#what if outside forces made them everything theyre terrified of becoming. and they held hands about it
officialspec · 1 year
im a big fan of your oc fern! can you tell us about em? (what pronouns are used?)
hehee :> ok so pronouns-wise, in the current bit of our campaign he uses he/him (hasnt had his egg cracked yet) but for most iterations i use he/she. hopefully he catches up soon
backstory-wise he was raised by his parents as their personal knight and used from a very young age to further their violent, tyrannical rule over a small kingdom. they tested his loyalty by forcing him to cut ties or kill anyone he was close to, so when he finally escaped and built a new, anonymous life for himself he had a hard time getting close to people, but kind of managed
he worked doing odd jobs for a while before settling into a library assistant position, and then on a delivery he got kidnapped by a vampire/necromancer couple who put him under a thrall for 3 years, during which he was experimented on with blood magic to transform on-command into a grotesque killing machine (agency is a huge theme here u may have noticed)
when he finally escaped the thrall he moved further away, changed his name and started working at a bookstore for a couple of years. he built a good relationship w the stores owner, and thats where he was when the party picked him up
hes a sad, soft-spoken person, and has a very hard time trusting people. hes a little neurotic and latches onto structure and routine, so chaos can be stressful and cause him to snap. when hes stressed or annoyed he gets bitchy which is my favourite thing to play, and he cares about the party soso much. hes been struggling with the belief that hes inherently evil or violent in some way he cant control, and has been developing a close bond with tempest because of their shared feelings in that realm
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