village-skeptic · 1 year
okay, i'm openly lobbying for a position in the cabinet, kitchen or otherwise
@whatwillthegirlbecome, given that your most delightful username + very choice posting about The Old Guard covers the full human lifespan*, I'm hoping you'll join my administration as Secretary of Health and Human Services!
*That's a lot of range for immortals!
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Farewell Sweet Crabs 👋 🦀
I summoned 28 🦀, captured 0 💰, befriended 0 🌼, and 0 fell in love with me 💜. I will miss you my sweet crabs.
oh no! was someone going to tell me that i was supposed to interact with the crabs and make the fall in love with me or was i just supposed to find that out from a tumblr shame message??
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ghostcat3000 · 2 years
Fanworks Festivus Masterpost 2022
A recap of all the glorious fan-created AU work folks posted for Fanworks Festivus 2022:
MeropeMerope - who took a very strange mood board and prompt from me ["ok. so one of them is a chef, the other is writing a paper or a book, I don't know, in some far-flung locale, here, have some Dreyer and Marker, a little Dickens, etc."] and sprinkled her Meropian magic on it and made something wonderfully vivid and true―go read chapter one of 62 Degrees North.
@peacestew - who made a beautiful edit for the above story, and I legit got caught in a loop of trying to figure out what Isak was doing with his mouth. this sentence reads all kinds of wrong, but seriously, the psychological gesture is REAL yo. apparently, there are more edits coming??? I guess we'll all die then.
Mellibean - a gorgeous Rest Easy-inspired Scandi-Noir landscape.
@kardemama - a favorite exchange from The Boyfriend Experience (co-written with @irazor) in embroidery form.
@laurasztuff - stunning, surprising SKAM coffee art.
@kosegruppie - a supercut of all the subtle ways an annoyed Isak Valtersen can utter the name "Vilde."
@nightlocktime - not one but TWO fantastic edits of the incredible Emma Suárez in Julio Medem's La Ardilla Roja, aka the inspiration for my current story, the red squirrel.
@beyondthedreamline - a sweet slice of Austen's Persuasion in clay form―half-agony! half-hope!
@angel-in-the-city-blog - a sweet graphic of a snow-covered Second Avenue Deli from III. Rondo: Allegretto Moderato.
@heihallohadet - a Warholesque deconstruction of Bart van der Leck's The Cat.
@alterlove2021 - a graphic of Botsak in his dented cardboard box from The Boyfriend Experience.
@teejaysnow - the romantically comedic The Dick Pic Fic - a perfect one-shot from the master of funny.
@ansveni - a sweet pencil sketch of a rainy day feline.
@mrsrobinson11 - exploring what happens when soul mates meet at the wrong time, namely when they're already married to other people. Read the first chapter of Everything Depends Upon How Near You Stand to Me.
@whatwillthegirlbecome - not quite fanwork, but still a beautiful reminder―via the masterful Sharon Olds―of how poetry distills experience in a way that just gets to the heart of things.
@art-vandeley - a beautiful portrait of a beautiful Isak. no one does it like a.
* * *
Thank you so much to all participants! A huge thank you to those of you who gave me offline gifts too. All gifts, whether private or public, were so lovely, thoughtful, and kind. There was a lot of smiling and some misty-eyed nonsense from my end. Fandom has been very good to me.
Part of the fun of soliciting these kinds of gifts is knowing that they will be enjoyed by others. I hope that these brought you some joy as well.
Huge thank you to those who don’t usually do this sort of thing–you have my love and respect.
And to those of you who are pros–thank you also–you're very generous.
If I accidentally missed your entry, please message me. I was out enjoying wi-fi-free nature all day, so it’s quite possible I missed one here and there. I'll be sure to add you.
For everyone else, please go check out these posts and bask in the wonderful talent. And thank you for celebrating my birthday with me in 2022. 😻🎂💗
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theawkwardterrier · 5 years
the ninety-nine percent (one of my favorite VM fics)
Wow, thank you!!
There’s so much that I’ve forgotten about the writing of this fic, but here’s something I remember: the Rosa in here who’s Mac’s roommate and helps Logan and Emily move is - absolutely inexplicably, I literally have no explanation for this, I swear to God this is just how my brain works - secretly meant to be Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn 99.
Fic secrets meme
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nightlocktime · 5 years
It’s been 18 hours and still, I don’t even know what to do/say/think. I have nothing. I’ve felt so empty since yesterday like removed from reality. Seeing your usernames/icons showing me your support, made me feel something at last. I finally cried, no even because of the show but because of you. I cannot express how much love I feel towards all of you right now, towards this fandom that deserved so much more, so much better. You all are incredibly dear to me, you have no idea. The reassurance of you all is the real gift from this show. 
@theawkwardterrier @starlightafterastorm @whatwillthegirlbecome @scandalpantsstuff @fatherjerusalem @ghostcat3000 @absolutelyiris @lilamadison11 @gretchcutlers @emilykinncy @mysilverylining @heavenli24 @nevertothethird @susanmichelin and to everyone else that has been a part of my VM fandom life for the last 6 years. At the end of the day, you’re what really matters to me and the reason I keep coming back to this site. Thank you so much my loves.
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troublescout · 6 years
Hi there beautiful! Do you know if there has been any talk of Theo Rossi joining the cast? I know he might be a hard get, but I just love him, and I kind of have a soft spot for Norris (at least CMackenzie's Norris). Or maybe that's just too much continuity for Rob. *Sigh*
*blushes* Well aren’t you sweet? :) 
As far as I know, nothing has been talked about, but here’s my thought process… I would be SHOCKED if Rob didn’t reach out and at least ask him to be involved after involving Norris in the books. I mean Rob loves a family affair and bringing oldies back into the fold. Who knows what his schedule is though? And whether Netflix would like him playing in Hulu’s sandbox…
Despite the misgivings many have about Norris being a potential LoVe triangle participant, I’m (naively?) not really concerned about that and would love to see him join in on the fun. I really like Theo and Norris and I think it would be great to see another familiar face around the sheriff’s department, especially considering everyone else is dead (RIP Sacks).
I’m not holding my breath for a casting announcement, but I would not not be the least bit surprised by one either. Here’s hoping! 
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bookwormm03 · 6 years
whatwillthegirlbecome replied to your post “Ugh. I’m just bummed and really depressed about writing at the moment....”
i promise that people will get worked up if you write something new, or add to something you have already written! I was just rereading The Alliance and remembering all the excitement when you posted that new chapter a few months ago! Remember? It was amazing! You are amazing! You are very talented and if you share your gifts, readers will come to you! I believe in you.
merger-she-wrote replied to your post “Hi! I've been following you for a long time now, and I've always been...”
I also just reread some AoS! You are amazing and yes, we’re still out here ❤️
poehlaris replied to your post “Ugh. I’m just bummed and really depressed about writing at the moment....”
I think it will come back. Your creative juice/mojo...You are a wonderful writer and the muse is gonna smack you on the head in no time. :xxx
Awww, thank you all. I am in pain and slightly anxious I promise I’m not trying to be a brat <3. 
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mysilverylining · 6 years
whatwillthegirlbecome replied to your link “The Women of 'Dietland' Are Fed Up and 'Fat'—And It's Glorious to...”
@mysilverylining​ - I watched the first two episodes last night on your recommendation and added the season to my dvr! I'd never heard of the book but i'm intrigued so far. LOVE so many of the actresses - joy nash, tamara tunie and robin weigert
That’s awesome.  Yeah, the cast is fantastic.  
I just finished the book yesterday, and it was exactly what I needed at just the right time. 
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jell-o-shot · 6 years
whatwillthegirlbecome replied to your post “i mean, i knew san fran was expensive but i didn’t realise just how...”
Hi! i live there and yes it is a freaking nightmare. My sister has stayed at the Hosteling International Downtown Hostel and said it was nice and pretty cheap. I also had friends visit recently who stayed at the Hilton SF Union Square through hotels.com and they said they got a really good deal. Not sure how helpful that is but you should definitely come if you can. I'm a native so I love SF and think it is really beautiful!
Hey! Thanks so much, unfortunately the Hosteling International Downtown Hostel is fully booked for when we’re coming, but I will keep searching! If you have any tips on things to do, please let me know! I’m really excited to explore but it also helps to have some local knowledge! Thanks so much 💖
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veronicaneptunes · 7 years
whatwillthegirlbecome replied to your post “It’s me birthday, today! ”
hip hip hurray! Happy Birthday! I hope you got to do whatever you most wanted to!
Thank you!
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nutriyumaddict · 7 years
whatwillthegirlbecome replied to your post “I just started watching Veronica Mars (I’m not quite sure why I never...”
Yay! I hope you enjoy VM - it is one of my all-time favorite shows. The writing (and the cast) are just stellar. Can't wait to hear what you think            
Oh...I’m already way into it! (and I haven’t even finished season one yet ;-)   
I have no idea why I didn’t watch it when it came out or why it took me so long to catch up with it, but I love it so far! Thanks for the note!! :)
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village-skeptic · 4 months
How does Pinterest see you?
search up: ~fashion ~pantone ~mood ~food and put the first picture that shows up!
Tagged by the always wonderful @booksandabeer! I think the conclusion is that Pinterest sees me as blue. (Da ba dee, da ba die.) 💙
Confession: I pinned the salad recipe. 😂
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Tagging (with no expectations, as always) - @stars-inthe-sky, @pantsaretherealheroes, @burberrycanary, @bromcommie, @whatwillthegirlbecome
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eroto-thanatos · 8 years
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Might *you* have a whore's forehead? (From Metoposcopia, 1658) #metoscopy #foreheadreading #vintageillustration #whatwillthegirlbecome
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ghostcat3000 · 1 year
tumblr messaging hasn’t been working for me for two days so here go the smoke signals:
@whatwillthegirlbecome check your discord
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theawkwardterrier · 5 years
whatwillthegirlbecome replied to your post: nevertothethird replied to your post: ...
oh god i’m glad i missed that - whatever it was (sadly, i can guess)
That fic was the one where some reviews were like “I hate Emily, I hope she dies” and some were like “Veronica sucks and I hope she never comes back, Emily’s Logan’s savior” and there’s me curled up in the corner with my head in my hands going, “No, no, that’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works.”
(I typically don’t go back over to ff.net, which is where all the really whack comments were, so I have mostly forgotten it all. And thankfully I don’t think I’ve gotten that kind of feedback before or since. And I got quite wonderful reviews for that story too!)
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nightlocktime · 5 years
Hello darling! I've noticed an increased presence of NCW on your blog recently, and so wanted to ask if you have ever seen the movie Wimbledon? It's a pretty cute romantic comedy, starring Paul Bettany and Kirsten Dunst. PB & KD are tennis champions, and NCW is PBs practice partner and friend. He's pretty delightful in it! Anyway, that is a favorite film of mine and I couldn't resist sharing it with you. :)
Gosh, no I have not watched it but I’m looking it up right now! I’ll let you once I watch it!!! 
Thank you so much, this was really sweet of you and made me really happy :)
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