#i rly don’t talk about my vision enough
bookshelf-dust · 2 months
can u pleaaaasseeeeee write something rly cute w patrick and reader where she takes care of him:((( maybe after the match where tashi gets injured he doesn't know where to go and he goes to her, and she comforts him and yk. like i just wanna give him a hug so bad
patrick zweig x fem!reader
word count: 1,208
warnings: a little swearing, overwhelmed/frustrated patrick, reader tries to straighten him out but also make him feel better, fluff (i can’t think of anything else)
a/n: hii baby!! i don’t usually take requests, but i loved this idea too much to let it slip away!!! i turned it into a little baby fic for you, and left it so you can interpret reader and patrick’s relationship however you’d like. and i made sure to give him that big big hug!! it takes place right after art and tashi tell patrick to get the fuck out lol. thank you for sharing this idea with me and i hope you enjoy it!!! <33
“I didn’t go to the match.” 
Patrick says your name desperately, like he needs you to make this better somehow. You don’t have the heart to tell him this is out of your wheelhouse. 
The man is pacing, fingers weaving in between his knotted curls and tugging at them, making his hair greasier by the minute. He’s sweaty, wearing a shirt you thought belonged to Tashi. In truth, his manic state is making you dizzy. 
“You didn’t go?” you ask, crossing your arms over your chest. You sink further into the couch cushions. 
“No. I fucked off after we fought and—” 
“And,” you finish for him, “now the headlines are blowing up because Tashi fucking Duncan’s been injured and might’ve just jeopardized her entire career.” 
Patrick kicks the base of the oversized chair you keep in the corner of your living room. “Fuck!” he shouts. 
You stand up quick enough to make your vision blur, but ignore it. “Hey! Shithead! Don’t go fuckin’ with my furniture.” 
He raises his hands, his cheeks flushed. “I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—
“No, you shouldn’t. Now sit your pretty ass down and tell me why you’re so panicked. I don’t have time for minced words.”
Patrick sits down. He watches as you lean over the side of the couch, the soft leather creaking, your oversized pajama shirt riding up to reveal cotton shorts. He realizes with a start that you’d settled in for the night when he barged in. 
Being hit in the stomach with a ball snaps him out of his reverie. “There,” you say. “Squeeze that instead of hurting my shit.” He looks down at the stress ball in his hands and sits in the chair he’d just brutalized. 
He’s quiet for a few more minutes, and you’re just about to say his name when he speaks. 
“I told Tashi I didn’t want to be her groupie. I don’t even know why I said it, I-I just got fed up with planning everything around her tournaments and Art’s at fucking Stanford and I…I just think I’m pretty damn good at tennis too…right? When will it be my turn to be number one?”
Your brow creases. “If you didn’t go to the game, how’d you know she got injured so fast?”
That’s not what Patrick was expecting you to say, but he supposes it’s a valid question. He’s not used to having someone be so assertive with him. But maybe that’s why you work. 
“I, uh, I went down to apologize, and you know word spreads pretty fast about that shit, so when I heard someone talking about her knee, I just started walking. And then Tashi and Art were in the infirmary, and obviously she’d told him what I’d said and they both—”
He’s rambling, and you’re not sure he’s taken a proper breath at all since he got here. “Patrick.” You stop him before he keels over on your rug. “Come sit over here with me.”
He does what you say because he can’t form a single coherent thought and instructions sound really nice. 
“You stood up for yourself, alright? That’s okay. I’m sure Tashi did the same. I’m sure you both said things you didn’t mean. But…it’s not any of my business.” You pause. 
You love Patrick. He's one of the few people you’ve been able to connect with and never worry about where you stand or whether they’ll be there for you if you’re in deep shit. And right now you just want to be a neutral party. He never worries about things going wrong like this, and then he’s never prepared and can’t handle it.
You inhale and continue. Patrick’s eyes are glued to your face, taking in every feature and waiting desperately for you to give him the lifeline he needs. He looks young and scared, and pleading. 
“You have to give Tashi some space. She’s a strong woman, a total badass, but this is fucking huge, Patrick, y’know? Don’t overwhelm her any more. Give Art some time too, okay? If you go to them now it’s gonna be a shit show.”
He nods, his eyes bordering dangerously on the edge of becoming watery. All he hears is alone, alone, alone. Patience is not his strong suit. 
“It’s not your fault Tashi got injured, Patrick. It’s just bad timing. You never could’ve known she’d get hurt a few hours after you ripped her a new one.”
He snorts. He knows you’re trying to make him feel better. And what else did he come over here for? 
“I know,” he finally says. “I just got so pent up, and admittedly I’ve been a dick lately, but I don’t know what to do.”
You shrug, a little smile appearing on your face. “So don’t be a dick.”
Patrick blinks at you. “Don’t be a dick?”
“Yeah, don’t be a massive dick and don’t let yours control your decisions either, Zweig.” He almost protests, but you hold up a hand. “You know I’m right. For now, just focus on doing your job, and it will all sort itself out.”
He lets out a low laugh and starts shaking his head. He can’t believe this is his life right now. Honestly he should though, because of course it’d wind up being a shit show after such a good streak. 
The gentle tone of your voice snaps him out of his reverie. He finds your gaze with impressive speed. “Hm?”
“Would you like to lay down? We could—
“Yes.” Patrick sits up on his knees, eyes shining and waiting for whatever embrace you’ll give him. 
Without speaking, you lay down on your side with your spine pressed to the back of the couch. Patrick lays down next to you so quickly you think he might’ve gotten whiplash, and buries his face in your collarbones. He tucks one hand under his cheek and wraps the other one around your waist. You let him rest his temple on your arm and hug him close to you.
“It’s all gonna work out, okay, sweetheart? I’ll be here when the shit hits the fan.”
He looks up at you. “And when it doesn’t?”
“I’ll still be here anyway. You don’t ever have to suffer alone.”
Patrick lets out a little laugh. “You’ll suffer with me?”
You scratch at the base of his scalp with your nails. “Of course. I love suffering with you, Mr. Zweig.”
Patrick smiles, amazed at how he landed you for a best friend. You’ve never judged him a day in your life, even when he’s made the shittiest of all decisions and pushed everyone else away. 
He lowers his head and burrows back into the warmth of your embrace. “Me too,” he mumbles. 
“And Patrick? I just want you to know that you are fucking stellar at tennis. You’re great, and you’re talented, and you don’t need validation from anyone else to recognize that. But if it helps, you’re always number one in my heart.”
He squeezes you, closing his eyes so he doesn’t cry because you’re being so sweet. You give him tough love, but that’s what he needs. 
“Thank you,” he says. And he means it. He believes what you’re saying, and he realizes he always has. 
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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ttal-zi · 2 years
head over feet | jungkook x reader
our dearest y/n suffers from an acute case of being absolutely tongue-tied whenever her cute banana milk regular comes in the convenience store. confiding in her closest online friend about her woes, an adventure in stepping out of your comfort zone ensues.
*very much unedited. enjoy
Magicarpediem: I mean rly, ask me any NUMBER of things about seventeen’s discography and i will return with a 5 page essay. But uh oh- cute convenience boy wants to buy some banana milk? 
Magicarpediem: suddenly i forget how vocal chords operate. 
jktheironGiant: LMAO
Magicarpediem: you laugh at my misery
jktheironGiant: oh 100% please continue
Magicarpediem: ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ
You sigh in frustration, placing your phone facedown on the counter with a little more force than necessary. It was a slow morning at the convenience store, so you didn’t feel too bad about texting your online friend instead of restocking stale chips. It was usually easy, working here- Family on a road trip, interns in a rush, really everybody came in and you handled their interactions with ease. At most a little small talk was required, but after working here for most of your college experience you had become well-versed in the activity.
Until he showed up.
You remembered it like it was yesterday- A crossword puzzle on the counter, a virtually empty store. It was raining outside, with only an hour left of your shift. You just chewed your gum and tried to make time pass. You tapped your pencil to your chin the way they always did in movies, the pitter patter of the rain only mildly distracting.
Alright, let’s see…4 down; Eros, the greek god of-
With a Pop! Your gum burst and the door swung open. But you barely looked up.
“Welcome in.” You called politely, your attention still glued to your crossword. You didn't get paid enough to see if whoever came through shoplifted a stick of gum anyway. 
“Ack, come on I know this. I read percy jackson in middle school…” You grumbled, wracking your brain and rubbing your forehead sthoughtfully. In the distance you heard the customer shuffling around the store. 
“Was it birds? Something about birds, right? No, it needs an O to fit…crow? Ugh, that doesn’t work.”
You hadn’t realised that your mumble was less of a mumble and more of a “Yes-im-talking-out-loud-to-myself-in-a-public-place”.
“What are you working on?” A gentle voice seeped into your attention. Your eyes stayed glued to the page that was slowly driving you mad. 
“Just a crossword. I’ve almost finished it but I'm stuck on this last one. I don’t know why I keep doing these. They always piss me off when I can't get it.”
Footsteps came closer to the counter, the sound of fabric rustling. Soon enough, a shadow hovered over you and your crossword. “Maybe I can help?” it was deeper than you realised, the voice. It had a sense of melody to it, and you couldn’t help but feel like you’d heard it somewhere before.
You spun the crossword around to face the stranger. “Go for it, man.” you saw…hands come into your vision. Not just any hands either. They were deft, covered mostly by fingerless gloves, but you could see specks of nail polish still decorating the strong and bony fingers.
You looked uo quickly, but the stranger was backlit in a fluorescent halo from the ceiling lights- all you saw was shadow. The voice hummed.
“Huh. I mean, loaf definitely fits. Was he the god of bread?” An unexpected laugh tore out of you. “Ha, if only. Eros, the god of loaves.” You rolled your eyes good naturedly but something seems to click for the man. He smacked his fist in his palm in understanding. “Oh! I’ve got it!”
And then everything was dark. You blinked once, twice. Dark, chocolatey black and curly hair tumbled in front of your vision. It took your brain a little while to process what you were seeing. The stranger had leaned his head down to scribble onto the crossword. You had the intense urge to run your hands through it.
You shook your head, trying to clear out the abrupt thought, when the stranger jumped back from the page and turned it towards you. “Love.” He said in that melodious voice. A chill went up your spine.
“I mean, to be fair i also associate love with bread so its quite the easy mixup.” you could hear that smu fuccking grin in his voice, so you looked up with a retort on the tip of your tongue.
And thats when you forgot how to breathe. Someone had thrown the store into mars and opened the airlock. All the oxygen was sucked out of your body at the beauty of the man in frontvog you.
His face was framed somehow both delicately and messy by his black locks , his wide eyes a shade of brown you had never quite seen. You were right- He was smiling, the most fucking smarmy, smug grin you had ever seen. It was the most beautiful thing youd ever seen, his pale rose lips parted around pearly whites. His dark brows furrowed the tiniest centimeter and-
o h. Oh god. He was waiting fir a response. One that you didnt have. Oh, Eros.
“I, uh-”
Think Y/N, think, think, think! Use that smart and sexy brain of yours to come up with a response that will make the fucking myth in front of you propose and take you out of this store with a ring on your finger! A ring pop would be fine!
“I’m allergic to gluten.”
His eyes widened in surprise at the abrupt response. He let out a good natured chuckle. “More for me, then.”
Y/N, did that sexy brain of yours forget that you are, in fact, NOT allergic to gluten?? Lies are not stable foundations for relationships, dumbass!
“Just kidding.”
Smooth. Really, truly, smooth.
But before the man could respond, you spotted the milk carton he had set on the counter. In your previous crossword blindness you hadn’t even noticed.
“I-It’s on the house.” You said, pushing the milk back in front of him. “For the bread. I mean, loaf. I mean-” You gestured at the milk hoping he understood your unintelligible words. He was going to need a crossword to understand you at this point. 
But instead of taking th emilk and running far away from the wordless cashier that you were, he smiled. It was warm and genuine, not a hint of the mischevious smugness from earlier. His eyes were bright, and he made your knees quake on the linoleum tile. “Thank you!”
His words were like a philharmonic orchestra. 
Yours felt like a soundcloud rappers corrupted file. 
“N-no yeah.” Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the hybrid of no problem and whatever the fuck else just happened there!
His smile stayed put, seemingly immovable. “I’ll see you around then. Let me know if you ever come by some more bread-related crosswords.” He waved goodbye, banana milk secure in warm hands. You nodded mutely, afraid of opening your mouth for what would spill out. 
It wasnt until the stranger had closed the door to the rainy city beyond that you let yourself collapse on top of the crossword with an “Ugh”.
“Curses…foiled again.” Even your lamenting needed work, apparently.
You sighed, opening up your eyes to the paper you rested on. There, scrawled in the little four spaces was someone elses handwriting. Completing your puzzle with a neatly written 
It had been nearly a year since then. You’d seen the man through all different seasons; Bundled up in a winter puffer jacket, sweating in a white shirt in the summer, or even the comfy-looking cardigan you’d seen on a pretty spring day. Every time he’d greet you with that bright smile, lighting up your insides. Eventually you learned his name was Jungkook. 
You couldn’t think about anything else that day.
Besides providing you endless bouts of heart palpitations and sudden onset weakness in your knees, he also provided an endless source of entertainment for your best friend. 
You’d been introduced to jktheironGiant through a minecraft server created by your friend Hoseok. After you both tried to sabotage kingTAEta’s building with a little bit of lava, the two of you have been inseparable. Over the three years you’ve known JK, he’s become your best friend; Despite not knowing each others names or faces, he’s one of the only people that truly knows you.
Which also means he knows how completely mortified you are by these interactions.
And god, he loves it.
jktheironGiant: has he come in today yet?
jktheironGiant: i wanna witness that effect he has on your typing in which you suddenly no longer know how words work >:)
You huff out a laugh, typing a response.
Magicarpediem: ur a sick man jk. this is torture, truly.
The doorbell jingles just as JK’s response comes through. 
jktheironGiant: Kinky 
For no reason at all, you feel your cheeks heat. You put your phone upside down on the counter to greet your latest customer. “Good morning, welcome in-” You stutter at the end as your eyes catch on the man walking through the door. It’s Jungkook. 
Fitting the cold weather outside, he’s wearing a black turtleneck and overcoat, his hand dipping breifly into his pocket seemingly to put his phone away. He meets your eyes, bright and shiny as always. “Morning, Y/N!” He greets you with a grin, beelining over to the refrigerated drinks.
Suddenly, the cozy sweater you’re wearing feels 100 degrees warmer.
Oh god, okay, don’t mess this up. He’s been in here a million times, you can talk to him! Ask him how his day is, how he’s doing!
Jungkook walks over to the counter with a bit of a spring in his step, his eyes glued to you. He sets the banana milk on the counter and smiles at you… but theeres something about it. He looks like he knows something. 
Or i’m reading too much into this and the poor man just wants his drink. You take the milk and scan it, the silence stiffening around you. 
“So,” You begin. Okay here it is, don’t fumble it. “How….” How’s your day? How are you?
But instead you just stop. Even after he hands you his debit card, you don’t continue. Just. How.
“How..?” Jungkook repeats, his eyes locked onto yours like heat seeking missiles. Not for the first time sicne he;s arrived, you feel your entire body burning up.
“How….” You repeat again, glancing for anything around you to possibly take you out of this botched attempt at conversation. Abort mission!
“...How would you like this bagged?” You point weakly to the paper or plastic bags next to you. “W-we have plastic, or paper, but if you want a reusable one i can probably find something in the back, though I can’t promise it will be new or anything-”
Jungkook watches as you flounder, mirth twinkling in those devastatingly handsome eyes. He hums. “No bag today- I’ll just carry it.” He smiles, winking at you. 
Your heart skips several beats, and you wonder if Jungkook knows CPR.
“...Ah. Cool. Bye.”
“I mean.. Uh.. see ya.”
Please quit while you’re ahead, this is awful.
“Enjoy your…milk.” To top it all off, your possessed hands attempt finger guns. But alas, sleeves are long, and your thumbs are stuck within them, so now you're just pointing at the man in front of you and dying very quickly inside.
The man is a saint, apparently. Or just very oblivious. He chuckles. 
“See you soon, Y/N!” And within moments, he’s gone.
You slump on the counter once more. 
“Why???” You groan at no one but yourself.
That night, all you hear is JK’s hysterical laughter at your expense. You groan, shoving your head in your hands as you sit at your computer. “I literally do not know why I keep telling you about this. Every time it happens i regret my life decisions.” JK’s slightly distorted laughing calms to a point- but not completely. His tinny voice comes through your headphones- He still uses his old headphone’s microphone, the quality probably not doing any sort of justice for his voice. 
“It’s probably because I promise you VBucks in return for your emotional damage.” JK cackles. You roll your eyes even when you know he can’t see it. “I’m still only playing that for you and Jiminie- I cannot, in good conscience, say that I like Fortnite.” 
“You don’t have to admit something for it to be true~” JK sing-songs in your ears. You huff, acting annoyed when really…you aren’t. JK’s banter and jokes always manage to uplift you, even when it’s because of an embarrassing thing you did. He manages to turn a situation where others are laughing at you, into the two of you laughing at it. It’s one of the things you like about him the most.
“C’mon I don’t have anything that I can tease you with- this is very unfair.” You grumble, but your hearts not in it. “I guess I’ll have to ask the server about more embarassing JK moments. I need to expand my arsenal.” You quip, already typing away. “Oh NO you don’t-” JK Responds, suddenly alarmed. “Oh how the turn tables~” You answer smugly.
The Crazy Eights :P
Magicarpediem: gimme your most embarrassing jktheironGiant moments go
jktheironGiant: please do not add betrayal to your list of sin 〣( ºΔº )〣
Not even a minute later, there's a flood of responses.
kingTAEta: most definitely cried when we saw endgame
jktheironGiant: WHO DIDN”T
jellyjiiminie5: well yeah but you were the only one that passed out from dehydration afterwards
You let out a surprised gasp. “JK, Really?!?” He just groaned in response.
Magicarpediem: i love this. So much.
lilmeowmeow: one time i asked him if he drank water and he asked me if there was water in banana milk
Magicarpediem: OMG
jktheironGiant: well at least now i see whos not coming with me in the zombie apocalypse :/
worldwidJinn: honestly im disappointed >:( you’re all so ready to stab little jk in the back
jktheironGiant: THANK YOU jin
worldwidJinn: and you’re completely forgetting about the multiple times he’s forgotten about the concept of fall damage in a match
jktheironGiant: nam i’m being bullied.
naMonster: lol
You were having trouble breathing at this point. Your hysterical laughter only bringing sighs out of JK.
jktheironGiant: i think magicarp over here is having a heart attack stop telling embarassing stories she might pass out 
hohohoseK: only you have the power to stop this jk [●´︶`●] you know what it will take
jktheironGiant: …guys i don’t have THAT many vbucks
hohohoseK: all it takes is the truth young padawan 。・゚・(ノД`)ヽ( ̄ω ̄ )
Lilmeowmeow: do it JK
kingTAEta: stop torturing Magicarp and maybe we’ll grant you mercy :)
JK’s end became quiet as the messages continued. “Yeah JK stop torturing me~” You laughed, trying to brighten up and bring your friend back. The sudden silence was unlike him.
jktheironGiant: >:( fine. Later.
Magicarpediem: i feel like I’m missing something but as long as im no longer being tortured im good (☆▽☆)
“Fine. No more embarrassment about convenience guy.” A message pinged on the chat. “Jiminie is ready to play anyway- You can use your beloved VBucks.” You could only laugh in response, happy to finally be around someone you knew you could talk to.
The next day found you sipping your favorite winter drink in a cozy cafe. You had come in to get some work done for a class, but with almost being done with school it was finished in no time. Now you simply enjoyed the atmosphere of the restaurant in winter while reading a book. No strangers had even sat next to you! Life was good, and that could be rare when you took a seat at those long half-booth monstrosities. They were designed to make people anxious, you concluded.
You paid no mind to the people walking and moving around you, content to be absorbed in the fantastical romance of your novel. So much so, in fact, that you didn’t notice the dark-haired figure walking up to you.
“Excuse me… may I sit here?” You froze at the melodious tone of his voice. Slowly, you craned your neck up in horror. 
He was here. Jungkook was here. 
Oh god.
His eyebrows raised as your eyes met. “Oh! Y/N! Hey!” He gestured to the seat next to you. “Would you mind? I promise not to interrupt your book or anything.” He chuckled. 
All you could do was nod.
He looked at you quizically. “You…do mind?”
You shook your head violently. “You don’t?” He still had that lost puppy look on his face.
You nodded again. Your head was getting dizzy. “You do-”
“Just sit down, Jungkook.” You facepalmed outwardly. Oh well. You’d embarrassed yourself enough in front of him- What did once more hurt? A grin grew on his lips. “Thanks.”
He scooted in next to you, and oh god you were enveloped in Jungkook. In this mysterious-not-so-mystery that had whirled into your life so suddenly. THe man made you tongue tied up down and sideways, and now he was sitting next to you with that cologne.
Good lord youd never been close enough to smell it- or him. You were addicted to his presence and had to physically bite your tongue from saying anything about it.
You tried to shove your nose in your book once more, but it only worked for so long.
“Hey, do you think you could watch my stuff real quick? I’m gonna go grab a drink.” He said, giving you that little smile that you would kill for. Apparently now you could nod your head correctly, so that’s exactly what you did. With another quick smile and a thanks, Jungkook left his phone on the table and his bag in the seat.
Enter: Freakout mode.
Oh god what am I gonna do??? He’s probably going to say something fucking- sweet, and, and funny! Shit shit shit shit-
You yanked out your own phone, furiously typing.
A faint buzz from Jungkook’s phone had you nearly jumping in your seat. Was that-? No. No that’s just a coincidence. His phone lay face down on the table, and coming from that direction, you couldn’t even be sure it was his that had buzzed.
You picked up your phone and began typing once more, only interrupted by Jungkooks return. “Thanks for watching my things.” He said, ever smiling at you. You merely nodded and returned to your panic typing.
Magicarpediem: I just messed up nodding, how the fuck does someone do that?? Oh good lord jk. He’s too pretty. I just can’t. I don’t know what it is.
Beside you, Jungkook picked up his phone, taking a sip of his drink. You didn’t notice the way he stiffened as he looked at his device, too wrapped up in your panic rambling.
Magicarpediem: i can no longer come to this cafe anymore :’D not until i can operate my vocal chords again. Packing up and RUNNING in about 3 seconds.  
“Don’t!” Jungkook yelped beside you, and you whipped your head to meet his wild-eyed gaze. “Ah- Shit, sorry just uh. My book. Character’s making a bad decision.” He waved his phone haphazardly in the air. You stared at him for a beat, but you couldn’t hold back the giggle that came out. 
“It’s fine- It happens to me too.”
Was that…
A normal sentence?
Jungkook stared at you, wide eyed, like you’d just told him the moon was made of pizza and he could go pick up a slice. Your cheeks warmed, and you diverted your attention back to your phone.
Magicarpediem: i…. Said an actual sentence. Holy shit.
Jungkook chuckled beside you, presumably at his book. You tried to ignore the fact that you loved the sound so much.
jktheironGiant: lmao, see? It’s not that hard. Cmon i bet hes just as nervous as you
You scoffed out loud.
Magicarpediem: no way- he’s been a smooth criminal ever since i met him. I bet his brain is smooth too. All smooth. Like a river rock.
jktheironGiant:...a river rock?
Magicarpediem: or just like. dwayne the rock johnson. He’s smooth. 
jktheironGiant: smooth head
Magicarpediem: very.
You began to laugh at the same moment Jungkook did. You clammed up suddenly, shooting him a bashful smile. 
“What are you laughing at?” His voice rang out next to you. 
“I uh…my friend. He’s teasing me.” You answered in the least amount of words possible, but once again you managed to make an actual, coherent, response!
Jungkook tilted those inquisitive eyes towards you again, something.. Deeper in them.
Your face heated to a billion degrees, warmth crawling up every inch of your body. “I. Uh. Uhm. N-No.” And you couldn’t help but feel slightly…wrong, for saying that. A little disappointed because you wouldn’t mind if JK was your boyfriend. The crush you harbored for him would enjoy it immensely.
Jungkook nodded, seemingly thinking about something. “Good.”
You did a double take. “I- Wh-Wha-” You tried to get the words out, but your mouth just opened and closed like a fish gasping for air while jungkook turned his bemused attention back to his phone.
jktheironGiant: either way, hes totally nervous. Maybe he just shows it differently.
Magicarpdiem: suuuuuuure….why would i make him nervous though?
JK’s response was instantaneous.
jktheironGiant: you’re pretty 
You were pretty sure your heart stopped. You let out a faint gasp, as the words melted into your mind. But before you could ask how he knew that without ever seeing you, JK continued to battle your heart with his pure words
jktheironGiant: plus you’re super cool and funny- you told me how you two met remember? Funny people can be intimidating.
Magicarpediem: JK i was literally talking to myself over a crossword puzzle.
jktheironGiant: and that isn’t funny?
jktheironGiant: c’mon just ask him something- maybeeee you could go take a walk. Get to know each other wink wink
Magicarpediem: just out of the blue like that?
jktheironGiant: you like him, don’t you?
Magicarpediem: …
Magicarpediem: fine.
And before you could back out, before you could process what you were doing, you turned to Jungkook.
“Would you like to take a walk with me?”
No ‘It’s a little loud in here’. No ‘if you can’. No ‘since the weather's nice’.
No excuse or reason- Just asking the boy you like if he’d like to walk with you.
Jungkook’s eyebrows raised in surprise. But it flickered away quickly, replaced by a look of pure joy.
“Y-yeah! I’d love to.”
And you smiled.
“Wait, really?? Well, that was pretty convenient for you.” You laughed, walking side by side with Jungkook. “Yup. The one day I forget my wallet and you gave me a free milk.” Jungkook lifted his hand behind his head, stretching. “Since then, I knew I owed you a life debt.” You giggled; Something about this boy, this man- He made you laugh the way only one other person had before.
“I’m glad we get to talk like this now.” He said, ruffling his soft locks. “At first I was worried that you were scared of me or something.”
“Scared of you?” You repeated in shock at the notion that you could ever be scared of Jungkook. “No way. Just… in awe, I suppose.” You looked anywhere but him, even as you felt those inquisitive eye on you. 
“Awe?” He repeated.
“Yeah.” You confirmed.
Oh well. Fuck it.
“You’re really pretty, Jungkook.” You looked him in the eyes when you said it, and continued your walk. You only got a few steps before you realised that Jungkook had stopped. “Jungkook?” You looked at him, puzzled. 
He was staring at you with wide eyes, full of an emotion you couldn’t place. “Come on, surely you know that.” You tried to play it off, thinking he was uncomfortable.
He shook his head. “It’s different coming from you.” There was a pleasant emotion, heavy lacing through his words. You just smiled at him. It was easier now- Like the shock of cold after jumping in the pool, only to never want to get out.
“Well it’s true.” You said. You walked closer to him, grabbing his hand- The first thing you had seen when you met him, the hand that wrote ‘Love’ and had your brain overload with emotion.
“Now c’mon, the stores are gonna close soon.” 
It felt right to lace your fingers with his own. Like you had been waiting a long time, only to finally, finally feel the warmth of his palm against your own.
“This is me.” You said as you and Jungkook stopped outside your apartment building. The impromptu walk turned into an impromptu shopping trip turned into impromptu dinner… 
An impromptu date, really.
And now he had insisted on walking you safely back home, bringing your spontaneous adventure for a close. You turned to him. “I uh…” You were struck again not only by his beauty, but his kindness. The way he’d made you laugh all night, asked for your opinions, talked about your lives. The way you felt comfortable to simply be with him. To not pretend.
“I’m really glad you talked to me Jungkook.” a look of surprise flickered across his face before settling into a look of sweetness. Like someone you love saying something silly, something they would only say, and it’s just so them that you can't help but smile.
“I’m really glad you talked to me, Y/N. I’ve been uh,” Jungkook cleared his throat, and you swore you saw red grace the tip of his ears and nose. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.”
You beamed up at him. God, you really were in it, huh?
Your expression turned sheepish once more. “Do you think I, um…could I have your number? So we could do this again?” You asked hopefully. 
You expected a yes or a no, but that wasn’t what you got.
Jungkook smiled, easy, but there was something more to it that you couldn’t place. Like he was worried.
“Don’t worry about that just yet. Now c’mon, it’s late and you’re freezing. Get to bed now, okay?”
Your hope wilted just a little. What kind of non-answer was that? Did he not have a fun time as well, despite what he said?  You shook the negative feelings away and tried to just focus on what was happening now.
“Oh. Yeah. Okay. Well…Goodnight Jungkook.” You said, beginning to step away. Jungkook smiled at you, soft and warm. “Goodnight Y/N.”
You turned away, walking to your door- You were afraid that if you turned around, whatever spell would be broken and you would jump to him telling him exactly how you feel.
Opening the door to your apartment, you felt a buzz through the pocket of your pants. Unlocking your phone as you discarded your things, you saw an unread message from jktheironGiant.
jktheironGiant: I had a really fun time tonight, Y/N.
jktheironGiant: thank you.
The world felt like it dropped beneath your feet.
At the same time, everything clicked into place.
Your legs carried you in a sprint out the door. 
JK. Jungkook.
You took the stairs two at a time.
His phone buzzed when I texted him at the cafe.
The door to the lobby flew open and you burst suddenly into the chilly winter night.
He loves banana milk. He comes in every day for one.
Your head whipped wildly around searching, seeing if he was still there. Off in the distance, a silhouette.
He told me to ask him on a walk.
Your muscles burned as you ran towards the silhouette, the dark hair of the man you loved slowly coming into sight.
They wanted him to tell me. 
“Jungkook!” You yelled. He whipped around, a surprised expression on his face. Seeing you run towards him, the surprise mixed with obvious guilt.
Finally, you stood in front of him, trying to catch your breath.
“You.” You whispered. “It’s you.” Jungkook’s eyes were wider than ever. Guilt, happiness, every emotion swirled in the unreachable depths of his iris.
“It’s me.” 
“JK,” You started, the name making his breath stutter. You took his hand. “Why? Why didn’t you tell me it was you?”
“I-”Jungkook started. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you until after we had met. I thought it was sweet how flustered you got, and I…I wanted to show you it wouldn’t be so hard to talk to me. It was fun joking with you and teasing you. I wanted to see you smile like that with me in real life too. I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to-to manipulate you or, god, anything like that. I was having so much fun just being around you and I love you so much and-”
“Yeah?” He responded breathlessly.
You flicked his arm. He yelped in surprise. “That’s for not telling me.”
But before either of you could wait another second, you stepped forward, forward, forward, close to Jungkook, to JK. Your hands came to rest on the sides of his face, and you looked into his deep brown eyes.
“I appreciate you wanting to see me smile. And I know jokes can get out of hand. You could’ve gone about it without not telling me who you were.” Guilt was evident in every line of Jungkook’s face but before he could utter another apology, you continued.
“That doesn’t stop me from loving you. All of you.” 
And you kissed him.
You kissed him because you’d wanted to since before you knew about Jungkook. You kissed him because he needed to know that he made a mistake but you forgave him. You kissed him because he tasted like cherries and chocolate. His strong hands, those hands came up to rest on your waist, holding you close in the chill. 
You parted for air, both panting. You could see your breath come out like smoke in the winter night. 
“I love you.” He whispered like it was holy.
“I know.” You smiled, teasing him because you had a lot to catch up on.
He gave you that bright grin, and you beamed, and everything was okay.
It looks like Eros had really been looking out for you after all.
. end
please do not repost or discredit my work! you can also find it at Ao3 under kaminaridamacy, but ONLY there.
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asiogie · 1 year
okay fine drops the dream bodyhair manifesto in ur askbox. fine. if u really insist. maybe i will. Okay i’ll do it. starting off strong we have the drarmpits (dream armpits). i always feel like pits r underrated on here and maybe just generally bc i dont ever see people other than me specifically talking about them most of the time. but i just think theres something so … idk how to put it into words but theres just something so human about them that i love likekee i just don’t know. anyways yeah buries my face in them or whatever. next!!! his chest. i dont think its like rewallly super hairy or anything but there’s enough there for me to think about and feel lightheaded doing so. his hairy fucking tits ….. moving swiftly on to one of my favourites. the happy drail :3 one of these days hes gonna reach up or stretch or something on camera that’ll give me a glimpse of his hairy stomach that i then just won’t let go of. it’ll be like that one photo of him sat in a laundry basket but a billion times worse which brings us onto his legs. his beautiful legs. one of the only sections of this that ive seen outside of my own uh Visions shall we say anyways i fucking love his legs theyre the perfect amount of hairiness and i want to floss my teeth on them who said that .. i’ve already mentioned it but that laundry basket photo is my favourite droto of all time i think (id put it here but im sure u know exactly the one i mean). i love all of em but that one is really special to meee. AND I ALMOST FORGOT. the drubes. again i need to bury my face here on my way down to- anyways Anyways. his beard .. idk if that counts but like its hair and on his body soo. i love the colour of it (i think that colour transfers to everything else ive talked about here tbh like that makes sense i think?) anyways something about beard burn goes here. and lastly his hair .. again maybe doesnt count but it’s hair on his body and i want to play w it as he catnaps on my lap etc. i could go on for hours like i could seriously wax poetic about dream and. his beautiful hairy tits. and there we go!! i hope this was enjoyable to read i had the best time picturing all this as i went. urm. dream my boyfriend who i kiss and bury my face in the chest of everyday Yippee!!!! im gonna write and publish a poetry book entirely about. the drody hair and nobody will ever know. except me and u and anyone who reads this. idk im just typing words at this point i feel rly dizzy i need to bury my head in his chest inneedd to smell him <- crazy person thing to say (tagged on the end of this okay. sure). anywaysss hands u the deepest darkest part of my brain drinks some chamomile tea and goes to sleeb for 10hrs zzz <3
really good fucking work anon just really great literature in the askbox today
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jimmyandthegiraffes · 7 months
for the wip ask meme: "WIP sweet revenge" sounds like a more than good bet for being starsky & hutch fic, so i'd love to hear about that! 👀
helloooo tysm!!!! u r correct it is s&h!!
so i actually dont rly know where im going with this fic but it's set in the weeks and months following sweet revenge, based on an idea a friend of mine and i talked about many years ago of hutch getting sick while starsky is recovering. i'm sure it's been done to death haha but i'm a sucker for this shit.
“The world ain’t gonna end because you’re sick for a week, Hutchinson. Not if you’re sick for two weeks, a month.”
“You sure?” Hutch rasps. If he could sound flippant, he would, but he sounds deadly serious.
He also sounds awful, and Starsky tells him so, to his face, bluntly. “You look like crap, and you sound like crap. The world can take it.”
“I’m sorry,” says Hutch. “I didn’t mean to – ” When he tries to sit, Starsky pushes him back down. He’s grateful that Hutch doesn’t resist too much – if it came to a contest of strength, Hutch would still win, even as sick as he is. Starsky’s not up to wrestling, but Hutch has seen enough in the last few months to know the cardinal rule of this game: no engagement Starsky can't match.
There's a lil snippet! The fic focuses on Hutch's feelings of responsibility, and his fears of failure and inadequacy, and Starsky's feelings of frustration and exasperation - mostly good-natured (Hutch is silly).
bonus also from survival WIP which is my other s&h WIP from that list:
When he wakes, he’s not sure that he has. There’s blue sky and it’s fuzzy at the edges. His head throbs and he can feel his heart beating, fast and fevered, in every part of him. There are black spots dancing in his vision, and he blinks hard to try and clear them away, but instead they come into clearer focus. They’re buzzards, far off, high in the warm air-currents. Buzzards. Hutch lies still and tries not to feel fear. Struggling makes the claustrophobia and the heat and the pain and the dust and the thirst crush him downwards, like being buried alive. He breathes, in and out, over and over, and watches the buzzards. They’re a long way off, just specks in the sky, really. Just specks in the sky. He was going to think about death. He was going – Starsky is going to find a dead body. He can’t call anything much to mind. They didn’t know, you don’t know, nobody knows who he is or where he is or what he wants. Help me, I’m going to die here. I’m going to die. The buzzards are black spots, they’re specks in the sky. There were thousands of them. They were living in tents. Sonny is gone. The war is over.
idek what to say abt this, I wrote it I think winter 2021 and I keep trying to find the inspiration to finish it. it's rly just a thinly veiled excuse for me to write in my fave theme - characters who for whatever reason (in hutch's case dehydration and pain) experience a disruption or abstraction (permanent or temporary) in their normal thought patterns, which creates a perfect crucible to explore a scene on a deeper level through a character's distorted viewpoint. smth about looking at something sideways to see it more clearly - when a character is somehow in an altered state it can be easier to tease out interesting threads from them
but anyway i loveeeee the radio thing that hutch is listening to as he's driving at the beginning it rly stuck w me and i wanted to find a way to have it stick in hutch's mind too even if he's not paying attention to it consciously
pick a WIP from this list and send me an ask and I'll post a snippet or share smth about the fic!!
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antoncore · 3 months
oooh i don’t have the channel or like a streaming service with it but anytime i’ve had the opportunity at like a hotel or smth i’m watching TLC.. (if that’s what ur talking about) i’d like 90 day fiancé and say yes to the dress lmaooo
mmm yeah i could see eunseok too or like… based on looks.. seunghan would be really hot but idk. actually i could see any of them as that archetype(???) but it would just be in different ways… like seunghan/eunseok/sungchan would be the most similar to joe (i only watched the first season forgive me if i don’t rly remember) but i could also see like sohee or wonbin (my subby boys<33) being like that too? but just in a different way… a little less possessive and just more pathetic, perverted ways.. idk if u see my vision😔😔
that sounds nice though!!! do u get to dress up? i hope everyone has a nice time<3 i have weird days off this week so idk i might do smth on thurs or friday but we’ll see.. i got some new clothes recently.. one being this dress tbh and it’s just like a black mini dress with rly thin straps i feel like it can be stressed down?? and not to brag but i actually feel like i look kinda good in it and that doesn’t usually happen so kinda wanna wear that out somewhere but idk
- 🧸 anon
omg yes 90 day fiance too… shit is fucking crazy!!! i can’t stand half the people on it but it’s just funny to watch how stupid both people are. and yes i see your vision hehe, wonbin and sohee subby boys who’d do anything to make sure you only think abt them :(( so adorable
and yes!!! if the outfit’s pretty enough i’ll post on my side blog bc that’s where i post myself (bc i’m scared of almost 400 people coming for my looks on here lol). i hope you can do something nice for yourself my love, a simple black dress is always rlly good to have + i’m so happy that you feel good wearing it!!! hopefully you can wear it out soon hehehe
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ruby-thursda7 · 1 year
Jack Mcbrayer is SO unexpected but now that it’s in my mind it honestly fits so well I don’t want anyone else to voice Helix, your brain man, your fucking brain-
OK OK so I didn’t think of all of the characters but since you gave all of them I’m gonna think of some right now to match >:)
Helix - Like I said Jack Mcbrayer is a sound choice but if I had to choose my own option I think I would say someone like Zeno Robinson (Hunter from TOH), I feel like his voice is versatile enough
Raven - Now knowing your vision for her I feel so off base with this but honest to God when I first saw her I was like ‘oh this bitch (/lh) talks like Cree Summer (Susie in Rugrats) I know it’ but now I know better!!
Mindy - All ai can see when I look at her is Charlyne Yi (Ruby in SU) although at this point that might be down to typecasting lmao
Bobbie - The moment, the moment you said loud and charming and NY accent I thought of Joan Rivers but OBVIOUSLY we can’t have that so I think Sarah Stiles (Spinel in SU) would be the next best option. I don’t know if her Spinel voice is her genuine accent but even if it’s not I think it’s pretty good!!
Unnamed cats - Hm,,,in second thought maybe Zeno Robinson would work better for the eye-man, I can hear the Intriguing yet Pathetic mystery coming out of their mouth like they wanna draw you in but only so they can show you their Yugioh card collection. Depending on if you wanna go masc or fem for the taller one, I think Madeline Martin (Fionna in Adventure Time) or Justin Briner (Deku in MHA) would work pretty good!!
(Also if you’re looking for names for the last two,,,since the black one is covered in eyes maybe they could be named something like Scophie? It’s like combining Sophie with the idea of scoping about. Also scopophobia which I most certainly know too much about :’D and this one is more of a funny haha but I think Chedder suits the tall one pretty good lmao)
for raven i aubrey plaza rly sums up her personality but i would rather she be voiced by a woc thats what i had in mind when while creating her
DUDE if joan rivers would do a ny accent thatd be 👌 she rly rly does have that liveliness that id want from bobbie
ZENO RONIBSON YES DUDE THATS IT ugh i love him so much and also you 1000% understand what i was going for with that character ahshdhhshdg (also i didnt think about the scopophobia im sorry i can tag that from now on) schophie is rly cute also ajshhdhd
CHEDDERRRRRR and omg fiona from adventure time would be cute
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jinkicake · 2 years
Sigh, back at it again😔 okay so hear me out; my fav thing is to like subvert popular fandom tropes bc everyone is wrong and I’m right. Like no Venti isn’t your uwu little blushy bottom boy he’s a god who can and will fuck you in his church on the altar and nobody will stop him🥰 so the chaotic switch Venti has grabbed me by the neck and will it let go and I’m just imagining everyone else, back to my (toxic) ex boyfriend Xiao propaganda I imagine like in your head your like “ lmao this man has not had ass in like 4 centuries imma Rock his world” and like 20 mins in you have to tap out and ask for a water beak and he’s like 🙄 is that all? Like you gotta train like your training for a marathon to fuck Xiao like even when he’s not all rough and animalistic, he’s just attacking all your weak spots at once, truly feel like he could have you suck his dick while he does like paperwork (in a modern Au) and he wouldn’t flinch like he has the best poker face ever so you gotta throw him off his rhythm 👀 itto I actually hc as bad at sex and it’s funny asf bc someone made like a tweet about it that and I’m like??? Your absolutely right!! He cums so quick but bc oni blood he can do it as many times until your satisfied and he tries rly hard to please you so it’s fun to tease him and his dick is huge so by default he’s already better than most, only time I will allow him to destroy someone’s insides is when he’s in heat and can’t think straight, gorou my beloved; he’s a whole war general like he’s killed people and seen his friends die same as kazuha there’s no way this man don’t know about sex.. HES A DOG! Like he in my eyes is a switch leaning bottom bc hehe funny god man have sensitive ears but if you tease him too much he will have to put you in your place, starts talking all sharp and serious likes he giving orders to his recruits and it’s a lil scary, and next to him kazuha , idk what I want from him exactly bc I do like mr steal yo girl I can make you cum without even using more than 2 fingers but also would like to tie him op🤔 he to me feels like a bag of tricks like he’s always a surprise, like he seems like a calm quiet poetry boy but he’s literally so unhinged like in the last summer event w everyone he body slams a delusional man to get him to come to his senses and every one is like😰 and done even get me started in his mirage,,,,, yeah that is not a good boy for even when we meet him in the quest he such a little shit!! “ you fight well” and telling the dude who stole the dead vision that he was gunna break his fingers???? Even paimon was like?? Ayo why we going so fucking fast??😭 he just be saying shit to throw people off!! Like him and Beido always got this “ flirting but not really but we have a secret that we can’t tell you but we gon talk about you infront of you” vibe going on like the way they speak?? Yeah I would not be surprised if you ended up in some back room on the ship at night w both of them bc they always scheming 😒 albedo my beloved melanin challenged man💕 he’s just like his twin so I feel like whole he wants to act all soft and romantic he will get scary if you test him or if he gets stressed enough, def the type to hit sore spots when you argue that’s like okay see I wanted to fuck you bc your hot when mad but imma punch you now🔪 definitely does everything w passion and romancing in mind. Would not be surprised in the slightest if he read books on flirting like noelle did in her hangout thing💀 mf is in that lab watching romcoms!! When I frost got into the game I was like he is never beating the weirdo allegations bc I always see him and trying to do some kind of experiment on someone like??? You can literally ask me like lmao I’m down you don’t gotta be sneaky unless it’s crazy
no, i agree that everything you say is right, nothing can prove that wrong!!!!!
but yes.... people always soften venti and it's like,,,,, come on.... come on!!! are we talking about the same venti? it's all a front he puts on to fool and distract everyone! i know he is crazy!!!! (.... i like crazy and reckless venti, hes the fucking free archon like?!)
AND I NEED YOU TO SPEAK LOUDER ON XIAO BECAUSE EXACTLY, EXACTLY. He's sometimes written as someone who doesn't know shit about pleasing a bitch and it's like LOOK AT HIM... LOOK AT HIM!!! Xiao knows exactly what to do and he can go for DAYS while doing it.... my heart is racing just thinking about it!!! I love toxic ex bf xiao!
itto is a himbo (that is my one cliche trope idc idc) so yes he cums in two seconds but can go for hours on end... I agree i agree!!! speaking of gorou,,, i love a good itto gorou ship,,, there i said it!
also yes kazuha would be insane bc it's always the quiet ones that surpise you the most!! the mention of beidou and kazuha just reminded me of how i literally ship anyone w everyone like itto sara the whole enemies to lovers is fun and theyre hot together- i could ship xiao w a fucking rock if i thought they were fun together omg
albedo.... i could do a thinkpiece on him truly- i just love the quiet psychos!!!! not that he's really a psycho but he could be! like his unleashed power that's supposed to destroy ****** ,,, wow..... just wow! but about his experiments.... i wouldnt hate them HAH YEAH I would read some good yandere albedo performing experiments on the reader..... it sounds fUN
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notveryshrugemoji · 2 years
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New glasses babes.
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shokobuns · 4 years
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“𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐛𝐫𝐨?”
your irritating step brother likes to come in your room during your zoom classes.
PAIRING: stepbro!gojo satoru x f!reader
GENRE(S): smut, quarantine!au (au? LMAO), college!au, taboo
WARNING(S): darkish, smut, drug use (weed), high sex, stepcest, taboo, slight dubcon, slight manipulation, exhibitionism (if you squint), sensory deprivation (blindfold), degradation, size kink, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (f receiving), squirting, dacryphilia (if you squint)
(A/N): this rly do be my first time using proper capitalization huh, anyways all characters, SORRY I FORGOT TO ADD THE READ MORE I FIXED IT 
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One thing you easily learned about Satoru was the fact he wasn’t easy to satisfy. He’s demanding, cocky, all the while being nonchalant. He rarely exerts effort, but gets the desired results. He’s arrogant, but it’s nearly impossible to point out a flaw to counter it at all.
It makes your head hurt. It makes your teeth clench.
When you make eye contact, you make sure to stare back daggers. When you’re forced to talk to him, your voice stays monotone and expressionless. When you’re in a room with him for more than five minutes, your earbuds are already out, drowning out the sound of his voice. But it’s all difficult when you’re under the same roof.
Knock. Knock.
You roll your eyes at the sound of your step brother knocking your door, wondering what the hell he wants now. At this point, he’s probably just trying to annoy you, poke at your sides until he gets attention, any kind of attention, all just to satisfy his boredom.
Your calm demeanor and sharp tongue has always contrasted with Satoru’s teasing attitude. He’s always seemingly trying to provoke you, trying to pry apart the walls you’ve barricaded yourself in. His personality never rubbed you in the right way from the day your dad surprised you with a dinner with your new brother and your new mom. It didn’t matter anyways, you thought. You’d be going off to university soon enough.
The pandemic ran over all of your plans like a truck.
Better yet, your parents still had work without the option of staying home, leaving you and Satoru home alone for a little over eight hours a day. When he wasn’t in class or tutoring his juniors, he was knocking at your door, most likely red-eyed, though you can’t see it, and relaxed. Despite his persistence, you rarely let him in no matter how insistent he is in “getting to know his new lil sister.”
“Go away, Satoru.”
Behind the door, he pouts while you scribble down notes from the screenshared presentation. He comes in anyways, reeking of marijuana and cologne, half of his shirt buttons undone. You steal a small glance before once again glueing your eyes to your computer screen. The voice of your professor bores you, but you’re hyper aware of Satoru’s presence as he makes himself comfortable on your bed. “Get the fuck off! You stink!” You yell, turning off your camera before throwing a pencil right at him.
He catches it mid air with ease, relaxing his head on your pillows while fiddling with one of your many Sanrio plushies. “Can I have this?” he asks, holding one up as you contemplate its value in your head.
“If it gets you out of my room, then sure.” you reply in a monotone voice, turning back to your notes.
“You’re no fun,” he mumbles, rolling over to lay on his side with the plushie in his arms, “Is that organic chem?”
“Yeah, can you go now?”
“I’ll be quiet, princess. Don’t worry about me, just wanna know what my lil sis is up to.” He waits for a response, but is only rewarded with a huff.
It stays like that for the next ten minutes, him watching your professor’s lecture, you scrambling to write all of the information on the slides as he continues the fast paced lesson. You’re hyper focused on your class, putting in your effort to absorb the entirety of the content. In your mind, the only people in your room are your and your computer. “You know, you don’t have to understand everything all at once,”  a voice speaks up from behind you, causing you to purse your lips in annoyance, “It’s easier to learn when you’re actually paying attention to the lecture instead of focusing on trying to get everything down.
“We get it, Satoru. You have straight A’s and you’re naturally good at everything.”
“Hey, you’re getting advice from an aspiring teacher. Don’t need to use that tone with me, Princess.” He mumbles, rolling to his back on the bed, “Just tryna help you out in my free time.”
“I don’t need your help.”
He stays silent while you go back to drawing some of your basic compounds. Ethanol, methanol, propane, all of it. Your scribbles are messy and they progressively fill out the page in your notebook. You hear a tsk behind you, rolling your eyes as you prepare for another criticism from Satoru. Sure, he was probably right, but you refuse to feed into his ego. “Does he not link the slides to you guys or something?” he asks, this time with a friendlier tone.
“He does.” you reply, swiveling your chair until you’re facing him. He’s laying on his side again, his shirt spilling off his shoulder as your breath hitches at the sight. The blindfold is snug against his face, his hair pushed up. You’re sure that the stink of marijuana has rubbed onto your sheets and you make a mental note to wash them after class. “Then get high with me.”
“I’m in the middle of class, dumbass.”
“But you can always look at the slides later.” he suggests, “Plus, you’ve looked super stressed lately. Wonder why.”
Because of you, you want to say, but you stop yourself, opting to stay silent while pondering the offer. “Sure.”
He excitedly walks back to his room, returning to your bed seconds later with a joint between his fingertips. “This your first time?”
“Ooooo,” he hums like a child, “That’s what you’re up to when we’re not around, huh?” he teases and you shake your head with a smile forming on your face.
“I guess.”
He shrugs, holding the joint up to your lips and lighting up the tip. You suck in the smoke into your lungs, holding it in, before exhaling out the screen door of your window. He takes a hit, opening his mouth and inhaling through his nose then passing it back to you. Your professor’s lecture fades into background noise as you fixate on Satoru, finally giving him the attention he’s been craving for weeks. He makes a mental note to offer you weed the next time he’s overcome by boredom.
The high hits you almost immediately. You’ve never had anything this strong and it’s liberating. You feel weightless, but your eyelids feel heavy. Your face is awfully warm and lifted and your vision gets more and more blurry by the second. The intoxication is pleasant, the present worries in your head being cut off as you focus on what’s right in front of you.
Satoru, your dear, irritating step brother who was kind enough to share the weed he stashes in his drawer. It’s getting harder and harder to hate him and you can’t reason why you felt so many negative emotions that you projected onto him at all. Sure, your room reeks and it’s all because of him, but the sight of him laying on your bed in a shirt that barely covers up his upper body makes your underwear feel uncomfortable. You don't know where it’s coming from, but shutting it out was easy when you’re sober. Key word: sober.
You stand from your desk, making your way to your bed and laying next to him. Both of you face each other, easily getting comfortable, warmth radiating off his body. It feels oddly intimate and your thighs press together in order to suppress the lustful feeling that takes over your body. Your arm comes around to the back of his head, tugging on the fabric that covers his eyes. “Can I take it off?”
He lifts his head, allowing you to pull on the knot until it becomes undone. You don’t know what you were expecting, maybe a scar or something, but you’re in awe of the blue orbs that make you feel like you were staring into infinity. They’re bloodshot and half lidded and it’s when one fact you really didn’t want to accept hits you.
Satoru Gojo is one of the prettiest men you’ve ever seen.
And he’s your step brother.
Uneasiness stirs in your lower tummy and you curse at whatever higher power that decided to give you this type of luck, but a hand on your hip trails to your back, pulling your closer and closer until your faces are at a dangerous distance. You can feel your cheeks becoming alarmingly hot and you hate that you can’t blame it on the weed. His hand comes up to your cheeks, his thumb stroking the soft skin. “Thought you wanted me to go away?”
“Changed my mind.” you whisper, eyes slowly closing, lips parting open as you wait for him to lean in and close the gap.
“Hmm? What’s this?” he sneers, causing your eyes to shoot open and your body to jolt up from your bed. The hazy feeling on your head still remains, making it hard to stand completely straight. “Get out.” you sternly demand, leaning back on your desk chair and pointing towards your door.
“Why should I? I don’t think you really want me to leave, babe.” He props his head on his hand, leaning his elbow onto your mattress.
“It’s wrong.”
“What’s wrong? We’re just two people hanging out on a bed. Unless you were trying to do something else, dirty girl.”
“I- I wasn’t! You’re my step brother!”
“Step brother.” He repeats, justifying your actions.
You’re shaking, guilt occupying your mind keeping you distracted. It’s the perfect time for Satoru to get comfortable in the space between your legs, pulling down your loose shorts and taking you by surprise. Before you have a chance to protest, his nose brushes against your sensitive core, making you let out a squeak. “W-We can’t do this!”
“Didn’t you want this?” he questions, looking up at you with wide eyes, “Wanted me to take care of this pretty little pussy, right?”
You know you should be refusing. You know you should be pushing him out your door. But it’s so hard when his pupils are dilated and the grip on the sides of your thighs feels so right. At this point, you’re not thinking, only nodding along to whatever he’s saying, anticipating his next actions.
“So wet.” He mumbles, pulling down the flimsy fabric and throwing it off somewhere in the room. He licks a thick stripe from your entrance to your clit, sucking softly on the pearl while holding you down as the pleasure causes you to jolt upwards. He sucks and slurps like it’s his last meal, making your empty walls pulsate and little whines along with to leave your lips. Looking down, your eyes meet his, the lower half of his face immersed in your cunt.
The wet muscle fucks into you, curling and pressing against your walls, while his thumb rubs against your little clit. He hits all the right spots that make you squirm, pushing your legs wide open to see more of your ruined pussy. The wetness collects on his mouth, his chin, and his cheeks, filling him with a sick sense of satisfaction. “Such a whore, aren’t ya?” he pulls away to comment, but your fingers thread through his hair, pushing his head back where you need him most.
The action is assertive, something he usually hates dealing with. Though this time, he’s filled with a sick sense of pride at the fact that he was able to turn you, someone who seemed to hate him with a burning passion, into a moaning mess with just his mouth. He hums satisfactorily, sending vibrations into your sensitive core that make your thighs shaky.
You’re already cumming in an embarrassingly short time, gushing all over his face while he laps up all the juices you have to offer.
Before you can process anything else, his lips capture yours, lifting your body and dropping you onto your bed. You look at him with half lidded eyes, still sensitive from your last orgasm, while he pulls off his own clothes. His length rests on the inside of your thigh and he’s huge, so huge that it feels heavy against your skin and it scares you. “Satoru, I don’t think I can take you-”
“Shhh, princess,” he reassures you, “You started this. You have to take it.”
He doesn’t give you a chance to speak, taking the fabric of his blindfold and covering your eyes, tying a tight knot on the back of your head. This isn’t right, a voice in your head tells you, but you ignore it because Satoru treats you so well. He keeps you company, gives you some of his weed, eats your pussy without you having to ask him.
The only thing you can see is black and you whine. You so badly want to see Satoru’s pretty face, his chiseled body, his thick cock, but your thoughts are interrupted by the fat tip prodding at your tiny hole. “Too big..” your voice trails off as your mind is lifted, only the feeling of him splitting you in half remaining. You’ve never felt so full and it feels so dirty, yet your slick says otherwise, betraying any rational part that still resides in your body.
“I got you, Princess, don’t worry.” He slurs, drunk on the sensation of your snug walls. The stretch strings, whimpers spilling from your lips, but his cock hits every spot like no other. By the time he’s fully inside of you, it feels like he’s actually in your guts and it’s all intensified by the isolated feeling, not being able to see him at all. Every bite on your shoulder, every kiss on your open mouth, every delicious drag on your gummy walls is amplified.
You’re already cumming around him, a ring of cream forming on his cock as he gazes down at your bare body, wrapping his lips around a sensitive nipple. You squeal, your breath hitching at the same time you clamp down around his throbbing length. “Already? Such a sensitive little princess, aren’t you?” He mutters in your ear, your nails digging into his shoulders, piercing the pale skin. Tears spill from your eyes, flowing down the sides of your face.
His teeth sink into your shoulder and you want to tell him to stop, but the words don’t quite leave your lips. Only babbling noises accompanied by the wet sounds of your cunt and skin slapping against skin. He’s still pounding into your cervix at a relentless pace, in awe of how your slick drips down his balls and onto the white sheets. 
Every time he hits that sweet spot, there’s an odd feeling that forms, like you’re about to make a mess. And when your next orgasm washes over you in intense waves of euphoria, a clear liquid spurts from your cunny, coating his lower stomach and your inner thighs. “Who knew my little princess was such a messy girl?” he taunts, making your cheeks flush in embarrassment.
“S-shut up-”
“Don’t worry about it,” he leans in close, his lips dangerously close to your ear, “I’ll clean it all up.”
His smooth voice causes you to squeeze around him, almost like you don’t want him to ever leave your cunt, and it gets harder and harder for him to move. “Fuck, baby you’re so tight, need you to loosen up,” he mumbles, his own orgasm finally approaching, your little cunny milking him for all he’s worth. 
He’s rambling little praises, hot pleasure elevated by the high, his hips stuttering and his cock stuffing you to the brim with his warm seed. You both lay there, still intertwined and his body resting on top of yours.
“Ms. (L/N)! Did you have any questions about my lesson today?”
Your face drops in horror, your hand immediately pulling off the blindfold, as you push Satoru away from you and press the leave button on Zoom. A mix of your juices drop onto the floor and he chuckles, pulling you back to bed. “This isn’t over.”
He pins you back onto the mattress, his cock twitching at the sight of your leaking cunt, pulling your thighs until you’re close and pinning them to your chest. In one swift movement, his entire cock is shoved into your cunt, his balls slapping against the flesh of your ass with every thrust, fucking his cum back into your womb.
Gojo Satoru would never be satisfied.
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buouoyancy · 2 years
on woo young woo, attorney ryu jae sook, and hanbada: the yangtze river dolphin extinction problem
warning! : probably too much realism for a drama that ppl are watching for mostly serotonin reasons, but it is what it is!! if you find yourself much happier thinking about young woo working at a different firm and leaving hanbada in the future, or even eventually working with attorney ryu jae sook, i 100% respect you for that vision (who wouldn’t want young woo to be cheered on by fellow women too??) and want to give you the heads up that this post might not be for you. i’m also analyzing/approaching things from a western perspective/western experience re: activism/smaller organizations, so pls keep that in mind!!
(also general spoilers for ep 12!!)
point blank: i see the “young woo should leave hanbada because it’s holding her back from being the kind of attorney that she wants to be” argument and i raise you the rebuttal (unfortunately very much grounded in reality and my own personal experiences) that it’s not as easy as going to a smaller firm or working for a place that specializes in protecting and representing the marginalized to be happy. 
firstly, i completely support the idea of “unrealistic” or idealistic endings in fiction. the world is already a brutal place for a lot of ppl so why wouldn’t?? we want our favorite characters to be happy no matter what. i get it, i do. but this rly popular sentiment that i’ve seen across all socmed platforms that it would be better for young woo to leave hanbada because it’s a Big Corporation That Does Evil Things and that joining a smaller, more progressive firm is the best solution is a little...it’s a familiar feeling. it’s nostalgic and bittersweet bc it’s the same sentiment i was dead set on until i hit a certain point where i couldn’t keep ignoring the fact that there are a lot of conditions when it comes to being a person on this planet, esp if you’re trying to be a decent one. and you’re not always going to like what that looks like.
small firm pros + cons
there’s, inarguably, so much merit to working at places like non-profits and smaller companies. there’s more flexibility, there’s usually more 1:1 interaction with ppl like your clients/fellow employees/supervisors, and it’s easier to interact with the community you’re trying to help, whether it’s feedback wise, outreach wise, or community event wise. but the biggest downfall(s) of being a part of a firm/company/organization like this, like attorney ryu jae sook’s, comes down to: 1) finding funding for simply keeping your org afloat, much less trying to expand it in any meaningful way and 2) the fact that ppl want to be seen doing progressive things and want to be publically praised for doing progressive things. 
ppl want the parades, and the invitations to talk at graduations, and to be immortalized in a hall of fame, but no one wants to write the emails asking for funding. no one wants to show up to town halls and school meetings. no one wants to do the menial tasks that not only come with work like this, but are foundational to an org’s creation and upkeep. it’s not enough for one or two people to believe in the mission. it takes a team, staff, interns, and volunteers to keep a firm, a company, an organization going. it takes a lot of people.
there’s a reason that junho, when asked, tells young woo that attorneys have indeed ended up leaving hanbada because they’re questioning what kind of attorney they want to be, especially when it comes to the cases that they’re handling, with the caveat that “the funny thing is there’s no other place that’s more active in public service than a big law firm. i bet you there are no law firms in korea that take as many public interest cases as hanbada and taesan.” i don’t have the stats on either public interest cases in korea or anywhere else, so could this be Big Conglomerate propaganda? sure. is this a defense on my part of big companies/firms everywhere with the suggestion that we should all give them a chance because they sometimes do good things for money? no. 
but it’s still a fact that a firm like hanbada has more reach, more social influence, and more financial resources than a firm like attorney ryu jae sook’s. that makes it easier to win cases when they do take up the ones that serve the public interest or the marginalized, undoubtedly. the cases that young woo takes on representing marginalized ppl, like a north korean refugee, an elderly woman, and an autistic man, might not have ended the way they did if she hadn’t been an attorney at hanbada. minwoo’s comment that attorney ryu’s office looks like a cornerstore is one that viewers might just write off as minwoo being an asshole again (he is LMAO), but he’s not wrong. 
smaller organizations are lacking in a lot of ways and one of those ways is usually in terms of materials. with funding going to things for upkeep like electricity, water, rent, and heat/ac (sometimes not even that), where is a smaller org supposed to find the money for up to date computers, phone systems, and nice board rooms? what you see is what you get, and that doesn’t always work when it comes to different clientele. attorney ryu’s consistent losing streak in court isn’t disconnected from her inability to access or utilize the same resources that firms like hanbada have. money runs almost everything.
attorney ryu jae sook
interestingly enough, and i’m aware this is an unpopular opinion (pls bear with me before i start explaining), there are a lot of things about attorney ryu jae sook’s character that i found to be, on instinct, extremely frustrating as someone looking in from the outside. i completely understand from a writing perspective why she acts the way she does (ignoring convention and confronting people in positions of power with no regard for their influence on either her own career or on the outcome of the cases she works on. she’s a fantasy figure that a lot of us want to be or befriend, i normally would’ve loved a character like hers too), as a tool to show young woo that she has other options when it comes to what kind of attorney (and person) she wants to be. passion is necessary, having a heart that cares about other ppl’s lives is the best, but to me, she was, sometimes, a walking nightmare for her own cause and for her own law firm. if you’re willingly working within an already flawed and oppressive system like the justice system, there’s rly no such thing as being unbending and stubborn in everything you do if you want to succeed (succeed as in winning cases, not as in advancing your own career....that’s already not going to come easily).
the best example of a time that i felt particularly frustrated by attorney ryu jae sook was 100% during her first meeting with the judge presiding over the sexism in workplace policy case. even before they step foot in the meeting room, young woo is worried because attorney ryu has an edge over them, a way into the judge’s good graces. the judge has a predisposition to favoring and hearing out attorneys who have prestigious generation names and would be especially considerate of attorney ryu because they share the same generation name. that’s absolutely leverage that attorney ryu should be using in a situation where she’s already at a disadvantage, facing off against as big and prestigious a firm as hanbada. 
so attorney ryu’s questioning of the judge, asking him “why are you asking about my father’s generation name and not mine?” while fair and, yes, actually has relevance to the case and would normally be a great starting point for the conversation, is a concession that i personally would’ve let slide with my long-term goal of winning the case. 
the reality is that in the workplace, in the classroom, and rly in any public facing environment, microaggressions tend to happen regularly and it’s sometimes not worth the energy or time to address and correct them all. it doesn’t mean that you should ever let yourself be pushed around or disrespected. but it does mean that not all battles are worth fighting when 1) it’s clear that your opponent isn’t actually listening or committed to change and 2) push back could be detrimental to your own safety and security. 
in this case, where the law isn’t on their side, when it’s a male judge presiding over a case concerning women’s rights and sexism (even men that consider themselves allies fall into sexism), and when it’s hanbada that attorney ryu is up against, it honestly would’ve been a smarter strategy to let a comment like that pass and to lean into the advantages that she did have (i.e. her generational name and the connection between herself and the judge). i’m sure that might make some ppl uncomfortable because it comes up against the expectation that ppl on the “right side of history” would always do completely “morally upright” things and not get along with “immoral” people but things in life are rarely that black and white. there’s no room for nobiiity or pride when it comes to protecting people’s actual, day-to-day lives.
this is a personal anecdote and an aside, but in my women’s studies class that i took in college, my professor asked us a question that i thought i knew the “right” answer to (are you seeing the running theme of ‘right’ being subjective an unfortunate amount of times?). it was something along the lines of, “if i were working for a small, non-profit organization that was aiming to protect women’s rights, would i take a financial donation from a rich, racist, sexist, etc. person?” my gut reaction was no??? why would you??? wouldn’t that be going against everything that your organization stands for and taint your work??? how would you be any different from politicians secretly taking money from big oil companies or from conservative think tank groups but publically condemning them???
but her answer was “hell yes i would. money is money, and we need it.” that’s a more extreme example (and the mileage on this varies for sure!! it’s not something that you necessarily have to believe in bc i’m not even sure if i completely agree with it. it’s just something to think about), but the sentiment still remains. sometimes you have to work or get along with ppl that you don’t necessarily ideologically align with for the greater good or to address the more immediate need.
the attorney ryu/young woo conversation
[ disclaimer! this next part is going off of netflix’s english subtitles, so if the actual korean has a completely different conversational or tonal nuance that i’m not picking up on, pls seriously feel free to let me know or ignore this section LOL ]
another attorney ryu moment that i found myself going “....ah....(exhale)” over was her conversation with young woo after court had been adjourned and they’d met in the hallway. her, “i wondered what kind of attorney this person would turn out to be, but i see you eventually ended up at hanbada. i thought you’d work somewhere cooler...isn’t it cooler to stand on the side of brave women laborers, instead of defending a client like mir life?” didn’t exactly rub me the wrong way, but it was a little hard?? a little painful to watch.
the reason is that while i genuinely don’t think the writers set attorney ryu up to shame young woo for the position that she’s in or for the path that she’s chosen, it’s still the kind of conversation that stings. the expectation/implication that “the first autistic lawyer in korea” (which is the first point of conversation that attorney ryu brings up with young woo after talking to her for the first time 1:1) should be working at a firm to protect the marginalized instead of working for Big Bad Hanbada or any major firm like it by virtue of being a marginalized person herself is, without saying, an exhausting thing to hear as both a professional and a human being. 
of course it would be cool to always be on the side of justice. of course it would be nice to feel like you were representing the right people every time you went to court. and of course it feels awful to go to bat for someone that you know is guilty of what they did and, while knowing that, still doing your best to discredit the real victim on the other side. 
but despite all that, making that choice to throw yourself into the ring of fire for people who’ve been hurt in ways that you’ve been hurt or could be hurt in the future repeatedly, to have to study the specifics of their situations, and to hear from the opposing side harmful and offensive arguments designed to explain away your own basic human rights, is emotionally draining, physically exhausting, and, for plenty of people, a path that will almost definitely ends in burnout. grassroots/non-profit/activist group turnover due to burnout is huge. people may love their communities and want the best for them, but people still get tired and that’s not their fault. 
as an attorney and as a person, that’s something that young woo could only come to learn through experience and exploration. and it would be good to remember that no matter what the results hypothetically are, whether it would be work that suited her or work that she found important but couldn’t do all the time because it was triggering or exhausting or emotionally distressing, she would still be a good attorney/ally for trying at all. 
hanbada attorney woo young woo 
broadly speaking, you don’t bring about wide, systemic change from within the institution. that’s only something that people who don’t have to play by certain rules can do when demanding that things run differently. so whether it’s attorney ryu jae sook taking on unpopular cases for marginalized groups at her firm or young woo insisting on taking difficult cases that ppl would normally refuse at hanbada (though the picketting and demonstrations with the women working at mir life is much closer to what it would take to make serious change imo), it’s already an almost impossible task. even so, i would argue that the world will always be better off with a few people like young woo who are willing (the willingness is extremely important) to work in places as morally indifferent as hanbada. 
the collapse and restructing of harmful systems like, for example, the justice system, takes years and years and years, and more often than not, the work spans longer than any one person’s lifetime. with the caveat that it may be more frustrating to try and do the things that she wants at hanbada (but let’s remember that she’s succeeded so much already!), i think that young woo’s time at the firm hasn’t been as fruitless as people may think. already, either through her own words or her actions, she’s forced a lot of people to acknowledge her 1) presence as an autistic person in a traditionally allistic space (this is obv a big generalization with reliance on the premise that, in universe, young woo is south korea’s first autistic lawyer) and 2) legitimacy and capability as a lawyer (taking on difficult cases and succeeding, whether that be through winning the case or by presenting an argument in court that may not have been considered before (i.e. that disabled and neurotypical people can and do fall in love outside of one-sided manipulation)).
it’s a big deal and a huge benefit for the trajectory of hanbada as a fair and “just” firm that young woo thinks and acts in ways that seniors at the company don’t. to have a senior attorney like attorney myung seok formally and genuinely apologize to young woo for his own failures while on a shared case and to actually say that he should’ve known to do what she’d done from the start, is a really promising sign of the possibility for progress at hanbada. like i said earlier, bringing about systemic change from within the institution is an almost impossible task, but that shouldn’t be the only form of change that people should ever try to make. small changes and smaller, community specific changes are just as important as wide-ranging ones when it comes to the individual and daily needs of young woo or other people who could be discriminated against. if hanbada is going to have immense power and huge financial resources anyway, wouldn’t it be better to use that power and financial backing for a better purpose?
having young woo be a part of a team where she can push the people around her to question what they view as the norm as practicing attornies (i.e. unilaterally following x party’s demands (when there are representative parent figures as we’ve seen) instead of expressing an opposing view that better serves the actual client) is important because it’s setting up the groundwork for the possibility of future hanbada higher ups or long-term employees (like attorney myung seok who’s been at the firm for 14 years and suyeon who almost definitely would be guaranteed a job at hanbada if she wanted it) to have a genuine and in-depth investment in clients as people when representing those who normally have difficulty winning in court for unfair, socially constructed reasons. 
going beyond just interest, having attornies who know that they have to connect with their clients on equal footing even when connecting may be “hard” is essential because it reaffirms what the attorney-client relationship is and what it requires. it’s not the responsibility of the client/client’s guardian(s) to make it easier for the attorney to do their job. it should be the attorney/law firm’s duty to make it as accessible as possible for all clients, regardless of who they are and what they need. 
and while it wasn’t fair, for example, of attorney myung seok to assume that young woo would be able to communicate with jeong hun (the client from ep 3) better because they were both autistic, it is true that it was only young woo who was able to figure out a way to communicate with jeong hun by virtue of actually bothering to try and find out ways to connect on his terms. i have a hard time believing that without young woo there, attorney myung seok and suyeon would have 1) thought to use jeong hun’s love for pengsoo as a means of communication without writing it off as a “quirk” they didn’t understand or 2) acknowledged jeong hun as much, if at all, instead of solely communicating with his parents.
when it comes down to it, the kinds of people that make it in firms like hanbada, more likely than not, are coming from places of privilege with very little incentive to care about the law as a means of protecting others when it’s more useful to them as a pathway to professional/social prestige. minwoo is the clearest example of that. after he spread the rumors onlne that young woo had benefitted from nepotism and had unfairly gotten a place at hanbada, everyone had their eyes on her and had something to say behind her back. even young woo felt like she’d unfairly benefitted from nepotism by the end of it.
but that moment where suyeon publically and loudly criticizes the idea that young woo had unfairly gotten into hanbada and clearly states that the people at fault were the higher-ups and professionals who had discriminated against and actively caused harm to young woo by making assumptions about her capabilities as an autistic lawyer, ignoring all of her academic credentials, is so important. 
the public acknowledgement of discrimination against autistic ppl in the world of law and “justice” and everyone’s complicity in it (autistic people only being one of many groups of people likely being pushed out of/looked down on in the field of law in universe), especially in a career rife with regular nepotism and privileging of certain groups/individuals, is essential in an environment where that kind of unspoken truth isn’t “supposed to be” an issue. in a place like hanbada, where the same kinds of people are allowed to succeed (i.e. the rich, able-bodied, neurotypical, well-connected, etc.) and the same kinds of people who cause “unnecessary conflict” like young woo (i.e. anyone who visibly deviates from any of the aforementioned traits) are kept out, the people who should be embarrassed, and end up feeling embarrassed, are the onlookers and gossipers on staff, not young woo, the supposed profiteer of nepotism herself.
when suyeon plainly says that, “students with good grades at snu law school all do internships at major law firms and get employed before graduating! you were always the top in school, but you weren’t hired anywhere. everyone knew it was unfair. but they didn’t do anything about it because it was none of their business. including me,” she’s speaking to and about everyone in the room. among current hanbada staff are likely young woo’s peers, seniors, and competitors. all of them would’ve known how many obstacles young woo had had purposefully and unfairly put in front of her. many of them would have resented her for succeeding anyway. 
while being aware of her academic prowess and the fact that she had always been more qualified and more capable than them, they’d still decided to ignore that in lieu of focusing on her “nepotism.” for better or worse, public shaming is a tool that can work because it makes people hyper-aware of themselves. being told that you were wrong is already a bad feeling, but being told that you were being a horrible person and that people recognize that is much worse.
as a final aside in this closing paragraph (i know, finally LMAO), i want to make it very clear that i’m not saying that young woo should martyr herself and work at hanbada because it would be better for the company’s direction as a socially-conscious firm rather than for her own personal happiness and fulfillment. 
no one should ever be their company’s mascot or emotional punching bag so that the people in the majority (i.e. neurotypical people in this case) can benefit from it and be taught an important life lesson. in fact, hanbada should be compensating young woo a lot more for the amount of emotional and practical labor she’s been doing for them (and i think they could do that by giving her the cases that she might personally care about!!!). i just think that, given some time, things could be different for young woo, whether she stays at hanbada or not. there’s a reason that her name is in the show’s title, right!!! :’)
there are growing pains to becoming an attorney, especially a new one, and whether or not young woo is at hanbada or working with attorney ryu, there are going to be different kinds of problems and different ways of solving them. it’s not as simple as going to work at a smaller firm and suddenly winning all of these cases with no emotional conflict whatsoever. 
the attorney woo young woo who works for hanbada and the attorney woo young woo who works at a smaller, more socially-conscious firm are both versions of a young woo who cares about the world she lives in and is developing/actively thinking about her moral bottom line. the ways in which young woo pushes for change may look different at first, but all her work is good, meaningful work. she just needs time.
tl;dr tl;dr
there’s a reason that yangtze river dolphins and attornies like attorney ryu jae sook are endangered/extinct, and they should absolutely be protected. but young woo, as an attorney and especially as a person, should be allowed to be any kind of whale or dolphin she likes. biodiversity is important no matter where you go.
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inkykeiji · 4 years
Many sad thoughts running through my head but I can imagine Dabi having trust issues as you and the other anon saying. Him being afraid of getting left behind. I feel like he would say “I didn’t mean to say I love you” at some point because that’s a type of vulnerable he doesn’t want to be but it’s just one of many thoughts
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AHHHHHHHH anon anon why must u hurt me like this?????? pls my whole heart just broke at this and i uhhhhh wrote 1.7k words about it,,,
❅ cw: soft dabi, angst, rly sappy ❅
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It seems to happen at the most random of times. It isn’t like the movies, isn’t ever after some profound incident or momentous occurrence shared between the two of you—no, it’s always right after the most mundane things; after he catches you brushing your teeth in a cute matching set of panties and a tank top, sticking out your tongue at him, mouth full of foamy white toothpaste; after he finds you curled up on the couch buried under a fluffy blanket, nothing more than a lump and a head as your eyes rapidly scan the pages of the book in front of you, entirely absorbed in whatever world it’s built for you; after he walks into the kitchen to see you by the sink washing a few dishes, hips swaying and head nodding as you hum along to whatever song is blasting through your headphones.
But God, does it hit him like a motherfucking bus every single time, punches him in the stomach without warning, knocks the breath straight out of him.
He’s usually good at keeping it to himself, usually able to swallow it back down when those three little words begin to creep up his throat, dancing on the back of his tongue and restricting his breathing.
But eventually, he messes up.
You had started it, right after you had finished sprinkling the pizza stone with some flour while he was rolling out the dough, wiping your powdery fingers down his t-shirt, then swiping a thumb across his cheekbone, leaving a streak of white flour painted in its path, a little mischievous smile on your face and glint in your eyes.
He retaliates immediately, grabbing a pinch of flour from the bag and flicking it right in your face.
“Dabi!” you gasp, but your shoulders are shaking with silent laughter as you wipe at your face, fingers only managing to leave more strokes of the substance instead of clearing it. Your hand dives into the bag, grasping a handful of flour, inhaling deeply—enough to expand your entire chest—before blowing air out of your mouth, casting tiny, thick explosions of white at him, speckling his shirt and dusting his inky hair.
“Oh, you little brat,”
And, fuck, you look so goddamn beautiful, giggles ringing out around the room, flour strewn in your messy, tousled hair, smears of it across your cheeks and neck, sprinkled on your clothes, eyes bright and breathing laboured with exhilaration as you daintily leap away from him.
They’re bubbling up in his chest, those three stupid little words, climbing up, up, up his throat to settle on his tongue, light and sweet, floating in his mouth like candy floss and melting on his tongue only to be resurrected by another one of your giggles, or playful yelps, or squeals of his name.
And he’s too preoccupied to remember to swallow them down, to chew and chomp on them until he’s crushed them into a thousand tiny pieces as he chases you around the kitchen while you throw clouds of flour at each other, too enraptured by the soft, cute, precious sounds he’s endlessly pulling from you, too hellbent on hearing more, a man possessed.
Because he hasn’t laughed like this in ages, isn’t sure he’s ever laughed like this in his entire life, and they just slip out, when he finally catches you, chest heaving a bit from the thrill of it all as large hands curl around your shoulders.
“God, I love you,”
They’re muttered softly, just a huff of breath, really, blanketed by his laughs and yours, and you nearly miss them.
And then, everything stops. Your laughs abruptly cut off, and he wishes he’d have missed the sharp intake of breath you inhale through your mouth, lips parted slightly, wide eyes staring at him as your body freezes up, going rigid in his grasp, feet fused to the floor.
He stops, too, lets go of you so quickly you’d think your skin burnt his palms through the thin material of your shirt, sapphire eyes growing wide—wider than you’ve ever seen them before—as his mind catches up with his mouth, stumbling a few steps back from you.
He wants to say something, anything, but his voice is caught in his chest, fading into pathetic squeaks of breath any time he tries to force a few words out. And it aches, heart pounding almost painfully against his ribcage, breathing shallow—almost ceased completely—as he stares unblinking at you, sharp, tingling anxiety flooding his veins.
And you—well, you’re staring at him with this look in your eyes, something that he can’t decipher, and it makes his stomach lurch. It’s a look he’s never seen before, your eyes shining as you gaze at him, almost glittering as you stare at him, unmoving, unbreathing, unexplainable. Are you upset? Angry? Disgusted? Stunned? A combination of all four? None at all?
The fact that he can’t tell, that he doesn’t know, when he prides himself on being able to read others so insanely well, ignites flames of anger that alight his entire body, right to the tips of his fingers and his toes, blazing straight through the anxiety and simmering in his chest, eyes hardening as they glare back at you.
A beat passes, your ears ringing from the thick, tense silence draped over the room, and then he’s pushing past you roughly with a choked snarl that sounds a little like a mix between a sob and a growl, and storming out of the kitchen.
He’s cut off all communication entirely, has been ignoring you for a few days now, only leaving his bedroom out of absolute necessity and refusing to answer any of your countless texts that have been collecting on his lockscreen, refusing to even touch his phone. He doesn’t want to see what you have to say, desperately tries to convince himself that he doesn’t care, that he isn’t scared of what your messages might reveal, isn’t terrified of that impending rejection he’s so sure is lurking on the horizon.
But there’s only so long he can keep avoiding you before you finally catch him in the kitchen, just past three in the morning, fixing himself a late-night snack.
“Oh, thank God,”
He whirls around at the sound of your voice, cobalt eyes gaping for a moment before narrowing into sharp slits an instant later.
“Dabi, listen—”
“No,” he growls, eyes flashing. “You listen, I don’t want to fucking talk about it, alright?”
Leaping in front of him, you block his path, prohibiting him from leaving the kitchen and speaking quickly. “Yeah? Well I do!”
“I don’t care,” he spits viciously, the ache throbbing deep in his chest—at the very core of his body—reminding him otherwise. “There’s nothing to talk about, anyway! It’s not like I meant them,”
And that—that gets you to stop, tripping a little over your own feet as you stumble back like he’s physically slapped you, a soft, hurt little whimper getting caught in the back of your throat as tears rapidly pool in your eyes, blurring your vision.
He glares down at you, molars grinding together as his nose twitches.
I didn’t mean to say I love you.
What a pathetic fucking sentence—it’s almost laughable, the corners of his lips quirking up in a sardonic little grin. Your breath hitches, and his shoulders tense at the sound.
‘You aren’t supposed to know I love you’ is much more accurate, his mind sneers at him. Coward. Fucking coward.
“I didn’t mean it,” he says, though his voice is beginning to quiver, trembling hands curling into tight fists in an effort to stop it, short nails biting into the flesh of his palm as the skin stretched taut over his knuckles turns bone white.
“Didn’t mean what?” you whisper, glistening tears finally spilling over and streaming down your cheeks, leaving gleaming trails of salt water behind them. “Say it, Dabi,”
He’s got his eyes shut tightly as he shakes his head, knows if he opens them, if he looks at you, that he’ll break, shatter into a thousand pieces, split himself open at the very core of his body and bare his entire soul to you.
“Look at me,” you demand softly.
His jaw flexes once, slowly exhaling out his nose.
“Dabi, look at me,” a pause. “Please?”
“W-Why?” the word escapes your lips in a little whine, broken up by your sniffles.
You know why.
But it’s those little half-sobs, the ones that keep catching painfully in your chest, that do it, interspersed with your soft whimpers as you plead with him—please, open your eyes, just look at me for a second, please!
Unable to stand it any longer, his lids finally rise, slowly revealing sparkling sapphire, glowering at you, his harsh gaze protected by a thin shield of water.
He hates this, hates not having control over his own fucking body, over his own fucking thoughts, hates the unfamiliarity of it all, of the unpleasant fluttering in his stomach and burning in his throat, swallowing thickly past the hard lump that’s formed, constricting his breathing.
Revolting, his inner voice snarls at him. You’re weak, letting some stupid little girl get to you like this, as if you even—
Your touch silences the voice, cutting it off midsentence, his whole body flinching at the soft, small hand resting so tenderly against the curve of his face, subconsciously nuzzling his cheek into your palm a second later, eyes slipping shut again.
“Dabi,” you begin, and something has changed. You no longer sound hurt, no longer sound wounded, your voice gentle and—
No. No, no, no, this can’t be happening to him right now. Panic grips his heart, puncturing it with its claws, sending blistering, sharp pain searing through his chest and slicing him open, raw and vulnerable.
“Please, don’t,” he whispers, words tumbling from his lips without his permission, voice frail, fragile, broken.
Don’t. He doesn’t want to hear them, doesn’t need to hear them, can’t bear to hear them—not if they’re false, fake, uttered out of misplaced pity and sympathy.
“I love you, too,”
A pathetic hiccup gets caught in his throat and he chokes on it, chest stuttering as he shakes his head, lids clenching tightly against the unfamiliar sting of tears, lips pressed together firmly to stifle the tiny distressed sounds that keep crawling up his throat, trying to escape.
There’s no way, she’s lying, how could she ever—
“Yes,” you whisper, thumb caressing his jaw. “I love you, too,”
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mieohmy · 3 years
𝖢𝗈𝗆𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝟣𝟢𝟣 | 𝖫𝖾𝖾 𝖩𝖾𝗇𝗈
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PAIRING: lee jeno x reader
GENRE: angst, fluff, humor, comfort, established relationship au, college au,  this rly is just a self indulgent fic kjasdfk
WC: 2.1k
NOTES: slight argument/fighting ?? , cursing
SUMMARY: jeno wants your attention, your comforting presence, your love- he simply wants you.
for the bday boy that i treasure sm! happy birthday to puppy jeno <333
The phone next to you lies untouched, and practically has been for days- or has it been a week already? I mean, it wasn’t your fault that upcoming finals had been taking you to the depths of hell, and you had no choice but to lock yourself at home to study for a week on end. 
Which brings you to day 7? 8? of being holed up in your room all day, memorizing a bazillion tiny printed words and trying to cram as much information as possible in that overworked brain of yours. Getting about 4-5 hours of sleep a day, you couldn’t remember anymore- or even care to remember. Not to mention the added stress that came along with being any normal college student. Wasn’t life just wonderful?
You feel bad for everyone that has tried to contact you over this stressful period in your life (since you completely turned your phone off to eliminate all distractions), but the urge to stop studying completely and just check up on the real world and all its happenings grows stronger. You breathe in -out, constantly chanting ‘self-control’ over and over again in your head. Then your eyes slowly open, and you slap yourself one last time as if to say ‘get it together' before diving back into the books.
Just two more days. Two more days and you can finish and not have to stress about finals until results come out. 
At this point, you were surviving off of coffee, tea, random stolen snacks that your boyfriend would bring over from his dorm. 
Damn, when’s the last time you had a proper meal? Monday?
And then you frown. What day even is it today? You glance at your calendar and- 
Goodness grief, it’s Sunday already. 
You almost have a midlife crisis over wasting basically a week doing nothing but sitting at your desk and looking at words, but then again at this point- you’re just over it and want to be done as soon as possible. 
But soon, a weird feeling arises after you recall today’s date- like you were forgetting something. You place a hand over your forehead. Was there something important today? 
And as if the universe read your mind, the doorbell rings.
A giant wave of confusion washes over you. Was someone supposed to come over today?
-and you just completely wiped it from your mind?
You’re still running through your memories as you walk to the door. No, it's not Chae since she has finals too...
Opening it, you’re not at all expecting who was behind it. 
He blinks back at your wide eyes, expression turning concerned, and you rub your temples in exasperation and defeat. 
“Oh, did we have a date today or something? I’m so sorry- I totally forgot.”
His eyebrows furrow. “No, I was just supposed to come over to hang out with you....”
“It’s been so long since we last talked, baby. You haven’t responded to any of my texts. What’s going on?” He promptly adds, staring intently at you. 
You let out a sigh, and jeno notices your tense shoulders and dark under-eye circles. “I thought you knew. Finals are coming up so I’ve been stuck at home cramming for about a week now actually.” 
His frown deepens. “I did know. And still, y/n..” he says in a warning tone. 
You know what his voice implies, you’ve heard it plenty of times at this point, but right now you don’t have to energy to listen to his nagging. “ I know, I know. Just- come in, I guess.....”
To be completely honest, you wanted to send jeno back home- there was still a lot more information left to cover and you obviously weren’t in your best condition, but he was the one who actually remembered your ‘date’ and drove to your place, so you would feel even worse making him go all the way back to his dorm. 
Jeno easily follows you in, biting the inside of his cheek to hold back any comments while examining your place even though barely anything has changed since he last visited- mostly because there was nothing to change when you were in your room all day. 
You walk to the kitchen, getting your boyfriend some water while yawning. Meanwhile, your mind is drifting away, thinking about what topics are left that you have to go over later. “What are we even doing today?” 
Jeno plops on your couch, arms behind his head. “I don’t know. A movie?”
You hide your grimace, immediately thinking of how much time would be wasted watching one, or possibly even more if jeno was feeling it. In the one to two hours of a movie, you could be done with chapter two and three-
Your head snaps up. “Yes?”
“Are you gonna come over here or just stand there in the kitchen all day?” he teases.
You shake your head to clear the fog and join jeno on the couch. Scrolling through the options, you automatically snuggle up next to him, eyes blearily watching the moving tv screen. 
He decides on this one animated film, and you’re too drained to pay attention so you simply nod and let the movie begin. But even though you try your best to focus on the storyline and what’s currently going on, your mind keeps wandering off to other, more boring things- your studies, obviously. 
The number of chapters you covered, the slight of chapters you have left, how long you would have to stay up to finish going through your planned amount of information  -all the stressful thoughts swirling in your head, and it only exhausts you more. 
You let out a sigh, and jeno turns to you. “Are you okay? You’ve been sighing nonstop since we started the movie.” 
You clear your throat, biting back a yawn. “Oh- yeah, sorry. I won’t do it anymore.”
Your boyfriend stiffens but doesn’t say anything, attention returning to the flashing screen in front of him. 
You did try. You really did. But your eyelids keep drifting shut and your head keeps slowly lolling forward and snapping back up -it’s not until your forehead accidentally knocks against jeno’s chest that he finally speaks up again. 
“Y/n. You need to take a break and get some sleep. Now.” His tone is sharp and commanding. 
You snap your eyes back open, vision blurry. “No- it’s fine. I’m good, let’s keep watching.” 
The immediate switch in the air is scary, jeno swiftly reaching for the remote and pausing the movie to look at you dead straight in the eyes before setting it back down with a loud, clattering noise. “You need to rest. I can tell from how tired you look, and I know you’ve been studying for so long, so why is it that hard to just relax for a little?” 
You groan, distress breaking through. “I can’t, okay? You already understand how stressful school is and how important my upcoming tests are. I know you’re just trying to be kind and thoughtful but-“ 
“But what?” He cuts you off, the frustration he’s been hiding for a while finally revealing itself. “Taking a rest from burning your brain out isn’t going to kill you, y/n.”
Your hands at your side clench and unclench, a wave of emotions overcoming you. “I know that. But I can’t afford to have a break now.” Everything suddenly feels overwhelming, and your voice comes out strained and uncontrolled. 
“I’m almost there, jeno. It’s so close, and if I stop now, I’ll feel like a failure.”
He laughs a short and echoing bark. “How do you think I feel? I was trying to brush everything aside and act like it was all fine, but it’s certainly not when you’re like this.”
You falter. 
Jeno gets up, making direct eye contact with you even though his body is trembling and his voice is shaky. 
“I spent the past week just lying in bed and worrying about you- if you were eating okay and getting enough sleep. I was constantly texting you reminders to take care of yourself, only to find out from your friend that you turned your phone completely off.  Do you know how shitty of a person I was feeling? I didn’t want to be a distraction to you because I know how much you care about your grades, but it’s killing me, y/n. I want to be there for you, but instead, I end up feeling like the worst boyfriend in the world.” 
He shudders before continuing,
“And then I come here, brushing off all my worries since I was super excited to finally be with you after so long, and then I have to see you in such a bad condition. Barely taking care of yourself, barely even surviving on your own just so you can pass your exams that I know you’ll already do well on no matter what. As your boyfriend who wants to help and be here for you, do you know how much my heart hurts?”  
He finishes, but not before wiping away the frustrated tears that appeared in his angry rant.
It takes one beat -two beats, before you immediately spring up, rushing towards jeno and throwing your arms around him. 
He accepts it, burying his face into your shoulder and wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. 
The guilt courses through your body, and you understand. The consequences of your actions hit you, hard, and you know you deserve it all. Jeno just wants to know that you’re here. You’re here with him.
“I’m really sorry,” you murmur into his hair, “I’m really, really sorry, jeno.” 
You hate the fact that you can still feel the slight wetness of his tears soaking through your-technically his- shirt. You pull back, looking straight into his eyes to make sure he knows you’re being genuine.
“I promise to pay more attention to myself, and I promise I won’t ever let it happen again. I won’t shut you out anymore... and you can come over to take care of me whenever you want, okay?”
Jeno slowly nods, and you softly wipe away the corners of his red eyes of any wetness.
He pulls you closer to him again, inhaling your scent one more time, and you finally let yourself go. 
After about a minute of just enjoying each other’s warm embrace - one that you feel like you haven’t felt in so long- you allow yourself to smile and pull back just enough to place a kiss on his cheek. 
“Was my baby just lonely and missed me too much?” you sing in a soft voice. He lets out a disgruntled noise in response, shaking his head against your body. 
But you both know what the answer is.
“C’mon, let’s go to bed.” You tug his arm easily to your room, putting off your studies, at least for today.
“You’re really gonna take a break this time?” Jeno asks, eyeing you carefully. 
You grin. “Yes? Besides, I know you’re always down for cuddles.” 
You drag him to the bed, taking his arms and wrapping them around your body as exhaustion quickly fills you. 
You fight yourself to stay awake as long as you can to enjoy jeno’s presence, but he notices and hugs you even closer if possible, whispering softly, “Go to sleep, baby. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
And before you finally drift off, you sleepily murmur, “I love you, jeno. Like, a lot.” 
Even after you fall asleep in his embrace, he stares down at you, softly kissing your forehead.
I love you too. 
bonus bc i adore jeno too much :
“Jeno- for the last time, you’re not a bad boyfriend.”
“I know.... but-“
You shut him up with a quick kiss.
“You’re the sweetest.”
Another kiss.
His ever so growing smile freezes. Jeno looks at you, a surprisingly solemn look on his face. 
You raise an eyebrow, confused. 
“......even more than Nam joo hyuk?”
Ah. He had to go for the favorite actor. 
You swallow, battling an intense internal war before begrudgingly nodding. “Okayyy...fine. You are.”  
He crosses his arms. “I’m what?”
You roll your eyes, whining. “I already said it!”
Jeno shakes his head firmly. “Say the whole thing.”
You take a deep breath in, internally apologizing to your beloved actor. “......you, lee -verymuchanannoyingbaby- jeno, are more handsome than Nam joo hyuk.” Your sentence is finished swiftly in one breath, words slurring together. It actually pains you to say that. But it’s good enough for your boyfriend. 
Jeno delights in the squeal you let out when he picks you up in his arms to spin you around. 
“Fuck yeah- take that, nam joo hyuk!”
a/n: anyways im going to go hide away and cry over jeno now ^^
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This ask is sorta random, but its a thought I rly wanted to share since I think it’s kinda wholesome :)
If you think about it, Roger’s wife Kamillah is living every fan girl’s fanfic dream. From my understanding, she met him when she was working as his driver and he literally fell in love with her at first sight. Compared to his other wives and gfs (except Judy I guess, not sure about Carolyne) all of them were sorta prominent or worked in the entertainment industry like Priscilla and Laurie. The way he looks at her is unlike the way he’s ever looked at anyone in my observation. I think she really is the one. He always dedicates the last song for her at his recent concerts.
Good for her, I’m honestly so happy for them. Hope they stay together forever ❤️ (this is so random, apologies for the nonsensical ramble!)
Does he really dedicate songs to her ? That's indeed really sweet. I'm not sure how you evaluate 'the way he looks at her' though, especially compared to other partners, given how few pictures we have of Roger + Kamilah together and even fewer of him + previous wives.
I do believe he's finally found true love with Kamilah, but I don't think her social/professional background has much to do with it. True love transcends class or income ; though I guess social expectations among certain social groups and tensions linked with money can jeopardize a marriage, and there might have been some of that in his relationship with Carolyne, Priscilla and Laurie. But tbh trying to resolve the mystery of Roger's many failed marriages is a bit of a useless quest until the day he clears it up himself. There just isn't enough info out there, it's all conjecture.
What makes me believe in the viability of his relationship with Kamilah is what he's said about his new vision of love in several interviews a few years ago. It's not that he had a massive breakthrough or that he realized he never actually loved his previous wives, more that his understanding of love & relationships has matured in the meantime. He's finally linked the part of his psyche that cares about the plight of human beings all over the world and the part that falls in love with women ; he's figured out that romantic love should stem from the basic, universal brotherly love that you might call charity or humanitarianism. I wanna say, 'duh !' But you know, better late than never.
Relevant interview excerpts (+ links to full interview) :
Are you married now ? RW : "No, I’m… not. I’m single. [...] I did fall deeply, deeply, deeply in love about a year ago and uh… I’m not going to talk about that except to say that that has opened up fresh horizons." Being in love is different than it was before, or…? "Yeah. With all due respect to my many ex-wives.  [...] Oh god, my god yeah, open yourself up to love… It’s the hardest, most kind of dangerous thing that anybody can do. And that’s, you know, on a personal level with a woman… But it points the way maybe to the fact that there is only one path worth walking in life, and that is to attempt, insofar as you can, to open yourself up to everybody else as well. That is the mission, is to discover how much you can open yourself up to the rest of humanity." WTF Podcast, october 2016 (before he was with Kamilah)
Tell us about "Wait for Her." Why did you decide to interpret that poem into an English ballad, and what special meaning does it hold for you? "Well, that’s sort of private. You see it has something to do with love and it has something to do with how feeling the power of emotions that one can feel in a love affair, in a love for a woman or a man, I don’t care … Romantic love, and physical love and passionate love can bring out in one, maybe encourage the potential that we have for a broader expression of the love that we all have within us." Stepfeed.com, october 2017
What is good? "Love is good, obviously. It requires maturation. If you have real love, it will surely last a long time. Because love is about giving, not receiving." Do you have a 'real love' today? "Yes, I have Kamilah. We are not married, but we have been together for a couple of years. And I'm happy." Infobae.com, november 2018
I'm assuming that this last interview is the one you referenced when you talked about how he & Kamilah met, but if it was a different one, please share the link ! I'm always hungry for some fresh interviews ! Oh and btw, I'm remembering now that I was supposed to post a translated version of it some time last year. Is anyone still interested in this ? If so PLEASE tell me. (Otherwise I won't bother)
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themilkybarkid · 3 years
Encanto Bruno Fic: Part 3-
(Hello again. I am finding this rly fun to write so i am going to continue! If you have just started reading then the plot so far is basically Bruno causing accidental storm on Pepa and Felixs’ wedding day and getting told not to use his visions again by his mother. To his surpise, he is dissapointed not to be usfull but returns to the afterparty and meets Eva, Augustin’s sister who is salty about her brother getting attention, they qickly get to know each other...)
It, strangley enough, didnt take Bruno a lot of mustering to gain the corrage to ask Eva to a family dinner and when the occasion did arise, it went relitivly smoothly.
Once the usual conversation starters were excused, Eva found it easy to talk to the family without seeming awkward or bringing up, anything gift related. Instead they spent most of the main meal reminicing over when Eva and Augustin’s family had first moved to the village: all high class and well mannered and ended up laughing over how much living there had changed them. For the better.
After the table was wiped clean and all that was left was empty glasses and dirty dishes, Bruno and Eva excused themselves giving thanks to the chef and wondering into the courtyard to say goodbye.
‘Your family are nice. I’d like to do it again, dinner i mean, if you want to?’
‘Maybe something more private.’ She smiled.
‘My room is just up stares.’
Falling in love comes naturally to some. It’s easy for people to trust and give to another, until your empty without that person, until you are nothing without them. For Bruno, this was not the case, it took time for him to finally trust his heart and accept their relationship.
It didn’t matter that the village still didn’t trust Bruno, thinking of him as the creepy guy who kills peoples goldfish for fun, because Eva didn’t. She spent every day with him, as they talked, laughed and thought together, an their love grew by the second.
Bruno, much to his dissapointment but not surprise, did realise that his family didn’t seem as keen on Eva. Even Augustin, Eva’s brother, avoided talking about her which only drew Bruno closer to her as he empathised more and more. As for the rest of the Madrigals, each one if them had a different problem with her, Julieta had once described her as suspiciously nice, while Pepa wondered if she was too co dependant.
But in Bruno’s mind, he couldn’t care less. She had a way of thinking exactly what he was and she never mentioned his visions or his relationship with his family unless it was to tell her how unlucky they were for not trusting him.
‘You know, it’s been 3 months still i had a vision.’ He remarked cheerlily, noticing how the bags beneath his eyes had lifted and cleared slightly.
‘And look how hansom you are.’ She lent in to kiss his cheek but he swirled round suddenly to look back in the mirror.
‘I just can’t help but… is it the right thing, not to do visions.’
‘Your mama, she-‘
‘I know what she said Eva. Sorry. I just don’t know why… i mean Julieta and Pepa, they help all the time.’
‘Aw Bruno, mi amor, you know that you are special with or without your gift.’
He nodded to himself but suddenly Eva’s face changed.
‘If you wanted to help someone with your visions, you could always do one for me. I’ve never seen you do one before, i’m sure it’s very striking.’
‘No. No your right. Mama said no and i am special, with or without the visions.’
She noded a kind of forced, smily nod, took him by the hand and they happily rushed out the door.
Bruno had been living in Eva’s house for the past few weeks and though it was small, he found it comfortable and more homely than his cave, or those millions of stairs that lead up to it. Strangely enough, when Augustin and Felix had first started staying with them, his sisters rooms had learned and grown to accommodate their new eventual husbands. For example, Pepa’s shielded Felix from the ongoing rains and sweltering heats that raged in the rainforests that made up her room and of corse her bed got a little better.
This change never occurred with Eva, in fact the house even didn’t help her up the stairs in his room like it did with Julieta, and occasionally his mother. No, the house seemed actively pale against the presence of Eva.
Julieta and Agustin found themselves in the kitchen, attempting to prepare for that evening’s meal and, on Augusitins part, failing miserably. But his wife, the most precious thing in his life aside from his only daughter Isabela who was two at the time, could make a great meal out of anything and the smells comming from the oven only secured this idea further.
‘Juli. I think something might be wrong.’
‘No, your just crimping the edges wrong, nothing must leave the pastry-‘
‘Not that mi amor, it’s about Eva.’
‘I’ve been thinking the same.’ She admited. ‘I wouldn’t want to hurt Bruno.’
‘Of corse not mi amor but i know Eva, she was jealous when we were wed and she’s been looking for a way in ever since.’
‘Hmm. Augustin, Bruno is fragile. He might not be able to take this well. We just have to hope for the best.’
‘It’s Bruno i’m worried about.’
‘No, it’s the family you are worried about. And I understand, i’m unsure to and if you think she could do some serious harm then please tell me but right now Bruno is set up to get his heart broken either way so-‘
With a large gust of wind the door threw itself open and Pepa appeared on the other side, thunder grumbling above her.
‘You will never guess.’ She exclaimed unhappily, plonking herself on the bed opposite from her sister.
‘I can’t even believe it. That little shh-‘
‘Pepa, language. You know Delores can hear us. Do you want a five year old to hear that language?’
‘I no longer care what Delores hears if it’s the truth and that woman. Ugh, she is up to something. I can tell and if she thinks-‘
‘Pepa! What happened?’ Julieta asked finally.
‘Eva. She’s pregnant.’
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corpsedaydream · 4 years
not such a merry christmas
corpse husband x reader
hi hi so it’s 4:20am lmao i’m not kidding
so i know i said i wasn’t going to be on over christmas but christmas wrapped up late for me and i wasn’t ready to sleep and i just started writing and this is what came of it. i know that christmas isn’t always exactly a happy time for everyone bc family and holidays can be complicated sometimes. so if ur struggling or experiencing anything negative or just not rly enjoying christmas. this ones for u friend and i’m sending love ur way
word count: 2085
You had mixed feelings about this time of year.
The holidays.
On one hand, it meant you had some free time to enjoy some quality time with your nearest and dearest. And on another hand, it meant that you would be potentially finding yourself in situations where you would be spending time with family members who you would maybe rather not spend time with.
When you were young, Christmas always felt so magical. Now you were older, Christmas felt more like an anxiety inducing chore.
You’d talked to Corpse about your family a many of times, because for the most part, you really did love your family so much. You felt lucky to have been born into the family you were - again, for the most part. There was one particular sibling who you wouldn’t include in those feelings. Unfortunately, toxic people existed and extra unfortunately, sometimes those people were related to you. After four months of being with Corpse, he thought he had come to learn all of who were apart of your family. But then you were reminiscing on a childhood memory and when sharing it with your boyfriend, he heard a name he hadn’t heard before. When he questioned you on it, he noticed the immediate change in you. The smile left your face and you went timid and very quickly, you shifted the conversation topic. You were acting in a way he had never seen you be like before, usually you were so open and talkative and here was a brother you had never mentioned and definitely didn’t want to talk about.
He didn’t push it any further that day, figuring you would tell him when you were ready. That time came in November, on the 25th.
You remembered it well, Corpse was going through his emails when he asked you, “Baby, what’s the date?”
“November twenty-fi-” You cut yourself off.
You were silent for a moment, you didn’t realise that Christmas had snuck up this quickly. It was only a month away.
“Sorry- um,” you glanced to him, giving him a meek smile before continuing,  “it’s November 25th.”
He noticed that shift in you again. “Are you okay?”
And on that day, you opened up to him. Told him about the terrible memories that haunted days that should have and could have been really happy days had it not been for a bullying, negative family member. How now, you seemed to dread Christmas because of this fact.
“Why don’t you just not go?” Corpse had questioned you, he said it as if it was the most clear outcome, but it wasn’t like for you. It was so much easier for him to say that then it was for you to do.
“I couldn’t do that to the rest of my family.”
“Why? You can see them on any other day?”
“It’s Christmas, I couldn’t not go.”
“It’s just the same as any other day if you think about it.” As much as he had cared and listened to you opening up to him, it was hard for him to understand you on this. You grew up in vastly different family dynamics.
“Not to my family, it’s important.”
The two of you continued to go back and forth for a little bit before you realised the stubbornness you both shared wasn’t going to allow you to take in the other’s perspective.
In fact, the two of you didn’t speak about it again until two days before Christmas Eve. You were spending the day together because you were planning on leaving that night to stay at your parents house until boxing day. And as your leaving time was drawing closer and closer, it was visibly clear to Corpse how anxious you were feeling about it.
“(Y/N),” he had called for you attention and you looked to him, “I really don’t want you to go.”
A soft smile was offered to him. “I’m going.”
“But I can fucking see how this is affecting you. You’re dreading it, please don’t go.”
You sighed before answering him. “I have to go.”
“No you don’t.”
“I do.”
“Please, Corpse, I don’t want to go over this again. I’m already feeling nervous about it.”
“Then stay with me for Christmas, you won’t have to feel nervous about anything, we can just be here having our own good time.”
You knew he was just trying to be there for you, but it seemed this was not something the two of you could find a common ground on. “It’s not that simple.”
But if only it had been that simple. If only you had listened to Corpse. Because you wouldn’t be where you were right now. Sitting in your car with tears running down your face. It was 5:05pm in the afternoon on Christmas Day and you’d made a dash out the front door while everyone else sat down to eat dinner. You had tried your best to stay strong, to ignore your toxic brother but when someone was constantly saying and doing things to try to bring you down, you’d broken. You wished you could pull it together, so you could go back inside for the people you wanted to be with, but you truly couldn’t take it any longer. You would call and apologise to your Mother tomorrow, you felt bad for leaving her the most.
You shouldn’t have been driving in the state you were in, tears kept blurring your vision and your mind was so distracted you knew you really weren’t paying enough attention. But by some miracle, you had made it to where you wanted to be. And in one piece and it wasn’t your own place. You were parked out the front of Corpse’s place and how you just longed to be in his arms right now.
Heavy feet carried you to his front door and before you could get the chance to knock, Corpse had already swung the door open.
“Thought I saw your car pull up- oh, fuck,” His tone was happy at first, surprised with happiness that you were there until he took notice of the state you were in. Your foundation was streaked by the thick and fast tears that had fallen down your cheeks. Your mascara and eyeliner tracked black lines, too. Your nose had the makeup removed from it and it was displaying red due to the amount of times you’d rubbed at it. And oddly enough, a Santa Hat was still sitting atop your head. Corpse had never seen a more gloomy Christmas Hat appearance. “Baby, c’mere.”
He wouldn’t hesitate to stretch out his arms to pull you in close and you so gladly accepted. When you were resting against him, his arms would be holding you so tight and yours clutching at his hoodie he was wearing, he’d kick his foot out to shut the front door once the two of you were inside. Small sobs were already leaving your body, but feeling the familiar and protective grip of Corpse really just made you break more. You were safe here, you were safe with him, you could get out any emotion you needed to, and so you did.
Sobs wracked your entire frame, it was loud, vocal and physical crying. Corpse had seen you cry before, but never like this. It was hurting him to see you so hurt. He was so concerned for you, he didn’t have to ask if you were okay, your display was making it clear you weren’t. When he could start to feel your feet starting to give out and your weight became heavier against him, and he not only heard but also felt you choking on your own cries and starting to really struggle to breathe, he felt the need to do more.
Gently, he’d bring you down to the floor with him. He’d sit with his back against the wall and grab your thighs to have you sit in his lap, your legs straddling him. He would pull you in tight enough so your chest and torso was completely against his, the two of you couldn’t be brought any closer if you tried.
“I need you to try taking some deep breaths for me.” He’d tell you right in your ear, needing you to hear him over your violent cries. And so you did, but each one was uneven and would catch in your throat and make you cough.
His hand would be rubbing big, deliberate, heavy circles into your back with a force to make its presence known, a tactic he hoped would calm you. He was caught off guard to see you like this, but after opening up to him about your toxic sibling and how anxious you had been to be around him again, he wasn’t exactly shocked. He was so concerned for you but a part of him was also furious that someone had treated you in such a terrible way to put you in this state. He now wished he had worked harder in getting you to stay with him, if you were with him, you were safe, he wouldn’t let harm - especially like this - come to you.
“I’m here.” Corpse would assure you with a longing kiss to the side of your head, rocking you back and forth.
And eventually, while sitting there, being cradled in his arms, your cries would quieten, your sobs wouldn’t make you shake so violently and your breathing would return to a more regular state.
“Feel better?” He’d ask you once you reached that more stable point and you’d nod your head from its place against his neck before doing a much needed yawn. “You’re tired?”
“Exhausted.” You’d confirm.
“Should we go lay down?” He was still holding you so strongly and securely but being so gentle with how he spoke to you.
“Yeah, I want to get some painkillers first, though, my head hurts.”
“Want to take off the Santa hat?”
“What, why?” Your answer surprised him.
“I’ve had it on all day, I’ll have really bad hat hair.” You admitted and Corpse laughed and had you been in a better mood, you would have joined in on the laughter. But it did lift your spirits to even just simply hear him laugh.
“I’m sure it won’t be that bad.”
“It will be.”
Corpse laughed softly again and shook his head slightly and when he felt you relax against him again, he brought up his hand to quickly pull the hat from your head.
“Hey!” You lifted your head then and he was relieved to see no more build up of tears in your eyes anymore.
“You’ll feel better without it on.” He argued your protest, smiling a small smile and you couldn’t help but to mirror it, which made Corpse elated to see.
“Okay, but don’t you dare look at my hat hair.” You told him and because he knew your eyes were on his, he intentionally lifted his eyes to your hair. “Corpse!” You called his name with a laugh and he was so happy to hear you laugh instead of cry. “Stop it.” You spoke through more giggles and your hands came up to land on your head over your hair until Corpse grabbed your wrists and moved your hands out of the way. “Hey!” Squirming your arms to get your wrists out of his grasp. Once you freed them, you’d place your hands over his eyes.
“Baby, let me look at your beautiful hat hair.”
“No!” You both would laugh then and this time when your boyfriend took hold of your hands to move them off of his eyes, it would be soft and he’d lift them to bring back his vision and bring your hands down a little to place kisses into the palms on each of your hands.
“You know you don’t have to hide anything from me, right?” On the surface, it could’ve sounded like Corpse was talking about just the hat hair, but on a deeper level, he meant this so wholeheartedly, and you understood.
So you’d nod. “I know. Thank you.”
And Corpse knew that once again, when you were ready you’d tell him about what took place on that Christmas Day, but for right now, he didn’t need to know. All he needed to know is that now you were okay and you were safe and you were with him.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you, too.”
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 17]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, intercrural sex, lots ‘o teasing, dirty talk/the absolute tiniest bit of degradation, some cum play/cum eating, seungcheol having a kink for thighs/thigh highs 😳😗 welcome to the weekend my bbys!! I hope yall are having a good day/night!! Also again, another inbox roundup tomorrow(also an updates post)!! 💕 Might be a regular thing for the next 4-ish weeks ‘cause I have been so busy this month 😭 and I can’t believe there’s only 3 more chapters of CB left!! 😭😭 some bangers on the way tho LMAO 🤣 As always, thank you so much for the love and support!!💕💕 Have a great rest of your weekend and enjoy ch 17![cheol voice] seventeen right here 😌💕🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - x - x - x
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Seungcheol doubles over in laughter, tears blurring his vision as his laughs turn into quiet wheezes.
“God, this is so embarrassing.” Seokmin mutters; cheeks burning crimson when he glances over to Jeongguk who shrugs back. “Maybe I really should quit…”
Jeongguk scoffs jokingly, “Maybe you shouldn’t have lied. No offense, but all the staff here probably have at least seen her before and you just so happened to lie to her actual boyfriend. That’s honestly really lucky if you ask me! You should buy a lotto ticket!” Seokmin whines back, shifting on his heels as he watches Seungcheol start to wipe the tears away.
“Hyung, can you please take this Edible Arrangements I got you so I can go ask Namjoon-hyung to fire me?” This only causes Seungcheol to laugh harder and this time, Jeongguk can’t help the giggle that bubbles past his tightly pursed lips.
“Please!” Seokmin begs, shaking the basket of skewered fruit at the older male. “I heard the diner across down is still hiring, I can still save the rest of my dignity if I leave now!”
Seungcheol shakes his head, eyelashes wet with tears when he takes the gift from Seokmin’s hands to place it on the countertop of the concession stand. “Hate to break it to you but she works there and one of the staff is also one of her regulars so I think your best bet is workin’ here. Embarrassment and all.”
“So, okay… But you’re not mad?”
Jeongguk peels the cellophane off of the basketed fruit, looking to Seungcheol for permission before he takes a skewer. “Go ahead. And no, I’m not mad. If anything I should apologize too, I shouldn’t have let you keep lying when I already knew. But also, to be fair, we weren’t really… official ‘til recently.” Seungcheol shoots the younger male a sheepish smile; cheeks a pretty pink of their own. “And it’s kinda been nice meeting you guys too. It’s great to know you’re not all weirdos.”
Seokmin laughs lightly, breathing a sigh of relief. “Okay, cool, ‘cause this place pays really well and I’d hate to stop working here and you guys are a lot cooler than the coworkers I had before.” He rolls his eyes jokingly, leaning up against the countertop as he picks off a strawberry from the basket.
“Don’t even get me started on this coworker I had at the last place. His name was Mingyu, I think? Suuuuuch a kissass. I had to move to manning the register at all times just so I could avoid him pickin’ his nose in the backroom and then pretending like he was doin’ shit.”
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“Hey, Seungcheol-hyung?”
Seokmin’s inquisitive voice has Seungcheol turning; setting the rollerskates in his hand down onto the bench. “Yeah?”
“Do you think it’s weird that we’re, like, watching your girlfriend?” He tilts his head in thought, eyes blinking up to the ceiling. “I don’t want to overstep or something if it’s weird, y’know? I’ve been thinking about what Jeongguk said earlier...”
Seungcheol grins back at him, eyes twinking. He’d also thought about that before too, when he first found out that Jeongguk had also watched your streams.
“I don’t really mind ‘cause at the end of the day, it’s you watching me fucking my girlfriend.”
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“Well, I’m glad he took it… well?” You giggle, tugging the white thigh high up your leg.
Seungcheol pulls off his shirt as he sits on the edge of the bed; tossing the wrinkled material onto the floor as he laughs under his breath.
“He did give me an Edible Arrangements while I laughed so hard I cried. I think he’s learned his lesson.”
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xcaliburDK: good news, i didnt quit!!
chwenon: i was gonna say
chwenon: u literally started like last week
universe_WZ has donated $75
angelhan has donated $75
therealchan99 has donated $50
therealchan99: u look rly pretty in ur white set!!!
“Aww, thank you! It’s one of my favorites~ And ‘xcaliburDK’, I’m glad you didn’t quit!” You wink at the camera, giggling softly in Seungcheol’s lap as he peppers kisses along your shoulder.
A shiver runs up your spine at his gentle touches and you easily melt under his soft kisses and roaming fingertips. He ghosts them across your breasts, teasing you through the thin lace as you mewl and squirm against his cock that’s pressed firm against your ass. “A-ah, S--Seungcheol…”
tangerine_kwan: she looks so happy now that she can call ur name out lol
alphagyu97: now i cant pretend its me tho
gentleman_josh95: i mean i guess but are u even built like him
alphagyu97: well
Your body slowly starts to fill with warmth; soft stuttered breaths falling from your lips when he drags his fingers down your torso until they play with the hem of your panties. “M-more… tease me m-more…” He grins against your shoulder; hooking a finger around the waistband of your panties and tugging it away from you before letting it snap against your skin.
“‘Cheol!” Whining, your legs snap shut on impulse as you feel a gush of wetness soaking into your panties.
“Ah, ah, ah, part those legs, princess. Don’t make me have to punish you.”
kitty_junjun: no thats what the shibari stream is for right? Right? 😩
artist8hao: is that really happening bc i want to see it
alphagyu97: u guys should do it and think of it as like a rebrand of the channel ykwim
hoshi_tiger_xx: jdfkjhf like a grand re-opening under new management
therealchan99: what is this, a restaurant?
chwenon: u guys should come up with a new channel name too or sth
Seungcheol manages to read off a few of their comments; committing some to memory knowing that your eyes were still sealed shut as you focused on his soft touches.
He drags his fingers down further, humming when he can already feel how wet you were getting. “Hmm~ Already soaked through your pretty panties, baby~” Your head rolls back against his shoulder, nodding gently as you start to grind against the fingers that he uses to press into your clothed, wet folds.
“F-feels good w-when you, ah, t-tease me…”
Unbeknownst to you, Seungcheol smirks, eyes twinkling at the camera. “You really like it, huh? When I just touch you gently like this. Not enough to get you off but just enough to get you soaking wet until you’re begging for my cock.” He pauses; pressing a soft kiss to your skin. “I wanna try something with you, pretty baby~”
You gulp as you raise your head from his shoulder and he retracts his hands from your body as you shift your body and slightly turn to the side to face him.
Seungcheol’s eyes are blown wide with lust and you can already feel his cock throbbing against your lower back as he smiles dreamily at you.
“I think you’ll like it too.”
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A stuttered moan falls from your lips as Seungcheol’s cock slides past your tightly clasped, yet shaky, thighs.
“O-oh, ‘Cheol, this--this is…” The words die on your tongue as your head falls forward and Seungcheol is quick to reprimand you, just as he draws his hips back.
“Baby, I want you to watch yourself on the screen. I want you to see your cute face while I tease your pretty body.” He moans; thrusting between your wet thighs as your hazy eyes peer at the laptop’s screen. Your lips are swollen and your pupils are blown wide when you catch yourself and you can see the head of Seungcheol’s cock only just breaching past your clamped thighs when he thrusts forward.
You let out a guttural moan, eyes rolling to the back of your head when he alternates between thrusting between your thighs and letting his cock slide against your soaked, panty-clad mound. 
He hadn’t bothered to undress you at all, but you didn’t mind. The material of your panties only added onto the pleasure with every drag of his cock against you.  
Seungcheol teases you even more; dragging his hands down to your thigh highs and letting his fingertips play right underneath the hems before pulling the material away from your thighs and letting them snap against your skin, much like he’d done with your panties.
“Ah, fuck, m-more! P-please…” He repeats the action a few more times, playing with the sheer fabric of your thigh highs before he draws his hips back. Except this time, when you expect him to thrust back between your legs, he wraps a hand around his cock instead, guiding himself until the head of his cock is rubbing up against the sheer fabric.
“Fuck, you’d look so pretty with cum all over your pretty thighs. I should cum all over your panties and your white ‘lil thigh highs and get them all soaked. Don’t you think they’d be cute? Sticking to you like a second skin? Translucent ‘n soaked through with my cum?” He laughs under his breath, watching through the laptop screen at the way you bite your lip and furrow your brows at the thought.
“I--I want t-that… I want S--Seungcheol t-to make, ngh, a m-mess…”
angelhan: i kno we say this all the time but can u upload some pics of that later
angelhan has donated $75
universe_WZ: seconded cuz thatd look so fuckin hot
universe_WZ has donated $50
alphagyu97 has donated $75
alphagyu97: fuck, like a lil angel covered in cum
Seungcheol teases you and himself at the same time; rubbing his cock against your fabric-clad thighs. He spreads precum onto the material, licking his lips when it already becomes translucent and sticks to your skin.
He positions his cock back between your thighs once he’s had his fill and quickly finds himself doubling his pace when he sees how wet you’re getting his cock without even having taken your panties off. “God, look at you. I don’t even need to fuck you to get you this wet. You just need to rub your ‘lil cunt against my cock and it’s enough for you, huh? I should make you sit on my lap, rub your pretty ‘lil pussy on my cock ‘til you’re cumming over and over again.”
“Ngh, yes! Fuck, Seungcheol! I--I can feel your c-cock throbbing between my l-legs… Please, please c-cum, mmh, all over my s-skin…”
“That’s right, baby. So fuckin’ desperate to be covered in it too. And always so fuckin’ pretty when you are.”
You let out a whimper as you try to focus on watching yourself just like Seungcheol had asked you to. Your lips are parted in soft breaths and you can’t seem to unfurrow your brows as Seungcheol chases his pleasure behind you.
angelhan: what if
angelhan: seungcheol in thigh highs lmao
universe_WZ: sub.cheol
sleepy_wonu: sub.cheol
universe_WZ: jinx
sleepy_wonu: fuck u 
You lick your lips at the thought; although you knew Seungcheol would have a hard time relinquishing his dominating nature.
But your mind wanders as you continue to think about it; various images of Seungcheol tied up underneath you while you fucked yourself on his cock running through your mind. You let out a shaky moan, to which Seungcheol hums.
“What are you thinkin’ about, princess?”
“Um… ah, n-nothing…” He thrusts between your legs hard, making you jolt forward as you yelp.
“I--ah! J-just thinking a-about… y-you tied up, ngh, to--to the bed and m-me fuh--fucking myself on your c-cock… ‘n me u-using, mmh, my toys o-on you...” Seungcheol smirks, pulling his cock from between your shaky thighs as he slightly pushes you over until you're on your back.
He spreads your legs as you look up at him and he’s quick to wrap a hand around his cock as he jerks himself off above you. “Oh, I bet you’d love that, wouldn’t you? I bet you’d be so cute trying to be the domme for a night.” Seungcheol teases.
You find yourself clenching around emptiness as you think of the possibilities. You definitely wanted to try it if Seungcheol was willing.
“Fuck, but first, gonna cover your pretty body with my cum.” He groans; thrusting up into his palm as he chases his high.
“C-cum all over me, Seungcheol…”
The donations and comments sound off in the back as you maintain eye contact with Seungcheol who’s brows furrow when he starts to feel himself about to cum. He scoots back a little; growling when his cock throbs in his grasp and he cums all over your, already, soaked panties.
You let out a moan when rivulets of cum hit your lower abdomen and you’re quick to reach down and scoop some up to bring to your mouth, smearing the warm substance against your puckered lips before licking it off. Whimpering, you dip your fingers into your mouth; this time pretending they were Seungcheol’s instead of your own.
He guides his cock until the head is aimed at your thighs; streaks of cum settling into the sheer material of your thigh highs. “God, you’re so damn pretty...” Groaning, he milks his cock for every drop of cum before he’s stopping to catch his breath.
“You came so much but I didn’t cum yet, ‘Cheol~” Pouting, you turn your head to the side to face the camera. “Tell him he has to make me cum now~”
kitty_junjun: well u heard the lady!!
hoshi_tiger_xx: make her cum and let her cream her cute lil panties even more
therealchan99: oh fuck yeah, get her off without fucking her cute cunt
Seungcheol leans over your body until the two of you are almost face to face, eyes twinkling with playfulness when you feel his sticky hand playing with your thigh highs again.
“D’you hear that? Let’s give them what they want, baby.”
The sounds of donations and comments once again get lost as Seungcheol finds himself on his knees between your legs.
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When you slide into bed after your camshow’s ended and Seungcheol has properly taken care of you, he’s quick to tug you into his chest. 
The two of you let out soft sighs at the warmth that envelopes you both as you finally start to settle in for the night.
After a few minutes, Seungcheol clears his throat, catching you just before you drift off to sleep.
“This is so random but have you considered, I dunno, rebranding your channel… with me? I was thinking about it and kinda wanted your opinion...”
You blink up curiously at him, urging him to continue. “I mean, yeah, of course! I don’t really know where to start though since it’s always just been me. And to be honest, I wasn’t sure if you wanted to either so I never brought it up.” You snuggle into his warmth, yawning as the sleep threatens to take over.
“But let’s talk about it later, ‘cause ‘m tired now, ‘Cheol. You really didn’t have to make me cum twice…” You mumble, “I can still feel my legs shaking...”
His soft laugh reverberates in your chest and he’s quick to press a kiss against your hair as he tugs you in closer.
“It’s ‘cause I like to spoil you. And okay. I’ll remind you when you’re more conscious.”
“G’night, ‘Cheol...”
“Goodnight, baby.” 
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