#which is so annoying b/c I lost two points b/c this person fleshed.
chiistarri · 1 year
I hate people who flesh
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Can you do headcannons of the proxies and/or the creepypastas??? :)
omg a first request ;;>;; so… i chose a few old favourites and took the time to flesh them out a bit and  i really really hope you like these! i worked hard to write them aaa
hope you don’t mind that these are borderline angsty
+ eyeless jack
+ jack has dissociative amnesia, more specifically, localized amnesia.
+ which means his memories of the sacrifice and the year or so following it are completely suppressed. he, however, does remember his life before the event.
+ since he transformed while he was in college, he had no medical knowledge to help him during his first hunts, which made them pretty scarring
+ he always ended up accidentally killing his victims, whether it be by being too brutal when knocking them out or by having them bleed out
+ those deaths really affected him
+ he also used to be very bad at stitching. he has had a lot of practice on himself
+ when he was first brought to mansion, he was very antisocial and aloof. he’d try to avoid the other creeps as much as possible, only going out of his room when he knew they wouldn’t be around.
+ it was a few months before the others heard his voice which is just chef’s kiss
+ most of his medical knowledge comes from books he snagged from the houses of his victims. some of it comes from experience.
+ like the time he learnt how to remove bullets after getting two shotgun wounds :))
+ he actually really enjoys helping the creeps with any medical issues they have. it makes him feel good to know that he’s not only bringing harm to others, but can also help “fix” them, of sorts
+ he totally blocks out the fact that they actually kill people
+ ticci toby
+ he ironically starts to do things just to annoy others masky such as pouring the milk in before the cereal
+ or shouting “ex-dee” (XD) when one of the creeps gets their ass handed to them by masky or hoodie
+ they end up becoming unironic through excessive use
+ these tendencies to be silly or annoying come from the fact that boy was pretty attention deprived. he cherishes it when the others pay attention to him, even if it’s in a negative manner.
+ that’s also why, despite everyone’s warnings, he’s pretty reckless and ends up with a multitude of injuries that really, could have been avoided
+ he’s often underestimated because a) he is the youngest proxy, b) he is the most annoying proxy and c) all of the points stated above
+ seeing him at work can be a weird contrast to his usual goofball self - he’s probably the most hard-working of the proxies. he trains the hardest CIP helps with that woop and performs his duties with the utmost care
+ he’s actually quite the people-pleaser, especially with his boss. he will do anything slenderman tells him without complaint
+ he can be a bit of a pushover at times
+ during missions, toby will do anything to prove to the other two that he, too, is reliable and skilled
+ although both masky and hoodie know this, and respect him as a fellow, competent proxy, he can never shake off the nagging feeling that he will never be considered good enough
+ BEN Drowned
+ BEN is generally a “go with the flow”, laid-back person, which leads to the creeps forgetting about his manipulative and sadistic nature
+ even when you think he’s not there, he’s watching. that’s right jeff, those hot cheetos you hid in your closet? he knows about them
+ yeah, he’s pretty much a voyeur specially with his female victims
+ he knows the right things to say and do to manipulate please people, which makes him the ultimate womanizer. thus, he has had a considerable number of . flings and “relationships”
+ it also helps that he doesn’t have a big ass bleeding grin on his face  
+ BEN’s surprisingly open-minded and adventurous. he’s pretty much down for anything, anytime. eating toby’s undercooked chicken? sure. jeff identifies as a copper spoon because he’s emotionally as dead as one? sure. his current lady friend wants to dress up as a clown and stare at him intently while they get down and dirty? you do you, boo.
+ having had so much time on his hands, he honed his skills with electronics through the years. he’s not ambitious or motivated enough to actually do anything other than terrorizing poor souls with it though.
+ he does take a lot of time to carefully plan his psychological torture though. he’s veeery patient when it comes to crafting the perfect way to harm someone.  thankfully he doesn’t hold grudges
+ he does have a pretty bad temper. certain things, such as criticism or being made fun of, specially for his height, can really put him in a foul mood. he’s not one for yelling, but the sharpness of his words and the venom in his voice deliver a harsh blow to whomever may be at the receiving end
+ the blond might be short, but he sure packs a punch. he has broken things before in fits of rage and frustration. sometimes unintentionally. other times, completely voluntarily.
+ example one:  jeff’s nose
+ since he knows exactly how to get under everyone’s skin and what words to say in order to, well, actually hurt them, any fight with him ends up being pretty ugly
+ he often locks himself in his room for days after a fight, wallowing in self-hatred and pity for having lost control once and for having said things he never meant, to those who are the closest things he has to a family / friends
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So, to explain - this is the Danganronpa characters from Trigger Happy Havoc, listed from my favorite to least favorite. I'll go ahead and explain my rationale, a bit.
Starting with the F rank, Hagakure.... He's just useless as hell. A comic relief character that somehow managed to make it out of that shitstorm alive, and he's just not a very deep, amazing character. He's easy to panic and confuse - hell, at the start, he was so convinced the school was pulling an elaborate prank on them... despite all the signs to the contrary. And his talent of fortunetelling.... even the average of his predictions being right (30% at most, 20% at least) is pretty piss poor. Celes set him up as her scapegoat, and while that is kinda sad for him, it kinda loses its effect when you consider he begged for you (Naegi) to donate your organs on the cheap so that he could sell them on the black market so that he wouldn't need to dip into his own life savings to pay off a debt to the yakuza.
.... Like I said, not that great of a character, and I'm super annoyed out of everyone, he was one of the survivors. XD
Moving onto E rank... Fukawa's a little better off than Hagakure. She's a super downer to talk to, and will not hesitate to insult you to your face (unless you're Togami), but she's a learned girl and she made some contributions to the story, though they be few and far in-between, in my opinion. Her obsession with Togami is annoying, though, and like Hagakure she dragged out the trials at times because of her insistence on certain culprits (like Naegi, in trial 1).But.... still better than Hagakure, honestly. Her talent's hell of a lot more useful than Hagakure's, too - not to mention her growth in later games and anime.
Rank D.... Yamada just seemed so flat (an otaku to the bone), and Leon just didn't have much time for you to get to know him. You could tell he was a lady's man, a skirt chaser, and he let the life-or-death situation with Maizono get to him... But Leon did show, at least marginally, that he did have a love for his talent; he just didn't care for all the formal, traditional stuff like shaving his hair off. And Yamada... Well, he was used and thrown away by Celes; what sets him apart from Hagakure is he was actually stabbed in the back by her, and he didn't try harvesting your organs to repay a debt that was totally and completely on him for scamming the wrong people.
.... So yeah, Yamada and Leon are somewhat more sympathetic characters, but they're either flat or just didn't have enough time to flesh out.
Rank C... Ishimaru kinda started out boring with his by-the-books attitude and obsession with studying, but you could appreciate his struggle with effort vs genius - geniuses have to work, too, but in some respects they can make it look pretty easy. Having to work from the bottom up is admirable. Plus, you kinda felt bad for how he lost his best friend in trial 2.... On the surface that looked a bit fast for a friendship to blossom between two people of seeming clashing personalities, but when you consider they all had their memories wiped.... It's not that crazy; on an instinctual level, they were still probably pretty good friends, which is why they gravitated to one another again (that's just my thoughts; we don't know a lot about the time they spent at Hope's Peak pre-Tragedy).
Togami started as a prick and elite snob.... Not to mention how he toyed with trial 2 for kicks. It was nice seeing him eat humble pie in trial 4...And though he sent you to your death in trial 5, he had some development toward the end of the game. .... A little. What probably raised him to C for me was his characterization in the second game and the Danganronpa 3 anime.... Still a bit stuck-up, but he'd bonded with everyone in his own way~
Fujisaki.... You just gotta feel sorry for the kid. Had a weakling complex for much of his life, and it only seemed to get better when he got in high school.... A nice, loyal friend, and inventor of Alter Ego, who survived into the second game.... Bummer that he was the fourth one to die.
B rank... I suppose Genocider/Genocide Jill was just a fun, kooky character. No qualms about murdering, and she had a loyalty streak in her (not just for Togami, but Komaru, too). Plus, it was kinda neat her memories of the Tragedy were used to help solve the last trial of the first game. That's just me.
Asahina.... She was a chirpy, sappy, loyal girl. Bit of an airhead at times, but she made contributions to the story. She'd probably be higher if she didn't try to screw everyone over in trial 4, but that was mostly Monokuma's fault for the planted fake suicide note, so not too many demerits against her.
Kyoko... definitely one of the most useful characters, had a backstory, and all-around nice girl, if not a tad awkward because of not interacting with others much. Similar to Asahina, she'd probably be higher up there if it wasn't for how she screwed Naegi over, in trial 5... I get the desperation of surviving no matter what (to solve all the mysteries), and it being a setup from Monokuma again, but her betrayal still kinda chafed. If Alter Ego hadn't saved Naegi, I probably would have downright hated her.... XD I suppose she loses a few more points for being mostly reserved and stuck in her detective work.... But overall, she's a cool character.  
A rank... Junko surpasses Kyoko merely because she's a Joker-esque character. You still gotta hate her for being the root cause of all the misery, but the cray-cray kinda softens the blow. .... It's kind of like how the executions in Danganronpa can be funny, yet dark when you really think about them. And if you didn't have Junko, well, there wouldn't be any Monokuma.... and he can be even more Joker-esque, despite "just" being a mascot. XD
S rank.... Mondo was a meathead, and a jerk for punching your lights out in the first chapter, but he could be a real softie and loyal as hell. His guilt for causing his brother's death makes him easy to sympathize with, and his character flaw of easily losing his temper makes him pretty human. He didn't like murdering Fujisaki, and he was man enough to try and conceal Fujisaki's gender because it was something Fujisaki confided to him in good faith. A tragic character overall, but you're not annoyed by all the tragedy, like you can be with some characters (leers at Jellal from Fairy Tail).
Sakura is in a similar state. She's more level-headed than Mondo, but she can still get angry, and she had strong enough willpower to take her own life rather than murder one of her friends - and do it in a way that can make it clear so that the class trial doesn't drag on. Monokuma threw a wrench into that, of course, but it was still her intent to make it easy for her friends to live on. Her backstory with the man she loves, someone she acknowledges as stronger than her in spite of him currently fighting an illness, was pretty interesting, too.
SS rank.... Makoto's a pretty great protagonist - probably my favorite in the Dangan series. The "I'm ordinary to the cliché degree" routine can be off-putting, but he's got a strong spirit, and.... he's just a nice guy. Probably to the point of being TOO nice, and I guess that makes him a human character I can relate with... If he had even one selfish bone in his body, he probably could have gotten Sayaka to outright say she loves him, in the game. But because of circumstances, and because he thinks Sayaka is too high register for him (even though she's "interested" in him), he doesn't take the initiative and confess to her. Naegi just keeps bouncing back despite getting betrayed again and again.... Hagakure, Sayaka, Leon, Mondo, Celes, Asahina, Kyoko.... Naegi just keeps bouncing back~
And considering how I've talked about betrayals so far, you'd probably be surprised Celes is so high up there. But still, I find her to be a pretty down-to-earth character, a Queen of Liars, and a dreamer of dreams. She can be bratty, like when Yamada didn't make her "royal" milk tea, but I find her rage-induced states to be funny.... She's shrewd and cunning (save for trial 3), and I just kinda like how Naegi wormed his way into her heart, being the first of their classmates to reach "C-rank" in her hierarchy. Hell, she even joked about being pregnant with Naegi's child in that last free time with her.... You don't see any other girl doin' that in the series. XD
And finally, SSS rank.... the heavenly tier~
Mukuro's a badass and an adorable waifu rolled into one. Danganronpa 3 didn't do her much favor with her obsession to please Junko, but I do think she was loyal to a fault in that regard - otherwise, Junko wouldn't have done nearly as much damage as she had. The Danganronpa IF storyline, while fanmade, did a nice job of showing how Makoto could have affected her, and fleshed out her character pretty nicely. I still like her being a bit of a goober, being flustered at times, but I also like the badass side of her.... Not to mention her potential fierce loyalty to Naegi, if they'd had more time to interact....
And Sayaka, well.... XD I know a lot of people don't like her, but I definitely think she has more depth to her than most people give her credit for. I mean, think about how much emotion she showed in that first chapter - showed especially to Naegi of all people. If she wanted to hide her distress, her fears, why confide in him at all? If she was really plotting murder all along, why'd it take until the motive videos to "see" that potential for murder in her? She remarked how not talking to Naegi in middle school was one of her biggest regrets.... And isn't that a bit risqué for an idol to do? To reveal she has regrets at all? Japanese idols are supposed to be bubbly and love everybody, but she was pretty candid with Naegi in regards to what she thought about Mondo, after he volunteered Naegi to go find Monokuma's "motive". Sayaka betrayed Naegi, that's a fact; but it wasn't from the onset, and she most certainly didn't do it easily and without an ounce of regret in her heart. I suppose one thing for me that makes Sayaka's betrayal different from Celes and Kirigiri's betrayals is the fact she left behind evidence to absolve Naegi, to point to who really killed her (she even remembered what Naegi said about how to open his bathroom door). And what's more, she was conflicted enough that it led to her death at all. Kirigiri showed remorse over throwing Naegi under the bus, but only after the fact, and only made reparations after Alter Ego miraculously saved him. Sayaka's heart hadn't completely been in it when she betrayed Naegi, and that's something I liked; because it showed that, despite doing such a horrible thing, she cared about him. She betrayed him in a way that wouldn't physically hurt or kill him, and she hadn't intended dying on him, either; she didn't know about the class trial, and therefore didn't know she was endangering all of her classmates, including Naegi. It's very likely that had she succeeded in her murder of Leon, she would have confessed right away so that Naegi could live. For Sayaka, Makoto was a precious friend that reminded her that people can do nice things for others without any intent of getting anything in return. She loved his kindness, and was flattered he saw her as an idol worthy of worship.... despite how she confessed she'd done "bad things" to reach the top of the industry. Who knows what occurred back in their pre-Tragedy days.... The possibility for a relationship was quite high, considering how close they got to each other in chapter 1. That's just my thoughts, though.
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