#when hell freezes over
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indigomarina · 1 month
Hazbin Oc x Canon Week: Day 2 - Date Night (FrostedApple)
For @hazbinocxcanon
Glacia/Gloria is from this if you want to see more of her. Lucifer is pacing back and forth in his chambers, running his hands through his hair nervously. He keeps glancing at his reflection in the mirror, rehearsing different lines. "Come on, Lucifer, you can do this. She's just a woman." Lucifer said, anxiously. "A gorgeous, enchanting, incredible woman. But still, just a woman!" He shakes his head, letting out a deep breath. "Okay, let's try this again." He clears his throat, "Gloria, my darling snow angel, would you do me the extraordinary honor of accompanying me on a romantic rendezvous?" he asked. He grimaces, smacking his forehead. "Too formal, too stuffy. She'll think I'm being a pretentious prick." Lucifer starts pacing once more, trying to loosen up his body language. "Hey Glori, you, me, candlelit dinner, some wine, maybe a little dancing after? Whaddya say, babe?" He immediately winces, shaking his head vehemently. "No, no, no! She'll think I'm some sleazy dirtbag trying to get into her pants! Damn it, Lucifer, get it together!" Lucifer takes a few calming breaths, his hands on his hips as he stares at himself in the mirror. Finally, he nods, a look of determination on his face. "Okay. Here we go. Simple, sincere, from the heart." He straightens his posture and plasters on his most charming smile as he practices the line. "Gloria, I was hoping you might join me for dinner tonight. Just the two of us, on a… on a date." Lucifer said. This time, he nodded, feeling more confident. "Yes, that's it. Clear, direct, no room for misinterpretation. She'll know exactly what I'm asking." With one last deep breath, Lucifer heads out of his chambers in search of Glacia, his heart pounding with anticipation. Some time later, Lucifer finds Glacia in the hotel's garden, tending to the frost-covered flowers. He takes a moment to admire her, then gathers his courage and approaches her. "Gloria, c-can I have a moment?" Lucifer asked. Glacia turned to face him, "Of course, Luci. What's on your mind?" Glacia asked with a friendly smile. Lucifer took her hand in his, "Glacia, I was hoping you might join me for dinner tonight. Just the two of us, on a… on a date." Glacia's eyes widen slightly, and a soft blush creeps onto her cheeks. For a moment, Lucifer fears he's overstepped, but then she smiles, squeezing his hand. "Yes, Luci. I would love to go on a date with you." Glacia accepted. Lucifer feels like his heart might burst with joy. "Oh-oh really? You do?!" he asked, hoping this wasn't a trick.
Glacia nodded, revealing it wasn't.
"Th-that's great!" he said happily. "Guess I've pick you up later?"
Glacia nodded, "Sure!" "Great! See you..tonight!" Lucifer said. He sped off, bumping into a wall, making Glacia gasp before he rose up, showing he was okay. Later Lucifer paces nervously in front of the hotel, fiddling with his bowtie. He's dressed to the nines in a dapper black suit, red vest, and shiny dress shoes. A bouquet of icy blue roses is clutched in his sweaty hand. "Okay, you've got this. It's just a date. With the most beautiful demoness in all the realms. No pressure." Lucifer muttered to himself, he tugs at his collar, "Ugh, why is it so hot out here?" Just then, the hotel doors open and Glacia steps out. Lucifer's jaw drops, the roses tumbling from his slack grip. Glacia is a vision in a sleek, off-the-shoulder gown the color of a winter sky. It clings to her curves like a second skin, the slit up the side revealing tantalizing glimpses of smooth pale leg. Her hair is swept up in an elegant twist, tendrils framing her face. "Gloria…you look…I mean…wow." Lucifer exclaimed. "Thank you, Luci." Glacia said blushing, smiling shyly. She takes in his dashing appearance. "You clean up quite nicely yourself~" Lucifer scrambles to retrieve the fallen bouquet, thrusting it towards Glacia with a nervous grin. "For you, snow angel. Though they pale in comparison to your beauty." he said sheepishly.
Lucifer offers her his arm, and they set off on their date. He takes her to a beautiful ice sculpture garden, where they walk hand in hand, admiring the intricate designs.
Lucifer points out a sculpture, "Look, Gloria! That one looks just like you, wifey, a perfect snow angel."
"Oh, Luci, you're too sweet." Glacia said, laughing.
Next, Lucifer takes Glacia to a fancy restaurant, where he has reserved the best table. They enjoy a delicious meal, talking and laughing, lost in each other's company.
Lucifer raises his glass, "A toast, to the most beautiful and enchanting woman in all of Hell."
"And to the most charming and attentive date a girl could ask for." Glacia said, clinking her glass against his.
After dinner, Lucifer surprises Glacia with tickets to a live performance of her favorite musical. They sit close together, holding hands, as they watch the show.
"Luci, this is incredible. Thank you so much." Glacia whispered.
"Anything for you, my snow angel." Lucifer whispered, squeezing her hand.
As the date comes to an end, Lucifer walks Glacia back to her door. They stand facing each other, both reluctant to say goodnight.
"Gloria, I had an amazing time with you today. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did." Lucifer said.
"It was perfect, Luci. The best date I've ever been on." Glacia said.
Glacia leans down slightly and gently kisses Lucifer on the cheek. Lucifer's eyes widen, and a goofy grin spreads across his face.
"I… I'm so glad you had a good time." Lucifer said, touching his cheek where she kissed him.
"Goodnight, my king. Sweet dreams~" Glacia whispered in his ear before going inside her room.
As Glacia closes the door, Lucifer stands there for a moment, his heart soaring with joy. He pumps his fist in the air, doing a little victory dance.
"Yes! She kissed me! On the cheek, but still! Best. Date. Ever!" Lucifer exclaimed excitedly to himself.
Lucifer practically skips away, already planning their next date in his head, determined to make each one better than the last, until he finally wins Glacia's heart completely.
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hyena-paws · 2 months
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my ref for Adam in my When Hell Freezes Over au
(also in this au he doesn’t actually wear a leaf, i just think i’m funny)
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 6 months
Summary: During Natsuo’s first semester at uni, he receives a text from an unknown number: "While youre out get me a headset too The one i was talking about" In one universe, he ignores it. In this one, he feels just bored and impulsive enough to reply to it.
Author: @aphrodaisyacs
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knight-in-sour-armor · 7 months
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genx3791 · 5 months
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"It only happen when hell frozen over and and Dave was about to quantify that!"
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booksbyadesi · 1 year
When it snows in Johannesburg(ZA) and I realise I have to do all the things I said I would "when it snows in Johannesburg"
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celeby01 · 1 year
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munku-collar · 1 year
city springs getting the right kind of vocalist for munk but then everyone's costume being ugly as shit, what will it take for 98 to be dethroned
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evilhorse · 1 year
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When hell freezes.
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indigomarina · 1 month
Hazbin OC x Canon Week Day 5 - Heartbreak (FrostedApple)
For @hazbinocxcanon
Glacia/Gloria is from this for anyone who wants to see more of her.
This is like an alternate ending to the 'The Show Must Go On' chapter.
Alastor approaches Glacia in the newly rebuilt hotel lobby, a bouquet of blue hydrangeas clutched in his hands. He takes a deep breath, steadying his nerves. "Ah, Glacia! Just the lady I was hoping to find." Alastor said with his signature smile. "Alastor! What's all this?" Glacia asked, smiling warmly. She gestures to the flowers as Alastor steps closer, a rare vulnerability in his eyes. "These are for you, ma lune. A small token of my affection." Alastor said, he offers her the bouquet, and Glacia's eyes widen as she accepts them, breathing in their sweet scent. "They're beautiful, Alastor, but I don't understa-" Glacia started. Alastor interrupting her gently, "Please, allow me to speak my piece." Glacia falls silent, sensing the weight behind Alastor's words. He takes her hands in his, staring deeply into her eyes. "Glacia, from the moment we met, you've captivated me in a way I never thought possible. Your kindness, your strength, your radiant beauty…they all drew me to you like a moth to an irresistible flame." Alastor confessed. He strokes her cheek tenderly, and Glacia's breath catches in her throat. "At first, I told myself it was simply admiration, a deep respect for the incredible woman you are. But the more time we spent together, the more I realized my feelings ran much deeper than that." Alastor said. Glacia's eyes widen as realization dawns on her face. Alastor smiles softly, his expression full of longing. "I've fallen in love with you, ma lune. Utterly and completely. You've bewitched my heart and soul in a way I never dreamed possible." Alastor said. Glacia's mouth opens, but no words come out. She's stunned into silence, her mind racing as she tries to process Alastor's confession. Unbeknownst to them both, Lucifer has entered the lobby, catching the tail end of Alastor's declaration. His face falls, his heart shattering at the sight of Alastor holding Glacia's hands, bearing his heart to her. "Gloria…no…" Lucifer whispered in anguish. Alastor takes Glacia's silence as an invitation to continue, stepping even closer to her. "Say you'll be mine, ma lune. Let me worship you as you deserve, shower you with the love and adoration befitting a goddess like yourself." Glacia finally finds her voice, but before she can respond, Lucifer turns and flees the lobby, unable to bear witnessing the woman he loves accepting another man's affections. "Lucifer, wait!" Glacia called after him. But he's already gone.
Glacia rushes out of the lobby, dropping the hydrangeas carelessly as she searches frantically for Lucifer. "Lucifer! Lucifer, please wait!" she called some more. She finds him in the hotel gardens, slumped on a stone bench with his head in his hands. His shoulders are shaking with barely restrained sobs. "Luci…" Glacia said softly. Lucifer looks up, his eyes hollow and brimming with unshed tears. He forces a pained smile when he sees her. "Ah, Gloria. I…I'm happy for you, truly. Alastor seems like a fine demon. A bit unhinged, but then again, who am I to judge?" Lucifer asked. He lets out a hollow chuckle, his smile not reaching his eyes. Glacia takes a seat beside him, "Oh, Luci…you've got it all wrong." Glacia said. "Do I? Because it certainly seemed like he was confessing his undying love and you were about to accept." Lucifer said bitterly. Glacia cupped his face tenderly, "Listen to me. The man I've fallen for, the man I love with every fiber of my being…is you, Lucifer. Only you." Glacia confessed. Lucifer's eyes widen in disbelief, his breath catching in his throat. "M-Me? But Alastor…the flowers…" Lucifer stammered. Glacia shook her head, "I was too stunned to respond. Those feelings I may have had for Alastor long ago have faded into something familial. You're the one who holds my heart, Luci. You're the only one I want." Glacia explained. She leans in, capturing his lips in a searing kiss, trying to convey every ounce of her love and devotion. Lucifer melts into the kiss, his arms winding around her waist as tears of joy stream down his face. Unbeknownst to them, Alastor has been watching the exchange from the shadows, his ever-present grin now a tight grimace of heartbreak and rage. "So that's how it is, is it? The jaded old king wins your heart yet again." Alastor muttered darkly. His hands clench into fists, the hydrangeas he gifted Glacia now crushed and forgotten on the ground. "Don't worry, my dear Glacia…this isn't over. Not by a long shot. If I can't have your love, then I'll make sure your precious Lucifer suffers for taking it from me." Alastor said. Alastor's eyes burn with vengeful determination as he melts back into the shadows, already plotting his retribution against the king who dared to steal his beloved's heart. Meanwhile, Lucifer and Glacia remain locked in their passionate embrace, oblivious to the darkness brewing or the high price their love may soon demand.
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hyena-paws · 3 months
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ya know how people say “if you wanna improve at art, find a blorbo and draw them a million times”
they aren’t wrong (idk why my brain picked him help)
(pose ref under the cut)
(ss from ep 1)
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fazcinatingblog · 1 year
when wade was talking tactics with his bowler/s and the commentators are like "oh we thought he was asking you, maxi" lmao that'll be the day
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The daily weird news roundup for Sat, Dec 24, 2022. Check out the International News Service wherever you get podcasts.
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newvision · 2 months
Wow you think as a grown ass person you’ve got important things to care about. And then they do a Hannibal reunion in the ripe year of 2024 and you’re fourteen all of a sudden
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