#when I move I almost feel like I'm underwater. like that weird slow floaty feeling. I have no idea if that makes sense
thethingything · 3 months
so the migraine has calmed down a lot now and we mostly have postdrome symptoms and it's fucking wild to me that we basically had like 3 or 4 days of 8/10 pain without meds and 5/10 pain with meds, culminating in about 2 hours of 10/10 pain before suddenly being like yeah that's it it's done now.
usually if we have a migraine that gets really bad it starts off with the worst pain and then eases off over the next few days but nope
also though I feel so spaced out and like, brain foggy but a different kind of brain fog to usual. I'm very lightheaded and our brain is processing things very slowly and I feel kind of floaty and weird with it
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