#what is toast in react js development
baselinedevelopment · 2 years
React.JS Development - Baseline IT development
Baseline IT development company has professional developers who provide the best web designs that help easily. Today React.JS Development is used for single-page apps which are user interfaces. Our web development company gives free open-source software, smooth updates, and effective DOM. Top Features of React.JS One-way data binding Virtual DOM JSX Declarative UI Speed and efficiency Flexibility Component-based architecture We are providing all these services. If you want React.JS development designs please contact us at 9888522266 or visit our website- https://baselineitdevelopment.com/services
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t-baba · 4 years
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TC39 approves the ES2020 spec, but what's in it?
#482 — April 3, 2020
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JavaScript Weekly
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ECMAScript 2020: The Final Feature Set — TC39 has just approved the ECMAScript 2020 spec (a full weekend's bedtime reading right there!) with Ecma GA approval due in a few months, but what’s new? Dr. Axel rounds it up with links to the included stage 4 proposals. If you prefer something more code-driven, Pawel Grzybek has a similar roundup.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
TypeScript 3.9 Beta Released — 3.9’s focus is on “performance, polish, and stability” with the most significant change you’re likely to notice being faster compile times.
Daniel Rosenwasser (Microsoft)
Building with Web Components — Web components seek to tilt the balance of web development back towards a standard that has been agreed upon by browser vendors and developers. Explore the history and current state of web components in front-end development.
Heroku sponsor
Perflink: Low Friction JS Benchmarks You Can Share via URL — Version 2 just launched, details here. Tests now run isolated in web workers, ability to save and fork to/from local storage, works cross-browser, and more.
luke jackson
Rendering Charts with OffscreenCanvas — Rendering charts can be an intensive operation for browsers, but what if you could delegate such work to a Web Worker? This post looks at what performance improvements you can realistically expect.
Chris Price
⚡️ Quick Releases
vue-cli 4.3.0 — CLI tools for Vue.js development.
Cypress 4.3.0 — Testing framework for anything in the browser.
Chalk 4.0 — Terminal string styling for Node.
PapaParse 5.2 — High perf in-browser CSV parsing.
Cash 7.0 — Fast, small jQuery alternative for IE11+.
💻 Jobs
JavaScript Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join X-Team and work on projects for companies like Riot Games, FOX, Coinbase, and more. Work from anywhere.
Senior JavaScript Developer (Warsaw, Relocation Package) — Open source rich text editor used by millions of users around the world. Strong focus on code quality. Join us.
Find a Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.
ℹ️ If you're interested in running a job listing in JavaScript Weekly, there's more info here.
📘 Articles & Tutorials
A Deep Dive into Pointer Compression in V8 — A very technical post that, gladly, you don’t need to understand in order to enjoy that pointer compression lets the latest version of the V8 JavaScript engine use as much memory as if it were 32 bit while having 64 bit performance.
Igor Sheludko and Santiago Aboy Solanes
Digging Into How An Anti Ad-Blocker Script Works — A developer reverse engineered an ‘ad-blocker blocker’ and picked up some history about ad-blocking on the way.
Hugo Elhaj-Lahsen
Stream Chat API & JavaScript SDK for Custom Chat Apps — Build real-time chat in less time. Rapidly ship in-app messaging with our highly reliable chat infrastructure.
Stream sponsor
Getting JavaScript to Talk to CSS and Sass — Despite being bedfellows for years, sharing data between JavaScript and CSS has not always been the simplest task.
Marko Ilic
▶  An Interview with Kyle Simpson — If you’re a fan of Kyle (long time JavaScript luminary and author of You Don’t Know JS (Yet)) you might enjoy this extensive podcast interview with him.
Leanpub Frontmatter podcast
An Introduction to Lambda Calculus, Explained Through JavaScript
Will Taylor
AppSignal Now Supports Node.js: Roadmap for the Coming Weeks
AppSignal sponsor
▶  How to Sing a Song with the Speech Synthesis API and async/await — A fun little project if you want to play along.
Jad Joubran
JavaScript Logical Operators — Covers ||, &&, and !. Part of Preston’s series on JavaScript fundamentals, so probably not a lot here for advanced devs, but there might be a few tidbits in here for everyone.
Preston Lamb
🔧 Code & Tools
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Notyf: A Simple Library for 'Toast' Notifications — ‘Toast’ notifications are those non-modal, unobtrusive notifications you often get in the corner of the screen. Notyf makes them easy to produce in JavaScript too. No dependencies, good accessibility, and responsive. GitHub repo.
Carlos Roso
Rickshaw 1.7: A Toolkit for Creating Interactive Time-Series Graphs — A nice demo page here, complete with code samples. Just been updated for the first time in 2 years. From the folks at Shutterstock, who we use for all of our stock art and graphics :-)
Trianglify: Algorithmically Generated Triangle Art — At first this sounds a bit like a meaningless experiment but generating such backgrounds can be a great way to bring some flavor to pages and apps.
Quinn Rohlf
Retool: Build Internal Tools a Lot Faster, with Less Maintenance — UI building blocks connect to any DB and API. Hackable by design — use JavaScript anywhere and query JSON with SQL.
Retool sponsor
Plotly.js: A Charting Library Built on D3 and Stack.gl — Amazingly, we last featured Plotly.js 5 years ago when it first launched, and now it has 11K stars but continues to pop out frequent new releases, like this week’s 1.53.0.
simdjson 0.3: The Fastest JSON Parser in The World — An open source C++ library (sorry, it’s not JavaScript!) with one goal: parse JSON documents very fast (like 3 gigabytes per second fast.)
Daniel Lemire
Clack: A Modern Keyboard Shortcut Library Written in TypeScript — Looks like a fairly intuitive and simple API and also has a React version.
TypeScript2Cxx: A TypeScript to C++ Transpiler — ts2cpp was another project in this vein.
Alex D
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A React-Powered HTML5 Raycasting Demo — Very simple visually but it’s interesting how React was used for this. Play with it here.
Andrew X
Bungholio: Get Alerts When Products Become Available on Amazon — Sorry, I just had to include something lighthearted this week, and as a prolific MTV watcher in the 90s, the name got me..
John Titus
📮 Introducing JAMstacked..
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It's not often we launch a new newsletter, but JAMstacked is a new email digest from us covering the JavaScript, API, and Markup (i.e. JAMstack) movement. Brian Rinaldi will be the one bringing you a bi-weekly round-up on the evolving JAMstack ecosystem — we've got a couple of issues up now for you to take a look at and get a taste.
by via JavaScript Weekly https://ift.tt/34eCztx
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First of all, nobody expected a lockdown. Nobody expected all the businesses will be paused or shifted to a total remote mode. And if most of the professions suffer from the lost opportunities and quarantine restrictions, developers (as they did so before for many years already) are the most used to ‘work from home’ people. And the new situation affected them not as much as others.
However, many of my friends working with aviation or travel, stayed without work. I hope, you all are ok.
I haven’t released March JS digest because of the start of the quarantine — I had a lot of work to do, and I suppose, many of you were busy with more important stuff than comparing and seeking for the best open source projects.
But now the situation is a bit better and I found some time to monitor what exactly had happened with JS repositories on GitHub in these two months, and what developers prefer for their projects when working from home.
Hence, we can grasp an overall situation and predict some trends to be followed in May. Stay safe!
Most popular JS repositories in March and April 2020
Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build websites and apps. 34,978 stars by now.
marked.js is a markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed. 22,199 stars by now.
AVA is a test runner for Node.js with a concise API, detailed error output, embrace of new language features, and process isolation. 17,842 stars by now.
Immer (German for: always) is a tiny package that allows you to work with immutable state in a more convenient way. It is based on the copy-on-write mechanism. 16,266 stars by now.
Playwright is a Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit with a single API. Playwright is built to enable cross-browser web automation that is ever-green, capable, reliable, and fast. 11,667 stars by now.
plotly.js is an open-source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash. 11,600 stars by now.
FullCalendar is a full-sized drag & drop JavaScript event calendar. 11,168 stars by now.
Trianglify is a library that creates algorithmically generated triangle art (SVG background). 9,302 stars by now.
Nano ID is a tiny (108 bytes), secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript. 9,129 stars by now.
MDX is an authorable format that lets you seamlessly use JSX in your markdown documents. You can import components, like interactive charts or notifications, and export metadata. 8,705 stars by now.
Bull is a Redis-based queue package for handling distributed jobs and messages in NodeJS. 8,237 stars by now.
Rome is an experimental JavaScript toolchain. It includes a compiler, linter, formatter, bundler, testing framework, and more. It aims to be a comprehensive tool for anything related to the processing of JavaScript source code. 8,193 stars by now.
ioredis is a robust, performance-focused, and full-featured Redis client for Node.js. 7,505 stars by now.
Tippy.js is a tooltip, popover, dropdown, and menu solution for the web. 7,352 stars by now.
Alpine.js is a rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup. 7,050 stars by now.
ts-node is a TypeScript execution and REPL for Node.js. 6,630 stars by now.
Rickshaw is a JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive time-series graphs, developed at Shutterstock. 6,446 stars by now.
Excalidraw is a whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams with a hand-drawn feel. 6,115 stars by now.
fkill-cli library stands for ‘Fabulously kill processes’. Cross-platform. 6,077 stars by now.
ora is an elegant terminal spinner. 5,927 stars by now.
Prompts is a library that stands for lightweight, beautiful, and user-friendly interactive prompts. 5,800 stars by now.
query-string helps you to parse and stringify URL query strings. 4,722 stars by now.
isomorphic-git is a pure JavaScript reimplementation of git that works in both Node.js and browser JavaScript environments. It can read and write to git repositories, fetch from and push to git remotes (such as GitHub), all without any native C++ module dependencies. 4,696 stars by now.
node-notifier is a Node.js module for sending notifications on native Mac, Windows, and Linux (or Growl as fallback). 4,454 stars by now.
Backstage is an open platform for building developer portals. It unifies all your infrastructure tooling, services, and documentation with a single, consistent UI. 4,011 stars by now.
react-ga is a JavaScript module that can be used to include Google Analytics tracking code in a website or app that uses React for its frontend codebase. It does not currently use any React code internally but has been written for use with a number of Mozilla Foundation websites that are using React, as a way to standardize our GA Instrumentation across projects. 3,723 stars by now.
jExcel is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with Excel or any other spreadsheet software. 3,629 stars by now.
AutoCannon is an HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool written in Node, with support for HTTP pipelining and HTTPS. 3,604 stars by now.
Dinero.js is a library for working with monetary values in JavaScript. 3,590 stars by now.
Redwood is an opinionated, full-stack, serverless web application framework that will allow you to build and deploy JAMstack applications with ease. 3,341 stars by now.
franc is s natural language detection. 3,334 stars by now.
webpack-blocks is a library that helps you by providing functional building blocks for your webpack config: easier way to configure webpack and to share configuration between projects. 2,820 stars by now.
hotkey to trigger an action on a target element when a key or sequence of keys is pressed on the keyboard. This triggers a focus event on form fields or a click event on others. 2,041 stars by now.
Serialize JavaScript to a superset of JSON that includes regular expressions and functions. 2,012 stars by now.
React Easy State is a simple React state management. 2,006 stars by now.
Qoa is a minimal interactive command-line prompts. The library utilizes a simple & minimal usage syntax and contains 7 configurable console interfaces, such as plain text, confirmation & password/secret prompts as well as single keypress, quiz & multiple-choice navigable menus. 1,931 stars by now.
kasaya is a “WYSIWYG” scripting language and runtime for browser automation. 1,808 stars by now.
match-sorter is a simple, expected, and deterministic best-match sorting of an array in JavaScript. 1,788 stars by now.
Crank.js helps you to write JSX-driven components with functions, promises, and generators. 1,622 stars by now.
Ervy brings charts to terminal. 1,481 stars by now.
iHateRegex.io is a regex cheat sheet for the haters. This project gives you a visual representation of regular expressions, embed regular expression visualization on your sites, code highlighting and validation, and more. 1,479 stars by now.
Stryker is a mutation testing for JavaScript and friends. 1,469 stars by now.
react-enroute is a simple React router with a small footprint for modern browsers. This package is not meant to be a drop-in replacement for react-router, just a smaller simpler alternative. 1,441 stars by now.
OpenChakra is a visual editor and code generator for React using Chakra UI. You can draft components with the simple drag and drop UI. 1,429 stars by now.
jest-dom stands for custom jest matchers to test the state of the DOM. 1,417 stars by now.
Notyf is a minimalistic JavaScript library for toast notifications. It’s responsive, A11Y compatible, dependency-free and tiny (~3KB). Easy integration with React, Angular, and Vue. 1,361 stars by now.
on-change allows you to watch an object or array for changes. 1,354 stars by now.
React Awesome Slider is a 60fps content transition slider that renders an animated set of production-ready UI general-purpose sliders. 1,317 stars by now.
Panolens.js is an event-driven and WebGL based panorama viewer. Lightweight and flexible. It's built on top of Three.JS. 1,254 stars by now.
Uppload is a JavaScript image uploader. It’s highly customizable with 30+ plugins, completely free and open-source, and can be used with any file uploading backend. 1,235 stars by now.
telebot is a library supporting an easy way to write Telegram bots in Node.js. 898 stars by now.
Thank you for reading!
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t-baba · 4 years
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Three new online JavaScript events on the way
#481 — March 27, 2020
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JavaScript Weekly
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Prettier 2.0 “2020” Released — The popular code formatter now adds better defaults, a better CLI, TypeScript 3.8 feature support (e.g. export * as ns), and lots more. Project homepage.
What Happens When the Maintainer of a Major JS Library Goes to Jail? — The maintainer of the popular core-js library (very commonly used alongside Babel) lost an appeal to overturn an 18-month prison sentence.
Thomas Claburn (The Register)
Online Lab: Build a Blockchain App with JavaScript — Learn how to build a distributed ledger into your JavaScript application using open source tools and best practices in this interactive lab from IBMers Lennart Frantzell and Dave Nugent.
IBM Developer sponsor
HTML DOM: A Resource for Solving DOM Problems with Native APIs — A guide with a list of different things we might normally do with a JavaScript library, but can now be done using native APIs.
Nguyen Huu Phuoc
Angular 9.1 Released: TypeScript 3.8 and Faster Builds — A minor Angular release that acts as a ‘drop-in replacement’ for 9.0 and brings concurrent package compilation for faster build times. A few other niceties too, all covered here.
Stephen Fluin
📅 Forthcoming Online JavaScript Conferences
The reality of world events are encouraging a proliferation of online events to replace in-person events that have been postponed. At least two have been announced in the JavaScript world so far:
⭐️ JavaScript Remote Conf 2020 (May 14-15) — This is being run by the folks behind the JavaScript Jabber podcast. Speakers lined up already include Douglas Crockford, Aimee Knight and Christian Heilmann, and you can submit a talk if you want to join them.
⭐️ ESNEXT CONF 2020 (May 18-22) — This one comes from the Pika folks (of Snowpack fame). 12 speakers over 5 days so it's a gradual pace. You can apply to speak here up until April 3.
⭐️ ForwardJS (May 26-29) — A real world event (ForwardJS Ottawa) that has now become a virtual event. It's going to be a busy May for watching events online 😄
⚡️ Quick Releases
React Native 0.62 — React-powered native app framework.
Vue 3.0 alpha 10
Node 13.12.0
Rollup 2.2.0 — Next-generation ES module bundler.
svgr 5.3 — Convert SVGs into React components.
💻 Jobs
React JS Developer (Remote) — 9+ million people plan outdoor adventures with our apps every day. If you are smart and ambitious, join us to inspire people to explore more of the great outdoors.
Principal UI Engineer — Join a tech team based in the heart of NYC and work on a data-driven, cloud solution for the world's leading entertainment brands.
Whip Media Group
Find a Dev Job Through Vettery — Vettery is completely free for job seekers. Make a profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers.
ℹ️ If you're interested in running a job listing in JavaScript Weekly, there's more info here.
📘 Articles & Tutorials
Measuring the Performance of JavaScript Functions — “In this article I will explain how you can measure the performance of your functions and what to do with the results you get from them.”
Felix Gerschau
Building a Code Editor with CodeMirror — CodeMirror is an open source project that makes it easy to build advanced text editors into your frontend apps. Here’s how to build a code editor with it and how to connect together all the pieces.
Valeri Karpov
Top GitHub Best Practices for Developers - Expanded Guide — Implementing these best practices could save you time, improve code maintainability, and prevent security risks.
Datree.io sponsor
Deleting Scrobbles on last.fm En Masse with a JS One Liner — A reminder, if you needed one, that running quick, scrappy JavaScript one liners in the devtools can help you gain some serious power over the pages you’re navigating.
Charlie Ritter
How to Use the Web Storage API — An introductory guide to localStorage and sessionStorage.
Chidume Nnamdi
Optimizing JS for Native-Like Webviews — Serving web pages fast enough to feel native.
Leo Jiang
Register for the Free ForwardJS May 2020 Livestream
ForwardJS sponsor
How To Make Life Easier When Using Git — Lots of useful bits and pieces in here.
Shane Hudson
How to Use the URL API with Vanilla JavaScript — A simple look at a lesser-known Web API, which lets you grab various bits including the hash, hostname, pathname, protocol, etc.
Chris Ferdinandi
🔧 Code & Tools
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TOAST UI Editor 2.0: A Powerful WYSIWYG Markdown Editor — Two years in comes version 2.0, along with 10K GitHub stars to boot. v2.0 has a new Markdown parser, better syntax highlighting, improved scroll syncing and live previews, and more. GitHub repo.
match-sorter: Deterministic Best-Match Array Sorting — If you have an array full of items that you want to filter and sort ‘intelligently’ and deterministically, check this out.
Kent C. Dodds
Nano ID 3.0: A Unique String ID Generator — Tiny (108 bytes), secure, and URL-friendly. 3.0 requires changes to your code if you’re already using it.
Andrey Sitnik
jsSHA: Pure JS Implementations of SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA3-512, Etc. — If there’s a SHA hash, this library probably covers it.
Brian Turek
Analyze Page Load Time and Optimize Your Front-End Performance
Site24x7 sponsor
Rsup Progress: A Simple Progress Bar with Promises Support
ElectronCGI 1.0: Build Cross-Platform GUIs for .NET Core — Lets you invoke .NET Core code from Node and vice versa so you can use Electron to build a UI for an app otherwise based on a .NET Core language.
Rui Figueiredo
Dinero.js: A Library for Working with Monetary Values — GitHub repo.
Sarah Dayan
jest-dom: Custom Jest Matchers to Test the State of the DOM — So you want to use Jest to write tests that assert various things about the state of a DOM..
Testing Library
by via JavaScript Weekly https://ift.tt/3auRrGI
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t-baba · 6 years
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Chrome 68 released, non-HTTPS sites marked as “Not Secure”
#350 — July 25, 2018
Read on the Web
Frontend Focus
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A Milestone for Chrome Security: Marking HTTP As “Not Secure” — Chrome 68, released this week (more on that below), shows a “Not secure” message in the location bar when accessing a site over unencrypted HTTP. The march to ‘HTTPS everywhere’ continues.
Adding Particle Effects to DOM Elements with Canvas — A neat tutorial showing how to create a basic HTML-to-particle effect. You have to balance a few concepts to make it work but the result is striking.
Zach Saucier
Developer Tools for Every Customer Session – New in FullStory — Your browser developer tools are now available for site sessions other than your own. Easily understand performance issues thanks to page speed metrics, network analysis, downloadable HAR files, and comprehensive stack traces on all your visitors’ sessions.
Fullstory sponsor
Chrome 68 Released: What's New For Developers? — Other than the ‘Not Secure’ marker (above), Chrome 68 provides the Page Lifecycle API for you to detect when your tab has been suspended or restored, the Payment Handler API, and lots of neat DevTools improvements.
Google Developers
5 'Hot' New CSS Features and How to Use Them — Including the CSS Display module (e.g. display: contents), CSS overscroll behavior, conditional rules, and containment.
Daniel Crisp
Blink Signals Intent to Implement 'Portals' — Portals (explained here) are a proposed approach for enabling seamless navigation between sites or pages (such as showing one page within another via a ‘portal’ before navigating to it).
The Frustrations of Using CSS Shapes and CSS Exclusions — ”.. indulge me as I explain my current feelings of woe with CSS Shapes and CSS Exclusions.”
Ben Frain
💻 Jobs
Senior Developer, New York or Remote — We're looking for a Sr Dev to join our team to help build, deliver and produce quality products for our growing customer base.
Apartment Therapy Media
Find A FrontEnd Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in developer roles and is completely free for job seekers.
📘 Articles & Tutorials
An In-Depth Look at the Page Lifecycle API — A Chrome-only API for now that brings app lifecycle features common on mobile operating systems to the web. It ships with Chrome 68.
Philip Walton (Google)
Getting to Know a Legacy CSS Codebase
Harry Roberts
Converting Images to WebP — The many ways in which you can convert existing images to the WebP format. An excerpt from the recently released ‘The WebP Manual’ ebook.
Jeremy Wagner
Choosing the Right JavaScript Framework: Whitepaper — Learn how Angular, React and Vue compare against a comprehensive set of criteria. Get your copy.
Progress Kendo UI sponsor
4 CSS Tricks I’ve Learnt The Hard Way — Quick box sizing, centering, and positioning tips.
David Mellul
Weird Things Variable Fonts Can Do
Chris Coyier
How to Make a Modern Dashboard with NVD3.js — NVD3.js is a set of chart components built around D3.js.
Dan Englishby
Build an Instagram Clone with Vue.js and CSSGram — CSSGram recreates Instagram-style filters using CSS filters and blend modes.
Hassan Djirdeh
Ubuntu 18:04 Is Here and DigitalOcean Has The Info You Need To Know
DigitalOcean sponsor
▶  WebFonts and Performance: 2 Videos from SmashingConf
Smashing Magazine
🔧 Code and Tools
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TOAST UI Grid 3.0: A Data Grid Control for the Web — This data grid component works down to IE8, works with many data types, and is easily rethemed.
NHN Entertainment
3 Essential Front-End Checklists for Web Developers
David Dias
Pushbar.js: Simply Creating 'Sliding Drawers' on Your Pages
Biraj Ghosh
4 Things You Can Do with CSS Pointer Events — Change the styling of a parent on hover, make only pseudo elements clickable, and more.
Martijn Cuppens
Unswitch: An Event Handler for Nintendo Switch Controllers on the Web — Based on the Gamepad API.
Colin van Eenige
by via Frontend Focus https://ift.tt/2OhBjNN
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t-baba · 6 years
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The Future of WebAssembly
#395 — July 20, 2018
Read on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
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TOAST UI Grid 3.0: A Powerful Data Grid Control — Another great piece of work from NHN who also produced an image editor we linked last week. This data grid component works down to IE8, with many data types, and is easily rethemed.
NHN Entertainment
JavaScript Fundamentals Before Learning React — A concise list of all the different JavaScript functionalities that can be used to complement a React app.
Robin Wieruch
Try DigitalOcean and Get a $100 Credit on Us — Save up to 55% compared to other cloud providers and start building, deploying and scaling better web apps.
DigitalOcean sponsor
A Great Explanation of JavaScript Reactivity — Understand what ‘reactivity’ is and how it works by way of implementing your own system that’s similar to Vue’s approach. There’s also a 15 minute video version, if you prefer.
Gregg Pollack
v8n: A JavaScript Fluent Validation Library — If you like ‘fluent’, chainable APIs, you might like this approach to object validation, e.g. v8n().number().between(0, 100).test(44) .. though it goes a lot further than that.
Bruno C. Couto
The Future of WebAssembly: A Look At Upcoming Features and Proposals — WebAssembly is a binary instruction format that runs at high performance in all major browsers. It’s still relatively new though and a work in progress. This post looks at WebAssembly’s roadmap and the features it could gain in the near future.
Colin Eberhardt
Two-Factor Authentication Protection for npm Packages in Beta — As a follow up to the eslint-scope npm problem we covered last week, you can now test two-factor authentication protection for individual packages in the npm Registry.
The npm Blog
💻 Jobs
Sr. Front-End Engineer, OTT - New York City — Vimeo is a place where all stories can be beautifully told. Build the future with us.
Senior/Lead JavaScript Developer (Boston or Oakland) — Do more than code - influence development practices and product direction. Work with enthusiastic peers in a trust-based environment.
Raizlabs, a Rightpoint Company
Find A JavaScript Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create your profile to get started.
📘 Tutorials and Opinions
Building a Serverless Contact Form with AWS Lambda and AWS SES — Covers the basics of both the front-end form, with vanilla JavaScript, and the serverless back end, hosted on AWS Lambda.
Adnan Rahić
Build an Instagram Clone with Vue.js and CSSGram — CSSGram recreates Instagram-style filters using CSS filters and blend modes.
Hassan Djirdeh
How to Do Functional Programming with JavaScript? — A handy cheat sheet used by JavaScript developers interested in writing functional style code. Check it out.
Progress Kendo UI sponsor
Designing GraphQL APIs — A tutorial built at Shopify (initially for internal use) based on lessons learnt creating and scaling schemas on GraphQL APIs at Shopify.
Shopify Engineering
▶  Native JavaScript Modules — A look at how native JS modules work, what the current level of support is for them, plus main findings and gotchas from using them in production.
Serg Hospodarets
15 HTML Element Methods You’ve Potentially Never Heard of — The DOM is full of delights, some of which David pokes at here, including scrollIntoView, getBoundingClientRect, and select.
David Gilbertson
How to Build a Microsoft Excel Add-in with Vue — Did you know you can build add-ins for Excel with JavaScript?
Build a Netflix Style Video Delivery Platform — View videos at the same quality & speed as Netflix & YouTube. API clients for all major languages.
Bitmovin sponsor
Recreating Reddit’s Voting UI in Vanilla JS vs React vs Vue vs Hyperapp — A comparison hoping to ‘shed light’ on the purpose of using frameworks.
▶  Pushing the Limits of the Web with Angular — Showing off some of the newest capabilities of Angular.
Stephen Fluin
How Fast Can You Learn React? — ”..learning React is about as easy as teaching a parrot to talk”. — Oh, and if you are starting to explore React, we have a newsletter for that ;-).
Attila Vágó
🔧 Code and Tools
Pushbar.js: Simply Creating 'Sliding Drawers' on Your Pages/Apps
Biraj Ghosh
Popbox.js: Stackable Modals for Web Pages — If you need a modal on top of your modal..
localForage: Offline Storage, Improved — Wraps IndexedDB, WebSQL, or localStorage using a simple API.
Polly.js: Record, Replay, and Stub HTTP Interactions — Polly taps into native browser APIs to mock requests and responses.
Netflix, Inc.
Save Weeks Per Year Fixing Unseen Bugs Using Source Maps with Sentry
Sentry sponsor
Jest Watch Toggle Config Plugin: Toggle Your Jest Boolean Config Settings At Will
Jest Community
CanJS 5.0 Released: A Framework for Building Rich Web Interfaces
Justin Meyer
Z: Pattern Matching for JavaScript
Wagner Leonardi et al.
Hypernova: A Service for Server-Side Rendering of JS Views
How to Dynamically Load JS Modules on Codepen
by via JavaScript Weekly https://ift.tt/2O5j65X
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t-baba · 6 years
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TypeScript 3 RC and a npm security issue to be aware of
#394 — July 13, 2018
Read on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
Toast UI Image Editor: A Full-Featured Photo Image Editor — From the creators of TUI Calendar and TUI Chart controls comes a powerful JavaScript image editor control. Live demo here.
NHN Entertainment
Compromised eslint-scope npm Package Published — Just over 24 hours ago, an npm account was compromised and a popular package (eslint-scope) was infected with malicious code. Post mortem from ESLint here. The long and short of it is you’re recommended to review your own use of this module and to move to using 2FA on your own npm accounts. Revoking npm tokens and clearing node_modules may also be a good idea.
The npm Blog
Webpack 4 Fundamentals 🛠️ by Webpack Core Maintainer, Sean Larkin — Webpack 4 is the most popular and flexible build tool – Vue CLI, create-react-app and the Angular CLI all use Webpack under the hood – as soon as you need something custom, you'll need to know Webpack.
Frontend Masters sponsor
TypeScript 3.0 Release Candidate — Project references allow TypeScript projects to depend on other TypeScript projects in a way that helps the build tools. Rest parameters can also be inferred as tuple types to make using them easier. There’s also a new unknown type to investigate.
Daniel Rosenwasser (Microsoft)
Proxymise: A Chainable Promise Proxy — An interesting proof of concept that takes you away from writing lots of then or await calls. Instead you could write something like value = await proxymise(foo).a().b().c;
Ilya Kozhevnikov
Phenomenon: A 2KB Low-Level WebGL Library — Provides the essentials to deliver high performance visuals easily. Several neat demos with code including throwing 10000 cubes around.
Colin van Eenige
💻 Jobs
Sr. Front-End Engineer, Creator Tools (New York City) — We empower video creators to tell exceptional stories and to connect with their audiences & communities. Build the future with us.
Find a Job Through Vettery — Vettery matches top tech talent with fast-growing companies. Create your profile to get started.
📘 Tutorials and Opinions
React, Vue and Hyperapp Compared — Based around a simple counter example.
Angelos Chalaris
WTF Is 'this'? Understanding the 'this' Keyword, call, apply, and bind in JavaScript — There's also a video, if you prefer.
Tyler McGinnis
▶  Free Video Course: How to Upgrade Cordova Applications to NativeScript — Avoid poor app performance and unnatural UX. Free and open source cross-platform mobile framework.
NativeScript sponsor
The Extensive Guide to Creating Streams in RxJS
Oliver Flaggl
Managing Complex Waiting Experiences on Web UIs
Fatih Kadir Akın
Building an Audio Player App with Ionic, Angular, RxJS, and NgRx — Uses Auth0 for the authentication.
Prosper Otemuyiwa
What is JSX? — You may use it every day, but have you seen what happens after Babel transpiles JSX?
Kent C. Dodds
Angular SEO Done Right with Server-Side Rendering
Michael Poirier-Ginter
▶  An Introduction to TensorFlow.js in Your Browser — An official introduction to using TensorFlow.js for machine learning in the browser.
Laurence Moroney
🔧 Code and Tools
10 JavaScript Animation Libraries Worth Investigating in 2018 — With summaries and, importantly, live interactive JSFiddle demos for most.
Anton Shaleynikov
vue-wait: Loader and Progress Management for Vue and Nuxt Apps
Fatih Kadir Akın
Enjoy a Better Development Experience with Webstorm — Try smart code completion, refactorings, & integrated tools on your React, Angular & Vue projects.
JetBrains sponsor
simple-keyboard: A Customizable, Responsive On-Screen Keyboard — Live demo here.
Francisco Hodge
Reclare: A Declarative State and Logic Management Library — Inspired by Redux and the Elm architecture.
carbon-now-cli: Create Beautiful Images of Code From Your Terminal — It’s a terminal client for the awesome Carbon tool.
Miloš Sutanovac
Access DigitalOcean’s Quarterly Report on Developer Cloud Trends Now
DigitalOcean sponsor
9 CSS in JS Libraries You Should Know in 2018 — Including Styletron, Emotion and Styled Components.
Jonathan Saring
😄 Some Bonus “They're Not JS But You'll Like 'Em” Links
vim.wasm: The Vim Editor, Ported to WebAssembly — Great demo and very fast, too. Here's the code and an explanation of how it works.
Kotlin on the Server at Khan Academy — Adding another language to a codebase is no small feat, but Khan Academy has found the performance gains of Kotlin, a JVM-based multiplatform language, are more than worth it. A popular item from this week's Web Operations Weekly.
Khan Academy Engineering
Web Architecture 101 — If terms like 'load balancer', 'caching', or CDN are gibberish to you, you might appreciate this simple explanation.
Jonathan Fulton
A 'div' That Looks Different In Each Major Browser — A neat demonstration of how specs don’t guarantee an identical result across browsers. Here’s the CodePen to try it for yourself.
Martijn Cuppens on Twitter
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t-baba · 6 years
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Nerv - A Fast React 16-Compatible React Alternative
This week's JavaScript news — Read this e-mail on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
Issue 368 — January 12, 2018
TC39 to Recommend 'Consistently Explicit Semicolon Use'?
..rather than relying on automatic semicolon insertion, as future language developments may affect the situations where ASI works. Brendan Eich signalled his dissent, causing some debate - with many thinking TC39 could recommend the use of a linter instead.
Ecma TC39
The Brutal Lifecycle of JavaScript Frameworks
Every now and then, a new framework pops up claiming it will revolutionize development. Until the next one. Stack Overflow looks at such lifecycles based on questions asked on its service.
Ian Allen
Nerv: A Fast React 16-Compatible React Alternative
Nerv bills itself as a tinier, faster React alternative and has browser compatibility as a particular focus, supporting right back to IE8.
Li Weitao
See Why Facebook, Spotify, & Fastlane Trust CircleCI with Their CI/CD
Automate the software development process using continuous integration and continuous delivery so you can focus on what matters: building great things, not waiting for great things to build.
CircleCI   Sponsor
Functional-Light JavaScript: A Balanced Book on FP in JS
Kyle Simpson’s written an interesting book that takes a pragmatic look at functional programming concepts in JavaScript. And, yes, you can read it all on GitHub.
Kyle Simpson
React, Redux and JavaScript Architecture
A gentle, but thorough, walkthrough of writing good React and Redux code and, crucially, the why behind each step.
James Sinclair
Workerize: Run A Module in a Web Worker
Moves a module into a Web Worker, automatically reflecting exported functions as asynchronous proxies. There’s workerize-loader for Webpack users, too.
Jason Miller
TOAST UI Editor: A Markdown WYSIWYG Editor for the Web
Works with GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) but can be extended with your own extensions. Supports all major browsers (IE10+). GitHub repo.
NHN Entertainment
Fullstack Software Engineer (Chicago — Relocation Available)Join a team that cares about people & craft. We invest in you and together we'll solve some of the most interesting problems you've seen. Fraight AI
Visual Analytics Researchers and Software Developers - Vienna, AustriaJoin our team and develop novel Web intelligence solutions for EU and Google Digital News Initiative projects (JavaScript, Java). webLyzard technology
Looking for a Job at a Company That Prioritizes JavaScript?Try Vettery and we’ll connect you directly with thousands of companies looking for talented front-end devs. Vettery
In Brief
Webpack 4 to Work 'Configless' by Default news Inspired by Parcel’s approach. John-David Dalton on Twitter
JSON Tree Shaking Landing in Webpack 4.0 news It’s shaping up to be an interesting release.
6 Tiny But Awesome ES7 + ES8 Features tutorial David Walsh
Building a Real Time Chat App From Scratch using TypeScript tutorial Luis Aviles
Build Your First Vue.js Component tutorial Sarah Dayan
An Introduction to Algebraic Data Types and Structural Pattern Matching in TypeScript tutorial Erin Swenson-Healey
Learn How to Visualize Your Time Series Data With InfluxDB & Rickshaw tutorial Visualize your time series data from the fastest growing open source TSDB. InfluxData  Sponsor
5 Traps to Avoid While Unit Testing Vue.js tutorial Aurélien Bottazini
Googlebot's JavaScript random() Function is Deterministic story Probably not useful, but an interesting quirk. Tom Anthony
Things to Consider When Choosing a Database for Your JavaScript App  Not all JSON support is created equal. mongodb  Sponsor
ngrev: Tool for Reverse Engineering/Navigating Angular Projects tools Minko Gechev
InfiniteGrid: Arrange Card Elements Infinitely on a Grid Layout code GitHub repo. NAVER
Polythene: A Material Design Component Library for Mithril and React code Arthur Clemens
match-sorter: Simple, Expected, & Deterministic Best-Match Array Sorting code Kent C. Dodds
SweetAlert: Attractive Modal Popup Alerts/Messages code
KaTeX: Fast Math Typesetting for the Web code Easy-to-use library for TeX math rendering on the web. Khan Academy
JavaScript Test Results Displayed Inline in Your Editor as You Type  Wallaby.js  Sponsor
Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooperpress.
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t-baba · 7 years
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JS startup performance / WebAssembly performance / React Native at Instagram
This week's JavaScript news — Read this e-mail on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
Issue 321 — February 9, 2017
JavaScript Start-Up Performance
A look at what’s involved in the process of getting your code running in the first place. What slows it down, how can you measure it, and what can you do to lower parse times?
Addy Osmani
Mnemonist: A Curated Collection of Data Structures
From queues and heaps, to bloom filters and vantage point trees.
Guillaume Plique
How MooTools Was Built 10 Years Ago
A trip down memory lane for anyone who was working with JavaScript in the late 00s as MooTools was a popular JS utility library at the time.
Between the Wires
Rethinking the Periodic Table with a JavaScript Sunburst Control
Ideal for visualizing hierarchical data, sunburst charts display categorical data “tiers.” Walk through four steps, from preparing the data model to building the chart view, to display the periodic table of elements as a sunburst chart on the web using Wijmo.
Wijmo   Sponsor
How Instagram is Using React Native
React Native has come a long way since it was open-sourced in 2015. Instagram reflects on the successes some of its teams have had with it.
Instagram Engineering
An Introduction to GraphicsJS, an SVG-based Graphics Library
GraphicsJS makes it easy to create vector based graphics easily across browsers as far back as Chrome 1 and IE 6.
Roman Lubushkin
A First Look At WebAssembly Performance
Work on WebAssembly continues to march ahead, but are the promised performance gains coming to light? In Firefox, most definitely.
Stefan Krause
DejaVue: Vue.js App Visualization and Debugging Chrome Extension
A Chrome extension that helps you see how your Vue.js app is running.
Setting Up Your First Angular Project Using Angular Material2
The first in a 4 part series (part 2 is also out) walking through the process of building an Angular(2) app with Angular-CLI and Material Design.
Tracy Lee
Tectonic: A Declarative REST Data Loader for React and Redux
Queries data via your existing REST APIs, stores state and data within Redux reducers automatically, manages caching, and more.
Tony Holdstock-Brown
JavaScript Developer at X-Team (Remote)We're looking for a developer with an extensive knowledge of JavaScript and skills in different frameworks and libraries. We are 100% remote and we provide the funding needed to help you achieve your goals and grow. X-Team
JavaScript Application Developer (m/f) - Berlin/UmgebungCivey is seeking an experienced developer with strong JavaScript skills and is familiar with HTTP, REST and Web Applications. Civey
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try Hired.com.
In Brief
It's Time to Vote On An Official WebAssembly Logo news Voting is open for the next two weeks. The logo with the most ‘thumbs up’ will then be deemed the official WebAssembly logo. WebAssembly
ForwardJS: Live Angular 2 & React workshops in San Francisco, Feb 25-Mar 5 news Last chance for Advance tickets to 9 days of JavaScript lectures and workshops by industry experts. ForwardJS & Forward Swift  Sponsor
A Toast to ES2015 Destructuring tutorial “a real life use case for destructuring” Phil Nash
Filtering and Chaining in Functional JavaScript tutorial Sitepoint
Intro to Vue.js: Rendering, Directives, and Events tutorial The first in an introductory series. Sarah Drasner
Setting up an Angular 2 Development Environment tutorial Prosper Otemuyiwa
Why Webpack 2's Tree Shaking Is Not As Effective As You Think opinion
10 Reasons Why I Moved From Angular to React opinion Robin Wieruch
WebPack Is Not The Only Way (a.k.a. Introducing FuseBox) tools FuseBox is a “new generation bundler and module loader”. Feras Khoursheed
Lepton: A Desktop GitHub Gist Client Built on Electron tools node Cosmo
Front-end ♥ npm; npm ♥ you tools Unblock collaboration, quit reinventing the wheel, and build amazing things. Unleash the awesomeness, bring npm to work. npm, Inc.  Sponsor
Between: ES6 Proxy-Based Animation Library Inspired by Cocoa code
Gibon: Functional UI Router in ~600 Bytes, Built on HTML5 History API code
Simple Statistics: Statistical Methods in Readable JavaScript code Averages to variance to probabilities to Bayesian classification. Tom MacWright
Preact-Starter: Webpack2 Boilerplate for Building SPA Apps with Preact code Luke Edwards
dot.dom: Tiny (510 Byte) Template Engine That Uses Virtual DOM code Ioannis Charalampidis
GWIS (Graphing Water Information System) Released by US Government code A library developed for creating time-series plots of data measured at water flow sites. United States Geological Survey
Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooperpress.
Like this? You may also enjoy: FrontEnd Focus : Node Weekly : React Status
Stop getting JavaScript Weekly : Change email address : Read this issue on the Web
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