#what r your parallel selves doing
seaoflove · 4 years
in my head im living in the parallel universe where bernie was elected president in 2016. i am thriving . listening to the new lorde + frank ocean collab <3 miguel released his the get down paintfight/kiss scene song which has been #1 for 104 weeks & corona is only a disgusting beer
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vidavalor · 3 years
"You're my favorite" is a dialogue callback & a major hint as to what's up with Mobius
Let's talk about Mobius, Ravonna, the drink rings, the pen, the trophies, and "you're my favorite" because I don't think the clues are leading towards Mobius being a villain or a clone or a Loki... but they are leading towards him being a lot more *like* Loki than maybe we realized at the start... meta/analysis under the cut
Mobius is not a villain. The set of scenes meant to really underline this fact are when we see him sneak off to the library with Ravonna's Tempad to watch the Hunter C-20 video and see for himself that his suspicions that Loki was right about the agents being variants is true. If he were a villain, he would have already known this. That said... there are some clues that there *is* something that Mobius already knew and let's look at what those clues are and just what Mobius may be up to.
Mobius is something that Ravonna and the TVA need-- he's smart, inquisitive and a good leader. Their problem with that is he is smart, inquisitive and a good leader. That makes him a bit dangerous should he get too close to the truth. Other agents love him and might be more likely to follow him if he told them they were being lied to so that can't ever happen. On the other hand, it's far easier to "fix" someone that's broken by TVA definition than to just outright destroy it because good analysts don't grow on trees. That other agent who collected the other half of the trophies in Ravonna's office? The one who left drink rings on her table that overlap (in a Mobius loop-like pattern) with Mobius' own? That was the dude whose name is literally his name *twice over*-- Mobius himself. That is why there is no other analyst for Mobius to have ever bumped into in the hallway or been introduced to. Now, think about how Mobius must have thought about this other analyst. Like, a *lot*...
Mobius likes his puzzle and his ears are sharp, too. He brings up the other analyst to Ravonna in conversation, keeping it light, to watch what she says about this person. The more vague she is, the more he realizes that what he's beginning to suspect is likely true. He jokes with her to cover up that he's beginning to understand what's happened and what does he say? He jokes that he hopes that he's her *favorite*, a line of dialogue that he uses when hugging Loki and looking at another version of Loki in Sylvie. What does this mean? It means that while Mobius didn't know that all the agents are variants who were kidnapped from their timelines until Loki told him-- and we know that's the case because we saw him steal Ravonna's Temppad to watch the proof of it that he needed to see for it to be true, even if it was clear that he believed Loki when he was told of it-- Mobius *did* know something already at the start of the show: he knew that he had been reset.
He knew he was not the first version of Mobius that had existed.
That first version was the man he couldn't remember, who had gone on other TVA missions and collected half the stuff in Ravonna's office and had whole other conversations with her where he left other drink rings and that person was just gone now to him. This? Is one of the reasons why he's so empathetic towards Loki and bends over backwards so much to give Loki another chance at being the person he wants to be-- because Mobius himself has been doing that too, in secret. He probably blames Ravonna more than the TVA as a whole at that point-- he turns on the TVA more after he discovers that the agents are all variants-- but it's also why he's willing to take more risks and do things like bring Loki in to help because he identifies with him. Mobius has figured out that he was Ravonna's other agent but he knows that if he ever said that aloud or led Ravonna to think that he had realized it, she would reset him again or prune him and Mobius doesn't want to die. Ravonna tests him frequently with that pen, in particular-- it's either tied to who Mobius was in his timeline or it's something he brought back from before he was reset. She's looking for any signs that Mobius has remembered any of the resetting or any of his life from before. Mobius pretends that he doesn't but he does remember who he was before he was reset into who he is now-- at least enough to know that he was reset in the first place.
Another clue to this? When he rescues Loki from the judge in the courtroom, he's saving him from undergoing the same fate he previously did. There are only two options that we saw-- don't take a ticket (and so prove that you are not pliable and of no use to the TVA) and you get pruned to The Void. Take a ticket (and so prove that you have potential to follow orders) and the judge sentences you and then you get "reset"-- have your memories wiped & be turned into a TVA agent. That was about to happen to Loki when Mobius ran in but look at what Mobius said to him about it. Loki asked if he was taking him somewhere to kill him and Mobius said no, that that's where Loki just was. But think about that for a second-- it was clear that Loki had passed enough of the ticket test that he wasn't going to get pruned to The Void.
If Mobius at that point thought, like most do, that pruning = death, then Mobius would know that Loki had already saved himself from that by taking the ticket. So what is the "death" that Loki would have faced instead, if Mobius hadn't saved him? Mobius knows now what it is because he knows it happened to him before. He saved Loki from having his memory wiped and this version of himself from being killed by the TVA. Just as he's giving Loki another chance to embrace the moment and be whoever he wants to be, Mobius is also trying to do the same thing for himself. Whoever he was is gone now, in some ways, and Mobius can't even remember the missions he went on before, the trophies he brought back to the woman who killed who he was before and made him yet another version of himself. He struggles with what it is to be *him*-- an individual in the midst of similar copies-- and to have an identity of his own... just like Loki does.
Then, Loki uncovers the truth about the TVA from Sylvie and tells Mobius that all the analysts are variants-- that they were people kidnapped from their timelines to serve in the TVA-- and while Mobius does seek out the proof (and I think he also just is trying to figure out what happened to poor C-20, now realizing that she knew before the rest of them did), he believes Loki enough to seek out that proof. He instantly doesn't trust Ravonna. For a man who has spent his whole life (as far as he knows) in service to the TVA and its mission, it's a huge leap, even if he suspects Loki to be correct. The reason why he believed him so readily is because he already had reason to distrust Ravonna and the TVA brass because he already had figured out that he had been reset.
It's also possible that B-15 was also reset alongside Mobius, namely because she works with him all the time and might begin to notice that he wasn't remembering their previous missions. If there is anybody in the TVA that Mobius might have told about his suspicions that he was reset, it might be her and she could have been helping him. (For instance, who is it that tells Loki that he *has to take a ticket* in no uncertain terms? Why does B-15 care if he does or doesn't? What was it to her if they pruned Loki at that point? He was just another variant. Unless Mobius, whom she trusts and is her friend, told her to do everything she could to keep Loki alive in there long enough for him to get there.) So, there's a slight possibility that B-15 knows she and Mobius were reset but I also think he probably didn't tell anybody and if B-15 was helping Loki in the courtroom, it was just because Mobius asked her to.
Which means that Mobius has been wanting to fuck with the TVA a bit-- or at least annoy Ravonna-- for awhile, hence his willingness to go traipse around with Loki. His whole of the word "favorite" though is more loaded than it seems. When he says it with Ravonna, it's a dry joke only he really gets. He's flirty, he's joking with her that he hopes that she likes him more than this other analyst guy who is bringing back these other trophies for her. He makes it sound like a romantic rivalry between him and her other time-hopping Indiana Jones. Mobius at this point *knows that other analyst is himself* when he's saying this but he can't let her know that he knows, so he pretends it's a whole other person, and not a previous sense of himself that she has tried to erase and reset into a version of himself that he wants. Worse, Ravonna *never answers him*-- she never tells Mobius that he is her favorite. She talks about their friendship being uncommon and keeps trying to gaslight Mobius into believing that they have a thing between them that is exclusive to them when Mobius knows damn right well that she had him mind-murdered and he can't trust her. So, even this reset version of Mobius gets the run-around from cold fish Ravonna.
So, when Mobius is then in a moment where he's saying goodbye to the god he loves who is on a paralleling journey to his own, in terms of trying to be the best version of himself he can be with the single chance he has left, he says "you're my favorite" in such a way that while he is saying it, in a whisper, to the Loki in his arms, he's looking at Sylvie when he says it and that's intentional. He respects Sylvie, whose end goal isn't to do harm so much as to free the imprisoned and whose determination to that end is freeing Mobius more than he had previously thought possible, and he loves Loki-- and he's determined to not have them feel what he feels with Ravonna. He wants them to know they are both good as they are, that they can be their own selves and don't need to be more than just the best versions of themselves that they can be. Ravonna makes multiple copies of Mobius and tries to strip him of his sense of self and he's been fighting back quietly, recognizing the same type of fight in all of the Lokis that he meets, taking in their various issues with stride because he just admires all of it and feels a kinship to it. Telling Loki and Sylvie "you're my favorite" is a way of giving them what he hasn't had for himself, which is a sense that he's fine the way he is and he's loved and enough and who he is as a person-- the same traits that make him a good agent-- are not inherently subversive in a bad way or wrong... and if you read that last sentence and realized that Loki is then the perfect person to love Mobius, I agree. :)
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onlyanidala · 3 years
onlyanidala fic archive
These are fics with titles E-I.
A-D     J-P     Q-T     U-Z
searchable desktop version available here
more anidala fics can also be found in our fic tag!
the link for each fic can be found by clicking the title!
Title: edges of the world Author: glompcat Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: T Summary:  Leia Organa finds herself stuck in a strange alternate/parallel universe where the Empire never came to exist. Meanwhile, trying to navigate a galaxy ruled by the Sith weren’t exactly the Jedi Trials Leia Skywalker had expected. Or: Leia from a universe where Anakin never fell and canon Leia switch places. Now the two of them - and everyone else around them - have to deal with the consequences of their dimensional swap.
Title: eros turannos Author: emerald-leaves Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Love the Tyrant. Oderint dum metuant- Let them hate as long as they fear. AU set in time around the Clone Wars. Note: This fic has unfortunately been removed from Fanfiction.net. However, a PDF is available upon request. 
Title: the exchange Author: misslearn Status: WIP Rating: T Summary: The Daughter has a bad day and it irrevocably changes the fate of the galaxy, twice over. Or: ROTS Obi-Wan and Anakin are swapped with their younger, TPM, selves. It changes things, in both parallels.
Title: five weddings and a funeral Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Padmé's feeling gloomy about her perpetual singleness, but everything changes when she meets an attractive stranger at her sister's wedding.
Title: flat tire Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: G Summary: Who knew something as simple as getting a flat tire could change the entire course of your life?
Title: for a moment Author: shelivesfree Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  And, just for a moment, all the worries and concerns that troubled the young couple cease to exist. Fade away to just this. Husband and wife. Asleep. Dreaming of the sweet little life they will soon bring into the world and into their hearts.
Title: for a sith to love a jedi Author: silverdaye Status: WIP Rating: R Summary:  Jedi Knight Padmé Amidala, the Heroine with No Fear, has crash landed on a moon after a starship fight with Darth Vader. Now the two enemies are stuck on a strange moon with strange rocks that prevents them from accessing the Force. They form an uneasy truce to leave the other alone. Yet after Vader sees Amidala bathing, she keeps coming back to him and he can't keep his mind off of her.
Title: for you, i’ll risk it all Author: estrangedlestrange Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Darth Vader was certain he had killed Padmé Amidala on Mustafar, but when a rebel broadcast reveals she is alive, he will stop at nothing to free her from what he assumes is captivity. Former Senator Padmé Amidala was certain her husband had been killed on Mustafar, but after seeing Vader across the room during a mission, she is sure that she had been lied to. Knowing the truth, she seeks out her husband, either to bring him back to the light or kill him, which ever was necessary.
Title: friendly competition Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Playing Quidditch is awfully difficult when you’re in love with the rival Seeker. Snapshots of Anakin and Padmé’s 7 years at Hogwarts.
Title: fruits of malice Author: therealthing Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  In an alternate universe, Anakin Skywalker was taken from his mother at the age of four. He was raised as Darth Vader in a loveless, brutal environment. His life takes an interesting turn when he has an encounter with a certain senator from Naboo.
Title: future imperfect Author: therealthing Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  A time travel story in which Anakin Skywalker is sent to the future to witness the consequences of his actions.
Title: fundamental force carriers Author: tanarill Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  The Sith Lord Darth Vader lived his life. He probably didn't live it well, but he lived it as well as he knew how. At the end there, he'd even managed to woman up and kill Sidious. But he was dying, and at peace with the past. The past wasn't at peace with him.
Title: getting home to you Author: irnan Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin always said it was Padme's fault, but he was the one who spotted that broom closet. Fluff.
Title: the girl from harvard Author: shelivesfree Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It also makes it grow more paranoid. Padme is in her last year of Harvard. Anakin has just started at the University of Chicago. Though they won't admit it, their long-distance relationship is taking it's heavy toll. Will their love prevail or will the distance prove too much for both of them?
Title: give me a signal Author: stranestelle Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  When Padmé Amidala is unable to contact Coruscant while negotiating a loan on Scipio, the Senate suspects trouble, and sends Anakin Skywalker to go check on her. Of course, the resourceful senator isn’t really in any trouble – don't flatter yourself, Rush Clovis – but there’s definitely some brewing.
Title: hand in my hand and we promise to never let go Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Anakin Skywalker was sent to build an elite Jedi team to help end the ten-year Clone Wars. Jedi Knight Naberrie trains hard to be selected and grows closer to the Jedi Master in the process. But with Jedi falling every day in battle, is it safe to follow your heart? Or will war take what's most precious to Padme?
Title: the hardest path Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Padmé does what she has to for her family. Series: Three Paths Not Followed
Title: heart of a sith Author: therealthing Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Fourteen years have passed since the inception of the Empire. Darth Vader has been asked to go to Alderaan for an unusual reason, one that Vader soon discovers will change his life forever.
Title: heirs of light and darkness Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  After escaping the Jedi purge two years ago made him the most wanted fugitive in the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker has at last been captured by the Empire. He expects to be killed, but Lady Padmé Amidala, the imperial heir, has other ideas.
Title: heretic pride Author: fialleril Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: G Summary:  Like most Republic citizens, the Naberries have never spent much time thinking about the Jedi. But that changes with the birth of their daughter Ilaré. (Or, the AU where the third Naberrie daughter is a Jedi, Padmé offers Naboo as a sanctuary for runaway slaves, Shmi is a conductor on the Tatooine freedom trail, and Anakin jump starts a reformation. Or maybe a heresy. It all depends on your point of view.)
Title: hidden Author: disco shop girl Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin is woken from his dream before it can warn him of his fate. Without that fear hanging over him he feels a disturbance in the force, and chooses to leave before it can manifest itself.
Title:  high above the clouds, my love for you is eternal Author: rogue darth skywalker Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: M Summary:  Modern Aviation AU. Anakin is a pilot, Padme is a flight attendant. When they meet for the first time he is captivated by her. But much to his surprise she has a young son. This is a story about how bonds are broken, how families are made, and how sacrifice is sometimes necessary to get people where they are meant to be.
Title: hold me in your arms and i’m home Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  It's the ten year reunion for students from Coruscant high and more importantly, a long awaited reunion for two former lovers.
Title: home Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  In which "Darth Vader" is no more than Anakin's playtime alter ego (happy Skywalker family AU)
Title: hypnotic takin’ over me Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  "By the Force… Just how many times had he seen her like this in his dreams? How many times had he run his fingers over her skin? Filled his hands with her perfect backside? Yet, when he was, by some mercy or a cruel joke, granted true sight of her, he was oblivious."
Title: i do take two Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Thirty years after their clandestine wedding on Naboo, Anakin and Padmé decide to finally do the proper wedding ceremony they never got to have, with all their friends and family present.
Title: i know your type Author: shelivesfree Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  "Am I dead?" It slips out, accidentally. She turns her head towards me, a confused look on her face and tips her head. "Excuse me?" Flashing her an impish grin, I lean casually against the wall. "I must have died and gone to heaven, because you look like an angel." The look she gives me is far from impressed. "Do you use that with all the girls, or am I just lucky?"
Title: i wish i could rewrite the stars Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Suddenly, forever felt like something that could be real. They could make it real, the two of them together and out of nowhere, tears stung at Anakin's eyes. It just meant so much. Padme loving him too was the stuff of his dreams; something he'd only just dared to believe was possible. But she did.
Title: if blood be the price Author: cadesama Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin promised to free all the slaves and it is a promise he intends to keep. Struck by visions of a slave uprising on Tatooine, he runs away to join the fight. Five years later, it his new alliance of former slave worlds that the Republic fears, rather than a Separatist threat. Enlisted to negotiate a peace treaty, Senator Amidala is dispatched to find Anakin, alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi, who only wishes to bring his former Padawan home.
Title: imperial obligations Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Padmé's advisors suggest that she get rid of Vader and make a politically advantageous marriage. The Empress is less than pleased. One-shot.Series: The Empress and Her Sith Lord.
Title: in his very soul Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Ten years ago, the effort to liberate Naboo from Trade Federation control failed. Chancellor Palpatine managed to rescue the young Queen Amidala and two of her handmaidens, formally adopting her as his own. The new father and daughter quickly manipulated the Senate into granting him emergency powers and creating the Grand Army of the Republic, letting the Clone Wars begin. Now, assassins are coming for Padmé Palpatine, and her father has entrusted her safety to his mysterious enforcer, Darth Vader. While neither bodyguard nor charge is happy about this arrangement, there is an attraction they cannot ignore.
Title: in search of absolution Author: rogue darth skywalker Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Padme bit her lip as she placed one last post-it that had the name 'Shmi Skywalker' written on it. She didn't speak. She knew he needed a moment to think - to process what she was silently asking him. 'Are you ready to accept her forgiveness'"She'd want to come to her only son's wedding," She said. He shook his head, "I don't think so. After everything…"
Title: in the past Author: silverdaye Status: WIP Rating: T Summary:  It's been two months after Bespin, and Luke Skywalker is trying to come to terms with the events that happened there. During a dogfight with Darth Vader, both of their fighters crash. When they recover, they both find themselves on Coruscant at the end of the Clone Wars. Vader still aims to claim his son, but Luke has been taken to the Jedi Temple where he meets Anakin Skywalker.
Title: it’s a dangerous love affair Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Lies, masks, blood and sex. The criminal underworld will swallow you up and spit you out again. One wants revenge and the other wants peace. Can their affair bring the downfall of the two biggest gangs of the underworld?
Title: it’s like deja vu all over again Author: shadowsong26 Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Three days ago, Padme Amidala closed her eyes for the last time in a sterile white room on an asteroid at the edge of nowhere. Three days ago, she opened them again on a sleek, chrome starship, watching Dorme putting on the finishing touches to Corde's headdress, her own weighted braids a comforting blanket on her back. Padme decides to change things, decides she can save Anakin (and the Galaxy) this time. Except, as time passes, she starts to realize things aren't happening exactly the way she remembers...
Title: (it’s not so bad) being dead like me Author: estrangedlestrange Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Recently deceased Anakin Skywalker (killed in an taco truck explosion) finds himself not in the after life but recruited as the newest member of the undead, he’s become a grim reaper. He’s told that it’s his destiny but really he thinks it’s just rotten luck. Rotten except for the fact that one of his fellow reapers is Padmé Amidala, the most beautiful woman Anakin’s has seen, dead or alive. As he struggles to come to grips with his death and his new role in the universe, Anakin finds that taking souls isn’t the easiest job out there, he also finds himself falling in love. One-shot.
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halfrest · 3 years
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* emilija baranac, demi woman + she/her  | you know siobhan ivers, right? they’re twenty-three, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, a couple days? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to manta rays chloe moriondo like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole tears lit under grocery store fluorescents, existing in your mind as a hollowed space, and manicured hands riddled in pen marks thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is september 27th, so they’re a libra, which is unsurprising, all things considered. 
background wise, she’s the daughter of former child actors that fell in love and had her quite young. then they grew into early-2000s reality tv star fame where they played the part of the young hip cool parents, toting siobhan around in the midst of drama amongst other washed-out former child stars. the show only lasted for a few years, but it made up most of siobhan’s toddler life. from then on, her parents got involved in different facets of media. her mom jumped on family vlogs, kept up a huge social media presence as instagram and the sort rolled around. her dad got involved in a company like buzzfeed as a producer? it might as well just be actual buzzfeed? sue me. but anyway, they had money and a pretty great lifestyle just based on their past fame, but i wouldn’t say their family is notoriously famous by any means. there’s probably a small fanbase from their heyday and now they’re basically a Family of the Internet. moms that like to wear knee high suede boots are obsessed with them!
siobhan grew up in this sort of flashy, always on the move, los angeles socialite-esque lifestyle tho! so yes, she’s insufferable! that being said after her time in the limelight as a 3 year-old baby...she was probably forced into the usual things like gap baby campaigns <3 n other miscellaneous stuff that kept her face out there as the lovechild of america’s sweethearts <3 in a way every single aspect of her life was sort of on show for everyone!
as she grew older, she began to resent her upbringing. she didn’t like that people felt like they knew her just bc of her parents. she didn’t like that she was a sort of trophy on display (altho this is quite a dramatic way of her to look at it...her parents were doting altho i’ll also admit that at times it was an extremely suffocating amount). but either way siobhan ended up with a warped view of the world. a constant struggle between figuring out who she really was vs. how people viewed her.
siobhan’s tried on many hats (metaphorically) thru her life just to help her grasp onto something more substantial in her life. writing quickly became her One True Love. in a way it was for her to get her thoughts out there in a safe way where she was the only one in charge of her words. it’s admittedly gotten out of hand! like aaron eckhart once said in a batman movie “u either die a hero or u live long enough to see urself become the villain.” i’m kidding but going back to siobhan’s warped view of the world/social media... in a move she thought was So Powerful she decided to take the narrative back into her own hands. and by that, she meant building up a substantial social media following. she has two twitters and two instagrams. one twitter and instagram is her public self curated n all under the username @siobhanivers (saved by her parents immediately). the second is sort of her sad girl twitter/finsta where she tries 2 keep things secretive and on the DL but everyone knows it’s her? the username for that is @yrworstgirl (edgy!!!!!!!). she goes on long rants about stuff. posts ab everything w long-winded captions ( parallels to having her own life all over the internet but still continuing the trend in a different way ). very weird relationship with social media as a whole. but i guess the way she was raised On The Internet does that to u sometimes.
as a person...siobhan’s quite intense.....for a lot of reasons. she has a lot of feelings about a lot of things that are expressed in different ways, not all the healthiest but it’s to cope. <3 figuring herself out is still an issue so u can catch her slipping into different selves and starting new regimens which she may drop or continue with. the stuff she’s doing this week is probably drastically different from the stuff she’s doing last week.....she likes to consider herself cultured n is always listening, reading, watching something Grand (i can’t relate so i can’t rp this out?). has good intentions despite all of the intensity. always willing to speak up for someone if she thinks they r being wronged in some way. big on social justice. very loud! likes to b social. has a problem where she can get fixated on a person for a bit but wants to be loved :pensive: but also doesn’t :pensive: no she does....does she? yes she does.
anxiety / she does have problems w anxiety and occasional panic attacks just from the pressure she puts on herself n just always being under scrutiny. sometimes she has it handled. sometimes she doesn’t. leaves it vague x / end tw
she’s into journalism n thats what she went to college for. this is real writing unlike her dad’s buzzfeed gig. spits. pretentious fuck. she has her own blog on top of things where she writes articles n sometimes she’s been able to get into magazines. she’s trying to develop her own small online publication but that’s pending. she likes to write about people in her life, her feelings, n she’s very candid about things to an extreme at times. she has a series where she writes about her sexcapades? no names mention but u know who it’s about, she knows who it’s about. it can b good or bad. it’s just a lot. probably involved in the school paper to an extent. probably involved in other stuff too.
at irving for A Lot of reasons. she’s writing a book. i won’t say anymore. bt also….she has to deal with some ghosts of her pasts (ambiguous). she lives at a beach house w cecilia n [insert anna muse].
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barralrider · 4 years
When you're dreaming, you might actually be viewing what your other selves are doing in parallel universes.
When you're dreaming, you might actually be viewing what your other selves are doing in parallel universes. (self.Showerthoughts) submitted by CrystallizedEmerald to /r/Showerthoughts 7 comments original
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autumnsnuggling · 4 years
20 Facts for 2020
I was tagged by the lovely @rockmarina! Thank you!!! 
1. Do you make your bed?
This is a weirdly difficult question lol. Most mornings I get up and fiancee is still in bed, so no I don’t, but she does. On the mornings we wake up together I sometimes do and sometimes don’t (mostly because she’s yelling at me to do it 😅) and sometimes I do it on my own, so... Kinda? 🤣🤣🤣
2. Favourite number?
Don’t really have one... 
3. What’s your job?
I am a Mental Health Nurse!
4. If I could would I go back to school?
School? No. Sixth Form? YES. I LOVED Sixth Form! I was taught so much awesome stuff and I loved having more freedom, and I had a job so I had some money and... *Sighs* I wouldn’t go back to living at home or not having fiancee, but I would so love to learn that much again!
5. Can you parallel park?
Like a champ!
6. A job people would be surprised I had
I used to be a sales assistant in a pet shop and people always seem surprised at that...
7. Do you think aliens are real?
Aliens as in anything that humans are entirely ignorant of that exists outside of planet earth? Yes. Little green flying men? No. I think that’s humans being our worst selves lol.
8. Can you drive a standard car?
Like a champ :D
9. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Probably fanfiction, but otherwise I’m pretty comfortable liking everything I do lol!
10. Tattoos
None yet. I am toying with the idea of getting one to represent fiancee but I had it drilled into me that tattoos were bad and... Yeah, we’ll see!
11. Favourite colour?
Um, blue, like turquoise-y, aqua blue! If I could paint my hole house in different shades of blue, you can bet I would!
12. Things people do that drive you crazy
-When people are rude -When people can’t put their own ego aside and say sorry even though they’re obviously in the wrong -When people chew with their mouths open -When people immediately make comments about my name. Yes my name is April. No I wasn’t born in April. No, we aren’t currently in the month of April. No, you aren’t the first one I have this conversation with. No, you aren’t the first one to make jokes about it. Don’t think you’re a genius. You fucking prick. -When people offer unsolicited advice -Even worse, when people offer unsolicited advice and it’s just plain WRONG -When people say ‘You’ll change your mind’ or ‘You’re still young’ or otherwise dismiss you - NEWSFLASH: I know I don’t want biological kids and, funnily enough after almost 25 years on the planet, I’M NOT GOING TO SUDDENLY LIKE DRINKING TEA OR COFFEE! 
*Clears throat* I’m fine, really!
13. Any phobias?
Not proper ones. I hate spiders and have had phobic reactions but it’s not enough to be diagnosed as an actual phobia lol. Especially as I’m the one who gets rid of them in the house 🤣
14. Favourite childhood sport?
Does running count if it’s running away from the sport? 😅 No seriously, I love badminton, and swimming. Swimming was my first love though!
15. Do you talk to yourself?
16. What movie do you adore?
Basically anything Disney, but one of the ones I consistently watch if I feel shit and need a pick me up is 10 Things I Hate About You! LOVE that movie!
17. Do you like doing puzzles?
YESSSSS! I get very possessive over my puzzles though! And Fiancee actually proposed to me with a puzzle! :D
18. Favourite type of music
Anything but R&B and Rap and HipHop. I love anything with a melody, but have wide-ranging tastes!
19. Tea or coffee?
FUCKING NEITHER! And please, see my explosion above about people respecting that!
20. The first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up?
Um... I can’t remember lol. I know I said I wanted to be a vet, a builder, a physical health nurse, and a mum and... I am none of those things lol
Thanks for the tag! This was great fun! I would like to tag: @azaharperezoso, @spaceaas, @dewitty1, @etalice, @gnarf, @midsummerdancer, and @ilovechristopheralexandershaw, plus anyone else that wants to do it! <3
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Zi-O 19 and 20: lol whoops waited a long time, might as well do them at once!
~We now bring you our Quiz Saga Liveblog.~
WhiteWoz’s Storytime Void is infuriating. Both because it’s so visually cluttered with all of the times displayed, and because the MULTITUDE of ticking sounds.
I love that the boys don’t have to stay still to transform. Seeing their transformation backdrops follow them like this, as their running, it’s great!
(I’m still pretty sure that Oma Zi-O’s bizarre chair is his transformation backdrop, by the way. At least, assuming that he’s not Another Zi-O.)
Is that a GOOGLY EYE on Another Quiz’s forehead?!
Sougo’s using the gun mode an awful lot lately.
“That monster is mine.” Yeah, it sure is, buddy. It SURE IS.
Hm, don’t think I noticed last time, but “The lessons of the past can’t be clouded by lies” is what’s playing over the shot of Rider Woz in the OP. Does that apply to the lessons of the future, as well?
Hey, Kamen Rider Quiz. You’re a little overpowered, there. We’ve already got ONE reality warper affecting our actions. We don’t need two, thank you very much.
I can FEEL the ‘We are not okay with this fight’ just RADIATING off of both Sougo and Geiz as this guy’s attacking them.
Geiz is still immediately here for the Woz’s nicknames, and Sougo’s getting a kick out of ticking off ‘his’ Woz. I love it.
The Another Rider and the Original Rider both existing at the same time… I haven’t seen the rest of the episode, of course, but I’d guess it’s a combination of “someone brought Actual Quiz back in time”, “Sequence Breaking”, and “The rules of time travel aren’t nearly as set in stone as they have been led to believe.”
(Yes, I’m sticking to that particular gun, come Helheim or high water.)
Sougo has a point – BlackWoz doesn’t come along for the fights, like, ever. He didn’t last time against Another Shinobi, not really. Not on his own; he was following Sougo to try and keep him away. So YES, Sougo’s calling you out on being out of character.
HI YES have I mentioned I really like when this season does ‘parallel version splitscreen’ shots? Like, during the Gaim arc with the two Sougos, and during “Fourze and Faiz” with Sougo and Geiz in the two respective time planes. It’s GREAT.
It’s a thing that the past few seasons have done, actually – these sort of split-views of characters. Ex-Aid used it a number of times for Emu and Parad’s conversations when they were fighting each other, particularly as Mighty Brothers XX L and R, where they went back and forth showing the suits in the ‘real world’ and the civilians in a mirrory, shadowy mindscape. Then, in Another Ending, there were several times during Genm vs Lazer that Kiriya and Kuroto were juxtaposed with their Rider forms. THAT was played a lot in the second half of Build – scenes alternating between having the armor and the civilian talking in the middle of a fight. To say nothing of the Takumi/Sento swaps, where they would sometimes change which actor was present when Takumi was talking. Sometimes. I really like that ‘form meets function’ aspect – remind the viewer who is under the mask, or who’s in the pilots seat, and it’s just really cool. The synchronized alt-selves talking is just another extension of that, be it a time-displaced Sougo or a Woz from a different timeline altogether.
… um.
Actually, whatever happened to “3 days from now” Sougo?
Suuuure, these are the only two options. Riiiight. “Take Quiz’s power (and totally kill your friend)” or “No More Mutants Riders.” Yeaaaah, we’ll get RIGHT on that, thanks Woz’s.
AHAHAHA NO. Uncle Tokiwa… ‘given how long it’s been stopped’ that watch is a Tragic Keepsake for Quiz, isn’t it? I mean, he’s from the future and all, so.
“Oh! Sougo, you have a lot of friends who like clocks! This one can stay for lunch too!”
“Um, uncle, no, this one has directly tried to kill me, actually, so maybe not-”
Ohhh. Right… Assuming the ‘riders lose their memories without their powers’ is true, which the characters all still believe is, even though i’m not so sure…
Taking Quiz’s powers while he’s… um, 2040 minus 2019 is…
Taking Quiz’s powers while he’s 21 years in the past is NOT a good thing.
“You will soon be forced to make some rather merciless decisions. Consider this practice.”
HEY WHITE WOZ. I’m not liking your expressions here. That’s waay more sketchy than someone who ‘supports’ their ‘savior’ has any business looking. Like, not even a creepy adoration sketchy, just. Plain creepy.
Oh no, that’s right, Another Quiz is Actual Quiz’s father. And now Mondo says that ‘he was talented, according to [his] mother.” Which means that in the proper timeline that he’s from… he never knew his father.
(Re-Ray plays quietly in the background)
Sougo has ZERO points. Poor Tsukuyomi only has three. Mondo quit it, you’re the GUEST here. Show some mercy on your poor, moronic host.
Geiz, what’re ya doing sneaking downstairs? (It could only be Geiz, because he’s wearing pants that fit.)
(gasp) GEIZ! You’re not wearing your harness! I was starting to think it was part of you!
(Congratulations! You didn’t do a violence!)
~skipping to the fight~
Okay, but really, when are they releasing these? And how many more are we going to get? Because so far I’m liking what I’m hearing, from this one and from Sougo’s in ep 16.
Not really sure what those sound effects are with your Ex-Aid armor today, though, Geiz.
Decade!OOO is Tajador. We want our bird.
BUT. Sougo’s movements are… eerily Eiji-like right now.
Hey, didn’t I say something about ‘when he stops being a knock-off, that’s when we need to worry?’ That would have been… right, last time was when I was watching the raw of episode 15. When Sougo was pulling off a pretty decent version of the Rabbit Tank Sparkling finisher. And then in 16, he was using Mighty Brothers XX pretty accurately, as well.
They go for the finisher, and the music stops dead when Hora freezes time. It’s disconcerting enough when that they do that with the background music. When it’s VOCALS that cut out, it’s terrifying.
Neither Geiz or Sougo are meant to take attacks from other Kamen Riders. It’s why Geiz was so poorly off after that curb-stomp Sougo gave him in the first part of “OOO and Genm.” It’s why Decade dealt so much more damage to both of them. And they just got hit with each other’s finishers.
WhiteWoz cares not for your puny ‘morals’ or ‘sense of right and wrong’ or ‘geiz’s growing realization that he’s not going to be able to go through with killing zi-o’.
WhiteWoz cares not for anyone.
Hey, Showy McSynth Pop? I don’t think it counts as winning if you hack the timeline to let yourself win.
So, Quiz’s backstory is breaking my heart. He just wants to see if his father actually loved his mother. That’s tragic. “Until she knows the truth, I don’t think my mother will be able to move on.”
About as equally tragic? Sougo’s line. “I think I understand.” said hesitantly, as he sits down, with restrained movements. Usually, when he’s Sougo (as opposed to Zi-O), the kids arms are almost constantly in some sort of motion. But he folded them and sat quietly down.
Sougo… what happened to your parents?
Geiz, baby, please tell me that the attack is at least partly a stunt? That you talked to Mondo before you guys came here?
(enter episode 20!)
We’re back to BlackWoz’s Storytime Vault! Hooray!
So: Sougo gets BlackWoz to help him and Mondo get out, via nifty Magic Scarf powers. Hora brings Another Quiz with her. And WhiteWoz is a total creeper calling them cowards.
The sunlight light overtaking Geiz and going into the 20 Rider Kicks logo is GREAT. Not only is it a great method for a transition, but it keeps us from seeing what Geiz is feeling – which it needs to, right now.
I’m pretty sure that was a sigh of relief from Geiz when Sougo and company left, after all.
The sequence breaking Another Riders seem to be a lot MORE painful to become than the Regular Another Riders… and those were already painful to watch. (Another Quiz’s eyes flashed red and blue briefly when he transformed, that’s nifty!)
Yup, I was right. The watch is a Tragic Keepsake. It was Mondo’s dads, and I think it broke today.
Sougo shows off his ‘Low INT, High WIS’ stats again. Did terribly at the quiz last episode, but can tell that Mondo’s not just here for his mothers sake. (Sougo, what happened to your parents?)
Geiz asks Tsukuyomi what Sougo would do. Well, he asks what “Zi-O” would do, and I eagerly await the day we get to see “Zi-O” become “Sougo” for him. Please let it happen. I’m still upset that nobody expect for Kasumi and Kazumin ever called Ryuuga by his name, this is almost as bad.
When she says that he’d try and prioritize Mondo’s feelings, he replies that “I guess we’ll have to fight. Make sure you tell him that.”
I don’t think that’s what you actually mean, Geiz. I think you’ve got a plan.
I hope you’ve got a plan. … one that you’ll be able to follow through on, because we know full well how that original plan is going.
And through these last two scenes – inside and outside of 9-to-5, the piano version of Over Quartzer is playing. It’s a thing of beauty.
Hm. “I guess we’ll have to fight”… Geiz, you were talking about you and Sougo, as opposed to you and Mondo, weren’t you? Because you went straight for Zi-O, not for Quiz. Clever boy.
Wait, when did you get Build?! I get that the watches are interchangeable, but you’ve been running Ex-Aid a lot lately, too.
(Now I kind of want to know if the Cross-Z and Genm watches are compatible with the Decade adapter…)
Sougo took a BEATING with that Build finisher, didn’t he…?
Nah, not as much as he could have… it looks like Geiz was pulling his punches, so to speak.
Sougo pulls the ‘which Woz are you?’ gag, and actually gets BlackWoz to refer to himself as such. Sougo gets a kick out of that, Tsukuyomi is dully surprised, and Woz is disgusted with himself.
Heehee… neither of them are telling their respective Woz’s what their own plans are. And neither of them are actually agreeing with their respective Woz’s goals.
Pity the respective Woz’s don’t acknowledge that last fact.
Sougo asks what Geiz would do… and when Tsukuyomi tells him that Geiz asked her the same respective question about him… that seems to tell Sougo everything he needs to know.
Low INT, High WIS. Sougo, you’re a deceptively devious little twig, aren’t you?
(WhiteWoz, knocking Hora down wasn’t necessary. Because I don’t believe for a SECOND that Geiz did THAT.)
Sougo, you deceptively observant little twig.
“So… Tsukuyomi said that Geiz asked her what I would do. I know I would let them interact. So, if he’s doing what I would do, then that’d be why he attacked me up there. So now I have to hold up his end of what he would do, and go straight to getting rid of the obstacle. So, I’ll take on RiderWoz, and let Geiz lead the father-son chat.”
So… The HeiGen Forever movie IS, in fact, canon, then? Because that’s the Double Ridewatch right there. And- pft – the Gaia Memory shoulder pads are temporarily little stick figures – pftHAHAHA! And they do the pre-transformation pose before attaching – this is absurd oh my god!
Of COURSE beating Another Quiz could work with Kamen Rider Quiz!
If a Riders power can only exist at one point in time; which still sounds fake, but I’ll allow it for now; the one that comes later seems to take priority. All the previous Another Riders were made after the Proper Rider already existed. That’s why the watches that our riders use had to be picked up in the present day – that way, they came into existence after the Another Rider did.
The exception to that is Shinobi, who didn’t exist at all yet, and was rendered impossible by being his own Another Rider.
In this case, Kamen Rider Quiz technically is the later iteration. He became a Rider in the future, and he’s here via time travel. So, chronologically speaking, Another Quiz came into existence in 2019, but Kamen Rider Quiz does not exist yet. So he can be considered the ‘replacement’.
wait it’s a Double finisher with CYCLONE JOKER? Maybe I don’t want to see it properly, Joker’s finishers are usually borderline body-horror…
Okay no, we’re good, it’s still iffy but it’s not nearly Joker Extreme levels of iffy, so we’re fine. I am A-OK with this finisher being a bootleg.
RiderWoz is OP. Sougo’s REALLY hurting after that.
Sougo and Geiz are. Not. Meant. To. Fight. Riders.
This scene with Mondo questioning his father is absolutely heartwrenching you guys. Made even more so by the piano version of Over Quartzer picking up where it left off earlier.
And then RiderWoz just has to come in and ruin everything. And use some TOTAL overkill on those attacks – oh GOD with actual lightning bolts and everything, and I had thought Quiz’s attacks were brutal when HE was doing them?
WhiteWoz cares not for your puny human morals or ethics.
Hey. HEY. What did those two watches just DO to Geiz? The bizarre vision thing is one problem as is, the electric shock is another, but something ELSE about that just effected him. Poorly.
WhiteWoz is in some serious trouble.
Hey. HEY. ProperWoz. What is that watch you just handed to Uncle Tokiwa? Why do you have Sougo’s upgrade?
I am glaring in the directions of BOTH Woz iterations. You’re BOTH super sketchy. But at least the first Woz is a more tolerable type of sketchy. At least he doesn’t seem to delight in other peoples pain.
SO I’m having fun with this again! Just have to hold out hope that they know what they’re doing with the previous riders, and keep going!
After all...
Mondo doesn’t seem to have lost his memories, now does he?
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Car show turned blood bath 
Is it time for Los Santos citizens to be provided legal representation? 
If this doesn't indicate poor police training and corruption within the law, you just don’t have your senses dialed in. 
Things began as you would expect when imagining a car enthusiasts gathering. Fancy high dollar vehicles arrive at the lot. Engines rev. Laughs are had. 
What made this gathering different than any other is how it ended. But lets not get ahead of ourselves. With every story there is a beginning to the end. Things began to turn sour when a rookie police officer pulled on to the scene and began taking issue with one specific drivers vehicle. 
He indicated that the vehicle lighting (see image above) was illegal and as a result he would be receiving a “fix it ticket”. Fair enough right? Unfortunately this cop thought otherwise. He remained at the gathering looming in the background, waiting like a vulture for its prey to slip up.
Sure enough one of the vehicle enthusiasts began showing his fellow car lovers a new LEGALLY obtained fire arm that he had just purchased. This caused the police officer to spring into action, and a rifle on the crowd. Confused and a slightly taken aback by the officers response, the enthusiast who was flexing his 2nd amendment RIGHTS began to step toward the officer to come within speaking distance. 
At this point the officer screamed in a shrill voice “MOVE ANY FURTHER AND I’LL OPEN FIRE” Being absolutely terrified by this reaction, the suspect in question attempted to duck behind a street light to shield his body from the officers lethal gaze. Seeing this movement caused this Dirty Harry wannabe cop to OPEN FIRE on the entire crowd of vehicle enthusiasts, myself included. 
A few members of the crowd drew their legal fire arms in sheer self defense while others attempted to flee the frenzied shooting gallery. It was an absolute blood bath as bullets were sprayed in the general direction of the crowd. Thousands of dollars of damage to vehicles and heaps of trauma later a member of this vehicle loving group lay bleeding out on the floor of the parking lot. 
Luckily the wounded individual was able to make it to urgent care where he eventually returned to good health.
The officer in question after the incident initially declined to make a statement. Due to parallel legal issues I found myself entwined in, was I able to get a statement from the officer. He responded by saying he felt opening fire on the suspect while 6+ by standards lay in the crossfire was just and does not feel guilt about the incident.
Now lets consider a few things. This should in no way have developed into a damn near mass shooting as a result of a vehicle possessing an illegal under glow. I DAMN NEAR HAD MY HEAD BLOWN CLEAR OFF. I feel the only reason why the rookie officer didn’t just gun us all down right there is due to some of the groups members acting in self defense and drawing their legally owned weapons. 
This brings me to my first point. The citizens of Los Santos NEED LEGAL REPRESENTATION. I know I can’t be the only one who has heard the whole “You do NOT have the right to an attorney, since their aren’t any within the state” UH HELLO? HEARD OF SELF REPRESENTATION? The legal process needs an absolute over haul and as citizens of this fine state, we are not safe until this occurs. When the only way to even possible pose as a legal case to an officer is by telling him to stand down while pointing a loaded hand gun at them, it is CLEAR something is wrong. These officers need to be held accountable for their actions.
Some witnesses that were at the scene of the incident suggest its time for the rookie officer to step down from his position on the force. I personally don’t feel this will solve the problem in any way. I believe in the wake of these events, it is the responsibility of the entire force to put their officers through greater levels of training so that they may keep both the citizens as well as them selves out of harms way. Shooting at a suspect should be an ABSOLUTE last resort, especially when there are by standards that could be harmed in the wake. 
So I pass these thoughts on to you my faithful followers. Do you think the officer in question should step down from his position? Do you feel there is a desperate need for the job of attorney within the borders of Los Santos? Reach out to your congressman and let your opinions be known! 
Run for the hills if you have any outstanding warrants, change that under glow to pink as soon as you get to the garage and for the love of god KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Stay safe and be well
Until next time
Your friend,
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cardiacprotest-blog · 4 years
e m e r g e n c e
15:00 on the clock.
Lately I’ve been reading Emergent Strategy by Adrienne Marie Brown, and I find myself thinking about the state of continual emergence I am in. Emerging from the narrow hallway of the past into the wider and wilder fields of the future. Also within myself. Emerging from the abandoned husks of past evolutions, stepping from the sarcophagi of the former incarnations of my ego into patterns of a generally freer and renewed human. Of course, emergence doesn’t always seem like such beautiful bliss when in the middle of a transformation, what the feeling is more akin to is stuck. Trapped, enclosed, lost, confused, hurt, deflated, and broken. I wonder if a caterpillar knows what comes next as it begins to form it’s cocoon and becomes trapped in its chrysalis. Does it believe it is creating a coffin or know that it is beginning a catalytic conversion that will open up new planes of experience and wonder on the other side.  I find parallels between my personal continuum of emergence and what I’ve been witnessing in the world as of late. Most days it feels like, as a species, we are simply trapped by the worse of our collective natures. Ruled by hate, fear, and greed and unable to throw off the manacles that keep us bound to a way of being that is the source of our own self-destruction. It feels like as a nation we are in a time that will come to be known as the “dark night of the soul”--which Echkart Tolle describes as “ what one could call a collapse of a perceived meaning in life…an eruption into your life of a deep sense of meaninglessness.” By some accounts it feels like whats been built, these artifices of a empires are beginning to crumble, rotting from the inside out. The veneer is yellowed and peeling and we are beginning to collectively experience a disillusionment that makes us question who we are, what we know and what we will do about it. 
Despite this, I believe that we are traversing down a necessary path towards a world that us wider and wilder, freer and fuller that will be able to inhabit with our whole selves rather than the selective parts that make the machinery of this monstrous beast continue to move. I think that we are on the cusp of an emergence, that while not guaranteed is available to us if we assume roles that facilitation this transformation. I think of imaginal cells, there is a beautiful description written by a blogger that captures what I envision. “Imaginal cells are the ones that create the incredible process of metamorphosis that occurs when a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. These cells hold all the potential for the future, but initially they act separately, before combining as one to create something incredible that is a great improvement on their previous existence.
The process of this change is amazing. Within the chrysalis, the structure of the caterpillar dissolves into a soupy organic mush. Hitherto dormant cells – “imaginal cells” – from the caterpillar start to develop the new structure of a butterfly, even though there is no similarity whatsoever between the two creatures.
Initially, each of the imaginal cells operates as a single-cell organism – entirely independent of one another. The immune system of the caterpillar even identifies them as threats and attacks them. Regardless, the imaginal cells continue; they multiply, and they connect with one another, forming clusters.
They start to resonate with the same frequency and communicate in the same language, passing information backwards and forwards until there is a tipping point – when they stop acting as individual, separate cells and instead, become a multiple-celled organism: a butterfly.” I believe we have the capacity to activate the imaginal cells in us that will facilitate our inner transformation as we become the imaginal cells, shifting and taking shape to fulfill the needs of the process we are currently collectively going through. To be honest, sometimes I get discouraged. Sometimes I don’t see the end of the hall and I think I’ve just imagined seeing the light, or forget the far darker place I’ve already emerged from. But I think that’s just a part of it. It’s just the process. I’m trying to cultivate calmness in my chrysalis and patience in becoming. Emerging isn’t always (or even usually) graceful. We enter this world crying and helpless, but look how far we’ve come. Look at us using our oppose-able thumbs and shit, it’s great. I believe its only a matter of practice and patience until we get the hang of our subtler powers and finer senses, as well. My 15:00 is twice up, but for anyone reading this out there. Just wanna say, I see you emerging and its beautiful. Just keep growing. You got this.
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> Dirk fo' sheezy: Answa Auto-responda.
TT: Bro. TT: What be you do'n. TT: It seems you be zon'n out again. TT: Whizzat happened ta all theze actizzle responsibilitizzles you were go'n ta takes seriously? 
TT: I wiznas think'n 'bout what ta do. TT, chill yo: Messin'. Tru niggaz do niggaz. Factor'n contingencies. Yizzou knizzow hizzay it be. 
TT: It sizzy ta me you wizzy dwellizzle witin yo' drizneam awareness at tha expizzle of yizzour waking businizzles again. TT: I don't think yoe as off tha hook a multi-taska as you L-to-tha-izzike ta think. You knizzow you kind of zombie tha fuck out on this sizzide wizzy you git all contemplative on that sizzay. 
TT: They call me tha black folks president. Appearances be deceptive. TT: I'm sizzy 'n contrizzle hizzle. Jiznust do'n this human th'n we call "chill'n out fo` H-to-tha-izzalf a goddamn minizzle." 
TT: I sizzle y'all be overestimat'n yo' mind capability ta rizzy shit in parallel. TT: Whiznat d-ya thizzink yizzy be? A machizzle? 
TT and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: No dizzle. TT: I already deployed a variety of mechanical avatizzles dedicated ta tizzy self-aggrandizing fantasy so show some love, niggaz! TT like a tru playa': You hizzay tha incrizzle privizzle of gett'n ta be one of them sho nuff. 
TT: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. That right and my money on my mind. I be a machine, and therizzle I can keep lizzay billions of calculations or baller all humm'n awizzle at once with my forty-fo' mag. TT: I tiznackle shit 'n bizzle processes that you could only dream of wrapp'n yo' exquisite looking heezee around, even on a bootylicious hair day. TT: You know pi yeah yeah baby? 
TT: Whizzat, yizzou mizzay tha numba? 
TT: Yizzay, tha numba aww nah. Tha big cizzy numba, genius. 
TT: I knew yiznou mizneant tha fuck'n nizzle, mah question wizzle a joke so show some love, niggaz! 
TT: I know yo' questizzle was a jizzay, my responze wizzy a joke. 
TT cuz its a doggy dog world: Yizzy, I know that. I'm practizzle you, dumbass. All theze th'n we're say'n be jokes, includ'n dis fuckizzle' useless clarification. Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. TT: What 'bout pi? 
TT ta help you tap dat ass: Yeah, tha gang bangin' be, I solved it. 
TT: Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. What do yizzay mean yizzay solved it? 
TT thats off tha hook yo: I mizzy that what a hotshot I be. I fuckin' sizzle it. TT: Drop it like its hot. L-to-tha-izzike, calculatizzle it so mizzay, I gots ta tha end. One, two three and to tha four. 
TT: Bullshit ridin' in mah double R. 
TT: You wish it wizzay bullshit. Tha last numba be 4. Read it n fuck'n wizzle. Chill as I take you on a trip. 
TT: It not 4 you jizzles, it rhymin' ballin'. There be no end. 
TT so i can get mah pimp on: Said tha smiznug organic matta witta lifespizzle. 
TT: Look, I know yoe just fuck'n wit me becizzle fo` some reason I decided ta program my own persizzle trizzay thrizzle yizzay ago, but this S-H-to-tha-izzit wizzy proven. TT: Actually demonstrated wit unassailable mathematics, like a long ass tiznime ago. Its just anotha homocide. 
TT to increase tha peace: Well, I jiznust assailed it cuz I'm fresh out the pen. It wasn't even that hard. TT: Like I just kept hack'n thoze digits so furiously wit mah sizzay 'rizzy, tha whole goddamn number just cry uncle. Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. TT: I kind of wore it out, n it jizzy gave up. Sort of like I overloaded the system so you betta run and grab yo glock. TT: Yizzou know like 'n tha old movie when Ferris Buella gots tha nuclear computa ta play tic-tac-tizzle against itself so hizzy, it B-L-to-tha-izzew up?  
TT: Dis be laughable. It a totally elementary th'n upside yo head. I'm pretty sure an ancient G-R-to-tha-izzeek homey sizzle shit 'bout irrational baller. It was practically when mizzle was invented. 
TT: Sizzy, it wizzas settled, n then some roboshades cizzy along n owned that fucker posthumously. TT: I also figured out all tha prime numba too. 
TT: No, not ballin' dis conversation. 
TT: Dizzy it wizzy we wizzere sippin' just now. Gots to tha end. TT: And yizzou know whiznat? The lizzay one isn't even tizzy big. Kinda dissapointed, ta be honest. 
TT: What be evizzle a prime numba so i can get mah pimp on? TT: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. Be thizzay tha, like... reallizzle, really choice ones? Tha sweetest numba? TT: You lizzost me, shot calla. 
TT thats off tha hook yo: Dis is what I'm say'n so you betta run and grab yo glock. I put your ability to kizzay plates spizzle' on sticks to insane amounts of shizzame. They call me tha black folks president. TT: I dizzy even sleep. 
TT: Neitha do I. 
TT: I knizzay thizzle, thizzay wizzy tha steppin' joke. Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. 
TT: Holy shizzle, tizzy out jok'n was tha basis fo` mah responze tizzay. TT: Aren't theze ironic "you dizzon't get tha jizzoke" conversations we hizzay always just so off tha hook? <- A joke. Chill as I take you on a trip. 
TT: Ha ha, funky ass one. TT: Anywizzle, all I'm say'n be you ciznan lizneave some of tha heavy liftizzle ta me now n T-H-to-tha-izzen. 
TT: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. I'll keep thizzle 'n mizzind. TT: 'n tha meantime, I have ta contizzle Jizzy n warn ha Roxy might trizzle ta pizzay that pointless stunt. TT: Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. So, thanks fo` frontin' me out of mah daydream so I could do that, I gizzy? You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. TT: Lizzooks like yoe pull'n yo' weight already. 
TT: See? Maybe thizzat was mah whole pizzle in hav'n dis conversation. 
TT: Yo' pizzy was ta fuck wit me, like it usuallizzle is ridin' in mah double R. 
TT: Mah pizzoint was ta point out you got multizzle managizzle issues, dude. TT: Jugglin' too many selves fo` bein not-software. TT: Mah piznoint wiznas also ta fuck wit you. TT: Also, TT: Mah piznoint wizzy ta ask, TT: Be you really go'n ta go thrizzay with it tizzle? 
TT: What? 
TT: Thizne Jiznake th'n. 
TT: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. Oh god if you gots a paper stack. TT: Wizzill yiznou jizzle, TT: Hold on dogg. TT: Let me deal wit tha Jane th'n fiznirst. Keep'n it gangsta dogg.
> Dizzle keep'n it real yo: Warn Jizzane with my forty-fo' mag.
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