#mob!seb x reader
sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
Mob!Bucky having to call his lawyer!wife!reader from prison? And she’s really mad at him? Because she already told him how to not get caught on multiple occasions? And he doesn’t listen to her, even though she’s been manipulating the law for him for years?
So she pays for Sam and Steve’s bail but leaves him in there overnight (just one night) to prove a point?
Lesson Learned » Bucky Barnes (AU)
Pairings: Husband/Mob!Bucky Barnes x Wife/Lawyer!Reader
Summary: You leave Bucky in jail overnight to teach him a lesson.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, language, jail, manipulating the law, crying, kissing, pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creator @jasontoddsmommyissues
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Your phone started ringing as soon as you closed your car door. You put your purse and work bag in the passengers seat and looked at the caller ID. It’s the phone number for the local police station. You sighed before answering it.
“Hello?” You answered, leaning back in the driver’s seat.
“Hi, sweetheart.” Bucky smiles on the other side of the phone. “I need your help.” He tells you. “So does Steve and Sam.” He adds on.
“I’m on my way. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” You say before hanging up the phone.
You tossed your phone in the passenger’s seat and started your car, putting your seatbelt on as well. During the drive to the police station, multiple different scenarios of why Bucky got arrested went through your head. You always managed to bend the law so your mob boss husband can stay out of trouble. You know it’s wrong and risky to manipulate the law, but you do it out of love.
You pulled into the parking lot of the police station and shut your car off. Your briefly closed your eyes and took a deep breath before getting of the car and walked towards the entrance of the police station and went inside. You walked to the front desk, your heels echoing through the quiet building. The deputy behind the desk looked up from his phone and looked at you.
“Can I help you, ma’am?” The deputy asks.
“I’m here for my husband’s friends Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson.” You tell him.
“What about your husband?” He asks, knowing well who Bucky is.
“Keep him overnight and I’ll get him in the morning.” You tell him. “Tell him I love him and I’ll be back in the morning.” You say.
The deputy nodded and went to the holding cell where Bucky, Steve, and Sam are. He took the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the cell door.
“Rogers, Wilson, you guys are getting bailed out.” He says.
Steve and Sam stood up and walked out of the cell. Bucky followed suit, but the deputy stopped him.
“Your wife said to keep you overnight.” He said to Bucky.
“That’s funny.” Bucky laughs. “She wouldn’t do that to me.” He says.
“She told me to tell you that she loves you and she’ll be back in the morning for you.” He told him.
Bucky laughed at the deputy, thinking he was joking. Steve and Sam furrowed their eyebrows in confusion and exchanged looks. The deputy closed the cell door and locked it, walking away with Steve and Sam following behind him.
“Seriously?!” Bucky shouts.
Steve and Sam seen the pissed off look on your face when they walked in the lobby of the police station. They know that look. They’ve seen that look one too many times.
You gave the deputy a kind smile before opening the door, waiting for Steve and Sam to walk out. You followed behind them and the three of you got in the car without saying a word.
“How come you didn’t bail Bucky out like you normally do?” Sam asks curiously.
“I’m doing this to teach him a lesson.” You say, keeping your eyes on the road.
The car ride was silent the whole time. You took Sam home first. He said a quiet goodbye and got out of the car. Then you took Steve home.
“Y/N?” Steve speaks up.
“Don’t.” You say, almost clenching your teeth.
“At least hear Bucky out.” He says before getting out of the car.
You sighed and went home. You walked inside of yours and Bucky’s mansion. It’s quiet without Bucky. Too quiet. You went upstairs to yours and Bucky’s bedroom. You put your purse and work bag on the floor next to the dresser. You changed out of your work clothes and into pajamas -Bucky’s- t-shirt. You flopped on the bed and sighed loudly. After a moment, you got comfortable in bed and turned the TV on to take your mind off the fact that your husband is staying in jail overnight.
Meanwhile, Bucky was sitting on the bench in the cell. His head was leaning against the wall and his jaw was clenched, trying to think of why his wife would leave him in jail overnight. He always assumes that you’ll get him out of trouble, because you’re one of the best lawyers in Brooklyn, New York. What he does know is he’s beyond pissed and it’s going to be a long night for him.
The next morning, you woke up early and laid in bed for a moment. You already know that Bucky is going to be mad at you for leaving in jail overnight so you prepared yourself for that. You got out of bed and got dressed to get your husband out of jail.
You walked in the police station and went to the front desk, seeing the same deputy from last night.
“You know who I’m here for.” You tell him.
The deputy nodded and went to the holding cell Bucky is in. He unlocked the cell door and opened it.
“Your wife is here.” The deputy told him.
Bucky stood up and walked out of the cell to the lobby. When you seen him, he had bruised knuckles and a couple bruises on his face. That automatically tells you that Bucky, Steve, and Sam got into a fight and landed them in jail yesterday. Bucky walked out to the car and got in without saying a word. About halfway home, he finally says something.
“Oh yea, I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” Bucky says sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes at your husband’s sarcastic comment and continued the drive home. When you two got home, Bucky immediately went to the bathroom in yours and his bedroom to take a shower. Meanwhile, you decided to catch up on some work since you decided to take the day off to bail your husband out of jail and to talk to him. About 20 minutes later, Bucky walks in your home office clean and wearing comfortable clothes. To get your attention, he closed your laptop.
“How could you?” He asks.
“I did it for a reason, James.” You say, leaning back in your desk chair.
“It better be a damn good one.” He says.
“To teach you a lesson.” You say.
Bucky scoffs as he watches you stand up and walk out of your office. He follows closely behind you.
“What lesson?” He asks.
“You know what it is.” You say.
“Clearly I don’t. Mind telling me what it is?” He says.
You silently walked in the kitchen and opened the freezer, grabbing an ice pack. You turned around and grabbed Bucky’s hand, putting the ice pack on it.
“Ever since we met, I always managed to bend the law for you.” You leaned against the kitchen counter. “Every time you get arrested, I always come up with a lie and tell the cops it’s just a misunderstanding and you managed to get out scot free.” You say.
“Yea, I know that. What’s your point?” He asks.
“My point is, I’m risking my fucking job for you!” You yelled, catching Bucky off guard with your sudden change of voice. “Every time I bend the law for you, it scares me knowing that I can possibly get in trouble for it!” You say.
“Then why do you do it?” He asks.
“I do it cause I love you and I don’t want to go to jail for the rest of your life!” You yelled, your eyes began to water.
Bucky stood there, not knowing what to say. You walked away and went to yours and Bucky’s bedroom, closing the door behind you. You threw yourself on the bed and started crying in your pillow.
Meanwhile, Bucky still stood in the kitchen speechless. All this time, he thought you bent the law to help him, which is part of the reason. He didn’t know you were doing it out of love. He felt like an idiot all the times he got arrested and you bent the law for him to get out of jail. He put the ice pack back in the freezer and went upstairs to the bedroom.
“Darling?” Bucky knocked on the bedroom door a couple times. “Darling, please.” He pleads.
He put his hand on the door knob and turned it, expecting the door to be locked, but it wasn’t. It was unlocked. Bucky slowly opened the door to see you crying your eyes out on the bed. He closed the door behind him and approached the bed, laying down next to you.
“Baby, I’m sorry.” He apologizes softly, rubbing your back. “I’m sorry for being so stupid and getting arrested.” He says.
You sniffled and sat up. Bucky sat up next to you, reaching a hand forward to wipe your tears away. He caressed your cheek and leaned forward, kissing you passionately. He pulled his lips away from yours, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Last night when I took Steve home, he told me to hear you out.” You said. “What did he mean by that?” You asked.
Bucky took a deep breath before saying anything.
“When Steve, Sam, and I went to the bar last night…” Bucky starts. “There was this guy talking about you and I let him get to me.” He says.
“What do you mean he was talking about me? Was he talking bad about me?” You asked.
“No, just the opposite.” He answers. “He was saying how hot you are.” He explained. “The next thing I know, I punched him in the face. His friends jumped in, Steve and Sam fought them off.” He tells you. “They got arrested too.” He says.
You couldn’t help but smile when Bucky basically said that he defended your honor. You moved yourself onto his lap and hugged him.
“You didn’t have to do that.” You say.
“I had to. He was talking about my wife.” Bucky says.
“Thank you.” You say, kissing his lips softly.
“You don’t have to thank me, honey. I’d do it regardless.” He says.
You kissed his lips once more before Bucky maneuvered the two of you so you guys are laying down. You looked deep in his blue eyes while caressing his stubbly cheek.
“Can you at least try to be better and not get arrested every so often?” You asked.
“I’ll try my best, babe.” Bucky says softly.
“That goes for Steve and Sam too.” You say.
“They might listen better than me.” He says with a chuckle.
“I love you so much, baby.” You almost whispered, kissing him sweetly.
“I love you more, baby girl.” He whispers against your lips.
Bucky knows one thing… he sure as hell learned his lesson.
-Bucky’s Doll
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✿°•∘ Bucky Barnes ∘•°✿
10 Things I Hate About You
10 Things I Hate About You Pt. 2
Forever Winter (Pt. 1)
Sweet Nothings
Good Morning
Locked Out
headcanons pt. 1
headcanons pt. 2
headcanons pt. 3
headcanons pt. 4
✿°•∘ Steve Kemp ∘•°✿
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jobean12-blog · 7 months
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader (Mob/Mafia AU)-Bookshop setting
Word Count: 3,513
Summary: Bucky has had his eyes on you for a long time and when he finally makes a move to claim you he's delighted at how easily you fall into his waiting arms.
Author's Note: Seb's new looks have just been so yummy, especially him in a bow tie. I LOVE! The look in the pic below is the end result of the story🫠It isn't really focused too much on his mob status but it's there and I couldn't resist a little bookshop AU in there too! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: flirting, tension, Bucky is pretty forward/dom and doesn't mince words- he goes for what he wants-light d-irty talk, fing-er-ing, o-ral (f rec), but he's sweet too :)
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Your steps are slow and easy as you stroll through the aisle, perusing the titles and letting your fingers delicately slide across the bindings.
When you find one of interest you pull it from the shelf and before you read even one word you press the aged pages to your nose and inhale deeply.
The sound of a light chuckle pulls you from your aromatic reverie and you look up with a start, catching a man watching you with a lopsided smirk.
He nods a hello before disappearing down the next aisle. You stare at the space he just vacated and feel your skin heat.
Was he really that handsome or are you still recovering from the exquisite smell of the pages of the book? Only one way to find out.
With quiet movements you slip past the end of the fiction section and turn the corner, peeking around the next bookshelf. All you see is a young woman searching through the books.
Denying your disappointment you continue down the aisle but slow when you feel the weight of eyes at your back. Instead of turning around and looking too obvious you quickly glance over your shoulder and see the mystery man once again watching you.
He looks even more handsome than he did two minutes ago.
You almost walk into the woman who’s browsing and give her a startled apology before rushing off to hide in the rare book section.
Letting out a rush of breath you clutch a book to your chest and refocus on your surroundings.
“This is my favorite section.”
You spin on a gasp and blink.
“Excuse me?” you say quietly.
“This section,” he says again, “it’s my favorite. I love old books.”
“Oh,” you answer, backing away as he steps closer.
He stops advancing and looks at the shelf, studying the bindings until he finds one that interests him.
“Mine too,” you concede softly. “And they smell amazing.”
“As good as the books in the fiction section?” he asks, eyes dancing with amusement.
You let out a light huff of laughter, feeling warm embarrassment creep over your skin.
“Better,” you finally answer.
“I’d have to agree with you there,” he says before lifting the book he holds to his face and inhaling.
You can’t stop your small intake of air as you watch him savor the smell of the pages.
“So, do you come here often?” he asks, casting his gaze down to the words.
You let his question hang in the air as you take a moment to really look him over. His soft sweater does nothing to hide his broad shoulders and powerful build and his dark hair and beard frame a beautifully sculpted jaw.
Then he lifts his eyes, directing his steady gaze on you, and your breath catches in your throat.
“Um…I do. It’s my favorite book store. I can’t afford any of these books,” you say as you motion to the titles nearby, “but no one seems to mind that I come and spend the afternoon reading them.”
“I don’t see why anyone would,” he replies.
He places the book back on the shelf and slides his hands into his pants pockets, attempting another step closer.
This time you don’t move away and he smiles.
“I have quite the collection myself,” he informs you. “You should come see it.”
“Are you a collector?” you ask.
“Something like that doll.”
You school your features at the sound of the endearment falling from his perfect lips and smile.
He extends his hand.
“James Barnes. But you can call me Bucky.”
“Hi Bucky.”
You give him your name and he takes your hand in his, bringing it to his mouth and lightly brushing his lips across your knuckles before kissing them.
As you stare at him through your lashes his lips linger and he seems unwilling to let go of your hand.
“I mean it you know. You’re welcome to come see my collection…anytime.”
He slowly releases your hand with a wink then turns on his heel toward the doorway.
“But…,” you start, not even sure why you’re calling after him to ask your next question, “how will I find you?”
He turns to face you, his eyes set with determination, and says, “don’t worry doll face. We’ll be seeing each other again very soon.”
With those parting words he vanishes into the maze of books, leaving you caught between feeling frazzled and turned on.
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After several days of warm sunshine it finally ends in a wash of chilly rain and wind. But you’re warm and cozy in the back of the bookshop, curled up on one of the old leather chairs by the window, reading by the soft light of an antique tiffany lamp.
You’re so engrossed in your book that it takes you several minutes to recognize the familiar feeling of his stare and when you look up you find Bucky leaning against a nearby bookshelf, his arms crossed, watching you.
He looks just as good as he did the last time you saw him and you realize you’re staring back.
“Hey,” you whisper, clearing your throat.
“You must really be enjoying that book,” he says, a smirk pulling at his lips.
“I am. Have you read it?”
“Not this one,” he says as he steps closer and reads the title.
His nearness draws all of your attention from the book and for the first time you take notice of the small patches of gray hair that line his beard.
“It’s worth a read,” you tell him when your eyes meet his again.
“I’ll definitely check it out doll. I’m currently reading the first edition of ‘The Canterbury Tales’ by Geo…”
“Geoffery Chaucer,” you finish in a rushed breath. “Oh my god. You have a first edition!?”
Your eyes go wide with shock as you silently contemplate how much money that must have cost him.
“I told you doll face, the old and rare books are my favorite.”
“I haven’t read that one yet but it’s on my list.”
“Well you’re welcome to my copy when I’m done,” he says, smiling widely when your mouth opens in shock. “But I have to warn you that when it comes to such treasures I’m a slow reader. There are some things I like to take my time with.”
As the last sentence leaves his mouth he unabashedly lets his eyes sweep over you. When your head dips to your book under his obvious perusal he presses his fingers under your chin to lift your gaze.
“Can I get you a coffee?”
“A coffee?” you repeat, all rational thought leaving your brain at the feel of his touch.
“They just put a fresh pot on up front.”
“Oh, right. That would be great thank you, let me just get my wallet.”
“No doll. I’ll pay.”
“Well, I don’t mind at all…”
“And I do,” he says definitively. “I offered and I’ll pay.”
“Thanks,” you whisper.
When he returns with two steaming cups of coffee you sigh in contentment.
“Are you always this much of a gentleman to the women you meet in bookshops?”
You ask the question with a playful smile but when his expression doesn’t match yours you instantly regret opening your mouth, your smile wavering.
“Despite my offering, I’m having a very difficult time remembering to be a gentleman around you doll.”
“Well maybe I shouldn’t be accepting this coffee then.”
Even though your voice is little more than a whisper you make no move to give him back the drink and instead you lean in closer.
“Maybe you shouldn’t,” he murmurs.
Your breathing accelerates before you take a slow sip of the coffee.
“And maybe I like the coffee too much to give it back.”
“I just warned you that I’m having a difficult time being a gentleman. Are you provoking me doll?”
Your tongue darts out to trace the outline of your lips, the taste of coffee still lingering. “Is that what I’m doing?”
His eyes track the movement and he rubs the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip, looking pleased when you inhale sharply but don’t pull away.
“Let me be clear here doll, since it seems like you enjoy playing this little game with me. I want you underneath me in my bed. I want to be buried so deep inside you that you’ll feel me for days. And I want to mark you so every other man who walks this Earth knows you’re mine.”
Your eyes widen with every word he utters and you feel goosebumps crawl over your skin when he tilts his head and moves closer until his warm breath fans your cheek.
“I just want to be up-front with you. Enjoy the coffee.”
He forces himself away, removing his hand and stepping back. And once again leaves with nothing more that the sound of his retreating footsteps.
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Life keeps you busy for the next two days but Bucky’s words are ever present, practically burned into your skin. So when you step back into the bookshop on Saturday evening you take solace in the familiar smells and sounds.
You wave hello to the barista and cashier, noticing their slight mischievous smiles as you pass by. You’re about to ask them what’s going on but then you see him and you know. Even among the shelves of beautiful books and warm lighting he stands out, his eyes boring into you.
The way he stands exudes a quiet confidence and a slow roll of heat eases it’s way through you when his unwavering stare moves over every inch of you.
Lifting your chin you hold his gaze and take your time getting your own eyeful. His button-down shirt is fitted just right with the top buttons open to reveal a gold chain and his long legs are clad in dark jeans.
He looks dangerous and sexy. And pissed.
You move toward him undeterred until you’re close enough to feel the heat radiating off him.
“Are you here to give me more warnings?” you ask.
He keeps his gaze locked on you and licks his lips.
“No. I think I was perfectly clear the first-time doll.”
“Is something bothering you, Bucky?”
“Where have you been?”
You would laugh at his nonresponse if your irritation weren’t growing hotter by the second.
“I’ve been busy. You know…work, errands…life.”
“I’ve missed you.”
You’re taken aback by his blunt and unexpected answer and can’t find the words to respond.
“I was afraid you didn’t want to see me again after what I said.”
You think back on his words for only the millionth time since he said them. An involuntary shiver runs down your spine at the memory.
“Did you get me a coffee today?”
His eyes light up in victory before he reaches behind him and hands you a cup, the drink prepared just how you like it.
For the next couple of hours the two of you browse the bookshop, spending the majority of your time in the rare section pouring over the titles in excitement and awe. You ask about his work and how he gathered his collection of rare books. He’s vague but polite with his answers, focusing most of his attention on you.
While you do most of the talking Bucky listens contentedly and intently, his constant regard slowly building and burning a hole through your enthused focus.
After a bit, it’s difficult to concentrate on anything else but him and you start to become more aware of how your body shifts closer to his, shoulders pressed together, heads close and your hand reaching out to graze his bicep.
Finally, the bookshop employees begin to let customers know they are going to close. You reluctantly put your current read back on the shelf and turn to Bucky.
“Guess it’s time to go,” you say quietly.
“I’ll drive you home doll.”
“No, no. That’s ok. I can take the train.”
“I insist,” he answers, stepping into your space and crowding you against the shelf.
“Ok,” you breathe out. “Thanks.”
His eyes drop to your lips and his hands hover at your waist, his fingertips just brushing the fabric of your shirt when the barista comes by and ushers you out.
With a release of breath you skirt past Bucky and grab your bag, heading for the exit.
Wordlessly, he holds the door of his car open for you, allowing you minimal space to edge by him into the passenger seat.
He breaks the silence with the same question floating around in your own head.
“Am I taking to you home or are you coming to my place to see my collection of books.”
“It’s late but…”
“I would love to see them.”
“But you’re still thinking about what I said the other day, aren’t you?”
When you don’t say anything more or give him your address he drives in the opposite direction of your apartment. You contemplate your sanity the whole ride there but you’re too far gone to even want to tell him to turn around and bring you home.
His brownstone is gorgeous. Everything from the ornate edifice of the building to the classic tile in foyer exudes luxury and when you step inside the actual space you have to cover your mouth to stop any sound from escaping.
“I’m glad you like it doll,” he says from behind you, his chest brushing your back.
His lips meet the shell of your ear in a whisper. “I can give you a tour if you like or I can give you what you really want first.”
You turn to face him, his gravelly tone bringing several other things into focus. His cheeks are lightly flushed and his breathing has roughened. You sway closer and he runs his finger along your arm.
“The books…?” you question weakly.
“They’re not going anywhere,” he assures you as his fingertips trace your jaw.
“You don’t even have my phone number,” you continue. “We haven’t even been on a date yet!”
He starts to walk, pushing you slowly backward until you enter another room. Without taking his eyes off you he flicks a switch on the wall and the space is bathed in a soft glow, illuminating the ceiling high shelves of dark wood that line every wall. Every space is filled with books.
Your eyes wander for mere seconds before he grabs your chin and directs your gaze back to his.
“I think our bookshop encounters can be considered dates, don’t you?” he says softly.
Just before your back hits one of the shelves his large hand cradles your body, gently pressing you into the books. He leans closer, moving his hands to rest on either side of your head.
“Do you ever have an answer other than ‘maybe’?” he asks.
Your lips part to speak but he stops you with the brush of his mouth. “Don’t. Say. Maybe.”
Even though your last two meetings were charged with tension, this is the first time he’s really touching you and it sends shock waves through your entire body.
You breathe out a strangled ‘yes’ and arch into him, inviting more of his touch.
His mouth comes down on yours hard and hungry and the initial contact steals your breath. When you slide your hands over his chest and up to his shoulders, digging your nails into his skin, he groans and pushes you against the shelf.
You break contact with his mouth, gasping at the hardness pressing against your stomach.
“I’ve been like this since the moment I saw you,” he growls. “Do you know what that’s been like?”
He doesn’t give you a chance to answer as his mouth moves to your neck and sucks the sensitive spot underneath your ear, causing you to whimper his name.
Your head rolls to the side, begging for more and you let out a sound of frustration when he rocks his hips and keeps his mouth hovering along your skin.
“Is this what you want?” he murmurs with another grind of his hips.
Your fingers slide into his hair, raking through the soft strands as your breath catches on a gasp.
“Answer me, doll,” he demands.
“Yes. Yes Bucky. I want it.”
His hands leave your body and grip the edge of the shelf behind you. He dips his head, trailing kisses upward along your neck until he meets your earlobe, growling low.
“You’re going to spread these pretty legs for me doll and I’m going to bury my face between them.”
His tone warns you not to protest and with a strangled breath you do as you’re told, your head thumping back against the books when he slides his hand down your stomach.
“Eyes on me doll.”
You look down as he slips his hand inside your leggings, slowly peeling them, along with your panties down to your ankles.
He finds your swollen clit and circles it with teasing strokes, giving you one last hard look before his tongue flattens and he tastes you from top to bottom.
You’re already so close and when he pushes a finger inside you your eyes start to glaze over, your hips rocking rhythmically onto his hand and face.
When he pushes a second finger inside you it sends you over the edge, his tongue working you until your legs are shaking and you’re chanting his name.
“Fuck doll. You coming apart for me is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
You start to slump forward, your breathing still ragged and he runs a soft hand along your hip, holding you steady and biting gently into your skin with his fingers.
“I’m going to make you come over and over again,” he whispers as he stands and takes you in his arms, his lips caressing the shell of your ear. “With my fingers, my mouth, my cock.”
“Yes. Please,” you whimper.
He presses closer, his lips teasing along your jaw until your eyes meet. “But first we’re going to have a proper date.”
Your lips part with your objection and you’re ready to beg him for more but he presses a finger to your lips, smiling when you instantly quiet.
“If I get inside you now I’ll never be able to leave and I don’t have enough time tonight to worship you. I have business to deal with.”
 Your eyes drop to his mouth and your fingers climb up his chest.
“Ok,” you say, still breathless.
“You’re going to be my date for an auction event I have to attend tomorrow night…and then afterwards we’ll have the rest of the night. And the next morning…all day. You’ll be all mine.”
You nod, unable to find your voice again but squirm against him in desperation, your body still craving more.
“Sweet fucking hell, doll,” he hisses. “Don’t make me rush this.”
He grabs your waist so you stop moving, his eyes wandering over your face before he captures your lips in a kiss.
When he releases your mouth the set of his jaw is rigid and his fingers dig deeper into your skin.
“Tomorrow,” he murmurs. “Be ready by five.”
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You stare at yourself in the mirror, smoothing your hands over your dress for the tenth time. Before leaving Bucky’s apartment you had exchanged numbers and several more kisses then he walked you to your door, wasting no time reminding you of his promises for tonight.
Your pulse quickens as his words threaten to consume you and you wonder how you’ll ever make it through the next few hours without throwing yourself at him. His touch was like nothing else you’d experienced. Not one of his movements were wasted and his objective was clear. He was going to absolutely ruin you. And you were ready.
The light knock on your door startles you but you check the clock and see he’s right on time.
“You’re punctual,” you say as you open the door.
He looks amazing and have to bite your lip to stop your satisfied moan.
“And you’re fucking stunning,” he says as his eyes rake over every inch of you.
He continues staring and steps inside.
“Do you plan on looking at me like that all night?” you ask.
“Like what?” he replies as he reaches out for you.
“Like you need to devour me.”
“It’s all I want,” he growls, sliding his hand along the curve of your back to bring you closer.
“Do we really need to go to this auction?” you purr against his lips.
His fingers splay against your back and he brushes his nose to yours. “I do doll face, but if you need my hand between your legs first, all you have to do is ask me.”
Before you can form the words for a weak protest, his hand dips between your bodies and starts to lift the hem of your dress.
“Say it doll. I want to hear you say the words."
“Please Bucky,” you gasp. “Give me your fingers. I need your fingers.”
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 @randomfandompenguin @hiddles-rose @lizette50 @blackwidownat2814 @buckysdollforlife @littleseasiren @goldylions @kmc1989
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sarahowritesostucky · 9 months
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A Fanfic for THAT Audition Clip
The ultimate in bad-dirty-wrong™️, I've chatted with a few fans in the past who've asked for this fic, so I've decided to write a lil' something.
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📖"One Last Job"
Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
🚨Tags: Non-con, kidnapping, Mafia! AU, interrogation, psychological manipulation, hurt/comfort, dirty talk, off-screen violence, off screen torture (non-graphic), implied past abuse, taunting, good cop/bad cop, dead-dove, dark!Sebastian, bondage, humiliation, emotional sadism, dacryphilia, dark fic, non-con touching, forced orgasm, bathing, soft!dark!Sebastian, basement wife, captured/held hostage, bad-dirty-wrong™️, (Note: Seb doesn't physically hurt the ofc/you)
Word Count: coming soon
Summary: The mob's "good cop" interrogator gives you a break from the guys upstairs, but he's got more insidious methods to break you.
["He doesn't like violence against women, but he's still paying off his debt to the Bratva, so he agrees to work on the girl as one last job."]
["She's a pretty little thing. It tugs on his heartstrings to see her sitting there: bound, tearful, hurting. But Sebastian is very good at what he does."]
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Power Play - Chapter 1
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AN: And here is Week 5 of HBS and the start of a new multi-chapter fic, this one a Bucky x Reader story, cos I like to give you all some variety. This also strays into Soft!Dark! Territory, cos, you know… Mob! Bucky. Thanks @buckybarnesevents for the inspo.
I’ve chosen the prompt When I first met you... Electricity
Beta’d by @buckysbarne
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and banner by me. Pictures of Seb courtesy of https://sebastian-stan.com/
Master list | Hot Bucky Summer Master list
Summary: Waking up in a mobster’s house the morning after the night before was not how this was supposed to go…
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Relationship: Mob! Bucky x Undercover Agent! Reader
WC: 2.3k
CW: Kidnap, Manipulation, Soft!Dark! Bucky, Alcohol consumption, Reader briefly believes Bucky will force her against her will (use of R word once), kissing, Russian Pet names as mangled by Google translate (all variations of sweetheart/darling except Pchelka, which is explained.)
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Your head was foggy and your mouth grainy as you opened your eyes, blinking against the harshness of the late morning sun coming through the window.
“Good morning, Pchelka.” Strong fingers gripping your chin and pinching your jaw harshly, brought you out of your stupor, and you looked up at the owner of the gravelly voice. 
“Did you sleep well? I slept like a log. I’m going to say that it was because of the connection we made last night.” He chuckled darkly. “Did you feel it, sladkiy? The electricity when I first took your hand in mine? Because I did.” His body shivered at the memory, and you felt a fission of fear travel down your spine.
His eyes were blue - cool and chilling - and you wished you were looking at them under different circumstances. Wished you were here with him under different circumstances, because although he was your enemy, you weren’t blind.
James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes. Revered head of the New York Mob, and so sinfully handsome it was no wonder that men and women swooned at his feet.
“Are you going to answer me, Pchelka?”
His brow was arched, amusement still playing at his lips. Challenging you to defy him.
“I’m not your ‘little bee’. And I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He let your face go with a snort that told you that he knew you were lying. Because you were. How could you not have felt it, when your slim hand had been completely engulfed by his when you’d been introduced? When he’d raised your hand, gently turning it to press a kiss to the fluttering vein in your wrist.
You should have known then that you were fucked. Should have called the whole thing off and got out of there. 
But no. You’d decided that you had to stay - had to pull your big girl pants up, get a hold of yourself and prove to everyone else that you were capable of carrying out this mission. You wondered if your colleagues, your fellow agents, were trying to actually rescue you, or were they laughing at your ineptitude?
Barnes crossed to the far side of the room, a classic dark wood office with floor-to-ceiling bookcases filled with leather-bound tomes. Turkish wool rugs covered the wooden floor that matched all of the furniture. He picked up a decanter, poured a hefty measure of amber liquid into a matching tumbler and brought it up to his lips. You didn’t even realise that you were watching him that intently until he smirked.
He walked back over to you, power and grace showing with every move of his body. He sank into a crouch before you, dipped his finger into the alcohol and then painted it over your lips. Instinctually you licked it away, and the whisky burned on your tongue.
“They think you’re dead, by the way.” That got your attention, making you halt with your mouth part open, tongue tip still midway through catching the errant drops he’d applied. His finger returned to the glass, then back to your lips once again as you sat, stock still. 
A sudden anger burned through you, and you tried to leap to your feet, but you hadn’t counted on the bonds that tied you to the chair. You struggled against them, hands curling into fists and feet ineffectually kicking as you let out a wail of frustration.
“Tsk tsk.” Barnes admonished you for your reaction as he stood and backed up to rest against the edge of his, no doubt antique, desk. “And here I was thinking you’d be more grateful. If you’d continued in that job you’d have died of boredom, milyy. Just think. I’ve actually saved you.” He took another sip of his drink, observing you and you wanted to shrink under his gaze - you had to look a mess.
Your evening gown, which had looked stunning on you when you’d gotten ready for this op, was now torn and filthy. Your nail polish was chipped, a couple of the nails torn, and no doubt your makeup was smeared across your face. Somewhere along the line, you’d lost your shoes, or had they been taken from you? Admittedly a lot of it was a blur and you’d also been unconscious for some time, only waking up once you were here, tied to this chair, a smirking Barnes looking down on you.
Conversely, he looked so put together it should be illegal. Last night he’d smouldered in a dinner suit, but this morning he exuded power and danger. His shirt was black, with two opened buttons, showing off the silver rope chain around his neck. His suit jacket and pants were also black but covered with a wide pinstriped check. He had a large signet ring on the pinky of his left hand, and silver and black onyx ring on the adjacent ring finger, and it was hard to take your eyes off them. His pants were tight across his crotch, leaving little to the imagination, and he’d finished off his outfit with a pair of patent black boots and a pair of blue-tinted sunglasses, perched on his head. In a nutshell, he was sex personified and you needed to get your head back in the game before you did something you’d regret.
“You’re deluded, you know that?”
“Focused, Pchelka. Not deluded. I didn’t get where I am now without knowing what I wanted and taking it. And I want you. I think you want me too.”
It was your turn to snort, and you didn’t bother to hide your derision. “In your dreams!”
He was back in front of you in an instant, his beringed fingers curling into the leather chair back, his face millimetres from your own.
“I don’t think I imagined how you trembled when you were in my arms, lyubimyy. When I led you around the dance floor and you felt as though you were made to fit in my embrace. I don’t think I imagined how you sighed and leaned against me as I spoke soft words in your ears.”
Heat burned your cheeks and you tried for some bravado.
“All an act, I assure you. As you know, you were my mark.”
His mouth broke into a feral grin and, for the first time, you were worried. Worried about what he had in store for you… and worried that you might like it.
“You keep telling yourself that. I don’t think you’ll be able to maintain that lie when you’re screaming my name later.”
“I didn’t know your name was Rapist.”
He moved one hand from the back of the chair to rest at the base of your throat, fingers applying just enough pressure to remind you who was in control here.
“Don’t insult both of us, Pchelka. When I take you, you will welcome it. Want it. You will be begging me to make you mine. And I think it will happen sooner than you think.” His voice was a hypnotic whisper, and you could feel yourself spiralling, enchanted by the power that he exuded from every pore, so when he kissed you, you were unprepared.
Barnes used the thumb of the hand he had around your neck to tip your chin up. His pink, sinful lips demanded entry efficiently and you were powerless to resist. His mouth explored yours, tongues tangling, and when he teasingly broke the kiss you were horrified to find that you were whimpering.
Your captor just continued to smile, animalistic and condescending.
“Electric, as I said. You betray yourself without even meaning too. It’s a good thing that I’m a nice man, and I’m not torturing you for information. You wouldn’t last five minutes.”
Feelings of anger, shame and embarrassment rose within you. He was right, god damn it. You weren’t cut out for this work. You knew it. He knew it. The people you worked with knew it. Backroom paper shuffling was where you excelled, but there was no way you could’ve turned down the opportunity for undercover work, because success would have meant a level of recognition and respect that you could never have hoped, to gain otherwise, even if the op was a classic, and somewhat demeaning, honey-trap. 
You closed your eyes and willed the tears not to fall.
“Please, Mr Barnes. Just let me go. I don’t know anything. Nothing has happened here that can’t be forgotten.”
“Call me Bucky, lyubimaya. And I don’t want to let you go, or forget you. Stay here with me. Leave those narrow-minded idiots you work for. I would treat you with the respect you deserve. And you wouldn’t just be on my arm and in my bed, you would be by my side. You have useful skills that shouldn’t be wasted.”
Your eyes snapped back open and looked at him in surprise and confusion. “What do you mean?”
Barnes - Bucky - ran the knuckles of his left hand down your cheek, the coldness of his rings a balm to your heated flesh. Tattoos peeked out from under his sleeve, twisting and winding down his skin, and onto his fingers. Vines and flowers and thorns. Letters of the Cyrillic alphabet.
“You think that I would bring you here, to the seat of my power if I didn’t already know every… little… thing… about you? I know what your role was before you started this ill-advised op. I know where you lived. I know what cereal you like for breakfast and what your regular coffee order is. You’re always flitting too and fro, concentrating on work. Busy as a bee.”
You weren’t sure why you weren’t shocked, but you asked him all the same. “There’s a mole inside my unit?”
“Of course, Pchelka. There’s always a mole. Always someone who is more than willing to trade loyalty for power and money, or someone who is so desperate that they can be easily persuaded. Desperate people do desperate things, and tell themselves they aren’t really the bad ones, it’s just their circumstances.”
Both his hands had now settled on your waist, the size of them making you feel smaller than you often thought of yourself. Bucky himself was still on his knees, between your bound, spread legs, his torso virtually pressed against your inner thighs. You absently noticed that the knife you’d placed in a thigh holder was missing. No doubt Bucky or his men had found it almost straight away once you’d been rendered unconscious. You hoped it had been the man in front of you - the idea of being touched in such an intimate place by someone other than him was abhorrent. A part of you wondered why you didn’t think that him touching you was also horrifying.
“And which one do you think I am? Disloyal or desperate?” You arched your brow, trying to ignore the way his fingers were branding you through the satin of your dress.
“You, milyy, are a secret third thing. You are an intelligent woman, who makes decisions based on all the information available. It’s not disloyalty if you’ve been betrayed first. It’s also not desperation that would make you join me if I have no pressure point - no sick aunt, no cousin in debt to a loan shark, that sort of thing. If you joined me it would be because you wanted to. Because you saw the merits of such an action.”
You had to admit, his offer was tempting. You hated your job and you hated your co-workers. It was still a ‘boy’s club’ and all the inclusion and diversity training in the world couldn’t counteract the toxic masculinity that the job attracted. You hated that, despite putting up with this job for so many years, you were still living in a crappy apartment with too long a commute to work.. You hated that, despite the fact you never even got around to taking your PTO, you also weren’t making any decent deposits into your savings account. Okay, you weren’t quite living paycheck to paycheck, but you were by no means where you thought you’d be by now. 
The long hours also meant little time to socialise, and the friends you’d once had, had all dropped away one by one as you’d cancelled one social engagement after another. This also meant that your love life was, as the song goes, DOA, and after a while, all the toys in the world failed to satisfy. Which also meant that the feeling of soft, expensive wool, encasing a warm, hard body, rubbing against your inner thighs was upsetting your equilibrium quite a bit.
Then, as if he knew exactly what he was doing to you, his face dipped closer again, his breath, tinged with whisky, fanning over you.
“Imagine how it would feel, Pchelka. The power. The pleasure. You’d want for nothing. Every need would be met. Every whim indulged.”
It was your turn to shiver and as your eyes fluttered closed again you heard him chuckle.
“You want it, don’t you. You want me and everything I can give you. It’s okay to want those things. I want things as well. I want you, lyubimyy. I’ve waited a long time for a Queen.” 
“You don’t know me…” Your denial was whispered, and even you didn’t believe what you’d said.
“But I do. I know exactly what you need...”
His lips captured yours once more, but this time you didn’t even pretend not to respond. You drank him in as though he would quench your thirst and you only remembered your bonds again when your body strained against them. Your knees managed to dig into his waist though, and you felt him smile against your lips.
His hands slid from your waist, to one wrist and then the other, freeing them. You threw your arms around his neck, not even trying to get away. In any case, your ankles were still bound.
Your fingers brushed over the short hair on the sides and back of his head, the strands prickling your skin. His own hands were now cupping your face as he continued to kiss you, and you knew what was going to happen. You were falling under his spell.
Chapter 2
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @writing-for-marvel
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untilnextchapter · 1 year
Masterlist : Marvel
Marvel Cinematic Universe
* = Smut (Minors DNI) || 🦋 = Series || Beware of the TW please
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Do you love Bucky series? @justkending is the writer for you! Here are some of my favourites:
Finding Memories 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader, Waking up with little to no memory of her past, and being saved by a group of individuals who call themselves heroes, sends a long time captive for a whirlwind trying to find some form of grounding in this world she quickly learns runs on chaos. But she’s not the only one trying to figure out her forgotten backstory. Bucky Barnes, along with the other Avengers, can’t help but sense that there is a lot more to the whole situation than a diagnosis of amnesia. Her background slowly starts to come forward in pieces of her past and hidden information discovered. Who is she? And why was she in the room they were meant to destroy?)
The Number One Rule 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Rogers!Reader, Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor’s degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left. But don’t worry, the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other’s buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized?)
The Slip Up 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Single mom!Reader, After a last hurrah to graduating college with a future to be a family practitioner, a little slip up happens… Seven years down the road, just when things just now seem to be going smoothly, Y/N approaches that slip up from all those years ago. She’s not looking for anything right now. She is just where she wants to be in life. It seems the universe has a different idea though. One called James Barnes.)
So, my number one for smutty Bucky is the wonderful @sinner-as-saint. Here are a few of my favourites:
Capital Letters * 🦋 (Bucky AU x Fem!Reader, You were fortunate enough to work for who was considered to be one of the best, most admired and affluent authors of your time; Mr. James Buchanan Barnes. And soon, things weren’t so professional between you and the man…)
His Obsession * (Mob!Seb x Housekeeper!Reader, You work for the notorious mob boss. You’re at his house regularly; tidying up and cleaning and surprisingly you’re not scared of him like the rest of his staff are. Sure he is authoritative, and mean but he’s never disrespectful or inappropriate, nor does he bark orders at you like he does with the guys. And you were almost certain that he barely pays attention to you. Until one evening he confronts you about something. And what starts out heated, ends in a night neither of you will ever forget…)
Miscellaneous Authors:
Diner Girl || @ofstarsandvibranium (Fem!Reader, After coming across a small diner, he becomes enamoured with you, a waitress)
Set me free || @intrepidacious (Bucky x Nymph!Reader, Once upon a time, a soldier fell from a train. Thankfully, this time, he is found by gentle hands, and a beautiful voice keeps him safe from the cold)
Heal me, baby || @/intrepidacious (Bucky x Nurse!Reader, Your friendship starts with you cleaning up his wounds and Bucky paying to get the blood stains out of your couch. Something else starts, too)
Nightingale’s Song 🦋 || @thatfanficstuff (Barnes x OC, James Buchanan Barnes. Captain America’s best friend. Hydra’s secret weapon. A man lost in time who can’t remember his own name let alone those he held most dear. Florence Anna Charles. A nurse on the front in World War II. A mutant in a time they weren’t known. A woman who can heal with a touch that catches the attention of Hydra)
Lessons in Love || @violentdelightsandviolentends (Bucky x Fem!Reader, Bucky didn't believe in love at first sight. Then he met you.)
[Not Named] || @terry-perry (Dad!Buck x Fem!Reader, Can I request of Jack is clinging on Y/n like koala. Like when Bucky try to pry him off of her but he said “No! I’m staying with mommy and protect her!”)
Mood lighting || @frankieetaylorr (1930s!Bucky x Fem!wheelchair-user!Reader, You never understood why he always came to the dances your resident home threw but you were always so glad when he did)
TW: brief mention of abandonment
Secret Book Club || @starks-hero (40’s!Bucky x Reader, Bucky’s got a new book and he just can’t seem to put it down)
Instinct || @dilemmaontwolegs (FATWS!Bucky x Blind!Fem!Reader, After trying to stop a mugging before Bucky intervenes as reward is offered and so he tracks you down)
Fall into Winter * 🦋 [Ao3] || Miajah (Bucky x Reader, Mae was just doing her civic duty when she saved Iron Man, now she can't seem to get rid of him. Then there was the Winter Soldier and of course Captain America himself. A girl can't catch a break)
Running From the Past * 🦋 [Ao3] || @green-eyeddragonfanfiction (Buck x Mutant!Reader, Reader is a mutant who was experimented on by HYDRA. Due to her unique powers, she escapes without being seen when the Avengers attack the Hydra compound she’s been kept in for the last 5 years of her life. Her mutations and Hydra experiments allow her to blend in with her surroundings (like a chameleon/cuttlefish/octopus) and change her appearance in minor ways (such as hair, skin, and eye color), though the changes are only temporary. She’s now on the run, avoiding both Hydra and SHIELD)
Steve Rogers x Reader
You and Me Together 🦋 || @/ofstarsandvibranium (Single Parent Steve x Fem!Reader, After the death of his wife, Sharon, Steve Rogers is now the single parent of their daughter, Grace. Three years after his wife’s death, his friends convince him to go back into the dating game)
Not a Perfect Princess || @shmaptainwrites || (Steve x Princess!Reader, Reader meets one of the heros who saved her country and realizes around him she doesn’t have to be a perfect princess)
Making the Team || @heliads (Dad!Steve x Daughter!Reader, The reader is the daughter of natasha and steve, and she is nervous about for her first mission. Her mom and dad tell her that everything is gonna be great, and the mission is complete, but the reader is badly injured and her parents and Bruce takes care of her)
10 Years Time 🦋 || @/justkending (Steve x Stark!Daughter!Reader, As princess of Alberia, it is your duty to grow into a rightful young lady if you plan on ruling your family’s country. Of course, the only way your father can see this happening is sending you off to a boarding camp at the age of 14 for 10 years to learn what it means to grow into a Queen.That means leaving all your friends and family behind. One specific person, your best friend, you never want to say goodbye to. But 10 years later, you come back grown into a young lady, and find your best friend has grown into a knightly young man. How will you two adjust after 10 years apart? Will things be the same, or will all that’s happened in that span of time affect your relationship?)
Tony Stark x Reader
Dum-E || @mostly-marvel-musings (Tony x Fem!Reader, DUM-E has probably tried petting Tony's hair with his grabby claw when Tony falls asleep in the lab because he's seen you do it and noticed that Tony likes it)
Hot Chocolate and Hoodies || @deadlymistletoe (Tony x Fem!Reader, A dare involving a hoodie eventually leads to hidden feelings being revealed)
Maybe to annoy you || @specialagentlokitty (Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, Tony's daughter and she has a crush on Steve, like everytime she sees him she blushes and Tony is a little annoyed)
Two Wicks, One Flame * 🦋 [Ao3] || AmberSnapeBlack (Tony x Soulmate!OC, Emma has had it rough her whole life. Her experiences have shaped her into who she is today, a twenty three year old bus girl with no self esteem or backbone. She hates the lime light...well she hates socializing at all. She has never paid her soul mark any mind. Most days, she forgets it even exists. That will change for her in a way she never anticipated. What comes with bearing the soul mark of the man who is the forefront of the Avengers? Who is almost always in lime light? Who is possibly, already taken? Does she want to know?)
Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Little Love || @/ofstarsandvibranium (Loki x Short!Reader, where the reader is super short)
Shatter This Glass And Set Me Free * 🦋 [Ao3] || @shiningloki || (Loki x OC, Loki hasn't seen the light of day in years. He has been locked away in Stark Tower, waiting for Odin to free him of his punishment after his attack on New York. He's angry, he's spiteful, but most of all, he's lonely. It is not until one day when a new face comes along Stark Tower that everything begins to change. She's different from the rest. She's trusting, she's curious, and she's willing to give Loki a chance at companionship that no one has ever offered him)
The Eyes of the Beholder 🦋 || @/starks-hero (Gorgon!Loki x Blind!Reader, Loki has spent years in solitude, hidden away in the mountains south of Athens. Having been cursed by the gods for his trickery, anyone that sets eyes on him shall turn to stone. But what happens when an unfortunate mortal wanders into his domain?)
TW: Descriptions of blood, violence and injury, angst
Dances and Daggers 🦋 [Ao3] || Cozy_The_Overlord (Loki x OC, The Summer Festival is upon Asgard, as is the tradition of the dagger ceremony, where each unmarried gentleman chooses a lady to bestow with the honor of carrying his dagger for the night. As Prince Thor's betrothed, Teki's only goal is to accept his dagger with grace and hope that her violent stepfather doesn't find fault with her in the process. But Prince Thor is unpredictable, and when he ignores his engagement on a whim Teki finds herself in a desperate situation. Luckily, Thor isn't the only prince in Asgard…)
Avengers x Reader
Not a burden || @/specialagentlokitty (Autistic!Child!Reader, Would you be comfortable writing something where Bucky and Steve (or maybe the whole Avengers team if you like that better) adopt the autistic reader after finding out her mother emotionally abused her?)
Some Things Never Sleep 🦋 [FF.Net] || MotomamiBizcochito (Avengers x OC, Emma Rogers, AKA The Viper Assassin, has been under Hydra's thumb for nine long years until the Avengers rescue her from a Hydra base after receiving anonymous intel from the Winter Soldier. She's thrown into a world of freedom which she's never known but with the help of her grandfather, Captain America, she slowly becomes accustomed to her new life until Tony Stark brings up the Sokovia Accords. Emma is caught in the middle of a war as she becomes intent on protecting the man she calls her father and siding with her grandfather. Not to mention she crosses paths with a certain webslinging nuisance that knows just how to push her buttons like no other...what Emma would give for the days she spent knife fighting with her father in Siberia)
I know it's a Spiderman x OC but it's because of this story I discovered MCU and Emma has a lot of relations with Avengers. A LOT of TW, check them all please
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lokiandbuckysdoll · 2 years
The Suit & Hair
Paring: Bucky x reader 
Summary: read the A/N  
Word count: 842
Warnings: SMUT! unprotected sex. (like always let me know if I tagged my warnings wrong or missed something to tag!) 
A/N: It’s 12 Am and  I know I have requests to do but I needed to write this after seeing Seb look that DAMN good at the golden globes. AND IN THIS GIF!!! 
I do not write RPF so I wrote for bucky hope you enjoy it!
Gif creds: @bubbarnes
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You stood in the mass of people, attempting to look for him. He had gone to the restroom just a few minutes before the award ceremony had come to a close.
He raised a question beforehand if you wanted to take off with him to beat the rush of people at the end. You being the ever-stubborn person declined his offer and opted to stay and see what the closing host had to say.
You should have just taken off with him when he had asked. As soon as the host said goodnight and the cameras broadcasting cut off, everyone stood within seconds filling up the packed venue even more.
You gazed around trying to find those lovely blue eyes you adored. You were about to move out of the way from a crowd of people.  Just before you could do so someone grabbed a hold of your arm, causing you to still. Turning around you see one of the ushers from earlier.
" Sorry miss I didn't mean to startle you, however, you almost forgot this" he held up the clutch bag you had bright with you for the night.  You let out a sound of relief.
" Thank you! I can't believe I almost left this!" you grab the bag from his hands giving him a soft smile. " Of course, enjoy the rest of your night" he replied before walking off.  
You smile once more thankful for the kind man who would save you trouble from later freaking out about where you had left your bag.
You turn around once more and as you looked around, you find your husband. Your breath hitches upon seeing Bucky, he was raising his hands in the air and motioning for you to come over to him. To others in the room, it may just look like he's trying to tell you to leave and where he's at, yet you knew that facial expression all too well. He was pissed and jealous.  
Your feet were quick to move threw the mob of people and in the direction of where he was standing. Once you reach him those beautiful eyes held that jealousy. What made you even more sure was when he leaned down to your ear.  
" Just wait till we get home doll" he whispered in your ear. You were already turned the moment you saw bucky in his suit. This, though made you even more turned on. He pulled back placing a kiss on your temple and smiled before taking your hand and moving through the crowd smiling and saying goodbyes.
The car ride home was the quickest you have ever seen bucky drive. He didn't even give you a chance to get through the front door before he was on you like a hawk.  
He pushed you against the front door, kissing down your neck and hitting the spots that made you moan. Only he knew how to make the prettiest sounds come out of you.  
" You know it's a shame doll" he pulled back smiling. " You looked so fucking hot in this dress tonight,  That I wanted to fuck you at the venue" he moved his hands up and down your body.
" Then do it" you whimpered as he grabbed your breasts and squeezed them.  
"Trust me Mrs. Barnes  I will, but you smiled at that other man. You need a punishment" You looked him in the eyes and then down at his lips you couldn't resist the need to kiss him. You warp your arms around his neck and pulled him down into a heated kiss.
 A gasp leaves your lips as he picks you up, your legs instantly wrapping around his waist. Your dress bunches up and you begin to slowly grind against him.
His lips moved away from your mouth. " Fuck I need you right now, " he held you with one arm while the other went to undo his pants. He pulled out his already hard member, he bunches your dress up more before moving your panties aside.
" Your always so wet for me Dekta"  A moan leaves your mouth as he began thrusting into you  " Take me,  I'm all yours Mr. Barnes"  He began to place hungry love bites on your neck. Your fingers run through the end of his hair before you fisted it messing up the style you loved.  
That action alone caused him to speed up his rhythm making both of you closer to the edge. " I can feel you,  let it go I got you!" he moaned into your neck right as both of you hit your release.  
He placed his forehead agist yours, and the two of you stayed there cashing your breaths. After a couple of minutes, he spoke.
" This doesn't get you out of your punishment Dekta" with that he took you to the bedroom. The rest of the night was spent in the bedroom. The following morning him carrying you around the house because you couldn't walk properly.  
🏷️: @caothicshit @missvelvetsstuff @huntressandlioness1 @springdandelixn
@hannibals-favourite-meal  @silverfire475​ @vbecker10​ @sarahrogersevans​ 
@imyourbratzdoll @nana1000night @Tomandcakes 
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moiravim · 2 years
Master list
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Key: 🌧️-angst, 🎀-parental, 🌻-fluff
The sacrifice. Bucky Barnes x Yn Zombie Apocalypse AU Story. 10 chapters. Completed. 🌻🌧️
I Miss When We First Met. Draco x YN Potter. Enemies to lovers, love triangle, slow burn. Completed🌧️🌻
Marvel Oneshots
Truth. Loki x yn. enemies to lovers 🌧️🌻
Support. Dad Tony 🌻🎀
Ily3000. Dad Tony comfort 🌻🌧️🎀
Assistance. teen yn sh comfort w/tony stark 🎀🌧️🌻
Let it out. Bucky hurt/comfort 🌧️🌻
Forevermore. Dad Loki🎀🌻
Rainy Nights. Fem Loki x reader 🌻
Widow friends. Platonic Yelena x yn🌻
Moon dad's meet yn🎀🌻
Moon dad's part 2 🎀🌻
Hot Coffee. Wanda x GN!yn 🌻
Date night Drama. Dad tony, romantic Bucky. 🌻🎀
Sick Mornings. Dad Clint Barton x GN!yn 🌻🎀
Mob!Dad!Bucky x teen!YN🎀🌻
Unbearable. F!Loki x GN!YN sh comfort 🎀🌧️
Sick Nights. Kate Bishop x YN 🌻🎀
Runaway. Dad tony, brother Peter x teen!yn🎀🌻🌧️
Home. Dad!Stucky x overwhelmed YN 🌧️🌻🎀
Giving the avengers pride flags!!Pride month fluff🌻🏳️‍🌈
Star Wars One-shots
Din Djarin x teen!GN!yn🎀🌻🌧️ part 2
Harry Potter one-shots/HC
Draco x Male Reader HC 🌻🏳️‍🌈
FTM!Regulus HC hurt/comfort jegulus🌧️🌻🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Rosekiller headcanons🌻🏳️‍🌈
Dad Wolfstar/brother Harry Headcannons GN!yn🌻🎀
Dating James Potter Headcannons🌻
Platonic Ominis, Sebastian, Anne x GN!yn🌧️🌻
Sebastian/Ominis x Yn dating HC 🌻
Seb and Omi depression comfort🌧️🌻
Blonde hair. Draco's sister🌧️🌻🎀
Other One-shots
Basil Stitt "lightning face" x GN!teen!YN🎀🌻🌧️
Marvel characters react
Marvel men react to you being upset 🌧️🌻
React to you being overwhelmed 🌧️🌻
React to you coming out🌻🏳️‍🌈
Marvel characters as your parents🎀🌻
Going to vormir with you🌧️
React to you getting sick🌧️🌻
React to you on your period 🌻
Falling asleep on them🌻
Proposing to you🌻
Taking you on a date🌻
React to you passing out🌧️🌻
Matching Marvel pfps
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povlvr · 2 years
8 • Savoury Encounters | YLGSE
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Pairing: Mob Boss Bucky x Baker Reader
Summary: Getting your mind off the Mob Boss proves harder than it looks, a welcomed distraction comes from a new staff member downloading Tinder but will the date go well?
Word Count: 6.5k
Warnings: Swearing, NSFW, love bombing, betrayal, swearing, slightly horny thoughts, Mob Boss Bucky, Mob Business, stalking,
A/N: Thank you all for reading, I am never going to get over Seb’s look for the Sharper premier, it was everything I never knew I needed so I had to use the picture!!
Series Masterlist Main Masterlist
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After the late-night kitchen rendezvous you needed to get your mind off the mobster, anything to help stop yourself over analysing why you had been incredibly turned from your last encounter & why you kissed him back whenever his lips had touched yours, you weren’t willing to give him a pass on his behaviour, but your lips really couldn’t deny that you wanted him. 
A welcomed distraction came in the form of MJ, Peter’s wonderfully obtuse girlfriend who needed a job & just like her boyfriend she was way too smart to be working for you, however you snapped up her offer of assistance like it was gold dust. The sheer relief in having two such capable staff members meant you could actually leave the bakery during day light hours, finally return home at the end of the day & attempt to sort out your life somewhat.
Having Peter around really didn’t help your attempts to build you walls back up when it came to Bucky, especially with him constantly talking about the mobster paying for his tuition & what a good guy he was for doing it, thankfully MJ having been caught up with everything that happened between you would steer his enthusiasm back to less touchy subjects for you. 
You appreciated her unwavering stance that you could do better, most evenings she opted to stay after Peter had done the deliveries to sit with you as you prepped for the following day, helping when needed & meddling in your love life when not. Tinder had been downloaded to your phone after three days of her working in the bakery, she’d sit & swipe, let you dictate messages & ignore others on your behalf as though she was your dating fairy god mother.
Bucky wisely kept himself scarce, as requested the gifts stopped, a polaroid of the Mobster handing over a big novelty cheque to the children’s hospital arrived, you couldn’t help the smile taking over your face & perhaps keeping it on your desk probably wasn’t the best idea but he looked so grumpy & ridiculous in equal measures. Of course the flowers kept arriving, those were non-negotiable, but you didn’t much mind, it kept the bakery nicely topped up & your living space full of the joys of spring even if you didn’t quite feel it.
With business running smoothly you finally had time to focus on the absolute state of yourself, you decided to have an afternoon away from the bakery to indulge in a well needed manicure & haircut, annoyingly when it came to pay, Bucky had somehow already taken care of it, you wondered if you should you text him to say thank you? Another welcomed distraction to keep you from reaching for your phone was the Pilates class you had booked in an attempt to fix all the tension & knots in your muscles from the last few weeks of stress.
When you arrived at the studio the session was completely empty, there was just you & Sage your instructor which suited you just fine, she was expensive but the best, a one on one lesson felt like an absolute treat & she graciously tailored the workout to your ailments seen as though it was just the two of you.
After about 10 minutes of adjustments & stretches you heard the door to the studio open, you were concentrating on your manoeuvre with your leg high in the air supported by the stirrup, in warriors pause with your face angled down holding your core tight to stop you slipping.
The sight of two large feet appeared in your peripheral vision, they almost looked comical in the Pilates socks with the toes all separated wiggling under your gaze, you didn’t mind sharing the session of course, but they were standing far too closely for your liking, you kept your head down minding your business until the familiar scent hit you, it was unmistakable; spice, woods, peat, James.
Maybe if you didn’t acknowledge him he wouldn’t actually be there? It wasn’t a good plan, but it was all you had, you weren’t so lucky of course & you felt his finger hook under your chin lifting it up to face him, there the pools of ocean were, staring at you hungrily, the crystal blue eyes you had missed … not missed, nothing’d … you nothing’d him.
Despite the socks, the sight before you was frustratingly hot, his usual suit was replaced with a black skin tight muscle tee, giving you the perfect view of his tattoo’d arm & firm abs, the basketball shorts however, were far too loose for your liking, surely Pilates should have a lycra only policy, for safety reasons?
‘Kind of concentrating here James.’ You voice strained as you worked to hold the machine steady, one slip & you’d fall flat on your face.
‘Can see that Sugar, just wanted to see those beautiful eyes.’
Sage came to your rescue slapping his arm away from you & ordering him to his area, you shot him a warning look, so that he would behave around the instructor, the last thing you wanted was to be banned from the only exercise you could stand. He positioned himself on his own apparatus, of course he was a natural & needed very few adjustments compared to you & of course he stared constantly at you making no subtleties about adjusting himself in his shorts when you happened to glance over, chuckling to himself as you rolled your eyes.
Coming to the end of your session you could almost forget who was next to you, once you had managed to block out his very audible grunting, did it turn you into a feral mess? Yes. Would you let it bother you? Also yes, but it wasn’t going to make you crumble, until he started to talk to you.
‘How’ve you been sweetheart.’
He chuckled at your very sharp response, he didn’t miss the subtle clenches & the imperceptible gulps after every groan he let out, you were flustered & he was going to make sure to capitalise on it, ‘Heard you finally have another pair of hands.’
‘I do.’
‘Working out for ya?’
‘Your hair looks nice.’
Your head shot to the side to glare at him angrily, he surrendered his hands, ‘Just sayin’, glad you’re taking care of yourself.’
‘Would have got a colour if I knew you were paying.’
‘Go back Sugar I’ll make sure there’s an appointment free.’
You cursed yourself for the corner of your mouth betraying you by almost smiling, he just looked so enthused & eager to please. Doubling down you stopped what you were doing folding your arms in somewhat of a huff ‘What you doing here Bucky?’
‘Working out, been in a few scuffles lately, really thrown out my balance.’
You rolled your eyes at his excuse, ‘& conveniently we so happen to be in the same place at the same time, all alone too;’
‘I hadn’t noticed.’
‘Sure you didn’t.’
‘What can I say, when you’re in the room all I can focus on is you.’
Damn he’s smooth.
‘Shame the same can’t be said for when I’m not in the room, hmm?’
The cockiness faltered on his face at your dig, then a little smirk right in the corner of his mouth appeared, he loved you challenging him & that you weren’t afraid to stand up to him. Dismounting his apparatus, he wiped down his glistening face, then approached crouching down in front of you, clutching your face as was customary when he was within touching distance.
‘I can’t begin to convey how sorry I am for that Bunny, I know I can’t take it back, but I can certainly show you that it will never happen again.’ The sincerity in his eyes captivated yours & his tongue darting out to wet his lips thoroughly had you in a trance. He stood you up & wrapped his arms around you in a tight firm hug, it felt incredibly comforting after a few weeks of feeling so unsettled, despite him being the one that caused it all a win was a win & a hug was a hug & he was so good at them. 
It felt incredible to have you in his arms again, he was trying to be patient & give you space but the thought of you in your Pilates outfit, bending over, stretching was too tempting to pass up so he booked all the slots in your session that were free, then got Clint to pay off the others so he’d have you all to himself & now you were here, in his arms. He could easily take another step & kiss you, but he didn’t want to push his luck & told himself you would make the move when you wanted it, it wasn’t fair on you to get so serious so quickly.
Instead he kissed your temple softly & with a ‘I’ll see you soon Bunny’ slipped out the studio. 
Discombobulated, that’s what he made you, from afar you could keep your composure, but up close you melted & then cursed yourself for it, why did he have to smell so good, why did he have to look so perfect all the time & why did he look even hotter with cuts & bruises?
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All you were doing was getting him out your system, a simple dinner date with a Tinder match you had been talking with, or more accurately MJ had been talking with so there was no need to be nervous. Micky, … no Mike sounded & looked nice enough, but you just weren’t feeling it, cursing yourself for being hung up on someone who you shouldn’t be, you needed a pallet cleanse because said some set your body on fire whenever you thought about him, surely that would stop eventually, right?
You waited outside the restaurant for him to show up, your dress was cute, not too slutty not too boring, the perfect first date outfit you had picked out the day before, an outfit that Bucky somehow paid for. You didn’t quite know how he managed to orchestrate paying for literally anything you had to buy since the ménage à trois on his lap in the club, it was slightly impressing you at this point that whenever you went to check out you would be told the item had been paid for courtesy of Mr Barnes, groceries, coffees, tampons all bought & paid for by James.
You felt guilty he was buying your outfit for a date & even more guilty for wearing the emerald necklace but damn it, it went with everything & you know what fuck him, it serves him right. Your feelings towards him were a rollercoaster most of the time & you were beginning to own it, if he wanted to waste his money on you, so be it.
A subtle cough brought you out of your internal debating about the Mob Boss & you were met with your date stood in front of you, he was handsome enough, shorter than his profile let on & shorter than you would usually go for, but he had a kind smile & generally nice presence about him.
‘Wow, you are a knock out, they’ll be asking me how much I’m paying for ya.’
Your eyes went wide at the insinuation.
‘…. Not that you look like a hooker, just you are way outta my league.’
He was practically red as a tomato as he continued spluttering out words, you’d stop him, but you were speechless & not in a good way.
‘… not that there’s anything wrong with hookers, you just aren’t one … that I know of.’
You giggled, more so out of awkward pity than because it was funny, MJ was getting a text at the first possible second you could send it & if it got any worse you’d hit code red for Wanda to ring you with an emergency.
‘Relax, it’s fine, I knew what you meant.’ You gestured to the door, ‘shall we?’
He powered ahead letting himself through the door & barely kept it open for you as he walked into the restaurant, by no means were you old fashioned & expected men to open doors for you or even a staunch feminist who insisted on opening them yourself, but if you’re on a date you thought you should at least make sure you keep it open, otherwise it’s just rude. You brain was fighting the urge to compare & contrast him to Bucky, a man who literally sulked when you opened a door for yourself once before he had chance to hop out of the car & do it for you.
Still, you gave him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he was nervous & didn’t realise you nearly face planted the glass, the restaurant was a quaint Italian family run business, they were always your favourite type of places with the best kind of food, so you loved the suggestion & of course looked ahead on the menu to decide on what you were having. Unfortunately, he didn’t get the memo & when the waitress came to get your drink orders he swooped in & decided you were both having the set menu with water. 
Your shoulders slumped & you knew this would be a long night, how the hell could MJ think you would be compatible with the guy who ordered the set menu? You’d happily pay the bill if it meant you got the garlic rosemary ravioli & a nice glass of wine, maybe you should have offered before he opened his stupid mouth.  
Bucky had been sat watching the entire night, from the awkward meeting outside where he was sure he called you a hooker to the absolute cheap skate option inside, you were lowering your standards for him so he was on the brink of threatening to break the guy’s fingers to make him reach into his dust filled wallet & treat you how you should be treated. Instead, he took the high road, telling the waitress on her way to the kitchen to ignore what the chump ordered for you, he was self-aware enough to acknowledge that he was doing the exact same as your date by ordering your food for you, but after countless conversations he knew you would skip the starter, pick the ravioli & have two deserts plus a crisp white wine to compliment the main. 
He settled the bill with a generous tip adding a full bottle of wine extra for top ups, you look like you would need it with Mark, the accountant who made less than you, played squash every Tuesday & masturbated to missionary porn once a week. Peter had run a background check on him despite trying to protest that you’d be mad at him, all that came up was a parking ticket when he was 19, the only thing he was guilty of was having the audacity to message you, he was far too tame & vanilla for you, you needed fire.
You were already bored with the very dull conversation on offer when the waitress approached, she practically slammed a glass of water by him & then your eyes lit up as a very full glass of wine was placed gently in front of you.
Your date almost looked incensed at the mistake like it was the end of the world if you had a glass of wine, ‘She didn’t order this, we’re not paying for it.’
You scoffed at the we’re, if we’re paying for it, you better believe I’m going to be drinking it pal.
The waitresses very sour expression towards him turned almost gleeful as she said ‘I believe the bill has already been settled.’
Your blood ran somewhat cold, not chilly enough to forgo tasting the drink sat in front of you of course, but your eyes darted around the restaurant over the glass as subtly as possible until they landed on a pair of azure ones staring at you, their owner looking mightily pissed off. Your face muscles were working overtime to stifle your smile as you enjoyed the crisp fresh cold delight you had been served, you didn’t know why he was there, or how he knew you were there, but you were going to find out, was it weird you were looking forward to shouting at him?
The waitress added with a smirk, ‘Your meal has been changed to the à la carte menu.’
Mike looked angrier & angrier at you, like you had secretly switched his choices to the expensive ones, ‘Why, what is going on, who the hell switched it?’
You took a big swig of the liquid in your glass for a bit of courage before dabbing the corners of your mouth with your napkin & getting up from the table, ‘Excuse me for a second will you, just need to wash my hands before we eat.’
Walking towards the bathroom you knew you would pick up a shadow on the way, were you even mad? You didn’t know the honest answer, the dullness of the date certainly had taken an interesting turn & there might have been a sight thrill running through your veins at the prospect of another encounter with the Mob Boss but on the other hand him showing up everywhere was entering stalker territory & that needed to stop.
You didn’t even have time to berate him before he pinned you against the wall, ‘Him? Really Bunny?’
‘Don’t fucking start Bucky, what the fuck are you doing here?’
‘Making sure you’re being treated properly; you wanted the ravioli right?’
He looked so smug as he leaned in, practically connecting your mouths as you were pressed into the wall & that magnetism you felt pulled you to the brink of just surrendering to it, you wanted him to just take you at this point, you could feel your whole-body pulsing from the anticipation. The waitress stood watching & you didn’t even care, he could have fucked you against the wall & you’d let her watch if it meant you could have him at that very second.  What was wrong with you?
You nodded, noses brushing & despite you trying your best to not encourage his crazy behaviour you threw him a bone, ‘thank you for the food & the wine.’
‘Will always take care of you sweetheart, I’m letting you have your space Bunny & letting you have your fun but know that I’m not happy about this. I think you enjoy torturing me, I told you you’re mine.’ He closed the gap & finally connected your lips in a heated exchange, you should have pushed him away, you should have stopped yourself moaning into his mouth & clutching his face in your hands, but you didn’t, you allowed him to take over until you finally pulled away.
‘Crashing my date isn’t giving me space.’ You gestured to the table raising your brow ‘& you call that fun?’ You slipped out of his grasp & walked back to your date without so much of a glance back in his direction knowing he wouldn’t be far behind. 
There was no way in hell Bucky would let you have the last word after that scorching kiss, that pathetic cheap skate you were with needed to know you were off limits so he was hot on your tail weaving through the restaurant, the satisfaction of seeing Miles’ face freeze in fear was more satisfying than it would be killing him.
With not so much of an invite he pulled out a chair & sat down next to you at the table, ‘Enjoying yourselves?’
Glancing towards him you gritted your teeth, yeah, the date was boring & you’d never see him again, but you didn’t want him getting himself killed for saying the wrong thing, ‘Bucky, be nice.’
‘Why? Wasn’t behaving back there was I Bunny?’ 
You swiftly elbowed him in his side.
‘Who’s Bunny?’
Bucky clenched his jaw that the imbecile dared speak in his presence, ‘The stunning woman you somehow think you’re good enough to go with on a date with, doesn’t she look beautiful tonight? Forgot to tell you earlier Sugar, the dress, the hair, the necklace, exquisite.’
‘Ye-yes she does, still don’t understand the Bunny.’
As monotone & menacing as possible he spat out, ‘Her bakery is called Honey Bunny’s Bakery.’
‘I – I didn’t know.’ You closed your eyes at that admission, you’re on your own Miles, told you about 3 times.
‘You didn’t know it was called that or you didn’t know she had a bakery.’ It suddenly felt like an interrogation, you wondered what was wrong with you for being so attracted to his absolute dominance over another man. 
‘th … the second one.’
He fully turned to you, ‘Jesus, I’ll say it again, him really?’
You were trying not to smile at the incredulous expression on his face or the inflection in his voice, ‘Enough James, leave us to our date & I will see you soon.’
‘Music to my ears gorgeous.’ He leaned down pressing a kiss on the top of your head & you couldn’t take your eyes off him as he left with a panty dropping wink.
You turned back to Mike, the awkwardness even more awkward than ever, silence hung over you both before you spoke up, ‘Sorry about that, just ignore him’
‘Spend a lot of time with Mob Bosses?’
‘I aim not to, he can’t take no for an answer.’ 
‘Clearly. How do you know him?’
You sighed, you came on this date to try & distract yourself yet somehow were now being questioned about him, ‘It’s a long story.’
The waitress was back handing him the pate starter, you shuddered at the thought of eating it, thanking the food gods for Bucky switching your order.
He suddenly looked smug & it didn’t suit his face at all, ‘Didn’t even bother to get you a starter.’
You nodded, ‘mm-huh, he knows I wouldn’t want one.’ You resisted crossing your arms in an annoyed huff for thinking Bucky didn’t know you well enough to order you one, why were you so defensive about him all of a sudden?
‘So he knows you well?’
You shrugged, yes, ‘No, not that well, he just pays attention.’
‘Well you’re missing out this is incredible.’
You didn’t do a good job of hiding the disgust on your face at him calling meat paste incredible, as he crunched it through his teeth on the French toast, each to their own but really? MJ was officially fired as your dating fairy godmother.
The rest of the date was as dull as dishwater, he was just so bland & you noticed the judgemental eyes when the two desserts landed on the table that Bucky had ordered & you subsequently devoured. You felt like slapping him across the face with the fact that you own a bakery, you make desserts for a living so of course you like to try as many as possible for inspiration & you didn’t need him assessing your figure like he was calculating some kind of equation about cakes eaten to the power of body weight divided by age in which she’ll let herself go, ugh. 
Standing on the sidewalk in the brisk air you were planning your getaway, ‘Thanks for a nice night’
‘Hmm yeah. Look. I’ve been thinking it over & I think it’s best if we leave it here.’
You weren’t at all bothered at the thought it never seeing his boring ass again but pretty pissed that you didn’t get to tell him that first. 
He must have thought you were struggling to comprehend it as you seethed internally, ‘Yeah I mean I don’t want to end up missing a finger or be found in the Hudson. Your Bucky Barnes’ girl.’
‘I am not his girl. Don’t listen to him’ why were you sounding like you were desperate & wanted another date, you absolutely didn’t but didn’t want him to have the final say, you wanted to be the dumper not the dumpee.
‘Who gave you the necklace?’
You rolled your eyes, ‘Him. Why does that matter?’ 
‘Look you’re nice & all but just not work the risk, maybe if you were a bit more interesting you would be, but you aren’t.’
He practically ran away down the street, You. We’re. Pissed & needed to shout at someone, there was only one person on your radar that very moment. 
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You flew in his office, not bothering to knock or to be welcomed in, there was a drink poured waiting for you & you were on the brink of throwing it at him, instead you downed it, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand as you gasped & grimaced from the taste.
He stood in his all-black outfit, the turtleneck with the tailored suit was a lethal combination, without the trench coat he had on earlier you could see the shape of his physique better & with his beard growing out wonderfully he looked the sexiest you’d seen him. You suddenly regretted coming, being alone in his office wasn’t the best idea especially when just the sight of him made you want to get down on your knees.
You powered through those thoughts, ‘This is my actual life, not some fucking movie James, you need to accept that I said no & stop whatever it is that you’re doing. The paying for everything, showing up everywhere, threatening my dates, it’s got to stop.’
‘It’s not a question. We’re not children James, you can’t just pull my pigtails for attention & expect me to come running.’ 
He reached out to pull you closer, ‘You into that sort of thing Sugar, I can tug on your hair til you’re screaming.’
‘Don’t.’ You managed to keep him at bay, arm’s length, arm’s length, arm’s length.
‘Come on Bun, give me a break, I see someone with my girl I’m not going to sit & do nothing especially when he’s not treating her right, did he call you a hooker?’
‘Firstly, I’m not your girl, so don’t even go there, & the hooker thing was because he was nervous & insinuated people would think he paid for me, that wasn’t even the worst bit.’
‘What did he do?’
‘Said I wasn’t interesting enough to take the risk of being with me, like I’d waste my time on him.’
‘I’ll fucking kill him.’
‘No, you won’t. If you hadn’t have turned up, I wouldn’t have gone on another date with him, he wasn’t good enough for me.’
‘Well, we can all agree on one thing, don’t pretend you didn’t like me happening to be there, switching your food & our kiss.’
‘So, you just happen to be there? hmm why were you even there & the truth, you couldn’t have seen him call me a hooker from inside the restaurant.’
 ‘Ok, don’t get mad, I’ve been having a couple of my men keep tabs on you, just so I know you’re safe.’
You stepped further back from him, mind in overdrive trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle that had been bugging you all week, it suddenly all made sense, ‘That’s how you kept paying for my appointments & clothes.’
‘Gotta say Bunny it took a lot not to lose it knowing I was paying for a dress for a date with another man, in fact, take it off so I can throw it in the fire, you’re not wearing that again.’
‘Don’t you even dare try & say something like that to me, did I ask you to buy it for me? Jesus what is wrong with you? One day you’re nice & normal & then the next a stalking possessive weirdo.’
‘It’s not stalking if I don’t do it personally Bunny.’
‘Of course it is you idiot, you’re telling me you’ve never stopped by & watched me at work?’
He stepped closer, eyes darkening as he yet again pulled you into him, brushing your hair behind your ear, leaning in, ‘Of course I have.’
‘See stalker.’
‘Oof you’re smart, just making sure you’re safe, can’t sleep if I don’t know you’re safe, you really shouldn’t take the subway, let me get you a driver.’
You shook your head again fighting yourself not to smile, ‘How can you say such nice things & at the same time be so widely inappropriate.’
‘You drive me crazy Sugar.’
Your mouths found each other, frantically devouring one another like they were your last moments on earth, hands roaming around, feeling like he was too close yet not close enough, you needed to leave before you gave in completely.
His face looked pained when you pulled away, chasing your lips with his to taste you that second longer but you managed to evade them shaking your head & returning to your senses. ‘I should go.’
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It felt like déjà vu seeing MJ bright eyed & bushy tailed waiting outside the bakery to hear the gossip from your date & as much as you were trying not to, you were missing Yelena. MJ & Peter were a literal god send & incredibly fun to work with, their dynamic complimented yours completely but sometimes, you needed someone to boss you into doing tasks you were avoiding or someone to tell you to get a grip. 
‘So, how’d it go?’
You crouched down to unhook the roller shutters, straining as you wiggled the latch whilst explaining your catastrophically disastrous evening to the person somewhat responsible, ‘Let’s see, he insinuated I was a hooker, ordered the set menu & water for me, Bucky showed up & reordered my meal but there was wine that time, he both annoyed & impressed me that he got it spot on, so that bit was fine I guess, then when I went to shout at him, he pinned me against a wall, kissed me, paid for the meal, then made it clear to Miles ..’
‘Yeah Mike, that I was his so stay away & then the guy, who was the worst by the way proceeded to tell me I wasn’t worth the hassle then ran away. Literally took off down the street as fast as his shorter than advertised legs could carry him.’
She grimaced as you finished off rattling off the disastrous evening, ‘Jesus.’
‘Yeah, then I stormed into the Mob Boss’ office, shouted at him, he told me he stalks me in not so many words, we kissed again, I left & here I am.’
Just as you finished your rant you opened the door to the bakery, squinting in the darkness you could see something wasn’t right, your foot hit something not quite solid not quite soft, blindly feeling for the panel you turned on the switch & illuminated the bakery.
The entire floor was covered in bouquets of flowers, on every single surface there was a floral display of some sort, every type of flower available to man upon your initial assessment, somehow amongst the chaos you could tell there was a disproportionate amount of your favourite flowers compared to the rest.
‘I don’t think we need to guess as to who did this?’
You laughed, ‘Clearly Mikey’
‘Yeah him. Jesus, definitely not Bucky.’
‘Now seems like a good time to see if you can get him to pay for my tuition too, the man has got it bad.’
‘I’ll see what I can do.’ You laughed trying to wrap your mind around what you were looking at & how you could deal with it. ‘What the fuck, what the fuck are we meant to do with all of these flowers? There’s barely any room to move.’
MJ stood working out a path she could take to the counter knowing turning the coffee machine & making you one was the priority while you got your plan sorted in your head, ‘You don’t seem very mad, I can see your smile trying to escape, don’t pretend it isn’t.’
‘It’s not from happiness, I am freaking out right now.’
‘How did he even get in?’
‘No, he tries not to tell him anything when he rings everyday to check on you.’ MJ slapped her hand across her mouth like it was some sort of secret, of course he did. You had thought maybe Peter was the one telling him where you were going all the time, so that he could ring ahead & pay but after the conversation the previous night you knew differently, maybe they were still watching.
‘I guessed he was a mole the second he turned up the day after Bucky had his lap dance.’
‘What we gonna do with all these? there’s no room for customers.’
You stood tapping your head, as though a plan would formulate by magic, ‘Ok first things first, we run a promotion free flowers with every coffee if people want them, I’ll update the sign outside. Ring Peter, he can deliver some to the hospital & to the old folks place who order from us a lot, we’ll keep a few in here but the majority can go outside the front for people to take & then I’ll take a few for upstairs.’
‘On it boss,’ her phone was at her ear instantaneously as you slowly tried to create a path to any areas you needed.’ When you managed to gain entrance to your office the biggest bouquet sat on your desk with yet again another note & black velvet box.’
‘Bunny, I didn’t mean to upset you by, in my own way trying to keep you safe & taken care of. It’s not my intention to stalk you or make you uncomfortable, I know you don’t want me to come by & visit so it’s my way of making sure you’re ok & to spend that minute of time I wish I could with you, it’s my little moment of peace in the day when I get to look at your beautiful face. Every single petal on every single flower can’t even represent how sorry I am. I will make sure you are always safe, but I will try my best to not cross anymore boundaries when doing so. Please accept these earrings to go with your necklace, don’t think I’ve not noticed that you wear it every day & that very thought keeps my heart beating.’
You wondered how a man could be so entirely sweet one minute & then wildly inappropriate the next, like there was some dark entity within him that came out at night or whenever you challenged him, yes it was hot, but it gave you whiplash most of the time. He was just so intense & it was addictive because you should have been overwhelmed by it all & want to run the other way, but you could feel a part of you fighting out all reasoning & logic to just go with it.
You shook it off, he may be breaching some walls you’d erected but you couldn’t help being pissed off at the extra work of clearing up the shop would take, plus prayed that none of your customers had a pollen allergy, they’d go into anaphylactic shock the second they walked through the front door.
A hectic morning later you finally had some respite, your customers thankfully lapped up the freebies on offer with their orders, you saw fresh faces once word had spread & the number of bouquets had reduced drastically. You slipped out once it had quietened down & plucked a particular bunch off the side, you didn’t visit his grave often, you were surrounded by him everyday enough, talking to him when it got that bit too quiet at night but if ever there were a good excuse it was today. 
Of course, Bucky had already been, or whoever flower bombed your existence on his behalf, there on your father’s headstone sat a huge bunch of sunflowers, you were quickly learning that you really couldn’t escape the Mob Boss but is a man who goes to such lengths to prove himself someone you should be escaping? 
The smile on your face was the first time you probably had ever felt an ounce of happiness stood there, of course you wish your dad was around to tell you to get a grip of yourself & that he wasn’t good enough for you, but he’d say that of anyone. You found a headstone that looked a little neglected & took the time to remove some of the old flowers & moss that had grown setting down the surplus bunch in your hands, taking a little moment to look over the name & details of who you were giving the flowers to before you headed back to the bakery.
Bucky had stopped by to hopefully drop in when it was a little quieter, he loved that you changed your sign & gave away most of the flowers, everyone said it was a bad idea, but he didn’t care, he knew it would brighten your day a little at least. Somewhat expectedly you nipped out to the graveyard not far from your business, he may have spent a moment with your dad when he lay out the flowers, promising to look after you, to be better & the man you deserved. The smile on your face when you saw them made him almost get out & cash in on the good will but sitting in his car, he realised he didn’t need to, knowing you appreciated the gesture & paid it forward for someone else’s absent loved ones was enough. Before you could spot him, he started his engine & drove away, having been completely micro focused on every expression on your face, your body language & his general fixation on you he was oblivious to the two men in an unmarked car watching him, watching you.
They had seen the day unfold having heard from some sources that the King of Brooklyn had found his Queen, the abundance of flowers & him showing up confirmed the rumours, now all they needed to do was be patient & wait.
Your day was finally coming to a close, you had sent MJ & Peter on a delivery run, the odd customer was floating about & you were fine cleaning around them hoping they’d get the hint that you were closing soon, as you were taking stock of supplies underneath the counter you heard the bell ring, you popped your head up to tell whoever it was that you were closing, but you noticed the empty bakery save for the two gentlemen in pinstripe suits making their way over to you.
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Thank you for reading!! Let me know what you think will happen!!
TAG List:
@matchat3a @hallecarey1 @oliverqueen66-blog@broadwaybabe18@meowmeowyoongles @abaker325 @glows-n-the-dark @barnesml @getofffmydick @omegaevans @cjand10 @pono-pura-vida @stoneyggirl2 @winters1917 @rowaelin4ever12 @theecharlotteyork @saranghaey @ace-27749 @calwitch
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sebsgirl71479 · 2 years
A King and his Queen
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Mafia Sebastian Stan x Curvy Female Reader
Rating: 18+only No Minors
Word Count: 2673k
A/N Once I saw the pictures of Sebastian at the LACMA Gala this story popped up in my head. I will have translations for anything that Sebastian says in Romanian. Also if you have a problem with curvy/plus sized readers oh well.
This only part 1 to a 2 part series.
Warnings: cursing, blood, guns, smut, virgin sex, unprotected sex, fluff, nicknames If there is anything I missed sorry. 
Here you stand, your pristine white pant suit with small splatters of blood holding your husband's 40 cal gun, aimed at the men that shot and beat him up. You already shot one of the 3 men that stood before you. “So gentleman, before I decide to end your life right where you stand, would you like to tell me who decided to put the hit on my husband?” They both look at each other having a silent conversion. “Boys, we are wasting my precious time sitting here waiting for you to tell me when I should be by my husband's bedside. So who will it be next that I shoot?” 
“We’re not telling you anything you bitch. We don't care who you are.” “See that's where you're wrong. You should care who I am, because the man you did the hit on is Sebastian Stan, the king of the Romanian mafia. The biggest mob in all of New York. and you are being held by its queen.” The men look like they are about to shit their pants. They never have seen you but they knew of the king and queen. 
Now before we go any further let's backtrack to 1994, when you and Sebastian first met. You were 12 years old and he had just moved to the United states from Vienna, Austria. He was having difficulty speaking English properly and noticed he was being slightly bullied for having a thick accent. One day you took it upon yourself to approach him in the library one day to introduce yourself and maybe help him with learning English better and maybe strike up a friendship with the boy. Little did both of you know you would have one of the most beautiful and intense relationships for the rest of your lives. 
While helping Sebastian with his English, you both slowly developed secret crushes on one another. By the middle of 8th grade he had gotten a lot better speaking and you both confessed your mutual liking to each other while on a walk along Rockland Lake State Park. Your parents and Sebastian's parents thought you two were a bit young to date but they thought it was adorable just the same.
When sophomore year came around, everyone at school knew who you both were and called you a power couple. “Lubirea mea, i have such big dreams for us when we turn 18.” “What is that dragul meu?” While you were helping Sebastian with his English he was teaching you words in Romanian. “Well since my step-father has no other sons besides me he will be handing over the business to me and I am going to grow it much bigger than it is now. And I will be the Romanian king of New York and you will be its queen, lubirea mea.” Looking into your eyes and lifting your hand to his lips to kiss it. “Oh Seb, te iubesc.” “Și eu te iubesc y/n.” 
By the time you both turned 16 both sets of patents saw and understood how deeply in love you were for each other. So much so that Sebastian asked his mother Gorgetta for the wedding ring his father gave her. “Sebastian, are you sure this is what you want? You are so young and I don't want you to regret anything?” “Mama, I love her so much so deeply I feel it in my bones. She will be my queen one day and then we will be unstoppable.”  “That's all I wanted to know, băiețelul meu frumos.” 
“What's wrong lubirea mea, are you having second thoughts? We can stop now and just lay in bed and cuddle?”  “No Seb no I want this so much. I guess I'm just worried it's going to hurt alot.” He cradles his hands on your face, rubbing your cheeks. “Baby, if it ever gets to be too much just tell me and we can stop ok?” “Ok seb, te iubesc.” “Și eu tu iubesc.”
The summer before your senior year was when you and Sebastian decided to take your relationship to the next level. It was the day before the 4th of July. You and Sebastian were hanging out at his house watching movies and cuddling on the couch in his bedroom. Halfway through the movie you looked up at him at the same time as he did. He bent down to kiss you on the lips, it was soft and sweet just like him. Soon Sebastian held you by the waist and pulled you up to straddle his lap. That's when things got heated, you started to grind down on his lap and felt his erection. It felt right, you started to moan with the friction, so did Sebastian. You were the first to pull away and look him in the eyes. The look in his eyes was different from other make out sessions that you’ve had. “I love you so much y/n, please tell me you want this?” “I love you too seb, you are my forever make love to me.” 
With such strength you didn't know he had, Sebastian picked you up without breaking eye contact with you. The intensity you both had in your eyes was like fire. He gently laid you down on his bed and began kissing you again. One by one you started undressing each other. Once you were both in your underwear, you looked at Sebastian with so much love but also a little bit of nervousness. 
You've always been a thick girl, but Sebastian never saw you that way. He always made you feel beautiful, never felt subconscious about your body. He started kissing you down your neck every so often giving you little hickies to show you and anyone one else that you were his. When he got to the valley of your breast he looked up at you asking a silent permission to take off your bra. With a nod of your head he reached behind you and unhooked it and let it fall forward. Grabbing the straps and kissing your shoulders as he pulled it off to expose your chest to him. “My god baby you are so beautiful.” Once your bra was off he latched on to one of your breast and began suckling on it, flicking it with his tongue. You let out whimper and moan and the new sensation. “Oh Seb, baby that feels so good.” I know angel, just relax and I'm going to make you feel so good.”      
While he keeps his mouth on your breast, his left arm is gliding down your body smoothing over your curves stopping right at your mound. He presses his finger over your cloth clit and you feel a jolt of electricity. “Oh my god baby that was amazing!” Sebastian removes his mouth from your breast with a pop, giving you that beautiful smile of his. “Draga, let me taste you. I've been dreaming of this.”  “Whatever you want Seb, just dont stop.” Soon enough he slid your panties down your legs while kissing and sucking bruises on your legs, only for him to see. “Damn baby you're so wet, so beautiful.” Before you could respond he swiped  his tongue up from bottom to top giving your clit a little suck. You arched your back at the new feeling, never wanted this to end. “You taste so damn good draga i could spend the rest of my life here.” He dove back in and ate you out like he has been starving for you. 
Once he is to the hilt he is breathing hard trying not to bust at that moment. At that moment you both speak….”I Love You!” Caressing his cheeks you kiss his nose and both cheeks then his lips in a soft and all consuming kiss. “You can move now baby, I'm ready.” With a nod of his head he slowly starts pulling out in slow short strokes to lessen the pain for you. “Oh lubirea mea you’re so tight I could live here.” You moan at his confession, digging your nails into his shoulders to ground yourself. “Sebastian, baby please go faster. It feels so good. Mmmmm.” “What my baby wants she gets.”
You grabbed onto his hair like a lifeline, the moan you let out was practically pornagraphic. You wondered how he knew what he was doing, leaning up on your elbows as you looked at him. “Baby, how did you learn to do this?” Sebastian looks up, mouth and chin glistening with your slick. “I watched a video or two a while back. I wanted to make sure I was doing this right, are you enjoying it draga?”  “Baby just don't stop.” With a smirk on his face got back down between your legs and started flicking your clit and sucking. Soon he slipped one finger in you for a new sensation. Once he inserted another finger you felt full, his fingers pumping in and out along with him flicking your clit had your stomach tightening. “Oh Sebastian I- I’m gonna cum!” “Come on baby cum show me you can be a good girl.” On his command you let go with the most intense orgasm ever, so much so you squirted.  
Sebastian was in awe, he had never seen that before but he thought it was the hottest thing he had ever seen. He looks at you, panting chest heaving completely blissed out. “Draga, are you ok? Baby come back to me.” He says with a little laugh. You blink your eyes trying to focus on Sebastian. You look at him, a small smile tugging on your lips. “You were so good baby, I love you so much.” “I love you too angel. Are you ready?” “Yes Sebastian, make love to me lubirea mea.” “Okay you tell me if gets to be too much angel I don't want you in too much pain.”  With a reassuring nod he positions himself between your legs pumping himself a few times moving his penis up and down your folds getting him wet before he enters inside of you. “Oh draga we need a condom.” “Its ok baby I went on the pill last year. I want to feel all of you.” He bends down to kiss you passionately to try and distract you from him entering you. His blunt tip starts to enter and you let out a small whimper as he slowly goes inch by inch. “Oh shit baby I’m only halfway in but you feel so fucking good. I don't know how long i'm going to last with how tight this pussy is.” “It's ok seb take your time, i'm doing ok.” He opens his eyes and he looks right in your eyes as he starts pushing in more. Its like you are both opening your souls for each other. You feel a bit of pain but Sebastian is going so slow it's making it bearable. 
He starts to pick up a faster rhythm and he can tell you're starting to get close to a second orgasm. “Darga are you getting close? I can feel you choking me, I don't think I'm going to last long you feel too good your heaven.” “I- I’m oh god Sebastian I’m going to cum. Cum with me baby please.”  “I'm oh I'm right there angel.” He brings his thumb to your clit rubbing tight circles intensifying your pleasure. You arch your back off the bed, wrapping your legs around his waist. It feels so good you grab his butt and start pushing him to you harder. "Angel, let go baby, cum for me.” At his command you screamed his name and gripped his cock so tight he roared out your name and came so hard inside you. “Shit I can't stop cumming baby oh god it won't stop.” “Give it to me lubirea mea, give me all of it.” After another 2 mins he is finally spent and drops to his elbows so as to not crush you. You hold his face and kiss him till you can't breathe. You bring him to your chest for him to lay most of his weight on you. Combing your hands through his hair and humming to him, he catches his breath. 
After a few minutes of you both coming down for your highs, Sebastian finally pulls out of you. You let out a small whimper with the loss of him, but he brings you into his side to nuzzle your face into his neck. “How are you feeling draga? Are you hurt at all?” “I hurt a little bit, but it's a good hurt.” Looking up at him you give a big smile and he mirrors you. At that moment he thinks of the ring he has in his underwear drawer and he can't think of a better time than now. He wanted to do something more romantic, but you laying in his arms naked and looking like an absolute angel he can't think of a better time. 
He gets up to go to his bathroom to get a warm washcloth to clean you both up but he takes a detour to his dresser. He gets to the side of the bed and bends down to wipe off any remaining cum off your legs and then throws it in his hamper. As he stays at the side of the bed he moves your hair away from your face looking like he has something on his mind. “Seb, baby, is something wrong?” “No angel, everything is perfect, in fact I wanted to wait for something more romantic but I can't think of any better time than now.” 
He picks up the box from his side and brings it up to view. You sit up on the bed holding the sheets to your body with wide eyes. “Y/N Y/L/N my angel, lubirea mea. You have been with me since I came to this country and have helped me become the young man I am today. I have loved you for so long and I know we will love each other till the end of time. You are my queen and want to be your king. I know it's so soon but will you marry me?” You look at him with wide eyes, you never thought he would propose so soon but you never had a doubt in your mind that you would spend the rest of your life with him. 
With a small tear rolling down your cheek you finally speak. “Sebastian, I would be honored to be your wife and your queen.” He smiles so big, with shaky hands he puts the ring on your finger and kisses it. He leaps off the floor and kisses you silly all over your face while you giggle. You just lay there in each other's arms filled with happiness. A few minutes pass and you both get off the bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower. 
There's no sex just slow sensual touches washing each other and exploring your bodies. You hold one another under the stream of hot water saying soft i love yous. When the water starts to get a little cold you exit the shower and dry each other off. Sebastian gives you one of his t-shirts and boxers to wear to bed while he just wears his own pair of flannel pajama pants only.
 You both get into bed and you lay your head on his chest while holding his hand playing with his rings. He takes your hand and places a kiss on your ring finger. You fall asleep after a few more minutes, when Sebastian feels your breathing even out he knows you're asleep. He looks down at you and places a kiss on your forehead and starts to drift off as well dreaming of his future with you. Quietly he speaks into the dark. “The world has no idea what is coming with us draga.”
I hope you enjoyed part 1 to this Mafia Sebastian story. Don't forget to reblog and check in for an update on part 2.
Tag list: @buckyalpine @peaches1958​ @christycurlswrites​
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
i just had another idea... what about royal!au bucky (or mob, which one u prefer) x bodyguard!reader
like she is so rude with everyone but a softie with buck, she takes care of him and protect him all the time (secret relationship?)
idk something smutty, angst and fluffy... you are an expert of writing!
- your fave spidey. 😝🕷️
Mean To Everyone, But You » Bucky Barnes (AU)
Pairings: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Bodyguard!Female Reader
Summary: You’re Bucky’s bodyguard and you’re rude to everyone except for him.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut (18+), tiny bit of Angst, language, tiny bit of violence, secret relationship, kissing, hickeys, fingering, unprotected sex, riding, praise kink, pet names
A/N: Thank you 🕷️ anon for requesting🩵
Written on my phone. I apologize for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creator @barnesdjarin
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Bucky sighs loudly when one of his most annoying employees walks in his office without knocking. He picked up where he left off with his list of complaints and it was giving Bucky a headache. Bucky sent you a text, asking you to come in his office. You’re Bucky’s bodyguard and you’ll do anything to protect him.
“You wanted to see me, sir?” You asked as you in his office.
“Yes.” Bucky answers. “Please show him the exit. He will not be working here anymore.” Bucky tells you.
“Will do, Mr. Barnes.” You complied.
“I’m fired?” He scoffs.
Bucky hums and nods his head.
“Let’s go.” You say to him, walking him towards the door.
“I know how to walk!” He smacks your hands away. “Don’t fucking touch me!” He says loudly.
He should’ve known better than to smack your hands, because the next thing he knew he got punched in the face. Bucky was watching in amusement as you escorted him out of his office. A few minutes later, you went back to his office.
“I would like to apologize for the way things got physical with him.” You apologized.
“No need to apologize. I enjoyed it.” Bucky says.
Bucky watched the way you winced and seen your slightly bruised knuckles.
“Get some ice for your hand.” He tells you.
You nodded before leaving his office to ice your hand. Later, Bucky asked you to come back to his office.
“You wanted to see me, sir?” You say, walking in his office and closed the door behind you.
“Lock the door please.” He says.
You locked the door and walked over to him. You sat on his lap, straddling him. You gave him a much needed kiss. Bucky’s hands found their way to your waist, giving it a small squeeze.
“I’ve been waiting for this all day.” Bucky says.
“Mmm, me too.” You say with a hum.
Bucky moved his lips to your neck. He placed soft kisses along your skin. You tilted your head to the side to give him more access. His teeth grazed your skin, biting down hard enough for a hickey.
“Bucky…” You breathed. “Everyone will see the marks.” You say.
“Cover it with makeup.” Bucky says against your neck.
You and Bucky are in a secret relationship. You two are risking it by having sex in his office. Even though, it’s not the first time you two have had sex in his office.
“I love it when you’re mean to everyone.” He says as he continues to mark up your neck.
“I love to protect you somehow.” You say.
Bucky’s hand disappeared underneath your dress and rubbed your pussy through your wet panties. A soft moan left your lips.
“You’re so wet.” He whispers. “Is all of that for me?” He asks.
“Yes.” You moaned. “It’s all for you.” You tell him.
Bucky moved your panties to the side and slid a finger inside of you and his thumb began rubbing your clit, making your mouth fall open and a string of moans leave your lips. He moved it slowly and at a teasing pace, making you whine. He smirks to himself, loving the affect he has on you.
“Bucky…” You whined.
“Tell me what you want, sweetheart.” He says.
“Your cock.” You tell him.
“You know how to get what you want.” He says.
You unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned and unzipped his suit pants. Your hand palmed his hard cock through his boxers, making him moan lowly. You bit your bottom lip as you took his cock out of his boxers and stroked it in your hand.
He took his fingers out of you, making you whine. You lifted yourself just enough for your pussy to hover over his cock. You lined his cock at your entrance and slid down onto him. A relieved moan left yours and his lips.
“We have to make this quick.” Bucky tells you. “We have to finish the workday after this.” He says.
You nodded and put your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself and lifted yourself up and sank back down on him. Bucky bunched your dress up above your hips and watched his cock disappear in your pussy, covered in your slick.
“Fuck…” He moans at the sight. “You’re taking my cock so well, darling.” He says.
You moaned in response and sped up your movements, his dirty words urging you on. Your clit occasionally rubbed just above the base of his cock. Your moans got a little too loud so Bucky covered your mouth to muffle your moans.
“Shh, sweetheart.” Bucky coos. “We don’t want to get caught, do we?” He says.
You shook your head no, moaning into his hand. He took his hand off of your mouth and slid a finger in your mouth. You swirled your tongue around it like you do with his cock before wrapping your lips around it. Bucky watched with lust clouded eyes.
His free hand found its place on your ass cheek, giving it a squeeze before helping you with your movements. Usually, Bucky lets you do your thing when you’re riding him, but he wanted to make this quick cause you two are still at work. Not that you minded. Little does he know that you love it when he helps you with your movements when you’re riding him.
Bucky’s finger left your mouth to rub your clit. A gasp left your lips at the feeling of his spit covered finger against your clit. He put his lips on yours to muffle your moans. His tongue licked across your bottom lip. You parted your lips just enough to allow him to slide his tongue in your mouth. His tongue explored every part of your mouth. His lips left yours so you two can breathe. You bit your bottom lip to keep your moans muffled.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart.” He pants. “I’ll take my time with you tonight.” He promises.
Bucky is a man of his word. He means it.
You lost rhythm with your movements for a short moment due to your orgasm building up, but you regained it. Bucky rubbed your clit faster to get your orgasm to build up faster. His orgasm was building up just as fast.
“Bucky, I-” A whimper left your lips before you could tell him that you’re about to cum.
“Cum for me, baby.” His voice sounding raspy. “I’m close too.” He says.
Your nails dug in the fabric of his suit jacket and you bit down on your bottom lip to keep yourself from moaning loudly as you came. Bucky gave your clit one last rub before focusing on his own orgasm. His free hand joined his other hand on your ass, helping you move up and down so he could cum. He came inside of you shortly after you came. Your movements came to a slow stop. You sat on his lap panting and staring in his eyes. He gave you a sweet kiss before you got off of his lap, his cock slipping out of your pussy.
You stood on slightly wobbly legs and held onto his desk as you readjusted your panties and dress. Bucky put his cock back in his boxers and redid the zipper and button on his pants and buckled his belt before standing up to walk you to the door. As soon as he opened the door, someone he’s supposed to have a meeting with barges in his office without permission.
“You’re late!” The man practically hisses. “Our meeting was supposed to start 10 minutes ago!” He says.
“I was talking to an employee.” Bucky says, referring to you.
The man looked at you, looking you up and down while giving you a dirty look.
“It took you 10 minutes to talk to her?” The man laughs. “What were you guys talking about? Making her overtime?” He says sarcastically.
“We’re done here.” Bucky said to the man. “Y/N, you know what to do.” He says.
You nodded and motioned the guy towards the door, but he didn’t listen to you.
“I don’t need some little girl dressed like a Barbie to tell me what to do.” He says.
“You’re gonna regret saying that to her.” Bucky warns the man.
“Why? What’s she gonna-” You punched him in the face, giving him a bloody nose before he could finish his sentence. “You bitch!” The man shouted, holding his nose.
“Mr. Barnes asked you to leave. Don’t make him repeat himself.” You say.
You grab his arm tightly and used all of your strength to drag him out of Bucky’s office and building. Then you went back to Bucky’s office. Bucky had an amused look on his face.
“Remind me to reward you tonight when we get home.” Bucky says with a wink.
“Will do, Mr. Barnes.” You say, smiling at him before going back to work.
-Bucky’s Doll
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Hey, loves!
Mrs. Barnes here <3 I made this blog to share the story of Bucky and my journey through time and life. Bucky and I have been the best of friends since our childhood in the early 1920s. Thank you for visiting my blog in honor of my beautiful husband, my reliable drinking buddy, and most of all, the bestest friend this life could have given me.
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^ A few pics from our beach wedding aka the happiest day of my life. Bucky looked like a Disney prince. When he looked me straight in the eyes and uttered the words "I do," I think my heart audibly sang out with joy. There is nothing I would rather do than spend the rest of my life with this beautiful man I get to call mine <3
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p.s. I'm accepting requests! If you can't message me, just reblog or send requests to main blog <3
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jobean12-blog · 4 months
Impossible to Resist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader (Mafia/Mob AU)
Word Count: 1,144
Summary: From time to time your husband has to attending important events and from time to time you just don't want to go and would rather keep him home.
Author's Note: Seb's new and delicious looks have been so fun! I just loved the idea of a bratty reader seeing him looking perfect and just needing to keep him home-at least a little longer 😏Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️ Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you so much Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: fun, fluff, bratty reader, dom Bucky but he's always soft and sweet for his wife, fingering, curses
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“You’re still not dressed?”
Bucky’s voice rumbles through the room and even from your semi-hidden spot under the plush covers you can hear the edge in his voice.
“BUCKKKYYYYY. I don’t feel like going to the gala,” you whine.
“Doll,” he warns. “We don’t have time for you to be a brat. Get. Dressed.”
In the next breath the covers are ripped from your body and your bare skin instantly chills in the cooler air. You keep your face snuggled into the pillow to hide your smile but do nothing to hide the curves of your body for him.
You feel his heat first then the familiar weight of him against you when his lips meet your ear.
“If you’re trying to tempt me into staying home it’s not going to work.”
“Yes it is,” you murmur, still hiding.
That’s when you take the opportunity to remove yourself from the pillow and languidly stretch your body out under him.
Your breath catches when your eyes focus on him.
His lips turn up into a knowing smirk and he stares right back. Your palms flatten on his hard chest and you gently push him off you so you can get a look at all of him.
The crisp white material of his shirt is fitted against every sculpted muscle and his pants fall effortlessly over his long legs. But it’s the neatly fastened bow tie that has you  licking your lips before your teeth sink into the wet flesh.
You sit up and crawl to the edge of the bed to reach out for him. Your arms circle around his neck and you curl your fingers through the ends of his hair.
“I don’t want to go,” you whine. Again.
He takes your chin between his fingers and tugs your face up to his to let his nose run along your cheek and when his lips are just a centimeter from yours he whispers, “get dressed.”
With a kiss he releases your chin and steps back.
You pout and chase his lips. “What am I going to wear?”
“I bought you something. A surprise. Come see.”
Still naked, you slide from the bed and follow with a huff.
“I think what I’m wearing now is just fine,” you purr.
He takes your hand in his, sliding his fingers up your arm until they rest at the back of your neck. He gently massages as he guides you toward your walk-in closet.
“Definitely my favorite outfit,” he croons. “But not for a gala.”
You giggle and press yourself into his side.
A garment bag hangs against one of the glass doors and he walks over to slowly unzip it, revealing a gorgeous designer dress beneath.
You gasp and clap your hands together.
“OH BUCKY! It’s perfect.”
“Of course it is,” he preens. “I picked it out.”
You step into his arms and press your soft curves against his hardness.
“Are you sure I have to get dressed now though?”
Your fingers work along his broad shoulders and then straighten the bow tie at his neck. You graze your hands over his chest and bat your lashes.
“Doll face,” he simpers.
“Hmm?” you ask in a soft sweet voice, feigning innocence.
His hand falls between your bodies and he smooths his fingers along your skin leaving goosebumps in their path.
A soft moan spills past your lips and he moves you toward the wall, pinning you against it with his body.
As his fingertips continue teasing along your skin you quickly undo his bow tie so you can tug on each side and pull his lips down to yours. He groans into your mouth and slips his hand between your legs.
“Please Bucky. Please,” you beg. “I need you.”
“Fuck doll,” he murmurs. “You know hearing those words makes me weak.”
When his fingers meet your soaked flesh he hisses out another curse and easily slides them along your clit, gently pressing and circling until your legs are shaking.
“Is this what you want baby doll?” he asks as he pulls away to gaze at you.
“Yes Bucky,” you breathe out. “Yes!”
He’s still fully dressed and the lush fabric of his clothes is overwhelming as it glides along your heated and sensitive skin. With his hand wedged between your bodies you can feel the cool metal of his bracelet and ring as they press into your skin and it makes you roll your hips, desperate for more.
A firm hand spreads your thighs wider and he pushes a finger inside you. His lips meet your neck and he bites down on your pulse point, relishing how you tighten around his finger.
“You’re such a brat,” he whispers against your lips. “So needy for me.”
“Always Bucky,” you answer on a moan.
He slips a second finger inside you and rolls his thumb over your clit. His other hand ghosts up to your neck and gently closes around your throat. At first the pressure is light but as you begin to chant his name he puts more, squeezing harder like you squeeze his fingers.
Your orgasms hits you in a blissful ripple, making your body tremble and cling to him until you ride out every second of perfection.
He pulls his fingers free, still glistening with your release, and lifts them to your mouth to run them along its plush outline. Your tongue darts out to lick them and he hums in satisfaction, parting your lips until you clean his fingers of every drop.
“See how sweet you taste,” he whispers before he kisses you.
You’re putty in his hands by the time he pulls away and you grasp his shoulders.
“Please. I want you inside me Bucky.”
His mouth captures yours in another hard and dominant kiss. “I decide when I’m going to fuck you.”
Your lips curve wickedly. “Fine. As long as it’s now.”
Amusement dances in his eyes, but it’s quickly extinguished with determination and desire. Keeping his gaze locked on you, he starts to drag the undone bow tie from his neck.
You try to stay steady as he reaches behind you and brings your wrists together, securing them tightly with the silky fabric.
“You’re going to do as you’re told,” he murmurs as he spins you around and presses his chest to your back.
His lips lightly brush the shell of your ear. “Understand doll?”
You give your wrists a slight tug, whimpering when nothing budges.
“Yes Bucky. I understand.”
He steps back to look at you, naked with your legs spread wide, thighs shiny with your wetness, and growls out a low “fuck.”
“Please Bucky!”
You arch along the wall, presenting yourself for him.
“When I’m ready doll,” he says, running his hand along the curve of your spine, “I’ll fuck you like the madman you’ve turned me into.”
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@lizette50 @hiddles-rose @randomfandompenguin @goldylions @blackwidownat2814 @buckysdollforlife @littleseasiren @kmc1989 @identity2212
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buckrecs · 1 year
Hallo there!
I’m looking for a fic that has been stuck in my brain for a few days and I could not recall who wrote them and the title of the fic 😭
It’s a short series about a twin Bucky and Sebastian x Reader. One of them, i could not remember either Bucky or Seb married with reader, they both love each other very much. Then one of the twin came back home and reader was confused as both of them look exactly the same (haha despite being a twin). Then the other twin (Twin B) fall in love with the reader (reader has married with the twin A) then long story short, the twin was running from a mob (i think?) The mob came to their house, fight happened, one of the twin got shot but survived. Then reader lives happily ever after with both twins (Bucky & Seb)
Help me out find the fix please! Thank you so much! ❤️❤️
hey! I don’t read fics that include seb x reader , so I have no idea :(
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buckyownsmylife · 1 year
What fic do y'all want to read on Thursday?
I think I know which one will win, but alas...
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
you're mine
Pairings: Mob!Sebastian Stan x f!reader
Summary: Mob!Sebastian doesn't like it when his baby girl smiles at other men.
Word count: 646
Warnings: smut, nsfw, use of a vibrator wand, daddy kink, anal fingering (f receiving), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, degradation if you squint, explicit language, mentions of anal sex. 18+ content.
A/N: just a little blurb that was playing out in my mind, had to let it out xx.
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“It’s adorable that you think you can disobey me, babygirl.” His chuckle made her squirm even harder.
His voice alone could get her off and now that he was watching her helpless body shake with pleasure, she couldn’t help but cry in humiliation for enjoying her torture so much. She should've never smiled at that waiter.
“Sebastian, please. I’m sorry. Please, turn it off- fuck please,” she begged yet again only to be ignored as the man watching her suffer took a seat at the end of the bed.
Her legs trembled when she barreled towards her tenth orgasm of the night. Her pussy clamped around nothing and her toes curled as she screamed out his name.
Sebastian would’ve had mercy on her by the fifth orgasm if it wasn’t so fun to him watching her pussy pulse and clench around air, but she looked too beautiful.
His eyes didn't leave hers as he lit up a cigar, pressing it to his pink lips, “I don’t know, puppy. Doesn’t look like you’ve learned your lesson.”
“I have! I have, just- please. I can’t- no more. Please.” She sobbed, the vibrations coming from the device strapped to her dripping center driving her crazy.
She could feel herself getting closer to yet another orgasm and she didn’t know if she could physically take it.
“And what was it?” Sebastian asked before pressing his pointer to the head of the wand, pushing it down even more on her sensitive clit.
The move made her hips jerk as she yelped at the forced pleasure that coursed through her overstimulated bud. Her head was thrown back and her eyes almost rolled white.
“Please,” she cried, making him chuckle once again.
“C’mon now, puppy. Daddy has to make sure you got it through your dumb little brain.”
“I- I should never smile at another man. Ever,” she stuttered, fingers clutching the sheets beneath her sweating body as she neared her eleventh orgasm of the night.
Her little whines and whimpers were killing Sebastian, his cock rock hard and dripping in his suit pants. He wanted to shove his dick down her throat and fuck her mouth until she passed out, but he had to punish her first.
“And why’s that?” He stood up before kneeling before her spread legs.
Holding the cigar in one hand, his other rubbed the wetness that dripped down her pussy and taint into her ass hole, making her cry out in both pleasure and agony. She knew what was coming.
“Because I’m yours. All yours. Only yours- ah please,” she quickly told him, unable to fight the torturous pleasure he was inflicting on her body any longer.
Her babbling was music to Sebastian's ears as he pushed a finger past her tight rim.
“That’s right, babygirl. You’re mine,” he growled before slipping another finger in her tighter hole, scissoring her open and massaging her walls.
“You gonna cum? Hmm? You pathetic little thing.” Sebastian’s fingers teased her hole, slowly pushing in and out, driving her nuts.
It was enough to have her screaming for him though. Her body was sensitive and overstimulated and she couldn’t hold back.
“Yes, daddy. Please let me cum, please. I’ll be good. Please,” she screamed between heavy breaths.
Her chest was rising and falling and her hips wouldn’t stay in place as another orgasm crashed down on her.
“Atta girl,” Sebastian whispered before taking his fingers out of her ass and finally turning off the vibrator buzzing on her clit.
“Thank you,” she breathed out in exhaustion, making him chuckle when her body fell limp on the mattress.
Sebastian walked over to the coffee table and put his cigar out on the ashtray before rolling the sleeves of his white shirt up.
“You didn’t think I was done with you, did you?”
“Hands and knees, puppy. Gonna fuck that little ass.”
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