#what will happen when desmond touches the apple?
teecupangel · 8 months
Aw, man. Just look at this little guy.
The fact that that their natural habitat is Mexico means that putting him in Ratonhnhaké:ton’s time would be the easiest way we can explain how one of his ancestors got him.
One of the traveling merchants shows Desmond to Ratonhnhaké:ton as a prized ‘pet’ that he’ll sell for the right price. Ratonhnhaké:ton feels some kind of connection that he can’t explain to Desmond so he agrees (although the people of the homestead was able to haggle for Desmond since they were all buying something and they were buying as a community).
We’ll set this just after the end of AC3 and Ratonhnhaké:ton brings him to the Davenport manor to give it some kind of life after Achilles’ death. The others like to visit to make sure Ratonhnhaké:ton is doing okay and Desmond becomes more or less the community pet at this point.
Ratonhnhaké:ton stops coming for a few days.
Desmond wasn’t worried though. Ratonhnhaké:ton did say that he was going out and he had requested everyone to keep an eye on Desmond.
That did mean that sometimes, one or two people feed Desmond without realizing someone had already fed him before but that was fine. Desmond just shakes his head and they know that someone has already fed him.
(And they’re all so impressed of how intelligent Desmond is. None of them even consider that this is weird as they assume this is because Desmond was from a faraway place)
When Ratonhnhaké:ton returns…
Desmond’s eyes widened as he saw the Apple of Eden that he hides in a small sack.
Ratonhnhaké:ton keeps it with him at all times and Desmond knew he has to touch it soon because Ratonhnhaké:ton had only returned to look at the ledgers and schedule the next shipments before going to the Aquila to throw the Apple in the sea.
Cue: “Mission Impossible”… Axolotl edition.
(Or, you know, you can make Desmond the Axolotl an exotic pet that Rebecca buys after Desmond’s death. Even gives him the name Desmond and he gets to see the modern day storyline as a ‘viewer’… until… the boy called Elijah that was apparently his son sneaks into the current safehouse Rebecca and Shaun were staying in as they wait for Bishop’s next mission and… steals him.)
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