#when Dove accidentally reaches out to Azar and Azar winds up guiding her on the journey to find these powerful gems
beyondthetemples · 2 years
repost. do not reblog. italicize for ‘uncomfortable, but bearable if necessary’ ; bold for "keep it away!"
OBJECTS & THINGS :・needles・knives・sharp objects・bruises・blood・paddles/belts/objects used in beatings・germs・vomit/vomiting・holes (trypophobia)・alcohol・cigarettes・drugs/narcotics・pills・medicine・bikes・cars/buses/trains・boats・planes・bridges・elevators・stairs・roller coasters・fire・water・snow・rain・thunder/lightning・dolls/puppets・stuffed animals・balloons/popping balloons・bright lights・crowds・loud noises・animatronics・robots・technology・(other: )
PLACES: ・your home・your childhood home・the countryside・the city・closets・bathrooms・bars/nightclubs・doctor’s offices・dentists/orthodontists・hospitals・operating rooms・schools・jails/prisons・morgues・cemeteries・open spaces・cramped spaces・abandoned places・attics/crawlspaces・junkyards・churches/synagogues/mosques・religiously-significant places・haunted houses・back alleys・the outdoors・the mountains・the woods・the ocean・outer space・(other: places where very bad things happened)
EXPERIENCES & CONCEPTS : ・failing・heights・falling・jumping off a high place・climbing a high place・the dark ・showing off a talent ・the cold/being cold・heat/being hot・eye contact・accepting change・being challenged・getting lost ・getting separated・getting arrested・being trapped・being stranded・being followed・getting surgery・getting tattoos/piercings・swimming・driving・riding a bike・riding in a car/bus/train・flying in a plane・boating/sailing・being on the open water ・getting photographed・religion・thunderstorms ・blizzards・tsunamis・floods・tornadoes・hurricanes・earthquakes・mudslides・avalanches・poverty ・hunger・public speaking・performing in public・talking on the phone・talking to strangers・humiliation・pain・illness・death ・disassociating・danger・surgery・vehicular accidents・being burned・drowning・being choked・being starved・being poisoned ・suffocating・being stabbed・being shot・breaking a bone・being restrained・being laughed at ・being yelled at/demeaned・confrontation ・conflict ・physical fights・verbal fights・war・commitment・isolation ・silence・responsibility・taking responsibility・introspection ・apologizing・falling in love・emotional attachment・emotional intimacy・sexual intimacy・physical contact (any)・getting married・having a child・loveless relationships・unrequited love・falling out of love・divorce/separation ・breaking up・pregnancy・being pregnant・ageing・losing your attractiveness・the unknown・the past・the future・mistakes ・(other: )
CREATURES :・animals (general)・insects・spiders・creepy crawlies・snakes・scaly animals・frogs/toads・slimy animals・mice/rats・rodents・birds・dogs・cats・wolves/coyotes/wild dogs・lions/tigers/wild cats・bears・raccoons・possums・woodland animals・crocodiles/alligators・sharks・fish・aquatic animals・cryptids・aliens・sea monsters・vampires・werewolves・mummies・ghosts・monsters・angels・demons・zombies ・God・the devil・(other: )
PEOPLE :・people (general)・ men・women・yourself・your mother・your father・your siblings・your family・family・parental figures・elderly・adults・teenagers・kids・babies・clowns・drunk people・doctors・dentists・teachers・pastors/clergymen/nuns・religious figures・bullies・criminals・killers・police・authority figures・introverts・extroverts・aggressive people・overbearing people・pushy people・manipulators・hyper-sexual people・anxious people・liars・cheaters・people stronger than you・people weaker than you・(other: )
INTERNAL & EXISTENTIAL : ・not knowing・trusting ・forgiving・forgetting・being forgotten・being alone・being misunderstood・being used ・being taken advantage of ・being unloved・being hated・being abused ・being lied to・being hurt・hurting others・being unpopular・being humiliated ・being stood up ・being ignored ・being powerless・losing power ・being abandoned ・being betrayed ・being replaced・being unwanted/unneeded ・being excluded ・being a failure・being untalented/boring/not special・becoming poor・becoming ugly・losing control (of your situation)・losing control (of yourself)・lacking identity・lacking a purpose ・letting people down・disappointing others・losing friends・losing family・watching loved ones suffer・watching loved ones die ・getting sick・getting hurt・dying・’existing’ but not living・(other: death happening AROUND her moreso than TO her)
#headcanons list#{{ I was so shocked to see emet0phobia acknowledged on this that I HAD to do it? Wow???#Also the ''God'' one is complicated because Azar is basically the Azarathean god (religious leader; more of a high priestess than deity)#but the Azar they worshipped/followed was like. Alive and living and aware for the first 8 or so years of Dove's life#and then still Interactive and Aware and Watchful of the Azaratheans even after she had died#but Dove's mother was so desperate to protect Dove from being discovered that she wouldn't even PRAY about Dove#and Dove picked up on that fear and was afraid to pray to Azar for a good long time even AFTER Azarath fell#that she avoided calling out to Azar until a moment in DDD where she's so thoroughly freaked out and desperate that she prays to her#hoping for an answer and that she would Make It Stop. (She didn't of course because like... DDD Still Happened.)#But it took a LOT of pressure and horror on Dove to finally pray aloud to her and not just secretly internally Hope She Does Something.#Though that changes after The Final Journey (read: the point at which I roleplay her here so this has happened for her already)#when Dove accidentally reaches out to Azar and Azar winds up guiding her on the journey to find these powerful gems#and at the end of TFJ it's revealed that Azar knew she was there all along. But she didn't bother doing anything about it because#in her words ''It wouldn't have made any difference. What happened was doomed to happen regardless.''#so yeah Dove's relationship with her religion is... somewhat Fraught and Hesitant but only somewhat. It's still really important to her.#''Blood'' is kind of dependent on the situation and how much she's forced to interact with it.#She's definitely very squeamish but it's less the blood itself that worries her and more how her stomach reacts to it.#''Killers'' is an interesting one because she's not afraid they're going to hurt her but she's afraid she'll lose control and hurt THEM.#After DDD happens Dove has a very sore spot around murder and murderers.#And there were SO MANY that got highlighted because of her huge struggles with social anxiety.
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