#when really that'd be a significantly more cumbersome tactic compared to just destroying the monster normally
firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… This might come off a little rant-y, but I got a pebble in my shoe about it last night and then woke up at five thirty this morning and couldn’t fall back asleep.
Reasons I don’t think the brothers have killed anyone before:
This is Sentai. They’re Sentai heroes. I know Toku gets dark sometimes, but I still highly doubt they’d have members of the hero team have repeatedly killed people.
I don’t think they've had to. We know they’ve been destroying them the normal way––we saw a shot of them doing it in ep 1. Touwa’s reaction to the Minusaur getting away seems to indicate that’s never happened to them before (and it went to his head ^^)
On that note, we have no real time frame for how long the Minusaurs have been appearing. I find it unlikely the Druidon were waiting around too much before trying to seek out their old foes and the temple to ensure the Ryusoulgers couldn’t stop them. So while it’s likely there have been some, I think Kreon (and Tankjoh, who was the main factor in Medusa’s escape) weren’t focusing so much on protecting them. Plus, their lines in their first appearance indicate Kreon had never seen any of the Ryusolgers before, and it definitely seemed surprised at meeting the brothers in ep 3. So it’s probable they weren't interfering in the fights so much before, which would make defeating the Minusaur immediately significantly easier. It does leave the question of where Dragon came from, but it seems like it was hiding in the mountains or something? Don’t know if we’ll ever get an answer for that.
Another reason is, ironically, the same reason I think they went after Ui in ep 3. Time. It’s significantly easier to find a monster than it is a certain person appearing to be having a heart attack that might occasionally glow green. The trio found Mishima purely by coincidence, and while Ui was likely targeted bc Kreon recognised her, I doubt Minusaur hosts usually just plop right in front of them like that. Why would they waste time hunting down the human host, time which would let the Minusaur gain even more strength, when they could just destroy the monster right in front of them? It seems counterproductive and slow––and the brothers clearly prefer to focus on getting rid of the monster as soon as possible. I think they have a time limit of some kind, perhaps an estimation of how long it takes to grow? Like, if the Minusaur gets away and they can’t find it w/ in the time limit, they go into ‘any means necessary’ mode bc they didn’t have their Kishiryu. But, like I said, I don’t think they’ve ever lost a Minusaur they’ve engaged in battle before. Naturally, I bet Minusaurs are going to start becoming more powerful, which will require them to work w/ the trio––but I suspect part of the reason Touwa was being so arrogant at the others was that they’d never had one escape before (and he’s a little shit XD).
Reason I don’t think they killed their Masters:
Because I highly doubt the village would merely exile them for that, or let them keep the Ryusoulger powers. I also doubt that the Elder would have told the trio to seek them out and work w/ them if that were the case. I have no reading on how much to trust him at all, but I don’t think he’d tell them to work w/ the brothers if they’d done that w/ his knowledge. It could be that one or both of the Masters did become Minusaur hosts (I have a hazy theory that one of them was the host for Dragon, but I’m not sure if that would make their death too recent), and that their deaths are why the brothers are aware that killing the host works, but I’m not convinced they killed them. The only way I could accept that is if the Master(s) literally told them too, bc presumably they couldn’t summon the Kishiryu, either. But I think it’s more likely that either they killed each other, killed themselves, or died the Minusaur completed––w/ the last one, esp if it caused a lot of damage, would likely give the brothers a lot of guilt for not being able make the sacrifice to stop it. That wold explain why they were prepared to take that step if necessary.
I’m gonna see if I can go back to bed. I dunno, I just wanted say something. To say it what I was trying to say in a less unnecessarily large amount of words: It’d much easier to just find and destroy the monster most of them time, bc normally, they wouldn’t be talking to the host/someone who knew the host, and the host probably didn’t usually fall in the road in front of them. And if Tankjoh and Kreon weren’t interfering, which it seems like they weren’t, it’d be pretty straight forward. I think part of Touwa’s overconfidence is that the brothers haven’t had a problem taking care of Minusaurs w/ the just the two of them, so it went to his head a bit. W/ Tankjoh and Kreon now getting more directly involved, though, it’s going to be a harder time, so they need to both expand their arsenal by finding the Kishiryu, and (even if they don’t accept it yet) team up w/ the others. And they do now know that the others have their Kishiryu, so the ‘time limit’ isn’t as iron-clad as it was before.
… That was still a rather large amount of words, sorry. DX
It’s six fifteen, I’m gonna go see if I can sleep a little more.
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