#that sweet little child was 2 minutes from eating someone I know it
rotisseries · 8 months
the fun thing about byler cannibalism is that I am actually not really a byler cannibalism truther in that there's just nothing about byler specifically that makes me go "oh my god I need them to eat each other" but I do support cannibalism from a general standpoint so when my mutuals make cannibyler posts well I'm in support
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lazyalani · 11 months
| Genshin Men
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| Waking up with them
| fluff, sickly sweet fluff, cuddler kuni is canon im hoyo, id isekai just to feel tighnaris tail, a post after 2 days of staring in the air?? i say its a development, swearing cuz its me, no dialogue
Ft. Zhongli, Childe, Wanderer, Kazuha, Tighnari
| Genshin Impact Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
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ZHONGLI - is like having a housewife
You either wake up with him or wake up to him making food. When you wake up with him, you would most likely be either in the same position as you slept or moved a little and changed how you face him and the other side. He definitely isn't a mover when asleep. And when he hugs you when you both fall asleep, you're not getting out hun. So he's probably the one keeping you from falling out of the bed or moving too much if you move too much when you sleep. When you don't wake up with him though, you wake up to the smell of tea. He's a morning person I bet, wakes up really early and prepares tea and food, whichever you like. He'd be wearing a cute apron if you decide to play with him, but he'd most likely still wear it. On most days, he'll wake you up wearing that cute apron and help you freshen up, but on some days, especially when you seem upset or something bad happened or when you had a disagreement, he'll bring you breakfast in bed. If you have work, he's never gonna let you sleep in. He's a personal alarmclock you can't turn off, those '5 more minutes' won't work on him. He might just consider it but when time's up, it's up. When he wakes up, he'd already be preparing tea and yoir clothes. Zhongli is the type to remember your schedule, too, so don't even think about telling him you don't have work just so you could sleep in. So waking up with him is definitely like a housewife, or a mom.
CHILDE - is a mission
Man, this guy is very busy, so he tends to make it up when sleeping. You cannot tell me he doesn't have certain issues regarding having a romantic partner, like safety issues or something. His grip's harder than rock, girly. He's the one to be really afraid of you getting taken away when he's sleeping so he unconciously does this while hugging you to sleep. Why am I talking about this? Cuz you aren't getting out of his arms that easy when you wake up hugged by him. When you get out of your dazing state and decide you're hungry or want to go to the toilet, you'll move and realize, oh, you have fucking iron tied to your body, oh actually, it's just Childe! And when you begin to struggle to get out, he wakes up and them boom, it just gets harder from that especially when he's on break or vacation. This man's not letting you go easily. Tell him to let go? No, he's comfortable this way. Tell him you need to go to the toilet? Oh, you can hold it for a few more minutes. Tell him you're hungry? You won't die not getting to eat for a few minutes. Tell him you're going to get sleepy again if you don't get up? Then sleep and cuddle with him again. Tell him you have work? You aren't going to get kicked out from being late for a day (it's like this everyday) (you aren't getting fired because harbinger things). Tell him he has work? Considers it but his subordinates won't die from him being a few minutes late. The best option is to either kick him in the balls and run or give up and hug him for a few minutes (hours). So yeah, waking up with him is a mission.
WANDERER - is cute
SO AAAAAAAAAAAA let's calm down. You know how he probably gets nightmares when he sleeps? YEAH THOSE ABANDONMENT ISSUES AND ALL. He'd probably be the type to unconciously hug you when he's having them. Then you'll wake up to him shaking or scared and you wake him up. I feel like others think he'd get all embarassed and shit when he notices he hugged you and get all defensive and tsundere mode, but I like to think that if he really trusts you enough, him waking up from a nightmare beside you would be an intimate moment. Hell, him even sleeping beside you is. You would have to be someone he really trust and all to get him to sleep beside you and be vulnerable. So when he wakes up you get all emotional scenes and everything and you definitely cuddle to sleep. And when you wake up it'll be sooooo cuteee. Like, you'd be waking up to him all cuddly to you and you could admire his pretty face without seeing him scowl or frown. This guy is legit gorgeous and beautiful, who wouldn't want a chance to stare at him when he doesn't want to hurt you for it. So as those kinds of nights happen, his body would probably unconciously get used to the feeling of holding someone for comfort and it turns normal. MAAAAAAN WAKING UP WITH HIM IS CUTE.
KAZUHA - is romantic
Now this man will normalize butterflies on your stomach every morning. Oh, just you opening your eyes and seeing him staring and smiling at you. AAAAAAAAA got my heart falling and falling! You'd either wake up to him like that, or you'd wake up to him probably making a poem with you as his muse. Imagine Kazuha making you his muse. Be happy bitch. He'd definitely br the type to see you wake up, say goodmorning and all those sweetly sickening shit that gets your head spinning, heart rocking, and stomach tingling. Like, he's be whispering, "Goodmorning, love." I'D FALL ASLEEP AND WAKE UP ALL OVER AGAIN TO HEAR HIM SAY IT. When he realizes you're still dozing off, he'd place his hand on your back as support and sit you down so you wouldn't fall asleep again. But when you say you still want to sleep and cuddle how could he resist. So he's there listening to your requests and brushing your hair with his fingers. A true gentleman he is. Dreamy Kazuha is everything. Waking up with him is romantic, the best kind.
TIGHNARI - is comfortable
Imagine waking up with his tail and arms around you, awwww. That tail looking very cuddly and all. Although, it would probably be hot when it's like, summer summer and all, but when the weather's fine, oh, seriously, who would want to get out of his cuddles in the morning? You'd get to admire his pretty face and feel his fluffy tail. Cuddling with tighnari is probably very sweet too, like, he'd go along with you wrapping every limb you can to him, arms, legs, and all, and he's do the same just to get back, but it ends up with the both of you sleeping that way and waking up that way. As long as it's not too hot, waking up with him would feel very comfortable. I don't think he keeps a too strict schedule like others think he does. He probably allows himself to lay down for a bit, so when he wakes up, you both don't immeduately get up and just lay down there cuddling and when your systems start waking up, you'd start talking about random things until you both decide to get up.
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Strawberries and Cream presents: ✨A Day with Buck✨
Pairing: Buck x reader
Word count: 3.7
Notes: This is literally born from the fact that I think chapter 3 was going to be close to over 9k if I didn’t do some serious editing. I literally took the end of chapter 3 and made it the beginning of chapter 4 🤣🤣 p.s it’s me again this was all in vain it’s still that long
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Buck is a cuddle monster.
He clings to you as you lay in bed, your arms crossed over your chest. He’d made you get in bed with him, said you guys used to share as kids anyway and that he’d stay to his own side.
Literally 10 minutes later he was curled into your back, and five minutes after that he had his arms wrapped tightly around you. This was so him, even as a child when you’d share a bed with him and Maddie you’d wake up to his legs over you and his head on Maddie’s stomach.
“Buck?” You poke at his arm, It’s around noon now. Eddie had dropped you off that morning with a kiss to your forehead and a promise that he’d text you when he woke up.
“Hm?” He groans softly, opening one eye. He looks up at you, giving you a sleepy grin “What’s up kiddo”
You roll your eyes at him, turning in his arms to shove him away
“Get your fat paws off of me, I have to pee” You whine, clawing your way out of his arms. He rolls over, letting you go and grabs his phone. You come back a few minutes later and he doesn’t look up
“Did you spray before you left?”
“I literally just peed!!”
“Pfft yeah okay sure. Miss Stinkypants”
When you were a child you’d accidentally soiled your literal diaper while you were in your car seat on a road trip and Buck never let you live it down. After 20 something years he still called you Miss Stinkypants even Maddie had done it a few times and both of them died laughing every time. Who needed siblings when you had these two
1:25 pm
Buck is sitting on the couch when you come back down from the bedroom, he’s playing animal crossing and cleaning up his island
“Charge your switch we can play together” He nods over to the charger in the wall and you grab yours from the coffee table, plugging it in. He proudly shows you around “BuckTopia” and all of his favorite villagers. Though he’s waiting to get rid of Hippeux, he hates him. He loves Bea and Fauna and he’s got a love hate relationship with Canberra. Eventually you show off your island, “Faeton” and he’s incredibly impressed.
“God it must have taken years to lay all of those paths” he gasps, staring at your pink walkways
“The initial lay down? God yes. But you know after that I just find 12 piece paths and overwrite the original 12 and it lays itself!”
You two spend the next 45 minutes running all over each other’s islands, beating each other with nets, and trying to hit the button at the same time so your little characters are dancing together.
“You know I’m glad they added this” Buck stretches his arms in the air, following along with the group stretching session
“It’s ridiculously cute” You agree, as you both bend forward and then push your chest out
2:10 pm
“I don’t think you’re ready for this. You’re so not ready for this” Buck bounces on the balls of his feet, and shakes out his arms.
You turn and kick his butt “I don’t think you’re ready for this!” You taunt him and he swings at you playfully, trying to smack you.
The game counts down and you and Buck start dancing in sync. You hadn’t played Just Dance in forever and apparently someone did like his life depended on it.
“I’m gonna kick your ass” He says in a singsong voice, Toxic by Britney Spears plays on the screen as the two of you dance along. He’s not even breaking a sweat
“You play this one a lot don’t you?” You ask him, panting a bit. He flashes you a shit eating grin and shakes his butt
“Oh I’m sorry, I have no idea what you mean” His voice is sweet and angelic as he’s hitting perfect nearly every time.
“With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride
You're toxic, I'm slippin' under
With a taste of a poison paradise”
He turns to you with a whip of his head and you burst out laughing, singing with him.
“I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?”
2:45 pm
“So like… what is going on with you and Eddie?”
Buck holds his hand still for you as you paint his nails, his eyes covered with slices of cucumber complete with a hydrating face mask.
“I don’t know, if I’m being honest” You sigh and blow on his nails softly. Your hello kitty headband keeping the hair from your strawberry face mask
“I do really like him” you blush “But I’m not sure if I’m ready to take that step you know? Like what if he thinks I’m messy? I think? He likes me? But he doesn’t know about my past relationships and like what if that’s too much baggage?”
Buck rolls his eyes carefully under the cucumbers, dear god you two.
“Eddie has relationship baggage too Y/N. And you don’t like him any less do you? Even if you don’t know his?”
“I guess you’re right…” You say shyly, taking his other hand. “Same pattern or opposite”
“Opposite. And actually there’s something else we need to address”
“And that is? Sassy pants” you pull his hand closer and start painting
“You slept over and I haven’t heard any of those details yet”
“Okay promise you won’t tell him I told you?” He can practically feel your excitement, he takes one of his cucumbers off and bites into it
“He woke up hard” You blurt it out, dropping his hand.
Buck lurches forward, the other cucumber flying off his face “He what?!”
You squeal and nod your head fast “I- I was awake a bit sooner than I let him know and oh my god Buck. Oh. My. God. He’s-“ you look around like for some reason he’s gonna hear it “he’s huge” you whisper
Buck snickers, blowing on the nails on his other hand “Yeah I know we had a whole drunken measuring contest it was the funniest thing in the entire world. Are you telling me you felt it?”
Your cheeks flush even more and you nod your head slowly “Yeah…but that’s not even the whole of it because we started having a pillow fight and-“ you stop for a second, and Buck gestures wildly
“Okay but this part is embarrassing to tell you!”
“You once had to hold my hand while I got an anal exam because I was pushing too hard when we were younger. I don’t think anything is as embarrassing as that.”
You laugh hard, your body shaking as you wheeze and fall into the couch, remembering when you were teenagers. He was mortified the entire time because the nurse was cute as hell. Of course they had to be cute.
“Okay!” You wipe your eyes carefully and giggle a bit before taking a deep breath “Okay. Okay. We had a pillow fight and I ended up on top of him and I kind of just… did something? Like it was just supposed to be a joke I swear!!”
“What did you do!”
“I kind of sorta ended up grinding on him”
Buck’s mouth drops wide open and he just stares at you. You groan loudly in embarrassment and fall back on the couch
“What did he do”
You cover your face with your hands and Buck starts beating on your leg
“What did he do?!?!” He yells and you kick at him, fighting back
“He moaned! Okay god he moaned!”
Buck squeals, which is impressive to say the least and you roll off the couch in embarrassment
3:45 pm
“He moaned, can you believe that?!”
You, Buck and Maddie are on the couch eating lunch. She came over to drop off some stuff for him and brought lunch for the three of you. Buck spent the last 20 minutes retelling all the details you’d told him, and Maddie is listening with wide eyes.
“And you two didn’t do anything else?” She asks, stabbing at her chicken
“How many times do I have to tell you guys! No! We ate breakfast and that was it!” You stab at your own, glaring at the two of them and they’re both giggling at you
“You guys are literally so cute I could die” Buck sighs “I can’t wait to be related to Eddie it’s gonna be so fun”
Maddie laughs at him “Oh my god, you’re gonna scare her!”
“Related?! That’s not too fast?! I don’t even know his middle name!”
“He doesn’t have one. I’m thinking maybe a spring wedding? Or fall. You hate the heat which is hilarious considering he’s a Texas boy”
“Imagine Eddie with a cowboy hat” Maddie says
Buck perks up in his seat “With his shirt off? I’ve got a picture of that actually”
You all crowd around his phone as he goes through his “Eddie” folder. He’s got a lot of pictures of him. “Have you ever seen him shirtless? You need to see him shirtless”
“I literally slept with him shirtless” you mumble and Buck’s hand freezes. You slap your hand over your mouth and he and Maddie immediately pounce, screaming
“You! Left! That! Shit! Out!” Buck yells at you and Maddie points an accusatory finger
“What were you wearing?!!”
4:45 pm
Buck drags you to Target. Okay so it’s not really dragging when Target is literally the best place on earth and you’re eager to go with, he had to pick up some stuff for dinner. After dramatically singing all the way there you stop at the Starbucks first. You’re looking up at the menu from afar when someone covers your eyes
“Guess who”
He says in a weird high pitched voice
“My 7th grade math teacher?” You giggle and Buck snorts
“Wasn’t he a dude?”
“That’s a horrible guess, why would you guess that” Eddie snickers as he pulls you into his chest and hugs you. Your cheeks flush and Buck watches the two of you, all giddy and trying to hide it
“Can you quick stalking us” Buck pulls him away from you and you turn around, looking up at him. He looks relaxed in a white tank top with a flannel on and jeans. God it’s a good look on him too, those quarter length sleeves are to die for.
“We literally have each other on life 360? It’s impossible not to stalk you. Not that I actually was. Just needed a few things”
“Do you have Y/N?”
Buck takes Eddie’s phone from his back pocket
“No? Are you- you’re gonna- yeah okay sure”
Eddie rolls his eyes as Buck turns his back to them to add you
“Anyway… how are you? Having a nice day?” His hands rest on your shoulders before pulling you into his chest again for a hug
“Miss you, pretty girl” he says quietly, running a hand over your back.
Your cheeks flush as you bury your head in his chest “Miss you too…and yeah we’re having fun! Just like old times” you smile up at him, your chin on his chest.
He strokes your hair, just…looking at you. It makes you nervous inside, a good kind of nervous.
“You know what you want? I’ll get it for you”
“Oh no- no that’s okay” You say quickly “I got it”
“Actually I’ve got it” Buck hands Eddie back his phone and pulls you into his arms protectively
“No Eddie’s allowed, we talked about this” He scolds him and Eddie rolls his eyes, putting his hands up
“I know, I know I’ll back off. I’ll see you later cutie… and Y/N” He makes a little face at Buck, and you snort before waving at him
“See you later”
“See you later” Buck mocks you in a high pitched voice as you order your drinks. You punch him in the side and he laughs, dragging you over to go wait at the end
“So what are we having tonight?” You ask as you awkwardly and a bit embarrassingly climb into the cart. Buck holds it down for you as you get comfy
“Just spaghetti and meatballs, I know you miss my recipe”
You sigh dreamily when he hands you your drink and pushes the cart “Oh god you’re right”
He walks around the store, pushing you along and throwing ingredients at you instead of into the cart and snickering as he does it.
“Would you stop that!” You yell as you catch the Parmesan before it smacks you in the face
“Do you know how long it’s been since I was able to torture you? Honey I have years to catch up on!”
“Okay well you know what, don't go crying to Maddie like you always did when I get you back. And I will get you back Evan”
“I’d like to see you try”
Payback comes in the form of giving Buck a wedgie in the parking lot.
Maddie calls you 15 minutes later.
5:25 pm
“You think Eddie will like his tamagotchi?”
You’re sitting in the front seat of Buck’s jeep as he drives over to Eddie’s house. You’d found the cute little toys and bought the newest ones. Yes they cost a pretty penny but Buck chipped in and you guys bought three. One for each of you
“I think he’ll like it because it’s from us” He chuckles, pulling into Eddie’s driveway. He stops the car, leaving it running.
“Remember, in and out. We still have to make dinner”
“Aye aye Captain” you salute him as you jump out. Before you even raise your hand to knock, the front door is opened. Eddie leans against the frame, crossing his ankles.
“I didn’t… even-“ it’s embarrassing the way you gape at his chest. He’s shirtless now, sweatpants hanging low on his hips.
He holds his phone up, shaking it “Buck texted. Whatcha doin here sugar cube? Miss me that much?” He slips his phone back in his pocket, crossing his arms over his broad chest and you know you’re drooling and you also know, in your heart Buck absolutely set this up.
“I uh…I-“
Eddie snickers and steps away for a second, coming back with a hoodie on.
“Use your words, Princess. Focus now”
Oh god he’s such a little shit
“Oh neither of you deserve shit!” You say, shoving the gift bag in his hands and practically running back to the jeep. Buck is laughing his ass off as he drives away with you punching him in the side
5:55 pm
Triple C: Sent 1 Attachment
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I've named it Apollo
6:03 pm
You giggle as you stare at the picture on your phone, you never actually expected him to play with it, which is stupid considering you bought it for him. Buck is making you babysit his while he makes dinner. You’re both tempted to buy one for Chim.
6:45 pm
“Have you considered moving in with me?” Buck asks as he serves you both a plate of spaghetti you frown a little and set the tamagotchi down on the table
“Yes. If I’m being honest. It seems… a bit more ideal than sharing a house with a married couple and a baby… but you don’t really have the space for me here and before you say it- there’s no way in hell I’m making you sleep on the couch! This is your house Buck”
“First of all,” he puts Parmesan on your spaghetti and pushes the plate towards you “I honestly wouldn’t mind the couch if it meant you staying here. Please Y/N that is an option and I’m willing to make that sacrifice for you… maybe we can share the bed! We’ve had to before, we know we can. Second of all, please don’t shut me down right away. But have you given any thought as to staying with Eddie? Like have you actually? Because that’s a really good option. What if you went between our places? You know… part time there, part time here. You’re not a burden Y/N. Not in any way, shape or form.”
“I feel like one, sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t have come here” You tell him, playing with your spaghetti, twirling it on your fork. “In all honesty Evan?… I want to move in with Eddie. He’s the best option, I know that. But it seems so serious making that move and I’m very nervous about what it could do to whatever the hell our friendship is. I don’t… have many friends Buck, you know that... I never have. I don’t want to lose him because we can’t stand living together”
“I really don’t think that’s going to happen. He’s really serious about you taking his spare room Y/N. It’s just collecting dust at this point. Hell, what if I moved in with him instead! And you took this place? I sleep on his couch more often than I do here” he says, chuckling a little as he digs in to his spaghetti
You’re a bit stunned to say the least. You love the studio. But kicking Buck from his own place is too much, and you know your cousin would do it for you in a heartbeat. It’s been a long time since anyone has done anything for you out of love.
“You know I love you and Maddie right?” You say a little teary eyed and he coos softly at you, coming around the table and hugging you
“Oh come onnn…don’t cry” He says softly, smiling “You’re gonna make me cry! Just think over your options and let us know what you decide okay?”
8:19 pm
You’re sat on the couch, your legs in Buck’s lap. He’s carefully painting your toenails to match your fingernails.
“Okay explain to me again why Simon is pretending like he can’t get Daphne pregnant?”
He asks as he blows softly. You tilt your head to him carefully, trying not to muss up the pink clay mud mask you’ve got on.
“Because he doesn’t want kids cause of his shitty dad and since Daphne hasn’t had sex or even been taught about it she doesn’t realize homie is just pulling out”
Buck nods slowly, turning back to the screen. Your phone rings and you grab it awkwardly, putting it on speaker
“Hi Eddie, you’re on speaker” you say, your words a little garbled with the inability to move your face as much
“Hey Sugar cube, hey Buck”
“Eddie this better be good I swear to god” Buck threatens him as he pauses the show. You giggle a little and you can hear Eddie scoff.
“I was actually calling for you, asshole. You didn’t answer your phone”
“I’m busy”
“Doing what?”
“Painting Y/Ns nails. This requires precision, asshole. What did you want?”
You giggle at them as you hold your phone out for Buck and he makes a little face at you
“You’ve never painted my nails” He says, sounding hurt
“You’ve never asked” Buck sasses him back
“Fine Buck, will you paint my nails”
“If you come here literally right now? Yes.”
“Bro, bet”
“Wait I’m not-“ before you can say anything Eddie hangs up. You sigh and set your phone down, crossing your arms over your chest
“I thought you wanted today to be just us” you say, your eyes narrowed. “And i'm not dressed! I don’t even have a bra on!”
“Okay, first of all, it’s my house, my rules, you wear whatever you want. Second of all…Does it bother you? Cause we can call him back. I just…. He’s my best friend and I miss him”
You lay back on the couch, laughing “Can’t go one day without your bestie huh?”
“They call us Buddie for a reason”
You decide to put one on just in case
8:54 pm
Eddie doesn’t just come over, he brings snacks. He opens the door, letting himself in, because of course he has a key
“Honey I’m home”
He shucks off his shoes and tosses his coat down. He sets the bags on the coffee table and starts taking things out, chips and pretzels, some candy and a couple different ice creams he puts in the freezer.
You move your legs from Bucks lap and Eddie sits in the middle of you two
“Bestie” He nods at Buck
“Sugar cube” he winks at you
Buck holds up four different face masks and he picks the refreshing pomegranate mask and you put a matching headband in his hair. Buck paints the mask on and the three of you curl up on the couch together, he wiggles his fingers at Buck who smirks and takes his hand, starting on his cuticles
“You wanna pick the color?” He asks, leaning his head on your shoulder. You smile at him when he hands you the box of nail polish and you start to rummage through it. You grab two colors, one that matches Buck and one that matches yours and hand them to Buck
10:32 pm
Eddie holds both you and Buck as you cry into his chest over Anthony’s dad. He tears up a little too
11:42 pm
“Why can’t I just be the judge?” You groan softly as Buck puts the joycon around your wrist
“Because we dance together as a family”
Both boys school you in just dance and they laugh about it and make fun of you when you throw popcorn at them.
Watching Eddie dance to “Treasure” by Bruno Mars is fun and it’s even better when he sings it to you. You’re halfway convinced Buck is picking all the dances he’s good at just to impress you because he doesn’t miss a beat
12:27 am
Buck goes to the bathroom, and you dance to “Havana” with Eddie, he doesn’t have to stare into your eyes the way he does, but he couldn’t look away even if he wanted to.
Buck watches quietly, leaning against the wall. The song ends and Eddie pulls you up his body, still staring into your eyes, his hands holding your waist firmly. Your heart is beating out of your chest and not just from the dance
“Man, I told you learning this dance was gonna come in handy one day!” Buck fist pumps the air and you groan loudly, crashing against Eddie’s chest
1:30 am
Buck clings to you and you cling to Eddie as the three of you pass out in Bucks bed
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Thank you random person in the photo 🤣🤣
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shalomszn · 8 months
found peace in fall
shuri x fem!black!reader
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contains : [fluff!] kissing, sweet words, words of affirmation, small meaningful conversations.
- a/n : I’m just feeling genuinely happy, so I wanna spread this energy out. Also, too excited for winter 😍
- notes for readers : this fic is just a reminder of a lot of things, gratitude, keeping your peace, detaching from someone, loving yourself (all the things about yourself, body, facial features..), and many other stuff. If you ever feel, negative, feel free to tap back in here. Love you <3
song inspirations : good days - SZA, I like you - post malone ft. Doja Cat
summary : a small normal and peaceful day of you and your wife, shuri. You guys start your days, went out, giving each other small therapy sessions, just pure fluff and soft things!
Shuri and you are a freshly new married couple, the relationship has been healthy the whole time. And you don’t see anything bad coming at all, it’s right now 9am, you were waken by the bright sunlight kissing your skin.
You felt the curly head woman slightly moving in your embrace, you pulled the duvet onto her neck a little bit more in case she catches a cold from this cold weather. “baby…” you whispered down at shuri, the sight of her is adorable. Face buried in your chest, hands tightly tied around your waist, the warmth sharing inside the blanket is comforting.
“mmhhh…” she answered, in order to let you know she’s awake too. But instead she snuggled into your chest, a sign of her wanting to continue the sleep, and you are not gonna let it happen…
“it’s 9:15 baby, I gave you 15 more minutes to sleep..” you said trying to get away from her grip and start your morning routine. “why so stubborn?” she asked loosening her grip enough to let you slip away, you stretched right in the middle of the large window next to the bed.
Your body covering the sun shining, as shuri was seeing that sight and loving the positive energy you’re having just the start of the day.
You walked to the restroom next to the bedroom and started your morning routine, as you were applying the moisturiser on your cheeks, you were greeted by a loud yawn of shuri. Like a cat yawning. [a/n: it’s always a jump scare looking at cats yawn bro- 😭🤍]
you forcely put the kuromi headband on her to keep her soft curls away from her face, “oh I look cute.” shuri said looking at the mirror admiring herself wearing that headband, you, with a helpless expression and slipped a chuckle while adjusting it to make it more comfortable for her “yes yes…pretty much.”
“what do you mean pretty much? I am the queen of cuteness.”
“you’re already a queen of an entire nation you still wanna be a queen of something else?” you said putting the mask on her, and putting those under eye pads on her.
“yes.” and she looked down at you, “the queen of your heart.” as she winked, teasing you fully.
you laughed at that, and giving into her “yes yes…” and fully taking care of her, nearly doing the whole routine on her. Who would’ve expected the precious queen of her people is actually acting like a child and liking the small cute things?
After that, you went downstairs to the living room and walking past the kitchen island you opened the fridge. Taking 2 limes and a few lemons, you cut them into pieces and put them in 2 cups of water, as you handed shuri the cup of water “water first!” [a/n : alright hello again, so, I do this everyday, I drink water before literally eating anything, in order to flush away toxins from the body, preventing headache and kidney stones. It’s a very healthy act and doesn’t harm much, so please, take care of yourself and do that 🤍]
Shuri took the cup of water and gulped it, you’re the type of person to force her to drink gallons of water a day. At least 8 cups. That’s what you know for sure.
You left the breakfast making to shuri, she can cook. Like literally, she went to the fridge and grabbed a few types of fruits - strawberries, bananas and blueberries. She heated the toasts up, cutting the bananas and strawberries in pieces, putting the peanut butter on the toasts then the bananas and strawberries.
You also prepared oatmeal, so you took the blueberries and out them on it, also taking the milk and pouring them in. [a/n : banana + peanut butter + bread>>]
“Baby! where’d you brought the strawberries?” You asked while picking one and landing them in your mouth while eating it.
Shuri draws her attention at you while she’s putting the dishes in the dish washing machine, “I think I brought a whole box from Tokyo…” she said yelling from the kitchen, since you’re just sitting comfortably on the couch, letting the sunlight hit your face.
“Tokyo huh…” you muttered but then ignored continue gulping the strawberries. [strawberries keeps you away from cancer 😋]
You finished the big bowl of strawberries feeding some to shuri, while she’s just signing a few papers. Once she’s done, you dragged her to the back yard, showing the new flowers you’re taking care of lately.
“new flowers!” you said with a clear excitement in your voice, you wore the gloves and bent down, watering them.
“oh yeah?” Shuri bent down as well next to you, to admire your hard work. The amount of time you took to take care of them, now it’s blooming beautifully, “it’s just like you…” she said whispering looking at the flowers.
“hm?” you looked at shuri, “it’s just like you, blooming beautifully even in this harsh world, blooming and surviving in a world filled with shitty people.” she said smiling softly. “I still thank Jesus every day gifting me with you.” You smiled back, and got up pulling shuri, “check out my other babies!” you said.
These are tulips, the flowers shuri firstly got for you when she confessed her feelings for you. Those beautiful pink and yellow tulips growing in the safe soil, you bent down smiling at the tulips, smiling at the flower that symbolises one of the many important and unforgettable events happened in your life.
“they’re beautiful ain’t it?” you asked while looking at the flowers.
You, are admiring your flowers, while your wife? she’s admiring something else, she’s admiring you instead. Your sweet smile curved on your face, you soft gaze watering the tulips, you hair hovering in the air by the wind.
“yes…very beautiful.”
while you didn’t knew this is shuri saying you’re beautiful instead of the tulips.
You and shuri wanted to go out for lunch, somewhere with spaghetti. So you obviously changed your pajamas to something else, you wore an off white turtle neck sweat shirt, with a beige coat, black mini skirt and white leg warmers. For touch ups, you put on those white fluffy ear muffs, black Maryjanes and small gold hoop earrings.
Shuri, who- wanted to match your style. She similar gold hoop earrings too, gold rings, off white crochet sweater, white scarf, dark brown fluffy coat, and some off white sweatpants with boots.
She leaned her left cheek to your right cheek looking the mirror. “we look cute!” she said while casually pecking you multiple times, your hands on her shoulders looking in the mirror “more then cute actually,”
“my baby dress me good…” shuri said proudly jumping around like a kid while you’re trying to warp her scarf, “stay still!” You said firmly, and shuri finally stays still. for a moment.
You chosen a fancy Italian restaurant that you always go to with your friends, you sat and let your brain choose what exactly what you wanna eat. Shuri, of course is waiting patiently, her face on her palm looking at you lovingly, you caught her gaze and looked up at her. “whatchuuu thinkin?” You said scrunching your nose.
“There’s a problem with admiring my own wife now?”
“well…” you looked around “no.”
“great, cause I’ll still be staring into your soul even if you’re uncomfortable.” She said teasingly, but she also notices you have trouble with choosing what to eat.
Noticing a dish that’s shown on the menu, as she draws your attention with her index point on the dish name, and a picture. “how about this?” She asked.
It’s a carbonara spaghetti with salmon, and some s cheese on top. “perfect your most latest cravings, the taste of salmon and carbonara.” She then point at the description of the dish, “also with small pieces of bacon.”
You looked at shuri nodding really fast, that’s what having shuri is like, her solving your most minor inconvenience but also not making you feel troubled. “thank you shuri! I know I have issues with choosing.” you said smiling sweetly at her.
She didn’t answered which was quite a surprise, you gently shakes her as she blurted out a few words,
“y/n you’re so…perfect, you have a beautiful and kind soul, a face of an actual goddess…” she stopped and look down at your waist, holding it and caressing it “having the body that I’ll love no matter what shape it is, and your mind, your mentality…” she said looking deep in your eyes “is so strong. you’ve went through a lot, fighting mentally, and you’re still in front of me, being the best gift of mine, being the angel that bast sent me,” she said kissing your cheek. “I couldn’t ask for more when you’re the limit, when you broke the scale of perfection, when the person who invented the word beautiful was because they landed their eyes on you, when your heart is so generous and always having gratitude cleansing my negative energy…” she said her pupils dilating like a cat’s pupil dilate when they see someone they love dearly.
“you are the peace I found in fall.”
- a/n : fall 🍂
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islandtarochips · 2 months
Call of Duty OC: Agnes "Blast" Falagi 💥
A crazy Samoan (and Tongan) girl who is OBSESSED with bombs and would explode anything in her path. She is the second one that the Captain had picked to join the team. If you need anyone to make some CRAZY explosives. She'll be the gal to do the job.
UNIVERSE: Modern Warfare/Modern Warfare 2/Modern Warfare 3
💥 Name: Agnes Falagi 💥 Alias(es): Blast, Aggie, Sergeant Falagi, Sergeant Blast, Blasty (Squirrel nickname her that) 💥 Gender: Female 💥 Age: Early or Mid 20s 💥 Birthday: February 11th 💥 Nationality: United State National 💥 Place of Birth: American Samoa 💥 Home: Utulei, American Samoa 💥 Spoken Languages: English, Samoan (main language), Tongan (conversational) 💥 Sexuality: Heterosexual 💥 Occupation: Sergeant in the Marines, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Specialist and Sergeant for the Warriors Task Force
💥 Eye Color: Brown 💥 Hair Color: Brown 💥 Height: 5'3/160 cm 💥 Scars: No scars 💥 Face Claim: Teilor Grubbs
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💥 Color: Black and Red 💥 Food: Manapua and Koko Laisa 💥 Drink: Mountain Dew 💥 Flower: Hibiscus and Teuila 💥 Hairstyle: Messy Bun (when she's off-duty) and French Fishtail Braid on duty (Kanoa surprisingly knows how to do it when she asked him)
💥 Myers Briggs Type: ENFP Blast is a very enthusiastic person. Always up for a new adventure, meeting new people and places, even making new things and memories with her team. She always supports her team no matter what they choose. She's VERY friendly (TOO friendly...) and she always find ANYTHING inspirational that got her interests. She might pointed at every small little things. Like, leaves, sticks, small little bugs- ANYTHING. Whenever you give her new projects (even the boring ones), she would gladly do it. She would find nothing boring than getting the projects done! 💥 Playful: She's always playful with her words. From teasing someone or flirting with someone. She always knows how to use her words into someone's heart.😏 💥 Creative: Blast is very creative. Even create things out of scraps. She even draws beautiful arts too! She has a notebook of it and she takes it everywhere she goes! I could imagined that her and Soap will be drawing things together! (If it is true that Soap DOES draw) 💥 Fast-Learner and Good Memories: She can pick up things pretty quick whenever you teach her and she'll do it really quick too. Like, when you teach her how to load a difficult weapons. She will do it faster. Since she has good memories of how it works. Negative Traits: 💥 Blast can be a bit clingy at some point. She couldn't help it. She always loves to stick to someone sides no matter what. Squirrel, Tiala and Kanoa doesn't find that a problem but the other teams...finding it ANNOYING. 💥 She's VERY talkative too. Asking questions too much. She won't be quiet for ONLY a minute. Unless someone ask her nicely to but if not then she'll just keep yapping on and on about random things.
Skills and Abilities: 💥 Fighting Style: Hand-to-Hand Combat, Boxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 💥 Weapons: XM7, M1014 and M203 💥 Distinct Weapons: SIG Sauer M17 and Strider SMF knife 💥 Special Skills: Can defused the bomb faster under 10 seconds. For she may be a chaotic gal in the team but she is a fast learner and knows how it's done. Also can memorize pretty easy and quick. Family:
Malohi Falagi (Father, Deceased)
Mele Finau Falagi (Mother, Alive)
Safaia Finau (Aunty, Mele's Sister, Alive) Trivia:
💥 Agnes is the only child in her family. 💥 She started to be obsessed of making something exploded when she was a little girl. She finds it very fascinating. 💥 "Blast" is the name that Kanoa gave her when she first joined in the WTF. 💥 She's a SWEET tooth. LOVES to eat some candies most of the time. 💥 And if you even THINK of stealing her food. Please don't. She doesn't like it when someone steals her food even if you ASK for some from her. Backstory:
Agnes was born on the Island being happily raised by her loving parents. She was the only child in the family and her parents had spoiled her at some times. She even mostly looked up to her dad. The man who had created fireworks as a side job for special events.
She was very amazed to see her father's creative work. Seeing his creation of making such a beautiful display makes her feel like she wanted to create some too!
She started to make something small. Like small firecrackers. She successfully did it but it almost burnt down the banana trees that were in her backyard. And her mother gave her a good ear folding for that.
But her father was VERY impressed. So he started to teach her how to make explosives as much as he could.
And when Agnes turned 15, she noticed her father was getting ill and knew that they didn't have enough money to get the medicines that the doctor had prescribed. Until she saw a poster about a science fair that will give out money for the students.
She started to feel excited and has hope that this will help her father. So she signed up and started working on her project. Which it's related to fireworks. Getting every detail right of how her father taught her about the fireworks.
Her project had really got the attention of the judges and was very impressed by this much knowledge from a young student. So she won the prize and finally got the money for the medicine.
But...when she arrived home to tell her parents the news. She saw her mother was crying in the living room and her aunty, her mother's older sister named Safaia, was there to comfort her. And she knows why. She knows that her father was gone before they could even call the ambulance. She was devastated and broken to hear her father had passed away.
It took a while for her family to get over their grieves and Agnes stayed strong to help her mother out. When she's a senior in her high school days. She noticed that the school has a special guest coming to explain about Military work.
She went to the gatherings and saw the presentation and the amount of money that they'll be giving. Which gives her great ideas of trying to sign up for it.
Her mother didn't agree to this when she told her about the marines. Afraid that she'll lose her only child and part of her husband's creation. But Agnes had reassured her that she will spend as much time when she comes back from her deployment.
So...her mother let her go and let her sign up for the military after High School. It took Agnes a while to get through the training until she had made it through enlisted. She was also interested in joining the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) as a specialist.
And her work had paid off when she was picked to help Kanoa and Tiala to assist in one of the missions that is related to bombing. Hostages were used with bombs around them by one of the terrorists.
Kanoa could see how fast and swift Agnes did of disarming the bombs and making new ones to defeat the enemies. So, he decided to pick her to join the WTF. Which she gladly took. She knows that her knowledge and skills of being a bomb expert is a blessing to her. And giving her enough passion to save the people around the world.
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herofics · 1 year
Starting a family, part 2
This is part two to this post about Hawks finding out his s/o is pregnant. Someone on wattpad requested for more to it, so here I go
“Keigoo, I’m hungry” you whined as you waddled into the kitchen.
“What would you like?” Hawks asked as he was doing some paperwork.
He had spread his papers out on the whole kitchen table as usual and was typing something on his laptop, before closing it and looking up at you.
You were holding your belly and smiling down at it.
“Do we have some chips and nutella? I want something sweet and salty at the same time”
“I can check” Hawks said as you sat down by the kitchen table. “Is the little man doing okay?”
“They’re fine, and you do realize we don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy, right?”
“I know, I know, but I just have a feeling” Hawks smiled, before adding: “We’ve got nutella, but no chips. You want me to go get some for you?”
“I’m gonna come with you, I feel like I need to walk a little bit, I’ve been sitting and laying around for days” you said, using the edge of the table to push yourself up from the chair.
“You sure? You look like a penguin when you waddle around and even though the store is close, the trip is much longer than from the bedroom to the fridge” Hawks smirked teasingly.
“Hey, be nice” you crossed your arms across your chest and blew a raspberry at him.
“I am being nice, and realistic. Dove, your feet hurt when you walk around the apartment for five minutes and you’re not supposed to strain yourself. You’re almost eight months pregnant and I’m not carrying back you and the groceries” Hawks explained.
“Fine. I’m gonna go sit on the balcony so I can get some fresh air while you go to the store”
“I’m gonna pick up some other stuff too, do you want anything other than chips?”
“Hmm, maybe chocolate ice cream? And pickles? Uuu, and peanut butter?”
“Please tell me you’re not gonna eat all of those at once?” Hawks asked.
“Eeew, no!” you exclaimed with a hint of disgust in your voice. “Well maybe the pickles and peanut butter? It could be good” you wondered out loud.
“I have no idea how that could be good but I’ll bring you whatever you want” Hawks said and kissed you on the forehead, before going to put on his shoes.
“I’ll be quick” he yelled before shutting the door and flying off.
You sat back down on the kitchen chair and sighed. You placed your hand on your belly, hoping to feel your baby kick or move. You didn’t need to wait long until you felt movement. You could feel your lips drawing into a smile as you felt your baby move.
“Your papa went to get us some snacks. He loves us both so much, and he’s going to be a great dad” you cooed to your belly, still smiling.
The baby kicked again and your smile widened. Sure, the pregnancy had been difficult. You’d had pretty bad morning sickness in the first trimester and it hadn’t been easy, even after the morning sickness phase subsided. Your feet hurt all the time, you’d been having pretty frequent headaches and you’d developed a lot of stretch marks which made you feel a bit insecure, but you were still so happy. You were going to have a baby with the man you loved, and he was going to be a wonderful dad. You had been feeling a bit insecure about how you’d do as a first time parent, but Keigo had eased those doubts a lot. He had assured you, time and time again, that you were in this together and that you would both be there for each other and your baby.
Hawks had made his trip to the store as quick as possible, and after ten minutes, he was already starting to fly back. He’d been happily tending to your every need, and he would continue to do so as long as you wanted him to. While he was excited to be a father, he was also absolutely terrified.
His own father had been a bastard to put it lightly. Hawks never wanted to do anything that could make him like his father. He would be the best father to the baby you were carrying. His and your child would never go through anything he went through as a kid, not as long as he had a say in it.
You heard the lock turn and heard Hawks greet you as he stepped into the apartment.
“Hey, welcome back” you greeted back from the kitchen.
Hawks greeted you with a kiss on the cheek and raised the grocery bags on the table.
“You got a lot more stuff than I was expecting”
“Yeah, well I figured I’d get enough so I don’t have to go to the store for a couple of days” Hawks shrugged.
“Thank you, we love you” you smiled at him.
You grabbed Hawks’ hand and placed it on your bump. He came closer and knelt down on the floor to kiss your belly.
“I love you too” Hawks said, and kissed your belly again. “I can’t wait to meet you” he whispered to the baby.
He wasn’t going to let you or his child down. He wasn’t going to be like his father.
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innocent-cat · 1 year
Hello!! Welcome to tumblr!! Can I request genji taking reader to fun dates?
Hi! thank you for the warm welcome<3 I dont know if you want headcannons or a oneshot, so im sorry if you wanted headcannons (っ◞‸◟ c) Genji Shimada x Reader Warnings - None
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"Carnival date", Genji x Reader
Watching yourself in the mirror, you pose in your outfit to make sure you don't look odd. You wore a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and a red zip up, as the weather was getting colder day by day into the winter.
Genji, your sweet boyfriend, invited you on a date to a local carnival. He said he'd pick you up around this time, and he was about.. 2 minutes late. You were nervously picking at your nail beds, hoping he hadn't forgotten about your little date.
Knock knock
"Hellooo? You could hear the smile Genji had on from through the door. Letting a smile creep onto your face, you fix your hair just one more time, grab your bag, and lead yourself to the door.
You looked him up and down, and took note of his outfit. It was a casual date, so he sported a grey hoodie, jeans, and sneakers.
"Hey." You smiled at him, and glanced down to his hand that he now held out. You placed your hand in his, as he began to make small talk to entertain the two of you.
Walking hand in hand to the carnival, you noticed all the bright lights softly glowing in the now darkening sky. You had left your apartment at 4, so that means you had arrived at around 4:45-ish.
"Genji, wont the carnival be closing soon?" You sheepishly asked, turning to look at the cyborg ninja you called your boyfriend. "Its a special event that I didn't read much into- but it'll be open until twelve tonight." He continued to guide you through the fair, making sure the two of you don't get split up.
"Oh- look at the cotton candy stall! We should get some!" You turn to him, tugging on his hoodie sleeve to gain his attention in a childlike manner. Genji lets out a laugh, and rolls out a 'sure', and walks over to the stand with you. Ordering the cotton candy, he hands you the colorful cloud of stringed sugar. Both of you pulling off clumps and taking bites of the sugary substance, you tread slowly around the carnival. (A/N please pretend he can eat through his mask i cant battle the logic right now) Stopping around at certain places to take pictures, or going through a line to enter a roller coaster, Genji's hand remained in your's during the whole night. Even when you guys decided to take a picture at the animal wall, poking your heads through two little holes likely meant for a child, and having someone take your picture. Sharing laughter throughout the night, the animal picture became the lock screen to both your phone and his phone. A cute gesture shared between the two of you, that made you giddy and fall in love with the guy all over again. "Oh my gosh- we should go on the ferris wheel Genji! What else is there to do on a totally romantic carnival date? It's the perfect finish to our night!" You pleaded and reasoned towards him, expecting nothing less of what you received. "That's a good idea, I'd like that. Let's get in line right now, actually." He looked down at you, smiling, again guiding you through the crowd of what you now realized were couples and pulled you to the ride. You giddily smiled and fidgeted with his hands, as you waited in the line. Once again, making small talk." "Okay okay- but heres one better than that- Why did the scarecrow get an award?" Genji laughed through his words and smiled down at you, waiting for your response to the dad jokes that you two had been giggling at through out your wait time. Smiling, you asked 'why?' through another laugh.
"Because he was outstanding in his field." You and genji threw yourselves into another fit of giggles over jokes that weren't even funny, but they were funny because it was told by each other. Someone you loved. "Next in line please!" The line conductor beckoned to the two of you, as the two of you walked towards the cart and walked in. sitting on the opposite side of each other, smiling, and talking to each other, occasionally pointing out something weird on ground level, or talking about how pretty the sky was. Once at the top of the wheel, it stopped. Genji placed his mask to the side of himself, letting you take in his face. Something that not many got to see, but he was more than comfortable with showing you at all times if he could. Fireworks in the distance marked midnight, beautifully. Pink and red, purple and yellow, black and white fireworks rung out through your ears. Patterns popped throughout the dark sky, making it bright again. You watched the fireworks, then turned to your boyfriend, taking in how he looked in the moment. You found it endearing how he looked at the fireworks with a smile. He turned to you when he felt your eyes on him and smiled even wider. "Thanks for tonight, Genji. It's really been fun." He pulled you in closer to him, now sitting on his left side. Taking your cheek with his hand, and pulled your face even closer, now just centimeters apart. "For you, I would do anything to make sure you're happy."
He locks his lips with yours, a sweet, and longing kiss. Nothing more shared between the two of you in that moment that love, and endearment for one another.
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steddie-thirst · 2 years
Baby Fever| Gareth Emerson x Fem!Reader |
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SUMMARY: Gareth offers to help you babysit and then you realize something. Gareth would make a pretty good Dad.
(note this takes place 2 years after graduation so reader and Gare are 21)
Gareth wasn't sure exactly what he'd gotten himself into. Choosing to help babysit your little brother was a in the moment response. Something he had a bad habit with was telling people — Yes.
Sure he had his own siblings, two girls, but from the horror stories he could only imagine what kind of trouble your brother would cook up. With both of you choosing to stay in Hawkins, until getting accepted into HU - it was only fair that he offered to help. He'd gotten himself into this mess and there was no getting out of it.
Gareth pulled into the driveway his brakes screeching - old and needing to be replaced. Shifting the gear to park and cutting the engine, climbing out with a huff. The neighbors greeting him as he approached the patio. The garden was always so neatly trimmed, rose bushes in full bloom. Grass was much greener on this side of Hawkins and while Gareth lived in the nicer part of town, you were a high class lady, and it shocked him still how he got so lucky with you.
Upon approaching he could hear screaming, more on the border of shrill whining. Awfully loud too. Were you under attack? - No, surely not. Despite the commotion he knocks on the door. Stepping back after to wait, stuffing his hands in the front pockets of his jeans, his shoulders laid back.
"One minute!"
Stumbling over discarded toys, spilt juice, and cheerios - previously served in a bowl, now scattered over the one sparkling floor you reach the door. Looking back over the mess which you'd definitely have to clean that up later. Turning the deadbolt and reaching to unhook the top look you pull the door open. Complete relief washed over you at the familiar blue orbs, freckles, and red flannel.
"Gareth, you made it." You sighed. Gareth returns your greeting with a toothy smile. God, the man was so endlessly beautiful and cute. He was like a golden retriever, always able to be happy around him, it was practically impossible to be unhappy with someone like Gareth around.
"Yeah - You mind if I come in?" He asks arm gesturing past you and he smiles ad the eager nod returned. Stepping aside you allow him to enter, apologizing for the mess, when a scream rocks through the house.
"Sorry, he's been -"
"Misbehaving?" Gareth offers and you nod lacing your fingers with his own.
"Okay, baby, I'll try. Not to sure he'll be as convincible as Hannah and Holly, but we'll see." You sighed in exasperation. Gareth leans down arms stretching to envelop you in a full hug. He was literally the best and always so willing to help. You were going to owe him big time later that much was obvious. Reaching up to fist handfuls of his shirt between your fingers as he embraced you. The delightful scent of cinnamon and honey filled your senses. He always smelled so - sweet.
You could eat him up, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
When he entered the kitchen your brother was still sat in his high chair, face contorted in anger at your poor attempt to feed him, and nose dripping with snot. "Hey." Gareth cooed stooping down to the child's level. Your brother let out a gargled sob no doubt congested from all the crying.
"Hung-gee." Your brother whined eyes glassy and red.
"I know little guy." Gareth was gentle, patient, much more than you had been. "Why don't you help me and your sister out. Can you tell me what you want?" He sniffled but nodded. You stood in the doorway watching as Gareth went head to head with him.
"Noodles!" He whines reaching out towards Gareth. After a little more sleuthing you figured out he wanted macaroni and all thanks to Gareth. However, it warmed your heart to see him interact in such a way with children, gentle, calculating and forgiving.
When you put him down for a nap he went down easily and all because Gareth had promised him more playtime. With a sigh you join him on the couch crawling into his lap, "He asleep?"
You nodded and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek a pleased hum leaving his lips. "Baby, you know you looked so cute with him today." You mentioned and Gareth chuckled.
"Oh yeah?" You nodded and he smiles. "Guess we are gonna have to make one of those soon." He offers and you blush at the mention. He'd be the perfect father and you'd trust nobody more.
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soupandsimple · 2 years
Oooo….dad!James I think! (this)
* James brushing down baby boys hair (who by the way is in a little tux)
^ I’m going to use the scenario of them going to an event (relatives wedding?)
* see ask here
- Remus seems like someone who despite how fancy an occasion might be, he’s all about having his baby in comfort! Of course a nice little baby cardigan and maybe a little bow tie to show it’s an event but all articles of clothing are SOFT SOFT SOFT so baby is comfy!
- Sirius would just take his baby in casual everyday clothes, possibly even pj’s! Although his child is only a baby, Sirius has always known that he would let his kids grow up wearing what they wanted because it was something he never had the chance to do (and according to Sirius, what baby wouldn’t want to wear pajamas to a ‘boring wedding’ given the choice lol)
Now James….full on tux for his baby! Can you blame him? James grew up with etiquette and the best of the best of everything….it’s a fancy event so of course his baby has to show out!
Coming out of your room from getting ready for the wedding, you find James sitting with 2 month old baby boy on the couch- both in matching tuxes.
“Oh my boys look wonderful” you say happily coming over to them.
James turns back and slowly looks at you from head to toes, “Well, well, well isn’t mummy a vision” he says looking back at baby boy as if he was expecting him to somehow show he agreed, which surprisingly baby boy seemingly does by flapping his little arms and gurgling.
You blush, bend down to kiss James’s cheek in lieu of a thank you for the compliment and then tickle baby’s little belly “We ready?”
“Almost” James quickly answers, grabbing a brush he had next to him on the couch and gently brushing down baby boys wispy hairs with it.
One thing about your baby’s hair is that it NEVER stays down, it was definitely already known to both of you that his hair was uncontrollable like James’s but yet you both still often tried to flatten in down anyway.
About a minute passed before you intervened, “Okay I think that’s enough. We’re going to be late and that hair just isn’t ever going to come down” you laugh.
James sets down the brush and brings baby boy up close to his face and gives him a bunch of smooches. “It would have come down if she’d given us more time,” he says to his baby. “But you want to know a secret?” James continues, “your mum is sucker for unruly Potter hair” he says sending you a wink. “I only gel it down so she’ll contain her obsession with it out in public.”
“Oh shut up” you say, playfully hitting his shoulder (it was true though- running your fingers through that soft mess of hair in the morning was addicting).
James snorts at the hit and stands up with his son in arms. Seeing them in full view now was such a tug at your heart…what handsome men you had indeed.
With heart eyes you make grabby hands for your baby and James carefully exchanges him to you. “All the women are just going to eat you up little man” you say, lightly pinching one of your sons tiny cheeks.
You follow James to the door where he grabs the keys to the car and you playfully slap one of his buttocks, “You too daddy. Going to have a busy night keeping an eye out on both my boys tonight.”
“It won’t be that hard of a job” James says with a sweet kiss to your lips, “because your boys aren’t leaving their pretty wedding dates’ side all night.” <3
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shino-mina-324 · 16 days
The Thunder Hashira
Chapter 2
Warning: gore, profanity, death
1.5k word count
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It was starting to get dark when I reached my destination or at least the area that it's in. I sat down under a tree to take a breather, I had walked without stopping for a couple hours now. I looked up at the sky and sighed. It was a beautiful night, I always liked the night but I can't enjoy it like I used to anymore. Not now, knowing that somewhere in the world a demon was wreaking havoc and feasting on people.
I sighed and stood back up to start moving again when I heard some noise from up ahead on the path. I narrowed my eyes a bit in suspicion and slowly started to walk forward. I kept walking but all I found were small traces of blood.
"Huh..." I knelt down to inspect it, it looked fresh. I then saw that it trailed into the forest. I stood back up and debated for a few seconds on what to do. I then sighed and dropped my bag, I hid it in some bushes in case anyone saw it and got any ideas of stealing it then followed the trail. Along the way I picked up a fallen branch, small enough to hold but large enough to seriously hurt someone if I whacked them with it. I followed the trail until I reached a clearing. I froze at the sight.
It was a demon. I mean I kinda was expecting one to be honest, but it still shocked me to actually see one. It was feasting on a girl, chewing on her leg. Though I did notice something. She was still alive. I then heard him start to taunt her, he wasn't just eating her... he was torturing her. Giving her a slow painful death. She had the sash of her yukata stuffed in her mouth — probably to muffle her screams to not draw attention — and she looked terrified. We locked eyes and I can see a mix of emotions in hers. She was begging me for help yet at the same time telling me to run. The demon noticed her drifted gaze and turned around to see me. He grinned.
"Aw you wanna play too?" I crinkled my nose and glared at him.
"What is it with you demons?" His smile dropped.
"Excuse me?"
"What is it with you demons saying some weird stuff like that? Like what?" I put a hand on my hip.
"Excuse me? Who do you think you are talking me like that?!" He snarled back at me and stood. I shrugged.
"A normal girl."
"More like a little bitch." A look of confusion crossed my face.
"I'm not a dog." Now it's the demons turn to look confused.
"A bitch is a female dog, my mom said so, and I'm not a dog. So I what makes me a bitch?"
The demon then started laughing, like on the floor laughing which only made me more confused. "What's so funny?"
"Damn girl, how sheltered are you!" He continued to laugh. I looked back to girl who just had a pitying look on her face. I then grit my teeth.
"Stop laughing at me!" I yelled and slammed the branch down on his head. He then crumbled and clutched head.
"Ow what the fuck, you whore!" He screamed at me. I tilted my head.
"What's a whore?"
"Oh you poor sweet summer child."
"How did you know I was born in the summer?"
"Oh my god." He looked so done with life. I glared and whacked him again. "Hey, what the fuck!" Then I whacked him again. And again. And again. And again. This goes on for several minutes of him throwing insults at me, or at least I thought they were cause he just shouted a bunch of words I don't know or have never heard before, while I kept whacking him. The girl looked like she was going to laugh but was still in fear. I wanted to help but I had to keep the demon distracted.
"Ok that's it!" The demon then dodged the next whack and tackled me. We rolled on the ground a bit but then ended with me being pushed into the ground unable to get away, his hands were on the ground at either side of my head and his knees the same way on either side of my hips. He then snapped his down, jaw open, ready to tear my flesh off but I pulled up the branch and he chomped on that instead. I growled and I shoved it further into his mouth with enough force to get him to start moving up and away. Soon I was able to crawl out from underneath him and now we were both on our knees facing each other, me leaning over slightly as I kept pushing it into his head.
"Ow." I winced when he wrapped his claws around my arm and it dug into my skin, drawing blood. I kicked my leg up and between his legs. He groaned and glared at me as I took the chance to back away from him.
"You fucking whore! I'll kill you!"
"I still don't know what that word means!" And with that we began arguing again.
"Oh my God how dense are you?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"How do you not know the most common basic of curse words?"
"What's a curse word?"
"SERIOUSLY?!" He yelled again and we went back and forth a few more times until he snapped. "Y'know what? How old are you?"
"Twelve, why do you ask." I smiled at him as if we weren't arguing just now.
"Well then you're plenty old enough to know what a curse word is." He then took out a branch and cleared some grass in a part of the clearing. He then wrote something into the dirt and made a like under it. I walked over and read it, "Curse Words".
"What are you doing?"
"I'm teaching you what a curse word is. So this word mean..." He then proceeded to teach me what a curse word was and all the different words there were and their meanings. 
"Um what exactly makes me a whore?" I asked and looked down at my clothes. It was a normal yukata. The demon laughed nervously. 
"N-nothing actually, sometimes people start calling others random names when they get frustrated." 
"Oh so I'm not a whore?" 
"Nah probably not." 
"Oh good." 
"Um so I kinda gotta kill you now?" The demon said tapping his foot. "Like this was fun and all and I kinda don't wanna kill you cause of that but I have to so that you don't go off telling people where I am in case a demon slayer is nearby. So..." 
"Only if you catch me." 
"Wait wha–" With that I took off running into the forest, I could hear him start to chase me. When I got close to the edge of the forest I ducked behind a tree without him seeing. "Where'd she go?" The demon mumbled when he ran past. He slowed into a walk and stood there awkwardly. I then snuck up behind him and hit him in the head with the branch I somehow still had. He went flying a bit and landed on the path. He then started screaming for some reason. I blinked down at him. Why was he screaming. He reached his arms up to cover himself from something and then I realized he was disintegrating. I then looked up and saw the sun was rising. Well that's weird.... oh well not my problem. I walked over and grabbed my bag that was in the nearby bushes and started making my way back to that girl.
"Can you stay awake for me?" I asked kneeling down beside her. she peeled her eyes open, she had sweat on her forehead and looked tired. The blood had drained from her face and I realized if I didn't stop the bleeding quickly then she would die. "Just stay awake ok?" I proceeded to open my bag and take some supplies out. I ripped the sleeve off one of my other yukata's and slid it under what was left of her leg. I then tied it tightly with a small tick that I had found under it, that should cut off the circulation and stop the bleeding. "We have to get you to a doctor." I said and I tried to pick her up to help get her down the mountain but then I realized she wasn't moving. 
I started to panic slightly and laid her back down, I then started to search for a pulse. her wrist, her neck, her elbow, anywhere. but there was none. I didn't realize when the tears started to fall or when my vision got blurry, I just kept searching. I only stopped when a hand held mine to stop it and I felt another on my shoulder. The hands looked wrinkled and felt rough from years of labor. I whipped my head back and looked at the man that had stopped me. I couldn't tell completely from his kneeling state but he seemed rather short, he had white hair and he looked at me with soft black eyes. 
"She's gone." With those two simple words I started to sob. I didn't even know why I was crying, I didn't know her. But I couldn't stop myself as the man rubbed my back comfortingly. 
"You can't save everyone." 
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The princess of Gotham
Your parents told you to get ready for a very important dinner. Your family was the mikeasons the second most powerful family in Gotham aside from the Wayne’s . So iou do as your mother says wearing your cute sundress and heels. You were by no means the spoiled rich girl everyone thought you to be . If someone spent 2 minutes with you they would see you would constantly ask how they were if they were okay actually listen to their interests offer them anything they could want…because you weren’t raised by your family . You were sent away when iou were born because your mom and dad didn’t want to deal with a. Child so your grandparents raised you on their farm on the middle of no where on the country. You were raised as a real country girl ,sweet kind polite and strong and brave.with a heart the size of Texas.
You just came to see your mom and dad for you 18th birthday.Unbeknownst to you your parents have been cooking up an awful scheme for 18 years ! Since the day you were born ! You get ready singing Luke combs fast car , your favorite song loudly on your speakers as you twirl around imagining scenarios in your head
.”Yn!!!!!!!! Come down !!! Noowwwww!!!!” You hear your being screamed so you quickly run down the stares turning off your music. But on your way down the stairs you see your parents and another man near the large doors your half way down the stairs when your ankle rolls as you shriek like a little girl falling down and quickly hopping back up.” You saw nothing !” You holler to your parents your accent rather prominent…the thick southern draw is unmask able …you stick out like a sore thumb talking at parties so your parents make you keep your mouth shut around people
You hear the other man ..the guest laugh a bit as you get back up making your way down the stairs fully. “Yn , this is me Wayne ! Mr Wayne our daughter Yn !” “ hello miss Yn ,” he says a know my parents want me as quiet and meak as possible so I quietly say “hello” your mom looks at you “what have we told you about that stupid country music ! It makes you sound dumb !” Sorry ma “ you quietly reply ..your dad announces “we’ll mr Wayne we don’t want to keep you from dinner , come let us eat !”
You all walk to the table your mother scolding you on the way for dressing like a country bumpkin . You sit down your mother places you next to me Wayne ..your very uncomfortable at the moment just being quiet listening to their conversation about business…and the city blah blah blah ….you get so board you start to him fast car by Luke combs again ..”Yn ! “ your mother snaps at you pulling you out of your day dream …”oh , sorry” your mother gives you a death glare and then continues on with conversation
Soon all the food is on the table and you just bird pick at your food. You hate this food it’s so fancy and gross all you wanted was simple southern food…like fried green tomatoes or some country fried ham ! ..and some boiled peanuts ..I mean your mother always scolds you for not being feminine enough so not eating anymore gets her to stop calling you fat and yelling at you for being unlady like . Everyone finishes their dinner but the whole time mr Wayne is staring at you ..”please excuse me …” you say getting up from the table wanting to leave as fast as possible “wait Yn !” Bruce grabbed your wrist” no , there’s something we need to talk about” you jerk your hand away “excuse you?” Your mom says “Yn , we’ve made a deal ..since you were done you’ve been betrothed to me Bruce Wayne ..and now your 18 it’s time”
you look at them in disgust ..”what ! No ! I’m not marrying anyone !! Ever !!” Your father looks at you “yes you are ! Now stop this foolishness !” You scream “never !! I won’t ! I won’t do it ! Not when I’m this close to the life I always wanted !!” Bruce stands up taking your hands on his ..”we’ll now your life is going to be my princess of Gotham city” you look into his eyes and utter a soft “please” Bruce looks down at you “I’m sorry ,princess” he backs away . You left there standing in shock gear and sadness at what’s happened as a tear falls down your face. Your father speaks” let Yn , have the night to pack and you can have her in the morning”. Bruce replies “yes , of course , goodnight ..princess”
You ran to your room crying and crying and crying until one one in the morning . As you looked out your window you saw him. The vigilante everyone called batman.you open your window tears still streaming down your face “hello ?” , he stares into your eyes “can I come in?” You nod your head moving away so he can enter . He comes in the window. “What’s the mater? Has someone hurt you?” He asks. “Yes …I’m being forced to marry a man I don’t love” the vigilante stares at you in sympathy. “Everything will be okay eventually, I promise I won’t let anything bad happen to you” you look up at him in disbelief “why ?” He looks into your eyes as he pets your hair “all in good time my love” you look at him is curiosity “now my dear , go to sleep” you nod your head ..you really needed some sleep …he pucks you up bridal style carrying you to bed ,your wrap your arms around his neck when he lays you on the bed . “My sweet princess” he tells you as you drift into sleep. Morning comes when your parents make you take all your bags and await Bruce …the moment you’ve
dreaded more than life itself. His car pulls up as he steps out walking to you “hello my sweet princess” you stare at him in shock recognizing the Indearment from from pats night ..it couldn’t be … could it “let’s go my dear bride” you look at your mother who’s crying and father “I’m leaving and never coming back ! Mark my words this is the last time you will ever see my face !” You stare at your parents eyes cold as ice ..heart just as cold toward them. Your storm away ..taking Bruce hand. You two walk away into his car as he sets you down inside. He holds you in his arms the whole way home. Then when you arrive at Wayne manor he takes you up to the widow , he has his arm around your waist. “Take a good look my dear” you look out at the city all the giant buildings cars and people “ fro you my darling are my princess of Gotham city”
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inkchannelsthememes · 2 years
I currently work at the same day care than my mom for a summer job (I'm not qualified. I don't have a diploma. Parents are kept away from this information.) So I witness funny things with children, parents, and my coworkers. I worked with the 2/3 y.o, and now work with the 4/5 y.o (tho I still work closely with the first group), so there will be of both in it.
•My mom took her dummy away from one of the youngest children and she straight up put her whole hand in her mouth.
•After a while she took it out, looked at her other hand, considering her idea for a solid 5 seconds, and put it in her mouth too.
•A kid was trying to tell me something but he can't pronounce well. It took me 35 minutes to understand he wanted me to sing a nursery rhyme about crocodiles.
•None of them believes me when I say I don't know X nursery rhyme. They just genuinely think I'm kidding.
• One of the kids violently rolls himself to sleep.
•The children love to sit on the adults knees, especially when they're sitting on the floor. That's a habit I find adorable. They sometimes fight about who will get to sit on you and absolutely refuse to share.
•One of them plays with hands when she sits on someone. She'll slightly pinch it, then try to make the skin move or things like that. I don't think it's conscious. It feels strangely nice.
•One of them loves to jump on you from behind. He'll then laugh and run away. One of them does the same thing but from the side, and he does that to hug.
• When one ask for a nursery rhyme, I know I'll have to sing it at least 10 times before they start to go back to playing.
•One of them got jealous when I gave my mom a quick hug so she stayed on her knees for 20 minutes and refused to move.
• One of them speaks very well despite being younger than a lot of them. She desperately wants to go to school next year but she's too young. School became a banned word when she's around.
•I get asked what my name is by the same kid at least 6 times per day
•One of the parents always seems so genuinely thankful for our work, he's my favourite parent for now. The guy is so kind and patient, especially considering there's a language barrier because we're in France, and he's American and barely speaks French so I try to speak English to him and he always seems so genuinely happy about it- god bless that dad, most of the others don't give a shit about what I tell them.
•The coworker that works with me with the 4/5 y.o eats with the children and gets me to do it too even if it's forbidden. She's a girlboss who takes orders from no one.
•She's very loud and fun and likes to gently tease but she knows what she wants and she's ultra outgoing. She also lent me her switch so I could try out animal crossing New horizons after a week of knowing each other, which might be the best testimony of confidence I ever received.
•One of my coworkers from the 2/3 y.o section volunteered to be my new mom when mine isn't here to protect me from another coworker's kind teasing. They are all amazing people.
•I can feel the envious looks of everyone that enters the break room when they notice my 3DS with ACNL on it.
•The father of the very smart girl that craves to go to school and I talked a bit once. He asked me a bit about what I was doing for work here. I learnt from my mother later that day that when they saw each other he told her how much I was good with children and how he loved how I talked to them and how much of a shame it was I didn't consider working with children.
•There's a child that used to always stays with the ultra sweet coworker that offered to be my new mom. Since I'm here, she stays with me a lot. It's an honour to be important to that kid (she's one of the youngest and doesn't really play nor talk with anyone else that that coworker usually)
•There's one child that eats everything. No matter what or where she found it. This drives my mom insane.
•She also takes one of the little bikes, puts her doll on the back and stays still in the middle of the playground. She doesn't move, she doesn't even watch anything. Is she even here ?
•One of them starts crying when his mother leaves in the morning. He's seen playing with the others 15 seconds later.
•One of the kids lost his hat. We searched it for days. He found it this morning in the false oven.
•There's this one ultra silent kid that I only hear talk and laugh when she plays with her little sister. She's lovely, the most well behaved kid of the 9 four years old I take care of. I was very confused when I heard her voice for the first time though. Took me 15 seconds to realise it was her.
•Whenever I mix the children's names or mispronounce them, I get at least 5 "It's not Lino, it's Oscar" or "His name is Marius, not Marcus" at the same time.
•One of my colleagues got harassed by 17 hungry children because she's tall and started picking blackberries in the trees.
I might consider doing another one if I get more material.
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