#ohmygod he just came up and put his paw on my arm
ionlylikemycat · 1 year
ohmygod borb just sent me this i am IN LOVE
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lovenhlboys · 3 years
From a Distance (E.Pettersson x Reader)
Chapter 5
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Be added to series taglist
A/N: I have finally graduated!! now I have time so I can work on this until its finished, and trust me, it won't take too long, I'll release the other chapters on a faster, more regular basis since I don't have much else to do, and cause I've had the plan and ideas for the rest of this story for so long. I thank you for your patience with me and I hope y'all love it!! And as always Ash is my savior and I love her @imagines-r-s
change in POV is signalized by:
Y/N= regular ELIAS= italics
(any other info is on the masterlist)
Warnings: cursing, Mentions of Psych, baby & baby talk, loving of dogs, goalie being essentially psychic
Words: 3.3k
Summary: some reflecting on prior events happens.
Well, it has been quite the day for you. You never would have thought anything like this could have happened. “Freaking out” isn’t strong enough to describe your current state. You need to talk to someone, god you’re so happy right now. So you call Quinn.
“Hey, Quinny!”
“Sup Y/N/N?” he answers
“I’m picking up from work, and I'm about to head home, where you will be there too, with a bottle of our favorite wine and some take-out.”
“Got it, something important happened?”
“Yeah, you could say that.” you still couldn't stop smiling.
“Ok how important, expensive wine or REALLY expensive wine?”
“Uhhh in between,” you decided.
“Ahhh ok, can't wait. See you there, bye!!”
“Bye, Huggy”
You finish packing up and text Brock to tell him that you and Quinn are having a wine night, to make sure he knows to be somewhere else.
As you’re walking out, you call Holly.
“Hey, Babe!”
“God I always forget you interned in Dallas,” she says laughing.
“You pick that shit up quickly, I’m telling you. even the Fins were saying 'y'all'"
“So what’s up?” She asks.
“Are you free tonight, cause I have some very big news so it’s a wine night.”
“Umm, let me see if Bo wants to have the guys over and watch Gunnar” you hear her call her husband and ask him. “He said sure!”
“Okie Dokie! Text Quinn that you’re coming too, so he knows to get your usual from the take-out place” you tell her.
“Will do, and Y/N/N?" she says before you hang up.
“Do you want me to grab ice cream?” She asks, already knowing your answer.
“Of course!”
“Ok, see you there” she hangs up.
You drive home jamming out to your music, as everyone should. You still can’t believe what happened today. It feels like it happened last week but it also feels like you never left that break room. Hopefully, Elias won’t mind that you’re telling Quinn and Holly. As long as you tell them not to say anything to the other guys, all should be well.
Once you get home, the dogs greet you at the door, “Oh hi! Hi sweeties! Oh yes, yes hi Coolieee, oh you’re such a cutie,” you drop your bags and get down on your knees to get on their level. When you get on your knees, Milo knows it means you want him to hug you, so he hops up and puts his paws on your shoulders. “Hi, hi, hi, oh thank you for the hugs. Oh yes auntie loves you soooooo much mmwwaaa”
Quinn is there and has everything set up and ready to go, so you change into your sweats and grab your blanket, and sit next to Quinn on the couch, grabbing your glass of wine and food before you sit down. Now you just have to wait for Holly
“Sooo, what’s the news?” Quinn asks you.
“Holly isn’t here yet, we have to wait.”
”Oh so it’s that good?” He raises his eyebrows.
“What do you mean?” You question, taking a sip of your wine.
“Well, when the news isn’t that important you usually don’t care if she hears it after me, or I hear it after her. But when it’s super important news, you have the other one wait.”
“Hmm, well then yeah. It’s pretty fuckin’ great, I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling for like 5 hours.”
Just then Holly comes in the door with Gus under one arm and a grocery bag full of ice cream in her other hand, “hi puppies, yes I have your friend with me”
“Oh! Hi Burton!!” You say with your puppy voice.
“Ok, why do you call him Burton? I never understood that.”
“It’s from one of my favorite shows!” You exclaim
“Y/N/N I don’t know if you know this but you, your brother, and Quinn all have like 50 “favorite TV shows” I’m gonna need you to say more than that,” she says to you as she grabs her food from the counter, and heads to the couch. She sits on the side of you not occupied by Quinn.
“Ok, rude,” Quinn sassed.
“It’s from Psych. One of the main characters is called Gus, but his first name is Burton, and the police chief and one of the detectives calls him by his full name which is Burton Guster, so there.”
“Got it.”
“Ok, Holly no more distractions,” Quinn starts, sticking his tongue out at her, she returns the gesture. “So what’s the important news?”
“Oh, you didn’t tell him yet! So it’s really important!” she says.
“Hmm, I guess I do do that,” you realize, “I would actually like you guys to guess” you take a bite of your food, smugly. Knowing neither of them would even have an idea of what to guess.
“Hmmm,” Quinn hums, he looks like he has a mischievous grin “does it have to do with a certain Swede?”
“Wha-“ you choke on your bite of food, Quinn is giggling at your reaction, “the fuck? How’d you know that?”
“Well umm, a certain brother of yours may have asked me if he should do that plan.”
“Why would you do that?’ you whined, upset at your friends for teaming up on you. You couldn’t imagine what you would’ve done if that plan didn’t work out the way it did today.
“Did it work?” He asked with a grin.
“That’s not the point, asshole!”
“See but it worked! He doesn’t hate you anymore, now you can flirt your ass off and make him see you as more than a friend” he tells you.
You laugh, he has no idea what happened in that break room.
“Ok, I’m out of the loop here, what happened?” Holly interjects
“Ok, well my idiot brother and apparently my asshole best friend came up with this plan-“
“Actually Marky and Thatch knew about it too,” he stops you from interrupting, “AND, to be fair, you can’t blame Brock for going to us. I mean I’m your best friend, and the goalies are just good at planning and doing crazy things”
“WELL. Those dicks that I call my closest friends and family, decided it was a good idea to lock me in one of the Canucks break rooms with Elias fucking Pettersson because he hated me and they wanted us to get along”
Holly starts laughing, “oh my god, they did not” she continues to laugh and Quinn joins her. You roll your eyes at them both.
“Yes, they did. I was not a happy camper. But it worked out and he doesn’t hate me.”
“See, I knew it would work! And like I said, now you can work your moves and get him to like you as more than just a friend.” He grins again.
You grin “Oh, also that’s the other part.” You take a long sip of your wine, both Holly and Quinn stared at you wide-eyed, waiting for you to finish, “turns out he’s a great kisser”
“I’m sorry,” Quinn said softly, he took a breath “WHAT?”
“Yeah, would you like more details?”
“Fucking- yeah,” they said simultaneously.
You went on to explain the events that happened in that incredible breakroom
“How the fuck did he keep that a secret, and why?” Quinn exclaimed, clearly confused that he didn't know something so big about who he considers one of his best friends.
“I don't know, but both of you have to absolutely promise me that you won't tell literally anyone else, ok? Not Bo, not Brock, not Demer, Stech, Marky, nobody!”
“Yeah, yeah that's fine,” Holly said, waving her hand in dismissal, wanting to get past that and know more. “So how do you feel?”
“Like the luckiest girl in the world,” you said while giggling with a big smile.
“Y/N/N. I’m so happy for you.” Quinn says with a genuine smile.”
“Ok, enough about me. How were your days?”
“Not as interesting as yours, but Gunnar and I spent the whole day out and about with Bo, and now I’m having a great wine night with you guys so it’s been a pretty amazing day.”
“Yeah, well I spent the whole day waiting for Y/N to come to kill me cause I thought she’d find out I had something to do with that whole situation,” Quinn says.
“Well let me just tell you, Hughes, if it hadn’t ended up the way it did, I may have had a few words for you.”
“I know, that’s why I was panicking the whole day”
“OH MY GOD” Holly shouted as she looked at her phone
“What, what’s wrong?” You ask
“Umm, you are going to LOVE this shit, Y/N/N”
She thrusts her phone in your face. When you look down you see a picture of Elias holding Gunnar, with a toy you hadn’t seen before. Elias looks so happy, looking down at the baby Horvat. Then there’s another alert on Holly's phone, “ohmygod,” you mumble. The alert is another text from Bo, it’s a video this time. You press play. In the video Elias is playing with Gunnar, using a high-pitched baby voice “oh yes you love your new toy that the best uncle in the world got you! Yes, you do cause I’m your very favorite, yes I am. You are just so cute, so lucky you got your looks from your mama, yes you are.”
From behind the camera, you can hear Bo, “Hey, have you looked at him, he looks just like me”
“Daddy is crazy, isn’t he? Yeaaaaah” Elias says to the boy.
The video ends and you see what text Bo had sent along with the picture and video
Bowie 💙: Yes, he got him ANOTHER toy. If he keeps this up, we’re gonna need a bigger house just for the toys lias gets him
“This boy is going to be the death of me I swear to god,” you say, handing the phone to Quinn, and placing your head in your hand. That video was literally the cutest thing you’ve seen in about 5 years.
You continue to talk, you end up explaining what Elias had told you about not doing anything else yet, and what he had said regarding that. You all finish eating and eventually decide on watching some ’how i met your mother’.
After they leave, you spend the rest of the night replaying the events from the break room in your head. Imagining what will eventually happen with you two. You truly can’t believe it. You’ve never felt this way about anyone and you’ve only known he likes you for about 12 hours. Elias Pettersson is going to be a special, if not the most special person in your life. So you pull out your notebook and a pen that you always keep next to your bed and you write your thoughts down.
First, you write the date at the top then skip 2 lines
Elias Pettersson, I think I love you. I know it’s too early to say and we’ve only had one day together, but I need to write this down.
It looks ridiculous and cheesy now that I’m reading it but if my gut is right, which it normally is, I just had to write it down. I had to tell you. If not in real life, at least just in this notebook. As cliche as it sounds, maybe I can show you it one day. I mean I do love myself a hallmark movie, so maybe this can be like one of those.
You sign it at the bottom, close your notebook, and place it back in your drawer.
You’re such a hopeless romantic and you kinda want to make fun of yourself, like you would do if you found out any of the guys did this kind of thing. ( And if you’re being honest, you wouldn’t be surprised if your own brother would do something like this. Your parents kind of instilled a love of romcoms in you guys at a young age.)
So once your thoughts have settled, you close your eyes and drift off to sleep.
Elias’s night wasn’t that much different. He arrived at the Horvat residence with some snacks for the boys, and a new toy for Gunnar, as always. Every time he sees one he knows Gunnar will like, he buys it...it’s a problem.
“Petey!!” Stech shouts as he gets up to grab the snacks from him.
“So how was your daaaaay” Thatcher asks from the couch.
“I’m sure Brock has inform you of how my day went”
“‘Inform’ us he has. But OUR plan is what caused this. WE worked very hard on it” Thatcher says, chuckling.
“Wait, who all knew about it??”
“I didn’t!” Bo shouts from the kitchen!
“And neither did this little boy, he would never betray me,” Elias says, grabbing Gunnar from Brock on the couch and carrying him into the kitchen, the other guys follow. “And guess what Gunnar!!! I got you another toy, cause I’m the best uncle you have, yes I am.”
“Another toy Lias?? Really, I’m going to need to make a whole mother room for all of the toys you get him if you don’t stop”
“But why would I ever stop when he is the best boy ever! He deserves the world, yes he does,” Elias says, looking at Gunnar the whole time.
“Ok, now it’s time for him to have dinner,” Bo says, grabbing Gunnar from Elias.
“So… all of you knew?”
Stech, Brock, Demer, and Marky all nodded, with a guilty look.
“What about you? Elias said, looking at Nils. Nils looked guilty and nodded slowly “my own son? Really Hogs?”
“I’m sorry, I just wants to help you!!”
“We all just ‘wants’ to help you, Petey!” Marky said, mocking the youngest Swede’s mistake. All of them would do that to both of them, make fun of them when they messed up, they just wanted to help them, it’s all in good fun.
“Ok, I know but what if it didn’t work, what would you guys have done?”
“Elias my dear, the point is that it did work. And now Brock won’t have an aneurysm every time you and Y/N/N are in the same room together” Troy says, placing his arm around Elias’s shoulder.
“Yeah Petey, all we wanted was for you to like her as much as we do!” Thatcher said.
“Ok, I never hated her, I just-”, he paused trying to come up with what he was going to say next, “I don’t socialize well, it’s hard for me to talk to people, ok?”
“Which is exactly why we did this. Y/C/N/N is a sweet girl, we just needed to give you both a push since you’re essentially the same person” Marky said.
“LITERALLY” Brock shouted, “ I swear, the more and more I hang out with you, Petey, the more I realize you and my sister are the same. Like sure, she and Quinny are best friends. And like they’re both similar like they’re both shy, awkward, nice, and stuff but you two have the same humor, need for attention, sassy bite, etcétéra etcétéra.”
“Oh my god, you’re totally right! And their fake self confident-ness thingy!!” The other guys shouted assorted affirmations to Nils’s comment.
“What do you mean ‘fake self-confidence thing’?” Elias was confused.
“Both of you do a something where you say stuffs like “well I’m hot, so..” or “cause I’m the best” and my favorite “because the people likes me better than you” but neither of you feel that way far down. You both just like to act like you more confident than you are really.”
“Damn, he called you two out, and he’s so right” Bo chimed in with a chuckle. “Ok, well now that he’s done eating, Marky, can you and the baby Swede go out and pick up the pizza?”
“Yes sir, captain sir!” Marky said saluting Bo.
The rest of them talked while they waited for Gunnars stomach to settle.
“Hey Petey, wanna go grab drinks from the store with me,” Thatcher asks.
“I think we’re good actu-“ Bo starts
“Petey” Thatcher insists with a look that says that’s not exactly the reason why he wants Elias to come with him. And he knows better than to say no to a goalie who gives him that look.
“Yep,” he gets up and follows Demer out the door.
They get in the car and that’s when it starts “so,” Thatch says, “how long have you liked her?” He asks.
“I- uh what? What are you talking abou-”
“Oh save it blondy, I have a 6th sense about this shit.”
“Damn goalies. At least Marky doesn’t know,” Elias mumbles under his breath.
“Oh he definitely does, he just hasn’t said anything for some reason” he laughs.
“How do you know he just doesn’t know?”
“Cause I know this shit, bro. He may have even been messing with you since he and Y/N/N are cuddle buddies and shit. Just to get you to make a move or something”
“HE MADE ME DO THE OPPOSITE! I thought they were together for the longest time until she told me TODAY” That made Thatcher laugh, you know, Elias’s pain and suffering is just HILARIOUS.
Once he calmed down he continued to talk, “Ok, well you didn’t tell us the whole story of what happened in there, so spill” he said as they walked into the store.
“We may have talked”
“....bitch that’s not it, keep going”
“And we kissed a little,” Elias said, face turning red.
“That’s my boy!” Thatcher clapped him on the shoulder.
“You're only 3 years older than me”
“And you're only a year older than Nils, who you claim as your ‘son,’ so shhh” he retorted, “so I assume you two talked about it after, actually knowing you two, that may not have happened,” Thatcher said as they checked out.
“Ha ha ha, yes we talked about it Douglas,” Elias said with an eye roll. “I just told her that I can’t do anything till I do something” he said as they got into the car again.
“What’s that “something” you have to do?” The goalie questioned.
“Talk to her older brother that may just kill me if I tell him so, I’m not too pumped about that.”
“Have you forgotten how much Brock loves you? You’re each other’s work husbands, I think if you tell him he’ll be shocked, but he’d be ok with it.”
“But you didn’t hear what Brock had said about his friend chad in high school! He beat him up and cut him out, I don’t want that to happen to me”
“Petey, if you feel as strongly as I think you feel about YNN then I think you have to tell her, or that would be an extreme disservice to you, her, and honestly my mental health, so you have some work to do.” He said as they finally walked into the Horvat house again.
“Yeah, Petey you have to work on some stuff, like your hair!” Brock quipped.
“Shut up, frat boy, not all of us can have a luscious flow like you.” Elias jabbed back, “oh hi, how’s my favorite person here? Is your tummy settled now, can I finally give you your new toy?”
“Yes, you can,” Bo says, handing his child off to the blonde Swede.
Elias took Gunnar down to the floor, where his new toy was, and played with him while talking in his baby voice, at some point Bo took a video and sent it to Holly, and also his insta story. But that’s ok, he loved his little ‘nephew,’ and honestly, his day couldn’t have gone better.
Tagist: @calgarycanuck @suffering-canucks-fan @2manytabsopen @lovethepreds @callllumhood @mellany1997 @yourlocalgranolagirl54 @all-time-fanatic @Fitnessfreak498 @mysoftboybowen @peachyotps @kale-makar @kentjohnsons @iwantahockeyhimbo @aeyyy-ohhhh @peteysimp @nhlindblom @mitchsmullet @dolphinahabsfan @starswin @heunderwoo @hockeymockeryandlove @peteysimp
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
Jim and el going to go see billy play basketball at school and billy being so surprised cause no one has ever gone to go see him play
Ohmydear okay okay so i’m imagining Billy like, basically never talking about games. He’ll say he’ll be back late some nights and when Hop asks he’ll just cite: “Basketball.”
And that’s it. Just says it casually and nonchalantly and then leaves w/ his duffel.
 And Hop was totally in some kind of sport in high school. Like football or something. He knows they have games and stuff it's just… Billy never mentions them and Hop doesn't really wanna step on toes or anything. He's still learning and he doesn't wanna suffocate the boy.
One week Billy seems extra tired and stressed and bratty. He's rushing out of the house after grabbing an apple and Hop calls after him: "where's the fire, kid?"
Billy takes the apple out of his mouth.
"I've got extra practice all this week. There’s a major game this Friday and coach said there might be a scout and….. Yeah." Billy shrugs and runs out the door.
But Billy keeps talking about this game. Comes home tired as all hell and flops on the couch and rants for a good half hour about it. About how the coach has been pushing them so hard and it’s such a major game and he keeps telling them the team can’t screw it up. Or in the morning he’ll shovel cereal into his face and speak w/ his mouth full about how they need to destroy this team on Friday bc they’re their biggest rivals and “What’s gonna happen if this scout notices me? I kinda hope he notices me. Should I hope he notices me?”
And so it takes Hop until about Wednesday morning before he decides they need to go. Billy has never told him when games were but he won’t stop talking about this one, won’t stop freaking out about it, won’t stop getting genuinely excited about it, hopping around after he comes home from practice one day pretending like he’s still playing basketball and then riling himself up.
So when Billy leaves the cabin for school on Wednesday, Hop turns to El and says: “Do you want to go to the basketball game this Friday?”
El tilts her head.
“What basketball game?”
“They let us go?!” She asks, eyes wide with excitement.
“Yeah, we should go support him.”
She nods her head excitedly.
And so when Billy is out late for practices, Hop comes home w/ a posterboard and some paint and they sit at the table and paint a little sign for Billy (they have to wait till he gets home and passes out to go digging through his gym bag to figure out what number he is).
And so when Billy sends them both a farewell before heading off to the game, Hop and El wait a few minutes before Hop breaks out the face paint, paints little whiskers on El’s cheeks, lets El paint little paw prints on his own, and then grab their poster and jump into the car and head out for the gym.
And when they get there, a little early to find a seat, they recognize a couple of familiar faces scanning the bleachers.
“I cannot believe you dragged me out to a basketball game.” Robin’s voice drawls, arms crossed but slight fear in her eyes bc wow too many people.
“C’mon, Billy’s been talking about it all week I had to come, he never talks about games. And I couldn’t go alone. Plus you guys are totally friends, whether you admit it or not.” Steve responds, busy searching for a seat.
“I tolerate him for you.”
“You guys gang up on me all the time!”
“I mean, sure, we bond over messing with you, but-” Robin turns her head, irritated with all of these faces looking at her when she sees: “Is that El? Hey!”
And El runs up to Robin to say hi to her and Steve, Hopper walking up behind her and they all 4 find a seat together and if you don’t think they leave a trail of slightly confused and gossipy whispers behind them then you are greatly mistaken bc basically the whole gym has broken out into ‘Hey, isn’t that Chief Hopper? What’s he doing here?’ ‘I think he’s Hargrove’s foster dad or something.’ ‘I heard he’s actually Billy’s biological dad and Hop finally got custody back.’ ‘Is that THE Steve Harrington? What’s he doing w/ Band Geek Buckley?’ ‘They worked at that ice cream shop before the mall exploded. Now they’re at Family Video.’ ‘Wow, he’s really hit bottom if he’s coming back to school to watch a basketball game w/ the Chief of Police. How fucking weird.’
But the little group of 4 doesn’t (really) notice bc they’re chatting away about how Billy has been so excited and nervous about this game and how there’s a scout here and “D’ya think he might get a scholarship for basketball, Hop?”
And ohmydearmeDUDES imagine they announce the team all excitedly w/ lots of grandeur and lights and the boys running out of a big paper tiger head or something and Billy gets the loudest applause of all bc of fucking course he does, people both love and hate him but he’s the best player on the team and you just… you HAVE to clap for Billy Hargrove. And so Billy isn’t surprised at the cheers he’s getting, it’s the biggest game of the year and everyone is here, except none of his friends ever show up. It’s not Jonathan’s or Nancy’s or Robin’s scene, Carol and Tommy have stopped coming since Tommy got kicked off the team at the beginning of the year, and Billy doesn’t really talk to anyone else. He doesn’t bring up his games to anyone, either, bc he doesn’t wanna sound like he’s needy or something.
So he’s not expecting to see anyone he cares about in the stands. He’s just letting his heart flutter wildly with his nerves as he riles up the crowd and pumps his fists and puts on a show like he’s not scared as all hell for this game when…
When he sees a sign that says: Go Billy! on it w/ little paw prints and his number in the corner.
No one makes signs specifically for him that don’t also include some sort of lewd remark.
So he shifts his eyes down and sees-
Oh my god no way they came.
It’s El, smiling the biggest, brightest, widest smile, little blue whiskers on her face, eyes crinkling up. Next to her is Hop, clapping happily with his eyes so full of pride Billy’s gonna drown. To the other side of El is Robin, clapping a little slower with a smirk that says You better be real damn grateful i’m subjecting myself to this for you.
And then Steve, cheering and whooping and clapping and smiling and he sends Billy a little wink and Billy is melting he’s absolutely falling through the earth bc what the fuck they actually came I didn’t think they would actually come.
His crazy, cocky facade falls and he starts running up to where they’re sitting, a couple rows back from the front, fully ready to tackle them in hugs or something, ask what they’re doing here and why they came and just ohmygod I’m so glad they came I can’t believe they’re here-
When his teammate grabs a hold of the back of his jersey and pulls him back towards the court with a “Where you going, Hargrove? The game’s this way!”
And so Billy shoots the boy an irritated look before looking back towards his family they’re my family my family is here with a wave and a genuine smile and all of the warmth boiling in his heart.
And Billy does GREAT. They destroy the other team and Billy as always is the one they praise the most and everyone is crowding around him and rushing out onto the court to congratulate him but he pushes himself out of the crowd and doesn’t pay attention to anyone because his family is here and El is standing there waving with her sign and asks: “Did you do it?”
Bc she’s still confused on how basketball works (Hop tried to explain the rules to her while Steve tried to explain the rules to Robin and they were both very lost, though El was a lot more interested than Robin was) and Billy scoops down to hug her and say: “Yeah, we did alright.”
And they all laugh and Billy ignores everyone but his family as he goes to grab his bag and they head out, Billy telling them he has to go back to the locker room with his team to get the after game notes from his coach “-but after that we should like… get ice cream or something.”
Hop nods. “Sounds like a plan.”
And so after the coach tells them good job and gives them their final notes on the game, Billy takes a super quick shower and runs back outside and sees Steve standing there, hands in his pockets, leaning against the side of the gym.
Billy smiles wide.
“Congrats out there, Tiger. You really did take my throne, didn’t you?”
“C’mon, I had it before you left.” Billy shoves Steve’s shoulder and they walk.
“You… you did real good out there. Think the scout noticed you?”
Billy shrugs. “I dunno, the coach hasn’t said anything about it yet. He just told us to celebrate this weekend.”
Steve nods, about to say something else when Billy shoves him behind another building where the lights are out and kisses him silly against the wall, the faint sound of the still cheering and chanting team somewhere behind them, the drumline doing cadences into the night as Billy kisses Steve like he’s starved. Always kisses Steve like he’s starved.
“Thanks for coming, Princess.” Billy whispers against Steve’s throat once they’ve pulled away.
“I know it meant a lot to you. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
And so they meet up with everyone at their respective cars and head out for ice cream together and Hopper says “You did great, son.” over his own cup of ice cream and Billy is trying so hard to stay cool but let me tell you, the boy is beaming over this praise and love and he’s answering all of El’s questions about basketball and he’s helping Robin pick on Steve and it’s heaven.
And now can we all just IMAGINE El saying Max should come along to the next game. And then the next game Max brings Lucas, who brings Dustin who brings Mike who brings Will. And then the NEXT game where Will is like: “You’re his friend too! I know you don’t like sports games but Robin comes so you can come too.” to Jonathan who comes along w/ Nancy and then Hop brings Joyce and Billy has a whole damn SECTION just for his family and friends who are all cheering him on in their own ways and they ALWAYS go out for pizza or ice cream afterwards (Mike and Dustin will say they tag along just for the food after the game and Billy will flick their ears when they say it)
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j-wonwootrash · 5 years
ohmygod hello you’re back!! for the ficlet i wanna ask for 🐾 + seungcheol 🥰🥰
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🐾 「 ᥴꪖꪀ ᭙ꫀ? 」 🐾
❥ seungcheol x fem!reader
❥ word count: 753
❥ genre: fluff + crack
❥ a/n: yes hello im back!! seriously anon, choi seungcheol w/ puppies makes me so so soft for him 😭😭 i hope you enjoy this scenario!!! 💕
On his way home under clear skies and bluest color he had ever seen all week, the gust of the wind marked the weather becoming cooler. He had to go to a nearby convenient store where you, untimely got your period in the morning. And such bad timing as well, you had to run out of napkins.
Seungcheol was kind enough to offer to buy those for you— even if it will cause the burst of second-hand embarrassment from other boyfriends who saw him.
Whilst waiting for the lift to head to your apartment and scanning the lobby area, he spotted a box by the entrance. It had been turned over where its opening was already sideways.
It can’t be it, can it?
Cramps were the worst and even chocolates couldn’t calm the storms of continuous pain. You tried bending or crouching down, laying flat on your stomach and do breathing exercises but none of those seem to work. And to think it today was the first day, it might be worse in the following.
The doorknob turned and Seungcheol had the napkins you needed. “Yay you’re here~” you said, trying to sound enthusiastic despite the stinging cramp. Your eyes spotted the bump underneath his coat. “I don’t recall asking you to buy many but it’s good to have more things in store.”
“Let’s get you changed, okay? I’ll prepare our breakfa- or brunch because we stayed in bed all day.” he kissed your forehead and pushed you gently to the enter the toilet.
When you shut the door close, Seungcheol unzipped his coat, revealing the puppy he picked up just earlier. “Okay. Daddy’s gonna put you in here and we’ll wait for Mommy until she’s finished.” he whispered soft enough in case you might hear him.
The smell of bacon and eggs filled the kitchen as you got out, all freshed and cleaned. You saw a hot pack prepared on the counter and slid your way to hug your man. “I love it when you do even the little things. Makes me want to kis-.”
He smiled and kissed you before you could do it. “Anything for you darling.”
You sat onto the dining area when Seungcheol told you to close your eyes. He seemed to always come up with surprises so this wasn’t unexpecting. You shut with your palms anyway and soon felt paws stepping onto your lap.
“Open them.” Seungcheol already had his phone out, and smiling widely at your shocked expression. “Cute, isn’t he?” your boyfriend asked.
“Oh my gosh!” you lifted the puppy up high. “Where did you get him?!”
“Downstairs. I saw a box moving and a fluffy brown thing came out. I’m guessing he’s abandoned.” he explained his encounter with the cutest being you’ve seen alive.
“Who would abandon a miniature poodle?!” Seungcheol saw your eyes welling up at the puppy, immediately grabbing tissues to wipe the soon-to-fall tears.
“Thought so too.” he loved the sight he was seeing and melted at how the puppy sat comfortably in your arms.
“I wanna keep him, please?” you jut your lower lips to a pout. “I’ll be a full-time mama.”
He choked onto his slurp of his coffee, soon coughing at the latter word. “Y-yeah.” he said. “Brownie’s all yours, y/n.”
“You named him already?” you played with the pup’s paws. “‘Brownie’s too common though.”
“Okay, what name will suit him?” he propped his arms onto the desk with a challenging smirk.
“I was thinking of ‘Milo’ but I don’t want to name him after a food brand..” you trailed off before staring into the puppy again.
Seungcheol loved how well-thought you were, even if it were an unimportant matter. But this was something he only found in you than in other girls. “Ah! Chewie!” you chimed and made the puppy stand on his hind legs.
Seungcheol laughed out loud with his palms on his chest. “Oh wha- y/n that’s an adjective for ‘brownie’!”
“NO!” you defended your suggestion, though he did have a point there. “It’s gotta be Chewie! Inspiration from Chewbacca in the Star Wars series!”
“Okay okay Chewie suits him. But why?” he now sat beside you, his eyes boring into your for answers.
You tried to hold in your laugh but your chest wasn’t having it. “It- It’s be-because you’re Han Cheolo-” taking Chewie with you for a run.
“I. KNEW. IT!” he bursted out, dumbfounded at the name pun. He didn’t really hate what you said, he actually loved your creativity and wit.
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austinpanda · 6 years
Gallbladder Surgery, with Firefly
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5:00 a.m. - Wake up, make coffee, then realize, “Shit, I can’t have anything to eat or drink.” And Zach won’t have any coffee, because he’s both empathetic, and nervous on my behalf, so a whole pot of coffee went to waste. I hate that.
6:05 a.m. - Stacy shows up! She’s going to do the driving. She has brought with her a gift for me, a plush gallbladder holding a handful of pretty stones it created. Basically my sister is the shit.
6:15 a.m. - Stacy, Zach and I head for Seton Southwest Hospital on FM 1826. That “FM” stands for “farm to market” which makes it sound like my hospital is in the middle of a cow pasture, but this is not so. It’s actually a pretty busy part of southwest Austin. They said there’d be plenty of parking, and they were right! Since it’s not yet 7:00 a.m. when we get there, we pretty much have the whole place to ourselves. And it’s not an emergency room, so the reception area has no one in it when we show up.
6:50 a.m. - The receptionist (who is almost certainly not called that, maybe she’s a nurse?) is curly-haired and ebullient, a bit too much for this early in the day, but it beats grumpy and curt, I suppose. She cheerfully takes my driver’s license, my insurance card and $1607.22. She prints about a hundred stickers with my name and barcodes on them. She isn’t shy about showing us the spiral notebook where she keeps all her passwords written down. Again, though, polite and cheerful!
7:00 a.m. - We take the elevator to the second floor and head for the Day Surgery area. We’re shown to a little three-sided cubbyhole room with the hospital bed, a couple of chairs, a TV and a crucifix on the wall, and stuff starts happening.
[At this point, I begin to lose track of what time things happened, so I’m giving up on that format. I blame the drugs they gave me. The sweet, sweet, wonderful drugs.]
Over the next 90 minutes, I’m seen by numerous people, completing many, many tasks. They put an IV in my left arm. Blood pressure cuff on my right arm, which is never removed until just before I’m discharged. I’m given socks. They have a name: Pillow Paws, and they’ve thoughtfully provided me the XXL-sized ones.
They got me a gown and said to get completely naked and put the gown on. “It ties in the back, so your hiney is going to be sticking out.” “Great.” Once I had it on, Zach advised it was inside out, so I did it again. Put the special socks on. Gave Zach my glasses, my watch, and my wedding ring. Everyone wanted to make sure I was comfortable and not too cold. Everyone was so kind!
They put this stuff that looked like green food coloring in my IV. It’s a dye called, no shit, Firefly. It’s something they can use to illuminate something inside me, for the purpose of making something they’re doing inside me easier to see.
They make a point of asking me the same questions repeatedly. What’s our date of birth? What’s your height? Who’s your surgeon today? And what procedure are we having done? I take great (and undoubtedly insufficiently concealed) pride in whipping out my special English Major Superpowers to give them the exact name of my procedure: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, with robots and Firefly. (My English Major Superpower is that I took the time to look up the term and teach myself how to say it, because not knowing what my own surgery is officially called would bug the shit out of me.) They laugh. They say, “It not a bunch of robots or anything, just the one robot.”
I notice the same thing I noticed in the Emergency Room at St. David’s: Almost every woman there has a trim waist and a HUGE diamond wedding ring.
At one point, one of the women came into the room to give us The Talk About Pain. She went to great lengths to point out that, not gonna lie, it’s gonna hurt. You’re gonna have, you know, a big incision in your belly button, and that’s right at your core, so everything you do, every move you make, every breath you take, every leaf you rake, etc. is going to hurt a bit. I’m just saying, gotta be honest with you about this, we can do a lot to make the pain tolerable, but we can’t make it go away completely, so...yeah, there’s gonna be some pain. You’ll notice it especially when you sit down or stand up, or cough, or try to lift something, so don’t. The idea with the pain medications is to keep the pain from getting up to 8 by keeping it down at about a 3 or 4 proactively. She said: you’ll take your pain meds every six hours. Do not skip a dose because it’s in the middle of the night. You don’t want to wake up with the pain at an 8. Set an alarm and take the overnight dose, without fail.
The TV in the room just happened to be showing a movie I loved as a child, and hadn’t seen in decades: Halloween II. I used to watch this over and over when we first got cable TV as an adolescent. This movie was my introduction to the song, “Mr. Sandman,” which was its end theme. It honestly felt a little bit magical to be seeing Halloween II while waiting for my surgery. This may sound banal, but it gave me hope, when I hadn’t realized I needed some. Movies do that kind of thing to me.
More questions. Date of birth. Surgeon’s name. What’s the procedure? Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with one damn robot and Firefly juice. Am I a little bit loopy? Must be the Versed they gave me. Not sure why they give me this. The stated purpose is to relax me, but the unstated purpose seems to be that it gives you amnesia, so you don’t remember anything that happens next. Oh well. I was relaxed, and I don’t remember shit, so I guess it worked, and I guess I’m okay with it.
The surgeon came. He said, “Hey, how’s it going, just doing some paperwork here, we’ll get started soon, everything looks good, any questions, kay I’m outta here, see you the operating room, can someone get me a Campari and soda?” (I made up that last thing.) Then the anesthesiologist came, and while Stacy observed that he had a really rich, deep voice, I don’t remember that at all. All I remember was having to ask, “So...if I’m something of a professional-grade pot head, you know, is that going to interfere with--” He was already smiling and shaking his head before I finished the question. Normally I don’t like my questions being dismissed so glibly, but this was, in fact, the answer that I was hoping for. “No, it’s not going to cause any problems. You won’t wake up during the procedure.” Maybe I woke up lots of times, and the Versed made me forget them! Didn’t think of that, didja, tough guy?
Finally, it was time. As they wheeled me out, Zach (the guy I married) had them stop so he could give me a kiss. He said later that it felt weird, us being two big gay homosexuals, kissing in front of everybody, but it felt great that he did it. A couple of women took me to the operating room. I asked, “The boil-water restrictions just lifted yesterday...how did everybody scrub in for surgeries when that was happening?” I have no recollection of her answer at all.
In the emergency room, the first thought that hit me was, “Money, money, money. All the money. I’m surrounded by millions and millions of dollars worth of medical equipment.” Being lower middle class makes you conscious of when you’re sitting next to something that’s worth more money than you’ll make in your whole lifetime. Where does this happen? Museums and hospitals.
I scooted off my bed onto the surgery table while they laid me flat and started getting me ready. I assumed the (and this is the name of a Soundgarden song) Jesus Christ pose, with my arms outstretched, like I was being horizontally crucified. I looked right, saw my arm had a strap holding it to the arm rest, then looked left and saw the same thing.
They asked, “How we doin?” And I said, “I’m good! Except now that I know my arms are tied down, my nose itches.” So, and this is why I love nurses, they scratched my nose. I repaid them with happy sounds and a hearty, “THAAANK you!”
Then they put the breathing mask on. I didn’t sense that anything was coming out of it, and I didn’t get the result I’d anticipated, which was, “Count down from one hundred.” “Okay, ninety-zzzzzzzzzz.” What they said was, “Now take deep breaths, deep as you can...deep as you can. The last patient was able to take breaths about twice as deep.” And I thought, seriously? You’re going for my nuts at a time like this? And the other woman said, “Well, the last one was a meditation expert.” Fine. Whatever, dude. BIG DEEP BREATHS while I waited for the lights to go out. It wasn’t instantaneous, until it was. I took a deep breath, and woke up an hour or so later in the recovery room with a woman puttering around me.
Her name was Kathleen, and that’s about all I remember of her. I’m sure she told me things and I responded, but I don’t recall what was said. I wasn’t in pain, but I could feel that a few things weren’t like they were before. (Later I realized it was the stab wound in my belly button and the sore throat. More about that in a bit.) I remember being more comfortable than I’d ever been in a bed in my whole life. I knew my feet were sticking out the bottom of the bed, because I’m tall, and that felt great, too! I felt half weird, half great. Anesthesia is just the best.
The fog lifted, gradually. Kathleen puttered, made notes, talked to me, people walked by. Before long, Kathleen said I was recovering nicely and wheeled me back into the pre-op room, where Stacy and Zach were waiting. Apparently I was more alert and lucid than they anticipated. I attribute this to my life-long ah...efforts to appear alert and lucid while fucked up. They were paying off now, dangit! I was not hurting. I was pleased that it was over, because I knew it must have been boring for them to wait.
Over about another hour, they did all the things they do after the surgery. How are you feeling? You sound good. Want some water? (Ohmygod, yes. I’d been fasting since the previous midnight.) The surgery went well! You’re really recovering quickly! I seemed to be their ideal patient, and it was sweet of them to say so. It’s not that I was pleasant and funny, although they did really like the gallbladder plush, which I took with me. It’s that they liked how smoothly everything had gone, and how quickly and chipperly I seemed to be recovering.
The surgeon spoke with Stacy and Zach after the surgery, and gave them some pictures taken by the surgery robot. Apparently, my gallbladder did NOT look good. He could tell it had needed to come out for some time. He showed them pictures, and sent some on his phone to Zach, and then got Stacy’s number and texted her the pictures too, and showed them some of the pics he’d taken on his phone, just like he’d shown me in our first consultation visit. This guy really likes showing you pictures of gallbladders on his cell phone. I hope he’s not taking his dirty-ass cell phone into the operating room.
I marvel that my stomach has been shaved, and I’ve been covered with iodine, which has been cleaned off, leaving an orange stain. My hairless, orange tummy reminds everyone of the president.
Time to leave! IV out, bandaid on, blood pressure cuff off, backless gown off, clothes back on, and yep, just like the movies, they don’t let you walk out. They wheelchair your ass out. I could tell it was time when they said, “Who’s driving? Okay, you’re probably going to want to go now and get the car and pull it up front,” which Stacy did. I thanked the nice lady who wheeled me out for everyone’s hard work and kindness.
On the way home, Stacy said, “Want to get your pain pills from the pharmacy?” And I said, “Sure!” Then I did a body check: I was beginning to feel the stab wound in my belly button. I was really beginning to feel the sore throat, and it was getting unpleasant. So, despite my desire to make this easier for Stacy, since she was working so hard to make things easy for me, I said fuggit, “Um, can I go home instead?” After getting home, Stacy and Zach went to the pharmacy to pick up my Hydrocodones The charge for the 30 pills was just over a dollar. Sometimes insurance is so sweet, I could kiss it! Other times, like those $1607.22 times, not so much.
Now it’s Tuesday and the surgery is more than 24 hours in the past. My belly button hurts like a sonofabitch, but the hydrocodones and the ice pack are keeping it manageable. They make it so that it doesn’t actively hurt when I’m just sitting here; it only hurts when I stand up or sit down or cough.
Next pain pill in 42 minutes. Cautious optimism! :)
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