#whether that’s because of sexuality disability neurodivergence ethnic minority etc
I genuinely don’t understand how someone could watch Castlevania, a series where no one is morally perfect, and come away with the conclusion that “all vampires are pure evil, killing them is a mercy, and if a decent person got turned into a vampire they’d off themself”
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fact-anonymous · 3 years
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We accept confessions, essays, positivity, and art. (Explanations are on the “post types” section.)
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Post types
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Essay: Long-form, old-fashioned blog post a la Livejournal or Wordpress, you can talk about your experiences of finding your identity, navigating communities online and/or offline, your research on fact-types, or anything you wish to share.
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Art: Art related to being a fact-type. Whether it’s a drawing of your fact-type animal wearing the clothes on your flesh vessel, a little comic of an in-system conversation, or an icon of a celebrity with a pride flag to reflect your identity, a poem or short story about yourself, a song, or even an AMV-style video... anything is fair game.
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It contains death threats, suicide baiting, or any other violent threat towards other people/systems.
It contains hateful/bigoted imagery.
It contains harassment against fact-types.
It contains fake-claiming.
It’s exclusionary or abusive towards minorities, including but not limited to: people of color, queer people, neurodivergent people, disabled people, people with neolabels/microlabels, people with “contradicting” or “complex” labels, systems who are spiritual, tulpas, as well as endogenic, non-traumagenic, non-diagnosed, self-diagnosed, and non-disordered systems.
This does NOT include venting / art / confessions / essays / when you’re asking for advice.
You are allowed to talk about how, for example, sysmeds fake-claimed you, or someone was racist to you by saying you can’t be X kin because you’re X ethnicity.
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