#which is a shame cause what a photo op it wouldve been with them all lined up
(Kyleigh's POV)
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We're back from camp and enjoying the last bits of the summer before the seasons change and the new school year begins, I've chosen to homeschool through the year just to lessen the intensity of the workload for the kids. Working all year means that I can tailor how much work they do in the average day/week in event that we need to travel somewhere for longer periods of time, that gives them days off when we're on holiday so I don't need to worry about meeting the quota for the day. The kids have been chatting excitedly nonstop and have spent hours and hours telling me all the stories of them playing with their cousins and their other friends at camp, hearing the joy in their voices bring a joy to my heart. This was the childhood that I had (without the siblings), seeing my friends every summer and growing up with friends that encouraged me in the Lord whilst we were also being taught how to be in him. These 5 girls right here were my right hand, so to speak, while we were at camp. Whilst at home they do help with the younger ones, but prefer to focus on the childcare and have them help with house chores since those are much more age appropriate than changing a baby's diaper. All my older girls took it upon themselves to use their mornings to spend time with their siblings after they'd eaten breakfast whilst Barrett and I ate our breakfast in the morning, afterwards we'd send them off to their respective zones. Being halfway through this pregnancy means that I tire easier than usual, so dealing with the littles requires a little extra help.
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The children have gone back to having their music time at the big house, either Macie, Annette, or another girl from church will give the children their music lessons. On special days when she's got the time, Casandra herself will give the kids their piano lessons, it's so great that the kids get to bond with their grandparents. Since there's relatives all over Newcrest, there's always someone dropping in to the big house to spend time, so the kids are always coming home with stories about chatting with Barrett's aunts and uncles. They say that it takes a village to raise a child, and I feel so blessed with our family and community that are as dedicated as I am in bringing up children in the way of the Lord. While we wish we could have travelled to Windenburg for the fundraising gala, but it just didn't fit in our schedule as well as planning for travel with all the kids for such a short period of time, we did watch the videos that were sent onto the different family group chats. It's so great that Brittany and Colton are working to make Windenburg better with legislation and helping put God back into the government.
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Recently, we got to head to a marriage retreat in a nearby town with Allan and Casandra. Both of them had speaking parts at various times so we planned ahead, left the kids at the big house with Macie and Annette and enjoyed the weekend away. It's so great being taught about the different ways that us spouses can show up for each other to continue to strengthen our marriage. It's so inspiring seeing Allan and Casandra still putting in the work on their marriage after all these years together, it shows that there's always work to be done!
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