#what the reanimated cat doin
re-animatedx · 10 months
tmrw i am going to wrap myself around my bf like a cat, everyone else be damned, and it is never leaving my sight again. i was worried sick and I'm not allowed to see it outside of school for the foreseeable future.
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axther · 4 years
(1/2) Ghost Anon: May I get a bnha matchup? I’m Vicente, a 4’11” pan trans-guy, who’s 18 years old and in college for art! I adore cats, halloween, video games, & death metal! My MBTI is INFP-T! I have trouble befriending others irl because I’m MAD standoffish & have an abrasive personality but for those I‘m close to I do whatever I can to cheer em up when they’re down! I have history with martial arts (abt 5/6 years) I LOVE sparring and get a thrill from fakin people out and landin a solid hit!
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fuckkkk I’m sorry this is late… I am one (1) dumbass. Also under the cut for length bc I kept on deleting it and starting over and before I knew it the first matchup was four pages long (in the end it was 9 pages long)
#1 is…Tamaki! 
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Okay so!!! 
We all know that Tamaki freaks out easily 
And let’s say there’s a meetup for young, promising students
Mirio and Neijre are thriving 
But Tamaki is stuck in a corner trying to not get noticed
 He’s panicking 
And then he sees you from across the room 
You look pissed as all hell 
Crossing your arms and watching three other students brag about their exploits 
He notices that you look like your gradually getting more and more annoyed 
Eventually, you huff and walk away, and Tamaki realises that you’ve got something perched on your shoulder
 He takes a bit of a look and sees that it’s a skeletal cat, walking back and forth and clearly agitated. 
You sit on a chair at one of the semi-fancy, plastic tablecloth tables, about two feet away from Tamaki 
He’s clearly ‘??’ and nervous as hell that he pissed you off
until you start talking 
‘What’re you doin’?’ 
Tamaki’s confused as all get out 
And it’s clear that he’s promptly terrified 
Until you glance at him out of the corner of your eyes 
And the cat is staring at him with hollow eye sockets, tilting its head 
And you say ‘You look lonely.’ 
Tamaki flushes bright red 
You noticed him??? 
Did he do something obvious? 
Was he pissing you off?
Did lonely people piss you off?
Did he make you feel bad???
You shrug at his silence, and though he can’t see it, you’re kinda hurt 
It’s not like you want to actually scare anybody (besides villains). 
So imagine your surprise when he manages to pipe up 
‘Wh-wh-what’s your…quirk…?’ 
It’s less than a whisper, but you catch it, and you look over with a raised eyebrow 
‘Death.’ You look away. ‘Psychopomp. Angel of Death. Grim Reaper. Whatever you wan’ to call it.’ 
Tamaki baulks 
He didn’t even know that quirks that severe existed
You’re kinda staring in the opposite direction and he can tell that his silence is definitely not helping 
But he’s almost in awe 
He’s heard of people with quirks like Wendigo, Reanimation, and Bodily Manipulation that had to be shelved away lest something happen and they use their quirks for evil
So he’s a bit confused as to why you’re allowed out and about 
But he’s most curious 
In fact, he’s very very curious
So he blinks up at you and takes a big gulp and closes his eyes tight 
‘Th…that’s cool…’ 
He did it!! 
Internally he’s celebrating like crazy because he managed to get it going!! 
He’s got this!! 
But then you just frown and look a bit angrier 
So then it all comes to a stop in Tamaki’s head 
And he eyes the cat, who’s nuzzling your neck 
And Tamaki decides to shoot his shot 
‘Who’s…the cat?’ 
You look back at him, clearly surprised 
You figured that your quirk scared him, with how he looked ready to die himself when he said it was cool, so you’re a bit confused. 
‘Custos. M’ familiar.’ 
Tamaki is definitely more curious now 
He wasn’t sure what to ask next 
But then Custos jumped from your shoulder 
You two are staring at Custos, kneading Tamaki’s lap
The shoujo gods are watching over you, really
 But then you look away again with a blush and a mumble of ‘I guess she likes you.’ 
Tamaki’s playing with her funny paws 
And there’s a second where he messes with it wrong, and the paw turns sideways, and then claws just appear out of nowhere until he fixes it again 
He’s talking to Custos and having a grand old time 
When you get out of the chair and plop down next to Tamaki 
And Tamaki’s starting to freak out again 
Did it seem like he was ignoring you? 
Was he being rude? 
He didn’t know what you were doing when you plucked Custos out of Tamaki’s hands until you murmured ’watch this!’ 
Then you  s t r e t c h  Custos 
She’s mewing happily, clearly enjoying it 
But Tamaki can see Custos’ spine literally separating, like a weird accordion 
You stop, and laugh when Custos bounces left and right, trying to get you to do it again 
And you nudge Tamaki, and he’s in awe
’It’s like givin’ her a kitty deep massage.’ 
Tamaki nods mutely, a little blush on his face 
Through this, you two develop a full-blown conversation 
And it’s going great! 
Tamaki’s genuinely surprised 
But then he hears muffled squealing 
And at first, he’s ’???’ 
But then he looks over to his right to see Neijre smothering her own cheer
And Mirio’s got a big ol’ grin and he’s giving a thumbs up 
Tamaki’s ready to EXPLODE 
But then you call his name 
And he jumps again but looks at you this time 
And you follow his original line of sight 
And almost immediately, you reserve yourself again 
Tamaki realises that the pissed-off demeanour was a reflex
You look at him, clearly taken off guard, and go ’Huh?’ 
Tamaki realises that he said it out loud, and smacks a hand to his mouth 
You both look shocked 
Tamaki’s sure that he’s messed up the entire thing and that you’re never going to want to talk to him again 
But then you give a bit of a sad smile before nodding 
’Yeah, I guess.’ 
Tamaki’s heart breaks at the tone of your voice 
He feels a weight in his stomach 
Custos begins rubbing herself across your face and purring, trying to comfort you 
And before Tamaki’s anxiety can catch up, he’s got his phone out and has yours so you two can exchange numbers 
He doesn’t have time to think over it or regret it before Fat Gum shows up for him so he and a couple of other students can train together 
And a different hero, with spikes and hair that hung in their face, shows up for you with several other goth-themed students in tow 
It’s later that night that he thinks back to it all, and he’s covering his face, bright red, and rolling left and right. 
Then, like a death bell, his phone goes off 
He stops rolling and just stares at the contact ’Vincente + Custos’ 
And he’s shaking and hyping himself up and nearly drops his phone three times and he’s near tears 
But he answers with a shaky ’H-Hello?’ 
And he hears Custos mewing a bit 
And then you 
’Hey. Tamaki, right? From the Elites Meetup?’ 
Tamaki takes a deep as fuck breath before speaking again 
Yeah, it sounds like a question, but he’s nervous!! 
And he hears a sigh of relief 
’Cool! This is, uh, V. Vincente.’ 
There’s another moment of silence until you speak up again 
’But I can be whoever you want?’ 
This, too, is a question, but Tamaki doesn’t worry about that 
He hears someone’s vaguely cheering you on (it sounded like a sixteen-year-old, maybe?) 
But his face erupts in red 
’I-Well, that’s…I…’ 
Tamaki can’t really respond 
He’s too busy thinking ’?????!??!??! He’s into me?!??!??!’ 
You kinda sigh, and then say ’Sorry, that was kinda…’ 
And Tamaki starts stammering more over the phone 
It was a bit hard to decipher, but it was something along the line of ’it’s okay’ and ’are you free’ 
(yes, you made sure you were definitely free.) 
#2 is…Bakugou! 
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We know this mf does not do anything half-assed 
So when you two are paired together for sparring 
He’s expecting you to have a quirk like Tokoyami’s, where light and darkness are important factors
So he goes blazing in, expecting the light from his explosions to be too much
But you’re just standing there, the fuckin’ cat on your shoulder and looking unbothered! 
It’s pissing him off! 
But then he feels something grab onto his foot 
And he looks down
And he doesn’t know how to describe it 
But it looks like a mix of a big, ripped out fetus and a malnourished child with huge, empty eyesockets and wrinkly, paper white skin and arms that didn’t fit its body 
(look up the messengers from Bloodborne, it’ll make more sense) 
And it’s quietly groaning while holding onto his ankle
And Bakugou tries ripping it off of him
But then another appears
And more and more until there’s a whole crowd around him 
’What the fuck is this?’ He can’t get them off, because, with every one that he shoots off, three takes its place 
And then, at once, they all start dragging him down 
’Hey! You goth fuck! What the fuck are you doing?!’ 
Yet the entire time, you’re unbothered 
And he’s trying to wade out of the tide that pulls him in
And it’s consuming him whole
The ground isn’t the limit anymore, he realises, and he starts panicking 
He’s blasting left and right 
But then he lets out one final yell, and he’s gone 
No one knows where
People have stopped to look, and your teacher gives you a stern look.
‘Bring him back, V.’ 
You only glance his way for a moment before, a couple of yards behind you, Bakugou is spat out 
He’s panting and sweating and looks like he saw hell itself 
You turn your head slightly to look at him, not even bother to uncross your arms. 
And when he looks at you he can only keep eye contact for a moment before lowering his head 
Very very quickly word goes around school
That the dark horse V took down the rowdy rude Bakugou that won the Sports Festival
Bakugou has rarely felt so humiliated 
So he approaches you later that day demanding a rematch
He’s gotten a better grasp of what your quirk is, so he’s certain he can take you on 
But all you do is shrug. 
This! Pisses! Bakugou! Off!!
‘Then no quirks, fucker. You and me and nothing else.’ 
Again, you shrug, and the cat on your shoulder hops of and perches on a nearby open window
Again, Bakugou is sure that he can take you on
You don’t look buff, nor scrawny. You look…moderate? 
Certainly like you wouldn’t blow away in the wind, but that you were more of a cuddler than a fighter 
So when he goes full offensive, he sees you start to lift your right leg and he’s all over it 
He’s thinking ‘dumbass!’ and goes to grab your leg when you switch in mid-air and clock him over the neck with your knee 
You let him get back up
But the rest of the fight he’s getting no mercy 
And he’s completely taken off guard
By the end of it 
He’s beaten and bruised 
Though you’re only a bit better off yourself
He’s pretty sure that some students watched in the middle of it but left near the end 
But either way, he’s been lowkey humbled
He’d never admit it, of course
But he now knows that he can’t underestimate you anymore 
When he takes a second too long to get up, you offer a hand 
And he nearly knocks it away when he looks up at you
And into your eyes
And he realises that it’s you putting yourself out there
You never really talked to anybody, at all
So he takes it 
‘It’s not me being nice’, he tells himself. 
It’s him just taking what is offered 
And he stands up and he’s taller than you 
And when he looks down he notices that hey
You’re kinda cute
So when the silence consumes you both he takes a hand to the back of his head and shoves a hand into his pockets 
‘I, uh…you’re better than I fuckin’ thought. You wanna…eat out sometime?’ 
Your face softens, ever so slightly, and if he squints hard enough he sees you smiling 
(though he would never admit it, he was whipped from there on out.)
#3 is…Midoriya!
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When you first meet him he’s absolutely enamoured with your quirk 
It started with Custos 
And then when you started explaining the basics of your quirk 
He’s completely fanboying 
‘Oh my gosh, I didn’t know that quirks could have capabilities like that! To think that you can call on the armies of the dead…that’s incredible! Could I ask more?’ 
He’s a bit like Tamaki, but on a chiller level 
He ends up filling roughly half a notebook on you over the course of the train ride that you two met on 
And he realises that he probably hasn’t even scratched the surface of it 
So he demands (politely) that you guys exchange numbers 
You mention offhand that you don’t have too many friends because of how stand-off-ish you act 
And midoriya rises to the occasion! 
‘I’ll be your friend! Don’t worry! Actually, I have a voucher for some good katsudon at a stand down the road from my house, and it’s the next stop, would you want to come? Not that you have to! It’s just that I really wanna solidify our new friendship, and-’
‘Sure. I’ve got nothin’ better to do.’ 
Midoriya is ready to fly out of his seat with how happy he is!! 
He’s still not terribly used to having a ton of friends, so the fact that he’s expanding his circle, even more, makes him super happy!
You two go to the katsudon stand and Midoriya’s semi-swarmed by a group of old ladies that his mom takes yoga classes with 
And they’re pinching your cheeks with a feel of ‘Oh!! Izuku-Kun is this your friend! Is he your boyfriend? Oh, you two look very cute together! Don’t forget to eat well, Izuku’s friend! Please keep him safe and well!’ 
And to be honest, Midoriya’s not expecting you to take it all too well
He’s ready to shoo them away 
When you just give a really soft, sparkly, anime shoujo smile and take their hand 
‘I will, ma’am. You ca’ count on me.’ 
And Midoriya kinda stares in awe for a moment before one of the shrewder ladies nudges him in the side with a 😏
He’s like ‘!!! I-I-I-I-I-I just met him today! It’s not like that!’ 
And he’s flailing his arms and bright red and the lady is like ‘Uh-huh, sure, that’s what I said about my fourth husband’ 
Either way, the old ladies leave with a call for Midoriya to ask his mother to bring her soba recipe to yoga next Thursday
And he accepts while trying to drag you away from them because the last thing he needs is for the entire neighbourhood to try and be his wingman
So he’s talking with you about your quirk while eating and you two eventually branch of about anything and everything 
And by the time it’s dark Midoriya feels like he’s known you his entire life 
You decide to head out before it gets any darker and he waves as you leave 
He’s got a blush on his face and a lopsided grin 
Because you know what!!
You’re fuckin cute!! And smart, and funny, but you knew when to hold your tongue, and you’ve got a really cool cat, and he thinks that you’re really sweet, and…
And almost immediately, once you’re out of earshot, the chef leans over 
“Your boyfriend, huh?’ 
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re-animatedx · 11 months
my kin list is wild cuz all the characters r conflicting but it makes sense 2 ME
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re-animatedx · 11 months
the awful realization that... i do like horror movies... i just like the weird campy gay ones... for years I've been saying "I don't like horror movies they bore me," and yeah, for the most part they do. except when they start singing and dancing and/or being really homoerotic.
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re-animatedx · 11 months
im a jealous vindictive horrible cunt but at least!
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re-animatedx · 11 months
yesterday my mother was like "...tim u need to get those (hickeys) under control" and it upset me a lot. and yeah. maybe she's right. maybe i do need to start asking it to leave them in less visible places. but also looking at them is one of my few ways to remind myself that im cared about soooooo
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re-animatedx · 11 months
being scared of fucking things up sooo bad i go to a website where nobody knows me to scream how much i love my bf becuz i know rot wouldn't appreciate it... I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND. I LOOOOVE MY BOYFRIEND. I love every nook and cranny of its soul and body. I love it even when it doesn't love me (and it doesn't, but I don't mind. I don't need it to say the words to feel cared for when it's around. I will never need my love reciprocated. This is the one part of myself I will give away completely without any need for return.) I've spent the last three days trying to memorize the planes of its face just in case.
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