#which is even more expensive and harder to get and maintain and find places to use
nexus-nebulae · 1 year
that moment when your health is neglected for so long that the thing you originally needed to fix it won't work anymore :)
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A wave of sweet smelling humidity washes over you as you step into the green house. The loud hum of large fans fills the building, though they seem to do little to lower the temperature. Ellisa and her Sceptile stand between a large table and a tall, narrow rack. The table is covered in plants, ranging from tiny seedling, to leafy bush, to draping vine. Terracotta pots, square plastic containers, and fabric grow bags line the shelves of the rack. Ellisa is already elbow deep in a wheelbarrow full of dirt as students begin to gather around.
Gardening in Small Spaces
Whether you live in a tiny studio apartment or on acres of land, everyone can grow something. With a little planning and patience, you can turn a windowsill, shelf, corner, or closet into a functional green space. Lets break it down into a few simple parts:
Location and Lighting
You should choose your location based mostly on the kind of light it will receive. Although most fruiting plants prefer bright, direct light, even a less than optimally placed window can provide enough light for some herbs and leafy greens. If you want to grow more than that, or have no good natural light source, you can find reasonably priced grow lights at your local berry shop or growers outlet. Install the lights to where it will reach the maximum space possible. If you are converting a closet, the ceiling light may not be enough, and you may need to use strip lights along the inside of the door. If you have a patio or balcony, make sure your plants are positioned to receive the most light in the morning rather than the hot afternoon sun if possible.
Containers and soil
Plants take up space, both above and below the soil. In fact, most traditional crops take up about as much space underground as they do on the surface. The container you choose should be roughly two inches bigger than the adult plant will eventually get. Additionally, plants in larger containers are more susceptible to water logging and root rot. Because of this, gardeners in small spaces often need to get creative with their potting choices. High quality potting soil can help combat these issues by providing enough nutrients to feed the plant even in a smaller container and enough drainage to direct water away from the roots until they fill the container. Soil for crop plants in containers should mostly consist of organic matter such as compost, manuer, and worm castings, as well as lots of small gravel or perlite for drainage. Another excellent option for some plants is to grow them upside down. I'm sure you are all familiar with the "Topsy-turvy" tamato berry planters, however any vining plant can be grown in this fashion, and you can make the containers yourself with materials you may already have lying around. These containers make use of vertical space and help plants thrive in a less than optimal amount of soil. Stacking pots or vertical grow towers are also efficient ways to grow several crops at once in a small space, though they can be more expensive and harder to maintain.
Of course plants need water to live, however over watering can cause major problems in container grown crops. Rather than watering on a schedule, your can stick your finger down to the second knuckle in the soil, being careful not to break any roots. If it feels moist, check again tomorrow and leave your plant alone. For most plants, wait until the soil completely dries up before watering deeply. How do you know you have watered deeply? Sometimes when soil is very dry, it may become hydrophobic. Water will pool on the surface, never absorbing, or drain straight through the bottom without reaching the roots. Any container you can lift that has drainage holes at the bottom can be bottom watered, which allows the soil to slowly absorb water. Fill a bowl or other solid container about halfway with water, and place your pot right-side up in the water. Wait twenty minutes and come check on your plant. You will know that it worked if the top of the soil is damp and there is less water in the bowl. For larger pots or upside down planters that can't be lifted, try poking holes in the soil with a small stick or chopsticks and spraying the surface to wet it slowly and provide pathways for the water to enter.
What to grow
So you have everything you need to get started, what should you plant? Well, start with things you know you will eat. Tomatoes, beans, and lettuces are some of the fastest growing crops, but not everyone likes them. Start small, and consider variables such as how much time and energy you have to spare. If all you can manage to begin with are a few herbs then it's still a great place to start. Rosemary, mint, basil, and thyme are great beginner herbs. They are relatively hard to kill and smell wonderful, plus they add that extra touch to anything you cook.
Succession sowing and other helpful hints
Growing indoors means you can grow year 'round with a little timing. When you purchase seed or nursery plants, there will always be a tag that tells you how many weeks until sprouting and then until harvest. Subtract the weeks 'till sprouting from the weeks 'till harvest to get how far out you should begin the next round of seed to ensure you always have fresh produce.
Quality potting soil can be expensive, or you can compost your kitchen scraps to add to cheap potting soil. Food waste makes up a huge percentage of landfills, but you can easily combat this with a few simple items. You'll need three buckets at five gallons each, holes drilled in the bottom of two of them. Stack the buckets with the solid one on the bottom. Fill the middle bucket with kitchen scraps and paper waste, then add worms. Over the next few weeks, put all of your kitchen scraps in the top bucket. When the worms have processed everything in the middle bucket, you will see them move up to the top. The middle bucket is now organic compost that you can add to your soil! Empty the middle bucket, replace it on top of the full bucket, and repeat forever! The bottom bucket will fill with a concentrated liquid fertilizer that is also great for your fruit bearing plants. Mix your compost with cheap potting soil and perlite or small gravel, and now you have premium potting soil for a fraction of the price.
By the end of the class, Ellisa has filled the rack with various herbs and lettuces, with cucumbers, beans, and tomatoes hanging from the sides . Sceptile helps her roll it towards a closet within the greenhouse, which has been lined with grow lights, and push it inside. Campers can see how even in a very small space, they can grow enough to at least lower their grocery bill.
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Pros and Cons of Electric Vehicles
There’s been a lot of hype around electric vehicles lately. It’s easy to see why: they’re cleaner, cheaper to maintain, and more fuel-efficient than traditional cars. Electric Cars also have an attractive option to consumers who are conscious about their impact on the environment. However, despite the progress that has been made in this field of technology, there are still some concerns about them which you should consider before purchasing one of your own.
Here’s an overview of some of the top pros and cons of electric vehicle you should think about before buying one of your own.
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(Credit: https://bit.ly/3xW0yOG)
The Advantages of Owning an EV
1. They Don’t Require Gasoline: Just plug your EV into a regular wall outlet at night, and you’ll be ready to roll in just a few hours. No need to waste time stopping at gas stations; no need to worry about how much fuel costs will rise in coming years.
2. You Can Drive Quietly: Because EVs don’t produce any combustion noise or exhaust, they can be driven without a loud engine idling—even on silent electric scooters.
3. They’re More Environmentally Friendly: Since they run on electricity instead of gasoline, EVs are more environmentally friendly than traditional vehicles.
4. Maintenance Costs Are Lower: The majority of EV parts last longer than those in traditional vehicles because there’s less wear-and-tear from driving and fewer moving parts.
5. Roadside Assistance Is Free: If you have roadside assistance through your insurance company, it’s included when you own an EV—free of charge!
6. It’s Easy to Get Around Town: With EV cars and bikes, you’ll never have to wait in line at a gas station again.
7. There Are Tax Incentives Available: Many states offer tax incentives that help offset some of the cost of purchasing an EV vehicle or bike.
8. An EV Might Be Easier To Park: Without a large engine under its hood, an EV is often easier to park than other types of vehicles.
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The Disadvantages of Owning an EV
There are many EV models currently on the market, but not all of them are created equal. For example, some models have short ranges between charges while others may be too expensive or even lacking in terms of performance. Many electric vehicles come with a steep price tag that can range anywhere from $15,000 to more than $100,000. Purchasing an EV will also be harder if you’re interested in a vehicle that needs subsidies or government assistance; most states have made it difficult or impossible for new players to join existing EV markets due to various regulatory restrictions.
In addition, charging your EV may prove difficult depending on where you live; there’s often little available electricity infrastructure or opportunities for public charging. Charging stations may also be hard to find outside major cities. Lastly, EVs don’t work well in extreme weather conditions like extreme heat or cold. The batteries used by EVs are sensitive to temperature fluctuations and could lose their charge quickly during these times—which means you’ll need access to a garage or other place where you can keep your car warm during colder months. If these are not a headache for you, you can still stick to an electric vehicle.
What makes owning an EV worth it
Compared to conventional vehicles, EVs (electric vehicles) have a number of advantages. For one, they’re very efficient: because EVs do not run on gas, charging your car will cost you far less than filling up your gas tank. Plus, if you live in a city that has adopted green initiatives—and many big cities have—you can often get a subsidy or tax break when purchasing an EV. Still on the fence about going electric? Take into account that not only are most EVs easy on your wallet, but they’re also kinder to our environment: operating them produces much fewer greenhouse gases than traditional cars do.
Finally, there’s no need to worry about running out of fuel while driving: all-electric vehicles have a range of anywhere from 50 miles to 300 miles per charge! This means that you don’t need to worry about stopping at stations along long drives—just plug in at home or work and let it charge overnight. The next day, just unplug it and go!
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honeyymistt · 2 years
Hi, I hope you’re having a really great day. I need to vent and also need some advice, but I feel I have no one to turn to. Especially no one who isn’t incredibly biased. I moved to NYC for the first time last year with my bf (I turned 21 this year). Our lease is almost up and I’m realizing how debilitating this city has been for me financially. I have no money and especially no money to not only renew my lease that went up by $300, but find another apartment in the city. Another big con is I’m spending so much money to live in a box which would be fine if I had amenities or something. I hate to complain because I truly love it here, but the greed of money hurts so bad. I am mentally ill and there are weeks, even months, where I have a hard time getting out of bed let alone leaving my apartment. This can be hard when you don’t have laundry in unit or building, or a dishwasher and to have those things here it’s even more money. And all I can afford are pre-war buildings like the one I have now that have no ventilation, get mold easy, and get cockroaches. I’m just at a loss because I feel this is the first place I’ve lived in where I’ve connected with people so easily the way I do and I have access as someone who can’t drive due to anxiety. I told my dad about everything and he’s offered to give me a bunch of money every month to support me BUT only if I move somewhere that I’d have similar amount of rent but get more. It’s another big-ish city that I’m familiar with, but I feel like if I go I won’t be happy and I’ll feel shame. Like I’ll be disappointed in myself that I gave up and didn’t try harder with NYC, you know? I just don’t know what decision is best for myself and I have no one to ask who isn’t biased as hell, they all want me to do what benefits them mainly. I feel so torn. All I want is to live comfortably somewhere I feel accepted- and to make younger me proud. :( Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read this. Appreciate you so much ❤️
Hi!!! This situation sounds really tough and i completely understand why you’re torn between decisions. At the end of the day, what you’re going to read is simply what i would do if i were in your situation but you are the one who actually has to follow through with it and it’s always easier said than done. I hope that my opinion offers you a new, unbiased perspective or maybe even confirms that what you’re thinking is the right thing to do <3
To put it simply: i would take up your dad’s offer. There are a few reasons why i would do this. The first is that NYC (like most other places) is only going to get more expensive in the future and in the least pessimistic way possible, it’s going to be a lot easier for your financial situation to get more challenging. I would move to the city where you are more comfortable and SAVE UP!!! Maybe get more than one source of income. You mentioned that you don’t want to feel like you’re giving up on NYC but i actually don’t think that moving away is giving up on it. I think that moving away for a brief period of time to make more money and save up is working for it with the future in mind. Also while you’re in the new city, earning money and saving up, i would start looking into jobs available and different apartments to get a feel of the prices. That way when you move back, you have somewhat of a game plan and you won’t be as shocked from the high prices. 
I know that moving to NYC has made you feel super connected to people and there are accommodations for people who feel stressed about driving but i would take the new city as a bit of a challenge for myself by learning how to maintain long-distance connections. I follow someone on instagram who swears by Bumble BFF lol so maybe that could be something you try out too!!
I can imagine that right now you just feel super overwhelmed, and maybe even scared about what to do but all i can say is that what you’ve read is just an opinion. Something i’ve noticed about me is that when i ask for advice, i’m usually just looking for reassurance because i know what i want to do. If you’re anything like me in that regard, i think you should do what you want to do. If you want to stay in new york and challenge yourself, i’m all for it and i believe you absolutely can do it. If the alternative that i suggested is calling out to you, i continue to have no doubts that you’ll succeed and find your way back to new york if that’s what is meant for you. 
No matter what you decide to do, just know that i’m proud of your decision and my inbox is open for a reason; so you can come to whenever you want to and i would be honored to receive updates about your journey. I’ll be there to cheer you on and comfort you and talk to you like we’re best friends. i saw this thing on tiktok and it said "find comfort in knowing that you won't miss what is meant for you." i thought that passing that forward might ease your mind from any stress :) keep your chin up, you've got this!! <3
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thelistingteammiami · 2 months
Here's Why You Shouldn’t Max Out Your Budget When Buying A Home
When it comes to purchasing a home, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of finding your dream property. However, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks of maxing out your budget for this significant investment. By buying a home that is within your means, you can maintain financial stability and preserve the ability to pursue other important financial goals. 
In this blog, we will explore several compelling reasons why stretching your budget to its limit when buying a home may not be the wisest choice. After all, homeownership isn't cheap, and the expenses that come with it don’t just end at the closing table.
Maybe you love to travel but still want to settle roots in one location. Or you want to start saving as early as now for your retirement. Or maybe you just want to guarantee you'll have enough funds in case of emergencies. Buying less house than you can afford means you’ll still be able to free up money in your budget which you can use for your other goals: savings, travel and leisure, emergency fund, college fund if you have kids, and even retirement fund. You don’t want to give up these objectives just to pay a large mortgage payment, ensuring that you have the freedom and flexibility to live your life as you’d like.
If you borrow the maximum amount you can afford, you might find it harder to stay current on your mortgage payments in case your life situation changes. Just think of any of these worst-case scenarios that can happen after you sign the dotted line: you lose your job, take a pay cut, your car breaks down, or you or anyone in your family have had a medical emergency. 
Depleting your savings just so you can buy a bigger home puts you at a greater financial risk in case such things happen. You can lessen this risk by keeping your monthly mortgage payments affordable and ensuring you have an emergency fund that won't leave you financially vulnerable.
While your potential mortgage payments are more fixed than rent and you think you can afford it, remember to give yourself as much wiggle room for rising costs. Higher grocery bills and energy costs, especially if you're moving to a bigger home, can make it harder to figure out a budget that you can comfortably afford each month. Likewise, homeowners association fees and property taxes also go up every year. While no one can plan for inflation, try to leave enough room when you’re putting together a post-home buying budget.
Perhaps one of the things you're looking forward to the most when it comes to having your own place is decorating it to your style and liking. And since most homes don’t have furniture and appliances, you’ll most likely need to buy these big-ticket items, which could dent your wallet. Even things such as rugs, blinds, and other necessary fixtures aren’t cheap. Purchasing a house within your budget will help you afford pieces of quality furniture and decor that will complement your space, as well as durable appliances that will last.
Finding the perfect property is a dream come true until you realize you aren't truly prepared for situations like leaky pipes, pest infestation, tree removal, or even gutter cleanings. If you’ve been renting for a long time before buying your first home, know that you can no longer count on your landlord to come over and fix things. 
Maintaining and improving a home isn’t cheap, nor will it be easy. This is why it’s critical to limit your spending during your home search so you can have extra funds available for any maintenance and repair. It’s safer as well to have a cash cushion for renovation projects after move-in day so you can improve your home to your specifications and enjoy your space comfortably.
Being house poor means you're spending most of your total income on homeownership expenses, including mortgage payments, property taxes, maintenance and repair costs, utilities, and insurance, among others. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck and are having a hard time making ends meet because your mortgage is too expensive, the bliss and excitement of living in your dream home could be short-lived. You will soon find yourself stressed out just thinking about your house-related bills, and having little cash for the occasional splurge or a well-deserved vacation.
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sunblindsyvr · 1 year
Blinds Or Shades: How To Choose Between The Two For Home?
If this is your first time purchasing window coverings, you may not know where to begin. A good place to start is choosing between blinds or shades when picking out the right style for your window.
No matter what types of window treatment options you choose, it may sometimes be challenging to choose the perfect choice for you. If you need to make a decision between blinds and shutters, this article can help. Here the major differences between both window treatment modalities are elaborated upon, so you can grasp how or through which to create the ideal decision.
Below is a quick comparison between blinds and shades :
How are Blinds different from Shades?
Regardless of variations in shape, style, or cost, you may see the word blinds used to describe window shades or window coverings. However, the two terms each refer to a quite different form of window covering.
Blinds are window coverings which have been made with various slats and shades are window coverings which may be made of various pieces of fabric. These two window therapies cover the window but they vary greatly in function, cost, style, and other features.
Shutters offer a somewhat more flexible choice compared to blinds since they enable homeowners to tilt them and close and open each slat through a number of motions. If you have recently finished constructing or renovating a home, have you considered installing a new window or protected window? Perhaps you have recently focused on enhancing the beauty of your house's interiors and going above and beyond all the basic amenities.
How to Decide between Shades vs. Blinds?
 There are many factors to consider when deciding between shades vs. blinds, including appearance, privacy, and cost:
1. Privacy with light control:
Shutters or blinds satisfy these purposes in different ways. Shutters do not have slats that can be electronically tilted for adjusting light. Shades are created with a piece of fabric, so they have either an open or closed state. However, if you choose a darkening fabric, you can let natural light in privately while maintaining your window closed.
2. Frequency of cleaning
If you know how to remove marks from fabric with a soft cloth and upholstery cleaner, you shall be able to easily clean Blinds. Nevertheless, in the event blots or rust appear making progress cleaning, then you ought to hire an expert.
If the windows of your home are located in an area of high traffic or you have small children or pets who can make a mess, blinds are a better choice.
3. How durable is it?
Blinds are tougher and harder to wear than shades because of the fact that they are made from materials such as vinyl, wood, and aluminium. Refrain from using coloured light bulbs in heavy traffic areas where they're likely to get caught up in passing by individuals.
4. Style of blinds
Most new homes have the option of adding basic white blinds. It's no secret that this neutral option is a classic, but many that consider their home decor sophisticated also find it boring.
5. Pricing
There can be no established difference between the categories of Blinds & Shades, as there is not any certain price tag that's considered more expensive. However, as we look at the more specific kinds of styles, the costs can vary.
Shades may be less expensive than blinds and much more expensive depending on their design. A basic roller shade may be as little as $20 per window, while a high-end roman shade fitted with a proprietary motor and top-of-the-line fabric could be far more expensive. Shades can be outfitted with many more options, making them costlier than blinds.
Blinds provide fewer options to customize your vision, so you can be sure to have a high-end appearance for a lot less money. Equipped to the gills with all the available extras, even a high-end blind will be cheaper than its counterpart shade.
6. Costs
Premium blind models are often considered cheaper than basic rollers, but high-end custom models may cost more than simple aluminium blinds. Regardless of the kind of blind, whether simple, Roller, or sophisticated, you will certainly find something that may work for you.
For a basic idea, installation fees and product costs for 8 window blinds may range from $350 to $750 for aluminium blinds or $675 to $1300 for roman shades.
It's best to permit the benefit of both curtains and blinds, as you consider their possible uses. For instance, think about curtains in low-moisture areas that aren't susceptible to mould and mildew, like living rooms and bedrooms that are best to choose your windows' design, insulation, and soundproofing preferences.
For environments at high risk of mould growth, consider installing blinds to prevent you from scrubbing a hard, easy-to-clean window treatment with special emphasis on controlling the level of lighting. You can combine the treatments in one room to create a sense of cosy intimacy, opting to install blinds first, then hang curtains on a rod for additional privacy.
For More Information, Visit Sun Blinds YVR
This article was originally posted on: Blinds Or Shades: How To Choose Between The Two For Home?
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wbcellars · 1 year
How to Find a Profitable Liquor Store to Buy: Some Recommendations
Business owners may feel more secure taking the plunge when they buy an existing liquor store. Before opening their doors to the public, aspiring liquor store owners must put in many hours of effort, demonstrate unwavering passion, and study extensively, just as their counterparts do in every other business.
The point of this piece is not to talk you out of buying a liquor store, but rather to make you aware of six considerations before making such a large financial commitment.
You can learn all you need to know about selling your small business from our free guide.
In other words, beer and wine are just as appropriate as champagne and liquor. The front of a bar is often where customers will find the most action, whether it be employees interacting with customers or wine displays being made. Keep in mind, however, that a great deal of effort is required behind the scenes to keep your company running well. Hence, it is crucial to choose the top Alcohol shop in Brunswick.
Investigate which licences will be required of you and how much they will cost. The process of acquiring the necessary licences to operate a retail liquor store has gotten increasingly time-consuming and costly over the last several years. These issues are often cited by business owners as the reason for selling or shutting down their establishment. Picking the best Brunswick booze store is crucial.
Remember that you are in a new place with new customs and regulations, which may or may not align with your own. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the rules that are in effect in the locations in where you will be operating. Depending on where you live, you may have to go through different hoops to get your hands on the keys to a retail liquor store. It might be challenging to sell a firm in areas where getting the necessary licences is problematic.
Think carefully about where the shop is located. However, a prime location is crucial to the success of any alcohol-selling enterprise. If your shop is one of five liquor stores within a three-mile radius, you may need to depend only on pricing to draw in customers. If you choose this way, you'll find it more harder to make a profit. The location of your business won't matter as much if you have a broad selection of goods and provide other services like the sale of lottery tickets and smokes. When competing with competitors, even those who offer cheaper pricing, providing a wider variety of products might give you an edge.
Capital expenditures in stocks are essential for satisfying consumer demand. There is a significant outlay of capital needed to stock up on goods. Those just starting out in the booze business could be taken aback by this. Regrettably, the expenses of stocking and maintaining alcoholic drinks are included into the prices at which some taverns and restaurants sell them. You should look into the age of the inventory before investing in an established firm to see whether there is a solid reason for the things to still be on the shelves and if you will have any success selling them on your own.
Author Bio: For the Alcohol shop in Brunswick David is a professional writer having the specific ideas for the same.
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boyleenergy · 1 year
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Winter is the time for feasts and treats, cheer and celebration. However, the joy and comfort of staying indoors with your family and friends could come at a heavy price, if your home is not prepared to take on the wintry air. Here are 5 ways to ensure you can enjoy the holiday season to the fullest, without your energy bills rising to their highest. Read on.
#1 Plug gaps and openings
Your windows and doors can develop holes, cracks and open spots over a period of time. If left unplugged or unsealed, these gaps will allow the cold air to disrupt the warmth and comfort inside. Use a high-quality caulk or sealant to fill gaps around windows, doors, faucets and vents. Don’t leave out the spots where the siding layers your home’s foundation. Another effective way is to use weather stripping around the points where the external air is likely to gain a point of entry.
#2 Insulate your attic
Air has a tendency to move from warmer spaces to colder ones. This means the warm air inside your attic will tend to escape to the colder environment outside. This is the primary reason for ice-dam formation. Another issue with warm air leaking out is, it will make your heating system work harder which will spike up your energy usage. Insulating your attic will help keep the air within your home from leaking out. A useful tip. Make sure when insulating your attic, you have a minimum of R-38 insulation – that is, between 10 to 14 inches of insulation.
#3 Change your furnace filters
The air filter of your furnace is likely to accumulate dirt which can end up blocking your ducts. This is likely to create ‘cold spots’ across your home as the flow of warm air will not be even. You can avoid the possibility of uneven circulation of heat by changing your furnace’s filter every two months during the cold season. Look for high-efficiency oil boiler furnace technicians or type heating oil Havertown PA on your phone or computer browser to find local companies who can help you change your furnace filters in a professional way.
#4 Insulate your pipes
Your home’s pipes that pass through unheated spaces may end up getting frozen, while the pipes that pass through heated spaces may have heat radiating outward. Insulate your pipes in both the above mentioned places to get your supply of hot water without having to wait more, or pay more. Some common ways to insulate hot water pipes include using pipe wrap strips or foam pipe sleeves. Local Havertown HVAC companies or businesses with expertise in installing HVAC systems can help you here.
#5 Switch to a programmable thermostat
While it’s important to ensure your home stays comfortably warm through winter, it’s also necessary that you don’t use any more energy than you need to. A programmable thermostat – that can be adjusted as per your family’s schedules, can help you keep the heat on while keeping the energy expense from hitting the roof. You’ll also have the additional advantage of controlling your heater from anywhere. Imagine being able to turn up the heating while you’re on your way home from work or someplace else. If you don’t have one, seek help from any Havertown HVAC company that’s reputed for installing HVAC systems and also maintaining them.
Follow these tips and you’ll be able to get your home better prepared for the winter season. If you need professional guidance or someone who can help make winterizing your home a convenient experience, reach out to us at Boyle Energy. Call 610 595 4717 or 215 709 9196 to get in touch with experts who will tune your oil boiler furnace or HVAC system to work efficiently through the cold season.
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w-ht-w · 2 years
what’s most important to focus on in our 20s?
identify/commit to some core aspects: values, how your mind works. You don’t have to figure everything out. But at this point, you have enough life experiences to reflect on and start to decide some things you care about.
unpack your oughts/guilt. things that were drilled into you, that you might feel guilt over, but don’t consistently act on. chances are, you don’t actually care about these things, and they don’t inspire/fulfill you.
materiality/expenses: pack/travel light. decide a few things that are truly important for you to maintain: whether certain relationships, habits, or expenses.
take risks toward the things you care about. you’re not committed to people/places yet. pack light, and take some risks. they won’t all work out. but some might.
build your own healthy habits. eat, sleep, move. you should enjoy doing these, and they should make you feel good. a virtuous cycle.
I think it's really important for people to realize that there isn't just one right path in life. ... We're living in an age where we have more choice than any other generation before us. We have so much choice over who we marry, when we marry, if we have children, what kind of career to pursue and how we fill our time. We're surrounded with all of this choice that allows us to create the lifestyle that we want. And that is hugely empowering. But sometimes I think it can also feel a little paralyzing. (1)
the dream job is a totally new concept that has arisen recently. ... For most of human history, nobody had any real choice about what job they did. ... 95% of older Gen Zers and millennials think finding a career is their most important objective in their 20s. In fact, it's much higher than finding a life partner or starting a family, which is a huge change from even 50 years ago — from our parents' generation.
it actually takes between 10 and 15 years to find a job that really aligns with your skills and your values. And in that 10- to 15-year period, most people are job hopping a lot.
Oh man. I wish someone told me at previous internships: it’s great if you’re certain that this kind of work is what you want to do. But also, it’s okay if it’s not. You’re allowed to change your mind later, you know. You don’t have to commit to things with greater certainty than you actually feel.
mistakes in pursuit of “dream job”
a job that doesn't compensate you for the work that you're doing is, by definition, not a dream job. ... The other thing that I found is that a lot of millennials don't actually take any time off. ... people are so passionate about their work ... But I think all of this will eventually lead to burnout and, I think, in the long term make them much less productive in the pursuit of your dream job. (1)
importance of friends:
On the one hand, our 20s are this magical friend-making time ... But as you get older, that circle of friends begins to shrink. And there are many reasons for that. ... be aware of that drop-off.
figure out the friends that you really want to have in your life in the years to come. Be very intentional about the people that you want to stay in touch with.
Also, actively make new friends. Friend-making is actually a skill. Sociologists say that there are three steps that go into making a new friend. First, you need to be in physical proximity to the person. To best establish a friendship, you also need repeated and unplanned interactions with the person. And the final step is trying to maintain an emotional bond with that person. (1)
importance of hobbies:
hobbies [are] important to your mental and physical health. ... actively think about the hobbies that you'd like to pick up in your 20s and actually create the time to pursue them, knowing that it will only get harder to adopt new habits later in life. (1)
people who are politically active in their 20s actually remain politically active throughout their whole lives. So people who go to protests, who vote and develop the skills they need to be part of the political process, tend to have much richer political lives later on. (1)
I think the main tension that most of us experience in our 20s is this feeling that 
on the one hand, we need to make good decisions because we have this limited amount of time to set ourselves on the right course, 
and on the other hand, it's a time to date lots of people, travel the world, quit a job and just explore what is out there for us. I think that most of us feel pulled in these two different directions when really they're both part of a really important process.
I describe it as purposeful exploration, because here's the thing — you need to make all these decisions in your 20s. But during those years, you're still getting to know who you are as a person and what the world is like. I think the pull to be a bit impulsive is a very valuable instinct because it helps us develop self-knowledge so when we eventually have to make a decision, we have more data at our fingertips that will allow us to make better decisions.
healthy impulses for me at the moment, I think, does not necessarily mean traveling the world or saying yes to everything. I’d rather be impulsive about embracing and trying to answer all the questions I have. mapping out my inner world, since it’s the source of all my decisions. no, it doesn’t necessarily yield outwardly observable results right away. and I don’t think I can stay in this state of physical stasis forever. but I think I need to do this, for now.
Turn your weaknesses into strengths.
For Phelps, having a somewhat awkward body type made him a pretty bad runner and dancer — but it also made him an incredible swimmer. For Churchill, being paranoid meant that he was once "deemed unsuitable for the highest offices" — but it also meant he recognized Hitler as a threat to the world.
Figure out what makes you weird, and turn it into the thing that makes you a winner. (2)
Forgive yourself for past mistakes.
"Kicking yourself over past failures won't change what happened, it will just leave you sore from being kicked so much. Give up all hope for a better past. Own who you have been so it doesn't own you.
"This really applies to all ages, but it's a skill that takes a while to develop so you might as well start young and really figure it out. ... I've [met] people in their 80's and 90's who still don't get it and are filled with regrets." (2)
Don't be afraid to change directions.
"The longer you wait to change, the harder it will feel to change. ... making a career change doesn't have to be terrifying. You just need to go about the transition carefully — first drawing on your current experience, then networking, and then testing, until you're ready to launch. (2)
Travel/have more adventures w/ important people in your life.
I also regret not traveling more. Once we married and started having kids, travel got curtailed. We still went on trips but they were family trips. I wish I would have taken her on a couple of big out-of-country excursions before family came into play." (2)
Take care of your body.
I wish I had taken better care of myself. Instead, I let my weight catch back up with me, I ignored a few dental problems, and I didn't take care of my finances as well as I should have.
"I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm 31 now, and none of these problems are dire for me, but God they're a much bigger pain in the ass to deal with now, compared to how much effort it would have taken to not let them become an issue at all." (2)
Don't rush to cram stuff into your 20s because you think you should.
I have never understood this 'do things before you're 30' thing. ... I don't see why the number 30 is so symbolic.
"My advice is don't rush to cram stuff into your 20s because you think you should. Just do what you want, do what feels natural, and take your time with it if need be." (2)
1. https://www.npr.org/2020/07/30/897096891/what-the-rocket-years-can-teach-us
2. https://www.businessinsider.com/what-to-do-in-your-20s-2017-10#turn-your-weaknesses-into-strengths-5
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hridhuelectronics · 2 years
Refrigerator repair tips ?
One of the few home appliances that operate continuously, day or night, to maintain the temperature of your food is your refrigerator.  It is rather astonishing that refrigerators fail so infrequently when you consider how hard they have to work.  In the unlikely event that your refrigerator breaks down, you might have to pay a hefty repair price in addition to the cost of replacing all the food you lost. For example, if you live in Trivandrum and your refrigerator needs to be repaired, you must seek out a refrigerator repair service in Trivandrum. Don't be afraid! You may learn some tips you need to know about fixing your refrigerator yourself if the issues are not that big. So that you don't want to call for refrigerator repair service in Trivandrum. You might be shocked to hear that repairs are pretty simple and require a little patience and appliance expertise.
If you follow these steps, then it could be helpful to you, and also it will extend the lifespan of your refrigerator. Also, I want to mention one important thing, these are just tips, if the condition is severe then you need to go for a To make sure the seal is sealing properly.
Ensure a refrigerator is disconnected before performing any maintenance.  Examine the motor or the compressor for a capacitor after disconnecting the device; the capacitor is housed on top of the motor in a housing.  Even when the power to the device is switched off, capacitors continue to store energy. You must discharge the capacitor in a capacitor-style fridge before working on it, or else you risk getting shocked severely.
Location of Your Appliance
Your refrigerator and/or freezer will have to work harder than necessary and consume more energy, which will raise your energy expenses, if you place them right next to a heat source, outside in warm areas, or where the sun will light on them. Find a cool, level, and dry place, with enough space to open the entrance and enough clearance at the back for good airflow.
Care and Maintenance
  To make sure the seal is sealing properly, check     it occasionally. If the seal is insufficient, the door could need to be     adjusted or the seal might need to be changed.
Regularly clean and defrost the freezer. Ice     accumulation will reduce its effectiveness.
Ensure the safety of your young children by     locking freezers.
To ensure appropriate air circulation,     constantly vacuum any exposed condenser coils.
Maintain a steady temperature to prevent food     from becoming bad.
This advice is general; for further maintenance instructions, or additional services, you need to go for refrigerator repair service in Trivandrum.
 Tips for if you are moving the refrigerator
  For safer transport, you can lay your upright,     but be sure to flip it over with the hinges facing up to prevent the door     from opening.      If at all possible, keep it upright and firmly fasten it to a sidewall or     rack on your transport vehicle.
To keep it from moving and safeguard the     hinges, you can think about fastening the door.
Moving the appliance requires removing glass     shelves.
If you do turn it over on its side, wait at     least 30 minutes before plugging your appliance in to give the oil enough     time to return to the compressor's rightful location.
As the oil needs more time to move, older     units should have an even longer waiting period.
Your refrigerator or freezer may not seem to     be operating after being plugged in after spending a lot of time outside     in the cold.         The thermostat will instruct it to start working once it has     acclimatized to the warmer room temperature.
By doing these things you can extend the lifespan of your refrigerator
I will mention some tips for how to discharge a capacitor, service the door switch, and service the defrost timer.
 Discharging a Capacitor
Step 1: The refrigerator must first be unplugged.
Step 2: Disconnect the service panel covering the back of the unit's rear section or the service panel on the front of the unit beneath the door, as described later for disassembly, to obtain access to the capacitor.  On top of the motor/compressor unit, in a housing that resembles a big dry cell battery, is the capacitor.
Step 3: Use a 20,000-ohm, 2-watt resistor—a cheap wire component accessible at most electrical supply stores—to discharge the capacitor.  Attaching the resistor's probes to the capacitor's terminals causes the capacitor to discharge. Link the resistor to one of the outer terminals and the center terminal, then towards the other exterior terminal and the center terminal, if the capacitor has three terminal posts.  You can carry out the repairs after the capacitor has been discharged.
Servicing the Door Switch
Step 1:  Determine whether the bulb has burned out. If not, press the door switch's push button.
Step 2: Wipe the switch down if the light remains on. After that, take the switch out of the jamb.        To reveal the switch, pull off the jamb trim, remove retaining screws that are concealed by a plastic trim piece, or use a screwdriver to pry the switch out of the jamb.       Next, use a VOM calibrated to the RX1 scale to test the switch 
Step 3: Is to attach a VOM probe to every switch terminal and press the push button.         The meter ought to show zero. Replace the switch with a new one of the same type if the scale's needle rises above zero.
Step 4: Is to connect the new switch in the same manner as the old one.
Servicing the Defrost Timer
Step 1: Unplug the refrigerator.
Step 2: Cut the wires that are connected to the timer and timer motor.         Back out two retention screws to free the timer from its mounting brackets.
Step 3: Use a VOM calibrated to the RX1 scale to test the defrost timer.         One VOM probe should be attached to each defrost timer cable, not the machine wire, and the timer control screw shaft should be turned until it clicks.         The meter will read zero if the defrost timer is working. The defrost timer must be repaired if the needle leaps.         Change it out for a fresh example of the same kind.
Step 4: Connect the new defrost timer using the same connectors as the old one.
To conclude,
    These are some repair tips for you. If the issues are bigger than this it's better to contact the refrigerator repair service in Trivandrum.     If you are repairing always make sure that the refrigerator is unplugged
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Benefits of Cleaning Your Ducts in Houston (Texas)
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There are many benefits that come along with cleaning your home or office ducts, but below are at the top of our customers' lists.
1. Reduce Dirt Level
It's a fact that dust, dirt and debris will find their way into your home duct system. This doesn't mean you're doing something wrong--it just happens when nature encounters man-made structures!
Housework is never done when you have a dirty air duct. The dusty, damp feeling of cleanliness only lasts for seconds before returning with more dirt and grime that needs removing once again! Not only does this make daily life feel like an endless cycle but it can also attract unwanted guests such as rats or mice looking to take up residence in your home during wintertime months- not good if they're going be living right next door?
2. Reduce the levels of other toxins
Mold, mildew and bacteria love humid conditions. If you have a damp attic or basement that is not properly ventilated then these toxins can thrive in your duct work with dire consequences for health - including the growth of dangerous germs! But don't worry because proper hygiene will keep them at bay while also preventing expensive replacements down the line if we regularly maintain our systems now-a days'.
3. Reduce symptoms from allergies and asthma
Your family members may be particularly sensitive to allergies or even suffer from asthma and other breathing issues. If you have pets in your household, their dander can worsen existing health problems like eczema that is related with allergen exposure!
Ducts are the perfect place for all sorts of things you don't want in your home. Air conditioning units produce a lot of dust and debris, which can irritate asthma or allergies sufferers (not to mention what it does on its own). Pet dander is another common source; not only does this give us hay fever victims more fits than necessary but those with respiratory problems such as COPD have increased risk due these allergens too! Not cleaning them regularly puts both themselves at risk while also increasing costs when they get sick because there's no way out but up into their respective doctor offices -  Cleaning vents prevent indoor air pollution by limiting accessibility spaces where toxins Seven lame ways. So cleaning your vents regularly can reduce sick time, doctor bills, personal illness and discomfort, and more.
4. Prolong the life of your HVAC system
The dirtiest your duct work system becomes, the harder it must work to push air through and keep it circulating evenly throughout your home. If you do not clean these compromised areas as needed then future problems could arise such has having an inefficient HVAC unit or even worse - no cool breezes at all!
Perhaps most importantly for your family's budget, regular preventative maintenance is less pricey by far than having to replace your HVAC unit prematurely.
5. Save on electricity bills
The A/C in your home is working harder than it should be. This means that there's dirt, debris or toxins causing the unit to draw more power from you monthly utility bill which will drive up hot and cold temperatures alike!
If you are noticing an upward creep in your energy usage and your monthly bill, dirty air ducts may be the reason.
Do You Need Quality Duct Cleaning Services in Houston? Contact the Professionals
If you are looking for professionals to assist you in duct cleaning, reach out to Air Quality Express LLC. Our team offers high-quality air duct cleaning services at an affordable price. If you're looking for an air duct cleaning service in Houston that can help improve the air quality in your home, then contact us today!
Air Quality Express LLC
8990 Park W Dr Suite F1, Houston, TX 77063
(832) 734-8631
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The Biggest Trends In Emu Restaurant Furniture We've Seen This Year
Whereas the disruptive risk faced by Kodak took some 30 years to play out, we now see sure incumbent businesses threatened in a matter of a few years and even months after the unveiling of a brand new technology or the arrival of a brand new unicorn (see figure 2 on expertise adoption). And the conditions, it turns out, are at all times altering.
Normally the costlier the supplies, the more expensive the furnishings will probably be. Attempt purchasing a energy washing broom and your struggles will be over. As you'll be able to see, the phrase "portable vacuum" can seek advice from many sorts of vacuum cleaners, together with hand or mild, dry or wet, electric or cordless, can or broom and bag or bag.
It is true, there is a variety of high quality and value with regards to patio chair cushions. Stay life comfortably in the outdoors season after season as your La-Z-Boy patio furniture maintain their magnificence and comfort with out a whisper of diminished quality.
Whether you like classic patio furniture desk and chairs made from stable teak or more contemporary designs crafted from stainless steel sand other sturdy and durable supplies, you certainly will be able to find something that fits your taste. So you have numerous decisions and if you're into flowers and their loveliness; fountains and lighting will give you years of pleasure.
This might sound like it's apparent but there are a lot of people who will assume that wicker gadgets or rattan items are all suitable for outdoor use when they don't seem to be. Wicker is generally made from rigid pure fibers which can be woven collectively. Remember that you are not restricted to making solely a snowman in the winter. For decking areas look rigorously to ensure the entire screws and fixtures are firmly mounted in place, and that any handrails or fencing options are still solid after the winter weather. Right here you may give them a real check drive by sitting in them to make sure they are comfy. Description:Face-primarily based chair. See the actual world product right here! Description:Face-based mostly outside lounge chair with steel body and wood slats.
Picket wicker furniture sets are highly rare to find and are bit harder to care for, however they appear lovely and can be easily painted. Before you start designing your chaise lounge ensure to know what the user shall be with a purpose to get one of the best utilization out of your furnishings. Teak and wicker combine beautifully resulting from their Emu Restaurant Furniture natural texture and look.
It will likely be better so that you can have a benefit of checking the body. You too can also enjoy such a fantastic thing by checking the furniture quality. Are you searching for the highest quality made glass pool desk mild over the online? Thus, it's best that it's best to try to seek for how one can choose the highest quality of pool tables.
Curtains, blinds or voile in the type of your selection can go along with the walls and furniture. It is often a well-liked choice for out of doors furnishings which at the same time functions as ornamental items. Take your time to examine various designs and types in order that you can make the suitable choice. Palm timber enhance the elegance, as would a gate or railings with geometric designs. The palm stems had been tightly woven into interlocking panels, and formed into the specified structure.
With Our Large Choice of In-Stock Patio Furniture, Find Your Bliss At this time! Outside throw pillows: colorful and excellent in high quality- our outdoor throw pillows will add vibrance to your patio. But, it may be time to present our outdoor patio furniture a refresh of its own. Most outdoor furniture can merely be wiped clean with a damp cloth, or hosed and left to dry within the sun.
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sunblindsyvr · 2 years
Blinds Or Shades: How To Choose Between The Two For Home?
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If this is your first time purchasing window coverings, you may not know where to begin. A good place to start is choosing between blinds or shades when picking out the right style for your window.
No matter what types of window treatment options you choose, it may sometimes be challenging to choose the perfect choice for you. If you need to make a decision between blinds and shutters, this article can help. Here the major differences between both window treatment modalities are elaborated upon, so you can grasp how or through which to create the ideal decision.
Below is a quick comparison between blinds and shades :
How are Blinds different from Shades?
Regardless of variations in shape, style, or cost, you may see the word blinds used to describe window shades or window coverings. However, the two terms each refer to a quite different form of window covering.
Blinds are window coverings which have been made with various slats and shades are window coverings which may be made of various pieces of fabric. These two window therapies cover the window but they vary greatly in function, cost, style, and other features.
Shutters offer a somewhat more flexible choice compared to blinds since they enable homeowners to tilt them and close and open each slat through a number of motions. If you have recently finished constructing or renovating a home, have you considered installing a new window or protected window? Perhaps you have recently focused on enhancing the beauty of your house's interiors and going above and beyond all the basic amenities.
How to Decide between Shades vs. Blinds?
 There are many factors to consider when deciding between shades vs. blinds, including appearance, privacy, and cost:
1. Privacy with light control:
Shutters or blinds satisfy these purposes in different ways. Shutters do not have slats that can be electronically tilted for adjusting light. Shades are created with a piece of fabric, so they have either an open or closed state. However, if you choose a darkening fabric, you can let natural light in privately while maintaining your window closed.
2. Frequency of cleaning
If you know how to remove marks from fabric with a soft cloth and upholstery cleaner, you shall be able to easily clean Blinds. Nevertheless, in the event blots or rust appear making progress cleaning, then you ought to hire an expert.
If the windows of your home are located in an area of high traffic or you have small children or pets who can make a mess, blinds are a better choice.
3. How durable is it?
Blinds are tougher and harder to wear than shades because of the fact that they are made from materials such as vinyl, wood, and aluminium. Refrain from using coloured light bulbs in heavy traffic areas where they're likely to get caught up in passing by individuals.
4. Style of blinds
Most new homes have the option of adding basic white blinds. It's no secret that this neutral option is a classic, but many that consider their home decor sophisticated also find it boring.
5. Pricing
There can be no established difference between the categories of Blinds & Shades, as there is not any certain price tag that's considered more expensive. However, as we look at the more specific kinds of styles, the costs can vary.
Shades may be less expensive than blinds and much more expensive depending on their design. A basic roller shade may be as little as $20 per window, while a high-end roman shade fitted with a proprietary motor and top-of-the-line fabric could be far more expensive. Shades can be outfitted with many more options, making them costlier than blinds.
Blinds provide fewer options to customize your vision, so you can be sure to have a high-end appearance for a lot less money. Equipped to the gills with all the available extras, even a high-end blind will be cheaper than its counterpart shade.
6. Costs
Premium blind models are often considered cheaper than basic rollers, but high-end custom models may cost more than simple aluminium blinds. Regardless of the kind of blind, whether simple, Roller, or sophisticated, you will certainly find something that may work for you.
For a basic idea, installation fees and product costs for 8 window blinds may range from $350 to $750 for aluminium blinds or $675 to $1300 for roman shades.
It's best to permit the benefit of both curtains and blinds, as you consider their possible uses. For instance, think about curtains in low-moisture areas that aren't susceptible to mould and mildew, like living rooms and bedrooms that are best to choose your windows' design, insulation, and soundproofing preferences.
For environments at high risk of mould growth, consider installing blinds to prevent you from scrubbing a hard, easy-to-clean window treatment with special emphasis on controlling the level of lighting. You can combine the treatments in one room to create a sense of cosy intimacy, opting to install blinds first, then hang curtains on a rod for additional privacy. This article was originally posted on: https://sunblinds.ca/vancouver/blinds-or-shades-how-to-choose-between-the-two-for-home/
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allrefration · 2 years
Solid Tips On Hvac That Anyone Can Easily Understand
Solid Tips On Hvac That Anyone Can Easily Understand
When HVAC is something you want to learn about, you're going to probably find that there is a lot of information out there. Maybe it confuses you because all of the information is in different places. This article has collected what needs to be known about this so you don't have to keep searching.
Get any agreement with an HVAC contractor in writing. Some contractors try to skip over this step and charge customers a fortune. If you have a certain price and warranty in writing, they cannot go back and change this information. If they do, they could have a lawsuit on their hands.
If you have units that are condensers outside of the home, keep them free of debris. Falling leaves and wind or rain may cause debris to reduce the efficiency of your unit. Overheating could occur, which will be problematic.
Clean your filters! If you have a window unit air conditioner, there will be a filter right under the grill you can vacuum. If you have a furnace or outdoor units, they will also have filters to be cleaned or replace. A dirty filter can make your unit inefficient or even let it overheat.
Before you hire someone from an HVAC place, figure out how long they've been doing this kind of work. Companies that are well established have track records that can help you decide if they're worth your money and time. You will be taking a risk if you hire a newer contractor.
Before having someone install a new HVAC system or maintain or repair yours, make sure they are insured. Having someone who is insured work on your system will assure that if anything happens while they are working at your home, they are financially covered and you will not be responsible.
Ask around so you can find a reputable HVAC contractor. If they know a good contractor, they will surely guide you right. You can also get company names that you should stay away from.
Looking for an efficient way to cool your home? Consider installing a whole-house evaporative cooler. They use water to cool air instead of traditional chemical coolants, using a ton less energy to cool your home than those other units. That said, they do work best in dry climates and not at all in humid ones.
Always ask for references before you allow anyone to start doing work on your HVAC system. Call several of them to make sure that they are legitimate. Many people take the word of the contractor when it comes to customer satisfaction and that can prove to be a mistake in the end.
Change your filter on a regular basis. This is one of the easiest HVAC tips that you can do yourself. It is also one of the least expensive things that you can do to ensure that your system is running efficiently. Clogged and dirty filters can make your unit work 5-10% harder.
Check the ducts to find any leaks if you you feel your existing system is not up to snuff. Your utility company will usually test the unit for free or for a small fee. This testing can have large financial benefits.
Improve the efficiency of your air conditioning by installing ceiling fans. Change the airflow direction of the ceiling fans. During the summer, the blades should move in a counter-clockwise direction. During the winter, the blades should move clockwise to help move the hot air in the ceiling down into the room.
Now you're able to see that you can learn about HVAC easily when you know a few tips first. Hopefully this guide is something that has taught you all that you need to know when you're starting out. If you still have questions then make sure you do even more research!
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practicalsolarpunk · 3 years
Let’s talk about seed bombs
They’re pretty cool, right? Planting flowers, saving the bees, guerilla gardening, what’s not to love? But there are some things to consider before jumping in, in order to ensure that they are effective and to avoid causing any harm to the local ecosystem.
1. Native species
Many of the seed bombs available for purchase are... less than responsible about what kinds of seeds they use, even the ones that advertise as native. Read the list of species, look them up, ascertain whether or not they’re actually native to your specific region.  Take the U.S. for example. It’s a massive country, and while a particular plant may be native to the country in general, it may be native to a state on the opposite coast. Do your research, make sure the seeds are actually native to your specific area. 
Some resources to help with that*:
https://xerces.org/pollinator-conservation/pollinator-friendly-plant-lists (scroll down on this page and there’s some international resources, too)
2. Where to place them
This one is a bit harder, because there are so many variables.  Is the soil bare? Why? Is the soil so poor nothing will grow there, not even the most tenacious weeds? Is it high traffic? Is it heavily compacted? Some kind of pollution leaking into the soil and making it inhospitable?
Or is the soil covered? Is it grass? Is it a native grass? Does it get mowed? Is it going to get sprayed? If it isn’t grass, what’s already growing there? Is it native species? Is it naturalized, polite, nonnative species that aren’t threatening the biodiversity of the regions? Or is it a highly invasive nonnative that will choke out anything else trying to grow?
Observe the area for a while.  What kind of sunlight does it get? Is it wet? Dry? Is there erosion? Mixing many different types of seeds together into one bomb might not be the best idea - even plants that are native to your area can have vastly different needs. The resources above should also have information about the growing conditions for the plants. Again - do your research. 
3. Saving the bees
Not to stir the pot too much, but honeybees, while facing issues due to pesticides primarily, are not really in danger of extinction, they’re supported by humans enough to survive.  Native bees, on the other hand, are, and we depend on them just as much, if not more, for pollination of our food than we do on honeybees. Pretty much globally, native bees and other pollinators and insects in general are in dire straits.  They are desperately in need of love, less poison, habitat, and food sources.  So, what kinds of bees and other pollinators do you have in your area? Which ones are most threatened? What do they eat? Where do they live? Many times, native insects have their own niche they fill, with specific plants that they depend on, and those plants depend on those specific insects in return.  It’s pretty fascinating to do a deep dive into local insect and plant species, and their interactions. Once again, research is the way to go!
Some resources*:
4. Over seeding
Ok, some of the recipes I’ve linked below call for absurd amounts of seeds per batch - don’t do it.  The seeds won’t spread out, so they’ll all be attempting to grow in maybe a few square inches of space at the most.  Each bomb should only have a few seeds, otherwise in their fight for space, sun, nutrients, and water, they’ll all die.  Putting a dozen or more seeds in a single bomb is wasteful, expensive, and counterproductive.  There is literally no benefit to it, please, for the love everything green and growing in the world, don’t do it.
Now that we’ve covered some of the things that need to be taken into consideration, let’s talk about how to actually do this, hopefully successfully!
1. Seriously consider making your own! The process of making them involves wetting all the ingredients, including the seeds, which may start the germination process.  If they then dry out again, they likely won’t grow.  It will likely work best to make them right before planting, and toss them before they have a chance to dry too much.  Also, if you make your own, you can be 100% sure that the species are well suited for the area, because you’ve done your research! Good for you, working hard to ensure those little bombs have a big impact!
Here’s some recipes, take your pick! (But, as mentioned above, ignore the parts that say to use too many seeds - you only want a few in each bomb. depending on the type of seed.)
And a handy image via this site:
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[photo id: a graphic titled How to make seed bombs. Below it reads: You will need: meadow flower seeds or seeds collected from the garden, peat-free compost, water, powdered clay from craft shops - use clay soil if you can’t find any, mixing bowl.  1. In a bowl, mix together 1 cup of seeds with 5 cups of compost and 2-3 cups of clay powder. 2 Slowly mix in water with your hands until everything sticks together, then roll mixture into firm balls. 3 (no words, but a drawing of seed bombs laying on grass). 4 Now for the fun bit - plant by throwing your seed bombs at bare parts of the garden!]
2. Toss them out in the spring (or whatever season they germinate best in), when you know there will be a few rainy days in row.  Seeds need wet to germinate, and good, steady moisture for the first bit of growing.  If that isn’t feasible in your region, consider going back to water them gently at least once a day for a few days or a week or more, until the seedlings are strong enough to withstand a bit of drought.  Unless, of course, the seeds are wet loving, and have been tossed somewhere that already maintains a decent moisture level for them.
3. Where to get seeds
Collect from native plants already growing in your area, that you have permission to collect from, or that are on public land.  Make sure you are 100% sure of your id - don’t want to be spreading invasive species around!
Buy them from a reputable source such as*:
https://www.prairiemoon.com/ (they have lots of awesome info about native species in north america - a great resource!)
https://www.nativeseeds.org/  (focuses on food crops mostly, but a fantastic resource all the same)
Another method if you’ve got space is to buy seeds, but plant them in your own garden and collect seeds from them. Those seeds can get really expensive, so this way you only need a few, and then with time they’ll multiply!
Try to make connections with people in your area already growing native plants - they’ll probably be happy to help you get started with some seeds!
Phew that was a lot of information! I hope it helps you all in your bombing adventures!
- Mod S
*North America focused, I’m sorry, I tried to find resources and databases for other regions and couldn’t find ones that looked reliable or comprehensive. If anyone has any, please add it on or send in an ask.
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sinner-as-saint · 3 years
Can’t Stay Away From Me.
Cherry!Seb (mob!seb) x Stripper!reader. 
What is ‘cherry!seb’? Basically just mob!seb but like, daddy-er. (click on the tag for more)
Run-through: You've known the mob boss for a while now. He’s a regular at your club, and you are his personal favorite, everybody knew that you were his girl. You two have definitely broken the ‘no sex on premises’ rule many, many times. And although he called you his, you two were never officially a thing. So when he mysteriously doesn’t show up at the club for weeks, you decide to just put the hurt aside and move on. But the mob boss comes back from the dead just in time. And he doesn’t like what he sees. So he reminds you that you belong to him. Just him. 
Themes: smut, stripper!reader, angst, dirty talk, slight daddy kink, swear words, fluff
a/n: I wrote a hc quite similar to this last year or something, I read it recently and thought why not turn it into a fic since many of you have been missing Cherry!Seb lately. Enjoy!
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You stared at yourself in the mirror of the dimly lit locker room. You were alone in there, all the girls had stepped out already. You gently touched the diamond choker you always wore and adored, your fingertips grazing his name upon it. 
His name. His choker. His girl. Everybody knew that. You were his girl so you had certain privileges that the other girls didn’t have. But you never took advantage of the power you had, mainly because you had fun with your job, but also because most nights over the past many months, you spent with him. And you loved every single moment. 
You sighed for the fifth time as you stared into the mirror. Tonight marked a little over three weeks since Seb last showed up at the club. You had no idea where he was, what he was doing, who he was with. And it hurt, bad. 
At first you were worried about his whereabouts, then by the second week you were annoyed and now all you had energy for was anger. Clearly he didn’t care, perhaps he was out there having the time of his life with other women and here you were sulking over his mysterious departure. 
Over the past weeks, you gained quite some new clients. Some new regulars as well. You did some champagne rooms, and earned decently well. But you didn’t make as much money as you made with Seb. 
You decided to stop acting like an overly obedient pet waiting for its master. You had to work and earn, like you did before him. 
You took one last look at yourself in the mirror and then went on to take the choker off. It would be humiliating to be proud of being his girl and wear his name on your neck while he was out doing God knows what. 
You tossed the choker onto the dresser with a heavy heart and walked out of the locker room, deciding to just be yourself tonight; the same beautiful, confident woman you were before meeting him all those months ago. He hadn’t been back in weeks, who knows perhaps he might never come back here. 
When you walked out, you noticed all the eyes on you. You looked good and you knew it. You sent some smiles around, some winks, a couple of flirty lines and by the time you made it to one of your regular clients, you had already earned some money bills. 
Your client tonight was an older gentleman. He was not like the typical, lousy businessmen who came by your club often. But he was very giving. The moment you settled on his lap he tucked a bundle of cash into the waistband of your thong, that alone earned him a lap dance to a sensual song. Besides, you were feeling yourself tonight so you were extra good today. 
You were carefree. You felt confident, and beautiful and sexy and you could feel all the eyes on you tonight. You danced like there’s no tomorrow. Your client was so satisfied he even put his golden chain on you at some point. You felt spoilt, so you gave him your best obviously. 
Amongst all those stares you got, one of them burned the most. You could feel the vibe around you change. You discreetly scanned the room and met with a pair of eyes you least expected. Stormy, ocean blue ones which made you tremble in both fear and hunger. 
Surrounded by his loyal guards, he stood there looking like a god; expensive, dark suit, the button of his shirt carelessly undone - he looked delectable - gawking, unable to believe that his precious babygirl dared to sit on another man’s lap. He was furious, and you could tell by the way he was shooting glares at you. 
Guess you didn’t expect him to just pop out of nowhere. But you didn’t let his presence ruin your mood right away. You maintained eye contact with him as you moved salaciously across the man’s lap. Biting your lip and being as inappropriate as you could; breaking all of Seb’s rules. 
He noticed it all. How you weren’t wearing his collar, how your dark red outfit was ridiculously revealing, how your body moved just to torment him, how you captured everyone’s attention. The more he looked at you, the angrier he got. 
You held his stare, daring and confidently. He decided not to cause a scene at your workplace so he simply pointed towards the corridor which led to the champagne rooms and walked off in that direction, expecting you to follow immediately. 
You could do so. You could drop everything and run to him because you missed him so much. But you purposely didn’t. He had made you wait over three weeks, he could wait some more minutes you thought. 
Meanwhile Seb was fuming inside the room. How dare you? Most of all, how dare that guy touch you like that? He couldn’t wait to have that talk with you and remind you that you belong to him and only him, because it seemed that you had forgotten. 
After finishing up your dance, you took your time and gracefully moved away from the man. You didn’t take off the golden chain, you didn’t take out the bundle of cash tucked into your thong either; you walked into the champagne room just like you left the man earlier - a little flushed. 
You knew which room he was in since his guards stood outside the door. They let you in and judging by their faces you could tell that their boss was in a bad mood. And you intended on making it worse. 
“Have you lost your way? Are you sure you’re in the right place?” You sassed, upon walking in. You took in his appearance for a moment or two and realized just how much you had missed him.  
Seb sat on the dark red couch, manspreading like it was his throne; quietly sipping on his liquor while his piercing eyes shamelessly roamed your body. The ridiculously bright neon signs behind him were the only things illuminating the room, buzzing slightly. Seb took his time and studied you; torn between loving and hating what he was seeing. 
Your lingerie drove him insane. Your excuse of a see-through cover up did too. Your slightly smudged dark lipstick made him want to ruin it even more, but the thought of where your lips had been were making him even angrier. 
He hated the sight of the golden chain around your neck, replacing the very expensive diamond collar he had given you a while ago; with his last name on it. That was a gift you were meant to wear all the time; to remind you and everyone else that you belonged to him. The mob boss was very possessive when it came to you, and now here you were, disrespecting him. 
But the thing he hated the most, was the bundle of cash tucked into the waistband of your underwear. And he knew that you were purposely showing it off. 
You caught the way his jaw clenched as his eyes roamed your body. He was thinking, plotting. You felt hot under his gaze. You had always loved the way he looked at you, like he owned you. He looked at you the same way, but right now he was pissed off as well.  
Seb had missed you. He even hurried his way back, eager to find you and have you on his lap while he finally touched you and told you all about the time he’d been gone. But instead, he returned to find that his girl had defied him. He felt betrayed. 
“Come here.” He simply said, authority dripping from his words. You could tell he was annoyed and troubled by what he saw out there but he had brought this upon himself. You stayed put despite his very clear order. You didn’t move a muscle. He sighed and rolled his eyes before staring deep into your soul again. “Babygirl,” he sounded threatening, “I said, come here.” He pointed to his lap. 
You approached him, knowing he would be a pain in the ass after all that he saw. But you knew he’d eventually give in because he had said it himself, he can’t stay away from you for too long. Neither could you honestly, and that was why him being gone for so long hurt so bad. 
Seb watched you as you slowly walked over to him, and before you even came to a full stop in front of him, he reached out and pulled you into his lap; gripping your jaw to make sure he had your full attention. 
“Get your fucking hands off me!” you slapped his hand away, surprising both you and him. You had never acted this way before. Usually you craved his touch. You did even now, but right now you were angry at him too. 
Seb growled as he pulled you closer and placed his hand back to your face, gripping your jaw harder this time and it hurt just a little but nothing compared to how you had felt this whole time he’s been gone. 
“Why are you being such a brat, huh? And what the fuck do you think you were doing just now, outside?” He asked, using the same tone he used when dealing with his rivals. Just a tone of pure anger and annoyance. 
Normally he was sweet and gentle with you, so this was new for you. But you wouldn’t give in so easily. You scoffed. “My fucking job is what I was doing! Now go get fucked somewhere else! I’m not your little toy!” You were mad too, and your anger camouflaged the hurt. 
You tried to get off his lap but he wouldn’t let you move. His grip on you was firm and strong. 
“Watch that tone with me, babygirl.” He threatened. This was the second time you had been entirely disrespectful while talking to him tonight. Seb was so close to losing his cool. 
“Or what?” Just two very bratty words from you was enough to make him lose his mind, and his calm and composure. 
Within a second he flipped the two of you and he had you pinned down on the couch beneath him. He held you by the neck gently, wrapping his long finger around your throat and applying the slightest bit of pressure which made you gasp softly. 
“You will not disrespect me like that. You know I don’t tolerate it.” He reminded you of his inability to put up with disobedience. 
You chuckled, mocking him. “And what are you gonna do about it? I have nothing to lose, Seb. I’m just a toy for you to play with, just a whore, or just an easy fuck on most days, aren’t I?” You sounded as though you were questioning his power, insulting him and hurting him at the same time. 
How dare you say that? How dare you assume that you were nothing but those things to him? You meant so much more to him, and you had no idea. Of all the people in his life, you were the only one who didn’t spend time with him out of fear. You were the only thing which he looked forward to almost each day. 
The mob boss was not good at being affectionate, so he thought that perhaps showering you with gifts and money would convey how much you meant to him. But apparently not, because you still dared to say such things right to his face. And upon hearing those things, something in him flipped like a switch. 
You saw it in his eyes; wild, and determined. 
“Just a whore, huh? Well, let me show you how I treat one,” he whispered before going absolutely feral. 
He tore off your lingerie in less than a few seconds. And you let him. You were mad, but you had missed him too and the truth is you’d take whatever he’d give you. He was mean, and dangerous and unpredictable but you loved him. Oh you loved him, and his cold heart and his dark soul. 
While he tore your clothes off your body, your shaky hands tugged at his suit and his shirt too. You could feel his hunger, and him yours. He wanted nothing more than to just be slow, and loving and love you and tell you just how much he missed you. But before all that, he needed to teach you a lesson. 
“I was stupid to even give you any attention.” He kissed his way down your naked body, kissing and nibbling on your skin as he went. “Should’ve left you out there, to be used like a little whore.” He mumbled, growling under his breath through clenched teeth while he parted your legs and settled in between them. 
Your breaths were short and fast as you looked up at him towering you. You had missed the sight of him above you, all big and strong. In less than a minute, he had his erected cock out in his hand. And the sight of him stroking it ever so gently made you whimper in need. 
“I was stupid to even put you on a fucking pedestal, and call you mine. I leave for some time and you get back down to where you truly belong. Guess whores never learn, huh?” He was quick to push himself in you, not even bothering about your whimpers and moans. 
You dripping wet core gripped around him immediately. Your body arched off the surface of the couch as you gasped and moaned. He supported himself above you and smirked as he saw your face morph into a frown. 
“Nothing...” he pulled out and pushed back into you again, “...but a fucking toy for me.” He repeated your words back at you as he sped up and pounded into you, making you moan wantonly in pleasure. He knew his words were a little harsh, but he wanted you to feel how he felt when he walked in to find you on someone else’s lap. 
You whimpered at how good he felt. He quickened his pace. He was relentless. 
“Guess you’ll do anything for money, huh?” His hand came down to grab you by the jaw again, forcing you to open your eyes and look into his deep, blue ones. “Tell me, did he fuck you like this as well? Did he touch you like daddy does? Did you let him?” He asked as he merciless pounded into you. 
You could only moan in response, and he got the answer he needed. He knew your body, and judging by the way you moved and squirmed under him and the sounds you made, he could tell no one had touched you since he’s been gone.  
“All fucking mine,” he growled as he let go of your face, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head. He grabbed the golden you wore and yanked it off you, throwing it somewhere on the ground behind him. 
You moaned out loud, struggling to keep your eyes open as it started to water. But the moment your eyes started to close, you felt a gentle smack on your cheek. 
“Look at me,” he leaned down to bite your mouth, “What is it? You can’t take daddy’s cock?” He taunted. “But isn’t that what whores do? Hmm?” he growled, “Shut up and take it then, take all of me. What else is a whore good for, huh?” He moaned and growled right against your mouth, clenching his teeth or occasionally biting down on your lip as he pounded into you relentlessly.
You moaned as he fucked deeper into you. You whimpered at the intensity of his thrust, and he kept going. You cried out as the pressure built up nicely in between your legs. Seb moaned at how your walls gripped his cock and milked it. 
You felt him too; deep inside you, touching you everywhere you wanted him too. You felt your tears fall down your cheeks. You were close...so close…
“Please… please daddy...” you whined, begging pathetically and unable to arrange your words or your thoughts any better. “Please…”
Finally, your body betrayed you and you came all over his cock without any warning. You squirmed and moaned incessantly as the pleasure washed over you. Seb didn’t slow down, he kept pounding into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out loud as you came. 
You whimpered at how he kept slamming into you even after you came, and your face burned as you felt the knot forming again right at your core. He fucked you relentlessly; not even stopping for a second. He panted and groaned at how good you felt around him; wet and warm all for him. Your walls clenched around him violently and your body arched off the couch. You felt your second release approaching while you recovered from the first one. 
“Look at me,” he mumbled as he noticed your eyes were closing. You fought the need to shut your eyes and stared into his blue ones. “You’re mine. My little whore,” he growled as he sped up, “My girl,” he let out a grunt, “Mine. You hear me?” 
You nodded. Your body trembled as you came again; gushing out around his cock while he still pounded relentlessly into you as he felt your walls clench around him, milking him perfectly and triggering his orgasm. 
Seb came right after you did; groaning and swearing under his breath. He pulled his cock out of you and looked down at the lovely mess you were; his cum dripping out of you. He gently reached down to touch your sensitive and throbbing core, it was wet everywhere. 
He didn’t hesitate before shoving two fingers inside you again. “Just gonna finger my cum back into your greedy cunt. And you’re gonna let me, won't you? You little slut…” he whispered. You moaned at how sensitive you were; you’re body shuddering under him. “You’ll take whatever I give you, huh?” he whispered before he leaned down to kiss your open mouth again. His tongue invaded your mouth like he owned it while he fingered you. 
You were a mess as he fingered you faster, and faster until you came all over his fingers again. You could barely keep your eyes open as Seb pulled your naked body onto his lap. You had missed his warmth so you instinctively clinged to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pushing your face into his neck.
You didn’t mean to cry, but you couldn’t help it. Everything was too much, you felt overwhelmed. Seb’s heart broke at the sound of your quiet sobs. He had been rough, more  than usual, and quite mean too… He was aware of that. 
He stroked your bare back gently, tightening his arms around you. “Are you okay, babygirl?” He asked. You didn’t answer. “Baby?” he whispered again, softly. You didn’t respond, instead you sniffled again as you tried your hardest to fight back your tears but they fell anyways. 
“Baby, I’m so sorry.” He spoke again, his voice a stark contrast to what it was just a minute ago. He was gentle now, soft. He was apologizing for everything. 
“You left me.” You finally spoke, voice strained and tired. You sobbed softly, still holding him tightly, “You’re so mean.” 
His heart broke a little more. Once he was done with you, you could’ve easily left and asked him to never show his face around here again, but you didn’t. You needed him as much as he needed you. You stayed because you had no one else, and you needed to be held and taken care of.
“I’m sorry baby. I’ve been away for a long time. I know.” He apologized.
You sniffled again. “Still. You were so mean.” You spoke, pulling away to look at him with tears in your eyes.
He wiped your tears away and pulled you into him. “I lost my mind when I saw you with that guy. You’re mine and you know that. But you still let someone else put their dirty hands on you. How could you, baby?” He was calmer now. 
“I didn’t wanna do it.” you said, pulling away from him to look into his eyes. His eyes were soft and deep; it only reminded you of how much you loved him. 
He was confused by your words. “Do what?” he asked, gently running his hands up and down your sides lovingly. 
You wiped some more tears away and took a deep breath. “I didn’t want to perform for anyone else. But I was running out of money, and the rent was due.” You finally confessed. 
“You could’ve just told me that, baby.” he said, sounding more caring than you wanted him to.
You almost chuckled. “You weren’t here. You were gone for weeks, Seb. Besides, that’s my problem, not yours.” You made it clear. But he didn’t like that.
He reached out to grab your face, making sure he has your undivided attention. “You are mine. All your troubles are mine, okay? You don’t have to worry about a thing from now on. I’ll take care of you, and everything else. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. But please forgive me. I never wanted to hurt you.” 
Of course you’d forgive him. But just for the hell of it, you said, “No.” and avoided his eyes. Seb sighed, knowing you’d come around eventually. He had you back now and that was all that mattered. 
He took his suit jacket and put it around you to shelter you from the cold air. “You don’t have to worry, you’re never gonna work in this club again.”
You knew that possessive, slightly arrogant tone of his, and it only entailed surprises. “What do you mean?” You questioned further
“I’m buying it. You can run it.” He spoke as if it were nothing at all. He had been thinking about this for a while now. 
You were shocked. “Seb, what-”
He cut you off, pulling you closer to kiss your forehead. “You heard what I said, baby.” He mumbled against your skin. 
“Why?” You questioned, looking down at how you straddled his lap. 
“Because I want you all to myself. I want you to be with me.”
You scoffed. “This is how you ask girls out?”
He looked at you and smiled. “Not girls, just you.” He caressed your tear stained cheek lazily. His heart fluttered as he looked at you, he loved you so much. He could find better ways to show it though. 
After talking about it, after he constantly apologized for his previous behavior and a few playful banters later, he got up and offered you his hand to take. 
“Where are we going?” you asked.
“Home.” he replied.
“Your home?”
“Our home.” he corrected you. “You’re coming to live with me. I’ve been far from you for too long and I’m done hiding what I feel for you.” You began to say something but he spoke up again before you could say a word. “And I won’t take no for an answer.” 
You smirked. “Why? Haven’t you had your fill just now?” you teased. 
“I have.” He answered as you took his hand and stood up. “But every king needs his queen by his side. And I need you. I’ll keep you safe and happy, and I’ll love you. Forever.”
You gave him a teary smile. “You never told me what suddenly brought you back after three weeks.”
He smiled and pressed his lips against yours, whispering, “You know I can’t stay away from you, babygirl.” 
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