^Do they share a bed or sleep separately? They spend TONS of time in each other’s bed. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? VVV cozyWho talks in their sleep? Neither. What do they wear to bed? Sometimes they just fall asleep in their hoodies, but if they do manage to change for bed, both are underwear and a t-shirt, I’d say. Are either of your muses insomniacs? Augustus if he’s having his bad days. Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Sometimes on Augustus’s.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? V much tangled. Who wakes up with bed hair? Both of them AF.Who wakes up first? Augustus. On his good days, he’s a ball of morning sunshine, but on his bad days he rarely sleeps so he gets up early. Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Augustus. What is their favourite sleeping position? Augustus on his back with Bentley lying half on top of him. Who hogs the sheets? Probs Augustus tbh. Do they set an alarm each night? Nah, they do what they feel. Can a television be found in their bedroom? Probably in both of theirs. Who has nightmares? I don’t think either of them. Who has ridiculous dreams? Both of them let’s be completely honest here. Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Neither. Who makes the bed? Pfft neither. What time is bed time? Late night/early morning. Any routines/rituals before bed? I can’t think of any.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Bentley. 
Who is the busiest? Pffft neither they’re lazy bums AF.Who rakes in the highest income? Do either of them even have a job?Are any of your muses unemployed? ^^^Who takes the most sick days? Augusts for obvious reasons. Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Bentley? Who sucks up to their boss? N/AWhat are their jobs? N/A Who stresses the most? Augustus if he’s having a bad day. Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? N/AAre your muses financially stable? N/A
Who does the washing? Augustus, he likes having something to do when they’re not cuddling and deep-talking. Who takes out the trash? Augustus. Who does the ironing? Augustus. Who does the cooking? TBH they probs order a LOT of take-out.Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Probs both? I think Bentley is better than Augustus. Augustus can do like...simple breakfast foods. Who is messier? They’re both kind of messy. Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Both. Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Both. Who forgets to flush the toilet? Neither. Who is the prankster around the house? They both have a fair amount of that going on, but it’s never too much or too far. Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Augustus can be very spacecase-y on his bad days. Who mows the lawn? Do they have a lawn? Who does the vacuuming? Augustus. Who does the groceries? They do it together. Who takes the longest to shower? Augustus? Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Augustus? 
Is money a problem? I think they’re okay? How many cars do they own? I think Bentley has a car, but Augustus just has a bike. Do they own their home or do they rent? I think Bentley rents and Augustus is still at home? Maybe? Honestly, I haven’t worked out the living arrangements yet lol.Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Uhhh...coast?Do they live in the city or in the country? City. Do they enjoy their surroundings? Yeah, sure. What’s their song? Why am I so bad with songs? Lol, maybe Skinny Love at the beginning? What do they do when they’re away from each other? They facetime a lot and text. Where did they first meet? Gym class. How did they first meet? Bentley basically THREW a ball RIGHT AT Augustus. How rude. Who spends the most money when out shopping? I don’t think either are big spenders. Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Probs Augustus tbh. Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? They both do, the little shits. Any mental issues? Augustus has severe bouts of depression. Who’s terrified of bugs? Neither. Who kills the spiders around the house? Tbh they both probably just stare at the spider and do nothing about it. Their favourite place? Bed. Who pays the bills? Idk if this is relevant lol Do they have any fears for their future? Def, def. Bentley worries he’ll never be good enough for Augustus to depend on and Augustus has some abandonment issues because of a time when Bentley left him when things were rough. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? That’s not their scene. They surprise each other with take-out. Who uses up all of the hot water? Augustus probs. Who’s the tallest? Uhmmm...Augustus? I’m not 100% though. I think they’re similar heights. Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Both of them are lbr. Who wanders around in their underwear? Both do on the occasion. Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? When it’s just the two of them, they go all out and are purposefully obnoxious. What do they tease each other about? Literally everything what little shits. Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Neither. Do they have mutual friends? I think they’re friends mingle p well because of all going to the same school. Who crushed first? It was actually p mutual. Any alcohol or substance related problems? Some weed usage, but not much after that. Maybe some alcohols. Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? If one is drunk, the other is probs drunk too. Who swears the most? Bentley. 
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cearyfloyd · 6 years
How to Organize the Master Bedroom {September HOD}
Learn how to organize the master bedroom with these 6 easy steps!  Create your own personal retreat to relax and unwind – it’s not as hard as you think! This post is part of The Household Organization Diet.
Whew!  Another summer is in the books!  The kids are headed back to school on Tuesday, extra-curricular activities have already started, and that September craziness will soon be upon us!  As much as I hate to see summer end, there is a {very small!} part of me that’s looking forward to getting back into a more regular schedule.
The September Household Organization Diet {Master Bedroom Organization}
I always get the organization itch when back to school time comes around.  I did a TON of decluttering in the kids’ rooms last month and still have a couple of projects that I’m finishing up in there.  September is here though so it’s time to look ahead to our next space.  This month we’re going to declutter, clean, and learn how to organize the master bedroom!
The September To Do List
Here are the tasks to work on in the master bedroom this month.  You can print out the list as shown below or print out a blank one and customize your own to do list.
September Calendar
I always like to schedule in my tasks for the month to give myself some accountability.  Make your {realistic!} monthly plan and stick to it! Some people like to do a little each day and others like to block off a longer time period once per week {or even iin one long day!}.  Do whatever works best for your time schedule and personality.  Just WRITE IT DOWN!
September Notes
Keep a notes sheet {or two!} handy to jot down any projects, home improvement ideas, extra tasks, etc. that you would like to do.  You might want to use one for tasks that you would like to do this month and a second sheet for future projects that you would like to do.
Master Bedroom Organization
I find that the master bedroom is often one of the most neglected rooms in the house.  Since it’s not seen by guests, it’s not usually a priority space when it comes to cleaning and organizing.  It also tends to be a favorite dumping ground for unwanted clutter {or maybe piles of clothes?}.
This month, I want you to take some time to focus on yourself and work on creating a comfortable, relaxing bedroom space that you {and your partner} can unwind in.  It’s time to get rid of that stressful clutter and replace it with items that you love and enjoy.  Your bedroom should really be your personal retreat, so make it a place that you actually want to go.  A little peace and quiet {and a restful sleep!} can go a long way in recharging your batteries.
How to Organize a Master Bedroom
Before you get started with the actual organization process, be sure that you’ve declutterd all of those items that you no longer use, need, and love. If you need some help with overcoming that decluttering paralysis, check out this post to help get you motivated and this one for some tips and tricks to declutter any space.
As you’re working on decluttering, give your master bedroom a good deep cleaning.  Since you’re moving around all of your stuff anyways, this is the easiest time to get into all of those out of the way areas that you don’t regularly clean. Vacuum the back corners in your closet, wipe down baseboards, and clean out the inside of your drawers. You can find all of my master bedroom cleaning and organizing tips, tricks and tutorials in THIS POST.  I even have a free master bedroom cleaning checklist for you!
6 Easy Steps to an Organized Master Bedroom
Your master bedroom should be a place for you to unwind, so think about what helps you to relax and how you would like your space to function.  If you like to read, try to create a cozy reading space.  If you like to pamper yourself, create a little spot for you to do your make-up or give yourself a manicure.  Maybe a meditation or yoga space would be helpful.  Remember that you don’t need a big space to create something special!
To help get you started, I’ve put together 6 easy steps to think about while organizing your master bedroom.  It’s time to get organizing!
Declutter and Organize the Bedside Table
Your bedside table should be reserved for items that you use regularly either just before bed or upon waking – plus a few other favorite items that make you happy.  All other items that you wish to keep should find a proper home elsewhere.  For things that you no longer use or need, donate them when you can and put broken or other unusable items in the trash.
{source: Love Grows Wild}
Keeping a tidy and clutter-free bedside table will create a calmer environment and allow for a more restful sleep.  Evaluate what you really need and what will help settle you before bed.  Maybe it’s your current book, some essential oils, a small bouquet of flowers, or a favorite photo or two. I know it’s hard, but try to keep those smart phones and other electronics out of the bedroom {or at least off of your night stand!}.
{source: Homey Oh My}
Create a Relaxing, Clutter-Free Corner
If you have the space, try to create one little corner {or other spot} in your room, just for you.  Resolve to keep it clutter-free so you always have a calming place to retreat to.  A big comfy chair would be ideal, but use what you have  and build from there.  Fill the space with your favorite items that help you to relax – a cozy blanket, a comfy pillow, a book or magazine that you’ve been meaning to read, or maybe your favorite lotion to apply –  and just breathe in.
{source: A Burst of Beautiful}
Declutter and Organize your Linens
Go through all of your linens, and donate those extra items that you don’t need.  If you have some sheets that are worn but not quite ready for the trash, consider donating them to a local animal shelter.  Determine what you use and stick with your plan. I like to have two sets of sheets for each bed so I always have one set clean if a quick change is needed.  I’ve also done away with our regular sheets and only use a fitted sheet and duvet.  The sheet just always ended up crumpled at the end of the bed and was such a pain when making the bed.  For the winter months, I’ll just layer on an extra throw blanket or quilt.  Store your extra linens underneath the bed in a flat tote or in a bench at the end of the bed for easy access when needed.
Get in the habit of making your bed every day when you wake up.  It is the quickest and easiest way to make your room look cleaner and more organized.  As much as I love throw pillows, if they’re always on the floor they’re going to add to the clutter rather than beautify your space.  Buy only what you will use and put away.  You could also look for a large basket to keep the pillows tidy when they’re off your bed.
Declutter and Organize your Clothes and Accessories
The clothes closet can be a huge source of extra clutter and chaos.  Go through your clothing seasonally to determine what you love and wear regularly.  Having fewer clothes that all fit and look great on you makes for much smoother mornings!  Check out these posts to help you declutter and organize your items so that it works for you and your space…
How to Declutter Your Clothes Closet Organization Tips Master Closet Organization
Add Functional Lighting
Proper lighting is essential to create a comfortable and functional space.  Brighter, overhead lighting will likely be needed at times, but softer lighting is ideal for those pre-bedtime routines.  If you only have one light, think about adding a dimmer so you can bring the lights down before bed.  It you like a reading light or bedside light, wall mounted lights are perfect for those smaller spaces or to create extra room on your bedside table.
{source: The Lily Pad Cottage}
Make it Cozy
A decluttered and organized bedroom doesn’t mean that it has to be cold and unwelcoming.  Once you have cleared everything out that isn’t essential, start layering back those special items of yours to really personalize your room.  Having a clear space will let you see and enjoy the items that you love the most. Add in photos of loved ones, relaxing candles, a cozy blanket, favorite art work, or anything else that makes you happy.  Just make sure that everything has a place and there’s lots of space for the eyes to rest.
{source: Oh.Eight.Oh.Nine}
{source: Fox Hollow Cottage}
For more tutorials on cleaning the master bedroom, head on over to this post.  You’ll find a full printable cleaning checklist along with tips and tricks to get it all done.
Let me know if you have any questions or need any further ideas!  If you like this plan, be sure to grab my book, The Home Decluttering Diet, for more organization tips and tricks.  It’s so nice to have everything in one place!
This post is part of The Household Organization Diet.  If you need some organization inspiration, check out THIS POST  to learn more about the plan and THIS POST for all of the 2018 updates.
It’s updated on the first of every month with the new plan so don’t forget to bookmark it! You CAN get that house cleaned and organized once and for all!  To see all of the previous posts click the Get Organized tab at the top of the blog and go to The Household Organization Diet.  I also have all of the posts pinned to my Household Organization Diet Pinterest Board.  Start at any time and make sure you are following along so you don’t miss out…
The post How to Organize the Master Bedroom {September HOD} appeared first on Clean and Scentsible.
from Home Improvement https://www.cleanandscentsible.com/master-bedroom-organization-tips/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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henrybennington · 6 years
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Neither Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Neither Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Neither Who trashes the house? Neither Do either of them get physical? Neither How often do they argue/disagree? Rarely Who is the first to apologise? David bc Alice is stubborn af
Who is on top? Either depending on what’s happening Who is on the bottom? Either Who has the strangest desires? I feel like probably Alice Any kinks?  Tbh I feel like they’re relatively vanilla but want to be more exciting even though it usually ends with either profusely apologizing for choking/bruising the other which ruins the mood. So probs not.  Who’s dominant in bed? I feel like they’re both too soft to be dominant  Is head ever in the equation? Totally If so, who is better at performing it? They both know what the other likes, but I think Alice prefers giving rather than receiving so she does it more often. Ever had sex in public? definitely at his office and her office and probably at parties if they get drunk enough Who moans the most? Alice, definitely Alice Who leaves the most marks? Alice Who screams the loudest? Alice Who is the more experienced of the two? About the same but probably David because he is a few years older Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? make love definitely Rough or soft? not as soft as Henry & Nina, but still pretty soft. How long do they usually last? They definitely take their time and talk a lot through it so it’s never quick, even after kids, so anywhere from an hour to three.  Is protection used? Every single time without fail, short of purposely trying to get pregnant.  Does it ever get boring? No, they enjoy themselves but I think they sometimes feel the need to sound more exciting, but ultimately when they try they hate it and want to go back to their normal sex.  Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? Alice’s catering truck, behind a church, after they dropped off a wedding cake bc romantics gets Alice going
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Yes If so, how many children do your muses want/have? 3 Who is the favorite parent? I think it depends on the kid. The girls probably David, and then Theo probably Aice Who is the authoritative parent? David Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Alice Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Both and they think they’re being so sneaky when really neither cares Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Both Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Both Who changes the diapers? David Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Alice Who spends the most time with the children? I think it’s a toss up. During wedding season it’s definitely David, but like during the off season probs Alice Who packs their lunch boxes? Alice Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Aunt Eloise and Uncle Ezra Who cleans up after the kids? Alice Who worries the most? David Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Alice
Who likes to cuddle? I think Alice is more vocal but David enjoys it just as much Who is the little spoon? Alice mostly but like when David’s not feeling well/upset then he is. Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Alice Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  Alice How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Hours Who gives the most kisses? David What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Cooking Where is their favourite place to cuddle? probably their bed Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Alice How often do they get time to themselves? As often as they can, they’re more comfortable at home rather than with a group.
Who snores? Neither, maybe David when he’s sick  If both do, who snores the loudest? David Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Share a bed If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Cozy up together, Alice is suffocating Who talks in their sleep? David What do they wear to bed? David probably wears sweats and Alice is all about that silk slip life Are either of your muses insomniacs? When they’re busy at work, yes Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Yeah but low level stuff like melatonin Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Alice cannot sleep if she’s not touching David, she’s a stage 5 clinger Who wakes up with bed hair? David definitely Who wakes up first? Alice because she has to be at the shop by 4 Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? David bc he’s sweet like that What is their favourite sleeping position? As close as Alice can get without actually climbing into his pajamas Who hogs the sheets? David Do they set an alarm each night? Yes Can a television be found in their bedroom? Yes Who has nightmares? maybe David? But not regularly Who has ridiculous dreams? Alice dreams of talking cupcakes on the reg Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? probably David but in his defense Alice needs like 2 inches because she practically sleeps on top of him Who makes the bed? David What time is bed time? Alice clocks out around 9 Any routines/rituals before bed? totally cheesy but talking about the highs and lows of their days Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Neither, they’re pretty happy
Who is the busiest? Overall, David because his job constantly has him interviewing/editing/running around. But during wedding season Alice sometimes sleeps in the shop because she’s baking all night.   Who rakes in the highest income? it sorta depends. David has the steadiest income and the lowest overhead. Meanwhile Alice probably makes more but a good portion goes back into the shop so her take home is less than David. Are any of your muses unemployed? Never. They both enjoy working. Who takes the most sick days? David because Alice literally can’t Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Alice regularly shows up 10 minutes late but David has a bad habit of being pretty late the mornings he stops at the bakery on his way to work.  Who sucks up to their boss? I don’t think either but Alice is her own boss so if anyone is sucking up it’d have to be David. What are their jobs? David is a journalist/editor. Alice owns a bakery Who stresses the most? Alice Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Love Are your muses financially stable? Yes
Who does the washing? Alice Who takes out the trash? David Who does the ironing? David Who does the cooking? Alice Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Neither but Alice is the better cook because culinary school Who is messier? Alice Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Alice Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Neither Who forgets to flush the toilet? Neither Who is the prankster around the house? David Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? David Who mows the lawn? David Who answers the telephone? David Who does the vacuuming? David Who does the groceries? Alice Who takes the longest to shower? Alice Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Depending on the day, typically David because Alice literally showers and runs but on special occasions, her by far
Is money a problem? No, they’re both very financially stable individuals when they meet How many cars do they own? Two Do they own their home or do they rent? Own Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Coast Do they live in the city or in the country? City Do they enjoy their surroundings? Yes What’s their song? I’m With You-Vance Joy What do they do when they’re away from each other? FaceTime constantly Where did they first meet? The bakery How did they first meet? Their guardian angel Elaine decided to send David to Alice’s bakery because both were hopelessly single and she thought they’d like each other Who spends the most money when out shopping? Alice, definitely Alice. Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Neither really Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? David Any mental issues? No? Who’s terrified of bugs? I don’t think either of them Who kills the spiders around the house? David Their favourite place? Home Who pays the bills? It comes out of their joint account and any non automatic payments Alice makes when she has to do bakery bills Do they have any fears for their future? How they’re going to manage a relationship with two busy careers Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? David Who uses up all of the hot water? Alice Who’s the tallest? David except when Alice wears heels Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Alice because she got lonely by herself Who wanders around in their underwear? Alice Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? David is the king of carpool karoke What do they tease each other about? I feel like they make fun of each other’s accents and cultures. David mocks her in a horrible french accent and Alice talks about tea with the Queen more than she should. Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Neither they both dress relatively well Do they have mutual friends? their bby Elaine Who crushed first? I think Alice would claim it was her but they both were like instantly smitten Any alcohol or substance related problems? No Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Alice because David, when he drinks, just wants to go home to Alice so he probably only makes it till like midnight before he’s in a taxi home Who swears the most? Surprisingly, Alice 
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bicrsacks-archived · 8 years
✩ Zaise (Bc I'm trash?)
Who is more likely to raise their voice? zaiden, hands down.Who threatens to leave but never actually does? ... i honestly don’t think either of them would do that? zaiden has abandonment issues and blaise is such a good person i can’t see him ever threatening to leave zaiden no matter what the circumstance is.Who actually keeps their word and leaves? well we have that one au where blaise does walk out on zade...Who trashes the house? blaise. but not like on purpose. he’s jsut messy. if it’s out of anger I can see zade maybe lashing out but that’s just a really messy occurrence bc we know how zade grew up and he’d hate himself for getting violent if he ever did.Do either of them get physical? no. zade grew up around an abusive father and he’s too terrified to ever be like that with the love of his life.How often do they argue/disagree? i feel like they get into cute little spats like... all the time tbh. but like honestly bad arguments rarely happen.Who is the first to apologise? toss up; depends on the argument i believe.
Who is on top? zaiden, about 95% of the timeWho is on the bottom? blaise, about 95% of the time.Who has the strangest desires? ... Zaiden.Any kinks? jfc. bondage, total power exchange, D/s, does dirty-talk count? edging, orgasm control...Who’s dominant in bed? zaiden is by nature, but they do switch on the odd occasion.Is head ever in the equation? OF COURSE IT IS WTFIf so, who is better at performing it? well, honestly, I’d give “sucking dick” to Blaise. Eating ass to Zade.Ever had sex in public? of course.Who moans the most? well if we go with top!zade, blaise is louder. top!blaise, zade is the loud one.Who leaves the most marks? zaiden leaves as many hickeys as humanly possible all over blaise.Who screams the loudest? blaise is louder tbhWho is the more experienced of the two? um? i think it depends. zade’s had sex with more people but only ever had sex with one other guy before blaise so when it comes to same-sex, male-on-male sex it’s blaise? but in general zade has more experience over all.Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? both, depends on the mood though. Rough or soft? they prefer it rough but at times, softness is keyHow long do they usually last? this is a real toss-up bc they can do quickies? but also drag it out until it’s a sex-a-thon...Is protection used? nah, they’re both clean so bareback it is.Does it ever get boring? i don’t think either of them could find sex boring.Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? good question. probably on top of a waterfall during some vacation or something because zade is always prepared with a cute travel sized pocket lube.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? at first, no because zade hates kids but then eventually they want to start a familyIf so, how many children do your muses want/have? they end up having 4 beautiful babiesWho is the favorite parent? there is no such thing as a favorite parent in the hendricks-burke householdWho is the authoritative parent? zaiden no doubt.Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? blaise, probably.Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? .... blaise.Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? both !!Who goes to parent teacher interviews? both again.Who changes the diapers? both, like honestly these two losers are the most domestic pair ever and live for their babies like they’d do all this together.Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? they took turns.Who spends the most time with the children? i think this goes to blaise solely because zade’s busy with work a lot of times.Who packs their lunch boxes? blaise, we don’t trust zade around foodWho gives their children ‘the talk’? .... blaise because zade conveniently forgets that his children need to know about sexWho cleans up after the kids? zade, he’s a neat freak by natureWho worries the most? ZAIDEN.Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? .... Z A I D E N
Who likes to cuddle? they both do but zade would never admit it.Who is the little spoon? zade is.Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? zaiden, always.Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  zaiden, again.How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? for a really long time tbh.Who gives the most kisses? blaise.What is their favourite non-sexual activity? umm, reading together? cuddling? watching a movie? talking about stuff?Where is their favourite place to cuddle? in bed so that blaise can spoon his manWho is more likely to playfully grope the other? zaiden, ofc.How often do they get time to themselves? it’s mostly at night when they’re both free of work before bed.
Who snores? not entirely sure, tbh...If both do, who snores the loudest? read aboveDo they share a bed or sleep separately? sleep together ofcIf they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? cozy up, zade always wakes up tangled up in blaise’s arms its adorable.Who talks in their sleep? hm, i don’t think either doWhat do they wear to bed? zade’s generally either naked or in his boxers at the most, blaise has pajamas.Are either of your muses insomniacs? zaiden is for sure, he gets very little sleep.Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? yeah, honestly. they’re for zade.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? wrapped up togetherWho wakes up with bed hair? Blaise more so than Zade tbhWho wakes up first? Zade, alwaysWho prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Zade but like... Zac makes it for him. So really, Zac makes breakfast in bed for Blaise ??What is their favourite sleeping position? spooning until Blaise’s arms go numbWho hogs the sheets? neither they share a king sized bed with like a billion blankets there’s no hoggingDo they set an alarm each night? zade does, his stupid 5 AM alarm.Can a television be found in their bedroom? of course there’s a flat screen in zade’s bedroomWho has nightmares? zade gets them from time to timeWho has ridiculous dreams? also zade tbhWho sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? why do I feel like Zade sleeps all tucked up and neat while Blaise is all spread-eagled out?Who makes the bed? ZaidenWhat time is bed time? Blaise is in bed at around midnight maybe? Zade goes to bed at 3 AM regularly and wakes up anywhere from 5 to 7.Any routines/rituals before bed? not anything special, tbhWho’s the grumpiest when they wake up? zade but he’s always grumpy
Who is the busiest? both are busy, zade arguably more soWho rakes in the highest income? zaiden hands down lmaoAre any of your muses unemployed? nopeWho takes the most sick days? blaise probablyWho is more likely to turn up late to work? ... i mean both if they get distracted in the morningWho sucks up to their boss? zade is his own boss so i’d have to say blaiseWhat are their jobs? zaiden is a ceo, blaise is a university professor or HS teacher depending on the verseWho stresses the most? zaiden is always stressedDo your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? they both are doing what they loveAre your muses financially stable? very; i mean zade’s a multi millionaire after all.
Who does the washing? zaidenWho takes out the trash? zaidenWho does the ironing? bothWho does the cooking? neither, but technically blaiseWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? .... no question, zaiden.Who is messier? blaise. duh.Who leaves the toilet roll empty? blaise, zade is WAY too anal about cleanliness for these questions fkdjgnjdgWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? blaise wtfWho forgets to flush the toilet? neither, theyre not that gross come onWho is the prankster around the house? blaise? probably? but also neither they’re both seriousWho loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? blaise. forgetful lil guyWho mows the lawn? neither zade has employees for thatWho answers the telephone? ummm depends?Who does the vacuuming? maids Who does the groceries? both of them togetherWho takes the longest to shower? i feel like zade does bc “grooming”Who spends the most time in the bathroom? zade again bc “grooming”
Is money a problem? nope, not at allHow many cars do they own? zade has like upwards of 7 or 8 for himself... that’s not including the ones he shares with zac. and then im sure blaise has 2 at least.Do they own their home or do they rent? they own it; it’s zade’s (and zac’s) mansion, and then later they buy their own home.Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? they’re more secluded.Do they live in the city or in the country? near the city ofc.Do they enjoy their surroundings? yes, zade likes being close to the city btu secluded enough to have a large homeWhat’s their song? “paint it black” by andy black.What do they do when they’re away from each other? miss each other, constantly text, sykpe, snapchat and things like that.Where did they first meet? at a party; zade tried undressing him in the back of an uberHow did they first meet? read aboveWho spends the most money when out shopping? zaiden of courseWho’s more likely to flash their assets? zaiden, againWho finds it amusing when the other trips over? ... both.Any mental issues? zade has a bit of a history with abuse from his father and he is a high-functioning narcotics addict so there’s that.Who’s terrified of bugs? neitherWho kills the spiders around the house? both? i believe.Their favourite place? anywhere where they’re together. cheesy, i knowWho pays the bills? well i’m sure most of everything comes from zade’s money honestly.Do they have any fears for their future? no these two precious beansWho’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? zade of course.Who uses up all of the hot water? they both do together but i doubt that’s a problemWho’s the tallest? zade, he’s 6′4″. he’s a giant.Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? zade is more likely to crash a shower lbhWho wanders around in their underwear? zaiden most of the timeWho sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? blaise most definitelyWhat do they tease each other about? blaise always teases zade about being a workaholic and zade teases blaise about being a nerdWho is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? oh jesus msot definitely zade. blaise is too colroful.Do they have mutual friends? not really; they came from very different circles. i mean they know the goldsteins.Who crushed first? um both were hardcore in denial okAny alcohol or substance related problems? yes, both of which zade has an issue withWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? zaiden.Who swears the most? ZAIDEN.
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