#which at the time i felt was kinda extreme. like if you love welding then who cares!
genderfluid-druid · 1 year
dissociating at the gym is a great way to cope when you have a lot of nervous energy and/or emotions to process, but watch out bc sometimes the processing you need to do is cry
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
May I have a my hero and ohshc matchup plz
I'm a short girl around 5'2 with long brown hair and eyes and a leo. I like anime,dragons,reptiles,drawing but I'm not good,tarantulas,sweets,video games, memes,dark humor. I am very kind but I care more about others than I do myself. I have bad anxiety. I tend to overthink about everything. I love to sing especially country music but I am tone deaf. I have trouble standing up for myself because I was bullied alot. I can be very blunt. I also love to swear. I can be very loud. I love a good mystery and cop shows. I love dad jokes and puns.I am terrified of bees and heights. I am very lazy but I can be good at doing stuff if motivated. I have a very kind heart and sad stories or ones with very happy endings make my heart happy or hurt like crazy. But even though I'm kind that doesn't mean i am nice all the time. I am extremely grumpy and have a short temper especially on no sleep or if I just woke up. I also do have adhd and some anxiety I dont like being touched randomly unless I know it will happen or if I touch someone. As for dreams I'm not sure I wanna be a voice actor but not too sure if its right for me as I don't know how to edit or even have the equipment. I want someone who can just listen to me as I ramble on about things I love. I want someone to understand that I think differently then normal people. I also want someone to be able to understand im not the most affectionate person but I can be if given time but I will help someone if they are touch starved like I am.
[🌄 @cutelittleriot requested one (1) regular My Hero Academia matchup. I have just the ingredients for that! Sit tight while I get to work.🌌]
YAYYY!! First bnha matchup!! I gotchu bud 👍 I’m thinking about trying something new for the bnha fandom in particular. So, I’ll try it out and see what you think! Also, I got a little carried away with this one, so if it doesn’t seem characteristically accurate to you, please tell me!! 😖
And, the lucky person is:
⛰Eijiro Kirishima⛰
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Quirk: Dragon
Dragon is a mutation quirk. It manifests slowly over time, until the user becomes about 60% dragon-esque at around 15/16 years old.
Scales and tough skin appear on the arms, legs, and face. Sharp teeth and claws grow in. Horns protrude from the forehead. A tail grows from the spine. Finally, wings grow from the back.
Flesh becomes twice as tough in places where scales are.
Depending on the user’s body type, wing usage is limited. (Since you’re generally shorter than average, “flying” and gliding comes easier to you.)
When the user consumes pressurized carbon dioxide, their stomach converts it into flammable gasses. Which allows the user to breathe- er...burp...fire.
Fire must be carefully used however. The smoke produced can accidentally be breathed in, causing lung damage.
🌱Humble Beginnings🌱
I’ll start by saying this: Being bullied is never fun. Being bullied over something you can’t easily control or change? Rub salt in it, why don’tcha?
You weren’t sure what the select few kids in your grade thought was so hilarious about your quirk. But, they managed to find enough wrong with it to do their damage for most of your time in school
First, the patches of scales that showed up on your skin were “too weak”. Then, your awkward transition stage with growing horns, wings, and tail was suddenly “ugly”
By the time your quirk fully manifested, the jeers finally devolved to “freak-ish”
Like a river carving out the Grand Canyon, the work was slow and wore you down over time. But, the impact was a lot bigger than even you’d initially thought
While you managed to somewhat heal and learned to guard your emotions against such hurtful things, that’s all you learned to do: Guard yourself. You were a shield with no spear, since you never fought back
With the help of supportive parents and teachers, your self-esteem wasn’t so low, but you did often downplay or underestimate your abilities
Like, Bitch??? You can burp fire??? Know your power???
The people you were on good terms with seemed to see a potential that you either disregarded, or didn't know about all together
They saw the way you treated others with consideration and forethought. How, despite (or because of) your anxiety, you remained hyper-aware of the problems of others and how to accommodate. And while your anger did have its vices, people knew how hot your righteous rage could burn
It actually took a lot of convincing for you to even apply to U.A. 
Outside of your other aspirations for the future, you didn’t particularly feel worthy for the job. Of anything you could be, you weren’t a fearless, upstanding, unshakable individual, not even giving a second thought to throwing yourself into danger for the good of others. You weren’t your alleged definition of a hero, and that was enough to deter you
But, whenever you recited your polite (well-rehearsed) decline, most gave you the same weirdly optimistic retort:
“Just try, maybe you’ll do better than you’re giving yourself credit for.”
So, here you were at an entrance exam full of people you hardly knew, wondering how you even rationalized to yourself that this would go just fine
The written exam went okay. As well as you could for literally guessing what to study to pass
All you had to do was do your best on the physical exam, and you’d be done for the day
But, your issue was in the people around you, not the exam itself
You were aware of the high amount of attention the moment you walked onto campus. The way other kids measured you up from a distance, studying everything about your not-so-human body. Watching your every move, especially the way your movements were strained from soreness (A short period of intense training tends to do that to you). You assumed they also wanted to see if your disposition was as powerful as your quirk suggested
((You specifically noticed a coltish, green-haired kid muttering to himself, questioning if your wings could actually support your body weight))
Even now, as the prospective heroes-in-training warmed up, you felt the stares burning into you
Half of you wanted to lift your eyes and rhetorically ask what the hell they were looking at, only feeling more annoyed as you snorted and returned to what you were doing. The other half wanted to fold into yourself until you disappeared (If only it were that easy)
But, you had enough (Roughly, one billion) worries on your mind to put confrontation on the list. Shaking off your anxious shivers as you lowered your head and continued with your “stretches” seemed so much easier
(A.k.a. Staring off into space as you held your limbs in awkward positions)
The time to begin the physical test was drawing near, and your self-doubt hadn’t eased up. Maybe this was a mistake. You didn’t belong here. Not when so many other students could fill the space you’re wasting so much better. Maybe if you slipped through the back now, you’d save yourself the disappointment of not living up to your own standards
“Hey, brown-haired girl! With the horns!”
You heard a gruff whisper from not to far behind you, from the left. You tensed for a moment, wondering what the voice could possibly want from you. But, the sight you saw was rather unexpected
The voice definitely matched the body, bulky and slightly rough looking, a little taller than you. Matched with a sweet face, sharp teeth, and bright, spiky, red hair. The smile he showed you instantly calmed your thoughts
You gave a short response, not wanting to jump to conclusions yet
“I saw you looking kinda psyched out over here, so I thought talking to you would make you less nervous!”
You felt a warm and fuzzy sensation in the pit of your stomach. As much encouragement as you got to achieve things, you didn’t see much of it to consider how you felt. How you could feel better. You liked it, which was surprising, considering the encouragement came from a perfect stranger
“Oh, uhh…thanks then. But, I’m fine, I promise! I’m no more nervous than you are.”
“Well, that’s also why I came to talk…I’m kinda freaking out too…”
This boy’s transparency was almost scary, but on the other hand, very comforting. You didn’t catch him trying to stare at your mutated parts once as you talked. Your eyes were the thing he seemed the most focused on, and while it made you embarrassed, it was the good kind (if that makes sense)
But, soon enough, the announcement for the beginning of the exam came over the loudspeaker, and you and your acquaintance had to look out for yourselves. But, before you parted ways, the redhead turned to you
“I’m Eijiro Kirishima, by the way! See you when I see you, Shortie!”
🌳Flourishing Love🌳
The beginning of Kirishima seeing you as a romantic option happened not too long after parting ways at the physical exam
He was almost completely cornered by one of the machines students could disarm for points. And just as that was happening, you had just turned the corner after shaking off another one
You saw Kirishima, but he definitely didn’t see you, trying hard to look tough, but struggling to stand his ground
It quickly dawned on you that Kirishima didn’t have a quirk that could easily deal with the hostile device. And if he did, he was too scared to use it
You vetoed the idea of charging in head on first. You didn’t feel like getting yourself or Kirishima hurt. Especially without a plan. You needed to be smart about getting your only acquaintance out of this situation
Your heart raced and your execution was all but clean, but you ended up using your fire breath to weld the robot’s wheels to the concrete
Before you let your inhibitions get the better of you, you climbed the machine and punched out the camera on the front. From atop the beast, you hung your tail over the edge low enough for Kirishima to grab. You didn’t dare look down at the ground
“Dammit Eijiro, grab on!!”
Once you felt a weight on your tail, you used your wings to propel you both forward. Obviously, away from the robot
You were too high on adrenaline and fear to notice, but Kirishima stared at you like you were the embodiment of Heaven on Earth. The stars in his eyes almost seemed inappropriate for the situation 😅
You looked just as—if not more—afraid than he was. But, you seemed so okay with the fact that you weren’t fearless, and acted like a true hero anyway. He admired, dare I say loved that about you
And he didn’t even know your name
As soon as you found out that you and Kirishima were in the same class, you felt instant relief. At least you were familiar with someone at U.A.
You guys’ friendship developed rather fast, like and extrovert adopting an introvert
Kirishima quickly noticed how fast you opened up once you got comfortable around him, and loved you all the more for how bright and vibrant the unfiltered you was
He found himself picking up on your sense of humor, telling dad jokes you whisper under your breath to the Bakusquad (Much to Bakugou’s dismay 😅)
Don’t worry, he always gives you the credit 😉
As time went on, Kirishima learned to appreciate how blunt you were. He realized that he needed someone to tell it like it is (“It isn’t manly to sugarcoat things! 😤” he says)
And while Kirishima prefers physical activities over video games, he loves to hype you up while you play before classes
It was only natural a mutual crush would form :D
Kirishima finally worked up the guts to ask you out after the U.S.J. Incident
You and him had gotten separated (You had gotten trapped with the cold son of Endeavor. And you both took out the villains with an awe-inspiring display of fire and ice)
Kirishima was faced with the reality that either of you could lose each other at any moment. And while both of you came out alright, he realized he couldn’t be wishy-washy about his feelings for you
He told you on your way to school the next morning:
“Look. What happened yesterday really scared me. Normally, I wouldn’t say that, but I think you deserve to know. Because…you mean a lot to me!! More than I can put into words. I love when we have fun together, and I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I never got to tell you how I felt…”
“Basically…I like you!! Like…in the romantic way…”
Your early morning grumpiness dissipated almost instantly, replaced by momentary confusion and disbelief, then embarrassment and joy. Was this really happening…? The boy that took a chance on you since the beginning, confessed that he had feelings for you…? Even though you didn’t question your relationship, you always assumed the nice things Kirishima said, the way he looked at you, was all part of the pleasantries. You questioned if you were even worth all of that
‘But you are.’ The little voice Kirishima helped you develop said. ‘And he would say more if he didn’t look so embarrassed.’
And so, you accepted Kirishima’s confession. And he saw the sweetest smile you had ever given him since the first time he complimented your puns 😊❤️
[🌌 There you go bud! That’s one matchup for the road. Hopefully it lasts for a while, but if it doesn’t, feel free to come back! I’d be thrilled to see you again.🌄] —Reagan
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Prompt list 5: some greens for the soft tender kissing please? 🥺 maybe they just finished fighting an awful monster or just got out of a rough sparring session and needed some affection to help ground each other again. Pretty please and thank you!! You’re the best!!
This is cute! Hope you enjoy :)
Pairing: Greens (Butch x Buttercup)
No matter how old she was fighting monsters never got easier. Maybe the planning and how to fight them did. Blossoms leadership had grown over time and everyone’s skill had too. What didn’t change was the feeling of pain that rapidly spread through her body everyone she got hit or smacked down.
The feeling of her head rushing with to much blood and white noise playing had never ceased to get easier. You can prepare and say it will be a bloody battle, but the bone crushing blows and the scraping of the knees always caught her off guard.
The chemical X that jolted through her system and sent a rush through her was also unprepared. The sensation of a cool liquid almost exploding in her veins and organs felt weird as if she was feeling death being sucked out of her. Yeah, it never got easier.
The only thing that helped over time was the turning of age RowdyRuff Boys. During their middle school years, the boys, mostly Brick, had enough of dear old dads. Being bossed around and left for the aftermath of the puff fights had gotten old, especially when they began to realize that none of what they stole for their fathers ever showed up for keeping.
They rebelled in an odd way. Coming to the good side and practically fighting against their creators. It was weird when Brick had approached Blossom during the beginning of high school and nearly demanded that she allow them to join the team cause he was fed up with monkey brains. Princess cried saying she was never allowed to join and Blossom only rolled her eyes and agreed for the safety of the city and not because they were secretly making out behind closed doors and Brick wanted to impress his “flower”.
So they joined forces in high school, big deal. They grew as a team and possibly closer. It wasn’t long before the notorious leaders of both groups had hooked up and apparently Bubbles and Boomer had secretly been together since middle school, but for the green duo, it was another story. 
They were both alike, naturally as counterparts. Always picking fights and holding stupid grudges against each other. Even with two years of high school down and their teamwork with the city, they still never moved past the frenemies tier. 
And maybe it was because they were both afraid. Sure they teased each other and everyone was dying to see them get together but those strange warm feelings that kept them both up at night were shut down as the sun rose in the sky. It was easier to be friends, maybe they had become best friends at the start of junior year, sue them. 
And maybe, just maybe after a brutal fight on the battle field where they had flown to hid from the monster, Butch had wiped the dirt off her face. And maybe that sent a jolt of electricity to powerful to contain through them both as they began to lean forward. And maybe, maybe, they had kissed. 
And maybe that kiss broke through that barrier of fear she was holding onto. The tears she shed as she faced death one too many times had slipped away as his lips fell to hers. They should be focused on the wounds they had received from the wonderful monster fight but her mind was only on him. She never thought that he could be so delicate and tender as he careful cupped her cheek. The way his body pressed against hers felt so right and she swore that this explosion of fireworks was due to her hitting her head hard, not the breathtaking kiss she was currently involved in. No, the monster was at fault, but god his lips were so soft. 
By the end of winter break junior year, the green duo had completed the dating between the puffs and ruffs. 
So no, monster fights didn’t get easier, but the people you fought along side made it better.
And now here she was at age twenty two. In the middle of her college studies looking towards a degree in sports medicine and a teaching credential, she didn’t know either, don’t ask. But instead of her studying for her exam on Friday, she was up in the sky blasting laser beams and sending punches that could easily kill a person towards a giant ass monster. 
It was all yellow and fuzzy and Bubbles thought it looked like a baby duck, yeah know, before it spit poisonous acid out of its mouth and melted half a skyscraper. Gross. 
She kept hitting harder and harder, letting her muscles tense to the extreme as she fought alongside the others. She had lost sight of her boyfriend a while go, Brick had yelled at him to create a barrier of some sort and she was only focused on beating the living shit outta this thing. 
Its roar was loud as the sound rumbled the town but Bubbles sonic scream nearly caused an earthquake from the high pitch shatter of her vocal cords, p.s. you will never win a fight with her, she learned that the hard way when she was seven. She can still feel her eardrums ringing. 
As her fist collided again and again, she felt the dripping and burning sensation on her forearm as the acid fell from its mouth, Blossom sending the monster tumbling towards the ground. It stung like hell as the thick goop made her skin bubble and her eyes welded into tears because it was literal fucking acid. 
There was nothing she could do as it rushed through her skin. The chemical X fighting back as quickly but the pain was harsh. 
The whimper of her voice caught the attention of her leader and soon a nice layer of ice had coated the burns but left her skin bubbly and puffy as Blossom worked quickly. 
“Not suppose to put ice on burns.” Buttercup muttered but it was better than letting the acid reach her bones and take her whole arm off. Her sister smiled lightly and just patted her head. 
All she wanted to do was fly back to her dorm and study. 
“Wicked burn babe.” Butch flew up next to her and her eyes widened as she saw that half of his shirt had melted off and his chest showed the same sickly bubbling that her arm did. 
She just stared at the scars and even though the chemical x would cover it, it somehow made her feel worried. She had seen him in a worse state. Broken ribs, hips, arms, you name it and hes broken it. But in a matter of days, hes brand new. Still sucked. 
“Hey, hey.” He brought her into a hug. “Come on babe.” His voice was low and soothing. Buttercup only hugged him tight as she buried her face into his chest, avoiding the burned area. 
Her body felt heavy and her eyes even heavier and she assumed he had talked to their red leaders because the next time she opened her eyes they were in his own apartment. She was being carried bridal style. Usually she would complain about being treated like this but she had a massive headache and snuggled closer to her carrier. 
“Damn Butters I haven’t seen you like this since we got totally shitfaced during freshman spring break.” She felt the vibration of the laugh against her head and soon 
She picked her head up and looked at him through her lashes. “I want kisses.” She muttered and she felt his hold tighten on her as he brought her into his room.
He let out a low laugh before setting her on the bed and patting her head. “Easy Babe. Let me just wipe the dirt off and you can have me.” She mentally pouted as he went into the bathroom and she heard the faucet turn on.
She kicked off her shoes and peeled off her shirt that had become ruined but thankfully her tank top didn’t take as much damage.
He came back with a clean face and a wet rag before sitting on his knees and gently wiping it around her face to reveal the fair skin that was caked under dirt and dust.
Her head pressed into his palm and he swiped the rag around her mouth, purposefully making some of it go into her mouth which she scowled out.
“Maybe I don’t want those kisses any more.” She began to say but he only laughed before scooping her up so that he could lay on his bed with her against his chest.
“Fine.” Butch smirked but she rolled her eyes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
His hands traveled to the back of her thighs as he began to rub her skin that was most likely sore. She made a small noise against his lips as she rocked her hips and took his face in her hands, her thumb gliding gently along his jaw. 
“You should shave.” She kisses his lips again.
“I know.” He mumbled as one of his hands came to rest on her behind. “Kinda annoying right?” He laughed lightly and he loved the feeling of her kissing his cheek.
“Mmmm” she hummed with another peak to his face. “You just look better with a clean face. And maybe a few cuts and bruises.” She kissed the dark circle that was forming under his eye from when he got hit today.
Some people might think it’s weird but she really liked watching the skin expand and turn to deep shades of blue and purple before it quickly fades from chemical x taking care of it.
He leaned up causing her to lightly gasp before holding her against his chest and kissing her neck.
“But for me babe. I prefer to see you crystal clean. Don’t get me wrong you look hot as fuck with scratches and burns but I like to see you in prestige condition.” Butch bit her neck gently drawing out another noise from her lips.
“But you know what I like best?” He asked. And she shook her head as he kissed the bite mark. “I like the feeling of you after a battle. Scars or no scars. This soft feeling of your lips on mine and the way that you act so shy, really gets me going love.” She silenced him with another tender kiss.
She longed for these soft and quiet moments. The world would crumble around them and her focus would be on him as they laid peacefully. 
“I love you.” She said to him and she loved the way his expression soften and the ends of his lips turned up into a smile. 
“I love you too.” He kissed her temple before she felt her eyes flutter close and they fell asleep in a calm bliss. 
just something cute. Hope you enjoyed :) 
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csidesummit · 5 years
Does EVERYONE know Humans are Weird?
What Caperion 443 considered the most surprising discovery of his long career occurred within his 18th galactic revolution.  For humans, this amount of time would be nigh incalculable as it required the extremely long lifespans of the Caperion 443 to fully comprehend.  It was, in his species’ opinion, the most accurate measure of time as it sprung from the best estimate of galactic formation any species had put together.
Ostensibly, this mission was to study and contrast immigrant plant life on the six terrestrial planets and twenty-seven habitable moons of the Vichara.  The Vicharans had, in the brash youth of their species, recklessly colonized the remainder of their solar system.  Their efforts at terraforming often displaced natural ecosystems and, tragically, one civilization which would now never fully develop.
Modern Vicharans were far more amicable, and displayed a sense of regret over the past actions of their species.  For that reason among others they had granted Caperion 443 and his human crew permission for his study.
They were in the longest transit of their mission.  It would take them from the inner terrestrial planets to the large moons of the outer gas giants.
“Hey!  That’s just like Earth!” Engineer Nadir Lamonte had said when Caperion 443 had briefed them prior to their departure.
“That is not just like Earth,” Caperion 443 had corrected him, “The Vichara system contains two more internal terrestrial worlds than Earth, and Earth’s collection of moons vastly outnumbers Vichara’s.  Further, the ratios differ, as Earth possesses four gas giants to Vichara’s one.  In addition…”
“Okay it’s kinda like Earth,” Nadir Lamonte had interrupted.
“It also lacks a suitably comparable rubble belt,” Caperion 443 had continued, determined that his engineer would have accurate information.
Then Courtney King, his assistant, put her hand on his bulky shell, “He understands.”
Caperion 443 rotated his head towards her, then back to Nadir.
“Very well,” He said, “It is...kinda...like Earth.”
It was well understood that of all the species in the galactic concordance, humans were the most prone to outliers of...of nearly anything.  The concordance kept an exhaustive, ever growing study of the physiology and culture of every member species.
Humans added to it at a rate nearly double those of other species.
This was why Caperion 443 had chosen humans for his crew.  Caperions delighted in discovery.  Even if his study of Vicharan plant life achieved little, he would likely learn something he could add to the Human study simply from interactions with his crew.
“I felt a vibration thirty minutes ago,” Caperion 443 said to Nadir.
“We got some weird magnetic spikes coming from Vichara 7,” Nadir said, “Pretty big pull for something so far off, huh?”
“Vichara 7’s tendency towards magnetic fluctuations is known to me,” Caperion 443 said, “They are rare.  Is there any risk to the ship?”
“From a giant fridge magnet?  Nah, we got this.”
“Very well,” Caperion 443 said, “Nadir Lamonte, what are these?”
“Oh, the little fellas?” Nadir smiled and picked one off his console and handed it to Caperion 443.  
The object appeared to be a distorted facsimile of a human.  It was small enough to fit in his hand, and was composed of a basic hydrocarbon polymer.  Its hands and feet were very large, as were its eyes.  A plume of brightly coloured hair follicles sprouted from the top of its head.
“Check it out,” He said, picking up another one and twisting its hair into a spiral, “neat, right?”
“What is it?”
“Troll dolls,” Nadir said, “Used to be some kind of toy back on Earth, way back.  Easy enough to make them if you’ve got a mold and a fabricator on hand.  I make one for every mission I’ve been on.”
Caperion 443 fiddled with the hair, “This is...customary?”
“Nah, just my thing.  I think they’re good luck, you know?  Little fellas go with me everywhere.”
Caperion 443 handed it back, “They do not interfere with discharging your duties or the ship’s function?”
“Don’t see how.”
Caperion 443 examined the row of dolls on his console.  Seventeen, indicating seventeen missions.
Then he looked up and noticed an object that was familiar, “Is that an Earth Calendar?”
Nadir swung in his seat, “Oh yeah, that’s Chandra Vive.  She’s Miss February.”
The human female on the calendar was not dressed in any uniform Caperion 443 was familiar with.  In fact she did not seem to be clothed much at all, “You...have placed images of females you wish to mate with on the wall of my ship?”
“Oh hell,” Nadir said, “Yeah, I’d love that but I think Chandra’s a bit out of my league, you know?  Wouldn’t that be something, though?  You know she’s an engineer, too.  Designed the Vive Coupler, we use a couple of those on the ship.”
“Could you not simply mate with Courtney?”
Nadir’s mouth dropped open, “Yeah, don’t suggest that to her, okay?  I cover that thing up if there’s even a chance she’ll be at the engines.”
On the other side of the wall there was another calendar.  This one displayed starships.
“That’s a Vrul shifter,” Nadir said, “The propulsion system on that thing is amazing.  She’s got these amazing dampening fields that basically compress an hour of deceleration into a minute.  Not so fast as some, but at least you don’t have to slow down for a week before you get where you’re going.  Also look at that sleek aesthetic.”
Strangely, Caperion 443 detected the same vocal tones in Nadir’s description of the Vrul ship he had used when describing an ideal mate.
“Carry on,” Caperion 443 said, turning around.  When he saw Nadir’s sleeping quarters towards the back he paused, “Why have you altered the ship’s construction?”
“Oh that?” Nadir said, spinning in his chair, “I just installed a bar up there so I can get some exercise.”
Caperion 443 continued looking upwards, “And the bits of scrap metal welded onto the walls?”
“Makeshift climbing wall,” Nadir pointed out, “Lets me burn some real calories.  You don’t get guns like these from running diagnostics, you know.”
At this, Nadir flexed his arms, “Don’t worry I always use a rope.  I’m not going to get hurt.”
“And...is that a refrigerator affixed to the ceiling?”
Nadir nodded, “Cupcakes.”
“Yeah, that’s Nadir for you,” Courtney said.  
She was using the bio-accelerator.  It was a device which could accelerate the biological actions of plant-life provided they had adequate resources to draw from.  It allowed them to perform experiments on plant life that would take years under normal growth.
“But why?” Caperion 443 asked, observing the timer on her experiment, “The density of simple carbohydrates within his ‘cupcakes’ would surely negate the effort of retrieving them.  His ‘troll dolls’ cannot possibly provide the favorable probability he seeks.  Placing desired objects and mates within constant viewing range could only distract him from achievements which might make them obtainable.”
Courtney shrugged.
The timer on the bio-accelerator went off, and Courtney opened it to pull out a fully formed tree, but barely five inches tall.
“What have you done?” Caperion 443 asked.
“I love bonsai trees,” Courtney said, “We had some spare time, so I thought I’d see if I could use the accelerator to speed up making them.”
“You have deliberately stunted the growth of an otherwise healthy plant for aesthetics?”
“I guess you could see it that way.”
Caperion sat down on his chair, which was twice the width of hers, “Why do humans do such illogical, pointless, and counterproductive tasks?”
Courtney shrugged, “You know humans.  We’re weird.”
Caperion’s mouthparts spread open in shock, “Wait, you know this?”
“Well yeah, have you met us?”
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house-of-tykayl · 5 years
cystar tho (headcanons)
cyborg and starfire are the cuddliest couple ever. the PDA is incredible. star will perch on his shoulders like he’s a climbing post/bird perch and generally just drape herself all over him bc he’s got a lot of surface area and she wants comfy. and cy will just grab her out of midair for huggles before letting her float away again like a balloon headed straight for the atmosphere. star will float higher when she wants to look over his shoulder at something (bc hes the only titan taller than her) and sometimes cy will just reach up and touch her waist and lead her around in the air like that while they chat
the other titans support them, but are simultaneously disgusted by the excessive amount of PDA. cy sometimes milks star’s affection to troll everyone, especially at the breakfast table. “hey star i havent had my morning kiss today” “oh apologies” “do that long tongue thingy again babe” “if you two dont let me eat my waffles in peace for just ONE morning i will open a portal to the seventh circle of hell and chuck the both of you inside”
star is living for the unabashed affection bc cyborg has no qualms about being proud boyfriend in public. like he’ll wrap an arm around her and go “hey star’s my girlfriend :)” and the grocery store clerk’s like “we know, that’ll be $15.99″ and star’s just beaming, holding the plastic bags full of snacks and unorthodox food combinations
if cy’s generous with the lovin wait till you see star lmao. “you are looking most beautiful today!” she keeps saying shit literally no one else will say, either (possibly) coz of the robot thing or just coz starfire’s being starfire, and cyborg’s just like *clutches_chest.jpeg* because she a lil weirdo but she makes him feel normal and appreciated and that he’s great the way he is, that he’s desired even if a lot of him isn’t organic anymore. like yes!! my boyfriend is comprised of 80% robotic parts!! he is extremely strong and the “cool”!!! is he not absolutely wonderful???
ok but starfire can almost never get enough touching, and cyborg’s just like aight *picks her up and carries her around on his arm for an hour* and she’ll just be giddy the entire time
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more under the cut
star doesnt have a lot of preconceived notions of what a normal human relationship is, outside of things she sees on TV and robin’s incomprehensible push-pulling over the years. so she doesn’t care one bit about the fact that she’s cuddling a robot. she’d figured starting a relationship with anyone on earth would be something different for her regardless– so a lot of the things cyborg used to think a partner would find problems with, end up not happening because man, this alien chick. “may i lay together with you in your bed?” “girl are you saying you wanna sleep while standing up?? on my charging port???? surrounded by 3478012 cables and wires?????” “is there no room? then may i sleep on the floor?” she just wants to be with him
heck more bed shenanigans would involve like, cyborg awkwardly trying to lie down on star’s bed, and it feels weird coz he hasn’t slept in a real bed for years and while it feels nice he’s kinda sinking into the mattress and he’s self-conscious about leaving a dent in the frame?? or like rolling over at night and squashing star which would be awkward coz he’s more than a little heavy?? then star hops in and cuddles close and is all like shhhhhhhhh slep time
silkie is usually very happy about cyborg’s presence in star’s room, if only because he can gnaw on cy’s legs while they sleep. cy begins to think it’s also revenge since there’s a lot less space on the bed with himself in it, and silkie struggles to find room near starfire to sleep at night. they eventually just get a bigger bed. silkie is a lot less stressed– but cyborg still wakes up with chew marks in his legs
if either of them are too tired from a battle that day, the other will carry them to bed. BB laughed his ass off the first time he saw starfire princess carrying cy to his room (star’s perfectly capable of carrying his weight but her arms aren’t necessarily long enough to hold onto him properly, making it a little cumbersome and awkward), but cy just tiredly gives B the finger
cy will talk to star in awkward broken tamaranian and she’ll get all giggly. everyone else assumes it’s cute flirting, but he’s actually whispering dirty, raunchy shit. that she taught him. and she continues to teach him tamaranian, occasionally dropping new words while otherwise speaking english, and waiting for him to ask about what they mean.
cy will sometimes smack star’s ass and then run for his life before she can return the favor, because he always ends up with an overly-enthusiastic handprint-shaped dent in his ass. it’s a terrifying game of tag. BB will chase them chasing each other with a camera to add to his album of “cyborg’s dented ass” photos that he shares with the whole titans network
cy teaches star about the niches in earth/american culture, the kinds of things that are a little harder to learn about on your own, or things she otherwise wouldn’t have had a reason to learn. he tells her about old american tv shows and explains obscure slang words and how to make telemarketers hang up first and what the contra code is and why he mashes it in every time he boots up a new video game. it’s a crash course mix of useless trivia and miscellaneous culture that makes star’s head spin– but she’s excited about learning all the same, the power of just knowing more makes her feel more comfortable on a planet where she is always a foreigner
it’s kinda why star adores all the different nicknames cy has for her like “fly girl” “baby doll” etc because it makes her feel “in” coz she gets all these cool nicks of names like other earth people!! she fits in!!!! and he’ll say it so fondly it makes her blush half the time. cy definitely notices and thinks its super cute at how excited she gets over pet names. she tries to nickname him back at one point but it felt awkward and she struggled to come up with them, and cy reassured her that he liked her saying out his name anyway, its cool. just be yourself babey
cy loves teaching star things in general, he’s patient and she’s always an eager student. he once took a few hours showing her how to play video games and while she didn’t really take to it, she did learn how to not break the controller whenever her virtual car’s about to crash into the divider (she still shrieks when it happens though)
initially, star is a bit nervous about touching some of cyborg’s robot parts like the implants and consoles coz she’s not sure how to deal with them? alien tech is one thing and earth tech is another, and then there’s the advanced shit that made up cyborg’s body and literally keeps him alive. she’s petrified at the thought of accidentally breaking something like what if she presses the button that turns off his lungs???????? and cy is like why the fuck would i have a button to turn off my lungs?? so one day cy just sits her down so she’s leaning back against his chest, and he looks over her shoulder as he shows her how to navigate his arm console. press this button and choose this option, no the screen wont break even if you press hard, dont use the browser to download malware on my arm like BB did, etc. the ui’s pretty intuitive and star gets it pretty quickly, then she gets all excited. cy teaches her about all the maintenance he does on his body and how his charger works and all that shit and she like oooooo
“if the t-car is your baby, does this mean i am its mother? cyborg does she like me enough? should i assist in changing her oil? *panicking* WILL SHE ACCEPT ME AS HER ADOPTED K’NORFKA?!”
(the t-car is a sassy one, easily jealous and protective– but ultimately, she does approve of starfire, if only just barely)
they spend a lot of time in the garage together. whether cy’s fussing with the t-car or putting together a new gadget, star’s a helpful assistant when it comes to welding or heavy lifting. and while she doesn’t necessarily get programming, she still helps cy with all the calculations and math involved in it; the concept of physics as she has encountered on earth is primitive compared to tamaran, and cy will often challenge her to crack a tough equation before his computer can. while the computer usually gets a result first, star will just explain that its answer was wrong in the large scheme of things, before she starts going in depth into that nerdy science shit to find a more effective way to wire whatever project they’re working on and cy’s just like  ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ heart eyes ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ at how smart she is
they fucking love food. while all the titans are hanging out in the common room, star and cy spend an inordinate amount of time in the kitchen. star will literally eat anything, at any time, and cy would go like “yo star want a sub??” and shes like “YES I WOULD LOVE THE EDIBLE SUBMARINES” and they go make the tallest sub ever and then Eat it
they just cook together a lot, one of them being head chef for the hour and the other being the kitchen assistant. cy’s usually in the lead when they’re making food for the other titans (to prevent food poisoning), and star is happy to learn new recipes that aren’t lethal to her friends– that, and licking all the mixing bowls clean. cy purposely gets sauce etc on his face so that star will see and lick it off too. then star will very unsubtly smear food on her face so that cy will wipe it off with his finger and then things get handsy. (they’re both aware it’s a game, but they pretend like they don’t.)
cy gets them matching aprons and a tiny chef hat for star. she asks him why it’s so tiny or even necessary but he just thinks its cute af on her lol
it helps cy’s ego when star will also eat literally anything he puts in front of her while enjoying it unironically. of course, cy quickly learns that starfire’s favorite “earth” foods are things that most people wouldn’t consider food at all, so while he’ll prepare Real Food for himself, he had to start a new custom cookbook for the random combinations of ingredients that starfire likes to ingest. he’s torn between feeling like his chef skills go to waste on her, or being proud at how good he’s become at figuring out the kinds of food combos she likes based on the flavors and consistencies she’s inclined to. but ultimately she’s just so cute and happy when she smiles at the taste of m&ms on raw steak that cyborg’s just like ahh. fine.
cyborg: *sighs while writing* “edamame in a cherry-chocolate reduction: get a handful of fresh edamame, washing is optional, pour hershey’s chocolate sauce all over it, add cherries but don’t remove the pits or the stems, sprinkle in some drops of 7up, then cover that shit in mustard. stick it all in the microwave for 1 minute, doesn’t really matter what temperature? prep time: 3 and a half minutes. the fuck did i just write”
star: *wolfs down that edamame shit like its the best goddamn thing ever*
meanwhile, while cy can’t stomach star’s tamaranean food, he does go out of his way to learn how to prepare the stuff himself, for whenever star’s sick or feeling down. the nostalgic taste of home tends to help her feel better. the bowls of wustlepus might keep trying to strangle him, but hey, cy can handle it
cy used to think we was master of stuffing his face, but he quickly found out that you do not challenge an alien with 9 stomachs to an eating competition and expect to win. it’s still fun, of course, to pick a restaurant and watch her slowly but surely put away food with a grace that cy doesn’t (care to) have. robin and BB cheer will them on, raven is disgusted but plays referee anyway (even though it’s not like the result ever changes)
“are the table manners required for today’s duel of excessive food consumption?” star will ask cy innocently, but she’d be smiling a lil smugly because she knows she’s gonna win like always
(at some point, the restaurant manager will start eyeing them nervously from the doorway of the staff room, unsure about whether to ask the titans to leave before they run the kitchen dry, or to take advantage of the publicity.)
cy and star are a couple that isn’t inclined to subtle about anything. that means smooching all the time. mwah noises. flirting. glomps. yelling at shit together for fun– cy just expresses himself loudly, while shouting at each other is a form of affection on tamaran. they’ll sometimes wrestle, sometimes arm wrestling and sometimes all out full-body on the floor (actual wrestling tho, not a innuendo; star usually wins). they keep denting walls and furniture with their messing around and the other titans are like /(e_e)\ *passing out earplugs* and at some point robin is like guys… just… keep it in your rooms please
but being loud isn’t exclusive to daytime. nobody fucking knows how the hell an alien and a robot get it on, but based on all the god damn noise at night, they’ve apparently figured something out. maybe more than one something. it is a mystery
“hey, star… ever heard of a vibrator?”
most of their making out happens in the gym tho, let’s be real. they’ve been checking each other out for years in there. now they just get frisky after (or during, or before) a workout, culminating in yet another “workout”. they never lock the door, and after enough incidents the other titans just end up boycotting the gym entirely in lieu of the other training room
with the added privacy, star opts to work out in the gym without a top on. or a bra. then she heads for the treadmill
“you never wear clothing, cyborg, so why should i?”
cyborg keeps dropping his weights on himself and just ends up covered in dents, two mangled prosthetic legs, and having done no training at all
they’re such a peppy excited pair that sometimes things can get a bit too wild. there’s a pile in the back of cy’s room made up solely of dented/crushed/melted/ripped arm and leg prosthetics, all damaged because cy was busy pampering his superpowered alien gf a lil too much. starfire feels super bad but cy is like, he has to fix his limbs after a lot of battles anyway, it’s no big deal. he also hasn’t bothered to suggest a workaround yet because watching her lose control is hot (and maybe getting his hand melted is kinda kinky)
they sometimes troll the other titans– usually robin– by whispering in tamaranian behind them and snickering, pretending like they’re talking about them. robin used to be extra miffed by this, but after learning that cy’s tamaranian is actually still shit enough that he has yet to learn to string together a proper sentence longer than 3 words, robin knows they’re just fucking around with him. at one point robin turns around on the couch and throws some tamaranian right back at them and cyborg’s like :O what the fuck? what the fuck?? and star’s like yeah actually robin asked me to teach him tamaranian too. and robin’s like :) and cy is grumpy he can’t antagonize him with it anymore (and that it’s not exclusively his and star’s code language anymore, but really, you can’t own a language like that)
star likes to cart cy around while flying, but he’s just so bulky that he doesnt look all graceful and shit like robin; he just looks kinda goofy dangling in the air with her holding him under the arms. but even if he felt a little self-conscious, he forgets it quickly when she lets him skim the ocean with his feet or take him up over the clouds– he’d thought he lost everything with the accident that left him a robot, but getting to fly like this is something he never could’ve even dreamed of even when he was all human. like. this must be what it actually means to be living. everything happens for a reason
cy gets a UV lamp installed in his body just in case they get stuck somewhere and there’s no sunlight for star, he can’t replace the sun but it might help
he also turns his heaters up a bit when they’re cuddling coz he knows she likes warmth, as long as he’s not running the risk of overheating his system, but his metal parts can be cold to the touch and while she doesnt mind it at all he just wants her to be cozy….
cy’s like the only titan taller than star, so she usually floats to be eye level with him. he big and bulky and strong and he reminds her of galfore, and that’s part of why she always felt protected and safe around him. not to mention star’s been getting taller than most earth people her age; she sometimes feels like a tall poppy, sticking out of the crowd too much. so she lowkey enjoys being smol for once compared to cyborg, especially if she ever feels like hiding behind him, or being carried by him, the comfort of a sort of bodyguard that she doesn’t necessarily need but is there if she wants
i keep bringing this up but star sitting on cyborg’s shoulders/arms like. the result is this tall stack of a couple that towers over all the other titans– then like everyone will be chilling on the couch when they hear making out noises from above and they look up and its just star floating around cyborg’s head as they smooch and everyone’s like -_-
all the meme fun aside, they’re always able to confide in each other whenever they’re upset. they’ll sit together in silence and just lean on each other or hug and wait for someone to spill. if (when) it comes down to “will i ever fit in?”, because that kinda worry never completely goes away, they’ll be reassured that they know the few places they’ll always be accepted– and that’s in the titans, or in the unconventional relationship between a half robot and an alien nuclear bomb
star likes being around cy coz he’s so sturdy, in more ways than one– he’s strong enough to tank stuff so it’s safer to roughhouse with him. she loves being able to give the biggest of hugs without worrying too much about crushing a ribcage (earthlings and their Fragile Little Bones!)
cy loves how small star is compared to him bc shes fun to pick up or pluck from the air and cuddle ♥ and she’s so warm, just radiating heat both literally and metaphorically and she’s so full of life and heart, and cy’s once again reminded of what it really means to be human– by a goddamn alien, no less
they like to touch each other’s faces, just caressing n stuff like they do in “how long is forever” and the teen titans go comic #24, staring into each others eyes and shit and going all (uwu) they just love to touch each other okay even back when they were just friends!!!!!!!
HAVE I MENTIONED THE SMOOCHES. star will just kiss cy all over his face because its fun and she knows he likes it. then cy returns the favor, except with increasingly exaggerated kissing and nomming noises because it makes star laugh and blush like crazy. it’s horribly embarrassing for anyone else watching. star & cy are usually standing in the middle of the corridor by this point, and then robin was gonna head to his office, but once he sees the path is blocked– by this no less– just returns the way he came without a word
if anyone tries to make star feel uncomfortable for being alien or misunderstanding something, which does still happen sometimes, they’ll quickly find out they’ve got the goddamn terminator comin for their ass. or they’ll turn around and see 6 foot tall robot man with arms crossed and red eye glowing and he’ll be like (: hey there (:
star keeps leaving the garage with motor oil all over her face. none of the other titans knows how to address it, or if they even should, so they don’t
anyway theyre in love
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x-unnamedgraves-x · 6 years
2008 I got the first book and fell in love. I read it and then read it again then read it backwards and from random spots over and over again and I'd never get tired of it. I was young and very lonely and isolated but I could just loose myself for hours drawing and writing and reading books and becoming engrossed in paranormal subjects
~2011/12 I was reading again. by now I was in middle school; middle school doesn't have book orders, so I begged and begged for my step mom to buy me the last ones that I couldn't get. then I didn't ever finish reading them. before this year I always assumed I stopped because my favorite characters kinda fell into the background, and maybe that was the whole reason, but also I look back at the art I made then and I can see I might've stopped because my whole stasis of being was kinda thrown at the wall. my step mom got addicted to adderall and it was fine until it stopped being fine. the divorce was messy and I got sent to that therapist who broke confidentiality the first appointment
2014 I was really crashing down mentally I had a lot if sadness that wasn't really being checked out in any way. around this time started on this parh of isolating myself half from me feeling bad about myself and being afraid to be near others because of some really bad friend breakups the year before
was kinda wary about saying I read them in 2014. like, I knew I at least had them on my mind that year because that's when I made lollipop and she's directly based off one of the book's characters. I also knew that the next time I read through (and first time I read through the entire series) I was in welding class. the timing of 2014/early 2015 makes more sense how school years line up and yadda yadda. the important part was the welding class. that class I had a teacher who stopped me and told me I was the best student there and he believed I could do great things. then he suddenly decided to move back to virginia and quit without warning. I had a lot of free time to read and draw as the rest of the year that class was spent flipping back and forth between subs and a teacher for a completely different class. also I might've accidentally given myself a 2nd degree burn and didn't tell anybody. still got the scar!
somewhere around 2016 or 2017 or 2018.....? some time I read the series again. as soon as high school ended I got moved out of what was basically my childhood home and into the house of my second step mom. she was nice but I had a bad time there and I never really felt like I was "home." I remember I read all the books and read them fast. like. REALLY fast. book after book after book. and I don't really remember anything else. everything else is just..... fuzzy. I could tell you how I felt but not things that were happening when I was reading
though I guess I could theororize based off the kinda stuff I was drawing and writing. more than ever, at this point in my life I felt like my art was the only place I could be honest. I was extremely sad and cut off from a majority of my friends and the things I liked, and most of all I was paranoid. every time I made a post I had the fear that somebody else in the house was reading it. that I was only one post with faintly identifying information in it away from getting confronted about my online life. I was afraid that a picture my bedspread in it would give me away!
now I'm kinda starting to realize that I don't have to hide everything. I don't need cryptic little hints in my art to express how I feel and what I'm going through. I can just tell people, and things will be alright
I haven't read through the whole series since moving out on my own. I want to, but I haven't set aside the time to yet. read through the first book and part of the second a few months ago, and I was amazed by how.... clear everything was. I had read through these books dozens of times, but this was the first time my brain was clear enough when I was reading to actually understand the words
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itsalwaysgarytime · 7 years
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1750 hours, August 10th, 2545(Military Calendar) \ 037 Sionann System, Underneath Ceideht City, Planet Orin. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  “Move! Move! Disperse!” a voice rang out down the tunnel behind them accompanied by a growing bright light. Heavy thuds of footsteps quaking the metal beneath them.
   Sibil was in no shape to do what the voice wanted, her legs felt shattered into hundreds of pieces after the ceiling collapsed on them. It felt as though the cold had been feasting on her legs for some time to. Eryn the stubborn boy, chose to stay with her. He was like his father in so many ways and he was only 3 years old.
   The light had gotten so close now she wasn’t sure if she was seeing “The Light” that everyone mentions when experiencing death.
   “We’ve got a non-combatant!” the man said kneeling down to her and Eryn. Her eyes adjusted to the soldier’s helmet light. She didn’t recognize his attire at first. Until she realized that he must be one of the Spartans that was being whispered about when everyone was together at Igo station.
   His armor smelled of welded metal and something she didn’t recognize but it was foul to her senses. The Spartan turned his gaze to Eryn, who was still tightly cradling her shoulder.
   “Hey pal you okay?” The Spartan asked pointing to Eryn, who nodded his head, mouth agape in awe.
   “What's wrong with your mom?” He asked scooting himself closer to the 2 of them. It was then that the ungodly smell Sibil couldn’t put her finger on earlier came to her. It was biofoam resting on scorched flesh. The Spartan was wounded, bits of dried biofoam soaked in blood were chipping off the sealed wound as he neared them.
   Eryn lifted himself up off the ground and pointed to her legs shivering from the cold and probably anxiety that was welling up inside him.
   “Gotcha.” The Spartan said giving Eryn an “OK” sign with his fingers.
   “Ma’am I’m going to pick you up.” He stated as he threw off the chunks of ceiling from her with ease. Eryn began to gasp in awe of the Spartan’s strength. The Spartan was colossal for a man. Perhaps the rumors of them being giant robots or cyborgs were partially true.
   “This isn’t good…” He remarked hovering his hand over her snapped legs and shook his head. He turned his attention back to behind him. She could hear him talk but he had switched off his helmet’s speakers so they couldn’t hear him.
   “I don’t know how right you are ma’am.” He paused. “So I won’t risk further hurting you for now.” He said pointing at her.
   “I..It’s just mm..my legs and p..pp.possibly my l..lleft hipbone.” Sibil coughed.
   “Are you sure? If one of your vertebrae is broken I would risk permanently paralyzing you if I lift you off the floor.” He asked with a terseness to his voice.
   “If t..that’s the case sssir…” She said pausing to cough.
   “Then I’d ra..rather live paralyzed then d..die in this dark tunnel to murderous aliens.” She said frowning at him.
   “Good point.” He said holding back his amusement. He proceeded to lift her off the ground, she did her best to bite away the screams she wanted to release, the pain in her legs vibrating up her entire spine as they slid across the floor. She and Eryn were soon in his left arm as he used his large gun as balance.
   “My name is Grant by the way, Petty Officer Grant.” He said looking at them. The only face she could find in his visor was the reflection of her’s and Eryn’s.
   “Eryn.” Eryn answered with a faint smile.
   “My n..name is S.Si..Sibil.” She followed the cold stunting her speech.
   “Pleasure to meet you love.” He nodded. Just as he turned around his fellow Spartans were approaching them.
   “Tall, where are they?” One Spartan asked with 2 others behind him.
   “Right here sir.” Grant answered lifting his arm with the both of them as a shrug.
   “Can she walk?” the one in front asked. His voice was that of a very young man. Almost identical to her brother Ben’s.
   “Nup, Spear.” Grant replied. “Explosions on the surface must’ve brought the ceiling down on her lower half. Both legs are broken, possibly her left hip is gone to.” He finished shaking his head again. Spear approached them turning his helmet torch off.
   “We can’t carry you forever miss, we have thousands of Covenant following us, tearing through all of our blockades.” Spear said pointing back with his thumb.
   “You are leaving me one man short, and I need him.” He hissed with frustration.
   “Le..Leave me then! But take my son PLEASE!” She shouted losing her breath. She could tell that Spear was looking at her with perplexment. He turned to see what the others thought and they didn’t seem to object to the idea. The Spartan sighed.
   “I appreciate and admire that ma’am.” Spear turned to his Spartans and continued.
   “But I can’t in good conscience do that, Wasp! Go makeshift some splints for her.” Spear ordered.
   “Yes sir!” Wasp answered. The Spartan leapt down onto the rails of the light rail system. Then proceeded to rip a section of the rail off its bolts then breaking it in 2. Sibil shivered from realizing how much strength that Spartan would need in order to do that.
   The Spartan got back up onto the platform and pushed Spear out of the way.
   “Tall, put her down.” Wasp said with a hint of kindness.
   “Aye” Grant nodded kneeling once more and slowly moving Sibil out of his arms onto the ground while keeping Eryn in his possession.
   “We don’t have any medical supplies with us and I hope the rest of our forces are kilometers away from here by now.” Wasp said grabbing Sibil’s pants, a tinge of pain sprouting out from the Spartan’s touch.
   “So these splints will have to do.” She said ripping her pants up to her knees.
   “I’m sorry but I’m going to have to right your legs, This will be extremely painful.” She said. “Again I’m sorry. Tall please don’t let the child see.” Wasp asked looking back up at him.
   “Right.” Grant said turning himself around and holding Eryn’s head so that the boy’s curiosity didn’t misguide him into seeing his mother in such horrifying anguish.
   “Okay, on the count of 3 I’ll set them.” Wasp said. She counted down nodding her head each second until she wrenched both Sibil’s shins so hard the pain made her lose her hearing to a strange ringing. Sibil felt as though she was screaming but couldn’t hear herself yowl. Her teeth clenching so hard they nearly crumbled in her mouth from the pressure of her jaws grinding together.
   She nearly passed out but she had experience with broken bones and pain before and so she got herself into a breathing exercise. By the time she consciously came to, the splints had been placed, her torn pants now being used as rope to tie the rail splints tight to her legs.
   “Great job ma’am.” Wasp said patting her on her shoulder.
   “They’re ready Spear, but I have to say if we don’t get her out of here, she will lose her legs to gangrene from the frostbite.” Wasp told Spear standing back up.
   “Understood Wasp, and here miss.” Spear stepped in front of her now and handed her a long section of rebar with some flag like cloth wrapped around the top for her to hold.
   “Ple..ase.. don’ttt  call me mm..a’am or miss.” Sibil stated. “Just call me Ss.sibil.”
   “Alright Sibil.” Spear nodded. “Think you can walk?” He asked cocking his head to the side. She motioned that she could and tried out the Spartans’ attempt at helping her move. Luckily the rail splints were sturdy enough to hold the weight from her. They did nothing for her hip though which still stabbed relentlessly.
   “Good.” Spear said looking back at the tunnel taking a moment for himself to think.
   “Do as we have been doing Quiver, keep her in front with you Tall while Ghost, Wasp and I will keep the Covenant busy down here okay?” Spear ordered pointing at him and Eryl.
   “Don’t worry Gary, she’ll be right.” Grant stated turning to Sibil. “Come on Sibil let's leg it.” Sibil didn’t hesitate and pushed herself to walk at pace with Grant towards the supposed evac station. --------------------------------------------------------------- I was holding off on posting this one but my sudden disappearance from art in general kinda called for something to be posted, I'm still working on this one as I'll make a background and finish it all. This is a small side chapter in Quiver to Arrows where while retreating from a vicious covenant blitz the Spartans discover an abandoned mother and her son at one of the stations to their destination under Ceideht City. Not wanting to leave them to the hungry brutes that were right on their tail. They decide to carry the 2 civilians with them while holding the Covenant's advance at bay.
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