#when you haaaveeee
backstabbingfarter · 7 months
New mono puff music video is so good
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moonlit-jeno · 4 years
Ivvyyyyyy caaannnn iii haaaveeee aaaaaa minijaeminheadcanonplsssssss
you and jaemin baking one day, and he gets too excited while whisking the batter and it splatters all over you. there’s a pause where jaemin freezes and looks at you all wide eyes and scared before bursting into giggles, and then you’re getting your revenge in the form of spraying him w whipped cream. you’re both a mess, the kitchens a mess, and you’ve used all the cake ingredients on each other, but you’re both giggling and jaemin finally pulls you close to kiss you, wiping some of the cream off your cheek and pushing it into your mouth. you try to clean each other up and get distracted, moving into the shower, and renjun has a breakdown at the sight of the kitchen when he comes home later
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anthonycoldwinter · 7 years
I genuinely want your perspective+not insinuating you're the type...but is it completely possible for a guy to hurt a girl and feel no remorse, regret, and completely avoid introspection and actually feel good about who he is or are some guys really good at hiding it? I've moved past my own pain and forgiven guys who seem to be numb. many of them actually. and i just dont get how or why this exists even when i create a safe for them to be honest many deny themselves the opportunity.
Yeah, I mean people in general are like that. Girls and guys. Some people just worry about how they feel and don't care about how they do people. I don't really know what to say about that other than don't become the people that hurt you. Remember how that felt and stay afloat. Sometimes I think you haaaveeee to go through bullshit to truly appreciate someone good. A lot of the time, people fuck over someone really good because they don't know what they have, and they regret it later. When you've been hurt, you hold on to someone good way tighter.I feel like I was rambling a little lol, but yeah.
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