#react js development tutorial
baselinedevelopment · 2 years
React.JS Development - Baseline IT development
Baseline IT development company has professional developers who provide the best web designs that help easily. Today React.JS Development is used for single-page apps which are user interfaces. Our web development company gives free open-source software, smooth updates, and effective DOM. Top Features of React.JS One-way data binding Virtual DOM JSX Declarative UI Speed and efficiency Flexibility Component-based architecture We are providing all these services. If you want React.JS development designs please contact us at 9888522266 or visit our website- https://baselineitdevelopment.com/services
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learntechsolution · 8 months
Deploying a Node.js application to Heroku is a straightforward process. Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that allows you to easily deploy, manage, and scale web applications. Here's a step-by-step guide to deploying a Node.js application to Heroku
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learn-techsolution · 8 months
Deploying a Node.js application to Heroku is a straightforward process. Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that allows you to easily deploy, manage, and scale web applications. Here's a step-by-step guide to deploying a Node.js application to Heroku
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learntech-solution · 8 months
Deploying a Node.js application to Heroku is a straightforward process. Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that allows you to easily deploy, manage, and scale web applications. Here's a step-by-step guide to deploying a Node.js application to Heroku
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learn-tech-solution · 8 months
Deploying a Node.js application to Heroku is a straightforward process. Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that allows you to easily deploy, manage, and scale web applications. Here's a step-by-step guide to deploying a Node.js application to Heroku
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oursillycollectorpost · 11 months
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zaions · 2 years
Creating Your First React App: A Step-by-Step Guide
Creating Your First React App: A Step-by-Step Guide
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blogpreetikatiyar · 2 years
Future of AI : Playground OpenAI
Artificial Intelligence 
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science aimed at creating intelligent machines. Applications in areas such as robotics, natural language processing, and image recognition have made it an integral part of the technology industry. AI technology can solve complex problems and automate tasks too tedious for humans.
In Simple Words – 
Artificial Intelligence is the ability of machine to think like humans, solve-real world problems, by improving on their own from past experience, just like as human do. 
Intelligence is composed of :
Problem Solving
Linguistic Intelligence
Types of AI -
Reactive Machines: Reactive machines are AI structures that depend upon modern enter in place of counting on beyond experience. Examples of reactive machines consist of Deep Blue, an AI device for gambling chess, and AlphaGo, a device for gambling the Chinese board sport Go.
Limited Memory: AI systems with limited memory can use past experience to make current decisions. Examples of AI with limited memory are self-driving cars that remember past roads and obstacles, and AI assistants that remember user preferences.
Theory of Mind: A theoretical AI system should understand and interact with people on an emotional level. These types of AI systems can be used to create virtual assistants or chatbots that understand natural language and provide personalized responses.
Self-Aware: Self-aware AI systems are designed to understand their enviroment and make decisions based on that understanding. Such AI systems can be used for things like autonomous robots and virtual agents.
Learn more about Artificial Intelligence in detail – Click here 
Why do we need Artificial Intelligence?
Increased efficiency: AI can automate tasks and processes, allowing humans to focus on more important or higher-value work. This can lead to increased productivity and efficiency
Increased productivity: AI can automate routine tasks and free up human workers to focus on more complex and creative work.
Enhanced decision-making: AI can analyze data and provide insights that can help humans make more informed decisions.
Improved accuracy: AI systems can often perform tasks with a higher degree of accuracy than humans, especially when it comes to tasks that involve large amounts of data or that are repetitive.
Automating routine tasks: AI can be used to automate routine tasks, freeing up humans to focus on more complex and creative work.
Overall, the use of AI has the potential to improve efficiency, increase productivity, and enhance decision-making in many different fields.
Application of Artificial Intelligence – 
Artificial intelligence (AI) has a wide range of applications and is being used in many different industries. Here are a few examples of how AI is being used today:
Healthcare: AI can be used to analyze medical records, make diagnoses, and recommend treatment options.
Education: AI can be used to personalize learning, provide tutoring and feedback, and assess student progress.
Customer service: AI can be used to provide assistance and support to customers through chatbots and virtual assistants.
Agriculture: AI can be used to optimize irrigation, predict crop yields, and monitor livestock health.
These are just a few examples of how AI is being used today. AI has the potential to revolutionize many industries and improve our daily lives in a variety of ways.
Future of AI – 
The future of AI is difficult to predict, but many experts predict that AI will have a major impact on our lives over the next few years. AI technology will continue to evolve and applications of AI will become more prevalent in our daily lives, from medicine to transportation. AI is used to automate and streamline many everyday processes, making them more efficient and accurate. AI is also being used to improve human-machine communication and make decisions more accurately and quickly. Advances in AI will enable machines to understand, learn and adapt more and more, allowing them to interact more naturally with humans. Ultimately, AI will continue to be a powerful tool for improving our lives, but its potential is only just beginning to be explored.
The future of AI is still unknown, but it will be interesting to see how this technology evolves over time.
Artificial Learning is the superset of Machine learning and Deep Learning.  
In order to learn Artificial Intelligence, one should start with the concepts of Deep Learning and Machine Learning, as it one of the most effective ways to learn Artificial Intelligence for beginners.
Know more, What is Machine Learning?
Let’s talk about one such Futuristic AI tool – Playground OpenAI
Playground OpenAI
Playground OpenAI is an interactive web platform developed by OpenAI, a San Francisco-based artificial intelligence lab, that allows developers to experiment with reinforcement learning algorithms and neural networks. The platform provides a virtual environment where users can create and train agents to solve various tasks and challenges. It also allows users to explore the capabilities of reinforcement learning and neural networks and interact with existing his OpenAI models.
“OpenAI's Playground can respond to any prompt”
Playground is a predictive language tool. In other words, it has AI trained to complete or respond to input in the most trustworthy and "human" way possible. Bots like this have been around for years (remember Cleverbot?), but Playground lets you use the best of OpenAI tools to run your tests.
It comes with several different templates to help you get inspired. For example, you can select Chat to have a conversation with your bot, or select Q&A to set up a question-and-answer session with your bot. However, users had the most fun when they were simply asked to write a story or come up with an idea for a new TV show.
There are other modes where you can enter text someone has already written and let the AI ​​insert or edit new text. You can also change things like "Temperature" (response logic) and "Frequency" (number of repetitions).
It is very useful for people from different fields, students, teachers, professionals and many others.
Searching for a question returns an answer. You can also create computer programs using OpenAI tools.
Let’s see an example – 
Also, read – Top Technology Trend to Look out for in 2023
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enigmalea · 1 year
Why I Contributed to FujoGuide
If you follow me here or mastodon you may have noticed that I've been reblogging/boosting a lot of posts for something called The Fujoshi Guide to Web Development (@fujowebdev). There's a good chance you followed me or know me from the Dragon Age fandom where I run communities, events, and zines and write fanfic, and you might be wondering why the sudden and drastic departure from my normal content. Why would a writer contribute to something related to webdev? Why have you stopped seeing thirst for Dragon Age characters and started seeing… whatever a FujoGuide is?
The answers to those questions (and more!) are below the cut.
My Coding Journey
I wrote my first lines of code in 1996 (yes, I'm old AF). It was the early days of the internet and tutorials for how to make your own websites were literally everywhere. You couldn't go more than two clicks without finding a how-to written in plain language. But it was painstaking and tedious. CSS didn't exist yet (literally, I started coding about six months before it was released) and even when it appeared it wasn't widely adopted or supported.
It was the "glory days" of Geocities, Myspace themes, Neopets, and Livejournal. If there was a cool site, you could use HTML and/or CSS to customize it. I honed my skills by coding so many tables character profiles for RPs, creating themes, painstakingly laying out user info pages, and building my own site.
Gradually, things changed. Web 2.0 showed up with locked down profiles and feeds you couldn't customize, free website hosts became more difficult to find, and point and click page builders became the way of the web. Shortly after, I took a long break from fandom; frustrated and disappointed with site closures, lost communities, and general fandom wank… it felt like it just wasn't worth it anymore.
I eventually came back, and when I did it meant customizing themes, figuring out how to create tools for my communities, coding tumblr pages (and learning they're not really supported on mobile), and looking at automations for my common tasks. One day, I woke up and thought, "I'm going to make a Discord bot… it can't be that hard."
So, I did it.
An Unexpected Friendship
About a month after I launched my bot to the public, I received a random Discord message from @essential-randomness. A friend had told her about my bot, and she was working on BobaBoard which needed volunteers. I was shocked. First, people were talking about my bot. Second, I wasn't a real coder. I didn't know anything! I just googled a bunch of stuff and got something working. I had no idea what I was doing.
She assured me it was okay. She was willing to teach me what I didn't know - and most of all, that she wanted my help. I took a day or two to think it over, and fatefully filled out the volunteer form. I didn't know if I could be useful or how I could be useful, but I wanted to try.
Programming Is Awful
In the years months that followed, I spent a lot of time in @essential-randomness' DMs complaining about programming… at least once I realized she wouldn't judge me. I was still very much doing things the hard way, taking hours to update a site to add a single link on all the pages. I knew there were easier methods, but I either couldn't find them or once I found them, they were filled with dense jargon which was terrifying.
"An all-in-one zero-javascript frontend architecture framework!" Is that even English? "A headless open-source CMS." Cool. Sounds good. "A full-stack SSG based on Jamstack extending React and integrating Rust-based JS." Those sure are words. With meanings. That someone knows. Not me, though.
I spent so much time looking at what sites claimed was documentation and losing my mind because I had no idea where to even start most of the time. With @essential-randomness' encouragement, I kept at it, experimenting with new things, and jumping in headfirst even when I had no idea what I was doing. And I was so glad. Where I used to struggle keeping one website updated, last year I managed to deploy and update 7 websites. Yeah, you read that right. It was amazing.
The new stuff made it all much, much easier.
An Idea Is Born
Meanwhile, we spent hours discussing why it was difficult to get fandom to try coding. Part of the barrier was the belief you must be some sort of genius or know math or that creative/humanities people can't do it. It is also partially coding communities being unfriendly to newbies and hobbyists; a culture which often thrives on debasing people's choices, deriding them for not understanding, and shouting rtfm (read the fucking manual) and lmgtfy (let me google that for you)- all of which are unhelpful at best and humiliating and abusive at worst. The tech dudebro culture can be unforgiving and mean.
The number of coding-based Discords I've left far outnumbers the ones I've stayed in.
We determined what fandom needed was a place for coders of all skill levels to come together to help and support one another; where they could learn to code and how to join open-source projects they love, and where they could make friends and connections and show off their projects whether they were new or experienced programmers.
And thus… Fandom Coders was born.
What About FujoGuide?
Of course, running a coding group and working on BobaBoard together means we spent a lot of time talking about the state of the web. We both lamented over poor documentation, jargon-rich tutorials, and guides which assume a baseline of knowledge most people don't have. What we needed to do was provide tutorials which start at the beginning… from the ground up (what is a terminal and how do I open it?) without skipping steps. What we needed to do was make those tutorials fun and appealing.
I don't remember exactly the journey it took to get us here if I'm honest. I have no clue who said it first. But I do remember I first started thinking about anthropomorphizing programming languages when we attempted to cast the languages as the Ouran High School boys… and again when I suggested we do a [TOP SECRET IN CASE WE DO IT] group project in Fandom Coders to help people learn about programming.
What I do know is that as last year ended, @essential-randomness became laser-focused on creating our gijinka and moving forward with FujoGuide… and I couldn't say no.
Okay, But… Why Contribute?
To be honest, it's not just that I was around for the birth of the idea. It's ALL of the things in this post - the culmination of three years of frustration trying to figure out what I'm doing with coding, of wading through dense documentation, of wanting to give up before I even start. It's three years of dipping my toes into toxic techbro culture before running away. All added to decades of watching the web become corporate-sanitized, frustratingly difficult to customize, increasingly less fun, and overtly hostile to fans who dare enjoy sexual content.
To sum all of this up, it's the firm belief that we desperately need a resource like this. Something that's for us, by us. Something that builds fans up, instead of tears them down; that empowers them to create for themselves and their communities what no one is creating for them. It is a project I'm deeply passionate about.
And I can't wait until we can bring it to life for you all.
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itsbenedict · 1 year
at work: run project on remote machine and create a test API action that will respond via postman
clear out basement storage room (apparently landlady DID clear it out but accidentally left it unlocked and then some random tenant started storing their junk in there)
J/A: +1 jaj portrait
FE: set up routing and navigation for character and map pages of the content authoring app
exercise (add pushups to routine)
60 WK reviews
today i learned about React! what a nice little tool for component-based web development! components are just functions, that's so nice! i bet this will be a lightweight way to-
-oh, just one little thing: to transpile JSX to JS you are going to need a thousand fucking dependencies so babel can run. also we've changed the basic syntax of how routing works like five times apparently and no two tutorials depict anything working the same way. also fuck you, the components aren't just functions, you need to make them classes that extend Component now, and god help you if you pass a component function and not a <component> to the router's component element prop by accident. by the way, would you like to use one of a dozen competing react frameworks to handle all the rigmarole for you except they don't and just introduce more rigmarole? no? great! every tutorial and help article is going to assume you're using one, so you can go die i guess!
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creativeschoolrb · 9 months
Hi, this is Creative School. Today we share with you how to generate PDF documents from any website. If you want to develop a website and want to provide PDF downloading features, you are exactly in the right place. This video will help you to insert a PDF generator feature in your website on any page of any specific size and shape. GitHub Link: https://github.com/BorhanHosen/How-to-add-pdf-file-download-option-in-your-website.git 0:00 Explanation 3:10 Intro 3:39 Explaining Puppeteer 7:12 Server Side Code Explanation 15:01 Client Side Code Explanation 26:21 Final Touch 28:18 Outro Here are some of our previous tutorial links. You can watch and learn new things and techniques. Enjoy them: How to Send Data from HTML Form Data to Google Sheets | Creative School https://youtu.be/A4TPkOw2Ess Mastering Full Invoice Inventory Management in Microsoft Excel | Creative School Tutorial https://youtu.be/f8BTxan1QTo Motion Graphics in PowerPoint Full Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsWfHxHIjBT87YgBulwX6X-bnEk4TayQu How to Create the Best Animated Info-graphic in PowerPoint [Part-1] 2020 || Creative School || https://youtu.be/rV-mykyBQIM Awesome Flat Intro Animation In PowerPoint Part 2 || Creative School || https://youtu.be/TafoVSYadEg The Night Sky with a Mountain, fountain, a tree, Bird & Moon Creating in PowerPoint || Creative School || https://youtu.be/jyCTlxJrGyg SAMSUNG Galaxy Boot Animation in PowerPoint [Full Tutorial- 2020] https://youtu.be/pqh-P1mUNp8 How to make an intro video of 10-minute school in PowerPoint 2020. [Part 1] https://youtu.be/I1xObR_SVco Water Animation In PowerPoint Animation! || Creative School https://youtu.be/WfzKTzbGVRA How to add pdf file #download option in your #website https://youtu.be/cNhQ-0VBt5A ===HashTags=== #reactjs #creativeschool #pdfconversion #html #nodejs #vscode #website #javascript #convertpdf #generatepdf #pdfconverter #downloadpdf #puppeteers #mernstack #javascript ===Related Tags=== react pdf generator, generate pdf using react, generate pdfs from html & css with nodejs using puppeteer, certificate generator website, how to create a pdf file using reactjs, html to pdf using javascript, generate pdf from html, generate pdf using javascript, how to add pdf object on a website, how to convert html to pdf in react app using jspdf, easy way to embed pdfs on a website, how to convert html content to pdf in react app using jspdf, generate pdf with react, how to create a pdf with node and puppeteer, generate pdfs from html & css with nodejs using puppeteer, puppeteer, getting to know puppeteer with example, get started with headless chrome and puppeteer, headless chrome and puppeteer, how to generate pdf from html with node.js, how to create a pdf file using reactjs, generate pdf using javascript, how to create pdfs with node js and react, puppeteer examples, puppeteer tutorial, puppeteer html to pdf generation with node.js,
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learntechsolution · 8 months
Implementing a date picker in a React app can be done using various libraries, and one popular choice is react-datepicker. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to implement a date picker using this library
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learn-techsolution · 8 months
Implementing a date picker in a React app can be done using various libraries, and one popular choice is react-datepicker. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to implement a date picker using this library
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learntech-solution · 8 months
Implementing a date picker in a React app can be done using various libraries, and one popular choice is react-datepicker. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to implement a date picker using this library
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learn-tech-solution · 8 months
Implementing a date picker in a React app can be done using various libraries, and one popular choice is react-datepicker. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to implement a date picker using this library
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incipientinfotechh · 1 year
We are committed to meeting deadlines and delivering projects on time. Our efficient project management processes ensure that your software development projects stay on track.
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