#where he runs around yelling at people for attention and kibble and just bc it’s morning and he has stuff to say
ionlylikemycat · 1 year
ohmygod borb just sent me this i am IN LOVE
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korissideblog · 3 years
[sings a really emotional song about how much I love @you-may-call-me-meme ’s sillie little catboy that ends with a sick guitar solo after which I smash the guitar into a million little pieces bc my love and adoration for this little guy is so powerful] anywho! This fic has Konekomaru and Jiji in it <3 (and also Aito, obviously <3)
Konekomaru was walking to his dorm, trying to remember if their next math test was tomorrow or the day after, when he heard footsteps coming down the hall. He looked up to see Takao-kun barreling around a corner, seemingly recognizing Konekomaru, and running towards him at top speed.
“Konekomaru!!!” Takao-kun yelled, running down the hall and waving frantically. Konekomaru held his hands up to show that she had his attention when…
It… it felt like a breath of fresh air, seeing Takao-kun, even if he… couldn’t exactly see her, per se.
But that wasn’t what he was focused on right now. Right now all Konekomaru could recognize is the sharp smell of the air, like early morning on a winter’s day, crisp and fresh and cold, but pleasant as you tugged your big fluffy coat impossibly tighter. It wasn’t till Konekomaru saw Takao-chan adjust her bangs that he realized why he was feeling so nice.
“Takao-chan?” Konekomaru mumbled, still feeling a bit confused. “Did you… like was that-“
“My charm? Yes.” He responded quickly, but distantly, as if he had a million other things on his mind besides this conversation. “It was an important question! And I didn’t want you to lie.” She huffed, poorly justifying the use of her quirk.
“What was the question?” Konekomaru asked, noticing how upset Takao-chan was and wanting to help.
“It’s Jiji!” Takao-chan whined, her hands covering her face as she continued to worry. “He hasn’t eaten all day! I don’t know what to do!” Her hands lowered just a bit, letting her see Konekomaru from behind her bangs “I wanted to see if you could talk to cats- but- you said you couldn’t- and-“
Konekomaru was well aware of Aito Takao’s reputation, and knew that this was likely a trick or the beginning of some kind of prank but… he’s never seen Takao-chan so upset before, and he just couldn’t help the feeling of pity as she explained herself. He just needed help, and didn’t know how to ask- and either way! Takao-kun’s cat was in need! Konekomaru couldn’t just ignore this, even if it was a prank.
“I can still help, Takao-chan.” He offered, Takao-chan immediately perked up and nodded his head.
“Yes! Please!” Takao-chan grabbed Konekomaru’s hand and dragged him across the dorms and down two flights of stairs, somehow never losing steam as he crashed into his dorm room.
“Mama’s here sweetness!” Takao-kun cooed, immediately falling to her stomach next to her mattress, her kitten lost in a sea of pillows and stuffed animals. “Konekomaru’s here too! He said he’s gonna help you!” She continued, letting Jiji sniff her hand so he knew where she was. Konekomaru was still catching his breath by the doorway when Takao-kun waved him over, Jiji barely moving from his spot, curled up on a pillow with a sad look on his face. “He’s been like this all day, I don’t know what’s wrong!”
Konekomaru kneeled by the mattress and let Jiji sniff his hand. When the kitten buried his head back into the pillow under him instead of his usual begging for attention, Konekomaru knew something was up.
“Ok… did you or Jiji do anything differently today?” He asked, carefully petting the black kitten’s forehead.
“Ah- no? I don’t think… Um-“ Takao-kun wracked her brain as He watched Jiji lazily accept Konekomaru’s pets with a weak meow. “Oh! I was napping with Ikuto and I made him feed Jiji for me! Normally I do it though!” He said, pointing to the kitten’s food bowl, still full of kibble.
Konekomaru stood up and grabbed the bowl, emptying it into the nearby bag of food and handing it to Takao-kun. “Try it again, make sure he knows that you’re the one getting the food.”
Takao-kun immediately followed Konekomaru’s directions, snapping a bit before filling the bowl up again. “Hey Jiji! I’m sure you’re hungry, you want some food?” He asked carefully, making sure to put the bowl back exactly from the place Konekomaru had grabbed it from.
Jiji stood up lazily from his spot, but made his way over to the food and, after sniffing both it and Takao-kin’s hand, happily started eating.
Konekomaru was going to explain that cats were very schedule oriented animals, and any change in their environment would have them pretending to be sick till it was fixed, but before he could even open his mouth, he was tackled by Takao-chan.
“Konekomaru!” He shouted, not for the first time today, nearly crushing Konekomaru’s ribcage in a vice-like hug. “I was so scared!!! But you were right!” He giggled, roughing up Konekomaru’s hair as he thanked him. “I’m so smart for coming to you, you're the greatest!” He cheered, finally letting go and returning to Jiji’s side as the kitten ate hungrily. Jiji lifted his head as Takao-chan sat next to him, and bumped his head into her hand, before immediately turning and running up to Konekomaru, crashing into his ankle before looking up to him and meowing annoyingly. Yep, he was back to normal.
Konekomaru laughed as he sat down as well, lifting the kitten into his arms and scratching his ear. “Such a picky little guy, I’m glad I could help!” But… it seemed to have gone right over Takao-kun’s head.
“I haven’t slept since this morning, I was too nervous.” He admitted, laying across Konekomaru’s lap- something he’s seen Takao-chan do to a bunch of other people, but a new experience for himself. Before he could finish his half baked explanation, Takao-kun had already fallen asleep, leaving Konekomaru essentially trapped on the floor with a kitten in his arms.
Well, he decided as Jiji also yawned and curled up in his arms, there were worse ways to spend an afternoon…
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