#which is the chinese predecessor of Zen
theawesometrinculo · 7 months
Significance of The Heart Sutra in Blue Eye Samurai
The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra is a very popular sutra in Buddhism. Even today, millions of people recite and copy this sutra. The text might be short, but it's quite dense. While I don't really understand this sutra myself, I'll try my best to get across the main idea of this text.
"The body is emptiness and emptiness body. All things are only empty. Nothing is born. Nothing broken."
While this line is not exactly what the sutra says, it does a good job of getting the episode's message across, in that Mizu realizes that the things she thought held her back were actually what made her whole.
The Heart Sutra is an exhortation towards Bodhi, Enlightenment, Perfection. Mahayana Buddhists believe that everyone has an innate buddha-nature, which points to our potentiality of becoming buddhas. This buddha-nature is said to be be pure, whole, and complete, yet it is also empty, meaning that it doesn't have a substantiated self or ego. To make this easier to understand, this would be opposed to Christianity where everyone is born with sin and guilt and strives to be morally pure. Because the buddha-nature is empty, the dichotomy of good and bad isn't a "thing", so to say. That doesn't mean that they don't exist or that we shouldn't continue helping others, but instead the idea of them are just notions we attach to and what we use to judge ourselves and others.
The Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism said, "Affliction is Bodhi." They are two sides of the same coin. I think this quote encapsulates Mizu in this episode. Mizu might not find peace through revenge, but she definitely found some semblance of it reforging her sword.
When making swords, Eiji emphasized that while you have to hammer out the impurities, the impurities are actually what makes the blade strong. If the metal is too pure, it will become brittle and break. However, just because it broke, doesn't mean it can't be meld again. "Affliction is Bodhi" points to the ability to transform what causes pain into clarity and peace. A common analogy used is ice turning into water. Mizu held tightly to anger and hate, making her cold and distant. But with the help of Eiji and Ringo, she stopped running away from the things she hated about herself.
Finding peace requires courage and vulnerability. It requires us to confront the things that we are ashamed of and the things that we fear. After her talk with Eiji, Mizu starts a new fire, undoes her hair, and sheds her male attire. Throughout her whole life, Mizu felt inadequate and broken for being mixed and being born a girl. Now she sees things as they are, no longer rejecting that side of herself. She becomes more open, and even asks Ringo to help her finish writing the Heart Sutra on her body.
"There are some things I cannot do alone."
"The body is emptiness and emptiness body. All things are only empty. Nothing is born. Nothing broken."
Going back to this line, I need you to repeat after me: Emptiness is not the void! Emptiness holds all things, and all things are within emptiness, and therefore is the source of it all. It speaks to the interconnectedness of all things. Emptiness has always been there, whole and complete. Mizu realizes that she is whole and complete, because she is not alone. And so, nothing is born, nothing dies, nothing is broken.
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jessread-s · 6 months
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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.
The conclusion to Lan and Zen’s story will overwhelm your tear ducts.
Following the events of the first installment, “Dark Star Burning, Ash Falls White” revolves around Lan and Zen as they seek out a way save their kingdom from the Elantian colonizers. At the center of both of their journeys are the Demon Gods and the immense power they have. Only, they are no longer fighting together. Now on opposite sides, Lan and Zen will have to face each other and the choices they made to free their people. 
Inspired by ancient Chinese history and mythology “Dark Star Burning, Ash Falls White” is just as lyrical and atmospheric as its predecessor. 
Having done all the heavy lifting in terms of world-building in the previous novel, Zhao focuses mainly on Lan and Zen’s relationship. Their star-crossed love was captivating, making it difficult to put this book down even as my heart was breaking. 
The internal struggle Zen faces throughout the book - losing himself completely to the Demon God devouring his soul, yet wanting to give Lan his heart - absolutely wrecked me. Seriously. Reading from Zen’s perspective was almost painful because I grew so attached to his character and understood the cause he sacrificed everything for, which is a testament to Zhao’s ability to heighten emotions in her readers.
Much like “Song of Silver, Flame Like Night,” this book’s ending is equally beautiful and devastating. While bittersweet, wrapping it up any other way would have been unsatisfying. Make sure you have tissues on hand!
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hardnahas · 2 years
Windows 10 64 bit iso file size
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In October 2019, Microsoft announced " Windows 10X", a future edition of Windows 10 designed exclusively for dual-touchscreen devices such as the then-upcoming Surface Neo. The operating system was considered to be a service, with new builds and updates to be released over time. Īt the 2015 Ignite conference, Microsoft employee Jerry Nixon stated that Windows 10 would be the "last version of Windows", a statement that Microsoft confirmed was "reflective" of its view. As of February 2022, 7.88% of Windows PCs run Windows 11. Upon its release, Windows 11 received positive reviews for its improved visual design, window management, and a stronger focus on security, but was criticized for regressions and modifications to aspects of its user interface. Windows 11 has received a mixed to positive reception pre-release coverage of the operating system focused on its stricter hardware requirements, with discussions over whether they were legitimately intended to improve the security of Windows or as a ploy to upsell users to newer devices, and over e-waste associated with the changes. Windows 11 removed support for 32-bit x86 CPUs and devices which use BIOS firmware. While the OS can be installed on unsupported processors, Microsoft does not guarantee the availability of updates. Microsoft only officially supports the operating system on devices using an eighth-generation Intel Core CPU or newer (with some minor exceptions), AMD Ryzen CPU based on Zen+ microarchitecture or newer, or a Qualcomm Snapdragon 850 ARM system-on-chip or newer, with UEFI secure boot and Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 supported and enabled (although Microsoft may provide exceptions to the TPM 2.0 requirement for OEMs).
Microsoft also announced plans to allow more flexibility in software that can be distributed via Microsoft Store, and to support Android apps on Windows 11 (including a partnership with Amazon to make its app store available for the function).Ĭiting security considerations, the system requirements for Windows 11 were increased over Windows 10. Internet Explorer (IE) has been replaced by the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge as the default web browser like its predecessor, Windows 10, and Microsoft Teams is integrated into the Windows shell.
Windows 11 features major changes to the Windows shell influenced by the canceled Windows 10X, including a redesigned Start menu, the replacement of its "live tiles" with a separate "Widgets" panel on the taskbar, the ability to create tiled sets of windows that can be minimized and restored from the taskbar as a group, and new gaming technologies inherited from Xbox Series X and Series S such as Auto HDR and DirectStorage on compatible hardware.
Windows 11 was released to the public on October 5, 2021, as a free upgrade via Windows Update and Windows 11 Installation Assistant on eligible devices running Windows 10. Windows 11 is the latest major release of Microsoft's Windows NT operating system that was announced on June 24, 2021, and is the successor to Windows 10, which was released in 2015. Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Azerbaijani, Bangla (Bangladesh), Bangla (India), Basque, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Central Kurdish, Cherokee, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dari – Persian (Afghanistan), Dutch, German, Greek, English (United Kingdom), English (United States), Estonian, Finnish, Filipino, French (Canada), French (France), Galician, Georgian, Gujarati, Hausa, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, K'iche', Kinyarwanda, Konkani, Korean, Kyrgyz, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolian, Nepali, Northern Sotho, Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk, Odia, Persian (Iran), Punjabi (Gurmukhi), Punjabi (Shahmukhi), Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Quechua, Romanian, Russian, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia & Herzegovina), Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia), Serbian (Latin), Sindhi (Arabic), Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Latin American, Mexico, Panamá, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela), Swahili, Swedish, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Tigrinya, Tswana, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Valencian, Vietnamese, Welsh, Wolof, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zulu
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papercats · 6 years
Here’s some good lgbt (again with a focus on lesbian books bc I’m a lesbian so if i dont say anything specific about it in the list assume its f/f) books I read this year Ver 2.0  this time on my book blog...Previous years post (x)
I actually read a lot of lesbian fiction this year, I will try to include only stuff that I absolutely loved and/or I don’t see talked about in these kind of lists! Also, if you want content warnings about any of the books dm me. 
-The Crimson Empire Series by Alex Marshall: Okay this is the real reason I’m bothering to make this write up I’ll own up to it! It’s so GOOD. I think its the first really successful casual no misogyny/heteronormativity fantasy setting I read. Most stuff I read that tried this ends up just adding in some strong female character(tm) and a blink-and-you-missed-it mention of some side character being gay. But not here. Most of the main characters in this are women...and most of the cast is also lgbt. The man character is a bi woman who also happens to be a 60 year old badass and I love her. There are other characters that are bi lesbian or gay of varying importance (there are a million pov characters and some of them are spoilers so im being vague here). And also there are trans characters. I literally never seen trans characters in fantasy except in indie lgbt publications. AND beyond that its just such a good series, its incredibly fun. There is a lot of political intrigue and a lot of action and a lot of weird dark magic. It's also hilarious and made me laugh out loud multiple times which is very rare for books! Also, it’s a trilogy and it gets gayer each book. Like, the gay content is growing geometrically by the page count, trust me. 
Rest under the cut!
-Last Words from Montmartre by Qiu Miaojin translated by  Ari Larissa Heinrich this is very different and much more literary than the rest of the list. It’s a Taiwanese classic from what I understand, and it’s also the authors suicide note. I won’t pretend to understand this book, it’s written in letters which the author tells us can be read in any order. The author is a lesbian, and the story is said to be semi-autobiographic, but I can’t say this is lesbian fiction exactly. Not even who the narrator is is quite clear, as they seem to change gender from one letter to the next, sometimes being called by a different name. I don’t think I can do it justice in a few lines so I suggest if you’re interested you do your own research on it. It’s fascinating book, but it’s not something that everyone will enjoy, if enjoyment is even the right word for the experience of reading this book.
-When Women Were Warriors series by Catherine M Wilson: Okay I recommended it in the last years post but I read the last book this year and it was actually my favorite among the trilogy. And honestly , it deserves a second mention, it’s that good. It’s historical fantasy, magic exists but in a more mythical sense than throwing fireballs around (I’ve seen someone call it celtic fantasy, which might be more accurate). It follows the story of a young apprentice trying to become a warrior. There is a lesbian romance, but the overall plot is more about this apprentices coming of age, though the scale of the story expands widely as the books go on. 
-Letters Never Sent by Sandra Moran. This is historical fiction  very reminiscent of Sarah Waters, if you like her definitely check this out. It follows a young woman finding old letters of her death mother and learning about a side of her she never knew. It’s a dual perspective story with one for the daughter, and one for the mother in her youth. Both dealing with their own drama, though the focus is more on the mother. The story unravels slowly and though it’s not necessarily unpredictable it’s still a great read if you like historical fiction. 
-Amatka by Karin Tidbeck this is a swedish dystopian sci-fi story where words quite literally shape reality, reminscent of classics like 1984, not necessarily in content but the general feeling it gives, I’m not sure whether it’t the themes or the writing but it feels more like an old book. And I mean that in the best way possible. The main character is a lesbian, she gets into a relationship during the story, but this is very much not a romance book, it’s more about the main character slowly questioning the world she is in, and asking too many questions. I highly reccomend this one if you’re a fan of sci-fi dystopians, or want to see an unique take on the genre in a world filled with hunger games rip offs. (I was a bit confused that I couldn’t find the translator of this book, until I realized the author translated it herself. Just an interesting tidbit!)
-Pegasi And Prefects Series by Eleanor Beresford: light  board school books with just a little magic and lesbians. I found these short books to be surprisingly good and well written (sadly this is rare in lesbian fiction in my experience). The author described is as a slice of life harry potter which is pretty much it. Though there is some homophobia in these books, so be warned. The main story is concluded, and although the author teased more books in the setting there don’t seem to be updates in some time.
-The Mermaids Daughter by Ann Claycomb: This was a weird kind of melancholy book about a woman who only is relieved of her pain when she’s in the water. As were all her female predecessors, who all died young, by suicide. Her girlfriend delves into her family history in hopes to prevent her having the same fate. It’s a little mermaid retelling but that might be misleading, the main character is not the little mermaid, she’s her great great great grandaughter, or something like that. There is also the constant theme of Opera, which serves as a way to tell the story too, which sort of flew over my head. But it was still very much enjoyable. 
Short Stories and Novella
Undertow by Jordan L. Hawk : So this is a f/f novella in a long running m/m series. I can’t speak for the main series but this novella was good for its length. The setting is lovecraftian, but not quite so dark. I originally picked this up because one of the reviewers were complaining the love interests, who is some sort of mermaid-esque sea creature, had shark teeth. She’s great by the way, and so are her teeth. 
The Terracotta Bride by Zen Cho: This is a novella set in the Chinese afterlife. More specifically Malayan. The people in the afterlife receive money and items when living people burn things for them. The story explores the main character who is married to the richest man in afterlife life, and her relationship with her husbands second bride, who is not a human but a terracotta wife who her husbands relatives have burned for him.
The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz: A very simple straightforward story about an old model robot girl who owns a tea shop and a mechanic. It has a great atmosphere and I love the image of the old tea shop owned by a robot whos slowly breaking down. 
The Ape’s Wife and Other Stories by Caitlín R. Kiernan: This is a collection of excellent weird fiction short stories. I have a book by her in all my recommendation posts by this point, and I hesitated before adding this. Not all stories feaure any lgbt content, but enough of them do that it’s not out of place in this list. Though all of the stories in it are fully worth reading. My personal favorite of this collection is Galapagos, a rather disturbing story about space. 
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bibliodecke · 5 years
Anticipated Books, January to April
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New name. I’m leaning into this 3x5 conceit. Handy for both easy grids and little notes. I've been making adjustments here and there since the beginning of the year. Never mind that everything in the top row is now released. It’s not a race. They are listed in chronological order, from early January to late April.
The Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden. I am about 3/4s of the way through a reread of The Bear and the Nightingale and I really appreciate the atmospheric setting. (8 January)
The Kingdom of Copper by S. A. Chakraborty. I'm currently re-listening to The City of Brass and the worldbuilding is just excellent. (22 January)
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo. Forgive the caps lock: YES. I have been looking forward to this since it was announced. (29 January)
Here and Now and Then by Mike Chen. This follows a time traveler who was stranded in suburban San Francisco in the 1990s, has built a life, and must protect his family from forces that would "rescue" him and preserve the timeline. (29 January)
Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James. African-inspired epic fantasy with a touch of Rashomon? Count me in. (5 February)
The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo. This takes place in 1930s Malaysia, in which a young woman and a child cross paths. I don't want to know much more. I knew nothing of The Ghost Bride when I started it and was caught completely off guard in the best way. (12 February)
The City in the Middle of the Night by Charlie Jane Anders. I checked out the sneak peek and this looks really intriguing. Hoping this won't be a repeat of All the Birds in the Sky for me in that it has a really good beginning and an underwhelming second half. (12 February)
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. This one is a giant epic fantasy (weighing in at nearly 850 pages) which features "a world on the brink of war with dragons--and the women who must lead the fight to save it." Yes, please! (26 February)
Ancestral Night by Elizabeth Bear. Space opera is a genre that I tend to like more in theory than in practice, but this story of a salvager and her partner discovering something on the edge of the solar system sounds promising. (7 March)
The True Queen by Zen Cho. The only real disappointment I had with the charming Sorcerer to the Crown was the missed opportunity to explore the world outside of England. This one looks to rectify that with its heroines being a pair of sisters from Janda Baik who must travel to England after one of them starts to fade. (12 March)
The Bird King by G. Willow Wilson. Historical fantasy is my happy place. The Bird King takes place in al-Andalus during the reign of the last sultan. A mapmaker who can make maps of places he has never seen catches the eye of Inquisitors on the lookout for witchcraft and he goes on the run with a concubine named Fatima. (12 March)
A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine. This one has been getting a lot of buzz. The new ambassador from a small mining colony suspects that her predecessor was murdered. She must figure out what happened and prevent the Teixcalaanli Empire from taking over the independent Station that she represents. (26 March)
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling. Psychological power play in a science fiction setting. Gyre Price is a caver who falsified her records to get on a mining expedition for the money. She has a manipulative teammate, Em, who knows she's lying. Gyre cannot rely on anything in this dark and harrowing situation. (2 April)
Descendant of the Crane by Joan He. Chinese-inspired fantasy. Hesina's father is murdered, elevating her to Queen of Yan. She consults a soothsayer, despite magic being outlawed, and teams up with a criminal to navigate court and take control of her kingdom. (2 April)
Lady Hotspur by Tessa Gratton. Genderbent adaptation of Shakespeare's Henry IV. I missed The Queens of Innis Lear last year. Looking forward to picking both of these up. (30 April)
0 notes
jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
How Tim Cook Made Apple His Own
After Steve Jobs’s death, Silicon Valley anticipated
Apple Inc.’s
AAPL -2.27%
company would fail. Wall Street fretted about the roadway ahead. And loyal consumers agonized about the future of a cherished item innovator.
Today, Apple shares are at record highs. The company’s market valuation is $1.9 trillion– bigger than the GDP of Canada, Russia or Spain. And Apple, now the world’s biggest company, continues to control the smartphone market.
It is a testimony to how a commercial engineer– a man Bono called the Zen master– has actually turned Steve Jobs’s development into Tim Cook’s Apple, delivering one of the most rewarding service successions in history through a triumph of technique over magic.
Where Mr. Jobs orchestrated terrific leaps of innovation, normally specified by new items capable of upending industries, Mr. Cook has made Apple more reflective of himself. The 59- year-old CEO, like the company he leads, bewares, collective and tactical.
Tim Cook, left, and Steve Jobs, right, at a meeting at Apple in Cupertino, Calif., in2010 Mr. Cook took over as CEO in August,2011
. Image:. Paul Sakuma/ASSOCIATED PRESS.
Mr. Cook’s Apple, numerous former senior Apple executives say, is a business colossus pursuing development by developing an empire of product or services around his predecessor’s revolutionary developments. Its success in charming clients in China has assisted sales skyrocket while its drive for effectiveness has kept costs under control.
Shifts from dominant leader to follower are hardly ever effective.
Microsoft Corp.
stumbled when Costs Gates ceded the reins and.
General Electric Co.
sank after Jack Welch passed the baton.
“ Rewind the clock to October 2011, and people were like, ‘It’s all over,’ ” said Mike Slade, a long time advisor to Steve Jobs and previous member of Apple’s executive group.
Apple, under Mr. Cook, has actually joined but not defined the reinvention of the smart home, tv and vehicle industries. And yet, the company has actually grown.
Since he started running the company in 2011, the year Mr. Jobs died, Apple’s income and earnings have more than doubled, and Apple’s market price has skyrocketed from $348 billion to $1.9 trillion. The company has $81 billion in money, excluding debt, and has returned $4755 billion to shareholders.
The business’s earnings report last week sent out shares up more than 10%in a single day.
After coming out publicly as gay in 2014, Mr. Cook has enhanced the company’s advocacy of personal privacy, sustainability and human rights. Those stances have opened Apple to criticism that the company doesn’t always measure up to its values, particularly in China, where it has ceded operations over the information centers storing consumer details to a Chinese state-owned company, bowed to federal government pressure to get rid of apps tied to Hong Kong protests and dealt with a provider that the U.S. government states used required labor of Uighurs, an ethnic minority group.
The company has actually protected its practices, stating it follows the laws in the nations where it operates. In China, Apple states it maintains control over sensitive encryption keys that secure user data and has found no evidence of forced labor in factories making its products.
Apple’s dependence on China also has tense financiers and thrust the company into the middle of intensifying tensions between Beijing and the White Home.
Recently, in congressional statement along with other leaders of giant innovation business, Mr. Cook said that he is “personally devoted” to improving the number of ladies and Black leaders in Apple’s senior ranks. Throughout those hearings, he likewise defended the business’s treatment of app designers, who have grumbled about Apple’s market power.
Mr. Jobs, who mainly rebuffed succession planning, tapped Mr. Cook to prosper him in part because, as Apple’s operations chief, he ran a division without drama and focused on partnership, individuals who were close to Mr. Jobs said. His climb surprised some outsiders due to the fact that– as Mr. Jobs informed biographer Walter Isaacson– Mr. Cook wasn’t a “item individual,” however associates understood the choice. Apple required a new operating design after losing someone irreplaceable.
Mr. Cook was a relative complete stranger to the innovative undertakings preferred by Mr. Jobs, and after the Apple founder’s death, he did little to alter that. Instead, he concentrated on a series of little actions that together are constructing a fortress around the iPhone: a smartwatch, AirPods and music, videos and other membership services.
The Apple Watch 5 in2019 The gadget has actually increased sales over the years as it included capabilities such as cordless connectivity and heart-monitoring.
Image:. David Paul Morris/Bloomberg News.
” This is what most individuals don’t understand: Incremental is revolutionary for Apple,” said Chris Deaver, who invested four years in human resources working with Apple’s research and development teams.
From when he took over in 2011, Mr. Cook followed the guidance of his predecessor: Don’t ask what I would do. He seldom went to Apple’s design studio, a location Mr. Jobs checked out practically daily.
” I understood what I required to do was not to imitate him,” Mr. Cook told ESPN of Mr. Jobs during a 2017 go to at his alma mater, Auburn University in Alabama.
Mr. Cook is described by colleagues and associates as a modest workaholic with a particular dedication to Apple. Long time coworkers hardly ever fraternized him, and assistants stated he kept his calendar clear of personal occasions.
Around Thanksgiving 2 years back, guests saw him dining by himself at the secluded Amangiri Hotel near Zion National Park. When a visitor later on bumped into him, he said he pertained to the hotel to recharge after a busy fall punctuated by the rollout of Apple’s most current iPhone. “They have the very best masseuses worldwide here,” he said, the guest remembers.
Apple declined to make Mr. Cook or any of its executives available. Rather, the business assisted arrange calls with four people it stated might speak to areas of importance to Mr. Cook such as environmentalism, education and health.
Though present and former staff members state Mr. Cook has developed a more relaxed workplace than Mr. Jobs, he has been likewise demanding and detail oriented. “We’re losing our commitment to quality,” Mr. Cook stated, this person recalls.
Mr. Cook’s command of detail triggers servants to enter meetings with uneasiness. He leads through interrogation, with a precision that has reshaped how Apple staff work and believe.
Mr. Cook looks over the new Mac Pro throughout Apple’s yearly Worldwide Developers Conference in San Jose, Calif., in2019
. Photo:. mason trinca/Reuters.
It drives a level of detail so everybody becomes Cook-like,” said Joe O’Sullivan, a former Apple operations executive. He stated Mr. Cook’s first conference with personnel the day he arrived in 1998 lasted 11 hours.
Middle managers today screen personnel before conferences with Mr. Cook to make sure they’re well-informed. You do not squander his time,” stated a longtime lieutenant.
In late 2012, Mr. Cook was absent when Apple’s senior leadership gathered at the St. Regis hotel in San Francisco to review an early model of the Apple Watch, its first brand-new product after Mr. Jobs, according to individuals in attendance.
Such a lack from a brand-new product conversation would have been unimaginable for Mr. Jobs, associates say. But as Apple continued to rake in record earnings, Mr. Cook started to turn his focus toward financiers who wanted to know what he would finish with an ever-growing pile of money.
Wall Street financiers consisting of Carl Icahn wanted Apple to return capital to investors. In 2013, Mr. Cook surprised consultants by accepting meet Mr. Icahn for supper at the corporate raider’s New York City house.
Mr. Jobs had not believed in returning money to shareholders, believing it was better to reinvest Apple’s money in building items. Mr. Cook was less dogmatic. He sat with Mr. Icahn throughout a three-hour meal, which culminated with sugar cookies shaped like Apple’s business logo design.
” I got the feeling that he would not mind me being there,” pressuring Apple to return more money to investors, said Mr. Icahn, a devoted poker gamer.
The company later on added $30 billion in buybacks, an amount that increased yearly to total $3607 billion in repurchases over eight years. The capital returns assisted attract other investors, consisting of.
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
Mr. Cook greeted customers inside the recently refurbished Carnegie Library Apple Shop in Washington, D.C. in 2015.
Photo:. jim lo scalzo/Shutterstock.
Mr. Cook widened Apple’s required towards social causes. Among his primary steps as president was to introduce a corporate match program for charitable gifts, leading the way to direct contributions by Apple to the Anti-Defamation League and others.
In 2014, Mr. Cook met individually with Apple’s top executives and told them he was gay, previous associates stated. Apple was on stable footing at the time, with sales soaring of the just recently launched iPhone 6.
Associates state it was classic Tim Cook, an example of conscience balanced by a methodical awareness of advantages and disadvantages. Mr. Cook stated he ultimately wanted to be a role model for youths being bullied or fretted their households would them.
” I kept to my small circle, and I started thinking, ‘You understand, that is a selfish thing to do at this moment,’ ” Mr. Cook said during an interview with CNN in2018 “I need to be bigger than that, I need to do something for them and reveal them that you can be gay and still go on and do some huge jobs in life.”
Jennifer Aniston, Mr. Cook and Reese Witherspoon participate in the Apple TELEVISION ‘s “The Early morning Program” best in October, 2019, in New York City City.
Photo:. Theo Wargo/Getty Images.
Mr. Cook improved Apple’s board, replacing item- and marketing-minded directors with finance-oriented ones.
Without Mr. Jobs as item conductor, Mr. Cook has called on software application, hardware and design executives to work together, individuals familiar with the shift stated. The approach has actually shown his tendency to ponder and take care, letting ideas develop with less oversight than Mr. Jobs applied.
When hardware chief Dan Riccio was checking out the idea of a clever speaker around 2015, Mr. Cook peppered him with concerns about the product and requested more information, said Mr. Deaver, the former human-resources executive, who said he was briefed on the exchange.
Mr. Riccio’s group scaled back dealing with it, Mr. Deaver said. Later On, Mr. Cook emailed Mr. Riccio about.
Amazon.com Inc.’s
Echo speaker and asked where Apple based on its speaker effort.
Mr. Riccio’s team increase work. Apple’s resulting HomePod speaker routed competitors to market by about two years and has had a hard time to capture up, accounting for 5 million of the 76 million active clever speakers in the U.S. since in 2015, according to Consumer Intelligence Research Partners.
” Here’s Dan, who was utilized to getting firm instructions, so if it seems like a yellow light, then it looks like a traffic signal,” said Mr. Deaver, who said he spearheaded a job to enhance internal collaboration. “Then you have Tim, who is a processor. He likes to listen a lot. Time and persistence are his favorite warriors.”
What do you think of Tim Cook’s leadership of Apple? Join the discussion listed below.
Mr. Riccio didn’t react to ask for remark.
Mr. Cook tends to assess new product concepts with care, taking the position in some conversations that he doesn’t wish to launch an item that might offer inadequately and undermine the company’s track record of success, according to senior engineers.
” Apple appears to be striking on all cylinders, however beyond the hardware team attaining brand-new efficiency gains, there’s a stagnation and incrementalism,” said John Burkey, a former Apple software engineer and founder of Brighten.ai, a virtual-assistant company. He included that Apple’s strong hang on consumers who continue to purchase new iPhones masks weaknesses and produces a danger that they may miss the next advancement in technology. “Ask yourself what function of the iPhone you utilize that you weren’t using 5 years back? Do you really utilize Animoji?”
Instead of brand-new stand-alone gadgets, Mr. Cook has discovered success building items around the iPhone, with a watch, headphones and music- and TV-subscription services.
The items interrupted markets, with the watch out-selling the entire Swiss watch market in system sales and AirPods accounting for nearly half of all earphones sold global at the end of 2019, according to Counterpoint Research. Their combined income in the 2019 fiscal year of $245 billion was less than Apple’s peak yearly sales for the iPad of $32 billion, Mr. Jobs’s last item.
Mr. Cook questioned Hollywood manufacturers such as Brian Grazer to get more information about the home entertainment company before authorizing a $1 billion budget for a streaming-TV service, people knowledgeable about the meetings stated.
The initial services have dealt with criticism. Apple Music was revamped after its very first year, while Apple TELEVISION faced criticism that it released with just nine shows, an attack it has addressed by including movies such as the Tom Hanks The second world war movie “Greyhound.”
Mr. Cook isn’t rattled, previous members of the services team said, determining that over time, Apple will gain customers.
Even as he has handed over some product-development duties, Mr. Cook has actually stepped in more straight on political issues, browsing stress between the U.S. and China.
Mr. Cook first opened the China market to Apple by shifting production to factories there around2000 He leaned on that production presence– and the more than 3 million Chinese employees in Apple’s supply chain– to expand sales, signing a 2014 agreement with.
China Mobile Ltd.
that widened iPhone distribution to 700 million brand-new users. The deal helped turn China into Apple’s second-largest market.
Mr. Cook at a conference with Chinese app designers at an Apple shop in Beijing in2016
. Photo:. Wu_kaixiang/ Xinhua/Zuma Press.
In the U.S., Mr. Cook faced potential tariffs on imports of devices made in China– a risk that might activate retaliation by China. He looked for to protect Apple by giving both sides what they desired.
Speaking at a Chinese financial forum in 2018 after the Trump administration proposed tariffs, he championed free trade, saying countries that support it “do incredibly.”
The administration exempted Apple’s smartwatch from an early round of tariffs.
In 2019, after The Wall Street Journal reported Apple planned to move production of its only U.S.-made item, the Mac Pro, to China, Mr. Cook relocated to protect tariff waivers and continue production in Austin, Texas. He later on hosted Mr. Trump for an interview at the Texas factory where the president took credit for the plant– a claim Mr. Cook, who has actually slammed the president on ecological and immigration concerns, didn’t fix even though Apple had actually been manufacturing in Austin because 2013.
Mr. Cook and President Trump, with Ivanka Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, visited the center where Apple’s Mac Pros are put together in Austin, Texas, in November,2019
. Image:. mandel ngan/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images.
Mr. Trump has actually called Mr. Cook a buddy, and in one televised meeting, called him “Tim Apple.” As the recommendation gathered steam on social media, Mr. Cook turned it into a joke, altering his name on Twitter to Tim, followed by an image of the Apple logo.
At the Golden Globes in January, Mr. Cook went to along with Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon of Apple’s initial program, “The Early morning Show.” He steeled himself as host Ricky Gervais joked that Apple had actually signed up with “the TELEVISION video game with an excellent drama about the importance of self-respect and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweatshops in China.”
The joke highlighted the disconnect between the Apple Mr. Cook has actually promoted– a force for good in the world– and the Apple some critics see– a corporation focused on maximizing profits. Mr. Cook has pressed supply-chain audits to get rid of kid labor and promoted higher-education courses at Chinese factories.
Mr. Cook is at ease when he returns to Auburn, his alma mater, university authorities say. He keeps a low profile, frequently going to without informing administrators. He can be seen at a coffee bar in town, working and talking with trainees. He goes to football video games, often organizing his own tickets.
Auburn President Jay Gogue stated Mr. Cook has spoken about Colin Powell’s belief that management is tasked with moving an army from point to point, while leadership moves an army to where it never thought possible.
” There are times to be an excellent manager and times to be a good leader,” Dr. Gogue stated. “He comprehends that.”
Compose to Tripp Mickle at [email protected]
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
OnePlus 7 Sale, Poco F1 and Redmi Word 6 Professional Value in India Reduce, Jio GigaFiber, Extra Tech Information This Week
http://tinyurl.com/yxl9f8aa In per week that was principally dominated by Apple bulletins at WWDC 2019, OnePlus 7 lastly went on sale in India, alongside a lot of different telephones together with Oppo Reno sequence and Black Shark 2. Moreover, HMD International unveiled its most reasonably priced Android One smartphone within the type of Nokia 2.2 and Amazon revealed that it’s going to host its Fab Telephones Fest within the nation subsequent week. The 6GB RAM variant of Redmi Word 6 Professional obtained a everlasting value minimize, whereas Poco F1 noticed a brief value drop that may finish immediately. There was a bunch of Jio and different telco information as effectively. Let’s dive in to the highest tech tales of the week. OnePlus 7 goes on sale in India Weeks after the OnePlus 7 was initially introduced by the Chinese language smartphone maker alongside the OnePlus 7 Pro, the telephone lastly went on sale in India in addition to a lot of different markets. OnePlus 7 is the cheaper variant of the OnePlus 7 Professional. The telephone is now on sale through Amazon India, OnePlus online store, and OnePlus unique offline retailers. The OnePlus 7 carries a price ticket of Rs. 32,999 for the 6GB + 128GB mannequin and Rs. 37,999 for the 8GB + 256GB mannequin. OnePlus will probably be increasing the provision of the OnePlus 7 to its accomplice brick-and-mortar shops subsequent week. Whereas the OnePlus 7 impressed us with its glorious efficiency, all-day battery life, and loud stereo audio system in our review, the digital camera efficiency was a tad disappointing with under common low-light pictures and inconsistent focus in portraits and macro photographs. The video stabilisation in low lighting conditions can be poor. The corporate has packed a twin digital camera setup on the again of the OnePlus 7 with 48-megapixel and 5-megapixel picture sensors. Not like the OnePlus 7 Professional, which homes a pop-up selfie digital camera, the OnePlus 7 comes with a waterdrop-style notch to pack the 16-megapixel entrance shooter. The telephone additionally features a 6.41-inch full-HD+ AMOLED show and is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 SoC. Amongst different specs, the OnePlus 7 comes with a 3,700mAh battery with 20W quick charging assist and in-display fingerprint sensor. OnePlus 7 Review   In different OnePlus information, the Chinese language telephone maker announced this week that the Almond Color variant of the OnePlus 7 Professional will probably be accessible within the nation beginning subsequent week. The telephone will go on sale starting June 14 and it’ll carry a price ticket of Rs. 52,999. The Almond variant packs 8GB RAM and 256GB of onboard storage. Different specs of the telephone are similar as the opposite color variants of the smartphone. Poco F1 low cost, Redmi Word 6 Professional value minimize As part of its ongoing Poco Days sale, Xiaomi is selling the Poco F1 at a reduction within the nation. The 6GB + 64GB variant of the smartphone might be grabbed for as little as Rs. 17,999 through Flipkart and Mi.com, down from its present value of Rs. 19,999. The sale started on June 5 and can proceed by way of June 9, i.e. immediately. The opposite storage variants of the telephone haven’t seen a reduction and might be bought at Rs. 20,999 (6GB + 128GB) and at Rs. 27,999 (8GB + 256GB). To recall, Poco F1 was introduced within the nation final yr with a lot fanfare. The smartphone comes with a 6.18-inch full-HD+ display screen with Gorilla Glass 3. The telephone is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 SoC, coupled with as much as 8GB of RAM and a 4,000mAh battery. The telephone additionally packs as much as 256GB onboard storage in addition to a microSD card slot (as much as 256GB). Moreover, the smartphone encompasses a twin rear digital camera setup with 12-megapixel and 5-megapixel sensors. There’s a 20-megapixel selfie shooter onboard as effectively. Whereas the Poco F1 value minimize could also be for a restricted period, Redmi Word 6 Professional’s 6GB variant has received a everlasting discount in value. The Redmi Note 6 Pro 6GB RAM variant can now be bought at Rs. 13,999, down from its authentic value of Rs. 15,999. The telephone is up on the market with the revised value on Flipkart, Mi.com, and at Mi Dwelling shops. The 4GB RAM variant of the telephone had already obtained a value minimize of Rs. 2,000, and is presently offered at Rs. 11,999. Redmi Note 7 Pro vs Redmi Note 7S Camera Comparison: The Battle of the 48-Megapixel Sensors   In different Xiaomi information, the Chinese language sensible units maker began offering the Redmi Y3 with out flash gross sales this week. The Redmi Y3, which is focused at customers trying to purchase a selfie-focussed smartphone, can now be bought 24×7 through Amazon.in, Mi.com, Mi Dwelling Shops, and Xiaomi accomplice retailers. The telephone’s value begins at Rs. 9,999 for the bottom variant with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of onboard storage. Redmi Y3’s 4GB + 64GB variant might be bought at Rs. 11,999. Jio GigaFiber, Jio World Cup recharge, and extra telecom information In telecom information, Jio is claimed to have started offering a brand new optical community machine (ONT) for its GigaFiber broadband service with simply Rs. 2,500 safety deposit. Though the brand new machine is inferior to the unique ONT, it’s considerably cheaper, permitting customers with restricted funds to go for the service. Jio GigaFiber has nonetheless not rolling out publicly, and the corporate is slowly increasing the protection space below the preview supply. Reliance Jio additionally unveiled a particular knowledge pack for Rs. 251, which is focused at cricket followers who need simply sufficient knowledge to observe ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 on their cellular units. The brand new Jio recharge is designed to offer as a lot as 102GB knowledge for 51 days, which is believed to be satisfactory for watching all of the world cup matches. This, mixed with the free entry to the cricket matches on Hotstar for Jio subscribers, is nice knowledge pack for any cricket fan, who spends appreciable time on the highway. Vodafone launched two new pay as you go plans and the 4 new postpaid plans this week. The brand new Rs. 299 and Rs. 599 pay as you go plans include a validity of 70 days and 180 days, respectively. Whereas Vodafone’s Rs. 299 plan provides limitless voice calling, 3GB of 4G/ 3G knowledge, and 1,000 SMS messages, the Rs. 599 plan comes with limitless voice calls, 6GB of 4G/ 3G knowledge, and 1,800 SMS messages. Coming to the brand new Vodafone Crimson Collectively household postpaid plans, Vodafone has introduced new plans with month-to-month leases ranging from Rs. 598 to Rs. 999. Whereas the Rs. 598 rental plan permits 2 connections, the subscribers of Rs. 749, Rs. 899 and Rs. 999 rental plans can get 3, 4, and 5 connections, respectively. Every of the plans embody limitless voice calling, 30GB of information per connection, and particular knowledge quota for the first consumer. In different telecom information, Airtel has added Rs. 349 and Rs. 399 circle-specific postpaid plans. Whereas the Rs. 349 postpaid plan is unique to Andhra Pradesh, Chennai, Delhi/ NCR, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu, the Rs. 399 plan is offered within the remaining telecom circles within the nation. The brand new postpaid plans include advantages similar to limitless voice calls, 100 SMS messages per day, and free entry to Zee5 and Airtel TV premium. Moreover, the plan subscribers will get 5GB of information with Rs. 349 plan and 40GB of information with Rs. 399 plan. In a growth that’s more likely to affect a major variety of Tata Sky subscribers, the DTH operator will stop offering multi-TV plans and can invoice every connection individually. The change will go into impact on June 15. In the event you’re already utilizing Tata Sky’s multi-TV providing, it’s higher to select a related channel pack on your secondary connections to keep away from paying pointless expenses. Nokia 2.2 India launch and different smartphone tales HMD International took the wraps off its new price range smartphone Nokia 2.2 this week. The telephone, which succeeds the corporate’s Nokia 2.1, is predicated on the Android One platform, as a substitute of the Android Go, which its predecessor is predicated on. Nokia 2.2 will go on sale within the nation subsequent week with a promotional price ticket of Rs. 6,999 for the 2GB + 16GB mannequin and Rs. 7,999 for the 3GB + 32GB mannequin. The precise pricing of the telephone – Rs. 7,699 and Rs. 8,699 – will go into impact on July 1. Nokia 2.2 is made out of polycarbonate with a shiny nano-coating and encompasses a waterdrop-style notch. It sports activities a 5.71-inch HD+ display screen and is powered by quad-core MediaTek Helio A22 SoC. There’s a single 13-megapixel digital camera on the again of the telephone and a 5-megapixel selfie shooter on the entrance. Amongst different specs, you’re going to get a 3,000mAh battery, the standard set of connectivity choices, and a microSD card slot. After Asus was barred by the Delhi Excessive Courtroom from utilizing Zen or ZenFone branding in India, the Taiwanese firm on Saturday revealed that it’s going to launching the ZenFone 6 as Asus 6z within the nation. The telephone will probably be launched on June 19. There isn’t a phrase on the pricing at this level. Aside from the branding, the ZenFone 6 and ZenFone 6z are an identical. Flipkart has already revealed that it will likely be carrying the Asus 6z within the nation. Asus 6z will characteristic a 6.4-inch full-HD+ (1080×2340 pixels) show, Snapdragon 855 SoC, as much as 8GB of RAM, 256GB of inner storage. The brand new Asus telephone may even include a motorised rotating digital camera module, which homes a 48-megapixel main shooter with f/1.79 aperture accompanied by a 13-megapixel secondary ultra-wide-angle digital camera. The telephone may even embody a big 5,000mAh battery with assist for Fast Cost 4.zero quick charging expertise. Asus ZenBook Pro Duo UX581 and ZenBook Duo UX481 With ScreenPad+ First Impressions   Xiaomi Redmi Y3 wasn’t the one smartphone to unfastened flash gross sales this week, Realme 3 Pro additionally started selling with out the flash sale mannequin. This Realme telephone was launched within the nation again in April this yr and has since been provided in weekly flash gross sales. It carries a price ticket of Rs. 13,999 for the bottom variant with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of onboard storage. The telephone’s 6GB + 64GB and 6GB + 128GB retail at Rs. 15,999 and Rs. 16,999, respectively. Realme Three Professional might be bought through Flipkart and Realme on-line retailer. In different smartphone information, Oppo’s Reno and Reno 10x Zoom telephones went on sale within the nation for the primary time this week. The 2 telephones initially debuted in China in April this yr and are main recognized for his or her side-swing “Shark Fin” selfie digital camera. The 10x hybrid zoom assist current in Oppo Reno 10x Zoom mannequin is one other spotlight. Whereas the Reno 10x Zoom is the high-end telephone with beefier specs, the Oppo Reno is a mid-range smartphone. Oppo Reno value in India has been set at Rs. 32,990 for the only 8GB + 128GB variant, whereas Oppo Reno 10x Zoom begins at Rs. 39,990. Black Shark 2 was one other smartphone that made it to shops this week, though digital on this case. The telephone started promoting through Flipkart within the nation. This gaming smartphone comes with a number of gaming-centric options similar to Liquid Cool 3.zero expertise for higher warmth administration, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Elite Gaming characteristic for a extra fluid gaming expertise, and the pressure-sensing Magic Press expertise to call a number of. The telephone additionally options twin RGB strips that may be configured to sync with in-game results. It carries a price-tag of Rs. 39,999 for the 6GB + 64GB mannequin, whereas the 12GB + 256GB mannequin might be grabbed at Rs. 49,999. Lastly in smartphone information, Amazon India revealed that it’s bringing its Fab Telephone Fest sale subsequent week. The sale goes stay on June 10 and can proceed by way of June 13. It’ll embody reductions and provides on OnePlus 6T, Apple iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy M30, and extra telephones. There’s going to be a value drop on a slew of price range smartphones just like the Samsung Galaxy M20, Honor 9N, Redmi 7, and extra, as effectively. WWDC 2019: iOS 13, macOS Catalina, watchOS 6, tvOS 13, iPadOS, new Mac Professional Apple’s annual developer convention came about this week and it gave the corporate’s customers and builders a take a look at what they will anticipate to see from the corporate on the software program entrance over the approaching months. The corporate previewed the iOS 13, macOS Catalina, watchOS 6, tvOS 13, and new iPadOS. The Cupertino, California-based firm additionally unveiled a brand new Mac Professional with beefed up specs and a brand-new 6K HDR monitor known as the Professional Show XDR. An AI Rapper and a Maze: The Apps That Won Two Indian Students Apple’s WWDC 2019 Scholarships   iOS 13 will bring a number of new features and enhancements to the cellular working system, together with the much-anticipated darkish mode, an all-new Apple Maps expertise, enhancements to the Pictures app, and extra. iOS 13 may even add potential to silence unknown callers, revamped volume indicator, and battery tweaks. It’s now accessible as a preview to the builders and can attain the general public this Fall, similar as each different new platform model from Apple. watchOS 6 is not an enormous revamp and as a substitute focusses on iterative enhancements as the corporate makes an attempt to make Apple Watch extra of a standalone machine, somewhat than a companion to iPhone. The watchOS 6 brings new watch faces, a number of enhancements in health-related options, an on-devices App Retailer, and extra. Apple’s macOS Catalina additionally packs a number of modifications and a number of other enhancements to the Mac working system. Among the many highlights, Apple is splitting iTunes into three apps, making it simpler to port iPad apps to macOS, including assist for iPad as a secondary show, and together with voice management assist. WWDC 2019: The Biggest Takeaway From the Keynote Was Apple’s Emphasis on Privacy iPadOS, which is a spin-off of iOS 13, has been tailored for the iPad and brings a brand new dwelling display screen, extra multitasking gestures, an improved Recordsdata app, and higher textual content enhancing expertise. It additionally brings desktop-class shopping with Safari, darkish mode, customized fonts, a floating keyboard with assist for swipe-based typing, and much more. The tvOS 13 provides multi-user assist with personalised content material suggestions, assist for Xbox One and PlayStation DualShock Four controllers, and new underwater screensavers. The newest model of tvOS is being pegged as a extra inclusive TV platform that may make the content material consumption through Apple’s platform a extra family-oriented expertise. The upgraded Mac Pro comes with an all-new design that guarantees to be versatile and upgradeable whereas delivering unprecedented efficiency. It’s joined by a 6K HDR monitor known as the Professional Show XDR. The brand new Mac Professional encompasses a design that echoes the unique Mac Professional, with a metal physique, a mesh entrance panel, and handles on the high. Each new Mac Professional and HDR monitor will probably be accessible within the Fall this yr.   Different tech information this week In gaming information, PUBG staff has revealed that PUBG Lite will quickly be making its technique to India. The corporate has not shared an actual launch date at this level, however you may preserve an eye fixed out on Devices 360 or the official Facebook page for the sport to get extra data on when it may be anticipated. Not like the core PUBG sport for PC, PUBG Lite will probably be free to play, however the gamers will first be required to get the official launcher that may later assist them obtain and set up the sport recordsdata. Epic Video games released a brand new replace for Fortnite this week, which brings an all-new weapon known as Storm Flip to the sport. Carrying the model quantity 9.20, the brand new replace additionally removes searching rifles. Sniper package deal availability in provide drones has been decreased from the earlier 12.5 % to eight.45 %. Equally, explosive package deal availability has been decreased from 12.5 % to 7.04 %. Fortnite v9.20 additionally provides Transmitters and Receivers, permitting gamers to hyperlink units to one another utilizing Channels. Forward of subsequent week’s E3 gaming expo, Google shared extra particulars about its cloud gaming service Stadia. It’ll go stay in November with Founder’s Version bundle at $129.99. Stadia will launch with about 30 video games to purchase, together with “Doom Everlasting,” ”Murderer’s Creed Odyssey” and “Wolfenstein: Youngblood.” It will likely be initially restricted to only 14 international locations, together with US, Canada, UK, France, and Germany. In 2020, Google will supply Stadia Professional for $10 a month and a free model, Stadia Base.   In different information, Marvel Girl 1984 director Patty Jenkins shared the primary official poster of the movie. The poster additionally offers us a peek at Marvel Girl’s shiny, new gold costume armour, which has extra superpowers within the comics. Marvel Girl 1984 will launch June 5, 2020 in India and internationally. It finds Diana (Gal Gadot) going up towards a British archaeologist-turned-supervillain known as Cheetah (Kristen Wiig), amidst the Chilly Battle-era tensions with the Soviet Union. Lastly, Netflix released the primary trailer for the third and closing season of Jessica Jones, which releases subsequent week on the streaming service. Within the closing season, the titular superpowered alcoholic personal investigator (Krysten Ritter) will face a brand new highly-intelligent psychopath (Jeremy Bobb), and will probably be pressured to staff up together with her former finest good friend, Trish Walker (Rachael Taylor). Affiliate hyperlinks could also be mechanically generated – see our ethics statement for particulars. Source link
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internetbasic9 · 6 years
Nature China and Vatican Reach Breakthrough on Appointment of Bishops
Nature China and Vatican Reach Breakthrough on Appointment of Bishops Nature China and Vatican Reach Breakthrough on Appointment of Bishops https://ift.tt/2xJ0mBZ
Preparations before a Mass in Anyang, in the province of Henan, China, last month.CreditCreditPak Yiu/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
ROME — The Vatican said Saturday that it had reached a provisional deal with the Chinese government to end a decades-old power struggle over the authority to appoint bishops in China. It was the Communist country’s first formal recognition of the pope as leader of the Roman Catholic Church in the world’s most populous nation, Vatican officials said.
Under the breakthrough, Pope Francis recognized the legitimacy of seven bishops appointed by the Chinese government. Because they had not been selected by the Vatican, they had previously been excommunicated.
The deal was in keeping with pope’s outreach to parts of the world where he hopes to increase the church’s presence and spread its message. It gives the church greater access to a huge population where the growth of Protestantism is far outpacing Catholicism.
But for critics loath to share any of the church’s authority with an authoritarian government, the deal marked a shameful retreat and the setting of a dangerous precedent for future relations with other countries.
The deal comes at a time when the pope is under enormous scrutiny for his church’s handling of clerical sex abuse, one of several issues that conservative forces within the church have seized on to weaken Francis. The deal with China, which they deeply opposed, is likely to fuel that discontent.
Pope Francis has for years talked about his desire to visit China, where Roman Catholicism has steadily lost ground in the face of intensifying crackdowns and surveillance on religious groups under President Xi Jinping. Protestants, whose faith is spreading fast around the country, have largely eclipsed the percentage in China of Catholics, who number about 10 to 12 million.
For decades, many Chinese Catholics have risked arrest and persecution by worshiping in underground churches led by bishops appointed secretly by popes, while China’s Communist government has erected a parallel structure: a state-sanctioned, state-controlled Catholic church. For years, dating back three papacies, the Vatican has sought to unify the two communities.
Traveling with the pope in Vilnius, Lithuania, a Vatican spokesman, Greg Burke, told reporters that the aim of the accord is “allowing the faithful to have bishops who are in communion with Rome but at the same time recognized by Chinese authorities.”
Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, said that the pope had committed “to make concrete fraternal gestures of reconciliation,” and suggested that the truce would leave the church better able to function in China.
Each side had claimed an absolute right to choose bishops and control the church in China.
The Vatican’s initial statements did not release many details of the accord. But for months, the two sides were discussing a resolution under which the Vatican would formally acknowledge the government-sanctioned bishops while the pope would retain the right to approve future appointments.
Reached in Beijing, Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, a lead negotiator for the Vatican, said the agreement provided for “the intervention of the Holy Father for sure” in the selection of bishops. But when pressed, he would not say whether that meant a papal veto over appointments made by the Chinese government. He said only that “the Holy Father gets to say something about the appointment of bishops.”
The Vatican took a step in January in its efforts to unify the two Catholic communities in China, asking two underground bishops to step aside in favor of government-appointed bishops. One of the two was a member of the National People’s Congress, China’s parliament. The state-sanctioned bishops who took the places of the two underground bishops were among the seven the Vatican formally accepted on Saturday.
It was not clear what would become of more than 30 underground bishops working in China who were chosen by the pope but not recognized by the Chinese government.
The church’s move toward rapprochement with China has run into resistance from clerics and parishioners who have worried about forfeiting the independence they have asserted — often at great cost — by defying the government.
“What are they going to do about the underground bishops not recognized by China?” the Rev. Bernardo Cervellera, a member of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions and the editor of Asianews.it, said in an interview. “Or those that are in jail, or those who don’t want to belong to the patriotic church, what will happen to them?”
Father Cervellera noted that the Holy See press office had underlined the fact the accord was provisional, and “more like a promise” that they would find a long-term solution.
“What’s important is the re-establishment of communion between the two churches,” said Alberto Melloni, director of the Foundation for Religious Sciences “Giovanni XXIII” in Bologna. “The pope has brought home the greatest diplomatic success” in recent church history. He argued that the deal empowered the Vatican as a voice on the international scene.
But members of the Catholic community in China and Rome have urged the pope not to sacrifice the two underground bishops loyal to the pope in the dioceses of Shantou and Mindong, who have endured years of hardship.
Critics of the deal, including a prominent cardinal in Hong Kong, have argued that it would send a signal that the Vatican did not stand up for those who stood up for it.
Msgr. Antoine Camilleri, under secretary for the Holy See’s Relations with States, met Saturday with H.E. Wang Chao, deputy minister for foreign affairs of the People’s Republic of China, and signed the provisional agreement, which foresees “periodic reviews of its application.”
The deal, which has several times seemed on the brink of fruition only to collapse, comes after negotiation teams met in Rome in June, when the Vatican apparently assured the Chinese that the pope would lift the excommunications of the government-appointed bishops.
When the deal seemed imminent in February, the retired archbishop of Hong Kong, Cardinal Joseph Zen, excoriated a potential reconciliation as putting Chinese Catholics in a Communist-controlled “cage” and accused the Vatican of “selling out” those followers.
“A church enslaved by the government is no real Catholic Church,” he said.
He also reported at the time that the Vatican had asked one of the underground bishops to step aside to make way for one authorized by the Communist government. The Vatican had by then had already received an official request from the Chinese to recognize the seven state-authorized Chinese bishops whom the Vatican had considered illegitimate.
Catholic Jesuits, an order to which Francis belongs, arrived in China in the 16th century.
After winning China’s civil war in 1949, the Communist Party took over all organized religion and came down especially hard on Catholics. The Vatican and China broke off diplomatic relations in 1951.
In 1957, China established the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association to oversee Catholic churches. But the Vatican, despite some recognition of the authority of its priests to administer sacraments, had not fully recognized it.
In striking the deal, Pope Francis succeeded where his predecessors, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II failed. But he also built on their steps toward reconciliation.
In 2007, Pope Benedict recognized the celebration of sacraments inside the state’s official churches, and selected Cardinal Parolin, a senior diplomat, to guide the negotiations with China. When Pope Francis selected Cardinal Parolin as his secretary of state, it was largely seen as a sign that he had moved a deal with China up the priority list.
In 2014, as the pope made positive sounds about China and Archbishop Celli sought to reopen talks, China allowed the pope to fly over its airspace on his way to South Korea.
Critics of an agreement with China are rife within the church, but also as far afield as the United States, where it has been harshly criticized by Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. They have argued that the pope risked setting a terrible precedent by folding to an authoritarian power with a shameful record of human rights abuses and persecution of religious groups.
But the church has been making concessions to secular powers since before Pope Leo III crowned the Frankish king, Charlemagne in the year 800. In the 16th century, the pope gave a French king the right to appoint major clerics and Pope Pius VII signed a similar agreement with Napoleon in the 19th century.
The Vatican accepted limitations to operate under Communist governments such as Vietnam’s. Mr. Melloni also recalled the church’s Ostpolitik, in which it dealt with communist regimes in Europe’s east during the Cold War.
“The strategy of the Holy See,” he said, “has always been to negotiate.”
Elisabetta Povoledo contributed reporting.
A version of this article appears in print on
of the New York edition
with the headline:
Vatican Reaches Historic Accord On China Bishops
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Nature China and Vatican Reach Breakthrough on Appointment of Bishops, in 2018-09-22 16:41:05
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blogwonderwebsites · 6 years
Nature China and Vatican Reach Breakthrough on Appointment of Bishops
Nature China and Vatican Reach Breakthrough on Appointment of Bishops Nature China and Vatican Reach Breakthrough on Appointment of Bishops http://www.nature-business.com/nature-china-and-vatican-reach-breakthrough-on-appointment-of-bishops/
Preparations before a Mass in Anyang, in the province of Henan, China, last month.CreditCreditPak Yiu/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
ROME — The Vatican said Saturday that it had reached a provisional deal with the Chinese government to end a decades-old power struggle over the authority to appoint bishops in China. It was the Communist country’s first formal recognition of the pope as leader of the Roman Catholic Church in the world’s most populous nation, Vatican officials said.
Under the breakthrough, Pope Francis recognized the legitimacy of seven bishops appointed by the Chinese government. Because they had not been selected by the Vatican, they had previously been excommunicated.
The deal was in keeping with pope’s outreach to parts of the world where he hopes to increase the church’s presence and spread its message. It gives the church greater access to a huge population where the growth of Protestantism is far outpacing Catholicism.
But for critics loath to share any of the church’s authority with an authoritarian government, the deal marked a shameful retreat and the setting of a dangerous precedent for future relations with other countries.
The deal comes at a time when the pope is under enormous scrutiny for his church’s handling of clerical sex abuse, one of several issues that conservative forces within the church have seized on to weaken Francis. The deal with China, which they deeply opposed, is likely to fuel that discontent.
Pope Francis has for years talked about his desire to visit China, where Roman Catholicism has steadily lost ground in the face of intensifying crackdowns and surveillance on religious groups under President Xi Jinping. Protestants, whose faith is spreading fast around the country, have largely eclipsed the percentage in China of Catholics, who number about 10 to 12 million.
For decades, many Chinese Catholics have risked arrest and persecution by worshiping in underground churches led by bishops appointed secretly by popes, while China’s Communist government has erected a parallel structure: a state-sanctioned, state-controlled Catholic church. For years, dating back three papacies, the Vatican has sought to unify the two communities.
Traveling with the pope in Vilnius, Lithuania, a Vatican spokesman, Greg Burke, told reporters that the aim of the accord is “allowing the faithful to have bishops who are in communion with Rome but at the same time recognized by Chinese authorities.”
Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, said that the pope had committed “to make concrete fraternal gestures of reconciliation,” and suggested that the truce would leave the church better able to function in China.
Each side had claimed an absolute right to choose bishops and control the church in China.
The Vatican’s initial statements did not release many details of the accord. But for months, the two sides were discussing a resolution under which the Vatican would formally acknowledge the government-sanctioned bishops while the pope would retain the right to approve future appointments.
Reached in Beijing, Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, a lead negotiator for the Vatican, said the agreement provided for “the intervention of the Holy Father for sure” in the selection of bishops. But when pressed, he would not say whether that meant a papal veto over appointments made by the Chinese government. He said only that “the Holy Father gets to say something about the appointment of bishops.”
The Vatican took a step in January in its efforts to unify the two Catholic communities in China, asking two underground bishops to step aside in favor of government-appointed bishops. One of the two was a member of the National People’s Congress, China’s parliament. The state-sanctioned bishops who took the places of the two underground bishops were among the seven the Vatican formally accepted on Saturday.
It was not clear what would become of more than 30 underground bishops working in China who were chosen by the pope but not recognized by the Chinese government.
The church’s move toward rapprochement with China has run into resistance from clerics and parishioners who have worried about forfeiting the independence they have asserted — often at great cost — by defying the government.
“What are they going to do about the underground bishops not recognized by China?” the Rev. Bernardo Cervellera, a member of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions and the editor of Asianews.it, said in an interview. “Or those that are in jail, or those who don’t want to belong to the patriotic church, what will happen to them?”
Father Cervellera noted that the Holy See press office had underlined the fact the accord was provisional, and “more like a promise” that they would find a long-term solution.
“What’s important is the re-establishment of communion between the two churches,” said Alberto Melloni, director of the Foundation for Religious Sciences “Giovanni XXIII” in Bologna. “The pope has brought home the greatest diplomatic success” in recent church history. He argued that the deal empowered the Vatican as a voice on the international scene.
But members of the Catholic community in China and Rome have urged the pope not to sacrifice the two underground bishops loyal to the pope in the dioceses of Shantou and Mindong, who have endured years of hardship.
Critics of the deal, including a prominent cardinal in Hong Kong, have argued that it would send a signal that the Vatican did not stand up for those who stood up for it.
Msgr. Antoine Camilleri, under secretary for the Holy See’s Relations with States, met Saturday with H.E. Wang Chao, deputy minister for foreign affairs of the People’s Republic of China, and signed the provisional agreement, which foresees “periodic reviews of its application.”
The deal, which has several times seemed on the brink of fruition only to collapse, comes after negotiation teams met in Rome in June, when the Vatican apparently assured the Chinese that the pope would lift the excommunications of the government-appointed bishops.
When the deal seemed imminent in February, the retired archbishop of Hong Kong, Cardinal Joseph Zen, excoriated a potential reconciliation as putting Chinese Catholics in a Communist-controlled “cage” and accused the Vatican of “selling out” those followers.
“A church enslaved by the government is no real Catholic Church,” he said.
He also reported at the time that the Vatican had asked one of the underground bishops to step aside to make way for one authorized by the Communist government. The Vatican had by then had already received an official request from the Chinese to recognize the seven state-authorized Chinese bishops whom the Vatican had considered illegitimate.
Catholic Jesuits, an order to which Francis belongs, arrived in China in the 16th century.
After winning China’s civil war in 1949, the Communist Party took over all organized religion and came down especially hard on Catholics. The Vatican and China broke off diplomatic relations in 1951.
In 1957, China established the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association to oversee Catholic churches. But the Vatican, despite some recognition of the authority of its priests to administer sacraments, had not fully recognized it.
In striking the deal, Pope Francis succeeded where his predecessors, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II failed. But he also built on their steps toward reconciliation.
In 2007, Pope Benedict recognized the celebration of sacraments inside the state’s official churches, and selected Cardinal Parolin, a senior diplomat, to guide the negotiations with China. When Pope Francis selected Cardinal Parolin as his secretary of state, it was largely seen as a sign that he had moved a deal with China up the priority list.
In 2014, as the pope made positive sounds about China and Archbishop Celli sought to reopen talks, China allowed the pope to fly over its airspace on his way to South Korea.
Critics of an agreement with China are rife within the church, but also as far afield as the United States, where it has been harshly criticized by Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. They have argued that the pope risked setting a terrible precedent by folding to an authoritarian power with a shameful record of human rights abuses and persecution of religious groups.
But the church has been making concessions to secular powers since before Pope Leo III crowned the Frankish king, Charlemagne in the year 800. In the 16th century, the pope gave a French king the right to appoint major clerics and Pope Pius VII signed a similar agreement with Napoleon in the 19th century.
The Vatican accepted limitations to operate under Communist governments such as Vietnam’s. Mr. Melloni also recalled the church’s Ostpolitik, in which it dealt with communist regimes in Europe’s east during the Cold War.
“The strategy of the Holy See,” he said, “has always been to negotiate.”
Elisabetta Povoledo contributed reporting.
A version of this article appears in print on
of the New York edition
with the headline:
Vatican Reaches Historic Accord On China Bishops
. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/22/world/asia/china-vatican-bishops.html |
Nature China and Vatican Reach Breakthrough on Appointment of Bishops, in 2018-09-22 16:41:05
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blogparadiseisland · 6 years
Nature China and Vatican Reach Breakthrough on Appointment of Bishops
Nature China and Vatican Reach Breakthrough on Appointment of Bishops Nature China and Vatican Reach Breakthrough on Appointment of Bishops http://www.nature-business.com/nature-china-and-vatican-reach-breakthrough-on-appointment-of-bishops/
Preparations before a Mass in Anyang, in the province of Henan, China, last month.CreditCreditPak Yiu/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
ROME — The Vatican said Saturday that it had reached a provisional deal with the Chinese government to end a decades-old power struggle over the authority to appoint bishops in China. It was the Communist country’s first formal recognition of the pope as leader of the Roman Catholic Church in the world’s most populous nation, Vatican officials said.
Under the breakthrough, Pope Francis recognized the legitimacy of seven bishops appointed by the Chinese government. Because they had not been selected by the Vatican, they had previously been excommunicated.
The deal was in keeping with pope’s outreach to parts of the world where he hopes to increase the church’s presence and spread its message. It gives the church greater access to a huge population where the growth of Protestantism is far outpacing Catholicism.
But for critics loath to share any of the church’s authority with an authoritarian government, the deal marked a shameful retreat and the setting of a dangerous precedent for future relations with other countries.
The deal comes at a time when the pope is under enormous scrutiny for his church’s handling of clerical sex abuse, one of several issues that conservative forces within the church have seized on to weaken Francis. The deal with China, which they deeply opposed, is likely to fuel that discontent.
Pope Francis has for years talked about his desire to visit China, where Roman Catholicism has steadily lost ground in the face of intensifying crackdowns and surveillance on religious groups under President Xi Jinping. Protestants, whose faith is spreading fast around the country, have largely eclipsed the percentage in China of Catholics, who number about 10 to 12 million.
For decades, many Chinese Catholics have risked arrest and persecution by worshiping in underground churches led by bishops appointed secretly by popes, while China’s Communist government has erected a parallel structure: a state-sanctioned, state-controlled Catholic church. For years, dating back three papacies, the Vatican has sought to unify the two communities.
Traveling with the pope in Vilnius, Lithuania, a Vatican spokesman, Greg Burke, told reporters that the aim of the accord is “allowing the faithful to have bishops who are in communion with Rome but at the same time recognized by Chinese authorities.”
Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, said that the pope had committed “to make concrete fraternal gestures of reconciliation,” and suggested that the truce would leave the church better able to function in China.
Each side had claimed an absolute right to choose bishops and control the church in China.
The Vatican’s initial statements did not release many details of the accord. But for months, the two sides were discussing a resolution under which the Vatican would formally acknowledge the government-sanctioned bishops while the pope would retain the right to approve future appointments.
Reached in Beijing, Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, a lead negotiator for the Vatican, said the agreement provided for “the intervention of the Holy Father for sure” in the selection of bishops. But when pressed, he would not say whether that meant a papal veto over appointments made by the Chinese government. He said only that “the Holy Father gets to say something about the appointment of bishops.”
The Vatican took a step in January in its efforts to unify the two Catholic communities in China, asking two underground bishops to step aside in favor of government-appointed bishops. One of the two was a member of the National People’s Congress, China’s parliament. The state-sanctioned bishops who took the places of the two underground bishops were among the seven the Vatican formally accepted on Saturday.
It was not clear what would become of more than 30 underground bishops working in China who were chosen by the pope but not recognized by the Chinese government.
The church’s move toward rapprochement with China has run into resistance from clerics and parishioners who have worried about forfeiting the independence they have asserted — often at great cost — by defying the government.
“What are they going to do about the underground bishops not recognized by China?” the Rev. Bernardo Cervellera, a member of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions and the editor of Asianews.it, said in an interview. “Or those that are in jail, or those who don’t want to belong to the patriotic church, what will happen to them?”
Father Cervellera noted that the Holy See press office had underlined the fact the accord was provisional, and “more like a promise” that they would find a long-term solution.
“What’s important is the re-establishment of communion between the two churches,” said Alberto Melloni, director of the Foundation for Religious Sciences “Giovanni XXIII” in Bologna. “The pope has brought home the greatest diplomatic success” in recent church history. He argued that the deal empowered the Vatican as a voice on the international scene.
But members of the Catholic community in China and Rome have urged the pope not to sacrifice the two underground bishops loyal to the pope in the dioceses of Shantou and Mindong, who have endured years of hardship.
Critics of the deal, including a prominent cardinal in Hong Kong, have argued that it would send a signal that the Vatican did not stand up for those who stood up for it.
Msgr. Antoine Camilleri, under secretary for the Holy See’s Relations with States, met Saturday with H.E. Wang Chao, deputy minister for foreign affairs of the People’s Republic of China, and signed the provisional agreement, which foresees “periodic reviews of its application.”
The deal, which has several times seemed on the brink of fruition only to collapse, comes after negotiation teams met in Rome in June, when the Vatican apparently assured the Chinese that the pope would lift the excommunications of the government-appointed bishops.
When the deal seemed imminent in February, the retired archbishop of Hong Kong, Cardinal Joseph Zen, excoriated a potential reconciliation as putting Chinese Catholics in a Communist-controlled “cage” and accused the Vatican of “selling out” those followers.
“A church enslaved by the government is no real Catholic Church,” he said.
He also reported at the time that the Vatican had asked one of the underground bishops to step aside to make way for one authorized by the Communist government. The Vatican had by then had already received an official request from the Chinese to recognize the seven state-authorized Chinese bishops whom the Vatican had considered illegitimate.
Catholic Jesuits, an order to which Francis belongs, arrived in China in the 16th century.
After winning China’s civil war in 1949, the Communist Party took over all organized religion and came down especially hard on Catholics. The Vatican and China broke off diplomatic relations in 1951.
In 1957, China established the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association to oversee Catholic churches. But the Vatican, despite some recognition of the authority of its priests to administer sacraments, had not fully recognized it.
In striking the deal, Pope Francis succeeded where his predecessors, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II failed. But he also built on their steps toward reconciliation.
In 2007, Pope Benedict recognized the celebration of sacraments inside the state’s official churches, and selected Cardinal Parolin, a senior diplomat, to guide the negotiations with China. When Pope Francis selected Cardinal Parolin as his secretary of state, it was largely seen as a sign that he had moved a deal with China up the priority list.
In 2014, as the pope made positive sounds about China and Archbishop Celli sought to reopen talks, China allowed the pope to fly over its airspace on his way to South Korea.
Critics of an agreement with China are rife within the church, but also as far afield as the United States, where it has been harshly criticized by Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. They have argued that the pope risked setting a terrible precedent by folding to an authoritarian power with a shameful record of human rights abuses and persecution of religious groups.
But the church has been making concessions to secular powers since before Pope Leo III crowned the Frankish king, Charlemagne in the year 800. In the 16th century, the pope gave a French king the right to appoint major clerics and Pope Pius VII signed a similar agreement with Napoleon in the 19th century.
The Vatican accepted limitations to operate under Communist governments such as Vietnam’s. Mr. Melloni also recalled the church’s Ostpolitik, in which it dealt with communist regimes in Europe’s east during the Cold War.
“The strategy of the Holy See,” he said, “has always been to negotiate.”
Elisabetta Povoledo contributed reporting.
A version of this article appears in print on
of the New York edition
with the headline:
Vatican Reaches Historic Accord On China Bishops
. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/22/world/asia/china-vatican-bishops.html |
Nature China and Vatican Reach Breakthrough on Appointment of Bishops, in 2018-09-22 16:41:05
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micaramel · 6 years
Artist: Su-Mei Tse
Venue: Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau
Exhibition Title: Nested
Date: May 5 – August 12, 2018
Click here to view slideshow
Full gallery of images, video, press release and link available after the jump.
Su-Mei Tse, documentation of Nested at the Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, 2018, Video by Heta Multanen
  Images and video courtesy of Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aurau
Press Release:
The Aargauer Kunsthaus devotes a solo exhibition to the wide-ranging work of the Luxembourg artist Su-Mei Tse whose object art, photographic works, and videos are suffused with reflections on time, existence, memory, rhythm, and language. The exhibition features new works the artist created after sojourns in Italy and Japan.
Media such as photography, sculpture, and installation are central to Su-Mei Tse’s artistic practice. In them she articulates transitions between disparate realms—sound and image, music and space, nature and culture, mental space and sensory experience. Music, sounds, and silence enter into a unique interplay in the exhibition spaces and time seems to pass in a changed rhythm in them.
Su-Mei Tse has had a previous appearance at the Aargauer Kunsthaus when she showed a poetic neon piece in the 2013 group exhibition Rhythm in it. Nested, her first institutional solo exhibition in Switzerland, presents the fruits of her artistic practice. After sojourns in countries such as Italy and Japan she has created new works which, realised especially for this occasion, form the gravitational centre of the show. In the exhibition spaces music, sounds, and silence enter into a unique interplay, and time in them seems to pass in a changed rhythm.
In Nested, Su-Mei Tse develops a distinct narrative for the Aargauer Kunsthaus, combining the new works and site-specific installations with selected older works. New artistic paths of exploration become apparent: inquiries into the contemplative, into our relationship to the worlds of plants and minerals, or into the possibility of a sensitive relation to the past. With all those interwoven themes, the exhibition is laid out in the manner of a notebook, that is, a form in which quotidian visual or acoustic impressions or memories are gathered and then mixed in a subjective, intuitive way to form a network of echoing references and correspondences.
A case in point is the 2017 Nested series, which provides the title for the exhibition. It consists of a group of found limestone sculptures into whose niches variously coloured balls of stone are “embedded”. To the artist the sculptures symbolise the precarious balance between holding and being held. In a playful and poetic way, the colourful balls are equally reminiscent of marbles and of the planets of a cosmic system. Other works in the exhibition similarly attest to Su-Mei Tse’s interest in the mineral world and its primordial beauty. The elaborate installation Stone Collection (2017) draws its inspiration from the Chinese tradition of the “scholars’ rocks”. For each of the carefully selected rocks from different regions the artist has created a unique pedestal corresponding to the nature of the rock. Macro and microcosm become one in them, as landscapes, mountains, caves, clouds, or waves are hinted at in their surfaces. These works invite contemplative viewing.
In the exhibition we encounter an uprooted tree cast in bronze (Trees and Roots, 2011), a fresh pomegranate (A Whole Universe [Pomegranate], 2017), or a landscape reflected in a lake (Reflection, 2017). In terms of subject matter, these sculptures and photographs revolve around the world of plants, but at the core of them are questions about “being in the world” and human existence. The individual and its uniqueness are similarly inscribed into the installation Das Ich in jeder Kartoffel [The Self in Each Potato] (2006–11). Each of the fifteen ceramic potatoes has its very own shape, and the tender sprouts point to the unbridled power of life that resides in every being. Su-Mei Tse manages to articulate such sweeping philosophical reflections from a point of view firmly anchored in everyday life and with a subtle, humorous wink. She seeks out the poetry of the everyday and renders it visible in her work.
Su-Mei Tse wants to create a language that unites rather than separates, a language that is expressive of not just one but multiple cultures and thus epitomises the boundless and the dynamic. The sculpture Many Spoken Words (2009/2018) is, in its surprising combination of materials used, the source for myriad associations. Blank ink gushes, flows, and drips from a pseudo- baroque garden fountain and symbolises “the process of language, from the original idea to the written word” (Su-Mei Tse). With her installation the artist pays homage to literature, alluding to the potential of words and the ever-renewing flow of creativity.
Some of the works presented in the exhibition Nested revolve around a critical reflection on the past and on historical and cultural references. Created during a fellowship at the Villa Medici in Rome, the 2015 video Pays de Neige shows the artist performing a ritual of erasure. In the light of a bleak winter sun the artist smooths the gravel path in front of the historically significant villa with a rake she pulls behind her. In doing so, she symbolically wipes away the traces of her predecessors and “prepares the canvas”, in order to create “breathing space” for her own creativity and recover her own voice. The spirit of Zen pervading this video is hard to miss, but the artist deliberately avoids any identification with a typical geographic location. Due to her Eurasian background she carries two cultures within herself, which she constantly defamiliarizes in order to uncouple them from the stereotypes they are usually associated.
It is hardly surprising that music plays a key role in the work of the trained cellist Su-Mei Tse, though it is less simply a subject for her and more an evocative force which she uses as a magnifying glass through which she sees, and is able to comprehend, the world. Music is central to a number of works such as the 2006 video Mistelpartition. At the same time the absence of sounds, silence, is also of great importance in her work. In White Noise (2009) a vinyl record with small white balls set into its grooves is turning continually on a turntable. “White Noise” refers to an acoustic phenomenon where all audible frequencies are mixed to the point where they neutralise one another and give rise to a kind of “acoustic silence”. To Su-Mei Tse, the work represents a visual translation of rustling, the moment just before music begins, as if it were about “giving volume to silence”, and in this it allows the viewer a moment to pause.
The exhibition Nested is the result of a collaboration with the Mudam Luxembourg, Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, where it is curated by Christophe Gallois and shown from 7 October 2017 until 8 April 2018. For each venue and exhibition situation the artist develops a distinct concept with a selection of key works and a number of new pieces and installations created for the exhibitions serving as the common thread. After the presentation in Aarau the exhibition will be shown in adapted form at the Yuz Museum in Shanghai (October 2018 – February 2019) and at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum (April – July 2019).
Su-Mei Tse (b. 1973, Luxembourg) initially trained as a cellist in Luxembourg and Paris and then went on to study printmaking and textile art as well as sculpture at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliqués and the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. In 2003 she received the Golden Lion award for best national presentation at the 50th Venice Biennale, which helped her achieve her international breakthrough. Since then Su-Mei Tse has participated in numerous exhibitions at renowned museums throughout the world. She lives and works in Berlin und Luxembourg.
  Special Events
Pianostreet MELODYAARAU Saturday, 19 May 2018
1 pm Ludovic Van Hellemont
The pianist Ludovic Van Hellemont performs the work Palais de Mari (1986) by Morton Feldman.
3 pm Marina Vasilyeva
Marina Vasilyeva performs Johannes Brahm’s four-movement Piano Sonata No. 1 in C major Op. 1.
The concerts will take place in cooperation with Musikfestival MELODYAARAU. Duration: c. 30 minutes each; admission free, donations are welcome. For more information please visit http://bit.ly/2NHQzm5
Book Presentation and Artist’s Talk (in English) Sunday, 10 June 2018, 5 pm Su-Mei Tse in conversation with the Co-Curators Katrin Weilenmann, Aargauer Kunsthaus, and Christophe Gallois, Mudam Luxembourg. Followed by a Apéro riche. Admission free
Many thanks to: Galerie Tschudi, Zuoz; Edouard Malingue Gallery, Hong Kong; Gallery Nosbaum Reding, Luxembourg
Meditative Walk through the Exhibition Friday, 29 June 2018, 5 pm and Wednesday 8 August 2018, 5 pm Preceded by a brief introduction by curator Katrin Weilenmann, the meditative tour of the exhibition with the Zen teacher Sensei Sara Kokyo Wildi offers a contemplative approach to the exhibition.
No prior knowledge required. The number of participants is limited. Please register by email to [email protected] CHF 20.– / CHF 15.– reduced and for Members of AA
Link: Su-Mei Tse at Aargauer Kunsthaus
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