#what if usagi had met prince demande in her past life
His lips brushed her hand, drawing it out for as long as possible, longer than was considered decent. All the while he never took his eyes off her. It caused her stomach to flutter. She’d be lying if she said that a part of her wasn’t flattered by his attention.
”It’s a pleasure to meet you, princess.”
His velvet voice was very smooth and pleasant.
The smile he bestowed upon her then seemed kind enough, although she got the sense that there was something more to it. Something that she couldn't quite grasp, even though she tried. 
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magic713m · 3 years
Before The Sun Sets
It was a beautiful day for the celebration in the Moon Kingdom. A wonderful event was occurring, celebrating the birth of the next heir to the throne, Princess Serenity. Everyone from the system was invited, including the King, Queen, and Prince of Earth. Among the other guests were the princess’s guardians Sailor Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. It was an amazing event, filled with music, dancing, and a wonderful feast.
Finally began the presenting of the gifts. Queen Serenity sat on her throne, with her most loyal advisor Luna standing beside her. Luna, wearing a beautiful yellow dress for the occasion, was also the princess’s nanny. She stood near the cradle as the event took place. The representatives for the other planets presented their gifts for the sweet princess. Some material, others had gifts that were not physical, but more mystical to bestow on the fair maiden. When the royal family of Earth was called, Queen Gaia picked up her three-year-old son and walked beside her husband as they presented their gifts to the princess. The Earth prince, Endymion, looked at his betrothed and the second their eyes made contact, the infant princess smiled and laughed, causing little Endymion to giggle as well. Finally, it was the Inner Senshi’s turn to present their gifts. Each Sailor Senshi represented their planets and were currently only children, around the Earth age of five. They swore eternal loyalty and friendship to the princess.
However, a blast of thunder roared through the halls. A black wind swept through the room as it dimmed. As light began to return, the guests stared at a figure in the center space of the room. The figure was a woman with long black hair, tied in a pair of buns. Her skin was pale and she wore a long dress and wore crescent-shaped earrings on her pointed ears. She stared at Queen Serenity with her blue slit eyes and gave a wicked smile.
“I see so many faces, filled with such joy.”
“Queen Nehellenia, what are you doing here?” Sailor Jupiter demanded.
“I wished to see what could be such a joyous occasion. More importantly, what possible event could not possibly warrant the invitation of a queen.”
Princess Serenity’s cries began to fill the quiet room and Nehellenia looked towards the cradle.
“Ah, the birth of the heir of the Silver Millennium. You did not wish for me to know, dear Serenity.”
“Queen Nehellenia,” Queen Serenity said regally, “You were not invited because of my fear that you would wish ill on my subjects. If you come here with peaceful intentions, you may stay. But if your purpose is to inflict harm, I will ask you to leave. You are welcomed, but your darkness is not.”
Nehellenia gave a loud and wicked cackle, “Serenity, the darkness is as much a part of me as the light is for you. Yet I am resigned to the corner of the moon hidden from the light. You should know the light will always attract the darkness.”
As she spoke, the dark aura around her spread, and gusts of wind were unleashed. The people fell to their knees as the Senshi prepared to fight the wicked ruler.
The four Senshi unleashed their attacks on the evil queen, but they failed to make contact with the evil queen, as she casually walked past the attacks, unable to even touch her, and threw the Senshi aside, approaching Queen Serenity. Luna placed herself between the princess and the wicked queen. Queen Serenity summoned a wand with a crescent moon, holding the Silver Crystal.
“Begone uninvited guest,” she said as she unleashed a blast of light from the crystal. The evil queen fought back, trying to use the darkness to suppress the light. She then looked at the infant princess as she dissolved into the darkness. The darkness filled the room but Queen Serenity was shielded by the light of the Crystal as she began expelling it.
“Queen Serenity, I will take away the most precious thing you cherish. I still have not provided my gift for the blessed occasion. My gift for the princess is this prophecy. The princess shall die before she will rule your kingdom. A prick from the spindle of a spinning wheel shall end her life. This I swear. ”
As the last word filled the room, the darkness retreated from the palace.
As the darkness faded away, people started to gather themselves, now with a feeling of tension. The princess was crying, and the queen picked up her daughter, comforting her, as Luna began to stand, to catch her breath from the attack.
“Your highness,” the queen’s advisor, Luna said.
“There is still a chance to save the princess. I have not yet provided her gift. At this moment in such a celebration of joy, there is a chance we could save her.”
“Luna, even with such a gift, altering Nehellenia’s curse will come at a cost. Are you sure?”
“She is our kingdom’s hope. We will do what we must to ensure it.”
Queen Serenity watched as Luna walked to the cradle and Luna placed a hand on the baby’s forehead.
“Beloved Princess Serenity: should the worst come to pass, and your finger pricked by a spindle, my gift to you is hope. The terrible prophecy shall not bring death, but vast slumber. And through true love’s kiss, this curse shall break. This I promise.”
At her last words, a bright light filled the hall.  Luna was gone, replaced by a black cat, looking over the child.
However, even with Luna’s sacrifice to save the princess, it was clear the princess was not safe in her home on the Moon. After the celebration ended, the four guardians met to discuss how they could continue to protect their charge. While these girls may be children, they were trained on their home planet, preparing for any challenge they must face.
The four decided that it was best to take Princess Serenity away from her home and hide her away on another world until she came of age to inherit the kingdom and the Silver Crystal. They spoke with the Queen, who agreed and that night, the Senshi spirited her out of the castle, to the least likely place anyone would expect: Earth.
“Usagi, get up!” the blonde-haired girl heard her friend shout, breaking her from her peaceful slumber.
“Why do you have to be so mean, Rei,” Usagi asked, hiding under her blanket.
“Ami tried to wake you, and you didn’t listen. So, now it’s my turn. Now get up. Breakfast is ready.”
Usagi sat up and stretched, letting out a loud yawn. The sun was shining into her small room. She washed herself, applying an elixir to her hair, unknowing that it was hiding her silver locks. After she finished washing, she put on her dress. Today was her birthday and she knew her friends had something planned for her. She wondered what it was. They were more guarded around her whenever the subject was brought up. But she had other things on mind.
Makoto was preparing breakfast for the family. It had been sixteen years since the curse was placed on Serenity and the Senshi quietly spirited the dear princess from the Moon. They knew that Earth would be the last place the Queen of the Dark Moon and her ilk would expect to look when the princess had vanished.
Keeping their promise, the Senshi swore off their magic when raising Serenity. The last bit of magic they used was to create a cottage for them and the princess, along with furnishings.
They began calling the princess Usagi, and she grew up in a very happy home. They taught her about the planets and their kingdom and kept her educated on life in the kingdoms, though they had yet to tell her of her royalty. While they were protective of her, they gave her some space and freedom. Every morning, she’d go out to collect fruits and plants for their meals, as long as she promised to come back before dark. And occasionally, on days they needed materials, they would go into town and sometimes take Usagi with them.
They did, however, begin to notice that when Usagi went out to collect, she seemed to return a little later than she had in the past.
“Hm, that smells good,” Usagi said, coming downstairs, sitting in her seat as Makoto poured her some soup.
“So, do you have any plans,” Usagi asked.
“For what,” Rei answered, nonchalantly.
“Well, it is a special day,” Usagi said, waiting for someone to say something, “You know, like a special day for a certain girl…”
“Oh, right,” Ami said, looking up from her book, “It’s your birthday.”
“Happy birthday,” Makoto said, kissing her on the head.
“Wow, sixteen years, I can’t believe it. We should celebrate,” Minako said.
“Yeah, I’ll make you a special meal. We’ll celebrate when you get back,” Makoto said, handing Usagi the berry basket.
Usagi grabbed the basket. After she was gone, the four girls gathered.
“Is it just me or did she seem a little…eager to leave,” Rei asked.
“Maybe she wants to get back to catch us before her present is ready,” Minako said.
“Well, if she wants to spoil her party, then that is her fault, but right now we need to prepare,” Makoto said, gathering up supplies from the kitchen, “I’m going to make the best cake that the Usagi has ever had in her sixteen years.”
“I’ll set up the decorations,” Ami volunteered.
“I’ll make the dress,” Rei said, pulling out the fabrics and sewing supplies.
“And I’ll get the Sailor Wands,” Minako said, heading for the stairs.
Everyone immediately stopped and looked at her.
“What?” she asked, “It’s been sixteen years. We are just doing some quick chores for this one day.”
“Minako,” Ami said, “We can’t. We promised.”
“We can’t take that chance,” Makoto said.
“Minako stop this nonsense and come over here,” Rei said, “I need someone to be the dummy, and you and Usagi share a similar build.”
Disappointed, Minako walked back and stood near the sewing station.
“Since when can you sew,” Minako said, getting into position, as Rei began measuring.
“How hard can it really be?” Rei answered.
Usagi strolled through the forest, humming. She grabbed a few berries and plants to bring back to the cottage. But she was searching for something else.
Suddenly, two hands covered her eyes.
“Got you, my lady,” the supposed assailant said. Once Usagi heard his voice she immediately relaxed. He let go, allowing her to turn around to a man dressed in servant’s attire for the royal family.
“Hello, Mamo-chan,” Usagi said sweetly.
“Usako,” he answered, using his special name for her, before giving her a sweet kiss.
Usagi had met the man, Mamoru, in the market several months ago. He was dressed in his filthy work attire, with his face dotted with dirt and grime, after having tripped in the street.
When their eyes had met, Usagi had known that she just had to talk to him. She was able to slip away from her guardians and the two had spent the day around the square. But as the day had ended, Usagi had known that her friends would be worried, so she had told the man that they could meet the following day, somewhere in the woods, near the creek. She had worried about how her friends might react if they saw someone knocking on their door, and she had been taught to be wary of telling someone where she lived, so she had figured that somewhere close to home would do.
They had begun meeting each other every few days. She had learned so much of him, and about life in the royal court of Earth. Their relationship had started off innocently, just simply talk or play. Learning about themselves, and their dreams. But it soon began to change into something more. A few weeks ago, they shared a first kiss, and their friendship changed forever.
She told him about her morning.
“Happy birthday, then,” he said.
“Thanks, it is a special one. My friends are planning something. I just know it.”
“I wish I could be there.”
“As do I. I know they would love you if they had the chance to get to know you. I wish they weren’t so overprotective.”
“It’s alright. I enjoy our time here.”
They strolled through the forest and talked about their day. Apparently, the Earth court was busy lately. The royal family was planning for a huge trip to the Moon. Soon, the teleporter to the Moon would be set and the family would be on their way.
Finally, the two reached an overlook on top of a hill and enjoyed the scenery of the kingdom.
It was too soon, as Usagi had to return home before her friends worried. She reached her meeting spot, where she’d part with her beloved. But Usagi didn’t want it to end yet.
“Mamo-chan,” Usagi said, stopping him in his tracks as he was heading in the other direction, “I would really love it if you could visit me tonight. At the cottage.”
“Yes. I’m tired of hiding you. I want you to meet them tonight.”
“I’ll come with you right now, if you want.”
“No. It’s better to wait until tonight. If they see you with me, they’ll panic and I do not want to know what they might do. I’ll tell them about us when I get home. It will give them some time to cool.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I love you and I want you in my life.”
“I love you too, Usako. I can’t wait,” he said, smiling.
“Remember, tonight. Right after sunset.”
“I look forward to it.”
They shared one more kiss, before heading in their respective directions.
Makoto was finishing her four layer cake, and Ami was trying to hang the last of the decorations. As Rei tried sewing in the final stitches, Minako continued looking in the mirror with disgust. The fabric colors were clashing, the seams were hanging loose, barely holding the dress together, and Minako knew the dress was only one wrong step from falling apart.
“Perfect,” Makoto said, finishing icing the pastry, “Just need to add some candles.”
“Wow, Ami, the decorations…” Makoto began, finally noticing Ami’s work. Honestly, Makoto thought, while the decorations were nice, Ami covered most of the ceiling and the wall with them. And some of them were hanging, obtrusively, at neck level.
“Well, if Usagi didn’t know it was her birthday, she will certainly know when she walks through the door,” Makoto finished.
“And finished,” Rei announced, sewing in the last stitch. Ami and Makoto turned to see the dress Minako was begrudgingly modeling.
“Wow,” Ami said, “It’s certainly not the way it looked in the book.”
“I can honestly say you’ve added your own style to it,” Makoto said, trying to stifle a laugh.
“Really? Thanks,” Rei said, looking at the dress, “Hm, I think perhaps it might need a few more ruffles. What do you think, Minako?”
“What do I think,” Minako echoed, bitterly, “Well I-”
Minako turned and tripped on the long skirt, ripping the dress, as the seams began to unravel. She quickly grabbed one of the hanging paper-chain-ring decorations and it ripped off the ceiling, taking down the long line of rings, with one of the chains getting tangled around the cake As the girls went to help Minako up, Rei tripped over the fallen decoration and the cake was dragged off the table, onto the ground.
As Minako began to get up, she slipped on some icing and got covered in some cake. Everyone was silent, seeing all their hard work undone.
“That’s IT!” Minako shouted.
“Now, please be reasonable,” Ami said, trying to calm her fellow Senshi.
“Reasonable? I’m covered in cake and in a dress that was a mess before it trashed the house. And Usagi will be home within the hour.”
She stood up, and marched upstairs, with the dress pieces just falling off her in her path.
“Desperate times, desperate measures. I’m getting the wands!”
Rei picked up some of the pieces of cloth from the ruined dress, “Hate to say it, but I think she’s right.”
“Here we go,” Minako said, happily, showing their wands, which glowed.
“Careful,” Rei immediately said, “If we’re doing this, we have to do this right.”
Ami nodded, “We can’t let anyone know of this.”
“Alright,” Minako agreed, “Doors, windows, cracks, nothing gets a peek inside this house.”
The girls darkened the cottage, cutting off any natural light from getting in. But soon as the girls grabbed their wands, the place began to light up as the wands began brightening the room.
“Okay, so since we are pressed on time, we all do the same tasks as before,” Rei said, “I’ll make the dress, Ami will decorate the cottage, and Makoto makes the cake.”
“Hey, this was my idea,” Minako pointed out.
“Which is why you have the task of making this place spotless before Usagi gets home.”
“Fine,” Minako said, begrudgingly.
The girls went to their individual tasks:
Minako animated the cleaning utensils such as the broom and dust pan and other supplies, and began cleaning up the mess. She had the floor mopped and she was able to dry it quickly before anyone could slip on it.
Ami commanded the decorations to rise up and place themselves on the walls and ceiling, though this time higher, no longer a hazard to anyone passing by it. They looked more organized and less cluttered.
Rei waved her wand and the unused cloth pulled out. With cloth and scissors, and sewing material in motion, a beautiful dress was formed, not a stitch out of place. Something that was more suitable for a princess to wear.
Makoto was now in the kitchen, commanding the ingredients to go into motion to form her cake. While she preferred the satisfaction of cooking the mortal way, there was no getting around the speed needed that only magic could provide. The cake took shape and she waved her wand to cook the dough, ready within minutes, and she put the candles and icing in place.
The girls were finishing their tasks when they heard the gate outside open.
“Usagi’s back!” Makoto said, hearing Usagi humming. The girls quickly cleaned up their work spaces, and hid just as soon as Usagi opened the door.
“I’m home-” Usagi gasped, seeing the place decorated along with a lovely dress and a delicious cake.
“Surprise!” the girls shouted in joy.
“Oh this is so lovely,” Usagi said, looking at the room, “I can’t believe you all did this for me.”
“It’s a special day,” Minako answered, “and we have another surprise for you too.”
“Actually,” Usagi began, “I actually have a surprise for you, as well.”
Usagi cleared her throat.
“Well, um, for the past few months now, I have been meeting with someone, and invited him-”
“Wait, you met some stranger and he’s coming here?!” Rei interrupted. The girls bombarded her with questions.
“Who is he!?”
“What did he say to you?”
“Please, he is not dangerous,” Usagi answered, “We have been meeting for a while now.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Because you have always been so overprotective. I wanted to meet him without having to worry he would be scared off by my sisters.”
Usagi continued, “Anyways, we have kinda been...courting.”
“He was a perfect gentleman,” she continued, “I invited him over to meet you all tonight. He is a wonderful man and he is kind and-”
“Oh no, she’s in love,” Makoto interrupted.
Usagi said nothing but blushed in response.
“Usagi, I’m sorry to say this, but that is not going to work out. You’re going to have to stop seeing him,” Ami sympathized.
“What, why?! Why can’t I be in love? You haven’t even met him, so I don’t see why you are suddenly forbiddening me to see him.”
“Because you are already betrothed,” Minako blurted out.
“What?” Usagi was stunned. Rei glared at Minako, but looked back to Usagi.
“You are betrothed to the heir apparent of the Golden Kingdom of Earth. Prince Endymion.”
“That’s not possible. I can’t be betrothed. I’m just a peasant.”
“No, you are not. You are royalty. You are Princess Serenity, the long lost daughter of the Silver Millennium.”
Usagi’s eyes widened. She had no idea how she could possibly believe such news.
“That’s not possible,” she said, trying to form a coherent thought.
“It’s true,” Ami said, “We’ve been keeping you safe all these years, and tonight you will be revealed to the court, safe and sound.”
“And I have to marry a stranger? You can’t do this. I never asked for much, but this I know I want. Please don’t take him from me.”
“I’m sorry Serenity-”
“Don’t call me that! It’s not fair. I can’t-”
The princess began to breathe heavily and she fell to the ground. The girls ran to help her, but she screamed. She grabbed her head and suddenly the crescent moon symbol appeared on her forehead. As she screamed, a bright light shot up from the spot where she collapsed, into the sky. It lasted for a few seconds, but soon the light faded, and she was there, still displaying the crescent moon mark, and her hair turned silver.
“Your coming into your powers,” Ami said, “You are becoming the true princess of the Moon”
“We have to pack, right now,” Minako said, “I’m sorry we can’t ease you into this, but anyone might have seen that light. We have to move, get her to the Moon before sundown.”
Usagi looked up, her face still covered in tears, “But I promised Mamoru I’d be here. He’s expecting me to be here.”
“I’m sorry princess, but we have to go. I know this is harsh, but it is best you put him out of your mind,” Rei concluded
As they all hurried to pack, they failed to see a winged fiery eyeball watching them, hearing everything they say, before flying back to its wicked queen.
Before the final day was over, the Senshi returned to the Moon, with their princess. They did not inform anyone of their arrival, just in case Nehellenia had spies planted in court. They didn’t even tell Queen Serenity, so that she would act normally, until the prophecy was defeated by sundown.
They finally made it to Princess Serenity’s intended room. The bed was all made up for her, and the place was decorated in the moon culture fashion. They helped her prepare for the ceremony and got her dressed into the gown Rei had made for her birthday.
“Princess,” Sailor Jupiter said, looking at the dresser mirror, “You look so beautiful.”
Serenity held back her tears, trying not to ruin the work her friends had done with her make up.
“I promise, princess, you will be happy,” Sailor Venus said, and quietly talked to the others in a whispered voice, “I just heard. The prince is running late. He did not arrive with the rest of Earth’s royal family.”
“Do we know when he will arrive?” Sailor Mercury asked.
“No. Hopefully soon.”
“Please,” Serenity began, “Can I please just...”
“C’mon,” Sailor Mars said, herding the others out, “She needs a few minutes.”
“We will be right outside, if you need us” said Sailor Jupiter, closing the door behind them, leaving the princess with her thoughts.
Serenity could not hold back her tears.
“Mamo-chan,” she whispered to herself.
Serenity turned around and saw a passageway she did not notice before. She got up and heard an echo through it. She got closer and closer to the passage, but felt a force, resisting her attempt to walk through.
“Mamo-chan?!” she shouted down the corridor.
“Usako”, Mamoru’s voice shouted back from a distance.
With more force, Serenity pushed through, into the passage. Unbeknownst to the princess, her Senshi arrived just in time to see her push her way through a big mirror.
Serenity climbed the stairs. The corridors made no sense, and she was surely going to be lost for days, but she continued to follow her love’s voice, calling to her. She finally reached a tower, and as she opened the door, she lost her breath. Standing in the room was Mamoru, still in the same outfit as he was wearing earlier that day.
“Mamo-chan,” Serenity said, about to cry. “What?”
“I saw you leaving and I had to find you. I am so glad you’re here.”
“Is this...” Serenity started, “Is this real?”
Mamoru extended his hand, offering it “Let me prove it.”
She hesitated, but she looked into his beautiful eyes, and unconsciously reached out for him, accepting his hand. But instead of the comforting warmth she was expecting, she felt a pinch on her forefinger. She looked at her hand and saw in front of her a spinning wheel, with a sharpened spindle, which she scratched her finger on. She looked back up and in place of her love stood a tall scary woman. Before the princess could say anything, she felt her eyelids getting heavy and she started to get dizzy, and soon everything went black.
“I feel so bad for her,” Venus said, “She meets the love of her life, and we just took it from her.”
“Our duty is to the princess. She might not like all our decisions, but we are doing this for her,” Mars responded.
“And this is better for both kingdoms,” Jupiter added, “After years, we are so close to peace.”
“It still sucks.”
“Wait, do you feel that,” Mercury interrupted them. The girls stopped and felt a dark chill down their spines. They felt it coming from Serenity’s room.
They swiftly opened the door, and saw Serenity entering a mirror that was not there before.
“USAGI!” they cried.
They ran for her, but before they could grab her, she passed through the glass and the mirror was dark, sending no reflection.
“Out of the way, Mars Flame Sniper!”
“Jupiter Oak Evolution!”
Lightning and fire struck the mirror but it remained undamaged.
“It’s no use!”
Venus stepped forward, “Come on. Let’s combine our powers.”
Using their abilities, they directed it at the mirror and opened a way for them to slip in through.
“Usagi!” They shouted, their voices echoing through the various corridors. They heard nothing back. They split up and went through various corridors, but they continued running into dead ends or being drawn back to the same passages. The place was a big complicated maze, and they soon found themselves right back at the entrance.
“Nehellenia’s making us run in circles,” Jupiter said.
“Wait, the princess’s powers were unlocked. We should focus on that and follow it,” Mercury said.
“Worth a shot,” said Mars.
They closed their eyes and focused. They felt an intense cold in the world they were in. But soon, they felt a warm pull. They opened their eyes and followed the warm light in the distance.
They finally saw their princess in the distance, entering a doorway and the door closed behind her. They rushed forward, but it felt like the door was getting further away. But soon they reached it and pulled it open with such force.
“Usagi,” they shouted as they saw the poor girl collapsed on the ground, in front of a spinning wheel. Eyes shut, not moving. She looked uninjured, except a cut on her finger, her blood on the spindle.
The Earth prince, Endymion, rode through the forest, following the path his love, Usagi, had given him, before she left. He decided that tonight, he would tell her everything. That he was a prince and heir of the planet, and he loved her dearly. And if Usagi could look past his deception, he was going to ask her to marry him. He did not care that he was betrothed to some stranger from another kingdom. He wanted to see his love everyday, in public, no longer as a secret in the forest.
When he had first met her, it had been a day filled with stress caused by his royal obligations. He had needed to get away, so he had disguised himself as a servant, as he had done on more than one occasion, and went into town, exploring the marketplace. It had been there where he met his angel.
He had not wanted her to treat him differently, so he had continued the ruse as a servant, and had continued their meetings in the woods. It had been a wonderful few months, being with her, getting to know her, as a wonderful person, with a beauty to match her soul. He needed her in his life.
He finally reached the cottage, where Usagi had said it would be, and got off his horse. He took a deep breath and knocked, but the door slowly opened, left ajar, revealing to a dark living room, illuminated by only the moonlight.
“Come in,” he heard a voice say. It wasn’t Usagi’s voice, but maybe it was one of her friends….maybe one with a sore throat.
He walked in, and as he moved further into the room, the door slammed closed and he found himself overwhelmed by what looked like small balls of darkness. He fought them off but he felt them draining him of his energy, collapsing to the ground. He tried to access the power of the royal Golden Crystal, but he lost too much energy to be able to use it. He looked up from the ground, too weak to grip his sword, and saw an old grey woman-like creature. She had blue robes and had a staff that had a flaming eyeball at the top.
“This is quite a development. A princess of one kingdom cursed, and a prince of another kingdom a prisoner of the Dead Moon.”
Mamoru remembered hearing stories of the Dead Moon. The very name stirred up dormant and vague memories of a terrifying experience he had as a child, when he visited the Moon Kingdom.
“My queen will love such a prize,” he heard the woman say as his vision went dark.
The Senshi were devastated, their friend in a death-like slumber. By the time they found her, they were out of Nehellenia’s mirror dimension and they were in the tower of the castle. They arrived, in horror, to find Serenity lying on the ground, eyes closed, with a small scratch on her finger. Nehellenia stood before them, cackling as she vanished back into her mirror, as it disappeared. The Senshi knew the curse was fulfilled. They couldn’t leave their princess lying in the tower, so they carried her back to her room. The stairway back down was more direct, now that they were no longer travelling through Nehellenia’s mirror realm. It wasn’t until they were near her room, where they saw the full impact of the curse.
They soon discovered guards and castle staff having collapsed, in a similar deep slumber. They realized the curse was feeding off of Serenity’s power, strengthening itself to spread far and wide, putting the whole kingdom into a deep sleep with their princess. It was by good fortune that, being Senshi, they were able to resist the curse. They knew to end the curse, they needed Serenity’s love, Mamoru. If he loved her as much as she had claimed to love him, he could end the nightmare.
After placing their princess into bed, they took the teleporter back to Earth. They found that Earth was suffering from the curse as well; nobles passed out in the streets, knights fallen off their horses unconscious, peasants slumbering in the fields. The Senshi rushed back to the cottage, in hopes that Serenity’s true love would be there, as she said, and hoped he did not fall victim as well.
They arrived at the cottage and saw the door left open. They cautiously walked in and saw the place was a mess, showing clear signs of a struggle.
“What happened?” Mars said, looking around with worry.
“Hold on,” Mercury said, pulling out her computer and activating her goggles, and began scanning the room. She looked around and was directed to a small dark corner of the blackened room. “Over there,” she pointed.
Jupiter and Venus walked slowly and cautiously to the corner. Suddenly, something jumped out: a small dark black circular creature. It shot past the two Senshi and bounced around before escaping the cottage.
“Was that...” Jupiter began.
“It was a Lemure. One of Nehellenia’s,” Venus finished her sentence, “The Dead Moon Circus. They were here.”
“It looks like there was a fight,” Mars said, “Mamoru must have been attacked by them.”
“But I don’t see a body. So they either killed him, or he escaped.”
“That was just one Lemure. They travel in packs. If they caught him off guard, they could have overwhelmed him.”
“Which begs the question, why not kill him?”
“I don’t know. But if he’s not here, there’s only one place he could be.”
“Nehellenia’s castle.”
“We have no choice. We have to save him.”
Getting to the evil queen’s castle was quite the feat, but together, the four combined their power to teleport into the castle. A trying task, which they wouldn’t be able to do again within the castle walls. The Senshi quietly snuck around the castle, finding a lack of security, only needing to avoid a couple guards.
They soon found themselves overlooking the throne room and found out why the security was so lax. There was a dark, twisted feast occurring in the large room. A celebration of sorts with vile monsters partying.
The Senshi looked disgusted by the event, but Jupiter looked on, “Over there.” She pointed and saw Zirconia, Nehellenia’s most loyal servant observing events. But the hag began to walk away from the room, and the Senshi quietly tailed her. They followed her to the castle dungeons, and they heard screaming, as Zirconia opened one of the cell doors.
“You choose when you want this pain to end, dear prince,” the Senshi heard inside, from a familiar voice.
“Mistress,” they heard Zirconia, “Your desires are almost achieved. The princess is gone, both great kingdoms are cursed, and the crystal is almost within your grasp. If you don’t mind my saying, you’ve had a long, productive day. Perhaps some rest can do some good.”
“Yes, perhaps I am pushing myself. Thank you.”
The Senshi took cover as they heard footsteps leaving the cell. They looked behind and watched, as Nehellenia and Zirconia left the small cell. Zirconia tapped her staff on the ground and the cell door closed behind her. She turned her head towards the Senshi and they ducked behind the corner, unsure if they were seen. They waited for a few moments before looking to see the hag leave the dungeon, behind her mistress.
They quickly moved to the cell, and Jupiter kicked the door open, with full force, breaking it off the locks.
There, they found someone they had not expected
“Prince Endymion,” Venus said. The prince raised his head, staring wide-eyed at his visitors.
“You-you’re the Sailor Senshi,” he answered, questioningly, not quite sure if they were real.
“What are you doing here?” Mars asked, as she, Mercury and Venus approached him and Jupiter stood watch. He was wearing his armor, but they could see burned marks and other injuries on the prince.
“They want the Golden Crystal.” he answered.
“How’d they catch you? Shouldn’t you have been protected?”
“They caught me off guard. One minute, I was going to meet someone at their residence in a woodland cottage, the next thing I know, I am being attacked and found myself in a dungeon.”
“Who were you supposed to meet?”
Endymion suddenly stopped talking, and looked away from them.
“Wait a minute,” Venus said, “Who was it exactly you were planning to see?”
He did not answer, still avoiding her gaze.
“Usagi?” Venus said. He slightly flinched, and she had her answer.
“You,” Venus said, “It is you? You’re Usagi’s Mamoru?”
“How do you know her?” he asked, as the last of his restraints were broken.
The Senshi’s eyes lit up to this revelation.
“We need to hurry, but there is something you must know, prince” Mars said, “We need to tell you the truth about your maiden.”
Endymion could not believe it. The very news just sent shocks throughout his body. Usagi, the peasant girl he had met so many times in the woods, was the lost Princess Serenity, his betrothed. And was trapped in a horrible curse.
“You love Usagi, right?” Venus asked.
“Yes,” he said, quickly, without hesitation.
“Then there is hope. True love can break the curse. You can save her.”
“We need to go,” Jupiter said to the group.
Endymion closed his eyes, and used the power of the Golden Crystal to summon his damaged armor to repair and called on his sword to appear in his hand. The group of five made their way out of the cell, and proceeded out of the dungeon, when they heard a commotion. Noises of monsters getting closer to them, forcing them to run faster down to the corridor.
They travelled down the passage ways, until they made it to the courtyard. However, the yard was now filled with monsters, with Zirconia standing at the forefront.
“Senshi,” Zirconia said, “I have to say, it is a surprise to see you up and about. But I am afraid this is as far as you go. Our guest still needs to surrender the crystal.”
The five fighters stood back to back, surrounded by the forces of the Dead Moon.
“Kill them,” Zirconia commanded.
The creatures rushed forward, attacking. The fight expanded around the courtyard. At first, the group stayed together, but soon were forced to split off and fight the monsters with their powers. Mars used her fire attacks as she thinned the number of her attackers. Mercury used her water, sweeping away her foes, freezing them, and even misting the air to blind them. Jupiter used her lightning, taking out many foes caught in the lightning chains. Venus blasted her foes with raining light beams from the sky. And Endymion used a combination, blasting his enemies with his powers and swiping his sword at those who got too close.
The battle went well, until Endymion was blasted from a dark power, coming from the sky. He fell, and soon Zirconia was right in front of him, with Zircon on her staff.
Zircon flew from the staff, floating over the group, as Zircon levitated. A cone of shadow was released from the eye, and the group collapsed from it, as if being weighed down. As they were pinned, Zirconia unleashed powerful blasts, each hitting one of the Senshi.
Zircon returned to the staff as Zirconia laughed.
But Endymion defiantly stood up, and he felt the energy of the Golden Crystal flow through him. He pointed his palm at the hag and a shot of golden energy was released at her. She screeched as she tried to endure the attack. The Senshi stood, regaining their composure. They focused on pooling their power together. Endymion could hold his attack no longer and he had to stop, with Zirconia exhausted but still alive.
However, she looked at the Senshi. Eyes widened, knowing her fate.
“Sailor Planet Attack!”
Together, the Senshi used their power, striking Zirconia, and she and Zircon dissolved into ashes.
With their foe destroyed, the group made their way out of the castle walls.
They made their way to the Golden Kingdom’s castle. All they had to do was get Endymion to the teleporter, to the Moon Kingdom, and he could free Serenity from the curse.
However, as they got closer, suddenly the road was bombarded by strikes of dark lightning.
They turned around and saw a figure from a distance, standing at the tower of the dark castle: Nehellenia.
She extended her hand again and from the tips of her fingers unleashed a chain of black lightning. The group scattered, dodging the attack.
Knowing how close they were to the castle, they made a run to the fortress. Lightning from the sky continued to crash down as they swayed back and forth from it.
With the castle in sight, the Senshi led Endymion, but they tripped. Looking down, the warriors found they had stepped in a field of webs. They looked ahead and saw the whole castle and the surrounding area encased in webbing.
The Senshi struggled to no avail. However, Endymion was fortunate to avoid the trap. He took out his sword, and channeling the power of the Golden Crystal, swiped the webbing, freeing the Senshi. They moved forward as he continued swiping at the threads. He was close, reaching the gates, but suddenly, in front of the gates stood a mirror, with no reflection but a dark void.
“You will not stop me, dear prince,” a voice said.
He saw before them Queen Nehellenia in the mirror as the object began to levitate. It ascended higher, and soon the queen’s silhouette formed around the mirror. As it reached high, it had vanished within the chest of the gigantic queen.
The Senshi and Endymion prepared for the last push to save their princess.
Meanwhile, in the Moon Kingdom, the princess remained in slumber. Yet somehow, she felt something troubling her soul. That her loved ones were in grave danger. Not knowing how, she knew she needed to help and reached out to them. Her body began to glow and a bright beam of light was released from her body, heading to Earth.
Endymion and the Senshi were now on the ground, Injured, failing to defeat the giant as she continued bombarding the field with lightning. She raised her hand, as it glowed with dark power.
Suddenly, a bright light from the moon created a shield around the group, and Nehellenia’s power failed to penetrate it.
“Usako,” Endymion said, knowing, somehow, that it was her power that saved them. He felt renewed strength as he stood, along with the Senshi.
“Let’s end this,” Venus said. The Senshi charged at the queen and used their powers, causing her to flinch and push backward.
Endymion picked up his sword, and saw it begin to glow with Serenity’s power. He focused his own power within it and it shined brightly. He charged at Nehellenia and threw the blade, embedding the blade into her chest.
She screamed, as an echoing, cracking, sound was heard. The Senshi stopped their attack, as the queen looked at the sword, not embedded in her chest, but in the mirror now floating outside her form, as more fractures began appearing. The whole mirror shattered into dust, and the queen screeched, as she, too, dissolved into the darkness. With all traces of her gone, the only thing left behind was the glowing sword, as it lost its shine.
Endymion exhaled, finally taking a rest, but suddenly, Mars and Jupiter helped him to his legs.
“Don’t rest now, prince,” Mars said, smiling, “You only have a little further to go. Someone needs to wake up our lazy princess.”
They let Endymion go, as he was able to balance himself on his feet, and led them to the planetary teleporter. Soon he was on the Moon, and the Senshi led him to the princess’s room.
And there he saw her, now in her princess gown, but his Usako, no doubt. He approached her bed and she looked so peaceful. He cupped her cheek and leaned in, placing his lips softly on her’s. He drew his head back and looked at her as she slowly opened her eyes.
Serenity’s eyes took a moment to adjust. Her vision was blurry, but soon her vision cleared and she was staring into those midnight blue eyes, of the man she loved.
“Mamo-chan,” she whispered.
He cupped her cheek, lovingly, “Usako.”
The two kissed deeply, and just as they separated, the Senshi burst into the room.
“Usagi,” they shouted. Endymion backed away as the four jumped onto the big bed, where each of the Senshi got a chance to give Serenity a big hug, as they all laughed, playfully.
Moments after Serenity awoke, the curse that had spread across both kingdoms had lifted and everyone slowly woke from their slumber. The Senshi were very quick to inform the royal parents of the events and the celebration was put back on track within hours.
Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion entered the grand room, arms linked, and the moment they were standing before the royals, Queen Serenity quickly got up from her throne and embraced her daughter, not having held her since she gave her to her guardians sixteen years ago.
The prince and princess were wedded, and they began the celebration by sharing their first dance.
“It’s funny,” the prince whispered.
“What is,” she asked her now husband.
“Yesterday, I was prepared to give up everything, to marry some beautiful peasant girl I met in the market.”
“What a coincidence. When I heard I was betrothed to a prince, I did not know how I could ever be happy with him, after courting a handsome stranger.”
They looked at each other, and smiled, sharing another kiss.
And They Lived Happily Ever After
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obscurelysevere · 5 years
5: Introductions
Nerves that were uncharacteristic of her were flitting around in her stomach, as Usagi tugged at her and Mamoru's arms, pulling them toward Crown parlor. "Ooh, I can't wait to introduce you to my friends! Another senshi! This is so exciting!" the tiny blonde bubbled, as the sliding doors parted for the trio. "How many others are there?" Kat asked, betraying her own nerves. "Well, there's..." Usagi stopped to think, counting silently on her fingers. "Ten of us? If you include Chibimoon and myself." "Ten?!" She was not expecting that many. "Oh! But don't worry, not everybody is here all the time. Haruka and Michiru and Setsuna and Hotaru kind of like to... keep to themselves. And Chibimoon is in the future with Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion," she continued to babble on. "Endymion? Neo Queen...?" Kat stopped walking, and looked up at her brother, who went by the same name in a previous life, with her, and Princess Serenity. Usagi stopped walking and looked back at the siblings. "Eh... uhm... yeah. So... Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion are me and Mamo-chan in the future. And Chibiusa is their... our daughter." Usagi poked her two pointer fingers together a couple of times, sounding slightly embarrassed.
It was Kat's turn for her mouth to fall open slightly, at a complete loss for words. So Usagi continued. "Chibiusa - Chibimoon - comes and visits us here, in the past, sometimes. She also comes to see Hotaru - they're best friends, you see." Kat closed her eyes for a moment. She just spent the past few months trying to wrap her head around her past. But there was a future world she had to think about too? She couldn't help but smile, though. The idea that the prince and princess still existed in another time made her happy. "Well, I can't wait to meet her sometime." "I guess that would make her your niece!" Usagi exclaimed, excitedly, now that she knew she didn't freak Kat out. "So, then, if she's from the future... Does she already know about me?" The question tumbled from Kat's lips before she could swallow it. It didn't want to impose on their lives in any way, and that question almost felt too close to the line. Usagi and Mamoru exchanged an unsure glance. "Eh... She hasn't said anything about you, before," Usagi started, carefully. "Yeah, but, I only became aware of your existence after you did. So maybe, your... awakening will start to spark something in all of our memories?" Mamoru was quick to offer. "Yeah, yeah!" Usagi agreed just as quickly. She grabbed Kat's and Mamoru's hands, pulling them along again, as she walked backwards towards a booth full of four other girls and two... cats? "Usagi-chan!" A blonde with a red bow stood up, beaming. All the girls looked up at the sound of Usagi's announcement. They looked like they were going to greet her, but their voices stuck in their throats at the sight of the newcomer. The girl with the blue bob spoke up first. "Who's your new friend, Usagi?" Kat suddenly felt very under the microscope. All she had planned on doing was meeting her brother today. But she'd already met him, his fiancé - the moon princess - heard of their daughter, and she was meeting other senshi, that she had only had a very faint knowledge of just until an hour ago. Her face felt hot - was she blushing? "This is Roun Katrina! She's... well..." Usagi stopped again, looking up at Kat and Mamoru, as if asking them to finish explaining for her. Mamoru cleared his throat and put his free hand on Kat's shoulder. "This is my sister, from the Silver Millennium." "Whaaat!?" All four girls - and the cats - cried at once, in disbelief. "Your sister!?" the raven-haired girl repeated, the words almost sounding funny on her tongue. "Mamoru, honestly, how long have you been keeping this a secret from us?" she demanded. "He didn't know," Kat was quick to jump in. "I just... found him today. I only got my memories back a few months ago." "Right around the time Galaxia... killed me." Mamoru added. "Wait, what!?" Kat's head snapped up. "You died again?" Mamoru quickly put up his hands in defense. "Yeah... When you showed me your memories, I saw more than just our past, I saw your life up until... well, today, really." "Kat is a sailor senshi, just like us!" Usagi added, with much excitement. The girls began throwing a barrage of questions at Mamoru and Katrina. "Here, here, let me just show you," Kat offered. She glanced around, there weren't many people in the Crown parlor, so she felt fairly safe letting the other girls see her past. She wasn't aware that her past also included her transforming for the first time in the present and fighting the phages, which she assumed came from this Galaxia that her brother had mentioned. The girls each put a hand in the middle of the table, fingertips touching, and Kat hovered her hand over theirs. Her signature rosy-golden glow illuminated her fingertips and warmth flooded over the other girls' hands. They were all silent as the memories merged in their minds. Kat also sensed the two cats presences in the peripheral of her mind. They all opened their eyes as Kat pulled her hand back. They blinked slowly, and looked at her with new eyes. Not recognition, but acceptance. The warmth that squeezed at Kat's heart was new and unfamiliar. She'd never had so many people around her before. "Sailor Earth," the brunette said, wonder in her voice. They each began to introduce themselves - Minako, Sailor Venus, Makoto, Sailor Jupiter, Rei, Sailor Mars, Ami, Sailor Mercury, and even the two cats - Artemis and Luna. They all moved to make way for her to sit amongst them. Mamoru excused himself, kissing Usagi atop her head, saying something about really needing to study, and he was so, so sorry, but he promised Usagi and Kat that they could all get together for dinner that night. Kat wasn't in the least bit nervous about her brother leaving her behind with these girls she'd only just met. It felt like she'd always known them, Usagi especially. Conversation quickly bubbled up, about school and studies, and eating and sleeping and gaming (courtesy of Usagi, herself). It was clear the girls had a deep bond, one that went far beyond them just being sailor senshi. The girls asked where Kat lived, where she went to school, what she did for a living, etc. Kat tucked some hair behind her ear, looking down at the strawberry parfait sitting in front of her (one that Usagi had insisted that she try). "Well... I live in Hakone right now... but I've been looking at moving here and studying at Keio University. I want to continue studying biology, with an emphasis at animal husbandry and conservation. I'm currently a vet tech at one of the best vets in Hakone, but I want to be able to do much more." "So like, zoology?" Ami asked, smiling gently at her. "Yeah, exactly like zoology, actually. I would love to work at the Tokyo zoo, eventually. But that seems like such a long ways down the road. Especially after discovering who I really am. But it's gotten so quiet since you beat Galaxia, that I feel like I might be able to dedicate more of myself to my studies." Ami nodded sagely. "Being a sailor guardian can be a lot of work, itself. But I've been able to maintain my studies and honor roll, so it's not impossible." Usagi and Minako groaned and rolled their eyes a little bit. Kat laughed. "I take it you two aren't too fond of school?" Rei smorted. "Usagi avoids studying like the plague. And her grades show how vested she is in her 'studies'." "Why should I try to memorize something I'm going to forget immediately? And it's something that's not so important anyway, not like being Sailor Moon is!" Usagi's voice grew louder with determination. "Shhh!" The girls were quick to shush her, and she hung her head slightly. Kat laughed. "You're such good friends." "What about your friends, Kat-chan?" Usagi asked, innocently. Kat wasn't used to the affectionate nickname. It made her feel warm and welcomed. "Well... I don't really have friends outside of my coworkers back home, really," she admitted, quietly. "Don't worry, we'll be your friends, from now on!" Usagi cheered. "Especially if you're going to move here! Oh, you have to move here! Us scouts have to stick together!" Kat smiled at her. "You really think so?" "Of course I do! You can't stay alone! Especially now that Mamo-chan knows he has a sister. Mamo's parents... they died in a car accident when he was younger. So he's never had any blood relatives around. He was an orphan when he was younger. But I'm his family now! I could be... your family too, if you would let me." Usagi offered a soft, small, genuine smile. Kat couldn't help but feel the warmness spread through her. Though there was something that tugged sadly at her heart. How her brother grew up, it didn't sound too much different than her upbringing. Though her parents hadn't died. They had just given her up. She spent most of her life feeling unwanted, and like she didn't belong. But here, now, sitting with the five other girls, and knowing that Mamoru was in her life, it felt like she'd never really been alone at all. That night, Usagi and Katrina went to Mamoru's apartment. When they walked in, the rich smell of home-cooked udon ramen warmed the sparse living-space. "I don't cook often," Mamoru admitted, when he saw Kat eyeing the cooking food. "But this felt like an extra special occasion." He smiled at her and rested his hand atop her head, like he always used to do. It made her smile, fondly. Everything about this day had gone so much better than she had expected it to. In fact, she had been pretty sure that she wasn't even going to find her brother on this short trip at all. At the very least, she would check out Keio and talk to some professors, to see if it would be a good fit for her. But here she was, with her brother, and her new-found friend, whom she felt as if she had known her whole life. Usagi was purity and goodness and sunshine and love. It was no wonder she was Sailor Moon, and Princess Serenity. Even when she wolfed down her double chocolate parfait, leaving whipped cream and chocolate on her face, somehow Kat could still envision her as the princess of the Moon Kingdom. Even when she bickered with Rei in a losing argument, she could see it. Even when she tripped over the lip of the step up into Mamoru's apartment, Kat couldn't shake the vision of who Usagi once was; who she was destined to be. "It looks so delicious, En- Mamoru," Kat said, whilst Usagi peered over her shoulder. Usagi giggled. "Mamo-chan, it looks soooo yummy! Much better than the instant noodles that Mama buys me!" Mamoru laughed, and turned his affections to his fiancé. He slipped an arm around her waist, kissing her tenderly. Kat turned away. She wasn't used to this level of love, or any sort of stable relationship. Because of the way she'd grown up, and the deep-seeded feeling that there was something so very different inside of her, none of her relationships had lasted past the one year mark. And that was only a one time thing. All of her other relationships lasted far less, it seemed. Not that she minded - it had given her time to focus on her studies, and her job. But seeing her brother and Usagi together, Katrina felt a pang in her chest. Quietly, she pulled herself away from the small, but open kitchen, and padded around Mamoru's living space. It was very minimalistic, and she got the feeling that he didn't spend a whole lot of time here, save for sleeping. It was very clear that Usagi didn't spend more than a bit of a time here, either, as there wasn't a woman's touch to be seen. Not even a trace of clothing. "Oh, Mamo-chan! Katrina-chan is looking at enrolling at Keio!" Kat perked up at the sound of her name, and looked at the couple in the kitchenette, mainly her brother. He had one raised brow. "Oh really? What for?" He sounded genuinely interested. "Biology. Zoology to be more specific." "Yeah! Yeah! She wants to work at the zoo. Wouldn't that be so cool, Mamo-chan? She could spend all her days working with cute little animals!" Usagi was so animated. Mamoru smiled at Kat. "That doesn't surprise me. From what I can remember, you were very much an animal-whisperer, even when you were a little girl." It sounded weird having someone refer to her at such a young age. She was used to people knowing that part of her. No one had ever stuck around long enough to even try and learn. She laughed, a little self conscious now. "I guess I did spend a lot of time in the gardens, and the woods, getting to know the animals in the area." "Ooh. Like a real-life Snow White?" Usagi sounded fascinated. "Well... I never sang to them." Kat's face was a little flushed. She wasn't used to all of the attention, and positive feedback she was receiving from both of them. Kat was absolutely flabbergasted when she saw the way Usagi wolfed down three full bowls of ramen, not even waiting for them to cool down, and gasping and whining every time she took an especially hot bite. "Where does it all go?" Kat asked, half joking. Usagi shrugged. "That's what I wonder, all the time," Mamoru said with a chuckle. Once they were all finished, Usagi and Kat stood in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes. "You and Mamoru are really close, huh?" Kat asked. Usagi was happily wiping the dishes dry, and putting them away, as she went. "Of course!" she answered, without missing a beat. "I mean... he's my soul mate. And if time has proven anything to us, it's that we'll always find our way back to each other, every time." Usagi grew quiet for a moment, as if she were deep in thought. "I mean, Queen Beryl killed and brainwashed him, but he came back. Then, he was receiving warning dreams from King Endymion in the future, warning him that he might be my downfall. So we broke up. But he came back. And the Dark Moon Circus was draining his crystal with their powers, while they were here. But he never went anywhere, at least not completely. And then Galaxia... killed him. I thought he was just overseas, studying in America, and he didn't have time for me. But he came back, once I defeated the Chaos in Galaxia." "You know what I'm hearing?" "What's that?" "That you, and your love, have saved him time and time again. Without you battling to protect this planet, and everyone on it, none of us might be here right now. I really wish I had gotten to know you sooner, Usagi." Kat's voice had grown a little softer, a little more quiet. Usagi stopped wiping, and peered up at the other woman. "But... you're here now, and that's all that matters, right?" She smiled so brightly, the room seemed to glow with her energy. "Right." Kat smiled warmly back at her. "Usako!" Mamoru burst from his bathroom, in dark grey sweatpants, his hair still dripping wet from his shower. His voice was urgent. "People are being attacked downtown!"
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My Sailor Moon drabbles:
Fighting against The Dark Kingdom:
Love  ( AU Dark Kingdom: what if Usagi had been captured instead of Mamoru)
Princess Serenity:
Princess Serenity
First Meeting (AU: What if Usagi had met Prince Demande in her past life)
Flufftober 2021: Forehead Kiss
Three Little Words
A Black Rose
A Timeless Dream
Shining Like A Star
Never Enough
Demande & Saphir:
0 notes