#when we know the peach emoji is a top 3 emoji for dan
philsdrivinglicence · 5 months
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twin-moons-ffxiv · 6 years
Munday meme: get to know me better!
(If you’re not comfortable doing this then dw. Copy and paste, and be sure to add in your own answers and tag some friends!)
  general info:
♡ preferred name: Vila.  I don’t like most people calling me by my RL name.
♡ age: 32
♡ pronouns: I’m nonbinary.  Prefer she/her or they/them.
♡ sexuality: Demisexual
♡ height: 5’9” or 175cm
♡ hair colour: Brown but for a while I had it dyed green.
♡ relationship status: Married.
 favourite things:
♡ favourite colour: Teal
♡ favourite song: “Can’t Help Falling in Love” Any cover, any artist, I love that song.  It’s a bit bittersweet for me now but still my favorite song..
♡ favourite band / artist: Ninja Sex Party
♡ favourite youtubers: Game Grumps.  I’m also partial to Mother’s Basement
♡ favourite food: SUSHI.  Especially eel roll.  Gotta love that sweet and savory.
♡ favourite family member: My children but don’t make me choose between them, I won’t.
♡ favourite bird: CORVIDS, but especially crows and ravens.  Such smart little birbs.
♡ favourite animal: Red Pandas!
♡ favourite celebrity:  Does Dan Avidan count?  If he doesn’t then I suppose Tom Hiddleston.
♡ favourite time of day? The time when I’m asleep but I also love any time I’m alone in the house.
♡ favourite holiday(s): Halloween
♡ favourite season:  Autumn, usually, but Florida winters are nice and mild.
♡ favourite fruit: Strawberries or Peaches
♡ favourite flower: Daffodils.
♡ favourite emoji(s):   :D or xD
♡ favourite app: Discord, Tumblr, and Mystic Messenger are my top 3 apps on my phone.
♡ favourite hobby: When I’m not roleplaying or playing video games, I like creative writing and hiking in the woods with my family.
♡ favourite country: I’d really love to visit Japan someday.
♡ favourite weather: Thunderstorms are pretty badass, especially when the thunder is really close!
♡ favourite element: As in… the four or as in periodic elements? Uh.  Fire and Mercury respectively.
♡ favourite language: Well I only speak English but I’ve slowly been trying to learn Japanese?  I’m so bad about learning Kanji though…
 name of:
♡ name of your crush: Don’t have one!
♡ name of your pet(s): Don’t have one of those either but we used to have two pet rats named Robin and Marshmallow.  
♡ name(s) of your best friend(s): Ummm… IRL there’s my husband, Mike, and my friend Chloe.  Online… well I have too many to name but I’ll give it a try.  There’s Kal, Scott, Sehn, Jho, Zarc, Qahs… and then there’s my @ mentions: @toastheaven, @ritchie-ritch, @passage-of-arms, @zakanakai, @missmeela, @bexli-nelhah, @thebaileymail (I’m sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone these are just the people I talk to the most if not EVERY day.)
 this or that?
♡ introvert or extrovert: despite being fairly outgoing online, I’m actually more introverted.  Maybe I’m an ambivert?
♡ nerdy or sassy: Nerdy.
♡ tall or short: Tall.  I’ve always been one of the tallest girls wherever I go. (I actually get a little intimidated when I meet women who are significantly taller than me)
♡ looks or personality: I prefer someone has a good personality but looks do help.
♡ homesick or traveller:  I love being a homebody but I think if I had the money I would absolutely travel more.  I don’t tend to get homesick when I travel though it always is nice to be home.
♡ musician or artist: I’ve done both and I’m not particularly amazing at either?  I played the flute in middle school and I’ve been drawing since then as well, though I don’t draw much anymore.
♡ woods or city: Woods.  Funny enough, being out in nature by myself, listening to the wind in the trees and the birds and… finding little animals and just… focusing on the moment really relaxes me.
♡ tv or youtube: Youtube.  I haven’t had cable since 2010.
♡ phone or computer: Computer, I prefer being able to type with both hands instead of my thumbs.
♡ family or money: Family, definitely, but I wish I had money.  Anyone who says money can’t buy happiness has never had to live without.
♡ books or movies: Movies but that’s only because I can’t seem to finish a whole book these days.
♡ food or sleep:  Food THEN sleep?  Eh. Depends on the food.
Tagged by: No one in particular but I did get a couple of @ mentions in other people’s posts.
Tagging:  Anyone I tagged in this post already + whoever else wants to do it.
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