#when i couldn't figure out a way to fit the exact quote in tbh but
symbolicpeace · 5 years
“But what do we have in common?”
It had been an embarrassing moment for All Might, standing in front of the class, teaching, trying to draw a visual up on the white board to explain what he wanted the kids to do. The marker in his hand shook, the first few lines he attempted wobbly and erratic before the writing instrument escaped his grasp entirely. He stared at the marker on the ground for a brief second as if it had betrayed him before young Tsuyu was immediately at his side, picking it up for him.
Ever the good improviser, he ended up getting a few student volunteers to help him act out the explanation instead. The awkward moment was soothed over and the kids seemed eager to help him past it.
But still, he wasn’t used to being like this. The persona of All Might had been like an armour and without it he felt much more…vulnerable. He’d thought it’d get better now that he was no longer covered in bandages and a cast in front of the kids, that he could put on more of his usual bravado– but after class he found himself staring down at his hand and the scars that crisscrossed crooked knuckles and bent fingers that now refused to stop trembling.
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And then came Izuku. That boy plopped right down next to him, pulled up a sleeve, and suddenly there was an outstretched hand next to his own, all crooked fingers and ugly scars, a price the boy had paid to save young Todoroki, young Kota, young Bakugou–
All Might remembered so clearly the face of the woman he had shielded with his own body not that long ago, the woman who had begged him to win, please.
          of course young lady, you are right!          we heroes have so much to protect,          and that’s why we always,                             always
                               ( no matter the cost )
Trembling fingers closed and dropped, and he turned to his young successor.
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“Heh, looks like I picked up some of your bad habits.”
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