#which is so funny though cause once you join the agenda it seems obvious. remember will's fucked up s2 era?
rotisseries · 11 months
the fun thing about byler cannibalism is that I am actually not really a byler cannibalism truther in that there's just nothing about byler specifically that makes me go "oh my god I need them to eat each other" but I do support cannibalism from a general standpoint so when my mutuals make cannibyler posts well I'm in support
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lovinglohst · 6 years
I Wanna Dance With Somebody: Chapter 2- Nothing Good Ever Happens At The Mall
Story Pairings: Boyf riends, Pinkberry, RichJake
Chapter Characters: Michael Mells, Brooke Lohst, Jenna Rolan
Chapter Warnings: N/A
Story Summary: On the night of the Halloween Party, Michael is about halfway through having his infamous panic attack when Brooke comes tumbling into the bathroom, in the middle of her very own teenage angst. Michael lets her stay and the two sit in the bathtub and bond over their anger at their friends/super-mega-crushes. That’s when they get the idea to start fake dating to both get back at Jeremy and Chloe and win them over. Chaos, bonding, and gay ensue.
Authors’ Note: Chapter 2 has arrived! We hope people enjoy it! - Aly and Nik
AO3 Link
His phone was buzzing.
Even in his half-conscious state, Michael could register that. His tired mind immediately went to Jeremy, who was the only person who could possibly be texting him at such an early (ungodly) hour. Slowly and reluctantly, he pushed the thick covers away from his face and blindly reached out his hand to feel for his phone.
It was only when he finally got a hold of it that he realized he was also missing his glasses if the blurry screen was anything to go by. With a tired groan, he once again reached over to his bedside table, grabbing his glasses and slipping them on.
With his sight restored he could see that the messages were in fact not from Jeremy because, oh yeah, they weren’t friends anymore. Michael pointedly ignored the aching throb his heart made at this realization, instead choosing to focus on the two texts from an unknown number waiting patiently on his home screen (a very cringey picture of him and Jeremy from last year’s Halloween).
UNKNOWN: Morning ‘Boyfriend’ ;)
UNKNOWN: Got any plans for today?
Michael did a double take, rereading the messages a few times to be sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
What the fuck…?
ME: Who is this?
It took a few seconds before the three dots indicating the other person was typing popped up, quickly followed by a message.
UNKNOWN: It’s Brooke! Who else would be texting you that lolllllllll
UNKNOWN: Don’t tell me you have another fake girlfriend
Michael couldn’t help but smile down at the screen, remembering their scheme from the previous night. After finishing their slushies, Michael had dropped Brooke back at Jake’s so she could get her car (her mother’s, she’d told him after unlocking the dark cadillac), and then he had stumbled home to crash in his bed.
ME: I have five actually :)
BROOKE: Haha very funny
Before Michael could type out a reply assuring her that he was in fact a very funny person, there was a knock on his door followed by his mother’s soft voice. “Michael? You awake, honey?”
“Yeah!” He called back just as another text popped up on the screen.
BROOKE: So, plans???
“Hey mom? Is it cool if I have a friend over?”
The question seemed to be enough cause for his mom to open the door, poking her head inside his dimly lit room.
“Honey, you know you don’t have to ask if Jeremy can come over, right? He’s practically family at this point.”
Michael hoped the way he flinched at the name wasn’t all that visible and he quickly shook his head. “Not Jeremy, another friend.”
“Another friend?” The surprise in his mom’s voice was almost enough for him to be insulted. Then again, he himself never would have thought he’d be having anyone other than Jeremy coming to his house. Guess things had really changed.
“Yes mom, I do have those contrary to popular belief.” He replied before adding, “So can she come?”
“She?” His mom raised a brow, surprise written all over her face once more before she shook it off, “Sure, she can come over. Though you should probably get dressed first.”
“I will.” He assured her, picking up his phone and typing out a quick text.
MICHAEL: My house in an hour?
Exactly an hour later the sound of the doorbell rang through the house and Michael got out of his bed in a rush, hoping to answer the door before one of his moms could.
But Michael didn’t seem to be getting much of what he wanted the past few days, as when he’d made his way down the stairs he was greeted by the sound of his mom’s making small talk with Brooke.
“There he is! Michael, you didn’t mention that your friend was so pretty!” His Ma teased and Michael did his best to refrain from rolling his eyes.
“Girlfriend, actually.” Brooke corrected, smiling brightly at Michael who had instantly turned bright red at the comment.
“Michael didn’t mention that either.” His Mom said shooting him a look.
“I thought you were gay!” His Ma exclaimed, much more bluntly, never being one for subtleness.
Brooke seemed fairly amused by his mothers and he made a mental note to get back at her for this.
“Okay relax she’s not my girlfriend. I mean she is...but she’s not! I’m still very gay! We’re just….fake dating.” He tried to ignore how lame that sounded while his mothers stared at him in confusion.
“Fake dating? Why?” He sputtered helplessly at the question, looking over at Brooke to help him. She giggled, crossing the room to stand beside him and give his mothers a warm smile.
“Well you see, Michael is mad at Jeremy and I’m mad at my friend Chloe, so we decided to fake date to make them jealous,” She paused as if realizing she had forgotten something before adding in, “Oh, and the reason we’re mad at them is because we’re kinda in love with them, and they’re both acting like assh-I mean, jerks lately.”
Michael didn’t even bother to hide his grimace at her blunt honesty. He had never spoken to his Moms about his feelings for Jeremy. In fact, he had actually denied being in love with his best friend various times when they had questioned him.  He could already feel the anxiety inching through him but the laughter from his Ma managed to quickly calm his nerves over the whole thing.
“That’s great, good for you two!” She exclaimed, ignoring the look her wife shot her.
“Just be careful.” His Mom cautioned.
Be careful. Huh. Michael was pretty sure that being careful wasn’t exactly an option when you were fake dating Brooke Lohst but he nodded anyway to quell her concerns.
“Can we go upstairs now and pretend this horrible conversation, like, never happened?” Michael questioned, already beginning to tug on the sleeve of Brooke’s sweater, inching her towards the stairs.  
“Of course, let us know if you want any snacks.” His Mom responded, her smile sweet as always. His Ma wore a mischievous grin beside her and before she even spoke Michael was mentally facepalming.
“Yeah, or any fake-condoms!” She added in followed by laughter at her own very horrible joke. Michael hoped neither of his mothers saw his bright red face as he grabbed Brooke’s arm and led her upstairs. He pointedly ignored the sound of his Mom disciplining his Ma, who was giggling hysterically, on making improper comments in front of guests behind them.
“Your moms are awesome!” Brooke said as she plopped down on his bed, smile bright.
“They’re embarrassing.” He corrected her, although deep down he knew his moms were in fact very awesome. “So are you for the record. You didn’t need to tell them everything, especially the part about me being in love with Jeremy.”
He took a seat beside her, fixing her with a look to which she merely shrugged, “Honesty is very important. Plus, I’m pretty sure just about everybody knows you love him. Well...except maybe him.”  
“I’m not that obvious! And if honesty is so important, why don’t you tell Chloe about your feelings?” He questioned pointedly causing Brooke’s smile to drop, replaced with a playful frown.  
“So, what’s on the agenda for today?” He inquired, watching as she stood up, beginning to look around his messy room. He felt self-conscious all of a sudden, wondering anxiously if he should have tried to clean up more before she came. Jeremy never really minded the clutter, so Michael didn’t bother with cleaning.
“Well, we need to figure out what we’re doing on Monday. I mean people are going to want a story on how we got together. We should also-” She stopped in her tracks staring into the closet that she had just curiously pulled open. “Michael what is this!!!”
“What is what?” He questioned standing up and joining her in front of the closet. It was actually fairly clean, in fact most of the stuff that probably should have been in there was laying around his room. All that was in there was his clothes.
“I can not walk into school with my boyfriend wearing this stuff. I kinda assumed you had some secretly nice clothes stashed away somewhere! Not all...this!”
“Wow, I love it when you flatter me, keep going.” He quipped playfully, too amused by her distress to actually be offended by her comment.
“Michael! This is serious. All you have is a bunch of ratty hoodies and jeans! I mean, is this seriously all you wear?”
“I feel like you don’t want me to say yes...but, yes.”
Brooke groaned, closing the closet door and leaning against it as if to keep his oh-so-hideous clothes from escaping. “Okay, new agenda. We’re going to the mall. Your wardrobe needs a serious upgrade.”
“What?! Brooke, no. Last time I went to the mall, my best friend left me for a stupid floppy disk in his brain. Nothing good ever happens at the mall!” He argued, crossing his arms defiantly.
Brooke mirrored his position and tilted her head, “Michael. I will fake-break-up with you.”
“Over clothes!?” Michael questioned, laughing in disbelief. His laughter quickly died off under the heat of Brooke’s unrelenting scowl. “Are you serious?”
He sighed glancing around his room in thought, avoiding her scathing eyes. “Fine. But, if I’m going shopping then you’re learning to play video games.”
“Deal.” Brooke grinned excitedly and grabbed his arm, “This is going to be so fun!”  
Michael didn’t think he’d ever be able to look at jeans in the same way ever again. Brooke must’ve made him try on at least fifty pairs over the course of the past hour, and he wasn’t even going to mention the shirts. All of them were way too preppy for his casual tastes, and too expensive.
“You look great!” Brooke squealed, as he stared at himself in the mirror. The reflection bore no resemblance to Michael Mell, instead looking like an off-brand Jake Dillinger.
“I look like I belong in a really bad porno.” He deadpanned, watching Brooke’s face fall in the mirror.
“You look cool, which is-“
“-Exactly what I don’t want!” Michael turned to look Brooke in the eyes. “Look if this whole thing is going to work, we need to lay down some ground rules. I’m not gonna go changing myself to get people to like me. I’m not like him, I like how I am.”
Brooke considered him for a moment.
“Compromise then? You can wear hoodies or whatever, but none of those fabric scraps you call jeans.” She held out her hand to shake, and Michael took it happily. And with the compromise in place, they finally settled on a few outfits that met both of their standards. With multiple bags hanging from Michael’s arms, the two soon arrived at the food court. Brooke didn’t pause for a moment, leading him straight towards a particular eatery. As they sat in the uncomfortable metal chairs, Michael eyed the yogurt with a critical eye. He’d promised Brooke he’d try it but it just looked so… unappetizing.
“Just try it.” Brooke urged, already attacking the creamy dessert with her spoon. Michael paused, before obeying. As soon as the yogurt hit his tongue, a million bursts of flavor hit him right away. His eyes widened comically, before eagerly spooning more of the frozen dairy into his mouth.
“I can see why you like this stuff so much.” He moaned, shoveling yet another spoonful of frozen yogurt into his mouth. Brooke simply smirked triumphantly, spooning another bite into her own mouth.
“Pinkberry is, like, the greatest thing to ever exist. It beats pretty much every other frozen food or drinks.” Brooke proclaimed, ignoring the faux-scandalized gasp that escaped from his throat.
“You take that back you heathen.” He commanded, brandishing his little spoon at her threateningly. “Slushies beat this any day.”
“Never.” Brooke teased, schooling her features into a solemn frown. There was a split second of silence before the two dissolved into laughter. He didn’t know what it was about Brooke that made this so easy. The two of them were practically from different planets- different in every possible way. And yet here they were, laughing over nothing at all. As skeptical as Michael was about their ‘relationship’, he couldn’t imagine a better person to be fake-dating.
The partially muffled sound of some generic pop song that Michael couldn’t bother to remember cut through their laughter, interrupting their moment. Brooke dug a hand into her purse, pulling out her phone with ease. She glanced curiously at the screen, and her smile fell.
“What?” Michael questioned as she continued to stare at the ringing phone. Lifting himself out of the seat just enough to peek at the screen he saw Chloe’s name in big bold letters, along with a picture of her. Narrowing his eyes, he looked at Brooke’s crestfallen face with determination. “Don’t do it.”
“I know,” Brooke replied unconvincingly, still staring at the screen.
“Don’t you dare answer that phone, Brooke.” He deadpanned, watching her eyes flick up to him for a moment. “You’ll regret it if you do.”
“No buts!” He commanded, watching as she slowly lowered her eyes to the phone again. He could see it clear as day that she wasn’t going to be able to resist answering the phone. Quicker than lightning, Michael snatched the phone from her hands, sending Chloe straight to voicemail.
“Hey! Michael, what the fuck?!” The blonde demanded angrily, trying to reach across the table for her phone. Michael held the device away from her, shoving it in his hoodie pocket swiftly. “Give me my phone!”
“Not until I can trust you not to call her back!” He told her sternly, watching Brooke’s eyes narrow. “Brooke- holy fuck!”
He hadn’t been expecting her to jump across the table, catching the attention of several shoppers. She knocked him flat on the ground, her legs straddling him on either side as her hands darted for his pocket with a steely determination. He only just barely batted them away, staring up at Brooke with a resolve just as strong. She was so much better than this, and Michael wasn't going to let her lower herself back down to Chloe’s punching bag.
“Brooke will you just- fucking chill out!” He yelled, blocking her attempts to steal back her phone. “I didn’t want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice!”
His fingers found her sides rather quickly and Michael felt no remorse as he began to tickle her aggressively. A shrill shriek escaped Brooke as she reflexively began to giggle at Michael’s attacks.
“Ohmygod please stop.” Brooke finally got out between her desperate giggles, breathing heavily when Michael slowly removed his fingers. She glared at him playfully, her eyes now full of humor. “Never do that again you dick!”
“It was for your own good!” He defended, smiling at her goofily. “You’re way too good to go back to Chloe treating you like shit. We’re gonna show her that you deserve better, that she needs to be better. Or else you’re not going back.”
Brooke blinked at him in surprise, before offering him a watery smile.  
“Thanks Michael… I mean it.”
“Glad I could help! Now can you, uh, get off me please?”
The two of them laughed as Brooke pushed off of him, opting for sitting beside him on the floor, ignoring their abandoned chairs. Neither of them noticing Jenna Rolan sitting a few tables away with a shark-like grin, a phone in hand brandished like a deadly weapon.
<--- Chapter One | Chapter Three --->
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