#what i was planning to do and i had this assignment blabla and these plans etc
indigodawns · 1 year
#was feeling stressed and melancholy all day and i just... i really need to learn how to cope with that#i feel so self-absorbed and idk i was upset and teary eyed when taking the train early for dinner with my friends#and then i sit down and my friend says oh oops sorry can't tonight and idk. i was counting on that to sit down and talk for a bit and#this makes me sound awful but i kind of. exploded and texted back very shortly and angrily#and apparently. gave our other friend a panic attack so#and then they told me over text and i did nooot know how to react irl and psychically bc whew self-loathing#which felt so toxic and gross??? and again self absorbed???#and i did reply over text and i apologised and did my best but god.#idk it's like... i think that petulant angry kid is who i am deep down and lord knows i shouldn't post this but#i need some perspective and i feel so manipulative in this too#idk idk. and i was also just wondering if anyone else gets like this like idk this blur in front of your eyes and you just#lose all reasonable thought#and i just think. im selfish as fuck at my core and im scared i don't actually want to change that and i will. try to talk about#it in therapy but that's a while away#anyways. that's also me and yeah.#sorry and also it's my parents' wedding anniversary and all i could think about was feeling mweh and not being able to do#what i was planning to do and i had this assignment blabla and these plans etc#like god??????? god#im calmer now (obviously) but yeah#and now work again tomorrow and im so fucking sick of it the mood is awful and it's busy and bleh
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newscheckz · 3 years
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/red-flags-you-can-see-in-a-job-interview-as-a-warning/
These are different real situations gathered from social media families from their experiences while attending a job interview.
From their experiences, they say if you see below signs, it is high time you respect yourself and move on. We believe these information could help someone avoid toxic workplaces early in the interview process.
1. Keeping a candidate waiting for too long without making them comfortable. It shows the value the business leaders places in people. 2. Interview interruptions, either from external members of staff or the interviewers always excusing themselves to take a phone call. 3. Pestering the candidate as though you are trying to show them how much they do not know. 4. Interviews being postponed severally or taking too long to be set after the initial conversation is a sure red flag, 5. Impromptu Interviews, eg, being called this morning for an afternoon Interview. It is not necessarily evil, but it should be a red flag of disorganization that shall affect your employee experience in the long run. 6. Interviewees speaking to each other, in their mother-tongue in between your interview.
My story I went for a job induction at an LG electronics dealership and the manager there who I guess wanted me to feel his authority came and told me, ‘ unajua hatujajuana vizuri, akasema wait kidogo I will be back so that we get to know each other.That manager harassed me sana that day by just telling me to take a scenario where am selling a tv on phone then sell it to an employee who was there, I gave it try and it was not to his liking. Kupewa lecture ikafuata for long then akauliza an employee there if nimefunzwa how to respond to such things wakasema bado but they will teach me. The whole day huyo manager tu alikua ananiita ananiambia imgn you are selling a tv ,sell it to this employee. After unaambiwa enda, then unaitwa tena unaambiwa imagine you are selling a tv sell it to now a different employee. Niliharasiwa hivo the whole day hadi nikauzia Kila employee kwa hiyo place scenarios za tv, I felt like a mono joining form one. Hapo nikaloose hope na hiyo kazi
When they give you those “interview assignments” in the name of testing your skills beware. Most want interviewers to give them ideas and work plans then they will go ahead and use it and not hire any interviewers. I got such a job interview and told them due to time I can only do part of the task to show them my skills and thought process. I did the bare minimum but gave it my all. They later followed up that my work was unique and if I can give more details. I told them I got other engagements and I would appreciate if they could give me feedback of the interview from my work and the oral interview. They wrote back saying they can’t hire me at the moment but if I could be interested in giving them more details they would appreciate it. I ignored them coz I knew they were users. You work for them for free in the name of “it’s an interview process.” Pass me with that sh*t! I prepared a whole recruitment strategy for them. Their mzungu called wanting to get more information on what I had written, I gladly explained and that was the end. There was actually an online petition to make them stop interviewing people for ideas and never hiring them. One Acre Fund is good at this. They advertise one position daily only for ideas from candidates and will NEVER hire them.
Look at the shoes of the employees from the gate to the interview room. You’ll learn a lot about the company. Viatu if the salary is low they’ll will be very well dressed but with cheaper shoes, Most people with Low income can rarely budget for a decent pair of shoes… I’ve used it severally, not only for interviews but even in marketing. When approaching a company for a deal I look at the shoes of every person I meet. If most have decent shoes the deal normally goes through if not they people you’ll meet at the office will have very little regard of what you are selling and theur clients…. That thing works like it’s yesterday… There is a firm I found most employees had very nice but cheaper shoes and some had torn ones at the gate, yet the director wore imported designer sandals… By the time I got to talk to him I already knew his answer. Problem is his firm is based on out look, I.e they are in the service industry yet he had invested so little in his employees… Honey, I work for a leather company and am in leather footwear sales…. I know a good shoe by looking at it…If your employees can afford nor to recycle good leather shoes with a quality sole (can even start from 1000/= but with a good sole from 2500/=) then they are paid well. On the same note, you can spot an overworn Leather shoe anywhere. .. Ata viatu za punch, You need like 5 to maintain a good look throughout the week… If a shoe is overworn you’ll know…
  Once upon a time(not so long ago) a certain hotel on Mombasa road called and asked if I could attend an interview, I told them I was not interested as I was already working elsewhere…..they were insistent and I opted against my better judgement and went for the interview. They wasted 3hrs, and they had no courtesy of keeping us informed on what’s going on. I went to the Ass. H.R and asked her to give me my c.v which they had from earlier application, she politely did, asked her to go to their system and delete my profile as a viable candidate and to never contact me and I left. The following day they had the nerve to call me and asked why I left……..I just hang up on them.
  Business people interviewing young businessman in office
Always inquire about the employee turnover….. No matter how nice the boss sounds as you step in, this might just be a way to win you then use you. I joined a UK-based company in 2018, remote working with staff all over…. First as a backoffice supervisor and in two months I was promoted to asst.PM. Senior PM was an Indian lady based in Abu Dhabi. I used to find too many collisions on calls between her and the boss and I thought she was the issue. In 5months I was promoted to senior pm and she was fired. In short, by the time I resigned after two years, the company had lost 8 senior employees, most just resigned out of frustration. So, just note that if the turnover is high, you’ll either take too much shit or the job won’t be there for too long!
There is this lucrative job offer I got with some tea company..so the day we went to discuss the offer and sign off the contract tukamalizana vizuri with the then to be my boss..He asked me when I would report nikamuambia in a months time…same response I gave in the interview akasema okay..kuenda kwa Hr a kiuk lady..aliniongelesha matope ati you are doing nothing at home yet u need one month to report ati people would give anything to be in your place blabla.. I told her the fact that am not employed doesn’t mean I have notjing else running mayoooo tantrums ati ohh ama u think ur husbanda money is soo sufficient etc..i just told her am sorry I will not take the job anymore!alibaki kinywa wazi..she kept on calling to ask if I had had a rethink nikamuambia ? Rita, know your worth dear..utafika hapo tuu…always remember apart from being a job seeker you are a HUMAN BEING that should be treated with dignity…nothing less..You can imagine the baggage I would deal with coz she already had a formed mentality about me…Mark you I had not applied for the job someone referred me sue to work experience
  “Willing to work long-hours and under pressure” on the JD. Won’t even bother applying.
Politely ask how many people have quit the team that’s trying to hire you in the last year. If it’s more than 1, there’s probably a good reason. High staff-turnover is a huge redflag. Run!!
Boss shouting and/or being rude to the teagirl. Also watch the other workers. If they shrink at the boss’ sight, run.
Being delayed at the interview eg you are scheduled to be interviewed at 9am and come 11am you are still waiting worse still if no explanation is being given to you
If he/she tells you that there’s no fixed work schedule (yet the arrival time is fixed), or no fixed job description, just know you’ll be misused thoroughly. Also if you are told a story about how the employee you are meant to replace quit without notice…
I once attended an interview and at some point the panel started discussing something in their native language, in my presence yet am not a Dutch??, really disrespectful i knew i didn’t belong there
No organization will treat you better than they do at the interview. If it’s off then, it’s off.
So many years back, I went for an interview and had this guy smoking in the interview room. The oral went on for more than an hour and the guy was now chain smoking in the interview room. I excused myself from the interview and went home.
Show up at the interview scheduled time…. interviewer running late up to two hours and no explanation is given
  the workers look stressed, and underpaid, not smartly dressed…..and if you happen to ask there is a high rate of employees leaving and new ones being recruited….jua iko shida
  You go for an entry level job Interview you meet more than 10 panelists.. Honestly for a simple reception job why need such a crowd..yet they have shortlisted more than 20 candidates..that’s a scaam
An organization that keeps on hiring (for same positions) indicates a high level of staff turnover.
If u want to gauge how serious an organization is, read the body language of the security guard n the receptionist!!! If they appear demoralized n dejected, my friend, run.
The type of questions they ask.. one male interviewer kept asking about my personal life e.g “if you say you are not married then are you dating?” And you said you have children, where is their dad?” Questioning for an Administrative position.!!!! I answered like this like this coz I was already pissed..
Reading the comments…this is the way to go..Don’t entertain bullshit..know your worth..Don’t ever look desperate and have confidence .
The best one I went the boss offered me lunch as we discussed my experience and job description. I got the job…I salute that gentleman.
I went for an interview ,fikad there early that time it’s in inda,around 9 it’s when 3 men came with mud all over their shoes ,the supposed directors,instead of apologising for being late one of them told me in kikuyu “mbũra ĩrĩa yũrĩte limurũ”….I knew it was my time to leave…..
I went for an interview once ,the interview which was scheduled for 2pm started at 5pm. Prior to that,us interviewees had been sent a form to sign that we would forfeit 50% of our first salary because we had used an agency, which wasn’t true because all of us had been shortlisted from a career fair. I had been jobless for a while but I knew there was no way we would work peacefully. I did the interview as a formality,counted my fare and time loss and trusted God for better opportunities.
Attended an interview hapa tu Mombasa road ,I was asked my tribe on the questionnaire and there was an interview room which was a red flag for me ,it meant people were either getting fired all the time or they quit all the time . After the interview , I was informed by somebody on the inside that they don’t take luos because wako na malalamishi mingi and luhyas because wanapenda kuenda leave na matanga kila weekend. They only take kikuyu and merus because they are hardworking.
  I went for an interview with some garbage collection organization based in mukuru, Kwa gate napatana na matope mob, then the guy I was to converse with was missing and sent his colleague to sit in for him, the guy I think called John looked tired and not interested and at the same time lacked interview skills. From the looks hao ata mshahara wangesema 35k for a HRO position. Those are the kind of jobs I don’t regret not getting
1.”Why do you think this is the job for you?” ( The interview process is for the candidate to learn if they also want to work for you) 2. “What’s your weakness?” (This question is just dumb)
Any company that has a relative to the owner working in a powerful position…..RUN
When employees are speaking in their vernacular languages kwa reception.. Wamama wanauziana bras hapo reception.. I am kinda glad i failed that interview. Alafu interviewers kukaa as if they are being forced to be there.
After the interview,If they tell you “Don’t call us,we will call you” Jipatie shugli and carry on with your life.That call will never come.
Ask what’s the company’s Employee Value Proposition, if the HR has none, take off!! The value a company offers to employees in return for the value they bring to the organization. This is the compensation and benefits from the employer in exchange for the employees skills, experience and productivity. This is a HR plan that determins rentation or loss of talent. If theres none – hapo ni Pata Potea Organisation…
At my job interview yesterday the MD said to me, why do you think i should give you this job?
i said, because my friend Mwangi works in your IT department, and he told me you’re fucking his sister.
When they ask you(a lady) Are u married, do u have children, how many children do u have…& especially when the questions come in quick succession..They don’t want an employee wakuenda martenity ama wakushinda akisema ‘my baby is unwell’.
I was invited for an interview, The Ladies kept asking me if I’m married…one time… two times… third time they got into my veins and I asked them if they are married themselves ?Then they asked for a Three hundred thousand bribe…I told them if I had that money I wouldn’t be sitted There answering questions cz I don’t like questions anyway.Next day I was called to go start the Job
Dirty toilets,no thank you…I always make sure to visit the toilets
Alot of luhyas and kambas very toxic work place ???95% of kambas are the worst people to work with. The two tribes are snitches..will laugh with you but things they tell the boss behind your back…Kambas are sycophants, if they are colleagues unacheza chini, wasikuelewe, afadhali luhyas unajua livelive ni mchochezi, kambas can confuse you ??????????No wonder kaoz were long distance traders…kusambaza tu mushene na kujipendekeza kwa wadosi ..
A lady panelist asked what my family planning plans were.they were tired of female employees coz they have to go for maternity leave..saa hio am newly married ata nilishindwa la ku sema…afterwards they sent me a mail that I was the successful applicant two days letter they withdrew the offer wakasema they will let me know in due cause if I will be employed or not…useless organization..nkt..
I went for an interview at Faulu, it was going well till I was asked, “are you saved?” I said, no but I’m a Catholic. That’s where the interview ended.
You two fat women. I have never forgotten how you looked at me like I’m Jezebel. ????
If you see the job adverts ama your interviewer asks you whether you can work for under pressure ama for long hours wewe hepa tu. Hapo utafanya more than the standard 9 hours and most likely hutapata any overtime
We’ve shared experiences on toxic workplaces. Kindly share the different red flags you’ve seen at a job interview. This could help someone avoid toxic workplaces early in the interview process.
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kitanoko · 7 years
Hey I am pretty new to this BNHA thingy bcs it was all over my twitter and I started to read the manga and binge watching the anime (twitter made me do it) GUESS WHAT. I fell in love with this todomomo pairing. I actually have some HCs on my head, but would be nice if I can share it with you too so at least you can IMAGINE how would it be. Well lets assume or think that this is going to be a normal AU, where all of them are quirkless. They live in normal live and stuffs like that. (contd....)
Ok I copied and pasted your other asks so everyone can read your hc: 
“so in my hc, todorokiis actually a skilled assassin where he was hired frequently by someorganization, without knowing his actual identity. He pretty much had roughpast (his mother and sister were killed in front him when he was still 8-10ish)and someone saved him from his misery (i imagine this would be gran torino) inthis case todoroki isnt aware of his father (Endeavour) existence but he willsoon find out piece by piece. SO yea, gran torino took him as apprentice and taughthim martial arts, sword skill and gun and blabla any other crazy shit. It waspretty much a dark life according to todo, until then gran torino thought itwould be best if he is enrolled to a normal highschool and shit like that. sohe moved to a new town, and enrolled to new HS blabla met everyone from class1-a and shit like that. All might is the only one who knows about todoroki’sactual identity and shit like that. and then he met momo in the class, momowas kinda OOC to me in this, shes pretty cheerful, but still little bit uptightand smart. At first todo was pretty annoyed because the fact that momo isalways raising her hand to answer the qs blabla n shit like that. but thingsbecome worst when he found out that he lives in the same apartment complex asmomo (in here momo wasnt that rich, but theres SOME reasons behind it why shedoesnt live in a palace or sth like that). Momo lives with her aunt and uncleand her BROTHER (yes she has a brother who works overseas. As the time progress(like few months later), he made friends with almost everyone except he isntthat close to momo (he still thinks her as friend but still feel lil bitawkward) and shit like that k. UNTIL sth happen, earlier the day, momo wasassigned to tutor todo for a certain subject and shit like that in todosapartment. and few hrs later they heard few gunshots (i forgot to tell thatmomo lives like 2 doors away) and found out some hitmen have killed momo’srelatives (uncle and aunt) and incl her brother. (i also forgot to mention thather parents ‘killed bcs of accident’, so thats why she was raised by her uncleand aunt) so momo was devastated and shit like that and she almost go out oftodos room until todo stopped her. looking behind the curtain, todo realisedthat the hitmen were the same troops from the one who ambushed his family aswell, so he realised sth mustve happened so apparently those hitmen wereordered to kill momo’s relative and including her but she wasnt there, her livewas sparred. so todo made a plan to help and hide her from those ppl, withoutgivin any info to momo that hes apparenly an assassin as well, so they ran awayand stared their journey to find some puzzles of their lives. so thatsmy hc i actually wanted ot make a fic of it but idk if ppl will like it tbh! itmight seem similar to other fics but thats what i came up for, i was inspiredby other fics and made myself a hc! hahahahahhaha hope u like my weird hc tho”
TY for the asks and I must say I’m intrigued with this; I’d definitely read it if you wrote a fanfic of this (also Momo having a brother actually shocked me a lil). I’m down for charming todo being an assassin and slaying Momo’s enemies although I’m saddened that Momo can’t fight :( 
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ab3lle · 7 years
2016 update! (part three) (last one)
August, 2016
I got an offer from ums. that time i was checking thru sms. 
“Tahniah, anda di tawarkan ke Universiti Malaysia Sabah, kos HC13.”
What the hell is hc13 and i was actually expecting something related w food. (yeap science again just for the sake of ibu) eg: food tech, nutritionist, blabla. but it was actually an e-commerce. and never once in my life i heard about e-commerce. i did a lot of research. i asked everyone what is e-commerce. i checked the job oppurtinity. i was reluctant at first. bcs i told my friend, i mmg want to further at sabah but i wont go if got a nonsense course. i was really clueless that time. but my dad really support me. he asked me that it was ok. just go w the flow. thats it. i finally accept the offer. went for the orientation. and was really close to jiji since then.
September, 2016
I fall in love w the beauty of labuan. people at labuan started to address me as bella/belle instead of nab. so whenever i heard someone call me ‘nab’ at labuan, i feel weird. basically, whenever i am at labuan, its alright to call me bella/belle. anw like ji and tia, they still stick to nab instead bella/belle. i also went hiking too for the very first time in my life. at bukit kubong. 148 above the sea. one of the highest places at labuan. (besides umskal building) i also starts to experience celebrating hari raya aidiladha at labuan. at first in the morning after solat sunat hari raya, we went to one of the lecturer’s house which basically she’s also once a umskal student, to have some celebration at her house. we gather w the seniors from second, third and fourth year w from both faculty, (fki and fkal). i started w taekwondo again but mehhhh. it was only lasts for a day. bcs i stopped for a while and i forgot almost everything. so sad. plus my stamina pun out. so i decided to quit. (does it sounds like i’m giving up?)
October, 2016
Ghost house to gain some money for umskal got talent event. went inside to experience it but i was really scared tho i kenal every one yg jadi hantu. theres one day i went wall climbing and i cant go any higher bcs i am too heavy (gotta admit that) and teman ji and tia played futsal at night. a productive day i can say. its also the month i started to feel like i fall for my crush when i randomly record him make a cendol. (sorry, ex-crush) like, out of nowhere. but think back, i think i fall for him earlier when i first met him at klia. used to like him. used. sewa kereta at friday for 2 hours just for the sake of nasi kerabu at kedai ganu w ji and tia lol. and oh, fki family day. i was reluctant to go at first which i didnt sign up my name at first. ended up, someone said to me, “kau tak pergi fki family day, kau siap belle bila aku jumpa kau” and i terus muncul tetiba at the bus stop, that morning. hehhh. also, umskal got talent was held on october. had some problems when kertas undi tak cukup, so kak tyka and i, run naik atas level 3 to print a new one. i freaking run. i think i lost about 2.1kg that night. that was on semi final. its actually good to have some activity to do at night besides sleep. like i usually do. during the final, which was held 2 weeks after, it was good. had some problems too. tired, but satisfied. it was my first event that i joined, and it was good. i started to drive back since i left it about a year+ not driving. yeah i dont have problem in driving except not being able to drive properly, bad in guessing the distance between the car that i drove and the car behind me, took hours to park the car, and the list goes on. at the end of october, went to kk city during the mid sem break. it was my first time reached there. i went w jiji, and her friend, hamir came all the way from johor bahru. the planning was upside down i can say lol. from the hotel, food, transportation, shopping, all messed up. sokay we learnt from experience hahaha.
November, 2016
Took class photo. yeah class photo. i was lazy at first but just bcs my friend, she put such efforts to coax me and join the class photo, so i came all the way from cafe to menara. had mandarin midterm at menara. i thought i’ve done my best, but the results came out makes me feels like mehhhhh. struggling w e-commerce 3k words assignment, which i thought should be handed on 10th November but end up the lecturer said it supposed to be handed on the 10th weeks of lecture. me being me, me and last minutes works are really like a best friend. best friend for ever till jannah. told myself should change to a better me but meh. lets hope i’ll change one day. bought a new sneakers when i lost one pair of my freaking new shoes. tipulah if i said i didnt sad. but mybe not my rezeki kot. big thing happened on november i think was, tamu gadang event. from protocol to urusetia. tired but i really like the experiences. during the graduate run, i was supposedly get ready by 4am, ended up i woke up late and i was there at 4.30am or is it 5am. i really have problem when it comes to wake up early in the morning. big, problem. and i just realize the pokestop at umskal suddenly went missing. i was really sad that time. no kidding. went to palm beach resort after find some things for sispa booth. main buai while enjoying the scenery there. really makes me fall in love w nature, beach, and labuan.
December, 2016
Karkomkal event. since i joined sispa, i will join karkomkal for 3 semesters. bcs sispa is actually badan beruniform and have to take till my third semester. means what? on the next sem, others are enjoying wake up late, and i’ll be rushing on saturday morning for sispa lecture lol. indian cultural night, we (me, ji, and tia) didnt take part in that event bcs we are lazy already. and accidentally wore red, some color w them. what a coincidence. had titas presentation too on december w the most 1 malaysia group ever. 1 chinese, 1 sarawakian, 2 malays, and 2 indians. its good to get the chance to mix w all the races especially when you are out from yr zone. also, our programming group project. took us about 1 night to do it, and about less than 2 days to find and fix error and we did it. and i really thought that ‘class’ wont be came out during final but then, paapppp! 35marks. trust me i didnt revise about ‘class’. anw, we received a compliment from our tutor! goodjob mates xoxo. tak sia sia i skip ugt family day just bcs i had to stick on the screen to find the error on my group project lol. basically last class for every subject. bcs final is approaching that time. and last but not least, my 2016 ended w sispa final exam.
My 2016 update finally comes to the end. the last 5 months in 2016 basically were my first semester of degree journey. remember when i said i badly want to further in IT related? i really grateful when i didnt give up for matrics, my result was just passed, and i didnt get what my parents wants but god put me nicely in what i deserve. hence, e-commerce. tho at first idk a thing about e-commerce, but day by day, i realize it flows in me since i was small. god plans is always great. i might merungut all the time but i know everything happens for reasons and great thing will finally come. you just have to wait and have faith in allah.
And i am really sorry bcs it took me a month to do this update. but believe me, i was actually very sad, when a friend of mine, suddenly was not my friend anymore, those great time i used to have are now tinggal memories, it saddens me. really. every pictures have its own story. and i realize how people change, day by day, month by month, year by year. even myself. and i am happy for everyone, especially my friends. prayers are all goes to them. take care my lovely friends. still friend or not, still contact or have lost contact, thanks for making my life memorable. thanks bcs you used to be there. i wish you to have a better life. and those who are still w you, or w us, treasure them. bcs we dont know till when they will stick to us. till then. :)
P/s: no pictures on this post update bcs even theres no picture in this, its too long already. no. actually bcs i have problem in transferring pictures from my phone to pc. anyio.
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