#what is recovering though is my ankle i sprained on monday it was so sore : (((
c-kiddo · 6 months
transmasc he/she lesbo beau . tgirl cad (any pronoun stay silly). dilfy fat tguy fjord . tgirl jes. autistic aas fuck nonbinary yasha (never heard of gender). uh .etc (im shoving each of these concepts into my mouth and eating them after i say them)
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verilyruth · 4 years
Fluffy Javid? You got it. Davey sprained his ankle so he’s recovering in bed for a week. Jack’s a loving boyfriend and dotes on Davey.
Thanks for the prompt!!!
  Davey’s foot felt like it was on fire. Having broken his ankle playing soccer the previous evening, he was supposed to be lying in bed, but he had gotten up by himself to go to the bathroom and fell on his way back. He had just been trying to have some autonomy (and time away from Jack’s constant smothering), but his plan had backfired. Now, Jack was being even worse.
  Davey tried to hide the pain but he couldn’t. Jack had put him back in bed and gone to get an ice pack. Davey used the time to try and get control of his pain. If Jack knew how much it hurt, Davey would probably never be able to get away from his worry.
  “All right, here you go.” Jack came back into the room and gently laid the ice pack on his ankle. Davey hissed at the contact. “Is that okay?”
  “Yeah,” he choked out, “yeah, it’s fine. Thanks.”
  “Of course. When was the last time you switched pillows? That one looks a little flat.” He gestured to the pillow that Davey’s foot was propped up on. 
  “It’s fine.”
  “Nah, might as well.” Jack left and came back with a new throw pillow. He cautiously started to switch them out. 
  “Jack, you’re not Indiana Jones, it’s okay if it’s missing for a second.”
  “I know, but I don’t want you to hurt yourself anymore than you already have. There we go. Do you need anything else? Is your foot sore? I can give you a foot rub.”
  “No, I’m fine.” Jack looked upset so he tried to smile and soften his tone. “Thanks, Jacky, but I’m really okay. Why don’t you just sit down, yeah?” 
  “I will in a minute. Do you have enough water? Actually, why don’t I make you a cup of tea, yeah? Something soothing like chamomile or-”
  “Jack. I’m fine. Thank you for all your effort, sweetheart, but I’m really going to be all right.”
  “No buts. Come sit down with me. All I want is to lay my head on your shoulder and for you to relax, okay?” Jack nodded but Davey could tell how reluctant he was. Either way he took it as a win. “Thank you. Come on.” He patted the spot next to him and Jack rolled his eyes but sat. “Good.”
  “I love you.”
  “I love you too.” Davey gave him a short peck on the lips and lay his head down on Jack’s shoulder. “What time do you have to go?” 
  “I don’t. I called Spot. He and Racer are going to get the kids and bring them home so I can stay with you.”
  “Jack, you didn’t need to-”
  “I know.” He intertwined their fingers. “Look, Dave, I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, it’s just…I love you so much and I want you to be safe and happy and healthy. And you know how I am, how I grew up. I…I never had anyone to take care of me when I got hurt until Medda and so…anyway, I’m sorry if I’m bothering you.” 
  Davey’s heart broke a little, just as it did each time his husband mentioned how unloved he felt as a child. He always wanted Jack to feel comfortable talking about it though so he just sat quietly until he finished. 
  “I’m sorry, Jacky. I know how hard it was for you and I’m so, so grateful that you love me this much. I don’t mean to seem annoyed.”
  “It’s just that you got up by yourself and I’m not stupid.”
  Davey cursed himself for his lapse in judgment. He should have known how it would make Jack feel.
  “That wasn’t about you, it was about my own issues with accepting help. But I love everything you do for me. I’m sorry if I seemed ungrateful. I appreciate you taking care of me. You know that I would take care of you too, right?”
  Jack nodded and kissed the top of his head. 
  “You always do.”
  They woke up to the sound of excited children screaming and the bedroom door swung open. Their five year olds came running in with their uncles behind them. Davey and Jack each pulled one up onto the bed as they giggled and shrieked happily.
  “Well, hello, munchkins,” Jack said. “How was school?”
  “It was good! Can we go play outside?” 
  “Sorry, sweetheart, but Aba’s gotta rest and I’ve gotta take care of him,” Jack told their daughter, who was sitting in Davey’s lap.
  “Are you feeling better, Aba?” she asked.
  “I’m feeling much better, Lila, thank you.”
  “So we can go outside?” her brother asked excitedly.
  “Come on, you little monsters,” Spot said, “let’s go. I’ll take you out there.” 
  The twins practically leapt off of their parents in a rush to get out the door.
  “Bye, Papa! Bye, Aba!” they shouted. 
  Race didn’t even stop to talk to Jack and Davey, just ran after, laughing. Spot sighed and followed closely behind.
  “Racer, Lila, Ari! Slow down!”
  Davey and Jack laughed and curled back into each other.
  “Our kids are the best.”
  “Mmm, I agree. Let’s take another quick nap before they come back inside,” Davey said. “This is the last moment of silence we’ll get until Monday morning.” 
  Jack groaned. He leaned over and kissed his husband on the nose. 
  “Okay. I love you.”
  “I love you too. Thanks for taking care of me.”
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