#not having the Kishiryu etc.
fireflysprincess · 1 year
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🩷 Blair ! 24 // he/prince/ghost/nim !
- I'm a little new to the actual community, but I've been self shipping for a long time now lol
- I interact from @kazumins , which is my main !
- my main f/os are kazumi (shown in the gif) from kamen rider build and canalo from kishiryu sentai ryusoulger ! i do have other mains as well but those are like the MAIN main two 🩷
- a lot of my f/os are from tokusatsu (and that is my main focus atm) but I do have ones from anime, games, comics, etc. as well !
- I don't mind if we're not in the same fandoms I really just wanna meet more ppl who self ship as well 💞
- Please don't follow if ur a proshipper, also would prefer if ppl under 18 don't follow either since, ya know, I'm 24
- I did make a post like this a few days ago but that was when I first made this blog so I decided to redo it ❤️
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… This might come off a little rant-y, but I got a pebble in my shoe about it last night and then woke up at five thirty this morning and couldn’t fall back asleep.
Reasons I don’t think the brothers have killed anyone before:
This is Sentai. They’re Sentai heroes. I know Toku gets dark sometimes, but I still highly doubt they’d have members of the hero team have repeatedly killed people.
I don’t think they've had to. We know they’ve been destroying them the normal way––we saw a shot of them doing it in ep 1. Touwa’s reaction to the Minusaur getting away seems to indicate that’s never happened to them before (and it went to his head ^^)
On that note, we have no real time frame for how long the Minusaurs have been appearing. I find it unlikely the Druidon were waiting around too much before trying to seek out their old foes and the temple to ensure the Ryusoulgers couldn’t stop them. So while it’s likely there have been some, I think Kreon (and Tankjoh, who was the main factor in Medusa’s escape) weren’t focusing so much on protecting them. Plus, their lines in their first appearance indicate Kreon had never seen any of the Ryusolgers before, and it definitely seemed surprised at meeting the brothers in ep 3. So it’s probable they weren't interfering in the fights so much before, which would make defeating the Minusaur immediately significantly easier. It does leave the question of where Dragon came from, but it seems like it was hiding in the mountains or something? Don’t know if we’ll ever get an answer for that.
Another reason is, ironically, the same reason I think they went after Ui in ep 3. Time. It’s significantly easier to find a monster than it is a certain person appearing to be having a heart attack that might occasionally glow green. The trio found Mishima purely by coincidence, and while Ui was likely targeted bc Kreon recognised her, I doubt Minusaur hosts usually just plop right in front of them like that. Why would they waste time hunting down the human host, time which would let the Minusaur gain even more strength, when they could just destroy the monster right in front of them? It seems counterproductive and slow––and the brothers clearly prefer to focus on getting rid of the monster as soon as possible. I think they have a time limit of some kind, perhaps an estimation of how long it takes to grow? Like, if the Minusaur gets away and they can’t find it w/ in the time limit, they go into ‘any means necessary’ mode bc they didn’t have their Kishiryu. But, like I said, I don’t think they’ve ever lost a Minusaur they’ve engaged in battle before. Naturally, I bet Minusaurs are going to start becoming more powerful, which will require them to work w/ the trio––but I suspect part of the reason Touwa was being so arrogant at the others was that they’d never had one escape before (and he’s a little shit XD).
Reason I don’t think they killed their Masters:
Because I highly doubt the village would merely exile them for that, or let them keep the Ryusoulger powers. I also doubt that the Elder would have told the trio to seek them out and work w/ them if that were the case. I have no reading on how much to trust him at all, but I don’t think he’d tell them to work w/ the brothers if they’d done that w/ his knowledge. It could be that one or both of the Masters did become Minusaur hosts (I have a hazy theory that one of them was the host for Dragon, but I’m not sure if that would make their death too recent), and that their deaths are why the brothers are aware that killing the host works, but I’m not convinced they killed them. The only way I could accept that is if the Master(s) literally told them too, bc presumably they couldn’t summon the Kishiryu, either. But I think it’s more likely that either they killed each other, killed themselves, or died the Minusaur completed––w/ the last one, esp if it caused a lot of damage, would likely give the brothers a lot of guilt for not being able make the sacrifice to stop it. That wold explain why they were prepared to take that step if necessary.
I’m gonna see if I can go back to bed. I dunno, I just wanted say something. To say it what I was trying to say in a less unnecessarily large amount of words: It’d much easier to just find and destroy the monster most of them time, bc normally, they wouldn’t be talking to the host/someone who knew the host, and the host probably didn’t usually fall in the road in front of them. And if Tankjoh and Kreon weren’t interfering, which it seems like they weren’t, it’d be pretty straight forward. I think part of Touwa’s overconfidence is that the brothers haven’t had a problem taking care of Minusaurs w/ the just the two of them, so it went to his head a bit. W/ Tankjoh and Kreon now getting more directly involved, though, it’s going to be a harder time, so they need to both expand their arsenal by finding the Kishiryu, and (even if they don’t accept it yet) team up w/ the others. And they do now know that the others have their Kishiryu, so the ‘time limit’ isn’t as iron-clad as it was before.
… That was still a rather large amount of words, sorry. DX
It’s six fifteen, I’m gonna go see if I can sleep a little more.
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
i have 6 (mostly) active blogs
my main (where follows and likes, etc.) is @kishiryus; i mainly just reblog photos and writing prompts there
there is @chaoticbis which used to be my second (and only other) blog i used for fandom stuff (degrassi, love victor, jatp, pr, etc.) it’s now kind of inactive, but i’m planning on watching some non-toku soon (heartstopper, druck, lv season 3)
this blog (which was formely named tyramigos) was made because, at the time, dino fury was being released and i didn’t want to spam chaoticbis with pr stuff so i made a separate account just for toku. i mainly post kamen rider stuff now, but i’ve been getting back into sentai/pr, and want to start ultraman, dogengers etc.
i have two other toku accounts @toqchange; which is for dino fury spoilers/live blogs (when that was a more relavent thing) and @hidengifs which is where i post all my original gifs
and i have an account that’s barely active that i post stuff about music (which is mostly kpop) @yoxndri
this was long lol
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iristial · 5 years
I'd like to hear your take on this, do you think the long lives of the Ryusoul tribe is purely genetic or could it be that they all have some kind of 'Blessing by the Kishiryu', and do you think such a blessing could be given to a human? (granted if they're deemed worthy enough)
This became a ramble (like always) and I think I have more to say, but for now, here’s what I managed to think of under the cut @ryuunosenshi
Before receiving the ask, I just assumed that the Ryusoul tribesmen’s long life spans were a case of genetics. The whole vibe of the tribe makes me think about hidden elf villages in general, especially since they had a strict isolationist/”no communication with outsiders” policy that was hinted in episode one. That way, they can live in peace, continue training future generations of Ryusoulgers and avoid what often happens when it comes to corrupted mortals trying to obtain longevity - i.e. studying the tribe, doing experiments that involve marriages between humans and Ryusoul tribesmen, etc.
(Going off a tangent here - there’s also no telling if their longevity will be passed onto generations who aren’t from the Ryusoul tribe. What I mean is that from cases like Banba and Towa + the prime minister, it’s clear that not all Ryusoul tribesmen will stay within the tribe, and they’re not forbidden from doing so. The question is, if they fall in love with a regular human - are they able to conceive children with them? And in that case, would the child be immortal, mortal, or someone with a slightly longer lifespan than most humans? We haven’t encountered anyone like that in the episodes, but until the future proves us wrong, then I’m assuming that it’s either 1) impossible for Ryusoul tribesmen to have children outside the tribe or 2) these children aren’t able to live as long as their Ryusoul tribe parent, but just slightly longer than an average human. This is mostly based off how the prime minister is bitter that everyone she loves outlives her; which could mean she experienced one of the two options I described)
But the blessing by the Kishiryu could be a possibility. Although they’re more like dinosaurs who were preserved in case the Druidon were to come back, it’s evident that they obtained additional abilities in the process. The one theory I would have for that is that by establishing a bond with the tribe via souls, they’re able to reach possibilities they couldn’t access before. Anyway, if that’s the case, that’s another reason for them to isolate themselves
And going with the “could a human be given the blessing of a Kishiryu”, this could explain why Kanaro is searching for a bride in the surface world (ignoring that his personality is at fault + low population numbers). Even if she’s a wonderful young lady, Kanaro is still going to outlive her, and it wouldn’t be easy to get over such loss. Not to mention that he’d have to return home with her, and she won’t have his ability to breathe underwater. In that case, it would make sense for MossaRex to trust Kanaro’s judgement in finding the right bride and grant her abilities the Sea Ryusoul tribesmen have so she can spend a longer life with Kanaro
But personally, I don’t think such a blessing could be given to a human? Well, at least at this stage of time. Immortality of any kind is tricky to deal with, especially if the character had expected a normal life where they live and die before reaching a century of age. That has been the expectation for humans for millions of years. And if a person was to be given this blessing, then it might mean they’d have to abandon everything they love in the end. There’s also the chance that this person could become corrupted thanks to this, though it doesn’t rule out regular tribesmen from becoming evil themselves. Either way, I think this would serve as an interesting contrast to the Druidon, who take away lives to literally fuel their goals
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himitsusentaiblog · 6 years
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The backstory of the Druidon Tribe from Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger episode 1.
I have a couple of questions on this.
1) Why did the new Knights not know about these guys before?  You’d think the story of your ancient enemies, you know, the reason you need knights in the first place, would be common knowledge. Or has it been so long that the origins of the knightly tradition are vaguely understood at best except among certain scholars?
2) How did the Ryusoulger Race (I’m going to assume they are a race in the fantasy sense like dwarves, elves etc. given how they refer to the Druidons as another race) survive the K-T Extinction Event? 
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… Okay.
Apparently there’s a rumour that Daigo is going to show up in Ryusoul and be related to Gaisoulg. And I… Really, really don’t want that to be true.
Admittedly, to me, it seems unlikely. First off, it’s mixed w/ a number of other rumours, some of which also seem extremely unlikely (and is also apparently from a not-so-reliable source). Second, Kyoryuger lore pretty much directly conflicts w/ established Ryusoulger lore, esp including what’s coming up in the summer movie, regarding what happened to the dinosaurs, etc. Third, which also ties in w/ second, it seems like a conspicuous disregard for the usual ‘in a separate timeline until the crossover’ style thing that’s usually the rule w/ more recent Sentai outside of Gokaiger (which was explicitly a meta anniversary/crossover season from the start). Also, if ‘related to’ means ‘is Gaisoulg’… That feels really… Lame, I guess? I mean, I will absolutely admit this maybe me being petty bc of my personal hopes for Gaisoulg, but… One of the big opportunities they have w/ Gaisoulg is to explore and explain more of the Ryusoulger lore and stuff about the tribe and it’s history, which seems to be what they’re getting into w/ the summer movie. Having it be someone from a completely different show that’s lore, again, directly conflicts w/ the Ryusoulger lore is… Hrgh.
On the other hand, though… There’s a Gabutyra Soul releasing w/ the GaisoulKen… DX So now I’m… Almost worried.
What I will accept is if it’s Ryusei Ryo playing a character, rather than actually being ‘Daigo,’ and the Gabutyra Soul just being a sort of… ‘Special nod’ to his role as Daigo. That’d be fine. If there is truth to it, I hope it’s that. (Though I did look him up and it seems he’s been fairly busy post-Kyoryuger… So evidence against is also that he might very well not be available)
(Note: I should say that I do not have anything against Daigo or Kyoryuger at all. Actually enjoyed the series. ^^ I just don’t feel like this decision would fit in w/ Ryusoulger , and I actually usually prefer the sort of ‘single timeline unless there’s a crossover movie’ style? Outside of extremely brief cameos like Yamato in Ghost, or something. I’m a very simple person who just prefers that kind of thing during the shows actual episodes—during crossover films, all bets are off, though, bc there’s often no other way, given that the majority of Sentai ‘timelines’ do conflict. I also feel like it would be a little bit of a waste of the potential of Gaisoulg as both a tool of the lore of Ryusoulger and other opportunities (like taking over any of the Ryusoulgers, or Ui, or Naohisa, etc.) And, probably most likely, I am twisting my brain in knots over nothing. Given that this source apparently doesn’t have a great track record, that most of the other rumours seem very doubtful, and the conflicting lore (which I don’t really recall Sentai ever doing something like that before in the actual show eps outside of specified ‘crossover’ stuff, introducing a character from something w/ directly conflicting lore), it seems more likely it’s just some sort of promotion for something (like the fact that Gaisoulg was in Strongest Battle, maybe, or that it’s the same actor playing a character), and not that they’re actually bringing in Daigo the character. Sorry for the rambling, this was just really needling at me, and I wanted to get it off my chest.)
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… I’m back to planning episodes…
I’m liking the idea of, bc they always go off on their own after fights/still act kinda ‘separate,’ something happening where the brothers go missing and the trio are trying to find them. And I had this one idea for one way to go about that.
Anyone else remember that ep in Boukenger where some of the team were turned into animals? Well, something like that.
Something like, one of the brothers contacts the trio about there being a Minusaur, but when they get there, there’s no sign of the two; theres just a large black dog and this tiny, kinda unusual looking cat—who, admittedly, seem fairly happy to see them (the cat, mostly), but they can’t find Touwa or Banba. Stuff happens, and they try to fight the Minusaur and confront the Druidon about what they assume is the kidnapping of the other two (which involves lots of touching and heartwarming exclamations about how much we all love each other ^^). However, something or something happens and they nearly lose… Only the cat and the dog turn up and try to protect them, getting badly hurt in the process. They escape, and take the animals to a vet who informs them that the two have unusual skeletal structure, w/ the cat resembling something like a sabre tooth tiger (which of course, the vet notes, is impossible XD). After some considering, they make the connection and manage to have a sort of conversation w/ Touwa by writing ‘yes’ and ‘no’ on a piece of paper and letting him point w/ a paw. Some other stuff that I don’t have all the details figured out for yet happens, but eventually they defeat the Minusaur and turn the boys back—Touwa is delighted, and Banba gets very tsundere about overhearing how worried the trio were about them while they were animals.
Also, Cannoli might get the Chief treatment at some point bc it’s funny. XD
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Oh, yeah…
… Slightly better quality shot of this:
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God, I love my kids. DX
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… Regrettably, I still can’t speak Japanese, but I do think that during the movie interview, Tatsuya said something about the trio (I know ‘three’ was in there it was in Arabic numerals) and the two brothers (‘two’ was also an Arabic numeral and I heard ‘kyōdai’), and then he said something about the trio’s Masters (at least, he gestured to them while saying something about ‘Masters’).
So… Since it def seems like Cannoli will be staying behind in the present (they had to film this a while ago, after all), it seems likely the movie could work on the relationship between the trio and the brothers a bit? Not that there isn’t still a long way to go in-show, but I like the prospect. I dunno if there will be anything about the brothers’ Master(s), since he seemed to only be talking about the trio’s Masters, but it’s interesting nonetheless.
Of course, this is just me making hazy hypotheses based on guesses. Could be what he said completely contradicts this. But it’s still intriguing. ^^
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… Okay.
Here’s the thing.
There’s a rumour (there seem to be several forms of it?) that we’re gonna get a RyusoulWhite who is a lady and is gonna have Kishiryu.
Now, this is not me saying that I do not want this to be true. It would be cool if this were true.
But personally? I find it unlikely. And there’s something else.
Given certain things, though, including some mixed signals/indications from the series, people are assuming it’s the PM.
I am ninety-nine point nine percent sure it is not gonna be her—at least, not if the rumours about White having Kishiryu are true.
Primary reason? The actress is thirty nine years old. Now, in life, that’s not old. But this is a kids’ show. Specifically a kids’ show in Japan, where my impression is that, esp when it comes to women, in media, they tend to scale younger. And, I mean, in this situation, it makes a certain amount of sense; they want kids to see these ‘young, energetic heroes’ and relate to them etc. Especially in recent Sentai; Keisuke being thirty three I think is the oldest we’ve gone w/ a core senshi—and he was a guy. For female characters? I don’t think we’ve ever seen one over thirty (core senshi, I mean—I’m not forgetting MagiMother, I mention her below). I find it distinctly unlikely (not impossible, mind you) that they will introduce someone close enough to being a core Ranger as to have personal, unique mecha, w/ an actress of that age.
Now, I should note that people aren’t making this guess w/out evidence. There is the thing w/ her having the pendant. However, the stuff about the Kishiryu themselves is also pretty suspect; apparently the source it originated from isn’t the most reliable, and another version of the rumour I saw was listing alleged release dates and prices… Except it included the GaisoulKen, and while they did get the release date… The price is wrong by 2,000 yen (are the characters for three and five easy to mix up? Alternatively, do they write them in Arabic numerals? Bc that would make it even harder to mix up). Also, the creatures listed are a dolphin and sea lion. I realise we have a Tigersaurus, but a smilodon (or even a mammoth, should one appear), are creatures that, at the very least, are generally vaguely associated w/ dinosaurs in media. They’re from the same ‘ancient creatures’ category. Breaking out a sea lion and/or a dolphin… Feels like too massive a break from the main theme, even for Toei. Besides, they’ve proven themselves capable of identifying water-living dinosaurs—why not use something else from the Mosasaurus family? The fact that these alleged Kishiryu are marine animals at all is also suspect, combined w/ another version of the rumour I saw that alleged this ‘seventh member’ would be from the Sea Tribe. The PM cannot be from the Sea Tribe. Not just bc she knows Banba, who we know for a fact is from the village of the Land Tribe, but bc she specifically says that she left the village three hundred years ago. It has also been stated that the Sea and Land Tribes broke it off during the initial conflict millions of years ago. For her to be from the Sea Tribe, she would have had to leave the sea and move to the village, then in turn leave the village—which, given what we know, seems unlikely, since the two branches seem to be feuding and she specifies her reason for leaving being that she wanted a normal life (plus, since the Sea Tribe’s apparently declining… They really gonna just let folk leave like that?).
Now, I am specifically saying that I don’t think she’ll be ‘officially joining’ the core team and have unique mecha of her own—there is still the matter of her having the necklace. My guess is that, if they do have a seventh, and it be her, it will be a MagiMother situation (esp since she’s around the age that actress was), where she’s sort of an ‘eleventh hour ranger’ who comes to help in the last few battles. That wouldn’t surprise me. But I highly doubt we’ll see her as a ‘main’ team member w/ designated Kishiryu. It’s not impossible, of course. Toei could very easily surprise me. But I doubt it.
We do have other options—there’s Oto. But the actress is twelve, and I’m not convinced they’re gonna break out another ‘kid’ senshi so soon after the last one (like, technically she’s probably a hundred fifty or something, but the actress is twelve and looks it), esp not the first girl. In contrast to the PM actress being above the usual age range, she’s below it. Again, not impossible, but I doubt it (and while she is from the Sea Tribe… My thoughts on what the alleged Kishiryu allegedly are still apply).
Other option is Ui. But the whole concept clashes rather drastically w/ her. She’s more associated w/ yellow than white (and I would love to see her become RyusoulYellow). On the other hand, we currently don’t know whether she has any connection to the Sea Tribe or the Ryusoul Tribe in general (but the sea lion and dolphin remain suspicious choices).
Last option: new character. This… Seems to me possible the most unlikely.
This is, also, assuming that there will be a ‘seventh’ at all, which I also doubt. They’re playing back to the basics w/ this season (don’t get me wrong, I love the basics), and I’m still getting very Zyuranger and Gingaman vibes, which notably both only went to six members (something a number of the older Sentais did, post Zyuranger). My guess is that Ryusoulger will do the same, w/ the possible exception of someone using the Gaisoulg armour for good, which wouldn’t technically be a seventh ‘Ryusoulger.’
Now, like I said, Toei could still prove me wrong. If it all does happen, that’d be really cool (I’d just have to fiddle about w/ the colours for my ocs again XD). It would be a little ‘break’ from the norm in show that they’re mostly playing safe. Would be an interesting twist.
Though… I do have to admit… Not feeling the dolphin/sea lion thing. Even if everything else is true… I hope that isn’t. I’d accept crocodiles, those guys are billions of years old. But dolphins and sea lions?
(I should note—I originally saw this in the same set of rumours that claimed Daigo was related to Gaisoulg. Given how that’s very unlikely (and something I sincerely hope is false), it would also cast doubt on the whole of these rumours as well. Also: NONE of this is confirmed. These are just my thoughts on some unverified rumours.)
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… Looks like Melto is gonna be piloting alone next week…
Hm… If that does happen… Could they be setting up for a run where each of the team pilot Kishiryu Oh etc. alone?
I mean, I suppose Touwa and Banba could still do it? Though it does set them off a little the way their respective ‘forms’ still have Triken and Ankyrose attached… >.<
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