#when I see my face without glasses I am uncomfy lol
notveryshrugemoji · 2 years
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New glasses babes.
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
Hello!, I hope your day/night is going well!, I saw that you were doing matchups for certain anime's and I was wondering if I may have one for bnha? :), // I just want to say- as I always like to stress that there's no pressure to respond quickly or even at all as I completely understand as I've done matchups in the past lol-but of course I'd be thrilled if you did! Hvngbh anyways tho-// // also I just want to say that if you do add nsfw to your matchups please don't with this one if possible of course, as I am a minor and that would make me uncomfy, if it's not possible I understand and just ignore this request if so <3 //
I'll start with the info on me now! :)
So to start off with a description of my appearance, I am a 5'5 naturally brown haired person with pink dyed hair, my hair is naturally wavy/kinda wild and long, and body typewise I'm a tad chubby, and have been told I have a baby face at times, I'm pretty pale so I tend to have a natural blush as well lmao, I do have a fair amount of freckles and I always wear glasses as I'm blind as a bat without them tbh gbjbhv, style wise I kind of fluctuate between dressing soft in things that are mostly in my favorite color pink!, such as frilly dresses and skirts and such and a more alternative style like fingerless gloves and chokers, I also sometimes just tend to chill in pajamas even in public xD, it all depends on my mood lol
Next facts about me/my identity and preferences! :>, I identify as a demigirl going by she/they pronouns, I am 16, an infp, my zodiac rising sign is Leo, and even though I'm sort of still figuring myself out I've kind of settled on at the moment that I am omni romantic/asexual :)
// I am attracted to all genders equally I don't have a preference btw-//
Now For a description of what I believe my personality to be like and just some traits/interests :)
Personally I think I can be very shy at first when meeting someone as I don't want to annoy them and or seem weird, but once I know a person is chill and or nice I tend to open up pretty quickly though gradually, since we live in a very negative world I like finding the positives when it comes to things although I'm not naive about how bad things are and or can be, I try to spread a little kindness wherever I go and I just don't see the point in being rude or mean to others as it's so easy to just be polite at the very least // if unprovoked of course-// I find myself to be a very easy to get along person as it's very hard to annoy me and or get on my nerves and I'm pretty go with the flow in the way that I tend to find interest in whatever the person I'm with is interested in and or wants to talk about/do, and when it comes to my own interests if somebody shows intrigue and actually lets me talk about them that's one of those scenarios where I will become a chatterbox xD, like I'm naturally quiet but if the topic is one of my special interests such as Animated media, certain parts of History, DC and marvel, cryptids/unexplainable things, I will go on for as long as I can and or as long as that person would let me hvjgjhbh
I do tend to be a bit cowardly at times when it comes to sticking up for myself and or just butting into situations in general admittedly as I am a very anxious person and very non-confrontational, I tend to try to peacekeep mostly ghhbh :'), I have a habit of apologizing for the littlest things and I do have a stutter I'm working on getting rid of, it usually comes around when I'm too excited and or nervous but sometimes it just happens randomly, I tend to get flustered when that happens gghghgh // sorry if this info is useless btw xD I just like going into detail for matchups-//
When it comes to my hobbies I enjoy both reading and writing, mostly fantasy stories, I do have a habit that kind of connects to that as I've been told that I tend to daydream a lot and it's mostly about the world that I create in the fiction that I write and or consume, hvjhvjhb, I also love to skate I just think it's awesome and fun!-I'm pretty good at it too not to brag xD, like I know a few tricks this is roller skating by the way-I tried skateboarding but fell on my face 💀
Some extra miscellaneous details about me is that I do tend to get overwhelmed at times when it comes to being around a lot of people and that's when I'm usually the quietest although in private I'm much more open if it's with somebody I'm comfortable with, I also tend to be very sleepy a lot like more than the average person as I have this thing where I go into a dream like stayed almost immediately after falling asleep which isn't normal-hvngbhg and it makes me wake up sporadically so like in class and such after I'm done with my work I usually just crash till it's time to go most of the time Pfff,
Now when it comes to relationships and dating I'm kind of inexperienced tbh-, although I do understand that my love language is quality time, as I greatly enjoy just being with the people that I hold dear even just sitting in silence and watching a movie, as it's just nice and comforting to know that they're there :) and want to spend time with me, my ideal date would honestly just be me and my significant other doing something like that together/just chilling with one another, I don't need anything fancy or too extravagant, just to know there here and want to be around me,
I consider myself to be rather affectionate in the way that is my s/o were to give it i whould gladly and gratefully accept, although with that said I do become a bit flustered/nervous at initiating it myself and it takes me a while to build up courage to do so, I normally regularly ask permission to give things like hugs lol so in a relationship I feel as though I would do the same
Thankyou for reading all of this if so!, I hope the rest of your day/night is wonderful <3
Anime Matchups 💘
My Hero Academia
Hello and thanks for your patience! It’s very much appreciated. I’m happy you’re interested in my matchups I hope you enjoy yours. I don’t mind you making your matchup 😌 Your very welcome. These days I’m doing better. A lot of unfortunate stuff happened which is why I took a while with your request.
Ochaco Uraraka
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You’re match is with Ochaco. This was a no brainer. You would both enjoy each other and form a cute relationship. She will be gentle with you and do her best to help you.
Ochaco would enjoy your shyness. She’s friendly so you two would easily form a relationship. She’ll be happy the more you open up. She also isn’t naive about the world since she does want to become a pro hero. She likes talking about your interests and will share many of her interests with you. Conversations last for hours thanks to this. She also doesn’t get annoyed easily and will be on the same page as you about being polite to others. She’s such a positive one.
She respects your pronouns. She’ll have an understanding of your anxiousness and wanting to stay peacekeeping. She’ll want to help you when it comes to defending yourself. She might teach you some moves or have you join her martial art classes if you like. As for not be confrontational she’ll try helping you with this. She is protective since she cares for all people especially her friends and loved ones. She’ll also help you with apologizing too much.
She thinks your natural blush and wavy hair are gorgeous. I imagine she’ll want to do your hair maybe re-dye it and give it a hair treatment. She’ll love the shade of pink you choose and might suggest another shade seeing as she also adores pink. She’ll compliment your glasses and freckles.
You two share the love for frilly dresses and pink. When you two go shopping she’ll want to buy you different frames or clothing. You two will have many shopping dates since your share the same tastes in clothes. With your alternative style she’ll support this and help you pick out clothing for this style too. She won’t care that you wear pajamas. She wishes she was confident enough to wear them in public.
Ochaco thinks your nervousness and flustered side is cute.
She’ll love hearing about the stuff you read and write. When it comes to fantasy stories you’ve read she’s all ears listening to you with a dazed look on her face. She enjoys these moments. Fanfiction is fun and interesting so she won’t mind hearing it. When you daydream she’ll be curious about it and want to know what was on your mind. She likes the stuff you dream up. You’re lucky she has the quirk she has so you won’t be getting hurt when you skate around her. She’ll be impressed watching you skate. She’ll also use her quirk to help her skate with you.
She’ll understand you don’t do the best in a public setting. When she can she’ll pull you to the side so you can chill. If needed she won’t mind comforting you either.
When you’re sleepy she’ll be sure to give you drink with caffeine if you need it. She’s thoughtful like that.
Ochaco isn’t judgemental so she’ll understand you tend to sleep and daydream. It’s a part of you and she knows it.
She doesn’t have much relationship experience either but she’s definitely comfortable spending quality time with you. She loves being around you so this works out very well. She’ll adore that you simply want to spend time with her. She is fine spending time with you however you’d like.
Ochaco is very affectionate so I’m sure you won’t always have to initiate but she’ll be extremely happy to see you get so flustered around her. She also tends to be bashful so you’re both in the same embarrassed state. Ochaco makes sure she has your permission as well. She thinks it’s super sweet you ask for permission for something as small as a hug. She’ll start needing your affection since you make her feel loved.
You mentioned being a Leo meanwhile Ochaco is a Capricorn. So they’re not the most compatible but there’s still room for a relationship. While an unlikely couple there’s still a good chance of having a relationship so long as the couple meets each other halfway.
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This dynamic is soft romance since you both get so flustered around each other. Ochaco is a good, understanding partner to you. Meanwhile you’re a chill and respectful shy bean. You treat Ochaco with upmost care and value so much more in life than others. Ochaco admires this seeing as she is selfless and wants to become a hero. She can see the value in the smallest of things as you do. This builds such a solid relationship between you two.
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fabledtactician · 8 years
got tagged by @norwidki that asshole im supposed to study but lbr ill do anything to avoid it B^)
[Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!!]
1. Are you named after someone? 
nope im named after marzipan lol
2. When was the last time you cried? 
3. Do you like your handwriting? 
when i try it looks kinds nice but my letters always slip up and down i cant write in a nice straight line, also the thing is, i rarely even try so usually its just an ugly mess
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? 
what the fuck is lunch meat anyway my fav meat is chicken
5. Do you have kids? 
yes i have a cat her name is seven and shes a lil shit but i LOVE her
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? 
see thats a tricky question bc on one hand WOW finally someone who understands me almost 100% but on the other hand. im a shit friend as is and im p sure i would annoy the living shit out of me so. probably not
7. Do you use sarcasm? 
BOY DO I :) even my mom keeps calling me out on that
8. Do you still have your tonsils? 
uhhhhh yeah
9. Would you bungee jump? 
probably not, if it wasnt upside down id consider it but im too poor anyway
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? 
corn flakes
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? 
NEVER unless theyre like tight ass sneakers that wont come off if i dont, but usually i wear big comfy shoes that just slide right off, or zipped boots so no problem with laces here
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? 
lmao no, neither physically nor emotionally nor any other way tbh im a limp noodle and my heart is glass
13. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? 
vanilla or chocolate chip
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? 
hair and sometimes overall aesthetic or shape idk if it makes sense??? anyway i dont remember faces until ive met a person 10+ times so i usually go by hair which is. hell
15. Red or pink? 
ehhhhhhh both are okay but not rly my faves
16. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? 
i think my face doesnt rly match the rest of my body like i look in the mirror and its just my face? NICE when its everything but my face? DAMN NIIICE but combined?? it looks weird its kinda like a mismatched dressup doll
17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? 
my cool ass edgy grey pants and big beige fluffy xmas slippers, theyre so warm and comfy, ideal for this shit winter
18. What was the last thing you ate? 
scrambled eggs with sausage and a sandwich, finally a fancy breakfast on saturday
19. What are your listening to right now? 
20. If you were a crayon what color would you be? 
21. Favorite smell? 
fresh laundry and pool chlorine
22. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? 
my dad called yesterday
23. Favorite sport to watch? 
figure skating obviously, the only sport i actually watch
24. Hair color? 
brown, i still have a greenish tuft on the side from the time i dyed my hair
25. Eye color? 
26. Do you wear contacts? 
i wear glasses tho i can still see p well without them
27. Favorite food to eat? 
noodles, chicken, fried veggies, some cool sauce, lots of spices
28. Scary movies or comedy? 
i dont like either, i mean i sure like to laugh but most of comedies are.... uhhhhh not rly funny theyre embarrassing to watch
tho i gotta say i watched the shining with friends on halloween and it was hilarious so yeah scary movies sure are fun
29. Last movie you watched? 
........barbie fairytopia trilogy, dont even ask
30. What color shirt are you wearing? 
i think its some greenish brown, im not sure, what am i, an art student? NOT ANYMORE HA
31. Summer or winter? 
32. Hugs or kisses? 
uhhh hugs, and even that has to be very specific, like, a hello or goodbye hug is VERY GOOD, excited tight hug is GREAT, huggin while lying down is nice but very uncomfy for longer then a few minutes, rest is kinda ehh
33. What book are you currently reading? 
me? BOOKS? lol
34. Who do you miss right now? 
ehh no one really
35. What is on your mouse pad? 
i have a shitty bootleg star wars mousepad that i won on some convention, my mom stole my nice one with a turtle
36. What is the last TV program you watched? 
i dont remember, i think we watched some music channel on new years? AND THERE WAS RICKROLL
37. What is the best sound? 
ENTIRE ORCHESTRA PLAYING SOME LIT TRACK and well a sound of a cat chewing on wet food is oddly satisfying
38. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? 
beatles, theyre fun to sing along to, especially when youre studying and want to die
39. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? 
madrid on a school trip, ill prolly never travel any further bc im broke and i hate moving my ass someplace i dont know
40. Do you have a special talent? 
uhhhh idk i draw fast???? doesnt mean its good quality but. well fast
41. Where were you born? 
cracow a pretty city, tho polluted beyond measures, literally
ok that it idk who do tag JUST DO IT
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