#when it discusses and clarifies a lot about garou!
the-nysh · 3 years
Have you ever taken a look at One Punch Man's TV Tropes page? In particular, at Garou's character trope? Do you agree with some of the comparisons/theories/general trope assignments there?
Yup I have in the past for the lulz. :D Cause I find the tv tropes entries/speculation/ymmv stuff more entertaining/interesting to me than the fanwiki, which seems to have most stuff referenced for powerscaling feats, instead of theory/analysis based info, which is what I personally find more useful. Anyway, it's been a while since I've been there (since the site's become one of those that dings you for using adblocks, gah!) so if more recent stuff's been added then hold on, let me check...*one moment please*
Oho~ It’s actually pretty accurate! :O I can see it’s been well-maintained since some old ones were removed (like Walking Spoiler when most stuff was still wc-only). And what’s written in the hidden spoiler parts clarifies stuff well. What I also like is how you can tell whoever wrote the entries is passionate about it as a fan of him. :3 Good! However, there’s a few points I don’t quite agree with.
The biggest one is them assigning him the trope Anti-Villain, which is what the lads on reddit often say (and jump on anyone who thinks otherwise to ‘correct’), so I think one of the guys from there may have written this entry, which sounds good/logical enough, except for one glaring problem, Word of God, ONE himself, has already debunked that in the s2 interview booklet:
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Let’s discuss the anti-hero Garou. How was his character created?
Garou is an “anti-hero,” but I thought he should be more “anti-Saitama” – otherwise, he’d be the same as the other monsters. I didn’t want to show the limits of his potential. He might not be able to win now, but I wanted people to think that if he continues to grow as a monster, he might just be able to fight on the same level as Saitama. The anime emphasized his viciousness, his youth, his whimsical kindness, and his recklessness, which made me look forward to his future.
Just look how ONE describes him! :’3 So I think the tvtropes writers need to recheck/edit this entry, or even just use this, as the evidence to show how ONE himself categorizes him as an Anti-Hero. (And in opm’s specific context, an Anti-Saitama.) :O And ironically, not once does he ever use the term ‘villain’ for him. This becomes the biggest eye-opening piece of info that can completely change one’s reading of him, so it’s important to get right. Without the entry enforcing/spreading misinformation. Thankfully ONE answers the age-old question for the fans and describes Garou in a way I can trust. :’3 (Aka I will take ONE’s word over any fanwiki/trope entries.)
Some other entries are just a matter of semantics, like calling him a Hero Killer, when...yeah, he doesn’t. He’s not Stain from b/nha. However, the hidden text clarifies this so it’s cool.
Another one that kinda makes my eyes twitch is when they describe his wc monster form as ‘going bald’ with horns, when eugch, no that’s a Saitama thing! :O Garou’s ‘hair’ remains (as the horns) so this is also why I’m glad Murata’s new version keeps his iconic hair intact! (At least for now?) To distinguish their characters from each other.
There’s also more entries I would add (it seems the list used to be longer and was edited shorter?) like Big Damn Heroes, which is literally the precise trope Garou performs when he busts through walls at the perfect timing to rescue Tareo from Royal Ripper. :’D Many moments like that! Which it seems his page doesn’t fully capitalize on or mention to make reading thru it even more fun (like Mr. Fanservice is there and pretty funny, heh.)
Anyway, there’s my take. In general the whole thing’s pretty good and worth checking out for fun, but yeah there’s just a few details I’d probably change. :’3
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onepunchmanzine · 6 years
Hello everyone!
We’ve been getting a lot of asks about the mods and we would like to clarify everything once and for all.
First and foremost, this is a for-profit zine for the anime series One Punch Man, focusing on the events, characters, and arcs we expect to be featured in the upcoming second season. We also hope to show a wide variety of characters and their interactions with one another during the events of the series.
The idea for this zine originated from two friends who watched the One Punch Man anime shortly after it first premiered in 2015. We are @metalbae (Mod Garou) and @pinknotlavender . We've read both manga and webcomic, and we also ran two OPM suggestion blogs! Our favorite part of the series is definitely the human monster saga, so when we learned that season two was finally confirmed we were elated. It’s been a few years since we first were into the series, and we’ve gone on to several new fandoms, but One Punch Man stills hold a special place in our hearts. With this zine, we hope to find others just as excited as we are about the upcoming season!
In terms of our own personal involvement, we both are full-time university students and work part-time. One mod has a very heavy workload with no days off (press F to pay respects) and will not be able to contribute too much until further down the road in December once this semester ends. This is why Mod Garou has been handling most of our social media, blog organization, and the application process. All mods are going to be officially announced in our FAQ once applications are accepted and positions are finalized, so we apologize if this caused any confusion.
We both are new to moderating zines, and this will be our first major zine project. We are both experienced with design, layout, and printing, but not so much the other aspects of zine production. Therefore, we opened up mod applications in the hopes of finding other people just as passionate about this as we are! For compensation, we both agree that our contributors are our MVPs, because without them, we would not have a zine. Because of this, we decided that we wanted to pass our own shares onto our contributors to thank them for their hard work and time spent. Other mods may or may not share this same sentiment, and that's okay. Compensation can be discussed once mods have been accepted, but this is just our personal philosophy regarding this topic. Regardless, all contributors and moderators will be receiving a free copy of the PDF zine once it's complete. We hope to provide everyone with a copy of a free physical zine as well, but that will be based on how well everything sells.
If there are any other questions or concerns regarding how many mods there are or how committed we are, we will link this post to our FAQ for easy reading. Feel free to message us over DM if you have any other questions or if you want to geek out with us over season two!
We’re super excited to see what amazing work we can accomplish together with this zine, and we hope you are too!
-Mod Metal Bat (@pinknotlavender )
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