dozsu · 11 months
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dozsu · 11 months
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Your classic hit and rum
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dozsu · 11 months
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dozsu · 11 months
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dozsu · 11 months
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dozsu · 11 months
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dozsu · 11 months
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dozsu · 2 years
Of Freezing Green: Chapter 1
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Sometimes we wake up and find ourselves unable to remember our dreams, feeling how they sail away each second we remain awake. But Chammo never had that problem, she gave up her dreams for others many years ago.
A girl and her bear
Chammo didn't wanted to wake up. The pillow was soft as clouds, the blankets warm as an embrace and the mattress had already sank a little to her shape, making the bed hug her. But she was woke enough, otherwise she wouldn't be able to think on such detailed analogies, and there was work to do, so, she slowly opened her eyes to a sunless day.
Chammo thought it was rather unfair, how could the sun get to sleep for two weeks when she was only allowed just a couple of hours? Of course she knew the answer, but it was worth daydreaming about it.
Just in case she checked her starglass, the Dramyn constellation told her she was late, but it was inside her expected lateliness, so she would just take her usual fast route to be just a little bit late.
She just had to find her ice skates now, they should have been right in the rack that she left them in, but of course they weren't, at this point it had become some kind of challenge for Snowball to hide them. Chammo didn't know how he learned that removing the first emergency transport method meant that she had to use the second method, also known as Snowball. Anyway, the skates were not appearing, they weren't under the bed, neither inside the oven or behind the bookshelf. Snowball had won.
   "All right, you win this time, you big furball, do you have all your stuff?" Chammo asked while checking the saddle and scratching the belly of the bear.
Snowball had already packed his food and toys, but seemed reluctant to stand up, could he be sick? Did he ate poisonous berries again? Probably a hint of worry crossed Chammo's face, because Snowball finally stood up, revealing a pair of white ice skates.
   "Oh, you big dummy, i must admit it was halfway smart. C'mon, i will be actually late if you don't move, let's go" Snowball reacted to that last command and swiftly collected all his stuff, which consisted of a bag full of frozen hares he had hunted the day before and his tracking bell.
After collecting her books and tools, Chammo opened the door to the first sunless day of the winter. Winter was her favourite, the idea of longer nights was enticing, and everyone forgave her for sleeping as much, mainly because they also tended to sleep more. The sunless season was the epitome of it, two weeks of constant night, it was beautiful, it was peaceful, it was somehow invigorating. So, feeling herself smile, she galloped Snowball into the forest.
Amid the journey Chammo started her daily list, Snowball was a bear of few words, but he was the best company Chammo could ever wish for.
   "How many hours do you think we should be on vigilance? Last week we went over our 60, but very few woke up in our area, i swear that they always put on my charge the most sleepy ones, and now that it is midwinter i am pretty sure that i will be able to count with my hands how many will wake up, they are like hibernating bears... Well, not you"
Snowball growled in response, he was a White Bear, that meant he didn't hibernate like those found inside the forest, he was one of the few things from outside the forest that Chammo saw in the flesh instead of in a drawing.
Talking about work never gave relevant answers, so she decided to talk about Snowball's favourite subject.
   “How do you want me to prepare those hares?” Snowball made some weird noises, which she took as a complain.
   “Oh, come on, it’s not like i purposefully mistook salt with sugar. I may not be the best chef, but at least now i can cook without burning the meat, i never had to cook for someone else before finding you.” More complaining noises came from Snowball, he was such a whining bear.
   “Fine, i will ask Itza to cook for both of us this time.” At the sound of Itza’s name the complaining noises stopped.
They reached the frozen lake that marked the resting grounds, the city that Chammo loved so much, Prizto. The body of water was rather large, Chammo was sure that, if she ignored the mist barrier, she would be able to see it from far above in the sky.
   "Let's go buddy, take it easy" Chammo scratched the bears head, giving signal to cross the lake.
The lake of Prizto was special, it's surface had always been frozen, at least it had been like that ever since the city was built. But somehow there was still liquid water below the two meter thick sheet of ice. Chammo wondered if there was life down there, maybe she should ask Xochi about it, last time she spoke to her, Xochi told her that she was studying about some kind of low-light algae that grew there, so she had to know something, right?
The frozen lake serenity and silence gave Chammo time for the simple thoughts, maybe she could have some hare soup for lunch and bread with cheese for dinner. She was also planning to write some papers about the changes in luxury items of some civilizations that she had read about recently, so maybe she could check some other sources and use her time while on vigilance duty. Ideas were formulating and plans were in process, that’s how Chammo loved to pass her days, allowing herself to move to the rythm of the life around her, planning her next steps and smiling to jobs done well, even her usual rests and lateliness were planned, that way she could allow herself to relax in the appropiate way.
But things don't always go as planned.
Peace was violently shook away by a reverberating whip-like crack that echoed around her. Chammo was startled to say the least, but past experiences made her search for a line in the ice, she could see non.
Maybe Snowball also had experience with this, since he stopped to sniff the air around, Chammo always thought he had grown so accustomed to the hounds of Prizto that he thought of himself as a really big one. It was also truth that it was shown that animals inside of Prizto grew to have an unusual level of self-awareness and intelligence, so, when Snowball started to gallop in direction of Prizto, she trusted his instincts and made sure to hold the saddle stronger.
Maybe he heard something inaudible to her human ears, maybe it was just that kind of sixth sense that some creatures have, truth is that moments later Chammo heard a scratching sound coming her way along with some kind of choked snarl.
She could only spare a glance to the thing giving them chase, but in that quick glance she could see an elongated shape with many feet and reptilian shaped face, as if someone had given feet to an ugly snake. Whatever that thing was, it was getting closer and closer by the second, freezing in terror she could only straight her sight to the front, thank Snowball and pray to the spirits for her safety.
Chammo was uncertain of what was happening, and uncertainty had to be one of her sworn enemies along with mystery and secrets.
   “What is that and where did it came from?” were the most immediate questions in her mind along with a way to escape from it, and the opportunity to escape made itself present in the shape of an enormous wall of fog.
She hated feeling blind and misdirected about the things that were around her, and if there was an ideal thing to ensure that all of the things that she hated were to happen, it was the fog coming her way, well, she was the one advancing to it, but in her mind the permanent fog always felt like an amorphous creature ready to devour and never let her out.
The fog was many meters away, but, though she hated it, Chammo knew that it was the only path to safeness at the moment. So she just firmly took hold of Snowball’s saddle.
Her heart was racing, she was still half-way into the city, but the wall had to be enough to lost track of the creature giving chase, except that sparing another glance to the slithering creature she knew that they were going to be on its stomach before that.
Now it was turn for her mind to race alongside her heart. She thought on what to do, Chammo was horrible planning things on the moment. She could only think on the things she had already planned. Her head kept going to the hours she was going to work, the papers she was going to write and the hares that… That’s it.
   “Sorry buddy, we will have to ask Itza to prepare something else for you.” Chammo untied the sack containing the frozen hares and, after almost slipping in the attempt, got herself to sit backwards.
In her new position Chammo could see more details of the creature, deep blue skin, big claws, enormous teeth, a freezing breath that instantly was condensing. It kind of seemed like one of those lizards of her books. But she had no time to analyze the creature, she was already trying to stabilize herself to find a good throwing pose. She had poor aim, yes, but considering that the creature was just an arm away from Snowball it would be easy to hit the creature with all her strength, the hares were frozen solid, so they would hurt like a stone. Still, an idea came to her mind, a stupid one. "Talk with it."
   “Could it be that you are… Hungry?” It of course made sense, most beasts attack either for food or territory, and considering that this was clearly not it’s usual territory… It was crazy, her life was on danger, but still, hurting the creature sounded awful, and somehow she could perfectly picture the hunger of the creature.
   “Look, this is a hare, a leporidae, they are free food, you don’t need to fight for it.” The creature made eye contact with Chammo. “Please, just accept it.” And thus she throw the frozen food at the beast’s feet. It came to such a sudden halt that its sinuous body slided a little before stopping, Chammo could see the creature feasting, an horrendous sound like cracking stones came from the frozen meat, and Chammo knew that if it wasn’t for the success of her plan, her skull would be cracking just like that. Just before entering the fog she could see the lizard-like creature looking directly at her, and she realized that she didn’t had deceived the creature, she had made a deal with it.
And the beast agreeded.
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dozsu · 2 years
Pains and Truths
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Of Endless Blue—Chapter 2
Kova woke up in a chamber she had only seen a couple of times. When you grew as the only daughter of a council member you had few reasons to end up in a hospital room.
She was on a bed made for a regular adult sized dragon. Which meant it was way too big for Kova. She tried to get up and check for any wounds, but froze when she found a shackle on her ankle. The visage brought a flash of memories to Kova. An ember of panic burnt her chest for a moment, but she would overcome any memories. They couldn’t hurt her if she could ignore and forget them.
Her family knew that physical restrains would be useless at this point, so it was either a message that said "don't try to get out of the room" or a decision made by a third party, either of those were troublesome, specially because she couldn't recall what she had done to deserve it.
She recalled teleporting, but she had used her breath and instinct instead of a spell and beacon. But why? She examined the room, searching for some extra info. But maybe it was just a whim of her uncontrolled self. That was the great problem with her curse, it was like a drunkness, all ideas felt the most logical and sensible at the time. Then she would "woke up" and find utter nonsense in her actions.
Explanations would come later, first she had to check herself, her right wing was aching, but didn't seemed like a teleport injury, most likely she rolled and slept over it, which was weird, could she already been growing unfamiliar with her natural body? Kova decided to use her blessing to free herself.
Dragons sometimes were born with special blessings that represented something to be proud of: powerful breaths, sturdier wings, beautiful scales, mighty horns, undisturbable minds, or the innate control of magic and some more.
Most dragons thought of it as destiny, like divine indication to dedicate their lives to something. She always thought it was just a streak of genetic luck, nothing to be really "proud" of. But then, she really found confort in the ability of morphing her body to command.
Scales turned to skin and wings to cloth, horns to hair and claw to nails. Her blessing had grown along with her mastery of the arcane, allowing her to reduce her size and weight. The smaller humanoid form let her pull free of the shackle, then she decided to revert back.
Kova's family wasn't happy with the use she gave to her blessing, that's why she only did it when alone. It was also unpractical to have the size of a wyrmling in the main quarters of the NSC.
Lurking around, Kova found her clinical record. Seems like she actually got injured by a ten meter high fall. She was unconscious, so she couldn't stop herself, and accounting the frail condition she was born with, it was enough to break some stuff inside her.
"But why would i... Oh... Right"—Memories of her ruthless decisions started flowing back at the moment the door opened—"Oh no"
Kova's doom illuminated the room with purple light, her executioner wore a shiny amethyst and silver necklace that matched her scales and wings. Violet looked visibly angry, which meant Kova was in real troubles. 
"What is wrong with you?! Everyone is speaking about the daughter of the new head of the NSC crashing with a ship in the middle of the conference hall"—Violet voice was kept low in a snarl of contempt—“I need an explanation, and i need it now”
“No, it’s just that i, well...“— Kova felt an immense sense of panic and shame that was soonly shut down, this time not by herself. Kova had learned to recognize the touch of Violet over her emotions. It was an awful feeling, and sadly, the best way to keep Kova’s curse on control — “I...got angry“
“Anger?”—Violet made a snarky snort and started checking the shackles—”That is something i would have forgiven to the tiny lady Kova, but you are no longer a Wyrmling. You know the damage you did?”
“I... am sorry“—Kova always thought the Violet only left the shameful and sorrowful emotions, making her speak with weakness in her voice— “I wasn’t expecting to get back so soon, and it all caught me by surprise... I didn’t wanted to make a mess“
“Dont you get it? You will eventually make a mess, that’s why you need to be here, where we can keep you under control“—She had the shackles in her claw—”I know that you are better than this. Or at least you should be...”
Violet’s words went back to her usual soft tone, and that was the worst part, sometimes she thought that Violet truly wanted to protect her. But there was something else, Violet never lost the opportunity to remind Kova the truth.
Among dragonkind there were many ideas and philosphies that tried to explain where the value of a Dragon was found. And Kova was represented in none of them.
She was the only daughter her mother ever had. But born with a frail body and ill of mind, the only ones who didn’t give up on her were her parents. Still, everyone already knew the truth. She wasn’t a daughter to be proud of.
Kova knew the truth, it was carved in her mind as in steel. She had learned to live accepting the truth without pain. But Violet presence made her feel angsty, her words accompanied with her psychic touch had a weird effect, leaving only those sad emotions that weren’t enough strong enough to ignite her curse, but also weren’t weak enough for her to just ignore.
“...anyway, you need to present a formal apology“—Kova had let her mind wander around all the awful things she was feeling, and had already lost half of the lecture Violet was giving her, Kova didn't care anynore — “Are you listening to me? Are you... whWhat are you doing?“
Her family was right, shifting that much had broken her, tears were for humanoids, not for dragons.
"It's nothing, a minor symptom of manual teleport"—Kova steadying her voice as she could—"I'll have the apology later, just... Let me alone, please"
Violet sighed, but she didn't seemed to have the humor to keep tormenting her— "I'll need it in 5 hours, you may leave"
Kova wanted to cry and roll in her bed. She wanted to become tiny, tiny enough to disappear from the world. But emotions had to wait, she had work to do.
And so, she jumped, appearing in a bed she hadn't seen in many years.
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dozsu · 2 years
Lyn, the Loyal Knife
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There aren’t impossible tasks for Lyn, just missions that require irregular means.
That is how Lyn grew, that is how Lyn was trained. Never to ask why, just to do. Never to ask how, just to find a way.
Lyn always did as commanded, always waiting for the next word given by the elders. 
If the Elders commanded to stood for days, Lyn would be like a statue. If the Elders commanded to spy on someone, Lyn would be their shadows. If the Elders commanded to get rid of a pair of foolish wanderers... Lyn would be the knife they needed.
But the Elders never told Lyn what to do in the moment there was no mission, so Lyn had to search for it’s own. And despite hating the false Prizto and its ruler, it was the closest that Lyn had to an Elder, despite her being younger than Lyn.
Now Lyn had no clear path, no clear mission. So Lyn would have to search for a meaning in the chambers of a city made with ice and frost, scavaging for a purpose in abandoned notes and papers.
And purpose Lyn found in the incomplete study of the Remorhaz. Not the migthiest goal one could dream, but it was a mission, kinda. But it was enough for Lyn.
And with a purpouse, Lyn left the city of IceKeep to face it’s destiny.
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dozsu · 2 years
Emotions in the Stars
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Of Endless Blue — Ch.1
A girl stood at the edge of the Horizon.
Kova was no longer stunned like the first times she had been here. Funny how incredible things like the limits of reality could end up feeling like commonplace after years.
Still, she let the sight amaze and inspire her, she stared to the infinite wall of dark and voidness and let it stare back. Kova would never allow the years to rob her of the wonder she had for the world around her. But work was due, so the wonders of the world had to wait for later.
The results of the beeping and zipping machines let her know exactly what she expected, yet, the confirmation in paper made her chest swole with pride (an emotion that was quickly put aside). The theory said that nothing could exist beyond the horizon, but the Horizon had only been met little more than two centuries ago. And her kind stopped working on theories and experiments after only one century, when it was deemed useless and dissapointing.
She hated those two words, they made her remember awful things (but hate was even more dangerous than pride, so she put it aside as well)
"Useless and Dissapointing"—Kova whispered to the Horizon while checking the machine’s data log—"that would make two of us, but we are to show them different, don't we?"
The readings were foggy to untrained eyes. A deep arcane wavelenght pattern different from that of the universal weave coming from the Horizon, a very dim signal, yes, but one nontheless. That meant... well, Kova didn't know exactly what. It wasn't going to be an immediate breakthrough, nothing with the arcane was. But possibilities were extensive, new arcane techniques could be developed, maybe the ever expanding magitech could find an usage for it, this discovery could be the answer to her displacement theory, maybe even...
Her head started ringing, mind communication spells were really the worst. Specially when the tone in your head wasn't a soft and inviting tune, but the imperative tune that was warning you that "not answering" was the wrong choice.
Kova let the ring go on for a few more moments, saving all the collected data onto her iron necklace, while trying to decide which person would be the most undesirable, sadly, it ended up being the worst.
"Hello misstress, you know you are late in your report, right?"—Her chaperone said with that perky voice of her that was full of untold commentaries
"Violet, we are just at a few hours before mid-cycle, you know that i have never missed a report before last month, and yet, that day i profusely gave my pardons for not being considerate enough to warn the space shark that i could not afford to lose half of my ship."
"Oh mistress, but you see, it isn't about what you can do, it is about what you should be able to do."—Violet let the idea linger, letting it be known once again that she thought the same as everyone else—"Anyway the reason of my early calling is not to revise your recent failures, at least not now. It is about the recent success of your father"
"Did he finally decided to stop wearing those emeralds? They were the most ugly i had ever seen"
"No, he actually wore them splendidfully today, in case you didn't know, today he-"
"He was elected, i know"—Kova interrupted without care.
The news weren't a surprise, her father had made sure to put everyone on his side, but the confirmation made something itch inside Kova.
"Then i shouldn't have to explain the real reason of my message"
"It is clear, in the same way that i shouldn't need to say that my investigation period doesn't end up until next week"
"Yes, though i clearly remember that in your last report you said that you should had been able to get the results you were looking for around this day. So, did you get them?"
"I... Yes, i did, actually, just moments before you called, almost like it was coincidence"—Lying to Violet would be the dumbest thing someone could do, specially if she already had a link to your mind. Still, Kova would let her know that the tracking protocol in her devices didn't passed unnoticed.
"Wonderful, then you are free to get back”
“Eh? Well-”
“The beacon is ready to be activated, your chambers had already been dusted off and the chefs are already preparing your food.”
“Oh lady Vak, your maids will be so happy to see you again" —And so, Violet cut the connection.
Kova felt the words echo in her mind, she chewed the message, processed the immediacy in which Violet said everything, and then it really hit her. She had to leave. Now.
The usual for an arcanist would be to have week or two for double checking the investigation results to seek for any errors. She expected to have another week. But no, it was never about the investigation. It was about having Kova away, the literal farest away they could . And now that her father had achieved his goal, he could allow his dissapointing daughter near him once again.
Kova didn’t knew if she really had a soul, but for a moment she felt how it slipped out of her body, leaving her cold. But, as if her soul noticed that it was falling away, it came back with force, a lot of force, more than she could handle.
She started growling, exhaling tiny puffs the color of nebulaes and felt her scales appearing. She knew exactly what was happening, it was a fatal flaw she was born with, a curse that most of her kind knew about. 
Kova kept exhaling her characteristic fantasy colored breath, as long as it kept looking like that everything would be okay. She just had to rationalize and understand her feelings, that way she could properly get hold of them before they got control on her. 
Anger because of her father? Probably. 
Annoyance towards Violet? Definetly.
But that wasn’t everything. Those were strong emotions that burnt like flames and stung like wasps, she already knew how to deal with them. 
The real problem was the phantom feeling that hid beneath her skin and took control of her breathing and pulse, an emotion that pulled from her, constantly asking what was going to happen, it was similar to simple worry, but Kova knew better, her emotions had been a constant enemy through her life and learned to give them names. 
She was... scared, afraid of what her father could do with the highest rank one could reach in the NSC, horrified of going back to what her life used to be, terrified of being right beside the focus of attention. Many emotions she never learned how to control it. So she decided to take the only path that could work, burn the freezing fear.
Kova knew that this day would come, she had been expecting it since her travels started twenty years ago. A week of warning was the only thing she hoped to get. But that’s how things worked around her family. So she decided to comply in act of defiance. She wouldn’t just get back home, she would let everyone know it
Her main tool, as with many of her kind, was her breath. Kova’s breath wasn’t of poisonus gas, as it was expected of her race. Instead, the magic she favored and the years of practice had altered Kova’s breath to something way more useful. And so, she prepared herself breathing many times, letting her true form take place with each drag of air. Scales replaced the skin and clothing, hidden wings protuded from her back, hair becoming a pair of horns and crest, her size and features changing very quickly. 
Where a girl stood before, a fifteen feet tall green dragon was facing the tiny spaceship. Kova let her lungs fill once again and kept the drag of air the longest she could, transforming the air inside them into a substance that could warp reality, the only thing that made her remarkable at the eyes of society, and the thing she was going to use to embarass her father. 
Many minutes had already passed and she was starting to get dizzy, she had never charged her breath this much. Kova knew she was being pety, that this was all just going to be the childish tantrum of an uncontrolable kid, exactly the thing that everyone accused her off. And that would give her father just another point and example in a future discussion. But she didn’t care, no one knew how horrible it was to be a prisioner of your emotions, having to reprime yourself everytime your heart beated too fast. With all those thoughts in her head, kova was almost starting to feint, and so, she exhaled with the most power she had contained before.
A cloud full of tiny stars and colours that danced between purple, blue and pink filled the space in front of her. Kova let herself veer into the cloud, she had already setted the coordinates of the spell while containing her breath, now she only had to wait and let herself be took by the nebula of magic. Reality got messy when teleportingit required your full attention to do nothing, instants felt like eternities that never happened, movements were infinite and non-existant, and your mind gets full of all the nothings in the world. It was just after moving when you could process it all and it always felt unreal, like you just arrived where you wanted because you were sleepwalking. At least that is how things were suppoused to go
Maybe because of her charged breath, maybe because of her proximity to the Horizon, Kova had a glimpse to the space between realms, she was in a place of dark and voidness, a place that wasn’t suppoused to exist. She could see her entire reality as if from outside, and it was... trapped? Like a marble inside a jar.
Kova couldn’t breath, but most importantly, she couldn’t understand what was happening, and without answers, her mind fade into blackness.
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dozsu · 2 years
Well, i am back, with art and oc’s
I used to log in tumblr to see Undertale AU comics and fanarts of things i loved. But Twitter was a place where my favourite YouTubers and streamers were. And tumblr ended up being that place i didn’t really thougth about. I was also a tiny 15 yo mexican kid who didn’t really understand how the plataform worked and barely knew half of the words
But now that panic is brewing in twitter and i was just starting too feel comfortable with my art. I thought that maybe i could switch to tumblr. And damn if it feels good to write long texts.
I love to accompany the drawings of my oc’s with some written story (but my only public was a friend of mine in discord). And with tumblr being all artsy, and actually allowing you to be creative and write and be part of a fandom. I thought that maybe i could start doing what i actually love to do. That being to share my characters, their stories, and put my ideas to the me of the future.
And so, a quick recap of my 3 main characters i always draw
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The first column is a picrew i found and tried when i just doodled
Chammo (Hielitos): A softspoken and very caring human girl with emotion-reading psionics, though she is 38 years old, her body has been “preserved” by ice magic shenanigans, so she looks rather young.  Has been 30 years studying and taking care of the people ever-sleeping in the magical city she used to live, so she is very smart and really wants to take care of the people around her. Just recently has started to actually live.
Chammo (Alitas): A cold and passive-aggressive 400 years old dragon girl. In her many years has developed the ability to travel between many realms, planes, universes and realities. Has used this ability to study all kinds of magic systems and stories.  She has the ability to shapeshift her body at will, is also very talented with artifact creation and replication.
V (Venice): An aggressive, cool and very asertive 28 year old changeling (not the fey type, the dnd type) with a little bit of DID. Born as a magical experiment then adopted into nobility, she grew just to have an accident, get amnesia and develop an alternate persona. But that is past story, she is now the powerful Sun-Emperor, ruling with charm, devotion and gunpowder the Empire of the Sun. She isn’t really a politician, so she is more like a very powerful and charming war-lord.
There is also Azari, a reborn and undead Tabaxi (Cat-Person), but she doesn’t have that many drawings, she is as assertive as Venice, but what V has in aggressivenes Azari has in smugness
Hope that tumblr is as good as i wish it to be
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dozsu · 6 years
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dozsu · 6 years
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( Comic on DA) short one this month again because i’m going to be out for a few months possibly soon hm was a fun one though! Patreon: www.patreon.com/PengoSolvent
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dozsu · 6 years
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dozsu · 6 years
Hello ! I always forgot to post my animations here xD
Anyaway I used for the first time Retas Suite to animate. It was pretty hard to understand at first, but now I get why japanese studios use this soft~
I even tried compositing a bit :D
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dozsu · 6 years
Y’know, even though I would definitely call The Ancient Magus Bride a love story, I don’t think I’d necessarily call it a romance.  
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