#what the heck IS the tag for the game
circusballoon · 14 days
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jumping aboard the Loop plush bandwagon because I'm still here just thinking about Small Loop but the plush's green glow is so funny to me I gotta do it
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trialsofsaint14 · 5 months
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pyramid architecture really got me hungry
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pink-linoleum · 16 days
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i was missing khux so i drew my keykid and their chirithy :)
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olive-riggzey · 1 year
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I blame this post for making this dumb idea spawn in my brain
Because now I’m convinced that Temenos actually doesn’t realize what a twig he is, like a small dog that barks at much bigger animals on the other side of a fence. I DUNNO-- (Also this was my first time doodling like half these characters so there’s a lot of improvising haHA)
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emaiiyaru · 1 year
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dusts off ask box
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it was just genshin chars in wonderland roles, there isn't really any lore to it outside of the disney movie that i was following
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i don't really follow kpop groups but i do like Twice and BTS songs
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i can't believe we're getting three generations of women into genshin impact
it's pretty cool that you can share your interests with your family honestly
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thanks i really don't draw them as much as i'd like to
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i was more worried about my proportions back then but i'm glad to hear that my old art is still holding up
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thank you, i've really been beating myself up lately
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what the heck!! that's insane.. genuinely thank you for supporting me for so long
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loveletterworm · 3 months
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My extremely specific yet very vague idea for a Sonic fanfiction I will never write wherein the most popular and well-remembered character in the franchise gets to hang out with Shadow the Hedgehog for some reason. but specifically at the one point in time where it would be really unfortunate to hang out with Shadow the Hedgehog
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fruitsofhell · 3 months
can we start extra-judicially executing people who use the clip of Tidus and Yuna laughing out of context as an example of bad vidoe game voice acting without explaining that the point of the scene is the characters doing forced laughter?
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typosandtea · 1 day
Thanks for the tag @bokatan ^_^
I tag @charliesvarietyhour @fablewritesnonsense @sirmanmister @secondhand-lions @wasteland-wrecker (so many people have already been tagged lol)
-> Not including Nathan since he barely speaks now he’s mutated
NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES: 1 / 2* / 3 (two if robot/binary counts)
TONE OF VOICE: high / average / deep (power armour modulated phill Coulson basically)
ACCENT: Yes* (notably electronic/robotic sounding, even with a massive range of tone etc)/ No
DEMEANOR: confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other
POSTURE: slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed
HABITS: head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing (anyone who hangs out with them for any length of time quickly learns to be out of accidental slapping distance.. power armour accidental backhand hurts!) / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
EMOTION: ⬤⬤⬤〇〇
CREATIVITY (in regards to profanity): ⬤〇〇〇〇
BOLD ALL THAT APPLY: arse. ass. asshole. bastard. (Don’t be a little)bitch. bloody. bugger. bollocks. chicken shit. crap. cunt. dick. frick. fuck. horseshit. motherfucker. piss. prick. screw. shit. shitass. son of a bitch. twat. wanker. pussy.
DO PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME HEARING OR UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHARACTER? - almost always / frequently / rarely / never
DOES YOUR CHARACTER'S INTENDED POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK? - almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never.
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? - almost always / frequently / sometimes / never.
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? - almost always (if Tangos not vibing time to hit da bricks)/ frequently / sometimes / rarely / never.
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER USE 'WHOM' IN A SENTENCE? - yes / no / only ironically
YOUR CHARACTER WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE? - but / though / although / however / perhaps / mayhaps.
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER END CONVERSATIONS? - walk away / ask if that's everything / say that's everything / give a proper goodbye (reserved for the few people Tango considered a friend) / tell their company they're done here / remain quiet / they don't.
WHAT SOCIAL CLASS WOULD OTHERS ASSUME YOUR CHARACTER BELONGS TO, HEARING THEM SPEAK? - upper / middle / lower. (Average tech-scavenging wastelander by voice alone)
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR CHARACTER SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS? - accent / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn't.
TONE OF VOICE: high / average / deep (deeper than you expect for how short she is though)
ACCENT: Yes / No (strong Aussie)
DEMEANOR: confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other
POSTURE: slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed
HABITS: head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
EMOTION: ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
CREATIVITY (in regards to profanity): ⬤⬤⬤⬤〇
BOLD ALL THAT APPLY: arse(move ur arse, well that bit me in arse). ass. asshole. bastard. bitch. bloody. bugger. bollocks. chicken shit. crap. cunt. dick. frick. fuck(fuckin, for fucks sake, fuckin hell). horseshit. motherfucker. piss(piss off). prick. screw. shit(shit a brick). shitass. son of a bitch. twat. wanker. pussy. (heck, oh heck)
DO PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME HEARING OR UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHARACTER? - almost always / frequently / rarely / never (strong foreign accent + lots of slang + fast talker)
DOES YOUR CHARACTER'S INTENDED POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK? - almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never. (3 int 10 charisma)
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? - almost always / frequently / sometimes / never.
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? - almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never.
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER USE 'WHOM' IN A SENTENCE? - yes / no / only ironically
YOUR CHARACTER WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE? - but / though / although / however / perhaps / mayhaps.
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER END CONVERSATIONS? - walk away(or fly away, rude) / ask if that's everything / say that's everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they're done here(being rude) / remain quiet / they don't.
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR CHARACTER SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS? - accent / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn't.
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ghostoffuturespast · 9 months
OC Interview: Valerie Hye-jin Li (aka Grandpa V)
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Tagged by: @jackiemychoom @therealnightcity & @tarmac-rat! Thanks so much for thinking of me! 🧡
NGL these are some unusual (and not the most serious) interview questions. So, I was trying to think of a scenario in which V would actually answer these questions. (Because mind you, she normally wouldn't and especially not for a total stranger.) Luckily, I know just the reporter… I may have gone a little overboard with this, but I think I just needed something light and fluffy in between all the angst and carnage that I’m currently writing.
The TLDR version is all the way at the bottom under the cut, so if you’d prefer not to read all of this and just want the quick and dirty on the questions. There you are.
This one's kind of old, so I think a lot of folks have been tagged already, but tagging (and as per usual, no pressure): @shimmer-like-agirl @baublekute @vox-monstera @nncc77 @merge-conflict @fly-amanitaa @dani-the-goblin @sp4cedr4g0n
(And no it doesn't have to be a Cyberpunk OC, but if you tag me I'll pop over and read your interview!)
Auntie V by Monique Kutcher
[The scene opens at Red Peaks Trailer Park. Moving closer we get an exterior view of the Kutcher residence before transitioning to the common area inside. Late morning light filters in from the windows. A tired, very bedraggled looking V is sitting in the corner of the booth. She has bedhead, is wearing an oversized t-shirt, lounge shorts, and is nursing her coffee. She takes a sip. Turning toward the hallway we see Monique appear. There is a sparkly unicorn on her pink shirt. She has a fistful of crayons in one hand and a screamsheet along with several blank pieces of paper in the other.]
Monique: (staring awkwardly) Auntie V, are you busy?
V: (fidgeting in her seat. uncomfortable) Um… Not really. Why?
Monique: Can I ask you some questions?
V: (hesitant) What kind of questions?
[Monique moves to sit next to V. Setting down her crayons and paper on the table, Monique shows V the screamsheet she was carrying. It’s an interview article on US Cracks and Kerry Eurodyne from some teen magazine.]
Monique: These. I’m practicing being a media reporter.
V: (blinking in surprise) Uh... Sure? I guess.
Monique: Yay! Okay, first question. What’s your name? Oh, I already know this one.
[Picking up a purple crayon, Monique writes the letter V on one of the blank pieces of paper. It takes up most of the page. After jotting that down she squints at the magazine. Concentrating.]
Monique: How tall are you?
V: 5’ 3”.
[Switching to a green crayon, Monique writes the number 53 on the page. She squints some more at the magazine.]
Monique: (trying to sound out the word she’s reading) Ge– What does that word say?
V: Gender? Female. I’d say I’m a girl.
Monique: But you don’t like the color pink?
V: Not really. Not all girls like pink.
Monique: (nodding sagely) But you do like purple. That’s my favorite color.
V: Yeah. I do like purple.
[Monique writes the word girl in yellow crayon before trying to read the next question off the magazine.]
Monique: Um… What’s that word?
V: Orientation. I’m bisexual.
Monique: What does that mean?
V: I like girls and boys.
Monique: I do to. Though sometimes Dorian and Alex are mean to me when we’re playing.
V: That’s not… Nevermind. (muttering) I'll leave that one to your Mom and Uncle. 
[V picks up the purple and pink crayon and draws a little bisexual pride flag on the corner of Monique’s notes. The colors aren’t quite right.]
V: …What’s your next question? Nationality/Ethnicity? Born and raised in Night City, but I’m half Korean, quarter Chinese, and a quarter Danish.
Monique: (confused) Danish? Like the cake?
V: No, like Denmark. The country… Cake? You mean the pastry with the filling in it?
Monique: Yeah! Mom always has one when she brings us donuts. The cherry ones are her favorite. Where’s Denmark?
V: Pretty far away.
Monique: Mm, okay. 
[V watches as Monique attempts to draw a pastry on her notes. Cherry filling, of course.]
Monique: Next question… Star sign!
V: Uh… Libra. I think?
Monique: What’s that mean?
V: (shrugging) No idea.
Monique: (shrugs back) Okay.
[Zooming in on we see Monique draw a star and write the word ‘Lebra’. The ‘L’ is written backwards.)
Monique: Favorite fruit?
V: Pomegranate. 
Monique: I don’t think I’ve ever eaten one of those.
V: Kind of a weird fruit. I’ve only eaten it twice. I like that they’re crunchy, the fruit’s around all the little seeds. They’re a pain in the ass to eat though.
[Monique looks at V.]
V: How about I draw it, since you’ve never eaten one and then you can ask me the next question.
[Monique nods. V picks up the red crayon and starts doodling. It’s a piss poor rendition.]
Monique: Favorite season?
V: In NC, winter. It’s not as hot as it usually is.
[Monique draws a snowflake. She's probably never seen snow. But neither has V.]
Monique: Favorite flower?!
V: Mmm… Cactus flowers.
Monique: The big ones or the little ones?
V: Uh, the small ones. With all the round… leaves? Is that what they are?
Monique: Prickly pears!? I like those ones too! The pink ones are my favorite. There’s some over by Auntie Lora’s trailer. Dorian’s always looking for bugs in them. Bleh!
[Monique draws something resembling a cactus covered in pink and yellow flowers. V is still working on her poorly drawn pomegranate.]
Monique: Favorite smell?
V: Real leather and ginger.
[V puts her crayon down. Done with her pomegranate blob.]
Monique: What do those smell like?
V: Ginger’s like a spice? A root. Has a fresh smell, kinda sharp. Leather smells like… (picking up her coffee and taking a sip to hide the blush on her face) Smells like your Uncle…
Monique: Uncle River does smell nice. But sometimes he gets stinky when he’s been outside working too long. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?!
V: Coffee, then tea. Don’t really like hot chocolate. Especially the synth-stuff. Has a weird aftertaste.
Monique: I love hot chocolate! Mom let me try some of her coffee once. I didn’t like it.
V: Maybe when you’re older.
Monique: Nah. 
[Monique kicking her feet and reading the next question.]
Monique: Hmm, how much do you sleep?
V: 5 to 6 hours. Usually. On a good day.
[V takes a sip of her coffee.]
Monique: Mom says Dorian and I need 10 hours of sleep every night. She makes us go to bed early. She tells Randy to go to bed too, but he usually doesn't listen. (still kicking her feet) I wish I got to stay up late. You and Uncle River get to stay up late. I heard you both last night when I went to the bathroom.
[V spits her coffee back into her mug, face turning bright red.]
Monique: You okay? Why’d you spit out your coffee?
V: (flustered) No reason.
Monique: (puts her arms up in the air and shakes them around) Was it because you and Uncle River were wiggling last night? Mom says because your his girlfriend you both need alone time. She told me and Dorian not to knock when you’re visiting and the door to Uncle River’s room is closed. Mom also said he should think about getting his own trailer. (thoughtful) I don’t think I’d like that though, because then I’d have to walk out of the trailer for Uncle River to make me breakfast in the morning. Mom always burns the toast. 
[V now looks like a tomato and avoids making eye contact with Monique, instead giving her coffee mug a pinched expression. Unfazed, Monique moves on to the next question.]
Monique: Which is your favorite, cats or dogs?
V: (clearing her throat) Cats. Have a cat named Nibbles.
Monique: Oh, can I meet your cat?!
V: Sure.
Monique: What color is your cat?
V: (still looking uncomfortably hot, albeit less red in the face, also looking very sadly at the backwash in her coffee) Hmm, pink. Ish. He doesn’t have any fur.
[Monique draws a pink cat and reads the next question off the screamsheet.]
Monique: Where would you like to go on a trip?
V: (looks out the window for a long moment) Some place without buildings. Less people.
Monique: The Badlands?
V: I was thinking further away.
Monique: Denmark?
V: Mm, maybe. I think they might even have trees there.
[Monique draws a tree on her notes before trying to read the next question.]
Monique: Favorite – Um…
V: Fictional character. Don’t have one.
Monique: Number of blankies you sleep with?
V: 2-3. I get cold when I sleep.
Monique: And the last one! A fun fact?
V: (thinking) Used to play the clarinet.
Thanks for reading that if you did lol! TLDR version and/or if you need the questions!
OC Interview Questions
Nickname: V’s fine.
Height: 5’ 3”
Gender: Female.
Orientation: Bi.
Nationality/Ethnicity: Half Korean, quarter Chinese, and a quarter Danish. Born and raised in Night City.
Star Sign:  Libra.
Fave Fruit: Pomegranate.
Fave Season: Winter.
Fave Flower: Prickly pear cactus.
Fave Scent: Real genuine leather and ginger.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee or tea. 
Average Hours of Sleep: 5 to 6, usually. 12 to 14 if other people are having a worse day than I am.
Dog or Cat Person: Cats. Though my cat acts like a dog half the time.  
Dream Trip: Don’t know. Some place without buildings or people.
Fave fictional character: Don’t have one.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: 2 or 3, I get cold when I sleep.
A Fun Fact: Used to play the clarinet.
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
Wow I hate CB events already and now they've gone and added boxes??
I mean, okay. This has happened because we have too many outfit options now. They put the WW outfits in the cards, so they have to put both the home screen and the Ruri Tunes outfits in the boxes. And they're doing all three outfits for every single character.
But that is extremely annoying. Why so many outfits?? WW outfits should be free because of the suffering caused by the 3D models. (I'm sorry if you like them, your opinion is valid, it's just not my favorite thing personally.)
Anyway, I'm not pleased and this better not become a regular thing. Like I'm pretty sure they're only doing all three outfits for HDD, so hopefully the next CB event will be back to the regular amount of boxes.
Good luck, everybody, I hope everyone is able to pull the cards they want and advance in their CB boxes quickly!
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squirreltastrophe · 10 months
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been messing around with watercolors a lot lately!!! just some paranormal buddies staying up way too late together :]
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cupcakesinfedoras · 7 hours
trying to keep it to a minimum with the DA negative things but I do just have to say
“I'd say the Inquisitor, to some degree, feels guilty or responsible for what Solas is doing to the world.”
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“Formerly” OH MY GOD
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tinotika-arts · 9 months
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[GW2] Alex if he were a raid/strike boss I guess
Got really bored and I wanted to try imagining Alex if he were a raid boss with mechanics! The second page is mostly mechanics heavy, I might have gone a little bit wild with it lol
But hey, leyline magic Alex, if he finally broke down and allowed magic itself to take over him for a while. After all, they're friends, and Alex is magic's most beloved mortal.
Some extra design notes for myself under cut:
Slight edit: guess which idiot forgot their watermark
Eyes, hair tips and gauntlet changes colours based on his phase element. Default colour is teal-ish, similar to magic
The teal parts on his clothing change as well
Why does he have so much condis omg
I originally wanted to have him do a leap and strike down attack but couldn't figure out what to do with it so I scrapped it
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merofthefae · 1 year
People you'd like to get to know better
Tagged by the wonderful @simandy! Thank you, love <3 (This is about to be so lame, I'm sorry y'all).
Last Song: Popular by The Weeknd, Playboi Carti, Madonna (only because it was playing in my car).
Favorite Color: Black🖤 and Purple💜 (but it mostly depends on the days or mood I'm in 🌈).
Currently Watching: Nothing (I no longer have the brain capacity to sit down and watch shows).
Last Movie: Am I watching the movie or is the movie watching me? Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses
Currently Reading: Nothing (Currently taking a break from reading fancomics and webtoons so I can binge them later 🤣).
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sour 😈 (I love all flavors tbh, it just depends on what I'm in the mood for).
Last Thing I Googled: No idea. Let me check first...
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😅😅😅 Okayyy, moving on.
Current Obsession: Surprisingly, nothing. I finally got out of my fixation over the movie On Drakon (no I haven't), and currently have nothing to do. (: Send help.
Currently Working On: Finding my will to live (open to receiving any motivation I can get).
Tagging~ @sammi-xox @saruin @morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy @plantainboat @yooniesim @neriney @crazy-lazy-elder-sims @gentletrait @gigglecoffin @octetsica no pressure 🤗
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loafthecat · 6 months
Cringe culture is dead.
Making silli ocs for stoopid or silli games starts now.
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