#react js development build
baselinedevelopment · 2 years
React.JS Development - Baseline IT development
Baseline IT development company has professional developers who provide the best web designs that help easily. Today React.JS Development is used for single-page apps which are user interfaces. Our web development company gives free open-source software, smooth updates, and effective DOM. Top Features of React.JS One-way data binding Virtual DOM JSX Declarative UI Speed and efficiency Flexibility Component-based architecture We are providing all these services. If you want React.JS development designs please contact us at 9888522266 or visit our website- https://baselineitdevelopment.com/services
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msupporter · 8 months
E-commerce website: How to create an e-commerce website
How to create an E-commerce website If you are thinking about creating your ecommerce website then this information will be very beneficial for you. It is very easy to setup an e-commerce business, you just have to follow some information, after this you can create an e-commerce business and sell your goods. We will tell you step by step simple methods here. 1, first of all you must have thought…
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enigmalea · 1 year
Why I Contributed to FujoGuide
If you follow me here or mastodon you may have noticed that I've been reblogging/boosting a lot of posts for something called The Fujoshi Guide to Web Development (@fujowebdev). There's a good chance you followed me or know me from the Dragon Age fandom where I run communities, events, and zines and write fanfic, and you might be wondering why the sudden and drastic departure from my normal content. Why would a writer contribute to something related to webdev? Why have you stopped seeing thirst for Dragon Age characters and started seeing… whatever a FujoGuide is?
The answers to those questions (and more!) are below the cut.
My Coding Journey
I wrote my first lines of code in 1996 (yes, I'm old AF). It was the early days of the internet and tutorials for how to make your own websites were literally everywhere. You couldn't go more than two clicks without finding a how-to written in plain language. But it was painstaking and tedious. CSS didn't exist yet (literally, I started coding about six months before it was released) and even when it appeared it wasn't widely adopted or supported.
It was the "glory days" of Geocities, Myspace themes, Neopets, and Livejournal. If there was a cool site, you could use HTML and/or CSS to customize it. I honed my skills by coding so many tables character profiles for RPs, creating themes, painstakingly laying out user info pages, and building my own site.
Gradually, things changed. Web 2.0 showed up with locked down profiles and feeds you couldn't customize, free website hosts became more difficult to find, and point and click page builders became the way of the web. Shortly after, I took a long break from fandom; frustrated and disappointed with site closures, lost communities, and general fandom wank… it felt like it just wasn't worth it anymore.
I eventually came back, and when I did it meant customizing themes, figuring out how to create tools for my communities, coding tumblr pages (and learning they're not really supported on mobile), and looking at automations for my common tasks. One day, I woke up and thought, "I'm going to make a Discord bot… it can't be that hard."
So, I did it.
An Unexpected Friendship
About a month after I launched my bot to the public, I received a random Discord message from @essential-randomness. A friend had told her about my bot, and she was working on BobaBoard which needed volunteers. I was shocked. First, people were talking about my bot. Second, I wasn't a real coder. I didn't know anything! I just googled a bunch of stuff and got something working. I had no idea what I was doing.
She assured me it was okay. She was willing to teach me what I didn't know - and most of all, that she wanted my help. I took a day or two to think it over, and fatefully filled out the volunteer form. I didn't know if I could be useful or how I could be useful, but I wanted to try.
Programming Is Awful
In the years months that followed, I spent a lot of time in @essential-randomness' DMs complaining about programming… at least once I realized she wouldn't judge me. I was still very much doing things the hard way, taking hours to update a site to add a single link on all the pages. I knew there were easier methods, but I either couldn't find them or once I found them, they were filled with dense jargon which was terrifying.
"An all-in-one zero-javascript frontend architecture framework!" Is that even English? "A headless open-source CMS." Cool. Sounds good. "A full-stack SSG based on Jamstack extending React and integrating Rust-based JS." Those sure are words. With meanings. That someone knows. Not me, though.
I spent so much time looking at what sites claimed was documentation and losing my mind because I had no idea where to even start most of the time. With @essential-randomness' encouragement, I kept at it, experimenting with new things, and jumping in headfirst even when I had no idea what I was doing. And I was so glad. Where I used to struggle keeping one website updated, last year I managed to deploy and update 7 websites. Yeah, you read that right. It was amazing.
The new stuff made it all much, much easier.
An Idea Is Born
Meanwhile, we spent hours discussing why it was difficult to get fandom to try coding. Part of the barrier was the belief you must be some sort of genius or know math or that creative/humanities people can't do it. It is also partially coding communities being unfriendly to newbies and hobbyists; a culture which often thrives on debasing people's choices, deriding them for not understanding, and shouting rtfm (read the fucking manual) and lmgtfy (let me google that for you)- all of which are unhelpful at best and humiliating and abusive at worst. The tech dudebro culture can be unforgiving and mean.
The number of coding-based Discords I've left far outnumbers the ones I've stayed in.
We determined what fandom needed was a place for coders of all skill levels to come together to help and support one another; where they could learn to code and how to join open-source projects they love, and where they could make friends and connections and show off their projects whether they were new or experienced programmers.
And thus… Fandom Coders was born.
What About FujoGuide?
Of course, running a coding group and working on BobaBoard together means we spent a lot of time talking about the state of the web. We both lamented over poor documentation, jargon-rich tutorials, and guides which assume a baseline of knowledge most people don't have. What we needed to do was provide tutorials which start at the beginning… from the ground up (what is a terminal and how do I open it?) without skipping steps. What we needed to do was make those tutorials fun and appealing.
I don't remember exactly the journey it took to get us here if I'm honest. I have no clue who said it first. But I do remember I first started thinking about anthropomorphizing programming languages when we attempted to cast the languages as the Ouran High School boys… and again when I suggested we do a [TOP SECRET IN CASE WE DO IT] group project in Fandom Coders to help people learn about programming.
What I do know is that as last year ended, @essential-randomness became laser-focused on creating our gijinka and moving forward with FujoGuide… and I couldn't say no.
Okay, But… Why Contribute?
To be honest, it's not just that I was around for the birth of the idea. It's ALL of the things in this post - the culmination of three years of frustration trying to figure out what I'm doing with coding, of wading through dense documentation, of wanting to give up before I even start. It's three years of dipping my toes into toxic techbro culture before running away. All added to decades of watching the web become corporate-sanitized, frustratingly difficult to customize, increasingly less fun, and overtly hostile to fans who dare enjoy sexual content.
To sum all of this up, it's the firm belief that we desperately need a resource like this. Something that's for us, by us. Something that builds fans up, instead of tears them down; that empowers them to create for themselves and their communities what no one is creating for them. It is a project I'm deeply passionate about.
And I can't wait until we can bring it to life for you all.
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codecuriouscat · 11 months
﹒⪩⪨﹒Introductory post ﹒⪩⪨﹒
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Hello, i've been on tumblr for a long time now but I thought it's kind of dead until today, I saw new posts and people actually reacting to them, so here I am, starting a brand new blog ~ !
I won't lie, i'll kind of copy @girliestwomaninstem introductionary post (sorry for that (^-^*)/)
🌻About me :
name: Thiziri age: 28 pronouns: she/her zodiac: ⊙ scorpio, ☽ sagittarius, ↑ scorpio languages I speak: arabic, french, english, italian (beginner) country: algeria. favorite plant: sunflower favorite color: dark red
🌻My favourite subjects ♡
- academic: math, programming, computer science, sciences, english language
- non-academic: psychology, criminology
🌻Hobbies :
🌻Current technology interests:
ASP.NET core
React JS
As you can see, i'm a young woman from Algeria who likes basic things. I'm a software engineer but i lack experience due to my previous job where it was chaotic, i feel like I lost my time there so i'm feeling quite noob in CS. My current job is in devOps / web development, and I really want to get better at it, that's what my blog will mainly be about.
But not only...
As you've seen, i'm also interested in fitness and gym, so you might as well see blog posts about healthy food, routines and tips, and maybe some religious posts too! This blog will be like my safe-space and maybe yours too. I hope we'll build a kind community all together. Don't hesitate to share your hobbies too, or blogs in relation with my interests ! :)
Ah and here's a link for my brand new twitter account.
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js-developer · 9 months
Exploring the Powerhouse: 30 Must-Know JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks for Web Development
React.js: A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Angular.js (Angular): A web application framework maintained by Google, used for building dynamic, single-page web applications.
Vue.js: A progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It is incrementally adaptable and can be integrated into other projects.
Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine that enables server-side JavaScript development.
Express.js: A web application framework for Node.js that simplifies the process of building web applications.
jQuery: A fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, and animation.
D3.js: A powerful library for creating data visualizations using HTML, SVG, and CSS.
Three.js: A cross-browser JavaScript library and application programming interface (API) used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser.
Redux: A predictable state container for JavaScript apps, often used with React for managing the state of the application.
Next.js: A React framework for building server-side rendered and statically generated web applications.
Svelte: A radical new approach to building user interfaces. It shifts the work from the browser to the build step, resulting in smaller, faster applications.
Electron: A framework for building cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
RxJS: A library for reactive programming using Observables, making it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code.
Webpack: A module bundler for JavaScript applications. It takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules.
Babel: A JavaScript compiler that allows developers to use the latest ECMAScript features by transforming them into browser-compatible JavaScript.
Jest: A JavaScript testing framework designed to ensure the correctness of your code.
Mocha: A feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser.
Chai: A BDD/TDD assertion library for Node.js and the browser that can be paired with any testing framework.
Lodash: A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, and extras.
Socket.io: A library that enables real-time, bidirectional, and event-based communication between web clients and servers.
GraphQL: A query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries with your existing data.
Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js, making it easy to send asynchronous HTTP requests.
Jasmine: A behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code.
Meteor.js: A full-stack JavaScript platform for developing modern web and mobile applications.
Gatsby.js: A modern website framework that builds performance into every website by leveraging the latest web technologies.
Chart.js: A simple yet flexible JavaScript charting library for designers and developers.
Ember.js: A JavaScript framework for building web applications, with a focus on productivity and convention over configuration.
Nuxt.js: A framework for creating Vue.js applications with server-side rendering and routing.
Grunt: A JavaScript task runner that automates common tasks in the development process.
Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets): A CSS preprocessor that helps you write maintainable, scalable, and modular styles.
Remember to check each library or framework's documentation and community support for the latest information and updates.
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mulesmaster · 9 months
React training in hyderabad
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Introduction to React JS 
React is like the carpenter’s toolbox for building web interfaces. Created by the folks at Facebook, it’s a set of tools that makes crafting interactive and dynamic websites a whole lot easier. Imagine it as a set of magic building blocks that help developers create sleek, responsive, and engaging front-end applications. Since its debut in 2013, React has become a favorite among web developers, kind of like the go-to tool when you want to make your website not just look good but also feel lively and interactive. It’s a bit like the secret sauce behind many of the awesome websites you use every day.
Features of React JS
Declarative Syntax: React uses a declarative syntax, allowing developers to describe the desired outcome, and React takes care of the underlying logic to achieve that outcome. This makes the code more predictable and easier to understand.
2. Component-Based Architecture: React follows a component-based architecture where the UI is broken down into reusable components. Each component manages its own state and can be composed to build complex user interfaces.
3. Virtual DOM: React uses a virtual DOM to improve performance. Instead of directly manipulating the actual DOM, React creates a virtual representation of it in memory and updates only the parts of the actual DOM that have changed. This minimizes the number of DOM manipulations, resulting in faster updates.
4. JSX (JavaScript XML): React uses JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML elements and components in a syntax similar to XML or HTML. JSX makes the code more readable and helps with the integration of UI components.
Components in React
In React, think of components as building blocks for your user interface — they’re like Lego pieces that you can assemble to create your application. These components are self-contained and can be reused, making it easier to manage and organize your user interface. It’s as if you’re constructing your application with Lego bricks, where each brick represents a specific part of your user interface.
This modular approach simplifies the development process and encourages a more flexible and maintainable code structure.
Dumb components: Think of these components as the friendly faces you see in a store’s display window. They’re there to catch your eye and make everything look inviting. These components are all about the visual appeal, like the welcoming decor of a shop, without getting into the technical details or behind-the-scenes work.
2. Smart components:Think of these components as the wise decision-makers. They not only handle the important business details but also decide when and how things should appear on the screen. It’s like having an event planner for your app — they manage the behind-the-scenes work and ensure everything shows up at just the right time and in the best way possible.
NOTE 🤓:These components can come to life either as classes or functions. They’re adaptable, like a versatile tool that can be crafted in different ways based on your needs.
State of a component
In the world of React, think of the state as a component’s personal notebook — it’s where the component keeps track of information that can change over time. This information might shift based on how users interact with the component or how the outside world reacts to it. Whether the component is a classic novel (a class) or a snappy note (a function), it handles its state in its own unique way. What’s really neat is that when this internal state undergoes a change, it’s like the component automatically freshens up, updating its look without any fuss — kind of like a quick, seamless makeover happening in the background.
Properties of a component
In React, components communicate with each other through a feature called “Props.” It’s like sharing notes or gifts between them, but here’s the catch: the communication is a one-way street, flowing strictly from a parent component to its child. Imagine it as a parent passing a sealed letter to their child. What’s interesting is that these messages, or props, are unchangeable once delivered. It’s akin to sending a secure package — the information remains intact, ensuring a clear and organized flow of data between React components.
Life cycle of a component
Components in React have a lifecycle, and it’s like understanding the natural flow of a component’s journey. This lifecycle serves as our guide, allowing us to make smart decisions at different points in the component’s existence. It’s a bit like knowing when to take specific actions, such as making an HTTP request or tidying up the user interface.
componentDidMount: Think of this as the behind-the-scenes moment when the component takes its place on the UI stage for the first time.
componentDidUpdate:Picture this as the component’s way of adapting and evolving — a sort of behind-the-scenes dance that happens when the component experiences a change in its mood or receives something new to work with.
componentWillUnmount: Function executed when the component is unmounted from the UI.
React Hooks are a set of functions that were introduced in React 16.8 to enable the use of state and other React features in functional components. Before the introduction of hooks, state and lifecycle methods were primarily associated with class components. Hooks allow functional components to have state, lifecycle features, and more, making them a powerful and concise alternative to class components.
The most commonly used React Hooks include:
use State: Enables functional components to manage state.
2. use Effect: Provides a way to perform side effects in functional components, similar to component DidMount and component DidUpdate in class components.
3. use Context: Allows functional components to subscribe to React context without introducing a nested component.
4. use Reducer: An alternative to use State for managing more complex state logic in functional components.
5. use Callback and use Memo: Optimize performance by memoizing functions and values to prevent unnecessary re-renders.
Hello world with create react app
Create React App is a ready-to-go setup designed for building React applications. It works seamlessly with Node version 14.0.0 or higher and npm version 5.6 or higher. To kickstart a new project, simply run the following commands in your terminal:
“npx create-react-app your-project-name”
Most used add-on libraries in React JS
1. Redux: A predictable state container for managing the state of your application in a more organized and scalable way.
2. React Router: Provides navigation and routing functionalities for React applications, allowing you to create dynamic and SPA (Single Page Application) experiences.
3. Axios: A promise-based HTTP client that simplifies making HTTP requests in React applications.
4. Styled-components: Enables writing CSS directly in your JavaScript files using tagged template literals, promoting component-based styling.
5. Material-UI: A popular React component library that implements Google’s Material Design, offering a set of pre-designed and customizable components.
6. Formik: A form management library that simplifies form building, validation, and handling form submissions.
7. React Query: A library for managing, caching, and syncing asynchronous data in React applications, making it easier to work with API calls and data fetching.
8. Chakra UI: A component library for React that provides a set of accessible and customizable UI components.
9. React Helmet: Allows manipulation of the document head, useful for managing meta tags, titles, and other document head elements.
10. React-Bootstrap: Integrates the Bootstrap CSS framework with React components, providing a set of responsive and customizable UI elements.
Recursos React JS
React Official Website: Explore the heart of React at React official websites. Immerse yourself in comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and fundamental concepts that form the backbone of React development.
React Blog: Stay updated on the latest in React by checking out the React Blog. Dive into news, official articles, and insightful posts that illuminate the evolving world of React development.
Thinking in React: Embark on your React journey by embracing the philosophy of “Thinking in React.” Learn how to kickstart your understanding by focusing on the core concept of thinking in components. The journey begins with a guide to getting started thinking in components. This course is designed to provide students with a solid understanding of the architecture and functionality of MuleSoft’s integration platform.
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react-js · 1 year
React JS
Unleashing the Power of User Interfaces: A Guide to React.js
In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, creating interactive and dynamic user interfaces is crucial to delivering engaging online experiences. One technology that has risen to prominence in this domain is React.js. Developed by Facebook, React.js has transformed the way developers build web applications by providing a powerful framework for building modular and reusable UI components. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of React.js, exploring its core concepts, benefits, and practical applications.
Understanding React.js:
At its heart, React.js is a JavaScript library that focuses on the efficient rendering of user interfaces. It employs a declarative approach to building UI components, where developers define how the interface should look at any given point in time, and React takes care of efficiently updating and rendering the UI when data changes.
Key Concepts:
Components: In React, user interfaces are constructed using components - self-contained, reusable building blocks that encapsulate both UI elements and the logic to manage their behavior. Components can be nested within each other, forming a tree-like structure that represents the entire user interface.
Virtual DOM: One of the most powerful features of React is its Virtual DOM. Rather than directly manipulating the actual DOM, React creates a lightweight virtual representation of the DOM in memory. When there are changes in the data or state of a component, React calculates the difference (also known as the "diff") between the previous and current virtual DOM states, and then applies only the necessary updates to the actual DOM. This process greatly improves performance and minimizes unnecessary re-rendering.
State and Props: State represents the dynamic data that can change within a component. Props (short for properties) are immutable data that are passed from parent to child components, allowing for dynamic content and customization.
Lifecycle Methods: React components have a lifecycle, consisting of phases from initialization to rendering, updating, and unmounting. Developers can tap into these lifecycle methods to control behavior at various points in a component's existence.
Hooks: Introduced in React 16.8, hooks are functions that allow developers to add state and lifecycle features to functional components. This enables a more concise and readable code structure, promoting the use of functional components over class components.
Benefits of Using React.js:
Modularity and Reusability: React's component-based architecture promotes modular development. Components can be reused across different parts of an application or even shared between projects, leading to more efficient development and easier maintenance.
Performance: By employing the Virtual DOM and selective rendering, React minimizes the performance overhead of constantly updating the actual DOM. This results in faster, smoother user interfaces, even for complex applications.
Community and Ecosystem: React has a vast and active community that contributes to its ecosystem. This means there are numerous libraries, tools, and resources available to enhance and streamline the development process.
SEO-Friendly: React applications can be rendered on the server side, improving search engine optimization (SEO) by providing search engines with a fully rendered HTML page.
Practical Applications:
React.js finds applications in a wide range of projects, from simple web apps to complex enterprise-level solutions. Some common use cases include:
Single-Page Applications (SPAs): React excels in building SPAs where fluid user experiences are key. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram use React to power their dynamic interfaces.
E-Commerce Websites: React's modular nature is beneficial for e-commerce sites, allowing developers to create reusable components for product listings, carts, and checkout processes.
Data Dashboards: React is suitable for building data visualization dashboards that require real-time updates and interactive charts.
Mobile Applications: React Native, an extension of React.js, is used to develop cross-platform mobile applications with a native-like experience.
In Conclusion:
React.js has revolutionized the way web applications are developed by providing a powerful set of tools for building modular, efficient, and interactive user interfaces. Its component-based architecture, Virtual DOM, and rich ecosystem make it a top choice for developers looking to create modern and engaging web experiences. Whether you're building a personal project or a complex enterprise application, React.js is a valuable technology to have in your toolkit. So, embrace the power of React.js and embark on a journey to create stunning user interfaces that captivate and delight your audience.
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React JS and its Uses
React.js is a popular JavaScript library that is widely used in web development to build interactive user interfaces. Its popularity has grown over the years due to its ease of use and flexibility, allowing developers to create complex and dynamic applications with relative ease. Here are some of the most common uses of React.js:
Building single-page applications (SPAs): React.js is an excellent choice for building SPAs because it provides a clean and easy-to-understand structure for managing complex user interfaces.
Creating reusable UI components: React.js allows developers to create reusable UI components that can be used across an entire application, saving time and improving consistency.
Implementing server-side rendering: React.js can be used for server-side rendering, which allows for faster page loads and better search engine optimization.
Developing mobile applications: React Native, a mobile app development framework based on React.js, is a popular choice for creating high-performance mobile applications that work on both iOS and Android.
Building e-commerce websites: React.js can be used to build powerful and scalable e-commerce websites, thanks to its ability to handle large amounts of data and render complex user interfaces quickly.
Creating dashboards and data visualizations: React.js is an excellent choice for building dashboards and data visualizations because of its ability to handle large amounts of data and render dynamic user interfaces.
Overall, React.js has a wide range of uses in web development, from creating reusable UI components to building complex user interfaces for large-scale applications. Its flexibility and ease of use make it an excellent choice for developers of all levels, and it is expected to remain a popular choice in the years to come.
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NodeJS and ReactJS are two of the most popular JavaScript technologies used today. With NodeJS, developers can build server-side applications that are fast and scalable. ReactJS, on the other hand, is a client-side library that helps create interactive UI. Though both use JavaScript, each technology has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Thus, there remains competition between Node JS vs React. Making the right choice between the two is crucial for the success of any project. In this article, we will delve into the differences between React vs Node. This will help you choose the one that best suits your project’s needs.
Read it : https://www.inwizards.com/blog/nodejs-vs-reactjs-which-one-to-choose-for-your-next-project/
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munsontm · 2 years
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I haven’t done one of these in a while, and it will be available on my pinned post with all the other important hcs to my particular portrayal.
Eddie develops lots of new potential friendships over the cours of S4. But no relationship is as important as his relationship with Dustin Henderson. (apart from Wayne, of course)
First of all, they come from similar single parent households, where both fathers have left for whatever reason, and i suspect that perhaps Dustin’s dad wasn’t so great either. I really think this is a huge part of what ignites the bond between them. They see each other as the big brother and the little brother dynamic. Which is convenient since Eddie had always wanted a younger sibling, and given how Dustin eventually latched on to Steve, the same can probably be said vice-versa. The two of them form a brotherhood that’s as strong as any blood bond because they understand what it’s like to be missing part of your family. They fill a certain void in each other that is needy to expand on the small families that they have. They look out for one another like brother’s do as evident when Dustin immediately shows concern for Eddie multiple times when he is accused of murder, and is the only person we see that 100% believes Eddie is entirely innocent. Eddie stops Dustin from falling in the lake, and then later on---you know, dies protecting him. Making the ultimate big brother sacrifice.
Dustin is also the only person to see every single side of Eddie, which shows just how comfortable he is with Dustin, they’re literally like family. He’s seen performer Eddie, both in the canteen, and likely as a frontman due to his belief in Eddie’s music being a good choice to distract the bats. He’s seen scared Eddie, neurotic Eddie, dork Eddie. But most of all, and most importantly. Dustin saw the most vulnerable and loving part of Eddie during Eddie’s death when Eddie proclaimed his love for Dustin. No one else was privy to Eddie’s emotions in the entire season other than how shit scared he was. He literally cried and told Dustin he loved him, and used his last words to tell Dustin how much he believed in him. If that’s not true platonic love, then I don’t know what is.
They’ve shared many battles together in D&D, and talked at length about LOTR, laughed, played together; as demonstrated when everyone is making weapons. They are the epitome of brothers. It’s not like Dustin and Steve, where Steve had been teaching Dustin to be more confident, but also be more like Steve...which isn’t even working out for Steve. Eddie tells Dustin to be himself (which is also aother example of Eddie letting Dustin see his gentler self), which is also what Steve needs to hear tbh. Because who Dustin is is already absolutely fine. He doesn’t need to be popular and a lady killer because ultimately high school does not matter in the grand scheme of things. There’s an extraordinary naturalness to their relationship which I don’t think Dustin has with Steve. What Dustin has with Steve had to build up. But I don’t get that sense with Dustin and Eddie. They feed off each other’s nerdy energy and being a know it all lmao.
Furthermore, I think that Eddie sees a lot of himself in Dustin. Obviously, there’s the similar family situation and their shared nerdiness. And while I don’t think Eddie quite holds the level of intelligence that Dustin has, he is also on a constant curiosity voyage---perhaps a more reckless one, though the two of them are great at getting themselves into trouble. And the way Dustin reacts to the police questioning him after the lake. Stupendous, amazing, full on Eddie energy. It’s the same with Ted Wheeler too! Both Eddie and Dustin shrug off authority figures because that usually means bad news for them for differing reasons. I’m js they’re both great at getting into trouble for sticking their noses in where they shouldn’t. I can’t imagine the things they could get up to if left alone too long!
In conclusion, while i enjoy Eddie’s other relationships. His one with Dustin is extremely important and often gets overlooked for Steddie and Hellcheer. He ‘died’ for that kid and clearly thought of him as his little brother to the point where he was jealous of Steve for being the other big brother. There is so much to them that the Duffer’s have left untouched, and it’s extremely annoying.
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TechnoMaster is the best institute to learn ReactJS training. We provide short term, crash and long term online / offline IT courses on all IT technologies with real time internships.
For more details on the availability of our Training Program. Click Below:-
React js Training Institute
Our React JS training in UAE helps you to master all the fundamental concepts in React to developer interesting UIs including JSX, states, events, etc. The course will also help you to practice REDUX like reducers, actions, state tree, and more. The major objective of this training program is to help you to get familiar with the process of designing interactive UIs and you will become a React developer, once you will complete the course. We offer courses of your choice at convenient schedules and reasonable fees though our online learning programmes.
With the eminent TechnoMaster training institute in UAE, you will also learn how to design components, structure apps, and more. React JS is a versatile JS library and it is used by top companies like Facebook and Instagram etc. If you also planning to learn how to prepare UI/UX solutions for mobile or web, the course can be an amazing solution for you. It helps to design single-page apps as well.
React JS is an open-source JavaScript library that helps in building dynamic user interfaces for one-page applications. It handles the view layer for web and mobile apps and also allows developers to create reusable UI components. It is true that technologies are changing rapidly in today’s technological space and demand for trained React developers is also increasing tremendously.
Software companies require real time project experience and not just the basic subject knowledge from faculties without any internship on projects. Hence we provide live sessions by successful IT experts working in leading MNCs to ensure you have the skills and experience to deal with real time projects. We aim at getting our students placements in top rated IT companies with best salary packages.
Through our job portal (Jobs Near Me) we aim at helping you get placement in Chennai, Mumbai, Cochin, Infopark, Technopark, Cyberpark, Bengalaru, Delhi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Singapore, Switzerland, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman etc.
Here, React JS certification training can be an additional strength for your profile to take you ahead from your peers. The training will be given expert programmers having years of expertise in the same filed. So, take your first step towards success today before it is too late.
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What is React JS? A Comprehensive Guide by Yess Infotech
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React JS is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It is known for its efficiency, reusability, and component-based architecture. React JS is widely used by developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications.
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idiosys1 · 11 days
5 reasons to choose Next JS and boost website SEO performance
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In the fast-paced digital world, businesses need advanced web applications to stay competitive. One of the most effective frameworks for building interactive, fast-loading, and SEO-friendly websites is Next.js. Since its release in 2016, it has become the preferred choice for many developers due to its robust features like server-side rendering and static site generation, which significantly enhance website performance and search engine visibility.
If you're looking to hire Next JS developers for your next project, understanding how this framework can improve your site's SEO is crucial. In this article, we’ll explore the core features of Next.js that contribute to better SEO and provide actionable insights on how to optimize your website effectively.
What is Next.js?
Next.js is a powerful open-source React-based framework designed to build high-performance web applications. It offers a range of advanced features, with Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG) standing out as key factors for improving website performance and SEO. These features ensure that your site loads faster, provides a better user experience, and ranks higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Now, let’s dive into the top reasons why using Next.js can boost your website’s SEO performance.
5 Reasons Why Next.js Can Improve Your Website's SEO
1. Static Site Generation (SSG) One of the most significant SEO advantages of using Next.js is its Static Site Generation (SSG) feature. SSG allows Next.js to generate static HTML pages at build time, meaning that search engines like Google can easily crawl and index your site. By pre-rendering the pages, Next.js improves the loading speed of your site, which is a critical ranking factor for search engines.
How SSG Improves SEO:
Pages load faster because the HTML is already generated.
Search engines can more easily crawl static pages, improving the chances of higher rankings.
Faster-loading pages lead to lower bounce rates, which further helps with SEO.
Actionable Tip: When working with a Next JS developer, ensure that your pages that don’t change frequently (like blog posts or product pages) use SSG for optimal SEO performance.
2. Server-Side Rendering (SSR) Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is another feature that makes Next.js a strong candidate for SEO optimization. SSR allows pages to be rendered on the server before being sent to the client’s browser, providing fully-rendered HTML. This makes it easier for search engines to index your content because the HTML is ready by the time the search engine crawlers arrive.
How SSR Helps SEO:
SSR provides fully-rendered HTML pages, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index.
Improved loading times contribute to better user experience, which is essential for SEO rankings.
Actionable Tip: Work with a dedicated developer to ensure that content-heavy or dynamic pages on your site use SSR for better SEO results.
3. Built-In SEO Optimization Tools Next.js comes with several built-in SEO tools that streamline the optimization process. These tools allow you to easily manage meta tags, canonical URLs, and Open Graph tags, which are crucial for SEO. The framework also supports structured data, ensuring that search engines understand the content and purpose of your website.
SEO Tools in Next.js:
Customizable meta tags for titles, descriptions, and keywords.
Automatic canonical URLs to prevent duplicate content issues.
Open Graph tags for better social media visibility.
Actionable Tip: When you hire a Next JS developer, make sure they are familiar with using these built-in SEO tools to optimize your meta tags, structure data, and URLs for better search engine visibility.
4. Image Optimization Another standout feature of Next.js is its automatic image optimization. Images play a huge role in both user experience and SEO, but large, unoptimized images can slow down a website, negatively impacting its ranking. Next.js helps optimize images by adjusting their size, format, and quality, ensuring that they load quickly without compromising visual quality.
How Image Optimization Helps SEO:
Faster loading times due to optimized images.
Improved user experience and lower bounce rates.
Enhanced performance on mobile devices, which is a key factor in Google’s mobile-first indexing.
Actionable Tip: Ensure that your Next JS developer configures the image optimization feature so that images load in the most efficient way possible, leading to faster page speeds and better SEO results.
5. Code Splitting for Faster Load Times Code splitting is a performance-enhancing feature that allows Next.js to break down large JavaScript files into smaller chunks, reducing load times. By automatically splitting the code, Next.js ensures that users only download the necessary parts of a webpage at any given time, speeding up the overall experience.
Why Code Splitting Improves SEO:
Reduces page load times, a crucial factor in search engine rankings.
Improves the user experience by minimizing delays when loading web pages.
Helps to prevent high bounce rates caused by slow-loading pages.
Actionable Tip: To fully leverage code splitting, hire dedicated developers who can ensure your code is efficiently structured, allowing faster page loads and better SEO performance.
Best Practices for SEO with Next.js
To maximize the benefits of Next.js for SEO, it's important to implement certain best practices:
Use SSG for static pages: Blog posts, product pages, and FAQs can be pre-rendered using Static Site Generation to ensure they load quickly and are easily crawled by search engines.
Optimize metadata: Ensure all pages are equipped with proper meta tags, descriptions, and keywords using Next.js’s SEO tools.
Compress and optimize images: Use Next.js's built-in image optimization feature to reduce load times and improve overall site performance.
Implement structured data: Structured data helps search engines understand the context of your content, leading to better SERP rankings.
Next.js is one of the most powerful frameworks available for improving the SEO performance of your website. Its features like Static Site Generation, Server-Side Rendering, image optimization, and code splitting are specifically designed to boost speed, enhance user experience, and make your site more SEO-friendly.
When you’re ready to take your website to the next level, consider working with an expert. Hire a dedicated developer who knows the ins and outs of Next.js to ensure your site is fully optimized for SEO. At Idiosys Technologies, we specialize in building customized web solutions using advanced frameworks like Next.js. If you're looking to hire a Next JS developer, contact us today for expert guidance and support in optimizing your website for maximum visibility and performance.
Why should I choose Next.js for my website?
Next.js offers features like server-side rendering, static site generation, and automatic code splitting, which improve performance and SEO.
Can Next.js handle dynamic content?
Yes, Next.js supports both static and dynamic content with features like incremental static regeneration and API routes.
Does Next.js support TypeScript?
Yes, Next.js has built-in support for TypeScript, allowing you to write type-safe code.
Can Next.js be used for e-commerce websites?
Yes, Next.js is a great choice for e-commerce websites due to its performance and SEO benefits.
Please check the blog post: https://www.idiosystech.com/blogs/5-reasons-to-choose-next-js
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implauseit · 11 days
What to Learn After Html , CSS ,JS ? In today’s ever-evolving tech landscape, knowing what to learn after HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is essential for any aspiring developer One of the most recommended next steps is learning React, a powerful JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces. But before we dive into why React is critical, let’s first explore the broader learning journey for developers and what they should master after the basics.
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Understanding the Basics: Why HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Aren’t Enough
HTML gives structure to web content, CSS styles it, and JavaScript makes it interactive. While essential, these technologies can't efficiently manage the complexities of large-scale projects. That's where libraries and frameworks come in, making it easier to organize code, handle complex UI states, and improve scalability.
What Should You Learn After HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? As a student, once you have gained proficiency in the basics, you’ll be eager to advance your career. Let’s look at some crucial skills to focus on: Version Control with Git and GitHub To work on real-world projects like my project and collaborate with other developers, version control is key. Learn Git to track changes in your code and use GitHub to manage and share projects with teams. Responsive Design With the diversity of devices today, ensuring your websites look good on all screen sizes is crucial. Learning responsive web design techniques using CSS media queries and flexbox will elevate your web development skills. JavaScript ES6+ JavaScript continues to evolve, and keeping up with the latest updates in ES6 (and beyond) is important. Key concepts like arrow functions, promises, and async/await can simplify your code and make it more efficient. Backend Technologies You may want to start learning backend technologies like Node.js for full-stack development. With knowledge of Node.js, you can handle both the frontend and backend of applications. React: Your Gateway to Modern Frontend Development After mastering the core skills, learning React is the logical next step.
Why Learn React After HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? React has taken the web development world by storm, becoming one of the most sought-after skills by companies worldwide. Here’s why you should seriously consider mastering React:
High Demand in the Job Market React developers are in high demand globally, and especially in tech hubs like Pune, where many companies focus on building web and mobile applications. Mastering React opens doors to better job opportunities in app development in Pune, where companies seek developers with strong React skills.
Component-Based Architecture React’s component-based architecture allows developers to break down complex UIs into smaller, reusable pieces. This results in more manageable code, reduced redundancy, and faster development times.
React Ecosystem and Tooling React has a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools like React Router and Redux. These tools help in building scalable, production-ready applications and handling client-side routing and state management.
Strong Community and Documentation React boasts a massive community of developers who contribute to a wealth of online resources, tutorials, and open-source projects. This makes it easier for new learners to pick up the technology and find solutions to common problems.
Power of JSX JSX (JavaScript XML) is a syntax extension for JavaScript used in React, enabling you to write HTML elements within JavaScript code. This makes the code more readable and concise, streamlining the development process.
Career Flexibility Knowing React not only qualifies you for front-end developer roles but also positions you to work with mobile apps, thanks to React Native. Many companies, including android development companies in Pune, are looking for React developers who can seamlessly transition between web and mobile development.
Exploring Career Options: React and Beyond Once you’re comfortable with React, it’s time to further specialize. Here are some technologies that will make you even more competitive: Learn Next.js Next.js is a React framework for building optimized and fast web applications. It includes features like server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), making it ideal for building modern web apps. Mobile Development with React Native React Native enables you to build mobile applications using the same React principles. It’s highly popular among android application development companies in Pune due to its efficiency in building cross-platform apps. Database Management Learn databases such as MongoDB or MySQL to manage the backend of your web applications. Pairing React with a powerful database can lead to a full-stack developer role.
Tech Companies in Pune and Opportunities for Developers If you're based in Pune, you're in luck! Pune is a burgeoning tech hub with a plethora of opportunities for developers. Below are some key insights into IT companies in Pune and what they offer:
App Development in Pune
Many android development companies in Pune are on the lookout for React developers, especially those who can transition into mobile development roles. Whether you aim to join a startup or a well-established firm, mastering React will position you for success.
Top IT Companies in Kothrud and Kondhwa
Areas like Kothrud and Kondhwa are home to several IT companies that focus on web and app development. Some notable companies provide services like custom web development and cloud application services, creating a booming job market for skilled developers.
How Implause IT Can Help You Grow
If you’re looking for a company that provides top-notch IT solutions, Implause IT is here to help. Based in Pune, we specialize in providing a wide range of services, including:
Custom Web Development Services in Pune
Tailored web solutions that meet your specific IT needs. We craft engaging websites with cutting-edge UI/UX designs to ensure the best user experience.
Quick Commerce Service at Reasonable Prices
Our quick commerce services help ITes streamline their operations and get products to customers faster. We provide solutions that enhance efficiency at competitive prices.
Cloud Application Services
We offer end-to-end cloud application services in Pune and Kondhwa, ensuring that your IT runs smoothly in the cloud with high levels of security and performance.
What is the next step after learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?
After learning these foundational technologies, it’s recommended to learn React. It helps you build dynamic user interfaces and enhances your job prospects.
Why should I learn React?
React is highly in demand, offers reusable components, and has a robust ecosystem. It is perfect for building complex, scalable web applications.
Which companies in Pune hire React developers?
Several IT companies in Kothrud, Kondhwa, and app development companies in Pune are looking for React developers, especially those with mobile development experience.
What is the best way to learn React?
Start by learning the fundamentals of React, including components, JSX, and state management. Follow tutorials and work on real-world projects to solidify your understanding.
Are there React development jobs in Pune?
Yes, many companies in Pune, especially in Kothrud and Kondhwa, are actively hiring React developers for both web and mobile development roles.
What services does Implause IT offer?
Implause IT provides custom web development, cloud application services, and quick commerce services in Pune at reasonable prices.
Conclusion Mastering React after learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a smart move for any aspiring web developer. React opens up doors to career opportunities in both web and mobile development. With Pune being a thriving tech hub, particularly in areas like Kothrud and Kondhwa, you’ll find plenty of opportunities in app development and website development companies in Pune. Plus, companies like Implause IT can assist in your journey with services that are tailored to boost your tech career and IT growth.
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elioratechno25 · 12 days
IT Online Classes in Nagpur at Eliora Techno Empowering Your Future
In today's fast-paced digital world, acquiring IT skills has become essential for students, professionals, and job seekers alike. With technology constantly evolving, it's crucial to stay updated and equipped with the latest knowledge. This is where Eliora Techno comes into play, offering IT online classes in Nagpur that cater to both beginners and advanced learners. Whether you're aiming to become a frontend developer, a graphic designer, or a digital marketing expert, Eliora Techno provides top-notch courses that can help you achieve your career goals.
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Why Choose IT Online Classes at Eliora Techno?
1. Comprehensive Course Offerings
Eliora Techno is renowned for its wide array of IT online courses that cover everything from basic programming to advanced technologies. Some of the most popular courses include:
- Frontend Developer
- Graphic Designer
- Java Developer
- Digital Marketing
- WordPress
- PHP Full Stack Developer
- Mern Stack
- React JS
- Node JS
Each course is meticulously designed to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, ensuring you are job-ready by the end of the program.
2. Learn from Industry Experts
One of the key advantages of choosing Eliora Techno is the opportunity to learn from industry professionals who have extensive experience in the IT field. These experts bring real-world insights into their teaching, making the learning process both engaging and applicable to current industry standards.
3. Flexible Learning Options
The convenience of online IT classes allows you to learn from the comfort of your home without compromising on the quality of education. Eliora Techno offers flexible learning schedules, which means you can easily balance your classes with your personal or professional commitments. The online platform is user-friendly, and the live sessions make learning interactive and engaging.
4. Practical Exposure and Real Projects
At Eliora Techno, practical knowledge is highly emphasized. The courses are designed to provide hands-on experience through live projects and real-world case studies. Whether you're learning web development or graphic designing, you will work on industry-relevant projects that will help you build a strong portfolio by the time you finish your course.
Benefits of Taking IT Online Classes in Nagpur at Eliora Techno
1. Affordable Fees
Compared to many other institutes, Eliora Techno offers quality IT online classes in Nagpur at affordable prices, making it accessible for students from all walks of life. With flexible payment plans, you can pursue your education without financial strain.
2. Certification
Upon completing your chosen course, you'll receive a certification that is recognized by top employers. This certification adds value to your resume, helping you stand out in the competitive IT job market.
3. Placement Assistance
Eliora Techno goes a step further by offering placement assistance to its students. With tie-ups with leading IT companies, you’ll have the opportunity to secure internships and jobs as soon as you complete your course.
If you're looking to boost your IT skills and secure a future in the ever-growing tech industry, look no further than Eliora Techno's IT online classes in Nagpur. With a diverse range of courses, expert faculty, and hands-on learning experiences, Eliora Techno is committed to helping you succeed. Enroll today and take the first step towards a rewarding IT career!
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