#when cesare literally murdered him and pushed him off the bridge
earlgodwin · 1 year
thinking about how lonely juan was on this fine day. the fact that he had no one at all which is why he was invasively fixating on cesare and lucrezia (how they feel for each other + how they feel for him) and desperately wanting them to love him so he acts clingy to them (his "do you love me, brother?" to cesare) and i've always found it oddly funny how he always gets extremely jealous (how he was pissed off with lucrezia and djem flirting, going berserk when paolo tried to speak with her, calling her a slut when she snuck out of her room to meet paolo, etc.) and making sexually charged comments and gestures towards both cesare and lucrezia. then david oakes spilled the tea about juan being jealous of not being part of their relationship. which makes the vision juan saw when he was in the opium of himself and cesare being happy and close and loving each other clearer because it was just one of the first steps for him to end his pain and probably was an ask for cesare to let him join his affair with lucrezia but it was too late for juan as cesare decided to stab him and get rid of him.
another interesting part is david oakes' statement that if juan came back on the show, he would come back as a spirit to help cesare at the war against the kingdom of navarre. judging from david's interpretation, that despite juan's death being at cesare's hands in life, there was still a bond of brotherhood or love from their good old pre-papacy days that transcended their earthly conflicts. (i wish he talked more about juan/lucrezia though but that's all we got right now.)
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