#what point of evolution separated the regular animals from the talking ones? why are the talking ones still treated with only slightly more
varibean · 5 years
ok but like...what is the line in the geah universe for who is/isn’t an animal
whos are shown to be the most human, with knoxes and bumbles shown to be very human-esq with just a bit of a more animal aesthetic 
meanwhile there are foxes, pigs, goats, chickens, and mice who talk and act human
but we also see them be treated as lesser until they make a mistake
the Mouse was treated as if he were just a little squeaky cute pet and yet he was still arrested for taking a crumb of cheese and was denied work
guy thought the Goat was just a Regular Goat until it was revealed that he was more than just a regular goat
the hens and the talking pig live outside in a hen house but still are able to talk and go on dates, and michael the fox is in charge of protecting them but that in itself is mentioned in canon to be unusual and he still lives in a den while other whos live primarily in houses
and we don’t actually see more animal-like characters in cities besides knoxes/bumbles/whatever gluntz is and the animal-like creatures we do see are given either specialized work, farm work, or are denied work because of their stature
not even to mention that mr. jenkins is shown to have independent thinking and abilities but is still considered largely an animal just because they can’t understand him like, the mouse (besides getting arrested) is viewed in the same way with being treated as a pet despite being extremely well versed in planning?
i don’t really have any kind of conclusion here except like what the fuck is goin’ down in seuss land
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cosmopoliturtle · 5 years
Flipping the script - Which are your least favorite redesigns you did? Like maybe they just don't seem right now or something? And also, favorite redesign for the beta Pokemon you've done so far?
Oh boy– Okay, now I’m on the hot seat XD I guess we’ll do the same Generation format. 
I guess as a disclaimer, if any of the one’s I bring up here are anybody’s fave I’m not throwing shade on you, this is just how I feel. Maybe there’s something in them you see that I don’t. I’m sure somebody could crazy indepth look at all of my redesigns and find faults in all of them but like, I see faults in literally everything I do so I dunno how much that would help.
 Also if you’re wondering why I don’t go back and change any of these specific Pokemon it’s just cause if I were to go back and start changing things now, I’d be stuck in a hell loop and I’d wanna start changing everything. They reflect who I was and what I wanted to do at the time so I’ve chosen to respect that fact and I’m overall satisfied with how most of my redesigns have turned out in some way or another.
Gen. 1 - Pikachu Line
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Pikachu and Raichu were ones I went back to most and made changes. It was kind of all in vain honestly because I don’t think I could ever match the perfection of such a long-lasting icon that Pikachu has become. Pikachu has kind of transcended Pokemon and is just a staple what people think of when you talk about any thing touching Japanese media. I think the odds were stacked against my favour but I can definitely say I did not recreate the magic of such an iconic brand but I tried doing my own thing and here we are I guess.
Gen. 2 - Granbull
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This one is kinda cheating because I already went back and made it something I really like now, but yeah the original never really sat well with me while the new one I feel much better encapsulates the things I like about Granbull while the original I think went too far in a different direction.
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Gen. 3 - Volbeat and Illumise
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I drew these 2 while having a massive panic attack for unrelated reasons XD given that I think they turned out fine but I always kinda thought they could be kinda cuter, maybe rounder and softer. I like the idea behind them still but I definitely think Volbeat in particular could of been pudgier and cuter then he currently is. I’m very attachted to their concept though and I think illumise for the most part looks fine. Most of this is on Volbeat. This is probably the closest one I feel the urge to go back and change mainly because the changes would be minor and would make me feel so so much better. Just like a little itch is all. 
Also one I do like but I can critique - TAMATOA
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Here’s the thing– I love Moana, I love Tamatoa, Tamatoa’s song is amazing, it’s one my favourite little bits in a western animated movie, I can separate the creatives working there versus Evil Corp but that being said I think my Crawdaunt is a little on the nose. I don’t doubt other Pokemon may be references or inspired by the things the creators love but I think they do it a lot subtler then I did. I still like the colours, the vibrant contrast is something I do with Dark Types regardless, and I really like the goofy pose and the dragon-claws but I could of been a wee bit more subtle I feel. 
Gen. 4 - Probopass
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I like this guy in theory but wowie zowie does it ever look…something. Like I kinda love it for being so weird but I feel like the idea could of been cleaner. It’s so bizarre, this penguin totem electric moustache spinning top hat man. I think it exemplifies how weird I take these sometimes so I like in that regard but I think it could have been done cleaner and more succinctly.
Gen. 5 - Cryogonal
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While a big departure from regular Cryogonal I kinda feel like I played mine too safe if that makes any sense. Normal Cryogonal has always bothered me for just being a big face but I feel like mine kind of being an ice golem thing could have been done weirder. I had so many off-the-wall ideas for this guy I’m not sure why I settled on this one. I do like aurora mantle and the colour contrast but I feel like I should have pushed it to being something a bit less conventional in terms of silhouette mainly.
Also one I do like but I can critique - Gothita Line
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I can definitely see someone saying this is more a Regional Variant of my Ralts Line then a new Pokemon but at the same time I don’t particularly care and I really like them anyway XD I love the Hime Cut and the red string motif I went with. I’m putting them here though just ‘cause I think it would be fair to point out.
Gen. 6 - Hawlucha
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This guy could be crazier I think. I like the colours for the most part and I like all the patterns and shapes and what I did with the tail being connected to the mask but I feel like the face could be weirder considering what normal Hawlucha looks like. I think taking inspiration from something like Alebrije could of pumped this one up in being a bit more memorable. I like most of it but I think it could have been pushed way way further.
Gen. 7 -Tapu Bulu
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This one I feel similar to Hawlucha and Cryogonal where it could have just been pushed a bit further to give it a greater sense of identity. I think they’re cute but they also don’t quite fit with my other Tapu redesigns that have more mask-like faces. I think I figured the hat would cover that part but I think it could have been done a bit better. 
Mega Evolutions - Mega Aggron
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I really like all the shapes like the face, the wingalings, the face on the chest and the tail hooking together but I think it would have looked better with more Kaiju-esque body shape like the normal one has. Considering that Aggron is one of my favourite Pokemon I’m not sure why I settled on a more theropod shape–I don’t think it’s bad but I think the dumpier, Kaiju shape of the normal one is a lot more likeable.
Beta Pokemon - Best and Worst 
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Best one is Ghift, I’m probably never drawing anything this cute ever again sorry not sorry.
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Worst one is Belmitt because they’re okay I guess. I like the shapes I did down the back but they don’t inspire any incredible feelings or anything. It’s fine.
Moral of the story is I’m still trying to improve all the time and hopefully I am I can’t tell I dunno. 
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Can you rant about pkmn sword? Rants are enjoyable to read
Alright, so it took me a bit to get my thoughts in line. Lets start with how I feel about the pricing: I am all for having 30 euro DLC over a third version for the full price, however, I do think that if they do that, as well as with the dex cut, they should quit with having there be two versions. Nowadays, with internet communication, it doesn't really do much for social interaction, it's just another hurdle for those of us who wish to complete the pokedex(and especially when they remove the GTS and make you pay for it later). It's still a scummy tactic, and no one will complain if there's just one version+DLC. It makes a big difference in the pricetag, since being forced to buy nintendo online, or two switches and two games to trade, are both mandatory payments to make in order to achieve one of the encouraged goals within the game. Furthermore, people within one family will likely be using the same cartridge, so if there is only one version, all in all, it'll make a huge difference for people who use a whole switch as a family as well. Also, I do not think that sword and shield are worth 60 euros. I think they're worth 30 at most, since the base game is worse than x and y/sun and moon. They also locked following pokemon behind a paywall, which is bullshit and yeah, fuck that. I think swsh are enjoyable, but not when they sell at the same price as games with way more content, games that look much better, and usually both combined. For what the switch can do, swsh look really bad, actually. There are a few pretty spots, but that's the exception, not the rule. To add on to things that I think are horrible; the raid battles, especially the more difficult ones, in single player. I don't have switch online, and as such, I need to do all raids alone. But, the raids are near-impossible in a lot of cases unless you get really lucky with the npcs and ai. I got two gmax Toxtricity by using wide guard with Zamazenta for over four hours until I finally got lucky for each. This is both to blame on the ai, and the horrible selection of pokemon. Pokemon that should have evolved at level 60, well, they are still in their first form, so you have magikarp and mudbray at a 5 star raid. At least have them evolved. They have good moves, yes, but their base stats are so low that it doesn't matter. Also, the shield mechanic. It is predetermined how much damage you can do, and if you land a supereffective hit, it's not unlikely for it to only do a sliver of damage and then the shield goes up. It's annoying, makes battles extremely difficult because a lot of npcs just won't attack while the shields are up, and it just becomes a waiting game if your pokemon is just there to act as support(such as my Zamazenta with wide guard to prevent Toxtricity from 2-hit ko-ing all my teammates). Also, the fact that even if you beat a gmax pokemon, there is still a chance not to catch them. It often takes ages to even defeat them, and then, 'Congratulations! You just wasted over half an hour of your life! Get fucked!'. I had this happen with Applin t w i c e. Also, the wild area is... It's okay, really. Nothing exceptional, my immersion is ruined by the sheer amount of pop-in, something that happens even when there aren't a lot of models on-screen, the Onyx in Motostoke being a rather infamous example. The trees look like shit, the berry trees look like they don't belong, to put it bluntly, it looks like something a student would make in unity. You'd expect something better from the highest grossing franchise in the world. The ai of the pokemon is often pretty bad, with them just moving in circles, I have seen so many synchronized pokemon at this point that it's just... Egh. Also, the customization options are still so limited? Can't choose eyeshape, can't choose clothes that actually make your character stand out, and you can't even choose your challenger uniform after you become the champion. Why does Leon get a special uniform? I have never seen a pokemon game so set on making you feel like a celebrity after you win, yet you don't get to have much of an identity in the game even after you win. It didn't have to be difficult, just a customization screen inside the dressing room of the Wyndon stadium, perhaps some extra clothing options? As for things I like: I like the atmosphere. The music, though sometimes repetitive, does help my immersion. The gym leader theme is dynamic, shifting with what happens in the battle, making me feel like I'm actually standing there, and the ambient themes work well as well, though those were rarely encountered at all. I love the characters, the trainer cards giving you some backstory on them, they are, together with the Unova leaders, the most present gym leaders today, with a history of their own. It felt amazing to just read the trainer cards(and I enjoyed making my own as well). The towns have their own themes, and while I can't remember the names, I do remember each location well. But. There was so much wasted potential. The castle in Hammerlocke? The large building in the east? Hammerlocke's castle: the vault, 1 room and a roof. The large building? Nothing. You don't even get to see the attraction inspired by the London Eye. Wyndon is so small??? It has a small shopping street, the stadium and the inn and that's about it. Castelia City was bigger than that. Overall, the game feels rushed. The gym challenges at the start were cool, but by the end it's more of "battle these trainers in a row haha". Also, the animations. Gamefreak claimed to need to remake all models(they did not, the 3ds models were used with better textures), and to make better animations(only for newer pokemon, most pokemon used their pokemon amie animations and further animations from the 3ds titles). The animations are still bad, especially for something as powerful as the switch. I enjoyed the lore behind the region, but I really, really dislike Dynamax. I like gigantamax because the pokemon usually changes in a way that is distinguishable, but regular dynamax... Nah. Give me mega evolution back, perhaps update its mechanics so it changes the gameplay more and requires more strategy, but Dynamax just feels like something that is so low-effort. Pokemon but beeg. The curry making, on the other hand, I love. Pokemon should not be a cooking game, but it made me feel like I was actually bonding with my pokemon, that they were present in the mc's daily life. I would love to see more additions like that, the possibility to become the kind of trainer you want. Enjoy swimming? Perhaps go for a swim with your pokemon? It doesn't need to be complex, but I'd just love to see my pokemon interact with each other and with my actual character more. The routes are too linear. The last route is literally a straight line with some trainers, with next to no effort in it. I also think that the handholding needs to be talked about. When you get to Motostoke and have signed up for the gym challenge, a staff member will lead you to the in, which is literally one screen to the left. Such examples are found all over the game, and I hate it. They do let you skip some tutorials, which is a welcome change, but characters are so willing to force you to stop with whatever you're doing and make you listen to their speeches that it still often feels like a slog, especially because you don't get to do shit besides gyms until the very, very end, in which the fucking champion tries to catch a legendary in a regular pokeball, not even a great or ultra ball. The lore is great, but the actual story is so nonsensical that I just didn't bother to pay attention. Hop literally recycles Hau's animations. I would love for him to have his own, so he'd feel more separate, because they ARE different characters, with different goals. But Hop is even more annoying than Hau because he just won't shut up. You walk 5 steps and he shows up somewhere, for no reason at all. Meanwhile, there's this big event going down, a crowd has gathered, you get there and... Leon has already resolved it. You just get a picture, that was what you wanted, right? That sums up most of the game 'the adults will deal with this!' . The picture doesn't even look good. Swsh is fond of just showing you pictures, for example, right before the climax when Rose and Leon are talking. There's no background music or anything, just pictures and the sound of the textbox. It feels so low-effort. Also, if you have a character that is a singer, and he uh, he sings, it MAY be a good idea to include VOICE ACTING. They had someone sing in Black and White 2! Surely they can do it on the fucking switch, several years later? The mouths flapping about just feels incredibly awkward. I would recommend the game if you can find it somewhere for cheap, not for the full price. There is enjoyment to be had, but it's subpar in comparison to other games for the same price. I may rant further depending on how much time I have.
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reactingtosomething · 7 years
Reacting to X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga (1994)
The Living Embodiment of “Bitch, You Thought”
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The Setup: Caroline Siede is a TV and film critic whose work has appeared in The AV Club, Quartz, The Mary Sue, and Vox, among others; an occasional theatre and film director, including of a web series Kris wrote; a superhero enthusiast in general and an X-Men superfan in particular; and to our great honor and everlasting vague surprise, a friend of Reacting to Something.
Kris remembered from this (excellent) X-Men: Apocalypse tweet storm that Caroline’s favorite fictional character ever is Jean Grey. Somewhere between then and the news that Jessica Chastain might join Sophie Turner, Jennifer Lawrence, et al. in X-Men: Dark Phoenix, he learned that Miri is also a big X-Men fan. And Miri is the only RtS regular who didn’t work on that web series, so this two-part Guest Reaction on X-Men cartoons basically had to happen.
Spoilers ahead, I guess?, for a decades-old story that practically redefined its medium and is on track for its third screen adaptation in our lifetimes. Post-chat notes and comics trivia from Kris in italics.
MIRI: Hi! This is Miri
MIRI: Ready?
MIRI: Excellent!
My first instinct is to talk about [X-Men: The Animated Series], then [X-Men: Evolution], then some general yelling about how the two compare. What do you think?
CAROLINE: That sounds perfect to me!
MIRI: Awesome. Shall we be chronological about it?
(Secret motive: I have many feelings about the fashions in the Animated Series that I cannot contain for much longer)
CAROLINE: Ahaha. Well let's go for it then!
Had you seen any of the series before?
MIRI: None. At least not that I recall--there may have been reruns that I don’t remember at some point.
And did you watch it all the way through?
I was super interested by the story structure. It has seasons, but each season is a collection of 4ish episode stories. Was there a narrative for the whole season, or not really?
CAROLINE: Not at all. It was a big part of my young childhood but only in the sense that I watched it on TV a lot and loved the characters. I doubt I even cared about or followed the plots.
MIRI: Gotcha
CAROLINE: Again, I'm not exactly an expert. But I believe the storytelling arcs were pretty self-contained with character stuff bleeding over across the seasons
But this Dark Phoenix arc was of course a direct follow-up to the earlier Phoenix arc
MIRI: Cool. Seems like a similar structure to early seasons of Doctor Who
Yes, let’s talk about Phoenix/Dark Phoenix
First of all, I think it’s safe to say that Dark Phoenix is the living embodiment of “Bitch, you thought” memes
CAROLINE: Ha! I also just want to throw it out there that Jean Grey is my all-time favorite superhero
And yes, Dark Phoenix is an (insane) badass
MIRI: I had never seen a version where the Phoenix is a separate entity rather than a part of Jean that had been walled off inside of her
CAROLINE: Although I do believe that's the comic book origin story
I think TAS is fairly close to comic book canon
But the "internal" Dark Phoenix thing seems to have become the movie and TV norm now
KRIS: Though in general I don’t think of myself as a stickler for comics canon -- having come to comics, I think like many millennials, through various 90s cartoons -- this Phoenix thing does bum me out, partly for how big a deal the Phoenix Force is to the Marvel universe at large, along with characters like the Shi’ar who were introduced in that story. The Avengers vs. X-Men event that spun into 2012′s very successful Marvel NOW! relaunch (one of the things that made recent Marvel comics accessible to relatively casual readers like me) was built around the Avengers trying to permanently end the existential threat of the Phoenix.
MIRI: Interesting. My deep love of the X-men comes solely from the Evolution cartoon. I have no true history knowledge
(Don’t @ me, twitter)
CAROLINE: I'm kind of in the same boat with TAS although I do own a massive encyclopedia of X-Men comic book trivia
MIRI: I hope that sits proudly on your coffee table
CAROLINE: Of course! But I think with everything from character design to storylines, TAS pulled pretty directly from the comics
K: The character designs are specifically the Chris Claremont/Jim Lee era of “Blue Team” and “Gold Team,” recently re-invoked in two of the many X-Men titles spinning out of the recent Inhumans vs. X-Men crossover
(The Phoenix stories are from an earlier, Lee-less Claremont run.)
MIRI: I DEFINITELY want to discuss costumes at some point
CAROLINE: Agreed! But one other thing that really struck me about the Dark Phoenix is just how epic in scope it is.
MIRI: The structure does also feel more comic book-y to me--stories told over a few issues, then a new story,e tc
Oh yes, let’s definitely stay on her for now
Yeah, I was shocked to end up IN SPACE
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K: The Shi’ar are pretty wild
CAROLINE: I think that's an element of comic book storytelling that doesn't really get adapted onto the big screen 
I mean obviously the MCU is massive
But their crossovers are a huge event
Whereas comic books (and cartoons) can just get epic whenever they feel like it
This one went from a sexy pirate story to a massive interstellar gladiator battle.
K: I don’t know Caroline super well, but I feel confident saying that Space is one of her Top 5 Favorite Things
MIRI: Sidebar: Katherine Janeway and Jean Grey are into the same types of romance novels/holodramas, pass it on
But to your actual point--I was really surprised when they defeated Dark Phoenix at the end of the third episode. I thought the whole thing was going to be an earthbound mutant battle, and then suddenly there’s a space empress!
I like that freedom, which is definitely not a part of most of the film/tv versions.
CAROLINE: Yeah! The stories can literally go anyway. It's really fun to watch. 
We even get a little Thor cameo
Albeit briefly
MIRI: Right!
That kind of reminder that it’s all out there and connected is nice, and in this format doesn’t overburden the story
CAROLINE: But I also think the Dark Phoenix arc does a good job grounding all that craziness in character drama
MIRI: Overall yes, but I don’t entirely buy the motivations of the (Dark) Phoenix
They lose me a little with the fact that Jean and Phoenix are both super great/good beings, but combined they’re evil
Like, there are also exhilarating happy emotions. Why isn’t she eating ice cream and having orgasms and looking at puppy gifs online?
CAROLINE: I agree that the plotting is messy as hell, but I always love stories about strong women being afraid of their own power. So I'm kind of willing to overlook how little sense it makes
MIRI: Fair! And the emotional ties within the Xmen work very nicely
CAROLINE: I think that was far and away what I cared about most
The Hellfire Club got a little boring after a while
But I love watching the X-Men be friends
Which I think TAS does really well
MIRI: I actually thought the whole “Kill me Logan, while I’m in control enough to let you” think worked a bit better in X3, but obviously it had this to build off of
Yes, I liked the friend dynamics! I’m a huge sucker for characters actually liking each other
CAROLINE: Umm, I reject the notion that anything about X3 worked on any level.
MIRI: hahahahahahahha
That is your right!
And I wouldn’t ever want to have to defend my point, because that movie is a shitshow
K: I certainly won’t defend it on a storytelling level, BUT I actually still think the set piece at the Grey house holds up pretty well as a standalone-ish thing (my objection to this version of the Phoenix still holds), not least because The Last Stand has one of the best Marvel movie soundtracks, composed by John Powell. The geography of the house is also used in more interesting ways than most action set piece locations.
CAROLINE: I loved little things like Rogue leaving Scott and Jean alone as soon as they got romantic
MIRI: Wolverine and Scott even seem to care about each other while they’re both in love with Jean, which is very mature
CAROLINE: The relationships (at least among the X-Men) feel lived in and real
MIRI: I didn’t want to love this Rogue because I am deeply committed to loving the Evolutions Rogue, but I found her super charming
She’s just always ready to be enthusiastically upset
She  cannonballed into Apocalypse’s calf and it was surprisingly effective!
CAROLINE: She's a huge standout of TAS for me
MIRI: Also she can just fly all the time, apparently? I love it
CAROLINE: I love Lenore Zann's voice acting
Yeah she's basically Superman
But she also can't touch anyone
It's a little weird but it's SUPER fun to watch
K: Rogue’s mutant ability is life-force/memory/power absorption (as also seen in the movies and in X-Men: Evolution), which is usually temporary. In the comics, the one time it stuck was when she got in a fight with Carol Danvers, at the time Ms. Marvel, and absorbed Carol’s powers of super strength and flight. (Carol later picked up additional, “cosmic”-level powers and went through several codename changes.)
MIRI: Is it possible for me to love her voice but hate her accent? Because that’s where I am
CAROLINE: Sure! Although I love both. And her and Gambit together are aces
MIRI: I liked her dropping him into the lake
And ‘What is this, catch the x-men day?’ (I'm misquoting, but that moment)
CAROLINE: It's an incredibly different characterization than the one we got on the films
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K: I think this is from the first Phoenix Saga, but I couldn’t pass it up
CAROLINE: *in the films
But I enjoy both
MIRI: Yeah, I think the adultness is a factor here, though certainly not all of it
CAROLINE: For sure! I guess this is really the only major X-Men series not to have a "teen" element
MIRI: It actually made me kind of uncomfortable that none of them were kids. Which is weird, but I’m SO used to the Xavier Institute version of it all
CAROLINE: They do have Jubilee running around sometimes
She's a POV teen in the premiere
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But for the most parts they're just kind of The Avengers or something
MIRI: I’m not opposed to that. I was just legitimately shocked for a minute
CAROLINE: Overall I was surprised by how *adult* the whole series felt
Obviously it's aimed at kids
But it's complex and mature and about adulthood
I feel like a lot of kids shows kind of try to talk down to their audience?
But this one doesn't for the most part?
MIRI: Wow, that’s a really interesting point. I can’t think of any kid shows now that have primarily adult casts
Except the Wildkratts, which I am probably spelling wrong but is quality educational programing
CAROLINE: A LOT of stuff happens in this arc. And while there's a lot of hand-holding in terms, it also goes pretty deep
Including exploring the nature of a relationship between two older leaders dedicated to their people
Which, just, isn't what you would think of as kids fair
MIRI: I also like their look at relative morality in the face of a terrible decision
CAROLINE: (Also I meant to say there's a lot of hand-holding in terms of plot BTWs)
MIRI: Scott wants to save Jean, of course! And that’s The Right Thing to do, but everyone involved wants to do the right thing
CAROLINE: Yeah! A very adult conflict
MIRI: And they’re not really demonized for being willing to sacrifice Jean to save billions
Honestly, I think the Empress is in the right. I also think I would make the same decisions as Scott
K: Empress Lilandra is the character Jessica Chastain is reportedly in talks to play in Fox’s forthcoming Dark Phoenix movie
CAROLINE: It's a weird mix of mature thoughtfulness that's also super stilted and dated.
MIRI: That’s a perfectdescription
CAROLINE: Because I do think it feels like a pretty stitled series, especially to modern eyes
MIRI: Very
We expect a lot more realism in our storytelling now
CAROLINE: Not just the 90s aesthetic, but the actual storytelling
For sure.
MIRI: And economy of storytelling
CAROLINE: Although there is that here too sometimes. It's hard to pin down 
Also I was legitimately so touched when the X-Men all gave of themselves to save Jean
MIRI: Team as family gets me every time
CAROLINE: That's some great team storytelling right there
MIRI: And they worked together nicely
CAROLINE: And the kind of stuff X-Men does best
MIRI: They all get their moment, but the team work is always present
Also I like that Rogue can and does pick up every single one of the X-Men in this episode
CAROLINE: Ha! I love her so much
I really love all of them. I think the characters are all super vibrant
At least in the X-Men
I was super bored by the Hellfire Club
MIRI: I honestly could not tell you who any of those people were if it weren’t for the more recent men movies
they were boring and not distinctly drawn
(In a character sense, not an animation sense)
I remembered the Hellfire Club being super cool but now I'm not sure if they're better in other episodes or if I was just easily won over as a child
MIRI: I could definietly see them being better in episodes where they’re the focus
CAROLINE: Changing topics: Wolverine saying, "Where's that blasted salami" is maybe the best X-Men moment of all time
MIRI: I liked Emma’s little fuck you about Phoenix being the new queen
Hahahahahaha that was good
I would argue that his claws are way too spaced out for neat, even slices
CAROLINE: There's something weird going on there for sure
MIRI: Maybe really near the knuckles?
CAROLINE: Maybe he has secret salami powers too
MIRI: I’m going down a dark path of thinking about how much grossness is brought into his body when he retracts the claws after fighting or slicing salami
I mean I know he heals so it’s fine
But ew
MIRI: Right?
CAROLINE: Dark times
MIRI: I’m sorry
CAROLINE: Dark Phoenix times
MIRI: hahahahahhahaa
CAROLINE: I think the only voice actor I really didn't like is Scott's
MIRI: I could not deal with Xavier’s
CAROLINE: Which is a bummer because he carries a lot of this arc
MIRI: It weirded me out
CAROLINE: Yeah Xavier isn't great either
But it's hard to compare to Patrick Stewart
MIRI: It’s very unfair of me to expect it
I know this
CAROLINE: Who is so throughly Professor X in my head
MIRI: Yeah, between TNG and X-men, he looms damn large in my formative genre culture landscape
M: TNG = Star Trek: The Next Generation, which I was basically raised on
K: Caroline is also a huge Star Trek fan, and last year wrote a Vox explainer/viewing guide for the uninitiated.
Should we talk costumes?
MIRI: Yes!
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CAROLINE: They're the best
MIRI: First of all, it’s a fun metric on cultural shifts because at least 75% of these guys would be read as gay in the present day
Jean’s mask at the end is really stupid looking and I loved it SO MUCH
That and Wolverine’s mask were just so classic/iconic looking
CAROLINE: Well to be fair that's not her normal outfit in the series 
MIRI: Right, it was her super early costume, right?
CAROLINE: She was giving us a little Marvel Girl throwback
MIRI: Ohhhhh I totally forgot she was Marvel Girl!
K: Not to be confused with Ms. Marvel, the codename Carol Danvers took in the 70s, and has since been adopted by Kamala Khan. (Carol, an Air Force pilot to be played by Brie Larson in the MCU, is currently Captain Marvel to the superhero community, but Colonel Danvers to the US government. Although maybe Larson’s Carol will just be a Captain Danvers, to avoid general audience confusion?)
CAROLINE: But her regular costume is also kind of ridiculous 
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K: That’s not a bunch of skin showing, it’s just a confusingly flesh-toned bodysuit. I always liked the crystal (?) in her headband thing though.
M: This isn’t even her “regular” costume but it is something that could not be ignored.
K: It’s not her Phoenix costume but it’s what she wears for most of the series
They LOVED their headgear on TAS
MIRI: Which is presumably why she doesn’t have a hero name, right?
CAROLINE: I believe so
K: I tried to find an official answer, but didn’t dig up anything from a publishing perspective. Story-wise, it didn’t have anything to do with either (the first) Captain or Ms. Marvel. As far as I can tell, Jean first stopped using the codename Marvel Girl when she started calling herself Phoenix, and then some time post-Dark Phoenix, she decided to go by her civilian name. Maybe just because it had been a while since they were really writing her as a “girl”?
MIRI: I liked all of their dark head covering headband things that didn’t cover their faces or hair, but did cover the rest of the head
I don’t know what to call them
CAROLINE: It's a true X-Men staple
And it's so weird to see Gambit without his
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MIRI: Like, when I think about it too much I have logic questions. But I love them and don’t want them changed at all
CAROLINE: The costumes are also all straight out of the comics.
K: Mostly designed by Jim Lee in the late 80s, possibly explaining all the shoulder pads. For better or worse (as an admitted non-expert, I think a bit of both), Lee is one of the most influential artists and publishers in the medium, and currently one of the top folks at DC.
MIRI: Storm’s earrings are killer
CAROLINE: Really everything about Storm is amazing
Another voice performance I love
MIRI: Yes! I loved her narration of her powers
CAROLINE: Haha! Same
So dramatic
Arguably too much so but it totally works
MIRI: Yes! I sat there thinking that I should be annoyed by it, but I just wanted more
I did not love that Rogue’s costume was apparently so shrink-wrapped on that I think I could see her internal organs
CAROLINE: I mean it is but I'm just so into her whole design
I really forgot how much I loved her on this series
MIRI: Yes, the design of the costume is great!
The mullet-ness of the white in her hair is not a styling choice I would make, but she’s free to do her
CAROLINE: Oh also Jean's Phoenix hair is AMAZING
MIRI: I also really liked the space aesthetics
CAROLINE: Keep the powers just for that!
MIRI: Ooh, yes! Both the updo and the big loose look
The guys’ lips were all the same color as the rest of their faces and once I noticed it I couldn’t stop noticing it
I will say, as much as I love many other iterations of the X-Men, these will always be the iconic X-Men looks for me
As I think they are for many people
MIRI: That makes total sense! They’re not entirely for me, but they definitely did resonate
Before the MCU became such a thing, these looks were a lot of the merchandise you saw
And they are just so distinctive
CAROLINE: I LOVE seeing people cosplay in these looks
It brings me such joy
MIRI: I like that they have commonalities without all being in the same exact uniform
Omg, yes!
Even without this era being A Thing for me, I can think of multiple killer Rogue cosplays I’ve taken notice of with this look
CAROLINE: Okay so should we start talking about an era of the X-Men that is a little more iconic for you?
MIRI: Sounds good! But first, I want to say that I feel like you shouldn’t power wash the ancient hieroglyphics tablet nd that was uncool even for villains to do
Also I need a gif of Dark Phoenix saying “I admit nothing”
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(Dark Phoenix, Mother of Dragons, the unburnt, breaker of chains, Khaleesi of the great grass sea)
CAROLINE: I need so many GIFs
Mostly the salami one 
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In Part 2, Miri and Caroline turn to X-Men: Evolution.
X-Men: The Animated Series is streaming on Hulu.
You can follow Caroline on Twitter, and support her on Patreon.
You can also follow us on Twitter, where we mostly retweet critics (including Caroline), screenwriters, and general pop culture reporting. 
For now we leave you with perhaps the greatest superhero opening titles [Kanye] OF ALL TIME [/Kanye].
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irena-tischenko · 7 years
Endless Self-Similarity
We shall make it clear that what is anomaly and disorder from one point of view is nevertheless a necessary element of a vaster order, and an inevitable consequence of the laws governing the development of all manifestation. Let it be said at once however that this is no reason to submit passively to the disorder and obscurity that seem to be triumphing at the moment, for were it so we should have nothing better to do than to remain silent.
Rene Guenon, The Crisis of the Modern World, 1927
Chaos, in the broadest sense defined as a state of absolute disorder of a system or a lack of order.
BEGIN with basic statements, we learned: while making attempts to define any abstract items or revise the term, we should consider unobvious constraints of our thinking, invisibly bringing with existing lexical and sensing tools of comprehension.
We remember, that human mind operates with a very narrow spectrum of humanity-mastered tools, intent to improve world` knowing and understanding process. Our vision and world-describing mechanism also limited with these.
Any search (either searching a precise definition of the phenomenon or the searching another problem-solving solutions) in the circumstances of limited resources is directed to the subjective value and easiness of usage. As an aftermath, most part of the meanings and thoughts, created by humanity, never goes to the open space of pure search, being bound with hard-to-define conventional semantic constructs, such as a “benefit”, “efficiency” and “optimal”. Also, we can’t avoid huge amount cognitive biases.
Therefore, any research we have to start from observing instruments of research, after that goes investigation of the personality mindset to define it operation principles and try to predict restrictions.
This idea can be seen as another way to find a mind state, closed to state of pure perception, but our horizon is much further: we are looking for quantifiable constraints of our mind just to stop keeping within certain limits.
Evolution is I am
Our ancestries through evolution, in difficult conditions for a long time. We are the offsprings of the branch of successful apes, which learned and teach kids how to survive from the beginning of time and brought to the world the improved samples of new people.
Among existed apes we are the best.
We are placed on the top of world just because we are really good at two things: looking for a new and effective ways of getting profit. We all have a powerful pimped compass inside, always showing us the direction of thinking, common for all primates: body comfort, food supply and reproduction.
It still works well, but it’s already not enough for two reasons: world was changed and the way it is was changed.
An old-fashioned profit-looking compass is useless and even harmful already. At Mark, Mask’s and Brin’ era, idea of upmarket consumption is a very wasting time. For people of first-worlds with their sufficiency and fullness, involved in various well-payed useless job paradigm shifting is not necessity, and they probably noticed changes just when Buzzfeed will make another post about it.
At the same time, some young evangelists of a brand-new way of consumption, show that life doesn’t consist of profit, as we used to consider.
There are some people with an unfamiliar and weird life mode, who often paying bills in amount of a small country budget and at the same time wearing cheap watches and humble shoes.
And at the same time old hat newspaper owners, who stop to create classy things foregoing century, still believe in a power of fucking hundred thousand fashion shit, trading with paparazzi shoots leaks, and drink everywhere anecdotally expensive whiskey, trying to remember, what the bloody reason to continue that lifestyle, despite the never-ending open as-a-day miracles of new world which lay to them all last decade at minimum.
Leandro Herrero wrote about that:
“Corporate life lives in a bubble. We may not want to admit it, but we do. We think that the forces upon us are the invisible hands of markets, of course the political life, and our own internal capability of producing the appropriate products and services.”
Those pretenders will gone to the boat last ones, and we have no idea, how they will promote their lifestyle in a society, where, for example, possession will be a burden, weighing on the life of common people.
The same new dimension of profit we listen from neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris in his TED lecture, where he did reflect, how to profitably use one's time and rethinking our well-being in a larger context:
«In fact, the endurance of religion as a lens through which most people view moral questions has separated most moral talk from real questions of human and animal suffering. This is why we spend our time talking about things like gay marriage and not about genocide or nuclear proliferation or poverty or any other hugely consequential issue. But the demagogues are right about one thing: We need a universal conception of human values.»
But let`s forget about someone else ignorance, and observe our own.
For the convenience of pure knowledge
Curiosity, as a thing – is a insatiable hunger, and everyone, who got the Socratic understanding of knowing-nothing, and want to change it to go further to look at the world as is, putting out a fire with gasoline. If you curious, you at the same time unable to stop looking for the right questions and asking them, even every smarty dude from Youtube manifested it out every corner till you go away with loathing.
Even thou.
Again, according to Socrate, who describes a knowledge (epistêmê) as ability to know the real as it is, we come to the risk to come to the on-bounding perception concept. And again, we just looking for a way to avoid most part of mistakes, bounding our common-people consciousness, with trying to avoid them without buzzing with certain supremacy about fucking changes in the world.
We care about keeping interesting for the world and coming to the sort of comprehension.   
According to Aristotle, human beings have a natural desire and capacity to know and understand the truth, to pursue moral excellence, and to instantiate their ideals in the world through action.
Does it means we don’t need to start a curiosity of fire with a bit of a knowledge? Does it mean no one need pushing ourselves to know? Does it means we just need to figure out, what exactly we are interested in and the most pleasant way to complete understanding?
We offer to start from the simple task: try to watch a life without gravity to the food- and sex-related items. Usually the next sequence helps: а) managing the inner primate’ behaviour, b) removing ape-shaped components, c) organizing a personal mindset: regular classification system, prioritizing system, decision-making and problem-solving mind systems.
Then, if you not amazed with a single idea of moved out from mindset as more as possible disclosing profit-oriented decision rails, probably you interested to observe, how around system looks without them.  
Main exploration tool
If you don’t really scared with previous paragraphs, let’s talk about next personality-scratching steps. Human development determined by consistent usage of certain tools for creation other tools.
Complex instrument for understanding the world embodies some ideas ​​multiply elementary instruments.
As soon as ape has measured the first item, all items that way or another turned into measuring equipment for further researches.
We consider the perception (or in certain sense a mind) as a main exploration tool on the earth, though neuroplasticity as a main condition for the learning.  
There are no things more important, than mental ability to change, or “reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life”. Neuroplasticity function is the major requirement for a long-term surviving on the surface of our planet, what we are talking at the beginning.
So, as soon surface has changed and everyone knowledge demands has changed, maybe one time you’ll find an hour for pure thinking?  Or even find a two minutes to talk about new North for our profit compass?  
In current moment observation tools actually has become complicated enough to led to discover human’s evolutionary determined desire to revealing regularity, which oriented to identifying patterns and drives us there.
Pattern-watching and Pattern matching
Human survivals are pretty good in both, and this fixed desire to play “Find the similarities” game after all these years of knowledge evolution bring us a knowledge about special pattern form – fractal.
Usually it defined as a similar consistent patterns (the whole object has the same shape as his one or more parts); without going into the mathematical definition, it can be described as an object, exactly or approximately coincides with a part of himself.
Not so long time ago the concept of a fractal or self-similarity concept, received the status of a clear mathematical construct and bring the names for many objects and phenomenas, which have been described before as an "chaotic" and "formless".
That new way of describing the world made many bulky structures and meanings comprehensible – particularly, we’ve got an ability to represent graphically the iteratively built fractals.
Hey, aliens! Come here, we’ve got a new measurement instrument and need to observe you!
So, as soon as we’ve reached a fractal domain, and immediately goes to effortless juggling with senses, unfeasible before, and directed a human thought to the completely different level of understanding of the complexity of consistency. Rethinking of entropy, they says.
And – a new angle for the world view.
Some scientific theory consider the universe as a set of never-ending fractals. This phenomenon based on a simple idea: the infinite variety of figures can be obtained from relatively simple constructions with only two operations – copying and scaling.
Appearance and further spreading through the collective mind different recognizable forms of self-similar structures and has led to the raise the research interest, careful consideration and studying various fractal forms, placed humanity far beyond comprehension limit.
The process of implementation self-similarity principle into the sciences was pretty rapid: if person enquire it anywhere one single time, it has led to the fractal form recognition everywhere.
If the new regularity was noticed before, we can observe it and find it in any place, wherever we focused: in the nature, in the abstract ideas, in the space, in the whole world.
The human itself and human activities are the fractal, human brain is a fractal, human development is a fractal, and so on.
A linguistic expression of this principle and it rules has the same number of variations as the numbers of options for assembling the Rubik's Cube, and most of them has unclear forms, hard to understanding for non-specialists. We prefer next two: “self-similarity comply the self-similarity principle” and “fractal principle comply per se”.
Here is another application of the a fractal algorithm: humanity stands at the right point to start observation for it selves and particularly for it development process.
Developing system usually coexisting with increasing of system complexity, the emergence of advanced structural concerns and extending the phenomenon calibre and the irreversibility of changing.
Among simple human concepts irreversibility presented the main characteristic of the time. But since we already know that a fractal principle going through the our universe at all levels from micro to macro, and that problem definition revision can change the result of the research, it's time we go back to the beginning of this text: Chaos defined as the state of absolute disorder of a system or a lack of order.
Let’s move the constrains of an “absence order” paradigm and transform the definition into the more tidy and hopeful form: Chaos is a state of the system, which order we have not discovered yet.
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afriendlyirin · 4 years
Yo-Kai Watch 1 review
Reposting this because I ran afoul of the link bug. @staff​ Fix your website.
Tumblr is a hellsite and I do not respond to comments here. Go to the blog post at Dragon Quill dot net if you want to comment.
I recently tried out the first Yo-Kai Watch game, out of curiosity for what the rest of the mons scene is doing.
My most important takeaway is that anyone who says Yo-Kai Watch is trying to copy or replace Pokemon has clearly not only never played the game but never played any other mons game either and probably thinks Pokemon has a copyright on the genre. The two franchises share a target audience, but otherwise they could not be more different. Yokai talk and are presented as distinct characters, yokai cannot be commanded, and most shockingly of all, the protagonist isn't silent!
As for the game itself, it is a godawful grindy mess that can barely be called a game. But it has some interesting ideas, and I enjoyed the creature designs.
There is basically no gameplay in this game. Yokai fight automatically according to a basic AI with no input from you, so you can quite literally win battles by doing nothing. (There is even a speed-up button to facilitate this.) The only actions you can take are to use items, cure their status ailments through an action-command minigame, activate their supermoves, and swap out your active and reserve yokai. However, the game is so easy that you'll rarely have to do any of that outside of boss fights. Supermoves can basically clear a regular encounter in one use, but regular attacks will usually hand you victory pretty quick too.
The befriending mechanics are even worse. I did not think they could make Pokemon's mechanics worse, but wow, after playing this I am amazed at how much I took for granted.
So, because yokai get to be treated like people, you don't recruit them by shoving them in capsules until they're too tired to break out. Instead, they have a random chance of approaching you after a battle and saying they like the cut of your jib, so they'll agree to be summoned by you any time you need them. This is very cute and raises far fewer questions than Pokemon's version. It is also absolutely terrible as a gameplay mechanic. You can do exactly three things to improve your chances: Throw food at them during the battle, use a yokai with a special ability that makes befriending more likely, and, very rarely, if the battle drags out long enough, you might get a befriending bonus as one of many possible random drops from an event that occurs in the middle of battle. You can only feed a yokai once per battle, you will only know if you've befriended them after the battle is over, and you can only befriend one yokai per battle (out of a possible three). There is absolutely nothing you can do to actively pursue befriending; there is no action you can take in battle that makes it easier like Pokemon's status effects, you cannot keep burning items to increase your chances, you can't even drag the battle out because yokai will attack automatically. To make this even worse, you can't even easily farm encounters like you can in Pokemon, as yokai only appear in specific spots and only one can appear there at a time (if one appears at all!). If you fail to befriend one yokai, you may not encounter it again for some time. (This was the case for me with Happierre, who the game seems to expect you to get quite early, but I never could because he only appears in one very tiny location and if you whiff it, good luck finding him again. Ugh.)
The yokaidex also has really baffling organization. Instead of being numbered by order of encounter like in Pokemon, each type of yokai has its own separate section of the list, and they're ordered seemingly arbitrarily. Your starting yokai is smack dab in the middle of the list, and I don't believe it's possible to encounter entry #1 until the second area. Yokai are also grouped by "family" like in Pokemon, except that the evolution mechanics here are extremely bizarre and inconsistent; usually you have to fuse two specific yokai (or sometimes, a yokai and an extremely rare item you may never even know exists cuz random drops lol), except very rarely you can just level them, not that the game tells you which is which. The game in fact encourages you to constantly replace your team because yokai all have tiered power levels like in Shin Megami Tensei, so you have no reason to keep an outdated yokai in your party long enough for them to evolve through level in the first place. It's just an absolute mess. What was the logic behind this, seriously?
To add insult to injury, they apparently looked at event pokemon and said, "You know what our mons game needs? More of those." There are an absurd number of yokai who can only be obtained through extremely rare in-game events and gacha machine results, and an even larger number who can only be encountered in the postgame. Seriously, I finished the game without even seeing more than half the total yokai. Why??? I genuinely could not believe the final boss was really the end of the game, just because I had barely scratched the surface of the dex.
So yeah. As an RPG, this was a huge disappointment, and as a collection game, it was a constant exercise in frustration and futility. I know Pokemon has lots of room for improvement, but wow, it's like they surgically removed everything it managed to do right.
As for the plot, it's more involved than most Pokemon games, but only just. Every quest is: Something happens that is obviously yokai mischief. "I know this is crazy, but hear me out: Could this incredibly weird and abnormal thing happening in a game called Yo-Kai Watch be happening... because of yokai???" says Exposition Fairy. You walk five steps/talk to someone who is very obviously possessed. "Aha, my Yokai Senses are tingling! A yokai is doing a bad thing!" says Exposition Fairy. "Oh, no, that's bad, we need to stop them!" says Generic Video Game Protagonist. And then you beat the yokai until they stop doing bad things. Repeat times 100.
Seriously, every single freaking time the protagonists are COMPLETELY SHOCKED that a yokai is once again the reason this NPC is literally covered in evil purple smoke because what is subtlety. Why do fantasy stories do this. Why. Stop wasting my time.
And yes, there is an uncomfortable undercurrent of "the spooky goblin man made me do it". Literally the tutorial quest is the protagonist's parents having a fight, and you solve it by beating up the "makes couples fight" yokai that's taken up residence in your living room. It's... okay for a simple kids' story, I guess, and maybe it comes across differently in a Japanese context, but yikes.
Then all of a sudden at the very end you learn that the Yokai Evil Chancellor, who evilly took over after the Good and Noble Yokai King died, is responsible for all the yokai acting up, so you go into the yokai world and beat him up to the tune of a Power of Friendship Speech™ and I could not care less because I was introduced to the guy five minutes ago. So we can't even expect RPGs to have moderately better writing than action games anymore.
They also make the very confusing decision to have a voiced protagonist, despite not giving the protagonist any personality or backstory or agency or anything that would justify giving him a voice in the first place. He is a completely ordinary kid with a completely generic protagonist personality. He either says exactly what I was thinking, in which case I'm just annoyed I have to read through redundant dialogue, or he says something very slightly different, in which case I'm jarred out of the experience because SCREW YOU GAME YOU DON'T SPEAK FOR ME. They don't even have a practical reason for it, because they have an exposition fairy! I thought the entire point of exposition fairies is to provide information a silent protagonist can't, but instead it just means every cutscene takes twice as long because I have to sit through my avatar metalgearing everything the exposition fairy says.
I wonder if they originally were intending to go with a silent protagonist, but changed it at some point for... some reason?
The silver lining here is the yokai themselves. It is... really the only redeeming feature. The yokai all have absolutely delightful designs, and because they don't have to be ostensibly bound by real ecology, they can go completely wild without it feeling out of place. Thanks to the fact they talk and are treated like real characters, I'm not at all bothered by how many of them are human-like, and nor do we have to ask the question of where they're getting their tools and accessories. But the animal yokai are wonderful as well, and despite how varied the designs are they all felt like they had a clear, consistent aesthetic. I really enjoyed discovering new yokai and analyzing all the little details in them.
And yes, I thought the punny names were hilarious. Because the overall tone is less serious than Pokemon, they can have so much more fun with them without it feeling like breaking character. I particularly got a chuckle out of "Heeheel" and "Fishpicable" -- the fish yokai in general were on-point.
Additionally, though the actual plots of the quests are deep as puddles, I did enjoy how many of them used yokai in such varied ways. In addition to stopping yokai who are influencing people to behave badly, there are also quests where you need to bring in a yokai to influence someone positively, such as giving someone the motivation to do something they're apprehensive about or discouraging someone from an unhealthy obsession. Several quests even involve using a yokai you had to stop in another quest. There's even one where you use a yokai to influence someone, only for them to take it too far, requiring you to stop the yokai you summoned in order to put things back to normal. It certainly raises some interesting ethical questions that the game could have acknowledged a bit more than just in that one quest, but overall I thought it was a clever use of the concept and did an excellent job of reinforcing that yokai aren't just a purely negative force, but a part of nature we can coexist with.
So many of the mechanics I complained about really do make sense from a lore perspective -- the game completely avoids the ethical quandaries raised by Pokemon, and I never at any point felt like I was exploiting my yokai partners or doing anything selfish, even despite the same "gotta catch 'em all" element. Yokai explicitly consent to joining your team; you recruit them by paying attention to what foods they like and showing you are willing to make a real sacrifice to provide for them; and there's none of that stasis capsule nonsense either, yokai friends basically give you the equivalent of a calling card and are only summoned when you need them. (You can actually talk to several recruitable yokai who have fixed hangout spots in the city, which I liked.) Similarly, it makes sense that you shouldn't be able to control their every action. These things just happen to be really unfun game mechanics. But it does make me think that Pokemon could stand to take some lessons from this franchise... just not the ones they actually did. Stop trying to steal their aesthetic, Pokemon, your distinct brand is what makes you strong.
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borisartamonovblog · 7 years
The people's mob.
    From the outset it would be better to note that, either it is the origin the human from an ape or there are other aspects of Darwin's theory, all this is only a hypothesis actually, not facts proved scientifically. However the likeness of the conformist behaviour can be observed among different species of animals, not only the mammals. The instinct of conformism works efficiently and smoothly. It takes only a member of a pack to notice a danger and to be frightened by something, this fright just is transmitted instantly to all the pack which either runs away or takes one's stand to defend itself, depending on the danger. If to take a space of the time about hundred years, no evolution would be observed, so this instinct of a wild pack, it cannot harm to anything, because there is nothing to be harmed. It would not be unnecessary to note that the conformist behaviour in an animal pack has no any compulsion above it. Nobody pays attention to a becoming separated individual, even nobody would notice it. Also the behaviour of the primitive men, I doubt whether it could differ appreciably from one of the herd animals, it is independently of the human's origin, which is unknown to us in fact.      It could devote a huge number of pages describing the gradual transition from the primitive, savage and herd condition to such one, that is named civilized one, which already is continuing several latest millenniums. Perhaps there would be those who are willing to research from the modern point of view and to describe this transition from the wild condition to the civilized one, even it is possible that it would be some benefit from the researching, but we have not a time machine that we should return in the past to add our own changes, and most likely it is for the better. It's for the better, for an interference in the natural course of events, as a rule, it leads to no good. But we are faced in front of the fait accompli: we are dwelling just in the very taking shape civilized world, unfortunately, with the instinct of conformism remained entirely, and everyone is able to make adjustments into his fate and is free to do it. Therefore we go examine the civilization and the society existing several millenniums we have found, we have been born in the epoch.      Whatever space of time is taken in the historical period of the civilized humanity, it is seen as a regularity, the same model of an interesting aspect of social relations: the model of the confrontation a developed gifted personality and a mediocre and backward crowd, that is the people's mob.      In the Gospels Jesus Christ mentioned over and over again about the persecution the Teachers and the Prophets in the past and after all He Same found Himself as a victim of such the persecution. It seems, that part of the humanity had come to believe in Him, the Christians like in God, and the Muslims like in a Prophet, all of them would get an instructive lesson for the future and make up a right conclusion. But the mob of all the times and of all the peoples, it twists surely all the things on his own way. In the given case it was formed a social opinion, supposedly this is the Jews who are guilty in persecution of Christ. However in fact, there wasn't a nationality that time on the Earth, where Jesus Christ would not be persecuted anyway by the people's mob. Accusing the Jews, practically all the peoples continued no less to persecute those who was cleverer and nobler than they, those who pushed forward the history and the progress. In the critical epoch of the Renaissance under cover of the "hunt for witches", Jan Hus, Jean of Arc and many others outstanding persons were burned at the stake. In every historical epoch of changes this confrontation became aggravated.      In the XX century this confrontation aggravated like never formerly. The prophetic words of Christ came true: " I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him". And they came in his own name: Lenin, Stalin, Hitler. And they attempted to spread a hell on the Earth, but the humanity has won this round against the forces of darkness. The people's mob bowed down before the murderous dictators, spread runners for them, applauded them, believed in their unsubstantiated promises. It's inevitable, the evil seems as all-powerful one, but it has its own foibles. The first foible: the forces of evil cannot be in peace together. The second foible: the life according to the lie, it will affect negatively, sooner or later, on the economy. Just that two factors have saved the humanity.      Let's return to the late Middle Ages, that is the Renaissance. Right in this moment of the history it was laid beginning of the progress not only technological one, but it is more important, that this progress is social too. And here it's time to mention briefly the psychology of a man of the crowd, that is of the people's mob, that is one of a "cog"of the system.      For a man of the crowd it is unthinkable to be opposed to a common opinion. He has not got accustomed to think independently. He has the same developed brain, but he doesn't make use of it practically. Because of this, in most cases it is hard and awful to be alone for him. On the contrary: finding in a crowd, any support of this crowd is able to bring to naught so powerful forces as the instinct of self-preservation and the sexual instinct. Indeed, it's exist a Russian proverb: "In the world, even the death is red" (На миру и смерть красна) If he goes with a crowd together there where it is a danger, the same presence of the crowd how would lulls, sings to sleep, calms him. If anyone fell as though dead beside him, he doubts whether he would have such a misfortune, as the crowd continues to go, so one may. Certainly he doesn't reason this way, this way he feels. Thus he isn't in need of heroic effort to overcome his instincts because the conformist instinct helps him. If he starts to reason, to think, he would understand that he is deceived, that many things aren't right, but he doesn't think, he doesn't reason, because of this he makes possible to use himself as a pawn in some doubtful game. In what way a man of the crowd doesn't feel a danger, in the same way he can do any evil, not diminishing it. In this case beginning to doubt, but he needs only to look at the crowd and if they don't condemn him, but the contrary, they themselves are doing the same thing, he feels himself beforehand justified, the instincts of evil before were hidden in the depth of the subconsciousness, but now they are tearing themselves away with all the possible consequences. The force of the people's mob is really a large one, but it is unreasonable, like a  blind one, but one can rule over this force and different demonic characters use it.      What by to account then the aforesaid material and social progress? I would even say not social but social-moral, it would be more exact, but the sense of the word "moral" (Russian "нравственность") during last centuries was a lot devalued and distorted. Now the sense of the word doesn't reflect what was originally inserted in it, but the puritanical prohibitive moods of the people's mob. Instead the real purity in freedom, now the meaning of the word renders a sham purity in servitude, that is the submissiveness to the opinions of the foolish crowd. When refusing the word "moral", the adjective "social" applied to the word "progress", must embrace more broadly different positive accompanying concepts, because we are talking about progress, not about degradation. We are reaching, I would remind you, to explain the paradox: at the time of the dominance of the people's mob the humanity tears himself away from the medieval stagnation and progresses. Why is it going like this?      Everyone knows that in any country, without exceptions, the people's mob lives according to a certain well-established mold, without meditate deeply. This mold is called as the traditions. It would not a grave error to concede that the traditions are formed by accident, as a consequence of an accidental collection of circumstances, which either one or other nation has experienced, that is which it has gone through. It is an enough acceptable comparison as every nation is or is not lucky with a geographical situation and territorial budgets, in the same way one may speak about a good luck or a bad luck with the formed traditions. So not in all the nations it was reprehensible to be a bad mixer, to withdraw into the circle of the family and the friends with the same interests (in the broadest sense), and it gave the possibility for certain persons to develop and as a natural consequence to use for the good of the progress his developed potential (without the deterrent inhibiting by the society). But the countries which in it was acceptable to turn into the slavery their own citizens, contrary to all the doctrines of the world religions, there was formed a tradition of the compulsory collectivism and the total control above a person. These countries are fated to stay in the Middle Ages for as long as their traditions will change in trend of the freedom of person, and these things as the slave labor of millions prisoners, the abundance of minerals, the plagiarism of inventions even for military purposes - all this will not help them. The individualistic manners (this is the true morality) are trended to the freedom of Person, to the Truth, to the love for one's neighbor and the countries, where these manners are prevailing, solve well the problems which seemed insoluble one in the recent centuries, for example, such problems as one of the national or racial discrimination, the problem of the misery and the malnutrition, and finally the problem of dominance the puritanical moral which was distorting the veritably Christianity during many centuries.      God gave the mind to human not for failure to act. A man being based on the tradition but not thinking with his own head - this is the same thing like a man with healthy feet but going on crutches. Throw out the crutches and move your own feet! If your gait is the same one - it will be well. If after this your gate is changed - it will be good too. The main thing is that it will be YOURS. If your behaviour go on to fit into the traditions of the social surroundings - okay. If it exceeds the limits of the traditions - it will be nothing terrible too. Just in the last case you have better to look for an environment which will treat you tolerably. To remain free, you have better don't worry about the progress of humanity. You have better to look care of your own personal progress. Realizing yourself as a personality, you would help to all the humanity to become more perfect with only this thing, so this is enough. One needs nothing else from you for the common wealth. If you've stoped to be a part of the people's mob, a cog of system, already you may consider with confidence that all the humanity has moved just a little to the Light because of this.      Entitling this work as "The people's mob", I didn't imply at all a certain estate or a caste. A man burdened with the class, national or racial prejudices, he is a typical member of the people's mob. Such a member can be everyone: a vagabond, a savant, a head of government. To be a free personality can everyone too, and how the historical practice has shown, everywhere, even he can be in such slavish conformist states like the Soviet Union, China, North Korea. To go out of the slavish condition, one doesn't need in money, one doesn't need to falsify his membership of a class or to change a religion (Because all the Teachers of humanity and the Prophets, from whom the different religions had originated by mistake, but in fact they talked about the same doctrine. This is a long subject and it occupies a separate book "The question of the eternal life and the eternal death" and if God allows, soon I'm going to translate it from Russian into English). In fact, nobody can keep you by force in the slavish condition for the simple reason that nobody can read your thought, except God. There is nothing disgraceful or irreparable that you were a member of the people's mob in the past. All the people passed through this because all were brought to the society since childhood. A disgraceful thing can be only an unwillingness to go out of this condition. It depends from only one factor, whom you are going to be, only upon your own choice. It needs only one thing to stop being a part of the people's mob: one has to begin to think with his own head. And at first one must check without fail: is this or that idea yours or it is imposed on you by anybody from outside? Later on, when you will get accustomed to think with your own head, the need in this self-verification will fall away.      So everything is in your hands: to make your life as lively and interesting one (and it remains like this, as the practice shows, even in harsh conditions) or to drag out a miserable and pointless existence where is a still worse chance to become a pawn in strange satanic games.      The conformist instinct once helping to wild human herds, so been quite useful long ago, in the moment of the transition to the civilized condition it becomes a venom spoiling the life. This instinct itself as well as the fire is not evil. The fire can warm, light up, but if it goes beyond the limit of its place, for example, if it spreads over candle to a curtain, so it becomes an evident evil. The conformist instinct becomes a root of evil in the civilized world. And the civilization is not an evil in itself. Just humanity was not ready to go on the civilized way of development. To step on this way, it ought immediately decline the herd thinking.      This essay I'm going to finish with my favourite citation. A. I. Herzen in his book "From the Other Shore" wrote: "Don't look for a recipe in this book. They are not here". But it is enough possible, it was perfectly unwittingly for himself, he had given a very valuable recipe:      "If people want instead of saving the world - to save himself, instead of liberating the humanity - to liberate himself, how much they would have done as for the saving of the world, as for liberating of the humanity!"      To liberate yourself it is enough only your own wish.
The original Russian text:
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