#which im not sure is ever going to be canon but he's eternally 19 anyway so
theokusgallery · 8 months
Old man asernic
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Funny thing actually
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(sighs dreamily) Look at him... Old man Arsenic....... <- homosexual
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dbzebra · 5 years
actually i have something to ask that's not about ships!! i want to talk about the King Piccolo saga. i can't think of a question, but maybe just ramble about what you liked about it? i've found myself liking it more and more (i'm not at the Piccolo Jr Saga yet in my rewatch lol but soon i will be, so that's included too) than i had when i first watched it a long time ago and i've really come to appreciate how much the filler moments contribute to the overall story!!
gonna put this under read more cause it got long lol
Ok so I LOVE the King Piccolo saga. Its been a few years so im a little hazy on details but imma just rant for a bit. Once i get back there ill be a bit more coherent and focused lol
 Imo, its legit some of the peak in the series. ESPECIALLY in terms of art. DKP-Freeza had the best overall art imho. Anyway it starts off with such a bang i love it. Like im sad my boy Krillin dies. And then Oolong is all like “hey this piece of paper says demon on it” and it cuts to Mater Roshi and HE IS TERRIFIED. That shot of him hoding the paper practically trembling goes without saying. 
Its the first time we legit see Goku out for blood. Like this kid is pissed tf off. He anhillates Tambourine when he was running away and fucking kicks Drums skull in without a second thought! And with that scene we have one of my favorite shots in the anime, thanks to the GOAT, Masaki Sato
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this dude does some of the best key animation/artwork on the anime PERIOD. its just so clean. He went up to somewhere in the Android saga (I believe the last thing he worked on was Super Android 13. And its missed later on cause the Buu Saga with this style? good lord. (We did get Studio Cockpit for Cell-Buu, but there were only like 4 eps in the series they did)
ANYWay IM getting off track sorry. its just so good. this was the first time where the Z Fighters (ik this aint Z but i still call them that lolol) are legit dying and it just feels so helpless. 
For all intents and purposes, Demon King Piccolo won. he took over the world. Crime was legal. Goku was presumed dead, Tien was MIA, Yamcha was crippled, and the Chiatozu Roshia and Krillin were confirmed dead.
Wishes for his youth. Shenron is about to fly off and DKP is just like “nah” and MOUTH BLASTS HIM TO DEATH. 
Its just like, even if they did win, too bad the worlds still fucked and your friends are dead cause the eternal dragon is dead. (lowkey tho it makes me wonder why that was never used again.) Like later on they go all about no Kami/Piccolo = no DBs but never “what if we killed the dragon” would have been interesting on Namek imo
there were only a few times the series felt that hopeless and every time it was great.
One of the sub arcs is all about the Evil Containment Wave which is one of my favorite techniques in the whole franchise 
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this move legit kills you just by using it. thats wild
And i love how King Piccolo (and even Junior in the following arc) just shits himself anyone even pulls out the rice cooker or whatever they decide to use. this dude is scarred lmao
Like this man hates martial aritsts so much he legit makes Tambourine for the sole purpose of eliminating any of them around the world so nobody could ever stand up to him again. terriying stuff if you think about it. and theres some sad scenes of seeing guys like Nam and them get slaughtered by Tambourine aka Dameon Clarke doing his Imperfect Cell voice (im a dub watcher lol)
This also introduces Yajirobe and I really like him tbh. His fight with Cymbal was great. dude legit sliced Cymbal ate him. I wish he was around more of the fights, hes tough af. (He was the savior against Vegeta but after that he became Senzu Bean delivery man lol). i mean i get hes the coward but he saved Goku more than once in this arc and hes a good guy overall. 
Also speaking of Cymbal getting eaten, since him and DKP are telepathically linked, could DKP feel him getting eaten or nah since he was already dead? 
As for the filler, this was where the anime staff really shone in the expansions. Like take the Ultra Divine Water. in the manga, Korin is just like “here lol” and Goku drinks it. In the anime theres a whole arc about the darkness. And while imo ti drags a biiit too long, the fact that they made a mini arc about him EARNING IT makes it so much better imo.
And then probably m favorite filler scene in the arc involves Tien when they were searching for Dragon Balls. (At least im pretty sure its filler) They track a dragon ball to the house of a dude Tien crippled back in his dickhead days lmao. The dude is pissed off (for good reasons) and lowkey petrified and this man Tien is beside himself with grief. Iirc he gets on his hands and knees, legit begging for forgiveness. (I think he even says something like, “if you want to break one of my bones or even kill me out of revenge, go right ahead” AND THE DUDE ACCEPTS HIS APOLOGY. its just so nce to see an actual redemption arc. Like with Piccolo its heavily implied in filler but never really explicitly shown when he turned good. With Vegeta he throws a tantrum and then hes like hmmm imma be good now. But Tien? The anime goes out of its way to show that this dude realizes his entire worldview was fucked and he feels the weight of it, all boiling up to when Shen almost kills Chiaotzu for not wanting to cheat. (Shen and Tao’s comeback in 23rd WT was a great conclusion to Tiens character arc buuut tbh i wish Tao wasnt a cyborg. YO WHAT IF GERO TURNED TAO INTO AN ANDROID AND HE WAS #19 OR SOMETHING that would be sick lmao.)
Also the filler with DKP’s origins that showed Muitaitos fight and detah and then Shen’s descent into being the prick he was in canon was really believable. 
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(Also my theory on why King Piccolo legit explodes when he dies is that he basically transferred his entire being into Piccolo Jr’s egg, body and soul, so he wouldnt really have a body left. they kept going on about he was his reincarnation so it makes sense to me lol)
nd the next arc (which tbh its basically one big arc) has the best fight in the whole franchise Goku vs Piccolo Jr aka the best fucking grudge match ever lol
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