#what with all the referrals of returning to the beginning and all
redstonekate · 2 years
Predictions for this “Remaining Statement”
1. Joe Spooky, regarding sinister happenings
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resident-problem · 5 months
***Spoilers Ahead***
So I'm reading the Chant of Light, as one does and this might be prophesy of the events of Dreadwolf? This is from the the Canticle of Exaltations by the way, which I guess (to all my former and current Christans/bible knowers) is basically the Thedas equivalent of Revelations.
This section of the Canticle is specifically signs of the Maker's return, so that's cool ig
"Seven times seventy men of stone (Titans?) immense
Rose up from the earth like sleepers waking at the dawn,
Crossing the land with strides immeasurable,
And in the hollows of their footprints
Paradise was stamped, indelible. (The Rumbling Part 2, now with more Titans)
And I heard from the East (Par Vollen/Seheron?) a great cry
As men who were beasts (outdated and gross referrence to Qunari?) warred with their brothers,
Tooth and claw against blade and bow,
Until one could no longer be told from the other (Qun and Tal Vashoth?),
And cursed them and cursed their generations.
And those who slept, the ancient ones, (reference to Old Gods? Or maybe Evanuris) awoke,
For their dreams had been devoured
By a demon that prowled the Fade
As a wolf hunts a herd of deer.
Taking first the weakest and frailest of hopes,
And when there was nothing left,
Destroying the bright and bold
By subtlety and ambush and cruel arts.
The ninth (there are more? Anyone know ehat this is referring to?) sacred mountain (Temple of Sacred Ashes, also location of Breach) upon which rests
The mortal dust of Our Lady ascended
Whole into the heavens, to be given high honor
In the Realm of Dreams forever.
And around it, a chorus of spirits sang:
"Whatsoever passes through the fire (Holy Andrastian rite, essentially baptism which is practiced in the Chantry, so I wonder what this is actually referring to)
Is not lost, but made eternal;
As air can never be broken nor crushed,
The tempered soul is everlasting!"
(Don't know where else to put this, but in Origins, if you bring Oghren along during the Temple of Sacred Ashes quest, he essentially confirms that there is a large amount of Lyrium present in the Temple. Which (and this is speculation) could be the cause of the Ashes curative properties. Not to mention in the beginning Inquisition, Cassandra mentions that the mountains in the area are full of old mining complexes. And Varric also points out the Red Lyrium in the Temple. So there may, potentially be a corrupted titan beneath the temple?)
And I looked up and saw
The seven gates of the Black City shatter,
And darkness cloaked both realms."
(If you're one of those who also believes that the Old Gods are some sort of lock (seven "locks", seven gods) keeping the Evanuri at bay, this could be a reference to that.)
The previous prophesy appears to loosely be the events of Inquistion, excluding the part where Andraste herself rides forth and proclaims the return of the Maker. So they are possibly coming true, just not exactly as written.
After having read that, I can see why so many thought that the Inquisitor genuinely was a servant of Andraste, and that it actually was Andraste in the Fade instead of Divine Justinia. Would've been neat to hear that verse in game, maybe as a way to convince the Inquisitor that they are an agent of the Maker's will. I feel like it would've made some of the religious fervor surrounding the Inquisition make more sense.
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𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘚𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 ║ ⓞⓝⓔ๏ⓞⓕⓕⓢ
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This Side of Forever
| PAIRING(s): Marcus Pike x fem!OC Bodie Edunn
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT:  6.6k | CONTENT: angsty!Marcus throughout, pining?, Bodie talks a lil whimsical but that’s bc she’s based on a Goddess ok?, half of this is me self-therapizing, lots of allusions to magic and fruit, following your dreams, is somebody gonna match my freak? vibes, accepting fate, overly sentimental bc it’s Marcus duh
| SYNOPSIS: After back to back failed relationships, Marcus tries to find meaning and distraction in his work. When he's presented with an offer that appears to be a nudge in a whole new direction, he isn't sure he can make the leap of faith.
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The consultation offer had come through at just the right time. Marcus had been burnt out with his work despite the change in scenery and job title. As it turned out, being head of the International Art Theft Task Force in D.C. wasn’t a whole lot more gratifying than being Special Agent Marcus Pike with the Austin Art Squad Unit. It was a bitter pill to swallow, the rhapsodic thrill of getting a second chance at love and life in Texas turning to nothing more than ash and heartache come Virginia. 
It was torment being back in Austin for an assignment and learning that he’d ultimately been nothing more than a bridge for his would-be fiancé and her now other half to finally realize what they felt for one another. It was hard to believe this was the same woman who had told him that night at dinner she, too, felt the same things for him. That she couldn’t deny their chemistry and connection. He loved that she was independent and really thought about his offer to move to D.C. with him before she’d accepted.
And then he’d gone and followed his heart again with the proposal. The words felt like poison clinging to his lips almost the moment he uttered them, her expression one of stunned anxiety making his stomach turn.  Then it all seemed okay again when she said she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, too. Looking back it was easier to see that she didn’t feel as strongly for him as he did for her, but in the moment he’d thought that maybe it was just a lot for her to take in. He had a tendency to be too much for the people he cared about.
He spent a lot of time in the aftermath of the breakup lamenting over every word and action, playing them over and over again in his head to try to figure out where he’d gone wrong, but he couldn’t bring himself to fully regret honoring his emotions in the moment. He’d been forthright and honest from the start with her because it felt real. It was real. Until it all fell apart.
So, he finished his assignment and returned home to D.C. with nothing but an empty, cold apartment waiting for him. The thought of just leaving all this behind and starting over from scratch was becoming more and more appealing. The ghosts of the past followed him everywhere, and it was beginning to feel like he’d always be chasing some phantom of a dream that resembled happiness. His voluntary sabbatical might not have been the best idea with all this inner turmoil brewing, but he had to take a step back and at least attempt to get himself together. The third night in a row of packaged ramen noodles for dinner, ass firmly parked on the couch with reruns of Antiques Roadshow playing back to back, her email had come through.
He read it twice to make sure it hadn’t been sent in error. As the sole owner of the wildly successful spa and wellness center Eternity Hill Orchard, Bodie Edunn was looking for a consultant regarding the yet to be established Art Director position and coinciding Art Program for her resort. A former colleague and shared mutual had passed his name along to her with a soft endorsement for the job. The referral name checked out and everything seemed legitimate, but Marcus had been burned too many times to believe his luck could be this good.
A phone call with her the next day had that thought going right out the window. He could hear the smile in her voice and how genuinely excited she was that he received the offer and reached out. Before he knew it, agreements were outlined and plans were made. The last few weeks of his sabbatical were going to be spent back and forth between the few hours of travel from D.C. to the mountains of Virginia where Eternity Hill Orchard was located.
The payday was already enough of an incentive, but the picturesque scenery as the vehicle climbed switchback roads wasn’t too bad, either. The ascent felt like he was heading to some other world entirely, and perhaps given the constant grind of life in D.C., this was a completely different life up here in the mountains. His first step onto the grounds already felt energizing, the inhale of fresh air crisp in his lungs. 
He could just make out a distant figure atop a rather grand set of steps leading up to a striking manor structure. It was somehow modern and antique all at once, as if it had been built here so long ago that it simply transcended the concept of time. Lush greenery at every opening and slope gave an impression of liveliness and growth. Small, warm white bulbs danced in the darker recesses of the flora, and Marcus could imagine the balmy, intimate glow it would emit come nighttime. 
Despite the impressive scene, he found himself eagerly skimming back to the figure coming into focus as they climbed down the stairs towards him. The pictures and videos he’d seen of her on the website did no justice to the firsthand encounter. He’d thought it was high quality editing – something to sell the whole wellness image the business touted - but seeing her here in person made it clear there was no alteration involved.
It was hard to pinpoint an age, but she looked like she’d sipped on every enchanted youth tonic from every fairytale ever told. A “glow from within” hue to her skin. Soft, supple curvature of pink appled cheeks. Piercing but kind green eyes. A sharp mouth with a delicate cupid’s bow, all balancing the mesmerizing smile underneath.
How old was she? How could someone establish and develop this level of business acumen all before the age of 50? Was she just the face of the business while some gnarled, hunched octogenarian hid away in the shadows and counted his payday? Was she some sort of trust fund baby? Was this all just an elaborate babysitting project to keep her out of the trouble that wealthy, bored children often found themselves in?
“Marcus, I’m so glad you made it,” Bodie softly greets him as she makes it to the bottom of the stairs. She envelops him before he has time to insist on a handshake, pulling back after a moment and rubbing each of his biceps in a welcoming gesture.
He isn’t sure where to put his hands, and he internally cringes at the realization of just how touch starved he is. His mouth feels a little dry, and he can only attribute some of that to the higher altitude. “Wow. Hi. I mean– Yes. You’re– It’s beautiful,” he responds a little breathlessly. “Glad to be here.”
The mischievous twinkle in her eyes blooms into the grin curving her mouth. “I’m partial, of course, but I really think there’s nowhere else as special as here. I hope you’ll come to find the same thing.”
The closer she was to him, the thinner the air felt. The sun cast a hazy blur of light around her long flax tresses, forming a little halo of brightness that made her seem all the more ethereal and divine. Bodie had several science degrees according to the website, although it didn’t say from where or when. Maybe this place was the real deal after all. Usually these retreat spaces offered little more than a whopping dose of placebo laden manipulations meant to drain desperate people’s wallets. He tried not to be so jaded about it all, very much aware of the more bitter version of himself he’d been morphing into for the past several months.
Obliging staff appeared from nowhere and whisked his things away. He really didn’t care where his things were going or where he was being led as he walked along quietly while Bodie conducted a guided tour of the grounds and the buildings. She carried herself so effortlessly and spoke so confidently. None of it sounded rehearsed, either, as they both meandered through the picturesque backdrop of the plot. She shared all the history of the resort and the scientific approach to wellness that incorporated the native resources as much as possible.
Everything he sees is nothing short of magnificent. He can envision sitting out here and painting a quick oil landscape while Bodie sits nearby and chats. He can hear her unwavering knowledge and commentary in his mind’s eye, but he forces himself to focus on the present. The sprawling backdrop of mountains and trees and orchards frame the welcoming facilities and services here. An expansive natural swimming pond lined with large rocks that lead to private cabanas and plush lounge chairs. He wonders if Bodie ever goes swimming. 
An indoor heated pool with adjacent teak sauna. Three stories worth of amenities built right into the mountainside with multiple buildings above that she explains are guest rooms. One building has a long, shared balcony with large potted trees and rooftop gardens. The other building has private balconies with big, round lounge beds and floor to ceiling fireplaces. He wonders which one of them is hers and what she sees when she wakes every morning.
The winding decks that slope into each other feel endless, and yet Marcus could enjoy hours of hearing her talk about anything and everything. It was infectious and calming, almost like walking through an art museum and discovering all the tiny surprise gems amongst the overarching beauty of artistry. Even the staff looked young in the way of someone who has never experienced a day of stress in their life. They don plain uniforms – soft white linen shirts with loose taupe colored pants – with some sporting half aprons or utility belts, depending on their job.
It was one thing for every patron thus far to look relaxed and content, but the workers also appearing well and youthful? How on earth did Bodie manage all of this? She was still talking about some sort of zero gravity massage clinic when the intrusive thoughts got the better of him.
“So how old are you anyway?” he blurts out.
The back of his neck blazes with embarrassment, but he forces himself to maintain eye contact. She smiles at him again in that easy sort of way, and his stomach flips. Whatever secret restorative methods she had up here were certainly doing something to him. Either that or he hadn’t adjusted to the altitude yet.
“I’m thirty one,” she answers graciously.
His jaw parts, all agog and inelegant, while she titters and waves off his unspoken compliment. 
“I apologize for the question. I’m usually not so–” He motions with his hand aimlessly in the air, floundering for a coherent end to his sentence. “Your methods and programs are obviously very effective.”
“I guess you could say between the mountain air and enough apples a day to keep the doctor away for a lifetime…,” she trails off and shrugs with a lopsided smile.
God, he could really get used to seeing that. It made his knees all jittery every time she directed that energy his way. He’s so wrapped up in it that he misses something she said and has to ask her to repeat herself.
“I said: I’m proud of everything we’ve built here, but I’m always looking for what else we can incorporate to enhance the experience,” she says again. “It’s always been a sort of bad habit of mine, always looking for something to take everything to the next level.”
She doesn't even know how much it resonates with him when she says it. If he had to identify a singular fault of his, it would be the hope of the next best thing. He had a well-worn pattern of romanticizing things and letting his thoughts run away, all buoyant and hopeful. A big part of that had been stripped from him after the failed marriage, divorce, and then failed proposal, but maybe that was for the best. Maybe he wouldn’t get hurt so much if he didn’t put himself so far out there.
“I get what you mean,” he commiserates. “It can be hard to feel like you’ve done all you can. That you’ve upturned every stone and made something as good as it can be.”
Bodie eyes him thoughtfully and, after a moment of contemplation, nods. “Yes. Exactly. That’s exactly it.”
“So, am I the ‘taking it to the next level’ in this equation?” he jokes, attempting to steer the conversation back to the consultation at hand and away from things that remind him of past failures.
Her grin is devastating and intoxicating, and Marcus turns a lovely shade of pink at the poor phrasing of his question.
“I-I meant– not me personally. I meant the art director and art program,” he stammers. “You know, me being here to help with that.”
“Something like that,” she replies with a gentle laugh.
It’s not until she’s finished showing him around and walking him to his private suite that his head feels clear. Every syllable that fell from her lips felt like a tugging thread, whipstitching musings and what-could-be’s across the divots in his mind and suturing them together with thoughts of her cinched in between and tucked away tight. The feeling doesn’t let up over the next few days where every interaction with her feels like he’s had the wind knocked out of him. 
This wasn’t the same sort of draw he’d experienced before with his ex-wife and ex- fiancé. This was the opposite pole of the magnet hurtling towards him and grabbing hold. This was some sameness, some kindred nucleus of existence. A funhouse mirror reflecting parts of himself back, a warped delineation. Something metaphysical and mystic putting him exactly where he was meant to be: here in this side of paradise with Bodie coming to drip soothing words of perpetuity into his ear. He belonged here, although he couldn’t exactly explain why or how he knew it to be true.
It took everything in him to focus on the task at hand. He’s better acquainted after a couple of days with the grounds, resort scheduling, and “wellness lifestyle” habits being taught and practiced. He wasn’t expecting the legitimacy in some of the newer programs, like the accredited and licensed therapists onsite who conduct group sessions as well as individualized, immersive sessions for select guests. The idea of an art based therapy program felt like a natural addition, according to Bodie. It was the “next logical step” in what Eternity Hill Orchard could offer, and he couldn’t agree more.
By the time he knew it, he’d extended his stay by three more days, but she didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. In fact, she seemed delighted that he was even able to. For some reason, he divulged his voluntary sabbatical from work and the fact that he was only able to take this job because of it. She’d simply smiled warmly and said it “sounded like fate.”
It should’ve been hokey. It should’ve been an eyeroll the moment she turned away. Instead, he found himself inclined to agree. Throughout his rapid appraisal of the resort, it started feeling less like work and more like a challenge, something stimulating and meaningful. The overwhelming sense of magic in the atmosphere had him questioning himself almost daily. He’d take breaks from his assignment and join Bodie in several of the offerings at the resort, and every time without fail his head felt cloudy and light and elastic. He hadn’t felt this way since his first few months in the FBI when the world was laid at his feet for the taking.
He almost wished this bubble would pop already so he could fall back to reality, but day after day it remained intact. Gentle brushes of her hand. Leaning closer when they spoke. Angling her body towards him whenever he sat down next to her – and there somehow was always an empty seat, like she’d saved it just for him. The warm, dizzying embrace the first day he got here was just the beginning of an endless well. He wanted so badly to know how her lips would feel against his. He tried to stop himself imagining the sorts of sounds he could pull from her, all the ways he could make her feel good. They could fall asleep here every night together, dreaming up new programs and projects.
As much as he wanted to stretch out his time with her, he loathed the idea of wearing out his welcome or, worse yet, letting hope fester long enough to make him entertain all his delusions about a life here. The trek back home to D.C. is tedious and pallid. It’s as though every foot of elevation lost on the ride down leached color and life from the world.
The dreary silence in his apartment might be the worst of all as he sets his things down and takes a long breath – one that doesn’t feel satisfying no matter how deeply he pulls for air. At least there was an objective and a deadline to keep his mind occupied and distracted from his stifling abode. He compiled his recommendations with due heed, never rushing through the retrospection and assessment he was being generously compensated to produce.
He didn’t have any legitimate reason to go back for another visit since he’d extended his initial one by so many days. Any clarifying questions could be answered via email or phone, and it better served his timeline to not travel again right now anyway. The Art Therapy Degree Program tabs in his browser stare loudly back at him. It was initially a portion of his informational findings, but he’d made the mistake of venturing into the curiosity of what it would take for him to obtain such a degree. Turns out, not very much. The extensive training and education accrued throughout his years before and during his life as an Agent meant he was fit for most bridge programs out there.
He didn’t know what to do with this new possibility, and the knowledge of it was more disquieting than anything. The awareness that something else existed out there for him felt cruel and imposing, like it was trying to force his hand to take the leap of faith. He’d done that before, and it’s what got him into the shadowlands in the first place. It started to eat at him the longer he sat with it, and what irked him most was the sole thing he knew would make him feel better: a trip to Eternity Hill Orchard. 
He racked his brain for a reason – any reason – to go up there again. He concocted some weak excuse about needing to evaluate some of the spaces before making a final recommendation, and of course Bodie was immediately receptive. He steeled himself to remain professional and impartial about things as he made his way back to the fated resort. His late start out the door meant the sun was nearly setting by the time he arrived, but it was just as enchanting as he remembered it. Bodie wasn’t at the top of the stairs to greet him this time around, but he attempted to quell the disappointment of not seeing her by reminding himself that he was here for work and that he’d see her when it was appropriate. It was bad enough that he’d let his whims bring him here again.
After checking in and getting settled, he figures a walk around the grounds is his best bet at coming across Bodie organically. So, he sets off and silently scouts potential spots for an art studio and corresponding office space. The dwindling daylight makes the endeavor less than fruitful, but he isn’t really focused on it, anyway. He’s really just out here hoping to find her. When he turns onto a secluded pathway off the side of the natural pond, the first instance of dissonance in this place emerges: a man’s aggravated voice. A few beats and then what Marcus thinks might just be Bodie’s more neutral voice. He edges closer to the sound.
“Because it’s bullshit, and you know it,” the man fumes.
“I don’t think it’s anything of the so–”
“I come here spending an ungodly amount of money, and for what? For this sham of a place?”
Marcus picks up his pace and follows the voices until he finds Bodie standing face to face with a visibly angry man. She appears in no distress despite the aggression being hurled her way. He keeps his distance until he can fully assess the situation, but his extensive federal training has him ready to intervene if needed.
“You feel like your time here has been unproductive?” She poses the question tactfully, but the man doesn’t waver.
“Well I sure as hell thought I’d get more out of it than I have! I mean, how much time and money can I throw down the drain before I speak up for myself and demand answers?”
“And what is it you were hoping to get out of your visits here?”
“I dunno! Maybe some-some sort of control back in my life?! All this wishy washy feel good bullshit hasn’t done anything! It’s all some scam to take advantage of people like me who are desperate!” he snaps, taking a step forward with arms raised to the side.
Marcus starts to close the gap but stops when Bodie gestures for him to hang back. A glance isn’t even spared his way as she focuses her attention on the angry man.
“I hear you, and I hear your frustrations. I do, however, feel that you are missing a key consideration.”
“Oh? And what’s that?” the man laughs through his nose.
“Finding and using tools to help you regain control of your life is much more beneficial than some external force coming through and offering some temporary illusion of control. And, above all that, there are things that will never be under our authority.”
“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?!”“It means that, yes, we could create some fantasy of the self-actualization you’re after and make you feel like it’s true, but the whole illusion would fall apart the moment you left because it wouldn’t be real. There is no handing ‘it’ over to you – by us or anyone. The entire notion that control is something we give or take from you defeats the entire purpose of you learning to take hold of things yourself. And, you can learn all the coping skills and interventions under the sun, but they will never be useful if you try to pit them against something that will never be in your control no matter how hard you try to force it.”
The man stands straight and blinks a few times, the words overtly taking hold of something inside him.
“Part of control is acceptance, Gordon,” she explains and extends a comforting hand to his bicep. “You have to accept there are things you cannot and will not ever be able to control, and those are the things you have to learn to let go of. No amount of fighting them or screaming or anger will ever change that.”
The man – Gordon, apparently – deflates a bit at this and hangs his head. His voice becomes so quiet Marcus can’t make out half of what he’s saying. His body language speaks to remorse and embarrassment, but Marcus moves in closer just in case he is misreading the energy. He can hear the apologies now and the all too understanding acceptance of them from Bodie. Gordon catches sight of Marcus and quickly excuses himself with Bodie calling after him that she will follow up with him tomorrow.
“Well that’s a first,” Marcus quips, trying to break the dissipating tension altogether. “I was starting to believe nobody could get upset here.”
“Glad to have you back, Marcus,” she deadpans with a budding smile that gives her away.
“In all seriousness, that was, uh, that was pretty impressive.”
“Deescalating that situation. Keeping your cool. Maintaining control of the conversation. Actually the sort of thing that makes a really great undercover or intelligence agent.”
“Well, you’d know what it takes, wouldn’t you?” she agrees warmly.
His smile falls a little at the reminder. He was, indeed, the person that would know. At the end of the day, he was still employed with the FBI. This fairy tale in the mountains was on borrowed time, and a couple of weeks from now, he’d be back to his usual responsibilities at work. It’ll be like none of this ever happened, the souvenir of a padded bank account the only remnant of this experience. The realization that he doesn’t want to be Special Agent Marcus Pike anymore hits him like a blow to the gut.
“Marcus? Are you okay?” She reaches out and slots her hand into his.
“Hm? What? Oh, oh yeah, I’m fine.” He forces a chuckle and waves off her worries, but he knows she won’t buy it.
“If you’re not too busy right now, I’d really love for you to join me on my walk.”
And of course he agrees. How could he not? Even if he knows he’s being led to the death of his guard, he can’t turn her down. The tranquil sky and mellow breeze amidst the lines of apple trees are no match for his racing mind. The last time he was here, it felt pacifying and calming. This time it feels as though all the defenses and excuses have been stripped from his brain, leaving nothing but the bare, candid emotions underneath.
“You know,” she begins, interrupting his storming thoughts, “I was thinking back to how you were talking about never being satisfied with what you’ve got. You know, how we’re both guilty of always looking for the next best thing. Worrying about ‘leaving a stone unturned’, as you put it. It made me think back to when I almost gave this up because I thought some place closer to the interstate was a better investment.”
Marcus listens in quiet disbelief as Bodie shares the memory of when she’d come across a great plot of land that was closer to the main highways in the area but located further away from the mountains. She was content at the time with the state of Eternity Hill Orchard, but it wasn’t anything near what it is today. It wasn’t even a fraction of what it is currently because she was so consumed with worry over whether or not there was something better out there. The new plot would’ve been more readily accessible for travelers, which could’ve potentially meant more patrons and a wider reach. It wasn’t until the last moment that she rescinded the offer and decided to keep what she already had and give it the devotion and nurturing it needed to thrive.
“I’m grateful every day that I didn’t go through with it,” she reflects. “The things that I thought were drawbacks were actually what made this place special. The seclusion. The terrain. You can’t get this atmosphere anywhere else. I could’ve lost all of it if I had let my fears override my instincts.”
“I couldn’t imagine this place anywhere else,” he concurs. 
“And I didn’t realize my unturned stone was right under my feet.” She levels him with a probing gaze and silently waits for him to speak.
“I’m supposed to start up my position again in a few weeks…..” he begins weakly.
She doesn’t respond beyond a gentle nod, and it compels him to keep going.
“But I don’t think– I feel like maybe there’s… maybe there’s something else for me.” He swallows hard and drops her hand, opting instead to lean against the sturdy base of an apple tree for some kind of support.
“You found a new opportunity, but you’re afraid it’s just another case of chasing after the next best thing?” she surmises.
“Yeah, I– Something like that. I think.” He laughs and drops his head back. “God, this is so unprofessional. I apologize. I really shouldn’t be talking like this.”
She ignores his appeal to decorum and instead pushes for candor. “So, Marcus, where’s the line between romanticizing a hypothetical and following your heart?”
When he doesn’t have an answer, she leans against the tree beside him, and Marcus feels a thousand fiery licks of magnetic pull.
“This whole experience with you has made me consider leaving my work to become an Art Therapist.” It comes out before he can stop it, but he’s rewarded with a beatific smile that makes his insides feel warm and syrupy.
“You know, I have it on good intel that there’s a really nice place up in the mountains that’s in the market for an Art Therapist. I mean, they’re awaiting a report from a consultant about how to implement the Program, but still. I mean, hey, one lucky Art Therapist might just find themselves with the freedom of creating the entire structure of the Program from start to finish.”
Marcus shakes his head, unwilling to accept the insinuation of being offered a job he wasn’t even qualified for. Yet.
“And I bet that Art Therapist would be able to help a lot of people,” she adds softly. “Could really change the lives of the people he’s around.”
He turns to meet her gaze at that and fumbles for the right thing to say. “I can’t— I couldn’t possibly ask you to—”
“You didn’t ask. I offered,” she points out. 
“So, what? I’m just– I start tomorrow, just narrowing down a list of online bridge programs? Until I find one and apply? And then magically I just use that degree here?” he scoffs.
“Either that or you could spend the next few days trying and failing to talk yourself out of it,” she muses with a grin.
He balks and stalls but can’t argue with the assertion. Truth be told, he doesn’t even feel like trying to talk himself out of it. The fight left in him to ignore his heart is quickly faltering. 
“And, if I might take a turn being unprofessional, I really, really wouldn’t mind you being here on a more … permanent basis. It was nice having you around.”
Marcus’s eyes flit between her glittery eyes and plush lips. All those years of unfulfilled promises melt away. Every unreciprocated outpouring of love and emotion, gone by the wayside. No more were the feelings of having so much to give without anyone to give it to.
“I really want to kiss you,” he admits in a hush.
“I thought you’d never ask,” she murmurs back.
He doesn’t give himself the opportunity to linger on hesitations. He dips his head and presses his mouth against hers and finds an ardent response. The kiss is  slow and deliberate, like so much time has been lost to the absence of it that every facet must be savored. Her tongue rolls along the ridge of his lip, and he opens with a soft gasp when she pushes their bodies together.
She tastes of sugar and earth, body firm and potent. Still, he holds her like a delicate, timeless artifact meant to be admired and cherished. He follows her pull to the cool grass below and groans at the weight of his body sagging against hers. She hooks a foot behind each knee and tugs, the shift of it sending him off balance. Her pliant body eagerly accommodates his searching hands. The dip and swell of her form under his touch has his mind tracing static orbits, something barely tethered to anything resembling cognizance.
When they finally part for a breath, chests heaving and lips swollen, he sees the incisive tenacity burning bright in her eyes. She rolls their fused bodies until his back settles against the ground, and he lies as a stone unturned beneath her feet, ready to be inverted and suffused by her entirety.
“I’ve known I wanted you from the moment we spoke on the phone,” she confesses quietly. Her hand drifts down his torso, stopping carefully at the button of his waistband.
His heart lurches at the disclosure, brazen in all its laid bare inelegance. “All I could think about was getting back to you,” he confides. “All I wanted was to be back here with you.”
Bodie’s lips crash against Marcus’s with unbridled force, the curve of her tongue licking and darting its way deeper into his mouth. The light blanket of night air ripples against their exposed skin as they hastily remove piece by piece of clothing until they’re laid bare against the strewn fabric. Bodie lies staring up at him, and Marcus somehow has the inkling of clarity left enough to pause and check in.
“Is this okay?” he pants.
“Stake your claim on your path forward, Marcus,” she purrs like it’s an invitation. “Leave your mark on what fate brought to you.”
All reason and restraint leaves his body at the call. His teeth graze and nip hungrily down her neck, across her chest, and tug at the hardened nubs he finds there all pert for his attention. Her body curves up from the ground to meet the wet slip of his mouth and rocks mindlessly when it connects with her sex.“I wanna taste you, I wanna taste you” is all she hears between greedy laps of his tongue. He ruts against the mounds of fabric laid about, desperate for any sort of friction after experiencing the high of her taste. Every little moan and gasp is a brush stroke in his portrait of her pleasure. He feeds off the taction and responsiveness, using those hues and depths of bliss to bring about the definitive, live rendering. A heavenly sound slithers up her throat when he slowly inserts two stacked fingers.
“I feel you. Christ you’re so wet,” he rasps. “Come on my fingers. I wanna feel it. C’mon, baby, come for me.”
She cries out under the careful movements of his mouth and fingers, the soft tufts of his hair gripped tight in her hands as she rides it out. His groans fill the air as he laps up each and every gush of arousal. She hauls him up to share another heated kiss, almost relishing in the taste of herself on his tongue.
Marcus breaks away first, pupils blown wide, with a small shiver running up his entire body. He knows going further is risky, and he knows, just like everything else about this moment, it’s driven entirely by raw connection and want. The feeling of finally having someone to pour himself into far too overwhelming to ignore, and there’s never been anything in his life that felt more right than everything in this moment.
“I don’t usual– I just– Can I….?” He trails off with a glance down at his thick length, bobbing heavily with every movement and demanding attention.
Bodie branches her legs out wider to make room for him – for the place he wishes to be buried in. “Please.”
He wastes no time notching himself at her entrance and slowly feeding his cock inch by inch until he’s fully seated inside. They groan in unison at the assimilation of their bodies merging into one synchronous entity. He’s rambling now, unable to stop the torrent of declarations and hopes and craving. Admitting to having already imagined pinning her down just like he is right now, legs pressed against her chest so he can drive deeper. Not hiding the multitudes of ways he wants to profess and display his affection for her.
Bodie responds in kind. Each kiss of his cockhead against the mouth of her womb punctuated with a rush of oaths and calls to freefall into one another. She clings to him like he holds her next breath. They sway and pitch in turn with heavy breaths and wanton cries of bliss released to the sky. Her lids are heavy with exertion when he brings her upright and back flush against his chest, both of their knees digging into the ground.
“I wanna fuck you slow,” he pants, gently rocking his hips against the swell of her ass. “Wanna feel this forever. Want to take my time with you.”
She grinds back onto him, meeting stroke for stroke, and hums contentedly. “You feel so good. Feels so good.”
“Yeah? You like when I make you feel good? You gonna let me make you feel good?”
“You always make me feel good,” she breathes.
He groans and rolls his hips faster, harder. She turns her head to kiss him, latching a hand onto his neck to hold him there. The momentum of his thrusts hastens and sends her to her hands and knees, and Marcus drapes himself across the plane of her back with an arm winding tight around her chest as he drives deeper. All the noises he imagined are nothing compared to the real thing. He can feel her getting closer, and he goads her on.
“There you go–there you go–yeah–let me have it–let me have it, baby.”
He sinks his teeth into the rounded skin on her shoulder and bares down as she moans and clenches around him. Her soft flesh pillows around his bite as the kick of his cock pulses against her walls. She cries out from the sting of his marking but leans into it all the same. Their bodies slump to the ground, still connected at the crux of her thighs, but it’s still not close enough for him.
They lay together in quiet content as their highs level off. He presses the wet of his lips to each little indentation he left, and he hopes they’ll be gone by morning. The guilt of having marked her so deeply – and the guilt of how much that turns him on – occupy his thoughts as he pays his penitence with each kiss. She interrupts his amends and turns to face him, a playful smirk emerging when he hisses at the last drag of her satiny clutches.
His half-lidded, nebulous expression is mirrored, and she can’t stop herself from seeking intimacy again by way of a kiss, which he readily returns. He cradles her to the sinuous line of his body, and it’s as though she was always meant to fit there. The night sky looks down on them as they struggle to not let sleep take them right then and there.
“We should really head back,” Bodie reluctantly points out.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Marcus agrees.
The task of dressing is much more appealing with one another’s help, and they do so until each is as put together as before they came up the hill. They walk hand in hand back toward the main buildings with easy, lulling conversation to pass the time. Marcus smiles ear to ear when Bodie asks a staff member to move his things to her room.
“Wow, moving in together already?” he jokes.
“I feel like it just makes things easier since we’re going to be planning the rest of our lives, you know?” she lobs back with a cheeky grin. “Logistics and all that.”
“So I guess tomorrow is the start of my new life, huh?” he half-teases, but the undercurrent of nerves still comes through.
“I think you knowing about it is new, but I’m pretty sure it was waiting here for you all along.”
And in that moment he wanted to tell her all the ways he adored her. Confess all the varieties of hope she instilled in him. Scream from the rooftops how much he loved her.
But there was no need to rush. Those things could wait, now that he had forever to say them.
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This fic was my contribution to @perotovar's Frith Challenge where I received Marcus Pike x Idun. I don't even know where to start with how wild of a journey this fic was to write, and honestly idek if y'all would believe me if I told you lmao.
As always, thank you for reading and sharing!
catch ya later, ♥Puddles♥
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koukaaa-descent · 7 months
Everythjgn... Beneath The Cut. Prepare Thyself.
Both are dead. Both are alive. Both can die, and both are immortal. (holdon I need to write this in story format or else nothing I Mean will come across.,) (tgis was written in one sitting while my brain was mush I Hope that explains. Things)
The corpse is beautiful. The body is warm in its lap, the thick material of the Mask's host's covering hardly disguising the shifting of flesh beneath. An intricate man-made second skin. It does not yet know what to do with the face peering up at it.
There is light, drifting through the ceiling. It catches on the edges of the Mask, stark and wonderful. It curls a hand around infinitely fragile flesh, heedless to the rustle of its own foliage as it dares to settle into this place, where it fits as perfectly as it always has. A human hand reaches up and cradles its jaw, its clumsy thumb gliding smoothly over the edge of its beak. It could open its jaws and do something terrible. It does not.
Time is impossibly long. It is also impossibly short. It has been a mere two weeks, and, already, the Mask is falling apart yet again. The sickly scent of rot is more than welcome by this point. It has known the other and has kept its corpses for long enough to desire such vile things, seeking the scent of rot whenever it is lost in the winding, empty halls. A home to return to.
Another stroke. The Mask accidentally pierces itself with the tip of its beak. Blood spills, thick and black. Beautiful. It cranes its head downward, gently shaking the curious, bleeding hand away. The hand settles, instead, in the soft foliage just beginning to grow around the width of its shoulders. A hitched sound, soft and gurgling. A sharp clatter of delight, the Mask trembling around the edges in its tired wonder, despite this being nothing new to it. The hard material of its beak clicks against the white surface of the Mask, lightly tapping against it. Affection, soft and warm. Foreign. The glow of its eyes reflects back at itself.
It is going to die. The Mask, too, is going to die. They are both going to die. Luck will not last forever; one day, the Mask will be found by another, and it will lose the other forever. One day, it itself will meet its own fate, by either blade or bullets. Hiding away as they both do now is the only respite. They can not hide forever.
Warmth. Warmth against the soft expanse of its bared throat. A hand—the Mask's hand—gentle. Gentle. It is a wonder that a rotting thing remembers tenderness.
It stares up at its monster. The body fires slow, delayed responses, nerves trembling before the enormous thing, instinctually still beneath stark white eyes. The fear devours the body, strange and dissonant. The Mask smiles, smiles, and smiles, partly because it is all it can do. Mostly because it is what it wants to do.
Its creature is gentle. It has to be. Otherwise, the Mask's host will crumble and fall apart beneath its claws. They two have done this a thousand times before. One is always dying in the arms of the other. Only one is lucky enough to live past death. It is so happy; it has its head in its oldest friend's lap. To die with it is a gift.
A hand, softened with decay, frail against the monster's throat. Its monster is warm. It is comforting.
A foreign thought. Five more minutes. But five minutes is hardly enough. It will never be enough.
The tips of the monster's claws hook carefully beneath the edges of the Mask, familiar with this routine. It's smiling. It's glad.
It is pulled from its host. It goes willingly. The host's hand sags away from its beasts throat.
Then, after drawling moments of lingering wakefulness spent impossibly warm within large, clawed hands; a dream.
It is a very lovely dream. In it, its monster holds it close, forever and ever. Until the end of time, until it is devoured by death. Until it, too, falls asleep, and dreams a very lovely dream.
(In it, it is holding the Mask, bathed in sunlight. The dream goes on and into an eternity that the eye can not see.)
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thesmallmeggles · 1 year
〰️ Lo-Wav Delay 〰️ (LWD for short)
Another Role Swap AU!? The idea initially sparked after seeing @gorochuva 's Vandelay Sibling swap and I wanted to push it further. I know @magmalaz also has a role swap au, but it'd be weird for me not to share mine when I mentioned it in my playlist post. So here we go. 🙃
What's This All About?
Roxanne and Kale lead Vandelay Technologies together, with Kale developing SPECTRA in secret. Unlike in canon, Roxanne discovers it early on and fires Kale on the spot.
The corporate culture at Vandelay is healthier than canon, but there's an undercurrent of unease. Misbehaving employees return from Human Resources listless, robotic. It has not escaped Kale's notice. He looks into it, discovering to his horror that Roxanne revived SPECTRA and that she plans to include it inside Project Armstrong applicants' prosthetics.
Kale and his team has a month to shut down SPECTRA before Project Armstrong launches. Assuming they can get their act together.
The Protagonists
Mimosa, Social Media Account Manager for Vandelay Tech and a former pop star. Assumes Chai's role. She joins the team after an interrupted HR referral. (Girl dodged a bullet.)
Kale Vandelay , disgraced former Vice President. The Peppermint to Mimosa's Chai and 1/2 of Mission control (shared with Roquefort). An important detail to note is that none of his teammates knows he created SPECTRA in the beginning.
Roquefort, retired economic advisor and Kale's business mentor. He hasn't been converted into a robo-werewolf so he is... fragile.
W01F-G4NG, Roquefort's robotic service dog (commissioned by Kale). 100% Certified Good Boy. Like 808, Wolfie acts as Roquefort's eyes and ears on the field in addition to being the squad telephone.
Zanzo, an eccentric engineer evading disciplinary measures by hiding in a storage area he converted into an office. He's in Macaron's role, but with Korsica's mechanics. Zanzo alternates between a walker and wheelchair because of his Cerebral Palsy (headcanon go brr). He doesn't have cybernetics as he can't afford them.
Rekka, a Production supervisor with a near flawless conduct and output records. The Korsica of the team (with similar mechanics to Macaron), as she needs further convincing to go against Vandelay.
Also a secret temporary teammate who I'm not going to name. 🤫
The Antagonists
Roxanne Vandelay, founder and CEO of Vandelay Technologies. Assumes Kale's role. Foils Mimosa in a similar way to Chai and Kale.
Chai, newly hired Brand Ambassador for the pending Project Armstrong. Works closely with the Head Of Marketing. Might still have musical and magnetism powers, only on purpose this time.
808, pretty much the same except she can turn into a panther mech.
Peppermint Vandelay, favored younger Vandelay sibling (according to Kale). Officially on record as a programmer, but her role in the company is closer to VP. Peppermint heads Vandelay Tech's "secret security force" which consists of her, 808, Chai, Macaron, CNMN, and Korsica.
Macaron, Head of Research and Development.
CNMN is considered the co head of R&D. He also helps out in Human Resources.
Korsica, heads Security after the previous head quit without notice. She's still getting used to her position six months on.
Also OC department heads for Production, Marketing, Finance, and Human Resources
The AU Name
Hi-Fi RUSH -> Lo-Wav Delay
Subtle reference to Ultra Low Frequency. Definition: Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) is a low frequency electromagnetic wave band that can penetrate the earth. It's used for communications in mines and might aid in predicting earthquakes in the future.
If LWD were a game, I see its gameplay as being more stealth and social engineering based. Also puzzles and Space Channel Five type rhythm sections (since Mimosa is the player character).
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lettersnorth · 1 year
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Eiko hesitated, but as she studied the two would-be deliverers of stolen goods she seemed to reach some sort of conclusion. “I’m sure you can gather from my lack of concern regarding Daichi’s whereabouts that none of us here are waiting for his return with bated breath. I can say the sekiseigumi have been dealing with a rash of bandits within the city who, curiously, showed up not very long after these puzzle boxes began arriving one by one for Daichi. If you ask me, the bandits finally found him. What they did with him, I don’t know.” And it was clear, from her calm and impassive demeanor, that she also didn’t care nor did she find the connection curious at all.
Aislinn clicked the lid of the box closed over its troubling contents and rose, tucking it safely back in her pack as she shifted a subtle glance to Locke. The information wasn’t much but it was something. 
“If it were up to me, I’d take the box and return from wherever you came from but,” There was a spark of intrigue in Eiko’s eyes as she tilted her head. “If you’re determined to remain, I can offer that there is an inn not far from here, near the hot springs.” 
As expected of someone within Eiko's profession, Locke couldn't tell if she was feeding them the honest truth or a bold-faced lie. Then again, he had his doubts that she had much reason to lie to them to begin with. Whoever this Daichi was, it was clear that he wanted the package. Locke couldn't see much reason why the man would put up such an elaborate ploy just to shoo off the ones meant to deliver it, which was the problem itself. If Eiko's words held true, then this delivery was a bust. More than that, it placed a target on their heads. 
The mention of an inn was a tempting offer. The journey to Kugane, while comfortable, had been a long one. Soaking in a hot spring would have eased the tension. Perhaps even allow them to collect their thoughts and plan out their next steps, but rather than lean into Eiko's referral he found it more comforting to slip into one elsewhere. One where they couldn't be easily tracked by simple word of mouth. 
"While it's nice to get a full grasp of the circumstances, I must admit that we weren't prepared for such a dilemma. I suppose our delivery has hit quite a wall. Aye, perhaps it'd be best if we took a breather to collect ourselves. A hot spring is a temptation enough."
There was something too conciliatory in Locke’s voice. If Aislinn didn’t know the man the way she did she doubted she would have picked up on it. From the pleased smile Eiko gave in reply, she certainly didn’t seem to. Aislinn didn’t fault the woman. When she first met Locke she couldn’t tell the difference either, but now she knew the feel and weight his words took on when he meant them and the airy lack thereof when he didn’t. It was a nuanced awareness born of intimate moments they had shared. 
She tipped her head his way and inhaled a resigned breath. “Aye, I suppose you’re right.” She murmured, following along. 
Eiko gave a single nod and rose from the table, fluid and flowing as liquid gold. “Allow me to accompany you out. My apologies I couldn’t be of more help.”
It seemed everyone was tossing around words they didn’t mean.
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upismediacenter · 2 years
OPINION: “UP Budget Pababa, Pababa nang Pababa”
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Photo credit: Rachelle Baldelomar
Get, get, aw!
The University of the Philippines is faced with another budget cut for the Fiscal Year of 2023. The budget the University originally proposed was 44.1 billion pesos, however the budget that the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) proposed for FY 2023 is 21.8 billion pesos (Castillo-Llaneta, 2022). This shows a 2.5 billion-peso cut from last year’s budget of 25.6 billion (Domingo, 2022; Lalu, 2022), which, in itself, is already very low. What does this mean? The most noticeable effect the general public outside the university will face is a lower budget for the Philippine General Hospital, as it may spell lower quality services and facilities. Its budget has decreased from 6.305 billion pesos in 2022 to just 5.412 billion pesos in 2023. This means that around 893 million pesos has been cut from the budget of the hospital (Lalu, 2022; Diaz, 2022). Considering that PGH was the premiere COVID-19 referral hospital throughout the pandemic (Castillo-Llaneta, 2020), this is a slap in the face to the frontliners who have sacrificed their lives at the brink of the pandemic.
Another matter complicated by the budget cut is UP’s proposal to begin full face-to-face classes for all undergraduate courses by the 2nd Semester of AY 2022-2023 (UP Media and Public Relations Office, 2022). This decision requires careful planning, and a budget set aside for retrofitting of physical facilities and buildings. In the context of UPIS, the UPIS 7-12 building has been unusable this past semester, as the braille walls of the school are at risk of detaching from the building. This is already somewhat a concern even in this current setup of blended learning, as students are not able to use the appropriate facilities for activities that require other special or larger classrooms such as laboratories. Such a scarcity prevents the school from holding a higher number of face to face classes a week, as the 3-6 building can only accommodate a small number of students per day in accordance with health and safety protocols. Sure, UP only proposes full face-to-face for undergraduate courses, but UPIS will have to follow suit sooner or later. In order for UPIS to keep up with the entire university, a higher budget is required to be able to execute the necessary repairs for the 7-12 Building, as well as to provide better and safer educational experiences for students.
Such consequences beg the question - where are these budget cuts reallocated to? Why are they being put into place? According to the DBM, the on-going reconstruction projects in PGH do not need re-purchasing of one-time use capitals like machines and equipment. Hence, they deem it proper to remove the budget previously allotted for these needs. However, for years, PGH has been vying for a larger budget to broaden its projects dedicated to servicing the indigent members of the country. Thus, what the PGH needs is reallocation, not budget cuts. The DBM has also failed to consider the cost of retrofitting and preparing campuses of the state university for the gradual return of face-to-face classes. As cited in the previous paragraph, the UPIS 7-12 building has yet to undergo repairs in order for the entire building to be fit for face-to-face classes. We have not yet taken into account other projects, restorations, and repairs other campuses may propose. Moreover, the basic health protocols demanded by local government units are expected to require significant costs that may put pressure to the already slashed allocation. In the end, the budget cut not only threatens the quality of education, but it also threatens the lives of the students.
If education and healthcare is truly valued, we urge the administration to give proper funding for the institutions that serve and cater to it. This may serve as a warning for what’s to come for our education system. Let us not forget that the pandemic is not over, and transparency and accountability is paramount in times like this in order for us to be able to fully recover from our situation. //by Apollo Tumaliuan
Castillo-Llaneta, C. (2022, August 31). UP faces a P22.295B budget cut for FY 2023. University of the Philippines. https://up.edu.ph/up-faces-a-p22-295b-budget-cut-for-fy-2023/
Domingo, K. (2022, August 31). DBM explains budget for UP, PGH in 2023 spending plan. https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/08/31/22/dbm-explains-dip-in-budget-for-up-in-2023
Lalu, G. (2022, August 22). UP system faces P2.5-B cut in proposed 2023 budget; P893-M slashed from PGH. Inquirer.net. https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1651156/up-system-gets-p2-5-b-cut-in-proposed-2023-budget-p893-m-slashed-from-pgh
Diaz, C. (2022, August 26). Restore P3.4-B UP, PGH budget cut. Manila Times. https://www.manilatimes.net/2022/08/26/news/regions/restore-p34-b-up-pgh-budget-cut/1856003
Castillo-Llaneta, C. (2020, April 1). UP-PGH begins operating as COVID-19 referral center. University of the Philippines. https://up.edu.ph/up-pgh-begins-operating-as-covid-19-referral-center/
UP Media and Public Relations Office. UP to allow 100% face-to-face classes in undergraduate courses in the second semester. University of the Philippines. https://up.edu.ph/up-to-allow-100-face-to-face-classes-in-undergraduate-courses-in-the-second-semester/
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rosastristes · 4 days
Hello Tumblr,
It's me again. I'm still sober. I'm happy with my almost 2-year-old and my decade-long relationship.
You know, sometimes, I'm not sure where to begin.
I just got out of a shower, and I went in thinking, "What would I do if a war started here in the US."
Well, I got out almost in tears because somehow, that thought led to some past trauma.
I was once planning on joining the military. I was very young and very influenced. Fresh out of High School. I was a virgin, but I was flirty, with age-appropriate people that is.
My brain somehow thought it would be funny to remind me of the time a marine recruiter called me into his office to talk.
During this time, I was homeless. My mother's boyfriend didn't like me after I called him and told him he was NOT my dad. He was yelling at my brother that day...my younger brother. After we got home from a church youth bonfire that my mom knew about. We had been there with our uncle, a musician for the church, and other relatives. I don't know why my mom's boyfriend started yelling at my brother about how late we were, not to mention he was getting handsy.
I wish someone had stood up for me the way I stood up for my brother, but no one was there for me. He grabbed me and threw me out the door, and then went into my closet and started throwing my clothes out too.
I just remember wandering the streets crying because I really had no one at this point. A cop ordered me a taxi to wherever I wanted...all I could think about was going to my church pastor.
This was probably my biggest regret later.
But this wasn't what my brain wanted to remind me of, no. It goes back to the marine recruiter.
I went into his office thinking that maybe he had some info on how to proceed with joining the military. I was taken aback when he began to tell me that his toy had moved away. He laid it all out for me, telling me he could help me and give me everything I needed if I would return the favor to him from time to time in other ways.
I was still very innocent at this point in my life. I had been going through a lot in the months leading up to this moment. So I did not quite understand what he meant. Of course, he clarified and I mentioned I was still a virgin.
I laugh now at that because now that I'm older, I wonder if he believed that or not. His response was "Thats not a problem".
Ayyy... I don't know. I walked out of there and was just kind of bummed. I didn't know how to react, or what to say. I played it off when I ran into friends out the door, and faked a smile like nothing had happened.
Years later, I got a dumb job selling house security, and I was so desperate I had reached out to him hoping to get a referral. Tell me why after reaching out to him, the first thing he replied with was. "So you decided to take me up on my offer?"
Not to mention this was MONTHs after our conversation, I did not know it was something still on the table.
Later, the pastor I had moved in with for a bit put his hand down my shirt.
Okay byee
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digital-mathur · 14 days
Digital Marketing Demystified: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses of all sizes are looking for effective ways to reach their target audience, build their brand, and drive sales. Traditional marketing methods are no longer enough to stay competitive, making digital marketing a crucial tool for success. However, for beginners, digital marketing can seem daunting, with its plethora of strategies, tools, and techniques.
This guide aims to demystify digital marketing for beginners, providing a step-by-step breakdown of its core components, how to get started, and practical tips for achieving success.
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What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing refers to all marketing efforts that use the internet and electronic devices. It includes a variety of strategies aimed at connecting with potential customers through channels such as websites, social media, search engines, email, and more. Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing allows businesses to target specific audiences, track their campaigns in real-time, and make data-driven decisions.
The beauty of digital marketing lies in its versatility. Whether you’re promoting a small local business or an international enterprise, the digital landscape provides endless opportunities to grow your brand.
Step 1: Understand the Different Types of Digital Marketing
Before diving into digital marketing, it’s important to understand the different types and how they work together to create an effective marketing strategy. Here are some of the most common types of digital marketing:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO involves optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This increases organic (non-paid) traffic to your site. The goal is to ensure that your business appears when users search for relevant keywords related to your products or services.
Content Marketing: Content marketing is the creation and distribution of valuable content (blogs, videos, infographics, etc.) to attract and engage your target audience. This content should address your customers’ pain points, answer their questions, and provide value.
Social Media Marketing: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are powerful tools for engaging with your audience. Social media marketing involves creating and sharing content, engaging with users, and running targeted ads to build brand awareness.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: PPC involves running ads on search engines (e.g., Google Ads) or social media platforms. You pay a fee each time someone clicks on your ad. It’s a quick way to drive traffic to your website, but it requires a well-defined strategy to ensure a good return on investment (ROI).
Email Marketing: Email marketing allows you to communicate directly with your audience through newsletters, promotional offers, or updates. It’s one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and build customer relationships.
Affiliate Marketing: In affiliate marketing, businesses pay third-party affiliates to promote their products or services. Affiliates earn a commission for each sale made through their referral links. It’s a great way to expand your reach without upfront costs.
Influencer Marketing: This strategy involves partnering with influencers (individuals with a large social media following) to promote your products or services. Influencers have built trust with their audience, which can help you gain credibility and reach new customers.
Step 2: Define Your Goals and Objectives
Every successful digital marketing strategy begins with clear goals and objectives. What do you want to achieve with your digital marketing efforts? Some common goals include:
Increasing website traffic
Generating leads or sales
Building brand awareness
Growing your social media following
Improving customer retention
Once you’ve defined your goals, make sure they are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, instead of saying “I want more website traffic,” a SMART goal would be, “I want to increase my website traffic by 20% over the next three months.”
Step 3: Identify Your Target Audience
Understanding your target audience is critical for creating personalized and effective marketing campaigns. Start by developing buyer personas—semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers based on market research and real data. A buyer persona should include demographic information (age, gender, location) as well as psychographic data (interests, pain points, purchasing behavior).
By understanding your audience’s needs, you’ll be able to create content and marketing messages that resonate with them. Additionally, knowing your audience will help you choose the right platforms to focus your efforts on. For example, if your target audience is young professionals, you may want to focus on LinkedIn and Instagram.
Step 4: Build a Professional Website
Your website is the foundation of your digital marketing strategy. It’s where you’ll drive traffic, collect leads, and showcase your products or services. A professional, user-friendly website is essential for converting visitors into customers.
Key elements of a well-designed website include:
Responsive Design: Your site should be mobile-friendly and adapt to different screen sizes.
Fast Loading Speed: A slow website can frustrate users and negatively impact your SEO ranking.
Clear Navigation: Make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for.
Strong Calls to Action (CTAs): Encourage visitors to take specific actions, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.
SEO Optimization: Ensure your website is optimized for search engines by using relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and alt text for images.
Step 5: Create a Content Strategy
Content is at the heart of digital marketing. A well-crafted content strategy will help you attract, engage, and convert your target audience. Start by creating a content calendar that outlines the types of content you’ll create (blogs, videos, social media posts) and when you’ll publish it.
Here are some tips for creating effective content:
Focus on Value: Provide helpful information that addresses your audience’s needs and challenges.
Use a Variety of Formats: Experiment with different types of content, such as videos, podcasts, infographics, and webinars.
Incorporate Keywords: Use SEO best practices to ensure your content ranks well on search engines.
Promote Your Content: Share your content on social media, through email marketing, and in relevant online communities to maximize its reach.
Step 6: Leverage Social Media
Social media platforms are powerful tools for building relationships with your audience and driving traffic to your website. Each platform has its own strengths, so choose the ones that align with your goals and target audience.
Here are some tips for successful social media marketing:
Consistency is Key: Post regularly and engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages.
Use Hashtags: Hashtags increase the visibility of your posts and help users discover your content.
Run Paid Ads: Social media advertising allows you to reach a larger audience by targeting specific demographics, interests, and behaviors.
Monitor Performance: Use analytics tools to track the performance of your social media campaigns and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Step 7: Utilize Email Marketing
Email marketing is an excellent way to stay in touch with your audience and nurture leads. Build an email list by offering something of value, such as a free eBook or discount, in exchange for their contact information.
Here are some tips for effective email marketing:
Segment Your List: Divide your email list into different segments based on factors such as purchase history, location, or interests. This allows you to send personalized content to each group.
Create Engaging Subject Lines: A compelling subject line can increase your email open rates.
Provide Value: Make sure your emails offer something valuable, whether it’s exclusive offers, helpful tips, or company updates.
Step 8: Analyze and Optimize Your Efforts
One of the greatest advantages of digital marketing is the ability to measure and analyze your results. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, and email marketing software to track the performance of your campaigns.
Pay attention to metrics such as:
Website traffic
Conversion rates
Social media engagement
Email open and click-through rates
Based on this data, make adjustments to your strategy to improve performance. Continuous optimization is key to achieving long-term success in digital marketing.
Digital marketing may seem overwhelming at first, but by breaking it down into manageable steps, you can create an effective strategy that drives results. Start by understanding the different types of digital marketing, identifying your target audience. From there, build a professional website, create valuable content, leverage social media, and utilize email marketing. Most importantly, track your progress and optimize your efforts to continuously improve.
By following these steps, beginners can build a strong digital marketing foundation and start seeing measurable results for their business. Remember, digital marketing is not a one-size-fits-all approach, so be open to experimenting with different strategies and adapting to what works best for your brand.
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trendingbulb · 19 days
Understanding the Customer Journey: A Digital Marketing Perspective
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In the digital landscape, understanding the customer journey is key to crafting marketing strategies that truly connect. The customer journey isn’t just a buzzword—it's the map of a customer’s experience with your brand, from the moment they first hear about you to the point where they (hopefully) become loyal advocates.
What Exactly is the Customer Journey?
Think of the customer journey as the route someone takes when they’re exploring a new city. They might get a glimpse of a cool place (awareness), decide to check it out further (consideration), make a plan to visit (decision), return for another visit (retention), and finally, tell all their friends about it (advocacy).
In the marketing world, understanding this journey means you can guide your customers every step of the way, ensuring they have the best experience possible and are more likely to stick around.
The Stages of the Customer Journey
Awareness: This is where it all begins. Your potential customer first notices your brand. It might be through an Instagram post, a Google search, or a YouTube ad. Your goal here? Grab their attention and make them want to know more.
Consideration: Now that they know you exist, they start thinking about whether your product or service is right for them. This is where they dive deeper—reading reviews, watching tutorials, and comparing you to your competitors. Your content needs to be informative and build trust.
Decision: They’re ready to make a move! Whether it’s adding something to their cart or signing up for a service, your job is to make this as easy as possible. Simple CTAs, easy checkout processes, and maybe even a special offer can help seal the deal.
Retention: The journey doesn’t stop at the sale. Keeping your customers happy and engaged is just as important. Whether it’s through a follow-up email, a loyalty program, or personalized recommendations, staying connected ensures they keep coming back.
Advocacy: The holy grail of the customer journey—turning customers into brand advocates. When people are genuinely happy with their experience, they’ll spread the word. Encouraging reviews, user-generated content, and referrals can help amplify this stage.
How Digital Marketing Fits In
Digital marketing is the engine that powers the customer journey. Different strategies come into play at each stage, helping to guide and nurture potential customers along the way:
Awareness Stage: Use SEO, social media, and content marketing to get on their radar. Think of this as your first impression—it needs to be strong and memorable.
Consideration Stage: Keep them engaged with email marketing, targeted ads, and valuable content like blog posts or webinars. This is where you build a connection.
Decision Stage: Optimize your website for conversions with clear CTAs, easy navigation, and trust signals like testimonials or money-back guarantees.
Retention Stage: Stay top-of-mind with follow-up emails, personalized offers, and excellent customer service. Your goal is to make them feel valued.
Advocacy Stage: Encourage and reward customers who shout out your brand. Whether it’s a referral program or showcasing user-generated content, make it easy for them to share their love for you.
Mapping the Customer Journey
To really nail your strategy, you need to map out your customer’s journey. Identify the key moments where they interact with your brand and use data to understand their behavior. Tools like Google Analytics and customer surveys can help you get a clear picture. Once you have this map, you can tailor your marketing efforts to meet your customers where they are, making their journey smoother and more enjoyable.
Final Thoughts
The customer journey isn’t just a series of steps; it’s a dynamic process that reflects how real people interact with your brand. By understanding and optimizing this journey, you’re not just making sales—you’re building relationships. And in the world of digital marketing, those relationships are what will set you apart.
So, the next time you’re planning a campaign, think about where your customers are in their journey. Meet them there, guide them forward, and watch as they turn from curious prospects into loyal advocates for your brand. 🌟
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Email Marketing Masterclass: Build & Expand Your Email List – The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Email Marketing
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Welcome to the Email Marketing Masterclass: Build & Expand Your Email List! Whether you're a beginner or an expert, mastering the art of email marketing is crucial for any successful digital marketing strategy. At Korshub, we promote top-notch Udemy courses to help you advance your skills and achieve your marketing goals. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential steps and strategies to build and expand your email list, ensuring you reach your target audience effectively.
Why Email Marketing Matters
Email marketing remains one of the most powerful tools for connecting with your audience. With a return on investment (ROI) of approximately $42 for every $1 spent, it's no wonder that businesses of all sizes are leveraging this strategy. By mastering email marketing, you can directly reach your customers, foster relationships, and drive conversions.
Understanding the Basics: What is Email Marketing?
Email marketing is the practice of sending targeted email campaigns to a group of people who have expressed interest in your products, services, or content. These campaigns can include newsletters, promotional offers, product launches, and more. The goal is to keep your audience engaged, informed, and motivated to take action.
Building Your Email List: The Foundation of Success
One of the most important aspects of email marketing is building a quality email list. Without a strong list of subscribers, your efforts will fall flat. Let's explore the best practices for building and expanding your email list.
1. Create Compelling Lead Magnets
A lead magnet is an irresistible offer that encourages people to subscribe to your email list. It could be a free eBook, checklist, webinar, or any valuable resource that your audience finds useful. Ensure your lead magnet aligns with the interests of your target audience and provides them with actionable insights.
2. Optimize Your Signup Forms
Your signup form is the gateway to your email list. Make it simple, clear, and visually appealing. Place it in strategic locations on your website, such as the header, footer, or pop-up windows. Include persuasive copy that highlights the benefits of subscribing.
3. Leverage Social Media Platforms
Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your email list. Share your lead magnets and signup forms across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Engage with your audience and encourage them to join your list for exclusive content and updates.
Expanding Your Email List: Advanced Strategies
Once you've built a solid foundation, it's time to focus on expanding your email list. These advanced strategies will help you reach a larger audience and grow your subscriber base.
1. Implement Referral Programs
A referral program incentivizes your existing subscribers to refer friends and family to join your email list. Offer rewards like discounts, freebies, or exclusive access to content for every successful referral. This not only expands your list but also strengthens your relationship with your current subscribers.
2. Host Webinars and Virtual Events
Webinars and virtual events are excellent ways to attract new subscribers. Promote your event through various channels and require attendees to sign up with their email addresses. During the event, provide valuable insights that encourage participants to stay subscribed.
3. Collaborate with Influencers and Partners
Partnering with influencers and other businesses in your niche can help you reach a broader audience. Collaborate on joint ventures, such as co-hosting webinars or creating joint lead magnets. This cross-promotion exposes your brand to new potential subscribers.
Crafting Effective Email Campaigns
Building and expanding your email list is just the beginning. To keep your subscribers engaged and loyal, you need to craft effective email campaigns that resonate with your audience.
1. Personalization is Key
Personalization goes beyond just using the subscriber's name in the email. Segment your list based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Send targeted content that speaks directly to the needs and preferences of each segment.
2. Create Compelling Subject Lines
Your subject line is the first thing your subscribers see, and it determines whether they will open your email. Craft compelling subject lines that are clear, concise, and create a sense of urgency or curiosity.
3. Use A/B Testing
A/B testing allows you to compare different versions of your emails to see which one performs better. Test elements like subject lines, call-to-action buttons, and email design to optimize your campaigns continuously.
Measuring Success: Key Metrics to Track
To ensure your Email Marketing Masterclass: Build & Expand Your Email List is successful, you need to track key metrics. Monitoring these metrics will help you understand what's working and where you need to improve.
1. Open Rates
The open rate is the percentage of subscribers who open your emails. A high open rate indicates that your subject lines are effective and that your audience is engaged.
Top keywords: improve email open rates, email marketing metrics, track email performance.
2. Click-Through Rates (CTR)
The click-through rate (CTR) measures how many subscribers clicked on a link within your email. This metric helps you gauge the effectiveness of your content and call-to-action.
3. Conversion Rates
The conversion rate tracks how many subscribers completed a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a webinar. This metric is crucial for measuring the ROI of your email campaigns.
4. Unsubscribe Rates
The unsubscribe rate indicates the percentage of subscribers who opted out of your email list. A high unsubscribe rate may suggest that your content is not meeting subscribers' expectations.
Advanced Techniques for List Maintenance
Maintaining a healthy email list is essential for long-term success. Regularly clean your list, remove inactive subscribers, and ensure your content remains relevant and valuable.
1. Regularly Clean Your Email List
Over time, your email list may accumulate inactive subscribers who no longer engage with your content. Regularly clean your email list by removing these inactive subscribers to maintain a high deliverability rate.
2. Re-Engagement Campaigns
If you notice a drop in engagement, consider running a re-engagement campaign to win back inactive subscribers. Offer special incentives, such as discounts or exclusive content, to encourage them to re-engage with your emails.
Conclusion: Mastering Email Marketing for Success
Mastering email marketing is essential for any business looking to grow its audience, drive conversions, and build lasting relationships with customers. By following the strategies outlined in this Email Marketing Masterclass: Build & Expand Your Email List, you'll be well on your way to achieving email marketing success.
At Korshub, we are committed to helping you reach your goals by promoting the best Udemy courses available. Whether you're just starting or looking to expand your skills, our recommended courses will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to excel in email marketing. Take the next step in your marketing journey and start building an email list that delivers results.
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outbursthubnj · 2 months
Transform Your Space with Expert Bathroom Remodeling in Spring Lake
Are you a homeowner in Spring Lake ready to give your bathroom a facelift? Or perhaps you're a DIY enthusiast looking for your next big project? Maybe you just love interior design and are constantly seeking ways to enhance your home's aesthetics. Whatever your motivation, this blog post is for you. We'll explore the world of bathroom remodeling in Spring Lake, sharing tips, tricks, and expert advice to help you create the bathroom of your dreams. Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about transforming your space.
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Why Consider Bathroom Remodeling in Spring Lake?
Remodeling your bathroom is one of the best investments you can make for your home. Not only can it increase your property's value, but it also enhances your daily living experience. Imagine starting each day in a beautiful, functional space that meets all your needs. Plus, bathroom remodeling in Spring Lake means you can incorporate the latest design trends and technologies tailored to the local aesthetic.
Boost Your Home's Value
One of the primary reasons homeowners undertake bathroom remodeling in Spring Lake is to boost their property's value. A well-executed bathroom renovation can offer a return on investment (ROI) of up to 70%. Potential buyers are often willing to pay more for a home with a modern, updated bathroom, making this project a smart financial decision.
Enhance Functionality and Comfort
A bathroom remodel allows you to reconfigure the layout to better suit your needs. Whether you need more storage space, a larger shower, or a double vanity, remodeling gives you the opportunity to create a space that truly works for you. Upgrading fixtures and materials can also improve comfort and usability.
Stay Current with Design Trends
Interior design trends are constantly evolving, and bathroom remodeling in Spring Lake lets you incorporate the latest styles. From sleek, minimalist designs to luxurious, spa-like retreats, you can transform your bathroom into a space that reflects your personal style and the latest trends.
Planning Your Bathroom Remodel
Proper planning is essential for a successful bathroom remodel. From setting a budget to choosing materials, here's how to get started.
Set a Budget
Before you begin, determine how much you're willing to spend on your bathroom remodel. This will help guide your decisions and ensure you stay within your financial limits. Be sure to factor in a contingency fund for unexpected expenses.
Define Your Goals
What do you want to achieve with your bathroom remodel? Whether it's improving functionality, updating the design, or increasing storage, having clear goals will help you make informed decisions throughout the process.
Choose a Style
Decide on a design style that suits your taste and complements the rest of your home. Consider factors like color schemes, materials, and fixtures. Popular styles for bathroom remodeling in Spring Lake include modern, traditional, and coastal-inspired designs.
Choosing the Best Bathroom Remodelers in Spring Lake
Finding the right professionals for your bathroom remodel is crucial to the project's success. Here are some tips to help you choose the best bathroom remodelers in Spring Lake.
Do Your Research
Start by researching local contractors online. Look for companies with positive reviews and an extensive portfolio of completed projects. Websites like Houzz and Angie's List can provide valuable insights into a contractor's reputation and quality of work.
Ask for Recommendations
Word-of-mouth recommendations are invaluable when choosing a bathroom remodeler. Ask friends, family, and neighbors if they have any suggestions. Personal referrals can provide firsthand information about the contractor's reliability, professionalism, and craftsmanship.
Verify Credentials
Ensure the contractor you choose is licensed, insured, and bonded. This protects you in case of accidents or damages during the project. Additionally, check for any industry certifications or memberships in professional organizations, as these can indicate a commitment to quality and ongoing education.
Selecting Materials and Fixtures
The materials and fixtures you choose can make or break your bathroom remodel. Here's what to consider when making your selections.
When selecting flooring for your bathroom, consider durability, water resistance, and aesthetics. Popular options include ceramic tile, porcelain tile, and vinyl. Each material has its pros and cons, so choose one that fits your needs and budget.
Bathroom countertops should be both functional and stylish. Quartz, granite, and marble are popular choices due to their durability and timeless appeal. Consider your budget and maintenance requirements when selecting a countertop material.
Upgrading your bathroom fixtures can have a significant impact on the overall look and feel of the space. Choose high-quality faucets, showerheads, and lighting that complement your design style. Energy-efficient options can also help reduce water and electricity usage.
Tips for a Smooth Remodeling Process
A successful bathroom remodel requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips to ensure a smooth process.
Communicate with Your Contractor
Open communication with your contractor is essential for a successful remodel. Discuss your goals, budget, and timeline upfront, and maintain regular check-ins throughout the project.
Prepare for Disruptions
A bathroom remodel can be disruptive to your daily routine. Plan for temporary inconveniences, such as limited access to your bathroom, and make alternative arrangements if needed.
Stay Flexible
Unexpected issues can arise during a remodel, so it's essential to stay flexible and adapt as needed. Having a contingency fund in your budget can help cover any unforeseen expenses.
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highpointct · 3 months
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Affordable Social Media Marketing Solutions in Simsbury CT: Reach More Customers
Social media marketing is becoming an essential tool for businesses looking to boost their online presence in the digital age. Using social media can help your Simsbury, Connecticut business soar by improving engagement and promoting growth. This book delves into practical strategies for increasing your reach using Simsbury, Connecticut, social media marketing.
Social Media Marketing: The Authority
Social media platforms are thriving hubs of activity where users communicate, share, and connect with content. Using these platforms allows companies in Simsbury, Connecticut to reach more people and build a community around their brand. Making intriguing and relevant content will help you attract potential clients and encourage them to interact with your organization.
Creating an effective social media strategy includes understanding your target audience, creating specific goals, and selecting relevant channels. Every platform—Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn—provides unique benefits that may be suitable for your company's objectives. Maintaining an active and intriguing social media profile relies heavily on consistency and imagination.
Local SEO Service CT: Benefits
Although social media marketing will broaden your reach, integrating it with CT's local SEO services will make your efforts far more effective. Local SEO generates natural traffic to your website and social media pages by allowing your firm to appear in relevant local searches. Optimizing your online content for local search terms such as "Social Media Marketing in Simsbury CT" and "Local SEO Service CT" will increase your visibility to local clients who are actively looking for your products or services.
Developing a Strong Online Profile
Any firm that wants to succeed in today's competitive economy must have a strong online presence. Here's how you establish and maintain an effective social media marketing plan:
Any great marketing strategy begins with identifying your target audience and understanding their needs. Market research can help you learn about the demographics, interests, and behaviors of potential Simsbury, CT customers.
Create engaging content because content is king on social media. Create visually appealing and engaging posts alongside instructional ones. Combining graphics, videos, and written materials will help you keep your audience engaged and returning for more content.
Using local hashtags such as #SimsburyCT or #ConnecticutBusiness allows you to reach a more specific audience. This simplifies the search and following of your firm by local residents.
Social media is all about interaction, so engage with your audience. Respond to reviews, letters, and comments right away. Involving your audience fosters loyalty and community, which can result in referrals and repeat business.
Analyze and adapt: Regularly review your social media output to determine what works and what doesn't. Track your progress and make any plan revisions utilizing the insights and analytics capabilities provided by social media networks.
Including Social Media in Local SEO
Integrating your social media marketing campaigns with local SEO services in Connecticut will help you expand your reach. These guidelines can help you accomplish this successfully:
Make sure your social media profiles, which include your address, phone number, and working hours, are fully optimized with accurate company information. This consistency across all platforms improves your local search results.
Posting about local events, news, and activities in Simsbury, Connecticut engages your audience while also improving your local SEO. This tailored content informs search engines that your organization is relevant to the surrounding community.
Positive reviews on local directories such as Google My Business and social media will help you establish credibility and improve your local SEO rankings. Motivated consumers to submit evaluations and respond fast.
Link building: Promote your social media posts on your website and vice versa. This generates backlinks, which may improve the search engine optimization of your website. Make sure your website's content is searchable with terms like "Social Media Marketing in Simsbury CT" and "Local SEO Service CT."
Combining effective local SEO strategies with social media marketing will allow Simsbury, CT businesses to significantly expand their reach and attract more local customers. To keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape, be consistent, communicate with your audience, and constantly adjust your goals.
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malemanniesofla · 3 months
Choosing The Right Care: How To Find A Top Rated Nanny Agency
Finding a top rated nanny agency can make all the difference in ensuring your child receives the best care possible. Whether you’re a busy parent returning to work or seeking reliable childcare assistance, selecting the right agency involves careful consideration and research. Here’s a full guide to help you to find the top rated nanny agency that meets your family requirements.
Defining of a top rated nanny agency
A top rated nanny agency typically has a strong reputation built on years of experience and positive feedback from satisfied families. Seek for agencies that have a track record of successfully placing reliable and competent nannies.
Screening process
The best agencies prioritize safely and reliability by conducting thorough background checks, reference verifications, and often, interviews with potential nannies. This ensures that only qualified candidates are recommended to families.
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Personalized matchmaking
Each family is unique, and a top rated agency understands this. They take the time to understand your specific childcare needs, preferences, and scheduling requirements to match you with nannies whop fit your criteria.
Transparent fees and policies
Clear communication about fees, contracts, and policies is essential. Top rated agencies are upfront about their rates, any additional charges, and the terms of service, ensuring transparency from the outset.
Key considerations when choosing a nanny agency
Define your requirements
Are you looking to establish whether you require full-time, part-time, live-in, or occasional childcare? Doing so can assist in narrowing down agencies that focus on your desired type of care.
Interview potential agencies
Treat the beginning consultation with agencies like a job interview. Ask about their screening process, how they handle emergencies, and what support they offer post placement.
Ask for recommendations
Look for recommendations from friends, family, or local parenting groups. Personal referrals often lead to discovering hidden gems among nanny agencies.
Top rated nanny agencies across countries
Los Angeles
Mannies of L.A
Renowned for their extensive vetting procedures and dedication to matching families with experienced nannies who align with their values.
First class care
Specializing in professional nanny placements, this agency is praised for its comprehensive background checks and ongoing support. Choosing a top rated nanny agency involves agency involves research, thoughtful consideration of your family’s need, and trust agency’s ability to deliver exceptional childcare services. By prioritizing reputation, thorough screening processes, personalized matchmaking, and ongoing support, you can confidently select a top rated nanny agency that ensures your child’s safety, wellbeing, and development are in capable hands.   
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amzonlinearbitrage · 3 months
Getting Started with OA Amazon: A Beginner’s Guide
OA Amazon, or online arbitrage on Amazon, is an excellent way for beginners to start an e-commerce business. This guide will walk you through the steps to get started with online arbitrage on Amazon, from setting up your account to making your first sale.
What is OA Amazon?
OA Amazon involves buying products from online retailers and reselling them on Amazon for a profit. It’s a simple and accessible business model for newcomers to e-commerce.
Steps to Get Started
Create an Amazon Seller Account: Sign up for an individual or professional seller account on Amazon. A professional account is recommended if you plan to sell more than 40 items per month.
Research and Select Products: Use product research tools to find profitable items with high demand and low competition.
Source Products: Purchase products from online retailers like Walmart, Target, and eBay.
List Your Products on Amazon: Create optimized product listings with detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and relevant keywords.
Fulfill Orders: Choose between Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) to handle shipping and logistics.
Tools and Resources for Success
Product Research Tools: Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and Tactical Arbitrage are essential for finding profitable products.
Price Tracking Tools: Keepa and CamelCamelCamel help you track price history and fluctuations.
Inventory Management Tools: Use tools like InventoryLab and Sellbrite to manage your stock efficiently.
Tips for Beginners
Start Small: Begin with a limited budget and gradually scale your business as you gain experience.
Learn Continuously: Stay updated on market trends, Amazon policies, and new strategies through online courses, blogs, and forums.
Focus on Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service to build a positive reputation and avoid negative reviews.
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
Overpaying for Inventory: Ensure your purchase price allows for a profitable margin after all costs.
Ignoring Amazon Fees: Calculate all fees, including referral fees, FBA fees, and storage fees, to ensure profitability.
Neglecting Product Quality: Only source high-quality products to avoid returns and negative reviews.
Starting with OA Amazon can be a rewarding venture for beginners. By following this guide, using the right tools, and continuously learning, you can build a successful online arbitrage business on Amazon.
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sidehustleincome · 4 months
Home Business Ideas
Looking for the latest Home business ideas in India to get started in 2024? Here is the ultimate list, created keeping several factors in consideration, including:
Start these from the comfort of your home
Little to no investment is needed
Low entry barrier
Highly profitable
Requires little to no training
Requires little hands-on inventory or supply management
Based online
Doesn’t require a large team initially
Let us get started!
1. Network Marketing/MLM
Network marketing is one of the top work-from-home ideas in India if you want to be your own boss without taking on the responsibilities of starting your own business.
In business, network marketing is based on person-to-person sales of a product or service. It entails forming a group of individuals who will collaborate to deliver the product’s message to many potential clients. These teams’ leaders are rewarded for the items they or their team members sell.
Multilevel, referral and direct consumer marketing are other terms for it.
You’ll be able to work from home and set your hours, offering you immense flexibility like entrepreneurs while avoiding the pitfalls. Another benefit of this is that you will learn skills that you may apply in any future activity, like building relationships, making presentations, leading a team, and effective follow-through.
You can begin your network marketing career by joining an established firm. You’ll usually get a “starting kit” with promotional materials, resources, and other items to get you started. Initially, you will work under a sponsor who will show you the ropes, educate you, and provide industry tips.
You’ll be ready to start selling your product once you’ve learned everything there is to know about it. The majority of network marketing in business is done in person. So, allow your enthusiasm to shine through, and use your communication abilities to establish rapport and pique people’s interest in your goods.
2. Catering
People with exceptional cooking abilities might capitalise on their talents by establishing a home-based catering service. A home-based catering business can be an exciting introduction to culinary entrepreneurship, with fewer initial costs than a restaurant and the opportunity to select your working hours and meals!
Starting a catering business from home in India is not very expensive because there is no requirement for a brick-and-mortar, “customer-facing” venue. It is a terrific way to augment or replace your full-time income without having to invest a lot of money.
Catering enterprises can be run full-time or part-time from home. Depending on how much initial capital you are ready to put into setting it up, you can opt for a small or large business.
If you’re just starting, consider experimenting with local food markets and catering for small events. You can begin with small catering events you can manage on your own or with a couple of volunteers to see whether a catering business is right for you.
While there is no definite recipe for a profitable home catering service, a sprinkling of culinary expertise, dedication, and composure under pressure can go a long way.
3. Online Tutoring
If you have marketable skills or knowledge and a knack for teaching, think about imparting your wisdom online and get paid for it in return! You may not realise it, but many people are eager to learn the skills you possess.
Courses such as music, advanced marketing, sewing, DIY, languages, math, science, and business are among the most popular to be taught online. However, there are no restrictions on what you can teach. You only need a laptop, a stable internet connection and a passion for teaching.
In online education, you can determine the size of your class. They could be one-on-one or small group classes. You can also choose how long you will spend in each class.
You can pace the course however you like, whether it’s two hours of classes per week or an all-day teaching session.
Numerous online teaching marketplaces will assist you in connecting with students and managing your classes. You will also need to develop a syllabus and a lesson plan for any skill you intend to teach. One such great option is to become a Q&A expert at Chegg.
You will get the opportunity to earn money by solving student doubts from all around the world. Gain global academic exposure and meet specialists from various fields to develop a strong peer network and a successful career path.
4. Sell Handmade Products; One Of The Top Most Home Business Ideas
If you enjoy making crafts, art, or other items at home, you may monitize your skills by selling the items you create. These products can be made in your house, a studio, a workshop, or a commercial kitchen and sold from home.
You could, for example, choose to:
Make candles
Make Jewellery
Create works of art
Create and sew garments
Knit sweaters and blankets
Make wooden furniture
Selling homemade goods is a great way to transform a hobby into a work-from-home business, no matter what you like to make. Such one-of-a-kind, handcrafted items are always in high demand. Once your company begins to flourish, you might consider scaling up your business to make higher profits.
Are you unsure where you can sell them? There are two primary methods for starting to sell handcrafted things online:
Sell on a marketplace like Etsy.
Make your online store with a platform such as Shopify.
Although the competition is severe, the market is vast. You can manage the majority of the manufacturing process if you make the products yourself. This means you can use many methods to reduce costs, increase quality, and even personalise them to unique consumer requirements.
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