#what the fuck would i even be itneracting with on there for that to show up on my tl
fitzfunnymoments · 5 months
For the love of God the next time someone posts vomit untagged I'm going to scream (<- not about anyone here)
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infinitd · 3 years
This is the last one. I’m already hovering the delete button but I have to type this one out first. It’s been sitting stewing and now festering in the back of my mind for way too long now. I’m guilty of way too much all at the same time and all of them with the singular cause that is me. Maybe this blog is public in that secret shared way some thigns get and the whole squad has BEEN reading it and trying to give healing and support in their own way without really knowing. lol. NOT. Well.... Where to even begin? Weed? Lix? Lovers? Parents? Brain? Siblings? Art? Pretty cool how they present themselves like that once you open the double bolted, extra secured walled off and guarded door. So lets do the order they’re already in.  Weed Is great and now it gives me anxiety and mild panic attacks. I get so paranoid I feel like the whole world is watching me and even now the primary craving is for fucking nicotine of all things and the association built between the 2 are too strong to break. Not that it would even be useful to. Weeds usefullness has run its course in my life and a dependancy I have spent the better part of a decade now has to go unsatisfied with a complete reversion to sobriety because alcohol was gotten over LONG ago. I’m still tending towards bingeing behaviour with that but its almsot always a reaction rather than an actual desire to get fuucked up. No more high nights floating just under my ceiling . Hours and hours of dota and that most NEET night time routines. No more weed first thing at parties or braais and hanging with friends too stoned to converse or just talking about weed like its the only thing in my life. Prepare for a million comments on how different I am and a tacit understanding that I probably wanna get high until everyone gets used to the idea of me just being and then aggresively EXISTING again. Along with all the negative attention that comes with that I have completely lost understanding and connection with. Well that’s weed I guess (Shit i got distracted and Imma have to read all this shit again )
 The bestie thing is all fucked up and my (probably correct) suspicion is that he’s just good old tired of me. I nthat friend way. There is literally no value to my friendship. Not even material and he’s unemployed at the moment so you know it’s bad. That last cash send felt like paying rent on a friendship and I figure he must have also felt pretty gross taking it even though he needed it. Lol I wont be doing that again.I’m just intellectually and emotionally inferior at the moment, Fuck the complex. It’s just faxx now. The other one is at least figureing out (bizarre and mildly fucked up) shit for himself but Stormu no Kyodai really is just about over now. The bands broken up and all those successful bands breakups make sense now. You’ve just drawn every but of moisture and goodness out of a thing and it gets husky and weird to keep tending to it. I haven’t been a decent human being never mind friend for so long that I completely udnerstand and agree with how I’m being handled. It doesn’t even hurt that bad. It’s just weird and awkward for everyone involved and it does me no good to be catching shots. especialyl when i’m not really doing anything about it then and there. It’s only ever fun if I have a reply and this time I don’t. not even a little one. Just weak allusions to “progress” when it’s just good old fashioned laziness now. So this I deserve and I’m trying to cultivate my own friendships but my source material to work with now isn’t great and invariably I will probably find myself in a similar position to him before long. That weed addition is pretty rough on anything truly meaningful. All in all it is pretty sad that things can go this way especialyl with the newest addition of having productive and contributary friends in your life. Of course it’sa  good thing but it did kinda eliminate me from the running and that makes me lame. Now it’s just navigating this kinda weird and uncomfortable space where he wont say shit to cause damage. I wotn say shit cos I have hope and in the meanwhile the relationship will circle the proverbial drain until distance, time or some other factor snaps the last frayed string. But it is what it is. Lovers
Is actualyl kinda good. The one thing i’ve reconciled at the seeming expense of everything else is love and relationships and my ways of dealing and itneracting with em. I don’t miss exes and I don’t pine over lost lovers other that the typical momentary lapses which is cool. My current love is great. She’s good to me and I’m trying to be to her and its just good, Good all round. All good. Goodness. I sometimes feel like im trying to convince my self of something when it coems to this but actions and results sort of show themselves and it’s just been a constant relief since I’ve surrendered to it really. I’m not even holding my breath for it to last or building foundation. I’m just doing and that seems to work out best when it comes to just about everything.( This does not Feel Good Inc). PRetty wild to me that the lvoers part of this is by far the shortest and best handled but its revelaton did come at the cost of everyting else so yeah...
Parents Is god fucking awful. I mean in truth it’s kind of incredible. I’ve got the best pair imaginable on my team but it’s the resignation that kills my heart of hearts. There is no more expectation of hope or action. No drive or threats. Just plain shoulder shrugs and even that i deserve but when I finally figred it out it floored me. I have no idea baout their intentions or plans anymore. I’m completely out of the loop for the whole family it seems and I’m jsut waiting for the announcement of the intervention or the move out order or the random cash giveaway to get rid of me, I don’t even know but if not for mom I’d have been kicked out long ago. That’s pretty much a certainty and that “mothering” thing is startign to show both it’s calue and its problems. It’s far too comfortable a place to give up easily especially when you don’t bother to be really self aware. But here we are typing the things out. That’s ...a thing.... That they’ll never read or know about and that’s ok. 
Is poop cos I smoked too much but its Ok too. The regeneration process is gonna be a trip of its own. Really uncomfortable and loopy with unexplainable feelings and intuitions but that’s also OK. Better than Ok it’s recovery. The body will will be right there trhrough the process. I’m even interested in things again. Siblings is also a bit fucky. The disappointment is tangible but they’re not allowed to give up yet. We all inherited that one and it does help when i see the glimmers of hope. I don’t feel garbage but it normally starts with e being normal and not being in my head while interacting. Doing that assuming the best thing I used to be so good at. E is over me and kinda frustrated. Very Kev of him. Neez is trying but she has another baby to babysit and care about and I’m a tangential concern at best. The Suicide scare kind of reminded them of my existence in a weird but valuable way but it’s not an angle Im really trying to take. Especially now that I jsut realised what that anrrative ust look like to everyone it was shared withg hand it certainly was with khan which means by extension by the rest of the family. Probably explains strange interations now while i’ve been willfully poblivious and now I have to work to be cool again but it also wont ever be the same again unless someone else fucks up. But that’s a life long journey and doesn’t feel like it has the same urgency as the others. I’m alot more understood than I thought I was and that’s not a bad thing .
Art I’m going to go and make art and eat my girlfriends pussy and that’ll make me feel better and I’m excited for that.
Goodbye old complainy tumblr 
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criticalbread · 7 years
for the OC meme! 4, 14, B, D?
!! I didn’t actually expect anyone to send anything in for that post so this startled me! Thanks friend
4) How easy is it to earn their trust?When she was a child? Nearly impossible. Being a street urchin doesn’t really lend well to a trusting attitude. As an adult, though, who has become– if not discerning, at least a little shrewd and much more confident in her ability to bulldoze through anything (or anyone) necessary, it’s actually surprisingly easy. Bukbuk is willing to trust anyone who doesn’t second-glance her being a half-orc, especially a half-orc baker moonlighting as a bard; also anyone showing a love for baked goods, a good song, and an ale. It’s all about the good first impression and sticking around long enough for her to decide to keep you.
14) What animal do they fear most?Bukbuk is terrified of dogs. Wolves are fine, no problem, but dogs are not. Especially the small barky ones.
B) What inspired you to create them? (Also asked by @nnie !)I’m pretty sure the idea came to me as I was thinking about what makes playing dnd most fun. It’s so easy to get really in to a dramatic, dark, tortured character, or a more sarcastic brand, broody or doesn’t play nice. It’s fun to play act! I know I love those kinds of parts. But as a group playing together, I always felt like it was the more lighthearted characters that could make it enjoyable for everyone. The characters that say, “yeah, sure!” instead of “no, stop!” when it comes to making decisions or reacting. I honestly fell in love with Travis Willingham’s Grog on Critical Role, because 90% of the time he is so fun and in-character and unembarrassed to be the comic relief or the thrown fist tipping the scales of a situation into a fight. Grog doesn’t always make good decisions– but that’s his character, and it leads to a lot of plot movement and fun itneractions with his much more prudent party members. And then the other 10% of the time is the sudden, painful realization of how much Grog cares about his friends and how much he tries to help them, and when he’s hurt or nearing death then you as the audience also feel gut-wrenchingly horrified to see Grog dragged low. You care and you don’t even know when it started to happen! I thought, it’s not my usual kind of character but a sort of character I might like to try.I made Bukbuk when I got a funny idea– what about a character whose main goal in life is to bake bread? Who just passionately, wholly is dedicated to what they love and approaches life with enthusiasm? That was it at first. No backstory, no deep motivation or anything like that, just a character driven by a love for bread and learning new recipes, off on an adventure. Then it was all about making a character who would say “yes”– to adventure, to a pub fight, to diving head first into an unknown and possibly making it worse or possibly coming out the other side somehow for the better. Impulsive, fairly confident and courageous, not a deep thinker, bit of a temper and single-minded. I essentially high-fived myself and said “fuck it!” and then made a character the complete opposite of me (save for the unending need to be the tallest. That’s in character of me completely.) It’s a step outside of my comfort zone, and it has really been fun so far. 
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?Haha ooh yeah Bukbuk went through a major change early on. At first, Bb was to be a dwarf! The original concept was of a dwarf who was utterly bored by more traditional crafts like smithing, swordcraft, runecraft, mining. Like sure, she learned sword craft, but she’d rather be in the kitchen. She’s muscular and strong enough for any of the more acceptable dwarven crafts, but she mostly puts her muscle into kneading dough. She is a competent smith, but only learned from her mother so she could forge herself the most badass serrated bread knife in existence (which I had planned to have her wield in battle. Absolutely terrifying.) I was tickled by the idea of her striking out with her unusual skills and determination to travel and find new herbs and recipes and absolutely eschewing anything that didn’t further her goal. I imagined her parents had just thrown their hands up in defeat after trying so hard to get her to go one way or the other. Screw riches, glory, and knowledge if they weren’t going to make her the best baker there ever was!Bukbuk has a number of these traits still, but has become very different as a half-orc, especially her backstory and also her class– the bard, who learned to sing in the back of a bakery and learned to get the best tips at the front from waiting customers ;) Once I decided Bukbuk was a half-orc, she had quite a growth spurt, to be sure.
thanks for the questions!! This was really fun C:
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