#which is fine. i'm bisexual. i'm definitely bisexual and i'm NOT clinging to the only identity thats felt comfortable for the last ten years
sugared-violets · 5 months
every time i listen to my roommates talk about their shitty boyfriends i hear the siren song of lesbianism calling to me
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what-if-nct · 6 months
hi!!! mind if i ask for some advice >-<, i'm in high school and i think my best friend likes me more than platonically. i've kinda had an inkling since we both kinda tested the waters at homecoming (barely, we only almost kissed) but that was the only instance i've ever done anything, bc i've never seen her in that light ever :( (multiple parts bc this is long im sorry 😭)
like that and i dont want to hurt her feelings. i'm also confused bc she ALMOST never says anything about it sober, and even talks about liking someone else. another iffy thing is when i talk about the guy i have feelings for she kinda shuts down almost? and just does not entertain that part of me, going as far as to "revoking my bisexual card" bc i talk too much about him, and i think shes only halfjoking. to be fair, i barely talk about him anymore, hes just such a cutie patootie >-<i think things got particularly bad when i was at her's last night for a sleepover, with our other best friend (H). we took a few edibles and when they started to kick in my friend legit jumped into my lap and got pretty cuddly, until my legs went numb haha. i got up and sat next to H for a while bc we were doing slideshows (mine was getting them to rate my kpop biases lol)and when we were done H and I were both greening out, like bad, i was getting anxious, legit thought i was in another dimension and like lucid dreaming or some shit, and H and i ended up just going out cold clinging to eachother (i went home and slept 26 hours straight, no exxageration 😭) and when we finally woke up bsf1 seemed kinda off :(idk what to do or if i should really say anything bc she's an emotional person and i really don't want to ruin our friendship or hurt her :/// any advice? if not its okay bc i also just needed to vent so tysm for hearing me out <33 hows life going for you? anything bringing a more than normal amount of happiness?
It definitely does seem like she might have feelings for you. And I think talking it out would be the best bet but more so go about in just asking how she's feeling in general because there could also be another factor in her behavior toward you and really try to listen to and understand her feelings and go from there. I myself I had a crush on a friend in highschool and I'm super dismissive and wishy washy about my crushes and she knew that and just said it'll pass and hugged me which is true it did pass. So try to remember how she handles crushes and use that as a guide to navigate how you go about talking about it. That's the best advice I have I just noticed with friends it's always tricky but it's always the best to have a conversation I really hope that was of some help. And I'm doing fine, I've been talking to a boy, he's very cute and very sweet and I'm trying to not get my hopes up but I might be seeing him soon I hope.
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