#when she's not covered in blood is probs when you should be more concerned lol
bhaael · 5 months
❛ why is it whenever we see each other, you’re covered in blood? ❜
a reasonable question considering you're coated in blood more often than not. its become a second skin to you, and although you remember nothing before the tadpole you know deep in your soul that this is nothing new. despite this, you feel oddly embarrassed at her question & you unconsciously wipe away at the speckles & rivulets of blood that have dried on your face. maybe you got a little carried away earlier, after all the shadow-cursed lands offer you the perfect opportunity to kill as your urge contents whilst remaining guilt free, knowing you're only slaughtering husks of things that have long since perished.
❝ lots of things to kill, can't help it if they bleed a lot, ❞ you shrug as you scratch at a spot of dried blood on your chin, resisting the urge to bring it to your lips. ❝ this guy though ---- oh you're gonna love this ---- he literally exploded ! like fireworks but somehow ... prettier. ❞ you reign in your excitement & clear your throat. you should probably take a bath.
sentence starters / @gr6ved
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tartglias · 4 years
almost falling (headcanons)
characters: scaramouche and xiao
warnings: VIOLENCE. i’m 98% sure i kept it slight but just in case don’t read if you’re sensitive please!!
request: “Anyway, so I'm requesting for Xiao and Scaramouche (fitting, they're sadists HAHA) their s/o (separate) is about to be thrown off the balcony after someone pushed them and hit the railings and they're about to hang on edge of their life. The boys just came back after whatever mission or errand they finished and saw the blasphemous attempt of a masochist (because how DARE they attempt such on their s/o?) Trying to kill their love. They sprinted or used their powers to get to them and stopped calamity from unraveling (sorta) into their world. Yes add some Overprotectiveness and probs them hunting to rip that masochist's head if it's not too much. Headcanons pls--“
[a/n: i loved this headcanon and i knew what you write from the start (which i never do lol), but the mental gymnastics i had to do to find the vocabulary omg... i can’t say i’m a big fan of how this turned out because of that]
Scaramouche had to do some business in Mondstadt, and since you wanted to visit your friend Amber, why not accompany him? It took a while to convince him since he usually doesn’t like the idea of mixing his personal and work lives, but he has a soft spot for you, believe it or not. Not that he would ever admit it.
Before he left you to do your things, he made you promise to meet him at the Good Hunter after an hour, on the dot. He had a busy schedule, but he still wanted to treat you lunch so you excitedly agreed by kissing his cheek and nodding.
After the meeting, he hoped to see you sitting down at one of the tables waiting for him, but instead, he saw no one. “I thought I made myself clear about punctuality” he thought.
“Did you see my partner? They’re about this height tall, *hair color* and probably accompanied by some friend called Amber?” he asked the girl that took orders at the Good Hunter, with a very obvious fake smile. “Not really, I’m sorry” she said, giving an apologetic look, which quickly turned into a frown. “Although, I thought Outrider Amber was out on a mission today. She even ordered some food supplies this morning, are you sure your partner was with her?”
He took a moment to think. He knows you were meeting with Amber because you kept rambling about how you haven’t seen her in forever and you wanted to surprise her. He can’t recall a time when you lied to him, either. Something about having an honest and open relationship with him, so you couldn’t have lied. And you wouldn’t leave the city without informing him, either.
So he decided to scratch out the possibility of having to search you through all Mondstadt. Then, he nodded towards the girl and left without saying a word.
Walking through the city, he paid attention to details. Something was off, he was sure of it.
After a while, he heard a yell. At first he wasn’t going to do anything about it, it’s not his problem plus he still has to find you. But when he realized the owner of the voice yelled “Leave me alone!”, he knew it was you. He ran towards the origin of the sound and found out that you were on top of the wall that protected Mondstadt.
He climbed as fast as he could and when he got to the top, his blood boiled at the sight.
A big tall man was holding your arms tightly, and then pushed you to the edge. Your back hit the railing and you let out a pained yell. You saw the man approach you with intentions of pushing you again, but before you could lift your arms to protect yourself, you heard thunder.
“You heard them, leave them alone. Now” you heard Scaramouche say. The atmosphere became dark and tense very quick, making a shiver go down your spine.
The man let out a short laugh. “You can’t intimidate me so easily. They were mine first, I’m just reclaiming my property”
Oh boy
“I don’t think you heard me, stupid. Leave them alone, now. Or I’ll make sure you suffer the most painful and slow tortures ever imagined. I have a whole book I want to test out anyways, you know.” Scaramouched threatened, and when you saw the look on his face, you gasped. You never saw him like that
He had a creepy smile, no, it was the smile of a sadist, actually. Small thunders came out of his fingers, and by each second, they grew stronger. You noticed that the man started shaking, now reconsidering everything. Scaramouche tilted his head a bit and let out a laugh. “You don’t want to play anymore?”
The man quickly left, or more like ran for his life without sparing you a second glance. You dropped down to the floor and noticed the sky get clearer, and so did the sound of thunder. You were still teary-eyed and overwhelmed from the situation with the man, but you lifted up your head to see a calmer Scaramouche.
You didn’t notice before, but his purple eyes were sparkling with pink thunder, and once he kneeled down in front of you, they turned back to their original color.
He wrapped his arms around you, keeping you close and away from the edge. “Are you alright, my beloved?” he asked you, a hint of concern filling his face. “Now I am. Scaramouche... I never saw you like that” you said, holding his hands that previously let out sparks and thunder.
You heard him sigh. “I lost control. Your scream and then seeing you almost falling... it made me snap. I can’t lose you.”
You kissed him, hoping that this way he can understand that you’re not scared of him and also reassuring him you’re not going anywhere either.
“You scared him for life” you said once you pulled away, laughing slightly. “I’ll scare him for eternity because he won’t be alive after I catch him”
He told you numerous times to call his name if you ever found yourself in trouble. Even if it’s just a whisper, a thought even, you just have to say “Xiao” and he would drop whatever he was doing to come to rescue you.
In full honestly, you thought you could handle things on your own. You didn’t need him to come to rescue you, unless a very real danger was knocking on your door. Which unfortunately, leads to this situation.
Moments earlier, you were at the top floor of the inn, waiting for Xiao to come back. Everything was normal, until you noticed two suspicious looking men approach you. At first, you didn’t think much of it since adventurers often ask you for certain locations or roads. But this thought quickly changed when one of them came from behind, a little too close for your liking, before covering your mouth with his hand.
“A little birdie told us you’re close to an adeptus” one of the two men said, standing in front of you with a smug smile. “We need a favor”
It happened very quick, you were fighting for your life as you screamed and tried to kick the man holding you down. You almost succeeded, if it wasn’t for the other man in front of you. He held your arms tightly and pushed you towards the edge, you lost your balance and tripped over it, but quickly managed to grab onto the railing.
“Go on. Call the adeptus for help, we’ll love to have a small chat with-“ the man started saying, but got cut off by a strong wind that made him trip over. It was Xiao.
His eyes immediately landed on you, you were trying so hard to lift yourself up but you were slowly slipping. You weren’t going to last much longer and rage filled both his body and mind almost instantly.
How dare they lay a finger on you to get to him? “Worthless. Pathetic. Stupid.” he muttered each time he hit the men, until knocking them out. His eyes went back to you, and he immediately sprinted towards the railing.
But he was late
Your hands that desperately tried to grip the railing and lift yourself up were red and they hurt, and just when he was about to extend his hand for you to take, you slipped and fell.
You thought it was over, truly. You yelled out Xiao’s name as you tried to get hold of anything that could possibly prevent you from hitting the ground, but you were far away and the floor was coming closer and closer. You closed your eyes, ready to face your end.
But that end didn’t come, and you found yourself wrapped in Xiao’s arms while strong winds surrounded you, keeping you from hitting the ground abruptly. Once his feet touched the floor, you heard a faint sigh of relief from him.
Now on the ground, you dropped to the floor while you sobbed in Xiao’s arms, suddenly very aware of how close you came to meeting death. He kept you close to his body, as if you’re gonna slip away from him again. He faced many monsters and wrath in his life, but he never felt as scared as he did at the moment.
“I’m sorry” Xiao muttered out once your crying calmed down. Drying your tears with the sleeve of your shirt, you looked at him questioningly. “You almost died because they were after me”
This made you cry more
He was kind of confused? Why were you crying again?
“Xiao you don’t have to apologize because its not your fault at all and you also saved me! I should apologize for not being careful and tripping!” you sobbed again. “But it’s not your fault either...” he whispered as he patted your head, not sure how to calm you down.
Xiao doesn’t kill humans, but nothing is going to stop him from making hilichurls, mages, and other monsters appear in the way of these two men. He’s going to make them pay (indirectly)
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 44: The One where Su She Gets Rekt
we’re outside of mianmian’s house and omg wwx's face is so cute when he recognizes mianmian. his little pleased grin makes me melt every time
also omg, i just realized that wwx is still wearing lwj’s white inner robes here???
you can see them where you usually see his (sinfully) red inner robes!!!!! 
which means as far as i’m concerned this ENTIRE EPISODE is a wangxiantic in and of itself lolol
mr. mianmian is like, why are you calling my daughter's name??
(i keep forgetting that mianmian's name isn't actually mianmian lol)
i'd be concerned too if some strange guy who was hiding behind our hay bale or whatever the heck that is, knew my kid's name...
wwx is so amused by this turn of events! he's like, awww, mianmian and little mianmian!
which was basically my response too
but ofc lwj is much more formal and does his little bow and addresses her as Lady Luo
wwx: now i know your true name!!
wait, did he really never learn it before?? or did he just forget? both are plausible, tbh
and here mianmian introduces her husband
wwx: may i ask what clan you're from?
mm: oh, he's not from any clan. he's a merchant!
bc mm knew getting tangled up with another clan was just not a good life decision, probs
and she's all he comes with me on night hunts tho and wwx is like, oh is that what you were doing?
little mm: we were looking for the yiling patriarch!
and wwx perks up and gets all playful bc WWX LOVES CHILDREN SO MUCH
wwx: oh, but i heard he eats children. aren't you afraid?
little mm gets all shy and stutter-y and it's ADORABLE
wwx is all like, oh she's so cute! she looks just like you when you were her age
and mm is all, don't you feel bad saying that?? how would you know what i looked like at that age???
we get a shot of lwj and he looks at ease and is simply taking joy in watching wwx interact with these people
same, lwj, same
wwx: how old is she? i'd like to give her some lucky money!
and ofc mr. and mrs. mianmian immediately try to stop him for politeness sake BUT LOL LWJ IS ALREADY REACHING INTO HIS SLEEVE TO GET MONEY FOR THE KID
wwx: don't be so humble. it's not my money anyway~
and he laughs bc he'S SHAMELESS
lwj just hands wwx his purse and lets him take whatever he wants from it. 
what a doting husband-to-be he is!
and then mm does that thing all parents do with small children "what do you say to hanguang jun and master wei?"
little mm: thank you, hanguang jun
lwj must agree with me bc he SMILES. it's his little smile, the one that just barely curls up at the corner of his lips, but it's a sincere smile
he's probably remembering lsz when lsz was that age
he's probably thinking about how he wants more children, esp now that wwx is here to raise them with him
Give me all the Dadji fic!
wwx: little mm, i gave you the money. why don't you say thank you to me?
and he puts on this cute little pout but little mm just glares ADORABLY at him bc she SAW who's money it was and she's a clever girl lololol
lwj is amused by that exchange too, we get another one of his little smiles
now they're asking for info on anything unusual around but they get interrupted by some screaming!! mm was all ready to go attack, but lwj said they'd handle it
after they leave, mr. and mrs. mm have a little convo which i wouldn't bother mentioning except she ends it with a very sincere "master wei...is a good man"
turns out the screaming was wen ning!! being adorable!!
he's all covered in mud and grass, and had been trying to scare people off for Reasons
wwx starts cleaning his face 
lwj watches this go down but there's no smile on his face like there was before with little mm even tho wwx being all sweet and nurturing is always cute
oh, wwx just noticed wn's injured hand and is like, what happened? and wn ofc says 'NOthing!!!" bc he doesn't want to worry wwx
lwj: it's blood.
wn: not blood1! well, it is but it's not human blood!!
he says this so nervously and flustered bc lwj is very intimidating actually 
Or at least I wouldn’t want to get on his bad side...
now we find out that wn has secretly been taking down puppets while following wwx and lwj around this whole time
bc wn is a good friend
then it gets kinda sad bc wwx is like, wn i told you to hide out somewhere! and wn is all, but where would i hide?
bc wn has nowhere and no one aside from wwx rn 😔
so wwx is like, okay, the three of us can travel together instead
Lol, lwj looks down at this and starts stalking off
lwj: lets go
i don't think he's happy to have a third wheel lololol
he wanted alone time with wwx!
now they're in town!
wwx: lan zhan, do you remember this town?
lwj: yes
wwx is like, remember that time i said i'd treat you to a meal here?
they're in front of the teahouse in yiling and lwj is looking at it, like, FONDLY bc he DOES remember and it's probably one of his happiest memories tbh
wwx isn't looking at the teahouse, he's looking at lwj here and he gets this soft little smile on his face AND IT'S SO SWEET AND BEAUTIFUL 
ooh flashback to their first time in yiling together! And ~Their Song~ starts playing!!
it's a quick little flashback bc we're back in the present with wwx saying something about how he's embarrassed that lwj ended up paying that time or smth
at wwx's words, lwj turns around and just looks at him. 
Omg, how does he always pack in SO MUCH LOVE in the way he looks at wwx??
another quick flashback of them sharing a meal at the teahouse with cute little a-yuan darting around lwj with his toys
wwx: but that happened a long time ago
wwx turns and sees the toy stall and he SMILES
but then he gets sad as he remembers a-yuan
wwx: if that boy were still alive, he would be a teenager now
Bc wwx still thinks all the wens died. He thinks little a-yuan was BRUTALLY MURDERED with the rest of his clan
then we get a bit of slo-mo as lwj turns to look at wwx, who's still lost in thought
cut to somewhere outside the town and wn is beating up a whole bunch of puppets all by himself like a badass
oh, here's lwj with the assist! he guqin's the heck out of those puppets
he looks so cool doing that, omg
Also, i love how he whooshes away his instrument whenever he's done with it
we're at the burial mounds!!
which is looking just as bright and cheery as ever!!
meaning everything is gray and looks dead
wwx gets really sad, and he's remembering the voices of all the wens he failed
wn snaps him out of it, thankfully
lwj explains how everything was destroyed during the siege back then
he doesn't mention at all how he defended this place until he physically couldn't anymore
wwx: it doesn't matter that this place was destroyed. for me, wq, and wn, it represents the hardest time in our lives. there's no need to return to this place
wwx says this all soberly and i just wanna wrap him up in blankets and hide him from the world
lwj looks like he feels the same way, lol
wwx: wen ning, stop looking. let's go
wn: yes, young master. i just wanted to check if there's anything left
which was ANOTHER PERFECT OPENING for lwj to cut in and say "ACTUALLY, ABOUT THAT, a-yuan is totally alive and well, guys!!"
but nooooo, ofc lwj doesn't say anything bc god forbid he use his words every once in awhile
oh, evil puppets just appeared and started attacking 
But wn is like NOT TODAY SATAN and starts pummeling the lot of them
ooooh, and lwj does this thing here where he summons up a guqin string and, like, magically attaches it to a couple of trees 
Then wwx tells wn to watch out and wn does this cool backflip to join wwx as lwj TWIRLS forward to take wn's place
and then he magically plucks the guqin string which lets out this big blue blast of energy 
the whole move looks SO DAMN COOL
After, he whooshes away his string like nbd, just being effortlessly awesome like ALWAYS
now they're making their way to wwx's demon palace cave thing, and lwj stops to freaking MATERIALIZE suibian out of thin air and give it to wwx
it looks SO cool
lwj: for defense
wwx: thank you
wwx unsheathes it just enough so we can see the inscription on the blade before re-sheathing it and keeping it at his side
lwj gives him a Questioning Look and wwx gets a little awkward
wwx: ah, i haven't used a sword in so long, i'm not used to it
his eyes are all big and guileless and gorgeous
lwj is not as easily distracted as i am, apparently, and he very obviously is not buying with wwx is selling
wwx: fine, i'll tell you. it's bc this body of mine lacks spiritual power, so even the best sword can't show it's true power in my hand
lol, he raises up suibian when he says "the best sword"
i am so distracted by wwx's gorgeous cheekbones here, 
omg, paired with those big brown eyes, I CAN'T HANDLE IT I'M ONLY HUMAN
wwx: therefore, hanguang jun, please protect this fragile, feeble man~
he says it with a thin smile which looks as adorable as all his other smiles
Tbh i get the impression that he's a little embarrassed to have to ask for help
wwx walks around past lwj and we see lwj aim one of his signature Longing Glances at wwx's back
now we're in wwx's old demon palace cave thing!!
lol, lsz and jl are tied to one another, my sweet little baby ship
you know what, this isn't wangxian at all but the juniors have some choice lines here and we should take the time to appreciate them
ljy: what do they even want? whether it's to torture or kill us, they should just do it! i'd rather be eaten by monsters during night hunting than starve to death in this shithole
death by starvation has got to be one of the WORST ways to go
rando jin junior starts running his mouth again and we see jin ling close his eyes and attempt to do a breathing exercise or smth and IT'S HILARIOUS LOLOLOLOL
it lasts like, two seconds before he's yelling at the other kid and telling him to shut up
rando jin junior is all offended and is like, what do you mean shut up??
so my precious bratty son is like, "what do i mean? are you deaf or stupid? can't you understand? shut up means STOP TALKING"
they bicker for a bit and lsz cuts in trying to make them stop by pointing out that, hello, they're trapped in here by evil puppets who could decide to come in and tear them to pieces literally any minute now
the distraction tactic didn't work. the boys are trying to beat each other up whilst being tied up and it's HILARIOUS
meanwhile lsz is like: guys, calm down, calm down!!
bc he's tied to jl so he's getting all jostled around, poor sweetie-pie lsz 
and this is when wwx decides to step in, with a long suffering sigh and a very unamused: hey, look here.
also it cracks me up how there's a breeze elegantly rustling through wwx's and wn's hair. 
it's so obviously for the Aesthetic bc literally nobody else's hair is doing that 😆😆😆 
and wn ning totally plays along bc he slices through those ropes in the most menacing way possible AND ALL THE KIDS SLAM THEIR EYES CLOSED AND HAVE A FULL-BODY FLINCH AND IT'S HILARIOUS
wwx gets sulky that the kids seem more scared of wn than him lol
we see the dumber kids make a break for it but oyzz, with his big kind heart, stops them bc hey, remember there's a horde of evil puppets outside??
lol, wwx smirks at the dumb kids.
lsz: master wei, you're here to save us! you didn't send people to capture us right?
and wwx is like, do i LOOK like i have that kind of money?
lsz is like, ah, yes, i remember that you are TRAGICALLY POOR.
kid doesn't pull punches, does he lol. and he says it so mildly too
wwx's whole reaction here is like, yeah okay, i deserved that one lol
wwx starts grilling the kids for info, which ljy gladly provides, and lwj gives him and lsz a "well done" for their efforts
oooh, now jin ling is approaching wwx
lwj sees him out of the corner of his eye and IMMEDIATELY places himself in front of wwx
which cracks me up bc this is a full grown man here squaring up against a kid who's like, twelve (okay, 16 but still!)
ofc lsz and ljy follow lwj's lead and put themselves between jl and wwx too
wwx thinks they're all being ridiculous
wwx: what are you guys doing? you're surrounding him.
so he nudges the lan kids away and then grabs lwj's upper arm and literally tugs him away from where he was about to throw hands with a child
ljy: you want to stab him again?
lsz: jingyi!
thank you, lsz, tell him to leave my bratty son alone ☹️
wwx essentially waves it all off and is like, hey guys lets focus on getting out of here first, yeah?
jin ling looks ashamed, my poor boy. he feels all guilty for stabbing wwx 😞
now they're plot talking about how they're gonna get out of the cave, what with the horde of evil puppets and all
they make it to the entrance of the cave and we see a whole bunch of cultivators drop in for a party, i guess
oyzz: dad! *runs off to be with dad*
jc: jin ling what are you waiting for? your death?
oh hey, one of the rando juniors called out "mom!"
that's so cool actually??? we don't really get a lot of lady cultivators but apparently one of them is there to save her kid!!
uh oh, Uncle Lan does not look happy to be here
lwj leads all the lan juniors to lqr and he bows politely to him 
the lan juniors all join lqr and stand behind him but lwj very pointedly stands before lqr and makes no move to get closer to him as wwx joins him at his side
lqr: wangji, come here
lwj looks at him briefly, like he wants to say something, before looking down 
bc no, he's not leaving wwx's side ever again lqr, so you better get used to it
now some rando lady cultivator is shouting at lwj. she's all "you're undeserving of your reputation!!"
and i'm sitting here like, HEY LADY, WATCH YOUR MOUTH OR COME FIGHT ME
wwx interrupts her rant 
wwx: here you go again!
he probs would've said more but then jc interrupts
jc: we have to do this
and he probs wouldve said more but FUCKING SU SHE INTERRUPTS AS IF HE HAS ANY VALUE AT ALL
LOL JC’s eyes slide over from wwx to su she and he looks at su she WITH SUCH CONTEMPT AND IRRITATION, IT'S GREAT
ss: blah blah we found you cuz you stole kids blah blah 
now wwx is gonna get clever and start talking circles around this crew of idiot cultivators
wwx: your party seems a bit weak, guys. shouldn't jgy and lxc be here with you?
ss: blah blah assassination attempt against jgy blah blah lxc is tenderly nursing him back to health blah blah
then su she implies that wwx was the one who tried to kill jgy
wwx snorts
ss: why are you laughing??
wwx: oh, nothing. i was just surprised that jgy could get hurt so easily
and here we get some oyzz time
oyzz: dad, i don't think he really did it. last time, he saved us in coffin town. this time, he rescued us too!
oyzz's dad: don't speak nonsense, you silly child
wwx: why didn't the nie clan come?
Nhs pops in from where he was hiding: oh, pardon me! master wei, i don't know anything about this. i'm just here to make up the numbers
LOL i love how after popping up to say that, he just scoots himself away and behind the other cultivators again
now the idiot cultivators are airing their grievances against wwx
ugh, sect leader yao is talking again and we get to see mob mentality in action
they're still hurling accusations at my sunshine boy and it's making me angry
wwx: I won't admit to what i didn't do
Fucking su she chimes in with some bullshit and so wwx decides to do a public service and try to teach these losers some critical thinking skills by laying out Valid Points for Plot Reasons
Lesson gets cut short bc oops, here come more evil zombie puppets with a strong gust of wind for ambience
but it fails on it's second strike!! jc looks at it in shock, like what's going on??
wwx must've seen that happen bc suddenly we see his flute boomerang the puppet that was headed for jc
and wwx places himself in front of him BC THAT'S HIS BROTHER, THE BROTHER HE LOVES
oh, now we see lqr spit up blood and lwj, being the good nephew that he is, swoops in to fight off the puppets that had been attacking his uncle
god, lwj is such a good person  bc he just blocked a hit aimed for sect leader yao
Sect leader yao
i mean, c'mon, is ANYONE gonna miss him if he dies??? no, nobody would be torn up over sect leader yao dying
his wake would have been a party, like ding dong the witch is dead sort of party
lol, lwj probs regrets this later on when he’s chief cultivator and has to listen to that loser rant endlessly about nothing, like, damn, i should’ve let him die back then
you know, i'm just gonna enjoy lwj fighting. he's got the best fight scenes tbh
we find out that everyone's spiritual energy has been blocked and they're defenseless against those puppets
lsz tells them all that they need to get into the cave where there's a protective circle they can fix and activate
then fucking su she is all like no don't go in there, it's probs a trap to kill us!!
wwx: staying outside will get you killed. going inside will also get you killed. either way, you're dead. but at least going inside will stall them.
wwx: su she, why are you in such a hurry to ask everyone to die with you? What’s your intent?
Lol nhs is like are you guys going in or not? i'll just go inside myself if you won't and all his cultivators are like, yeah yeah, let's do that 
everyone's fleeing to the cave now except for su she and his crew
wwx: su she, you'll stay here? fine, stay here. You sure are brave!
while all the cultivators go into the cave lwj and wn are still fighting until everyone's gone
wwx: lan zhan, come on!
lwj slices down two more puppets and then zooms to wwx's side
lqr activates the protective circle and then holds wwx (and by extension lwj) at sword point
lwj: grand master
lwj looks at him like he wants him to understand, but he sees the lqr is not having it so he lowers his gaze
poor lwj 😔
lqr: what do you want?
wwx: nothing. but since you're all here let's have a chat!
lol, wwx sits down and makes himself comfortable even tho he's surrounded by cultivators that want him dead
The cultivators are all like, we don't wanna talk with you!!
wwx: aren't you interested in the reason you got poisoned? i swear, i'm not that capable of poisoning you all without being discovered
nhs: that's right. i think what he says makes sense
nhs is really good at what he does, isn't he? 
he knows exactly when he should interject to get the crowd to do as he wants
wwx starts to walk them through the basic critical thinking process, and lsz adds in his clever insights as well
then there's a bunch of plot talk that idc about
nhs: master wei, what should we do now?
Wwx is like, there's only two groups with spiritual power. me and lwj are onE group, and the juniors are the other group.
wwx: as for the rest, i don't think it's inappropriate to describe you as week and useless
wwx: if i really wanted to do something, could these young men stop me?
then fucking su she starts talking again
ss: blah blah blah kill me if you want blah blah we aint scared blah blah
Man, you have NO IDEA how much i want you dead, su she
wwx: may i ask who you are?
wwx starts teaching them critical thinking again and we're again shown how the juniors are way more clever that these full-fledged cultivators
wwx looks so proud whenever the juniors chime in
su she starts talking again
ss: blah blah you're being fooled by the enemy blah blah bl--
wwx: continue. why'd you stop?
some rando cultivator accuses wwx of doing that to su she and wwx is ADORABLE about it
his eyes get all wide and he frowns with a "well, don't look at me!" expression
and lsz and ljy tell us that it's a lan clan specialty - THE SILENCE SPELL
so wwx continues and is like, isn't it weird how fucking su she wanted you all to die out there with him and now he wants to stop me from figuring out who poisoned you? now, why would an ally do that, hm?
wwx: it seems that the su clan doesn't get along with the lan clan
ljy: indeed (he says with a disgusted look at su she LOL)
lwj: the su clan is a branch of the lan clan
and here, nhs gets ljy's attention
nhs: what's the story?
lsz interrupts tho so he can give a more tactful explanation
lsz: master nie, you may not know but ss built his own clan after departing from the lan clan
lsz: their techniques are similar to the lan clan's, they're also good at music. even ss's spiritual tool is modeled after hanguang jun's 7-string guqin
ljy: not "departed from." they were expelled for betraying the lan clan. and it's not only that! there are funnier reasons too!
ljy: ss not only imitates everything from us, he also forbids ppl from discussing how he imitates hanguang jun
ha, you can hear lsz scolding him in the background
unfortunately ss gets the ability to speak back and immediately gets everyone to start bickering
we see wwx roll his eyes and get this "I am so Done" expression on his face
i feel ya bro
more bickering, ljy giving as good as he gets, which is awesome, and then ljy says something that gives wwx an "aha!" moment
ljy: who are you calling arrogant? which clan's demon-subdue melody was played badly without even noticing?
and with that, wwx figures out how the other cultivators lost their spiritual power. but he's gonna make a show out of explaining it bc Drama.
wwx: lqr, may i ask you a question?
lqr: hmph. if you have a question, why not ask lwj?
wow, very mature of you lqr. what kind of example are you setting for your juniors?
we get a shot of lwj here and he looks at his uncle and then looks away with his mouth pinched
i think that hurt him. he still loves his uncle, after all.
wwx: then i'll ask him
wwx: lan zhan, even tho the su clan departed from the lan clan, they imitated the lan clan exclusive technique, right?
lwj: yes
wwx: one of the techniques is magic music that can exorcise evil with a guqin. since the su clan copied you, lots of their disciples use the guqin too, right?
lwj: yes
wwx: ss left the clan after learning the technique but since he didn't learn it to perfection, his disciples play with many mistakes, right?
lwj: yes
wwx: so even if they played music badly during battle, the lan clan wouldn't mind at all. they'd just assume it's careless mistakes. they'd assume someone confuse the score rather than thinking they did it on purpose
then he poses very confidently and says "isn't that right, clan leader su?"
su she goes to pluck the guqin strings and wwx reminds him that he has no spiritual power rn
ss: what are you insinuating by saying all that?
wwx: did i not say it clear enough that you feel like i'm just insinuating?
and then wwx spells it all out for them bc as all know, these cultivators are all idiots. 
and the episode ends there!
not a lot of wangxiantics aside from the bit at the beginning BUT SO MANY QUALITY LINES FROM WWX AND THE JUNIORS
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codenamesazanka · 6 years
Short Spinner Fic!
Well, more like meta/headcanon turned prose. Sorta. unbeta’d, terrible grammar prob, very on the nose, but I just had to write something that dealt with what we learned about Spinner’s past. 
1,615 words. Set right after Stain got captured, with all that fun stuff about discrimination. 
The night Spinner saw the news report that would change his life, he had spent ten minutes lingering outside his landlord’s door, trying to work up the nerve to knock.
From his third floor apartment to her home on the first floor - that short walk took three minutes maximum, but in that time the heat and humidity of the May evening had already made his hair damp and the collar of his shirt slightly darken with moisture. By the dim glow of the streetlight, Spinner tried to use his phone’s selfie camera to see if he looked too bad, but his nervousness at appearing sloppy only added sweat to his sorry appearance. The snickering of a couple of kids that passed by him hadn’t help.
He should be fine, Spinner had muttered to himself, tried to convince himself, shoving the phone into a pocket. He was fine. She wasn’t going to even notice.
But of course she did. When his landlord opened the door, he saw her smile fade slightly at the sight of him; then the curve of her mouth disappeared completely as her eyes swept over his messy hair and landed on his hand that was discreetly trying to stop his shirt from sticking to his skin.
It was only downhill from there.
He had stammered, had tried to keep a smile on his face until he realize he was probably looking like crazy dumbass; then he had worried too much about the appropriate distance he should be keeping (His landlord was a petite woman that barely reached maybe 5 foot, and he was a 6-foot lizard man. Standing too far away would be weird, and standing too close meant, besides the obvious, that he would have to look down at her, which he thought might seem disrespectful).
When he told her about the broken AC, she had asked if he wasn’t enjoying the warm weather, and Spinner had let the silence drag on too long as he wondered what she might have meant by that. Such an innocuous question, but it made his pulse quicken. Was she making a comment that assumed he was more comfortable with heat because he looked like a lizard (answer: no, because he wasn’t cold-blooded; so no, he didn’t like the heat; and yes, he can get heatstroke, so if the AC wasn’t going to get fixed in time for the worst heat of July...)? Did that mean she wasn’t going to do anything about it, if it didn’t seem like a serious matter?
Or was he being paranoid? Insulting, even, for this unfounded accusation?
So the talk had achieved nothing, except maybe giving his landlord an even worse impression of him. He hadn’t even told her about the suspicious grey spots that was covering more and more of his ceiling with each passing day. (Monsoon season sucked.)
Back at his apartment, Spinner opened a can of beer and sat slumped against the wall, using his phone to look up ways to remove the mold himself. He clicked the first link, found himself immediately redirected to a product page that flashed it’s 5500 yen deal at him, and promptly gave up.
That was when he opened his Tweetr feed for some mindless scrolling and saw the internet aflame with news about an attack on Hosu.
All day at work, Spinner kept checking for updates on the Hero Killer Stain, so much that his boss threaten to break his phone and fire him. But even that couldn’t clear the cloud of obsession that had developed inside his head.
At first it was simply fun to watch and rewatch the video of him rescuing a kid, how cool it was to see the man escape from the ropes that bound him, zoomed past the Heroes, leapt into the air to take down the winged beast with a single stab to the brain. Those blades and that red scarf, snaking through the air behind him. All in a matter of seconds, and all that not being his quirk. Pure normal human ability.
From there, it was reading the articles that kept coming out - that happened in Hosu, who Stain was, what he had done.
What he believed in.
There was once when Spinner wanted to be a Hero. What kid hadn’t? He dreamed of it. Being able to wear an awesome costume, beating up bad guys and bullies and saving people, getting to be on TV and making lots of money. Heroes were amazing and they could do anything. Heroes had all sorts of different quirks, the only thing that matter being how well they could use their ability. Heroes could be anyone - even mutants like him.
And as dreams do, that faded when he grew up and woke up to real life.
Watching the viral video that someone had made of the Hero Killer, though, Spinner realized Stain kept his dream. Forced it into reality, undaunted by hard work or danger or the law. He saw something wrong with the world and decided to change it. Just like that. It was badass. It was admirable.
It was Heroic.
So how ironic and slightly disappointing it was, that Stain was now called a Villain, that it turned out he was working with that group that attacked those UA kids a few months back. Spinner found the grainy zoomed-in clip of the two guys standing on top of a water tower, watching the chaos in the city below. He found all he could about the UA incident and the man the news named as Shigaraki Tomura.
He was part of this group that Stain joined, and Spinner wondered if maybe, like Stain, he wasn’t just a Villain. Like Stain, he was out to change the world.
In the origin story of Spinner, Villain, would be the cup of tea that made a crucial decision for him.
His landlord’s apartment was ten times the size of his tiny one-room apartment, and Spinner felt almost agoraphobic sitting in her living room. This was a proper home, well cared for, housing a family. The last time Spinner had even spoken to a blood relative of his was years ago. He was intruding.
But the landlord had done a surprise inspection while he was at work, and she was concerned about the mold on his ceiling. In his zeal over Stain, Spinner had completely forgotten about dealing with that. Now he got to do a redux of the talk from a few days ago, and he had a feeling this might go even worse.
He never would find out if that was true, nor would he find out what would have been done about the mold. A few words into the small talk that preceded the actual conversation, his landlord’s young son had tried to be helpful and brought tea for both his mom and Spinner. Kid was probably only in elementary school, but so polite. Too much so.
Spinner watched as his landlord shifted uncomfortably in her seat, eyes flickering back and forth from the cup of tea set in front of Spinner, and Spinner himself.
It felt unbearably hot and suffocating in the room.
(Once, a cousin told Spinner that regardless of how much DNA would prove they were human, they weren’t. Not really, not in practice, not to the people they live among. They looked like lizards, so they’d be treated like lizards. Like animals, and you wouldn’t feed your pet using a bowl you would use, right? It’ll be dirty, no matter how much you washed it. That’s why there’s food bowls specifically for your dog, cat, whatever.)
It was much too late to for her to take back the drink without seeming astonishingly rude. Maybe Spinner should help her save face and decline the tea, have the kid take it away. Maybe he can use this as leverage for the mold problem. Maybe--
--he shouldn’t have to put up with this. There were people out there right now, ready to face down Heroes and police and society, ready to create change, ready to take their lives and fate into their hands and shape it to their liking. Stain hadn’t allow himself to be trampled down.
Spinner shouldn’t either.
That was when he stood up and left without a word.
The leader was different than what Spinner expected.
In the small private bar that the broker had taken him to, Shigaraki Tomura sat on one of the stools, young and bone-thin, dressed so plainly in simple black shirt and pants. Not quite the criminal mastermind Spinner imagined. Yet all attention in the room was held by him, and he wielded that authority with ease.
“Shuichi Iguchi… Spinner.” Shigaraki spoke and Spinner anticipated each word. “Our fight is for all the right reasons, but the world is going to hate us for it. Condemn us. Try to destroy us. We’ll have to return in kind. We’ll have get our hands dirty, we’ll have to sacrifice a lot.”
Shigaraki shifted his head, and suddenly all Spinner could focus on was that one red eye looking through the fingers of the severed hand on his face, filled with all the same rage and desire and intensity that Stain had. Its gaze pierce through Spinner, making him wince as though he was physically cut.  
Hatred was nothing new to him, though, and he had nothing else in this world than this newfound will. He’d do anything, all for Stain. All for his new comrades. All this, Spinner said out loud.
Shigaraki grinned at him, a smile so wide and vicious and-- happy, that Spinner felt his own face mirror that excitement.
“Welcome to the League of Villains.”
So my Spinner goes from a nervous mild-mannered guy trying to live a life, to a terrorist ready to murder kids in like three short days. I should figure out his characterization better next time lol
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comebacknow · 7 years
regarding tdc, some things i’d like to remind everyone about:
EDIT: this was supposed to be like 6 bullet points and then i ended up describing basically every little detail of the movie, so there’s that.
1. that elaborate opening plan that brought everyone back - Frypan hopping out of hiding, harriette pointing a gun at the berg pilot’s head, etc. they all did that!
2. “How’s it looking, Newt?” “Don’t rush me.” SNARKY!NEWT !!!! I refuse to let this little line go unnoticed and under the radar. i want everyone to remember it.
3. vince just being an overall badass and risking his life for all these kids!! that jump onto the train car! hell yes!
4. the newtmas hug on top of the train car you all saw it
5. ARIS’ FACE?? He fought back so hard! And even though they’re not a big part of the main story, aris harriett and sonya reuniting was so sweet! i want more stories about them
6. Thomas’ utter distraught at realizing minho isn’t on the train and having to break the news to newt but barely being able to say the words
7. vince’s rallying speech about fighting back
8. thomas sneaking off because he doesn’t want to risk any more lives, but newt and frypan Just Knowing it’s exactly something he would do, so they’re already waiting for him (in the dark and everything. dramatic fools.) and thomas’ complete love for them when he sees fry in the car too (bc lets be honest obvi newt would go with him but him seeing frypan following him into danger was probably so endearing)
9. frypan driving! stuck in the glade for 3 years and our boy knows how to drive a jeep good for him man
10. the return of more snarky!newt “not to be negative, but if i was a crank that’s exactly where i’d go.” a nice reminder of “people. in the mountains. mountain people. that’s your plan.” from tst! (and of course the “alright i got shotgun” and the look between thomas and fry like okay we’re doing this
11. frypan flooring the truck and getting rid of that crank! (and also totaling the jeep but hey man)
12. the fact that frypan’s door wouldn’t open and he kept punching the life out of it until thomas was like “dude go AROUND.”
13. newt just falling out of the door like a mess
14. fry shooting the cranks the whole time they’re running! he’s such a fighter in this movie! i’m glad we got action!fry
16. “i think what he means to say is thank you.” - frypan translating thomas’ worry for everyone else
17. newt finding the walls when they look at the last city and jorge’s offhand comment about “they built walls, that seems to be Wicked’s answer for everything” i mean LMAO another great line that better not get overlooked. i mean, come on lol
18. i forgot what exactly frypan said at this moment in response to newt but they had an exchange that i laughed about for like 10 minutes. when i rewatch i’ll fill it in better.
19. the whole Wall scene was honestly magnificent and jorge’s annoyed “GET OUT OF MY WAY” to the crowds as he and thomas make their way to the front? a+
20. newt noticing the “armed guards” and immediately running up to thomas and saying they had to leave now. (which, btw how did i NOT realize that was gally even with the mask on.)
21. everyone getting captured and the contrast of thomas and brenda sitting quietly while jorge literally kicks a guard out of the truck. can you imagine how that ride was going down with them?? lmao and brenda telling him she was there and just the overall love and care jorge has for brenda!
22. gally’s return obvi. “we watched you die.” “you left me to die.” YIKES.
23. newt being able to calm thomas down (WHAT A CONTRAST TO NEWT’S TEMPER LATER. HAHA i hate myself.)
24. Gally saying he deserves it and asking if fry or newt wanna get a shot in too because he knows that everything he did was wrong and he probably lives with that shame and guilt every day and i want to cry
25. rose took my nose i suppose! fun fact: this line was also said by a crank in the scorch trials, though not nearly as clear - it’s very background ish and more violent. can’t remember the exact scene but it may have been when they’re in the abandoned mall and one of the cranks jumps on newt and thomas kicks him off the ledge. i was curious to know if it was supposed to be the same crank, but given the distinction between the two cranks i don’t think it was, but it’s something to consider. anyway - THE EFFECTS! his face was so cranky i loved it.
26. newt lacing up his boot probably to make sure his leg is okay and subtly noticing the pain in his hands and the twitching of them and panicking and trying to conceal it.
27. “gally, take care of them.” AW.
28. in the sewers, snarky!newt returns “ugh, this is gross.” 
29. out in the city and newt and thomas seeing a real city for the first time aw. 
30. the telescope and thomas seeing teresa for the first time and not even saying a word but gally just knowing and responding “i didn’t say you were gonna like it.”
31. the meeting when they get back and brenda saying “wait, isn’t this the same girl who betrayed you? the same dick?” and gally saying “i like her.” brenda and gally have attitudes that give me LIFE. <3
32. newt just sitting quietly off to the side during all of this but you can see the annoyance and rage in his eyes until he finally speaks up “worried your little girlfriend’s gonna get hurt?” etc. and the looks between everyone else around the table as the two of them fight.
33. the rage in newt’s eyes and then the immediate fade of the rage as he realizes what’s going on and he has to leave
34. brenda’s face when newt slams thomas against the wall because DO YOU THINK SHE BRIEFLY REMEMBERS WHEN SHE CRANKED OUT??? even though she really get angry with thomas but i’m sure she had moments before the boys met with her and jorge. not that she knows newt’s a crank yet but i mean?? memory trigger?
35. don’t get me started on the deleted scene.
36. thomas’ face when he sees newt’s wrists and the veins
37. the fact that newt must have written the letter shortly after this scene
38. let’e jump back to the cutaways now with teresa/minho/wicked quickly.. teresa thinking she’s found a cure for the little girl and talking with her and being so happy
39. teresa seeing minho and trying to tell him that something in his blood could save this little girl and could save a ton more people, but minho not having any of it because as far as he’s concerned she’s a traitor and has fcked with them and mostly thomas for so long and that kills him because now he’s separated from his friends and he has no idea if they’re alive or not after that raid
40. teresa learning that the little girl wasn’t cured and she’s back to square one now and really beginning to doubt herself.
41. not sticking up for ava paige here but the scene of her and jansen when she’s telling him that maybe it’s done and maybe there can’t be a cure, maybe it was all for nothing??
42. teresa’s walk through the city to take it in one last time and see the people around her whom she thought she would be able to help and realizing that humanity is dying and she can’t do anything to stop it. 
44. thomas barely even being able to look at her without crying.
45. newt being the one to angrily rip the covering from teresa’s eyes and taking his seat next to thomas.
46. “Don’t look at him. look at me. why’re you looking at him. he can’t help you.”  GALLY. 
47. gally talking to teresa because he knows it will be too hard on thomas, and then threatening to chop her finger off???
47a (had to go back because i just remembered other stuff and i don’t want to renumber everything): teresa seeing how good brenda’s doing and realizing it’s thomas’ blood but thomas telling her he doesn’t believe her anymore and to stop speaking and you know how much that had to hurt for him??
47b. Brenda telling thomas to be careful because he has a bad habit of not being able to leave people when he should (flashback to him not leaving her when she was cranking out and when she ran back in the warehouse when they first met thomas could have gone out the window with everyone else but he stuck around to make sure she was safe and got out too).
47c. jorge and brenda’s goodbye. i’m crying for three years.
47d. teresa trying to grab the knife she used because it had thomas’ blood on it but gally stopping her “nice try” because he prob thought she was gonna try to stab them, but she ended up taking the bandage at least! smart.
48. teresa had to have snuck into wicked for the uniforms and then back out right? how’d that work. only slightly curious.
49. newt (in uniform) walking directly up to thomas and teresa and staring at them briefly and threateningly before he nods his head and they’re like “oh, that must be newt.. okay.”
50. gally finding the mech box and Doing The Gally Thing that he was known for in the fever code!! did everyone forget gally was amazing at tech??? seeing him be able to put his brain to use here made me so happy.
51. newt cranking out on the staircase and teresa suddenly realizing why thomas is such a mess and newt turning away from her when he sees her staring at him because he’s still trying to hide it.
52. running and saving all those kids! (and again, sadly, realizing minho is not there)
53. thomas dragging teresa and telling her he’d better bring him to him right away.
54. newt immediately saying he’s going with them and thomas saying no that he has to stay for the serum but newt looking at him and just saying “minho comes first, remember?” SELFLESS.
55. gally leading the kids out to brenda, but when he realizes thomas never met up with her he tells her to stay and he runs back into Wicked to find him.
56. brenda keeping those kids safe with everything she’s got, even when it does mean leaving without thomas because she knows that if these kids get taken again, she’d never be able to live with herself.
57. back to thomas and friends - the whole elevator scene. priceless, honestly. thomas bumping into jansen? perfect. also gave him away probably, but it’s okay.
58. teresa and thomas’ argument in the hallway where he rips his mask off and immediately newt’s like “what’re you doing????” because if wicked sees thomas they’ll take him and newt can’t have that.
59. dumbass jansen coming and ruining everything. thomas holding a gun to teresa’s head, even though he knows he’d never be able to pull the trigger, but maybe teresa wasn’t actually sure for a moment and thought she might die? newt probably cheering this on a little bit. 
60. teresa playing middle ground again and locking them behind the glass doors, trapping them, but also giving them more time. making sure jansen knows she needs them alive.
61. minho hearing the commotion outside and realizing that he might actually have a chance at escaping and it’s enough to pull him out of his unconscious/messed up state and fight back.
62. thomas and newt fighting and constantly looking out for each other “newt get down!” “tommy get back!” and pushing him back before throwing the bomb. just having each others’ backs in general and newt fighting so hard if only to see minho one last time/save tommy.
63. minho coming and saving them by THROWING THAT GUY THROUGH THE WINDOW.
64. THE REUNION. The biggest hug of life and minho looking at them in amazement and saying “is this real” because for a brief minute he probably thought he was back in the room with wires stuck in him making him see things
65. locking themselves in that room and throwing furniture in front of the door to keep jansen out (throwback to tst!) 
66. jansen looking just totally annoyed leaning on the door while the guy comes in with the saw to open the door
67. “any ideas?” thomas’ awkward “maybe.” 
68. the scene where they throw the tank out the window and the whole shot of it falling in the water was beautiful because it was so quiet too omg
69. the three boys looking out the window like.. here we go. and the silent exchanges/thoughts probably going on in their heads?? thomas like “okay, okay, it’s doable. i have to get these two out of here no matter what.” and minho like “jesus i did not think i’d be doing this” and eyeing newt briefly. and newt just overall “well i’ve done it before” and also “well, if tommy says this is the plan, this is it.” because he’d FOLLOW HIM ANYWHERE, EVEN OUT OF A WINDOW.  -- also, it should be noted that minho doesn’t have shoes in all of this, poor boy running around on broken glass all day. christ.
70. when the saw starts along the door and you see newt’s slo-mo turn. epic.
71. the pep talk!!! “we’re all bloody inspired” !!!!!!!! snarky!newt and book!newt in one! and thomas’ brief look at him like “cut me some slack.”
72. jansen breaking through and the boys just not hesitating at all and going for it and minho yelling thomas’ name when they jump!!
73. jansen almost falling out of the window himself did anyone catch that? and then aiming to shoot and realizing it was futile while also thinking “these fucking kids....” lmao
74. the return of thomas flipping off jansen.
75. jansen saying he wants everyone finding thomas immediately and the other guard saying they were on it and they’ve got eyes already on the bus and jansen stops and is like “what bus?” LIKE... HIS MIND WAS PROBABLY LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME WTF ELSE DID THOMAS DO?
76. cut to badass brenda! when she gets stopped and leaves the bus and tells the kids to stay on and then stops and comes back and is like “you’re all doing great.” like!!!! <3
77. FRYPAN COMING TO SAVE THE DAY. That whole scene lifting the bus oh my god. frypan apologizing when he bangs the bus into the side of the wall. the absolute fear in brenda’s eyes when the bus starts breaking and she realizes she might fall. but then frypan running them down as close to the ground as possible so they don’t fall from that height! so great.
78. “out of service”
79. our trio getting out of the water (sidenote - minho is still without shoes and probably bleeding everywhere) and being caught and thomas’ utter “you’ve gotta be kidding me” like i know i didn’t just jump out of that window for nothing.
80. GALLY!
81. minho’s look of complete confusion at gally and thomas saying he’ll explain later but minho is still standing there in complete shock like what is happening.
82. “you guys are nuts.” lmao at gally’s reaction to them jumping out of the window. he must’ve been running around inside and heard one of the guards like “LET’S GO, THEY JUST JUMPED OUT THE WINDOW” and he was like “jesus christ thomas always doing dumb shit”
83. them running for cover behind a small wall and newt coughing like hell and minho suddenly realizing that his best friend is Not Okay. “hey how’re you feeling” “bloody terrible, but it’s good to see you again minho.” TEARS EVERYWHERE.
84. minho being so concerned and asking thomas how long newt had been like that and thomas struggling on how to tell minho and minho probably realizing that even cranking out like he was, newt pushed himself to be there and save minho.
85. ps in the background of this little exchange between minho and thomas, you see newt open his jacket and grab the necklace - possibly making sure it was still there and didn’t come off in the water. :) :) :) :) :) :(
86. “gally i don’t get it, why are you helping us? i put a spear through your chest.” “yeah well, nobody’s perfect.” minho and gally!!!!!!!!! minho was the only one who stood up for gally in the fever code they were friends first and this little exchange just made my heart hurt.
87. thomas and minho (still barefoot???) carrying newt throughout the streets of the city and gally having their back the entire time.
89. teresa finding the cure!
90. brenda and fry getting back and realizing nobody was there and there was probably a big chance that thomas and them might have been captured and all they could do was wait.
91. the crank bombs. the scene of that crank (forgot his name because i’m the worst..) riding into the building with the bombs how epic
92. the explosion and gally’s utter shock of it. “it was just supposed to be the building, not the entire city.” and thomas being like it’s okay let’s just go and gally still just panicking like “oh my god we’re destroying the city, this is not what i wanted, what have i messed up this time” gally just keeps feeling so much guilt for everything and i’m not okay
93. the breakout of the war between everyone in the city and our four boys just constantly struggling to find cover and finally thomas radios brenda and is like “we’re not gonna make it” and brenda is like “we’re not leaving you. i’m not leaving you so forget it.” and NOW WHO CAN’T LEAVE PEOPLE BRENDA I’M CRYING.
94. the boys running to the tunnels and gally turning and saying “we’re almost there newt” and the poor boy saying “just leave me” I MEAN????
95. as they’re crouched low again and thomas realizes that newt is almost fully cranked and they’re not gonna make it and he tells minho - their fastest runner - to get the serum. gally immediately saying he’ll cover him - which i believe 100% he would protect him with his life, if only it meant some sort of release from the guilt of chuck 
96. newt pulling minho in by the collar and telling him thank you. what a LOADED thank you. everything from the maze, being his friend, protecting them in the scorch, giving newt a second change at life. i’m in tears, son.
97. jorge coming with the berg and vince’s return! brenda saying thomas isn’t with them and vince insisting they go get him and everyone’s hype about it.
98. newt completely zoning out and his eyes turning fully now as he actually starts cranking out. thomas’ fear as he tried to bring him back and newt finally does come back to himself and he realizes it’s now or never so he gives thomas the necklace and says THE LINE.
99. “come on newt, it’s me and you. i need you to give me everything you’ve got okay?” “okay.” AND HE FIGHTS AGAIN TO TRY TO MAKE IT. 
100. you start to see newt completely cranking out with his legs dragging and his head twitching back and forth and he’s so far gone at this point and they fall and thomas keeps trying to get him up but newt’s just on the ground at this point with zero strength
101. teresa’s voice over the loudspeaker telling thomas that he is the cure and everyone’s reactions to it - brenda, minho, etc. 
102. thomas turning around to look at newt again but newt’s standing now and when newt turns around thomas loses it because he’s gone
103. THE FIGHT. OH MY GOD. “kill me tommy” and the roars 
104. brenda BOOKING IT
105. newt’s struggle between cranking out and coming back where we see both newt and crank!newt throughout the fight - including when he jump on thomas and breathes out “i’m sorry tommy” before putting the gun to his head.
106. thomas’ look of COMPLETE FEAR when he does this so much so that he just completely smacks the gun out of the way not caring where it landed and crank!newt’s growl at him right before he takes his knife and tries to stab thomas
107. thomas just crying as he tried to keep the knife from going in his chest because he knows they just have to hold off a little longer and the serum will be there, but when the knife actually starts pressing against him he just punches and kicks newt off to the side and it probably killed him to do that but he knew he didn’t have a choice
108. when It Happens and newt’s eyes clear and he just says “tommy” before falling and i’m crying as i write this so i need to skip to the next bullet point before i dwell on this.
109. brenda running to the scene and getting there just a minute too late. feeling guilty because she didn’t run fast enough, she didn’t leave early enough, etc. and seeing newt’s body thinking that could have been her months ago if thomas hadn’t saved her life. 
110. thomas just having no words and just slowly walking away.
111. minho and fry getting to the scene and omg. frypan looking at him and probably thinking back to winston (i’m convinced these two were bffs so) 
112. Minho. Minho seeing his best friend with a knife in his chest. And his knees just buckled because he couldn’t even stand anymore. do you ever wonder how long minho knelt there in silence until fry and brenda had to step in and try to pick him up and bring him back to the berg? because i do.
113. thomas just walking into wicked because he doesn’t care anymore. that was the final straw. he won’t lose anyone else. even if it means sacrificing himself. “just let everyone else go.” 
114. having ava shot right in front of him and barely even registering what just happened. trying to fight jansen but honestly he was probably so weak and tired and mentally shot after everything with newt that he could barely fight. he puts one last effort into it, all of his hatred at everything he’s been put through, but jansen still gets the better of him because he just can’t do it anymore.
115. teresa smashing that vase over jansen’s head and trying to save thomas. she fights so hard! she gets thrown across that table like a ragdoll!
116. jansen and the gun and thomas realizes that he’s going to shoot teresa and thomas runs in front of her to push her aside because despite everything he still cares about her and he knows she was trying to do the right thing. 
117. thomas watching teresa protect him and hold off jansen until he can’t take it anymore and throws the thing. “you missed.” “did i?”
118. jansen getting eaten alive by cranks amirite???
119. teresa and thomas running on top of the building as the city burns around them and they realize that this might actually be it and it’s over. and teresa feeling so, so guilty for everything. “i tried, tom, i tried.” “i know.” 
120. the berg! working to get thomas onto the platform and teresa pushing him up because he has to be saved no matter what, because he’ll save everyone. slipping the cure in his pocket, making sure he takes it with him.
121. thomas’ face when he realizes teresa isn’t going to come aboard, that she’s accepted her fate.
122. teresa’s fall!!!! oh my goodness. what a beautiful shot, cinematically.
123. thomas now lying on the berg practically bleeding to death, his last thoughts probably being about newt and teresa and the last half hour or so he’d just gone through.
124. minho probably seeing that thomas is shot and freaking out because there is no way he is losing both of his best friends today - not when the only reason they’re here is because they came to save him. (also, is minho still barefoot? i hope there were shoes on the berg for this poor boy..)
125. the safe haven! thomas walking out and seeing everyone and him and minho embrace and i just cry every time i think about it.
126. vince’s speech and The Rock for everyone to come make their peace.
127. minho giving the necklace back to thomas, probably not even realizing what it was, what it meant.
128. thomas finding the note and realizing its a letter and immediately folding it and dropping his head because he can’t believe that’s what this was. in his last moments, newt made sure thomas took this with him and thomas had no idea what it even was when he took it, probably thinking “okay sure yeah i’ll hold your necklace, whatever this is i’ve got it” possibly wondering if it was just cranked out newt or if it was actually something important.
129. The. Letter.  Not getting into detail here. You all know it. I can’t talk about it yet. Not yet.
130. Seeing Minho be the one to carve Newt’s name into the stone. I bawled.
131. Thomas carving Teresa’s name into it, because despite everything, she worked hard to save him and get him to where he was, and in the end, she did find the cure. She deserves to be remembered for that.
132. Seeing Sonya Harriet and Aris together again! Group B trio!
133. When they show the stone you see all of the names. Chuck - do you think Gally wrote in chuck’s name as a little release? What about Alby? Maybe Minho? I’m calling it now that Fry wrote Winston’s name.  They still had Ben’s name - I’m saying Minho wrote Ben’s name, because back in the glade they ran together, and he probably still misses him so often.  Rachel’s name is there, probably from Aris. There are so many names, so many stories unheard. But you think about everyone in the safe haven and all of these people they lost and it just hurts. 
134. the last words of the entire trilogy being “goodbye mate. Newt.” and how those words spoke to every single one of us.
feel free to add more bits.
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Ali & Carly
Ali: ⚰ knock knock Ali: do i need to get the ouija out Carly: yea Carly: tho bit late to ghost the lad in my bed Carly: idk who he is Ali: 🤠 put on a disguise Ali: like whomst Ali: beats having to leave your own gaff Ali: tho it is a crime scene Carly: got love bites from my arse to my elbow Carly: is he a vamp or what like Carly: i taste good i kno Carly: [sends photographic evidence] Ali: bitch Ali: are you anaemic?! Ali: leech sounds more like it but is he sparkly with good hair Carly: bitch its too early for words i cant spell wtf Carly: he is sparkling but thats my shine ha Carly: the hair is a no Ali: low on iron, probs, i'll get you some iron tablets Ali: taste like blood, don't tell your bedmate, he won't wanna leave Ali: party's over n sharing ain't caring Ali: someone's feeling herself this morning Ali: here for it Ali: I've already been left so that's a no to me Carly: party only ended when i passed out a few hours ago Carly: so yea Carly: was fun Carly: baby no come over Ali: was whilst it lasted for me too but you know Ali: duty calls Ali: you sure Ali: don't wanna break it up if you're good to go again Carly: yea Carly: not scared to go hard on site cuz garda are to come around Carly: i am but hes snoring Carly: & boring Carly: come Ali: perks Ali: check he's not bumped his head Ali: they'd have to come if a normie went missing Carly: nah he has to go before he goes for a slash in my bed Carly: lads are ming Ali: want me to forward that to lene Ali: make her day Ali: steal my girl Carly: do Carly: never seen her party before Carly: weird Ali: Yeah Ali: she can hang but Ali: you know, other shit on her mind Ali: work being one of 'em Ali: thank god I ain't working today Carly: & i cant get a job Carly: ha Carly: can get rid of this boy easy tho Carly: hold on Ali: another skill for the CV Carly: yea Carly: better not have knocked me up Carly: not cute Ali: Umm Ali: you need to go to the pharmacy Carly: theres so much shit on the floor i cant tell whats us & whats party Carly: idc Carly: idk Carly: ill ask him Ali: Lemme know Ali: if I could pick it up for you I would Ali: guess I can, put on a oscar winning show for the nosy bitch in there Ali: Ma will die Carly: ha Carly: its k he wouldnt have gone near me w out Carly: quoted Ali: what a prick Ali: better not be there when i show up cunt Carly: hes leaving Carly: screaming him awake will do that like Carly: ha Ali: what he get for passing out 🤷 Ali: coulda shaved his eyebrows off like Carly: next time maybe Ali: get out the sharpie and all Ali: now it's a party Carly: need your artsy talents tho Carly: me just hold up i need my baby Ali: you got it covered babe Ali: i believe in you Carly: aw Carly: i gotta clean me & this place need belief Ali: how long are your rents away and are there enough stragglers we can rope in Ali: twatface not included, bye Carly: idk but yea theres lads everywhere Carly: mattress is covered Ali: 👏 Ali: put 'em to work Carly: while i lie here k Ali: hmm Ali: no bitch Ali: i know you're princess 'round these parts but still Ali: carriage is back to being a pumpkin sweetie Carly: but im 🤒 Ali: you're hanging Ali: can't claim morning sickness now bitch Ali: chop chop Carly: ha Carly: k bitch Carly: honeymoon over yea Ali: will be if your 'rents come back to this and murder you Carly: idc Carly: be sweet to me Ali: awh baby Ali: only playing tough love Ali: thinking i'm spending too much time with my gf? Carly: yea Carly: i missed you when she stole you away Ali: how dare she 😜 Ali: missed you too tho Carly: youre mine Carly: married you first Carly: & you didnt say bye to me 😢 Ali: are you sure Ali: 'cos I ain't Ali: but how unforgivably rude 😰 Carly: id remember Carly: never forget my boo Ali: baby Carly: you can make it up to me tho Ali: oh yeah? Ali: lemme guess, feed u grapes whilst you recline Carly: nah just be here Ali: easy Ali: got to yoga first but then i'll be there Ali: went too hard with the dancing last night obvs Carly: k ill shower that lad off me Carly: i think you went just right baby Ali: too descriptive babe 😬😂 Ali: calm down with your creative ways Carly: ha Carly: you should hear me sext Carly: so good Ali: sure Ali: maybe works on the straight boys 😉 Carly: not trying to work on anyone else Carly: tell your gf if shes gonna come for me Ali: you're alright, not her type Ali: I barely am Ali: 50% like Carly: shit odds Carly: that why shes so angry Ali: as shit as yours Ali: just in reverse Ali: not saying you're both wrong but Carly: k Carly: cant all be perfect babe Carly: thats just you Ali: 💁 Carly: you kno Ali: ugh my brother's being so annoying Ali: bitch i'm coming down i will fight you Carly: which 1 Ali: dancing one Carly: hes fun Ali: glad you think so Ali: send him over instead yeah Carly: you come here & stay at yours Carly: i'll Ali: alright Ali: you're getting a rough deal soz Carly: why Ali: 'cos he's usually the alright one, so if he's testing me, wait 'til the rest rock up Carly: idc i can sleep through anything Ali: be my guest Carly: but i want you to be mine Carly: had to share last nite Ali: you done w sharing? Carly: yea Carly: im mad Ali: aww Ali: pouty princess Carly: [sends a pouty selfie] Carly: cuz its better when you stay Ali: you're so cute Ali: it's rude and i object Carly: just for you my baby Ali: 😏 such a tease Carly: nah Carly: you can have anything you want Ali: yeah yeah Ali: anything you want from the shops Carly: theres nothing here Carly: i cant do that to you Ali: okay, i'll get breakfast and cleaning shit Carly: theres no money tho Ali: i don't mind Ali: s'only breakfast Ali: IOU if you want but honestly Carly: you're too good to me & for me boo Ali: nah i'm not Ali: no one deserves to be treated like shit the morning after Carly: got me crying Ali: baby Ali: don't be sad Carly: come down is a bitch but youre an angel Ali: 💚 i know Ali: you've survived it many a time before though, you'll be okay Ali: especially when you get some food and hugs Carly: yea Carly: shouldve invited your brother to my party Carly: what a bitch i am Ali: no no, he ain't here, just blowing up my phone being dumb Ali: you're alright, sure you'll meet him when summers out and he's out on town being fabulous Carly: k didnt fuck up the 1st impression Carly: love the gays Carly: your gf excluded like Ali: he's stalked your socials and liked what he's seen Ali: not in a creepy way 'cos gay, of course Ali: awh 😂 why can't we all get along Carly: he can add me i wont send him nudes Carly: cuz she looks at me like she was willing me to hang this hard Ali: oh good to know 😜 Ali: not letting him though, he chats shite and if he's gonna I need to vet it Ali: deal with it boy, crazy posessive wife like Ali: she's just angry with me Carly: idk who lads are if i cant id them in my usual and not seen his dick Carly: my bad if nudes go where they shouldnt Carly: whats he saying about me Carly: who could be angry at you too beautiful Ali: me either for a while, like Ali: feel it's unfair to describe it from memory of having to bath together Ali: awks Ali: just that you're cute Ali: n fun, of course Ali: and a hoe with it 😜 so her, easily lol Carly: aw Carly: but you didnt snog ronan last nite he werent there Ali: nah but she thinks i'm making a twat out of myself with you Ali: tragic straight girl crush, like Carly: cant have a crush on your missus Carly: weve gone beyond it Carly: real love Ali: yeah Ali: but you know Carly: she thinks were gonna fuck Carly: 3way would sort that Ali: exactly Ali: can't on principle Ali: and even if we whack out the strapon, no real dick for you so Carly: list where ive been Carly: puts loads of people off Carly: she'll know youre not trying to get w me Ali: i'm not gonna do you like that Ali: fuck that Carly: idc Carly: do what youve gonna do boo Ali: i know you don't Ali: but i do Ali: fuck those people who are just mad they weren't higher up in the list Ali: s'why you weren't so jog on Carly: stop being so nice to me Carly: if youre mean she'll forget her jealousy Ali: i don't want to Ali: i can handle it Ali: if she can't then Ali: that's that, isn't it Carly: yea Carly: but i dont wanna start shit for you Ali: trust, you didn't start this Ali: it's easier for her to pretend that's all it is Ali: that's all Carly: k Carly: if i was a lad id be fucked wouldnt i Ali: probably Ali: don't agree with that, it'd be the same but it'd be different in how she'd be able to deal, yeah Carly: thank god i grew some tits Ali: 😂 Ali: good job babe Carly: my ma was made up as well Carly: took a while like Carly: cant let her get the album out cuz i look like a lad Carly: pretty one tho Ali: you were always cute Ali: i remember Ali: grew into your ears and all 😉 Carly: aw Carly: do you tho? Ali: yeah, 'course Carly: you were always scrapping Carly: shouldve got w your gf then she'd like you more Ali: 😬 let us not think of how troubling the age gap woulda seemed then Ali: must've thought i was a right scouse stereotype Ali: bitches deserved it tho Carly: i thought you were cute Carly: & brave Carly: i was always behind my ma's legs Ali: like my sister Ali: I was always down for the more the merrier but her and Laoise said coven's had to be three so Ali: 🔮 number and all Ali: and tbh Laoise weren't that thrilled Ro was there, like Carly: black magic vibes from her forever Ali: legit Ali: shoulda been scrapping with her, like Carly: yea or fucking her first bf but i got there before you Carly: idk how she knew tho cuz he didnt tell anyone Ali: never lose that sixth sense, babe Ali: esp. when concerning keeping a man 🙄 Carly: did her a favor he was shit Carly: didnt have a clue what he was doing Carly: thought every virgin binge watched porn like Ali: 😂 Ali: have you ever binge watched? you're learning nothing of value from that shite Carly: yea but when youre bored youre bored Ali: I hear ya Ali: always bored Carly: me too Carly: & this sex drive isnt set for a cry wank or eye fuck Carly: no offence ma and da Ali: can't take it personally, lads Ali: ain't there's to try and control Carly: they gotta txt me back so i kno when they are coming home Carly: wtf got you two so busy Ali: all that sex they ain't having Carly: porn binge watch Carly: tho my dad likes reading his Ali: Can't beat a sticky page Ali: lost arm form Ali: art, lmao Ali: sure his form is grand Carly: doctor like howd you lose that arm Carly: epic cry wank Ali: 💪 on the right Ali: limp noodle on the other Carly: hot Ali: that's your father you're talking about Ali: no need to be that stereotypical Carly: shit my bad Ali: 😂 Ali: i love you bitch Carly: I love you too Carly: loads Carly: im mad at you again tho Ali: why what have i done>!> Carly: some1 came round the doorway & i thought it was you so i opened up but nah Carly: enjoy the eyeful lads Ali: oh babe Ali: 😏 bless you Carly: not gonna put clothes on for my girl Carly: waste of time Ali: obvs, charm you out so quick Ali: least it weren't the postie, or was it Ali: Ma reckons we were gonna get complaints, as if mother Carly: lad did deliver for me Carly: not letters tho Carly: least id showered Ali: gotta replenish Ali: you chasing off your comedown rn tho Carly: cant outrun that bitch Carly: some of the mas on site are mad tho you can tell yours Carly: state of their sons my bad Carly: should've kept em in if you were bothered Ali: oh great Ali: no you can't speak to the manager, piss off helen Carly: ha Carly: my da is gonna be in such a mood when he hears Carly: sorry you missed out Ali: parents Ali: not like anyone died Ali: calm it everyone Carly: dont want me to fuck on site dont want me to go off it Carly: talk sense Carly: other day you were trying to marry me off da Ali: just 'cos it brings people to his door Ali: soz to take you away from all the cranking but Carly: yea Carly: sorry im not hiding in the back like w i was little Ali: yeah Ali: too big for the caravan now baby Ali: need your own, how much is it to rent Carly: theyre on about it but the state on this one might change their minds Carly: im cleaning as fast as i can k Ali: we're gonna sort it, i am omw swear Ali: and i'm a parent pleaser so Ali: do the rounds, sweettalk to mothers Carly: he'll just take me back to the doctors like take her off the tablets shes too outgoing now thx Carly: another of your talents boo Ali: when the meds work TOO well Ali: but of course Carly: if he was around hed kno how shit they are Carly: ha Ali: 😔 Ali: baby Carly: its k just gotta double down Carly: pro now Ali: 💚 Carly: style the freakout out cuz ima bad bitch Carly: facts and talents Ali: no lies Ali: the baddest Carly: what we doing today that isnt boring Ali: you mean you ain't buzzing to make like kim and aggy Ali: rude, i'm living Carly: do anything w you but Carly: can only check you out every time you bend Ali: cheeky Ali: appaz imma check all of you out, like Carly: what you dont wanna Carly: your gf will be sad shes so wrong Ali: didn't say that but yeah Ali: hate to make her admit that as well, like Carly: ill tell her Ali: you gonna snitch on me Ali: 🍯 Carly: nah jk Carly: i like annoying her tho Ali: i know Ali: it is funny Ali: not taking sides but lol Carly: taking mine i kno Ali: shh Ali: there's no right or wrong here, babe Carly: k but you love me more Ali: its different Carly: maybe Ali: maybe huh Carly: idk she dont think it is Ali: yeah Ali: but we know the truth Carly: fact is we're ruling this place together Carly: no surprise shes jealous Ali: if the 👑 fits like Ali: soz babe Carly: & we fit Carly: cant fight it Ali: nope Ali: if it works it works Carly: yea & you work it better than anyone babe Ali: oh you Ali: save it for all the Ma's you gotta say soz to Ali: 💋 Carly: ha Carly: mine will kick my arse out if she gets on one better leave the mattress where it is Ali: not gonna come to that but always room for a lil one at ours Ali: i got you Carly: aw Carly: never had a sleepover when i was a kid Ali: 😧 then you gotta Ali: tbh they weren't all that always but you know mine were the best Carly: yea no doubt Carly: all the magic Ali: exactly, midnight snacks and scaring the shit out of each other Ali: can tell you who you gonna marry if you've got a tea light, like Carly: thats easy tho Carly: no1 Ali: alright then, excluding the fact we already is so rude, tbh Ali: i'll tell you who you next gonna bang Ali: same diff Carly: youre just gonna say you Carly: smooth Ali: please Ali: gimme some credit 😂 Carly: now i gotta kno Ali: we'll do it when i get there Ali: which will be soon Ali: got stuck chatting to an old lady in the shop Ali: assume she can't see or she'd have avoided me like hell 😂 bless her Carly: if its ronan again or his cousin dont tell me Carly: aw so cute Carly: youre the sweetest & prettiest ever Ali: i'll casually throw the wax in the bin like nothing to see here Ali: not this morning baby but 1/2 ain't bad #stillgotit Carly: tell me you see my death & run like k bye Carly: every morning Ali: you'd rather your literal death? they ain't THAT bad, predictable but like, damn Ali: that's some shade, feel the burn, lads Ali: so are you cutie Carly: idk but over ronan hard Carly: hes being such an arsehole to me Carly: cba Ali: don't Ali: ignore his Carly: yea but like im gonna see him even if i do Carly: fucking site life Ali: i kno but blank him Ali: nothing talks louder Ali: or if you gotta, be proper polite like he's a stranger Carly: ha yea Carly: amazing Ali: childish but so is he so Ali: two can play at that game Carly: youre right i kno Carly: ive deleted his txts so i cant show you but its k cuz youd be sad Carly: or mad Ali: i'm sure i could guess the gist Ali: you can tell me if you wanna talk about it though, i promise i won't go ripshit Carly: idc Carly: ive known him long so i didnt think hed go that hard but thats what lads are like Carly: he fucks around more than me too Ali: he's a hypocrite Ali: just 'cos he knows other lads can do it better Ali: he's just insecure, babe, ignore him Carly: i need a holiday from here Carly: but ma & da never take me w Ali: shit considering how many times they manage Ali: cut a hol off and you'd have enough funds lads Ali: maybe we can Carly: i did kick off last time cuz they didnt refill my prescription Carly: went crazy like Carly: wouldnt want that girl there either Ali: not your fault, that, though Ali: you were literally off your meds Carly: that they reckon i dont need tho Ali: if you didn't then you wouldn't act like that without Ali: simple as Carly: never thought of that Ali: we'll go, i promise Ali: even if it ain't far Carly: lets camp Carly: marshmallows are the shit Ali: hell yeah! Ali: let's find a cave forreal Carly: YEA Carly: dont fall over tho Ali: do my best 😂 Carly: you gotta Carly: only scaring me w ghost stories or whatever Ali: promise Carly: k we'll go Carly: 💙 Ali: 💚 done and done Ali: do you wanna bring anyone else or Carly: got my fave coming Carly: do you Ali: nah Ali: just wanna take you exploring Carly: k Carly: then you can Ali: 👌 Carly: id go now so whenever you want boo Ali: soon Ali: i'll work it out Carly: i kno Carly: got the belief Ali: 🔮 Carly: should get dressed or nothing'll get done Ali: awh Ali: you knew i just got here Carly: they arent on yet Carly: not that fast Ali: jk Ali: find me on the mattress when you're decent bitch Carly: baby no Carly: youll catch something off that Ali: sitting on the carrier bag Ali: always thinking Carly: so smart
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Jac & Jesse
Jac: She told you yet?
Jesse: Yeah
Jac: Today?
Jesse: just now near enough
Jac: Same
Jac: nice to know she’s not taking it on tour, I suppose
Jac: probably cc’d us all in with the same template text
Jesse: probably
Jac: So
Jac: you have nothing to say on this then?
Jesse: I’ve said it to her
Jac: Right so I’m just excluded from the conversation or
Jesse: you don’t need telling what a bad idea it is, everything she reckons she’s gonna do
Jac: Someone needs to tell her who she’ll actually listen to then
Jac: You could ask nan to
Jesse: Alright
Jac: Do you think she already has?
Jac: I’m sure she told nan ages ago
Jesse: sounds like her, she always has told nan everything first
Jac: I’m surprised she told us on the same day
Jac: it was one of the things she threw in my face before
Jac: guess your response was never going to be enthused enough though
Jesse: said she told you before me, must’ve reckoned she could come to me off the back of it and I’d hear she was upset and go easy or something
Jesse: give her my blessing
Jac: with her precedent atm
Jac: one of her less stupid plans
Jac: she really did expect baby showers and push presents huh
Jesse: she can’t be far off that at home, dunno what the fuck our parents are playing at
Jac: I don’t know where to start with them
Jac: as much as she’d LOVE me to start on the whole family so I can be the villain of her tale
Jac: Was this not the hill mum was living and dying on? See nan, Edie, Rio
Jac: She couldn’t say much about Bobby but come on
Jesse: right, it’s such bollocks
Jesse: one rule for Jude as per, but it’s going a bit far this time
Jac: They’ll be the ones paying for it, in literally every way
Jac: They haven’t even stopped looking after Cammie yet
Jac: no offence to her but it’s true
Jesse: Cammie’d be the last one to take offense, she knows it’s true an’ all
Jesse: do those two even know yet or what?
Jac: I’ll ask Cam later
Jac: I assume so, it’s not like she is capable of keeping quiet ever
Jac: we only don’t know because we aren’t there, I’m sure
Jesse: Jude talks at me loads, she could’ve fucking said
Jac: Probs worried you wouldn’t give her VIP or some other tragic cliche
Jesse: When you coming home?
Jac: I seriously don’t know now
Jac: I will flip out on them if I come back any time soon
Jac: but you were going to be home for your birthday, right? I’ll do that but I just
Jac: yeah
Jesse: I dunno where to put myself or how to calm down either
Jesse: I was but there’s nowt to celebrate now, is there? It’s a pisstake to even bother
Jac: I know
Jac: I’m trying to accept the fact she won’t change her mind because I know she’s that stupid and will double down
Jac: but what does that mean for the rest of us
Jac: she said she’d leave when I came back, like she was doing me a favour
Jac: oh let’s keep that up forever then, cheers Jude, top idea
Jesse: Probably already had the idea to move herself into nan’s is why
Jesse: fuck’s sake, everything was starting to go good for all of us
Jac: Oh God, you just know she wants nan to raise it ‘with’ her
Jac: it’d be a fucking joke if it wasn’t our family
Jac: it’s no wonder everyone chats shit, never blamed them, not going to start on her behalf
Jac: Well, I won’t blame you if you don’t come back for your bday either, probably a million more fun things you could do
Jesse: don’t mind me trying to get recognised for the songs I’ve been working on for fucking ages instead of how weird my family are
Jac: If Sav wasn’t here and would find it super weird of me, I’d definitely pretend none of you existed and my family was as non-eventful as everyone else’s
Jac: It is so refreshing to be here and have no one relating any stories they’ve heard to my name/face
Jesse: I’m buzzing for you, no sarcasm
Jac: You’ll have to cross your fingers for going stateside and never coming back, clearly
Jesse: 🤞
Jac: She really thinks she can monopolize the fam now though
Jac: no attention or room for us now, soz
Jesse: I’ll 🤞 the other two still get a bit of a look in but
Jac: I’m sure if they don’t indulge her they’ll be made to feel as awkward
Jac: only place she won’t see a screaming kid is at her mums, guess you’re gonna help solidify that one relationship, Jude 👏
Jac: fuck’s sake
Jesse: forget going home, here’s where I’ll be and when if you want me
Jesse: [a list of gigs and stuff like]
Jesse: they’re old enough now to come to the nearby towns if they need out of it
Jac: you needn’t think I’m going to pay to see you
Jac: someone has to make sure you don’t get an ego 😏
Jac: you should do Sligo, I’m going there first and I know Sav would love a reason to be out of her dad’s
Jesse: alright, I’ll set something up
Jesse: sort out some country songs for the locals, like
Jac: isn’t that your whole thing already? 🤔
Jac: either way, sure she’ll find something polite to say now you’re in-laws, like
Jesse: be worth more than the cover charges for both of you to hear her have a go, priceless that
Jac: I’ve heard her on the phone to her dad enough to know she can sell faked enthusiasm and kindness, trust me 😅
Jesse: she’ll need it if she runs into her ex 🤞 he ain’t a fan, there are a weird amount of rich lads who listen to me
Jac: rich fans are good fans, surely
Jac: don’t be all bob dylan about it
Jac: speaking of exes, did you ask Jude about hers?
Jac: I had more pressing shit I had to say
Jesse: Yeah, I don’t reckon anyone else knows that bit
Jesse: she couldn’t get her words out on the phone, barely understood her on the first go
Jac: Did she call you or did you call her?
Jesse: I don’t call anybody
Jac: Typical her! 🙄
Jac: Did that for affect because she text me first
Jac: The dramatics
Jesse: never heard her like that, but it turns out I was right to be worried on this one, not like when she [insert some chaotic past event that wasn’t as dramatic as he thought it was going to be lol]
Jac: well she should be upset on this one too
Jac: I would be if I was ruining my life
Jac: like take the hint, if everyone is reacting poorly, it’s probably a bad idea
Jesse: Yeah
Jesse: do you wanna hear about him? It’ll piss you off, it really did me
Jac: Obviously, I was going to ask him myself but then I remembered he didn’t ‘do’ socials, or something else pretentious that obviously made her 😍 like a total braindead
Jesse: He’s got a girlfriend at his school he’s had the whole time he were seeing Jude, that’ll be why he don’t
Jac: That’s so obvious when you think about it
Jac: Wow, and she’s really gonna do this to confirm how dumb she is? Ouch
Jac: I just thought he was lame like all the boys she’s ever liked
Jesse: an even bigger twat 🏆
Jac: Her life is literally not going to be worth living when everyone finds out
Jac: Sure loads of them already knew about him beforehand
Jac: who doesn’t have social media, come on
Jac: and he wants nothing to do with her or it, she can have the 🏆
Jac: I don’t even fucking know
Jac: I know she doesn’t know what she wants from life
Jac: but going all in with a kid isn’t the move regardless, but especially not just because she’s a mess and fuck it
Jac: I’d hope the parents would be being a bit more proactive but I don’t know why they aren’t anyway
Jesse: Her and him were on about going to the same uni, she said, he’s obviously promised her all sorts he weren’t gonna bother doing
Jac: Give me strength
Jac: and she falls for that?
Jac: from a lad who doesn’t let her take pictures of him
Jac: in case his actual girlfriend sees
Jac: If anything this should be a sign to sort your life, not fuck it up
Jesse: I should’ve been about more, I didn’t know she needed this much watching, that she was so
Jac: Naive would be the politest word
Jac: She’s a child, I’ve said it a thousand times before and it isn’t just an insult
Jac: she’s literally, factually, immature
Jesse: I’m a lad, I don’t get it and can’t say it far as everyone reckons, but this is such a bad idea
Jac: You can say it
Jac: Abortion doesn’t just exist for evil, heartless whores
Jac: At least someone will look after it for her, as much as it’d be a decent lesson, not actually going to let the thing and her die in a ditch, like
Jesse: Broke my rule and called her back just and she ain’t answering
Jesse: immature is right
Jac: If you’re worried, call the parents
Jesse: I don’t wanna talk to either of them
Jac: yeah well I don’t wanna be a fucking auntie
Jac: if you ever get someone pregnant, don’t claim it
Jac: gross
Jesse: have that chat with Cammie and Jameson, way things are going
Jac: Cam actually listens to me and Jame listens to her
Jac: I’m not concerned
Jesse: You can leave it out with your concern for me, I don’t have time to drink a ☕️ you saw how booked up I am
Jac: Good
Jac: it’s not like how it used to be
Jac: one wrong move and your career is over
Jac: fucking groupies is definitely a hangable offence, it’s not the 70s
Jesse: Tah for that
Jac: Just saying
Jac: what would you do then, Mr Too-Good-For-A-Formal-Education? 😏
Jac: Your poor life choices do pale in comparison now though, better thank her later
Jesse: 👍
Jesse: if she ever answers I’ll crack out a bit of 👏 and she’ll love it
Jesse: [deets for whatever cool Sligo thing he’s already organising] this work for you?
Jac: It should do
Jac: What else is going to be there to do, really
Jac: and I don’t think the welcome wagon will be rolling out for me
Jesse: I can chuck on a couple of down days after if you want, hang about, know Sav’s my biggest fan
Jac: Just because she doesn’t think you’re some kind of musical genius
Jac: you never even talked to her before, probably, it’s a fair shout
Jac: you’ll have to now, like
Jesse: I probably couldn’t get a word in when I tried, more like
Jac: ‘Cos you’re SUCH a talker
Jac: you’re my brother and it’s like getting blood from a stone
Jesse: You're one to talk, dickhead
Jac: Oh sure, use that against me 😏
Jac: just saying, be nice, yeah?
Jesse: I've never not been to any of your mates, you're thinking of Jude
Jac: She’s not just my mate though
Jesse: and I ain’t gonna just be a prick to her out the blue
Jac: Thanks
Jac: You aren’t going to be her least favourite now, that’s for sure
Jesse: her sister’s mates with Jude, yeah? Wonder if she’ll still be after this
Jac: She’s going travelling and then Uni
Jac: I doubt she’ll have time for her teen mum antics, she might keep some mates in her own year, again, until they go away and start their lives
Jac: She’s resigned herself to getting left behind
Jac: with all the other people who won’t get out
Jesse: Sav’s dad’s letting her go travelling? He’s changed
Jac: She’s the youngest
Jac: she gets away with all the things he wishes Sav still couldn’t
Jesse: how’s her mum?
Jac: She still calls a lot
Jac: She needs to find more support so she doesn’t rely on Sav as much
Jac: but better
Jesse: I get why Sav wouldn’t wanna not answer, in case
Jac: Yeah, of course
Jac: but she can’t keep doing it forever
Jac: nor with her father
Jesse: must be a knackering headfuck for her
Jac: Mhmm, I feel really bad for putting all this on her
Jesse: What’s her fave song, I’ll avoid butchering it for her at the show?
Jac: [I’m sure you have a list I do not lmao]
Jesse: [that’s such a good point though like what the fuck would she even listen to when it’s not her ambient study playlist lol]
Jesse: 👌
Jac: Have you done the maths on the kid though
Jesse: sounds like you have
Jesse: go on
Jac: Near Christmas
Jac: Couldn’t be worse timing
Jesse: Fuck
Jesse: do I need to break my rule and call you now an’ all?
Jac: I’m alright now
Jac: Sav really looked after me
Jesse: alright, I’ll be nice to her
Jac: Thank you
Jac: She isn’t how you remember her, we’re all older now
Jesse: everyone except Jude
Jac: as per
Jac: I’m not going to help her play dollies, I’ll tell you that
Jac: I’ve got a whole summer planned
Jesse: same
Jac: Guess I’ll see you in Sligo then
Jac: If her dad doesn’t off me
Jesse: never get his own hands dirty
Jac: Encouraging, Jess
Jesse: if she ain’t told him about you by now she’s not gonna let it slip at the dinner table, just don’t get caught
Jac: It’s not just that
Jac: He still hates me from the Is stuff, I’m sure of it
Jesse: It weren’t your fault what happened to Is
Jac: Yeah but that’s literally the main reason/excuse he had for taking Savannah away, so if anyone isn’t over it and ready to play the blame game
Jesse: Then he should be thanking you for the chance to take over her life if anything
Jac: I won’t hold my breath on that score
Jac: I’m just nervous
Jesse: I get it, but Sav’s not gonna let him be a dick to you
Jac: I already know I don’t like him, she doesn’t
Jac: but I need to be civil, I’m not going to make anything harder for her, not the point
Jac: but 😒
Jesse: you’ve had massive amounts of practice at keeping your mouth shut and looking after her
Jesse: 🏆
Jac: At least I let off some steam with Jude
Jac: The tiniest silver-lining ever but hey
Jac: and it did mean I told Sav about my baby, because yeah, that had never come up
Jesse: It went alright? You said she’d looked after you
Jac: As well as it could
Jac: I should’ve trusted her more
Jesse: easy to say, even for us 🤐 dickheads
Jac: She’s never given me reason not to
Jac: and she’s proved herself even more than she already had before
Jac: I guess I’ll get better at it
Jesse: sounds like you already are
Jac: I hope so
Jac: some of us are still going for aspirational, like
Jesse: no need to 🤞 for you then
Jac: What’s she going to do
Jac: no one under the age of 30 considers dating someone with a child
Jesse: might do her a favour to stay single how she picks ‘em
Jac: See if any nunnery will take her, good idea
Jesse: but she’ll probably just go for a 30+ man instead, like
Jac: 🤮
Jesse: could be she were throwing up when she didn’t answer her phone, good point
Jac: It’s grim
Jac: It’s making me feel sick just thinking about it
Jesse: I’m gonna have a go at giving her a ring back
Jac: Alright
Jesse: if I get through, I’ll let you know before she does
Jac: Sure thing
Jac: I have nothing more to say to her right now
Jesse: in a bit then
Jac: Tell me what she says though
Jesse: yeah, obviously
Jac: She won’t reach out to me again, I’m aware
Jesse: might not to me either
Jac: You’d have to go some to have said anything near the level I did, don’t worry
Jesse: Don’t usually get fuming at her though, do I? Has more !!! when I do
Jac: Not a competition
Jesse: never said it was, just saying why she might not answer
Jac: Yeah, but let’s face it, she needs all the friends she can get
Jac: it’s an olive branch and she’s a beggar rn
Jesse: [leave and go call her for all the good we know it won’t do sir]
Jac: Did she answer?
Jac: [After a sensible period because we care but we’re not rabid lol]
Jesse: [After a while ‘cause I’m gonna say she did since he’s the one she’s closest to]
Jesse: I don’t wanna get your hopes up but she sounded less sure she were in the right, like she could change her mind
Jesse: but it’s just words for now, I dunno
Jac: It’s something
Jac: better than yeah I know I’m ruining everyone’s lives and what
Jac: clock is literally ticking though so
Jac: yeah
Jesse: she asked if I’d spoke to you, how you were and all that, I reckon some of what you said must’ve sunk in a bit
Jac: I hope you laid it on thick
Jesse: I did yeah
Jac: 👌 someone has got to stay firm with her
Jac: as the parents have failed, obvs
Jac: or you know what she’s like, 😑=😁 and we’re all 👏 for her
Jesse: sounded like she wants to talk to you again, I never weighed in 👍 or 👎 for if you would or nah, it’s up to her to sort out
Jac: I’m not going to ignore her, no sense both being childish
Jac: She can try, but you don’t need to tell her, she either will or won’t
Jesse: right
Jac: Has she realised that she’s going to be going back to school 6 months pregnant
Jac: even if she hides all summer, you can’t put a baggier jumper over that
Jesse: She can’t hack how people are talking about her ex and they don’t know the rest
Jac: She should get a job
Jac: let’s face it, when she can’t go do all the usual stupid shit her crowd do, they’ll forget about her fast
Jac: six weeks is a long time when you’re her age
Jac: at least it’d put her time to use and stop her moping about
Jesse: They’ll have her back at [whatever Pete’s record store and coffee shop where Jesse worked before he was famous is called] she’s done alright there before, customers like how full on she is
Jac: I’ll tell mum and dad to make her
Jesse: 👍
Jac: She’s going to have to show so much more willing and self-motivation if she wants anyone to hire her as a under 25s single mum
Jac: so many places don’t bother taking on teens at all now
Jac: At least she can’t get in any worse trouble now, that’s the line, right
Jesse: Unless she kicks off at someone who reckons she knew about the other girlfriend and the garda come knocking
Jac: Free abortion without the guilt 🤷‍♀️
Jac: She’s so stupid, that’s the storyline you would go with
Jac: because the alternative is no I really thought he loved me and just hated social media with a passion 🙄
Jesse: she can’t not say what’s in her head, dunno who she takes after, like
Jac: I think that’s a disorder, not genetics
Jac: let you know when I cover it
Jesse: tah
Jac: Some people don’t have an inner voice, could be her
Jac: got to narrate it all because her 🧠 is empty
Jesse: that why she don’t have any volume control on her voice either?
Jac: ruling out some deafness, maybe
Jesse: there we go then, nowt else I can do tonight
Jac: yeah
Jac: brotherly duties achieved
Jesse: You still doing okay?
Jac: ‘Course
Jesse: good
Jac: it’s going to be like this for a while
Jac: the limbo of it all
Jac: just focus on everything else and we’ll be fine
Jesse: keep adding dates ‘til I’m dead on my feet ✔️
Jac: Bingo
Jesse: Sligo’s confirmed so don’t piss off somewhere else
Jac: We’ll show
Jac: don’t need to worry about empty seats
Jesse: empty seats are the least of ‘em
Jac: No shit
Jesse: let me know if you talk to her
Jac: Will do
Jac: Okay, get to work, slacker 👋
Jesse: Will do
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