#what is this the neighborhood watch alliance from hot fuzz??
agir1ukn0w · 6 months
Thats how we know you are not kanthony, never posted before and suddenly you are the fandom police. Crawl back in that polin hole and leave kanthonies alone
I don’t have to explain myself to you. And who tf made you fandom police nurse ratchet?
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wazafam · 4 years
Who says movies have to stick to a specific genre? While movies are often categorized into certain genres (comedy, adventure, romance, etc.), many actually bridge gaps and contain elements of multiple genres. Action comedies and romantic comedies abound, as do things like gross-out romantic movies.
RELATED: The 9 Most Important Horror Genres Of The Last Century
However, those are quite popular. Some movies go all out and combine genres that seemingly don't make a lot of sense together but somehow find a way to make them work. These may not sound fun or engaging on paper, but they often come together through the art of good writing and filmmaking. These genre mash-ups are anything but ordinary.
10 Hot Fuzz (2007)
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Edgar Wright is famous for combining genres, but Hot Fuzz may prove his most inventive. Directed by Wright and co-written by Wright and Simon Pegg, Hot Fuzz is a bizarre combination of comedy, buddy cop action, slasher, and cult horror. The story concerns a police officer investigating mysterious deaths in a small English town, only to discover that it's part of a cultish conspiracy run by a secret neighborhood watch alliance. It's intentionally ridiculous and ridiculously entertaining.
9 O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
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Like Edgar Wright, the Coen brothers are also masters of the genre mash-up. Perhaps their greatest accomplishment, at least in terms of originality, is O Brother, Where Art Thou? Serving as part prison tale, road epic, buddy comedy, and musical, this movie actually serves as a modern re-telling of Homer's The Odyssey, set during the Great Depression South. It takes a lot of guts to update Homer with a buddy comedy road musical, but the Coen brothers are nothing if not adventurous.
8 Back To The Future (1985)
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Released in 1985, Back to the Future took the world by storm thanks to its sheer sense of fun. The movie contained multiple elements of a wide variety of movie genres, ensuring that there was something to enjoy for everyone. There were heavy elements of science fiction and time travel (obviously), high school romance and drama, buddy comedy humor, and even warm nostalgia owing to its unique '50s setting. If anything, it was a high school comedy period piece with elements of action and science fiction, and no other movie could match its imagination.
7 Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
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As the hilarious and unique title suggests, Cowboys & Aliens contains a genre mash-up that many may have thought impossible - Western and science fiction. While not one of Jon Favreau's more popular movies, Cowboys & Aliens is nevertheless a richly inventive film concerning an alien invasion in late 19th century New Mexico.
RELATED: 10 Movie Genres That Died In The Last Decade
It's not often that Westerns are paired with other genres, and it's even rarer (if not downright unheard of) to pair it with hard science fiction. But that's what makes Jon Favreau such a unique and commendable filmmaker.
6 Bone Tomahawk (2015)
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On the subject of unique Western mash-ups, Bone Tomahawk is perhaps the greatest horror Western ever produced. Directed by S. Craig Zahler and starring a wonderful cast of A-listers, Bone Tomahawk sees a small group of men rescuing one of their wives from a violent band of savage cannibals. Most of the movie concerns the trip through the Western landscape, but the final twenty minutes are filled with some of the most grotesque and realistic violence ever put to screen.
5 Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004)
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Science fiction romances are of an incredibly rare breed, which makes Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind such a unique treat. Starring Jim Carrey as Joel and Kate Winslet as Clementine, Eternal Sunshine concerns an ex-couple erasing their memories of each other. However, Joel begins to regret the decision midway through his procedure and begins fighting back to regain control of his memories. It's heavily steeped in science fiction, but it's also incredibly sweet and romantic. It shouldn't have worked, but it certainly does.
4 Kill Bill (2004)
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Quentin Tarantino is one of the most inventive directors of our time, and while he's crafted some truly unique movies throughout his long career, Kill Bill may be the most unique of them all. Kill Bill combines countless genres into one, including modern Western, hokey samurai B-movie, straightforward crime drama, and even elements of anime.
RELATED: 10 Best Movie Genres You Definitely Never Heard of
It was a major diversion from his more grounded crime movies of old, and it launched the "wackier" tone that his later movies would inhabit.
3 The Matrix (1999)
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The Matrix is now a classic that is firmly ingrained in the collective pop-culture consciousness, but it was unlike anything anyone had seen back in 1999. It is largely a piece of science fiction, as it concerns machine entities that harvest humans and plug them into a dream world so they can steal their body's energy. However, the movie deftly blends in elements of kung fu and straightforward action, resulting in some of the most imaginative action sequences ever put to film.
2 From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
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While From Dusk Till Dawn was directed by Robert Rodriguez, it was written by Quentin Tarantino. And like Kill Bill, it contains a thrilling blend of disparate genres. It begins as a straightforward crime film before introducing elements of both Western and road trip films. However, things famously go off the wall when vampires are introduced, and the movie goes full horror-action. Whatever it is, From Dusk Till Dawn is pure entertainment.
1 Blade Runner (1982)
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Before Blade Runner, mainstream science fiction films were typically portrayed as bright, imaginative, and "fun" movies for children. Blade Runner totally subverted those tropes, portraying its technology-heavy future as a dystopian hellscape. It uniquely blended heavy elements of science fiction with classic film noir of old, creating a spectacular hybrid of hardboiled detective fiction and imaginative sci-fi. It's movies like this that prove Ridley Scott is a remarkable director.
NEXT: 10 Of The Best Rom-Coms From The Past 10 Years
Hot Fuzz & 9 Other Movies With The Most Ingenious Genre Mash-Ups from https://ift.tt/3shKzWo
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victorluvsalice · 7 years
AU Thursday: Wonderland Fuzz -- Casting Call! Part 1
All right, I gave you an overview and a few details on the AU last week -- this week, I’m giving you some of my initial ideas on who plays what in this AU, and a couple of notes as to why! This is “Part 1″ because I’m still debating over who in the fandoms fits certain roles best. Got most of them, though! For spoiler and length reasons, everyone past our main two is going under a readmore.
Alice Liddell as Nicholas Angel -- Determined, takes no shit, surprisingly good with weaponry, perhaps tries a little too hard to prove herself sometimes, will not stop when it comes to bringing evil to justice? Alice in a nutshell, baby. And as I stated before, the idea of her as the super-serious super-cop who eventually finds friendship/love and learns how to calm down a bit appeals to me.
Victor Van Dort as Danny Butterman -- Okay, admittedly Danny is pretty much NOTHING like Victor, but hot-gluing a few of his traits onto my boy -- namely his love of action movies -- amuses me. Plus I do headcanon my Victors as the sort who would appreciate having a bit of adventure in their lives (at least before the CB incident), which goes well with Danny's want to experience "real action and shit." Hot Fuzz also doesn't officially have a romance, but -- well. Nicholas was going to have a female love interest (named Victoria, of all things), but she ended up cut -- and her lines given to Danny. With minimal editing, from what I understand. So yeah, everyone (including Pegg, Frost, and Wright) just accepts Nick and Danny enter a relationship at some point. With this being a Valice AU, of course Victor has to be in the "love interest" spot.
Sandford Police Service
William Van Dort as Frank Butterman -- As I said in the first post, the idea of kindly William turning out to be evil just tickles me. He also fits Frank pretty well personality-wise -- they're both fairly affable, make their fair share of dumb jokes, and are inspired largely by their wives' wants (Frank does what he does because his wife so desperately wanted to win Village of the Year that, when Sandford lost at the last minute thanks to some traveling Rromani, she killed herself driving her car off a cliff -- Nell of course will do the same in the backstory of this AU).
The March Hare and the Dormouse (humanized into Marchand Hare and Dormand Mouse) as detectives Andy Wainright and Andy Cartwright (the Andys) -- Duo who are pretty much never seen apart, are clearly best friends with each other against the world, are kind of lazy but capable of good work, can be rude and abrasive but also helpful to the main character? Sounds like March and Dormy to me! The best part is their humanized names keeps both the "March and Dormy" nicknames we're familiar with from Alice stuff, plus the "Andys" nickname from the original movie.
The Hatter (Richard Hatter) as Tony Fisher -- Again, a largely-incompetent fellow who believes himself to be better than he is, but is capable of moments of competence, even genius? Sounds good for Hatter! And Tony regularly begging Nick for help during police work in the movie does kind of remind me of Hatter demanding Alice's help in finding his limbs in A:MR.
Emily (Cartwell) & Victoria Everglot as Doris Thatcher -- Okay, TECHNICALLY only Emily is playing Doris, as she's the one I can see cracking Doris's dirty jokes. The reason Victoria's "sharing" the role is that I wanted her to be part of the station set, but there isn't another woman officer in Sandford, and she's not appropriate for Bob Walker. So Victoria is a new character who patrols with Emily and who everyone just assumes is Emily's best friend. Only Victor (and later Alice) know the truth that they're actually dating. (Yes, Victor did actually date both of them in the past -- William still bugs him to get back together with Victoria.)
Scraps as Saxon -- Saxon's a pretty minor role as the local police dog in Sandford, and as the Alice games have no major dog characters. . .besides, a sleepy town doesn't need a big police dog, now do they? :p
Generals (Bill) Bonesaparte and (Bailey) Wellington as Desk Sergeants Turner -- This one sadly destroys a joke (namely, that there are two Desk Sergeants Turner -- Bill Bailey plays both, and we only see them together at the very end, right before the climax), but it's a minor role, and it seems suited enough to this double-act of general friends. I figure Bonesaparte, being the chattier of the two, would be the Night Sergeant (who's neater and talks more), and Wellington would be the Day.
Neighborhood Watch Alliance
Barkis Bittern as Simon Skinner -- Cripes, this was simple. Skinner is set up as basically Obviously Evil from the word "go," and since Barkis comes off the same way. . . They share the same smarmy "charm" and vaguely threatening air. Plus Barkis getting a model church spire through the chin is pretty easy with the size of his. XD (I BRIEFLY considered making Bumby Skinner early on, but then decided to keep him in Alice's backstory. Skinner is supposed to be kind of funny too, and that's easier with Barkis than it is with Bumby.)
Finis and Maudeline Everglot as Joyce and Bernard Cooper -- There's two main married couples in the movie, and I felt the Everglots fit this pair better. The Coopers run the hotel Nick stays at for the majority of the movie -- I could see slightly-less-snooty (or more desperate) Everglots converting their mansion into a hotel for the cash. And Maudeline well fits the "fascist"/"hag" gag that pops up between Joyce and Nick (she's doing a crossword when they first meet -- "facist" and "hag" are answers in it). I might have to switch their roles in the big finale, though -- Joyce uses a gun and Bernard a sword, but it makes more sense for gun-loving Finis to shoot at Alice.
Paul and Ms. Plum (Paul and Jane Plum) as Roy and Mary Porter -- This is the other main married couple -- as they run a bar, The Crown, I figured using some of the staff of the Ball & Socket would be appropriate. Paul's the character most associated with serving drinks in CB, and Plum the main female character of the B&S, so there you go! ...Actually, thinking about it, given that Roy is taken out during the climax via a bear trap to the head -- yeah, definitely has to be Paul. XD
Pastor (Christopher) Galswells as Reverend Philip Shooter -- Just fitting the two religious figures together here. Galswells is a sterner figure than Shooter, but that should just make him shouting "Fuck off, grasshopper" and pulling guns in the final battle all the more hilarious. XD
Murder Victims
Carpenter (Bruno Carpenter) as Martin Blower -- This was easy -- Martin is an absolutely awful actor (the version of Romeo & Juliet he stages is PRICELESS), so there was no competition for this role. Though somehow I think Carpenter is going to be an even bigger ham than he was. At least Martin never made up words. XD
Walrus (Walter Russo) as Eve Draper -- Eve's no great shakes as a thespian herself, which is a decent fit for Walrus -- as is her general annoying personality (she specifically has an awful laugh, which I'll probably give Walter). Eve and Martin are also in a relationship in the movie, so this is a great way to keep the Walrus and the Carpenter together.
The Town Crier (Tom Crier) as Tim Messenger -- I was stuck for a while as to who should be the town's local reporter -- then FINALLY I realized "oh hey, there's a character in Corpse Bride who's only role is to SPREAD THE NEWS." So that works! I even have the built-in quirk of him ALWAYS SPEAKING AT TOP VOLUME.
The Queen of Hearts/Red Queen (Rose Queen) as Leslie Tiller -- I was also stuck on this role for a bit -- Leslie is a local, super-skilled florist, and has a minor but important role of telling Nick some crucial information before she's killed. After some thought, I decided the Queen was a good fit for three reasons:
A) Both the Queen of Hearts and the Red Queen (of which the game Queen is an algamation) are associated with gardening/flowers (the famous "painting the roses red" bit, and the Looking Glass garden where the Red Queen first appears)
B) The Queen's big bit in A:MR is giving Alice some crucial information (her domain's big memory confirms it was Bumby who killed Alice's family, and she encourages Alice to look more at what's around her, which probably helps her realize how Bumby's been abusing the children)
C) Leslie's also a NWA member, and the Queen is the main villain in AMA. Leslie is murdered for wanting to move (they didn't want another village getting her skills), while the Queen is eclipsed by the bigger evil of Bumby's Dollmaker. Pretty damn good fit in the end!
Charlie, The Insane Children, Skeleton Boy, and Skeleton Girl as The Hoodies -- The Hoodies are actually teenagers/tweens, so they'd have to be aged up a bit, but I figured this was a good place to stick most of the children from both the Alice games and Corpse Bride. The Insane Children and Skeleton Boy and Girl certainly seem up for the mischief they perpetrate, and for helping Alice out in the end. Charlie, being the only one of the lot with a canonical name, might have the pleasure of being the Hoodie Leader (aka Gabriel Weaver -- the subplot about him being the grandson of NWA member Tom Weaver was cut, but anything can happen in an AU).
Solemn Village Boy as Aaron A. Aaronson -- I almost gave this role to Charlie, but then I realized I could keep the joke with Aaron's name if I made him the unnamed Solemn Village boy from Corpse Bride instead. And as the joke (and being Skinner's brief hostage before biting the jerk) is really Aaron's only point to being in the movie...
The Houndsditch Children as the Underage Bar Patrons -- Again, aged up to teenagers. It seemed like overkill to stick the Houndsditch kids in with the Hoodies, and the bratty responses most of the patrons give suit the bratty nature of the Houndsditch lot. Also the fact that something horrible happens to them in the end (the kids start misbehaving when Angel ejects them from the bar, and the NWA kills ANYONE who makes the town look bad...).
Emil as Tina -- Once again replacing a woman with a man, but this is a minor role focused on being a helper (Tina is Skinner's secretary, who spends most of her time lounging at his desk), and we all know Emil the super-butler is good at that. We'd just have to take out the part where he's also a dancer at a club. (Or we could leave it in and have everyone be weirded out.) This also has the amusing consequence of him being taken out at least partially by his canonical employers' daughter. XD
Maggot and Black Widow (Enn Maggon and Betty Black) as Greg and Sheree Prosser -- These are background characters noted as being better actors than Martin and Eve; might as well fill their roles with some of Emily's comic relief friends, right? They're also minor NWA members, so that helps keeps the ranks appropriately Burtony.
Nan Sharpe as Janine -- Sort of -- Nan is not Alice's former girlfriend, as Janine was for Nick! Instead, Nan retains her role as Alice's old nanny, who she goes to talk to after gets she gets promoted/transferred. Nan's the one who tells her she needs to find someone who helps her "switch off," thus setting up the eventual Alice/Victor romance. It's a minor role, but it seems well-suited for Nan (especially since I've already cast the other role she could have -- dirty-minded Doris).
Tim Burton, Mike Johnson, and American McGee as The Met's Sergeant, Inspector, and Chief Inspector Kenneth -- These characters have the minor but important role of sending Nick to Sandford in the original film (for making everyone else look bad), so I just thought it would be funny I used the directors of CB and the mind behind the Alice games for them.
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