#what's your current relationship with god? i'm very curious lmao
lesbiancolumbo · 8 months
(if you dont want to answer this then def dont) I am really curious about your thoughts on the latest scorsese. I've mostly been avoiding all the responses because I'm Inuk and I just don't have the fucking energy for another article churned out by a white person who doesn't give a shit. But I guess my current view is that if this is a story Scorsese really wanted to see told, he should have just supported a Native director to make it from their perspective. Hasn't he directed enough movies lmao
i'm not really going to wade too much into the "scorsese should have just supported a native director" debate since i'm not native and that's not my lane, but i think it's a reasonable desire albeit a little devoid of the unfortunate realities of this industry, which is that even a guy like martin, who is one of the most well-known and well-regarded filmmakers ever, struggled for years to get this made and that films that are from a native filmmaker's perspective are getting a tenth of the budget and buried in release (lily gives a better performance in a film called fancy dance, which i saw at sundance and is a wonderful film, and as far as i can tell, it literally does not even have US distribution yet). so i get it, i don't disagree per se, but i also get why he wanted to use his name and his clout to get this particular project off the ground.
staying in my own lane, my criticisms are mostly with the ways the film looks and how it's adapted from the source material. i think the story is compelling and it's a point in history that needed telling, but the script really takes a lot of the wind out of its own sails by giving the answer to its key question away almost immediately. i haven't read the source material but from what i do know, i think this is kinda the inevitable conclusion of wanting to have your cake and eat it too (having the dicaprio and deniro characters as the primary relationship featured in the film). the structure and pacing of the film are very messy, and i'll be honest.... i expect more visually from a "master" like martin. i expect better from the man everyone compares to a god. his last two movies look flat and boring visually. i also think dicaprio is in a different movie from everyone else, performance wise. he gives way too much at all times, it's distracting and feels tonally off with what everyone else (aside from the recent oscar winner in the cast, who i'm not even gonna dignify with a name lol) is trying to do.
the positives for me are that lily and all the other indigenous actors are insanely good in their roles, but comparatively their roles are just not as weighty compared to dicaprio and de niro. but i'll be honest..... mostly i'm just annoyed in the ways that like we seem to put our head in the sand where martin's work is concerned. like we can't acknowledge that he's not a god, he is merely a man and a flawed one at that. he can stumble and make movies that are flawed, that are (gasps) not that good. but it's the way that the critics and community are just putting their hands over their ears and going this is a masterpiece i don't wanna hear otherwise it's marty, that's pee paw, argue with the wall...... like ok. i hate the way we talk about him, it has grinded my gears for a really long time, and to be honest i'm not shocked that mollie's presence in this film is minimal compared to her male counterparts because marty's track record for women in his movies is..... no one wants to say this but i'm not afraid of the losers on film twitter who prop up two (!!!!!) movies with women who are exceptions to the rule, PISS FUCKING POOR.
so to summarize.... i don't hate the movie at all. it's definitely worth a watch, it has a lot of good things in there, but it's not a masterpiece, it's not his masterpiece, and if you really love scorsese you have to grapple with his failings and his shortcomings. i think they're very apparent in this movie, and it's neither good nor bad. it simply is.
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papirouge · 5 months
My sister is really into watching trad wife content like classically Abby? I think that’s her name. I don’t really know who is she. But my sister basically changed her whole personality to follow this woman’s life advice
Turns out though as I learned, her brother is Ben Shapro (that guy that talks weird and made that video about the WAP song and how his wife never got wet for sex , not sure if he was joking because his voice is just very flat) But they’re both very supportive of Zionism and my sister began defending Israel and the genocide in Gaza because of this. Im currently not talking to her because she’s been so disgusting towards Palestinians
If she's under 25, consider this like a fad, like the meninist nlogs of the early 2010s. And like meninist they will come around as they age and cringe when looking back at it lol
The trad movement is just the pendulum shifting back from the mid 2010 #girlboss era. You can bet that in a few years from now, a new version of glirboss will pop out as an opposition to the trad/anti feminist movement and its consequences. I'm very curious where those women will be. Either washed out from their toxic relationship dynamics, bitter for still being not picked (à la Pearl and other MRA girls). I'm sure gen alpha will see this mess and be like "maaan I do not want to be like that, I want to be a free and emancipated woman!!" ....and the pendulum will shift again. Rinse and repeat.
If she's older than that well.... there's not much you can do for her. One of the perks of aging is realizing you can't save everyone and that other people's mistakes (yes, even family members) aren't your responsibility and that's ok.
I have very complicated relationship with one of my sister and very seldomly interact with her and I'm fine with that.
Ben Shapiro is a Jew so it's not surprising for him to root for Israel imo. His DailyWire drama with Candace Owen and how they dropped the ball on her was very entertaining to watch lol I think it's extremely telling that those folks had no issue with her dunking on Blacks, and supporting Kanye "slavery was choice" West, but God forbid being remotely critical of Israel 👀
FYI Kanye backtracked his statements about the Jewish community lmao I mean, homebro has ugly sneakers to sell, he knows what he's doing.... 🙃 still no excuses to the Black community for his slavery comments though #iykyk
A moment of silence for all the people who genuinely believed he was born again after his Christian era. Dude got back to his vomit in a QUICKNESS smh
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smeemp · 19 days
What was it like being raised pagan? Curious. What sort of religious practice did that involve? How do your parents feel about you exploring other religions? What strand of paganism was it?
thanks for asking!! :D
I was raised in a sort of weird Buddhist-chaote-something mix. I never was actually aware until I was older that I was raised pagan due to the fact at the time my town was physically violent about it.
My parents were both raised Christian (My mom luthern Missouri senate and my father Baptist) so I was still raised with those values.
My mom was and still is a kind of interesting mix of religion. I was raised more with my dad's side, but my mom knew there was some sort of god, and told me that everything was separated by different realms. She believed that all of the good people went to higher ones meanwhile everyone else stayed here, and that ours would slowly burn to the ground.
My dad was an atheist Chaote. When I say atheist, he didn't deny god, he just hadn't been shown any proof that there was one in his opinion. Also, he crashed an entire atheist Reddit and had a bounty put on him for like 4 years
His mother was a tarot reader, so he grew up around it a bit more than my mom. His mom was first generation in the US, but he was never taught about any Scottish religious stuff. They were not strict Christians, they just kind of showed up to church, and they stopped once his mom died if I remember properly.
My 'dad' has an entire blog for his experience with it so I'll send it to you if you want!
Nowadays, he's Christian. He doesn't do much tarot anymore due to the fact that he's realized that all of the answers he's gotten about himself have been negative, and he'd rather not know. Recently he did it because he had an entity following him around and it just turned out our downstairs neighbor had died a few months ago and he didn't know he was dead yet. He's had a weird relationship with God, but I think he's really happy as a Christian! He is non-denominational and hates (most) churches, and most other Christians specifically in my town.
Chaos (or Kaos) is little known to most people, it's involved with the belief that with enough mental servitude, you can do any spells, and our components are just to trick our heads into doing it, plus some. It was originally put forward in Peter Carroll - Liber Kaos, so you can do more looking into that part if you want!
I'm not quite sure how much my upbringing differed, to be honest. I wasn't taught much about Christianity like, at all. All I heard about it was some snip-bits from my friends. I remember being taught about auras and all of the STRANGE stuff my mom has seen in the occult.
There also was 'The Dark Man' which was a very specific situation that I don't know much about and I don't ask about due to it. More information is in my dad's blog, I haven't read it yet since my 'dad' who wrote that is not my current dad.
I'd see the man from time to time, but as the situation went he went. It's ironically one of the only things I remember from my early childhood.
When I was about 8-9 was when my parents decided I was old enough to start actually learning about it more. As my dad puts it, 'once you light the candle, it never goes out.' so they wanted to wait until I was older.
I was a paranoid kid so I took 3 squishy snoms and talked to my friend through steam throughout my entire first spell. It did not go well, as one would expect lmao. There is something following me after that spell but it's not causing much harm to me so I'm not worrying about it too much.
After that, I took a bit of a step away as any sane person would. I started reading tarot during mid-pandemic I think? Somewhere around there.
I got a lot of juicy stuff out of it, and I had the same problem as my dad in the way that I'd just rather not know what it was telling me.
So, I took a break from it for a while. I spent a while looking into Judaism, and I went to my friends church with her. I stopped going because the teacher was weirdly hostile toward me, and once I stopped going my friend ghosted me.
I ended up donating most of my spell stuff to my friend K, and last I knew he's very happy with it, so I don't regret taking a step away from it. That was also around when my dad decided to quit for good, he was just tired of it.
Nowadays I do mostly readings for friends and life advice for myself. I don't like to dabble in spells because in my opinion, that's changing fate, and I do not think that's ok. The most I do is protection spells since I'm paranoid and also people are crazy even in this circle TRUST.
I'm looking into meditation a bit more and I'm trying to read up on a lot of stuff. I don't really like labels too much so I don't try to keep my belief set to a specific religion, so I believe in the chaos stuff, and practices of Buddhism, and I think there might be something going on with god up there.
We celebrated most Christian/luthern holidays, easter, palms, Christmas, all that stuff. We didn't base it around god clearly, but we based it around spending time with family and just leaving our woes behind for a day. My parents would also typically go on a diet during lent, but I'm 13 (I turn 14 in like a week) so they don't tell me to. They did it mostly to challenge themselves and try and make themselves better.
My mom also used to celebrate winter solstice with a yule log when I was a lot younger, but as her chronic illnesses caught up she sort of stopped with it.
So, yeah! :D sorry if any of it is vague, I'm always open to more questions but that's my experience! I've found that most peoples experiences are a lot different from each other so this is just my side of things.
EDIT: sorry I forgot the last part lmao. My dad has studied any religion you can think of. Christan denominations, Hindu, Wicca, anything you can think of. He actually encouraged me to! My mom doesn't care about it much. I try not to talk to her about it since she gets really angry and defensive about most things lol.
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in-the-whisper · 4 years
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I’m sorry if this sounds incomprehensible and rambly and disjointed or pretentious. I care a lot more about this than almost anything else in the world and I wish I could do a better job of explaining myself. But I feel like why I believe in God or what my relationship with him is like is like trying to explain who I am. And I’m just the accumulation of everything I’ve ever experienced or that I think and I feel like it’s really important that I communicate it correctly so here is my attempt.
Here’s a video that’s really good that I think will give some good background information. If you don’t want to read all of this, the video is probably enough to explain.
TLDR: This isn’t the way things are supposed to be. Death isn’t supposed to happen, it isn’t a part of the natural order of things. God loved us so much he died to fix it, and rose again to defeat death. God loves me and I love him, and I’ve never found peace or fulfillment like that in anything else.
I hope this makes sense anon let me know if you have any questions or if I misinterpreted your question.
TW suicide // grief // abuse // rape mention (not v bad or graphic or anything)
Long version:
I think I've always thought that there's something naturally (for lack of a better word) poetic about existing. Not really meaning that it's good, but kind of that everything feels really purposeful it seems to flow together like an old epic. Everything seems intensely meaningful to me.
I've always thought that life was tragic. That death is a fracture in the way things are, like we live in the ancient ruins of a long lost civilization.
And I've always thought that life seems like an incomprehensibly wonderful gift, because how can there be tragedy if there isn't anything worth losing? But somehow it seems like peace is the basic way things are, that normalcy isn't normal at all but like this status quo of goodness which makes bad things happening not only heart breaking but surprising.
Reconciling all of those ideas is really confusing.
I'm a strong proponent of thinking analytically about what you believe since the answer we choose to the question of whether or not God exists is like quite literally something we bet our lives on. We bet our life that God exists or that he doesn't, that things have meaning anchored in an external source or that they don't.
So while I grew up a Christian I've never felt really dead in it. I want to be uncomfortable. I want to be stubborn in asking questions and I don't have a problem with questioning authorities on why they believe what they believe—especially if they really confidently assert it. I want to be able to know things and understand them.
My junior year of high school three of my closest childhood friends died, and several others almost died. I remember sitting up at like two am listening to twenty one pilots self titled album just like seething and exhausted asking lord why would you abandon me like that?
Some other really horrible things happened to people that I cared about, I felt abandoned and rejected by Christians just for being broken, some of them caused it or contributed to the trauma and abuse. How could people who claimed the name of God do that?
My debate partner's best friend killed himself the same year that my friends died, and he became an atheist and I stayed a Christian. We fought about it a lot. I really seriously considered becoming an atheist.
The thing that I couldn't accept was the lack of eternality.
Really ironically I think I stayed a Christian for the same reason that my friend became an atheist. We were both asking why all of the living world is crying out in anguish. We both wanted to die. We both were angry. We both were horrified.
My friend thought that the question of “where is God?” was harder to answer than “why is there meaning to death?”
I'm a Christian because I'm horrified. He's an atheist for the same reason.
If you don’t feel like reading it, here’s the TLDR: there is no reason for someone to do something or not do something if God isn’t there to tell them to. There isn’t a moral grounding for law.
Arthur Leff was an atheist law professor at Yale in the eighties, and he wrote about the moral grounding for laws in his essay, Unspeakable Ethics, Unnatural Law. The question he was asking was what can we do to ground morality? What can we do to prove objectively that there are things one ought to do and things one ought not do?
I am unwilling to accept that. There is something evil about abuse, neglect, rape, torture. There is something about these things that violates human rights, human dignity. There's something about them that goes against objective moral law.
But without God there is no moral law. So I wouldn't be able to say, "you should never rape someone, because rape is wrong." And everything that I had experienced flew in the face of that.
Dr. Leff wrote this about that question;
“All I can say is this: it looks as if we are all we have. Given what we know about ourselves and each other, this is an extraordinarily unappetizing prospect; looking around the world, it appears that if all men are brothers, the ruling model is Cain and Abel. Neither reason, nor love, nor even terror, seems to have worked to make us "good," and worse than that, there is no reason why anything should. Only if ethics were something unspeakable by us, could law be unnatural, and therefore unchallengeable. As things now stand, everything is up for grabs.
Napalming babies is bad.
Starving the poor is wicked.
Buying and selling each other is depraved.
Those who stood up to and died resisting Hitler, Stalin, Amin, and Pol Pot-and General Custer too-have earned salvation.
Those who acquiesced deserve to be damned.
There is in the world such a thing as evil.
[All together now:] Sez who?
God help us.”
In the end, it comes down to this; Do I believe that the complexity of the universe is because there was someone intelligent actively involved in its design, do I believe that information, reason, logic, emotion, and morality exist and are reliable because they have grounding in God’s identity? Do I believe that God is who he says he is?
And I guess the answer to those questions was yes.
I saw God. He was there in the stillness - in the sunrise and sunset and at 2 am after I couldn't cry anymore. I felt him. And I know part of his goodness that I wish I never had to know. I felt like I was lying breathless bleeding out in a gutter watching the stars. Almost like a pause - just a moment in time where I was hurt enough, still enough to hear his voice.
One of the most important things I learned is that life is not hopeless.  If life is a story, then the last chapter of the book has already been written. This is the premise of the song It is Well with My Soul by Horatio G. Spafford.
“When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, God has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, o my soul”
The powers of evil and darkness can take away my friends, my sanity, my family, and even my life, but God has already saved me, and I can find peace in spite of my circumstances. Three of my friends died, but God has already conquered death. I feel powerless, but God is powerful. I feel abandoned, but God loves me so much that he died a horrible torturous death for me. Living in light of that is peace.
Whenever I felt like I couldn’t keep going there would be something to stop me. I heard his voice in music, and in my friends that held me when I cried, and in morning glories on my morning walk. I kept lists of all of the times this happened, every time that someone encouraged me to keep going, every time that someone would quote a Bible verse when I was crying out for God to answer me, every time that the world paused. Everything asked me the same question, do you think it means nothing? Do you think that there is a direction that we’re going? Are we coming from nothing and going toward nowhere?
I had friends who heard him too. He was so gentle to us. I wasn’t able to go to church, I wasn’t able to listen to worship music but the LGBTQ+ community took care of me, they were isolated from church as well. There was enough for me in that God promised he would take care of me, and he did. He died for me. He talked to my trans friend and said, “listen, your parents have rejected you and said you’ll never be your son, but I am a good father. I love you. Be my son instead.”
God mourned with me. He saw everything and he was angry. I was able to breathe because I knew that in the end there will be justice for abuse victims, because God said that he is the holder of justice, and vengeance will be his.
When one of my friends was hospitalized I stood outside during the beginning of a thunderstorm and watched the clouds and the sky darken and lightning flash across the sky.
Even the wind and the sea obey him. He asked me if I trust him.
I guess my answer was yes.
In spite of everything that I went through, I was more thoroughly convinced that I ever was before that things matter. I was convinced that abuse is evil. I was convinced that death is an abomination. I was convinced that these laws of morality are woven into the fabric of the universe. I was convinced that God died to save us from that reality. I was convinced he loved me.
I still am
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yannietarot · 2 years
Not a request but is it okay if I can express my emotions? :( I feel safe vibes from u because of ur replies from the people that asks u 😞 Cuz u know how some "readers" get rlly mad from getting hate & the way they address it isn't professional.. BTW I like ur tumblr layout! I used my laptop & I find it very simple yet cute 🥰 (lavender color is my fav!)
I found your channel & out of all the prediction channels I could find, you're one of the few channels that are I guess "honest" & "genuine". Since you showed ur cards and all that... I found these BTS saga for 8 months & I can't escape from it no matter how many times I tried to walk away.
It all started because I've been in a toxic situation in my life (relationship actually) & i used these predictions as my coping mechanism. I regret doing it... I'm currently in a process of healing ❤️‍🩹 These predictions always drains me a lot to the point that I'm becoming a selfish person.
BTS tarot is very interesting and intriguing, I never knew people will do these kinds of stuff lmao. The member that caught my attention was v because of how well developed his overall character was. He definitely change over the course of years and I'm proud of him & the other members :)
I always think to myself if the people who indulge themselves in predictions & the readers who always do readings abt a famous person (especially their FS) never get bored? I mean, some are just repetitive while others are mostly fake ://
That's what I've observed during those months. Idk if these stuff benefits them but for me it rlly doesn’t.. except the part wherein I get to know about "spirituality" "TF" etc.
Though I don't believe in TF since God had already made our souls being independent. I'll think of it as a higher soulmate instead! I'm kinda curious how JK & V got awaken from their TF journey since... JK has a TF thing years ago but V's was so recent!
I always think that he might met someone that is actually his TF cuz, u know.. If you met ur TF in person then u'll get awaken or some sht. Which is like that in V's case cuz wow, it started since April 2021 if I remember it correctly lol
But then if I mentioned it that way I ended up getting hate comments from "spiritual sassaengs" saying that V have never met them! 💀
I used to believe in these predictions not late until I noticed a "pattern" from it that feels fake. So I stop, because new "prediction channels" are spreading some fake readings while the real ones left. So it's rlly hard to find a good tarot reader in youtube (except in tumblr)
Honestly speaking, I'm not referring to u or to all readers, psychics, etc but predictions aren’t always 100% guruantee. No matter how "good" you are, you shouldn’t be proud of it cuz... Why would u be proud of the things that will happen to a person... a literal PERSON!
And saying it to people's faces "Look! See? I was right." uhmm.. I find it creepy ngl. It's like... they've been "anticipating" for these scenarios to happen to THAT person! They have their own life and feelings too :( It's bad
I feel like these tarot prediction-ish stuff is similar to STALKING now! Trying to find all those details is disturbing grrr. Like imagine they been wasting their time while the person they tryna channel are prolly living their best life & having someone by their side.
I might want to vent more but I want to ask for ur consent. Take care as always :)
Good evening/morning/afternoon!
srry for the late reply ahh. I've been very busy in both my life & the readings I need to finish TT P.S For the people who used the ask box but didn't got any reply from me, I'll try to finish these readings first:
1.) JM & JK Career Reading
2.) JM's FS 3.) V's Current Energy
Once I'm done with those, I'll try to accept another request!
Your message is long but I'll try my best to give you the answer you’re hoping for even though I'm not good in giving advices TT 1.) Thank you for liking my layout! haha I find it plain in my opinion! 2.) Awee :( I'm grateful enough that you feel safe in my little corner 🙇‍♀️
3.) Whatever situation you're currently dealing with, you'll be able to overcome it! Don't give up yet and trust the process. Time will heal that is why for now, just enjoy the present and don't stress about the future ☺️ 
It is better to be yourself and not let people pull you down. About your toxic relationship, don't let the past or any bad behaviour patterns you experienced from it haunt you! There's no such thing as right person, wrong time. For me, it is more of a lesson for us. They are their for a reason, making us reflecting our actions and make things right If ever you get into a new one. Apply those lessons you learned from it!
So you won't be able to repeat the same mistake again. Ending a toxic relationship is not the end of the world! lol There are plenty of fishes in the sea that are much better than your previous. It is better to get new hobbies that are refreshing and new. More like getting out of your comfort zone 😁
If you do new things like painting, gardening, cooking, etc. You'll be able to forget about these saga & your toxic situation. Since you've mentioned here that you felt trapped from it. I mean who knows, maybe in the later years, the things you ‘ve never done before might lead you to success someday! 
4.) You shouldn’t be stressing yourself about BTS or any famous person life! It is VERY important to love and give attention to yourself 🤗 The future will reveal itself slowly. And that, I think it is better to be aware that everything they find in these predictions shouldn’t be taken seriously.
5.) That's why as a reader, I find it important to put a disclaimer in every readings I made. Since not everything are set in stone and I agree that tarot, birth chart, psychic or any prediction tools can not predict the whole picture/truth. So it's better to take it as fun yet it is not good to use someone else’s life as our entertainment (I felt guilty about this)
6.) I respect your opinion about twinflames/soulmates in general. Not everyone believes in those stuff anyways. About V's TF, I kinda agree with what you said cause... I had a feeling that he might met that person. Hence the whole V's TF became popular recently. There was a powerful shift from it. That’s why some said that he & TF are aware about their connection 🤷‍♀️ Same case with JK but as always, I may be wrong with my intuition (though I'm not planning in making a reading about it cuz of how tired I am)
7.) And yes, I do agree with your last part haah TT I mean not all readers are like that but some rlly wants to access more infos abt a person. And the future is blurry so it's hard to get the whole truth.
I hope these helps you! And yes, you can vent all you want, I will not judge you :) Have a great day ahead of you🥰 ❤️ 
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
Keeping Up A-fear-ance's Thoughts
I finished writing this shortly after 3 am after watching the new episode like three times because I simply had too much energy about it and I have so many thoughts because I simply live for clawthornes and also I tried to break it up with more photos this time sorry not sorry if it's a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
YOUNG EDA!! let me just say I am quite a fan of opening with a flashback like we've done here and the last episode
"we have never seen a curse like this before" Lilith you had shit luck picking out curses huh
"cut it out if we have to" goddamn Gwen let'a calm the fuck down a bit.
anyways we've only really seen young Eda as a wild and confident and happy little child so I appreciate seeing this side of her with the anxiety and fear she's feeling here. I love seeing what the curse stuff was like for her as a kid
Gwen: I raised a perfectly fine kid
Me: no you didn't look at her she's got anxiety
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I'm guessing this is their backyard or just some woods behind their house?? wonder if the portal was placed there by another elder family member.
lmao I can't even begin to imagine what small Eda experiencing the human realm was like for the first time
Gwens giving me "I can't accept that my child is disabled/chronically ill/etc." here. y’know the kinda parent that'll put their kid through hell over something they probably will find a way to learn to live with (which Eda did do)
ok that's it I humbly request to know the story behind the fang now (also the noise she made when she put it in was freaking cute)
new dress! new boots! new dress! new boots!
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..yikes that fridge is empty
"calm down the curse acts stronger when you're stressed" Eda do you know who you're talking to here
confirmation losing limbs is in fact a side effect of the curse!! (y'know since Eda originally said it just happens when you get older)
please I love these sisters they're so sweet and make me wanna go 🥺
"suddenly curious about my past" "always. always curious" Luz says exactly what we all think
witchlet?? sweet flea?? she's got pet names for them 🥺 (although idk how much I'd like to be referred to as any kind of flea sorry Lilith)
ok Gwen is very much not close to what I expected and I'm kinda grateful for that
she's more like super caring but still managed to royally fuck up which was my original head canon for clawthorne parents so uh that's cool. but literally, look at their body language, Eda's pissed, Lilith's sad and making herself small. she's clearly messed up with her parenting on both of them along the way.
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"who knows what they put in those nasty concoctions?" mama clawthorne would be a fucking anti-vaxxer wouldn't she
ok I side with Eda here more than Luz and Lilith. just because Luz misses her mother, or Lilith hasn’t seen their mom in so long doesn’t mean Eda has to feel all grateful for the presence of Gwen, especially if the woman has caused her a lot of trouble over the years
I feel like the fact that its actually both Lilith and Gwendolyn have spent their whole lives dedicated to trying to find a cure could probably have held some kind of weight on Eda at some point. Even though she shouldn't feel guilty or responsible for that, I still feel like it's gotta suck knowing these people have spent so much time on something you know is likely never gonna happen, all for you.
Lilith 😞 her mother really just didn't pay attention to her all these years
hey if this guy does some next level healing magic then why isn't he more well-known, huh? why’d it take so long to come across him?? Gwen do you know what the fuck you're doing cause I think you don't
Lilith just because you're depressed about your mom doesn't mean you have to bring king down too 😠
SUPER irrelevant but is anyone else just bothered by the way Lilith is holding her spoon?? that doesn't seem like a comfortable way to hold a spoon. also is she left handed??
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"knife season came early" EDA WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. is this a boiling isles things or is this a it’s common for people to throw knives at you thing
also I want to be surprised Eda fell for the apple blood signs but I am not 😔 
Luz please trust you're gut on this one and not mama clawthorne
ok now I need to know why the fridge was empty but they had 18 cartons of ice cream this is why you guys don't have food you're wasting it all on ice cream.
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wow never thought I'd see the day hooty became the voice of reason
also, night market ice cream?? are they implying this ice cream is like, edibles of some sort?? Lilith does seem kinda high here ngl. idk man but at least she wants to stand up for herself so good for her.
PLEASE kings just offering her ice cream while she transforms
"first in a series" Gwen honey oh no. you've been duped. I think we can see where Lilith got her naïveté from huh.
Also, nice snatch Luz 😊
anyways love how this show is basically making fun of moms who refuse to give their kids proper medical treatment or listen to medical professionals here
EXCUSE ME why do we know Gwen's palisman's name before we know Lilith's?????
"I am a mother who'll do anything for her daughter" you're mom who's suffocating obsession with one daughter has left the other neglected and is currently causing her to turn into a full on beast ya dummy
Eda DOES have a right to be upset. it sucks that her own valid emotions that she should get to feel will cause her while body to betray her.
but also why is she SO massive?? also anyone concerned that this is her first transformation and the light glyph trick wouldn't even work??
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Gwen look at what you've done, you've fostered feelings of inferiority in one daughter causing her to feel the need for sibling rivalry that the pure instincts of the raven beast cannot suppress no matter how much their sisterly relationship had improved.
"after Eda was cursed, I joined the beast keeping coven" woah woah WOAH. you're telling me you only joined because of trying to help Eda. that covens existed, before Eda got cursed, and you very much weren't a part of one. combine that with "some words for belos" she has and do I smell wild witch theory still plausible???
anyways at least mama clawthorne is getting some sense into her head here
Morton c'mon help a girl out, that's some dang good art too what the heck dude
ok fine mama clawthorne to the rescue
no pls not raven beast Lilith crying im crying now
Gwen: I raised a fine and self-sufficient child
Me: no you didn't look at her. she's got, SO MUCH.
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GODDAMN THATS SOME POWER. ngl this only adds fuel to the fire in my head that there was some kinda reasoning these sisters were torn apart, that someone felt they'd be too powerful together (and they were probably right)
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"I heard you but I couldn't stop myself, I couldn't do anything" may be just because she's not used to the curse but again part of me is concerned that because she couldn't pull herself out of it even a little bit like Eda did that there's something wrong there. but she also could've been stressed beyond reasonably calming herself down too.
ok but this is sweet
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NOOO im so sad Lilith's leaving :( I literally cried ok
"you lived here?" fine OKAY king that was hilarious even if im sad about this
"reconnect with dad" excuse me where the fuck has this man been in the middle of all of this. curse shit is going DOWN and he's just chilling at home.
I am curious about people's thoughts regarding the whole Lilith regression thing and the fact that she's literally going to be living with her parents again. I feel like it could help nurture that inner child she's been reverting back to and help her out a LOT. but I could also be concerned about it feeding into the regression and making it worse?? idk and this show probably ain't getting that actually deep into psych anyways
"some day my hair is gonna be big enough to do that too" Luz I cannot wait for the day. also mood, I wish I could do that too.
alright who's holding the fucking pen for hooty we need a volunteer RIGHT NOW so we can remain in contact with Lulu
NOT THE ONLY HUMAN? my bets on the real azura rip never mind she said he
Titan’s Blood?? interesting. If the blood of the titan is around I wonder what that means regarding the titans existence, and how long its been since the titan fell.
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ALSO WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?? They're really gonna spring that on us like this??? Camila's gotta notice somethings wrong right??? Unless any differences she just chalks up to the camp?? oh god :(
well, anyways lumity shippers come get yo juice next weekend
anyways im gonna need to add a NOT canon compliant tag on that one Gwendolyn fic I wrote because it definitely do not comply anymore
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hypnotixstorm · 4 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* to do list *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Normal Text = Have NOT started working on the request
Bold and Pink Text = I am CURRENTLY working on the request
Once I have completed a request it will be REMOVED from this list
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Can I get an imagine of Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho? Maybe an AU hundreds of years ago where he ends up caring for a human woman and teaching her how to defend herself. If you don't like that one, anything you think of.
Character: Kanda from DGM NSFW Prompt: "Make me." Love youuuuuu 😘
How about a NSFW scenario of Kakashi coming home to his sweet little naughty civilian S/O? 😜 A bit of role play where they call him sensei while he's doing them on the kitchen table?
Thanks for the Soi Bean Post! This gonna be my last Soi Fon request. Sorry for being quite a Soi Queen freak. For my request can you Soi after shower decides to wear s/o clothes. S/O tries to take picture of her. Then she tells that she has falling in love with you. You have changed let me take care of you. You can be very very very sluff on this one. Thanks!
ok ok so i have a few requests 🥺🥺 so! first could you maybe do an “I missed you.” with Rukia? 🥺💗 just fluff for my baby girl aaaa
Ichigo kissing his s/o in the rain 😆😆😆 Headcanons or scenario is up to you! 💙
ANYTHING SHIKAMARU. Deadass anything
Hey! I was wondering if I could request some Rukia x fem!reader relationship headcannons? Only if you're able to! Tysm! 💖
I hope requests are open but I was wondering if you could do something with byakuya and his s/o being like a very intimidating couple but his s/o is actually very sweet to everyone?
Kakashi x reader and instead of team 7 its now y/n tryna see whats under the mask and eventually she just asks and he actually reveals it adfhsjjs
Can I please get rat dad Ging being seduced by a younger woman who refuses to take “no” for an answer until he finally gives her what she wants? NSFW please! 💖
ok so please don't feel pressured to write this birthday imagine 🥺 i know u have a lot of requests rn ah. but! if you're able to i really would love another toshiro one bc i'm a sucker for him 😭 maybe one where he's really overworking himself so the reader helps him relax and it just ends in cuddles 🥺💓 only if you're able to! ilysm 💓💖💓💖💓💘💓💘💓
ok i swear this is the last one i feel bad requesting sm 😭 but maybe a “Do you wanna, maybe, go out sometime?” with toshiro bc he really is best boy 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
OKAY SO ANOTHER ONE WITH SABURO WITH UHHHH GOING ON A FIRST DATE WITH HIS S/O ICIXHAJGSSHSSUSKSU he'll probs driving his van around with the music blasting out 👀👀
honestly i would kinda die if u wrote some renji smut 😳😳 literally in any situation, i'm just needy rn 😭
ok ok i'm here hehe. how about, the reader gets really injured during a battle and shiro's kinda blaming himself for it. kindaaa angst into a super fluffy ending if that's ok hhh 🥺
Hi 🥰 Can I get a headcanon for Kakashi with a really seductive s/o, like she likes to tease him in public and whispers dirty things in his ear and calls him daddy? Nsfw pls? 😊😁
“make me” and hisoka??? thank you
hehe this is for the 🦋🦋 event! congrats on 200 bb!! so, i saw attack on titan on your list and i'm experiencing a severe lack of my best boy marco 🥺🥺 if you don't write for him that's fine hehe, but if you do, could i please maybe get a lil scenario where marco helps the reader out with her training and then they accidentally confess their feelings and it's just rlly fluffy and cute? 🥺 i need marco being happy in my life rn sbdjdhdjr 💓💓
“If you keep biting your lip like that, I’m holding you accountable for my actions.” for Kakashi please! I love him 🤤
If your requests are still open, can i ask for some domestic kakashi fluff? Ty
Hi mommas❤️❤️ CAN I PWEASE request some Guren (seraph of the end) relationship headcanons ? Not nsfw but maybe a little steamy 🥺🥰 I LOVE UU -🍒
Hi Chloe 🥰 Can I have some spicy nsfw headcanons for Yami where his s/o is acting really bratty during sex and he puts her in her place? 😪😂😊
Kageyama wirh Oikawas sister reader? there just chillin Nd stuff and toru comes over and picks y/n up and they hug and kageyama is like “eXcuSe mE???” forgive my spelling im on mobile lmao
Hiii❤️❤️ Can I request an imagine where you live in a small town and work at a cafe and Bakugou is your cliche small town boyfriend? Or headcanons! The idea is so cute and I love your writing 😊
okay so uHHHHH you can just go for Mephisto sharing some food with his s/o owo;; take your time on it too because i know it's gonna be really great either way!
A reader insert saved by vampire! main YYH crew from a pack of werewolves
Since you said requests are open maybe.. suga subbing for you? Idk he's just always appeared like someone who would love to please you in anyway possible.
V A M P I R E LAVI!!! DO IT GIRL!! 👌👌♥️♥️♥️
Fake dating with Lavi!!!!! Need more of the DGM boyz!! 😂
can I get an itachi x reader fic where it's itachi's birthday and the reader decides to give him a special night (👀), wearing lingerie, lighting candles, etc. for him to come home to? I love your work (and you!!) sm btw 🥺💞 - nina!! (@kunoichihatake)
hello ✨💕 it’s me, ryn 😘 if it’s okay, can i request a nishinoya x female!reader? perhaps a first date at the boardwalk with like the rides and carnival stuff? then at the end of the date he kisses her and it turns out the karasuno squad was following them the whole night hehe?
Hi! Can I request a prompt of some soft Kakashi, maybe some cuddles, perhaps it gets a little heated... a lil' Nsfw never hurt nobody👀👅 Thank you so muuch!~😍❤️
If I had kakashi in front of me I would tell him “aren’t you tired of being the most handsome man here?”
Hi! I saw that requests were open for the Haikyuu!! boys so here I am! I was wondering if I could request a Tsukki x reader where Tsukki has a crush on the reader but doesn't know how to express his feelings other then throwing insults. it can be angsty or fluffy I just really love Tsukki as a tsundere lol. (also btw I LOVE your theme and blog aesthetic its very pretty!)
Hey wifey😚 so Ichigo has stolen my heartttt can I get the strawberry boy with an S/O who gets super shy with with physical contact? Tyy💗💗
Fake dating with Lavi!!!!! Need more of the DGM boyz!! 😂
NSFW Vampire Squall (FF8) for very obvious reasons because UUUUUUGH
Hello there miss, my name is kandaxxx. Nice to meet you since I have definitely never requested from you before and this is definitely my first time and i am definitely not taking advantage of your bomb writing skills to ask you to write a “Choke me, daddy.” for Seymour from FF (love you forever and always!!!!!!)
hey butterfly 🥺 can you please write a story where the reader and (any character) are fighting and it turns out it was just about something stupid? like chicken nuggets? thank you 🥺💗
Eek! DGM! I was wondering if you would do a request for a general Allen Walker relationship HC? I don’t see him on the character list, but I’m just curious *bows* Thankyou senpai!
Spin The Bottle with any of the DGM characters that you're comfortable writing????? (but like obviously when Kanda spins the bottle it has to land on the reader [me] because YOU KNOW WHY OK????????) ilysm!!! 😍
I’m thinking a smut scenario of some kind that uses the prompts “Perhaps I need to remind you of your place.” and “Let me show you what happens to little brats who don’t follow the rules.” I feel like those are very Nozel Silva things to say. 😈 -bakubabes-hatake
Omfg HI mommy, Can i request really fluffy and soft itachi after he comes back from a mission? Non-massacre AU and you’re on the same team as sasuke lolol thirsty for them age gaps ❤️ thank youuuu ily -🍒
Can I get a fake dating with Kand--Roy Mustang (hahahaha) 👉👈🥺
Is this okay to ask for? Egor taking care of s/o who has period cramps... Ty!
can I get an itachi x reader fic where it's itachi's birthday and the reader decides to give him a special night (👀), wearing lingerie, lighting candles, etc. for him to come home to? I love your work (and you!!) sm btw 🥺💞 - nina!! (@kunoichihatake)
Hello! Can I please request some headcanons for Kiba with a S/O with a praise kink? And for Shikamaru with a S/O with a choking kink? Thank you so much.
Wow. Here is me putting in a request. Shocker, right?? 😂 I want some Greed, baby 😈 as for the prompt, it's not in your list, but could you maybe do something based off of "Oh my god. Did we just break the bed?" ???? 👉👈
It's a shame u only have one ling request, so could I request some Ling x Reader where they're both absolutely oblivious until Lan Fan or Ed or someone finally just tells them for them? Sorry if I didn't make any sense ❤️❤️
ok idk if you write threesomes but 😳😳 if you could write one with daichi and suga n maybe some dp, i'd probably die 🥺💓 only if you're comfortable with that tho ♡
Tyki flirting with his crush in his native language of Portuguese? I really love your work and please have some candy 🍬🍭🍫
hi butterfly! 🥰 i hope you're doing well! you already know what i'm going to ask you for — a request! i just feel really down in the dumps lately. can i request headcanons for an s/o that takes graduation pictures on their grandmother's 3 year death anniversary with kenma, nishinoya & kuroo? i hope you can do my request! you don't have to do it if you don't want to!
hehehe kuroo, tsukki and kageyama headcanons of their s/o sending them a nude while they at training and them making an excuse to get home and fUcK yOu SeNsELeSs - 🌊
Hello may I request itachi x reader. People learned the truth and he can finally return to his wife and children in the village 🥺 and they don’t have to be in secret anymore
holy shit,, i am starved for the squall content,,, if you don't mind, catching you wearing their clothes?
S/O walking in on kakashi masturbating? 👉👈 💕
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strangesmallbard · 7 years
1, 2, 7, 15, 25, 28, 37. you don't have to answer them all! I'm very curious and I love your fic!
ghfgGHF thank you so much!! this made me smile oh gosh. i’m sorry this is so late, i haven’t been on anything but tumblr mobile in a good while and i tend to only lurk on there.
1. Describe your comfort zone– a typical you-fic.
swan queen LMAO. anything with a lot of women tbh, i haven’t completed a fic with a dude narrator in so long. romance could probably be considered a comfort zone even though it’s not irl. i love writing one-shots, and they’re either in a short prose style w/ more humor and attention to dialogue or long-winded, almost stream of consciousness. i usually write aus these days for ouat lmao, but i also like working w/ canon if there’s something interesting i want to expand on. i’m also trying to get more comfortable writing multichaps w/ longer plots! it’s challenging bc my brain is a mess, but v fun.
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
hmm, nothing super in particular comes to mind. maybe best friends to lovers? snowed-in? i’ll keep thinking on this one. i recently wrote a meetcute in the airport, and that was really fun.
3. Share a snipped from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
hoo boY i think this section from “there’s always love if you need it,” which is a year in the life fic post emma breaking up w/ ho0k. i like this bit bc i feel good about the descriptions, imagery, and i feel pretty solid about the characterization which is rare bc i’m always nervous about that.
After Emma leaves Killian, she considers leaving Storybrooke. It wouldn’t be forever, she reasons, just to get her bearings, walk along once familiar streets in the skin of a once familiar life. She used to be a lot of someones and no-ones, and now she doesn’t know what shape tomorrow will take.
But she doesn’t leave. She finds herself driving to 108 Mifflin Street and ringing the doorbell. Regina answers and Emma is brought back to her last someone, when nervous, confused energy burned in her belly and something like hope burned equally bright in her chest. She didn’t know it was that word, then.
“Emma,“ she says, not Ms. Swan. “I heard.” Concern curves the end of the consonant, and Regina shifts her weight from one foot to the other. Her hand grasps the door frame, maroon nail polish catching cool porch-lamp light.
Emma wants to say, I was ready. Emma wants to say, I felt hollowed out like a pumpkin during halloween, all my everything somewhere else and I don’t know where. Emma wants to say, I’m tired.
She says, “Still have that glass of the best apple cider I’ve ever tasted?”
(regina’s smile is like sunset along the maine coast; gradual, soft, picture-worthy but you don’t want to spare a moment looking away.)
“Of course.”
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
god “when in the chronicle of wasted time.” regina saving emma w/ true love’s kiss. can you imagine. GOD
25. What do you look for in a beta?
oh man i haven’t Officially Looked for a beta in a long time. usually i pass it off to trusted friends and i’m like PLEASE TEAR THIS APART. what i would look for though is someone with a similar style?
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
oh gosh!! i love so many that i’m gonna expand this a little bc even in swen i have so many. so here’s three swen, two non-swen.
amycarey, deemn, skywideopen, wagyubeefy, and montparnasse! 
what i love about amycarey’s fic is that emma and regina (and their relationship) are still so recognizable in every single au. like, no matter what the premise is, it’s like AH YES THERE THEY ARE. and all of her aus!!! some of my favorite sq fics. down the rabbit hole was such a beautifully written and healing fic, it’ll stay with me always.  
deemn’s fics are like…gosh every single word she puts together in a sentence. i feel SO much. if you like swan queen and haven’t read who needs shelter yet please read who needs shelter please let that fic be part of your life. 
skywideopen wrote an AMAZING sw!dw fic that was absolutely everything i ever wanted out of a sq!dw fic, it was so emma and regina i cried, and it was also so true to the dw universe! spark is absolutely amazing.
wagyubeefy writers wicked fic and it’s !!! wicked was my first fandom and i always wanted a modern oz au, and boy does wagyubeefy have modern oz aus! they translate the issues of wicked to a society that also deeply reflects ours and has an incredible take on elphaba, glinda, and every character and have such a seamless, clear way of telling stories and !! so awesome.
montparnasse writes for hp, dragon age, and other fandoms and their narration/use of language is so gorgeous, like. i can’t even convey. they write rarepairs for hp like tonks/fleur and ginny/luna and each fic has just so much beautiful imagery and description and characterizations. GOSH wow.
37. Talk about your current wips.
aah!! unfortunately they are Very wips bc i have no time until the summer to work on any of them. but! here they are.
“one step, not much (but it says enough)” is my first tentative step back into multichaps, and one chapter is released already! the premise is that henry goes away to college, and emma/regina suddenly are confronted with their feelings w/ each other and It’s a Mess, also someone is trying to destroy sb, so that’s a mood. it’s also solidly in the romcom genre w/ some very sharp/sad moments, and i’m having so much developing sb into the hilarious mess it should be. the parks department hates the charmings. lesbian nights at the rabbit hole
unnamed as of now but i lovingly call it the “disaster road trip au” even though the road trip is only half the fic. it’s a college au and the basic premise is that emma and regina dated in highschool, they break up, emma moves away, years later in college she runs into zelena and they miraculously start a wild friendship. over winter break they take a road trip and end up having to pick up regina along the way and it Is A Mess and i’m excited to write it.
unnamed parks and rec au. if you’re on twitter u might have heard of this one, but regina is leslie, emma is ben, marian is ann, mm is chris, and hook is jamm.
that x files au i think i’ve been working on since last summer OH boy. regina is mulder and emma is scully but they’re also both mulder and both scully. one day i’ll figure it out.
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