#whereas Sun and Moon would be blankets because they love to give hugs
bloo-the-dragon · 1 year
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According to Sun they are a solid 11/10!
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samwritesforyou · 4 years
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For me
fandom: yuri on ice!!!
pairing: viktor x yuuri
word count: 6.4k
genres: established relationship, hurt/comfort, fluff
description: our favourite couple for the first time since s1 makes it both to the tournament, both as ice skaters this time. yuuri is sent to rostelekom cup, whereas viktor was selected to skate on the china cup. how will they sort out their separation and what will happen on the grand prix? will they finally debut as lovers-opponents on ice?
“What?!” Yuri exclaimed, his eyes flushing open even more violently than they were before, his gaze shooting from Viktor and back at the tv in the living room.
“Well, you heard it, I got selected to participate in China Cup and you in Rostelekom Cup, Yuuri,” his husband shrugged with a light smile, leaning in for another kiss as they were laying both on the sofa, cuddling under the same blanket.
“Nononono, how can you be so calm about this?!” Yuuri pulled away from him, intensely continuing in watching ice-skating news.
“We still have Grand Prix to attend together, I doubt either of us won’t make it there, dumpling,” he mused, at least brushing his lover’s cheek with his fingers.
“Are you going away from each other for at least a week then?!” yelled Yuuri’s ballet teacher from the armchair behind them, quickly hopping to their side.
“I don’t know! Apparently!” yelped dark haired guy, now being violently shaken by Minako.
If you didn’t know, currently the worldwide famous couple Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov were on a short holiday from all the training and skating, residing at Katsuki family house, just enjoying their time together.
Because both of them were often abroad, they left Makkachin here, since Yuuri’s family takes an excellent care of him and a happy doggo has a lot of space to run around the place.
So now he was loved by these two over the moon, being kissed and patted all the time.
Ever since they returned they were always surrounded by Katsuki family, the only time when they were truly alone was when they got out of the house and went for a walk in nature or at night in their shared room.
It might seem like a lot, but they were doing just fine, everything was perfect.
Viktor was talking about “debuting” together both as ice-skaters at the tournament for the first time and Yuuri got fired up by the idea as well.
They foolishly believed that they would be able to do it even before Grand Prix.
But destiny has its own way and now they’ll have to wait.
So that’s why the younger man was so emotional about the news, while Viktor was just sure that their “debut” together will happen a bit later than they anticipated.
He was calm, when Yuuri was worried, he was angry when his partner was reassuring. They were really the perfect couple.
Soon enough it was time to part as they arrived at the airport.
“Babe, why did you go with me this early?” Viktor smiled tenderly at his partner, placing a light peck on his cheek, “Are you forgetting that I’m the one who’s accustomed to flights and not you?” he kept smiling sweetly, looking at his husband, eyes filled with love and affection.
Yuuri was hardly listening to any of the things that were being said to him, his eyelids basically glued together, blue-ish bags under them - clearly all this rolling around in bed wasn’t because he was dreaming about something, he simply wasn’t sleeping.
Viktor’s flight was at 4am, yet he looked like he was just freshly out of the spa salon, hair on fleek, light make-up made, outfit styled.
Yuuri’s flight was, on the contrary, at 9am, so he could easily still be sleeping in their cosy bed, but he really wanted to be with his love as long as he could.
“You’re adorable,” Nikiforov said, chuckling to himself and then hugged him tightly, only then letting his guard down and actually biting his lower lip, eyes filling with sadness, “I’m going to miss you, Yuuri,” he sighed near his ear.
The man in his arms got a bit more wide awake by that, clutching his coat and trying to get closer to him, even though their bodies were already pressed firmly together.
“Viktor.. best of luck. I love you so much,” he said quietly, breathing his familiar scent while being snuggled in the crook of his neck, eyes closed.
“I love you too, baby,” he answered and pulled away, encouraging smile already plastered on his face.
He wants to give all the strength to his husband so he doesn’t have to worry about him.
“You need to go already, come on..” Yuuri nodded at him, shooing him away, trying to fight tears.
It’s just a week, come on!.. he thought to himself, wobbly smile threatening to fall any second.
“Okay, okay. See you very soon,” he leaned in for the quick kiss and then pulled away, dragging his silver coloured luggage by the handle, waving and sending air-kisses, not letting their eye-contact fall until the very end.
Yuuri felt tears rolling down his cheeks and he let himself have this little cry in the middle of the airport at 4am, after a while just waddling towards the closest chair and collapsing there, falling asleep.
Both of the parties made it safely to their destinations, settling into hotels and making themselves comfortable.
As soon as Viktor was free, Yuuri felt his phone ring and immediately jumped to it from his bed, hitting answer with a camera.
“My love, how did Saint Petersburg welcome you?” Viktor asked excitedly, for some reason with a glass of champagne in his skinny hands.
The man on the other end was instantly reminded of the memory of numerous insisting taxi drivers offering him a ride to wherever he needed for a cheap price, then some older women bickering in the public transport, but most importantly one little girl that recognised him as a “famous ice skater who married our Vitya Nikiforov” and wanted to take a picture with him. To which he obliged happily, even though he was tired from the road.
“Wonderfully,” he answered with a warm smile, looking at his phone screen, wishing the man he’s seeing was right next to him right now.
“Amazing to hear that,” he sipped on the bubbly liquid and smiled, even though his eyes were clearly indicating how much he’s battling sadness.
“Viktor?..” Yuuri started, kinda nervous. He wasn’t the confrontational type, really.
But he felt like his other half was trying to put on a brave face just so he doesn’t have to worry, but Katsuki did feel all his sadness even miles away.
At that, Viktor’s blue eyes shifted to look at him directly.
“Look.. I’m sad that we can’t be together right now, especially during the tournament time,” Japanese said, rubbing his hands in front of himself, “but I feel like you’re trying to act that it doesn’t bother you that much, maybe.. for me not to worry about you?”
Nikiforov’s thin brows knitted together, glass being slowly put aside.
“But you don’t have to do that. We can be.. I don’t know, sad together? I still see your longing in the eyes, you can’t really hide that,” he concluded softly, smiling almost apologetically, that he had to make this into such a big deal.
It looked as if some weight was literally lifted from Viktor’s shoulders, as he just plumped himself onto the couch he’s been sitting on, phone firmly in hand, placed above his face.
Suddenly his brows started to go up and Yuuri saw first tears rolling down his cheeks.
“I just miss you,” he said quietly, wiping them off with the free hand.
“I miss you too,” Yuuri said, his own eyes watering as he laughed a bit at how ridiculous they were being.
It was less than a day without each other.
“You know what, Yuuri Katsuki,” said Viktor, laughing already as well, but not being able to stop crying just yet, “being in a relationship with you is the most wild thing that ever happened to me,” he finished, shaking his head with a wide smile on his face.
“I know right?” his partner answered, filling the audio with laughter.
When Yuuri’s phone rang, the whole room was still dark, the sun didn’t even think of getting up, so why the hell should he?..
It kept ringing, sending a lovely melody through the space.
Caller was a stubborn one, that’s for sure. And ice-skater was almost entirely sure of who that might be.
“Good morning, my not so early bird!” literally sang into the device Viktor, mood thousand times better than what Yuuri was experiencing in the current moment.
“Not so early?.. Did you forget about the timezones, because here it’s 6am!” Katsuki sighed in disbelief, making himself sit on the bed, rubbing his tired eyes.
“Oh.. that’s true! I completely forgot,” Viktor laughed, which made Yuuri involuntarily melt into the warm smile, despite his half-awake state.
“I was just wondering, Yuurochka, do you want me to guide you through St. Petersburg? Because our choreographies are well learned and I believe you can sometimes go into that lovely city!” Viktor smiled at the camera, blue eyes flicking from one side to another.
What was he looking at?..
“Uhh.. yeah, sure! Sad that we can’t be here together, but even through the phone it’ll be nice, I think,” Yuuri smiled sleepily, putting his phone on the stand on the bedside table and opened his luggage where he packed just some clothes, charger, earphones, costumes for the performance and figure skates.
They often did this with his husband, just video call together and each of them doing their own thing, kind of a simulation of their normal life when they’re next to each other in flesh.
“Darling?” black haired boy looked up at the camera, in hands with his picked outfit for the day - grey sweater and dark denim jeans.
When Viktor saw that he has his lover’s attention, he smiled sweetly, “I noticed you have two zits on your face, so apply some cream on it, will you?”
Yuuri blinked a few times comically and then yelped, running to the bathroom to see for himself. And he was right.
No, wait. He wasn’t.
Japanese skater had three zits, it’s just that Viktor probably couldn’t see the other one due to the camera quality.
“Thank god,” Katsuki sighed and then returned in front of his phone.
“I will,” he said and started doing it right away, pushing out some white cream out of the tube that his husband specifically bought him. Probably something expensive, as most things from him were.
Then he didn’t really give this any thought, but he started undressing right in front of his phone as well, putting glasses aside, stripping off the white tee and then pulling over his head some black shirt and then grey sweater.
Once he was also done with the bottom half of his body he heard a whistle from the other end of the line.
His hazel eyes immediately shot up to the screen where Viktor was watching him intensely, smug grin on his face.
“I was glad to witness your dressing up session, babe, such a shame I can’t be next to you right now,” he sighed theatrically loudly, putting slender hand to his forehead, making it seem as if he’s fainting from the longing.
Yuuri, on the other hand, was more and more turning violent crimson, mumbling something indecipherable and putting on his glasses, taking the phone in his hand so now ice skater Nikiforov could only see his husband’s flustered face.
“Shut up, Viktor, let’s head out,” he said, furrowing and making the man on the other end laugh heartily.
Then it was time for the handsome man with platinum hair to be surprised and blink comically.
“Uh... head out?” he asked, not really getting it.
“Well, it’s not gonna be fair if I’m the only one who’s going out to see your city when you’re sitting comfortably inside, is it?” now Yuuri was the owner of the mischievous smirk, looking at his partner with pleased face expression.
“Ah, you’re so smart sometimes, baby,” Viktor teased and then went to change his clothes as well, but as it turned out he didn’t have any clothes under his robe, so Yuuri had to quickly avert his gaze to prevent any undesired “excitement”.
After all, Viktor’s body was always such a treat, even thousand miles away.
“Aw, you weren’t looking?” said Russian in a pouty manner, when he turned back to face the camera.
“W-what?! Of course not, let’s go,” Yuuri mumbled, putting a scarf a bit higher to cover even bigger portion of his face.
He didn’t really experience winter in Russia yet, but he was prepared.
When Katsuki was out and about St. Petersburg’s streets, Viktor had absolutely no problem guiding him through all of the corners that he knew and that normal tourists don’t get to see, all of that while he himself was striding through completely unfamiliar Chinese neighbourhood, every once in a while being called by fans and had to stop to take a picture and give autographs.
Nobody noticed Yuuri outside, maybe it was because he wasn’t that popular yet, despite being Viktor’s husband, but most probably it was because his face was a literal mess.
His brownish scarf was covering half the face and his glasses were foggy most of the time because he kept breathing into the cloth and thus all the air was brought back onto the surface of his lenses.
Viktor made Yuuri go all the way to his most memorable café of all times and he also recommended him to order his favourite dessert there, leaving the beverage choice up to him.
Younger man of course trusted Viktor’s tastebuds and got himself a relatively small cupcake, decorated astonishingly with cream in form of leaves and a rose on top of that.
He bit right into it, tasting all the magical flavour of the dessert, making Viktor melt into a warm smile while watching him munch on it.
Nikiforov himself had to go into some Chinese café as well, to make it seem as a date, as if they’re really together. And it kinda worked, he was full of love for his partner, rarely thinking about how much he’d want to see him in real life instead of the phone screen.
As the days went on, both of them spend a lot of time training, sometimes even on the call when practicing, looking at each other’s progress and cheering one another.
Every once in a while their schedules met and they could go on a “virtual date” of sorts, Yuuri being navigated by his lover’s voice through the streets of St. Petersburg and Viktor finding himself some spot in the Chinese corners as well.
And on one of those walks Viktor led his husband to one of the prettiest parks, covered in snow, making Yuuri speechless from the beauty all around him.
“Hey, you!” he suddenly heard a voice that wasn’t coming from the phone, but rather somewhere behind him.
Japanese skater turned around and his eyes widened in light surprise as he saw a familiar figure in front of him.
“Baby? What’s up?” said Viktor from the device, being able to see now only Yuuri’s lower part of the face, because he put his phone instinctively closer to his body.
“Why aren’t you training, huh?” said younger lad, blonde hair covering half of his face.
There wasn’t a usual scowl planted on his features, rather just an arched brow in the question.
“I’m just.. taking a break! That’s healthy too,” Yuuri answered, smiling at his friend.
Ever since Nikiforov and Katsuki got officially married, Yurio lay off of his aggressive behaviour towards the latter one, accepting him as a part of his close friends circle now.
It was a nice change and Yuuri finally got the opportunity to get to know the teenager better, talking to him without bickering.
“Yurioooo, I can hear you all the way from China!” suddenly a loud statement was heard in a singing manner from the phone that Yuuri was holding near to his stomach and then he flipped the device in his hands so that both of the Russians could see each other through the camera.
Viktor was waving at his younger friend enthusiastically, apparently walking through some Chinese park as well.
“Yo,” blondie said, way less enthusiastically, just nodding into his direction, “kinda sucks that we didn’t meet on Rostelekom cup,” he added, adjusting his scarf so it’s less in his face.
Harsh Russian climate will make even Plisetsky wear something warm, huh.
“It’s okay, we’ll meet on the Grand Prix~” Viktor answered, not even for a second doubting any of their victories.
“That’s true,” Yurio smirked.
“Well, since you two met like this, why don’t you guys go and have lunch together? Would be a nice bonding time,” Nikiforov mused, his smile wide and pleased.
Yuuri was ready to start protesting, since he knew that the guy standing in front of him wasn’t a fan of companies, when his companion surprised him.
“Yeah, why not,” Yurio shrugged and then turned around, probably ready to guide him towards some restaurant.
“How splendid!” Viktor clapped his hands and when Yuuri finally turned the cellphone back to his face, he looked at his husband, “Have fun with Yurio, alright?” then he sent an air kiss to the camera and their hours-long call ended.
The week of the tournament was already at close, bringing the day of performances to light.
Both Yuuri and Yurio landed all their jumps, flips and quads, gaining best results, younger skater getting a bit more points for the artistic lifts of his hands, making the choreography difficulty higher.
Katsuki was trying to dial Viktor’s phone right away but the number was unavailable, so he sat in front of the tv in the changing rooms, watching intensely to see the results of the China Cup.
“And we can see here the winners,” said moderator’s enthusiastic voice as the camera zoomed in on the pedestal with three people standing on it, Viktor with a smile waving from the highest level, then taking his gold medal in hand, kissing it.
Yuuri melted into the warm smile, his eyes filling with tears.
Of course they’ll meet on Grand Prix. Of course. It’s Viktor Nikiforov we’re talking about, after all.
“Viktor Nikiforov standing proudly with a golden medal,” was the only thing Japanese skater registered from the tv before his phone rang.
“Darling,” he heard his lover’s voice, full of contentment, “I will see you on the Grand Prix, right?”
“Of course, Viktor..” he answered, smiling almost shyly, getting up from the bench and only then realising that he can still see him on the screen, “wait! how are you talking to me when—“
“You see me on the tv? Magic, my sticky bun, it’s not live, if you noticed,” Yuuri’s eyes immediately drifted to the corner of the screen, which indeed said ‘prerecorded’, “the ceremony was held like an hour ago and after that I was literally bombarded with interviews of all kinds. As soon as I got the chance I called you,” he concluded, Katsuki could practically feel his husband smiling into the device on the other end, all the way in China, “What’s your score, baby?” he asked in the end.
“I.. you’ll see it soon, we’re going for the broadcast in about ten minutes,” he said nervously, clutching the phone closer to his ear.
“Hey..” almost whispered Viktor gently, “even if it’s not gold, I’m so proud of you,” he then hung up, leaving Yuuri shaking from the tears he was trying to surpass.
I love you so much, Viktor... I want to show you so much more of what I can do...
And with these thoughts he wiped his watering eyes, making his way towards the ice ring, to the pedestal where he stood next to Yurio, on the second level, receiving a silver medal.
Next reunion of the loving husbands set place in Vancouver, Canada.
They welcomed each other with a warm hug and passionate embrace, Yuuri rushing towards Viktor from his flight that was slightly delayed, so the older one had to wait for him way longer than they first anticipated.
“I really missed you,” said Nikiforov, gently kissing the golden ring on his partner’s finger, making his other half blush.
“I m-missed you too,” he whispered back, kind of anxiously looking at the front seat of a car they were riding in, at a taxi driver who was just minding his own business.
The younger man still had quite a hard time in expressing their romantic affection in public, feeling almost ashamed for some reason and Viktor had countless talks with him about it, assuring him that everything is okay and that in comparison to him, Katsuki family supports him.
But he never got angry at him because of it and just didn’t push any actions further once he noticed that Yuuri was nervous in public again for any reason.
“Hey, babe, it’s okay,” Viktor just gently took his hand in his, squeezing reassuringly in a silent ‘i love you’ in his ocean eyes that Yuuri knew so well.
He replied with a wide grin, feeling the warmth of their connected palms.
The whole world seems complete when they’re together.
And in a few days the miracle couple started relentlessly training on the ice ring, alongside their friends and rivals like Yurio, JJ, Otabek, Chris and many others.
It was filled with a lot of different emotions, frustrations and happy moments, all mashing together in a big pile.
“Are you sure you want to do this flip?” said Viktor, gracefully doing a round slide on the ice, leaning towards the left side, making it look like what he was doing didn’t acquire any effort.
When these two were practising, all eyes were on Nikiforov. He was just brilliant on trainings and very rarely fell or did some kind of mistake, even in the absolutely new choreographies.
“Yes, I really do,” Yuuri confirmed, his gaze not shifting from his partner’s blue eyes, his own hazel ones filled with determination.
“Alright,” Viktor stopped practicing his own routine and skated closer towards his lover, once again showing him all the moves required for the action he wanted to try.
“Okay, I got it,” said Katsuki and then did the steps just like Viktor, after a moment spinning in the air like nobody dared before and when the landing came, he didn’t count with the speed and fell hard on the ice, feeling an instant crack somewhere in the leg.
“Yuuri!” Nikiforov slid towards him immediately, helping him to get up, but his husband only yelped in pain, “I told you it was too difficult for you yet!”
His tone was stern and soaked with worry as he helped him get up, Yuuri hissing in discomfort and putting his hand around Viktor’s shoulder, being dragged out of the ring.
One week later was the Grand Prix that they all trained so hard for.
Every corner was buzzing in the training wing. Figure skaters were talking together, some were watching tv that showed the judges that were discussing the whole event, having usual speeches, some people were listening to music and doing their regular stretches on the yoga mats, coaches were trying to hype their skaters as much as they could... It was lively.
It was everything that Viktor loved so dearly, his heart was beating for this atmosphere. He knew every participant and everyone in turn was awaiting his show. Everything was perfect.
Except next to him sat silent Yurio, angrily drinking from the water bottle, lion shirt on top of his beautiful costume.
“Don’t be so fucking sad,” he growled at him, finishing his drink and putting it on the floor with force, his green eyes piercing at the tv in front of them.
“Whatever,” Viktor answered quietly, standing up and slowly making his way towards the available yoga mat, stretching his muscles. His whole body hurt, he didn’t sleep well last night.
Of course, sleeping without Yuuri by his side was a new thing to get used to. Even Makkachin was all the way in Japan, not being able to keep him company.
It wasn’t unusual for Viktor that his emotional state went to the pits of hell, it was quite normal for him to experience burnout since he was present on the ice skating stage ever since he was 14 - just like Plisetsky, by the way, no wonder he’s so angry all the time - and the thing that kept him going was that burning passion for skating no matter what.
But ever since he took that break for one season to train Yuuri, his main motivation has become his partner, funnily enough. Even now, when they were supposed to be opponents, he still found himself demotivated by the fact that he is not participating due to suffering an injury and is now currently in the hospital.
“This was supposed to be our debut as opponents and lovers!” he clutched his fist and hit the wall, making everyone stare at him, room getting silent.
“What are you looking at?!” yelled Yurio at everyone, putting the attention on himself, stripping from the lion shirt, revealing his breathtaking costume for the show, “You all better look at me now, I’m going to skate first,” he said, making his way towards the ice.
Viktor mentally thanked his younger friend for drawing the attention away from him as he lost his control for a second, now retrieving to the staircase of the building, not wanting to be seen like this.
When you’re in love you really take all the good and the bad from the attachment to the person.
Katsuki just finished watching Yurio’s routine from the tv that was by request put into his hospital room where he was alone. Viktor paid for the more expensive service even though Yuuri said that it wouldn’t really matter to him where he was spending time if it’s not with him on the ice.
He felt incredibly sad, guilty and angry at himself for trying that reckless jump on the training, resulting in him injuring his left leg.
It wasn’t actually anything serious, but he needed to rest the muscle. So that meant no Grand Prix. No skating with Viktor for the first time.
He could only imagine what his husband was feeling. Trainings always got more intense right before the competition so the last time when they heard each other was about a week ago when he shortly called to simply ask about his well-being.
Just as he thought about it, though, his phone rang and Yuuri visibly flinched, not being used to receiving any calls lately.
He didn’t even look at the caller ID, automatically going with, “Viktor?!”
“You dumbass, it’s Yurio,” the agitated voice on the other end said, clearly still partially out of breath from the show that he just skated.
It was incredible.
“Oh!” he blinked a few times and then regained his composure, quickly saying, “I just saw your routine, it was amazing! Good job!”
“Yeah-yeah, whatever,” he said, gritting his teeth, continuing, “I’m calling because of Viktor. He’s.. in bad shape,” his voice grew quieter, “so you better cheer him the fuck up. Understood? I don’t know how, but do it quickly,” he was speaking seriously, probably clutching the phone in his hand with all his strength.
Then, before the Japanese had any time to reply, he hung up, leaving Yuuri to listen to the beeping on the other end.
Bad shape?..
His thoughts, everything in his mind speeding up and racing back and forth.
I need to fix that!..
During his time while he was in a relationship with Viktor, Yuuri has learned a lot of things. One of the more fundamental ones were.. being creative.
Sometimes they would have fights and he had to come up with a way to surprise him to both make him speechless and want to talk to him again, not being angry anymore.
So he really did master this skill of being creative and now he’s going to put this to use.
A plan came up to his mind almost immediately and he instantly pushed a red button for calling the nurse into the room.
A few skaters already had their go, Viktor was supposed to show himself right in the middle of the tournament but he felt like in this state he won’t reach even his usual score.
Is this it? Has love ruined Viktor Nikiforov’s incredible talent and years of grind with hard work?..
His eyes were wide open as he was watching young Otabek finishing up his routine flawlessly, getting a second place right after Yurio, who was currently sitting on the top.
He felt how someone patted him on the shoulder and looked behind himself, spotting Chris with a warm smile, extending a hand towards his friend with a phone.
“It’s your husband, Viktor,” he winked at him flirtatiously and Russian took it hesitantly, all thoughts mixed up together.
“Viktor!! I couldn’t reach you on your phone, so please turn on the tv on the channel two right now!” he almost yelled in the device, making his partner furrow his brows together.
“What?..” Nikiforov said, confusion written all over his expression.
“Please, I’m so sorry that I ended up with an injury but it should’ve never affected you, любимый*!” at the last Russian word Viktor just bit his lower lip, tears threatening to fall down his face.
“Don’t hang up, Yuuri, whatever you came up with, I want to be with you at least like this,” said the older man, putting Chris’ phone closer to his ear, as if shortening the distance between the two of them.
As the reply he just heard a hum in affirmation from his husband.
He quickly took the remote of the tv and changed the station from the official tournament broadcast, making the majority of the people in the room questioningly turntheir head towards the genius skater again, but he didn’t care.
On the tv he saw Yuuri in normal clothes, not a hospital robe, standing behind some white wall, clearly nervous and with a microphone in his hand.
Once Viktor saw this, he couldn’t control his emotions and just ran around the whole wing, turning every single screen to show channel two, now Yuuri looking at him from every corner.
“At first I would like to apologise for disturbing your preparations for the tournament, competitors, but as you all know I badly landed one of the jumps at practise and ended up with a moderate injury, resulting in me being unable to participate,” he took a deep breath before continuing, still looking somewhere at his feet, “and I suspect that Viktor Nikiforov, who once used to be my coach and who is now another one of my opponents in the competition.. I think he’s not doing well, because we promised each other that we would skate together on the Grand Prix no matter what,” he now lifted his hazel eyes, wobbly smile on his face, “Who knew, huh? Well.. I am here to lift your spirits, Viktor. Even if I’m not there,” he smiled broadly, cheeks heating up, becoming slightly pink.
Japanese cleared his throat and proceeded.
“Whatever I wouldn’t do, my life is always bringing me back. Back to you,” his eyes were now filled with determination and love, “Before I met you, I didn’t know what love was, I didn’t know what it meant when you couldn’t breathe in your normal tempo without the other person anymore. I didn’t know that this could ever mean so much to anyone,” he slowly lifted his engagement ring on his finger, fighting the stinging sensation in his eyes, “before you, I was just a lost boy, lost person, lost life. You made me find myself professionally and as a person. You made me whole. I know, I don’t say there things often and especially in public when we see each other, so hearing it like this is probably even more frustrating to you, but.. I want you to win. Don’t you let my absence discourage you,” he furrowed his brows together, not stopping “You were so open about me and your feelings, I think it’s time for me to finally pay you back. Viktor, you once captured my heart and it stays perfectly still in your hands, forever,” Yuuri put his hand with the golden ring on his chest, on his beating heart,
“Please, win. For me.”
The broadcast ended after this, everyone turning the screen back to the original channel as Viktor stayed in place, wide-eyed.
“Viktor?..” he heard Yuuri close to his ear now, gently bringing him back to reality.
He sighed deeply, a smile slowly appearing on his face, “Babe... Watch me,” he said, voice full of so well known hazard for skating the routine well.
From all his excitement he didn’t even notice all the commotion on the other end of Yuuri’s side as they exchanged a few more phrases and then hung up.
“That was a long ass call,” said with a pleased grin Chris as he got his phone back, “You guys are my favourite couple. I hate to encourage my opponent, but go get that win, Viktor!” he yelled at Nikiforov’s back already, as the Russian skater made his way towards the ring, ready to capture gold.
Metro at this hour was full with people and Yuuri did his best to spectate Viktor’s performance on live tv and to watch where he’s going.
Despite the recommendations of doctors at the hospital he said he needs to be there with him, so he was now rushing towards the skating ring, his stamina now being able to withstand longer distances, ever since he started training with his partner.
He’d have to push through the endless crowds of people, someone recognising him and immediately wanting an autograph or to talk, sometimes his leg would send a pang if pain right through his whole body, making him grunt on his journey.
But he was determined. Yuuri wanted to see his husband on ice as he’s winning a medal. Because he just knew, Viktor is winning one. There was not a single doubt about it in his heart that beat so much faster and more passionate for this particular Russian skater.
Finally, when he made it to the arena, he sprinted through the training area, making multiple coaches and participants look up at him in awe, fully realising what the fool came to do.
He was here for Viktor only, and everyone knew that. Their love towards each other was unstoppable.
As the skinny, incredibly beautiful and elegant skater gathered up strength and lifted his body off the ground like a feather in his signature flip, the whole world was watching. Everyone caught their breath, not daring to move, awaiting the landing and therefore the result.
Not a lot of people knew this, but the only thing that Viktor was thinking about at that moment was his husband, Yuuri. How he clutched his hand to his chest, where the heart is, golden ring shining into the camera.
So much emotion and genuine agitation over the fact that they can’t yet make their debut as partners on ice... all mixed up in a beautiful whirl of tears slowly falling down Yuuri’s face, and when Nikiforov landed, he did it perfectly.
The execution of his last move in the astonishingly difficult choreography was nailed perfectly, without a single error, his body bending in a curve for the last burst of the ending posture, before the music stopped.
When the top skater let himself breathe again, his cheeks and nose was red, throat and nostrils almost not catching up to the speed of his breathing.
“Viktor!!” suddenly he heard the desired voice so clear as if they were the only ones present for miles and whipped his head towards the source, ocean eyes wide, threatening to start getting filled with tears.
“Yuuri!” he yelled right back at him, forgetting all the gifts on ice behind him, with an incredible speed closing in to his husband.
And when their bodies touched in the sudden hug, chests tightly pressing to each other, Viktor let himself lose it. He started sobbing, clutching the back of his partner’s coat, trying to get even closer than they already were.
“You... how did you make it here?” the pair pulled away from each other only to look into their faces, eyes meeting and creating an entirely different reality between them, it seemed like.
“I’m so proud of you, Vitya.. Я люблю тебя,**” he said with a blush on his cheeks and a terrible accent, but the Russian skater’s eyes just watered even more at that, him jumping into his arms once again.
“Господи, а я тебя как люблю! Напугал меня со своим ушибом, а сам знаешь-ли пришёл всё-таки на муженька посмотреть!***” the word vomit from his husband in foreign language made absolutely no sense to Yuuri as he just confusedly nodded, caught off guard.
“Baby, I’m so glad you’re here..” Viktor finally said in the language that he could understand, with far less volume than everything that’s been said before.
“I just needed to see you live, not on the screen..” murmured Yuuri into his shoulder, “Doctors were against it, but.. here I am,” he laughed nervously, just snuggling in closer into the cloth with his nose.
“But I think if I remain resting at home and I’ll have someone taking care of me, then I wouldn’t need to stay at the hospital during the recovery,” he continued, pulling away to just smile at Viktor.
“Of course, jesus. You’re not staying there but since I’m pretty sure I just won another Grand Prix in my career, we can go anywhere to relax together for a bit,” he answered, getting quieter towards the end of his sentence, his fingers instinctively reaching up for Yuuri’s lower lip and opening his mouth a little, squeezing on the skin.
“Only you and me, honey.. You have to pay me off for not showing up to the competition, “ suddenly Yuuri felt a hand on his back, firm on his ass.
He started blushing, nervously chuckling and just nodding, accepting defeat. After all, he wouldn’t really mind anything that Viktor has probably planned for them to do.
And just like this, Viktor Nikiforov skated back to the ring, towards the pedestal with the winners, stepping onto the first place, soon enough already pressing his lips gently to the gold metal, then meeting brown eyes of his husband, looking at him with his azurites full of love.
*my love
**i love you
***jesus, and how much do i love you! you made me worry with your injury, but of course you came to see your lovely husband perform, right?
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jeogiyall · 4 years
Distance; S.MG
Tumblr media
Word Count; 1.2K
Genre; Mingi x Reader, Angst, Childhood Best Friends! AU, Moving! AU, Request (by admin reid)
There were few moments in your life that could be deemed ‘heart wrenching.’ Other than your first pet passing away, and the one time you got rejected for a date, nothing had really come up that broke your heart in a life altering kind of way. Until now, that is. Because you’re staring at your computer screen that’s far too bright, at an email that says you got into your dream college. Your dream college that you applied to ‘just in case!’ The dream college you didn’t even tell anyone about, because there was no reason that you should’ve gotten in. The dream college that’s an ocean away.
“What’s wrong?” Your best friend, Mingi, asks from across the room. There are suddenly tears welling in your eyes, because you have to go. Obviously, you have to go. But then there’s home, warm blankets and home cooked meals; and there’s also Mingi. Mingi, who smells like oranges and brown sugar. Who’s second front tooth is longer than the first. Who’s cuddling your favorite stuffed animal while his glasses slide down the bridge of his nose. So yea; there’s your dream college, and then there’s that.
“Nothing.” You exhale, hands snapping the lid of your computer shut. It’s a little too quickly, and a little too loudly, but you continue before he has the chance to comment, “Let’s sit on the roof, I think that the stars are supposed to be pretty tonight.” The smile that spreads across his face is something that you could get lost in, but you unfasten the window before any of that can happen.
He follows you through the small opening, and if you weren’t thinking about how sick all of this makes you feel you would make fun of him for getting his legs stuck.
You’d never kicked a puppy, but if you did you imagine it would look the way that Mingi does when you tell him you’re leaving.
“Like... Leaving, leaving?” He’s trying to smile, but you know the boy well enough to know when he’s faking it. Like when he told his mom that he wasn’t skateboarding when he broke his arm. It starts with twitchy eyebrows, then eyes that flutter to places where they aren’t supposed to be, and of course there’s the tell tale sign of his hand going to play with his grandfathers ring.
“Yea,” You sigh, shoulders relaxing, “leaving leaving. I got accepted into my dream school, and it’s just too good of an offer to pass up.” He’s smiling sadly, you think that if you keep talking something will eventually make him laugh, “I’ll be leaving in the city, like we always said! A-and I get to try new foods, meet new people. I guess I could start over, entirely change my... Everything, I guess.” For a brief second his eyes lock with yours, and you think that he’s going to give you a reason to stay.
He thinks that he is too, but the only words that come out are, “I’m so happy for you.”
And while it’s not a lie, it’s not entirely true either.
“What do you think of this dress?” You ask while holding the the piece clothing up. It’s a slinky thing, made from fabric that feels like a cloud, “It’s kind of cute, right? Really soft.” He smiles softly, eyes raking over the violet fabric. The boy can barely remember the first night that you wore that dress, memories clouded with alcohol, but he remember the fabric sliding under his large hands. Your voice shouting over the music of the club that he’s your best friend, and him shouting back the same. He remembers your lips pressing a drunken, wet kiss on his cheek, then thinking to himself that he’s always been in love with. Even when he wasn’t, he was.
“I like that dress, you should keep it.” The words come out as if they’re hard to say, but he’s telling the truth. You can tell by the soft curve of his lips, and the fact that he’d never lie to you.
It’s around eleven in the evening, the night before your departure, when you hear soft sniffles leaving your best friend. He made you promise him that your final night here would be an old fashioned sleepover, spent cuddled beneath your bed sheets and attacking each other with ice cold feet. What he didn’t realize was how hard it would be to know that it’s the last.
“What’s wrong?” You coo while turning to face the boy. It’s hard to focus on him over the proximity of your bodies on your bed (that’s far too small for two people.)
“Why do you have to leave?” He asks softly, nose brushing against your own. The question feels like a sucker punch to the gut.
“I-I... I didn’t mean to, I was supposed to stay here. With you.” The voice that comes out is almost unrecognizable to you, but he knows it. It’s the voice you use while talking someone down, he thinks it’s weird to be on the receiving end, “Sorry.” There’s a hand on your face, wiping away tears that aren’t supposed to be falling.
“It’s okay.” You almost want it to not be okay, want him to be sad, or angry, or begging for you to stay. You almost want to stay, “I’ll miss you, that’s all.” There’s a gentle sob, then your hand on his shoulder and his head is buried into the crook of your neck.
“I’ll miss you too, so much.” Your eyelids are so heavy that it hurts, and you know that if you stay up much longer tomorrow will be miserable. But none of that matters, because you’re holding Mingi. And he is holding you, and you’re going to miss him the same way that the moon misses the sun.
The last time that you hug Mingi, he whispers something into the skin of your shoulder then inhales deeply. The words are too muffled to understand, and you’re too sad to ask.
“I’ll call you twice a week, and I’m coming back for Christmas, okay?” He nods quickly, body shivering as your touch lingers on his shoulder.
I-” I love you. He’s going to say that he loves you, and you know it, “okay. I’ll see you then.”
“See you then.”
You don’t see him at Christmas. Turns out his family was planning a trip to the mountains for the holidays, whereas yours opted to stay home. He was going to invite you, but then you had midterms and didn’t respond in time. ‘It’s okay!’ He assures, ‘We’ll see each other in spring!’
But then you and your college friends road trip for the entire week of spring break, and it’s not your car and not his friends. He’s almost taken aback at the realization that your friends aren’t his friends anymore, but it’s natural, right? People go to college, make new friends. It doesn’t mean that they forget the old ones... Right?
You’re supposed to see him again over summer, but then something else comes up. It’s basically a cycle of that until someone stops trying. It’s not clear whether it’s you or him, but it’s someone. One day you’re face timing him at least twice a week, and the next you’re out of college and living alone. And Mingi hasn’t spoken to you in years. He pops up on your instagram feed every once in a while. It looks like he’s happy. Part of you hopes that it’s real, but there’s another part. A part that’s dark and cynical. A part that hopes he misses you as terribly as you miss him.
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paperbagpetrichor · 5 years
Can we get some kakyoin with an insomniac s/o? Male s/o if that’s ok. Maybe they’re still in the desert and the s/o stays up, kakyoin waking up a bit after them and he tries to help them sleep with stargazing and cuddling together, kakyoin telling them about constellations?
[ My apologies for the wait!  This was so cute, thank you so much for the request
Night had already long fallen.  Thankfully, you supposed, it was a clear night, no clouds nor light pollution colluding with one another to blot all the true, velvet colors away, leaving nothing but the pure navy blanket upon which the pulsing stars lay, the moon nearly full, casting silver light down upon the world beneath it.  The sandy desert appeared to have been swathed in gray, at least for the time being.  Even the weather wasn’t similar to how it had been during the day.  Whereas you’d nearly lost yourself to dehydration earlier, sweating gallons under the scorching Arabian sun, feeling the heat radiate up from the ground to your shoes and onto the soles of your feet, every step like walking on lit coals, a fierce breeze now encapsulated the area, temperatures dropping significantly to the point that you had retreated into your sleeping bag, hardly any part of you sticking out in the chill save for a few restless fingers tapping along the hem of your bag and your face.  All around you, the others slept peacefully.  Avdol was silent and only turned every now and then, Mr. Joestar snoring rather loudly beside him, while Polnareff appeared to be lost in a dream, almost appearing awake, and Jotaro, whom you would’ve thought had died if not for the just barely noticeable rise and fall of his uniform around his chest.  Next to you was the most important person in the world: Noriaki Kakyoin.
He was everything you couldn’t imagine having, much less deserving.  His face was tilted in a gentle smile, and he lay on his side, facing you, relaxed truly and fully for once on this godforsaken hell of a trip, eyelashes fluttering every now and then as he must’ve flickered through dreams.  You couldn’t simply look at his beautiful face, content, without wondering at least once what he was thinking of, what may be in his dreams, his mind, his heart, when the world around him was clear and translucent, a temporary stand-in for the real thing, how he truly felt removed from the situations you and the others were in.  His arm still bridged the small gap between your quarters and his.  He’d fallen asleep holding your hand, listening to the others talk as he drifted off and you smiled and helped him get comfortable.  Quickly enough all the others had followed.  So had you - at least, you had tried.
It had been roughly three hours, at least in your estimate, since everyone except yourself had crashed.  Ever since then, you’d tried to quiet your racing mind, thinking of things back home, then what tomorrow would be like, then what you’d encountered that day, then what the previous day had brought, your boyfriend and how on earth you two had fallen in love, how his soft hair felt when you ran your fingers through it, how his warm hand felt when he did the same to you.  The grins you’d shared, every hug and kiss.  Everything you could try to focus on.  It had to be something good, or even if you were able to sleep, you’d wind up in a fit of nightmares and wake, kicking and screaming, just minutes later.  And yet every thought lead to another.  Another, and another, and another, a few more, running circles around your restless mind as you squeezed your eyes shut and silently begged for sleep.  Even with your medicine back at home, things had never been perfect.  Perhaps about a fourth of the time you were able to get a decent amount of sleep?  That may well have been an overstatement, too.  Now, swept up into the journey, fresh out of anything that could help you, sleep was even more of a shot in the dark.  Often, you didn’t get any at all.  Regardless of how tired you really were.
Every second felt like a month; each minute, a year.  Time was a senseless blur, and attempting to comprehend it would do nothing more than frustrate you, as, even if you were able to make any sense of it, you were still losing time that you should’ve been able to get rest, like any other person, because of something you couldn’t control.  A tight sigh escaped your breath, and suddenly a small stirring at your side took your attention.
Kakyoin had been roused awake, just barely, albeit, still wiping sleep from his eyes and fighting to keep them open, arching his back in a deep stretch as he got into a sitting position, vision still clouded with fatigue even as he yawned and accepted the fact that he was awake.  His eyebrows narrowed in confusion upon the sight in front of him.  It was still nighttime - everyone else was asleep.  Usually he could sleep fine, and didn’t wake unless someone got him up, so he chalked his waking up to the wind getting louder.  That was, at least, until he saw his boyfriend, lying down but startlingly wide-awake, methodically scanning the area with a defeated face as he traced the neck of his shirt almost absent-mindedly.  Kakyoin tilted his head to the side and gently began, so as not to wake the others, voice still hoarse from disuse, “[Y/n]?”
Instantaneously your gaze flew to him.  What was Kakyoin doing up at this time?  He needed to get some sleep, save his energy for tomorrow, when who-knows-what would happen and you’d undoubtedly have to fight enemy stands, at the very least.  Had your shifting about woken him?  “It’s alright.  You can go back to sleep, don’t worry,” you affirmed, casting a smile in his direction.  You waited for a response - perhaps not verbally, but something upon his face, anger at waking him, confusion as to why he was up, fear, if he’d been having a nightmare…anything, that is, except what did appear: concern.
“What are you still doing up?” the man queried, clearly unsatisfied or else completely ignoring the rest of your words.  Without waiting for a response, he stood, now completely alert at the sight of his boyfriend so distraught, pulling his sleeping bag directly up against your side, taking your hand once more as he re-entered, this time his face falling next to yours on your pillow, his warm breath grazing your cheek as he raised his other hand to trace your taut jawline.  Something was wrong.  This much he knew, there didn’t need to be any asking.
Despite your wish that he would simply go back to bed for his own health, his touch was calming, and, if nothing else, reminded you that you weren’t alone in being awake, at least, not then.  Perhaps it was selfish, but you savored it.  His exhales brought with them a hint of cherry.  The familiar scent let you relax even just a bit more, allowing your shoulders to slump down, surprised at just how much you’d been clutching them together in uneasiness.  Reluctantly, you squeezed his hand, but still attempted to remain unaffected, not turning to face him as you replied, “I just couldn’t sleep.”
But it was hard to pull the wool over Kakyoin’s well-trained violet eyes.  He’d seen the way that you were almost always inexplicably awake first out of them all, despite the fact that he could never once recall seeing you asleep - laying down, surely, tired, of course, but never fully in the world of dreams - and with every passing day, beneath those beautiful eyes of yours, small patches of discoloration had begun to form, deepening with every passing day, speaking words you would not say yourself.  But Kakyoin would ask them, because he wouldn’t put his trust in anything but your own truthful words.  “Hey,” he squeezed your hand back, this time holding onto it and refusing to let it go, lips just centimeters away from your ear, head settled against the nape of your neck, “I’m not the one you should be worried about.”  In a lower, softer voice, he asked, “You’re having trouble going to sleep, aren’t you?”  You didn’t even need to answer.  The was you tensed once more against him was proof enough that his assumptions were correct.
You’d been with him long enough to know putting up excuses was pointless.  He could read you like a book, with no page unturned.  If you were to tell him, you may as well just let it all out, maintain as much transparency as you could so that the worried gaze of your partner would never have to return, causing a small ache in your heart at the sight of it.  “It’s a little more than that,” you admitted, “I’m - an insomniac.  I’m used to this.”
Just as his worry had sent a pang of sadness through you, your halfhearted laugh after your words did the same to Kakyoin, who immediately rushed to your side both literally and figuratively, gently pulling you closer to him, wrapping an arm behind the small of your back and letting his hand rest reassuringly atop your shoulder, holding you to his strong form, giving you a soft kiss on the cheek before letting go of your hand and instead beginning, “Tonight’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you replied, uncertain as to where this was going but more than grateful for his affection, sinking into him and quickly returning his kiss with a peck of your own, placing your head just next to his until the two of you were eye-level, wide-eyed, awake, staring up at the sky above, greeted by the small wavering starlight that twinkled as if to say hello.
The two of you lay in comfortable silence for a few moments before Kakyoin continued inquisitively, “Do you know much about the constellations?”
The question caught you off guard.  “I - uh,” you thought allowed, raking through your sleep-deprived mind, finally coming up with, “oh!  The measuring cup.”
He laughed unabashedly, blush tinting his cheeks.  God, you were adorable.  “‘The measuring cup?’” he repeated incredulously, rubbing his thumb over your collarbone as he tried to keep his laughter quiet enough to not awaken the others, nevertheless barely managing to contain it.  Were you talking about…?
“H-hey!  That’s a constellation, isn’t it?  The little cup thing?”  With every further word, your boyfriend only chuckled more and more, shaking with laughter against you as he quieted himself in your side, the beautiful sound of his laughter drifting up to your ears, this time more confusing than beautiful.  “You have to know what I’m talking about.  It even has a handle, and it –”  Your words were cut off by a kiss, taking your breath away, startled at first but melting into it as Kakyoin’s lips met yours, brief but loving, more cheeky and passionate, if anything.
Trying to keep himself from bursting into laughter at more talk of ‘the measuring cup,’ he interrupted, “You mean that one, there?”  His arm extended and pointed to a small grouping of seven stars in exactly the shape you’d been describing.  Your gaze followed, and you nodded, opening your mouth to confirm that it was indeed the measuring cup before Kakyoin corrected dotingly, “That’s the Big Dipper, love.”
“Wait, okay, so then that’s the measuring cup - er, the Big Dipper, rather, but I’m still right that the other one like it is also a measuring cup, just upside-down, right?”
His slight laughter was now music to your ears.  “That would be the Little Dipper.”  He paused for a moment, taking in your astonished gaze, as though you had genuinely not once heard their names, barely able to process it in your mind as your stuck ways of ‘measuring cups’ fought ‘dippers’.  “I’m sorry for laughing, that was just - where did measuring cups come from?  I suppose I can see it,” he paused, attempting to use your logic as you followed his, “but why?”
Playfully, you rolled your eyes, before confiding, genuinely, “What else would they be?”
“I love you,” was his only reply, besides more chuckling.  Accepting defeat, you rested your head on his chest, feeling its movements quell to a simple rise and fall as his lyrical laughs faded, only for him to move his hand to another constellation.  “Right now, we’re looking at Ursa Major,” he informed, a lazy grin sweeping its way onto his face as he let himself meld into you, continuing, “now, you’re not going to believe me, but if you look in just the right direction, you can see a bear.”
“A bear?!”  Your frenzied voice wasn’t even the half of it.  “How do you see a bear?”
His hand found your hair, ruffling it with a tired, content sigh.  “Then how about this?  What do you see?”
Despite yourself, a yawn escaped you as you replied, “I - don’t know.  A pretty night, and –” you turned to look up at him, eyes breaking contact with the stars for the first time since the beginning of the discussion, “– a very handsome man.”  
“Well, I see the Big Dipper, and the Little Dipper, and a different, much more handsome man, who I wouldn’t mind staying up all night with,” he replied, giving you a tender embrace, heart at ease the mere moment he saw the way your eyes had begun to droop.  “And I see you getting the sleep you need.”
“I see us both getting sleep,” you corrected gingerly, allowing the wave of fatigue to truly and fully encase you as you shut your eyes, cuddling up until you and he were perfectly comfortable, two pieces of the same sleepy puzzle.  Another yawn made its way from you, and you let out a small laugh of your own.  “Maybe a little sooner than I thought.”
“Then that’s what I see, too.”  He paused for a moment, allowing the near-silence save for the occasional whistle of wind or the sound of each other’s breathing to fill your ears, watching with a drowsy smile on his face as your eyes closed and breath slowing to that of everyone else around you.  “Have a good night, [y/n].  Sleep well.”
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smolgreenboi · 6 years
Bbterra (duh! XD)
>u>!!!!! mmmm
send a ship & I will answer….
bbterra || gar/tara (gatara? lmao)
who is a night owl.
i think i can actually give a solid answer with this ship, with the answer being: gar–even though it can still be sorta situational with him. 
i can see tara’s mental/biological clock (???) kind of being in tune with the rise and set of the sun due to her being constantly on the move throughout a good chunk of her life–including living in like? caves and stuff?? if i remember correctly???–so she’s used to rising with the sun and going to bed with it as well since traveling in the wilderness after dark, especially during a new moon, can be challenging. it’s just kind of a habit that she’s never actively tried to break. she might try to stay up with him while he’s playing a game or watching a movie but passes out not too long into it and gar just kinda lets her drool on his shoulder. 
who is a morning person.
following my thoughts above, tara’s most likely the morning person out of the two. groggy some days, fully awake other days. gar tends to be in a “sleep hangover” regardless of how much sleep he got or the events of the previous day, and the only times he can count as an early riser or morning person are on mornings where he went to bed feeling unsafe. 
are they cuddlers.
oh my god yes and it’s disgusting. not literally but like. these two dweebs. i imagine in a lot of ways they’re both kind of touch-starved (i know gar is) so whenever they’re sitting around with each other, they’re touching in SOME WAY. whether it’s sitting side by side, just close enough so their arms are touching, or holding hands while sitting together/walking somewhere, maybe chilling on the couch and tara’s leaning back with just her calves draped over gar’s lap while they’re playing a game, the list goes on. they are cuddlers. literally no doubt.
who is the big spoon.
i think it alternates, kind of depending on the night, the events of the day and if someone is acting as the “comfort” to the other’s “hurt”, if that makes sense. 
i dunno what your future headcanons are for tara’s height (so ignore this if i’m way off) but i can’t see gar ever outgrowing her. she’s a few inches taller than him by the time they both stop growing. this has no effect on the spooning but whatever. 
but yeah, i think it alternates and might even change as the night rolls on and their sleeping positions shift and stuff. no definite answer, here.
who is the little spoon.
see above!
what is their favourite sleeping position.
i don’t think they have a favorite sleeping position, per say, but i think the one they usually fall into or wind up in (subconsciously or otherwise) would be with gar hugging tara from behind with his head/face resting in either the curve of her neck or just between her shoulder blades. usually the latter, though, because he can hear her heartbeat and finds that soothing. there’s also a 95% chance he’s holding one of tara’s hands, too. 
who steals all the blankets.
… i dunno. i’m going to say tara, though. 
they’re both people who are used to sleeping without blankets due to their pasts and experiences, but i see tara as more on the opportunist side and if gar doesn’t make a move to nab the blankets and she wants them, she will. gar will let her burrito herself and just grow some fur or turn into something with a thick coat or lots of blubber. 
what they wear to bed.
as mentioned, gar always wears a minimum of a t-shirt and boxers to bed. sometimes a hoodie when it’s cold. never socks. 
i can see tara wearing something similar, though sometimes it’s one of gar’s t-shirts, and she also enjoys wearing socks. especially long ones or really thick ones. she’s tried convincing gar to start wearing socks by means of getting a running start down a long corridor, sliding and SLAMMING INTO HIM LIKE A BOWLING BALL TO PINS but it hasn’t worked yet. although she might be wearing him down. >->
also, y’all might want to move this to another floor because raven’s getting tired of hearing gar suddenly shriek at the top of his lungs closely followed by a crash and then noxious laughter. 
who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt.
gar gets stupid flustered and bashful whenever tara casually puts on one of his t-shirts and sometimes he’ll wear one of tara’s older/more beat up t-shirts if he’s about to do an activity that makes a mess (painting, gardening, working with an animal, etc) and she’s told him she doesn’t mind him making it dirtier. 
and if you think gar’s never shamelessly worn one of her crop-tops while they were out on the city or at the beach, you’re mistaken, my friend.
who falls asleep mid-conversation.
tara. as mentioned, gar more or less has to actively make the decision to fall asleep (unless he’s literally about to collapse from extreme exhaustion), so it’s highly unlikely he’ll ever pass out mid-conversation. 
they’re probably lying around talking about random stuff, jumping from subject to subject like a spider on a web and suddenly she just stops responding and he turns his head to see she’s snoring. 
who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares.
i imagine they both do. i don’t know to what extent tara’s past horrors go into (i know her country gave her and her brother their powers but idk how… traumatic that process would have been) but based off how she behaves prior to learning to control them, i can guess she’s been the cause of some crap. and gar’s been through… *rolls out 84 mile long list* … a lot… so. 
yeah. these two. nightmares aren’t scarce. and i think they’re both hypocrites because they’d both want to help the other process them but, when it comes to their own demons, refuse to talk about it. 
who accidentally punched the other in their sleep.
i know i’ve said this with each of these but, like, it’s a legit issue, specifically due to his time “in the custody” of eddie and bates. they’d grab him out of his sleep on nights they were drunk or just generally pissed off, so it’s basically burned into his brain that if he’s suddenly grabbed while sleeping to punch, kick or scratch the hand/arm that’s got him. he doesn’t really think enough to check who it is who’s making contact with him. 
so, i’m sure he’s punched, kicked or scratched her at least once. then proceeded to spend the rest of the night sleeping on the floor or on the couch regardless of her assurances and stuff. he feels like utter trash, apologizes profusely while helping her doctor it up and is antsy about falling asleep around her for a short time. 
who can’t keep their hands to themselves.
again, i don’t think either of them fall into this in it’s most extreme/literal sense. moreso see my answer to “are they cuddlers?” and that should sum it up just fine. 
who said “I love you” first.
i think this is situational. though, most likely, would probably be gar, as he might blurt it out during a moment of complete joy and bliss and then fall into a panic when he realizes he did it randomly and it was awkward and unplanned and oh god oh no what will she think of me–i’m such aN IDIOT SHE DESERVES TO HEAR IT IN A MORE ROMANTIC SETTING WHY AM   I  L I K E THIS 
who would have the other’s picture as their phone background.
tbh i can totally see them being those FREAKING DORKS who have the same or matching phone backgrounds?? like, either they both have the same picture of them at the beach/park as their phone backgrounds OR they have a picture of each other doing the same activity. 
like, tara’s phone background is a picture of gar posing next to a ditto they found on Pokemon Go and gar’s phone background is a picture of tara posing next to an onix. 
someone please stop them.
who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror.
there is literally a trail of sticky notes all over this freaking mirror with a full-fledged adventure of an ongoing conversation that momentarily turned into a pokemon battle that turned into a debate about who would win in a fight (dwayne the rock johnson or godzilla) that turned into tons of positive quotes and phrases that turned into a conversation about what would happen if it was safe to consume lava lamp goo and you discovered you could glow in the dark and, my god, this mirror is a mess. it’s pointless, now, aside from being used as a sticky note surface. there is no mirror, here, only multi-colored chaos. 
who buys the other cheesy gifts.
i know i keep saying this but gar would 100% buy tara random gifts because they made him think of her and he just couldn’t resist the idea of making her smile, so there you go. as usual, they’re spread out so she doesn’t worry about him dumping money all over her but… he can’t be stopped, you guys, he wants to give his loved ones ALL THE NICE THINGS….
who initiated the first kiss.
*takes a long, hard stare at Betrayal as i feel my soul leave my body* 
… i’m going to say tara because we can’t see gar’s face (even though he’s leaning in) and her eyes are closed, AND also because gar is kind of hesitant about being the instigator in these situations most of the time. … though the first official kiss may have been more of a nervous peck on the lips than a legit kiss, then there’s the awkward “omg you kissed me” couple of seconds where they both kind of panic about it but then after they calm down and realize it’s okay and that the feeling is mutual and they both want it, the second ‘first kiss’ is equally mutual and clumsy and awkward but WHO CARES TBH. 
who kisses the other awake in the morning.
again, i think it’s less kissing the other awake and more giving each other a gentle kiss on the forehead or cheek or temple regardless of if the gesture rouses the other. they both do this, but it’s more often tara since gar’s the one who sleeps in regularly. 
who starts tickle fights.
… i don’t know WHY but i’ve always headcanoned that tara isn’t ticklish at all–whereas gar IS–so when she tries to start a tickle fight and he attempts to retaliate there’s like this awkward couple of seconds where GAR USED TICKLE RIBS… … … IT’S NOT VERY EFFECTIVE and they’re both kind of like
who asks who if they can join the other in the shower.
tara most likely is the one to ask first, though it’s… very hesitant and awkward due to her having trouble asking if she can join him without DIRECTLY asking, if that makes any sense. and then he gets flustered and she gets flustered and everything’s awkward until they both just blurt “OKAY!!” at the same time and, GUESS WE’RE DOING THIS NOW.
on that note there’s, like… nothing sexual about their showers basically ever.
shared showers are spent singing bad pop-songs into their shampoo bottles, washing each other’s hair, washing each other’s injuries if needed, arguing/debating theories on whatever TV show they’re currently watching or game they’re playing, ooooor with tara pretending to be the lady from the grudge and deathrattling as her hair consumes gar while he re-inacts basically every scream in an old black and white horror movie. 
… christ, you’re both losers. 
who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch.
they both would!!!! it alternates on availability and stuff, but they both would absolutely do this and surprise each other with their favorite lunches. 
who was nervous and shy on the first date.
i think they BOTH were, but i’d place money that gar is actively displaying his nerves/shyness while tara’s at least somewhat better at keeping her cool/keeping her nerves mostly contained, although there are glimpses of her bashful side when gar does or says something endearing or sincere. 
who kills/takes out the spiders.
the first time this happens, tara is legit about to just CRUSH it with the nearest blunt object but gar literally throws himself into the line of fire and ends up getting smacked over the head with a dictionary all in the name of saving a tiny wolf spider. 
after that, he starts teaching/helping tara learn how to carefully catch them in some tuba-wear and where to best release them outdoors. she hasn’t killed a spider since. 
who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk.
as previously mentioned, gar refuses to drink alcohol. so, IF you think tara is one who would drink to the point of getting tipsy or drunk, it’d most likely be her. 
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