#when micheal breaks out of the asylum
cool-abed-filmz · 7 months
“who taught him how to drive micheal myers?”
- my mom watching Lisa Frankenstein with me on monday
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slasherx · 4 months
Gurl you write so fast like a Machine 😂, I wish I could write like that, and also good luck with your finals!
Can I do a request for A Micheal Myers with a childhood crush (female) like as a kid Michael had a crush on the reader but like after he killed they were separated for years but them micheal broke out and came across the reader all grown up if you can!
Also can you do Rz Michael, he's my favorite
Lol thats cause I have the motivation to write about slashers rn. And thank you! I got a 94% on one of them, but I won't get my final grade on the other one for a bit. I hope I pass.
Content: Michael Myers x fem!Reader
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, obsessive love
Notes: Even though the gif is peepaw Myers, this takes place in the RZ universe
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Michael was put away in the asylum when he was ten. Before he made a vow to never speak again, he kept asking his mother and Dr. Loomis where you were, and if you could come visit him. His mother promised to talk to your parents about it, but that she couldn't guarantee you could come see him.
And so she did. She tried talking to your parents, but your parents wanted you nowhere near that monster of a child. They outright refused her on numerous occasions, even when Michael's mother pleaded with them on her knees at their front door.
When she broke the news to Michael that you wouldn't be seeing him, Michael lost it. He could feel something in his head snap, the same way it snapped when bullies would hurt you or him. Or the same way he felt himself snap that Halloween night.
He managed to keep it cool until Dr. Loomis and his mother left, but when they sent in that nurse to watch him until they could escort him to his room, he couldn't hold it in any longer. He took his plastic fork and jammed it into her throat, cutting her scream short. He was angry. Why wouldn't you come see him? Why? Why, why, why? He didn't understand...he thought you were best friends.
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Eight years after that day, he had a visitor that wasn't Dr. Loomis. He had known his mother killed herself, his sister was dead, and Boo was probably far away in the foster care system, so he had hoped it was you.
When they sat him in the room, he had felt anxious for the first time in years. Had you changed like he had? Did you grow out your hair like him? Grown taller like him? He kept a mask on, one he made in rememberance of you. It was just your favorite color all over it.
Finally, you walked in and sat down across from Michael. A couple guards stood at the door, in case Michael tried to leap at you regardless of his cuffs chaining him to the table. He was breathing heavily - you had changed.
You had grown taller, but you remained shorter than him. Now at eighteen, you seemed very mature for your age, and Michael wanted to leap across the table at you, but not to kill you.
"Hi Michael. My parents don't know I'm here. I just...came to provide an explanation, since I feel you deserve one." You spoke, hands in your lap. "Your mother begged my parents to let me see you on many occasions, and each time they told her no. I remember one time she cried and got on her knees to beg my mother, but she just shut the door in her face."
Michael listened, quiet as ever. He was just happy to see you in front of him again. He was also surprised that Dr. Loomis wasn't here to supervise this meeting.
"And I want you to know that Dr. Loomis has contacted me since I turned eighteen, and we've spoken about you a couple of times. He told me you don't speak anymore, and that you killed a nurse while being in here." You decided it was now or never to try and break his vow of silence. "Is...is that true, Michael?"
Michael wanted to break his silence, but he knew Loomis would be on his ass if he did. So all he did was nod his head yes.
You seemed to shift uncomfortably. Your breathing increased, and he could tell you were scared. This saddened him - he didn't want you to be scared of him, he wanted you to love him. You two were attached to each other as children, why would a few murders make this any different?
"I...think I better go before my parents realize I'm not at my friends house." You started to get up, when Michael launched at you and grabbed your wrist, straining the cuffs on him.
He held you hard, and you could see the desperation in his eyes. He was all alone here. But he still killed those people, and if you weren't careful, you'd be next. The guards moved forward and forced Michael back, and a few more people rushed into the room. One rushed to you and put his hands on your shoulders.
"Ma'am, ma'am, are you alright?" The man asked.
You nodded. "Yeah, thank you." It was too fast for you to process it, but Michael was staring at you. "Please, take me out of here."
• ───────────────── •
Now outside, you saw Dr. Loomis by your car. He was pacing, clearly nervous about your meeting with Michael. Then when he saw you approach, he waved to you.
"How did it go?"
"Please don't talk to me. I shouldn't have come here." You responded shakily.
"What happened in there? Did he break his silence?"
"No, but he fucking grabbed me! Who knows what else he would have done if the guards hadn't been there?! I was crazy to even come here." You opened your car door and got inside.
"Please, wait, (Y/n). You don't know how much you mean to Michael, I-"
"Save it, Dr. Loomis. I'm going home. Stop calling me." You started up your car and peeled out of the parking lot. Memories of you and Michael as kids began to race through your head and you began to cry. How did it come to this...?
• ───────────────── •
Seven more years went by. Seven more years where Michael didn't see you. Seven more angry years. But now, it was different. Michael was standing in front of your house.
He was different now. He was more built, even taller, and his hair was even longer. You used to comment on his long hair as a kid, it was one of the reasons he kept it so long in the first place.
He could see you through the window. You lived alone now, just down the street from your childhood home. He was content watching you through the window. You were preparing dinner, when you suddenly got a call. He decided now was the time to enter your home.
Moving around to the back door, he began to pick the lock.
"Hello?" You picked up your phone.
With a click, he was in.
"(Y/n)! You need to listen to me-" Dr. Loomis practically shouted on the other line.
Michael slowly opened the door.
"Save it, Dr. Loomis. I told you to stop calling me." You were about to hang up.
Michael made his way to your living room, right next to your kitchen.
"He's escaped! Michael has escaped!"
"What?" You spoke, shock and fear tearing through your system. You put a hand over your mouth, and looked up through your window, but you saw a figure behind you.
"You're not safe! Flee Haddonfield!" Dr. Loomis begged.
You spun around to see a large man with a knife glistening in his hand. He had a white mask on, blonde hair poking out underneath it. You didn't need him to take off the mask to see who it was. Your fear skyrocketed as you thought he was going to kill you.
"Michael...?" You spoke, slowly lowering the phone and ignoring Dr. Loomis' pleas.
Michael moved towards you. He finally had you now, and he would never let you go again. He was yours, and you will be his.
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Here's my masterlist, in case you like what you see and want to request more!
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rzyraffek · 1 year
You did a request on fainting in front of Brahms, so how would the Sinclair Brothers react to reader fainting? Thank you! Y’all have a good one! :3
Yay! My writing spirit came back! So now imma spam you all with fanfics!! I also wrote a bit more that JUST Sinclair bros
They/them, sfw, Request Open
Slashers with s/o that faints
Bo sinclair
Will immediately pick them up, check for any damage.
Will be stressed af, and get so protective i swear
Will overthink it, he kinda has anger issues so he might think he did something that casued it??? Idk
When s/o wakes up he gonna be so realived. They really gave him a scare
Will ask if anyone hurt them? Or is it like normal for them
Overall 7/10 probably died 5times while waiting for you to wake up
Vincent Sinclair
Tralala vibing with my love lala HU- WHY ARE THRT ON FLOOR??? UHH BO? BO! S/O IS IN FLOOR
Will knee and check breathing and heart beat. Of thank god at least they are alive
With bo's help carried them to bed room and he didnt leave their side! Holding their hand whole time
When they wake up he gonna shower them with kisses and hugs!!! Yay so you are alive!!! Yay!!
Will lay in bed with them, moving his legs in air while s/o turns into Wiki page and tells him all sympptoms, what to do ect
Overall 8/10 live laugh love Vincent
Lester Sinclair
S/o got to tell this man about their 'fainting problem' before it happends
Bcs this dude might cry, or have mental break down
Especially if it happend when yall where in Forest, AWAY FROM ANYONE THAT COULD HELP OR COMFORT
S/o probavly gonna wake up in middle of car ride home and this guy will be so relived
Guy will acually take notes of stuff he needs to know about their fainting problem, so in case he panics next time he has everything written down
Overall 9/10 boy is doing his best
Jason Voorhees
Immediately picks them up, so so worried, will check their heartbeat by putting his ear on their chest
Lays them down on the most comfy bed he could find in this god forsaken camp
Sits down next to it (probably in chair or if there's non he will just sit on ground)
When they wake up he will be so so happy but also so so puzzled? Did you ate something bad? Were you too hot? Too tired? Too worried? What happened! Tell him
You gotta to tell him step by step how to react, how to notice that s/o will faint and what to do afterwards
Man will be on full alert after every time they pass out. Like this guy will lay them gently down, put water bottle right next to them so it's close and litteraly stab anyone in 100meter radius (boi gets protective)
Overall 8/10 good care taker
Myers Micheal
... okay? So your sleeping now??? Weird
Nah but fr he was in ASYLUM for FEW years, he probably saw plenty of people who pass out, due to stress, emotions, self destructive stuff ect ect
So he knows what to do and how to do. But he simply doesn't want to lol
Hes sure that you will be fine. He will just make sure that you didht break anything or that you are laying in position that makes you able to breath of course
S/o gonna wake up with muscle pain and headache :(
Gonna tell micheal that. No babe you arent edgy, you are just an asshole
Next time he gonna sigh loudly and put s/o back to bed. Only because they gonna be mad at him afterwards.. its not that he cares! Pfff micheal? He totally doesn't care pfff
Overall 4/10 will judge the position you passed out in
Billy lenz
Will sit on their chest, litteraly he gonna choke them frfr. But he didnt mean to so it doesnt count!
Will talk to them while they are passed out
Will drag them to couch because no way in hell hes going to drag them all way upstairs
Will get bored and lonley >:(
When s/o wakes up they have to explain to him that, no s/o wasn't sleeping, they were timed out of life
Gonna bring them glas of water
Gonna look at them with his goblin eyes,and be like 'sooo can we play uno now?' 'Honey I see everything doubled now 'okay... so can we play uno now'
Next time they pass out he is gonna put them in so many blankets they turn into burrito (not only in looks but also its probably extremely hot)
Overall 6/10 would rather play uno
Asa emory
"Ooh honey..." picks them up✅, carries to bed✅, puts in right position✅, grabs water and mess from kitchen✅
He is so ✅✅✅
Will ask them about how they feel, do they need to puke? Maybe stronger meds? Are you cold? Or maybe too hot?
But he isn't very 'in your face' with all those questions, he asks them just like doctor would, with absolute no emotion or huge facial reactions. He knows it might be stressful or overwhelming
Will give space if needed
He also made sure to reread books and articles about people who pass out randomly to make sure to read theirs body language
Dont worry little butterfly you can rest now
Overall 10/10 but made you watch his beatle collections while you couldn't leave bed
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noridoorman · 3 years
When you're sick - DBD Killers
Trapper - Evan MacMillan
Sicknesses disgust him to some degree but it’s nothing that stops him from taking care of you. He’ll prepare some tea and soup and let me tell you, this guy is a tea fanatic. You could never tell how much he loves tea by the way he looks and acts. His father always tried to tell him how tea is feminine and he should drink beer like a man. Evan makes amazing tea, sometimes you even hope you’re sick just to taste it. 
The Wraith - Philip Ojomo
He’s very hesitant as he doesn’t want to get sick himself but he absolutely loves the idea of taking care of you. You’d always care for him at his lowest moments but would never take anything back in compensation. If you have trouble sleeping he’ll cuddle you until you feel just a little bit better. 
The Hillbilly - Max Thompson Jr.
Nobody took care of him when he was sick so it was your responsibility to tell him what to do! And also teach him a little things here and there. Max doesn’t care if he gets sick, he’d rather get sick than seeing you suffering with a cold and crying because you can’t sleep. He’ll be your personal warmer and won’t mind at all if you use him as a pillow.
The Nurse - Sally Smithson
Sally worked in the Crotus Prenn Asylum as a nurse and not really in a normal hospital. Despite that, she knows everything there is to know about recovering from a cold or fever. She’ll provide you with every bit of love and care and will nurse you back to health in no time. Don’t expect her to show affection though, she knows she needs to keep her distance and will do so.
The Shape - Micheal Myers
Even though you can’t tell by his mask, he’s genuinely concerned for your well-being and will stay by your side the whole time. He won’t show you affection, even if you beg for it, but he’ll stay by your side until you feel better. Strangely enough, his breathing comforts you despite creeping out everyone else. His presence alone gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. You won’t recover as fast but at least your suffering won’t be as bad.
The Huntress - Anna
Hunting is one of her favorite activities and something she has to do to keep you two save, but once she finds you lying in bed with your body burning up, she dropped all of her hatchets and played mommy for the rest of the time. You couldn’t even move a leg outside the bed without having her storm in the room and tucking you back in bed while humming her lullaby soflty. At least sleeping wasn’t that terrible, even though your terrible coughs would constantly wake you up.
The Spirit - Rin Yamaoka
Rin’s mother told her everything there is to know how to take care of a sick person. She wanted Rin to become what Rin always wanted to be, a doctor. So you best bet that Rin knows all there is to care for you. She knows she isn’t allowed to kiss or cuddle you but can’t resist the urge when she hears you coughing and sniffing helplessly in your bed. She’ll end up with a little bit of sniffles too.
The Legion - Frank Morrison
He melts at your affections and when he realizes that he can’t kiss you like he usually does, it BREAKS him. He does everything in his power to make you healthy again, chicken soups, cuddles, tea’s and medicine, he’ll do everything in his power to get back the kisses and cuddles (and to make sure you suffer less). He’ll definitely get sick too and definitely would want you to spoil him too.
The Legion - Julie Kostenko
Although she’s not squeamish, she will NOT hug you, kiss you or even come too close. She sees how much you’re suffering with your sickness and doesn’t want to suffer the same. Despite that, she’ll make sure you feel somewhat loved (and sexy) during your sickness.
The Legion - Joey
Joey had a doctor teddy bear he took care off when he was younger and you can’t convince me otherwise. But you’re not a teddy bear! Doesn’t matter to him, he’ll cuddle you like one and make sure you’re comfortable all the time. Stuffy nose? Terrible cough? Always feeling like shit? He’s got your back and you could swear that every illness is afraid of him.
The Plague - Adiris
She’s been sick her whole life, everything you complain about is her normal. Yet, she still offers you compassion for what you’re going through. Sometimes, she can get a little annoyed when you complain and moan about the pain and headaches as she’s used to those things. She’ll stroke your hair and whisper prayers for you (because you always said you loved hearing her voice).
The Ghostface - Danny Johnson
He doesn’t get disgusted by blood and gore but a cold?! He freezes! Getting sick is possibly the worst thing that can happen when you have a job like his, how are you supposed to stalk someone if you cough every second?! He’s the one to overdo it with the medical supplies and might even wear a full body hazmat suit just to make sure he can cuddle you while you’re sick and not get sick himself.
The Oni - Kazan Yamaoka
Kazan is not the best at caring for you when you’re sick, but that doesn’t mean he’s the worst either! He’ll do whatever you ask him for although with a groan. He’d rather want to kiss your sickness away as it is way easier than making chicken soup.
The Executioner - Pyramid Head
He doesn’t get sick anyways and therefor doesn’t mind taking care of you. He’ll be a bit awkward with cooking you soup but will get the hang of it pretty fast once you teach him. He’ll cuddle you to sleep and gladly hold you closer if you ask for it. But once his duty calls, he’ll drop everything and leave you on your own. Even the hot soup, ouch.
The Trickster - Ji-Woon Hak
As a Kpop Idol, Ji-Woon had to stay healthy almost every time to be fit for all his performances and recordings. You’d expect him to never ever come near you again but to your surprise, he acts more clingy than before! He’ll cook you every family recipe he knows and might sing a little bit for you so that you can fall asleep easily. 
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
All My Homies Hate Sam Loomis
For: @myers-meadow to celebrate 101 days of being mutuals 🥰 (you’re gonna be Meadow for this story unless you want another name)
Tw: mental asylum abuse
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Meadow and I sat at the corner of the activities room, engrossed in a game of checkers. They didn’t let us play chess out of fear that we’d swallow the pieces, or sneak them out of the room to hurt someone with. So they gave us the comically large game pieces you give to toddlers. It was insulting but I was never one to complain.
I heard the distinct rattling of chains and looked back to see them dragging the behemoth of a man into the room. Micheal Myers, a long term resident of Smith Grove Sanitarium. Meadow had been here longer then me, it was only my seconde day, at least that I was allowed in the common room. But they were my roommate so I’d grown close to them very quickly.
“Ha, I win!” They exclaimed.
I turned around and saw they did in fact win the game.
“You cheated.” I accused half heartedly.
“You were distracted. I don’t blame you really, he’s a lot to look at.”
“Ew gross, it’s not like that. I just, his mask, they let him wear that?”
“As long as he behaves. I wanna know what he looks like under the mask though” Meadow smirked.
“Wait, you’ve never seen his face? But you’ve been here for like two years.”
“Last person to see his face, lost theirs.”
I cringed.
“Ouch indeed my friend. Wanna play another round?”
“And watch you cheat again? I know you’d rather drool over him, don’t let me distract you.” I teased.
Meadow rolled their eyes.
“I’m not drooling” they mumbled as I walked away.
I made my way over to the small counter where the man served us breakfast every morning. Well supposedly, I’d had breakfast alone in my room the first week I’ve been here.
“Good morning” I greeted softly.
But I was greeted back with a grunt, and a tough shoving of a tray into my hands. I frowned but offered a weak ‘thank you’ none the less. I made my way to a lone table in the back. I spotted Meadow talking to another patient and fidgeting with their hands. A nervous tik I suppose. We weren’t supposed to discuss with other patients why we were here, unless we talked in group. But Meadow and I didn’t have group together. They told me so much about their life before they were trapped in this hell hole, and I wanted nothing more than to break them out of here. Someone clearing their throat brought me out of my thoughts.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in therapy right now?”
A staff member asked, his voice gruff and commanding.
“No sir, I believe I have it after breakfast.”
“That’s not what it says on your schedule little girl.”
I frowned, composing myself before muttering.
“Not a girl” under my breath.
“What was that?”
“I asked if I could finish my breakfast please, if I go now I won’t be able to eat until lunch.”
“Not my problem.”
“Please let me finish my breakfast!” I raised my voice slightly.
Meadows eyes met mine from across the room, and they gave me a look saying “is he bothering you”
I sent them a pleading look back. I hadn’t revealed much about myself to them yet, not knowing who I can trust in this place, but they knew I had a problem with authority. I didn’t like being made to feel small, unimportant. They kindly excused themselves from the conversation they were having and made there way over.
“I won’t ask you again Girl, get up!” The guard yelled.
I held on tightly to my seat, my knuckles turning white and shook my head. I missed him signalling a nurse and another guard to come over. Before Meadow could reach me I felt hands on my side, trying to pull me off the seat. I screamed and kicked, trying to get the guard of me.
“Don’t fucking touch me!”
I didn’t much care that most of the eyes in the room were on me now. This guard had no right to put his hands on me.
“Let them go!” I heard Meadow plead. “They weren’t doing anything!”
I panicked when I felt a hand on the back of my neck and I threw my head back, hearing a sickening crack when I broke the guards nose. He dropped me and I stumbled for the floor.
“You little bitch, nurse bring the syringe!” He shouted.
My eyes widened when he looked down at me with a disturbing smirk. I backed up quickly, making my way across the room. My eyes were blurry with tears. That’s when I felt it, I hit something with my back. Before I could look behind me to check what it was, I caught a glimpse of Meadow again, their eyes wide.
“Step away from the girl Micheal!” A second guard warned.
Oh no, oh no no no no. I thought. My brain was racing. He’d probably kill me for disturbing him, I swear I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to be as far away from the guard as possible. I heard a low grunt and I looked up at him. I could see a faint stumble from the line underneath his mask, his hair covering most of his features that weren’t hidden. Micheal didn’t even bother to look down at me, just simply stepped back.
My face grew hot with embrassement as I fell backwards, not realising how heavily I was leaning on him. From my spot on the floor, I could see his eyes. He seemed bored, but something about the way he stood told me he was uncomfortable. He tilted his head at me, as he watched me get dragged away screaming. I felt a pinch in my neck before everything faded away. The only thing on my mind was Micheal’s eyes. I could see now why Meadow was intrigued by him.
When I woke up I strapped down to a bed staring at the ceiling. It was dark, and I felt suffocated. I began to hyperventilate until I heard the creek of one of the old rusty iron doors opening. It was quickly followed by footsteps and a hand being placed on my own.
“Calm yourself My Dear.”
Samuel Loomis, I had already grown to hate the sound of this names voice. But I did as he told me as to not cause any further trouble.
“I’d like to go back to my room now.” I said.
“I’m sorry but I can’t do that. A guard said you attacked him, there were witnesses. You can’t be roomed with someone until I know you’ve calmed down.”
“You can’t possibly believe I’m a danger to anyone Dr. Loomis. He grabbed me, what was I supposed to do?”
“He was simply escorting you to therapy, which you missed. Which means you get privileges taken away. We’d put you in proper solitary but it’s occupied at the moment. So until you tell me what I want to hear, you aren’t leaving this room.”
“You can’t do this to me! I didn’t do anything!”
“I’m not doing anything other than my job, and I’m gonna need you to calm down.”
He loomed over me and I swear I wanted to break his nose like I did to the guard. I’d heard stories of how he treated his patients and I was disgusted. But my parents heard he got results, and that’s why I was sent here against my will. I wasn’t violent, not unless I had to be. I could feel myself hyperventilating again.
“If you don’t calm yourself, I’ll have to call in the nurse.”
“No!” I yelled.
But I could tell it didn’t matter what I wanted. Now that he saw me as a threat, I’d never be treated fairly again.
I wasn’t sure how much time had passed before I went back to my room. I was so doped up on whatever concoction they stuck me with that I hardly noticed the bone crushing hug Meadow engulfed me in. I could barely string together their words to form a sentence. I felt a full sting on my face before I realised I’d been slapped.
“Snap out of it, damn it!” They said.
“There you are, I was afraid I’d lost you. You know if it was still legal to do Lobotomies I’d be positive Loomis had given you one.”
“I feel like I’ve had one” I laughed.
They escorted me over to my bed, switching me to the bottom bunk as there was no way I could climb right now. They only gave bunks to patients they were sure wouldn’t try to kill themselves. But I had a feeling that was just something they told the people on the outside to comfort them.
“Micheal’s in solitary you know?” They started.
“What? I mean I’m not surprised, I’m sure he gets sent there all the time with the stupid vendetta Loomis has against him.”
“You know about that?”
“Yeah, he talked about micheal more than he talked about me.”
“The whole week?”
“I was in there a whole week? Wait, that means Micheal’s been-“
“Yeah. It’s kinda sucks not being able to see him. We’ve never spoken but still, I like seeing his new masks.”
“Maybe you should ask him to make you one.” I joked.
“Now I know you’ve lost your mind. But they sent him there because of you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, he just kinda snapped. As soon as the guards dragged you out, he attacked them. Two guards died, and they had to taze him several times to get him even closed to subdued. He threw another patient at the guard that attacked you.”
“Why would he do that?”
“Why would Micheal Meyers attack someone?”
“No, I mean why would he do it now. You can’t expect me or believe I inspired Micheal to do that? Maybe that’s why Loomis was so harsh on me, he thinks Micheal and I have some sort of connection.”
“All I can say is I’m jealous because you definitely do. I’ve never seen him like that before.”
“We’ll he’s not heartless Meadow, maybe it just triggered some PTSD from when he was little. The ‘doctors’ in this place don’t seem to have any idea of how to actually help us. And I’m sick of it.”
“And you just got here.”
I rolled my eyes and flopped down on the mattress.
“I’m gonna get us out of here Meadow. I swear to you.”
“Yeah, good luck with that newbie. Let me know when the loopy meds wear off.”
Months had past since that week. Micheal wasn’t allowed in the common room until today. My eyes lit up when I say him and I hit Meadows shoulder. I saw their eyes soften when they saw him, it was so cute how they reacted. Despite Micheal being labelled as a cold blooded killer, I was still routing for them, maybe I really was crazy.
“It’s time.”
“For what?” They asked.
“My plan. I just have to get Micheal in on it. Two days until Halloween, the perfect time to plan an escape.”
Meadow rolled their eyes at me.
“Just don’t get yourself killed kid.”
It was my turn to roll my eyes. I got up from the table, holding my mystery gift behind my back and I made my way over to Micheal. He had 3 guards around him and they all seemed on edge. But he sat nonchalant in the middle of them, staring into space.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Sitting down, is it a crime to make a new friend?” I asked innocently.
“Trust me kid, you don’t want him as you’re friend, keep moving.”
I pulled out the mask from behind my back.
“We’ll at least allow me to give this to him.”
“A mask?” The second guard scoffed.
“His current one is covered in blood, it’s making some of the other patients uneasy.” I lied, but I’m sure it wasn’t far from the truth.
“Fine, give him the stupid mask and then leave.”
I nodded.
“Hello Micheal.” I said.
He didn’t quite meet my gaze, but I saw his held tilt like it always does. I sat across from him at the table.
“I got something for you.”
I slid him the mask, and it was then that he finally looked at me.
“It’s not as cool as your current one, and probably not made as well. But I figured you’d want a fresh one.”
He let out another grunting noise, but this one was gentle. Not mean, but it still held an air of danger. As if he was warning me not to get too close. Despite this I leaned in and whispered.
“Thank you, now it’s my turn to help you.”
And I pulled away quickly before the guards got to suspicious.
“See you on Halloween Micheal!” I said cheerily, waving him goodbye.
I got a few quizzical looks form the guards and a few stray lucid patients but I didn’t care. I sat back at my place next to Meadow and smirked.
“Message delivered, now we’ll see if he wants to play.” I said confidently.
“You’re one crazy bitch you know that.”
“Wouldn’t be being hand tortured by Loomis if I wasn’t.”
So the plan was set in motion. On Halloween, Meadow Micheal and I would be free from this hell. Of course I had a side quest to get the two of them together, but they didn’t need to know that just yet. Step one had to succeed for that to work. Halloween would be a bloodbath, and for the first time in my life I was more than prepared to take responsibility for that.
An: I hope you liked it. Maybe I’ll do a part two of how they get out. But you and Micheal are gonna be besties forever after you help him get out of Smiths Grove.
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i-do-as-i-want · 5 years
I've always had this sorta headcanon. And it came after my first time playing dbd and I got the little. "Entity is displeased."
Which by the way ya boi got very confrontational with their ps4. Something along the lines of "Shut the fuck up- the fuck you expect me to do. Little bitch ass entity i still got blood points."
(Side note: I also notice it really depends on the killer if you get the whole Entity is displeased. Or more realistically how well you play. You can hook people but no one dies and the entity can be happy. That happened a lot when I played the plagg. That did not happen when I played Legions. And when it comes to the hag, i usually kill half the team sooo shes good.)
Back to the headcanon, see when I saw the line. Entity displeased, it got me thinking. What happens if the Entity is displeased? I always had this idea of punishment is different depending on who it is.
See I break up the slasher/killers into 2 categories.
Sympathetic Slasher
Those whos story was not about how they murder 6 teens one night. But because they fell vicitm to another person or thing. Even if that character kills it was not for no reason. The Entity step in and made them a killer.
The Hag: (who I belive became the hag based off her village magic less than it was the entity. Because a lot of african based revenge myths follows it but im not gonna go into it.) Totured, and cannibalised fought for survival. Was not a killer.
The Wraith: Tricked into disposing of dead bodies. Taken advantage of because of his nationailty and willingness to keep to himself. Does end up getting Revenge but was not seeking out to murder a bunch of people.
Rin: Killed by her father, classic case of her soul being angry for the beytral. But Rin never killed anyone.
Susie from Legion (Legion in general goes in both) can be seen as one, The Nurse etc.
Then we have the Unsympathetic Slasher
The ones that kill just because, or had a predisposition of not caring. They may have had complex reason but at the end of the day. Its still murder- they don't have something that would make a person go. Ah- so your in a shit sitiation just like me huh.
Trapper, Herman, Clown, Huntress (I went back and forth with her a lot), Plagg to a certain extent. Legion cause Franks bullshit.
Movie Killers are not placed under either. Because of the simple fact, you can not go to the devs and ask for story details. You would have to go to the actual creators and their fuckin list of movies. Which can either make them sympathetic (rob zombies Micheal Myers) or not (Classic Myers.)
(This is a long ass post to be talking about what punishment the the Entity would hand good lord.)
See with Sympathetic Slasher I always had a feeling of. These character would have a moment of lapsed judgment and let a survivor go. What i really mean is that aren't inherently malicious by nature of what they use to be. They are more inclined two-story base to want to help or leave others alone. (We are ignoring in game mechanics, that are used as a work arounds. Where you farm with the Killer after your whole team DC.)
See i've always seen like the whole. The punishment is just a mental one. They are driven insane again so they go out and kill. But what if it more of a physical thing.
Like i could imagine the legion team having their Mouths sown shut because they talk to much. Or one of them becoming a suvivor and even within the Entity Legion still holds onto their code of Legion before anyone else. And the punishment is being isolated from everyone else.
Sure the Wraith can be tormented by his memories of his human life. But nothing get the point across like almost being crushed like one of the bodies in those cars he use to compound.
Sure memories of the abuse the Nurse suffered can be replayed. But theres nothing like being stripped of you power and being dropped back into thag asylum. To get someone moviated to kill a bunch of 20 something.
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be more chill au
chapter 2
words: 620
after i told dad about the squip, he thought i was on drugs or going insane, or both.he sent me to an asylum, padded cell, straight jacket, the whole shebang
i had been there for what seemed to be a month or so.i got regular visits from Rich, Brooke, Chloe, and dad 
one day when Rich came to visit, he was tense and insecure."hey, Rich" i said as he sat down in front of me
"i'm gonna get you out of here, i swear" Rich said with a whisper 
tell him he's out of his mine
"you're out of your mind,"
it was almost ironic by the fact that i'm in an asylum and i just called Rich insane
"do you want to get arrested?" i asked him
"well, if it will get you outta here"he seemed serious about this
change the subject
i don't, i keep asking him how he thinks he's going to break me out of a high security asylum"how do you plan on doing that?" 
he explained to me his plan 
i told him i don't think it would work
days go by and i start to forget more and more about Micheal.
my head starts filling with Rich's plan to get me out and if it's going to work or not
i start to forget Micheal's style, his glasses, his face, his voice, everything about him just disappears
you know why you're forgetting him, don't you?
because of you?
Jeremy, you should start thinking about other things than Micheal. there's a whole world out there that Rich is going to let you see again
if his plan works, i'm not sure if i even want to leave. i mean, the people here are really nice.
Rich is going to get you out, i know it. so just accept it. he's helping you.
how can you be so sure? he doesn't have his squip anymore.
that doesn't mean i can't have positivity, jeremy
i hear something rattling near my door, like keys or something, i thought it was just a guard and i lay back down. the door to my room quietly opens as i see a figure coming towards my bed
the figure was short, muscular, and i knew it was Rich.
"Jeremy?" Rich whispered
"Rich? you got in?
"Rich sighed in relief
 "yeah, it was pretty easy"
"did anyone see you?"
"i don't know but let's get out of here
"his lisped voice comforted me as i knew he knew what he was doing, sort of.i follow him out of my room and down the hall
everything seemed to be going fine
i spoke too soon, the guards found us.
we spun around to face the guards then starting running towards the exit
my white clothes were a dead giveaway, Rich was wearing all black.
after the cops came and took Rich away, i was sent to a room in isolation.
well, he tried.
i guess
i tried to remember things about Micheal, what we used to do together, how he acted, his laugh, his smile, anything
the squip stood in front of me, it didn't say anything, it was just staring.it didn't look like it's default form, it had a red jacket, with patches, darker skin, black hair, and glasses.
i sit up as i finally remember what the squip took form of. it was Micheal.
what are you doing?
trying to get you to listen to me
his voice changed to Micheal's too.
like this?
yes, Jeremy, you won't listen to me any other way. ive been trying to talk to you but you've been shutting me down
because i dont want to hear you.
well you need to start listening to me if you want to get out of here faster, dont you want that?
i dont know what i want anymore, to be honest. but if i do want to get out i have to convince the doctor that you're gone.
the squip went silent as i finally got some sleep.
notes: chapter three is coming soon
this is @jays-peachi-dreams ‘s and i’s au
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earlyfanatics · 7 years
A Succinct Guide to ABC's New Shows!
ABC has released it schedule which includes four dramas and one half hour comedy for Fall and four more for midseason. They have also announced the return of the hit sitcom, Roseanne! Here are the official synopsis and trailers for the upcoming shows.  Alex, Inc. Zach Braff returns to television with 'Alex, Inc.' which he writes, stars in and executive produces! Inspired by the podcast StartUp, Alex Schuman (Zach Braff) is a brilliant radio journalist, husband and father of two who is about to do something crazy—quit his job and start his own company. He quickly discovers it's going to be a lot harder than he thought.Verdict: Zach Braff makes me want to give this show a chance, though probably through streaming. 'Alex, Inc.' is set for a midseason premiere. The Crossing This series had the most intriguing trailer of ABC's lineup. With another dip into sci-fi/fantasy, ABC is hoping for another LOST. Refugees from a war-torn country seek asylum in a small American fishing town, only the country these people are from is America… and the war they are fleeing hasn't happened yet.. As the government tries to uncover the truth behind this mysterious migration only one thing is certain: The lives of the people here — both the townspeople and these newcomers — will never be the same.Verdict: If the show can live up to it's trailer, it could be a hit. I will watch this. 'The Crossing' is set for a midseason premiere. DeceptionIt's basically a Sherlock Holmes-as-an-illusionist series. Depending on what illusions they pull off and whether they aren't hokey, could be interesting. When his career is ruined by scandal, superstar magician Cameron Black has only one place to turn to practice his art of deception, influence and illusion — the FBI. Using every trick in the book and inventing new ones, he will help the government catch the world's most elusive criminals while staging the biggest illusions of his career.Verdict: With illusionist back in style, it'll be interesting to see how well this show does. I will give this a chance by streaming it. 'Deception' is set for a midseason premiere. For The People Another Shondaland show but this time, in a courtroom. Let's see how this series sets itself apart from other courtroom/lawyer dramas, which I'm sure it will since it will have the Shonda-esque feel. Set in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, aka "The Mother Court," this new Shondaland drama coming to ABC follows brand-new lawyers working for both the defense and the prosecution handling the most high-profile and high-stakes federal cases in the country—all as their lives intersect in and out of the courtroom.Verdict: Not sure whether I will watch as it's been tough staying with Shondaland shows in the later years. Maybe I'll watch on ABC.com. 'For The People' is set for a midseason premiere. The Good Doctor This show touches on an interesting topic and I look forward to seeing where they go with it. Shaun Murphy (Freddie Highmore, Bates Motel), a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome, relocates from a quiet country life to join a prestigious hospital's surgical unit. Alone in the world and unable to personally connect with those around him, Shaun uses his extraordinary medical gifts to save lives and challenge the skepticism of his colleagues.Verdict: I would like to give this show a chance, despite my misgivings.  'The Good Doctor' premieres Mondays 10/9c this Fall. The Gospel of Kevin By the looks of the trailer, this show has an optimistic look on the future however, I'm not sure how much they can and will do with the premise. We'll see! Kevin Finn (Jason Ritter), a cluelessly self-serving person, is on a dangerous path to despair. In a downward spiral, Kevin returns home to stay with his widowed twin sister (JoAnna Garcia Swisher) and niece.  On his first night there, an unlikely celestial being named Yvette (Cristela Alonzo) appears to him and presents him with a mission—to save the world.Verdict: I'll be giving this a chance, if only for Jason Ritter and Cristela Alonzo. 'The Gospel of Kevin' premieres Tuesdays 10/9c this Fall. Marvel's Inhumans We've discussed this show briefly and as we mentioned before, I'm incredibly excited about how this will open up the television universe and whether it will bleed any more into the MCU. The Inhumans, a race of superhumans with diverse and singularly unique powers, were first introduced in Marvel Comics by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1965. Since that time, they have grown in prominence and become some of the most popular and iconic characters in the Marvel Universe. Marvel's Inhumans will explore the never-before-told epic adventure of Black Bolt and the royal family.Verdict: It's Marvel so I will definitely watch this. 'Marvel's Inhumans' premieres Fridays 9/8c this Fall. The first two episodes will premiere in IMAX on September 1st.  The Mayor  One of EP's is Daveed Diggs with the series featuring original music by Diggs, add in the premise and I can't imagine this not being a hit. Young rapper Courtney Rose (Brandon Micheal Hall) needs his big break. For years, he's toiled away in a small inner-city apartment, making music in his junk-filled bedroom closet. Tired of waiting for opportunity, Courtney cooks up the publicity stunt of the century: Running for mayor of his hometown in California to generate buzz for his music career. Unfortunately for Courtney, his master plan goes wildly awry, ending in the most terrifying of outcomes: An election victory. With the help of his mother (Yvette Nicole Brown) and friends, including Valentina (Lea Michele), Courtney will have to overcome his hubris if he wants to transform the struggling city he loves.Verdict: This show is timely and with the creatives behind it, I will absolutely watch this. 'The Mayor' premieres Tuesdays 9:30/8:30c this Fall. Splitting Up Together  Anything that gets Jenna Fischer back on TV is alright by me! Add in Oliver Hudson and it's looking GREAT to me. Based on the Danish series, Splitting Up Together is the story of a couple (Jenna Fischer, The Office, Oliver Hudson, Scream Queens) whose marriage is reignited by their divorce. Verdict: The fantastic cast will have me tuning in to this show. 'Splitting Up Together' is set for a midseason premiere. Ten Days in the Valley  The trailer for 'Ten Days in the Valley' is a pretty much a roller coaster. Ten Days in the Valley stars Kyra Sedgwick as Jane Sadler, an overworked television producer and single mother in the middle of a separation whose life is turned upside down when her young daughter goes missing in the middle of the night. Just like her controversial police TV show, everything is a mystery, everyone has a secret and no one can be trusted. Verdict: Kyra Sedwick back on my TV screen, I'm in. I'll give this a chance and stream this through the ABC app for sure. 'Ten Days in the Valley' premieres Sundays 10|9c this Fall. Bonus: Roseanne returns to ABC in 2018! I'll admit, I wasn't all that excited until I saw this trailer!!! AH! Brought back so many memories of watching this show! http://dlvr.it/PFC1xR
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