supernerdninja · 4 days
Forgiveness Is Immediate But Healing Takes Time So Let's Bridge The Gap With Culture And Tradition Like Aunt Caroline
Written By: Chiara Luz Atoyebi Aunt Caroline Dye Photo In The Public Domain When it comes to African Americans taking control of their lives in any way that appears to reflect autonomy it becomes threatening. People coloring outside of the lines, going off of the beaten path, attempting to live outside of “groupthink” can appear suspect. However, a visionary’s job is to see what is coming and…
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supernerdninja · 5 days
There's No Need To Worry, It'll Be All Over In The Morning
When I would have really hard days trying to fit in and make new friends amidst pre-teen girls and their ever changing alliances, my mom would sigh and say, "don't worry Chi, it'll be all over in the morning."
Written By: Chiara Luz Atoyebi Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com Daily writing promptWhat’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?View all responses The best advice I received came from my mother in regards to the stress and strain of being a middle schooler. When I would have really hard days trying to fit in and make new friends amidst pre-teen girls and their ever changing…
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supernerdninja · 4 months
5 Things To Consider Before Getting Your Residential Solar Panels, It’s Simpler Than You Think
 5 Things To Consider Before Getting Your Residential Solar Panels, It’s Simpler Than You Think
Photo by Vivint Solar on Pexels.com By now, many of us have read, or heard about, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) damning report on the state of the environment. On April 4, 2022- UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ made a public appeal to environmental leaders and the global community at-large, to hold leaders accountable for our climate issue. In his brief video,…
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supernerdninja · 4 months
I Can Attest To The Fact That Brain Tumors Suck, Which Is Why I Go Hard For The Environment
More children die from brain tumors than any other cancer; those who survive must navigate a lifetime of side effects. The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation (www.curethekids.org/stay-connected) is the largest patient advocacy funder of pediatric brain tumor research and leading champion for families and survivors, providing patients, caregivers, and siblings with information, financial assistance,…
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supernerdninja · 4 months
ICYMI A Few Ways Companies Can Serve The Community And Their Workers While Implementing A Few Practices
Photo Courtesy of the author This Earth Month was a great one for me. I finally was able to extend my network and work with people in my community to help implement tools and create processes for change. Typically, I focus on education. But this year, I plan to empower others in their decision-making. This year’s Earth Day theme was “Invest in Our Planet” which called for businesses to implement…
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supernerdninja · 4 months
5 Diverse Summer Reading Programs To Help Your Child Stay On Target This Summer And Excel In The Fall
Photo Courtesy Wiki Commons You may or may not have heard of Summer Slide. It’s not a theme park or roller coaster ride for kids. The summer slide is a decline in reading ability and other academic skills that can occur over the summer months when school isn’t in session.If you have a child on an IEP or 504 plan or needs help staying on task, this is for you. Truthfully, the summer slide can…
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supernerdninja · 4 months
My Dream Home In The Mountains Over Looking the Water Surrounded By Trees
This is all about my dream home. It's always good to dream. Especially when they come true. What's your dream home look like? How does it feel?
“May your home be a safe haven amidst life’s ebbs and flows.”-Chiara Atoyebi This past weekend I took a brief trip to the Adirondacks and then over to Manhattan and stayed in a hotel down the street from where I lived in Midtown. As I walked through the neighborhood and reminisced on all the amazing restaurants and bars I frequented, I thought to myself, “you were one lucky woman living here!”…
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supernerdninja · 4 months
She Said What? Decoding Sojourner Truth’s famous “Ain’t I A Woman Speech And Understanding the 1850s”
What did Sojourner Truth mean by Ain't I A Woman? You decide.
A. Lincoln showing Sojourner Truth the Bible presented by colored people of Baltimore, Executive Mansion, Washington, D.C. ca. 1893. Photograph. “My name was Isabella; but when I left the house of bondage, I left everything behind. I wa’n’t goin’ to keep nothin’ of Egypt on me, an’ so I went to the Lord an’ asked Him to give me a new name. And the Lord gave me Sojourner, because I was to travel…
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supernerdninja · 4 months
Fiction Friday: Never Would I Ever
A chance meeting with a stranger could change your life forever. Summer Mitchell wasn’t known for taking shortcuts, breaking the rules,  or doing much of anything really outstanding. Maybe she was known for her good looks, but like so many other things in her life, they were fading. At least she felt so.  She’d largely spent her prime years being a mother, wife, and physical therapist. The…
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supernerdninja · 4 months
How To Write A Standout Recommendation Letter For Someone Who You May Not Fully Remember
Write A Standout Recommendation for a former employee, student, or intern that helps take them to the next level.
Writing a recommendation is an honor for both the writer and the recipient. In this video, I give a few quick tips on organization, efficiency, and creating a quick template for highlighting your former intern, student, or employee’s character traits. Overall, you want to always end on a positive note and keep a warm business professional tone throughout the letter. I also have some funny…
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supernerdninja · 4 months
Digital Transformations How Women Are Forming Networks In The Metaverse And Shaping The Cultural Landscape
link.medium.com/wPH0SoYhPwb #nft #digitalart #womenartists #metaverse
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supernerdninja · 4 months
Top 3 Academic Apps To Help Elevate Your Writing
link.medium.com/ftkXni5gUwb #academicapps #academic #ai #tech
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supernerdninja · 4 months
Feeling Hindered In Your Career? Try Serving Your Way To The Top With Community Service.
Deputy Administrator Volunteers at MLK Day of Service (NHQ201601190009) by NASA HQ PHOTO is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0 Daily writing promptWhat do you do to be involved in the community?View all responses From a young age, I have been dedicated to volunteering. I’ve always loved being active in my community and serving in small ways whenever I could. For me, serving is not just a way to…
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supernerdninja · 4 months
Creating A Culture of Timeliness In An Increasingly Fast Paced World
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supernerdninja · 5 months
The Power of Your Vote
Written By: Chiara Atoyebi Daily writing promptDo you vote in political elections?View all responses I learned about the significant impact history had on our voting decisions while I was an incoming freshman at the University of Michigan. I still can recall the first time I cast my ballot for president. I remember innocently walking to the polling place, excited to cast my vote, when a…
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supernerdninja · 1 year
Is buying refurbished electronics better for the planet than buying brand new ones?             
Given the buildup of e-waste these days, environmentalists are increasingly looking at refurbished items when shopping for new electronics.
According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the world produces some 50 million tons of electronic waste each year, and the figure is increasing. Meanwhile, only 20 percent of this electronic waste is disposed of properly. The remaining 80 percent is either sent to landfills, incinerated or illegally traded, resulting in a host of environmental problems including groundwater…
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supernerdninja · 1 year
EarthTalkQ&A:How Can We Harness The Power of AI To Fight Climate Change?                                    
*Note: This EarthMonth Earth Talk is taking over my website in order to educate my readers on climate change and our environment. Get up to speed with this epic series.
Photo by Nicholas Doherty on Unsplash No doubt, artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to play a significant role in addressing the challenges posed by climate change. One way that planners are already utilizing AI is for so-called predictive modeling about the potential impacts of climate change on different regions and ecosystems to help identify areas that are most vulnerable and…
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