#when i make refs I usually put people in like their undies ya know
hyena-paws · 5 months
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my ref for Adam in my When Hell Freezes Over au
(also in this au he doesn’t actually wear a leaf, i just think i’m funny)
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overwatchworks · 6 years
McGenji college/highschool au (whatever you prefer) thank you
Jesse jabbed one of his friends in the rib lightly as he made a catcall to Hanzo Shimada as they were walking down the hall to get to their third block of the day.
“Have a little class partner…” He muttered, Joseph scoffing and instead shouting to the older Shimada.
“You look amazing today, as usual Shimada! Wanna go out with me?”
Hanzo continued walking like nothing had happened, eyes trained ahead of him and head moving minutely to some beat.
“Dude, he’s got earbuds in…”
“Goddammit. I’ll just try again next time.” Joseph sighed, then a smirk grew across his features.
“You don’t want me on the bad side of Shimada ‘cause you like the younger one, yeah?”
“You’re never gonna know.” Jesse huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and sticking his nose in the air. His friends all snorted and laughed, not believing it for a second.
“Look at the blush he’s got!” Lance chuckled, Jesse glaring at him with no real heat behind it. 
Everyone in the entire school knew that Jesse McCree and Genji Shimada had an unspoken thing between one another, but it was still all up to speculation since neither had confirmed the suspicions or done anything more than tease some flirting every now and then across the halls to one another.
“There’s no way you two aren’t fucking already. No way.” Harper muttered with a shake of his head, shoving Jesse and smirking.
“He’s not just some object, an’ for your information, I have a more respect for folks than that. So watch your mouth, Harp.” Jesse snapped, Harper raising his hands placidly.
“In denial are we?”
“In your dreams.”
“Shit, there he is with his gang of girlies! Getting everyone hyped for the game tonight, huh?”
“Please, everyone and their cousin’s goldfish are going to be at the game tonight. The final match between us and Talon? Who hasn’t been preparing for this game for a month?”
“You better not let us down Jesse, Akande isn’t that good.”
“Well, when your put up against a hulking, ripped hunk of man meat trained in various martial arts from Nigeria, you come to me an’ we’ll talk then.” Jesse laughed, his friends all joining in. 
He slowed when he passed the girls on the drill team and Genji, eyeing the latter for a moment as an idea sprung into his head.
“Y’all go ahead, I got somethin’ I gotta take care of.” He told his friends, getting snickers out of all of them.
“Gonna finally kiss him?”
“Get on outta here, I’ll tell you later.”
The group complied as Jesse waved them off, running a hand through his hair as he approached Genji. The younger Shimada glanced over at him, eyes lined in gold that matched the blue and silver dance uniforms, the Overwatch school crest and eagle mascot in gold on their arms.
“Well well well, if it isn’t the star of the show? You gonna get us a win tonight Mr. Basketball King?” Genji quipped in a bright tone, eyes narrowing and hands going to his hips. The tight, leathery material of his pants clung to his legs and ass wonderfully, though Jesse didn’t stare for too long.
“I’ll try my damndest. The Talon Panthers are just a piece of work, ‘specially with their new guy on the team.”
“Mhm, Akande Ogundumu. I’ve heard lots about him. I still think we have a very good chance though.” Genji hummed, giving Jesse a very obvious once over to emphasize the implications of his statement.
“Confident enough to bet on it?” Jesse asked, leaning his forearm on the wall next to Genji’s head as he got the man’s full attention.
“A bet hm?”
“Well how about this…If you lose, you have to profess your undying love to me in the middle of the hallway on our way to lunch. In poetry form.” Genji offered with a smirk, Jesse making a face.
“Oooh…I hope you know that I’m mighty good at poetry sweetpea.”
“Then I’ll expect a good profession.”
“That sure we’re gonna lose?”
“No, but have you seen Akande? He’s built like a brick shithouse.”
“Eh, I can take ‘im. So…What about if we win?” Jesse inquired, leaning closer as Genji looked up at him with a playfully thoughtful expression.
“Hmmm~ let’s see…You don’t have to shout poetry in the hallway.”
“Yeesh, that ain’t gonna do at all sugar. How ‘bout I get to kiss you if we win?” Jesse gave in counter offer, leaning in close enough to almost brush noses with Genji, voice dropping to a murmur.
“You play a dirty game Mister McCree. But I accept.”
“For you darlin’, I’ll play as dirty as I need to.” Jesse told him with a wink, turning around and throwing some finger guns in Genji’s direction.
“See ya at the game, then. Good luck ladies and gentleman! You’re gonna rock it durin’ halftime!” Jesse called, all the girls cheering and waving at him, wishing him luck as well. Genji watched him go with a smug little smirk, Jesse hurrying off to his next class, waving to at least five people he knew as he passed and giving the others a smile.~“Alright boys, you know the drill. Don’t let the Panther’s new guy scare you, he’s just another player, one that can be beat just like the rest of us. Get out there and kick some ass, give them a good game. Fight hard and stay focused, and we’ll have this game over and won in no time. Go Eagles!” Coach Morrison shouted, the basketball team echoing him and cheering. Jesse clapped his teammates on the back, getting handshakes and light punches from them, everyone excited and ready to play.
“Yo, Jess!”
“What’s up Jensen? Gettin’ nervous?”
“I mean, yeah. It’s the biggest game of the year! And the Panthers are unbeaten…”
“Ah, so what? Just get out there, give ‘em a damn good fight, an’ make sure you have a good time while you’re at it. Don’t worry rookie, ya got this.” Jesse teased, rubbing his hand through the freshman’s hair and effectively mussing it. Jensen was the only freshman on the varsity basketball team, so of course he was nervous at having to play against the single hardest high school team there was.
“Yeah…Yeah we’ll win this for sure!”
“That’s it! Come on, game starts in five.”
“Yeah, coach?”
“Get up here, you’ll lead the team out!”
“Aye aye captain!”
Jesse jogged to the front of the team, everyone looking good in their blue uniforms with gold eagles on the front, shorts and tank tops lined in silver.
“Alright boys. Knock ‘em dead!”
The team cheered again, Jesse leading the way out into the gym at a slow jog. The wave of cheers hit him as soon as the doors opened, the stands overflowing, everyone screaming and waving posters, banners, flags, and streamers. Student’s faces were painted silver and blue, everyone dressed in school spirit making the stands look like rippling water. 
The cheerleaders and drill team were all on their feet just outside the front row where they were set up, the girls all waving their pompoms with ribbons in their hair. Genji of course stood out a mile away with his shock of green hair, Jesse’s eye drawn to him as they passed and giving him a wink. He was smacked with a borrowed pompom in return, a smile growing on his face as they went onto the court. 
Cheers then went up from the opposite side of the gym, the Talon Panthers section of students wearing black and red to support their team as they ran out onto the court next. Jesse still couldn’t believe the size of Akande as the teams lined up to face one another, everyone with stony and focused expressions as the coaches shook hands. Coach Morrison shook Coach Reyes’ hand with more force than strictly necessary, the Panther’s coach smirking and at ease.
“Good luck, Eagles. You’re gonna need it.” Reyes told them, Morrison narrowing his eyes as he responded.
“Right back at you, Panthers.”
The Talon drill team and cheerleaders all jumped up and down, yelling along with their peers, Jesse noticing a particularly pretty one with long black hair and one with a half shaved head, hair dyed purple at the ends. He’d heard Genji complain about the long haired one, the Shimada always pissed off at all the natural grace she had in competitions just because she did ballet too. 
The referees came onto the court, and the teams got into position, everyone cheering as the ball was tossed into the air and the game started. Akande leapt into the air faster than a snake to snatch away the ball before Jesse could reach it, automatically driving left and speeding towards the basket. The Talon fans all screamed in joy, the Eagles’ shouting encouragement. Jesse was right next to him the whole way, jumping up to block his shot and forcing him to pass to another player. 
Now cheers went up from the Overwatch section as the Eagles took possession of the ball, only to have it stolen away again. Jesse ran back and forth, keeping a close eye on Akande and trying to shove him a bit as he was passed the ball. Akande caught the basketball anyways, dribbling it to the Eagle’s side and able to get past Jesse’s defense this time, the net swooshing as the basket was made.
“Hm. You’re not bad…But you’re not good either.” Akande muttered to Jesse with a smirk, Jesse narrowing his eyes and pushing his hair back.
“You keep on tellin’ yourself that, partner. You’re goin’ down.”
“We’ll see about that.”
Jesse glared at him before they went to reset, the ball immediately flying in his direction. Akande snapped his hand out and caught it again before Jesse could, but he didn’t get far. Jesse took it back and cut around him, hearing screams from the fans as he sprinted down the court and made a shot. It went in smoothly, and was a two-pointer too. He turned to Akande at that, raising a brow with a devilish grin and jogging back to his team. 
The first half went by in what felt like seconds to Jesse, but he was panting and sweating by the time the refs called a break. The Panthers were up by three points-courtesy of Akande in the last few seconds of course-but it was nice to see him just as worn as Jesse was. They’d been neck and neck almost the whole time, and it was tense on both sides. 
Jesse jogged to the sidelines to get some water, fist bumping his teammates as he went. The crowd was cheering as usual, everyone waving their banners and streamers flying everywhere. Jesse sat down gratefully, snatching up a water bottle and gulping down its contents as the drill team and cheerleaders went out onto the court for their performance.
Music started up as they all ran into their formations, the drill team taking the spotlight, heads down and backs to the audience. Their hands were behind their heads, hips jutted out to the side and Jesse couldn’t help but watch one of them in particular as they shifted to the beat of the song. The cheerleaders did flips in the background as the drill team spun to face the crowd, all smiles and narrowed eyes as they walked forward as one unit. 
They then threw their arms in the air, spinning and dropping down into a squat, backs arched and rolling their torsos. The cheerleaders then did flips in a diamond around them, the drill team straightening and moving closer to one another, surrounding on particular green haired dancer. Arms went around him, only one little bounce being warning before Genji was thrown into the air, spinning and twirling as the crowd went absolutely nuts. He of course nailed the landing, a huge grin on his face as they walked forward to the beat again in a triangular formation. 
Their feet moved and the girls all dropped down in a wave, a few in the front all the way to the back, hair flipping in an arc as they raised their heads again. They moved like one, cheerleaders joining the drill team as they bent down again, hips moving now in a full body roll. They circled one another, dancing to the beat and being more than a little suggestive in their movements, but of course they were killing it. 
The music started to fade, everyone striking a pose before Genji went out to the front, pushing his hair away from his face and death dropping effortlessly, arms out by his head. Everyone screamed and cheered, Jesse able to pick out Hanzo’s voice in particular over all the others rooting for his little brother. 
He shouted along with the rest of the crowd, whistling and clapping enthusiastically as the drill team and cheerleaders bowed. They went back to their previous spots, breathing heavily but all of then smiling broadly. Half time was on the retreat, people running to grab concessions real quick as the Talon cheer team did a few chants and dances for their audience. 
Jesse eyed Akande on the other side of the court, finding his opponent was doing the exact same thing back to him. So Jesse shot him some finger guns, tongue sticking out slightly through his smirk. Akande seemed to be amused by it, and he shook his head before looking away. The whistle then blew for the second half of the game to commence and Jesse hopped up, grinning to his teammates.
“We got this y’all.”
He went onto the court, this time faster than Akande in taking the basketball first and driving it down to Talon’s basket. Akande blocked his shot, so Jesse passed it to Jensen, the freshman panicking a bit before going for the shot. It bounced off the rim, the crowd screaming as one of the Panther players was able to grab it. He didn’t go far, Tyler able to fight it back and pass it to Jesse again. It was passed to Jensen for another try, and this time, the ball went in. Everyone went nuts, Jesse clapping the freshman on the back as Jensen grinned.
“See? Ya got nothin’ ta worry ‘bout.”
They lined up again, the Panthers running down the court with the ball, then trying to pass to Akande. Jesse threw himself in front of the ball, somehow managing to keep his feet beneath him as he dribbled his way past the Panthers. He passed, sprinted, blocked, grimaced when the Panthers scored a basket, cheered with the crowd when the Eagles made their shots, and it was the last minute of the game when the score finally tied up 25-25. 
Both teams played extremely defensively, Jesse more focused on just keeping the ball away from their basket than anything, but the seconds were ticking down. He glanced to the Eagles section of the audience, seeing everyone on the edge of their seats, still screaming encouragements. Genji was bouncing up and down with the cheerleaders, eyes meeting Jesse’s when he looked over. Jesse winked, then figured he may as well make a last ditch effort because dammit all, he wanted to kiss Genji Shimada. He ran in and took the ball from one of the Panthers, sprinting down the court and hearing everyone counting down with the timer.
“Nine! Eight! Seven! Six!”
Jesse dodged two players coming at him, jumping up and letting the ball slip off his fingers, into the air and—
“Three! Two! On—YEAAAAHHHH!!!”
The swoosh of the net was completely and utterly drowned out by the enthusiasm of the crowd, everyone screaming and throwing blue and silver streamers. Jesse threw his arms into the air and cheered as his team completely swarmed him, everyone jumping up and down and slapping one another on the back, yelling with the crowd. They were ushered into a line to shake hands with the other team, Jesse grinning and congratulating them on an amazing game. Akande gave him a smile and shook his hand firmly.
“Good shot. You played well.”
“Hey, you too man. I almost thought we weren’t gonna make it, you’re so good.” Jesse replied with heart, Akande ducking his head in a little bow of acknowledgement. 
When the niceties were over and everyone had been properly congratulated, Jesse went back towards the stands to grab a towel, everyone pushing their way towards him. He was sweaty and gross, but had earned what he was about to go for, if he could find who he was looking for. Green hair showed itself, and Jesse grinned, pushing his way to Genji and taking his arm.
“Heya darlin’.” He practically shouted, Genji grinning and eyes widening as Jesse leaned in and crushed their lips together. 
He thought that the crowd couldn’t have been louder than they had been when he’d shot that last basket, but he was so wrong. There was an explosion of screams and cheers as Genji melted into him, Jesse’s hand going up to rest on Genji’s neck and tilting his head, lips moving languidly against each other. Jesse had never kissed anyone quite like Genji; addictive, sweet, expressive, everything he had ever dreamed of and more. 
When they broke off, Jesse stayed nose to nose with Genji, both staring at one another in mild shock and excitement. Genji then laughed, clear and beautiful, pressing in for another kiss.
“Well done Jesse. You win this one.” Genji whispered against his lips, Jesse grinning and pecking him again. He could definitely get used to this.~~
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