#where did he move to hawkins from? how does someone even end up moving to hawkins of all places? where is his dad?
thefabelmans2022 · 1 year
the stranger things writers hinting at very interesting elements of dustin's life and background and psyche (like the fact that he's not originally from hawkins and he was the last member of the party to join the group (before el and max) and he has no father and a slightly codependent and dysfunctional relationship with his mother and he has low self-esteem that eventually somehow morphs into other people perceiving him as having an inflated ego) and then just. refusing to elaborate.
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
I'm not usually the audience for most kid fic content HOWEVER the idea of Eddie falling into a circumstance where he becomes the Uncle Wayne to some other kid who has nowhere else to go has me by the throat today
like. circular narratives.... hear me out....
maybe Eddie did have a sibling, a sister ten years older than him who was out of the house and as far away as she could manage before he even ended up in Hawkins with Wayne. maybe he and his sister didn't keep in touch because by the time she had her footing in the world well enough to come back and see him, Eddie was long gone already.
maybe she ends up in worse situations than he does by nature of not having a Wayne of her own to teach her what it feels like to have someone stick around for you and maybe one of those situations is ending up with a kid she's not equipped to take care of, no matter how much she tries.
she needs help, needs backup, needs someone to take this 10-year-old in and give her safety while her mother gets healthy and tries to learn what it means to be stable.
And hey, listen, Eddie Munson is 27 at this point, he's had seven years to heal from the bullshit Hawkins put him through and he's still working hard every day to keep that momentum going, but a child?
he's not a father, not an uncle, take her to Wayne for fuck's sake, he begs of his sister even though he knows deep down he doesn't mean it, not when Wayne has finally retired, finally has some stability of his own.
what other option do I have? I need you, Ed, is begged of him in return, and he hears her, he does, but what does he have to offer in this situation?
he's a mechanic with PTSD and a one-bedroom in Bloomington who's been pining for his best friend the former jock-turned-part time student for the past two years.
he's a wreck and a half who has nothing but lateral moves to make in his future and has to set three different alarm clocks to wake himself up in time for work every morning and he's just-- Eddie. That's all he is. That's all he has to offer.
It can't possibly be enough.
What's her name? he asks despite himself, out here on the sidewalk in front of his place of work where he'd been ambushed, where he knows Steve will be pulling into the spot across the street to pick him up any minute.
Naomi, is the answer, and she will be, even if Eddie doesn't see it yet.
There's no part of Eddie Munson which has ever dreamed of trips to the park and helping with homework and drives to the mall to buy presents for birthday parties.
There's no part of him which has ever sought out parenthood to anything other than the stray cat who likes to beg for treats at his back door.
There's no part of him which is built for this, Eddie knows, as he sees the familiar shape of a familiar car parking across the street and idling.
Naomi, he breathes anyway, looks down at the photograph being pressed into his hand, the untamed curls and missing front teeth.
She's sitting on the front steps of a trailer, sun shining down on her and pinking up the bridge of her nose and it's him for a moment. It's him, loved unequivocally by a guy who never planned to have kids, never wanted them, and loved Eddie with everything he had to offer despite it.
It's him, the little boy that still lives in Eddie's chest, just asking not to be forgotten.
You're all she's got right now, Eddie.
Well, shit.
He's gonna need to put a call into Wayne, isn't he?
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ultralightpoe · 9 months
Full House lll - Eddie Munson
Authors Note: Omg. Me? Staying on schedule? Never.
Word Count: 10112
Warnings: None? Idk.
Part One HERE and Part Two HERE
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(Thank you for the gif @psychecreations )
“When’s the first doctors appointment?” Nancy asks, walking up to where you were currently standing at your jobs wait station. You jump, dropping the order pad you had been scribbling in as you turn to find her leaning on the wall. 
“What? Why are you here?” 
“I was craving chicken and didn’t want to hear Steves kfc imitation. So we decided to come here.” She smiles, rubbing her stomach ever so slightly. “Plus it meant I got to check on you.” 
“Oh I’m fine.” You lie, forcing a smile on your face as she narrows her eyes. 
It’s been 4 days since the Christmas fiasco, and 4 days since you realized Eddie was leaving. You tried to pick yourself back up the day of Christmas but ended up telling everyone that you were really sick and should shut the party down early. They had all gone to Steves and you were truly embarrassed to think of what they might have been saying about you. 
God, did you have to ruin everything you touched? 
“You never answered my question.” 
“Oh? I was just sick. It’s not a serious bug or anything. I just didn’t want to get you guys sick on Christmas. That would have been bad” you lie again, feeling a coiling feeling in your gut. “Why don’t you go sit?” 
“Y/n, girl I love you. But you’re showing.” 
“Am not.” 
“Are too. Especially in this waitressing uniform.” It was true. Normally the old school 70s uniform fit you like a glove, falling just to your thighs and it made tips so much easier. Right now? It was on the tighter side…… which made tips even easier because your boobs looked great but you felt terrible about everything. 
“Does he know?” Nancy asks, and you have to stop yourself from telling her or shove off. After a moment of silence she seems to take that for an answer. “Y/n….. Eddie needs to know.” 
“Why? So I can trap someone else?” You laugh bitterly. “That poor guy has already put up with enough of my shit. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go grab tables.” 
You walk past her, not giving her a chance to argue as you completely avoid looking to their tables direction and move to your own section of the floor to greet a new table. 
Pam, one of your favorite regulars, sees you and greets you with a smile. “You never work Friday nights!” 
You always spent Friday nights with Eddie and the girls for movie night. But Eddie ran and you needed to make rent so tonight Max was watching them. 
“Starting now I will be. You want your usual babe?” 
“You know it!.” She giggles. 
Steve tried saying bye before they left and you pretended you didn’t see him as you took orders, by the end of the night your feet were killing you and you all but limped inside to where Max was sitting at the table doing college homework with her headphones on. 
Either she didn’t have them loud or she was on edge, your guess being a bit of both, she knows you're there and turns to you when you enter the kitchen. 
“Thank you so much Max.” You mumble, pulling out the tip money you had set aside for her. “I’m sorry I ran late.” 
“No need to pay.” She smiles, pushing the money away. “I like spending time with them.” 
That tight feeling in your stomach is back, digging in as you stare at the redhead. She had been part of the reason you chose Hawkins, Billy had (in one of his rare good moments) described the way Max seemed to blend in and find a home here. He told you about the friends she made and how she managed to grow into a brave person and you wanted that for your own. So, assuming she was gone, you moved out here. Little did you know you find her soon enough along with an entire group of people connected to your ex. 
You had always been told max was dead. 
Max had always been told Billy was dead. 
You didn’t know how she figured you out until Eddie told you about VECNA and Lucas told you about his girlfriends sight for things. 
“I…. I saw the tickets.” She admits, blush traveling her cheeks as you move to make a cup of tea. The cupboard was still broken and you couldn’t bear to look at it. 
“What tickets?” 
“You left your folder out on the table. I saw that you were figuring out where to go.” Max admits and you can’t help but tense. 
“I just….. I don’t want the girls being surrounded by…..” 
“Yes…..” you admit, still keeping your back to her as you boil water. “And Eddie. I just don’t want them knowing that he left them. They adore him too much.” 
Coward. Coward. COWARD. 
“I’m not a mom, but I can get your urge to protect them.” Max mumbles. “But what if they end up hating you for taking them away.” 
“Then they have someone to blame. I’d rather them blame me than themselves. It is my fault anyways.” You admit, tears springing into your eyes. “Anyways. Take the money, go have fun.” 
“Do you need me again this week? I saw that you work on New Year’s Eve.” 
“No. You should be going out with your friends.” 
“The boys have a start of the year campaign and El is taking a trip with Hopper. I’m free.” She laughs, trying to break the tension built up. “I’ll be here at 2.” 
You can’t get the words thank you out because of how tight your throat is, so you just mouth them as she grabs the money and passes. 
Steve could not stop laughing when he saw Eddie’s face the day he brought the car into the shop, leaning over on his knees to catch his breath as he wheezed out. 
Dylan, the other mechanic, kept looking over to watch the scene unfold as Eddie tried to focus on his friends car. 
“Dude I know- it’s just that your face is so purp-hahaha.” Another fit of laughter and Eddie is debating throwing his drill at him. He was in no shape to be dealing with him today. 
Truth was Eddie had barely gotten a wink of sleep, he couldn’t manage to. Not used to not having you beside him, or not having the girls night light and soft lullabies. It had been 5 days since he saw you and he was beginning to lose his mind and resolve. 
Almost every night he nearly talked himself into going back, then he remembered Motleys broken cries as they carted him off and the way she clung to your hip. The way she screamed for her dad as Eddie attacked him. 
Monster monster monster. 
“Gotta give it to Hargrove. He knows how to punch.” 
“Yeah well, hope he had his fun.” Eddie snaps, leaning back to make sure he adjusted the part correctly. 
“Did you get him back?” 
“I got a few licks in.” Eddie mumbles, feeling guilty about the pride that washes over him as he remembers the way he beat Billy's face in. That was motleys dad. As much as he enjoyed hitting him he probably just scarred the Metalhead for life. 
“Oh a few licks.” Steve scoffs, moving to take a seat on the stool at Eddie’s workstation. “I know how strong you are Munson. You got more than a few licks in.” 
“I shouldn’t have.” 
“Why the hell not?” 
“Because Motley was right there! She’s gonna hate me forever.” Eddie scoffs. 
“Oh you mean more than they already do?” This pulls Eddie’s attention, he had been doing so good about not asking but he was dying to know. What had they said? Were they happy he’s gone? Mad that he fought Billy? 
“What’d they say?” 
“Not much of anything. Nancy knows something is up but your girl is keeping her lips sealed pretty well. I didn’t even know about your fight with jackass until I saw your face.” 
“But you said they were mad.” 
“Yeah man, you missed Christmas and just dipped. Leaves a bad impression.” 
“Oh whatever. They are better off, I just ruin everything.” 
“Oh. My. God.” Steve gasps, looking at Eddie like he’s figured everything out. “You’re self sabotaging!” 
“Yeah! You think you’re the bad guy and so you’re trying to run away which is just making you even more of a bad guy which means my wife can stop threatening to shave your head.” 
“I….. no man you don’t get it.” 
“I do get it. I get it more than anyone else and let me be the first to tell you that you’re being a massive idiot.” He sighs, standing up. “Motley was waiting by that window to spot you that entire day.” 
“S……she was?” 
“Yeah Munson. She was.” 
“I just….. I don’t want to be the one holding them back. I don’t want her to hate me.” 
“Did you ever think that maybe Motley chose you? Like you chose Wayne?” Steve asks, watching Eddie deflate before his eyes before turning to the car. “I’m not paying by the way. Consider my advice enough.” 
Eddie spends the day of New Year’s Eve by the phone, fighting the urge to call. 
What would he say? How would he explain? 
No. Don’t call. This is for the better. 
Yes. Call. Just pick the phone just for the chance to hear your voice. 
God damn when did life get so complicated?
“What are you doing?” Wayne asks, watching eddie from his spot on the couch. “Quit wearing down my carpet.” 
The carpet has been worn down since Eddie had moved in, but he chooses not to comment instead he sits by the phone, keeping his pinky on the handle of the plastic and glaring at it. 
“You expecting a call?” 
“No.” Eddie groans, rubbing his chest to try and relieve some of the pain built up. God he missed you guys. “Fuck. I’m gonna go smoke.” 
He rushes to the back porch before Wayne could argue, hearing the old man laugh as he slams the door. 
There is a dog out there when he exits, chewing on a stick found from the trees and sitting right by the fence. Upon looking a little closer he sees that the dog actually seems caught under the fence, like he was trying to sneak in. 
“Jesus.” He murmurs, keeping the joint between his lips as he walks up, socked feet stepping on sticks and stones making him grunt out and try walking on his tippy toes. 
He looks back with a smile, expecting a giggle from one of the girls at his weird walk before he realizes he’s alone. Shit. 
The dog is panting patiently when Eddie comes up, and the man reaches a hand to let him sniff before moving to help. The dog chooses to kiss at his arm, tongue lapping at the skin as Eddie lifts the fence to try and help free him. 
“Why you sneaking in pal?” He grunts, bending the fence. “You hungry?” 
Within moments the dog is out, jumping up and kissing at his face for being rescued. “God. Motley would love you.” 
“Shhhhh Ziggy.” Motley whispers to her baby sister, pulling her closer to the corner. The way daddy eddie set up her room was perfect. 
He had put her bed in the center which left a small corner by her nightstand hidden from the door. 
Over the past week she had looked for Daddy Eddie’s number, finding it sprawled under the label emergency numbers where he had written it under Wayne. 
It was so weird that Daddy Eddie called his dad Uncle Wayne. Adults were so confusing. 
Before you had left for your shift that night you made sure to wish Motley a happy new year and made her promise to behave. Little did you know that she had crossed her fingers behind her back. 
The second you were gone she dashed to grab the closest phone, pulling it into her room and hiding it as Max struggled to cook nuggets for dinner. 
Later that night when Auntie Max was reading on the couch Motley tiptoed to Ziggys room before sneaking her sister out of her crib and tip toeing back as Ziggy giggles happily. 
“Sissy…” She giggles, pulling at Motleys cheeks happily. “Zigsy.” 
“No your Ziggy silly. I’m motley.” She corrects as she shuffles with her sister in an awkward half hold half walk carry until they are in the corner. “Okay Ziggy. Sissy needs your help. You remember the plan?” 
“Oh boy…..”
The phone rings late, and Eddie sits up in the couch to lean his upper body to answer it, stressed and annoyed. 
The stray dog lifts their head, huffing at being woken up and tilting to hear, one ear shooting up. “Easy Zeppelin.” 
The dog barks, and Eddie likes to think he enjoyed the name as he picks the phone up. “Munson residence.” 
God it felt weird saying that again.
“DADDY!” Motley whispers, sounding scared. Eddie is instantly up, standing on his feet and swiping at his face to wake up a little more. 
“Motley? What’s wrong baby?”
“Someone’s trying to get in daddy.” 
“Get in where? Where are you?” He’s already reaching for his keys, heart beating through his ears as his hands shake. 
“We’re at home.” She whines. 
“Where’s mommy?” 
“At work!” Fuck. “Okay. Okay. Just hide. Just like daddy told you, remember? If anything happens, hide. You know where Ziggy is?” 
“She’s with me.” 
“Good girl. Get under your bed or in your closet. I’ll be right there.” He mumbles, calling out to Wayne to grab the phone before booking it out of the trailer. 
He gives no time for the van to warm up, tearing out of the trailer park so quickly he’s sure he hit someone’s patio chair, mumbling under his breath a panicked “fuckfuckfuck” 
The van is uneven as Eddie pulls in quickly, shifting gears to park so hard it makes a grinding sound before he is swinging the door open and tearing out. His feet hit the gravel before the grass as he rushes to the front door, using his shoulder to shove it open harshly. 
A scream tears out in to the air at his entrance before a book is thrown at him which makes him yell out at whoever is in the house. 
“MAXINE?!” He snaps, blinking at her. “What the fuck you doing?” 
“What am I doing?! What are you doing?! You physco!”
“Motley said that someone was trying to break in!” 
“I put Motley to bed an hour ago.” Max grunts, confusion lacing her features. 
“You’re babysitting?” 
“But her car is in the front.”  Eddie felt like he was going crazy. “And since when does she work nights?!” 
“Her car wouldn’t start so she took the bus today.” Max sighs, rolling her eyes. “And she needs extra cash. Probably for the plane tickets to get out of here.”
“Tickets out of….” Before Eddie can process her words any further there is a small pair of eyes looking around the corner drawing his attention. 
Ziggy moves quickly, coming around the corner with a very excited giggle, walking to him as fast as her little feet would allow. “Da-Ed-ay!”
“Hey there baby girl.” He smiles, picking her up and swooping her into his arms to kiss all over her face. It was odd, just how much he missed this and it seemed like she had gotten so much bigger in the 4 days he missed. 
“I swear to god I put her to bed. How did she get out of her crib?!” Max glares, right as the culprit behind it all comes rushing out to run at Eddie. 
“I knew you’d come! I knew it daddy!” She giggles, running at him and throwing her arms around him tightly. “You came back!” 
“Motley?” He starts, brain beginning to process what she was saying. “Did you…. Lie to get me here?” 
“I did!” She smiles, peering up at him with big doe eyes. “I lied daddy! And now you’re here and you can take all my Barbie’s!” 
“If you know lying is bad and you’ll get punished, why did you do it?” He asks, pulling her off before squatting to her level. “Metal head, that was very dangerous-“ 
A gust of air leaves him as her arms wrap around his neck tightly, tears springing from her eyes. “I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore.” 
“Motley I’m not mad, that was just dangerous and it scare-“ 
“No! About Billy. I’m sorry daddy.” His heart plummets, his brain racking to figure out what she was talking about. Why was she sorry? 
“No. No I’m sorry.” He sighs, turning to see Max staring at them intently. “Hey max. Think you can take Ziggy for a moment?” 
“Sure thing mop head.” The redhead scoops Ziggy up causing the young toddler to scream and kick, reaching chubby fingers out for Eddie. As much as he wanted to take her back he had to focus on Motley. 
“Come sit.” He nods his head, leading her to the kitchen table sitting in the chair beside hers and angling it so they were facing. “Listen….. Daddy ha- Well I have been feeling really bad about Christmas Eve. I never meant to do that, or to attack your dad in front of you.” 
“I owe you a big apology for that Motley. And I don’t know what you’re feeling sorry about, pretty girl, but it’s not your fault and you have no reason to be sorry.” He murmurs, swiping the tears that fall from her cheek. “You have done nothing wrong.” 
“I told Billy he couldn’t come for Christmas Daddy!” She blurts, her tears hit against his thumb as he keeps swiping her cheek. “I’m sorry!” 
“No no no. You don’t be sorry.” He moves to pick her up, sitting her on his lap with her face pressed into his chest as he rubs his palm over her hair to try and soothe her. “Let’s just take a deep breath, okay? Then you can tell me what happened.” 
There’s something coiling in his gut at her tears. Pain, anger, sadness. He truly could not tell, but he kept her close and rocked her back and forth to let her cry. When she finally calmed down enough to talk she started telling him. 
“He was really mean daddy. And he kept t-telling me that y-you we’re gonna replace me-“ her body racks with sobs again. “He said you didn’t want me. A-and I was upset! But he w-was mean to you-“ 
“Easy.” He whispers, wiping her cheek once more. “You gotta breathe pretty girl.” 
“He was m-mean. Said mean things about you daddy and mean things ab- I’m sorry! I-“ her sobbing gets worse and Eddie shushes her, choosing to rock her back and forth and keep her in his tight embrace. “And you w-were ma-you were madatme.” 
“No no. I was never mad.” He sighs. “Daddy was never mad at you.” 
“You were.” 
“No, I was just scared. I…. Daddy didn’t want you hating him.” Eddie explains. “I just wanted to give you space. Having 2 dads is confusing. I didn’t want to make it worse.” 
“He hit you.” 
“Did he ever hit you motley?” Eddie asks sternly, squeezing her a bit in comfort. 
“He spanked me.” That feeling in his stomach settled on rage. 
“That’s not fair. And you shouldn’t have had to go through that.” 
“Please don’t leave again.”  As much as he wanted to promise her that he wouldn't, that wasn’t a promise he could make. You probably hated him, and he would have to talk this out with you first. 
“Let’s get you to bed yeah? Daddy will tuck you in.” 
“I want mama.” 
“Well she’s at work.” He mumbles against her hair. 
“Can we go get milkshakes?” 
“I don’t know…..” it was almost 10. Then again it was New Year’s Eve and he didn’t want you taking the bus home so this would give him an excuse to go pick you up. “Only if they have chocolate.” 
“You already know they have chocolate!” She giggles, and he can’t stop the way his heart seems to light up. 
It was a busy night, and the smell of the jalapeno nachos all your tables were ordering was making you nauseated and angry. You wanted to throw up, maybe cry, maybe throw up then cry. 
Apparently a town next to Hawkins lost power so a bunch of people were driving to this place to have a good new years which meant you were going to be stuck here forever. You found yourself stressing about the bus’ schedule as you dashed to run food. 
This is what you had been doing when you spotted him. Running a tray of jalapeño nachos to your table, keeping it a safe distance from your nose as you thought about the fact that you might have to walk, and there he was. 
Standing in the doorway, leather jacket and wide eyes, as you caught him looking for you. And he was holding Ziggy. 
What the fuck Maxine?! 
“Y/n get a move on!” Your manager calls and you snap out of it, moving to deliver the tray as the host seats Eddie. 
You hear Motley call out “mommy!” And instantly knew that they would now be sat in your section. Did it make you a bad mother if you admitted you would rather die than face him tonight? 
“Mama!” Your daughter calls, making you look over as she slides in, Eddie sitting right next to her and then you are forced to confront this. You should have learned about birth control. Better yet maybe you should have practiced the art of condoms more.  
Thinking of all the ways you could have prevented this situation as you gaze at your daughters adorable smiling face. God she was beautiful….. still should have used a condom. 
“What a surprise. I could have sworn I left you guys with Max.” You try to smile, avoiding looking at Eddie as Ziggy reaches for you. You grab her gently, bouncing her on your hip and she starts playing with your hair clip. 
“I got daddy!” Motley admits proudly, pointing to Eddie which makes you look at him. Your heart thumping against your chest, adrenaline rushing through you as he stares at you with those god damn brown eyes. 
“Munson.” You greet, turning back to Motley. “Girls, stay in the booth for a moment. Okay? I’m gonna talk to him outside.” 
You walk off after that, leaving Eddie no choice but to follow as he jumps up and runs to catch up. The winter hair hits you, and you immediately wrap your arms around yourself to keep some of the warmth, the crappy waitress outfit doing nothing for you. 
The second you hear your name fall from his lips you whirl, slapping him in the chest to push him back. “What the fuck is the matter with you munson?!” 
“I…. Give me a moment to explain, please.” 
“Explain?! EXPLAIN?!” A bitter laugh splits from your lips. “Look. I get it. My life was a bit too messy and fucked up, I’d run too. But you bringing the girls here is just making it worse. You’re going to get their hopes and it’s gonna crush them.” 
“Too messy? Who said anything about it being too messy?” 
“WHY ELSE WOULD YOU RUN?!” Your voice raises louder than you thought it would, but you don’t back down. “And I don’t appreciate you talking to my daughters without me. Now I gotta tell them-“ 
The words ‘my daughters’ sound wrong, and you can’t fight the disgust that coats you as you trail off, eyes widening as he stares back at you with a set jaw. “I just mean….. I get why you left okay? My life is chaos and you were really nice for staying and pretending like it was fine. But those girls…. They can’t know you left cause of that. I was hoping, as shitty as it sounds, that after a couple years they’d forget. Y’know?” 
You are swiping at your cheeks as tears stream down your face, trying not to look at him. You catch him moving up, his hands outstretched, but you move backwards so he can’t grab you. “Eds. Y-you should just go. Okay? It’ll be fine.” 
“No it won’t-“ 
“It will. I’ll be fine. I won’t be mad-“ then his arms are around you, pulling you in quickly as he shoves your head into his chest and you get to inhale his scent once more. Doing your best not to outright sob. 
“I was the mess.” He blurts. “I was scared, okay? I was scared that Billy was gonna turn everyone against me, and I was scared that I ruined Motleys Christmas.” 
You scoff, trying to pull away, not really believing the excuse. Before you can fully move he wraps an arm around your waist, his other hand moving to your jaw to drag your eyes up to his own. “I was scared. I was a coward.” 
“No buts. I didn’t leave cause I thought you were a mess, baby I think you’re perfect and your daughters are so fucking precious to me. I…. You really thought I was running cause I couldn’t handle it?” 
“I just-“ 
“Y/n!” Your boss calls from the door, looking exasperated. “You gettin sick again? Need to go? Or you wanna get paid so you can afford maternity leave?” 
You tense again under Eddie’s touch, stomach curling as you try and take a step back while Eddie’s brows knit in confusion before he turns to glare at your boss. “She’s sick.” 
“Fine. Take her home. Just have to transfer tables.” The man snaps, turning to walk back in before Eddie is whirling on you. 
“Am I crazy or did he just say maternity leave?” 
“Eddie….” You sigh, feeling saliva build up as you panic. He watches you, taking a step back just as you lean forward to puke. 
The car ride is silent. Not the serene kind of quiet and more so the anxiety inducing type. 
You had no clue what to say to him at this point. Suddenly everything just seemed to….. silly. You’re reaction and his reaction. You should have just called. Why hadn’t you called? 
No, he should have called. 
You were being a decent person and giving him space and “mama?” 
“Can I sleep with you and daddy tonight?” 
“Ya!” Ziggy yells, making Eddie chuckle under his breath as he leans to turn the heater in the car up. It had been forever since you had ridden in this van, since he deemed it unacceptable to drive the girls around in since it lacked seatbelts or a backseat. Even now everytime he braked he means a hand out to block the girls even with Ziggy in your lap. 
“I don’t know…” 
“Please! Please please.” 
“We will talk about it when we get home.” 
Only there was no talking about it, the second you got home with the girls Motley ran to throw away her to go milkshake cup then dashed to your bed quickly which turned into a screaming fit when you tried to tell her no. 
The word condom just kept circling your mind as you finally just told her to lay down, she did so and Ziggy soon made her appearance to crawl onto the bed. 
Eddie takes off his shoes. Moving to lay with the girls as you turn off one of the lights so the room was dark enough for them to fall asleep, and then you shuffle to the bathroom to shower before bed so you didn’t smell like grease and beer. 
It wasn’t even 10 minutes before you heard the door open and shut softly, you turn already knowing he is heading for the shower and watch as the curtain opens lightly. 
Normally he would jump right in like he belonged there which would make you laugh, tonight he had a questioning gaze, trying not to over step. You give him a small nod and then the curtain is pushed aside and he dives in, still in his shirt and jeans. 
“Edward-“ you warn before his lips are on yours in a searing kiss. He keeps one hand on your jaw to keep your lips connected as his other wraps around your back to keep you close as the water runs over both of you getting his clothes soaked. By the time you pull back he’s already working his way down your neck with kisses as you earn him again “clothes.” 
The hand holding your jaw moves to cover your mouth quickly as he peers at you, giving you a fake angry expression that has you laughing. “Do not wake our kids.” He whispers before stepping back to undress. 
The jeans take a moment to shuck off since they were wet but the second he is free Eddie dives for you again, showing up just how much he missed you. 
You sit with him on the floor of the kitchen by the fridge, using the light above the oven as your only source of light while you both snack, keeping cuddled together in nothing but your robes. 
Nothing has been said yet, and you were just fine with that, exhausted and happy that he was there. But he has to ruin it, of course he does. 
“I’m still sorry.” He murmurs, scraping the cream of one side of an Oreo using the empty side. 
“I am too. I think we’re both incredibly stupid right now.” 
“You’re telling me.” He blushes. “I just…. There was a time in my life when I hated Uncle Wayne. I had this image in my mind that he was trying to tear me away from my dad. Fuck I just wanted to be with my dad, I looked up to him whether he beat me or not and- the way I treated Wayne and the way I hated him….. my dad didn’t help, everytime I went back with him my mom and I just ended right back up at Wayne’s with more bruises than last time. And when she passed I was the only one there to inflict it. Wayne for him arrested and I swore my world was ending, swore I would never talk to Wayne again.” 
“You thought that was what was going on with Motley? That she felt like you were tearing her and her dad apart?” 
“Yes and no. I just was trying to prevent that from happening, I didn’t want her to have to experience that choice.” He whispers, picking at the robe. “I just wanted to protect her.” 
“She wanted to protect you too.” You whisper back. “That’s love.” 
“Billy told her that…. That I was gonna try and replace her.” He gulps, and you stop smiling instantly. “And now that you’re pregnant, and as happy as I am because I am so happy, I need to make sure she knows that I’m not trying to replace her.” 
“We’ll make it work.” You mumble, laying your head on his shoulder. “We always do” 
He hums out, laying his head on top of yours and sitting in the silence for a moment before you break it once more. “Where are your rings?” 
“Haven’t worn them since I got arrested.” He answers, holding up his bare hands. “My fingers were too bruised and swollen at first, then I just couldn’t care to put them on.” 
“Let’s go to bed..” 
“Give me five more minutes.” He whispers, turning his head to kiss your own, keeping his nose pressed into your hair. 
“I just…. I just want to be near you for a little longer.” 
The sun peaks through the curtains, hitting Eddie right in the face which in return makes him groan out, moving the pillow around to try and block it. I’m his attempt to move Ziggy wiggles around, giving a displeased noise that her dad woke her up from sleeping before moving to lay right on his chest. 
Motley does not move an inch, mouth wide open and eyes sealed shut, Eddie has to reach a hand out to poke her and make sure she’s not dead. 
She wrinkles her nose, moving closer and shoving her face in your pillow, staying peacefully asleep. 
You’re sitting at the edge of the bed, and he can only blink at you trying to straighten his eyesight as he watches you zip up your work boots. (For some reason I imagine go go boots with the 70s look. I don’t know guys. I….. I have no clue). 
“You going to work?” He blurts, making you jump. 
“Sorry, yeah. Max will be here soon to watch the girls. We agreed on it last night before I left.” You mumble, moving to grab your apron. 
“I can watch em….” He whispers, staring at you. The way the sun from the window hits you makes you look angelic. 
“Okay.” You smile, moving to kiss Motley and Ziggys heads before you move to walk away. Fully offended Eddie snatches your hand and draws you back, annoyed at the shit eating grin on your face. 
“Baby,” he whines making you let out a small laugh and lean down to kiss his lips before rushing to leave. 
He lays with the girls for a little longer making sure the blanket is covering all three of them before the day truly has to start and he forces himself to get up. Setting Ziggy down without waking her up was a difficult task but he managed, shuffling to the bathroom to change into todays clothes, thankful that he no longer has to wear all the shit clothes he left at Wayne’s when he originally moved out. 
Upon exiting the bathroom he nearly trips over Motley, who had been sitting in front of the door. “What are you doing Metalhead?” 
“You took forever…” she whines, wrapping herself around his calf which makes him smile. “I wanna stay with you.” 
“Okay,” he answers, moving down to peel her off his leg and letting her climb up for a piggy back. “You’re gonna help me make breakfast then.” 
“We’ll just have to wait and see.” He smirks, walking down the hall as the front door opens to reveal Max. 
“Hey. Sorry I’m late.” She rushes out, face red from running. “I woke up a little late and-“ 
“It’s no problem. I’m here if you had other things to do.” Eddie offers. “Or you can stay and have some breakfast?” 
“Sounds great. I’m kinda ignoring the rest of the group right now.” She explains, setting her bag down and following them into the kitchen. Eddie gets Max set up at the table, trying to set Motley with her but the girl wiggles and whines so he allows her to stay. 
He listens to Max rant about the group as he moves around to make waffles, enjoying the easy feeling he gets being here. God why did he ever leave home? 
“-And Lucas is just always set out to fight Erica. You’d think he had a crush on Dustin and wanted to date him. You know? I get it, your baby sister starts dating your closest friend. A little weird. But get over it!” 
“I think Uncle Dustin and Auntie Erica are so cute!” Motley adds which makes Eddie chuckle a bit. 
“Lucas is upset because he always thought they were in agreement that Erica was annoying.” He explains, bending down to set Motley down and bring the food to the table. “But it’s been months. Time to move on.” 
“Exactly!” Max sighs right as Ziggy comes pounding in with an angry look.
“Alone….” She whines and Eddie smiles at her. “Aweee did you wake up alone? My poor little baby.” He coos, picking her up and bringing her close to kiss before setting her on his lap to help her eat. He already knew she would not be into the high chair based on the way even Motley was clinging to him. 
Even now, as she used a spoon to shove waffles in her mouth, she kept a hand on his own arm to keep him close. 
“I’m gonna work on mamas car today.” He explains. “I’ll be right outside. So maybe you girls can stay in here and keep Max company.” 
“I wanna stay with you.” Motley whines, giving him puppy dog eyes. 
“No it’s too cold. You stay in here. Okay?” And then Eddie gave her his puppy dog eyes. Oh yeah, can’t beat dads game. 
She groans and looks at Max who smiles in return. “I’ve been practicing my barbie voices just for you.” 
“Fine! But barbie is married to G.I. Joe! Ken is the villain. We’re not arguing about it again.” 
“But isn’t it Barbie and Ken? Wouldn’t Joe be the villain?” 
“Maxine.” Motley warns, slamming her tiny hand on the table. 
“Fine. Got it.” 
It didn’t last long. 
Eddie had put on his mechanic suit, trying to keep warm as he took a look at what was going on with your car. 15 minutes in Motley came out wearing her snowsuit and smiling. “Look daddy! I can help!” 
“I thought I said to stay inside-“ a laugh breaks out when she takes off the hood of the snow suit to reveal that she tied a bandana over her head like a hat. “That’s not how you tie it. Come here.” 
He helps her tie it like his, telling her to sit a little closer to the grass as he keeps working, making sure the radio is on a station she would like as he does so. 
By the time you get home she is making snow angels in the snow of the lawn as he curses under his breath. 
“What’s going on?” You ask, making him jump and hit his head on the hood of your car. “Oh! I’m so sorr-“ 
“It’s good. I’m good.” He laughs, letting you fuss over him anyways. He takes his chance to kiss at you before you are pulling back. 
“You are covered in car nastiness-“ 
“You mean grease and oil?” He laughs, keeping you trapped in his arms to rub his cheek on your shoulder. You yell out playfully, still trying to escape as he does so. 
“Does this mean you guys are good?” Steve appears, dustin behind him. “Are you done being mad at me Y/n?”
“I was never mad at you!” Eddie keeps his arms around you as you turn to look at Steve, making sure Motley is good. 
“Yes you were. I waved at you the other night and you completely ignored me.” 
“I didn’t see you wave.” You reply and Eddie can’t help but laugh. 
“I called your name!”
“It was a busy restaurant, how am I supposed to hear everything.” You scoff, pulling from Eddie’s arms and flipping your hair. “Come on Motley. Let’s go inside.” 
��Just admit you saw me wave!” Steve groans, following you to the door before Motley turns to shove him and close the door in his face. “Rude!” 
“Steve, did you just get beat up by a kid?” Dustin laughs. 
“It’s Eddie’s kid. Does that count?” 
“My kids are great!” 
Things took a moment to get back to normal, but that was to be expected. 
Eddie found the folder of all your research on places to go, running his fingers over the math you sprawled across the pages to figure out how you would afford it, he promptly threw it in the trash bins outside. 
Motley stayed glued to Eddie as much as she could, and in the mornings when he had to get up for work she made sure to wake him up and give him a kiss by the door making sure that he swore to come back before she would dash down the hall and lay with you. 
Makeup Christmas happened, except it was only Wayne that was invited and instead of a whole feast you guys ordered a crap ton of Chinese food. 
Wayne came over early, sneaking around the back and coming in through the back door which confused the girls to no end but they were excited to see their grandpa. 
Ziggy also proved that she learned 2 more words by saying “shit grandpa!” All excited and reaching her hands up for him to grab her. 
He howls with laughter, scooping her up and throwing her in the air as she screams in excitement. 
Everyone sits around the tree opening gifts, Wayne on the couch with Ziggy on his lap helping her open the gifts. Eddie sat by the tree, passing them out with Motley right by him and you next to her. 
He pulls out an envelope that has his name sprawled on it and looks at you. 
“I had a plan for Christmas. But I kind of had to redo it. I planned on giving you the stick, but figured since you already know I’d get the ultrasound.” Yoh blush, watching his excitedly tear it open. 
It’s quiet for a moment as everyone watches him admire the photo, smiling from ear to ear. 
“Anything you notice?” You ask, waiting. 
“What do you mean?” He asks, before Wayne snaps his fingers and grabs the photo gently. 
“There’s two.” Wayne grunts before his eyes light up. “You’re having twins!” 
“Obviously….” Eddie mumbles, “we already knew that?” 
“The stick? It had two blue lines? So that means we’re having twin boys? Right?” Eddie mumbles, staring at you like your crazy. 
It’s quiet for a moment as you and Wayne process what he said before you burst into laughter, the girls following even though they had no clue what was going on. 
“Not even close boy!” Wayne cackles as you have to wipe some of the tears from your eyes. 
“Does that mean you’re pregnant mommy?” Motley asks, turning to look at you with wide eyes. Your heart stops, going back to what Eddie had told you. 
“Yes. Mommy is pregnant .” You wait to see her reaction and Eddie finds himself reaching for the gift he had added two days ago. “Motty. I have something for you.” 
He snatches the tiny box, holding it out to her. “It’s a really important gift though. Okay?” 
She nods slowly, taking the box from him and opening it just as slow. Inside held a simple chain necklace, but when she pulled it out it revealed that he had hung his mothers ring on it, the one he normally wore on his right hand by itself. “I was told to give this ring to someone very special. It’s from my own mom.” 
She gasps, turning to him. “You’re giving it to me?!” 
“Well yeah! You’re my oldest kid. My firstborn.” He laughs, moving to help her put it on. Then he snatches another box and hands it to her. “This one is for both you and your sister.” 
She reaches for it and opens it gently, pulling out a heavy chain that has a dog tag connected to it. “Another necklace?” 
“Well…..” Wayne laughs, flipping it to reveal what the dog tag says. 
“Who is Zeppeplin?” 
“Zeppelin, baby.” You correct, already standing up. 
“Who is Zeppelin?” She giggles, which makes Eddie laugh, picking her up by her armpits to make her stand as you go and open the back door. 
The dog, a young little puppy at most, snaps his head to the noise and wags it’s tail excitedly upon seeing you. 
“Come in!” You smile and he bolts from his spot tearing up sticks to get inside. Once he hits the threshold of the house he is everywhere. Sniffing the fridge to the chairs, jumping on his hind legs to clean up the high chair where Ziggy left her banana. After inhaling that he bolts to explore more, completely missing the living room as he bolts down the hall to sniff all the rooms. 
Once Motley sees the flash of fur she screams in excitement, which draws the puppy back and they both just feed off each others excitement. 
She’s jumping up and down, screaming in excitement and the dog starts howling to match her while his butt starts wiggling at how hard he is wagging his tail. 
“I am so excited for Chinese later.” Wayne murmurs, coming to hug you as Eddie tries to calm both the noisemakers down. “Thank you for inviting me.” 
“Of course, you’re grandpa.” You smile, watching Ziggy from his arms just stare intently at the scene before her. “She can’t tell whether to be excited or scared.” 
Wayne laughs, pointing to the dog and trying to help Ziggy see him. 
Later that evening everyone sits around the table, Max with you all, as you pile Chinese food onto the plates. Motley keeps showing Max the necklace she got while Wayne keeps bragging to Eddie about his new Jean jacket. 
Zeppelin chooses to sit by Ziggy, and it’s very clear that the dog has already figured out who will drop the most food. Ziggy giggles every time she drops a piece of broccoli and he catches it. 
“Now we’re gonna have to watch her every time we give her veggies.” Eddie groans. “She’s got an accomplice!” 
“Zeppy and Ziggy!” Motley cheers like their superheroes. 
February rolls around soon enough, and your daughters biggest catastrophe had nothing to do with the restraining order on Billy, or her dads new bike (which she was terrified of). No. Motleys world was ending over valentines cards. 
Eddie had helped her pick them out, little heart shaped cards that you could stick lollipops in, and had sat with her to write in them as you took Ziggy in for a haircut. 
The only one that Motley had not written a card for was Troy, and now the morning of Valentine’s Day she was still panicking. 
“I can’t write love cause then he will want to get married!” She explains and Eddie nods like it’s super serious. “And I can’t write like, because then he will know I have a crush on him!” 
“Glad you can admit it.” He nods and she rolls her eyes. “Here’s an idea! Okay, you ready metal head?” 
“Ready daddy!” 
“You can write ‘from Motley’.” He laughs, watching her face go serious. 
“That’s what I wrote on the others!” 
“Exactly.” He watches as she thinks about it before nodding quickly and writing it down, tossing it in her valentines box and dashing to grab her backpack. 
“She finally figure out Troys?” You ask, shuffling Ziggy in. “It’s been days.” 
“She did. We decided on writing ‘from motley’.” He smiles, leaning forward to kiss you before leaning down to kiss your stomach then Ziggy. 
“Stevie….” Ziggy giggles, running to the phone. It didn’t take long to figure out that she would be the one to run the phone bill up, even now she spent every morning learning to dial her uncle Steve’s number. She dialed Dustin once but deemed him “poopoo head.” 
“Nuh uh. Come eat pretty girl.” Eddie calls, pointing to her chair. “Zeppelin is waiting.” 
The dog, who just a month ago had been tiny enough to lay under her chair, now sat at full height beside it. Still a puppy, just bigger.  
Ziggy runs, her little pigtails bouncing as Eddie picks her up by the overalls to sit her in the chair. Now trained Ziggy eats his dog food beside her rather than everything she drops, and if somehow someway some of her waffle drops in his bowl then it can’t really be considered his fault. 
“Motley, hurry up baby.” You call. “We gotta go.” 
“You good to pick Wayne up?” Eddie asks, moving to grab his lunch. 
“Yes. I’ll drop Motley off at school and go and grab him.” Wayne had injured his hip, so today you’ll be taking him to the doctors to see what the plan was while Eddie went to work. 
“Okay. And Ziggy is still good to-?” 
“Ziggy and Zeppelin are going to Nancy’s, yes.” You smile. Nancy had just given birth to her third boy, and she liked having Ziggy over because she liked having another girl in the house. 
“Okay. Tell me how it goes?” He asks, leaning to give you one more goodbye kiss as you nod before moving to say bye to Motley. “BYE BEAUTIFUL LADIES!” 
The day had started off so well, you should have known it would only go downhill from there. 
Wayne sat in the passenger seat of your car, irritated and ranting about shitty doctors. “I’m not doing it. You hear me? Just give me some Tylenol and I’ll be fine.” 
“MOMMY!” Ziggy screams, from her spot on her car seat. 
The doctor had told Wayne he needed hip surgery and could not work, which meant that Wayne was pissed and you were panicking about what to do. He couldn’t work which meant he wouldn’t be able to make rent and he would need some help to move around. Then when you got to Steve and Nancy’s she had told you that Ziggy had taken quite a stumble off the table and scratched her chin on the corner of the table. 
It was a mess. 
Both of them were not having a good day and Zeppelin was howling at their ranting and screaming and as much as you loved them you truly debated crashing the car. 
Then you got home to yelling. 
Eddie stood in the living room, still in his work attire with his hands on his hips and his eyes wide. “You’re in rare fucking form today, you know that?!” 
The response to his question is met with a demonic scream from down the hall and you can only assume that Motley was having a bad time as well. 
“I’m not getting a surgery, you hear me Edward?” Wayne snaps, limping to the couch. 
“What the fuck are you on now?” He snaps back, looking at him annoyed as Ziggy rushes past crying. “What the fuck is going on?” 
“It’s apparently a meltdown day.” You sigh, moving to kiss his cheek and go into the kitchen to make a snack for yourself. 
Todays pregnancy craving was potato chips with lime juice and pickles, Eddie watches from the entrance of the kitchen with a smile as you settle at the table and enjoy your snack. 
He moves and takes the seat next to you, following your lead on snacks. 
“Why is Metalhead in ‘rare fucking form’ today?” You giggle, watching his face pinch in annoyance. 
“I pick her up and she gets in the car, right? And then she just starts screaming at me! And I mean screaming. The entire ride home! And from what I gather Vinny didn’t give her a valentines card.” He explains. “God. She was yelling like she was possessed. Then I tried explaining that maybe it was lost and that made it worse.” 
“Did she get one from Troy?” 
“I don’t know. I don’t think she cares either.” He sighs, rubbing his jaw. 
“Okay, we let her ride out the fit in her room. We’ll call Steve later to see what happened.” 
“Sounds great to me.” He smiles. “She scared me a little. Threatened to cut her hair and everything. Then threatened to cut MY hair.” 
A small laugh tears from you as he steals the potato chip in your hand before looking to Wayne’s direction. “They recommend surgery?” 
“It wasn’t a recommendation.” You sigh, grabbing his hand and tracing the tattoo. “I think we need to move the house around.” 
“If Wayne gets surgery he needs to be here. I’ll cut back shifts at the diner and help him out.” You start. “He won’t be able to use the stairs so maybe we can move our room downstairs which would give more room for the twins cribs in our room, but Ziggy has problems with the stairs and she likes coming in to sleep with us cause of the nightmares but-“ 
“Easy. Easy.” Eddie mumbles, turning his hand up quickly to snatch your hand and pull it to his lips. “We’ll figure it out.” 
And so you did. 
Eddie moved the house around, and turned the basement into a bedroom for you guys. Now with more room and your own bathroom down here he could set up the cribs. 
Wayne took your old room, and though the man threw a fit the girls got excited that Grandpa Wayne would be living here now. 
He got the surgery in the beginning of March, and Motley and Vinny were still fighting. 
You spent your days helping Wayne, taking him to pt and helping him move around the house. 
Motley and Vinny got put into separate classes which lead to a whole argument between Steve and Eddie about whose kid was the one to blame. 
Life was a bit of a mess. 
It all came to head at the children's father dance. 
Eddie had dressed in a tux, making sure he looked good as you got Motley ready for the night. With Wayne napping on the couch with Ziggy asleep on his chest drooling (a daily nap these two took) Zeppelin follows at your feet, keeping close to you as you did Motley's hair. 
“How do I look?” Eddie asks from the door of the bathroom. “I have a date tonight and I’m really nervous.”
“Daddy!” Motley giggles, rushing to him in her puffy little skirt, hugging him tightly. 
“Alright you two. Let me get a picture.” You smile, rushing past to find where the camera had gone. By the time you got a picture of them Motley was rushing Eddie out, ready for the dance. 
He struggles to find parking, and ends up finding one right next to Steve’s car, rolling his eyes when he sees Harrington fixing his jacket while Vinny reads in the car. 
“Harrington.” He greets coldly, fixing his leather jacket and moving to open the door for his daughter. 
“Munson.” Steve matches the tone, scoffing at Eddie’s jacket. “Little Munson.” 
“Uncle Steve.” She huffs, fixing her hair. 
“Really? A leather jacket Edward?” 
“You look like you stepped off a Queen music video, Steven.” Eddie snaps, holding out his hand for Motley. Fighting or not they wait at the front of the car for Steve and Vinny. Walking into the dance together. 
“I’m surprised that they even let you in here. Your child is a danger to society.” Steve snaps as they wait in line for tickets. 
“Let’s talk about your kid giving everyone but my sweet Angel a valentines card. That’s barbaric.” Eddie defends, watching Motley wave to her friends. 
“He didn’t want to. And I don’t need to tell him what to do.” Steve blushes, turning to look at something to avoid looking at Eddie. 
“There it is again. You’re acting so fucking suspicious about that card, man.” Eddie points at him, silver rings glinting in the light. “Tell me what you know.” 
“Tickets?” The poor woman asks, interrupting their stand off. 
“Yes please. Four.” 
“No two. I’ll get my tickets.” 
“No I’ll get them” 
“You’re not buying me ,Steven.” 
“He’s buying me.” Motley smiles, snatching the money from Steve’s hands and setting them on the table before grabbing two tickets. “Let’s go get some pop, daddy.” 
Eddie can do nothing but follow, letting the little lady lead the way. 
After about an hour of Motley showing him everything and introducing him to all her friends she abandoned him to hang out with some of the girls in her class, making sure Eddie was okay where he sat at an empty table nursing a can of soda. 
It felt like high school again, watching the way all the other dads surrounded Harrington as the pta moms that decorated huddled together and giggled in the corner. At least the kids were having fun. 
Eddie wished you were here, you would be sitting with him. 
“Jesus. Gary never shuts up.” Steve mumbles, snapping Eddie out of his train of thought. “I got you a slice of pizza.” 
He sets the slice down, giving Eddie a weird smile as he scarfs down his own slice. But eddie wasn’t very hungry, instead he surveyed to check on motley and see her giggling with all her friends as they dance in a circle. 
“Your kid has been sitting alone, you gonna help?” Eddie asks, looking to where Vinny sits reading a book. 
“I tried earlier. He just said something about me embarrassing him more.” Steve sighs. “Then complained that I ruin everything.” 
“What happened? I’ve never seen him alone at a party.” 
“Have I not told you? Your daughter is the popular one. They made her move classes and he was left in their old class struggling to make friends.” Steve mumbles. 
“Why don’t you get one of the many dads following you around to get their kids over there? It feels like I’m in highschool again, waiting for your cronies to shove me in the bathrooms and lock me in again.”
“How long were you in that bathroom, again? Two hours?” 
“Three.” Eddie sighs. “I smoked and set off an alarm so the principal found me.” 
“Wasnt one of your worst. I was fine.” Eddie shrugs. “Sorry about Vinny.” 
“I have faith.” Steve sighs, leaning back in his chair. “I also cannot believe I’m at a daddy daughter dance.” 
“It’s a father kid dance?” 
“They didn’t want the boys feeling left out.” Steve explains. 
“I see.” Eddie smiles, picking at the pizza. 
“He wrote one. You know?” 
“Vinny wrote one. He wrote a valentine for Motley and got her a big chocolate bar. But a girl made fun of him in the parking lot and he panicked.” Steve explains. “Ripped it up and left the chocolate on my car to melt on the seats.” 
“I can clean that.” 
“You can?!” 
“Oh yeah. I got you Harrington.” Eddie laughs right as another dad comes to the table. 
“Howdy gentleman.” He smiles, sitting down. Eddie has to blink to recognize, holy shit that’s Tommy. “Oooo. I’m sitting at the hellfire table. So scary…” 
“Do you have a kid here…?” Steve asks, blinking slowly. 
“Yeah.” He slurs, pointing to the young kid stuffing his face with marshmallows.  “You guys want some whiskey?” 
“Jesus. I smell it from here man.” Steve snaps, standing up. 
“I’m driving. Hard pass.” Eddie laughs, standing with Steve. 
“It’s so weird to me that you two are friends! That shit is like….. mind flowing!” 
“Blowing.” Steve corrects and Eddie sighs. “Damn it Harrington. It was a trap.” 
“Blowing is more for you guys, if you know what I mean.” Tommy laughs and Eddie shakes his head. 
“How did you fall for that Harrington? You made that line.” Eddie grumbles, moving to find Motley. “Hey Metalhead?” 
“Yeah daddy?” She asks, coming up with her cheeks bright red from all the dancing. 
“Have you eaten?” He asks, offering her a bite of his pizza before looking back over to Vinny. “Think you can go help him out?” 
“Yeah. I guess.” She sighs, kissing his cheek and rushing to find Vinny and bring him out to dance. 
By the end of the night Eddie has danced to about every little pop song she wants, and by the time he is bringing her to the car it’s more of a carrying her situation as Steve tries to trip Vinny up. 
“Have a good night Harringtons.” Eddie laughs. 
“Sleep tight Munsons.” 
“Shouldn't you be in bed?” Eddie asks, peering up at you over his book as you shuffle and pace around the room. 
“Shut up.” You grunt, waving your hand at him. Your face is pinched up and Eddie finds himself sitting up and staring at you. 
“What’s going on here?” 
“Edward shut UP!” You snap, pacing back to the wall and holding your hands against it to try and breathe in. “Sorry. Sorry that was mean.” 
“Are you in pain?” He mumbles, standing up and putting on his slippers. 
It was your ninth month, and Eddie was anxious because he had never experienced the pregnancy part of it all before so every kick and movement made him worried. 
“Eddie. Edward. Eds.” You grunt out, and right there something trickles down your leg. 
“Did you just pee?” 
(Would you guys want me to keep going? I have more ideas {Especially Motley in high school} Feel free to message me if you want me to keep going or if you have any blurbs or requests for them in mind)
TAGLIST:: (Let me know if you want removed)
@mariamayhemrsmunson @bethanyzed @alyisdead
@caseyqdilla @zooboomanfu @avenjames-anderson @hazydespair
@bl1ssfulbaby @username199945 @costellation-hunter @vanessav03 @thehuntresswolf @r-a-d-i-0-n-0-w-h-e-r-e @jackiosstuff @mysticpeachobject @animechick555 @natie335 @localemofreak @venuslayla23-blog @cherrycolas-things @dontcrydaddy
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scoops-aboy86 · 23 days
Some Turbulence Ahead
Prompt Used: Summer fling (@thehairandthebanished) and mile high club (@steddiesmuttyseptember) | Some Turbulence Ahead | Rating: E | CW: semi-public sex, a hint of feeding kink, a lil bit of drinking | Additional Tags: chubby Eddie Munson, doting Steve Harrington, friends with benefits, feelings realization, the looming threat of possible unrequited feelings
also on Ao3
It was only supposed to be a summer fling. A natural carpe diem following a harrowing week of near-death experiences—or, as Eddie likes to spin it, a week of Death suffering from near-Eddie experiences. He’d thrown himself at Steve without really expecting the guy to catch him, just knowing him enough to know that Steve would at least let him down easy. 
Only, Eddie still hasn’t hit the ground. 
He’s literally thousands of feet above it actually, slipping into an airplane bathroom after a reasonable amount of time to allay suspicion… Though it’s not like anyone is paying attention. Apparently, when you’re in first class, you can do whatever the fuck you want. 
Including getting your… whatever they are to each other’s pants unzipped under the complimentary inflight blanket and fondling him in his boxers until he’s hard, then flouncing off to the bathroom after a heated whisper about doing something about it. 
Sometimes, Eddie kind of hates Steve. (Not really.) 
He hasn’t bothered to zip back up, so once he’s inside all Steve has to do is lift the bottom of his t-shirt to see where his cock is doing its best to escape threadbare fabric that used to hang loose on him. Still kind of did, before Steve ordered them the full range of snacks that flying the friendly skies had to offer, on the grounds that chewing would help Eddie’s ears pop. And a few rounds of complimentary champagne, to celebrate a long weekend away from Hawkins. Eddie had felt warm and flushed before Steve’s hands started wandering, and now that they’re on him again, pulling his jeans and underwear down together and grabbing hold with a spit-wet palm, he feels goddamn incandescent. 
Steve’s other hand is in Eddie’s hair, guiding him into a hungry kiss but pulling away slightly when he moans. “Gotta stay quiet, babe,” Steve murmurs, then sucks on Eddie’s bottom lip. 
“Fuck,” Eddie whimpers, but softly. It’s not like he wants to get caught in here either and get weird looks for the rest of the flight just because some stewardess saw his blindingly white ass.
Which Steve is now dropping to sit on the closed airplane toilet so he can grope, kneading and tugging him closer with intent. Eddie has to slap a ringed hand over his own mouth to smother the sounds that want to spill out. Jesus H. Christ, if he’d known before Spring Break that Steve Harrington enjoys giving head so much, he wouldn’t have wasted so much gas driving out to Indy on the weekends. Now, threading his fingers through that gloriously thick, soft mass of hair, he knows that he’s going to miss all this when it’s gone. When summer ends and Steve takes it away, to follow Robin wherever she’s going for college… Meanwhile, Eddie hasn’t saved up enough to strike out on his own yet, so. That’s that. 
Not that he’s thinking about the end of things now, with Steve’s tongue swirling around the head of his cock, teasing at the slit, and one of his hands drifting from his ass, pausing to squeeze briefly at his hip, then to his full stomach—which, fuck, that feels good. Everything feels good, sound muted beneath the roar of the plane engines and vibrations off the same moving through him from any surface he touches, and Steve sucking him all the way into his throat like he can’t get enough. Like he’s getting something out of this too, when he’s not even jerking off while he does it. 
“C-close, Stevie,” Eddie whispers through trembling fingers. “Hurry, befoooooh fuck, mm, before someone finds us—”
Steve moans around him, suitably muffled by how full his mouth is but Eddie can feel it all the way up his goddamn spine, and that’s what does it. Tips Eddie’s eyes back in his skull, curls his toes, pops the last remaining champagne bubbles ping ponging around inside of him. And, yeah, they’ve been in the air for a while now, but he feels like he’s flying.
By the time the haze in his head clears up enough to remember he’s in a tiny, tiny bathroom, Steve is already making him look presentable again: jeans back up, spent dick tucked away with a surprisingly tender goodbye kiss, nuzzling briefly at the treasure trail below Eddie’s soft navel before pulling his shirt down to hide his… still unzipped pants. 
Eddie is too blissed out still to devote much thought to that. Instead, he pulls Steve to his feet and pouts for a kiss, which he gets. Long and slow and deep, because he likes to taste himself in Steve’s mouth. He reaches down to return the favor, humming in confusion when he doesn’t feel the expected hard-on. 
Breaking the kiss with a shiver and a soft, overstimulated oh, Steve pulls away and reaches to adjust his slacks. He unzips and pushes them and his briefs down to reveal an obviously used condom sheathing his cock. “It was just in case,” he whispers sheepishly, blushing. It goes all the way down his chest, Eddie knows, unseen beneath a baby blue polo. “For, uh, easier cleanup.”
Stifling the insane urge to giggle, Eddie kisses him again before letting Steve shoo him out to get back to his seat. Steve follows a few minutes later, hair resettled into something more like ‘napped in a strange position during the flight’ than ‘I just inducted my friend-with-benefits-or-whatever into the Mile High Club.’ They exchange conspiratorial grins, giddy over getting away with it, and then a stewardess comes by with a final round of inflight snacks and they get more champagne to go with their little packets of peanuts. Steve pulls out the map of San Francisco, pointing out all the places they want to go that he’s carefully marked down in blue pen. 
The Golden Gate Bridge. AT&T Park. Chinatown, like the movie. Cable cars. Fisherman’s Wharf, Wax Museum, and Pier 39. The Ghirardelli chocolate factory. An old World War Two submarine open for tours at Pier 45, right next to an antique game arcade. Alcatraz. Even the Castro district, which Steve lowers his voice a bit to talk about but still brimming with obvious excitement. They’re going to stay in a nice hotel near Union Square and just be fucking tourists for a few days, courtesy of the inheritance from Steve’s Grandpa Otis that he gained full access to on his twentieth birthday. 
Maybe Eddie is a little drunk, or still riding the high of orgasm a bit… but for just a moment, he lets himself dream that this could be more than just a fling. There’s a real tenderness to some of the things Steve does for him sometimes, in how sweet he can be amidst the bitchiness and insatiable libido. And Eddie loves it all, because… he loves Steve. 
Wants to wake up with him every morning of this perfect vacation, start every day with a kiss and playful bickering about whose morning breath or bedhead is worse, and then just. Keep doing that forever. 
When did that happen?
When had he fallen fallen for Hawkins’ finest purveyor of Family Videos, the Paladin tank who defended young nerds with his own life, a perfect boy with a winning smile and a taste for spoiling his partners? Absolutely crazy. 
It was only ever supposed to be a summer fling.
Permanent tag list: @hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @sofadofax @irishvampireboy @oatmilk-vampire
@wheneverfeasible @hamiltonswiftie @grtwdsmwhr @yesdangerpls @theseaofdespair
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
Then Again
♥ ♥  rockstar!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: In this the third part of what's now become my Eddie story, following "Only Now" and "Over Now". Since your last visit, Eddie spiraled, and Eddie spiraled hard. An exciting event brings all of you, the whole gang, back into a room together and even though time has passed, and everyone seems to have moved on... have you?
CW / disclaimer: 18+, language, fem!reader, smut, angst
Author’s note: all of the girlies who left me lengthy messages and shared your ideas; this one's because of you and entirely for you. I really hope it answers all of your questions and lives up to all of your expectations!
Wordcount: 9.8K
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(find all four parts of this story here)
Eddie stared at the invitation he pulled from a delicate beige envelope he'd just been handed by a roadie. The chaos from setting up the stage in a venue they'd just arrived at that day was always something Eddie liked to escape. He'd find a quiet place to wait all of it out, sometimes even stayed on the bus, until he'd be called to stage for soundcheck. When a roadie knocked and walked into his dressing room, Eddie was already up on his feet because he thought it was time, but then he was given an envelope with his name written on and was left alone again.
The influx of feelings nearly knocked him off his boots; joy, fear, guilt, relief, shame - it all hit him at once, hard. Square in his chest, where it hurt him the most and where he felt he probably deserved it the most, too.
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“Fifteen months today?”
“Day after tomorrow, but, close enough, right? Fifteen months.” Eddie said it like he couldn’t quite believe it himself.
Sat across from his therapist, he smiled bashfully at the mention of his achievement in sobriety. His therapist seemed incredibly excited and very proud of him, and if he was honest, she really was the only person he appreciated celebrating with him. Everyone else around him acknowledged it all the time, but they’d tiptoe around the subject, always scared to say the wrong thing. Eddie’s substance abuse had left a mark on them, and he’d worked hard to make things right, but he knew that there were people who’d forever be afraid that Eddie would relapse and become the worst version of himself again.
"That's fantastic, Eddie! Wow. Congratulations!"
His therapist was full on big smiles and there was no fear behind her eyes, and Eddie really appreciated it.
He hated seeing that fear. It would remind him of all the things he had done wrong in his life. Of everything that lead him to where he was now, which was a good place, anyone would agree. But too often, something or someone would hold up a mirror and show Eddie this is what you did, what you were like, what you said to me and it hurt.
If Eddie was honest, which, through a lot of therapy, he learned he really owed to himself, he’d been slowly spiraling down ever since Corroded Coffin got signed and he got a free ticket out of Hawkins. But what really accelerated him into the deepest pits of hell was that one night where you asked Eddie to ruin it all.
And he did ruin it all. Because you had asked him to, and he had obliged.
You hadn’t known how to react when yet another headline graced a newspaper, or when Eddie’s drunk angry face was plastered on the cover of another magazine, or when your boss would make another comment on what appeared to be reckless rockstar behavior from Eddie that made the press.
“Did I do this?” you asked, turning a page with a trembling hand as your cheek and shoulder worked hard to keep the phone at your ear.
“Absolutely not. Eddie is one hundred per cent doing this himself,” Steve answered, looking at the same magazine spread of unflattering paparazzi pictures.
“But do I… do I call someone? I can’t watch– what if he does something really stupid, Steve? What if…” you didn’t want to finish your sentence and heard Steve sigh on the other end of the line.
“I’ve reached out so many times, trust me. To his band members, to his management– even to Wayne, but it’s all– they’re all very… there’s nothing anyone can do,”
“So we’re just going to watch him crash and burn?” the picture in front of you of Eddie throwing an empty whiskey bottle at the windscreen of a random car should’ve never been taken and should’ve never been printed, you thought. The people around him were either eager photographers, trying to catch Eddie’s downfall in real time, or bystanders laughing. Big ugly smiles on big ugly faces, not an ounce of empathy for Eddie Munson who very clearly wasn’t doing okay.
The fucking tabloids could die, for all you cared.
“We’re not.” Steve answered, and for a second you hoped he’d have a plan. Some way to reach Eddie without facing the risk of pulling the two of you into it with him.
“We’re not going to watch him.” Steve then said, and you slumped your shoulders and let your head fall as you took hold of the phone with your hand. Simply ignoring Eddie as he dug his own grave wasn’t really going to help your anxiety at all.
“He’ll come to his senses,” Steve said, not even really convincing himself, but trying his best anyway. “Eventually.”
“I just wish there was something we could do,” the guilt you’d felt pool at the pit of your stomach into this black puddle of tar felt too sticky for you to ignore.
“It’s probably not as bad as it looks, you know what these magazines are like,” Steve tried, and you knew he was probably at least a little bit right.
“Hey,” Steve said after you failed to say anything, but just stared at the images of Eddie in front of you. “Don’t let it ruin your day, all right?” Like it hadn’t already ruined every single one since Eddie started calling you at the most awful hours and leave lengthy voicemail messages in a sloppy voice. You were barely able to make out anything he said at all, but you could always sense the anger and if the message went on long enough, his absolute helplessness. The obvious vulnerability. His weakness. They were all the things you felt constrict within your own chest as you’d listen to the messages in the morning.
Eddie never called. Never used to call. Now, he did it all the time. But you never called back.
Well, you did once but were greeted by the very kind voice of someone at the front desk of the hotel Eddie had stayed at that night, and you knew it’d be no use to ask for Eddie. He’d either have checked in under another name to hide his identity, or he'd have left already. You almost thought he did it on purpose; Eddie only ever reached out to you when he knew you’d either be at work, or asleep, and never gave you a chance to catch him when you’d return the call.
And so, you’d just listen.
You’d listen, and then you’d save every single message to listen to again later, because that’s the kind of person you were. You’d listen to them whenever you needed a good cry, because it always worked. And sometimes, you listened to them for other reasons. Stupid reasons, like, when you wanted to make yourself feel awful about yourself. You know, normal girly things. That was until Steve visited, and you let him hear. He had instantly deleted all of them from your machine.
Steve was angry with Eddie on a whole ‘nother level which he thought he hid well from you. He didn’t. You knew. But you never talked about it together because it would just be painful, and none of it would help. You both missed Eddie – not this Eddie, but Eddie Eddie – and the fact that it was hard to escape him made it all the more difficult.
It had all come ahead when, almost a full year after Eddie had last properly seen you, Robin’s doorbell rang at a quarter past midnight, followed by loud sloppy banging against her door. Panicked and confused at who the hell would be so loud that late, Robin was so ready to get angry at a tipsy, giggly Steve, but when she unlocked her door, saw someone she hadn’t been expecting.
Eddie Munson.
He looked closer to death than he’d ever looked before, and if Robin was honest, smelled closer to it too. He seemed unable to fully open his eyes, and when he looked at Robin for a second, she saw he also couldn’t keep his eyes still. They twirled and crossed over, and if the swaying on his legs didn’t give away how drunk he was, his eyes certainly sold the deal.
“Eddie?” Robin checked behind him, but he was alone. “Aren’t you… didn’t you have a show in Chicago tonight?” Robin knew because one of her cousins who lived in the windy city had been so excited to see Corroded Coffin live. Had called her specifically to tell her, because she knew Robin used to go to high school with Eddie. A car ride from Chicago would’ve taken nearly five hours. How the fuck was Eddie here right now?
“Ishehere?” Eddie drawled, the words barely making it out of him.
Eddie pushed Robin out of the way roughly and walked into the hallway with feet that were somehow too heavy to lift and simultaneously unable to easily find the floor again. Eddie had to use both his hands on either side of him to find balance on whatever he could grab onto.
Mentally, Robin tried to piece the situation together in order to make sense of it. If Eddie was here, there was no chance the concert had happened that night. He was definitely under the influence, maybe of more than just alcohol, and Robin feared that he’d left Chicago without anyone knowing. Left the band, left the fans – left a full venue of people waiting for him to come up on stage and play some fan favorites and some newer songs. Just, left.
Oh man. Eddie was in trouble.
In his current state he obviously couldn’t have gone to see Wayne, Robin couldn’t even imagine how Wayne would react to the man she saw stumble into her home. He also couldn’t have gone to see Steve either – Eddie probably knew that there were a lot of judgmental words waiting for him, a full lecture of phrases and terms that he’d have to wade through before he’d even catch sight of a couch to sleep on.
“You walked right past me,” Robin said somewhat sarcastically to Eddie’s question as she closed her front door, accepting that Eddie was in her house now and was probably going to stay the night.
“Where are you hiding her?” Eddie raised his voice and loudly slammed the door to Robin’s hallway closet and suddenly, Robin was scared. Eddie was aggressive, and she was alone.
“I’m here!” Robin hissed, nervous, but loudly, making Eddie turn his head to give her a quick glance before turning and tripping over his own feet into her living room. Robin followed him and got to see him plummet face first onto her couch. She watched him squirm around a little bit, take his shoes off with little care, mumbling to himself as he threw them across the room. Robin wondered where all of his stuff was. Had he traveled here with nothing? Should she call someone? Let them know Eddie was with her, and not face down passed out in a ditch somewhere?  
Amongst the incomprehensible rambles Eddie was slurring into one of Robin’s throw pillows, she made out some words he grumbled, “You always leave– … where are you now– … you fucking left– ... bitch won’t ever answer– … I didn’t do this, you– ... You–”
Suddenly Eddie looked up and locked eyes with Robin.  
“No,” Robin answered, surprisingly calm for her doing. She was still sort of jittery and definitely nervous, but also determined that whatever Eddie was struggling with, he wasn’t about to take any of it out on her.
“No, not me. I’m going to get you a blanket and a tall glass of water– a bucket. A bucket maybe, yes, because you seem like you’ve had a lot to drink, and I don’t want you ruining my rug. My mother got me that rug, she’d kill me if anything were to happen to it.” Robin rambled as her feet hurriedly carried her in small steps around her home, collecting the items she mentioned. “You see, sometimes people care about their things, their bodies, their lives, and they don’t feel the need to absolutely ruin everything all of the time,” she continued, and it was all too fast paced, too much, too sober for Eddie to follow or to respond to. “They don’t get drunk and travel for hours just to ring someone’s doorbell after midnight, scaring the living daylight out of them because, what if something happened to someone? Why else would someone come a-knocking? They don’t do that Eddie. They don’t.”
It seemed like Eddie had passed out.
“Please don’t die on my couch,” Robin finished, placing down a glass of water on her coffee table. “We can talk in the morning.”
Robin made sure to lock her front door and hide the keys, so Eddie had no chance of sneaking out and endangering himself more than he already had done before disappearing into her bedroom. The click of her bedroom door followed by the sudden absence of noise made Eddie lift his head up slightly, and he noticed only then that Robin had left him alone.
“Hey!” she heard Eddie call for her, the anger in his voice unmistakable.
“Robin!” she kept quiet, squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. No. She’d talk to him in the morning.
In a bid to get her attention, Eddie flung an arm out, knocking over the glass of water, and whether he intended it or not, it smashed onto the floor, breaking into vicious shards that imprisoned Eddie to the couch.
Robin heard.
She’d talk to him in the morning.
The next morning Eddie woke up to Robin talking to someone on the phone. She was trying to be quiet, but Robin was on edge and anxiety had taken over her system. She hissed down the phone and Eddie caught every word.
"Emergency. Code red. You have to come help me right now." "Guess who showed up at my doorstep in the middle of the night?" "He’s on my couch, covered in vomit." "Of course he's still alive." "No, please, you have to come, I don’t know what to do," "It smells so bad, please, Steve, I can’t do this on my own, he’s your friend," "What do I do in the meantime?" "Okay. Please, hurry."
Eddie groaned. Everything hurt. It felt like the full front of his body was bruised. Head pounding. Taste of death in his mouth. Smell of butyric acid so thick in the air, it almost made Eddie retch again. He moved to sit up, but Robin was eyeing him like a hawk, sat up in a squat on an armchair and was quick to stop him.
“Stop! Don’t move.”
Eddie didn’t need telling twice and let himself fall back, relaxing into the couch again.
“There’s glass and throw up everywhere. You’re not moving an inch ���til Steve gets here.”
Robin stayed put, kept her eyes on him and monitored every single chest raise and face grimace of the man splayed out on her couch. A man she only really knew because she'd grown close with Steve when they became coworkers, but had never really hung out with by herself. Mumbling under her breath, angry that Eddie had gotten vomit so close to her rug, Robin kept her distance because, God, smelling vomit first thing in the morning really was a sure fire way to get sick yourself if you weren't careful.
It took Steve and Robin 40 minutes to get Eddie situated at the dining table in some of Steve's clothes, freshly showered, with a glass of water and a bowl of cereal in front of him. Robin was doing her best to carefully pick up glass from her living room floor next to the couch. Steve was sat next to Eddie, both arms stretched, hands holding his knees, one leg bouncing and brows furrowed down deep. Steve was waiting for Eddie to talk. To explain. To apologize.
Eddie sighed, clearly still nauseous, and pushed the bowl of cereal away.
Steve didn't hesitate to push it right back to where it was.
"I'm not hungry, man,"
"I don't care,"
Eddie sighed again, now reaching for the spoon and moving it around a bit.
The only noise that filled the room was from pieces of glass Robin collected on the coffee table. The tension could be cut with a butter knife until Steve groaned loudly in frustration and got up from his seat.
"What are you doing, Eddie? What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Steve yelled, and it made Eddie wince. His head was throbbing still, and loud noises hurt. Steve quickly sat down again and scooted closer to Eddie, really got in his face, made sure that whatever he was going to say next, he could see Eddie's reaction.
"Fuck you, man."
Eddie kept his gaze at the bowl of cereal in front of him, but Steve saw his jaw clench.
"Seriously?! Mindful? This is mindful to you? I don't– You can't– ... You've got to stop calling her. I'm being serious, stop with the intoxicated phone calls."
Robin stopped what she was doing and looked at them from her crouched position next to her couch. This wasn't a conversation she could pretend to not listen to whilst she was doing a dangerous task.
"Telling her that she's the one that ran away – Eddie, you left. You left and then you started coming and going as you pleased, in and out of Hawkins, in and out of our lives – her life."
Eddie let out a breath he'd been holding in, rolled his eyes and turned his head away from Steve.
Wrong move, Robin thought.
"You left. You bailed. You ran, you mother fucker," Steve got up abruptly, nearly making his chair fall backwards and for good measure, Steve kicked it in frustration making Eddie flinch.
"Steve," Robin tried in a bid to calm him down.
Steve took a few steps, hands up in his hair, breathing heavily as he looked at Eddie's tensed back.
"And now you're, what? Drinking yourself into the grave? Who is that meant to hurt? Just her? Because it's not." Steve lied. "You're only hurting yourself." Another lie, encased in truth, followed by silence. Robin was scared to breathe as she watched Eddie who honestly looked like he was still drunk, not far removed from throwing up again.
"Why could you not..." Steve sighed, "Why couldn't you just be with her?"
"I was!" Eddie suddenly exclaimed and turned to look Steve in the eye. "I was with her! When I was here, I was with her."
"Cut the bullshit, asshole," Steve looked at him through narrowed eyes. "We all know that's not what I meant."
Eddie turned to look at Robin, who was quick to hold up both her hands, showing her palms as if to say, don't ask me. Then he turned back to look at Steve again, and he felt the built up anger dissipate when all he could see in his friend's face was worry and pain. Clenching his jaw, Eddie's eyes found the bowl of cereal in front of him again and he kept them there as he heard Steve sit down next to him again.
"I'm not going to pretend that whatever you're doing to yourself isn't complete self-destruction because you know, Eddie. You know what you did and you know what you had and now you know what you lost now that she finally, fucking finally, ended it."
If Steve wasn't mistaken, he thought he saw the first little rips in Eddie's hard demeanor. A couple little cracks, and Steve hoped they'd grow deeper so he could get in there properly. Worm his way in, and then drag his friend out of there.
"She moved on, and you can't handle that, and now look at what you're doing to yourself..."
"Eddie," Robin suddenly spoke from the other side of the room, making him look up a second. Her voice sounded soft and kind, and the look in her eyes reflected her words.
"You scared me last night..."
Eddie didn't need to hear more. This was enough for tears to spring into his eyes. He turned away to at least somewhat hide it, but the loud sniff that followed gave away that he was crying. Steve placed a strong, but caring hand on his shoulder, and Eddie immediately grabbed it. Held onto it. White-knuckled it until it hurt him.
"Enough with the shit excuses, all right? When's the last time you've seen Wayne?"
Eddie hugged Steve, and Eddie hugged Robin. Uttered the words "I'm sorry," about a million times through tears he felt guilty for crying. Robin was quick to tell him he didn't need to apologize to her, but Steve didn't react to the words at all, felt like he should at least say them two million more times and really mean all of them for Steve to accept them.
Eddie let Steve drive him over to Wayne's.
Wayne took Eddie straight to rehab.
When you got off the phone with Steve, you were crying. It was a weird mix of relief, happy tears, honest joyous thoughts because Eddie would be taken care of now, but you also felt so much pain for him. Rehab? That meant it was really serious. That it was really real. But he was getting help now, which was definitely good news, but you just wished it had never ever gotten to this point.
Starting you shift down at the bar, you couldn't really stop thinking about it. Your boss made a small comment, asked what was on your mind, because you seemed a little out of it, so you'd vaguely told him you'd gotten some news. Ultimately okay news, good news, but, food for thought anyway. Your boss' reaction had been that you were lucky it was Wednesday and it probably wouldn't get really busy.
And your boss had been right.
The bar only really saw regulars that day, all sat at barstools with elbows perched up onto the shiny varnished wood while the rest of the place remained empty. These guys made your job easy. You knew what all of them were drinking – beer, and beer, and then later, likely more beer – and you would have the next drink ready for them before they could even ask. They would all tip extra too if you smiled and engaged in kind conversation with them. Which you did.
Then, a stranger walked in, and he instantly caught everyone's attention. If the light, acid washed, tight jeans and the white, impeccable, tightly laced-up tennis shoes were anything to go by, this guy was lost with a capital L. Maybe, probably, there just to use the restrooms.
"That kid lost?" one of the older guys sat at the bar must have read your mind, making the two men next to him snigger softly.
You made eye contact as he sat down at the far end of the bar and smiled. "Can I get you anything?"
He honestly looked a bit like Steve, if you were honest. Polo shirt and all. Disney looking dude. Hair all sun-kissed, high lighted by the summer. The least intimidating man in there by far. And pretty. Shit, this guy was really pretty. You saw him look around and check what everyone else was drinking.
"Jack and coke?" he asked, almost like he wanted your permission for getting anything other than just a beer. "Sure, coming right up," you grinned and got started on it. You saw your boss making eyes at one of the regulars, and they were clearly making fun a little. But when you checked to see if your new customer could tell that he was being taunted for sticking out like a sore thumb, you saw him mouth along to the song being played. You turned back to look at your boss, eyebrows raised high as if to say, oh, maybe he's not so lost?
You finished mixing his drink and were about to place it down in front of him when he held out his hand to take it from you. Handing it over, his fingers brushed yours, and then you held eye contact for much longer than would be considered normal.
"Thank you," he smiled sweetly, and you couldn't help but blush. His eyes were really captivating. Big brown orbs, surrounded by beautiful long lashes. Killer smile, too.
"You're welcome," what had you all shy all of a sudden? Was it the freckles?
He reached his other hand over the bar and held it out to you.
"I'm Matt,"
You stared at it for a second, heard your boss very clearly suppress a laugh behind you, and then decided to shake it.
"Nice to meet you, Matt."
Matt then looked over your shoulder at everyone behind you and raised his glass in cheers to all the other men. You turned around and were surprised to see all of them raising their glasses in return just before you caught your boss trying to hide his smirk from you.
Interesting, you thought. This could definitely get interesting.
“So, you mentioned next weekend is big… what’s happening?” Eddie’s therapist scooted forwards in her chair and clicked the pen in her hand as it hovered over a notebook she’d scribble in from time to time.
“A wedding.” Eddie answered in a held breath, chest puffed out, holding it there for a second. “Old friends from Hawkins invited me to their wedding on Saturday, at Laurel Hall in Indianapolis, which is this beautiful mansion, used to be a school way back when…” Eddie had gotten into the habit of just saying whatever he thought, saving his therapist the trouble of asking for details. “They’ve been together since high school. High school sweethearts, what a dream, right? I guess everyone’s going to be there, old classmates, friends – I’ve been given a plus one too, which they didn’t need to do, but is still kind of them,”
“Who are getting married?”
“Nancy and Jonathan,” Eddie answered, rubbing sweaty palms over his jeans. They were names of people he didn’t think he had ever mentioned before, so he felt the need to clarify. “Jonathan is Will’s older brother, and Nancy is Mike’s older sister, and Mike and I used to be–” Eddie started, but his therapist stopped him as he clicked her fingers in recognition. “Hellfire Club.” She stated, and Eddie smiled.  “Yea,” he let a short silence fall in which he collected thoughts.
“Nancy and Steve also dated for a couple of months when they were 15… maybe 16, and Will and Mike are best friends too, so, there’s a lot of… we’re intertwined in a lot of different ways,” Eddie waved his hands over each other a few times to illustrated the intertwining of all of them.
"I guess that's what happens in small towns, huh?"
"You're nervous. Why are you nervous?" she saw right through him.
"Well... it's a wedding. People will be drinking." Eddie sighed deeply, then frowned as he stared into nothing for a second.
"Will your ex-girlfriend be there too, if you don't mind me asking?"
Eddie's eyes shot up to look his therapist in the eye.
They made Eddie talk a lot in rehab. Group therapy sessions. Individual therapy sessions. And Eddie had never really talked about anything that really bothered him before, so it was real difficult at first. He felt he wasn't meant to feel bad about anything, because was he not living the dream? Was this life not everything he had been wishing for? Everything he'd ever dreamed of ever since getting his very own first guitar?
Eddie was meant to explode with joy. Be the happiest man alive. Instead, however, Eddie felt like he was drowning constantly, and felt overwhelming guilt for it too.
Eddie had to explain all of it. Make everyone understand as he made sense of it himself. When he had to explain to people who hadn't been around your friendship, hadn't known what the two of you were like, what you'd always been like together, he tried to find the right words to make everyone understand. And then, there only seemed to be one right word for it.
You totally were his ex-girlfriend.
It was an awful moment of realization that kept him up at night for weeks because, you were his ex-girlfriend now. Ex. You had totally dated each other. For years. You'd been his girlfriend and he'd been your boyfriend. An awful one, too, but a boyfriend none the less. It had been the real deal. Eddie had been so in love and recognized that you'd been too. Maybe even more so. How had he never known? Never seen it? Never been able to face it? How did he, only now that it was over, learn that that was what it was? Eddie never even knew it was something he could lose, because it never earned its label. It never got named, and so it never gained any strength. Now that it was gone, over, past the point of repair, Eddie suddenly gave it strength, gave it meaning, gave it power by naming it what it really had been and it was heart shattering.
"I think so," Eddie said to his therapist, nodding slowly. "Yea, she must be."
And Eddie was right. The first person he laid eyes on when he walked into Laurel Hall on Saturday May 4th at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, was you. You were up near the front, already seated for the ceremony, and Eddie decided to hang back because that felt a little safer. He sat next to what he assumed were some distant relatives, and gave himself the time to see which way the wind was blowing.
The ceremony was beautiful. Jonathan and Nancy looked stunning, and Eddie really tried to follow along, to listen to the vows, to smile when he was supposed to, and to clap when he was supposed to. But with everyone, Robin, Steve, Dustin, Mike, people's parents – oh my God old friends and their judgmental parents, Eddie had completely forgotten about the parents – but mostly, with you in the room, paying attention seemed an impossible task.
Halfway through the ceremony Eddie doubted if he should've even come at all, and he thought of slipping out unseen. His palms were so sweaty, they were leaving wet patches in his trousers, and his legs wouldn't stop bouncing. But when he looked around to see if no one would actually notice, he locked eyes with Dustin who gave the most excited smile Eddie thought he'd ever seen on him, and so he stayed.
At the reception, Eddie was welcomed by someone holding a huge tray of champagne flutes at the bottom of the stairs and he figured he'd do the polite thing and take one. He'd secretly discard it somewhere on a mantel later, he thought. When he saw you in the crowd, talking to some other people he knew, he decided to grab two flutes. You were empty handed, he had two drinks – one plus one equalled two. It could've been the perfect way to step into your group. The perfect opening to talk to you. The perfect way to– ...oh no.
Someone else handed you a drink.
And you leant in.
And you kissed them?
Let them place a hand on your lower back?
You smiled?
Seemed very happy?
Dustin frantically waved him over, and Eddie was visibly relieved for the out he was given. Swerving off the path that lead directly to you, he walked over to where Dustin was stood with Will, Lucas and Max. Eddie said his hellos, and they all politely smiled at him, gave him the exact looks with the exact eyes that he'd feared he'd get from everyone that day. Somewhat fearful, definitely awkward, a little scared to say the wrong thing, and far too focussed on the huge elephant in the room that took up almost every square inch from wall to wall, from floor to ceiling. It only left the smallest bit of wiggle room to squeeze in some polite small talk.
Except, Dustin wasn't about that small talk life. At all.
"Yep, I'll take these, thank you very much," Dustin said, reaching for both of the glasses Eddie was holding and downed them immediately. Eddie gave him a look, and Dustin stared right back. "Surprise, I'm not 14 anymore, I'm overage now, shithead," he deadpanned, and Eddie was stunned into laughter. "Are you?" Will squinted at Dustin after some quick mental math, but Dustin just shrugged and said, "Close enough, anyway."
They managed to converse on a somewhat normal level in their little group. Eddie was a little fidgety, but Dustin was just being his regular old self, always teetering between innocent excitement and nonjudgmental acceptance, which was exactly what Eddie needed. Good old helpful little nerdy Dustin. What a dude, what a savior. The group grew slightly awkward again when Mike joined them, brother of the bride, but it only took seconds for Eddie to lock his elbow around Mike's neck. Mike said something so stupid about how Will and Mike were brothers now, it made everyone groan, so obviously, it was headlock-time.
Their laughter was loud, young boys having fun, but it felt misplaced because they were all in fancy suits in a very fancy solarium, and were definitely drawing attention to themselves for it. Dustin tried stepping in to save his friend, but Eddie had two arms, had he not? Lucas tried to warn him, but it was to no avail and Eddie had them both now. "No wedgies, no wedgies!" Dustin called out before wedgies had even crossed Eddie's mind. People who didn't know them were frowning, no doubt wanting to tell them off, boys you're at a wedding reception, behave yourselves!
You observed them calmly over the rim of your glass as you happily sipped the champagne that your boyfriend had handed you earlier, and you hid a smile. "They're such babies," you heard Robin mutter next to you, followed by "Oh my God, that's him! That's Eddie Munson!" from your very excited boyfriend, Matt. "Come on, I'll introduce you," Steve quipped and nodded for Matt to follow him. "Don't ask him to sign anything, or tonight is going to be so weird," you heard Steve say as they walked off together.
Tonight was definitely going to be weird.
You knew Eddie hadn't seen you look. You'd clocked him immediately. Had seen him sit down in the back during the ceremony. Tried to keep your attention with Nancy and Jonathan, smiled at Matt when he squeezed your thigh at the vows, hugged his arm as he teared up when Jonathan spoke. But Eddie was in the back, and you could almost feel his eye bore into you, so your legs had bounced wildly the entire time and your mind hadn't wavered from him for a single second.
Watching Matt be his giddy, excited, puppy-dog self as Steve introduced him was almost too much to witness. Matt was a huge Corroded Coffin fan, even if he didn't look it, and you'd told him about how you used to be real close friends with Eddie. You had never let on what that friendship entailed. What that friendship had looked like to others. What that friendship had meant to you. Matt just thought it was really cool and couldn't wait to one day maybe meet him.
Which was right now, and you realized you were entirely unprepared.
Robin understood what a bizarre position you'd been placed in, and stood beside you as you both looked at the three of them from afar. You thought it was nice that you were out of earshot, you didn't need to hear Steve ask Eddie to ask Matt what his favourite band was. It was also nice to see that Steve and Eddie were on good terms. They smiled at each other, and had hugged in greeting. You knew they'd seen each other a few times after Eddie had gotten out of rehab. Steve had also actually replied to the letter they had made Eddie write in there, which you hadn't done. You had read the one he wrote you, memorized huge chunks of it even, but had never picked up a pen to write a reply. It had kind of kept the door between the two of you dead-bolted shut, and Eddie hadn't dared knocking it for fear you'd find another lock to turn the key on.
"This is weird," Robin muttered, only loud enough for you to hear.
"So weird," you agreed. You saw how Eddie kept biting his lips and knew that he was nervous. Eddie Munson, nervous to talk to your Disney boyfriend. What a wild thing to be staring at.
"Matt and Steve are practically wearing the same outfit," Robin followed up, and you realized that she was talking about something entirely different from you. But, shit, she was right. It wasn't the exact same outfit, but if you squinted hard enough, you could easily confuse one for the other.
When you saw Matt turn to look at you, point his finger for Eddie to follow its line, you waved. And then you smiled. You were a grown up. An adult, God damn it. You could wave at someone and be normal, surely.
Before Eddie could wave back, you saw how they were being asked to step into the formal dining room as dinner was about to be served. People started moving, all ready to find their seats at the other end of the mansion, but Eddie didn't follow them. Instead, he slowly make his way over to you, and then, suddenly, it was just you and Eddie in the solarium still.
"Hey," with both hands in his pockets, Eddie twisted on his foot and used the other to tap your shin as a greeting. It was awkward, but cute.
"Hey," you returned the same gesture, but you were in heels, and you almost lost your balance. Eddie's hands reflexively reached out, but were quickly pulled back as you steadied yourself on your own. You blushed at your own clumsiness and Eddie scratched the back of his neck, entirely unsure of how to approach this chat with you.
Then you both chuckled. You chuckled at yourselves, at each other, at this outrageous situation you found yourselves in - all of it too stupid not to laugh at.
"You met Matt," you said, gesturing vaguely at the spot where they'd been stood seconds earlier.
"I did. Nice um... yeah, he's a nice guy," you could hear hesitation in his voice, and you squinted at him through a small smile. Eddie exuded the same vibes you'd felt in the bar when Matt had first walked in.
"Matty," Eddie said, and you could tell he was making fun a little. You let him, knowing how Matt could come off. Especially since he was an actual real life fan of Eddie. First impressions didn't really mean anything when it came to Matt. You knew.
"Eddie," you replied, returning his own facial expression and tone to him, and it made the both of you laugh softly.
"You look really good," Eddie suddenly complimented, looking you up and down, eyes gliding over your plum dress, and your chest ached with the way he said it.
"So do you," it was the polite thing to say, but you also absolutely meant it. Eddie looked fucking great.
A small silence lingered, and you were about to say that you should probably also make your way over to find your seat, but Eddie stopped you.
"Can we," Eddie stepped closer and let fingers wrap around your arm. "Can we meet, later? Another time, I mean. Another place. Like, next week, maybe?"
You looked at Eddie's hand as he touched you, felt sparks, before you looked up at him again, and you were met with big emotional eyes that couldn't look more apologetic if they tried.
You smiled warmly. "I'll think about it."
You knew it wasn't the answer Eddie wanted to hear, but he accepted it, nodded, let you go, and watched as you stepped away and went to find your seat next to Matt for dinner. You kind of liked the position of power you suddenly found yourself in with Eddie, and thought to yourself that you wanted to hold onto that for a little while longer. Could be, dared you think it, fun.
Dinner took its sweet time, and you grew a little bored. Speeches were followed by more speeches, were followed by more speeches, were followed by more speeches. When you saw Jim Hopper wipe thick tears from his cheeks, you turned to Steve to point it out. Steve looked, but then turned back to you and pointed at your boyfriend. Matt was crying too, and there was no possible way for him to even understand any of the references in any of the speeches. "Weddings just get me," he'd said earlier when he cried at the ceremony too, and you thought it was cute then. Now, it was becoming a bit much. You rolled your eyes at Steve, who silently laughed before you decided to down your glass of wine and immediately asked for another from a passing waiter.
After dinner, the party moved back to the rest of the ground floor. There was the grand lobby by the staircase, where people could sit on big old chesterfield couches and in old leather armchairs. Then there was the solarium that had its marble tiles turned into a dance floor. Lastly, there was the terrace, lit with beautiful patio lights strung across, where people could sit and chat at larger and smaller tables.
Jonathan and Nancy had their first dance, and it was very romantic. Made you swoon a little, looking at the eyes they made at each other. Perfect fucking couple. Behind them, you'd seen Eddie slip outside. For a smoke, you were sure. You weren't going to follow him. You were a grown up. An adult. You were no longer hung up on Eddie, and you made your own choices. Your next choice, you decided, was to drag your boyfriend onto the dance floor with you, even though, and he'd been very adamant about this, Matt didn't dance.
"Steve, my man," Matt slapped a hard hand onto Steve's shoulder.
"Do me a solid," he gestured to you as you were tipsily trying your best to reel Matt in with your imaginary fishing rod. "I don't dance."
Steve furrowed his brow, pretended to unhook Matt from your wire, and placed the imaginary hook onto his own collar. Ten seconds later, you were both stood on the dance floor, in dancing position, holding onto each other, just like everyone else was.
You mused together about how you were grown ups now. Real adults. With adult lives, and adult responsibilities. People your age were getting married now, having kids, had steady jobs, careers even and had fucking mortgages. It was such a trip if you thought about it for too long, and were glad to learn that Steve wholeheartedly agreed.
"We're grown ups who make sensible choices now," you almost said it like it was dirty.
"We're grown ups who know when to stop drinking," Steve said, giving you a look. You had definitely nearly tripped over your own feet a few times already.
"Ouch, don't let Eddie hear," you joked and, sure, maybe it was too soon for jokes like that, but you'd said it now anyway and it made Steve turn to check if Eddie hadn't accidentally heard you.
"We're grown ups who use our indoor voices," Steve pointedly said, visibly relieved Eddie hadn't been near you to have heard that.
"We're grown ups who decide for themselves how loud they want to speak," you were practically screaming over the music, and it had the two of you giggling into each other as you danced.
Dancing with Steve was fun. He sort of knew what he was doing and would hold you tightly when he did a spin. You'd seen Joyce smile and point you out to someone and knew it was solely because of the way Steve was moving you across the floor.
That was, until you were interrupted.
"Mind if I cut in?" Eddie suddenly appeared beside you, clasping a hand onto Steve's shoulder.
"Of course, but be careful with him, Steve's got two left feet," you joked, and pretended to step back to let Eddie dance with Steve.
"Idiot," Steve laughed and pulled you into a hug, whispered "grown ups!", in your ear and then smiled at Eddie as he passed your hand into his.
"Oh my God," you feigned nervousness as you let Eddie pull you close, one hand on the small of you back, the other holding your hand, just like every single other couple on the dance floor.
"I'm dancing with Eddie Munson," you said sarcastically, copying Matt's tone from earlier, squealing like an excited fan, smiling hard enough to make your eyes squint.
He furrowed his brows to appear offended, hurt even, but it was futile. The smile on Eddie's face was there to stay.
"You've clearly had a few, I see," Eddie noted, and if Eddie was trying to make you feel guilty over it, it wasn't working. You were totally allowed to drink, and weren't going to let Eddie - Eddie, who was responsible for the most difficult years of your life - guilt-trip you for it.
So, you just smiled. And nodded. Because yes, you had had a few. Eddie returned your smile and for a couple of seconds, you just danced and smiled at each other.
"You really do look nice," you said, noticing the blush in Eddie's cheeks that kind of matched your dress, funnily enough.
"Oh my God, stop flirting, people will assume things," Eddie joked in a hushed tone of voice, eyes darting across the room in a fake panic as you looked up at him.
"The people here? I think we both have years of convincing them they shouldn't be assuming shit under our belts, do we not?"
You were definitely flirting, and it felt terrific to feel like you had the upper hand over Eddie this time around. It was such a welcome shift you hadn't anticipated wanting to delve into so badly, but with plenty of others on the dance floor and no possible threat of Matt stepping in, you kind of just went with it. It was fun.
"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but," Eddie spun you before pulling you back into his chest. Not as smoothly as Steve would've done it, but still nice. "I don't think we ever really managed to properly convince anyone," Eddie grimaced, as if it was the worst news he could've ever broken to you.
You smiled at your feet before whipping you head back up to look at him. With Eddie smiling down at you like that, it seemed like Eddie appreciated you trying to keep the ball in your court. Tonight, Eddie could just look at you as you played with it. He could eagerly wish for you to toss it over the net, which you weren't planning on doing willingly, though you never ruled out the option of the ball slipping from your hands momentarily. Eddie might not have been drinking, but you definitely were. Maybe the ball would accidentally bounce over to him every once in a while, and those moments could be tests - you wanted to see if Eddie would throw the ball back to you on his own accord. And he better. He still had shit to make up to you.
"I got your letter," you blurted out, immediately regretting bringing it up, but Eddie's smile didn't falter.
"Lot of big confessions," you almost sounded challenging in your tone, a playful smile tugging at your cheeks.
"Yeah," Eddie scrunched his face as he elongated the word and nodded, not embarrassed to have written them down, but embarrassed you were talking to him about his feelings now.
"You never wrote me back, though,"
"I didn't,"
Eddie looked at you questioningly, and you were quick to frown at him.
"Um, how does one reply to, 'I was always head over heels, over the moon, out of this universe, so God damn in love with you, and I didn't even fucking know it'... any suggestions?"
"Um, I don't know, thank you, maybe,"
You laughed heartily at him, and Eddie bent into you as he laughed too. When the laughing ceased, and you returned to crow-feeted smiles for one another, Eddie realised that you'd memorized that part of his letter, and you realised that you'd just given that away.
"I do love you too, you know, if that's what you wanted to hear,"
Eddie gasped a small breath.
"You do?"
You nodded and grimaced, almost as if to say, I don't know why either, joining him in his bit.
"I had no idea," Of course Eddie fucking knew.
"What a shocker, hey?"
"I can not believe it. I don't think our friendship can take blows like this."
The music switched from a slight mellow one into a real slow, romantic one. There was no getting out of having to sway slowly to the gentle tunes, and to be honest, you didn't mind at all.
You sighed deeply, then thought of Matt.
"It's too late, is all," you said, ignoring the fact that, actually, even if you had been single, you still probably wouldn't have just accepted Eddie back into your life as easily. Even just as a friend, it was going to be difficult going for him.
"I know,"
You saw Eddie glance over your shoulder, no doubt to look at Matt. When he kept his eyes trained in the same direction for too long, you turned to look and saw Steve look at the two of you. His expression read a little confused, but didn't really say much else. Not to you anyway - you didn't know what had been going on behind your back before you turned around.
"Then again... is it?" Eddie whispered in your ear and then looked at you as he stepped back, let go of you entirely and took three steps backwards before turning on his heel and leaving the dance floor, and then, the solarium entirely. Eddie left you standing there alone, and you turned to look at Steve.
Steve, who, with big eyes, immediately mouthed 'no!' at you.
But you just shrugged, looked at Steve like you kind of had no other choice as your feet started following Eddie's footsteps.
Steve waved his arms to beckon you as discreetly as he could, inaudibly telling you to 'stop', and to 'come here', followed by 'we're grown ups!' but then Matt suddenly popped up next to him, and Steve proved once again that he was the best fucking friend you couldn't even have ever dreamed of asking for. Steve grabbed Matt by the shoulders, gave him a big smile, and engaged into conversation immediately as he turned him around, facing away from you, leaving you every opportunity to slip out and find Eddie.
You found Eddie at the bottom of the stairs in the grand lobby, which, thank fuck, was empty.
He held out his hand for you to grab, and when you did, wanted to leave through the main entrance, but you had a different idea.
You held onto Eddie's hand as you lead the way upstairs. Looking down the hallway from the landing, you saw a door that read 'Presidential Suite', and seconds later, you were stood in what was very obviously the bridal suite Jonathan and Nancy were going to be staying in that night. You were both staring at the four poster bed that was covered in rose petals.
"Maybe this isn't..." Eddie turned his head to look at you, and found you were already looking up at him.
"It definitely isn't..." you absolutely knew what he meant, but turned your body into him and snuck an arm into his jacket to curl around his waist.
Shit. You wanted Eddie. Sure, you'd been drinking, but not enough to be taken advantage of. You wanted Eddie, and you wanted him now.
"We might regret this," Eddie spoke softly, just above a whisper, but his nose was already nudging around yours. You couldn't manage a proper reply, but just let out a whimper that sounded enough like you agreed with him before you closed any distance left between the two of you and kissed him.
You kissed Eddie. Took hold of his face, pushed a hand into his hair, and you kissed him. Eddie wrapped both arms around your waist and pulled you in tightly, but didn't move otherwise, and let you kiss him for however long you wanted.
Eddie could cry with how much he needed this, needed you, but didn't make any further moves. You'd been right earlier; the ball was in your court.
You hummed, moaned and panted into Eddie's mouth, let your tongue roam and teeth nibble and you loved every single second of it. You could kiss Eddie like this for hours, and you easily would have, but then, you felt his erection press up against you and suddenly, just kissing wasn't enough. With your mouth still on him, you moved a hand down to press a palm over him, and you felt him flinch. It broke your kiss, and you looked down at it.
Eddie did too.
You palmed him for a few seconds, unable to look away from it, heard how Eddie held his breath and then, you let out a shuddered breath of your own.
"Get on the bed."
Eddie didn't need telling twice. He crawled onto the bed, let himself flop against the pillows sat somewhat upright, and started undoing his pressed trousers as you got busy hiking up your dress at the foot of the bed. After sliding down your underwear and stepping out of them carefully, you climbed onto the bed and Eddie reached out with both arms to help you get on top of him.
Straddling Eddie, and with all lights in the room turned on, you got to look at Eddie's face crumble as you started moving, slowly writhing, sliding up and down. Eddie's hands were clasped onto your sides and both your hands made sure they stayed there. You cocked your head, like a puppy hearing a new sound it tried to figure out, and studied Eddie's face as his eyes rolled to the back of his head before he let his full head fall backwards against the curtained wall behind the pillows. Fascinating. A huge turn on. You couldn't help but dip down and kiss him, and Eddie immediately returned it, full forced, moaning and groaning as he did.
Eddie looked up at you when you broke away from him, and you felt his hands move, firm fingers now digging into your hips as you picked up your pace, and you swore you could see it in his eyes.
You won.
You deserved to win, and you’d won.
You were the focal point of Eddie’s whole world. Past, present, and future. The first and only choice. He’d follow you anywhere, he’d just proven it, just to be near you, to be with you.
You’d won, and you could feel it, looking into Eddie's eyes with your foreheads locked together. Your eyes fluttered shut as you bit your lip before you moaned, and it drove Eddie wild. 
You were having devastatingly romantic sex in a bridal suite not meant for you, with a man not meant for you. But you were strong. Made your own decisions. Decided how close you were going to let Eddie get. Chose to fuck him all on your own accord. You'd deal with repercussions later, if there'd even be any, because maybe, you wouldn't allow there to be any. That's how powerful you felt, and you deserved it, Eddie thought so too.
You rode Eddie until your legs cramped, then let Eddie hold you steady as he rammed into you until you saw stars. You toyed with the idea of not letting Eddie get there, but then decided you wanted to feel every single muscle of him shudder underneath you, and so you kept it up until Eddie saw stars too.
A panting puddle of limbs on silk - now wet - sheets, you took a moment to catch your breaths. Let Eddie hold you close. Whisper sweet nothings into your hair. Words that could make you cry if they weren't laced in guilt and shame. You let Eddie do whatever he felt he needed to do, because you didn't mind him fighting for it. You let him, until the pauses between his words drew longer. You let him, until the blinks of his eyes grew slower. You let him, until he'd completely drifted off into blissful dreams of soft kisses, tender touches and sweet smiles.
"Eddie, what the fuck?!"
"What are you doing up here?"
"Get out of here!"
Eddie was rudely awoken by the shrill voice of Nancy, and the very confused voice of Jonathan just a couple hours after he'd fallen asleep in their bed. They'd walked in on him with his dick in his boxers, thank God, but his trousers halfway down his legs still.
"What the..." is all Eddie managed to say in a groggy voice as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.
"Eddie! Get out!" Nancy wasn't going to give him time to adjust and hit him with her bouquet of flowers that she was meant to keep safe, making Eddie roll away from her.
"What's this?" he heard Jonathan on the other side of the bed and saw him pick up a note from a pillow.
Eddie was quick to snatch it from him as he rolled off the bed and was chased into the hallway by Nancy, trying to pull his trousers up as he did.
She slammed the door loudly, making Eddie wince at the echoing sound. He did up his zipper and closed the button before turning his attention to the now crumpled up note in his hand. Eddie rubbed his face and blinked his eyes into focus more, turned the note so the words were no longer upside down. As he read the words you'd left him with, a grin slowly took over his face.
'Sure. Next week. Coffee. x'
It could mean nothing, Eddie knew. It could absolutely totally have zero meaning. But, then again, if Eddie dared let his mind wonder, it held every potential to mean everything.
Read the final installment: Never Over
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @kiwisa @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @xomunson @sadbitchfangirl @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @eddiemunsonfuxks @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @harrys-tittie @chaoticgood-munson @jenisnotlost @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @xeddiesbattattsx @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @thefemininemystiquee @hauntingbastille @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-joey @alizztor @thelostmoonofpooosh @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff - (tag list currently full)
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theladybarnes · 1 year
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“Look, I wasn't trying to be a jerk. It's just that we're not kids anymore.”
▸ summary: summer rain is here, and you’re definitely feeling it’s effects on your mood ▸ characters: steve harrington, robin buckley, & dustin henderson ft. a fun phone call ▸ word count: 4.2k           ▸ warnings: angst, semi-fluff ▸ series masterlist
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Driving home that night proved to be a bigger stress for you. After Robin, Steve, and Dustin made a plan for the morning, you quietly took Dustin home. Listening to all the things he needed to look for Russian spies inside the mall the next day. 
 The only answer you gave to him was a simple ‘yes’ when he asked to be dropped off at the mall in the morning. 
 The severity of the situation seemed to be slipping past all their minds tonight and you can’t help but grow worried at what their snooping might do. What if this was more intense than they thought? You were still hopeful that the translated message was just gibberish. But knowing Hawkins..it could be the worst.
 You were about to head to sleep when you heard the phone down the hall from your room. Not wanting to let it wake up anyone else in the house, you tiptoed out your room and quickly picked up the receiver. 
 “Henderson residence. What do you want?” you asked curtly. 
 “Geez, do you always pick up your phone like that?”
 You rolled your eyes, scanning over the clock that was mounted on the wall to check the time. “I get like that when people call our house near midnight.” you sighed, moving to sit down on the chair by the phone stand. “Why are you calling so late, creep?”
 Jonathan laughed on the other line, sounding amused by your attitude more than anything. “I’m calling because it’s been a good minute since I’ve seen you. I just wanted to know if you were all right.”
 “I’m touched.” you said honestly. “But what’s the real reason?” 
 “Company?” he laughed, obviously being caught. “I’m developing some photos and wanted someone to talk to. I hoped you'd be awake.”
 “Gosh, the paper is really working your ass off.” He laughed a bit on the other end again. “What kind of story are you helping with that they have you working this late?”
 “If only it were a story,” he said, sounding tired. “I’m sort of developing these crazy shots of a rat for Nancy.”
 “That’s romantic.” you snorted. 
 “It’s for something she thinks might be a lead. Something with the rats that are getting into chemical supplies���it’s a lot.”
You can’t help but frown. Knowing that he’s not entirely giving up the information that you want to seek out from his story. But at the same time, could you really dive into whatever that was and keep an eye out for the scoops trio from getting into trouble? Still..
 “Is this a lead that you guys might need my help in?” 
 “No.” Jonathan answered quickly. “Nancy’s getting pretty angsty about things at work and I know it’ll mean a lot to her if she’s able to help figure this out.”
 “Fine. But if you two need me, you’ll know where to find me.”
 “Yeah,” he snorted. “At the mall with Steve.”
 There was the teasing you had been waiting for. But after these past few days, you couldn’t help but think for once they were way off. Steve was proving to be even more complicated than you expected and you weren’t sure you could mentally handle it.
 “Did I lose you there, Henderson?”
 “I’m here.” you said after a minute. “I’m just..thinking.”
 “About Steve?”
 “Yeah.” you said honestly. “But not in the way you think.”
 “Well, tell me.”
 Looking down the hall you check to see if anyone is listening in to what you’re saying before bringing the phone up to your ear. “I’m likeable, right?”
 “I put up with you.”
 “That doesn’t answer my question.”
 “It does actually.” You could hear the sounds of something closing, possibly a door before he came back to the phone. “I don’t like most people.” he breathed. “In fact, it takes a lot for me to like someone, actually.”
 “How does that answer me?”
 “I’m getting there.” he grunted. “The first week you were here, and it was like you instantly treated me better than half the kids I had grown up with. Not because you liked me, not because you knew me, but because..you wanted to.”
 He took your silence as a sign to continue on.
 “You’re very real and honest with everyone. In a way that has people either running away or working hard to stay as close as they can.”
 “So you’re saying I’m a bitch.” you said finally, trying to lighten up the serious conversation. 
 “Not a word I’d use…Genuine. I think you’re genuine.”
 “Genuine..” you repeated, unsure if that fit what you felt about yourself.
 “And because you’re so genuine, it makes people strive to be with you. Whether it be because you’re friends..or more.”
 “Do you think there’s a chance that..he’d want more?”
 “Can’t say..” he sighed. The sound of him calling out to another coworker has you dreading ending the call. But before he does, Jonathan does leave you with some parting words to think over. “But what I can say is I highly doubt someone like Steve Harrington would miss his chance this summer to finally make his move.”
 “You think so?”
 “I know so.”
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  The phone call, while still nice, did very little to help improve your mood. The following morning ended up matching your mood. Instead of the lovely sunny weather you’ve been given this past week, you’re starting out the new month with gloomy gray overcast. 
 What was worse was you were stuck heading into work earlier than usual, called in by one of the other lifeguards to come help. At first you were going to try and find a way out of it, but after being promised the chance to head home early, you decided you couldn’t pass it up. 
 Unfortunately, you’d deal with having to ditch a sleeping Dustin later on. 
 “This weather bites.” said your coworker Zoe as she entered inside the girl’s locker room. You had spent the majority of the gloomy day inside, cleaning up around the area while you waited for your closing shift to come inside.
 “Tell me about it,” you grumbled, jumping into your jeans. “Adam has had a stick up his ass all day too.” 
 Zoe nodded her head, pulling up her perfect curls into a high ponytail. “That would be because instead of working with his crush today. He gets your lovely disposition.” she teased, making you freeze for a moment. Did she really mean that? “Honestly, it’s probably just this rain. Makes everyone crazy.”
 “It’s ridiculous.” you frowned, looking down the hall to see the gloom that seeped in from the doorway. “When the hell does summer have rainy days?”
 “In Hawkins it does.” she shrugged, grabbing onto her bright red bomber jacket. The Hawkins Pool logo brightly printed on her chest. “But you’re free to go have fun and soak this lovely rain up.” 
 “Please.” you laughed, grabbing onto your jacket. “I’m gonna spend the day hiding in the mall. Hopefully breaking my Dad’s heart with the charges I plan on making.” 
 “Have fun.” she waved, heading off towards the main office. You followed after her, almost heading to where your car was before you looked down at the member board. The picture of Heather posing happily for the team photo making you wonder just where the girl had gone off today.
 The light sound of thunder crackling in the distance felt like a pretty good answer. Just like you, she probably wanted to spend the day at home, under a nice blanket.
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  The mall is at least a nice shade from all the rain and you find that despite whatever reservations you might have about the Russian tape debacle, that you’re at least doing something this summer. 
 Maybe it would be best to approach this differently. More positive. If there was something secret going on then all you guys had to do was turn this into Hopper. He’d get in touch with the officials from the lab for help and that’s it. Right?
 You were on the way to making your way to Scoops when you noticed two familiar heads of hair. 
 For some reason, the two boys had it under the notion that people inside of the mall would not see them behind the small plant life that trimmed the seating area. But also not see a giant pair of binoculars watching them. 
 Shaking your head, you brushed through the waves of people so that you could make your way over to them. They were kneeled beside each other, fighting over the binoculars when you listened in on their conversation.
 “..I don’t get why you’re looking at girls. You have the perfect one in front of you.” 
 You felt your heart stop as you listened to Dustin’s words. Could have possibly noticed your interactions with Steve? Did he happen to think on his own what you were secretly hopeful for?
 “Seriously, if you say Robin again–”
 “Robin.” Dustin said, cutting Steve.
 “No, don’t. NO.”
 “Robin, Robin, Robin.”
 They painfully continue this for a minute longer and you’re forced to bite down on your lip to keep from asking why Robin Buckley of all people. But really, if someone asked you to name a reason why there was a problem with Robin, you wouldn’t be able to really say anything.
 “No, man, she’s not my type.” Steve exclaimed. “She’s not even..”
 “Not even what, Harrington?” you asked, making your presence known. The two boys jumped a bit, but you ignored their shocked expressions to join Dustin at his left. 
 “Nice of you to join us, trouble.” Steve muttered, running a hand through his hair. 
 “Nice? Was it nice when she ditched me this morning to go to work? I had to take the bus! Like all the other people!”
 You rolled your eyes, slapping Dustin on the back of his arm. “I left a note for you. I’m sorry I couldn’t wait around for you to finally wake up just to drive you around. I actually needed to come into work early.”
 “Please, not only do you sit on a chair all day making sure a bunch of third graders don’t drown. But it is also raining. What work did they need you for?”
 “Whatever.” you scoffed, moving closer towards the two. “Let’s get back to the conversation..” you mused, raising a brow at Steve. 
 “Well,” Steve said, clearing his throat. “She’s not even in the ballpark of what my type is, all right?”
 “What’s your type again? Not awesome?”
 “Thank you.” Steve said sarcastically to Dustin.“For your information, she’s still in school. And she’s weird.” he explained. “She’s a weirdo. And she’s hyper. I don’t like that she’s hyper.”
 Dustin briefly ignored him, letting Steve continue on in his horrible explanation. 
 “And she did drama. That’s a bad look. And she’s in band?..NO.”
 Your cousin looked over his shoulder, oddly sharing the same look of discomfort that you were before faced Steve again. “Now that you’re out of high school, which means you’re technically an adult, don’t you think it’s time you move on from primitive constructs such as popularity?”
 “Oh, primitive constructs? That some stupid shit you learned at Camp Know..Nothing?”
 “Camp Know Where, actually. And no it’s shit I learned from life.”
 Shaking your head, you tried to think over what was being said exactly. While Steve wasn’t interested in Robin for trivial reasons, you couldn’t help but pick out a few things that could quite possibly be reasonable. 
 He was out of school, and possibly wanted to date someone his age now that he’d be out in the adult work life. And sure, Robin definitely was hyper and a bit unusual. But never in a way that you saw as something bad?
 In Steve’s eyes what was the type of usual person that he could see himself dating?
 “Don’t you agree?” 
 You snapped out of your thoughts to find that Dustin was speaking to you. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
 “I said that instead of dating somebody he thinks is gonna make him cooler, why not date somebody he actually enjoys being around?”
 It stunned you a bit to hear something so genuine from your cousin. Despite the petty fighting and teasing they do to each other. Dustin really wanted the best for Steve. Even going as far to give a slightly tough love, but heartfelt advice.
 “Wow, Dustin..that’s perfect actually.” you said, still taken back by his words.
 “Exactly. Then he can have what me and Suzie have.”
 “Oh, Suzie.” Steve said. “Yeah, you mean ‘hotter than Phoebe Cates.’ Yeah, that Suzie.” He stared up like he was actually thinking long and hard about his answer while he scratched at his head. But with the heavy sarcasm in his tone, you knew he was doing anything but. “Let’s think about how exactly did you score that beautiful girlfriend?..Oh, yeah with my advice.”
 You can’t help but laugh at his ego right now, knowing that Dustin’s words hit him pretty hard if he felt the need to bring up his past dating advice. 
 “That’s how this works, Henderson. I give you the advice, you follow through. Not the other way around, all right, pea-brain?” He turned away after that, a familiar pout tugged at his bottom lip as he scanned over the mall. 
 “You know, Dustin, what you said was pretty cool.” you said after a minute of their silence. “Have any solid advice for me?”
 “Advice?” he asked, setting down the binoculars. “For what, dating?”
 “Yeah, you never worked this hard to help find me a boyfriend. Lord knows I need one.”
 Steve in the back turned back to look over at you, pout slowly turned into a frown now. But before he could say anything, Dustin burst out into a fit of laughter. The two of you shared a confused look. “What’s so funny?” he asked Dustin.
 “It’s just hard to imagine the poor guy that’s gonna have to put up with her and her attitude. Not to forget, the mood swings.”
 You can’t control your face as you stare shocked at Dustin. Not only were these words the last thing you wanted to hear right now, but from your family of all people. Steve quickly nudged Dustin, frowning down at the kid before pointing to you.
 “Trouble here deserves a good guy. Someone who will make her laugh, be there for her, and care for her. Especially after the shitty ex she just dealt with.”
 Dustin snorted at that, pulling the binoculars back up to his face as he looked onto the crowds again. “Hate to break it to you, Steve. But that fairy tale prince does not exist for her.” He glanced up at you before he frowned a bit. “Why are you here anyway? Didn’t you say you wanted to shop today? We don’t need your help with this anyway. Just go.”
 Suddenly you’re filled with shame. Was there something in the water that had most people being put off of you? Or was there something else you weren’t realizing? Getting up from the floor, you ignored Steve’s gaze as you patted off the dirt from your pants.
 “Right..I’ll go.” 
 “Good, just be around later on so I can get a ride home.” Dustin said after that, facing back towards the crowd. You turn away after that, not wanting either boy to see as the tears formed in your eyes. Maybe he was right about all this. Maybe Dustin again came through with the only real advice.
 Either way, you went on to do what you did best. 
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  “Sorry Miss but if you’re not going to buy anything, we’re gonna have to ask you to leave. We’re closing in five minutes.” 
 You nearly dropped the dress in your hands at the sight of the girl from up the counter inside Kaufman’s shoes. Has it really been hours since you attempted to shop? Every store you had gone into had been through a blind haze. Not really seeing anything you’d like or anything that could get you out of your mind. 
 “I’m sorry.” you said finally, setting the item back on the counter. “I’ve been a little distracted.”
 “No worries, hun. Have a safe trip home. Okay?”
 Waving goodbye to the cashier, you slowly left the store along with a few other stranglers. The lights of the mall had begun to dim and you were thankful for the day to be finally at an end. It was right when you were about to set foot out of the front doors of the building that you finally remembered.
 “Shit, where’s Dustin?” you groaned, slapping your hand against your forehead. 
 Turning around quickly, you pushed past the last few shoppers and made your way over to the escalators. Of course the machine had turned off and you carefully stepped down to the level of the food court. But it wasn’t until you were about to turn in the directions of Scoops that you suddenly felt it.
 The sudden realization that despite the empty food court, you were not alone.
 “Район теперь свободен. (The area is now clear).” 
 That’s all you needed to hear before you quickly dashed to hide behind one of the larger pillars that surrounded the escalator. 
 “Мы должны встретиться для доставки сейчас. (We are to meet for a delivery now.)”
 Peeking out from the side, you watched as two large looking men dressed in black heading towards the entrance to the Imperial Panda. Nothing too shocking, except for the fact that they were armed with large guns.
 “Holy shit.” you whispered, watching as they checked the area before finally going into the back door. “Evil Russians.”
 Knowing now that what Dustin and Robin had uncovered was real, you couldn’t help but feel the sudden panic. If they were anywhere near these guys, then they were most likely near danger. Dashing over to Scoops, you quickly rush over to the counter and find that there’s a note.
 “Up on the roof for further surveillance. -R ♡”
 “Shit,” you hissed, pushing past the metal swing door. You’re careful when running out the backroom of the loading hall. Scared that you might run into the goons that you saw before. But thankfully there seemed to be no one there. 
 Running down, you finally find the door that led up to the roof, rushing upwards so that you could finally get to the group. 
 “Guys?” you called out, being instantly hit with the rain. It’s pouring worse than ever and you shiver a bit as you step closer.
 “Duck!” you heard Dustin yell. Stepping forward, you arrive just in time to watch as they quickly turn around to face you. Confusion on their faces before Dustin reached over to drag you down on the floor. “Get down, idiot!” he hissed.
 Barely being able to register what’s going on, you looked over the edge a bit to catch sight of the same guards from downstairs. Only now they were looking up towards the roof. 
 “Guys we should mo-“
 The words die off from your lips when you take in the sight of Steve holding hands with Robin. The two of them were scared and breathing heavily but holding tightly to one another.
 “Let’s get the hell out of here.” Dustin said, dragging you away. Steve noticed your gaze and dropped hands with Robin before following after you two. 
 The run back towards the hall to Scoops is almost fast. Making you wonder if it was the panic or the anger that was building up inside of you. 
 A hand grazed at your shoulder, trying to get you to turn around but you push through to keep the lead. 
 “Well, I think we found your Russians.” You heard Robin say behind you. 
 You waited until the four of you were behind the locked doors of Scoops before turning around finally. 
 “I can’t believe it.” Dustin gaped, “they were definitely hiding something.” 
 “Exactly! Tomorrow we need to find a way to get into that storage room and see what they were guarding!” Robin said to Dustin.
 The two of them sounded almost excited to have their hunches confirmed. Making you frown even more at everything. Finally, after the day you had, you can’t hold back anymore. 
 “Are you two serious?” You asked, seething tone edging into your voice. “Did we all not see the same thing?”
 The two of them turned quiet, looking over at you with confusion. It’s only Steve whose head is tilted at you eyes turning wide at the familiar tone. 
 “What do you mean?” Robin asked. “Of course I did. The guards had something..”
 “Uh, I wouldn’t—.” Steve started. But you held up a hand to him. Taking a step closer to Robin with narrowed eyes. 
 “Had something? Is that really all you saw, you idiot?”
 Dustin stepped forward, frowning up at you with crossed arms. Obviously not picking up at your tone. “Look, we get it. You’re upset but you don’t have to go around calling people names.”
 “Oh I think I do!” You laughed, feeling your chest begin to ache with the amount of emotions running through. “You see, I tend to call people idiots when they blatantly ignore the signs of danger.”
 “Look, why don’t we just call it a night?” Steve interjected, trying to hold his hands up to you. 
 “No, Steve. I’d like to know why I’m being insulted.” Robin countered, frowning at you for the first time ever. 
 “You’re being insulted because instead of being scared at the idea that there are armed men in this mall, you’re curious as to what stupid thing they’re hiding in a box!”
 “But I’m not scared!” Robin yelled back. “And yes, I’m curious. But you would be too if you were invested in what’s going on!”
 “You are a child, Robin!” You argued. “Fuck, we all are.” Rubbing a hand through your face, you try not to explode and explain everything that’s happened. How adding this to the list of shit going on with Hawkins is not good. 
 “Look, you don’t have to worry.” Robin tried, more calmly this time. “We just have to be cautious about this and approach this carefully.” 
 You dropped your hand from your face to look at her questionably. “You cannot be serious. We should not get any more deeper than this! Do you not realize what would happen if we had stayed on that roof? If they had caught us?” Scoffing, you look over at all of them now. “It’s like you’re looking for trouble.” 
 “Look, I get that you’re upset and I would be too if I was proven wrong.” Dustin said coming closer to you. “But you can still get some credit from the search if you help us out tomorrow—“
 “Do you think that I would be so vapid as to be only interested in being right about this?” You gaped, looking down shocked at your cousin again today. 
 “Well yeah, that is why you’re mad isn’t it?”
 Stunned by his reply you can’t help but stagger back. Unsure at what point you came off like this girl that Dustin saw you as. 
 “Hey, no.” Steve said, coming close enough that he could place a hand on your shoulder. “He’s wrong. I know you’re not—“
 “Not what, Steve? Vapid? Moody? Filled with an attitude that makes me unlikeable?” You laughed feeling your head begin to ache. “You know, I thought you of all people would have put a stop to this.” 
 Steve’s mouth flopped open and closed as he tried to reply but you shook your head pushing his hand off from you. 
 “This is dangerous..and you guys just want to find out some dark truth for what? Patriotic glory?”
 Looking over at Robin, you tried to ignore the hurt look on her face. Reminding yourself that maybe if she was smart enough, she’d heed your warning and get over the insults. 
 “Look, if you guys want to get yourselves killed then consider me out.” You sniffed, trying to keep yourself in check. “After today, I seriously see that I’m no longer needed here.” 
 “Hey that’s not true.” Steve said quickly, frowning at you before he looked at the others. “Tell her guys.” 
 “Don’t make them lie for my benefit, Steve.” You said holding a hand up. After practically being no help, Dustin’s insults, and seeing all that you saw tonight. Including that last bit on the roof. You were no longer interested in anything else anyone had to say. 
 “I see the signs clearly and it’s just as well. Because I’m tired of this stupid mall, this stupid tape, this stupid summer..” you take a step forward giving Steve a glare as you poke hard on his chest. “..and I’m tired of you.” 
 Steve’s face instantly fell at your words. But you ignore the pain that’s behind that to keep your guard up. Turning to face the other two, you give them a sardonic grin.“See if you guys can translate a ride for Dustin. I’m out of here.” 
 And with that you rush out of the room. Feeling like every step echoed in the empty mall as you made a dash for the exit. Once you made it to your car, you quickly left the parking lot. Leaving the bright hue of the Starcourt Mall for possibly the last time this summer.
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a/n: sorry for the angst, but we all know i’m not. hope you enjoyed the chapter!
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in-my-shifting-era · 2 years
The Cheerleader and The Freak
Eddie Munson {Angst}
Summary: You’re a cheerleader and have a secret crush on Eddie Munson and finally asks him on a date. Eddie doesn’t respond how you would have hoped; leading your crush turning close to hatred for the metal head.
Warning: fem reader and use of y/n. Swearing and Eddie’s being mean to the reader. Cheerleader stereotype and a miscommunication trope. Reader is a senior in high school (18)
Being a cheerleader has placed you into the popular crowd at Hawkins High. Popular enough to be co- caption of the cheer squad with your childhood best friend Chrissy Cunningham. You’re well liked by all your peers and get good grades. You fit into the mold like a glass slipper.
As constricting as the mold is its all you know since most of your friends are on the cheer squad or the basketball team. You don’t agree with what your friends think of Eddie and his Hellfire club. You actually find Eddie’s long hair and his “nerdy” interests to be charming. You’ve had a crush on him since you started having more classes with him last year.
You’ve done nothing about this crush but peak glances of him when you can and gush to your close friend Nancy Wheeler about it. A bit worried of what anyone on the cheer squad would think of your crush, even Chrissy. This is until Nancy told you Eddie had tried to rent the horror movie you rented over the weekend from Family Video from Steve Harrington.You saw this as your ticket to talking to him, a common ground. All day you have been hyping yourself up to ask him if he wanted to watch the movie with you. When your last class ended you quickly gathered your binders and sling your backpack over your shoulder and rushed to meet him near his locker where you knew he’d be since it was a Hellfire day and he’d need his journal.
You see the metal head with his head down as he gets to his locker and works on the combination to open it swiftly; an adorable smile finding his face as he gathers his things. Knowing now is your best chance you shake of your nerves and walk over to him and tap his shoulder lightly offering a soft smile when he looks over at you.
As his eyes fall onto your own you see his face fall to confusion at your sudden presence behind him. “Uh if you want weed I’m not selling to you in the hall. I sell behind the school.” His tone almost sounds annoyed as he speaks making you almost lose all confidence in talking to him. You decide to go against the thought and offer a soft laugh. “No I’m not trying to buy. I was actually going to ask if you’d maybe like to watch the new Nightmare On Elm Street with me.”
Eddie’s look of confusion moves to a disapproving head shake . “What kind of bet did you lose princess? Asking someone out as some joke wasn’t funny in middle school so try harder the next time you wanna fuck with the freak.” A harsh slam of the metal locker makes you jump out of your skin and shrink into yourself a bit as the noise gathers the attention of the other people around you in the hall.
“Eddie I wasn’t asking as a joke I-” you’re shaky attempt to explain your actions are cut off by Eddie stepping close to you and getting close to your face. “I don’t want to go on some stupid date with you y/n! Go run off back to your little Pom Pom club and stay the hell away from me.” Eddie’s shoulder checks your small frame roughly as he pushes past you in the direction of the drama club.
You shutter lightly as he pushes past you. Eyes burn into you from all directions from the bystanders of your rejection. You stumble your way out the back doors of the school to your car to cry off the embarrassment you feel. Eddie Munson is a real asshole.
-Eddie’s POV-
The basketball team does everything they can to make Eddie’s like a living hell. The newest addition is getting a cheerleader to ask him out on a date as a joke. Y/n y/ln just happened to be the girl who picked the short straw before practice it looks like. Eddie has been the butt of one too many jokes from the jocks that he believes the only way to get back at them is to make one if their own feel as low as they make him feel ever day.
After the whole scene in the hallway he walks into the drama room fuming. He anger radiating off him as he tosses his bag down and starts setting up for the campaign. As the rest of the club trickle in they see their dungeon master is in a bad mood and pray they all service this campaign. After fighting for their lives in the game Hellfire is forced to come to a pause as after school activities are over. Dustin is the only one brave enough to ask the dungeon master why he seems so fired up this session.
“Eddie man is everything okay. That was a fun game but you seemed a little off.” The freshman ment well with his comment but Eddie only thought about the joke and huffed loudly. “Those laundry basket game assholes had y/n y/ln try asking me out as some sick joke before Hellfire.” Eddie shoves his notebook in his bag angrily as he cleans up.
Dustin gives his leader a shocked look. “Y/n is one of the nicest cheerleaders I’ve ever meet Eddie! She’s friends with Nancy. What if she as being sincere?” Eddie only rolls his eyes at Henderson’s naïve view. “Cheerleaders don’t go for us freaks Henderson trust me.” Dustin sighs lightly and turn to Mike. “Mike has met y/n ! Would she ask someone out as a joke?”
Mike looks over at Dustin at the mention of his name having heard everything Eddie said about the cheerleader and ponders for a moment. “Honestly Eddie I don’t think she would. Actually I think I heard Nancy on the phone last night encouraging her to ask some guy out just last night. Said Steve had some insight on a new Horror movie she rented over the weekend.”
Eddie’s heart thumps in his chest as small ping of regret forms in the pit of his stomach. “Wait I tried to rent the new Nightmare on Elm Street last night and Steve said someone was already renting it. There’s no way.” Y/n’s word play over in Eddie’s head. You where being genuine in your movie date gesture and he rejected you, harshly. Dustin game him an ‘I told you so.’ look.
Eddie dropped his dice and notebook quickly onto the table and rush out if the drama quickly to find y/n and get some clarification on her date offer.
- Reads POV-
You skipped cheer practice after Eddie’s public rejection in the hallway. The rejection isn’t what hurt but the reason for it. Eddie let your social status as a cheerleader make you just as bad as the meat head jocks who bully him. If he wanted to believe in the bitchy cheerleader stereotype that’s what he’d get from now on.
You sat in your car your embarrassment and heartbroken tears replaced with angry and frustrated ones. You hadn’t realized how long you had been in your car till a rapid tapping against your drivers side window makes your head shot up.
Your bloodshot eyes meets a gentle brown pair, Eddie Munson. His face visibly falls as he realizes you’ve been crying. You roll your eyes and wipe your eyes and quickly grab your keys to start the car when he knocks again. “Y/n wait! Please talk to me. I want to apologize for how I reacted to you today.”
You laugh at his words. The laugh isn’t your usual soft giggle. It’s almost a scoff. “Eddie I don’t wanna hear anything you have to say.” Your words sting as they leave your lips. Eddie leans against your car gently and takes a shaky breath his hair falling in front of his face lightly.
“Please. I know I was a real asshole but you have to understand I’m not use to pretty girls actually wanting to talk to me.” Eddie offers you a shy smile as he looks at you softly through the closed window of your car. You start the car making Eddie move off quickly. “Fuck off Eddie Munson and stay the hell away from me.” Using Eddie’s own it’s against him you pull out of the school’s parking. Leaving Eddie feeling like an idiot for letting the girl he’s had a crush on for years hate him.
Another Eddie one because well I love him and angst is my favorite. Also thanks for the love on the last post! I’m open to feed back if you guys have any. Or if you have any requests I’d be happy to do some.
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
I've still got you all over me | Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader
Summary: When Eddie and the band rose to fame, your relationship was brought to an end. Four years later, Dustin plots behind your back and invite his former Dungeon Master to his birthday party without telling you
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: This is how I imagine older Eddie (edit credit to the owner, I couldn’t find)
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Two years after you left for college, Corroded Coffin blew up and moved to Philadelphia to record their first EP. Although it was closer to New York, closer to you, you and Eddie saw each other even less – go figure.
On your third and last year of college, the band released their EP and went on their first tour. It was small, but the crowds were bigger and bigger at every show. Eddie invited you for a couple of dates, but you could never stay for more than a few days.
You had promised each other to make the long distance work, but being apart was hurting you both. The more you talked on the phone, the more difficult it was to be miles apart. So the phone calls became less frequent.
He called you on your birthday and congratulated you on the job you got at a publishing company. You surprised him for Christmas at his apartment in Philadelphia. He didn’t show up to your graduation. You tried calling him on his birthday, but you had no idea where he was.
In November, you received an invitation by mail to his album release. You saw him with someone else.
Four years later, you came home for your brother’s big eighteen birthday.
Your mom had organized a big party with all of Dustin’s friends. Her baby boy was turning eighteen and leaving home soon, it was difficult for her to process.
‘’Happy birthday, Dusty!’’
He had grown so much these last two years. He was no longer the little boy who brought home strange slugs and who had a huge crush on his friend’s sister.
Dustin smiled in return, hugging you. ‘’Thanks. I’m so happy you made it.’’
‘’Me too. Where is Suzie? I want to meet her.’’
He looked over his shoulder and shrugged, not seeing her. ‘’Somewhere. Max and El stole her from me. Did I tell you we’re going to MIT in September? It’s in Cambridge, in case you didn’t know. I’m gonna be able to visit you more often and-’’
‘’Hey, is that Garreth?’’ you asked, spotting a guy in a red flannel chatting with Mike. ‘’Does that mean…
The moment Dustin was dreading arrived: he had to break the news about his surprise guests. ‘’Yes. Eddie is here.’’
Hearing his name made your stomach churn and your heartbeat double in pace.
‘’You invited him?!’’
‘’He’s my friend. And, maybe you could try talking to him. I mean, it’s been four years, Y/N.’’
You gasped, piecing the pieces together. ‘’You little shit! You planned this.’’ You wanted to murder him. ‘’You know how much he’s hurt me. Why would you do this behind my back, Dustin?’’
‘’I’m the worst little brother, I know I know. You can be mad at me all you want, but later. Eddie showed up, Y/N. He took a day off from his busy rockstar schedule and came to Hawkins to see you, to talk to you. I’m not forcing you to forgive him. Just…talk. Hear him out.’’
You glanced in Garreth’s direction again, feeling an ache in your chest. ‘’I can’t. He promised he would come back, but he just left me behind and found another bitch to fuck,’’ you said with bitterness and anger. ‘’How would you feel if Suzie had found another guy and didn’t tell you about and just ghosted you?’’
Speaking of the wolf, Eddie appeared by your side. He looked the same as the day you last saw him. His hair was still long and messy, but he had ditched the baby skin for a light scruff, giving him a more mature look. You couldn’t deny, he was still very attractive.
‘’Henderson,’’ he greeted your brother. His deer-like brown eyes then fell on you, causing his breath to catch in his throat. ‘’M’lady.’’ Eddie bowed the stupid way he used to do when you were dating, almost tearing a smile from you.
You rolled your eyes instead, keeping a straight face.
‘’I’ll leave you two to talk.’’ Dustin excused himself, his plan finally put into action. He walked backward in the direction of the living room.
‘’Dustin!’’ you hissed. ‘’Don’t- And he’s gone…’’
An annoyed sigh left your lips. That little shit better sleep with an eye open tonight or you’ll sneak into his room and cut his curls with your mother’s knitting scissors in his sleep.
Before you, Eddie shifted on his feet and played with his skull ring, a demeanor from when he was nervous. ‘’It’s nice to see you again, Y/N. I missed you.’’
You scoffed, leaning against the kitchen counter. ‘’Don’t waste your saliva, Munson. I have nothing to tell you.’’
Leaving was tempting, but you knew Dustin was lurking around and would corner you into going back. Instead, you cracked open a can of coke. A beer would’ve been better, but your mom never had beer at home.
‘’Can we have a mature conversation? Please.’’
You took a sip of coke and glanced around the room, looking for a blonde in a slutty dress. ‘’Where’s your side bitch- Sorry, I meant girlfriend.’’
It was immature and rude, but you didn’t care. 
‘’Angela and I-’’
‘’Angela, uh? So you and her are still together.’’ 
He looked down in confirmation.
‘’Do you think, for one minute, that she would even be interested in you if you weren’t if Corroded Coffin hadn’t blown up? If you didn’t sell thousands of albums and toured the country with Metallica as headliner? Are you that blind?’’
‘’At least she didn’t hide our relationship for months. She treats me like I’m somebody,’’ Eddie said back, digging into old wounds.
Keeping your relationship a secret had been the cause of many fights in the early days of your relationship. You realize today how damaging it had been. Eddie thought you were ashamed of him and no matter how many times you tried telling him it wasn’t true, the way you would dodge his kiss whenever someone was around said otherwise.
You didn’t tell your mother about him until the summer after graduation. After a rainstorm, you came home in a hoodie she didn’t recognize. When Dustin asked why you were wearing Eddie’s Judas Priest hoodie, she asked if this ‘Eddie’ was your boyfriend.
‘’Would she love you if you were nobody?’’
‘’Nobody loved me when I was nobody!’’ Eddie snapped, his unhealed wounds coming out of his mouth before he could stop them. 
They say you accept the kind of love you think you deserve. After it was drilled into Eddie's head that he wasn’t worthy of being loved, he was willing to accept any kind of love that was given to him. Genuine or not. It was sad, but Eddie would rather have someone who loved him for his fame than be with someone who didn’t love him at all.
‘’I did!’’
The loud volume of your voices made everyone go silent, their attention turning to the quarrel in the kitchen.
Everyone’s eyes were on you and Eddie, but, in the heat of the fight, neither of you paid them any attention. 
‘’Before the money, before the fame, and before you left Hawkins.’’
Tears sprung up in your and Eddie’s eyes. He looked away to avoid Niagara Falls, staring at ugly painting of Mews behind you. Why did your mom hang this atrocity?
You knew what he was doing. He was avoiding your eyes to hide his emotions from you.
‘’Look at me, Eddie.’’ Your voice was soft and pleading. With a trembling jaw, he glanced at you. ‘’To me you were a somebody, but you let our relationship turn to dust and now you’re a coward. A spineless coward who asks his agent to write his girlfriend a breakup letter.’’ Your words cut like glass, stabbing your old lover right where it hurt.
With a slam of your can of coke on the counter, you ended the conversation and left the kitchen. Your steps were fast as you snaked through the people, trying to make it to privacy before breaking.
In the kitchen, Eddie was stunned. He knew you had left, he had seen you leave, but he hadn't moved a finger since you had left half a minute ago. His mind was racing, the little hamster in his head going a thousand miles an hour.
What do I do now?
He clenched and unclenched his fists, fighting the urge to kick a chair or punch a wall. Violent behaviors didn’t solve anything.
With a clear of his throat, Jeff came up to him, bearing bad news. ‘’Eh, I don’t mean to interrupt your deep thinking, but we gotta get on the road if we want to be in Florida in time for the next show-’’
Eddie shrugged his bandmate off, moving his hands frantically around. ‘’Fuck Florida! Right now is not the time to drive up to fucking Florida!’’
He disappeared through the crowd, ignoring Jeff’s calls of his name.
You should have known Eddie would look for you. Your blow-up in the kitchen wasn't how he wanted to leave off. Old wounds had been reopened, pent up feelings had been released and confessions had been slipped.
All that was left was to pick up the pieces and mend them – if possible.
Eddie stood by the backdoor for a few minutes, hovering his hand on the door handle and retracting it. He tried to think of what he would say to you, but he couldn’t find the words. The breakup letter written by his agent had been a shitty move – he’ll agree. He was so caught up in his fame and career at that time, his brain to heart signals hadn’t been working right.
After a good fifteen minutes, Eddie finally stepped outside, knowing exactly where to find you.
When you were a kid, your father had installed a swing for you in the backyard. He would push you and make you fly as high as the birds – your child eyes thought so. When you turned seven, he took off without explanations and that’s all that was left of him. You resented him for abandoning you, but your love for that swing remained. You read too many books, cried too many tears and got too many splinters in your butt to hate it.
Eddie’s boots swished in the grass, too tall and needing a good mow. Your back was to him, but you knew he was there. You could feel his presence.
‘’It’s unfortunate that it’s not my birthday, I would’ve used my wish to make you leave,’’ you said, keeping your eyes on the old shed.
Behind you, Eddie laughed dryly. ''Always humorous, Y/N.’’ He took a few steps closer, now standing in your sightline.
‘’Why are you here, Eddie? You have the life you’ve always dreamed of and a girlfriend that worships the ground you walk on. Why did you come see me?’’
The question was simple, but its answer was of a higher complexity.
‘’I don’t know.’’ Eddie paused, running his hands over his face, his feelings in shambles in his head and heart. ‘’When Henderson sent me the invite, I didn’t think twice and got in my van. The boys and I were recording in L.A., I knew the label would be mad at me for peacing-out like that, but I needed to come. I didn’t care how many miles I would have to make to see you or about my other obligations; all that was on my mind was you.’’
‘’I was on your mind?’’ You scoffed. ‘’That’s new. I surely wasn’t when we were together.’’
‘’That’s not true-’’
‘’Was I on your mind when you shoved your tongue in that bitch’s mouth at your album release party?’’ you hissed at him, bringing back a stinging memory.
A frown formed on Eddie’s face. ‘’You didn’t come to my album release party.’’
‘’I did! I did. I said ‘hi’ to Garreth and asked where you were. He told me you were in the living with people from the label. When I got there, you were making out with her.’’ 
‘‘I know and I’m deeply sorry-’‘
‘‘You can shove your ‘sorry’s up your ass, Munson.’‘ 
‘’It wasn’t a question.’’ 
Something snapped inside Eddie and he stepped closer to the swing. ‘’I refuse to end us like this. Our love is stronger than this. Henderson was right, we’ve gone through so much together, I refuse to give up on us.’’ He crouched before you so he was at your level, then set his hands on your knees and shifted his eyes to yours. ‘’I refuse to let you go like you were just a chapter in my life.’’ 
‘’I’m being serious.’’ He grabbed your hands in his, his eyes begging for your forgiveness, begging for another chance. ‘’You are my past and my future, and I’m a fucking idiot for letting rust grow between us instead of keeping the fire burning.’‘ 
The backyard door opened and Jeff poked his head out, calling for his bandmate. He really didn’t want to interrupt, but the clock was ticking and if they didn’t make it to Florida in time for the show, their manager will be pissed. ‘’Eddie, the show. We really need to go.’’ 
‘‘Jesus Christ,’‘ Eddie grumbled under his breath. ‘’I’ll be in the van in a minute!’’ 
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun @marauders3rawh0re  @your-mom21 @parkersmyth @voguesir @milkiane @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @lilygreennn @alexxavicry @charlie-chick  @wandamaximoffs-deadchild  @horrorstreet  @rmeddar123  @pastel-abyss-x @lil-tracys  @luvmybbies  @chloepricesgrafitimarker  @inluvweddiemunson @i-like-trains @kittenfrostt @simp-for-slasher @m-rae23 @kenzi-woycehoski @amberputh  @sea040561​
Eddie Munson taglist: @nighttwingg @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie @heizenka @eddiemvunsongf @Eddie_munsons_girlfriend @magicalchocolatecheesecake @eddiemunsonistheloveofmylife @avril-reblog-cave @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie @straycatarang @fourlokiss  @eddiemattress  @ghoulishlygrey   @paola-carter @bubsonnobx @pauldanoswifereal @ofherscarlettwitchways @kiszkathecook  @truewdw1 @bubsonnobx @ohhrexella @Dreamtiara @pastelbabygirl19  @steves-robin @eddiemunsonbby @jenlouvre @bonked-beyond-belief2  @tvserie-s-world @bootlegmothman420 @courtmr @chrisxevans-seb @satinselenite @thikkiesixx  @jennilynn63  @nia-um  @welcometohellfirw @strangermarvelgirl @sugar-simz @fandomloversvaries @miakatharinaa  @julsss321 @m1rkw00dpr1ncess  @Minksblog @soph69420world  @ameliakf13 @nancewheelersworld @parasadic-blog @nluvwitheddiemunson @veniceb1tch88 @ali-r3n @Luv.eddie @stephylovesmayahawke @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetheart-im-the-boss @jusstdreaaming @hoeformunsonandhargrove @buckyswhxre @tomspidertingle @stormyparker @thechoiceslookgrimm @ilikechocolatemilkh @bbylyneth @bobafettsleftglove @princesseddie @yourfavdummy @xbreezymeadowsmunsonx @rosaliesrealwife @munsonswhore86 @eddiescvmslvt @slightlyvicked
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bankholdup · 1 year
thank you guys so much for your patience!! i meant to get this out by monday, but i have finals this week so it's been a bit hectic. thank you guys all again so much for your likes, reblogs, tags, and support on the first two parts <3 i hope you guys like the final installment!!
Part One | Part Two | read it on ao3
Part Three:
A few weeks later, once Steve has stomached that Eddie won’t ever be his boyfriend or hold his hand or pet his hair, they return to a semblance of normalcy.
They start hanging out again. Not alone together, but with the rest of the group. Steve tries his hardest to act normal, show no remnants of his crush that’s not quite totally gone. But Eddie still acts standoffish, won’t really meet Steve’s eyes anymore. Steve gets it, he does, honestly, it’ll just take time.
But he still wants, and he still pines- both for a relationship and for Eddie to just be his friend and look at him again. It’s confusing, those butterflies in his stomach don’t fully settle. Steve decides that he wants to maybe try dating again, but no more "Harrington charm" or any of that other bullshit. He vows he’s just going to be himself from now on. Take it slow, and just go with the flow- no pressure dating.
When Eddie invites all the adults to The Hide Out, on a night he doesn’t have a gig, Steve actually meets someone that maybe starts to spark that fire again. She’s the opposite of girls he usually goes for, definitely a metal head and music lover (maybe that's not a coincidence). Her name is Paige, she was raised in Hawkins but moved out to New York City a few years ago and is only back for a little while to visit her family. She’s a bit older than Steve, just two years, but he kind of likes that. She seems equally receptive to Steve’s new view on dating, wanting to take it slow and see where things go, but Steve can see himself potentially dating her more seriously if she decides to stick around Hawkins. They just spend the night talking and getting to know each other more.
He knows he fucked up, he knows he did. Eddie should have given Steve a chance when he offered it. He feels that ugly, icky feeling in his chest creep up into his throat as he watches Steve and Paige talk all night. They’re leaning into each other and laughing, and Steve is starting to smile for the first time in weeks and Eddie has never been so fucking mad- both at himself and at Paige.
He knows he has no right to feel jealous when he could have just gone to dinner with Steve those few weeks ago. Maybe him and Steve would be pressed into a corner of the bar right now, whispering in each other’s ears. He could have had his arm around Steve’s waist and pressed kisses into his neck when no one was looking, making Steve blush before grabbing his hand to hold for the rest of the night. He could have taken him home where they would maybe roll around in the sheets before cuddling into each other’s arms to sleep.
Eddie may have given it a lot of thought the past few weeks- too much thought even. Regret lingers in his rib cage and settles in his stomach like a paperweight. Something else he gave too much thought to was how he would apologize to Steve. He wanted to buy Steve a drink, explain how he has trust issues and is afraid that good things will always be ripped out from under him. How seeing his old man treat his mom like a commodity and not a wife made him not want to ever date. Thought about how after explaining himself and his insecurities he would ask Steve if maybe he would give Eddie another chance, let him take him to breakfast tomorrow morning if he isn’t too hung over. That’s really why he invited him out tonight actually, but now Steve met Paige and he thinks he might be too late. Might have missed the boat.
Eddie has no choice but live with that regret and wait.
It’s two weeks later and Steve has had a great time with Paige. They actually ended up hanging out a bit after that night at the bar, just meeting up for lunch and walking around town a bit. But Paige had to go back to the city, and as much as she visited her family, she didn’t want to do long distance. Steve understood wholeheartedly and was just glad to have connected with someone. They exchanged phone numbers, just to keep in touch, for Steve to call if he was ever on the East Coast. He may not have gotten a girlfriend, but he certainly found a new friend in Paige.
But with Paige gone, he now has to confront Eddie. Eddie went from standoffish to full on avoidance of him, it’s not hard to connect the dots. Steve just doesn’t get why it bothered Eddie so much. Should he have been happy that Steve was moving on from him? (Even though Steve didn’t really move on at all).
Turns out, Steve didn’t need to come find Eddie. Instead, Eddie came and found him.
Eddie finally gets his shit together and decides that he’s going to tell Steve whether he’s dating again or not.
Eddie decides he’s just going to stop by his house, say his piece, and leave the ball in Steve’s court. He decides to dress up a bit for it. Wears a plain black shirt, his least ripped jeans, and ties his hair back in a low bun. He decides to stop by the market and grab some cheap flowers, Steve always brought Eddie gifts, it’s time for him to return to favor.
He’s full of courage the short drive to Steve’s house, sees his car parked in the driveway. He grabs the flowers, marches up, and rings the doorbell full of vigor.
His heartbeat starts ramping up the minute the chiming is done. All the sudden, he’s nervous, he’s shaky, he’s gripping the flower stems way too tight and must be crushing them and-
Steve opens the door, clearly wasn’t expecting anyone if his outfit is anything to go by, but Eddie still thinks he looks gorgeous and holy shit Steve is just staring at him and he should say something.
Eddie thrusts the flowers into Steve’s chest.
“These are for you.”
“Uhm, thanks.”
Steve looks bewildered, and wary. Looks at the flowers and then back at Eddie.
They both just stare at each other for a minute.
“Do you want to come in?” Steve says, already starting to move to make room for Eddie to enter.
All Eddie can do it nod, feels like everything he wanted to say and do is locked in his throat. He enters Steve’s house and follows him over the couch while Steve sets the flowers down on a table before turning to Eddie expectantly.
This is the part where Eddie should start explaining everything, telling Steve everything and apologizing again.
“Can I take you out to breakfast?” is what Eddie says instead.
taglist: @trashpocket @death-thee-nervousqueer @original-cypher @thesuninyaface @sunfloweringstories @pearynice @dbquills @lavenderlaceandlilacs @anarcoqueer1994 @anaibis @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @darkwitchoferie @zerokrox-blog @r0binscript @swimmingbirdrunningrock @s0ledad77 @novacorpsrecruit @dacremontgomeryay @vomiix @occasionalartthings @gleek4twd @starman-jpg @ineffablecolors @phirex22 @leather-and-freckles
thank you again for all the love on the first parts!!! <3 love you all
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
I don’t need to be up this early but this idea won’t leave me.
So, Steddie Battle of the Bands AU featuring punk!Steve.
Corroded Coffin join a battle of the bands competition run out of a little bar just outside Indianapolis, expecting fully to make it all the way. There’s not a lot of musicians in their area and out of all of them, CC have the most milage and the most unique sound. Sure, it’s metal, but in the bigger city that’s not the death sentence it would be back in Hawkins.
For the most part, they’re right. There’s a little pop trio that do okay, a Bob Dylan type with an acoustic and the flattest, most nasal tone Eddie has ever heard, a rock outfit with a drummer who’s clearly on speed and fixing to pull a Spinal Tap, and one very old dude who’s there more for the fun than to actually compete. They’re a shoe-in.
Except there’s a punk band that were running a little late, and manage to take stage literally just as they’re being called. The Demogorgons, they’re called. 
Eddie is pissed the instant he sees them, firstly because he’s been on sight with punks since ‘84 when a flock of the little shits dissed Dio to his fucking face. Second because out of all the things they could have been called, they picked a DND creature??! In Eddie’s house??? Who the fuck did they think they were?!
The longer Eddie watches them play (he can’t leave until they announce who’s moving on from this round, he’s literally a captive audience), the more pissed off he gets because they’re good.
The lead guitarist is a girl with dark, short hair mostly hiding her face, but she’s absolutely slaying their cover of White Wedding, adding more than was originally in the song seemingly on the fly. It’s beautiful, as a guitarist himself he can at least begrudgingly respect her talent.
The bassist is also a girl with short hair who seems like she’s in her own world, totally lost in the music and jamming so hard Eddie can’t really look at her for too long without getting sucked in with her.
The drummer looks like an absolute madman, big buff blonde guy who looks like he’d bite if anyone got too close to him. He’s bare chested, showing off a few tattoos and a couple piercings that make him far more interesting than Eddie cares to admit.
But the singer/ rhythm guitarist, is what is really tripping Eddie up.
He’s prettier than he has any goddamn need to be, and he’s weirdly smiley for a punk. Like being on stage is his happy place, which Eddie can relate to, even if he hates admitting any commonalities between them at all. His voice too, is lovely. It’s not the typical scratchy punk sound, it’s high and airy and from a technical standpoint (only that, Eddie swears) it’s really good. And he seems like he’s not having any trouble playing and singing at the same time, which is shitty as hell because Eddie still does sometimes.
Before their set ends, Eddie has decided he hates them. He hates them, so much.
So much in fact, he goes over to heckle them once they finish.
It goes south almost immediately.
He was right, the drummer is definitely a maniac. It’s like he was waiting for an excuse to fight someone. And given how fast the singer snatches him up after he decks Eddie, this is a frequent thing. The singer and the drummer posture at each other and for a second Eddie thinks they’re about to fight.
But evidently the drummer thinks better of it and stalks off to start helping put their gear up.
The singer apologizes for his bandmate, even though Eddie started the fight, and introduces himself as Steve, the drummer being named Billy. He’s a good kid, Steve tells him, just angry and still learning where to put that anger. He offers to buy Eddie a drink for his trouble, and he’s so floored he ends up accepting.
To Eddie’s surprise, they end up talking, and they end up talking a lot. Steve is easy to talk to, and he listens like what Eddie has to say is important. When he talks, it’s with this sardonic edge to it that reminds Eddie of sour candy. Before he knows it, it’s been like three hours, and it’s time to announce who’s advancing to the next round.
To Eddie’s complete lack of surprise, Corroded Coffin make it through, but so do The Demogorgons. Steve congratulates him, sincerely, and Eddie stutters out the same.
They part ways for the night, but the pretty punk with the prettier smile won’t leave Eddie’s thoughts.
Cue CC telling Eddie to get his head in the game, trying to head off the crush they can spot forming. They know him well enough to know the signs, and they don’t need him pulling a Romeo and Juliet with some punk he met for one night.
Little do they know, The Demogorgons are having a similar chat with their own lead. They’ve worked too hard to have Steve get distracted, or worse, go soft, over some greasy metalhead he’s only talked to like, once. Steve of course promises that he won’t. After all, it’s not like he’s really going to see him much, and Steve isn’t easy, he has to get to know someone to fall for them.
Cut to a week later when one Steve Harrington is dropping Dustin off at his DND thingy, only to see none other than Eddie Munson perched at the head of the table. He’s explaining what their quest is for the night, or something, and he’s so animated, so into it, he doesn’t notice Steve frozen in the doorway.
Steve makes it out before Eddie sees him, but from that moment on it’s like he’s every where Steve goes. They bump into each other constantly, Hawkins is a small town, it’s easy to do. It gets to be such a regular thing that Eddie makes a joke about following Steve, and Steve sings that Rockwell song about being followed and they find themselves laughing together again.
It’s easy, really. Too easy. And before they know it, whenever they bump into each other, they end up talking for a while. It’s just a few minutes, they both reason to themselves, a few minutes is fine.
But a few minutes turns into an hour, turns into a couple hours, turns into a smoke sesh at Eddie’s, turns into a jam sesh at Steve’s, and before they know it, they’re missing each other when the other isn’t around.
Of course it isn’t long before Gareth notices his best friend’s preoccupation, and Robin could clock Steve’s daydreamy look three miles away. They each come clean to their respective long-suffering bestie.
Neither are happy, but they both care more about their friend than some stupid band competition. They know the rest of their bands won’t be happy, and that could be a pain, so rather than being even slightly reasonable, they hatch a plan.
Eddie and Steve are determined to be the punk-metal version of Romeo and Juliet, but that doesn’t mean their story has to be a tragedy. This is a musical, afterall. What better to do than bridge the gap with the power of music.
So the next time Eddie and Steve hang out, they both spend probably fifteen minutes uncomfortably dancing around trying to ask the other to write a song with them.
Steve cracks first, because seeing Eddie uncomfortable is so fucking bizarre it trumps his own nerves and he has to ask what’s going on. Eddie decides to be brave and takes the leap, asks Steve what he’s got to ask, and to his surprise Steve tells him he was going to ask the same thing.
They haven’t really talked about it, the tension between them, but it boils over when Steve tries to explain why he wants to write a song with Eddie. Eddie can’t watch him flounder for a second more, when he knows he could just be kissing him instead.
He takes Steve by the jaw and kisses the soul out of him. If they weren’t sold they were doing the right thing before, the kiss seals the deal.
They spend the night trading kisses and lyrics in equal measure, alternating between strumming strings and heartstrings until they’re both so caught up in creation, in each other, they’re harmonic.
After that, they hit crunch time. The battle of the bands is next week, and learning a whole new song is a pain in the ass for both bands. It’ll be worth it, but Jeff doesn’t know that and Billy doesn’t care.
The boys make time to see each other, but of course, they get caught.
Band practice gets postponed on both sides of the fence. They know they shouldn’t, it’s stupid, but Eddie spent the day getting harassed by a flock of “Concerned Christian Mothers” who were not shy about telling him exactly what they thought about him, and would not get the hell out of his face about it. Steve is a caretaker down to his bones, and doesn’t think twice about going to care for his metalhead.
Nancy however isn’t stupid, and Grant knows damn well Eddie would only postpone practice if something was genuinely wrong. So Nancy follows Steve to see what the hell could be so important to him that he’d call off practice, and Grant goes to bring Eddie a care package.
Nancy isn’t happy about finding the two spooning on Eddie’s couch, but she doesn’t make as much of a fuss about it as Grant does. Grant goes off about sleeping with the enemy and treachery and the metalhead code of honor (which he made up right there on the spot), but the real bucket of cold water is Nancy telling Steve how disappointed she is that he pulled them all into this, made them care about it, only to waste his time chasing after someone instead of putting his heart into the music the way they all had been. She asks him to get serious, then leaves.
Steve excuses himself, ignoring Eddie’s pleas to wait a second, come back, please, let’s talk about this.
They don’t see each other again until the night of the show.
The competition threw them a curveball, however. None of them know until they get there, see the layout of the big warehouse like space, but instead of playing one after the other, the competition is amp versus amp. CC are freaking out a little bit because they’ve never played that way before, and Eddie is picking up an acoustic, why the hell did he even bring an acoustic, what’s going on?? The Demogorgons are equally nervous, this being a first for them too, and Steve is quiet, so quiet, he’s never like this before shows, what’s going on??
Despite everyone’s nerves and fears, the two bands take their places on the two stages, on opposite ends of the room from one another.
Eddie introduces Corroded Coffin with the same flare he usually does, but tells the audience that tonight’s performance is going to be a little different than their usual. He finishes with “This one’s for you, Juliet.”
He starts strumming the acoustic, the song he and Steve had written together filling the space, warm and full and a wild departure from their usual sound. He’d gone over it with the guys, added some polish to it, made it more metal, but he’d asked them to hold off on that until he cued them.
“And hey darling, I hope you’re good tonight. And I know you don’t feel right when I’m leaving-”
The rest of Corroded Coffin have never heard Eddie sing like this, didn’t even know he could. Usually he was all growls and grit and demon noises he’d figured out how to imitate. They had no idea he was even capable of making a song sound so beautiful.
Eddie continues singing his heart out, strumming his guitar, praying that Steve picks up on what he’s doing, joins him at the drop, doesn’t leave him again. He’s nearly convinced himself he’s going to end up singing the whole thing alone, and God how stupid would that be, that when he reaches the switching point, he nearly drops his guitar when Steve’s voice rises up to meet him. A spotlight flicks on, illuminating him as he sings into the microphone, playing his own part of the accompanyment.
“And hey, sweetie, well I need you here to night. And I know you don’t wanna be leaving me here tonight-”
Steve’s voice is the perfect counterbalance to Eddie’s. It’s light where his is heavy, soft where his is gritty. It showcases their duality, while highlighting how good they are together and Eddie would cry if he weren’t on stage.
He takes the next verse as planned, but Steve’s voice stays with him, harmonizing along side him so perfectly it’s as if they’ve been singing together for years rather than about a week.
“You know you can’t give me what I need, and even though you mean so much to me, I can’t wait through everything.”
That’s different, not the line they wrote together. It lands like a gut punch when Eddie looks up and sees Steve’s expression. He’s not smiling. He always smiles on stage.
“Is this really happening?” Eddie sings back without missing a beat, knowing the next verse is his, meaning it might be his only chance. He prays to every muse he’s ever had to lend him the improv skills to land this.
To his suprise, he hears Jeff’s heavy guitar start to build, Grant’s bass swooping in beside it to flank him. When he turns his head to check, they both give him the nod, the one that’s always meant they’re beside him, for better or worse. It gives him to courage to put his soul into the words he’s about to spit.
“I swear I’ll never be happy again, and don’t you dare say we can just be friends, I’m not some boy that you can sway.” 
There’s a half a second pause in the music, just long enough to wreck Eddie’s heartrate. He can see Steve’s face from here, not clearly enough to make out every emotion that flashes across it, but enough to see when it lands on determination.
“We knew it’d happen eventually.” He and Steve sing, or in his case shout, in tandem.
Corroded Coffin fall back in with them, and to Eddie’s utter surprise, The Demogorgons join them. The sound of two bands playing the climax of the song he and Steve had written together hits Eddie so hard he can barely sing past the balloon of emotion swelling in his chest.
The crowd reminds him they’re there, joining in on the chorus of ‘La la las’ going around the room, their voices loud enough to shake the walls. It’s everything Eddie has ever wanted from a crowd, and it’s way too much along with everything else going on right now. Eddie can’t focus on it, not when Steve is staring him down from across the room.
“If you can wait ‘till I get home, then I swear we can make this last.” Eddie belts, Steve’s higher register wrapping around the notes the same way his hands wrap around his mic.
Both bands let the song taper out, leaving just the crowd echoing back the words to them, just Steve and Eddie singing to each other.
Eddie reaches out his hand, as if he could take Steve’s in his despite the distance. Steve once again meets him halfway, extending his own hand as if to bridge the distance.
The lights go down and the crowd is still chanting. It takes longer to settle them down than it does to make the decision to shrug off his guitar and run to his boy. Eddie hesitates only to look over at his bandmates.
They look exhasperated, but fond. Grant rolls his eyes and tells him to go kiss his stupid punk or whatever.
Eddie is off in an instant.
He finds Steve tearing his way over to him, runs straight into him almost the same way he’d run into him the first time they met outside of a venue.
There aren’t words, they don’t need them, already sung them. There’s just Steve and Eddie and how badly they’ve missed each other. The apologies and affirmations can come later, when their mouths aren’t so busy kissing the life from one another.
In the back of his mind, Eddie registers some of the crowd around them wolf whistling, but for once he doesn’t give much of a shit what the crowd thinks of him.
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Reach~ E.M
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Anonymous asked:
A little aphmau moment here but imagine the reader doesn't know how to swim and the group (can be whoever) is at the beach with like a Waterpark connected to it and one of the slides (a big slide) goes to the ocean but someone in the group told her that it just lead to shallow waters in the park (only they know she cant swim) and after she went down the person finds out it leads to the ocean by one of the workers and he flips out and everyone is wondering why and the person is like "She can't swim!" And Eddie freaks out and goes after her and saves her (happy ending btw you can make that part up)
Your fingers fidgeted when Steve suggested to drive down to the beach just a little outside of Hawkins, your arms wrapped around yourself feeling the anxiety trickle up your spine.
You weren't too fond of the water. Why? Because you didn't know how to swim. You were ashamed to even mention it to your friends.
Eddie had noticed the way you got silent when Steve asked if the beach was a good idea. There was no response from you. You had a dazed look on your face looking at the wall that was in front of you. Eddie gotten off from where he was sitting as he stood in front of you in your line of vision.
His head tilts to the side as his brown doe eyes are filled with concern.
" Y/N?" he calls out to you. But you are not responding and when he reaches his hand to move your hair away from your face, his finger tips softly tap against your cheek to catch your attention.
" Huh?" you asked bringing yourself out of your thoughts. Steve, Robin, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Max, El and Will were looking at you with concern. They haven't heard a word from you for a few moments.
" Are you okay sweets?" Eddie asks. " You haven't said anything when Harrington said we should all go to the beach"
" Oh, sorry. Zoned out" you chuckled waving your hand around like it was nothing. Your mind was too preoccupied in thinking about the beach and the water. How were you going to tell them that you couldn't swim?
" Beach sounds fun" you nodded, rubbing a hand up and down your arm. Eddie takes notice of the goosebumps that seem to have ghosted there and his eyes go back to you, looking at the expression on your face. He looks back at the gang to see them in their own conversation.
" What's the matter?" He asks, looking back at you. He steps closer that his shoes are close to yours. " Is everything okay?" He asks in a whisper.
" Yeah" you lied. Eddie has been your best friend since you were a freshman in high school, the two of you ended up bumping into each other at the hallway a lot and Eddie just happened to start a conversation with you. The rest was history.
He knows you like no other and knows when your not okay.
" What is it, sweets?" he asks. " You can talk to me" he says.
" It's stupid" you say, shrugging as you look away. He shakes his head with his eyebrows knitted together. " It's not stupid if your struggling to tell me what it is"
You sighed, you weren't going to win this one, " I don't know how to swim."
His brown doe eyes soften as he hears you.
" Did no one ever teach you? Your mom? Dad?" He asks
" No, my mom always told me the water was never safe for me. My dad didn't care really. You know" you shrugged. Eddie knows about your home life, your mom is barely around. Your dad is always away on business trips, he's never home leaving you to fend to yourself. You learned the things you know how to do, on your own. There was never a parental figure in your life to teach you things about life or the things you needed to know.
Eddie frowns as he places a hand on your shoulder, " Hey it's okay. You don't have to swim. I'll be there to watch you"
" Okay, thank you Eds" he smiles as he pulls you into a hug.
Your head looks out the window of Eddie's van as you sit in the passenger seat, nervously biting your lips as Eddie drove. Steve had Robin, Dustin, Mike and Max with him while Eddie had El, Lucas and Will in the back of the van.
Your heart sped up seeing the sight of the blue water ahead. Hand shakily reaching toward the door handle when a hand stops you. Your head looks over at Eddie.
" It's going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you" he says as he squeezes your hand. You nod as he lets your hand go. El, Lucas and Will have already gotten out of the van racing towards the beach.
" Hey!" Steve shouts at them seeing them run off, but he sighs watching Dustin and Mike saying they were racing each other to see who reaches the others first. " Come on!" Steve throw his hands up in disapproval. Robin sinkers watching his mom activate mode as she watches him turn around in the car to get the bags that had the things they needed for the beach.
" Looks like Harrington have his hands full" Eddie mutters. Eddie is wearing a Metallica shirt with red swim shorts and instead of his Reeboks or his boots, he has sandals on his feet just like yours. They are red.
His hair is tied in a loose bun and he has his rings still on, refusing to leave them behind. He still wanted to look metal.
You gasp as you eyed the water park next to the beach, there is blue huge slide that goes into the ocean that has your breath go uneven. Eddie notices the gasp as he turns his head to look at what your looking at.
" Now that's metal!" he says, clapping his hands together as his brown doe eyes widen with excitement. You let out a whimper seeing it go out in the ocean.
" Don't worry, I won't let you go on it" Eddie reassures you placing his arm around your shoulder as he tugs you to him.
" Are you two going to keep flirting or are you going to help us?" Robin asks. Eddie and you turn your head to her as she has bags in her hands.
" We are not flirting!" your cheeks beet red as you rush over to her taking two bags off of her. One of them is Dustin's and one of them is Els.
" Munson!" Steve shouts as he is already walking towards where the kids are with bags in his hands. Eddie shakes his head out of his thoughts as he rushes over, catching up with you and Robin.
Your eyes follow the sounds that you hear from the large slide that goes into the ocean. The one that you aren't going on. You can hear the people go down on it, looks like fun.
You frowned wishing you could have as much fun as them.
You had left the gang to go explore on your own as Eddie went to swim with Dustin, not knowing that you had left the spot on the towel where he told you to wait for him. You were bored and you told Robin who was laying underneath the umbrella that you were going to be back.
She waved her hand to you as she laid there, not paying attention.
" It's not as scary as it looks" your head turned to see a brunette boy with hazel eyes, sporting a blue working uniform with black trunks. He had a whistle around his neck and his name on his shirt read " John."
" I don't like it" you say hearing someone go down the slide. He shrugs, " It doesn't really go into the deep end. It's really shallow. When you go down, your legs with find there way to the floor right away. Nothing to be afraid of" John says.
You eyed the slide one more time.
" You're going to have fun, trust me" he says. " Look at everyone go, some of them have been on this twice or three times. I saw a girl about your height rush over to the slide saying again and again."
You twirl the necklace around your neck with your fingers feeling the goosebumps up your arms.
" You sure it's shallow? I will be safe?" you asked. You didn't really trust this so called co worker with the name like John but you wanted to badly go down the slide. The laughter and screams coming from it, made you want to do it.
You didn't want to just sit and do nothing.
" You'll be safe" he nods.
" alright" you nodded as you headed towards the steps of the blue long slide that has your heart clenched and stomach tied in knots.
Eddie had emerged from the water, throwing Dustin in there one more time as he moved the hair away from his face that glued there as he headed towards where Robin is laying and you were suppose to be waiting.
He frowns and pauses in his step as he doesn't see that your there. He picks up his paces as he lets his hair down from the wet messy bun he had his hair in and letting his hair hang in front of his face.
" Robin?" He asks, calling her attention. She sits up on her elbows, moving her sunglasses down her nose as she looks at Eddie.
" Yes?" He motions towards your towel.
" Where is Y/N?"
" She went somewhere, I think" Robin looks around as if she would find you with her line of sight but she doesn't and looks over back at Eddie. " Don't know"
Eddie continues to frown as he turns around to see if you were near the water. No. He turns to see if you had walked off to talk to someone. No. He doesn't see you. His stomach clenches not finding you anywhere.
You told him you'd stay and wait for him.
" She probably went to get a drink or something" Robin tries to ease his nerves as he keeps looking around.
Meanwhile you stare down at the slide, water seeping down on it to help you move when you went down the slide. Your heart races seeing how far up you were. You look back at one of the workers that stood there with his hand on the slide as he waits for you to go down.
" Don't worry your pretty head, you'll be okay" He mutters, bringing his sunglasses down to his nose and pops his gum in his mouth. You sit on the edge of the slide with your arms crossed on either side on your chest as you leaned back. The sun made your eyes squint up, you took a moment to take deep breathe.
You got this, you told yourself.
Then it felt like a fresh breathe of air as you began to slide down. Your eyes snapped open as you watched yourself slide down the blue long slide, biting your lips feeling like you were coming closer and closer to the ocean.
It was in your line of sight when you dropped into the ocean. The coldness of the water catches you in surprise but your heart beats faster as you reach up, flap your arms in the water.
You desperately tried to reach out for anything or anyone.
" She's drowning!" someone shouted.
" Oh my god!" another screamed. You kept kicking your legs and flapping your arms. This is how it's going to end for you.
Eddie had heard screams in the ocean that someone couldn't swim. That someone was drowning. His brown doe eyes widen in fear as his legs pick up the pace.
" What is happening?" Robin asks as she sits up watching Eddie run. One of the worker were running to into the water, but Eddie pushes him away as the worker falls into the water with a gasp.
Eddie is swimming his way to you. He can see it's you that is flapping around. He tires to swim faster and his heart sinks seeing you go under. He dives into the water, watching your eye close and small bubbles emerge from your mouth.
He grabs you bridal style out of the water, gasping once he reaches the top as he swims with you in his arms.
" I got you" he keeps telling you that even though your limp in his arms. When he reaches to the beach, putting you down. Steve and the rest of the gang take notice that it's you.
" She couldn't swim. She doesn't know how" Eddie mumbles. The rest of the gang frown, they didn't know that you couldn't swim.
" I need to do cpr" Steve kneels down as he helps Eddie do cpr. The two of them worked together, and when Eddie blows into your mouth one more time, you cough out water as you sit up to clutch your stomach.
Your coughing and squinting your eyes at the sun. Your eyes adjust to what is going on as you move back with your eyes widen seeing people around you.
" Give her some space!" Dustin says as he shouts. Some of the people move back.
" Y/N..." you hear the voice of your best friend. You look over to him seeing his brown eyes glossy with tears as he wraps his arms around you. " I thought I lost you" he mumbles into your hair as he rocks you in his lap.
" Not by a long shot" you tell him. He pulls away with his hands on your face. " Y/N"
" Oh just kiss her already, dingus!" Robin shouts with her hands up in the air. Steve looks at her like what the hell.
" What? They both like each other" Eddie and your cheeks are beet red, but your hands falls onto his face with your finger tracing the adam's apple of his cheeks.
" Is it true Eds?" His brown doe eyes lock with yours.
" Yes" He nods, shyly looking down at his lap. Your fingers bring his head up with two fingers under his chin.
" I like you too Eds, your my hero" He leans in, hesitantly knowing that people were watching. You smirk grabbing onto the back of his neck bringing his head down as you capture your lips with his.
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harringroveheart · 1 year
While eagerly awaiting the next chapter, can I ask (as much as you can say), how much will ever be revealed about what happened in Hayward? There are so many references in so many chapters to what occurred, but I still can’t piece it together. Did it have something to do with a magazine at all? Or is Billy just generally worried that anything will set Neil off now? Did it have something to do with a car at the end of a driveway with its dome light on (like the one Billy dreamt about?); when did Billy say “it’s not like that” in Hayward (like he said again to Steve when they were fighting on the lawn)? And why was he not around when Susan, Max and Neil packed the moving boxes? Was he so injured that he was at hospital? What did Neil tell the cops (there was a reference to that somewhere, too). It’s started to drive me mad (in a good way) that we still only have fragments of what happened.
- Spurius
Ahahaha it sounds like you have all the pieces (in sequence, too) <3
I'll probably write it in (more) explicitly soon, but back in Hayward [SPOILERS]
Billy isn't conscious of his own sexuality/desires because no opportunities have yet presented themselves to him to prove them. He thinks of himself as someone who is pretty disinterested/disappointed in the whole shebang, but not because of anything "wrong" with him. He's the Billy that Max describes in her book--really beautiful, and cool, but with this sort of flat affect, general disinterest in her/family/school/girls.
Then he sees a picture in a magazine--Max's magazine--and immediately wants it without investigating why. He acts on that impulse with the compulsion of secrecy that most young people have about their budding sexuality, straight or queer--with awareness enough to feel like he shouldn't have taken it, shouldn't have wanted it bad enough to take, and that Neil probably wouldn't be cool with him being interested in it (even though he didn't really do the math on why exactly Neil wouldn't like finding him in possession of a girl's magazine with teen heartthrobs in it)--so he hid it under his mattress (which is why Neil knows to look there).
Billy runs over Max's board being a dick and Max cracks the shits and dobs him in for stealing her magazine. They have a blowout sibling fight because Billy realizes he's actually scared of being discovered with it.
Neil finds it under his bed, and Billy tries to explain that it isn't what he thinks it is (but, uh, it definitely is) and Neil doesn't believe him, and he hurts Billy badly enough that he makes himself scarce on moving day. I think I wrote he puts him through some dry wall.
The cops bring him back home with questions about his injuries, but Neil schmoozes his way out. And Susan and (newly traumatized) Max are no help either.
So that's the point at which we have Billy driving into Hawkins behind the moving van, redirecting his feelings on being discovered into anger at Max--for snitching, and for even having the magazine in the first place.
Of course, his big top secret trauma also links in with his visual fixation on Steve--which makes him such a big appreciator of Jonathan Byers' work.
Aaaand there's a couple of tiny clues about how he treats his ill gotten goods: where he keeps it, why it has to be there, why he wants to drive around when he's feeling pent up... Basically, he is repeating the same behavior, but a little more advanced into knowing his own desires, and thinking of himself as aberrant--and having learned his lesson on not keeping his inspo where Neil knows to look for it (which is why he's so upset when Max is the one to find it again: history repeating).
Only thing that's not in there is the car with the light on. That's part of the bigger/underlying theme of the story, which is: what is he trying to run away from? What does running away look like for him? Has it changed now that he's in love? :)
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Chrissy Cunningham x fem!reader x Eddie Munson
"If all of their kings had their queens on the throne..."
Warnings: Bullying, trauma, Panick attacks, mentions of alcohol, weed, and tobacco.
Lmk abt spelling mistakes or sum
Summary: All Eddie wanted was to sell some drugs and then go back home. Little did he know he'd end up kissing Reader, who was also dating the queen of Hawkins.
Feel free to request:
Eddie sighed as he made his way towards the giant house where the party was going on. Someone wanted to get drugs so some people could get high, but he honestly didn't know why he was being here beside his usual excuse.
I need the money. He told himself as he stepped into the house and looked around slowly. He looked through the whole place to look for the one who'd ordered him there.
What he wasn't expecting was for him to run into you and Chrissy in a quiet corner. You both had a drink in hand, and your arm was wrapped around Chrissys waist, holding her close as you placed a kiss on her lips.
When you pulled away, you saw Eddie, who was staring at you both.
He quickly turned on his heels and walked off so he wouldn't look like a creep, though he probably already did.
He flinched lightly when he felt a tight grip in his arms, seeing you standing behind him as you pulled him closer.
He felt his whole body heat up with how nervous he was, your hand moving up his jacket and to his neck.
Nothing was said as you leaned in before pressing your lips against his, and he could taste the cherry chapstick, not knowing if it was Chrissy's or yours.
Shit. He thought to himself as he moved closer to make it more comfortable for the both of you.
Once you had pulled away again, a smirk formed on your face as you lucked your lips. "You taste good, Munson.", you spoke loudly, though through the loud music, you were still hardly audible.
Hardly a minute later, you blew him a kiss before you walked back to your girlfriend, telling her about every single second of the encounter.
Not even two days later, on Monday in school, Eddie avoided both of you like the plague, and you found that adorable at first.
Though, that changed when you realized that he struggled to properly function in and out of class.
He always looked panicked and scared. When you looked at him, his face turned pale, and he avoided looking at you for the rest of the class. He barely spoke, and when he did, his voice was shaky and broken. So... you decided to speak to Chrissy.
"Hey, pumpkin.", you said as you approached Chrissy in the girls' bathroom that you usually hid in so you could cuddle and give each other kisses.
She smiled and immediately went to hug you. "Hi. Is everything okay? You look so worried...", she mumbled softly and you placed your forehead on hers gently.
"It's about Munson.", you said as you closed your eyes. "I think I overwhelmed him. Or scared him, perhaps."
She tilted her head softly and caressed your cheek. "Baby, he's just nervous. He's gonna be okay. Just give him some time, and he'll surely approach eventually."
You shook her head softly. "Chrissy, my dear, he goes pale the moment I look at him, doesn't speak in class, and when he does, he sounds like he's about to cry. But seemingly only when he's in classes with me, because others said he's fine when I'm not around."
Chrissy listened to your explanation before she nodded softly, her hands gently combing through your hair. "Let's talk to him then, okay? I'll pretend to buy drugs from him, bring you and then we'll talk this out."
You looked at her and smiled softly. "I love you so much, Chrissy."
She chuckled and kissed you softly, basically trying to kiss away all your worries like she always did.
On the same day, you received a call from Chrissy after school. Eddies place, 6 pm.
You sighed as you got yourself ready, pulling on a comfortable pair of demin jeans, a white shirt, a similar shaded jacket, and a pair of white shoes. You loved this outfit. Not because it made you look particularly good, but Chrissy liked it. And considering the way Eddie looked at you when you wore it to school, he also liked it.
You then made your way to Eddies place where Chrissy waited for you with a smile on her face, waving once she saw you.
You happily walked up to her and placed a kiss on her head as a greeting. You were horribly nervous, but you wouldn't show her that. There was no way. She'd just get worried and make you go home. You couldn't have that.
Moments later, Chrissy knocked on the trailer door and waited. Eddie took a hot minute to open the door since he'd been in the shower barely a minute ago and had to slip into his clothes in a Speedy Gonzales way.
He smiled at first but seemed to be sweating all over when he spotted you. "Y-ou're both here-", he said, his voice cracking lightly.
You smiled and crossed your arms. "I can wait out here if you'd prefer that."
He quickly shook his head and made space for the two of you to get in. "N-Not at all! No, it's okay. You can come in. Please, don't hesitate."
Chrissy got into the trailer, and you followed her quite excitedly. You'd never been in Eddies trailer before, so to you, this was like getting a little look inside of that young man's head.
Your eyes wandered slowly as you took in the trailers decoration. You hardly could see anything of it, though, considering that everything was dirty and there were either clothes or trash everywhere.
And Eddies room wasn't exactly any better. You weren't judging him in the slightest, but it did make you want to help him clean up. It'd be good for his clogged and confused mind, surely. At least that was what you had learned over the past few months that you'd lived alone and kept your place clean and perfectly comfortable.
And then you saw the mattress. Again, you weren't judging, but you had a feeling you'd shiver if you were to ask Eddie just what those stains were.
Eddie cleared his throat and pulled out the huge lunch box that he usually stored his drugs in. "So.... what were you thinking and how much?" He asked the two of you, and before Chrissy could say anything, you decided to speak up.
"Before we do that...", you started gently and smiled. "I think you should sit down for a moment cuz l've got some questions."
You could see the way Eddies jaw clenched at your words, but like you'd recommended, he sat down. It almost looked like he was a little dizzy.
You sat down as well and put your hands over your own knees after pulling them towards yourself ever so slightly. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna scold you or anything. You didn't do anything wrong after all."
You could see that saying that had hardly helped at all, and it made you feel slightly bad, but you had to speak about this. You liked Eddie and seeing him so tense and scared all the time made your heart ache in a way you only felt when Chrissy wasn't feeling well.
"So... in the past few days, you seemed a little unwell. What's that about?", you asked as carefully as you possibly could, though that seemed to kinda only worsen the whole situation.
Eddie opened his mouth to reply but it stayed agape for a few seconds before he, visibly, bit down on his tongue as his eyes teared up.
It was like you'd unlocked something. As if you'd taken the key to his heart and opened up all those feelings that were stored in him for years.
And when the first tear was shed, it was over. Eddie was sobbing, while gasping for air and clutching his chest.
Your whole body perked up since you knee damn well what was happening right now. You've had many panick attacks in your life before, and seeing this now made you feel horrible.
You quickly stood up and commanded Chrisdy to get to your car and get a special something before you sat by Eddie and carefully embraced him so he could move away if he wanted to. He didn't.
You weren't even sure if he noticed considering the way his hands were clutching onto his hair and his nails digging into his skull.
As you held him, your hand moved to gently caress his hands, trying to carefully remove them from his head so he wouldn't hurt himself, no matter if accidentally or on purpose. You wanted neither.
Eventually, Chrissy came back and put your keys onto the table before she crouched in front of Eddie slowly. You managed to get the males hands out of his hair, which was thanks to him being distracted by what Chrissy was holding in her hands.
A stuffed animal. A plush bunny in a dark grey shade with a small smile sown onto his face by whoever had made it. She held it up and wiggled its arms before speaking the way she would when you had a panick attack, and she tried to distract you.
He kept his eyes on the bunny as Chrissy spoke through it. "What's making you upset?" Her voice was a little more high-pitched than usual, and she giggled lightly. "Let me cheer you up!"
Eddie looked at it for a moment before he let out a shaky breath. "I'm... really scared." He mumbled softly, and Chrissy tilted the bunny's head softly. "Why?"
Eddie looked from the bunny to Chrissy and from her to you. "Being a bad person? I mean... I just... let (Y/n) kiss me. I let her kiss me." He said, paying extra attention when he said 'me'.
"But what's the problem with that? She liked it.", Chrissy explained as she lowered the bunny slowly.
Eddies eyes went double its size as he looked at you again. "You liked it?"
A chuckle escaped you as you put an arm around him and nodded. "Of course. Eddie, I kissed you. Not the other way around.", you reminded him and his cheeks immediately flushed red.
"But you- I mean- You're with Chrissy. A-And you're so popular. If... someone found out about this they'd... hate you."
You stopped him by gently taking his chin in your hands and turning your face towards him. "Eddie. I like you and Chrissy. I know it sounds weird and kinda like from a movie but it's true. And... Chrissy likes you and me too."
Eddie looked away from you slowly, the tears slowly drying down as your hand caressed his back. "I... I see."
You took his hand and squeezed it lightly. "You should lay down for a bit. I don't want you to pass out here."
He looked at Chrissy, and she gave a slight nod as if to say he could trust you, and he gave a soft nod to that as well. "Yeah... maybe I should."
You slowly took the bunny from Chrissy and carefully gave it to Eddie so he could hold it, which he did as he stood up to go lay down.
Chrissy and you exchanged a glance, and while Chrissy made sure Eddie would stay asleep, you started to clean up, only throwing stuff away if it was obviously trash.
It took you about an hour to finish outside of Eddies room, but cleaning up his room specifically without waking him turned out to be one hell of a challenge.
But you found a way. What that would be?
Chrissy laid down beside the sleeping male and hugged his head so one ear was covered by her chest, and the other was gently covered by her hand. And then you got to it.
Putting dirty clothes to a free spot, gathering all the trash and putting it into the bin, taking magazines, and putting them away safely into a shelf. You even put some drugs you found back into the lunchbox and then put it aside carefully.
All together, this took you about half an hour, adding about five minutes for all the kisses you gave Chrissy and Eddie in the meantime.
And yes, you involved Eddie in your gentle affection. He deserved and needed it.
Once you were done, you brought the trash bags away, before finally returning. When you did, Eddie was awake and clearly confused as to what in the world happened in his place.
You smiled and sat by him and Chrissy happily. "(Y/n) cleaned up a bit. She said it'll help you with your mental health."
"Not exactly." You replied and laughed. "I said it might help. I do hope it does since I want you to feel better."
Eddie nodded softly and rubbed his eyes for a moment. "Thanks a lot. I don't think I could've done that."
You chuckled and placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Just call me next time. I'll gladly help you out again."
"So..." Eddie started as he looked from you to Chrissy. "About earlier..."
You smiled and later his back lightly. "Don't pressure yourself. Make no decisions without being sure you're okay with it, got it? I mean, I'm sure it's gonna be weird to all of us if we were to become a couple, but I think it'dbe worth it. And if that means I need to give you time, I will."
Eddie nodded softly. "So... I have one more question.", he mumbled as he looked up at the ceiling. "Which one of you uses Cherry chapstick? It's been bothering me ever since the party."
Chrissy and you looked at each other before you grinned a little. "The one who's wearing it right now."
Eddie raised a brow as he looked at you. "And who is wearing it?"
You leaned closer to him slowly. "Try and find out, pretty boy."
Only a few seconds later, Eddies lips were on yours, but this time, your kiss held longer than it did at the party. Much longer.
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Quick Blurb, you better read it because I’m holding you at gun point 😡 because I kind of really want to freak out about this concept with someone and I know no one who is excited about it like I am
Eddie crosses his arms as he leans against the file cabinet. Bags under his eyes, hair a mess, numerous stains on the ugly flannel he was currently wearing, as he stairs out the glass door and entrance ways. He was on the line of being tipsy and sober, numbing the pain. Yet as he watches what’s happening outside his therapists room, looking over the small area pwhere LAPD held their head quarters his heart twitches. Possibly another body part does as well but that was only for him to know- well unless his body decided to betray him. The person he was staring at was pretty fucking fit, sue him. He stank of booze and weed, and he’s surprised at how much he has been able to get away with here. His poor Uncle was definitely pulling a lot of strings to make sure he stayed doing a job he loved.
“You know, you should ask her out.” Nancy says calmly. Holding the clipboard over her lap as she stays put in the ridiculously expensive chair. Eddie flinches a bit as he had forgotten he was currently in here, supposed to be spilling his feelings out to Nancy Wheeler like it was some girls sleep over. He turns his head a bit as he coughs awkwardly.
“What?” He asks shocked. Fidgeting with the rings on his hands as he pushes himself off the filing cabinet. Keeping his eyes away from staring out the glass where Detective Cunningham, Computer Analysis Robin Buckley and kiss ass Steve Harrington stood laughing together. All of them had been working here much longer then he has, Eddie’s only been here for a few months moving from Hawkins. After a attempt to settle down again from his home state Texas. Is was obvious Hawkins didn’t work out.
Nancy smiles kindly, that annoyingly sweet therapist smile. Acting as if she knew something that Eddie didn’t. Though in his gut he knew that for the first time since they started to meet with each other, for court ordered sessions she finally got something about him wrong. If he wasn’t so scared he would laugh in her face, point his fingers at her and jump up and down on this faded couch and scream for the whole office to hear. To let everyone know that Mrs. Know it all didn’t in fact, know it all.
“Well Chrissy? It’s obvious you guys have some chemistry together, and I’m sure no one really cares if two detectives are together. Half these guys end up sleeping together at some point.” Nancy hums gently as she fiddles with her pen. Watching him carefully as she talks, noticing the way his face pinched up in a pained way. “It’s been a year Eddie, i’m sure your wife didn’t want you alone forever.” She says gently, though as the words hit him in the face it felt like she was pulling a trigger and murdering him on the spot.
Eddie laughs bitterly as he shakes his head pausing, before he’s kicking the couch hard. Facial expression showing how pissed he was, eyes growing dark as he points his finger at Wheeler. “You don’t know what my wife wanted.” He snaps. Watching the startled look on the woman’s face.
“Well- what did your wife want Munson?” Nancy dryly asks.
Eddies tossing his head back dramatically as he flops himself down on the couch. The guilt in his chest was overwhelming and he couldn’t hide this secret anymore. “Oh I don’t know, maybe for her husband to not fall head over heels for some stupid detective.” He snaps as his hands shake. His other hand fiddling with his wedding ring.
“Excuse me, but Chrissy isn’t stupid Mr. Munson.” Nancy says trying to sound as professional as she possibly could be. Though he knew that she was ready to defend her friend on a drop of a pin.
“You’re some therapist, thought you were supposed to get in my mind.” He aggressively pokes at his own forehead as she flinches away again. “I don’t like Chrissy like that, everyone knows Buckleys been making the moves on her before I even got here.” He snaps. Nancys eyes growing a bit wide before confusion starts up again. Watching the way Eddie wipes at his face.
“I know my wife wouldn’t have wanted me to - to come out here and fall for some detective who can’t even remember where he set his damn keys.” Eddie says bitterly. Watching as realization hits her.
“Oh,” she says dumbly. He throws himself up off the couch and forces himself through the door.
“Yeah- oh. And just because it’s been a year since my wife died, doesn’t mean I’m ready to move on.” He snaps before he’s slamming the door shut behind him. Moving his way down the steps feeling all heads turned on him. Staying on him as he pulls out his desk drawer to pull out his flask. Moving to leave the building, giving a playful wink towards Steve who was asking with his eyes whether or not he was okay. Adding a painfully fake smile on he dramatically leaves the building.
“Don’t play strip poker without me now y’all no crazy parties either,” he jokes wiggling his fingers at all of them from the elevator before his eyes meet Nancy’s eyes. Holding them from across the building, and for the first time since he got there it was like she finally understood him.
About fucking time.
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vinmauro · 1 year
Fic Title Game: your words are like gasoline
this is giving me enemies to lovers. two people in close proximity who have to spend their days together and they hate it. i was originally going to do edancy bc they speak to me always but i’m actually thinking that i might do stali. i rewatched the lost sister while thinking about this so i have all the kali thoughts and feels. and now i’m thinking about a canon divergence fic where kali came back for el to help defeat vecna and they do blah blah blah. and she decides to stay with el and her policeman and ends up getting a job. one of those ultimatum bullshit deals hopper makes. and where does she get a job now that robin’s left for college? at family video.
your words are like gasoline
you’ve got to be shitting me. that was her first thought as the orange dusted man handed her an ugly green vest with a pin placed over the breast. the material was scratchy and not in a good way. the pin read: how can i help? get her out of this podunk town for starts. if it wasn’t for jane, kali would have split months ago. it’s what she was good at, moving on, finding somewhere new to cause mayhem before moving on again. never be stationary. that was one of her rules. kali had a lot of rules for someone who didn’t care for society’s rules. she didn’t, of course, she believed that the people should self-govern and be themselves. which is why she has her own personal rules. 1. don’t get caught. 2. never stay in one place too long. 3. don’t get attached. they were all perfectly sound and logical rules. ones she didn’t make a habit of breaking. she did not get caught, ever, which is great considering she probably would have looked worse in orange. but even as she put on the vest, feeling her insides crawl as she did so, she broke rule number two. she’s been in hawkins for months. pretty much all summer and now it’s fall, with halloween just around the corner, and she was just hired to work at family video. kali couldn’t even remember the last film she’s watched, not a lot of time to go to the cinema as someone constantly on the run. her stomach felt weird. kali didn’t do nerves or anxiety. it was useless to fret over the inevitable and the uncomfortable. she lived in those spaces, purposely and spitefully. this feeling in her gut and chest felt abnormal. she hated it. she hated it more as it worsened when she was introduced to her coworker. the guy she’ll have to spend all of her shifts with as the manager, mr. processed cheese dust works at the arcade next door. her coworker seemed nice. clean cut, in a striped polo and jeans without a rip in sight, and the same ugly vest she had to wear over her torn to shreds outfit. his hair was about as high as hers but painfully plain. no dye, no shaved bits. he was a fucking cookie cutter model citizen. “you have got to be shitting me.” the worst part of it, the bit that twisted her stomach up more, was that steve harrington didn’t like her. it was evident to her from the first moment they met, the protective way he distrusted her and she only made matters worse by getting into his head. since then any run in they had together resulted in bickering and insults. usually about each other’s warring appearances or something equally as shallow and petty. sometimes they’d say something aimed to hurt at the other which left the tension between them thicker and uncomfortable. even though seeing him made her feel different, she tried to revel in just how uncomfortable she made steve harrington. maybe she just liked watching him squirm. that crinkle in between his eyebrows. the way his lower lip juts just slightly when he’s annoyed. maybe she just liked looking at him. wait. no. that can’t be it.
send me a made up fic title and i’ll tell you what i’d write
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bylerschmyler · 2 years
Still a delusional idiot here, but if the difference between the time on the show and the time on Lucas On The Line actually means something. There's something to point out, may be nothing but i can't stop thinking about it. LOTL makes the point that both Dustin and Lucas are trying to move on, on the first day of school they both try "new looks" while Mike it's just his old self. This is also commented on the show, because Eddie remembers seeing Mike in the clothes his mom bought for him. Now, if we look at Mike. If we look at Lucas, Dustin and Will - Lucas is trying to move on, meet new people, he doesn't want to be the freak anymore ans that annoys both Mike and Dustin. Dustin has been on a very different path than the rest of the party since he got paired with Steve. Looking at Dustin, he usually hangs with older people, he is teamed up with Robin, Steve, Eddie, while not trying to be some he isn't he is growing up. Will is, as said by many of the viewers, still stuck in the time when they party was still the four boys, when times were "easier" (if he ever got an easy moment really) and he doesn't wanna grow up. Some people ignore the fact that he is gay and call him "a late bloomer".
Now let me present you what i see happening to Mike Wheeler because yes, this boy.
Mike followed the progression of time along side with Dustin and Lucas until the epilogue of season 3. He tried to be 'normal' (still does), he got a girlfriend, and he even fought with Will because "what did [he] think? That [they] would never grow up?". Here's the thing. As a total metaphor - time has always been ticking for Mike, he is late every start of season, because he is the late bloomer. While Will, Dustin and Lucas know what they like, Mike only gets there at the end of s3, and then? HOP'S LETTER saying he wants to turn back the clock. To stop everything from changing. So, from s3 to s4 Mike stops his moving forward, he goes back to the stuff he likes, d&d and videogames. Lucas says that's all he is being doing after the Byers left. But what makes Mike want to stop time and not grow up? How come in these two parallel timelines we are avoiding the birthdays of the both characters who don't want to grow up? They don't have a problem with discussing Dustin's birthday with HIS GIRLFRIEND because he is moving forward into adulthood, so no problem there. But Will and Mike? If they keep getting older, there will be a moment when they are going to have to face their truths. Maybe Will is getting there already, we don't really know much about what Will's being doing aside of working on the painting so i'm not really sure if he still plays videogames and such just by himself, but the moment he is with Mike all he wants is to be exactly where Mike is waiting (probably for him). Mike has gone back to how things were for him at the begining of s1 (aprox.). Only this time he doesn't have Will there. And you know, Max and Lucas and Dustin are great (even though when you think about it, he and Dustin were mad at Lucas and were hanging out that much anymore) and Max distancieted herself from everyone after that summer. But what makes Hawkins not the same is not having Will there.
So, yes, this delusional Byler anon thinks they didn't forget Will's birthday, they based Mike's monologue in s4 on Mike monologue in s2, yes, i do believe he just changed his words ao it would fit E*. Even the i love you in your good days and in your bad days? Are you sure about that Mike? Because i never saw you loving her in her bad days, you loathe her in those days... however there was someone you loved and cared about in his worsts and in his bests.
Does any of this makes any sense? I don't know, but i tried my best.
Hey nonny!
I think I get what you mean. And yes I agree mostly.
Mike being late/running out of time at the start of every season.
The time running out for the victims when they are cursed.
Wills Birthday being forgotten in the show and Mike's being forgotten in extended canon adds up (Mike's birthday is only mentioned in extended canon and Will's only mentioned in the show. So forgetting Will's birthday in the show and Mike's in extended canon makes sense).
There is something up with it. But I am not 100% sure what it will be because the show did suprise me in the past with the path it took storywise so I hope that after analysing this show I haven't figured out everything and spoilered myself. Because as much as I want a "I KNEW IT MOMENT" for some stuff (#victimgate) I want to stare at my Screen, jaw dropped, thinking "They didn't actually do that?!" (in a good way). But Currently I am very positive that it will be like that.
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